HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/21/1980 July 21, l':!bU CITY COUNLIL MINUfEb LIlY OF WHEA~ RIDGB, COLORDO The July 21, 198U City Louncil Meeting was convened by Mayor 0tites at 7 JU P m Councilmembers present Pat Aiel10, Bill Bowman, 'lary Jo Cavarra, rZent Davis, Ken Le'"is, Larry i\lerkl, Kay Ore, and Louise Turner Also present Lity Clerk, Carol Hampt; city freasurer, James Malone; City Administrator, Tom Palmer; City Attorney, John Hayes; Department Heads Hugh Brown and rtichard Bredt; statf and interested citizens APPr{OVAL UF MIrW'l'J:,::; Motion by Mr Lewis to approve the ~inutes of the meeting ot July 14, 1~80; seconded by Mrs Ore; carried 8-0 1'U8LIl.- CuI'lMEwr No one was present to speak under Public Comment PUBLIL Hl;AH.INGS Alm ORDIi~ANUoS Oi, FIPST READING Item 1 Council bill No 2~ - An Ordinance providing for the approval of rezoning from commercial One (C-l), hestrictej Commercial (x-C) and Residential 'rwo (h-2) to Planned l.-ommercial Development (PCD) for land located at approximately 4940 Ward Road, city of ~neat Ridge, Lounty of Jefferson, State of Colorado (Case No WZ-SO-8, B A Wyatt) council Bill NO 25 was introduced by Mr Aiel10, title read by tne Clerk 10tion by Mr Aiello to approve Louncil Bill No 25 on first reading and order it published; that a PUblic Hearing be set for Monday, August 11, 1~80 at 7 3U P m in City l.-ouncil Chambers, Municipal Buildin3, and that, if approved on second reading, taKe effect 15 days after final publication; seconded by Mr Davis; carried 8-0 Item 2 Council 3il1 No 2b - An Ordinance Providing for the approval of rezoning from Residential One-A (R-IA) to Restricted Commercial One (RC-l) for land located at approximately 12495 West 32nd Avenue, City of wheat Ridge, County or Jetterson, btate of Colorado (Case No WZ-80-9, Robert and Eva Kroening) Council Bill NO 2b was introduced by Mr Merkl, title read bv the Clerk Motion by Mr ~erkl that Council Bil1 No 26 be approved on first reading and ordered published; that a Public hearing be set tor Monday, August 11, 1980 at 7 30 P m in city Council Chambers, Municipal Building, and that, if approved on second reading, taKe effect 15 days after final publication; seconded oy Mr Bowman; carried 8-U Item 3 Council Bil1 No 27 - An Ordinance amending Section 27 2, L ~, of Appendix A, Zoning Ordinance of the Code of the City of wheat Ridge, Colorado, which sections pertain to landscaping l.-ouncil bill No 27 was introduced by Mr Bowman, title read by the Clerk Motion oy Mr ~owman that l.-ouncil Bill No 27 oe aP2roved on first reading and ordered published; that a Public Bearing De set tor Monday, August 11, 1980 at 7 3U P m in City Council Chambers, Municipal Buildin1, and that, if approved on second reading, take effect 15 days atter final publication; seconded Oy Mrs Ore; carried ~-U l-I'l'i C0UNLIL i'1I!Wl'E~ July 21, 198U Page -2- DECISIONS, HESOLUrIO~b, AND MOTIONS Item 4 Approval of a change ot Corporate Officers for &heat r<.idge Lanes, Inc , 10cated at 65'15 vJest 38th Avenue 1ary M Haaden, lIdS S Oneida St , Unit C, Denver, Lolorado and H B Hanscom, '123U E Girard, #4, Denver, were sworn in Mrs Hadden was aSKed if she had ever been convicted of a felony She answered no Mr Hanscom responded to questions regarding Mr 1alone; that 1r Malone has been acting as CPA for Wheat Ridge Lanes since 1964, and that his duties as secretary will be no difierent than they have in the past as their CPA; that he has notaing to do with the dispensing of monies Motion by Mr Bowman to approve the change of Corporate utficers for &neat Ridge Lanes, Inc , located at 6595 ~est 38th Avenue in ~heat Ridge to include Mary M Hadden, 1185 South Oneida as Vice President and James 0 MaIone, 7U40 dest 34th Place as Secretary; seconaed by Mr Davis; carried 8-U Item ~ l'lotion to remove Resolution 704 from the Table Reconsideration of Resolution 704, setting forth Investment Policy and Guidelines for Investment of City Funds oy the City Treasurer (Tabled from b/9/80) Motion by Mr Aiello to remove Resolution No 704 from the Table; seconded by Mr LeWiS; carried 8-0 Resolution 704 was introduced by Mr Aiello, title read by the Clerk ~mended Motion for the adoption of Resolution 704 with the followin] Amendment l'hat in the third paragraph, Section 3, the present section 3 be deleted and in its place the wording "Request interest quotes for each investment from the entire list oelow l'he results of such request for quotes and also which quote was accepted shall be torwarded to Council, as information, at the next Regular meeting " Urigi11al'lotion oy l'lr Aiello; seconded by i'lr HerKl; Amending Motion by 'lr Lewis; seconded by Mr Bowman; Amendment carried 7-1; dotion as amended carried 8-0 Failed Motion by Mr Lewis that in the third paragraph to delete the words "without further Council approval"; seconded by Mr Gowman; failed 4-4, with Councilmembers Cavarra, Davis, Merkl, and ~urner voting No Item b Motion to hold Executive Session re property appraisal Notion oy Mr ~erkl to hold Executive Session on I Section 5 78, 3 of the Charter Tnose asked to be present Mayor Stites, rlrs Hampf, 1r ~almer, Mr Hayes, Mr Bredt and Mr Gidley 2 Section 5 7b, lb, of the Charter Those asked to be present Mayor Stites, Mrs Hampf, Mr palmer, Mr Bayes, and Mr Gidley 3 Section 5 78, la ot the Charter Those asked to be oresent ;'layor stites, drs ciampf, JVlr Palmer, r1r Hayes, Mr Brown" , and Chief Pinson; seconded by Mr Davis; carried 8-0 CIfi CUU~LlL ~IUUrE~ July 21, 19[5U Page -3- LIfY /\Df1IiH~Ll{ArOl{'::; MAT'I'ERS ~r Palmer stated that the service request forms had been delivered to each Councilmember He asked if they had any comments to please let him know roe purpose of them was to streamline the process of handlin0 problems LUUNLILMEMBEKb' MAr~BRb Mr Lewis (1) wished to inform Louncil and to thank Mr Palmer for the Council Office, which has been completed on the ll1ain hall; and (2) that it is time for the Lity to consider the reality ot the deterioration of a number of curbs and gutters Motion by Mrs Ore that tne Lity Council delegate the Council President as the "Local Licensing Authority" for the purpose of signing applications tor the Change of Corporate Ofticers and transter of ownerShip, providing that the file has been approved as complete by the Lity Llerk and toe City Attorney; and also that City Louncil be informed when such changes occur; seconded oy ,'Ir Aie 110 uiscussion involved it the approval remained with the city Council what would be the grounds to deny any changes City Attorney stated that '}rounds would need to relate to moral turpitUde and criminal activity as wel1 as a less than honest statement as to the ownership i e shares in the business It was also discussed as to the cheCking of the file that is done by the Police Department, tne Lity Clerk, and the City Attorney Motion carried 7-1, Mrs Turner voting No Notion by Mrs Lavarra that a copy of the unoftical minutes of the Planning Commission and Board ot Adjustment be made available to the Council and ~o the Public within one week after the meeting date The reasons for this given were that Council be made aware of actions taken so that, it so desired, an appeal can De made betore the time limit expires; and that citizens may be allowed such information if toe case would be coming before City Council Mrs Lavarra explained that this is especially important in terms of Board ot Adjustment, as there is a 30 day time limit, and the Board meets only once a month, so they do not get the r1inutes for 2 illonths, muctl past the time limitation Otoers responded that the Agendas received were tel1ing what happened, but she felt they needed to know the circumstances involved 0uggestion to split the motion into 2 parts Part 1 involving only the Planning Commission failed 3-5; with Councilmembers Aiel10, bowman, Davis, Nerkl, and 'rurner voting l~O Part 2, Board of Adjustment Failed 4-4, with Councilmembers Aiel1o, Bowman, Davis, and Merkl voting No Motion by Mrs Lavarra that within one deek following all quasi-judicial meetings a brief su~nary of all official motions and actions taken be distributed to Council; seconded by Mrs Ore; carried 8-U Executive bession was held Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 10 30 P m ~;> ~// I c ~;~'Q--Ldc;!L!;YL.-{_ APPRUVBD Carol F Hampf, City t'~k' uU; chj; I Forwarded to Administrative Services on Thursday, July 24, 1980 at 10 40 a m for ~ail distribution