HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-1994-1437 RESOLllTION NO. 1437 Senes of 1994 TITLE A RI:SOIUTION LEVYING GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE YEAR m Jl)')4, TO HELP DEFRAY THE COSTS OF GOVERNMENT FOR THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO FOR THE 1995 BUDGET YEAR WHERE1\'l, the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge anticipates the adoption of the annual budget In ~llcordance with the Local Government Budget Law, pnor to December 31, 1994 and, WHEREAS, the Local Government Budget Law reqUlres certIficatIon of the annual property tax 111111 k\v by December 15, 1994, and Will R I~, \" t he amount of money nccclt:d to balance the budget for general operatlllg expenses II'llllll"llpc'l'ty tax sources IS $572,799, and, WI I L1ZL '\:-', the 1994 valuat Ion for assessment for the Clty of Wheat Ridge as certified by the COUllty 1\'\l'SSOr IS $211,053,380, and, NOW, TllI'REFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT IU\)(lL A Th,i! [,11' the purpose ofmeetlllg all gencral operatlllg expenses of the City of Wheat Ridge dunng t hl' I qc)S budget year, there IS hereby levied a tax of 2 714 mills upon each dollar of the total valu:lll, 'II Ill! assessment of all taxable property wlthlll the City of Wheat Ridge of the year of 1994 B That Iii,' i\I.IYor of the CIty of the Wheat Ridge IS hereby authorized and directed to nnmedlatcly ll.!til'y to the County CommisSioners of Jefferson COllnty, Colorado the mill levy for the City 01'\\ i!l'at Ridge as herelllabove determllled and set DO!,;l' Ai',\) lZESOLVED THE 28th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1994 ~~ Dan Wilde, Mayor ATTEST ./ , ; '~ , ./ f d" ;'c "f.~-,L, ' J. " Wanda Sang, City (krk"....~') ~ ''\ "