HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-2001-0003 RESOLUTION NO. 03-2001 Series of 2001 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, TO REPEAL THE FRUlTDALE V ALLEY NEIGHBORHOOD MASTER PLAN AND THE KIPLING ACTIVITY CENTER MASTER PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge adopted a Comprehensive Plan on October 25, 1999 and amendments were conSidered and adopted on January 24, 2000; and WHEREAS, C .R.S 31-23-206 (2) proVides that the ComprehensIve Plan may be amended by the CIty from tune to time; and WHEREAS, the Frmtdale VaIley Neighborhood Master Plan, adopted m 1985, and the Klplmg ActivIty Center Master Plan, adopted m 1988 contam goals and poliCies which are reflected m the 1999 Comprehensive Plan which plan was prepared after extensive publIc review and partiCIpatIOn, and WHEREAS, the Frmtdale and Klplmg Plans use different land use desIgnatIOns than the 1999 Comprehensive Plan whIch leads to confusIOn for the general publIc and development community; and WHEREAS, pursuant to SectIOn 2-60(a) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, the Plannmg CommiSSIOn has forwarded ItS recommendatIOn concemmg these two Master Plans after havmg held a publIc hearing thereon, and WHEREAS, the City Council has held a publIc hearing as proVIded by SectIOn 2-60(b) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, legal notice thereofbemg duly publIshed m the Wheat Ridge Transcript on March 16,2001, said publIc hearing held on March 26, 2001 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City CouncIl of the CIty Of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, that the Frllltdale Valley Neighborhood Master Plan and the Klplmg ActlVlty Center Master Plan are hereby repealed m their entlrety DONE AND RESOLVED THIS 26th day of March, 2001 ATTEST ClJ'~~~