Sec. 8-1.
Sec. 8-2.
Chapter 8
Uniform Fire. Code.
Vested property rights.
*Cross references-Enforcement or chapter by code enforcement officer, 9 2-34; technical codes, ~ 5-76 et seq.
State law reference-Home rule powers, Col. Canst. Art. XX, ~ 6.
Supp. No. 22
Sec. 8-1. Uniform Fire Code.
(a) Adopted. The Uniform Fire Code, including
appendices I-A, section 6 only, I-C, II-A, II-B, II-D,
II-E, II-F, II-G, II-H, II-I, II-J, ill-A, IV-A, IV-B,
V-A, VI-A, VI-B, VI-C, VI-E, VI-F, VI-G, VI-H,
VI-I, and the Uniform Fire Code Standards, Vol-
ume 2 published by the International Fire Code
Institute, Western Fire Chiefs Association and
the International Conference of Building Offi-
cials, 1997 Edition, are hereby adopted by refer-
ence thereto and incorporated into this chapter by
reference. Appendix chapters I-A, except section
6, I-B, II-C, ill-B, III-C, ill-D, VI-D are excluded
from adoption. The Uniform Fire Code shall be
known as the "fire code" and may be cited and
referred to as such.
(b) Amendments. The following amendments
by additions, deletions, revisions, and exceptions
are made to the fire code. Completely revise this
section to read as follows:
Section 103.2., Authority of Inspection and En-
forcement, is amended to read as follows:
"The Uniform Fire Code shall be adminis-
tered and enforced by the codes administrator
of the City of Wheat Ridge and designated
assistants, who shall perform the following
"1. Approval of plans for building new struc-
tures and remodeling of existing struc-
"2. The inspection of all construction of new
structures and the remodeling of existing
"3. The destruction of unsafe structures.
"4. The Uniform Fire Code shall be enforced
by the fire marshal's office of the Bureau
of Fire Prevention of the Wheat Ridge
Fire Protection District, and the bureaus
of fire prevention of all adjoining fire
protection districts, for the functions as
listed, pertaining to each jurisdictions re-
spective amendments.
"The fire marshal's office shall be responsible,
as a designee ofthe codes administrator of the
City of Wheat Ridge, for the administration
Supp. No. 22
and enforcement of the code and shall enforce
all ordinances of the jurisdiction pertaining to:
"1. The prevention of fires.
"2. The storage, use, and proper handling of
hazardous materials within businesses.
"3. The installation and maintenance of au-
tomatic, manual, and other private fire
alarm systems and fire extinguishing
"4. The maintenance and regulation of fire
"5. The maintenance of fire protection and
the elimination of fire hazards on land
and in buildings, structures, and other
property, including those under construc-
"6. The maintenance of means of egress_
"Whenever this code refers to the, 'chief' in
context of code administration or enforcement,
it shall refer to the fire marshal or designated
representative by the codes administrator_
"The fire chief shall be responsible for:
"1. The suppression or extinguishment of all
dangerous or hazardous fires.
"2. The investigation of the cause, origin, and
circumstances of fire and unauthorized
releases of hazardous materials.
"Whenever the code refers to the chief in the
context of fire suppression, it shall mean the
chief of the wheat ridge fire department and
the chiefs of the adjoining fire departments."
Section of the fire code is amended and
a second paragraph added and so shall read as
"Section General.
"The fire marshal, with approval of the dis-
trict board and the codes administrator, is
authorized to make such rules and regulations
for the prevention and control of frres and fire
hazards as may be necessary from time to time
to carry out the intent of code.
"Afire prevention bureau is established within
and by the district under the direction of the
fire marshal and shall consist of personnel as
may be assigned thereto. The function of this
bureau shall be to assist the fire marshal in the
administration and enforcement of the provi-
sions of this code."
Section 103_2.2.2, Fire Marshal, is amended to
read as follows:
"Section Fire Marshal.
"The Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District
Board shall appoint the position of fire marshal
to exercise the powers and perform the duties
as set forth in this code. The fire marshal may
also be known as a fire protection engineer."
Section 1 05, Pennits, of the fire code shall be
deleted in its entirety.
Section 901.3 ofthe fire code shall be amended by
adding an additional sentence to read as follows:
"The timing of installation of fire apparatus
access roadways and water lines and fire hy-
drants shall be approved by the fire marshal."
Section 901.4.4 of the fire code is amended by
adding the sentence to the paragraph as follows:
"Section 901.4.4 Premises Identification.
"Approved numbers or addresses shall be pro-
vided for all new and existing buildings in such
a position as to be plainly visible and legible
from the street or road fronting the property.
Said numbers shall contrast with their back-
ground and shall be a minimum of four (4)
inches in height."
Section 902.2.2.1 of the fire code is amended to
read as follows:
"Section 902.2_2.1 Dimensions.
"Fire apparatus access roadways in other
than residential streets shall have a minimum
width of not less than twenty-four (24) feet
(7315 mm). Private streets shall be a minimum
of twenty-six (26) feet (7925 mm) with parking
allowed on one side."
Section 902.2.2.4, Dead Ends, shall be amended
with the addition Qf a second paragraph:
"Buildings classified as Group R, Division 3
Occupancies. The length of a dead end fire
Supp. No. 22
department access roadway may be increased
to one hundred seventy-five (175) feet without
provisions being provided for the turning around
of fire apparatus when approved by the fire
marshal. "
Section 902.2.2.7 is added to the fire code.
"902.2.2.7 Curbs: Vertical curbs shall not be
installed at the entrance of or within fire access
lanes and roads_ Hollywood style curbs, when
approved by the fire marshal, may be used."
Section 902.2.4.3 is added to the fire code_
"902.2.4.3. Gated communities: Gated commu-
nities may be permitted providing the commu-
nity meets the requirements of the fire mar-
"The access roadways within a gated commu-
nity shall be a minimum of twenty-eight (28)
feet (8534 mm) of unobstructed width and be
maintained as an all-weather surface and main-
tained as needed to provide all-weather driving
capabilities and requirements set forth in sec-
tion 902 of the fire code. '!\vo (2) separate
means of ingress/egress shall be provided into
the site.
"Gates shall be staffed on a twenty-four-hour
basis or with an automatic and manual gate
system approved by the fire marshal."
Section 902.4 of the fire code is amended by the
addition of a second paragraph:
"All buildings with a required fire alarm
system or automatic fire extingnishing or
standpipe system installed, shall be provided
with a key box in an approved location. The key
box shall be of an approved type and shall
contain keys to gain necessary access, and
shall be maintained with proper keys at all
Section 903.4.2 is amended by the addition of the
following sentence to paragraph one:
"A fire hydrant shall be installed and main-
tained within one hundred fifty (150) feet of a
fire department connection serving a sprinkler
or standpipe system."
~ 8-1
Section 1001.7.2. of the fire code is amended to
read as follows:
"A minimum of a three-foot clear space shall be
maintained around the circumference of fire
hydrants and a three-foot clear area around
fire department connections except as other-
wise required and approved by the fire marshal's
office. II
Section 1003.1.1 of the fire code is amended by
adding a fifth and sixth paragraph and shall read
as follows:
"When a control unit or annunciator of a fire
alarm system, or the main valves of an auto-
matic extinguishing system or standpipe sys-
tem are installed within a room, the door to the
room shall be appropriately marked. Fire de-
partment hose connections for sprinkler and
standpipe systems shall be located a minimum
of thirty-six (36) inches and a maximum of
forty-eight (48) inches above finished grade.
"When an automatic fire-extinguishing sys-
tem or standpipe system is provided in a build-
ing, and it serves more than one tenant space,
the main control valve shall be located within a
room that has access provided from the build-
ing exterior with a door for fire department
access. Said door shall be a three feet by six
feet, eight inches (3'0"x 6'8") minimum dimen-
sion and shall be appropriately labeled with a
permanent sign with letters having a principal
stroke of not less than 3f4-inch wide and at least
six (6) inches tal1."
Section 1003.3.2.1 of the fire code is amended to
add a third paragraph which shall read as follows:
"Audible and visual fire alarm signals shall
be installed within any building containing a
sprinkler system when such system is installed
utilizing section 505.2 or section 505.3 Auto-
matic Sprinkler Systems ofthe Uniform Build-
ing Code."
Section 1003.2.2 is amended to add a sixth para-
graph to read as follows:
"6. All buildings classified by the codes ad-
ministrator as the following occupancies: B,
F-l, F-2, S-I, S-2, S-3, or S-5, exceeding eigh-
teen thousand (18,000) square feet shall have
Supp. No. 22
an approved automatic fire suppression sprin-
kler system installed throughout in accordance
with NFPA-13."
Section 1006.2.2. of the fire code is amended by
deleting the following: (Please note that the Uni-
form Mechanical Code, section 509.3., Type of
System, will also need to be amended.)
"A. Carbon Dioxide extinguishing system.
"B. Wet-chemical extinguishing system."
Section 1006.2.3.1 of the_ fire code is amended by
adding a new paragraph to read as follows:
"The control unit for the fire extinguishing
system shall be electrically supervised by an
approved fire alarm system."
Section 1007.1.3 is added to read as follows:
"1007.1.3 Tampering with Fire Alarm Systems.
"Fire alarm systems and their appurte-
nances shall not be molested, tampered. with,
damaged or otherwise disturbed."
Section 1007.2.4.1 of the fire code is amended to
read as follows (Note: Uniform Building Code
Section 305.9 will also need to be amended):
"Group E Occupancies having an occupant load
of twenty (20) or more shall be provided with
an approved manual and automatic fire alarm
Section 1007. of the fire code is added to
read as follows:
"1007.2.9.2_5 Group homes classified as 1-2
and/or R-3: Group homes classified as 1-2 and
or R-3 for the developmentally disabled con-
taining more than five (5) persons, including
staff shall be provided with an approved ad-
dressable automatic and manual fire alarm
system. II
Section 1007.2.12.6 ofthe fire code is amended by
adding a second paragraph to read as follows:
"The building shall be provided with an
approved automatic sprinkler system through-
out in accordance with section 1004.3.4.3, ex-
ception 4, of the building code."
Section 1007.3.1.1 of the fire code is added to read
as follows:
"1007.3.1.1 Addressable and Design. All fire
detection systems required by the fire code
shall be addressable, designed and installed in
accordance with NFPA 72, and all other appli-
cable standards.
"EXCEPTION: A.system requiring two (2) or
less devices may be nonaddressable."
Section 1007. ofthe fire code is amended by
adding a second paragraph to read as follows:
"The installing contractor shall provide cal-
culations for the sound level in the proposed
area or building. Upon completion of the accep-
tance test shall provide audibility test results
to the fire marshal and shall comply with the
decibel levels as required by the fire code."
Section 1007. of the fire code is amended to
read as follows:
"Fire alarm systems required by this code shall
be supervised by an approved central, propri-
etary or remote station service or a local alarm
which will give an audible signal at a con-
stantly attended station."
Section 1103. of the fire code is amended by
adding a second paragraph to read as follows:
"Trash enclosures including doors shall be of
noncombustible construction as defined by ar-
ticle 2 of the fire code."
Section 1106 of the fire code is amended by adding
a second paragraph to read as follows:
"Gas meters shall be identified with the
appropriate address and applicable unit num-
Section 1207.3 of the fire code is amended to read
as follows:
"1207.3 Locking Devices. Exit doors shall be
openable from the inside without the use of a
key or any special knowledge or effort.
"EXCEPTIONS: 1. In Groups B, F, M, and S
occupancies, key locking hardware may be used
on the main exit doors when the exit consists of
a single door or pair of doors if there is a readily
visible, sign on or adjacent to the door stating,
Supp. No. 22
The sign shall be in letters not less than one
inch high on a contrasting background. The
bottom of the sign shall be placed not less than
four (4) feet nor more than six (6) feet above the
floor level. When unlocked, the single door or a
pair of doors must be free to swing without
operation of any latching device_ The locking
device shall be of a type that is easily identifi-
able as locked or unlocked. The use of this
exception may be revoked by the building offi-
cial, or fire marshal for due cause. Additional
exit doors in Groups B, F, M, and S occupancies
may be provided with a thumb twist locking
device in addition to the classroom lock when
the door is provided with a sign stating, 'THIS
CALL THE FIRE DEPT.' The additional lock-
ing device shall be unlocked during business
hours. Double cylinder key locks, key locking
devices of any kind, slide bolts, padlocks, and
hasps are prohibited. When doors are provided
with panic hardware no additional locks or
latches may be provided. The use of this excep-
tion may be revoked by the building official or
fire marshal for due cause_
"2. Exit doors from individual dwelling units;
and gnest rooms of Group R Occupancies hav-
ing an occupant load often (10) or less may be
provided with a night latch, dead bolt, or secu-
rity chain, provided such devices are openable
from the inside without use of a key or tool and
mounted at a height not to exceed forty-eight
(48) inches (1219 rom) above the finished floor.
"Manually operated edge and surface mount
bolts are prohibited. When exit doors are used
in pairs and approved automatic flush bolts are
used, the door leaf having the automatic flush
bolts shall have no door knob or surface-
mounted hardware. The unlatching of any leaf
shall not require more than one operation.
"EXCEPTIONS: 1. Group R, Division 3 Oc-
"2. When a pair of doors serving a room not
normally occupied is are needed for the move-
~ &-1
ment of equipment, manually operated edge or
surface bolts may be used and a door closer
need not be provided on the inactive leaf.
"3. This requirement may not apply to an
inactive leaf of a main exterior doors used in
Groups F, M, S occupancies when the inactive
leaf is not to provide the necessary exit width.
The inactive door leafhaving the edge or surface-
mounted bolts shall have a readily visible du-
rable sign on the door stating, 'THIS DOOR IS
THE FIRE DEPARTMENT.' The sign lettering
and placement shall be as stated above. The
use of this exception may be revoked by the
building official for due cause."
Section 1207.3.1 shall be added and is to read as
follows: - ~ -
"Section 1207.3.1 Exit doors: Exit doors that
could be obstructed from the outside shall be
posted with a permanent sign on the exterior
side of the door stating, 'EXIT DOOR-DO
NOT BLOCK.' This sign shall consist ofletters
having a principal stroke of not less than "f.
inches wide and at least six (6) inches high on
a contrasting background."
Section 3010 of the fire code is added and is to
read as follows:
"3010 Electrical wiring in woodworking facili-
ties: Electrical wiring in woodworking facilities
shall meet the requirements set forth in the
National Electrical Code and maintained in
accordance with the Electrical Code in effect at
the time of construction."
Section 4502.2.1 of the fire code is amended to
read as follows:
"Spray booths shall be substantially constructed
of steel not less than No. 18 gauge (.044 inch)
thickness or other approved metallic or ma-
sonry materials."
Section 5201.6.3 ofthe fire code is adding a second
paragraph and read as follows:
"An approved automatic fire extinguishing
system shall be provided at dispensing sta-
Supp. No. 22
Section 7904.6.3.2. of the fire code is amended to
read as follows:
"7904.6.3.2. Leaving Vehicle Unattended. The
driver, operator or attendant of any tank vehi-
cle shall not leave the vehicle while it is being
filled or discharged. Delivery and/or vapor re-
covery hoses, when attached to a tank vehicle,
shall be considered to be a part of the tank
vehicle. It shall ~ be unlawful for any driver,
operator or attendant to defeat or fail to use
any vapor recovery device or system that has
been provided for use with the vapor recovery
system. All equipment shall be approved for
the use with the vapor recovery system pro-
vided at the site."
Section 8504 ofthe fire code is amended by adding
a third paragraph to read as follows:
"The premises wiring system, including cov-
ers, shall be maintained as required for its
original installation in the National Electrical
Section 8704.2 shall be amended to read as fol-
"8704.2 Access Roads. Fire department access
roads shall be established and maintained prior
to above grade construction in accordance with
section 902."
Section 8704.3 shall be amended to read as fol-
"8704.3 Water Supply. Water mains and fire
hydrants shall be installed and operational and
capable of providing required fire flows prior to
above grade construction in accordance with
section 903."
Appendix Ill-A. 3.2 of the fire code shall be
amended by adding a new paragraph which shall
read as follows:
"Appendix III-A. 3.2. When wooden shingles
are provided an additional five hundred (500)
gallons per minute shall be added to the total
required fire flow."
S 8-1
Appendix V-A of the fire code is amended by
adding the following to section 4.2.4. to read as
"National Fire Protection Association, National
Fire Codes. Batterymarch Park, Quincy MA.
''Volume Numbers 99 and 101 are expressly
excluded from adoption. .
"Insurance Service Office Guide for Deternrin-
ing Fire Flow
Insurance Service Office
160 Water Street New York, NY.
Fire Suppression Rating Schedule 1980"
(Code 1977, ~~ 8-1, 8-3, 8-5; Ord. No. 1990-835, ~~
1, 2, 7-9-90; Ord. No. 1992-914, ~~ 1, 2, 1-11-93;
Ord_ No. 1998-1139, ~ 1, 11-23-98)
Charter reference-Adoption by reference, ~ 5-16.
State law reference-Adoption by reference, C.R.S. S
31-16-201 et seq.
See. 8-2. Vested property rights.
Approval of this ordinance [Ordinance No. 1998-
1139] does not create a vested property right.
Vested property rights may ouly arise and accrue
pursuant to the provisions of section 26(c) of
Appendix A and the Code of Laws of the City of
Wheat Ridge.
(Ord_ No. 1998-1139, ~ 2, 11-23-98)
Supp. No. 22
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