HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/07/2011♦ City of '� Wheatl<igge PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA April 7, 2011 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on April 7, 2011, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Heather Geyer, Public Information Officer at 303 -235 -2826 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may be recommended for placement on the agenda.) 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — March 17, 2011 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. ZOA- 11 -03 An ordinance amending Chapter 26 concerning non - conforming structures in the floodway district. B. Case No. WZ -11 -01 (Addendum to orieinal publication) An application filed by Cabela's Retail Inc., Coors Brewing Co. and Jefferson County for approval of zoning for right -of -way being annexed into the City by Case No. ANX- 11 -01. C. Case No. WZ -11 -02 (Continued from March 17,2011) An application filed by Cabela's Retail Inc., Coors Brewing Co. and Jefferson County for approval of a Specific Outline Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and located at 4000 Cabela Drive and 4105 Youngfield Service Road. D. Case No. WS- 11 -01 An application filed by Cabela's Retail Inc., Coors Brewing Co. and Jefferson County for a major subdivision plat on property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and located at 4000 Cabela Drive and 4105 Youngfield Service Road. 8. OTHER ITEMS A. 38` Avenue Corridor Plan Update 9. ADJOURNMENT • City of '� WheatRidge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting March 17, 2011 1. 2. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair MATTHEWS at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29` Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Anne Brinkman Alan Bl cknam Staff Members Present: Scott Ohm George Porid Steve Timms Ken.Johnstone, Community Development Director Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner Gerald Dahl, City Attorney Tim Paranto, Public Works Director 3. 4. 5. Patrick Goff, City Manager Heather Geyer, Administrative Services Director Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary PLEDGEOF ALLEGIANCE APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner TIMMS and seconded by Commissioner BRINKMAN to approve the order of the agenda as printed. The motion carried 7 -0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — February 17, 2011 It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner POND to approve the minutes of February 17, 2011 as presented. The Planning Commission Minutes 1 March 17, 2011 motion carried 5 -0 with Commissioners BRINKMAN and TIMMS abstaining. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes) No members of the public wished to speak at this time. 6. PUBLIC HEARING (Prior to opening the public hearing, Chair MATTHEWS disclosed that he owns a small amount of Cabela's stock. Staff determined that ibis would not affect his ability to hear the case.) A. Case No. WZ- 11 -01 An application filed by Cabela's Retail Inc., Coors Brewing Co. and Jefferson County for approval of Planned. Commercial Development (PCD) zoning for property located at 4105 Youngfield Service Road and approval of a Concept Outline Development` Plan on property zoned PCD and located at 4000 Cabela Drive and 4105 Youngfield Service Road. This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She distributed copies of letters of support from Loretta DiTirro, President of Enterprise Wheat Ridge; Douglas Allen, Home Instead Senior Care; Denise Stephens; Executive Director of Jefferson County Business Resource Center; Britt - a Fisher, Wheat Ridge 2020; and Cheryl Brungardt, District I Resident. She entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. In response to a question from Commissioner BUCKNAM. Ms. Reckert explained that bike parking requirements were taken from the Streetscape Design Manual. Commissioner BRINKMAN referred to neighbors' concerns about lighting. Ms. Reckert replied that freestanding lighting is proposed at 35 feet as opposed to 30 feet in the old plan. The developer will be required to submit a photometric plan. She commented that increased light pole height will decrease the number of light poles in the development. Commissioner POND asked if the ODP could be adjusted at final development plan. Ms. Reckert replied that there is some ability for "tweaking" based on agreement between staff and the applicant. She also stated that the Streetscape Design Manual and the Architectural and Site Design Manual were used as a reference point in developing the Outline Development Plan. Planning Commission Minutes 2 March 17, 2011 Commissioner OHM inquired about electronic reader boards along I -70. Ms. Reckert explained city code requirements for these types of signs. In response to a question from Commissioner TIMMS, Mr. Paranto stated that all of Cabela Drive will be a public street. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked how far the multi -use path extends along the east side of the property to the south. Mr. Paranto explained that a 10 -foot path has been built on 40 underneath I -70 and ties into the crosswalk to an existing sidewalk trail along the east side of Youngfield down to the. Clear Creek trail. There will be four connections with the trail in the development. Carolynne White Land Use Counsel, Cabela's Ms. White stated the Concept outline development plan (ODP) would be presented this evening with the Specific ODP planned for presentation on April 7. Dennis Armstrong Corporate Architect, Cabela's Mr. Armstrong presented the history and overview, of the project. The location is desirable due to access from 1-70-and SH58 that leads to the I -70 corridor and outdoor recreation areas. It is hoped to -use the open space for access by customers and as well as educational opportunities. The development will reclaim an old gravel pit and result in a great asset to the community. Things have changed since 2005, when it was planned to build a Cabela's store with other retail filling in over the years. The plan has been revisited to develop Clear Creek Crossing which will bring a wider variety, of tenants along with Cabela's and provide employment and; great services to the community. Cabela's has already ata been a clyst to improve the community with the I -70 improvements and interchange at58th. The, open space presents great opportunity to make the property next to Clear Creek more attractive and useful. Cabela's is very committed to a sustainable future for the area. Carolynne White stated that the applicant is requesting an amendment to the previously approved `ODP and rezoning of an additional 32 acres of Jefferson County property currently pending annexation to Wheat Ridge. She compared the previous ODP to the requested amended ODP. The principal changes reflect the additional 32 acres as well as changes resulting from additional anchors that will be developed concurrently with Cabela's. Chris Fasching Traffic Engineer for Cabela's He stated that many traffic analyses have been done on this site. As a result, some transportation improvements have already taken place Traffic counts have also been reduced on 44 and 32 Avenues. Traffic analyses have been "freshened" to take into account the expanded development area. Some of the changes include Planning Commission Minutes 3 March 17, 2011 the following: 32 Avenue will be improved including lane widening from Alkire just past Applewood Village Center access; signalization will be improved along 32 Avenue; there will be a grade separation at Cabela Drive and SH 58; and the Youngfield intersection will have added lanes. Additional lanes and signal timing will increase capacity of the intersection by 40 -50% while traffic should only increase 25 -30 %. New ramps will be constructed at 27 Avenue at some time in the future and a new bridge will be constructed over 32 " Avenue. Cabela Drive will have three lanes going south and two lanes going north. He reviewed the site circulation. In response to questions from Commissioner OHM, Car_ olynne. White explained that the bicycle path runs parallel to Cabela Drive. Mr. Paranto added that there will be a grade separation at Cabela Drive at Clear Creek for the path to go underneath Cabela Drive. _ Commissioner TIMMS asked if there would be a sound wall for the,homes along 32 " Avenue. Mr. Armstrong stated that the old sound wall will be removed and replaced with a new one. Noel Cupkovik Cupkovik Architecture Mr. Cupkovic stated that he was retained by Cabela's in 2009 to work on the new ODP. He reviewed his firm's credentials. A Design Standard Pattern Book has been incorporated under the amended OD P to provide an overall foundation for all future development It establishes minimum levels of design and regulatory guidelines and focuses on standards that will create a vibrant environment for residents and visitors. It. addresses signage landscaping, site amenities, site planning and architecture_: Hexeviewed the elements provided in the Design Standard Pattern Book. Safe acid ample pedestrian access has been provided for Commissioner TIMIVIS asked about the timeline for construction. Dennis Armstrong replied that once begun, construction should take 12 -16 months. Commissioner TIMMS expressed concern about the use of synthetic stucco (EIFS.) Mr. Cupkovik stated that he didn't want to handcuff applicants by prohibiting EIFS. Many problems with this material in the past have occurred with use in residential structures. Typically, stucco or EIFS is only used ten feet above ground level so it isn't damaged by storm water or rain. In response to a question from Commissioner DIETRICK, Mr. Cupkovik stated that sustainable design will be used in the development. However, to make it a requirement of zoning could be detrimental in attracting tenants because sustainable design is related to economic viability of a project. Planning Commission Minutes 4 March 17, 2011 Angela Milewski BHA Design Ms. Milewski reviewed the credentials for the landscape firm of BHA Design. BHA has been a leader in sustainable site design since 1993. She reviewed designs for general landscaping, parking lot landscaping, streetscaping, site amenities and lighting. Lighting will be contained on the site. She noted the significant grade drop of 30 -40 feet from south to north which would further protect adjacent neighborhoods from light spillage. In addition, there will also be a 20 -30 foot landscape buffer on the south side. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Ms. Milewski stated that she agreed with the comments provided by the Forestry and Open Space Supervisor for Wheat Ridge. Commissioner OHM asked if the Wheat Ridge Streetscape Design Manual would be adhered to. She stated that the Manual would be adhered to, however, cottonwoods will be used only where they are native along Clear Creek. (The meeting was recessed at 9:07p.m. and reconvened at 9:19 p.m.) Carolynne White Ms. White commented that when = talking about sustainability on this project, it is the same as defined in the city's comprehensive plan` (people, prosperity, planet). She agreed with.rezoning criteria relayed to the ODP amendment and stated that their application meets all of those criteria. She agreed with the staff report with the exception of condition 4 that will be clarified later in the meeting. Char,MATTHEWS opened the public hearing. John Moore 13950 W. 32 °d Avenue Mr. Moore disclosed that he has done contracted work for Cabela's; however, he has owned or resided in his property since 1968 and expressed excitement about the master planned project that will greatly improve the energy of the area. He commented that his neighbors share his excitement. Kevin McCasky CEO, Jefferson Economic Council (JEC) Mr. McCasky, is also a former Jefferson County Commissioner. As a Commissioner, he was involved in this project over the past six years with the applicant and the City of Wheat Ridge. He considered this to be a major and critical project for Wheat Ridge and Jefferson County because it will provide many returns for the area. There will be a positive employment impact during the construction phase as well as in the future when the project is complete. The area needs this type of development for its citizens. Planning Commission Minutes 5 March 17, 2011 Janice Thompson Wheat Ridge Citizen Ms. Thompson spoke in favor of the project because Cabela's is committed to excellence. She has visited the Cabela's store in Grand Junction that has resulted in revitalization for the area. This land could have been developed in a much less desirable manner. She requested that hotels not be built in the area. She expressed her disapproval of electronic message signs. Edna Miklos Ms. Miklos is a resident and business owner in the area..., She spoke in favor of the project because it will be a positive tax and employment base for the area. She expressed concern about RV's parking overnight in the area and asked that this not be allowed. She also expressed her disapproval of electronic message signs along I -70. Don Klassen Mr. Klassen stated that he was not opposed'to development. Because his neighborhood will get maximum impact from 32w Avenue, he asked that wall barriers on the residential side. be raised to an appropriate level to minimize traffic noise. He asked that the Coors °ponds be surrounded'with chain link fence to protect children. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if Mr. Klassen felt that traffic on 32 " had been reduced since the interchange was installed. He replied that there is still a large amount of traffic due to the fact that 32nd leads from downtown Golden out to Lutheran Hospital. Flora Andrus Ms. Andrus expressed concern that traffic studies did not include traffic coming from the north on McIntyre Street. She was pleased to have a bridge over 58`" to allow access to Clear Creek from the neighborhood to the north. She expressed concern that lighting could prevent residents from seeing stars at night. Stan Dempsey 3110 Alkire, Golden Mr. Dempsey represented the Applewood Property Owners Association (APOA). He submitted a copy of his statement into the record. He stated that he had not received notice of the hearing and requested continuation of the hearing until such time when there has been due notice. An exit from Highway 58 to Holden Street is essential to prevent the neighborhood from being overwhelmed with traffic. Improvements must be compatible with the revised traffic analysis. Commitment to trail connections and improvements must be honored. Lighting must be compatible with residential neighborhood. He asked for opportunity to review lighting changes. He asked that the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and Planning Commission Minutes 6 March 17, 2011 the Migratory Bird Protection Act be adhered to. He requested that the APOA receive notices of any future meetings regarding this development. Shirley Schneider Applewood Valley Association Ms. Schneider stated that her association represents two thousand homes immediately south of Wheat Ridge. She stated that she is not opposed to the development but wants it done right. She expressed concern that there was inadequate notice of the hearing. Scott O'Donnell Applewood Valley Association Mr. O'Donnell stated that new factors in this revision compromise a resolution because the plan allows for 1.5 million square feet of floor area which is almost twice the area in original ODP. He stated that state and federal government gave approvals based on the original ODP. Barbara Barry Applewood Valley Association Ms. Barry did not agree that the new ODP would not adversely impact the public health, safety or welfare. She expressed concern about increased traffic impact. She objected to not having the ability to review the new traffic analysis. Shirley Coen 13146 W. 33 Avenue Ms. Coen's house is located near Cabela Drive and 32 Avenue. She expressed concern that the wall replacement would be closer to her house and prevent her from building a garage. ;Mr. Paranto stated that the wall would be built on city property. Further, the design has not changed since 2006. She stated her opposition to the development. Meredith Reckert addressed comments about the noticing process and explained the city is required to notice property owners within a 300 foot radius from the perimeter" of affected property. There is no requirement to notify adjacent homeowners associations. She also noted that the files, including traffic analyses, are open to the public. Carolynne White explained that digital signage is static and can only change every 15 seconds per City of Wheat Ridge standards while CDOT standards allow change every 6 seconds. She reassured all present that Cabela's intends to complete all traffic commitments made in 2006 prior to opening of store. The amended ODP has no changes to earlier traffic commitments. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked about overnight RV parking. Ms. White stated that she could only speak for Cabela's and would have to discuss this with Planning Commission Minutes 7 March 17, 2011 the other tenant. Under the proposed ODP amendment, it is allowed. Cabela's has no jurisdiction to require fencing on the ponds owned by Coors. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if a traffic study had been performed on 44 Avenue. Mr. Fasching explained the nature of traffic impact to the north of the development. The intersection of 40 and Holman and 44 and McIntyre are included in the traffic study. Present vehicles per day on McIntyre at 44 Avenue are 20,000 vehicles per day (both directions). Build -out of the site could add roughly 3,000 vehicles per day. McIntyre should be able to accommodate 30,000 vehicles per day. 44 Avenue between McIntyre and Holman is now carrying 6,000 vehicles per day. About 1,500 vehicles would be added. Most two -lane roads can handle up to 12- 15,000 vehicles per day. The intersection of 44 and Cabela Drive will be signalized. Traffic will be added to Youngfield and 32 Avenue. The numbers will increase up to 20 -25 %, however, capacity _ improvements at that intersection will far exceed the increased generation. He addressed concerns about increased density: The increased square footage will not all be attributed to retail. Over half of that increase will be office'space which presents less traffic intensity. Parcels north of Clear Creek would have even less traffic. Carolynne White returned to the podium to close the presentation and thanked the Commission for its attention and asked for favorable consideration of the application. Commissioner TIMMS expressed concern about proposed caretaker residences on Lots 5 and 7. Mr. Armstrong stated that Lot 7 is controlled by Coors and they have not yet made a decision on allowed uses. It would be a light intensity use and there could be outdoor activities that would require a caretaker. Lot 5 would only be there in the event that any of the out - parcels would require a caretaker use.' In response to a question from Commissioner TIMMS, Mr. Armstrong replied that overnight camping on Lot 7 is not a new change. It is up to Coors as to whetler:a campground would be proposed. Mr. Armstrong will discuss this with Coors. Commissioner TIMMS would like to see this use subject to a special use permit process.. Commissioner TIMMS expressed concern about "travel center /gas station" and stated that he would like to see self - service car washes, other than those associated with a service station, excluded. He also wanted to see truck stops excluded as a use. Mr. Armstrong stated that truck stop use had never been considered. Commissioner TIMMS asked why a warehouse use was included on Lot 8. Ms. Reckert stated that staff had recommended warehouses to be associated with office use. Mr. Armstrong stated that Coors looks at Lot 8 as being used for Planning Commission Minutes 8 March 17, 2011 access to their ponds rather than development. Mr. Armstrong and Ms. Reckert will clarify this with Coors. Commissioner TIMMS asked the applicant to address outdoor storage. Mr. Armstrong explained that Cabela's anticipates selling boats and ATV's and will need a screened area to house inventory. Commissioner POND asked the applicant if "travel center" could be eliminated. Mr. Armstrong stated that language could be recreated to indicate there would be no truck stop use. Further, present -day gas stations have evolved to have a small restaurant inside which makes them more like a travel center than merely a gas station. In response to a question from Commissioner TIMMS, Ms Reckert clarified that no structures could be built on Lot 8. In regard to questions from Commissioner TIMMS, regarding design standards, Ms. Reckert and Mr. Johnstone explained that four. -sided architecture would not be required for the three large anchors, but wouldbe required for secondary buildings. Mr. Armstrong stated that this will be looked at more closely at the specific ODP level. Commissioner TIMMS asked why staff was recommending the removal of a condition requiring exterior signage to be turnedbfftwo hours after a store is closed. Ms. Reckert stated that it would be unenforceable. Ken Johnstone commented that signs that would be on at night would be oriented toward the highway. Mr. Johnstone also noted that the requirement to turn off signs would be stricter than elsewhere .in the City and. difficult to enforce. Commissioner POND asked what the procedure is for further amendments to the ODP. Ms. Reckert explained that if it were something that wasn't working that didn't impact the intent or integrity of the requirement, it could be handled administratively. However, if it was out of the realm of what the project entails, it would require a full ODP amendment. In response- to a question from Commissioner OHM, Mr. Armstrong explained that the grade differential between 1 -70 and Cabela's floor is 5 feet. Chair MATTHEWS closed the public hearing. It was moved by Commissioner TIMMS and seconded by Commissioner BRINKMAN to recommend approval of Case No. WZ- 11 -01, a request for approval of Planned Commercial Development (PCD) zoning on property being considered for annexation at 4105 Youngfield Service Road and that a PCD Concept Outline Development Plan, including the Design Standard Planning Commission Minutes 9 March 17, 2011 Pattern Book, on property located at 4000 Cabela Drive and 4105 Youngfield Service Road for the following reasons: 1. The TMAC parcel located at 4150 Youngfield Service Road is under consideration for annexation and zoning must be approved within 90 days. 2. Extension of the PCD zoning and development to the north is a logical use for the property while protecting the open space area currently located in the Clear Creek corridor. 3. The request is consistent with both the Three -Mile Plan and Envision Wheat Ridge. 4. Many of the infrastructure improvements are already constructed. 5. There will be economic and recreational -- benefits from the development. - 6. The proposed uses are compatible with commercial uses in the vicinity. 7. All requirements for a Concept ODP have been met. With the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. . 4. Comments generated by the city's Parks, Open Space and Forestry Supervisor be incorporated in the Design Standard Pattern Book. The applicant shall supplement; or.modify, the Wheat Ridge - Cabela's Traffic Impact Analysis Update, dated February 23, 2011, to sufficiently address the Public Works Department comments and requests. The Public Works Department must approve the final document prior to the hearing on the ODP before the City Council. All public' infrastructure and improvements including streetscape amenities and Arain age facilities be constructed prior to the On page the transi 5. _ The and 6. of the Design Standard Pattern Book, it be specified that !ncy requirements apply to buildings, not tenant spaces. uses be added to the prohibited use list: truck stops ce car washes. nguage be added to the Design Standard Pattern Book appropriate building locations for synthetic stucco and 7. The following uses be added as special uses for Lot 7: camping or campground; and for Lots 5: and 7, Caretakers Residence. 8. The following use be removed from Lot 8: Warehouse. It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner POND to amend the third condition to state: Streetscape amenities on or immediately adjacent to Cabela Drive, 40` Avenue and Clear Creek Drive, including landscaping and associated amenities, shall be installed prior to the Planning Commission Minutes 10 March 17, 2011 first Certificate of Occupancy within the development. The motion carried 7- 0. Commissioner OHM moved and Commissioner TIMMS seconded to add an amendment that the plant list in the Design Standard Pattern Book be modified to meet the criteria of the City of Wheat Ridge Streetscape Design Manual. The motion carried 7 -0. Commissioner BRINKMAN moved and Commissioner BUCKNAM seconded to add a condition to eliminate the note regarding the requirement to turn off exterior signage two hours after a store is closed. The motion carried 4 -3 with Commissioners TIMMS, BUCKNAM and DIETRICK voting no. The main motion, as amended, carried by a vote of 7 -0. B. Case No. WZ- 11 -02 (Continuance until April 7, 2011 recommended by staff.) An application filed by Cabela's Retail Inc., Coors Brewing Co. and Jefferson County for approval of a Specific Outline Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and located at 4000 Cabela Drive and 4105 Youngfield Service Road. It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner POND to continue Case No. WZ -11 -02 a request for approval of Planned Commercial Development Specific, Outline Development Plan on Lots 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3, 5.1 5.2 and 5.3 within the Clear Creek Crossing Concept Outline Development Plan to the April 7,-2011 Planning Commission meeting for the following reasons: 1. - Not all submittal requirements for a specific ODP have been met. Commissioner TIMMS stated that he would not be able to attend the April 7th meeting and preferred to move the hearing to April 21. Commissioner BRINKMAN stated that she would also be unable to attend the meeting on April 7. Ms. Reckert stated that public hearings have already been scheduled to be heard by City Council. The motion carried 6 -1 with Commissioner TIMMS voting no. 7. OTHER ITEMS A. 38 Avenue Corridor Plan Update Planning Commission Minutes 11 March 17, 2011 Commissioners BRINKMAN and TIMMS presented a brief update on the 38 Avenue Corridor Plan. B. Election of Officers Commissioner BUCKNAM was elected to serve as Chair of the Planning Commission. Commissioner POND was elected to serve as Vice Chair. 8. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner POND to adjourn the meeting at 11:03 p.m. The motion carried 7 -0. Richard Matthews, Chair Planning Commission Minutes 12 March 17, 2011 City of ] 0, Wheat R ,4 jge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING COMMISSION LEGISLATIVE ITEM STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: April 7, 2011 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS, CONCERNING NONCONFORMING STRUCTURES IN THE FLOODWAY DISTRICT ® PUBLIC HEARING ❑ RESOLUTION ® CODE CHANGE ORDINANCE ❑ STUDY SESSION ITEM Case Manager: Tim Paranto Date of Preparation: March 29, 2011 This Case is: Quasi-judicial X_ Legislative Proper notice was given for this public hearing. SUMMARY: The attached ordinance establishes standards for the maintenance of existing nonconforming structures for human occupancy within the City's established floodway district. Notice for this public hearing was provided as required by the Code of Laws. BACKGROUND: Section 26 -805 of the Code governs uses in the City's floodway district, which is characterized by hazardous and significant depths and velocities in the event of a 100 -year flood event. Uses currently permitted in the floodway district are very limited. For example, structures for human habitation are not currently listed as a permitted use. However, when the current floodway district ordinance was adopted in 2001, approximately 80 structures for human occupancy (mainly residences) were in existence in the floodway district and concurrently became nonconforming uses within the floodway district. As nonconforming uses, these residences are subject to sec. 26 -807, which allows improvement to a nonconforming structure so long as the use is changed to a conforming use. As a result, sec. 26 -807 operates as a bar to property owners improving their residences in the floodway district, because "structures for human occupancy" are not listed as a conforming use in Section 26 -805. Ultimately, at such time as a property owner stops using or needs to improve his or her property, that property owner is effectively prohibited from using the structure. One of the stated goals of chapter 26, article VIII of the Code is to protect public health, safety and welfare, not to deprive property owners of the use of their property. In order to balance these competing interests, the ordinance allows certain structures for human occupancy (which were present as of February 2001, the date of adoption of the present floodway district regulations) to remain and be improved, so long as they comply with the stated safety requirements contained in the remainder of article VIII, which would otherwise be unavailable but for this ordinance. In addition to the considerations explained above, the City Attorney's office consulted with FEMA regarding the adoption of this ordinance and any safety concerns it might raise for FEMA. Because the improvements being allowed are only on existing structures - and such improvements are required to comply with the standards for Class II Special Exception Permits, FEMA did not have substantive comments on the effect of the ordinance. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance amending Article VIII of Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning nonconforming structures in the Floodway District." Exhibit: 1. Proposed ordinance 2 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER JAY Council Bill No. 11 Ordinance No. Series 2011 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS CONCERNING NONCONFORMING STRUCTURES IN THE FLOODWAY DISTRICT AND RELATED SECTIONS OF ARTICLE VII OF CHAPTER 26 WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge, acting through its City Council, has previously adopted Article VIII of Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws (the "Code ") entitled "Floodplain Control;" and WHEREAS, Section 26 -805.0 of the Code prohibits structures within the "Floodway District" defined by Code Section 26 -802 and as described in Code Sections 26 -804 and 26 -806; and WHEREAS, there currently exist numerous structures for human occupancy within the Floodway District which are legal nonconforming uses, but which, as a consequence of Code Section 26- 805.C.1, could not be rebuilt if destroyed; and WHEREAS, the Council wishes to allow such structures to be rebuilt, subject to reasonable requirements to ensure safety of human occupants. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO: Section 1 . Section 26 -805, sections B and C, of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws are amended to read as follows: 26 -805. Floodway District. A. ... B. Permitted uses. The following open uses shall be permitted within the Floodway District to the extent that they are not prohibited in a particular area by any underlying zoning ordinance and do not include any structures(EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY SECS. 26- 805.13.4 AND 26- 805.C.1 BELOWY, OR filling or deposit of materials, and do not cause any increase in the base flood elevation of the Floodway District. 1. Agricultural uses such as general farming, pasture, truck farming, forestry, sod farming and wild crop harvesting; 2. Public and private recreational uses not requiring permanent or temporary structures such as parks, swimming areas, golf courses, driving ranges, picnic grounds, wildlife and nature preserves, game EXHIBIT 1 farms, fish hatcheries, shooting preserves, target ranges and hunting, fishing and hiking areas; 3. Utility facilities such as flowage areas, transmission lines, pipelines, water monitoring devices, roadways and bridges; 4. STRUCTURES FOR HUMAN OCCUPANCY WHICH WERE IN EXISTENCE AS OF FEBRUARY 26, 2001, SUBJECT TO SECTION 26 -807 (NONCONFORMING USES) AND RECONSTRUCTED OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED NONCONFORMING STRUCTURES PERMITTED PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 26 -807.13 AND 26- 807.F; AND 5. Uses being similar in nature to these permitted uses may be allowed, provided that they are consistent with the provisions of these - regulations. C. Prohibited Uses. 1. Structures, EXCEPT TO THE DEGREE PERMITTED BY SECTION 26- 805.8.4, fill or deposition of materials shall be prohibited in the Floodway District. 2. The storage or processing of materials that are buoyant, flammable or explosive, or any hazardous liquid or soluble matter which in times of flooding could be injurious to human, animal or plant life shall be prohibited within the Floodway District. Section 2 . Section 26 -806.A of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws is amended to read as follows: 26 -806. Flood Storage District. A. Application and description. These regulations shall apply to all properties designated as within the Flood Storage District, EXCEPT AS ALSO APPLIED TO CERTAIN STRUCTURES IN THE FLOODWAY DISTRICT BY SEC. 26- F- 01M:1 E Section 3 . Section 26 -807 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws is amended to read as follows: Sec. 26 -807. Non - conforming uses AND STRUCTURES. The existing lawful use of a structure or premises which is not in conformity with the provisions of these regulations may be continued subject to the following conditions: A. No such use shall be expanded or enlarged except in conformity with the provisions of these regulations. -2- B. No substantial improvement (EXCEEDING 50% OF THE PRIOR VALUE OF THE STRUCTURE) to any nonconforming structure over the life of the structure shall be allowed unless the nonconforming use STRUCTURE is permanently changed to a conforming use STRUCTURE, EXCEPT THOSE NONCONFORMING STRUCTURES IN THE FLOODWAY DISTRICT. SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT OF STRUCTURES IN THE FLOODWAY DISTRICT SHALL BE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 26- 806.D, E and F, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT A SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMIT SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED. C. If such use is discontinued for twelve (12) consecutive months, any future use of the building and premises shall conform to these regulations. D. Uses or adjuncts thereof which are nuisances shall not be permitted to continue as nonconforming uses. E. Any alteration, addition or repair to any nonconforming structure permitted pursuant to subsection B., above, shall be protected by floodproofing measures pursuant to section 26- 808C.4.a. F. FOR PURPOSES OF SEC. 26- 805.B.4, RECONSTRUCTION OF A NON- CONFORMING STRUCTURE SHALL COMMENCE WITHIN TWO (2) YEARS OF THE EVENT GIVING RISE TO THE NEED FOR SUCH RECONSTRUCTION. SUCH RECONSTRUCTION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 26- 806.D, E and F, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT A SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMIT SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED. Section 4. Severability, Conflicting Ordinances Repealed If any section, subsection or clause of this Ordinance shall be deemed to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, the validity of the remaining sections, subsections and clauses shall not be affected thereby. All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 5 . Effective Date This Ordinance shall take effect fifteen (15) days after final publication, as provided by Section 5.11 of the Charter. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 6 to 0 on this 14th day of March, 2011, ordered published with Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for March 28, 2011 at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29 Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado and that it takes effect 15 days after final publication. -3- READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to , this day of , 2011. SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 1 2011. Jerry DiTullio, Mayor ATTEST: Michael Snow, City Clerk Approved as to Form Gerald E. Dahl, City Attorney First Publication: March 17, 2011 Second Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: City of Wheatl:) ge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Planning Commission FROM: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner DATE: March 31, 2011 SUBJECT: Case No. WZ -11 -01 (addendum to March 17 Planning Commission action) Case No. WZ -11 -01 is request to approve zoning on the TMAC annexation parcel located at 4105 Youngfield Service Road and incorporation of it into the Clear Creek Crossing Planned Commercial Development ODP approval. Planning Commission held a public hearing and gave a recommendation of approval at their March 17, 2011 public hearing. Subsequent to preparation of the staff report for the March 17 PC meeting, it was brought to the attention of staff that not all of the annexation piece will be incorporated into the development. Of the approximate 36 acres of unincorporated Jefferson County property being annexed, roughly 32 acres will be zoned PCD and included in the Clear Creek Crossing development. The other 2.7 acres is remnant right -of -way owned by CDOT. (Exhibit 1, right -of -way parcel). Because of the use of the parcel as r -o -w, Cabela's has no interest in including it in the overall development plan, although it makes sense for the City to incorporate it. The majority of the right -of -way for I -70 is zoned A -1, Agriculture -One, and staff believes that this piece should be zoned A -1 as well. Because it was not included the PCD recommendation of approval for Clear Creek Crossing, separate action should be taken by Planning Commission. The publication with approved legal description for the A -1 zoning has occurred, therefore, Planning Commission has jurisdiction to make a recommendation. The proposed A -1 zoning will be incorporated into the City Council action scheduled for April 25, 2011. SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move to recommend approval of A -1 zoning on a 2.7 acre parcel owned by CDOT located north of 4105 Youngfield Service Road, for the following reasons: 1. The parcel located is under consideration for annexation and zoning must be approved within 90 days. 2. The parcel is used for right -of -way purposes and is not being incorporated into the Clear Creek Crossing development. 3. Other right -of -way in the I -70 corridor is zoned A -1." N U Y W a� ,_ U � L M - v$ ll _ •o _ O cu W L C E C Cam. — a rc`e.hS `o g (6 Q O a- O ■� v O C Z o �mg5 `s '�`o£ 'S C W V ` Q 0. O U V Q N U ° s ° v$ ll J n �} U �. U 5 � A U C E C Z — a rc`e.hS `o g (6 a- O �mg5 `s '�`o£ 'S C E § E °mE' ° > �$aaars o2'gcp���A m O . x U vouoaa>9�° C C ya oa E� yP Hn` N O U O o wg g^ _�o�o �Foom3 ° o�q: cD N v C ma_w €EE o U N rn Qv a_ ° �N 0 . - ° g�a��z;�W° O ° uQ H_IUew N U ° s ° v$ ll J n �} U EN O a hi U 5 � A U rr, r r fi V � rt ri a o O LL O ,w • m � 3: o 00 Ln CD m c o u w co co k • � t O �u �J � - �IiR#1s�d��a ' r�.`i���^ >�iis� -i+ _ � ,>ts r �,. -• �_ .z�t. r ie.•.• :, :_ - - = -r �> +.:. ,> 1S al3ldJNflUA— dvgvwb3 NO OLI - -- .IMH BM OLI --r -- - ,; - sue: °� i■■.m i - 42] 301Ab3S a13 :39NnoA� y A !F AW. U, S? Y�¢;r•, \ 7, '^ 3 S ' l� r!. r I 9' tom' �,•• i _. il!lO Nr aH A31AH3S tL 8q A. i Lyj 11111L1 1 1 4 City of "�iAC MUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert DATE OF MEETING: April 7, 2011 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ -11 -02 /Clear Creek Crossing ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a Specific Outline Development (ODP) LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4000 Cabela Drive and 4105 Youngfield Service Road (Block 1, Lots 1 and 3; Block 2, Lot 1; Block 3, Lot 1; Block 4, Lot 1; Block 5, Lots 3, 4 and 5 of Clear Creek Crossing Subdivision) PROPERTY OWNER: Cabela's, Coors and Jefferson County APPROXIMATE AREA: 57 acres (Specific Outline Development Plan) PRESENT ZONING: Planned Commercial Development (PCD), PD (Jefferson County) and A -1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Regional Commercial/Open Space ENTER INTO RECORD: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE DIGITAL PRESENTATION All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST Case No. WZ -11 -02 is a request for approval of Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Specific Outline Development Plan (ODP) on Lots 1. 1, 2, 3 and 5 within the Clear Creek Crossing Concept Outline Development Plan. This case was originally scheduled to be heard at the March 17, 2011, Planning Commission meeting but was continued without discussion until April 7, 2011. At the March 17 meeting, Planning Commission took action on Case No. WZ- 11 -01, which was a request for approval of Planned Commercial Development (PCD) zoning on property in the process of being annexed into the City of Wheat Ridge located at 4105 Youngfield Service Road and a Concept Outline Development Plan (ODP) for property located at 4000 Cabela Drive and 4105 Youngfield Service Road for 210 acres of land. A recommendation of approval was made with conditions. (Exhibit 1, Planning Commission minutes). Case No. ANX -11 -01 (annexation of the TMAC parcel) and Concept ODP and Specific ODP are scheduled for public hearing in front of City Council on April 25, 2011. The subdivision plat is scheduled for public hearing in front of City Council on May 9. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/PROPERTY HISTORY The land under ODP consideration includes several parcels with multiple ownerships. The current property owners are Cabela's, Coors and Jefferson County. (Exhibit 2, ownership map) The County -owned parcel comprised of 32 acres is under contract for purchase by Cabela's and Longs Peak Metropolitan District. It previously contained the Table Mountain Animal Center which was recently demolished and is zoned PD. Another parcel used by CDOT for right -of -way is included with the annexation but will be zoned A -1 and is not included in either of the ODP documents. The remainder of the property is located in the City of Wheat Ridge, is comprised of 174 acres and is zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD). It is currently vacant with a 28 acre water storage facility located in the southwest corner owned by Coors. The property was annexed in 2005 and an Outline Development Plan was approved for the entire 174 acres. A Final Development Plan (FDP) was approved in 2006 for Lots 1 and 2 for construction of an 185,000 square foot retail store. Special use permits have been granted in conjunction with the excavation and fill deposition operations occurring on the property. Much of the discussion at the March 17 Planning Commission public hearing was related to traffic impacts to the area generated by the Clear Creek Crossing development. The original Environmental Assessment for the project was previously approved and obligates that certain traffic improvements be completed prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy within the development. Planning Commission 2 WZ -11 -02 /Clear Creek Crossing Specific ODP Many of the infrastructure improvements identified in the Environmental Assessment have already been built. Those improvements include the widening and improvement of Youngfield Street, construction of the W. 40 Avenue /I -70 underpass from Youngfield and the relocation of a portion of the Clear Creek greenbelt trail. There have also been improvements funded by CDOT for the construction of interchange movements between State Highway 58 and I -70. Improvements to the Clear Creek trail on the Jefferson County -owned parcels have occurred as well. Outstanding improvements which still need to occur prior to the first C.O. for the development are illustrated on Exhibit 3. (Exhibit 3, Required traffic improvements) Supplemental traffic information was provided with the Concept ODP application. This new information has been reviewed by Staff to ensure that the new and improved road network has the capacity to support the new development concept. III. SPECIFIC OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Where the Concept Outline Development Plan was general in nature and established uses, road improvements, access points and development standards, the intent of the Specific Outline Development Plan is to more specifically define proposed site layout and architecture for different parcels in the development (Exhibit 4, Specific ODP). While there are ten total parcels within the Clear Creek Crossing development, several of those primary parcels have been broken up into subparcels. The portions of the development for which Specific ODP approval are being sought include the following parcels: Lots 1. 1, 2, 3 and 5 including various subparcels. Should the Specific ODP be approved, prior to building construction, an administrative Final Development Plan (FDP) would be required for individual structures. The FDP would need to address specific site landscaping, parking lot landscaping, pedestrian connections and lighting for each building. In addition to the Concept ODP, an accompanying Design Standards Pattern Book was recommended for approval at the March 17 Planning Commission public hearing. It is intended that all buildings within the Clear Creek Crossing development comply with both the ODP and the Pattern Book. While the ODP document addresses permitted uses, setbacks, amount of parking and height, the Pattern Book addresses signage, streetscape improvements and architecture. Any deviation from these documents requires justification by the applicant. The parcels which are not included in this phase of approval must obtain Specific ODP approval through the public hearing process. Lot 1.1: Cabela's (Sheet 3 and 4 of the plan set) The applicant is proposing to construct a building which is 130,000 square feet in size to be used as a retail sporting goods facility. The structure is located in the northeast corner of the parcel, so as to capitalize on the visibility provided by I -70. Due to the incorporation of the TMAC parcel, the building also backs up to Clear Creek greenbelt. Boat display will occur on the east side of the structure. An RV dumping station and RV parking are located on the west side of the structure. Screened loading bays will be located at the northwest corner of the building. Staff is concerned about views from the greenbelt and will require that extensive landscaping be installed along the rear of the building for buffering. Planning Commission WZ -11 -02 /Clear Creek Crossing Specific ODP Primary access is from W. 40' Avenue via a landscaped entrance drive. In between the building and W. 40 Avenue is parking for the store with landscaped islands and four out - parcels, which are not a part of the ODP document. An additional access is provided by Cabela Drive to the west which extends across another anchor tenant space which is not part of the specific ODP. Staff has concerns that this be properly designed to provide a welcoming entrance, instead of what could appear to be a back door to the store. Public Works is concerned with functionality of the Cabela Drive access and would like a specific, engineered design to be included. Landscaped coverage is shown as comprising 25 %. Parking exceeds the minimum number of spaces required (520). Staff would note that bicycle parking areas should be added to the site plan. The structure is proposed to be 46.5' in height and will have the following architectural materials: cultured stone, stucco and wooden siding. The elevations meet the standards outlined in the Design Pattern Book for use of materials and identifying themes, facade articulation and transparency Lot 2.2 (Sheets 6, 9 and 10) Development on Lot 2.2 has been indicated as containing "mini" or "junior" anchors within the development. While no specific users are proposed, it is generally intended that these will large format retailers with around 25,000 square feet per tenant space. These tenant spaces are pushed to the east adjacent to I -70 and will have retail store fronts on the western facade with loading areas on the east. Primary parking areas with pedestrian connections occur between the front of the buildings and the new internal street named Clear Creek Drive. Building area on Lot 2.2 is 81,000 square feet with landscaped coverage at 12.7 %. Staff has expressed concern about the proximity of the rear loading and the views from I -70. While specific buffering is required by the Pattern Book, the views for the public traveling west bound on the freeway could be unattractive. As such additional detail was required by staff to better demonstrate how this buffering will occur. (Exhibit 5, Buffering detail on Lot 2.2) The exhibit depicts that there will be a 15' wide landscaped strip along this rear property line. However, minimal room is provided at the very northeast corner of the building. Staff is recommending that this buffer area be increased in size to at least 15' of private property which may affect the configuration of the northern tenant space. An additional exhibit shows a "section" view of this area in relation to the freeway elevation. (Exhibit 6, site section) Elevations for the proposed "mini" anchors are depicted on Sheet 9 of the plan set. Architectural materials for these facades include brick, stone and EIFS. Staff would note that all of the facades utilize painted concrete which is not one of the recognized materials pursuant to the pattern book. The elevations appear to meet the requirements for facade articulation, transparency and use of unifying elements, but an analysis should be included demonstrating compliance with the Design Standards Pattern Book. For discussion of the elevations for the southern "shops" area on the south end of the building, refer to discussion under the next section regarding Lots 2.1, 2.3 and 2.4. Lots 2.1, 2.3 and 2.4 (Sheets 6 and 10) The site plan for development on out parcels 2.1, 2.3 and 2.4 is depicted on Sheet 6 of the plan set. No information is provided regarding uses although proposed uses must be in accordance with the Concept ODP, which allows retail, office, service and restaurant facilities. The design of Parcel 2.4 appears to be a vehicle fueling station with fueling island canopy. Planning Commission 4 WZ -11 -02 /Clear Creek Crossing Specific ODP Access to Lot 2.1 is from Clear Creek Drive where a shared access to Cabela Drive is provided to Lots 2.3 and 2.4. as shown on the Concept ODP. For the combined three subparcels, building coverage is roughly 39,000 square feet with landscaped coverage at 47 %. Building height cannot exceed 35' in height. Parking provided exceeds the standards for retail uses. Proposed building elevations are depicted on Sheet 10 of the plan set. These elevations are applicable to other parcels in the development, including Lots 3, 5.2 and 5.3. Architectural materials proposed include brick, stone and EIFS. The elevations appear to meet the requirements for fagade articulation, transparency and use of unifying elements, but an analysis should be included demonstrating compliance with the Design Standards Pattern Book. Parcel 3 (Sheets 6 and 10) Building coverage on Parcel 3 is 20,800 square feet with landscaped coverage at 36 %. Uses and building height must be consistent with the standards on the Concept ODP. Parking exceeds the requirements for both restaurant and retail uses. Proposed building elevations are depicted on Sheet 10 of the plan set. Architectural materials proposed include brick, stone and EIFS. The elevations appear to meet the requirements for fagade articulation, transparency and use of unifying elements, but an analysis should be included demonstrating compliance with the Design Standards Pattern Book. Lot 5.1: Wal -Mart (Sheets 5, 7 and 8) A Wal -Mart store is proposed for Lot 5.1 which is to be 177,535 square feet in size. The structure is pushed south on the lot with parking fields and landscaping to the north. The required parking specified on the Concept ODP has been exceeded. Landscaping is shown as being shown as 18 %. Loading will occur at the south side of the structure. Access is via two primary curb cuts from Cabela Drive. Concern has been expressed regarding the low density neighborhood to the southwest and potential impacts of development on this particular lot, including site lighting and location of loading. An exhibit has been provided showing the relationship between the Lot 5.1 grade for Cabela Drive to the east and property to the south. (Exhibit 6, Site section exhibit). As indicated on Sections 2 and 3 of the Exhibit, the grade change between the building area and adjacent property is significant and provides "built -in" buffering, in addition to the requirement for specific screening elements including fencing and landscaping. Architectural materials on the front and east fagades of the structure include cultured stone, integrally colored CMU, EIFS and brick. The fagades which are less visible to the public (south and west) are primarily comprised of varying types of CMU. While the requirement for the use of varying building material appears to have been met, it does not appear that the requirements for architectural embellishment have been. An analysis must be provided describing how the requirements of the Design Standards Pattern book are being met, similar to what is shown on Sheet 4 of the Cabela's elevations. This analysis should address building articulation, unifying elements, transparency and breakdown of architectural materials. Planning Commission WZ -11 -02 /Clear Creek Crossing Specific ODP The title of the document on sheets 5, 7 and 8 need to reflect Specific ODP approval for Lot 1. 1, not Lot 1. Screening must occur on the south side of the building including installation of fencing and landscaping consistent with Pattern Book. Lots 5.2 and 5.3 (Sheets 6 and 10) The site plan for development on out parcels 5.2 and 5.3 is depicted on Sheet 6 of the plan set. No information is provided regarding uses although proposed uses must be in accordance with the Concept ODP, which allows retail, office, service and restaurant facilities. For the combined parcels, building coverage is 26,600 square feet and landscaping at 39 %. Building height cannot exceed 35' in height. Parking provided exceeds the standards for both restaurant and retail uses. A shared access is provided to Cabela Drive. Proposed building elevations are depicted on Sheet 10 of the plan set. These elevations are applicable to other parcels in the development, including Lots 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 3. Architectural materials proposed include brick, stone and EIFS. The elevations appear to meet the requirements for fagade articulation, transparency and use of unifying elements, but an analysis should be included demonstrating compliance with the Design Standards Pattern Book. Recommended conditions of approval for the Specific ODP document: Based on the preceding analysis, Staff has the following recommended conditions of approval: 1. On the Cabela's site (sheet 3) extensive landscaping be installed along the rear of the building for buffering between the service area and greenbelt trail. 2. The access drive design from Cabela Drive show lane striping and dimensions to ensure proper functionality. 3. The western entrance from Cabela Drive be properly designed to provide an attractive entrance. 4. Bike parking areas be shown on Sheets 3 and 5. 5. On Sheet 5, screening must occur on the south side of the building including installation of fencing and landscaping consistent with Pattern Book. 6. On Sheets 5 and 6, the public road be designated "Clear Creek Drive ". 7. On sheet 6, the buffer area at the northeast corner of the building on Lot 2.2 be increased in size to at least 15' of private property. 8. On Sheet 9, the use of painted concrete on building facades be eliminated. 9. For all architectural elevations, an analysis be incorporated demonstrating compliance with requirements for building for articulation, unifying elements used, transparency and breakdown of architectural materials. Any deviation from these requirements must be justified. 10. The title of the document on all sheets need to reflect Specific ODP approval for Lot 1. 1, not Lot 1. Planning Commission 6 WZ -11 -02 /Clear Creek Crossing Specific ODP IV. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA The Specific ODP application requires analysis relative to the zone change criteria outlined in Section 26- 112.D.2. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error; There is not a mistake on the official city maps. The property is zoned Planned Commercial Development. If these cases are approved the zoning maps will be updated to reflect annexation and zoning on the old TMAC parcel. 2. A change in character in the area has occurred due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions, The properties have historically been utilized for gravel and mining operations. At the conclusion of the mining activities, the property remained vacant. In 2005, a portion of the properties were annexed and given a PCD zone designation. The property exists where an interstate highway and a state highway converge. As a result, the surrounding area has steadily grown and changed to provide more commercial services. The property east of I -70 (Applewood Shopping Center) contains large regional stores. The property to the north of Highway 58 (44 Avenue Industrial Park) was annexed into the City in 1999 and developed with office /warehouse uses. In anticipation of development of this area into a regional commercial node, infrastructure improvements have occurred which include the widening and improvement of Youngfield Street, construction of the W. 40 Avenue /1 -70 underpass from Youngfield and the relocation of a portion of the Clear Creek greenbelt trail. There have also been improvements funded by CDOT for the construction of interchange movements between State Highway 58 and I -70. Additional improvements will be installed consistent with the EA for the property. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. The Planning Commission shall also find that the evidence supports the finding of at least four of the following: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area; The City of Wheat Ridge's Three -Mile Plan is an addendum to Envision Wheat Ridge, the City's comprehensive plan adopted in October 2009. The intent of a Three -Mile plan is to show property outside the current city limit which may be considered for annexation or be developed which may impact the city. The Three -Mile Plan designates the proposed annexation area as Regional Commercial on the southern one -third and open space on the northern two - thirds. The plan speaks to these designations with the intent for the Regional Commercial to include retail, employment, restaurants and hotel uses. Planning Commission 7 WZ -11 -02 /Clear Creek Crossing Specific ODP The designation of "open space" is a designation to indicate the land should not be developed; but may not necessarily be owned by a public entity. Envision Wheat Ridge's Structure Map generally designates this property as Open Space on the northern on —third and Mixed -Use Commercial within a Regional Commercial Center on the southern two - thirds of the combined parcels. Regarding the open space designation, the Clear Creek Trail corridor is an important asset to the City of Wheat Ridge and our park infrastructure. Annexation of the TMAC parcel will allow the city to continue to expand control of this important corridor and manage it to maximize its recreation, aesthetic and environmental value. The category of Mixed Use Commercial and Regional Commercial Center specifically addresses this development. It is intended that the center will feature several anchor stores and other complementary retail tenants, in addition to secondary uses such as employment, restaurants, or a hotel. The property and buildings within the center should be designed with landscaping, high quality urban design and architecture. It should preserve significant views and incorporate green space. In addition to the structure map designation, there are other goals being met by this application. Economy and Land Use • Make Wheat Ridge a "community of choice" in which to live, work, shop, and recreate. • Attract quality retail development and actively retain existing retailers to locate in Wheat Ridge. • Retain and diversify local employment. • Increase the diversity of land uses. • Revitalize key redevelopment areas. Community Services • Continue investment in parks, recreation and open space Sustainable Future • Establish and maintain a resilient and sustainable tax base. • Protect and preserve natural assets. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. b. The proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived; The property directly to the south of the proposed development along 32 Avenue is zoned PCD and contains a hotel, restaurants and a gas station. The property on the east side of I -70 is a large shopping center which provides a variety of retail, restaurant and service uses. Planning Commission 8 WZ -11 -02 /Clear Creek Crossing Specific ODP The original Cabela's /Coors annexation is currently zoned PCD with a specified range of land uses. This application will extend the Specific ODP approval onto the former TMAC site. Parcels to the south of Clear Creek are envisioned to be more retail and service oriented which is consistent with properties directly to the south and east across I -70. Parcels 9 and 10 which are north of the Creek are allowed light industrial uses in addition to the retail, office and service on the rest of the development. These light industrial uses are consistent with the 44 Avenue Industrial Park located across Highway 58 to the north. All lots not included in this Specific ODP must receive approval through a public hearing process. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. C. There will be social, recreational, physical and /or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone; The approval of the Specific ODP and development of the site should create a benefit to the community. Except for the Coors' pond on Lot Six, the property is vacant and has historically been used for mining. The developable portion of the TMAC parcel is currently underutilized and is somewhat of an eyesore. If the property is developed it will provide additional services to the surrounding residents and create jobs. Any retail sales on the property will generate sales tax revenue for the City, Jefferson County Open Space, the School District and Jefferson County. Special taxing districts providing service to the area will receive increased property tax revenues. Many of the traffic infrastructure improvements identified with the original EA have been constructed which have benefited the surrounding area. Improvements to the Clear Creek trail have resulted in recreational benefits. When the land is developed there will be numerous pedestrian improvements which currently do not exist today. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. d. Adequate infrastructure /facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity; All responding agencies are able to serve the property. Longs Peak Metropolitan District was formed and will fund and construct all on -site public improvements and infrastructure. The developer will be responsible for installation of public streetscape improvements. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. Planning Commission 9 WZ -11 -02 /Clear Creek Crossing Specific ODP e. The change of zone will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties; The request will not adversely affect public health, safety and welfare in the area. There are changed conditions from the old gravel mining operation which was a potential hazard to residents in the area. While development of the property will create higher traffic volumes to the site, the numerous roadway improvements which have already occurred in the vicinity have alleviated traffic congestion. Drainage will be improved in the area based on construction of the regional water detention area adjacent to Clear Creek. The parcels and subsequent buildings will be constructed to minimize air and light impacts to adjacent properties. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. It is intended that the ODP and Design Pattern Book be stand -alone design documents. Building design in the project must be consistent with both of these documents. Where deviation from the standards is requested, justification must be provided. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. VI. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING The required pre - application meeting for neighborhood input was held on February 25, 2010. There were approximately 35 persons in attendance. The meeting was held in an "open house" format and comments were solicited through comment sheets. VII AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted regarding their ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific referral responses follow. Jefferson County: No comments Renewal Wheat Ridge: Development of the site will comply with goals of the Urban Renewal Area. Prospect Recreation and Park District: Has commented regarding the increased traffic and potential impact on their two parks located on access roads leading into the development. West Metro Fire Protection District: Can serve the property. Water plan, hydrant locations and access to structures and buildings will be further addressed as plans progress Planning Commission 10 WZ -11 -02 /Clear Creek Crossing Specific ODP Applewood Sanitation District: Developer must apply for inclusion in the district. Property can be served with installation of upgrades. Fairmount Fire Protection District: Can serve the property. Future fire- related improvements must be reviewed and approved. Consolidated Mutual Water District: Can serve the property subject to installation of improvements. Colorado Department of Transportation: No specific comments at this time. Xcel Energy: Can serve. Wheat Ridge Public Works: Has reviewed and approved a master drainage study. Instead of each parcel having separate detention facilities, a regional pond will be located on the western portion of the Jefferson County parcel. A traffic study has been reviewed with the conclusion that the new and improved roadway network can support the development. An engineering design for the westerly access to the Cabela's site showing lane striping and dimensions for the drive must be shown to ensure proper functionality. Wheat Ridge Police: Has reviewed the traffic addendum to determine impacts on resources and personnel. VIII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that a Concept ODP with Design Standards Pattern Book have been recommended for approval by Planning Commission. Staff further concludes that all development within the Clear Creek Crossing project must be compliant with these documents. While a recommendation of approval is given for the Specific ODP, there are several recommended conditions incorporated into the suggested motion that will ensure compliance. IX. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Case No. WZ -11 -01 Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ- 11 -02, a request for approval of Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Specific ODP on Lots 1. 1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 within the Clear Creek Crossing Concept Outline Development Plan, for the following reasons: 1. All requirements for a PCD Specific Outline Development Plan have been met. 2. The proposed Specific ODP is consistent with the development regulations established in the Clear Creek Crossing Concept Outline Development Plan and Design Standards Pattern book. With the following conditions: 1. On the Cabela's site (sheet 3) extensive landscaping be installed along the rear of the building for buffering between the service area and greenbelt trail. 2. The access drive design from Cabela Drive show lane striping and dimensions to ensure proper functionality. Planning Commission 11 WZ -11 -02 /Clear Creek Crossing Specific ODP 3. The western entrance from Cabela Drive be properly designed to provide an attractive entrance. 4. Bike parking areas be shown on Sheets 3 and 5. 5. On Sheet 5, screening must occur on the south side of the building including installation of fencing and landscaping consistent with Pattern Book. 6. On Sheets 5 and 6, the public road be designated "Clear Creek Drive ". 7. On sheet 6, the buffer area at the northeast corner of the building on Lot 2.2 be increased in size to at least 15' of private property. 8. On Sheet 9, the use of painted concrete on building facades be eliminated. 9. On the elevation designs on Sheets 7, 8, 9 and 10, an analysis be incorporated demonstrating compliance with requirements for building articulation, unifying elements used, transparency and breakdown of architectural materials. Any deviation from these requirements must be justified. 10. On Sheets 5 —10, the document title be revised to designate approval of Lot 1. 1, not Lot 1." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ- 11 -02, a request for approval of Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Specific ODP on Lots 1. 1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 within the Clear Creek Crossing Concept Outline Development Plan, for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. Planning Commission 12 WZ -11 -02 /Clear Creek Crossing Specific ODP ` City of � W heat fidge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting March 17, 2011 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair MATTHEWS at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29 Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Anne Brinkman Alan Bucknam Marc Dietrick Dick Matthews Scott Ohm George Pond Steve Timms Staff Members Present: Ken:Johnstone, Community Development Director Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner Gerald Dahl, City Attorney Tim Paranto, Public Works Director Patrick Goff, City Manager Heather Geyer, Administrative Services Director Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner TIMMS and seconded by Commissioner BRINKMAN to approve the order of the agenda as printed. The motion carried 7 -0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — February 17, 2011 It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner POND to approve the minutes of February 17, 2011 as presented. The Planning Commission Minutes EXHIBIT I March 17, 2011 motion carried 5 -0 with Commissioners BRINKMAN and TIMMS abstaining. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes) No members of the public wished to speak at this time. 6. PUBLIC HEARING (Prior to opening the public hearing, Chair MATTHEWS disclosed that he owns a small amount of Cabela's stock. Staff determined that this would not affect his ability to hear the case.) A. Case No. WZ- 11 -01 An application filed by Cabela's Retail Inc., Coors Brewing Co. and Jefferson County for approval of Planned Commercial Development (PCD) zoning for property located at 4105 Youngfield Service Road and approval of a Concept Outline Development Plan on property zoned PCD and located at 4000 Cabela Drive and 4105 Youngfield Service Road. This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She distributed copies of letters of support from Loretta DiTirro, President of Enterprise Wheat Ridge; Douglas Allen, Home Instead Senior Care; Denise Stephens; Executive Director of Jefferson County Business Resource Center; Britta Fisher, Wheat Ridge 2020; and Cheryl Brungardt, District I Resident. She entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. In response to a, question from Commissioner BUCKNAM. Ms. Reckert '.explained that bike, parking requirements were taken from the Streetscape Design Manual. Commissioner BRINKMAN referred to neighbors' concerns about lighting. Ms. Reckert replied that freestanding lighting is proposed at 35 feet as opposed to 30 feet in the old. plan. The developer will be required to submit a photometric plan. She commented that increased light pole height will decrease the number of light poles in the development. Commissioner POND asked if the ODP could be adjusted at final development plan. Ms. Reckert replied that there is some ability for "tweaking" based on agreement between staff and the applicant. She also stated that the Streetscape Design Manual and the Architectural and Site Design Manual were used as a reference point in developing the Outline Development Plan. Planning Commission Minutes 2 March 17, 2011 Commissioner OHM inquired about electronic reader boards along 1 -70. Ms. Reckert explained city code requirements for these types of signs. In response to a question from Commissioner TIMMS, Mr. Paranto stated that all of Cabela Drive will be a public street. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked how far the multi -use path extends along the east side of the property to the south. Mr. Paranto explained that a 10 -foot path has been built on 40 underneath I -70 and ties into the crosswalk to an existing sidewalk trail along the east side of Youngfield down to the Clear Creek trail. There will be four connections with the trail in the development. Carolynne White Land Use Counsel, Cabela's Ms. White stated the Concept outline development plan (ODP) would be presented this evening with the Specific ODP planned for presentation on April 7. Dennis Armstrong Corporate Architect, Cabela's Mr. Armstrong presented the history and overview of the project. The location is desirable due to access from I -70 and SH58 that leads to the 1 -70 corridor and outdoor recreation areas. It is hoped`to use the open space for access by customers and as well as educational opportunities. The development will reclaim an old gravel pit and result in a great asset to the community. Things have changed since 2005 when it was planned to build a Cabela's store with other retail filling in over the years. The plan has been revisited to develop Clear Creek Crossing which will bring a wider variety of tenants along with Cabela's and provide employment and great _services to the community. Cabela's has already been a catalyst to improve the ommunity with the I -70 improvements and interchan ge at 58th. The open space presents great opportunity to make the property next to Clear Creek more attractive and useful. Cabela's is very committed to a sustainable future for the area. Carolynne White stated that the applicant is requesting an amendment to the previously approved'ODP and rezoning of an additional 32 acres of Jefferson County property currently pending annexation to Wheat Ridge. She compared the previous ODP to the requested amended ODP. The principal changes reflect the additional 32 acres as well as changes resulting from additional anchors that will be developed concurrently with Cabela's. Chris Fasching Traffic Engineer for Cabela's He stated that many traffic analyses have been done on this site. As a result, some transportation improvements have already taken place Traffic counts have also been reduced on 44 and 32 Avenues. Traffic analyses have been "freshened" to take into account the expanded development area. Some of the changes include Planning Commission Minutes 3 March 17, 2011 the following: 32 " Avenue will be improved including lane widening from Alkire just past Applewood Village Center access; signalization will be improved along 32 " Avenue; there will be a grade separation at Cabela Drive and SH 58; and the Youngfield intersection will have added lanes. Additional lanes and signal timing will increase capacity of the intersection by 40 -50% while traffic should only increase 25 -30 %. New ramps will be constructed at 27 Avenue at some time in the future and a new bridge will be constructed over 32 Avenue. Cabela Drive will have three lanes going south and two lanes going north. He reviewed the site circulation. In response to questions from Commissioner OHM, Carolynne White explained that the bicycle path runs parallel to Cabela Drive. Mr. Paranto added that there will be a grade separation at Cabela Drive at Clear Creek for the path to go underneath Cabela Drive. _ Commissioner TIMMS asked if there would be a sound wall for the homes along 32 Avenue. Mr. Armstrong stated that the old sound wall will be removed and replaced with a new one. Noel Cupkovik Cupkovik Architecture Mr. Cupkovic stated that he was retained by Cabela's in 2009 to work on the new ODP. He reviewed his firm's credentials. A Design Standard Pattern Book has been incorporated under the amended ODP to provide an overall foundation for all future development. It establishes minimum levels of design and regulatory guidelines and focuses on standards that will create a vibrant environment for residents and visitors. It addresses signage, landscaping, site amenities, site planning and architecture. He reviewed the elements provided in the Design Standard Pattern Book. Safe and ample pedestrian access has been provided for neighbors. Commissioner TIMMS asked about the timeline for construction. Dennis Armstrong replied that once begun, construction should take 12 -16 months. Commissioner TIMMS expressed concern about the use of synthetic stucco (EIFS.) Mr: Cupkovik stated that he didn't want to handcuff applicants by prohibiting EIFS. Many problems with this material in the past have occurred with use in residential structures. Typically, stucco or EIFS is only used ten feet above ground level so it isn't damaged by storm water or rain. In response to a question from Commissioner DIETRICK, Mr. Cupkovik stated that sustainable design will be used in the development. However, to make it a requirement of zoning could be detrimental in attracting tenants because sustainable design is related to economic viability of a project. Planning Commission Minutes 4 March 17, 2011 Angela Milewski BHA Design Ms. Milewski reviewed the credentials for the landscape firm of BHA Design. BHA has been a leader in sustainable site design since 1993. She reviewed designs for general landscaping, parking lot landscaping, streetscaping, site amenities and lighting. Lighting will be contained on the site. She noted the significant grade drop of 30 -40 feet from south to north which would further protect adjacent neighborhoods from light spillage. In addition, there will also be a 20 -30 foot landscape buffer on the south side. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Ms. Milewski stated that she agreed with the comments provided by the Forestry and Open Space Supervisor for Wheat Ridge. Commissioner OHM asked if the Wheat Ridge Streetscape Design Manual would be adhered to. She stated that the Manual would be adhered to, however, cottonwoods will be used only where they are native along Clear Creek. (The meeting was recessed at 9:07 p.m. and reconvened at 9:19 p.m.) Carolynne White Ms. White commented that when talking about sustainability on this project, it is the same as defined in the city's comprehensive plan (people, prosperity, planet). She agreed with rezoning criteria related to the ODP amendment and stated that their application meets all of those criteria. She agreed with the staff report with the exception of condition 4 that will be clarified later in the meeting. Chair MATTHEWS opened the public hearing. John Moore 13950 W. 32 " Avenue Mr. Moore disclosed that he has done contracted work for Cabela's; however, he has owned or resided in his property since 1968 and expressed excitement about the master planned project that will greatly improve the energy of the area. He commented that his neighbors share his excitement. Kevin McCasky CEO, Jefferson Economic Council (JEC) Mr. McCasky, is also a former Jefferson County Commissioner. As a Commissioner, he was involved in this project over the past six years with the applicant and the City of Wheat Ridge. He considered this to be a major and critical project for Wheat Ridge and Jefferson County because it will provide many returns for the area. There will be a positive employment impact during the construction phase as well as in the future when the project is complete. The area needs this type of development for its citizens. Planning Commission Minutes 5 March 17, 2011 Janice Thompson Wheat Ridge Citizen Ms. Thompson spoke in favor of the project because Cabela's is committed to excellence. She has visited the Cabela's store in Grand Junction that has resulted in revitalization for the area. This land could have been developed in a much less desirable manner. She requested that hotels not be built in the area. She expressed her disapproval of electronic message signs. Edna Miklos Ms. Miklos is a resident and business owner in the area. She spoke in favor of the project because it will be a positive tax and employment base for the area. She expressed concern about RV's parking overnight in the area and asked that this not be allowed. She also expressed her disapproval of electronic message signs along I -70. Don Klassen Mr. Klassen stated that he was not opposed to development. Because his neighborhood will get maximum impact from 32 Avenue, he asked that wall barriers on the residential side be raised to an appropriate level to minimize traffic noise. He asked that the Coors ponds be surrounded with chain link fence to protect children. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if Mr. Klassen felt that traffic on 32 °d had been reduced since the interchange was installed. He replied that there is still a large amount of traffic due to the fact that 32nd leads from downtown Golden out to Lutheran Hospital. Flora Andrus Fairmont Improvement Association Ms. Andrus expressed concern that traffic studies did not include traffic coming from the north on McIntyre Street. She was pleased to have a bridge over 58` to allow; access to Clear Creek from the neighborhood to the north. She expressed concern that lighting could prevent residents from seeing stars at night. Stan Dempsey 3110 Alkire, Golden Mr. Dempsey represented the Applewood Property Owners Association (APOA). He submitted a copy of his statement into the record. He stated that he had not received notice of the hearing and requested continuation of the hearing until such time when there has been due notice. An exit from Highway 58 to Holden Street is essential to prevent the neighborhood from being overwhelmed with traffic. Improvements must be compatible with the revised traffic analysis. Commitment to trail connections and improvements must be honored. Lighting must be compatible with residential neighborhood. He asked for opportunity to review lighting changes. He asked that the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and Planning Commission Minutes 6 March 17, 2011 the Migratory Bird Protection Act be adhered to. He requested that the APOA receive notices of any future meetings regarding this development. Shirley Schneider Applewood Valley Association Ms. Schneider stated that her association represents two thousand homes immediately south of Wheat Ridge. She stated that she is not opposed to the development but wants it done right. She expressed concern that there was inadequate notice of the hearing. Scott O'Donnell Applewood Valley Association Mr. O'Donnell stated that new factors in this revision compromise a resolution because the plan allows for 1.5 million square feet of floor area which is almost twice the area in original ODP. He stated that state and federal government gave approvals based on the original ODP. Barbara Barry Applewood Valley Association Ms. Barry did not agree that the new ODP would not adversely impact the public health, safety or welfare. She expressed concern about increased traffic impact. She objected to not having the ability to review the new traffic analysis. Shirley Coen 13146 W. 33` Avenue Ms. Coen's house is located near Cabela Drive and 32 " Avenue. She expressed concern that the wall replacement would be closer to her house and prevent her from building a garage. Mr. Paranto stated that the wall would be built on city property. Further, the design has not changed since 2006. She stated her opposition to the development. Meredith Reckert addressed comments about the noticing process and explained the city is required to notice property owners within a 300 foot radius from the perimeter of affected property. There is no requirement to notify adjacent homeowners associations. She also noted that the files, including traffic analyses, are open to the public. Carolynne White explained that digital signage is static and can only change every 15 seconds per City of Wheat Ridge standards while CDOT standards allow change every 6 seconds. She reassured all present that Cabela's intends to complete all traffic commitments made in 2006 prior to opening of store. The amended ODP has no changes to earlier traffic commitments. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked about overnight RV parking. Ms. White stated that she could only speak for Cabela's and would have to discuss this with � March 17, 2011 Planning Commission Minutes the other tenant. Under the proposed ODP amendment, it is allowed. Cabela's has no jurisdiction to require fencing on the ponds owned by Coors. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if a traffic study had been performed on 44` Avenue. Mr. Fasching explained the nature of traffic impact to the north of the development. The intersection of 44 and Holman and 44` and McIntyre are included in the traffic study. Present vehicles per day on McIntyre at 44` Avenue are 20,000 vehicles per day (both directions). Build -out of the site could add roughly 3,000 vehicles per day. McIntyre should be able to accommodate 30,000 vehicles per day. 44` Avenue between McIntyre and Holman is now carrying 6,000 vehicles per day. About 1,500 vehicles would be added. Most two -lane roads can handle up to 12- 15,000 vehicles per day. The intersection of 44` and Cabela Drive will be signalized. Traffic will be added to Youngfield and 32 Avenue. The numbers will increase up to 20 -25% however, capacity improvements at that intersection will far exceed the increased generation. He addressed concerns about increased density. The increased square footage will not all be attributed to retail. Over half of that increase will be office space which presents less traffic intensity. Parcels north of Clear Creek would have even less traffic. Carolynne White returned to the podium to close the presentation and thanked the Commission for its attention and asked for favorable consideration of the application. Commissioner TIMMS- expressed concern about proposed caretaker residences on Lots 5 and 7. Mr. Armstrong stated that Lot 7 is controlled by Coors and they have not yet made a decision on allowed uses. It would be a light intensity use and there could be outdoor activities that would require a caretaker. Lot 5 would only be there in the event that any of the out - parcels would require a caretaker use. In response to a question from Commissioner TIMMS, Mr. Armstrong replied that overnight camping on Lot 7 is not a new change. It is up to Coors as to whether a campground would be proposed. Mr. Armstrong will discuss this with Coors. Commissioner TIMMS would like to see this use subject to a special use permit process. Commissioner TIMMS expressed concern about "travel center /gas station" and stated that he would like to see self - service car washes, other than those associated with a service station, excluded. He also wanted to see truck stops excluded as a use. Mr. Armstrong stated that truck stop use had never been considered. Commissioner TIMMS asked why a warehouse use was included on Lot 8. Ms. Reckert stated that staff had recommended warehouses to be associated with office use. Mr. Armstrong stated that Coors looks at Lot 8 as being used for Planning Commission Minutes 8 March 17, 2011 access to their ponds rather than development. Mr. Armstrong and Ms. Reckert will clarify this with Coors. Commissioner TIMMS asked the applicant to address outdoor storage. Mr. Armstrong explained that Cabela's anticipates selling boats and ATV's and will need a screened area to house inventory. Commissioner POND asked the applicant if "travel center" could be eliminated. Mr. Armstrong stated that language could be recreated to indicate there would be no truck stop use. Further, present -day gas stations have evolved to have a small restaurant inside which makes them more like a travel center than merely a gas station. In response to a question from Commissioner TIMMS, Ms. Reckert clarified that no structures could be built on Lot 8. In regard to questions from Commissioner TIMMS regarding design standards, Ms. Reckert and Mr. Johnstone explained that four -sided architecture would not be required for the three large anchors, but would be required for secondary buildings. Mr. Armstrong stated that this will be looked at more closely at the specific ODP level. Commissioner TIMMS asked why staff w,as recommending the removal of a condition requiring exterior signage4o be turned off two hours after a store is closed. Ms. Reckert stated that it would be unenforceable. Ken Johnstone commented that signs that would be on at night would be oriented toward the highway. Mr. Johnstone also noted that the requirement to turn off signs would be stricter than elsewhere in City and difficult to enforce. Commissioner POND asked what the procedure is for further amendments to the ODP. Ms. Reckert explained that if it were something that wasn't working that didn't impact the intent or integrity of the requirement, it could be handled administratively. However, if it was out of the realm of what the project entails, it would require a full ODP amendment. In response to a question from Commissioner OHM, Mr. Armstrong explained that the grade differential between I -70 and Cabela's floor is 5 feet. Chair MATTHEWS closed the public hearing. It was moved by Commissioner TIMMS and seconded by Commissioner BRINKMAN to recommend approval of Case No. WZ- 11 -01, a request for approval of Planned Commercial Development (PCD) zoning on property being considered for annexation at 4105 Youngfield Service Road and that a PCD Concept Outline Development Plan, including the Design Standard Planning Commission Minutes 9 March 17, 2011 Pattern Book, on property located at 4000 Cabela Drive and 4105 Youngfield Service Road for the following reasons: 1. The TMAC parcel located at 4150 Youngfield Service Road is under consideration for annexation and zoning must be approved within 90 days. 2. Extension of the PCD zoning and development to the north is a logical use for the property while protecting the open space area currently located in the Clear Creek corridor. 3. The request is consistent with both the Three -Mile Plan and Envision Wheat Ridge. 4. Many of the infrastructure improvements are already constructed. 5. There will be economic and recreational benefits from the development. _ 6. The proposed uses are compatible with commercial uses in the vicinity. 7. All requirements for a Concept ODP have been met. With the following conditions: 1. Comments generated by the city's Parks, Open Space and Forestry Supervisor be incorporated in the Design Standard Pattern Book. 2. The applicant shall supplement, or modify, the Wheat Ridge - Cabela's Traffic Impact Analysis Update, dated February 23, 2011, to sufficiently address the Public Works Department comments and requests. The Public Works Department must approve the final document prior to the hearing on the ODP before the City Council. 3. All public infrastructure and improvements including streetscape amenities and drainage facilities be constructed prior to the Certificate of Occupancy. 4. On page;6 -5 of the Design Standard Pattern Book, it be specified that the transparency requirements apply to buildings, not tenant spaces. 5. The following uses be added to the prohibited use list: truck stops and self - service car washes. 6. Additional language be added to the Design Standard Pattern Book that appropriate building locations for synthetic stucco and EIFS. 7. The following uses be added as special uses for Lot 7: camping or campground; and for Lots 5: and 7, Caretakers Residence. 8. The following use be removed from Lot 8: Warehouse. It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner POND to amend the third condition to state: Streetscape amenities on or immediately adjacent to Cabela Drive, 4e Avenue and Clear Creek Drive, including landscaping and associated amenities, shall be installed prior to the Planning Commission Minutes 10 March 17, 2011 first Certificate of Occupancy within the development. The motion carried 7- 0. Commissioner OHM moved and Commissioner TIMMS seconded to add an amendment that the plant list in the Design Standard Pattern Book be modified to meet the criteria of the City of Wheat Ridge Streetscape Design Manual. The motion carried 7 -0. Commissioner BRINKMAN moved and Commissioner BUCKNAM seconded to add a condition to eliminate the note regarding the requirement to turn off exterior signage two hours after a store is closed. The motion carried 4 -3 with Commissioners TIMMS, BUCKNAM and DIETRICK voting no. - The main motion, as amended, carried by a vote of 7 -0. B. Case No. WZ- 11 -02 (Continuance until April 7, 2011 recommended by staff.) An application filed by Cabela's Retail Inc., Coors Brewing Co. and Jefferson County for approval of a Specific Outline Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and located at 4000 Cabela Drive and 4105 Youngfield Service Road. It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner POND to continue Case No. WZ- 11 -02, a request for approval of Planned Commercial Development Specific Outline Development Plan on Lots 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 within the Clear Creek Crossing Concept Outline Development Plan to the April 7, 2011 Planning Commission meeting for the following reasons: 1. Not all submittal requirements for a specific ODP have been met. Commissioner TIMMS stated that he would not be able to attend the April 7 1 meeting and preferred to move the hearing to April 21. Commissioner BRINKMAN stated that she would also be unable to attend the meeting on April 7. Ms. Reckert stated that public hearings have already been scheduled to be heard by City Council. The motion carried 6 -1 with Commissioner TIMMS voting no. 7. OTHER ITEMS A. 38` Avenue Corridor Plan Update Planning Commission Minutes 11 March 17, 2011 Commissioners BRINKMAN and TIMMS presented a brief update on the 38 Avenue Corridor Plan. B. Election of Officers Commissioner BUCKNAM was elected to serve as Chair of the Planning Commission. Commissioner POND was elected to serve as Vice Chair. 8. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner POND to adjourn the meeting at 11:03 p.m. The motion carried 7 -0. Richard Matthews, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Planning Commission Minutes 12 March 17, 2011 OOOLOLL nr S yy 7- i t � 1 I i o - �7�J < ;• LL ' I CY LL 1 ^ (rte r Z O ' 0 r m ,I _ ` w 3: i 0,0 . .+_ � O U !, I O H LL LL a O 1 1�O ' w i A } �m 0009OLL OOOSOLL A �,. �� �.v r?�!\?°"�`4' p'!�� N aiaOw° cm a f r� KNON 7, r`Y- m v,5 Y vim.• 2 i (U 9 6 U z — as.ysa N •• �_ a_ OL • lMH 8M OD —�- w _- =mas� °ass" $ m "E ka V b C N N C s c�o3aaQaS 8 o im$02 °56w CL L ° o ° a ° M � L L N > > L N CD Ld?6 U a= W /♦ V Q C �� " E - N L Q N Q .TE.R o u a " & T N = Z a) C Z O U t2 m i N N N �. O Q) m o d oSyo"u H im � O Q ca v O N v O 00 0 $ o ors €E €�a= LU V L m o U Q 0 U N° " o E ` €8Vea° OOOLOLL nr S yy 7- i t � 1 I i o - �7�J < ;• LL ' I CY LL 1 ^ (rte r Z O ' 0 r m ,I _ ` w 3: i 0,0 . .+_ � O U !, I O H LL LL a O 1 1�O ' w i A } �m 0009OLL OOOSOLL A �,. �� �.v r?�!\?°"�`4' p'!�� -• .ar ., '1!). aiaOw° cm a f r� KNON 7, r`Y- m v,5 Y vim.• 2 i (U 9 6 U m 3 " o U OOOLOLL nr S yy 7- i t � 1 I i o - �7�J < ;• LL ' I CY LL 1 ^ (rte r Z O ' 0 r m ,I _ ` w 3: i 0,0 . .+_ � O U !, I O H LL LL a O 1 1�O ' w i A } �m a 06 �T ° N l i t i I • � F ff J ,)A1 PI �� F . �"• 1� H�338 LU 1 < N is a8 NnH e 02i 30IM3S " u I EXHIBIT 2 0009OLL OOOSOLL 00090LL �,. �� �.v r?�!\?°"�`4' p'!�� -• .ar ., '1!). •� .�+. �• _ � _�^r� OL • lMH 8M OD —�- w _- - aN 301AHAS a171HONnOK �w t T . s a 06 �T ° N l i t i I • � F ff J ,)A1 PI �� F . �"• 1� H�338 LU 1 < N is a8 NnH e 02i 30IM3S " u I EXHIBIT 2 0 P I� 1 y L'.11111-D 1 1 .3 PAGE 1 of 10 A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29 AND THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING A THE WEST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE N01 °01'46 "W A DISTANCE OF 997.38 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE CABELAS / COORS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, AMENDED, AS RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER 2006148911, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY AND WESTERLY LINE OF SAID CABELAS / COORS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, AMENDED THE FOLLOWING 14 COURSES: 1) CONTINUING N01 *01'46"W A DISTANCE OF 323.41 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 30; 2) THENCE S89 0 10'06 "W ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 30, A DISTANCE OF 1315.31 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 30; 3) THENCE N00 °55'43 "W ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 30, A DISTANCE OF 1320.36 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 19; 4) THENCE N00 °07'26 "W ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 19 A DISTANCE OF 913.46 FEET; 5) THENCE S89 °07'35 "W A DISTANCE OF 57.62 FEET; 6) THENCE 212.18 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A NON- TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 791.19 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15 0 21'56" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N50 0 55'44 "W A DISTANCE OF 211.55 FEET; 7) THENCE 342.40 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A NON- TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1529.61 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12 0 49'33" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N75 0 38'47 "W A DISTANCE OF 341.69 FEET TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE; 8) THENCE 179.98 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1022.23 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10 °05'16" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N87 0 06'12 "W A DISTANCE OF 179.75 FEET; 9) THENCE S87 °51'10 "W A DISTANCE OF 175.73 FEET; 10) THENCE N00 0 23'08 "W A DISTANCE OF 174.56 FEET; 11) THENCE S89 °07'35 "W A DISTANCE OF 410.63 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 19; 12) THENCE N00 0 23'08 "W ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 171.61 FEET; 13) THENCE 467.85 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A NON- TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 505.40 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 53 0 02'20" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N28 0 13'13 "E A DISTANCE OF 451.32 FEET; 14) THENCE N01 °42'03 "E A DISTANCE OF 141.51 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY OF STATE HIGHWAY 58; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF SAID HIGHWAY 58 THE FOLLOWING 8 COURSES: 1) N87 °01'33 "E A DISTANCE OF 1968.69 FEET; 2) THENCE S81 °54'27 "E A DISTANCE OF 338.62 FEET; 3) THENCE S33 °53'52 "E A DISTANCE OF 103.60 FEET; 4) THENCE S87 °08'19 "E A DISTANCE OF 51.00 FEET; 5) THENCE N69 0 45'24 "E A DISTANCE OF 13.67 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 19; 6) THENCE N69 °45'14 "E A DISTANCE OF 383.88 FEET; 7) THENCE S87 °08'21 "E A DISTANCE OF 142.63 FEET; 8) THENCE 592.11 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A NON- TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 577.60 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 58 0 44'05" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S57 0 08'25 "E A DISTANCE OF 566.52 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 70; THENCE S00 0 42'34 "E ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY A DISTANCE OF 765.67 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE CABELAS / COORS SUBDIVISION FILING N0, 1, AMENDED; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY AND SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION THE FOLLOWING 5 COURSES: 1) S00 0 41'49 "E A DISTANCE OF 1005.12 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; 2) THENCE S00 0 45'44 "E TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29 A DISTANCE OF 1321.80 FEET; 3) THENCE S00 °43'38 "E A DISTANCE OF 241.50 FEET; 4) THENCE S06 0 23'52 "W A DISTANCE OF 82.23 FEET; 5) THENCE S89 °24'56 "W A DISTANCE OF 986.91 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 210.972 ACRES MORE OR LESS. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BEARINGS OF N01 °01'46 "W ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN BEING MONUMENTED BY A 3'/4 BRASS DISK PLS # 13212 IN RANGE BOX AT THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 30 AND A 3'/4" BRASS CAP PLS # 13212 AT A 200' WITNESS CORNER SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 30. PREPARED BY RICHARD A. NOBBE PLS. FOR AND ON BEHALF OF MARTIN /MARTIN INC. 12499 W. COLFAX AVE. LAKEWOOD, CO. 80215 (303) 431 -6100 (303) 431 -4028 FAX SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, do hereby certify that the survey of the boundary of the Cabela's / Coors Development was made by me or under my direct supervision and to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, in accordance with all applicable Colorado statutes, current revised edition as amended, the accompanying plan accurately represents said survey. SURVEYOR'S SIGNATURE SURVEYOR'S SEAL The project approach is to construct the infrastructure in segments of work including grading, public improvements, streetscape, etc. as phase 1 of the project. Phase 2 will include construction of anchor buildings and related parking areas. The schedule anticipates all infrastructure is complete at time of opening of anchor stores. Smaller pads will be constructed as they are leased up. Duration of Phase 1 and 2 is approximately 18 months. CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT THE INTENT AND CHARACTER OF THIS PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT IS TO PROVIDE FOR A WELL- DESIGNED, ECONOMICALLY VIABLE COMMERCIAL PROJECT THAT REQUIRES ADDITIONAL FLEXIBILITY NOT COVERED BY ANY CONVENTIONAL ZONE DISTRICT FOUND IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. This additional flexibility is being achieved through the use of a Design Standards Pattern Book that details requirements for the project relating to Signage, Landscape, Site Amenities, Site Planning, and Architecture. The features associated with Signage, Landscape, and Site Amenities are being utilized as the unifying features for the project while the Site Planning and Architecture sections provide flexibility to the specific lots in order to respond to the unique requirements, locations, sizes, and scales associated with each. The Clear Creek Crossing Development unifying theme originates in the elements and materials found originally in Mountain Lodge and River Recreation architectural typologies found throughout the region but is not limited to the traditional aesthetics. Although these building types are the inspiration for the development, it is encouraged to develop a variety of styles and interpretations while utilizing a specific selection of unifying elements, materials, and articulation strategies. Overall, the character of the project will draw upon the aesthetics, materials, and natural colors associate with the region. The landscape features will provide a natural and informal setting to the overall project through the use of native plants and patterns. Signage and Building materials will continue this approach by utilizing earthtones and materials well suited for this location. CASE HISTORY ANX- 05 -01, SUP- 05 -01, WZ- 05 -01, SUP- 05 -04, SUP- 06 -05, WZ- 06 -03, WS- 06 -01, SUP- 10 -02, ANZ- 11 -01, WZ- 11 -01, WZ -11 -02 7 (Formerly known as Cabela's) SPECIFIC OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR LOTS 1,1 2 3 AND 5 11[dr�r�j�ii►J� OWNER'S CERTIFICATE UNIFI CONTROL STATEMENT THE BELOW- SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF REZONING TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND APPROVAL OF THIS OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26 -121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. CABELA'S SIGNATURE OF OWNER(S) OR AGENT(S) NOTARY SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES COORS SIGNATURE OF OWNER(S) OR AGENT(S) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL THIS DAY OF , 20— BY THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIRPERSON CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL APPROVED THIS DAY OF ; 20 BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK MAYOR DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK & RECORDER RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE RECEPTION NUMBER DATE: 3.21.11 JEFFERSON COUNTY SIGNATURE OF OWNER(S) OR AGENT(S) NOTARY SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ACCEPTED FOR FILING IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, ON THIS S E A L DAY OF 20 °f6 JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK & RECORDER F.XTTTRT A a f � 1, IIIIIIIIIIII-1011L - .M M 1 2 -- 3 M INS,- �A R M 0 R a E a M 1 111L - �m v � I -- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL (Formerly known as Cabela's) SPECIFIC OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN F LOTS 1,1 2 AND 5 1 0 A 0 1 0 a 0 1 1 a 1 0 W W 0 1W W W a M IMI FA 1; 1;A1 I WK w1W,"111111110111% I I WIRMaRiNifig M - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - 2� �v — K, 1 GMT—' 7 7 N x 9 --4 73ft LA* L — ---- zo LOT LOT 1.1 O � ... :. 4 � � :.� �� 451 - r� I — ' '0 A PRT Z' '•P I �y I .��.Il .,� .ter ..+- :.s ✓ ' 'rc. =. ,.� 's - ,. .,r � �, f B \.q Fj -obt- A 7 n 4-� J�' Z LOT 5 -Jt V w for, 4 r0.L - — 17 �.. `� `'. 21114 nk f ; a �� e7�� .,. _ t r ., i, ..,.�..., .__...,....- .,..__ �t, '. � _ _ „�� `.�=.a�'°- Mi NOT A PART - A OF THIS ODP 7 111 1 1 ! J! i � fr, rl�z A : M OVERALL BIRDSEYE AERIAL SCALENTS NORTH 4'1 , 1044 - 4 0* • OVERALL BIRDSEYE AERIAL SCALENTS NORTH w. NOT A PART fi N , OF THIS ODP - z- I- P - � All 7 .4 AYS y 1 4 TOT A PART 'j OF THIS ODP ri LIS- a ZZ 2 4-W N OT A PART Tl-- k 5 - V 71 -14 OF THIS ODP sa SCALENTS 0 7"AG E 2 of 10 DATE: 3.21 .11 :FM :1 O N :4 :4 !tRE PAR ED FOR: W 0 R L D'S F0 R E M 0 ST () U T FITTE R'� Hunting - fl'isk Ing - Owdoor Gear ONE CABELA DRIVE, SIDNEY, NE 69160 PHONE: (308) 254-5505 FAX: (308) 254-7626 CONTACT: DENNIS ARMSTRONG, AIA NOR,R,IS DESIGN W 11c Planning I Landscape Architecture 1500 HAMILTON AVE, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44114 1101 BANNOCK ST, DENVER, COLORADO 80204 PHONE: (216) 802-0047 FAX: (216) 802-0057 PHONE: (303) 892-1166 FAX: (303) 892-1186 CONTACT: NOEL CUPKOVIC, AIA CONTACT: MARK KIEFFER, AICP MARTI N / MARTI N T� E) C�NSU.TINC3 ENGINEERS 1603 OAKRIDGE DR, FT COLLINS, CO 80525 12499 WEST COLFAX AVE. LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 PHONE: (970) 223-7577 FAX: (970) 223-1827 PHONE: (303) 431-6100 FAX: (303) 431-4028 CONTACT: ANGIE MILEWSKI CONTACT: JOHN MOORE REVISIONS: No. - Description Des. By Qrn. By Date 1 CITY COMMENTS DATED MAY 19 2006 MK LMV 6/7/06 2 PLANNING COMMISSION CONDITIONS: JUNE 15 2006 MK LMV 7/7/06 1 3 2ND AMENDMENT TO THE OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN: JANUARY 6, 2 0 11 (REV 3-28-"l JH JH 3/21/11 MATCH LINE I , I , w 130,000 SF (19 %) BOAT STORAGE: 18,570 SF (3 %) U_ U_ 167,512 SF (25 %) (35% MAXIMUM NON - LIVING HARDSCAPE) VEHICLE PAVED AREAS: 351,540 SF (53 %) TOTAL LOT AREA: 667,622 SF (15.33 AC) PROVIDED SETBACKS z FRONT-SOUTH: 395' (15' MIN REQUIRED) SIDE - WEST: �Q U SIDE - EAST: � REAR - NORTH: r 3 , , , I , I I , Z g , I I , I , , I 3/21/11 I , I , I , o 4g \ 6 \ 4 1 ' , , I 14.13 ACRES / f F* ol A LOT KEY N AB TA AREA SUMMARY BUILDING AREA: 130,000 SF (19 %) BOAT STORAGE: 18,570 SF (3 %) LANDSCAPE / HARDSCAPE: 167,512 SF (25 %) (35% MAXIMUM NON - LIVING HARDSCAPE) VEHICLE PAVED AREAS: 351,540 SF (53 %) TOTAL LOT AREA: 667,622 SF (15.33 AC) PROVIDED SETBACKS FRONT-SOUTH: 395' (15' MIN REQUIRED) SIDE - WEST: 139' (10' MIN REQUIRED) SIDE - EAST: 137'(10 MIN REQUIRED) REAR - NORTH: 69' (15' MIN REQUIRED) BUILDING HEIGHT PROPOSED: 46-6" FROM GRADE TO HIGHEST POINT OF ROOF MAXIMUM ALLOWED: 50' -0" FROM GRADE PARKING STANDARDS: PARKING SPACES PROVIDED: 694 (5.35 SPACES / 1000 SF) MINIMUM PARKING REQUIRED: 520 (4 SPACES / 1000 SF) LANDSCAPE ISLANDS IN PARKING AREAS: 1 PER 15 DOUBLE -BAY SPACES MIN.; 1 PER 30 SINGLE - SPACES MIN. MINIMUM 5' DIMENSION MINIMUM 140 SF PER ISLAND "EFE TO •i- LANDSC STANDARDS P 2 AND NESIGN STANDARD PATTERN BOOK FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS A 35% MAXIMUM NON-LIVING PERCENTAGE IS RE QUIRED OR THE L&N DSCAPE . -D .- LIGHTING i.•D REFER TO ODIP LANDSCAPE STANDARDS ON PAGE 2 AND DESIGN STANDARD PATTERN BOOK FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS SIGNAGE ST ANDARD S: FOR BUILDING SIGNAGE LOCATIONS, REFER TO PAGE 5 EXTERIOR ELEV ATIONS. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO •i' LANDSCAPE STANDARDS ON PAGE 2 AND DESIGN STANDARD PATTERN BOOK LANCio%.r+rGU IoLrvvvo I v nvvwvc v (1) 2" CALIPER TREE, (4) SHRUBS, INSID RBS AND GROUNDCOVER. 9' �RE O. ONE CABELA DRIVE, SIDNEY, NE 69160 PHONE: (308) 254 -5505 FAX: (308) 254 -7626 CONTACT: DENNIS ARMSTRONG, AIA REVISIONS: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PEDESTRIAN LINKAGES • • �•a� • • S 1 4 1 1 m 0-1:4 a I 1011 .- Im I; i ■ i I• ■ NOIKIS DESIGN " Ilc Planning I Landscape Architecture 1500 HAMILTON AVE, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44114 1101 BANNOCK ST, DENVER, COLORADO 80204 PHONE: (216) 802 -0047 FAX: (216) 802 -0057 PHONE: (303) 892 -1166 FAX: (303) 892 -1186 CONTACT: NOEL CUPKOVIC, AIA CONTACT: MARK KIEFFER, AICP MARTIN / MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1603 OAKRIDGE DR, FT COLLINS, CO 80525 12499 WEST COLFAX AVE. LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 PHONE: (970) 223 -7577 FAX: (970) 223 -1827 PHONE: (303) 431 -6100 FAX: (303) 431 -4028 CONTACT: ANGIE MILEWSKI CONTACT: JOHN MOORE 11U. uC ,6�l LIU1 t yes. by urn. by uate 1 CITY COMMENTS DATED MAY 19 2006 MK LMV 6/7/06 2 PLANNING COMMISSION CONDITIONS: JUNE 15 2006 MK LMV 7%7/06 3 2ND AMENDMENT TO THE OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN: JANUARY 6,2011 (REV 1- 19 -11) (REV 3- 28 -11) JH JH 3/21/11 oil I] 1 11:2 1 , 1 IL k SIGNAGE (656 SF) HEAVY TIMBER LATTICE noiai� o�� �Trti SIGNAGE (253 SF) HEAVY TIMBER LATTICE WOODEN SIDING SIGNAGE (253 SF) WORLD'S FOREMOST OUTFI - - N SCALE: 1" = 20' BUILDING ARTICULATION: PRIMARY ELEVATIONS PROVIDE ARTICULATION EVERY 50': YES NON - PRIMARY ELEVATIONS PROVIDE ARTICULATION EVERY 75 YES PROVIDE AT LEAST 1 MAJOR IDENTIFYING ELEMENT EVERY 200': YES WALL SIGNAGE: WALL SIGNAGE ALLOWED BASED ON 1570' PERIMETER WALL: 1570 SF TOTAL WALL SIGNAGE PROPOSED FOR ALL ELEVATIONS: 1488 SF PAGE 4of10 DATE: 3.21.11 UNIFYING ELEMENTS USED (3 MINIMUM): CATEGORY 1 (ROOF FORMS): PITCHED ROOFS, OVERHANGS, GABLE DORMERS CATEGORY 2 STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS): STONE PILASTERS, TIMBER FRAMING CATEGORY 3 (WALKWAY ELEMENTS): COVERED ARCADE, SHADE TRELLISES CATEGORY 4 CANOPY ELEMENTS): SLOPED METAL AWNING PRIMARY MATERIALS USED (75% MIN): CULTURED STONE: 4,621 SF STUCCO: 3,399 SF WOOD SIDING: 2,228 SF PRIMARY MATERIALS 10,248 SF OVERALL ELEVATION: 11,948 SF PRIMARY MATERIALS: 10,248 SF (86 %) NON - PRIMARY MAT'S: 1,700 SF (14 %) TRANSPARENCY (15% REQUIRED): PRIMARY ELEVATION BUILDING LENGTH: 452' LENGTH OF WINDOWS FROM 3' TO 8': 80'(17.6%) Cabela's Side Elevation (East SCALE: 1" = 20' SKYLIGHTS WOODEN SIDING 2821.511 PAGE 6 OF 10 PARCEL 5 DATA DATE: 03.28.11 AREA SUMMARY BLDG C 7,600 SF f CCES LOT 5.3 POINT - 6� F 4,800 SF [ A 14 IC EmIllum MINI C 25,000 SF 'HOPS A 4,000 SF moll ON/OFF RAK R.O.W. LINE uj W co I I El .9 0 a - N ! 4ACCESS POINT I PHONE: (303) 831-9300 CONTACT: TIFFANY D WATSON, PE FAX: (303) 318-6367 CONTACT: KAREN BLUMENSTEIN 3.83 ACRES LOT 2.2: 7.92 ACRES REVISIONS: 1.76 ACRES LOT 24: 1.96 ACRES No. Description Des. By_Drn. By Date 1 CITY COMMENTS DATED MAY 19 2006 MK LIVIV 617106 2 PLANNING COMMISSION CONDITIONS: JUNE 15 2006 MK LMV 717106 3 ND AMENDMENT TO THE OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN: JANUARY 6, 2011 (REV 03-28-11) TDW BAS 03/28111 PARCEL 2 DATA PARCEL 3 DATA LOT 2.1: 3.83 ACRES LOT 2.2: 7.92 ACRES LOT 2.3: 1.76 ACRES LOT 24: 1.96 ACRES I1 11_>& - ilk k I i fil BUILDING AREA: 20,800 SF (16%) BUILDING AREA SUMMARY 46,220 SF (36%) HARDSCAPE AREA: LOT 2.1: 25,500 SF VEHICLE PAVED AREA: 56,008 SF (44%) LOT 2.2: 81,000 SF 127,852 SF (2.94 AC) PROVIDED SETBACKS LOT 2.3: 10,000 SF FRONT - EAST: 225'(15'MIN REQUIRED) LOT 24: 3,705 SF 52'(10'MIN REQUIRED) SIDE - SOUTH: TOTAL: 120,205 SF (18%) REAR - WEST 32'(15'MIN REQUIRED) LANDSCAPE AREA SUMMARY 69,624 SF (39%) MAXIMUM ALLOWED LOT 2.1: 74,652 SF PARKING STANDARDS: 7,366 SF LOT 2.2: 44,119 SF 136 (6.5 SPACES/1000 SF) MINIMUM PARKING REQUIRED: LOT 2.3: 33,787 SF LANDSCAPE ISLANDS IN PARKING AREA LOT 2.4: 49,234 SF LOT 5.2: TOTAL: 201,692 SF (30%) LOT 5.3: HARDSCAPE AREA SUMMARY TOTAL: 69,501 SF (40%) LOT 2.1: 6,601 SF FRONT: LOT 2.2: 12,593 SF SIDE: 10' MIN REQUIRED LOT 2.3: 3,580 SF 10' MIN REQUIRED REAR: LOT 2.4: 2,1 SF BUILDING HEIGHT TOTAL: 24,885 SF (4%) 36-0" FROM GRADE PARKING STANDARDS: VEHICLE PAVED AREA SUMMARY PARKING SPACES PROVIDED: 187 (7.0 SPACES/1000 SF) LOT 2.1: 60,182 SF 107 (4.0 SPACES/1000 SF) LANDSCAPE ISLANDS IN PARKING AREA LOT 2.2: 207,283 SF MINIMUM 5' DIMENSION LOT 2.3: 29,299 SF MINIMUM 140 SF PER ISLAND LOT 2.4: 30,328 SF TOTAL: 327,092 SF (48%) SETBACKS FRONT: 15' MIN REQUIRED SIDE: 10' MIN REQUIRED SIDE: 10' MIN REQUIRED REAR: 15' MIN REQUIRED BUILDING HEIGHT MAXIMUM ALLOWED 35'-0" FROM GRADE PARKING STANDARDS: PARKING SPACES PROVIDED: 670 (5.6 SPACES/1000 SF) MINIMUM PARKING REQUIRED: 481 (4.0 SPACES/1000 SF) LANDSCAPE ISLANDS IN PARKING AREA 1 PER 30 SPACES MINIMUM MINIMUM 5' DIMENSION MINIMUM 140 SF PER ISLAND LANDSCAPE STANDARDS REFER TO ODP LANDSCAPE STANDARDS ON PAGE 2 AND DESIGN STANDARD PATTERN BOOK FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION LIGHTING STANDARDS REFER TO ODP LANDSCAPE STANDARDS ON PAGE 2 AND DESIGN STARNDARD PATTERN BOOK FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SIGNAGE STANDARDS: FOR BUILDING SIGNAGE LOCATIONS, REFER TO PAGES 9 AND 10 SHOWING EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS, FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, REFER TO ODP LANDSCAPE STANDARDS ON PAGE 2 AND DESIGN STANDARD PATTERN BOOK LANDSCAPE NOTE: A LANDSCAPE BUFFER IS REQUIRED ADJACENT TO INTERSTATE 70 EAST OF LOT 2.1 TO SCREEN SERVICE AND LOADING AREAS. IT IS ANTICIPATED THAT THE LANDSCAPE BUFFER MAY BE WITHIN THE CDOT R.O.W. TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SCREENING FROM INTERSTATE 70 TO THE BACK 1 - OF THE BUILDINGS. HOWEVER IF THE SCREENING CANNOT BE ACHIEVED IN THE CDOT ROW, A MINIMUM 15-FOOT LANDSCAPE BUFFER WILL BE PROVIDED. GENERAL NOTE: ui SITE PLANS ARE SUBJECT TO A MORE DETAILED REVIEW AT UJI THE TIME OF FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVAL TO VERIFY COMPLIANCE WTIH THE DESIGN STANDARDS PATTERN BOOK. U) 0 uj ILL (D I1 11_>& - ilk k I i fil BUILDING AREA: 20,800 SF (16%) LANDSCAPE 46,220 SF (36%) HARDSCAPE AREA: 4,824 SF (4%) VEHICLE PAVED AREA: 56,008 SF (44%) TOTAL LOT AREA: 127,852 SF (2.94 AC) PROVIDED SETBACKS 4,800 SF FRONT - EAST: 225'(15'MIN REQUIRED) SIDE - NORTH: 52'(10'MIN REQUIRED) SIDE - SOUTH: 128' (10' MIN REQUIRED) REAR - WEST 32'(15'MIN REQUIRED) BUILDING HEIGHT 69,624 SF (39%) MAXIMUM ALLOWED 35-0" FROM GRADE PARKING STANDARDS: 7,366 SF PARKING SPACES PROVIDED: 136 (6.5 SPACES/1000 SF) MINIMUM PARKING REQUIRED: 84 (4.0 SPACES/1 000 SF) LANDSCAPE ISLANDS IN PARKING AREA 1 PER 30 SPACES MINIMUM LOT 5.2: MINIMUM 5' DIMENSION LOT 5.3: MINIMUM 140 SF PER ISLAND TOTAL: LANDSCAPE STANDARDS REFER TO ODP LANDSCAPE STANDARDS ON PAGE 2 AND DESIGN STANDARD PATTERN BOOK FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION LIGHTING STANDARDS REFER TO ODP LANDSCAPE STANDARDS ON PAGE 2 AND DESIGN STARNDARD PATTERN BOOK FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SIGNAGE STANDARDS: FOR BUILDING SIGNAGE LOCATIONS, REFER TO PAGES 9 AND 10 SHOWING EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS, FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, REFER TO ODP LANDSCAPE STANDARDS ON PAGE 2 AND DESIGN STANDARD PATTERN BOOK LOT 5.2: 3.31 ACRES LOT 5.3: 0.74 ACRES TOTAL: 4.05 ACRES BUILDING AREA SUMMARY LOT 52: 21,800 SF LOT 5.3: 4,800 SF TOTAL: 26,600 SF (15%) LANDSCAPE AREA SUMMARY LOT 5.2: 57,657 SF LOT 53: 11,967 SF TOTAL: 69,624 SF (39%) HARDSCAPE AREA SUMMARY LOT 52 7,366 SF LOT 5.3: 3,560 SF TOTAL: 10,926 SF (6%) VEHICLE PAVED AREA SUMMARY LOT 5.2: 57,410 SF LOT 5.3: 12,091 SF TOTAL: 69,501 SF (40%) SETBACKS FRONT: 15' MIN REQUIRED SIDE: 10' MIN REQUIRED SIDE: 10' MIN REQUIRED REAR: 15' MIN REQUIRED BUILDING HEIGHT MAXIMUM ALLOWED 36-0" FROM GRADE PARKING STANDARDS: PARKING SPACES PROVIDED: 187 (7.0 SPACES/1000 SF) MINIMUM PARKING REQUIRED: 107 (4.0 SPACES/1000 SF) LANDSCAPE ISLANDS IN PARKING AREA 1 PER 30 SPACES MINIMUM MINIMUM 5' DIMENSION MINIMUM 140 SF PER ISLAND LANDSCAPE STANDARDS REFER TO ODP LANDSCAPE STANDARDS ON PAGE 2 AND DESIGN STANDARD PATTERN BOOK FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION LIGHTING STANDARDS REFER TO ODP LANDSCAPE STANDARDS ON PAGE 2 AND DESIGN STARNDARD PATTERN BOOK FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SIGNAGE STANDARDS: FOR BUILDING SIGNAGE LOCATIONS, REFER TO PAGES 9 AND 10 SHOWING EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS, FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, REFER TO ODP LANDSCAPE STANDARDS ON PAGE 2 AND DESIGN STANDARD PATTERN BOOK ROUTE 58 /J�'�v 1 9 10 .6 8 1.6 .3 1.2 m 7 Ln pli CLEAR CREEK CROSS PREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY: 6 w-- 2.' 5.1 __3 4 NORTH PARCELKEY THE WHEAT RIDGE DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. 8480 E ORCHARD ROAD, SUITE 2000 A MISSOURI LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 600 GRANT STREET, SUITE 610 PHONE: (303) 770-5600 DENVER CO 80203 FAX: (303) 770-2349 (BLDG A >/ 7,200 SF res u w � i � 14 px Ji I Ji I : I W rA 4 1 1 A14 k ;A i 1 1 t' ELEVATION 021111 x020 -001 -' 1 =2U -U 021111 I M2 M3 M2 M3 P85 . 2 1 VVLJ I L LL V H I I UIN 1 1 "= 20' -0" 012811 a020 -002 —` KEYNOTES 2.04 BLACK ORNAMENTAL METAL FENCING 3.11 4" PRECAST CONCRETE SILL, UNPAINTED UNO 3.20 4" PRECAST CONCRETE CAP, UNPAINTED, UNO 4.03 EXPANSION JOINT 4.04 CONTROL JOINT TYP REF STRUCTURAL 4.08 SPLIT FACE CMU 4.09 SMOOTH FACE CMU 4.15 8 "D X 4 "H X 16 "W INTEGRALLY COLORED CMU 4.16 CULTURED STONE VENEER 4.24 8 "D X 4 "H X 16 "W QUIK —BRIK 4.36 4" x 12" x 12" DECORATIVE SCREEN BLOCK WITH OPENINGS FOR MECHANICAL UNIT VENTILATION • ] we 1 5.09 JIB CRANE HOIST ARM AND RAILING P5 "SAFETY YELLOW" OSHA STANDARD ASSEMBLY P15 "SUMMIT GRAY" SW #7669 7.04 METAL PARAPET COPING P17 "ROWHOUSE TAN" SW #7689 7.06 WATER DRAINAGE EXTERIOR INSULATION P83 "COBBLE BROWN" SW #6082 AND FINISH SYSTEM (EIFS) 7.08 STANDING SEAM METAL RCOF PANELS P85 "ROCKWOOD CLAY" SW #2823 7.61 METAL AWNING P76 "MEDIUM WALMART BLUE" SW #076 7.64 CORNICE - EXTERIOR INSULATION P94 "TRICORN BLACK" SW #6258 INSULATION AND FINISH SYSTEM (EIFS) pgg "OAK CREEK" SW #7718 8.01 SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOOR TYP PF4 PREWEATERED GALVALUME 8.02 HOLLOW METAL DOOR AND FRAME TYP WP1 WALL PANEL - "CENTER" BY TRESPA PAINTED WP2 WALL PANEL - "DARK BROWN" BY TRESPA 8.05 ALUMINUM STOREFRONT 8.12 TRANSLUCENT CANOPY PANEL 8.15 RETRACTABLE SIDEWALL SYSTEM 10.01 FLAGPOLE 16.04 EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURE S1 TO MATCH LEDGESTONE- "ASPEN" BY CORONADO STONE M1 TO MATCH "MAROUS BLEND" QUIK BRIK BY OLDCASTLE M2 TO MATCH QUIK BRIK BY OLDCASTLE- CUSTOM COLOR TO MATCH "ROWHOUSE TAN" SW #7689 M3 TO MATCH SPLIT FACE INTEGRALLY COLORED BLOCK BY OLD CASTLE- CUSTOM COLOR TO MATCH "ROCKWOOD CLAY" SW #2823 REF SPECIFICATIONS am!,isw ■ ■ �u PAGE 7 OF 10I 1A 03 A d A C' (l h l 0 \/ /- ('l l r_ 'D C PREPARED FOR: . ks . ONE CABELA DRIVE SIDNEY, NE 69160 PHONE: (308) 254 -5505 FAX: (308) 254 -7626 CONTACT: DENNIS ARMSTRONG, AIA B I R I R a r c h i t e c t u r e 2400 E. ARIZONA BILTMORE CIRCLE SUITE 1360 PHOENIX, AZ 85016 PHONE: (602) 955 -9095 FAX: (602) 955 -9096 CONTACT: SHAD VERMEESCH, AIA REVISIONS: No. ]Description Des. B Drn. 3y Date 1 SPECIFIC OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN S I CH 3/9R/11 o"A ;to] N 4 4 :to] ;[;i;m I L I lei a CA � I z 1 otolel i I i 1 4 Wel rm 0 1 111:4 to] a i 1 4 L k Il AGE 8 OF r DATE: 03.29.11 M3 P17 P85 D17 M3 M2 - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - -... -- - -- ----- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- -- - - -- -- - -- - - - - - -- - -- -... - - -- - - - COLORS 34' -8" 122' -0" 146' -4" 165-8" 33' -4 7C'-O" 60' -4" - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- -- -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - -- -- -- -- - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - --- - -- -- - - -- P 5 5.09 - - -- - -- -- TOP COURSE_ TYP 129' -4" 128' -0" 127' -4" 128' -6" 130' -0" Ah 130' -6" �� 125 -0 7.07 13 -4" 4.09 130' -6" 4.08 TOM TOM x.24 -_ P85 7.04 P85 7.04 TOM P85 7.04 TOM TOM TOM TOM TOM TOM -, __ � A, �� � '1 7.06 P85 7.04 P85 P85 7.04 F85 7.04 } -- , - P8 5 03 P85 8.15 �� - -- - - - P85 \ -- - -- / 6 X6 `I 129' -4„ 126 - -- - _ - - - - - - - -- - - -- - 0 TOM Im p - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - ---- - - - - -- 110 0 � - - - - - = � - - - -- - -- 1 16 ' -0 - - -- -- - -- c - -- - - -- - - - -- -- TOM - -- - - -- - - _ 114 - 0 -- -- - - -- TOM i - -- -- - - -- - - -- - -- - r I � -- - - - - - - - -- --- ----- -- -- -- - -..._- - - -- - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - - --- - �- - -- - J i 7 r - - -- � _� 4.15 4.08 4.fl8 P85 - - - -- 4.08 85 8.02 } 4.08 P85 4.08} P8 5 4.08 P17 8.02 4.36 P17 4.16 S1 7.0 16.04 - 4.08 2.04 7.08 P94 8.02 P17 4.15 M3 SO U T H E ON 8.0 1 "= 20' -0" 012811 a020 -004 -f 4.24 M2 DQ2 D1 NAZ \A') AA7 nA') nn7 E KEYNOTES 2.04 BLACK ORNAMENTAL METAL FENCING 3.11 4" PRECAST CONCRETE SILL, UNPAINTED UNO 3.20 4" PRECAST CONCRETE CAP, UNPAINTED, UNO 4.03 EXPANSION JOINT 4.04 CONTROL JOINT TYP REF STRUCTURAL 4.08 SPLIT FACE CMU 4.09 SMOOTH FACE CMU c> 4.15 8 "D X 4 "H X 16 "W INTEGRALLY COLORED CMU 4.16 CULTURED STONE VENEER 4.24 8 "D X 4 "H X 16 "W QUIK -BRIK 4.36 4" x 12" x 12" DECORATIVE SCREEN BLOCK WITH OPENINGS FOR MECHANICAL UNIT VENTILATION 5.09 JIB CRANE HOIST ARM AND RAILING P5 "SAFETY YELLOW" OSHA STANDARD TO MATCH "MAROUS BLEND" ASSEMBLY QUIK ERIK BY OLDCASTLE M2 TO MATCH QUIK BRIK BY OLDCASTLE- CUSTOM COLOR TO P15 "SUMMIT GRAY" SW #7669 7.04 METAL PARAPET COPING COLORED BLOCK BY OLDCASTLE- CUSTOM COLOR TO MATCH "ROCKWOOD CLAY" SW #2823 P'' 7 "ROWHCUSE TAN" SW #7689 7.06 WATER DRAINAGE EXTERIOR INSULATION AND FINISH SYSTEM (EIFS) P83 "COBBLE BROWN" SW #6082 7.08 STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF PANELS P85 "ROCKWOOD CLAY" SW #2823 7.61 METAL AWNING P76 "MEDIUM WALMART BLUE" SW #076 7.64 CORNICE - EXTERIOR INSULATION P94 "TRICORN BLACK" SW #6258 INSULATION AND FINISH SYSTEM (EIFS) pgg "OAK CREEK" SW #7718 8.01 SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOOR TYP PF4 PREWEATERED GALVALUME 8.02 HOLLOW METAL DOOR AND ' -RAME TYP VdF1 WALL PANEL - "CENTER" BY TRESPA PAINTED WP2 WALL PANEL - "DARK BROWN" BY TRESPA 8.05 ALUMINUM STOREFRONT 8.12 TRANSLUCENT CANOPY PAP 8.15 RETRACTABLE SIDEWALL SYSTEM 10.01 FLAGPOLE 16.04 EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURE S1 TO MATCH LEDGESTONE- "ASPEN" BY CORONADO STONE M1 TO MATCH "MAROUS BLEND" QUIK ERIK BY OLDCASTLE M2 TO MATCH QUIK BRIK BY OLDCASTLE- CUSTOM COLOR TO MATCH "ROWHOUSE TAN" SW #7689 M3 TO MATCH SPLIT FACE INTEGRALLY COLORED BLOCK BY OLDCASTLE- CUSTOM COLOR TO MATCH "ROCKWOOD CLAY" SW #2823 REF SPECIFICATIONS CLEAR CREEK CROSSING OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PREPARED FOR: ONE CABELA DRIVE SIDNEY, NE 69160 PHONE: (308) 254 -5505 FAX: (308) 254 -7626 CONTACT: DENNIS ARMSTRONG, AIA REVISIO No. Description 1 SPECIFIC OUTLIN 20 0 10 20 SCALE: 1 ° = 20 -0 B I R I R a r c h i t e c t u r e 2400 E. ARIZONA BILTMORE CIRCLE SUITE 1360 PHOENIX, AZ 85016 PHONE: (602) 955 -9095 FAX: (602) 955 -9096 CONTACT: SHAD VERMEESCH, AIA IM es. By Drn. V /CRH CH IN r � I nft-l� m � v — -An � 31L- -�' -AL- m m oil AN OFFICIAL OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, CO A PARCEL OF LAND, LOCATED IN THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 19, THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 20, THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, AND THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF TH NE 1/4 OF SECTION 30, T 3 S, R 69 W, OF THE SIXTH P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO METAL PANEL DARK GRAY 33' -0" 109'4 3/8" 40' -0' 33' -0" I ElF.S E.I.F.S. E.I.F.S. METAL PANEL PRECAST CONCRETE METAL PANEL r E.I.F.& PAINTED CONCRETE WALL L -. -- - DARK TAN LIGHT TAN DARK GRAY TO MATCH STONE LIGHT GRAY DARK TAN LIGHT TAN GHT TAN in PRECAST CONCRETE TO MATCH STONE B.O. STRUCTURE _ 118' -0" STEEL CANOPY DARK GRAY LIGHT FIXTURE FINISH FLOOR 100' -0" I /11 I I O I M I C3 2 MINI SIDE ELEVATION 1/8" =1' -0" i NOTE: THE ARCHITECTURAL THEME AND MATERIALS INDICATED ON THIS SHEET ARE REPRESENTATIVE OF BUILDINGS ON LOT 2.2. PAGE 9 OF 10' DATE: 01.6.11 GLASS STOREFRONT BRICK — LEDGE STONE STOREFRONT ` —GLASS METAL ROOFING `— STEEL CANOPY BRICK ` PRECAST CONCRETE CLEAR LOW E BLACK DEEP RED BROWN EARTH TONE BLACK CLEAR LOW E MEDIUM GRAY DARK GRAY DEEP RED BROWN TO MATCH BRICK MINI FRONT ELEVATION 3 MINI REAR ELEVATION 1/8" =1' -0" a A 1 • I AN OFFICIAL OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, CO A PARCEL OF LAND, LOCATED IN THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 19, THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 20, THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, AND THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 30, T 3 S, R 69 W, OF THE SIXTH P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO :r r .-- nn .rl r 180' -0 SHOPS REAR ELEVATION 1 7s1 -0° NOTE: THE ARCHITECTURAL THEME AND MATERIALS INDICATED ON THIS SHEET ARE REPRESENTATIVE OF BUILDINGS ON LOT 2.1, LOT 2.2, LOT 2.3, LOT 2.4, PARCEL 3, LOT 5.2, AND LOT 5.3. lz .. .,. I . SEM THE WHEAT RIDGE DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. A MISSOURI LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 600 GRANT STREET, SUITE 610 DENVER, CO 80203 PHONE: (303) 831 -9300 FAX: (303) 318 -6367 CONTACT: KAREN BLUMENSTEIN REVISIONS: SEM ARCHITECTS INC 677 S. COLORADO BLVD., SUITE 200 DENVER, CO 80246 PHONE: (303) 220 -8900 FAX: (303) 220 -0708 CONTACT: TERRY RUCKER, AIA rn. IN 3 SHOPS SIDE ELEVATION 118" = 1' -0" CLEAR LOW E DARK GRAY TO MATCH STONE EARTH TONE BLACK DARK GRAY MEDIUM GRAY EARTH TONE BLACK DEEP RED BROWN DARK GRAY CLEAR LOW E EARTH TONE DEEP RED BROWN TO MATCH E.LF.S` TO MATCH STONE TO MATCH CMU DEEP RED BROWN TO MACH E.I.F.S. TO MATCH CMU DEEP RED BROWN TO MATCH BRICK CLEAR LOW E DEEP RED BROWN TO MATCH BRICK u u u u FL --------- - - - - - -- iIl!I!lIIII!F D - a ° o D Illlli I ffm D EXHIBIT 5 V) W F-- z H 0 Proposed 15' Wide Landsca Zone Large Shrub and Small Trees Located to Screen Service and Loading Activities Existing Grade 0 Mini's Section 1 1 Service 5480 5470 5460 5450 1 "= 10' -0 Proposed landscape to- meet site requirements and design pattern book \ I 5510 1 5500 5490 % ( 5480 5470 5460 1 Walmart L Service L L Cabela Drive L Off Ra Section 2 1" = 10' - 0" Proposed landscape to meet site requirements and design pattern book Proposed Wall 5520 5520 5510 5510 5500 1 5490 5490 5480 ®: 5470 Walmart J, Service J Section 3 1" = 10' - 0" EXHIBIT 6 1 . _ n► 5480 5470 5460 5450 1 "= 10' -0 Proposed landscape to- meet site requirements and design pattern book \ I 5510 1 5500 5490 % ( 5480 5470 5460 1 Walmart L Service L L Cabela Drive L Off Ra Section 2 1" = 10' - 0" Proposed landscape to meet site requirements and design pattern book Proposed Wall 5520 5520 5510 5510 5500 1 5490 5490 5480 ®: 5470 Walmart J, Service J Section 3 1" = 10' - 0" EXHIBIT 6 City of � Wheat�idge MUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: April 7, 2011 CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert CASE NO. & NAME: WS -11 -01 /Clear Creek Crossing ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a ten -lot major subdivision LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4000 Cabela Drive and 4105 Youngfield Service Road APPLICANT: Cabela's, Coors and Jefferson County PROPERTY OWNER: Same PRESENT ZONING: Planned Commercial Development (PCD), PD (Jefferson County) and A -1 CURRENT USE: Passive Recreation, Open Space, Water Storage ENTER INTO RECORD: SUBDWISION REGULATIONS ZONING ORDINANCE 1 a a i' CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS DIGITAL PRESENTATION Planning Commission WS -11 -01 /Clear Creek Crossing - i 3s Planning Commission WS -11 -01 /Clear Creek Crossing All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a ten -lot major subdivision on property zoned PCD located at 4000 Cabela Drive and 4105 Youngfield Service Road. Because this is a major subdivision, Planning Commission will be providing a recommendation to City Council who will be the final authority for approval. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/HISTORY The land subject to the plat application includes several parcels with multiple ownership. The current property owners are Cabela's, Coors and Jefferson County. (Exhibit 1, ownership map) The portion of the property owned by Jefferson County is under contract to be purchased by Cabela's and Long's Peak Metro District. The property is comprised of 210 acres of land and has access points from existing rights -of -way including the southern service road for Highway 58, W. 40 Avenue from Youngfield via the I -70 underpass and Youngfield Service Road extended from W. 32 Avenue. There has been one prior subdivision action on the property and two minor amendments. (Exhibit 2, existing plat) Both Cabela Drive and West 40 Avenue with appropriate utility easements were dedicated by the original plat. The rest of the plat accommodated the prior development vision for the property approved pursuant to zoning action in 2006. Because the proposed development scenario has changed with the incorporation of the County -owned parcel, a new plat is required. A variety of land uses surround the property including single family development in unincorporated Jefferson County to the southwest. The property directly to the south of the proposed development along 32 Avenue is zoned PCD and contains a hotel, restaurants and a gas station. The property on the east side of I -70 is a large shopping center which provides a variety of retail, restaurant and service uses. The property to the north of Highway 58 (44 Avenue Industrial Park) was annexed into the City in 1999 and developed with office /warehouse uses. To the west is land owned by Coors utilized in support of their beer brewing operation further west towards Golden. The property is currently vacant with the exception of a water storage area on Block 5, Lot 2 which is owned by Coors. III. PROPOSED SUBDIVISION PLAT The proposed plat will resubdivide the property into ten lots and four tracts. (Exhibit 3, Subdivision Plat) All of the parcels will accommodate development proposed on the Specific ODP document being considered as Case No. WZ- 11 -02. The first sheet of the subdivision plan set is the declaration page. It contains standard language regarding perimeter utility easements, drainage and cross access easements. Planning Commission 2 WS -11 -01 /Clear Creek Crossing Sheets 2, 3 and 4 designate original parcels lines from the 2006 subdivision action. On these sheets the rights -of- way for Cabela Drive, Youngfield Service Road and West 40'' Avenue are being vacated. Several existing detention ponds are being vacated as well as a new master drainage report has been approved. Other utility easements are to remain "as is" to accommodate existing improvements. Several trail easements will remain the same, as will the right -of -way for the hook - ramps to I -70. The realigned Cabela Drive and 40 Avenue are being dedicated on sheets 5, 6, 7 and 8. A new street named Clear Creek Drive is also being dedicated. Four tracts are also created by this plat. Tract A which is best depicted on sheet 5 is an unbuildable tract to be used as a regional stormwater detention facility. Tracts B, C and D which are best shown on sheet 7 are also unbuildable tracts intended for drainage and open space purposes. A note identifying these tracts must be added. The common property line between Block 1, Lot 1 and Block 1, Lot 3 should be removed as the Cabela store will cross this property line if it remains as shown on Sheet 8. Please note that the lot numbers on the Specific ODP do not match the lot and block numbers on the subdivision plat. The subdivision plat lot and block numbers represent the official legal descriptions for these new lots. Staff concludes that the proposed subdivision is compliant with Article IV of the zoning and development code. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS The proposal was referred to all external agencies and adjacent jurisdictions. All responding agencies stated that they can serve the property, and any upgrade will be at the expense of the developer. West Metro Fire Protection District: Can serve the property. Water plan, hydrant locations and access to structures and buildings will be further addressed as plans progress North Table Mountain Water and Sanitation District: The property must be annexed into the district. New sewer main has to tie into the existing system and must be looped. Some of the sewer may require a private lift station. Xcel Energy: Requesting the easement note on the plat be somewhat modified to indicate that 10' easements must be dedicated around the perimeter of lots, tracts, parcels and/or open space areas. Wheat Ridge Public Works: Has reviewed and approved a master drainage study, the new easements for which are reflected on the plat. Has comments that need to be addressed prior to the City Council public hearing. (Exhibit 4, 3 -3 1 -11 Brossman letter) Planning Commission WS -11 -01 /Clear Creek Crossing V. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the proposed subdivision meets all of the requirements of Article IV of the zoning and development code. Staff further concludes that it will accommodate the new development scenario for the property. For these reasons, a recommendation of approval with conditions is given for Case No. WS- 11 -01. VI. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WS- 11 -01, a request for approval of a ten lot subdivision plat on property located at 4000 Cabela Drive and 4105 Youngfield Service Road, for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of Article IV of the zoning and development code have been met. 2. It will accommodate the new development scenario for the property. With the following conditions: 1. A note identifying the use of Tracts B, C and D must be added. 2. The easement note on sheet 1 be modified to indicate that 10' easements must be dedicated around the perimeter of lots, tracts, parcels and/or open space areas. 3. The common property line between Block 1, Lot 1 and Block 1, Lot 3 should be removed as shown on Sheet 8. 4. Public Works' comments be addressed prior to the City Council public hearing." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WS- 11 -01, a request for approval of a ten lot subdivision plat on property located at 4000 Cabela Drive and 4105 Youngfield Service Road, for the following reasons: 2. Planning Commission 4 WS -11 -01 /Clear Creek Crossing 1704000 1705000 6�7 ti ` r SERVICE RD, 5UN RD UN CT m BEECH'CT-*Y < w YOUNGFIELD SERVICE 170.ON — YOUNGFIEL ST 1704000 1705000 106 � W I_ 1 3)o 0 O 0 m 0 naR k = O N, o C N o \ � /w' Y (� • a ^ O Z n (D Z qmD sa °o°= JBP 3y ^e as s m O " O O l/ N O (a ^ m �2 ou W N ° c C e 3 a 0 03 C 0 j N a ! u \ o ncgg5 ^ (1 lJ< N 5 3 55 '3 �gn o g c) O ` : 3 - p y [> v A eP n �� g C � O - NOsm C om aum _ g O p � n C N EXHIBIT I $ g — Z 0 O 0 0 m 0 O N C N o \ � /w' Y (� • a M/� `v tu N Z m Z (D 0 G � ClD ` =' (a ^ O N 3 O 0 N (D v -u .. CABELAS /C .i SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, AMENDED - M MWOMW of THE WMAS 00010 sU� R M Na ti 8"W= Of SM"O +s A M, Sa i 04 TOWNMW S 9=% MOM M wW W " We !lwcrAL movow CITY W WHEAT 0 OE COMW OF MWENM NAPE W OOWMW K. CAGE A's RETAIL. NC.. COORS SWAN COMPANY. W- MICHAEL ALLAIQ CKQW ® I/E RK t9. A MA 001MO E, NEIL Q .MOUET AM 1 4 DONALD W. MOCOONALD KING THE ORDERS W REAL PROM, V CONTAUIRG 177.61 ACHE.$ YORE 0 LE31S OE'SCIB® As FQI M8t A PARCEL OF LAND, LOCATED N THE SBUTIEAST 10 W SECBOII 19. TIN WARIEST 1/4 W 9WROI 20, Tit I WWOMFST 1 OF SEC" 29, ND TILE NOILTEAST 1/4 OF THE NORIIEAST 1/4 QUARTER OF SECTOR 30. KING N WMBW 3 SOUK RANGE N MO OF THE SM PIINCPK MRIOCAML COUNTY OF JEFFERSON. STATE OF O0.DRA04 OESOHD AS FOLLOW EIIIIMNG AT THE SOUTEAST DORMER OF 1W SAD NORIIEABT 1/4 OF ]HE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF MCIM 30 06114M THE EAST 1/4 CORMR OF SAD SECTIOI 30 LIES SM'M'50'E ALONG -11E EAST UNE (IF IM SAD MORTEIUM 1/4 OF SECTON 34 13M7* FET: IND" S8911102'W ALONG T SWIM LINE OF INE SAID NORT 1/4 OF THE M01 EOT 1/4 OF SECTOR 3% 13169.E FEET 10 THE BWEES5TT 111E W SAID NORTHEAST :/4 OF THE NGR11EA1ti 1 4, THDICE 1005547 - W ALONG SAID NEST LINE, 1310.36 it7 TO THE SOUNIlST COWER OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 W THE 9011 EAST 1/4 W SEC110N 19. 10" NOO'07'30 - W MAW THE HEST LINE W SAID SO I EAST 1/4 OF THE SIUTEAET IA NJ46 I'm TO INE 90UTHEST LINE W THAT BY TOE DENIER WATER BOARD EASOM31T PECOIORA AT mmunm 0130646 N Tf ' OOMRY AND RECORDER' OFFILY THENCE S1111117 57.62 FEET TO A NON- TANRNT OINK CNICAYE WIWIl9�Y NA1AMrr A RANK K 7N.1R THENCE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE W iW,P11'NI', NORMIWITERLY NAM THE AWC W 80 CNK 24118 PMT, SAW LURK HAWN A CHORD W 211.55 FEET WINCH EMS 41505640'0 TO A NON -TMIMT GUI NE CO MMIE MAGASM LY NA%M A RAN& OF IWILIM FKF. *010E THOIOH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1rW3Y', KSMI LY'AONG IRE ARC W $0 VAW 342.40 JIM SO OW HAWN A OOp W 341.69 FEET IM9CIH EARS N75*W51'W 70 A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATIE OF A C1RK CONCAVE 9OUTQY HA%W A RAORIS OF 1022.23 FEET; THENCE THOUGH A CENTRAL ANG OF 1006'10'. WESTERLY ALONG THE AMC W SAID OUR* 178.96 FEET 10 THE POR W TANGENCY; THENCE S8751'II6 - W, 175.73 FEET; THERE N00'23'12'W, 174.96 187 10 THE SIIIUN 111E W TIE MIORIII 1/j, W THE 90Ut1EASt 1/4 OF SAD IRA; t91 HENCE 569707'31 - W ALONG SA SOUTH LINE 410.67 FEET 10 TE 90U711KST COMER OF THE SAD NNN 1/% 1FO10E 00073'12'W ALM THE REST LIE OF THE SAID FINN 1/2, 171A1 FEET TO A NO- TMIXINT MOM OONCAW "WWAXIERLY HAMM A RAM OF 506.40; THENCE THROUGH A CENTRAL NOE Of, SM'Z'. IDRTEASIERLY ALONG INE ARC OF SAD QURW 467.65 FEET, SAD ON1E HAVING A CHORD OF 451.32 FEET NIGH EMS 112N3b9'E 10 THE PONE W TMWNY. ROAM NM'41'59'E- 141M FEET THE SOUTH MINT-W -MY LIE OF STATE 00"WAY 50 AS OE906ED IN TNT 00011110T RE60N® N DEED DOOR 2177, PADS 387 N TE AFFE00 OYMIY OE1N AND WOMB WRIER THENCE N07MI - E RANG SAID 9OUTH MOIhW -WY LIE, 111111940 FEET 10 HIDE SOUNIST LIE W THAT PARM AS 0[90III1 N THAT OOOJMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION N0. 200503NO N SAID WF10E: THENCE ALONG SAID SOUIFIKST WE THE SAD PARLB THE FOLLOWS 4 OO1RSM 1 SB754'31'E 336.62 FEET, Z 53353'S6'E tO3.fi0 FEET: - S87'W23 - E 51.00 FEET; 4 NW45 13.67 FEET TO DE REP LIE W LAD 90UNIE$T 1//4 OF SEC710AI 2R SOMWIt'W. ALONG SAID WEV LINE. 841. MI FEET 10 TE 90U11EASi GORIER OF SAD NOUN 1/2. W THE SWI EWY 114 OF SECTION 1S; THENCE SND7'31'WL ALOE THE SWIH UE W SAD NORTH 1/2, 1319.03 FEET TO THE NOFT6IEST COWER OF SAD 90117HEM 1/4. OF THE SOITIEAST 1 10N 16; 1HOHCE 900717' E, 4 OF SEC1 RANG THE REST LINE W BAN SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4, 3ItL2B FEET TO THE HORN LINK OF THAT PARCEL DESCRIBED IN THAT DOC FIEDOWD AT MOO( 1682, PAGE 752 N SAD OFTiCE; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE W SAID PARCEL THE FDLL00NC 3 COURSES; T) N8952'3O'E, 425.00 FEET: I N645r30'E. 177.70 FEET. 3 SW*39'40'E. 731.27 FEET 70 THE WEST LINE W THE SAID 9OUTHWST 114 W SEC7g4 M THENCE MODVW11'E ALONG SID WEST LIAR. 7.56 FEETI 10 THE NORTH UK W IRE SOUTH 3/4 OF LOTS 21_ THROUGH 2t MIRM LAAMM DESCRIBED IN THAT DOCUMENT AS RECORDED AT W7780 N SAID MW THENCE N"'0rE ALONG SAID NORTH LIE, 880.43 T 70 111E VEST CWT -0-410 LINE W KIIERSTAT: 70 AS FECO DED N 108E DOCUMENTS RECODED AT DOOM IBM PAGE 425 AD 800( 1862 PALE 3M THENCE ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TIE F6101010 I" CONES: 1 W41 1005.12 FEET 70 THE MM LIE OF SAO SECTION 21% 2 S00'45'40'E. 1321.80 FLIT TO TE SOUTH LINE THE N01►NRESF 1/4 W THE SAM NORTHINST 1/4 W SOMMIN a 3 SOO'43'42'E. 241.50 FEET; 4 SN'23'48'W, OL23 FEET TO THE SOUTH LIE W LOT Nk SAID THENCE S0934'52'W ALONG SAID SOUK UNE, $Ktl FEET TO THE WEST LIE OF SAID LOT H. BEING INE 50 EAST LINE W THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30; THENCE NOI'01'50W ALONG SAD EAST LEE, 323.40 FEET 70 THE POINT W DBEB/10, HALE LAID OUT. SUBWADED AND RAT1D SAN LAND AS PER THE DRAWN IOREON OWAN99 UNDER THE SM NO SPKE W FLING R) 'A SIJBOIMSMON W A PMT W THE CITY W 1BEAT IM O"WO AND BY UK PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY AND THE FUKUC TOE PORTIONS OF HEAL PROPERTY BROW A WNT-OF -NAYS DRAINAGE EASEMENTS AND TEMPORARY ACCESS EA3®OMT. CABELA'S RETAIL, INC. SIGNN ON WNNF W MICHAEL ALLAW, PER AGREEMENT REDO RED AT RECEPTION N0. MM3010 N SAID OFPWL CAKLA'S RETAIL, INC. SIGNING ON BOW W CHARLES SERA, PER AGREEMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 200613473 N SAID OFM. CAELA'S RETAIL, INC. SO" ON BEHALF W ANNE MARE COU RCEE. PER AGREEMENT RECORDED AT REWIM 40: 2OW34M N SAID OFFICE COORS GREWIG COMPANY SIMM ON MW W NEIL 0. JLAIQUET, PER AGREEMENT RECORDED AT RECEP1101 NO. 200136361 IN SAD OFFICE. COORS BREWNG COMPANY SIGNING Of MW W GONAD E MO4DOIALO. PER AGREEMENT RECORDED AT RWFII N M0. 2110013430 IN SAID OFFICE AM tldLAIID. V.P. OF CANNA'S RETAIL INC. STATE OF- 06k9MH M COUNTY OF im 3 ss - T FOREOO*W INSTRUMENT WAS ACINDRFDOL Off ME 7W IS DAY WboWdhV D. MAL& BY TN HOLLAND. V.P. OF CAELA'S RETAIL INC., A NEMASKA CORPORATION. ON EHALF OF TE OOMORAWK WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SETH., ' NY CAMNISSON EXPIRES: 2 -1 -Oq OBr 'R� Y L L. - VA IN NOTARY PUNIC l rw`W (` N..,CORNELL BOGGS, 61. AND ORD, V.P. FOR PLBUC AFFAIRS STATE OF COLORADO ) )) 9S COUNTY OF JEFFERSON THE iHM7E601NG INStRI11M7N7 WAS ACNOWEEDGEO BEFORE IE TN M DAY OF AK AD. 2001& BY N. � N AND + vv FTN +He AFFAO9 W COOLS BREW11C COMPANY, A COLORADO CORPORATOR, ON KH04F OF THE CORPORATION. WITHESS NY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEA. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES QW 30. aw* CX��b4F:lU t NOTARY PWBUC Mn!M POR PLAN AWANl=lR TO CORRECT PARCEL AND 0011"I1P WO MATIOH EA10Ml/R NO= THE GONER, ITS SUOIESBON AND ABRGN GMNIS LEVIED RIGHTS AND PRIVIEWS W ACCESS AND 10 FIEF N AMMENT 11HOUW THOS AREAS 1MOICATD AS .IW CRWS- AOCEB; EASOMT, AS ILLUSTRATED ON UPON THIS RAT 9" GRANT W EASEMIw SHALL E WID TO THE 007664. TBIA M MR) ERS, AND GUE91S OF INE ONFEAS, AND SHALL FURWRMMOE GRANT AIDCM TO AID FREE MOMONT THROUGH BAN EAWMEMIS TO AIDE E NIERIN SAID EAM"TS FROM SIMILARLY RECORDED EASEMENTS RM AOdOINMG PROPERTIES AD/TR PROM AIUIIIN PUNK STEER TK f1001 SI M IRWI NE ANA9 MEW 4100 AS 'WNIAW EAWMO11' SNALL E CO11611MICRD AID MAWAN® BY *9 BOW AND SIp EXHORT SWI f, SU CCEMIN AND AWNS. N THE EVENT THAT SUCH CO SINUCIIO N A MMN101AN 6 NOT PBEOIN® M BAD Oft OF SWAT GONE SIALL HAW THE WR 010E AW W AWE 10 T 70 BUILDING OR SM CN E T�RL E OOINRWCRD IN INE D0ERM IGN WA AND NO OIAIE$ at ALIOMANI AREClWl WE HVINIMUC CHARACTERISTICS W THE BRAWN AREA OIL E MADE K11DUT RE ANWOYAL W THE oMECTOR W PINK 1119RIRS 111106-POOP M UK EAWBM ME NWIRY 4NAflBi ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACM 10 ALL ROX STK,TB NO FRONT A EM PRWNTY LOW W EACH LOT N IRE SUNWOM OR PLATTED AREA FINE -FOOT (31 RIDE EASEMENTS AIDE wow VAN= ON ARWIE PROPBL1Y A"WIT TO ALL SIDE LOT LASS W EACH LOT N THE SUBOMBON PLAT AREA. TOM EAW ENTS AE OEOIGIID FOR T INSTALLATION. MwQE MWX AND IEPLACE1ERt W ID17C1H8C, GAS. TELENSDII SARIE, DRAINAGE AID 1ELECO M 18CA110NS FACU7EE UA110 4MLL N" E POWITED WIWI AMY ACM EAtEMENTS AD PRIVATE SWEETS N THE SUWIVI40ML PERIM ENT STUCMIES AND WATTS MEIRS OWL PDT E POWM 11111 SAID U1111TY EASEMENTS GBi6tAL No= 1. INS 91R WY DOES NOT CO IU7E A TILE SEANCE BY FARNSIN" GROUP. NW, 70 DETERMINE ONER9IW EAEM m W MECORD. FARNSWORTH GROUP RELIED UPON TE FYALOMNB TILE COMIA7MIEN7S PREPARED BY FIRST AMERICAN HERITAGE 'RILE COMPANY AS AGENT FOR FIRST AMNWM 1.16E INSURANCE COMPANY: N0. NC40013104 -3; DASD OCMER 21. 20M. - N0. 272- NO02154-ODh410, WED NOLEUM 22. 2004. 40. 2T!- HD057B5 -liP-0L DAID DECOKED L 20K N0. 277- HMM03-0 . DAM SGR11lN 26. 2000. 2. 10M AOONNp 19 OMARA00 LAW YOU 09 COMMERCE MY LEGAL ACTOR W= UPON ANY UP= N ON ROWY NAM "U Wn AFUR Ya FM 10001 4101 WECT. N NO EW NT MAY ANY ACIWI MASD UPON AMY WELT N THIS 4KVEY E OOSBNCW MORE TH1i6 IN HEAR& IM INE GATE W 111E CETTMTCATOI 4411 IIBEOK 3. BEAWK9 ARE M® UPON INE EAST LIE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION A TOWF9W 3 90NM RANGE N ZEST. 80 P.M. KIN' A LK KIM WE LLSE 11 4 MO =11101111 30 AS MOMUMENIED BY A CITY OF YIEAT RIDGE 3.25' WAVER MU 00, LS 13111 IN OPOWN AND A 10111Y OF W =11101111 =11101111 TWAT KBQ 0 T®9 CW0 BEING A 326 GAINER SIM NBL LS IWZ N OONCEFE LING =Ut SOUR W NE NOLTEAST Hr fl F OF SAID 58CM 30, AS HAVING A KAMI' W NMVI'WW PER CITY W NEAT RIDGE COIFIROL DARN. A THE SURVEY W THE BOINOMY WAN MT WAS F'EWO ED N THE FIELD AS W 01001011011111 2L 2004 S CETERIU E W. RIOIT -OF -WAY MO UMIDIIS SMALL E SET AT ALL PORTS OF Ol"I RE. TNIONCY. RVIRRSE CURVATJRE, COPOMD CLRVATIRE, AO SIR ET t - It INTERSECTIONS FOR CAELA GRIPE. LEST 401h AVENUE, YOINGFIID SERVICE ROAD. AND INTERSTATE 70 DONNECTM PRIM W THE PLACEMENT W INE TOP EFT W ASPHALT PAVEMENT. am MOW mv lOIjYlYOIT4 C�7� L P1li'm 0L L EASM it, GD WaY CMTEV LMT IRE 7MKY W IK 0411E HjF 04RAW011111115 ll 41 fW IN, % MOM, 741E IMAM BY 6E M UAW W DOW 911"W01111111 Alp TO 719 Am W'A► � mw= �� M AOOBRWL'E YIN ALL APFLICANE OOlORA00 9fAlU m QRNENT REVIw NRT01 AS Amema 11E AOWIAN/N18 RAT ACCINAle I@ EIS 811E !IlHEY. IIIIIIIIIIIIER L E45M /3 FGR AND ON WMIF FAKpRMN ~. /K. DAY OF 2Mb M 1W CITY OF ENEAT WISE. AMW - A YOR COUNTY C Low AM RMCOROOM cant' CATS STATE OF COLORADO J COUNTY OF JEFFERSON SS I HEREBY CER Y IN T �Aj TJ��FIAW � pEEDO N THE OFP1LtE TE OOINT/ q�(A W JUPO WI AT BOBBL f�Q.QIFMQ. RECF NifiO LWI _ M : am THE W �A O N BOW F'AE RECEPTOII N0. JRRFFA901 COUNTY CIM AND RECORDER it utt ONK� m C7 AMNW lr6 so► -o"I wi-" WRNHaY WZ -09-01 WI-" °IN SIP -05-06 CIS-" NR LIS-Oh10 EXHIBIT 2 vico MAC NOT TO SCALE oLLW 1 7 [ 1 - CABELAS /COORS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, AMENDED m MABOIII1NIT OF THE CJIMLAI/COOIIS summ" ON Run NQ % SMIRT® IN 8ECTrO * M U i soy TOWWW 3 8W M RVM n WINI OF TIE MTN PEAL. NO KUK CITY OF WFOJIT RID COUNTY OF dWFMOK STATIE OF COLORADO SEU2OF4 LNPlAMm mm W W O7MM Mr fA MC IA mvm JP e w me m SOME P -W I I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I. 1 – W uE OW.) 1 I I I. I I I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I � 1 I I I I N I SEE SHEET 3 OF 4 � 4. S LIE or 1 Lte5AMW 7►117 At i � 1 I ee - -lam �6....- �---=- - - - - -• 1 MREe00e eM m "" aMr. t olawAOE EASdBIT (' FrfHlBff tl.� eTr»q y m �A�> WE i \ 470 I 477 479 ZMdE .R ; 171 J__ 1 w. d4rs Ava. a1n I ti 1 I I J 1 I 1 1 I APPIAM E10 AM Ad AlppJlgY pes KE an"* 4/ IG I I A/Y1� "W om Me EEE/1110 T – – – .pWWC 1 I I R I K01111 C At 'A 1�- 1 , I LOT 4 1 LOT I - a.uE �„r,) I . AC "1 AWNFAMF M. 3F nF ♦MAC I I I �I fivAWW W uE (n► -- I 1 ' i y I C au[i+f.J - - - � - --- ---- -J L - - -- -L J 6 Mom e 7 t H G LOT I , - - -I r - -- L� — ALOM2 I Ck1ffMr-X An AA/ltrt2LO Iw�ae 1 om mm p1� ttP _./ W. saRO PL LEGIEW I II vc - Pa1T a oAlvraeE I P.T. - PW OF TANOBW I rA.a . Psrt OF IeYetE aerAme: Amok i PAT. - PW OF AO/ -TANO MCY YAM - Mum PLASM W O - FM 2 IK NM W M CM 'A CM LS i34W YMM At SOW AO!' P/.IENQ AOY ® - ram 1 1/2' mm W . MIL u 42S' A ==. —t !1 I®M1 W 17' MME O - FM A M.M e/ YA.c YMMMU M IS no' _ ® - t MW OF MY UWA9 1T (1e K SET !91 01Y VECNCS1g" - ® - FAO p NUM e/ Mr. TMWAD M IS 71eM' . IE - V"M Of NWMEE E M ff W UMMff "MM - LOT I 7D /MST I sl C9*W 1 AFC. in famnQ ..aEk PL-'.= DC.UOPUD I V . 9 K FICA: K11M4Y IR�r STD 1 N TN no "m M1.M e1E R ' �-AMM p MW ` r � (BK. 125Z_ M 216) i r a (rwa '4!" W t I I I 3 , Farnsworth CROUP PloondPkv �MM 3040.0 8m9m Acv -mm 0WmLcac"*mW Me/wewr TOSrle4mm wr WA" *W 2 OF 4 \ ` ` �� M ` N&W IF �A .a UE (M4 N N 1 , , ,• I LOT 6 �I n uius. s , i I1 1 a a E �,� c � � 4� r 3 r:Ptir T 1- — 7 t H G LOT I , - - -I r - -- L� — ALOM2 I Ck1ffMr-X An AA/ltrt2LO Iw�ae 1 om mm p1� ttP _./ W. saRO PL LEGIEW I II vc - Pa1T a oAlvraeE I P.T. - PW OF TANOBW I rA.a . Psrt OF IeYetE aerAme: Amok i PAT. - PW OF AO/ -TANO MCY YAM - Mum PLASM W O - FM 2 IK NM W M CM 'A CM LS i34W YMM At SOW AO!' P/.IENQ AOY ® - ram 1 1/2' mm W . MIL u 42S' A ==. —t !1 I®M1 W 17' MME O - FM A M.M e/ YA.c YMMMU M IS no' _ ® - t MW OF MY UWA9 1T (1e K SET !91 01Y VECNCS1g" - ® - FAO p NUM e/ Mr. TMWAD M IS 71eM' . IE - V"M Of NWMEE E M ff W UMMff "MM - LOT I 7D /MST I sl C9*W 1 AFC. in famnQ ..aEk PL-'.= DC.UOPUD I V . 9 K FICA: K11M4Y IR�r STD 1 N TN no "m M1.M e1E R ' �-AMM p MW ` r � (BK. 125Z_ M 216) i r a (rwa '4!" W t I I I 3 , Farnsworth CROUP PloondPkv �MM 3040.0 8m9m Acv -mm 0WmLcac"*mW Me/wewr TOSrle4mm wr WA" *W 2 OF 4 LOT I 7D /MST I sl C9*W 1 AFC. in famnQ ..aEk PL-'.= DC.UOPUD I V . 9 K FICA: K11M4Y IR�r STD 1 N TN no "m M1.M e1E R ' �-AMM p MW ` r � (BK. 125Z_ M 216) i r a (rwa '4!" W t I I I 3 , Farnsworth CROUP PloondPkv �MM 3040.0 8m9m Acv -mm 0WmLcac"*mW Me/wewr TOSrle4mm wr WA" *W 2 OF 4 f CABELAS /COORS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, AMENDED. - M MM99WIff OF T!! COMAS COO 0 SU,eoNl M MM. liQ % SM ATSO 04 sECnoNS tlt 14 0 a S% TOWWW $ emm M N Wm OF Tm SOCTH FlII cr& IuEtSD m CITY OF WHEAT QOIMTY OF JE!l STATE OF COLOP" SLEET 8 OF 4 �!t` 3' SEE SHEET 4 OF 4 r I r > Fss•wrMU r \— � S NrM(�L Hh * `N`A' • __ - 1- _srrutr z s rlwtnrrr------ - - - - -- � - --•'- ------ � ------- T - - - - -- \ + r r� " I++N �Ir r+� 1 - - = rA g r - !W01-31"W 131! rwwr w m " !I I got iw an No Darn a w Ks 141 It am" Oft ML �l I I \ \ T ) + _ e wr a I WT z I Wt a i AOIM/sr A110111110 I R WT pr I tar n I LOT 27 r M r LOT 4 I q -- - - - - \ \ - -- \ _� ^ LOTI I 2Q r- i ZOSED LOT 24 - _ - _ 'I M — \ ~I R.4" . I I I NMI r E I as Wa ILFAM lT am Wt e><14' ` W ,off I ( I 731 " 7-W _J_ I -- - - - - -- - -- Cm-1 I !01'70' _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - lldiF01 a� - -'s "W -- - _ _ = - �� �y IOR !I- Mme L i ! L A I! 1. 1 r \ \ • - - - - - - - - -------- - - - - - - CBNM1>!'7!'St'M ` lapel Miw sore uasrt I O dic / z I - - - - - - _ - - i •l' - - I NB!'S2'30 911011AW EAWMT CMe8�1m L ■212.16' � - - - - - ^ PAN m CBe1L9r55'4rW SB!"07' rW \ w a (TTP.) \ ® LOT s k I \ F 1 C1�211 Sb' 57.62' I \ \ \ I 1 \ \ I I I L -Em.sY w- NSe,a•,e�w � cwunm i CH.=" \ \ \ \ � � ` t.,�i,. •` ,y� j a uc cnra- i pas Nn /e1toN1) {.-.w' ul LOT I 1 \ \ \ ` �/ '' `♦ \ \ Ri r�aon rc ObdOMONX � I \ \ r1h \ \ I IRaa1' EEON9e0 ar TNR PA SME O a) ta mD I I \ \ LOT 8 Zrr P(JyNE^ LE1E'.'JPSIE :7 Y{ I ISBN 3F \ \ \ \\ LM STE �FJ PWIED "IM10"el, / ♦` \ I � I \ \ � \ I ol«av► ` sr ma z rp z r/x sc i $ 1 a f►► /tom \ \ �• ,� — — — — `. s ouM u z 1A s_ w nrr ra { k — — rr — — — ewaM aww r \ \ \ ♦ �` A r" p chc cvrcN ON6a E z/ C s N & ar « ast vs T�q - - - ` r�aez \ \ \ 1 Biar60®M COMC NMIS . saw - - - \ •� ♦ \ ua6t la ,SIN 4CNM III����I FA . POW W a1NIr1AINF • r 1 \ \ ♦ \ \ � Or/HT,K M A� T F.T. - POW R TMIaBiY I L OT . $ ll sMR NE)Q -Of� 9 N PJM . Mff or ow CANWIlm I um? AC Iasi ur was av aC \ \ l ` liOr afa1W® W 1N 1 / P xt . Pan OF rN-TNN W 1 I N Nw 11 "I M1R 1eT SWAM d mom . TaaN PIAM W {-to' O[ ITYP.) O . fOI/D x //r N)IL IrP N OsO: • 0. O011li Is 13111' ..MM 11/r AM OAP N CM IS ♦e' � � SEE SHEET 2 OF 4 \ Malt Ma6sY1P . f STA 1/N 011lllal ! IYM W 3r AML CIP O • FaW p MW ■/ YJA 'FAMMM rM t3 '%W OFNSOp'13� ® - C MW OF MY W"W (10 K XT PNI /m wom"imme) u1.sE4 r+• OE . ORM O WAWAE DWAU (SW FABMn NOUN W CIAO MSaft mwmumm I I I b ce-WWWWW oP.m.n• 1 �Mwlw.c NRI.�rTMtrilOr w • 1 /aIN 1! ' /fllli or N Oac 1 I 1 Farnsworth **W:3 alnaraa GROUP . ae/rlw --- - WoR 419/ 100# Oft r..twarN t / CABELAS /COORS -SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, AMENDED svmw 1w Sam - MERM I/1 aaPa - 8ECr W X0.'4 n a 8% TOWW! 3 lOi M AM W 0 WEST OF THE SKIM FM CrAL MEAMW C" OF WHEAT RDA OO WN OF WOK WrAW CF COW ADO WSU 4 OF 4 AMC 1f arduls rao0er - � fel1J _ _ ` � ay �" � � � I Grp aat caw io sx a t fr 1 Pp aaeNr ssaNr ra � aPls caa, , EPw6P JUN Lim mrak I I \ \� , -�� I a � . I Xminolk i.,.Nr, i i 4"" AI'""'"' I 101 1! > pa. 1N4 Pa so caomw €I al nE w �NO1N a YA1Q " Co m" I - - srr s-Ip' .wPa aaw sa.aiD SIGtE: 1' -tOD• I 199 r I.Pe1 iV.7I U aa61' aw 7r� aro / - LOT V 4. 101.90 - - - - -- N01.41 -M-E J 141 31 r \ \ NW NAIL VMWff Oa w - 1, alz \ `. c3,'•� �.\ I 13.67' I LOT 2e I her. xa "ua'r► j `\ ` \ \ \ \ �''' .'.ot4:. - :. -r rLiOirT0 � � a Lot 10 4 \ SAW I / 3r >e� �T \ \ oft .a easprodi 0167.99' / (a AO-2. lea ee03W O �" 4f �\ LO 25 X1.12 / \ \ � ir of r Iii !c Via ale Y411 %Arf= 4q \ \ 1 1 swa or a,aaN aaaaN t hLec an aolNaW fewaPaaNrawNa <, ` 1 / T rh -- - - - - - � -- aw x r++ 'A : s7aTanasaNP7L--- awt nx /r --- w at : 59!'07'31 - w 1319.03' - - - - - — \ en AD aawry s L M pa 7c ,. 16 aaea3m) 59!'07'31 - M 41063' S I r 0°- °I Sa'R °R w n w7e CLEAR CRE (Mac CAM eel)- GEAR_ CR M (M� eleR>eL PP. vowto q 1 I r 4 - I I \ rIL oPaewg 1 I I LM 2 LOT 3 lDT 4 IAT ZI rt Lm I LEGEW I I P.C. PA - PENT W mgms aL - -PENT OP iM10KP I I (SEE SHEEII 3 OF 4) ►A0. . PNrt EP ne1N,N Eawae `\ PAT - PWT OF NN- TNINMar a�6N I I Y.P.C. - MM Puma w ' rp ase 4TaaNT ro sTa n a as ra =00 64„NOAL «a maa Paa sa �— AN k - MW 2 11r NW. W N CM 'k MW La 13W � N��YE' WIC AS 9oIM [ ` 1 ' $"W E y - - - - - Paw 1 i/r AW. W N 0W_ U Or 0176.99' �u�i� \ \ \ \ �R■ 7�91' n ra m w Vn a Ive - - _-- - - - - -- - - - - 1 I Pow 1/0 00 1' w" w/ ar N^ �� \: \, � � - , y 'a� �.rmmpmu € m, �- � _P am @ mm ./ T.P.a 471.r mm u %wr At aF•111 0212.19' -:. - -4).. .. a wT raaaawT Lro aE £f Pa Em W"WA " ® - POW 0 MW n/ Y AQ 'FAN SWIM i$ '37W \ W - unm a awPae aawPr (am vamw "am - I I \ rIL oPaewg 1 I LM 2 LOT 3 lDT 4 IAT ZI rt Lm I s9TSt"o9•M - ~ — ` \ A. swir I (SEE SHEEII 3 OF 4) I 1109'09'11 E UAEWW Awirw33 \ e ooI WOW as I I 7 1 731jr- ra =00 64„NOAL «a maa Paa sa �— AN k \ aw1/i2l.91' \ `\ 04.ma [ ` 1 ' $"W E y - - - - - — — — — — — - 0176.99' �u�i� \ \ \ \ �R■ 7�91' n ra m w Vn a Ive - - _-- - - - - -- - - - - 1 I - - - - -- �� \: \, � � - , y 'a� %��� tFT € m, �- � At aF•111 0212.19' \ CD*77A$ leeex+ v �aa� 4.=9 AC 1 ` !✓�� .... 31f s ` Farnsw GROUP 43Nane7wwt�Iaat wean- oe+Laa.00Laewoamr .aYaraar /aNPaasaw -..... a o. e14Ef 4 OF . 4 Q) z Q) Q) u� Q) Eo U z O 0 D N a� > 0 v 0 0 u 0 > Q 0 z Q J O 0 N Q w m Q j O N >, �Q m 0 : 5 -F� O c U� �7— 0 m __jcj 0z (D 0) 0 4- U Q) 0 Du cfi U c (D CE x m ai 0')_ co D `- L , CLEAR CREEK CROSSING SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1 SITUATED IN SECTIONS 19, 20 29 & 30, TOWNSHIP 3 S TH RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, OWNER'S CERTIFICATION CITY OF WHEAT RID , WE CABELA'S WHOLESALE INC. AND COORS BREWING COMPANY INC., MICHAEL ALLARD, CHARLES BERA, KELLY MELVIN, NEIL G. JAQUET AND DONALD W. MACDONALD BEING THE OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 210.972 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29 AND THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE WEST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE N01 °01'46 "W A DISTANCE OF 997.38 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE CABELA'S / COORS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, AMENDED, AS RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER 2006148911, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY AND WESTERLY LINE OF SAID CABELA'S / COORS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, AMENDED THE FOLLOWING 14 COURSES: 1) CONTINUING N01'01'46 "W A DISTANCE OF 323.41 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 30; 2) THENCE S89'10'06 "W ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 30, A DISTANCE OF 1315.31 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 30; 3) THENCE N00 °55'43 "W ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 30, A DISTANCE OF 1320.36 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 19; 4) THENCE NOO "07'26 "W ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 19 A DISTANCE OF 913.46 FEET; 5) THENCE S89 °07'35 "W A DISTANCE OF 57.62 FEET; 6) THENCE 212.18 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A NON- TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 791.19 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15'21'56" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N50'55'44 "W A DISTANCE OF 211.55 FEET; 7) THENCE 342.40 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A NON- TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1529.61 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12'49'33" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N75 °38'47 "W A DISTANCE OF 341.69 FEET TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE; 8) THENCE 179.98 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1022.23 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10'05'16" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N87'06'12 "W A DISTANCE OF 179.75 FEET; 9) THENCE 587'51'10 "W A DISTANCE OF 175.73 FEET; 10) THENCE N00'23'08 "W A DISTANCE OF 174.56 FEET; 11) THENCE S89 °07'35 "W A DISTANCE OF 410.63 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 19; 12) THENCE NOO'23'08 "W ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 171.61 FEET; 13) THENCE 467.85 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A NON- TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 505.40 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 53 °02'20" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N28 °13'13 "E A DISTANCE OF 451.32 FEET; 14) THENCE N01'42'03 "E A DISTANCE OF 141.51 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY OF STATE HIGHWAY 58; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF SAID HIGHWAY 58 THE FOLLOWING 8 COURSES: 1) N87 °01'33 "E A DISTANCE OF 1968.69 FEET; 2) THENCE S81 `54'27 "E A DISTANCE OF 338.62 FEET; 3) THENCE S33 °53'52 "E A DISTANCE OF 103.60 FEET; 4) THENCE 587'08'19 "E A DISTANCE OF 51.00 FEET; 5) THENCE N69'45'24 "E A DISTANCE OF 13.67 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 19; 6) THENCE N69'45'14 "E A DISTANCE OF 383.88 FEET; 7) THENCE S87`08'21 "E A DISTANCE OF 142.63 FEET; 8) THENCE 592.11 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A NON - TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 577.60 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 58 °44'05" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S57 °08'25 "E A DISTANCE OF 566.52 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 70; THENCE S00 °42'34 "E ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY A DISTANCE OF 765.67 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE CABELAS / COORS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, AMENDED; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY AND SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION THE FOLLOWING 5 COURSES: 1) SOO °41'49 "E A DISTANCE OF 1005.12 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; 2) THENCE S00 °45'44 "E TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29 A DISTANCE OF 1321.80 FEET; 3) THENCE S00`43'38 "E A DISTANCE OF 241.50 FEET; 4) THENCE S06 °23'52 "W A DISTANCE OF 82.23 FEET; 5) THENCE S89'24'56 "W A DISTANCE OF 986.91 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 210.972 ACRES (9,189,936 S.F.) MORE OR LESS. HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF CLEAR CREEK CROSSING SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THE PUBLIC THOSE PORTION'S OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS RIGHT -OF -WAYS, DRAINAGE EASEMENTS. CABELA'S WHOLESALE INC. SIGNING ON BEHALF OF MICHAEL ALLARD, PER AGREEMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 2006134394. CABELA'S WHOLESALE INC. SIGNING ON BEHALF OF CHARLES BERA, PER AGREEMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 2006134393. CABELA'S WHOLESALE INC. SIGNING ON BEHALF OF KELLY MELVIN, PER AGREEMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 2006134392. COORS BREWING COMPANY SIGNING ON BEHALF OF NEIL G. JAQUET, PER AGREEMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 2006134391. COORS BREWING COMPANY SIGNING ON BEHALF OF DONALD W. MACDONALD , PER AGREEMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO 2006134395. JEFFERSON COUNTY OWNING A PORTION OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, AND 27 OF ROXBURY GARDENS (REC. NO. 09337790). THESE LOTS ARE PLATTED BY THIS DOCUMENT TO BE TRACTS A, B, C, AND LOT 3 OF BLOCK 1. MARK NIENHUESER, V.P. OF CABELAS WHOLESALE, INC. STATE OF NEBRASKA ) SS COUNTY OF CHEYENNE ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF A.D. 2011 BY MARK NIENHUESER V.P. OF CABELA'S WHOLESALE, INC., A NEBRASKA CORPORATION ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC N. CORNELL BOGGS III, CLO AND GROUP V.P. FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS, COORS BREWING COMPANY STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF A.D. 2011 BY N. CORNELL BOGGS III, CLO AND GROUP V.P. FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS OF COORS BREWING COMPANY, A COLORADO CORPORATION, ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC CHAIRMAN, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF A.D. 2011 BY CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC I li ,I COLORADO HIGHWAY 58 � SITES i i I � 1 ail jl 1 -1 nI' I W jl (nil LAI 1 { i i N PLAT BOUNDARY CITY BOUNDARY SECTION LINE R.Q.W. AS DEDICATED TO REMAIN R.O.W. HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT R.O.W. HEREBY DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT LOT LINE TO REMAIN LOT LINE HEREBY ESTABLISHED BY THIS PLAT LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT BY THIS PLAT _ EASEMENT HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT SECTION CORNER WITNESS CORNER NEW SECTION CORNER TO BE SET CENTERLINE R.O.W. MONUMENT TO BE SET PROPERTY PINS FOUND PROPERTY PINS SET EXIST. /PROPOSED DESCRIPTIONS STATEMENT OF ACCURACY THE GEODETIC POINT COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE NAD 83 HARN STATE PLANE COLORADO CENTRAL FIPS 0502 COORDINATE SYSTEM, AND HAS A HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.04 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL, AS DEFINED IN THE GEOSPATIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE (FGDC -STD -007.2 -1998) CURRENT CITY DATUM 1. THIS PLAT IS BASED ON THE CURRENT CITY DATUM WHICH USES A HORIZONTAL COORDINATE SYSTEM THAT IS GROUND - BASED, MODIFIED FORM OF THE NAD83/92 STATE PLACE COORDINATE SYSTEM, COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE 0502, AND THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88). 2. THE GROUND TO STATE PLANE GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR IS 0.99974780300, SCALED FROM BASE POINT PHAC 1 (PERMANENT HIGH ACCURACY CONTROL POINT #1) HAVING THE FOLLOWING NAD83/92 (NAD83 HARN) STATE PLANE COORDINATES: PHAC 1: NORTHING: 1701258.75, EASTING: 3118217.58, ELEVATION 5471.62 (NAVD 88) SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION I, RICHARD A. NOBBE, BEING A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN AND FOR THE STATE OF COLORADO DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY BELIEF, THIS MAP IS A EASEMENT NOTES TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEYS. THE OWNER, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS GRANTS LIMITED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES TO ACCESS AND TO FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THOSE AREAS INDICATED AS 100' DRAINAGE AND CROSS- ACCESS EASEMENT, AS ILLUSTRATED ON THIS PLAT. SUCH GRANT OF EASEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE OWNERS, TENANTS, CUSTOMERS, AND GUESTS OF THE OWNERS, AND SHALL FURTHERMORE GRANT ACCESS TO AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH SAID EASEMENTS TO THOSE ENTERING SAID EASEMENTS FROM SIMILARLY RECORDED EASEMENTS FROM ADJOINING PROPERTIES AND /OR FROM ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS. ALL DRAINAGE FACILITIES WITHIN SAID EASEMENTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNERS, SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNERS, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH EASEMENT AREA AND PERFORM THE NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNERS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREE TO PAY. TRACT 'A' IS DESIGNATED AS A STORM WATER DRAINAGE AREA FULLY ENCUMBERED BY A DRAINAGE EASEMENT HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ALL FACILITIES WITHIN TRACT A SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNERS, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNERS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREE TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE DRAINAGE AREA AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DRAINAGE AREA SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. TEN -FOOT (10') WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL PUBLIC STREETS AND FRONT AND REAR PROPERTY LINES OF EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION OR PLATTED AREA. FIVE -FOOT (5) WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL SIDE LOT LINES OF EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION PLAT AREA. THESE EASEMENTS ARE DEDICATED FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEVISION CABLE, DRAINAGE AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES. UTILITIES SHALL ALSO BE PERMITTED WITHIN ANY ACCESS EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE STREETS IN THE SUBDIVISION. PERMANENT STRUCTURES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN SAID UTILITY EASEMENTS. CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT THE FOLLOWING LOTS ARE DESIGNATED AS HAVING BLANKET CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT: BLOCK 1, LOTS 1 AND 2; BLOCK 2, LOT 1; BLOCK 3, LOT 1; BLOCK 4, LOT 1; BLOCK 5, LOTS 3 AND 4; BLOCK 6, LOTS 1 AND 2; BLOCK 7, LOT 1. THE OWNER, HIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS GRANTS LIMITED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES TO ACCESS AND TO FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THOSE AREAS INDICATED AS 'CROSSACCESS /INGRESS- EGRESS EASEMENTS', AS ILLUSTRATED UPON THIS PLAT. SUCH GRANT OF EASEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO OWNERS, TENANTS, CUSTOMERS, AND GUESTS OF THE OWNERS, AND SHALL FURTHERMORE GRANT ACCESS TO AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH SAID EASEMENTS TO THOSE ENTERING SAID EASEMENTS FROM SIMILARLY RECORDED EASEMENTS FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND /OR FROM ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS. GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY MARTIN /MARTIN, INC. TO DETERMINE OWNERSHIP EASEMENTS OF RECORD. MARTIN /MARTIN, INC. RELIED UPON THE FOLLOWING TITLE COMMITMENTS PREPARED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, ORDER NUMBER ABD70220201 -9 EFFECTIVE DATE MARCH 01, 2011. 2. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 3. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BEARINGS OF N01'01'46 "W ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN BEING MONUMENTED BY A 3 1 / BRASS DISK PLS # 13212 IN RANGE BOX AT THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 30 AND A 3 1 /" BRASS CAP PLS # 13212 AT A 200' WITNESS CORNER SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 30. 4. THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF THIS PLAT WAS PERFORMED IN THE FIELD AS OF MARCH 2010. 5. CENTERLINE OF RIGHT -OF -WAY MONUMENTS SHALL BE SET AT ALL POINTS OF CURVATURE, TANGENCY, REVERSE CURVATURE, COMPOUND CURVATURE, AND STREET CL -CL INTERSECTIONS FOR CABELA DRIVE, WEST 40TH AVENUE, YOUNGFIELD SERVICE ROAD, AND INTERSTATE 70 CONNECTOR PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE TOP LIFT OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT. MONUMENT HARDWARE WILL BE FURNISHED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE UPON REQUEST AT (303) 235 -2861. 6. SHEETS 2 THROUGH 4 OF THIS PLAT DOCUMENT INDICATE EXISTING LOT LINES TO BE REMOVED AND EXISTING ROW AND EASEMENTS TO BE VACATED BY THIS PLAT. SHEETS 5 THROUGH 9 INDICATE THE PROPOSED LOT LINES, ALONG WITH THE EASEMENTS AND ROW HEREBY DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT. 7. PER COLORADO REVISED STATUTES SEC. 38 -51 -106 (L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPICTED ON THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 DIVIDED BY 12 U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL THIS DAY OF PLANNING COMMISSION. CHAIRPERSON CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS ATTEST r � CITY CLERK MAYOR DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 20 BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 20 BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNT AT GOLDEN, COLORADO AT O'CLOCK M. ON THE DAY OF A.D. 2011 IN BOOK PAGE RECEPTION NO. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER LEGEND EXISTING EASEMENT TO REMAIN EASEMENT HEREBY DEDICATED ANX -05 -4- E -01 WS -11 -02 0 a SUP -05 o z m -05 WZ -06 -03 W WS -06 -01 �o -02 U) -01 WZ -1 1 -01 Q) Q) 0 m (D;__� U cn a3: to Q) > 0 Q) Q) O O Q a) a � OV Z '> z o Q 0 —0 > 0 U m m C) 0 CLEAR CREEK CROSSING SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1 SITUATED IN SECTIONS 19, 20 29 & 30, TOWNSHIP 3 S TH RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, OWNER'S CERTIFICATION CITY OF WHEAT RID , WE CABELA'S WHOLESALE INC. AND COORS BREWING COMPANY INC., MICHAEL ALLARD, CHARLES BERA, KELLY MELVIN, NEIL G. JAQUET AND DONALD W. MACDONALD BEING THE OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 210.972 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29 AND THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE WEST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE N01 °01'46 "W A DISTANCE OF 997.38 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE CABELA'S / COORS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, AMENDED, AS RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER 2006148911, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY AND WESTERLY LINE OF SAID CABELA'S / COORS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, AMENDED THE FOLLOWING 14 COURSES: 1) CONTINUING N01'01'46 "W A DISTANCE OF 323.41 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 30; 2) THENCE S89'10'06 "W ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 30, A DISTANCE OF 1315.31 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 30; 3) THENCE N00 °55'43 "W ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 30, A DISTANCE OF 1320.36 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 19; 4) THENCE NOO "07'26 "W ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 19 A DISTANCE OF 913.46 FEET; 5) THENCE S89 °07'35 "W A DISTANCE OF 57.62 FEET; 6) THENCE 212.18 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A NON- TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 791.19 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15'21'56" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N50'55'44 "W A DISTANCE OF 211.55 FEET; 7) THENCE 342.40 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A NON- TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1529.61 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12'49'33" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N75 °38'47 "W A DISTANCE OF 341.69 FEET TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE; 8) THENCE 179.98 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1022.23 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10'05'16" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N87'06'12 "W A DISTANCE OF 179.75 FEET; 9) THENCE 587'51'10 "W A DISTANCE OF 175.73 FEET; 10) THENCE N00'23'08 "W A DISTANCE OF 174.56 FEET; 11) THENCE S89 °07'35 "W A DISTANCE OF 410.63 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 19; 12) THENCE NOO'23'08 "W ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 171.61 FEET; 13) THENCE 467.85 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A NON- TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 505.40 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 53 °02'20" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N28 °13'13 "E A DISTANCE OF 451.32 FEET; 14) THENCE N01'42'03 "E A DISTANCE OF 141.51 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY OF STATE HIGHWAY 58; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF SAID HIGHWAY 58 THE FOLLOWING 8 COURSES: 1) N87 °01'33 "E A DISTANCE OF 1968.69 FEET; 2) THENCE S81 `54'27 "E A DISTANCE OF 338.62 FEET; 3) THENCE S33 °53'52 "E A DISTANCE OF 103.60 FEET; 4) THENCE 587'08'19 "E A DISTANCE OF 51.00 FEET; 5) THENCE N69'45'24 "E A DISTANCE OF 13.67 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 19; 6) THENCE N69'45'14 "E A DISTANCE OF 383.88 FEET; 7) THENCE S87`08'21 "E A DISTANCE OF 142.63 FEET; 8) THENCE 592.11 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A NON - TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 577.60 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 58 °44'05" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S57 °08'25 "E A DISTANCE OF 566.52 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 70; THENCE S00 °42'34 "E ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY A DISTANCE OF 765.67 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE CABELAS / COORS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, AMENDED; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY AND SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION THE FOLLOWING 5 COURSES: 1) SOO °41'49 "E A DISTANCE OF 1005.12 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; 2) THENCE S00 °45'44 "E TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29 A DISTANCE OF 1321.80 FEET; 3) THENCE S00`43'38 "E A DISTANCE OF 241.50 FEET; 4) THENCE S06 °23'52 "W A DISTANCE OF 82.23 FEET; 5) THENCE S89'24'56 "W A DISTANCE OF 986.91 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 210.972 ACRES (9,189,936 S.F.) MORE OR LESS. HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF CLEAR CREEK CROSSING SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THE PUBLIC THOSE PORTION'S OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS RIGHT -OF -WAYS, DRAINAGE EASEMENTS. CABELA'S WHOLESALE INC. SIGNING ON BEHALF OF MICHAEL ALLARD, PER AGREEMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 2006134394. CABELA'S WHOLESALE INC. SIGNING ON BEHALF OF CHARLES BERA, PER AGREEMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 2006134393. CABELA'S WHOLESALE INC. SIGNING ON BEHALF OF KELLY MELVIN, PER AGREEMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 2006134392. COORS BREWING COMPANY SIGNING ON BEHALF OF NEIL G. JAQUET, PER AGREEMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 2006134391. COORS BREWING COMPANY SIGNING ON BEHALF OF DONALD W. MACDONALD , PER AGREEMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO 2006134395. JEFFERSON COUNTY OWNING A PORTION OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, AND 27 OF ROXBURY GARDENS (REC. NO. 09337790). THESE LOTS ARE PLATTED BY THIS DOCUMENT TO BE TRACTS A, B, C, AND LOT 3 OF BLOCK 1. MARK NIENHUESER, V.P. OF CABELAS WHOLESALE, INC. STATE OF NEBRASKA ) SS COUNTY OF CHEYENNE ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF A.D. 2011 BY MARK NIENHUESER V.P. OF CABELA'S WHOLESALE, INC., A NEBRASKA CORPORATION ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC N. CORNELL BOGGS III, CLO AND GROUP V.P. FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS, COORS BREWING COMPANY STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF A.D. 2011 BY N. CORNELL BOGGS III, CLO AND GROUP V.P. FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS OF COORS BREWING COMPANY, A COLORADO CORPORATION, ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC CHAIRMAN, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF A.D. 2011 BY CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC I li ,I COLORADO HIGHWAY 58 � SITES i i I � 1 ail jl 1 -1 nI' I W jl (nil LAI 1 { i i N PLAT BOUNDARY CITY BOUNDARY SECTION LINE R.Q.W. AS DEDICATED TO REMAIN R.O.W. HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT R.O.W. HEREBY DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT LOT LINE TO REMAIN LOT LINE HEREBY ESTABLISHED BY THIS PLAT LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT BY THIS PLAT _ EASEMENT HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT SECTION CORNER WITNESS CORNER NEW SECTION CORNER TO BE SET CENTERLINE R.O.W. MONUMENT TO BE SET PROPERTY PINS FOUND PROPERTY PINS SET EXIST. /PROPOSED DESCRIPTIONS STATEMENT OF ACCURACY THE GEODETIC POINT COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE NAD 83 HARN STATE PLANE COLORADO CENTRAL FIPS 0502 COORDINATE SYSTEM, AND HAS A HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.04 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL, AS DEFINED IN THE GEOSPATIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE (FGDC -STD -007.2 -1998) CURRENT CITY DATUM 1. THIS PLAT IS BASED ON THE CURRENT CITY DATUM WHICH USES A HORIZONTAL COORDINATE SYSTEM THAT IS GROUND - BASED, MODIFIED FORM OF THE NAD83/92 STATE PLACE COORDINATE SYSTEM, COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE 0502, AND THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88). 2. THE GROUND TO STATE PLANE GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR IS 0.99974780300, SCALED FROM BASE POINT PHAC 1 (PERMANENT HIGH ACCURACY CONTROL POINT #1) HAVING THE FOLLOWING NAD83/92 (NAD83 HARN) STATE PLANE COORDINATES: PHAC 1: NORTHING: 1701258.75, EASTING: 3118217.58, ELEVATION 5471.62 (NAVD 88) SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION I, RICHARD A. NOBBE, BEING A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN AND FOR THE STATE OF COLORADO DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY BELIEF, THIS MAP IS A EASEMENT NOTES TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEYS. THE OWNER, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS GRANTS LIMITED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES TO ACCESS AND TO FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THOSE AREAS INDICATED AS 100' DRAINAGE AND CROSS- ACCESS EASEMENT, AS ILLUSTRATED ON THIS PLAT. SUCH GRANT OF EASEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE OWNERS, TENANTS, CUSTOMERS, AND GUESTS OF THE OWNERS, AND SHALL FURTHERMORE GRANT ACCESS TO AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH SAID EASEMENTS TO THOSE ENTERING SAID EASEMENTS FROM SIMILARLY RECORDED EASEMENTS FROM ADJOINING PROPERTIES AND /OR FROM ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS. ALL DRAINAGE FACILITIES WITHIN SAID EASEMENTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNERS, SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNERS, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH EASEMENT AREA AND PERFORM THE NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNERS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREE TO PAY. TRACT 'A' IS DESIGNATED AS A STORM WATER DRAINAGE AREA FULLY ENCUMBERED BY A DRAINAGE EASEMENT HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ALL FACILITIES WITHIN TRACT A SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNERS, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNERS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREE TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE DRAINAGE AREA AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DRAINAGE AREA SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. TEN -FOOT (10') WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL PUBLIC STREETS AND FRONT AND REAR PROPERTY LINES OF EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION OR PLATTED AREA. FIVE -FOOT (5) WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL SIDE LOT LINES OF EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION PLAT AREA. THESE EASEMENTS ARE DEDICATED FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEVISION CABLE, DRAINAGE AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES. UTILITIES SHALL ALSO BE PERMITTED WITHIN ANY ACCESS EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE STREETS IN THE SUBDIVISION. PERMANENT STRUCTURES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN SAID UTILITY EASEMENTS. CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT THE FOLLOWING LOTS ARE DESIGNATED AS HAVING BLANKET CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT: BLOCK 1, LOTS 1 AND 2; BLOCK 2, LOT 1; BLOCK 3, LOT 1; BLOCK 4, LOT 1; BLOCK 5, LOTS 3 AND 4; BLOCK 6, LOTS 1 AND 2; BLOCK 7, LOT 1. THE OWNER, HIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS GRANTS LIMITED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES TO ACCESS AND TO FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THOSE AREAS INDICATED AS 'CROSSACCESS /INGRESS- EGRESS EASEMENTS', AS ILLUSTRATED UPON THIS PLAT. SUCH GRANT OF EASEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO OWNERS, TENANTS, CUSTOMERS, AND GUESTS OF THE OWNERS, AND SHALL FURTHERMORE GRANT ACCESS TO AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH SAID EASEMENTS TO THOSE ENTERING SAID EASEMENTS FROM SIMILARLY RECORDED EASEMENTS FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND /OR FROM ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS. GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY MARTIN /MARTIN, INC. TO DETERMINE OWNERSHIP EASEMENTS OF RECORD. MARTIN /MARTIN, INC. RELIED UPON THE FOLLOWING TITLE COMMITMENTS PREPARED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, ORDER NUMBER ABD70220201 -9 EFFECTIVE DATE MARCH 01, 2011. 2. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 3. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BEARINGS OF N01'01'46 "W ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN BEING MONUMENTED BY A 3 1 / BRASS DISK PLS # 13212 IN RANGE BOX AT THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 30 AND A 3 1 /" BRASS CAP PLS # 13212 AT A 200' WITNESS CORNER SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 30. 4. THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF THIS PLAT WAS PERFORMED IN THE FIELD AS OF MARCH 2010. 5. CENTERLINE OF RIGHT -OF -WAY MONUMENTS SHALL BE SET AT ALL POINTS OF CURVATURE, TANGENCY, REVERSE CURVATURE, COMPOUND CURVATURE, AND STREET CL -CL INTERSECTIONS FOR CABELA DRIVE, WEST 40TH AVENUE, YOUNGFIELD SERVICE ROAD, AND INTERSTATE 70 CONNECTOR PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE TOP LIFT OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT. MONUMENT HARDWARE WILL BE FURNISHED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE UPON REQUEST AT (303) 235 -2861. 6. SHEETS 2 THROUGH 4 OF THIS PLAT DOCUMENT INDICATE EXISTING LOT LINES TO BE REMOVED AND EXISTING ROW AND EASEMENTS TO BE VACATED BY THIS PLAT. SHEETS 5 THROUGH 9 INDICATE THE PROPOSED LOT LINES, ALONG WITH THE EASEMENTS AND ROW HEREBY DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT. 7. PER COLORADO REVISED STATUTES SEC. 38 -51 -106 (L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPICTED ON THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 DIVIDED BY 12 U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL THIS DAY OF PLANNING COMMISSION. CHAIRPERSON CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS ATTEST r � CITY CLERK MAYOR DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 20 BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 20 BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNT AT GOLDEN, COLORADO AT O'CLOCK M. ON THE DAY OF A.D. 2011 IN BOOK PAGE RECEPTION NO. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER LEGEND EXISTING EASEMENT TO REMAIN EASEMENT HEREBY DEDICATED ANX -05 -01 WZ -11 -02 SUP -05 -01 WS -11 -02 WZ -05 -01 SUP -05 -04 SUP -06 -05 WZ -06 -03 WS -06 -01 SUP -10 -02 ANX -11 -01 WZ -1 1 -01 REV. MARCH 28, 2011 REV. MARCH 14, 2011 FFRRI IARY 1P ?nil MARTIN / MARTIN agal oat - - CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1 2499 WEST COLFAX AVE. P.D. Box 1 51 500 LAKEWOOE3, 00 8021 S 303.431.6100 FAX 303.431 .4028 PLAT NOTE E :D z 4_1 n �D E D O 0 A M a A A A A A A JAR& A AAR& A L: ro SHEET 2 OF 9 0 u 0 u 0 (L 1 u� z CL 0 N U� LLJ m C) I 0 0 c\j u < M 0� 0 c 0 Q z 0) 0 c 0 7 0 n c V) Q) 6i Q) Q) Q) I+- Q) rlK X 0 ry 0 z z 0 4� F U Q > 4- F-- 0 < n 0- W ZZI 0 U) C/) Q) Q) -C) C 0 0 ii n Q) Q) c 0 0 C) u 0 3 E 0 > z 1 0 Q) Q 4- < (D 0 U n 0- n u N101*42'03"E� 141.5 FND. 114 REBAR W1 CA P PLS. J16401 N=707494.86 E=97483,38 'A=53*02'20" 41 rq I R=505.40' L=467.85' CH�N28'13'1 YE 1 451.32')/�, FND. J4 REBAR W1 CA P PLS. J16401 N=707097.19 E= 97269.96 NOO*23'08"W 171.61' FND. 3 - 1/4 " ALUM. CAP PLS. J16401 N=706925.58 E=97271.12 ZONED 1-2 COUNTY) 10 U17LITK -EASEMENT . /7,--' (REC, 200614897 1) W1 CAP PLS J37948 (L0 REMAIN) N=7076-90,79 S33 E=99788.87 103.60' FND. J5 REBAR W1 CAP PLS IIJ7948 S87 VE N=707604.80 E=9_9846.65 51.00' FND. 115 REBAR W1 CAP PLS J,37948 N=707602.25 E=9-9897.58 N69*45'24 LOT 10, 13.67' CABELA'SICOORS _5URDIVISION FILING NO. 1, AMENDED (REC. 200614891 1) ZONED PCD (CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE) TEMPORA R Y TRA IL LOT 1 EASEMENT (REC. 920,9,39-72) (TO REMAIN) - - - - - - - - - - S89*07 1318.91' ro L 9A, I N L I w WATER - RAIL EASEMENT T 07'35"W 410.63' A HOARD REC. 20070-98-955 [ND, 114 REBAR W1 CAP PLS. #06401 CAHELA'SICOOITS SUBDIVISION FLUNG NO 2 P 8K 379, PC 66 Lp 8K 708, PC J,36 - p � I LA 01. Lp • SHEET 2 OF 9 0 u 0 u 0 (L 1 u� z CL 0 N U� LLJ m C) I 0 0 c\j u < M 0� 0 c 0 Q z 0) 0 c 0 7 0 n c V) Q) 6i Q) Q) Q) I+- Q) rlK X 0 ry 0 z z 0 4� F U Q > 4- F-- 0 < n 0- W ZZI 0 U) C/) Q) Q) -C) C 0 0 ii n Q) Q) c 0 0 C) u 0 3 E 0 > z 1 0 Q) Q 4- < (D 0 U n 0- n u N101*42'03"E� 141.5 FND. 114 REBAR W1 CA P PLS. J16401 N=707494.86 E=97483,38 'A=53*02'20" 41 rq I R=505.40' L=467.85' CH�N28'13'1 YE 1 451.32')/�, FND. J4 REBAR W1 CA P PLS. J16401 N=707097.19 E= 97269.96 NOO*23'08"W 171.61' FND. 3 - 1/4 " ALUM. CAP PLS. J16401 N=706925.58 E=97271.12 ZONED 1-2 COUNTY) 10 U17LITK -EASEMENT . /7,--' (REC, 200614897 1) W1 CAP PLS J37948 (L0 REMAIN) N=7076-90,79 S33 E=99788.87 103.60' FND. J5 REBAR W1 CAP PLS IIJ7948 S87 VE N=707604.80 E=9_9846.65 51.00' FND. 115 REBAR W1 CAP PLS J,37948 N=707602.25 E=9-9897.58 N69*45'24 LOT 10, 13.67' CABELA'SICOORS _5URDIVISION FILING NO. 1, AMENDED (REC. 200614891 1) ZONED PCD (CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE) TEMPORA R Y TRA IL LOT 1 EASEMENT (REC. 920,9,39-72) (TO REMAIN) - - - - - - - - - - S89*07 1318.91' N= 706931. LOT LINE MILKLUT REC. _7z /_llul*lf_� p. 1 (0 , LOT 1 E=97681.70 (REC. 2006148 12) REMOVED B**�\ \ (TO RE MAIN) Cz /0' U7 - I/ _K EASEMENT T 17 THIS PLAT (REC, 2006148-9 12) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE RIGHT --- OF--WAK N00*23'08"W 174.56' (1 - 0 M4 IN) 0 (REC. 200709895-5) co 7 2 A=24 If N (7 REMA R= 467 00\ - 1 ZONED /- I FND. 114 REBA L= 197.69' w (dEFFERSON COUNTY) W1 CAP PLS. J16401 A =1 *0_9 16 N=706757.29 CH=Nl,.,9,*54'25"W - DEN WA TER R= 1022.23' \' E--97682.87 I HOARD EASEMENT L= 179.98' ® =1 2'49'33" 196.21 S87*5 V1 0"W 175.73' CH=N8 7*06'1 2"W V) (RI 93120802 ) T R= 1529.61 ' FND. I f4 REBAR (TO R EMAIN) 1A IN) FND. W4 REBAR - 170 7' TRAIL EASEMENT (REC. 92093972)-J (/ REMA LOT 2 ,, ,,--LOT LINE HEREBY-K REMOVED BY THIS PLAT A= 31'03'39" L=215.22 LOT ROXHURY GARDENS (REC. NO. 09337790) LOT 4 20' COORS ZONED P - - - - D ELECTRICAL (JEFFERSON COUNTY) EASEMENT BOOK 2225, PAGE 258 HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT z 0 :D z F_ z 0 0 LL 0) LL 0 cy) F_ W w U) w W U) N LINE IBOOK 1992, PAGE 752 N=706670.08 LS 0' U. E. (TYP) W1 CAP PLS. J16401 L=342.40' W1 CAP PLS. J16401 FOUND ffb IRON CH=N65*40'43"W ROD W/Y.P.O N=70676,3.87 FND. 114 REBAR CH=N75*38'47"W "L 212.59' E= 97858,48 E=98369.02 \\ 13495 __ 0* DRAINAGE EASEMENT l 2006148911) W1 CAP PLS. J16401 341.69 2006148911) qnnriAaiil HEREBY VACATED i 100 50 0 100 200 SCALE: 1 " =100' FND J4 REBAR W1 CAP PLS. J76407 N= 7076.36.31 E=9748758 FND. J5 REBAR FND. J5 REBAR BOOK 2177 PAGE 367 EXIS [A SEMEN T W1 CAP PLS JJ7,948 W1 CAP PLS J37948 ---(HOOK 1737, PAGE 495) N =707738.46 N=707606.98 (10 RE MAIN) IN) E=9945,3.62 [-=99910.41 S81-5 4'27 ZON,� A ( , CITY OF -� N87' 01F33 1968.69' kJOUr itH[A'l RIDGE) FND 0C_,QA 0 569-93 S89*21'1 4"W 335.87' 8.63' 10' UTILITY EASEMENT 10' U.E. (RE 2006148912) L- REC. 2006148912 (7 REMAIN) HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT , \ � � A=64' 18'26" R=735.00' \ \ ' , �� L=824.94' \ \ \, ®, CH=539 A=83*02'00' -p 782.32 R=665.00' L=963.72' CH N 49* 1 7'49 "W 881.57' 7 LOT 9, CA5kLA'S/COOR5 SUBDIVISION 10' I.I.E. FIL NO. 2 -,- 2006148911 (RFC. 200614,5912) HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT ZONE D PCD (CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE) 10' U.E.�r 80' DENIER WATER REC. 2006148912 _ ,,, BOARD EASEMENT HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT 114i,-"L - W VT ti L u i r (-2 L 0 o -(REC, 2006718912) Z3100K 705, PAGE 336 PEC, 92730445 (TO REMA (7 0 HEMA IN) JO' DENVER WATER R.O.W. AGREE WAIF EXIST EL EC. EASEMENT V A (HOOK 1877, PACE 174) � (TO REMAI ) IN) (;�'[_C. BOOK 706, I'AICE 246) 20' TRAIL EASEMENT (TO REMA (REC, 200807336) DENVER WATER (70 REMAIN) R.0,W. AGREEMENT (REC. 89015704) 7 EASEME S07*46'49"E _ (TO I�L_MI�IN 231.33' E_[_A_1T To U ___LA _. 10 20030064,36) (REC. 2006148912) 5' (To - - - - - - - - - R E M A IN ' HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT N=706754.79 E__980J8. 00 A= 15'21'56" FND. J4 REBAR R=791.19' W1 CAP PLS. 1116401 L=212.18' N= 706536.75 ZONED P-D CH=N50*55'44"W E=9853326 pET­f COUNTY) 211.55' S89*07'35"W 57.62' FND. 114 REBAR -j W1 CAP PLS J3794 N= 706537.62 E=98590.87 70' UTILITY EASEMENT (TYP.) (REC. 200614891 1) (TO REMA HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT BY THIS PLAT LOT LINE HEREBY A= 14'50'53" REMOVED BY A-P R=300.00' L07 2, THIS PLAT L=77.74' CABELA'SICOORS SUBDIVISION CH=N73*47'05"W FILI NO. 7, AMENDED 77.53 _C, 2006148,91 (RE 10' U. E. (TYP.) \ \ S6 3 j , �� o (REC. 2006148911) \ , \ HEREBY VACATED 19 0 c, BY THIS PLAT A= 23`44'45" 0 6 ACCESS EASEMENT R=467.00, 7 7 L= 193.55' (REC. 2007103405) CH=N52*38'53"W 9 & /y/ 9 ' HEREBY VACATED \ \ TF \ BY THIS PLAT 192.16' SEE SHEET 4 OF 9 FOR CONTINUATION IM I UJ a 00 0 z, I REV. MARCH 28, 2011 REV. MARCH 14, 2011 MARTIN / MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1 2499 WEST COLFAX AVE. P.O. Box 1 51 500 L^KzwrauO, 00 E3021 S 303.431 .61 00 FAX 303.431 .4028 PLAT NOTE ro L 9A, L5" ' -- DENVER so EIT 7SMT WATER - RAIL EASEMENT T 07'35"W 410.63' HOARD REC. 20070-98-955 [ND, 114 REBAR W1 CAP PLS. #06401 CAHELA'SICOOITS SUBDIVISION FLUNG NO 2 P 8K 379, PC 66 Lp 8K 708, PC J,36 - p � I LA 01. Lp • (7 0 REIV�IN N= 706931. LOT LINE MILKLUT REC. _7z /_llul*lf_� p. 1 (0 , LOT 1 E=97681.70 (REC. 2006148 12) REMOVED B**�\ \ (TO RE MAIN) Cz /0' U7 - I/ _K EASEMENT T 17 THIS PLAT (REC, 2006148-9 12) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE RIGHT --- OF--WAK N00*23'08"W 174.56' (1 - 0 M4 IN) 0 (REC. 200709895-5) co 7 2 A=24 If N (7 REMA R= 467 00\ - 1 ZONED /- I FND. 114 REBA L= 197.69' w (dEFFERSON COUNTY) W1 CAP PLS. J16401 A =1 *0_9 16 N=706757.29 CH=Nl,.,9,*54'25"W - DEN WA TER R= 1022.23' \' E--97682.87 I HOARD EASEMENT L= 179.98' ® =1 2'49'33" 196.21 S87*5 V1 0"W 175.73' CH=N8 7*06'1 2"W V) (RI 93120802 ) T R= 1529.61 ' FND. I f4 REBAR (TO R EMAIN) 1A IN) FND. W4 REBAR - 170 7' TRAIL EASEMENT (REC. 92093972)-J (/ REMA LOT 2 ,, ,,--LOT LINE HEREBY-K REMOVED BY THIS PLAT A= 31'03'39" L=215.22 LOT ROXHURY GARDENS (REC. NO. 09337790) LOT 4 20' COORS ZONED P - - - - D ELECTRICAL (JEFFERSON COUNTY) EASEMENT BOOK 2225, PAGE 258 HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT z 0 :D z F_ z 0 0 LL 0) LL 0 cy) F_ W w U) w W U) N LINE IBOOK 1992, PAGE 752 N=706670.08 LS 0' U. E. (TYP) W1 CAP PLS. J16401 L=342.40' W1 CAP PLS. J16401 FOUND ffb IRON CH=N65*40'43"W ROD W/Y.P.O N=70676,3.87 FND. 114 REBAR CH=N75*38'47"W "L 212.59' E= 97858,48 E=98369.02 \\ 13495 __ 0* DRAINAGE EASEMENT l 2006148911) W1 CAP PLS. J16401 341.69 2006148911) qnnriAaiil HEREBY VACATED i 100 50 0 100 200 SCALE: 1 " =100' FND J4 REBAR W1 CAP PLS. J76407 N= 7076.36.31 E=9748758 FND. J5 REBAR FND. J5 REBAR BOOK 2177 PAGE 367 EXIS [A SEMEN T W1 CAP PLS JJ7,948 W1 CAP PLS J37948 ---(HOOK 1737, PAGE 495) N =707738.46 N=707606.98 (10 RE MAIN) IN) E=9945,3.62 [-=99910.41 S81-5 4'27 ZON,� A ( , CITY OF -� N87' 01F33 1968.69' kJOUr itH[A'l RIDGE) FND 0C_,QA 0 569-93 S89*21'1 4"W 335.87' 8.63' 10' UTILITY EASEMENT 10' U.E. (RE 2006148912) L- REC. 2006148912 (7 REMAIN) HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT , \ � � A=64' 18'26" R=735.00' \ \ ' , �� L=824.94' \ \ \, ®, CH=539 A=83*02'00' -p 782.32 R=665.00' L=963.72' CH N 49* 1 7'49 "W 881.57' 7 LOT 9, CA5kLA'S/COOR5 SUBDIVISION 10' I.I.E. FIL NO. 2 -,- 2006148911 (RFC. 200614,5912) HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT ZONE D PCD (CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE) 10' U.E.�r 80' DENIER WATER REC. 2006148912 _ ,,, BOARD EASEMENT HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT 114i,-"L - W VT ti L u i r (-2 L 0 o -(REC, 2006718912) Z3100K 705, PAGE 336 PEC, 92730445 (TO REMA (7 0 HEMA IN) JO' DENVER WATER R.O.W. AGREE WAIF EXIST EL EC. EASEMENT V A (HOOK 1877, PACE 174) � (TO REMAI ) IN) (;�'[_C. BOOK 706, I'AICE 246) 20' TRAIL EASEMENT (TO REMA (REC, 200807336) DENVER WATER (70 REMAIN) R.0,W. AGREEMENT (REC. 89015704) 7 EASEME S07*46'49"E _ (TO I�L_MI�IN 231.33' E_[_A_1T To U ___LA _. 10 20030064,36) (REC. 2006148912) 5' (To - - - - - - - - - R E M A IN ' HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT N=706754.79 E__980J8. 00 A= 15'21'56" FND. J4 REBAR R=791.19' W1 CAP PLS. 1116401 L=212.18' N= 706536.75 ZONED P-D CH=N50*55'44"W E=9853326 pET­f COUNTY) 211.55' S89*07'35"W 57.62' FND. 114 REBAR -j W1 CAP PLS J3794 N= 706537.62 E=98590.87 70' UTILITY EASEMENT (TYP.) (REC. 200614891 1) (TO REMA HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT BY THIS PLAT LOT LINE HEREBY A= 14'50'53" REMOVED BY A-P R=300.00' L07 2, THIS PLAT L=77.74' CABELA'SICOORS SUBDIVISION CH=N73*47'05"W FILI NO. 7, AMENDED 77.53 _C, 2006148,91 (RE 10' U. E. (TYP.) \ \ S6 3 j , �� o (REC. 2006148911) \ , \ HEREBY VACATED 19 0 c, BY THIS PLAT A= 23`44'45" 0 6 ACCESS EASEMENT R=467.00, 7 7 L= 193.55' (REC. 2007103405) CH=N52*38'53"W 9 & /y/ 9 ' HEREBY VACATED \ \ TF \ BY THIS PLAT 192.16' SEE SHEET 4 OF 9 FOR CONTINUATION IM I UJ a 00 0 z, I REV. MARCH 28, 2011 REV. MARCH 14, 2011 MARTIN / MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1 2499 WEST COLFAX AVE. P.O. Box 1 51 500 L^KzwrauO, 00 E3021 S 303.431 .61 00 FAX 303.431 .4028 PLAT NOTE E D z 4_1 Q) Q) cn E o D u z , 0 n 0 MR I M A k SHEET 3 OF 9 C3 u c 0 U u� n O u� m 0 I CD 0') cn < u-i 0 L� 0 c o T_ 3: U 0 __j A Q) 0) 0 C 4� m c: (T oQ Q) cy x 0 z z 0 o z> 0 C) n n 0 Q) 0 U) C) cn Q) -0 0 Q) c Z 4- 0 0 cy Q) C) ry C) E u 0 a 0 It Q) 0 > Z Q) 0 < u 0 r) a n 0 CJ u 100 50 0 100 200 SCALE: 1 " =100' FND. J5 RERAR W1 CAP PLS 1 f37948 N= 707606.98 E= 99910. ZONED A -- I (CIT'y OF S8105 4 * 127#*E Wt& _/ RIDGE) FND. 115 RERA R W1 CAP PLS )37948 N=707690,79 S33*53'52"E E=99788.87 103.60' FND. 115 REBA /? — W1 CAP PLS. J37948 587*08'1 9 z N=707604.80 51.00' 0 E=99846,65 FND. J5 REHAR W1 CAP PLS II37948 N= 707602. 25 D E=99897.58 z N69*45'24"E- Z 13.67' 0 0 ZONED PCD Li- ;CITY Of 1WHIAT 0L)GO 0) U- 0 N W Lu :r TEMPORARY TRAIL U) 20' TRAIL FASEMENT EA 5FUf _N T W (FEC. 92093972) =(REC. 92093972) (TO REVA ///V) W (TO REMAIN) ROX5URY GARDENS (REC. NO. 093,37790) LOT 4 20 COORS ZONED P D ELECTRICAL (JEFFERSON COUNTY) EASEMENT BOOK 2225, PAGE 258 HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT 392, PAGE 752 LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT 10' U. E. (TYP.) (REC. 2006148911) HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT ACCESS EASEMENT (REC. 2007103405) HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT SET J4 REBA R - (BK. 1875, PG. 159) W1 CAP PLS J23899 (BK. 1895, PG. 515) N=707732.71 E= 100413. SET J4 RERA R W1 CAP PLS J23899 S87 "E n — - — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — N=707739.83 E= 100270.58 — ZONED A 2 ................... (LIEFTERSON -1"OUI\IT\1') rb Ar5 Arr LO - F 27 C. D. 0. T, LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY _- PLAT FA -5[- Mk N (REC. 2006018181) (T0 Rf VA IN) SHEET 3 OF 9 C3 u c 0 U u� n O u� m 0 I CD 0') cn < u-i 0 L� 0 c o T_ 3: U 0 __j A Q) 0) 0 C 4� m c: (T oQ Q) cy x 0 z z 0 o z> 0 C) n n 0 Q) 0 U) C) cn Q) -0 0 Q) c Z 4- 0 0 cy Q) C) ry C) E u 0 a 0 It Q) 0 > Z Q) 0 < u 0 r) a n 0 CJ u 100 50 0 100 200 SCALE: 1 " =100' FND. J5 RERAR W1 CAP PLS 1 f37948 N= 707606.98 E= 99910. ZONED A -- I (CIT'y OF S8105 4 * 127#*E Wt& _/ RIDGE) FND. 115 RERA R W1 CAP PLS )37948 N=707690,79 S33*53'52"E E=99788.87 103.60' FND. 115 REBA /? — W1 CAP PLS. J37948 587*08'1 9 z N=707604.80 51.00' 0 E=99846,65 FND. J5 REHAR W1 CAP PLS II37948 N= 707602. 25 D E=99897.58 z N69*45'24"E- Z 13.67' 0 0 ZONED PCD Li- ;CITY Of 1WHIAT 0L)GO 0) U- 0 N W Lu :r TEMPORARY TRAIL U) 20' TRAIL FASEMENT EA 5FUf _N T W (FEC. 92093972) =(REC. 92093972) (TO REVA ///V) W (TO REMAIN) ROX5URY GARDENS (REC. NO. 093,37790) LOT 4 20 COORS ZONED P D ELECTRICAL (JEFFERSON COUNTY) EASEMENT BOOK 2225, PAGE 258 HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT 392, PAGE 752 LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT 10' U. E. (TYP.) (REC. 2006148911) HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT ACCESS EASEMENT (REC. 2007103405) HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT SET J4 REBA R - (BK. 1875, PG. 159) W1 CAP PLS J23899 (BK. 1895, PG. 515) N=707732.71 E= 100413. SET J4 RERA R W1 CAP PLS J23899 S87 "E n — - — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — N=707739.83 E= 100270.58 — ZONED A 2 ................... (LIEFTERSON -1"OUI\IT\1') rb Ar5 Arr LO - F 27 ROX[3UITY GARDENS (REC, 09337790) ZONED P-D (JEFFERSON COUNTY) EXIST. EASEMENT --(BOOK 1761, PAGE 447) (TO REMA — -- — — — — — — — — A=58*44'05" R=577.60' L= 592.10' CH=N57*08'25"W 566.52' - ZONED A -2 (JEFFERSON COUNTY) l i SET I f4 REBAR W1 CAP PLS. j23899 N=707425.,32 E= 100888. 90 LOT 25 Ln TRAIL FA SEMEN T (REC. 92093972) SOUTHERY LINE OF (7 REM AIN ) To LOT 25 HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT co I LOT 21 LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT 40' (20' EACH OWNER) RESERVED STRIP FOR JOINT USE ROAD PURPOSES BOOK 337, PAGE 227 HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT 51 (o N 0� UJ t: 04 co 0 z LOT 22 LOT 23 20' C. D. 0. T, LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY _- PLAT FA -5[- Mk N (REC. 2006018181) (T0 Rf VA IN) -LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT HEREBY VACATED LOS 26 ROX[3UITY GARDENS (REC, 09337790) ZONED P-D (JEFFERSON COUNTY) EXIST. EASEMENT --(BOOK 1761, PAGE 447) (TO REMA — -- — — — — — — — — A=58*44'05" R=577.60' L= 592.10' CH=N57*08'25"W 566.52' - ZONED A -2 (JEFFERSON COUNTY) l i SET I f4 REBAR W1 CAP PLS. j23899 N=707425.,32 E= 100888. 90 LOT 25 Ln TRAIL FA SEMEN T (REC. 92093972) SOUTHERY LINE OF (7 REM AIN ) To LOT 25 HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT co I LOT 21 LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT 40' (20' EACH OWNER) RESERVED STRIP FOR JOINT USE ROAD PURPOSES BOOK 337, PAGE 227 HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT 51 (o N 0� UJ t: 04 co 0 z LOT 22 LOT 23 20' 20 COORS ELECTRICAL EASEMENT BOOK 2225, PAGE 258 HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY _- PLAT CONSULTING ENGINEERS 00,01- !, rv- -20' 10' U.E. 1 2499 WEST COLFAx AvE. (REC. 200614891 1) LAKEw000, 00 E302 IS HEREBY VACATED FAX 303.431 .4028 BY THIS PLAT / DRAINAGE EASEMENT 1, 1 ! 00 �A L 6 LOT 7, REC. 2006148911 C) CA8[1AS /GOOR,S SUBDIVISION HEREBY VACATED j FILING NO. 1, AMENDED BY THIS PLAT (REC, 2006148,91 ZONED PCD (CIT OF WHEAT RIDGE) i V_ O 0 FND. 3 - 1/4 ALUM. CAP PLS. J16401 N= 706659.71 E= 100898.38 [31853, P781 R- NO. F1997030 REV. MARCH 28, 2011 REV. MARCH 14, 2011 VLbNUANY Id 2111�1=11 MARTI / MARTI .`- CONSULTING ENGINEERS 00,01- !, rv- 1 2499 WEST COLFAx AvE. P. O. Sox 1 51 500 LAKEw000, 00 E302 IS 303.431 .61 00 FAX 303.431 .4028 2111�1=11 E Q) Q) -C V) E o u m 0 0 0 0 u 0 cn z O CD N cn LJ m y 0 G CN cn < M 0 � � _ o 0 cj� i cD o z c Q) 0 � L - C) C) 4 a) ry x m W 0 z z 0 Q) E < z> 4- 0 n __j L In U) 0 U) C) cn 0 Q) Z 4- 0 0 - 0 ry o 0 a > U) Z n < 0 0 o u SEE SHEET 2 OF 9 FOR CONTINUATION SEE SHEET 3 OF 9 FOR CONTINUATION L072 \ j _ - - - - -- - - _ CARE /N` IVO 2 OT 2b /0 70, R, 0. W. A (2' A// 1__ (�BOOK 1H7,7 Pl 7 4 y CAHELA'SICOOR.5' 5Uz5?D' ///,S'/ON 210 RZ VAII FILING NO. 1, AMENDED ui DF_N PWAT�R (REC. 200614,5971 (D R.O.W, AGREEMENT ZONLD PCD TRAIL EASEMENT (R,E(7, 8,901 S07*46'49"E 101 10 ( CITY OF WHFA T RIDGE) _(REC. 920,93,972) -SOUTHERY LINE OF (TO R E MA IN( MA IN) LOT 25 HEREBY 231.33' to REMOVED BY "04 THIS PLAT -t 5* 101) - 589*07'42"W 1318-91' - IT R A -MENT V) 11 �07 9 8 El� VE_ R W1 TRAIL 1� Sf ------ Q) A, 1 \ L I - - - - - - .5 z'3OA1L7D ESIdl� RE 2007098_955 HK J72 PC" c- c, N E ( RE Un SU BDI VISION X� ­b _)/1 '3K 705, PG JJ65 I(A 'INC NO. SOT LINE HLC� -921J04-45 I , ULO' ROXHURY GARDENS HEREBY x I L __ LOT 21 2006148 [OT I (RE NO. 09,3,31790' "K70 REMAIN( 0 1 - 1 - / k 20061489 r2 REMOVED B'�\ TRAIL EASEMENT LOT 3 LOT 4 Y _" LOT 22 LOf 23 7,HIS PLAT LOT LINE HEREB (IYFC� -9209-5972) - cl� - Y of WHEAT RIDGE REMOVED BY 0 UT C11 RIGHT OF--WAY REM (REC. 2006148972) 0 (70 REM THIS PLAT TO RE MAI /A) A=2 (RFC. 20070989-15) 20 COORS LOT LINE HEREBY 4-*15 1- LO 1 2 ZONED P-D ELECTRICAL 40' (20' EACH OWNER) 20 COORS REMOVED BY 11 TO /REldA IN) R=467.00�\ ZONED I --- I (JEFFERSON COUNTY) EASEMENT RESERVED STRIP FOR ELECTRICAL _�THIS PLAT L= 197.69' w LOT LINE HEREBY BOOK 2225, JOINT USE ROAD EASEMENT 2 (jEFFERSON COUNTY) REMOVED BY BOOK 2225, CH=N19,'5425"W PAGE 258 PURPOSES BOOK FNII�R WA7Th' THIS PLAT HEREBY VACATED 337, PAGE 227 PAGE 258 \196.21' DL 0 _N T BY THIS PLAT HEREBY VACATED BY HEREBY VACATED BOARD EASEM -20' BY THIS PLAT 0 =1 2'49 '33' (REC 9-3120802) / THIS PLAT V) R=397.00 A 'ov R= 1529.61' FND. J4 REBA R (TO REMA IN) IN LINE BOOK 1992, PACE 752 FOUND #5 IRON L=215.22' FND. 3-- 114 L 342.40' W1 CAP PLS. 1176401 N=706670.08 ROD W/Y.P.0 IS CH=N65*40'43"W ALUM. CAP CH=N75• 38 47 W *'" r,01 \13495 212.59 "-DRAI1NAGE EASEMENT -20' 10' U.E. PLS. J16401 341.69' HEREBY 61 (REC. 200614891 1)j E= 100898.,38 = 15 VACATED 11) A*2 1 '56" FND. 1 �4 REBAR BY THIS PLAT HEREBY VACATED LOT LINE HEREBY BY THIS PLAT R=791.19' W1 CAP PLS. 1116407 A= 14'50'53 REMOVED BY L=212.18' N= 7065,36 75 R=300.00 THIS PLAT 985,3, CH=N50*55'44"W E=- 3.26 L=77.74' 211.55' � CH=N73*47'05"W 589*07'35"W 57.62' 77.53' ^r-) 04 10' U.E. (TYP.) DRAINAGE EASEMENT 00 FND. J4 RERAR I S, __j U4 (REC. 2006148911) 1 REC. 2006148911 CD W1 CAP PLS. IIJ794 HEREBY VACATED C14 HEREBY VACATED N= 706537. \ UJ BY THIS PLAT B 40 Y THIS PLAT E=98590.87 A=23*44'4'5" uj r ACCESS EASEMENT 00 R=467.00' \ " "I I'll 1.�. Ily/ (REC. 2007103405) EASEMENT (TYP.) IS 9; /0 URLITK L 19 3.55 ' HEREBY VACATED z, CH=N52'38'53"W BY THIS PLAT ("REC. 200674891 192.16' d=09 °55'03" (TO REMAI 111 i 0 /N) R=275.00' V) \ \ \ \ \ 0=38*05'22" L=47.60' ZONED P__D R= 1550.00 CH=S27*44'16"W L= 1 030.42' 1 47.54' (JkffZH5ON COUNT2 I \ \ \ \ e \ CH=N47*18'58"W i LOT 7, YOUNGFIELD SERVICE 700' DRAINAGE AND V 1011.55' CAHELA'SICOORS SUBDIVISION CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT v �10' U.E. (TYP.) FILING NO. 7, AMENDED ROAD _ - WRFC. 2006746-917) (REC. 2006148911) (REC. 200614891 REC. 2006148911 cp ZONED PCD PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY 0 REMA A=29*14 HEREBY VACATED (7 _ `�q" , I BY THIS (CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE) (WIDTH VARIES) 80' DENVER WATER R= 1 450.06"' \ PLAT HEREBY VACATED BY THIS HOARD EASEMENT L=739.95' PLAT BOOK _379, PAGE 66 ... CH:=S`4!K54'06"E S32*41'47"W co BOOK 708, PA 336 7\31.94' 166.62' /c N . �4 REC. 921,30445 (TO REMAIN) A---43*4658" 10' U.E. (TYP.) R=325.00' 25' 0 (REC. 20064691 1 )/ \\ 0 L=248.35' (TYP) z 4 HEREBY VACAT�D 'o CH=S10'48'18"W BY THIS PLff 242.35' LOT 8, CABL SUBDIIISION N10*1433"W FILING NO. 1, AME SECTION CORNER MONUMENT TO 5.32' p (REC" 2006148-917) BE SET ONCE CONSTRUCTION c� ZONED PCD A CTIVITIES ARE COMPLETE A--86*23'52" (CIT�' OF WHEAT Flz')C;k 5 09 R=21.82' PM NJ,946'08.72109 L=32.89' 100 50 0 100 200 W105*08'50.55867" A=35*21'02" SCALE: 1 100' 1 LOT LINE HEREBY--,, SPC R=631.00' CH=S31*50'30"W REMOVED BY THIS PLAT 0 1 A07 =07' 00'40 1 1 17052 13 49 L=389 32' R= 1 1 29.86' � 1 .) 4 50.00, 3099123.90 CH=S57*0638"W 10' U.E. (TYP.) �77.43' 383.17' (REC. 2006148911) CH =S31 37 70564J. 65 HERE BY BY THIS VACATED 7,32' 99905.69 35.68' PLAT SEC 19 20 NORTH LINE NW 114, SEC 29, TjS, R69W, 6 TH P. M. SOUTH LINE SE 114, SEC 19, T35, R69W, 67H P.M. 36 SEC 29 N89*22'39"E 1004,97' 10 U.E. (TYP) N89 CIE - 0 SET 11 RE B AR N89 'o --i625.77 1312.99 (REC. 2006148911) W _9_4 A=39' 12'59 19.90 oo CAP PLS 112,389,9 • SET 114 RESAR R=700.00' HEREBY VACATED A=49*50'1 8" N=705654.67 - NIER BY THIS PLAT­ c E= 100910.60 N=705624.17 - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - HOARD EASEMENT L=479.12 R=569.00' W1 CAP PLS. j2J899 80'DE WA TER it A 86*28'01 E=98592.85 CH=S47*52'46"E L=494.94' 15001 0 10' UTILITY BOOK J79, PAGE 66 R= 19.50' t1.11 I ol 7/-) PAGE L_ - 11 z _�, Ara Re) t CH=N64*21'1 VE w N39'4608.4J61 1 9 _ � T� U, p= 13' 40 4 L=ZV.43 a - ( R EC . 2006148,91 HFC, 921JO445 f- / 479.48' 14 W105*0924,17682" 114 COR COMMON TO SEC 1 CH=N82*40'08"E & 30 FOUND RED STONE R=800.00' spc (7 REMAIN; L=186.96' 26.71' WICHISEL ED EMBEDDED IN 00 1705174.60 10' U. E. (TYP) �CH=N60*47'3 "W" • CONC. MARKED AS SHOWN A (REC. 2006148911) 3096498.96 LOT 7, LOT 6, A= 39* 12'59 'k- 186.54' •Q� ro HEREBY VACATED 0 T3S R69W "spC Lo /0' UTIL174 CAHELA'SICOORS SUBDIVISION R=800 BY THIS PLAT CAHE­�ASICOOFS SUBDIVISION .' c V) b 705604.71 ul FILING NO. 1, AMENDED p S-19 r /A/C NO. 1, AMENDED 97280.13 EASEMENT �TYPJ (RI 2006745911) L=547.56' '6 N/ 0 (REC, 2006148911) (R L C� 200614,5,91 CH=S47*52'46"E S 30 z ZONED POD (TO REMAIN) 10-23-86 536.94' (CITY OF WHEA RIDGE) X -qPf= -qW[=[=T R OF FOR r%-r KITIKIf WrinKl_ REV. MARCH 28, 2011 REV. MARCH 14, 2011 IFFRIPHARY 1R ?nil odd Lilloat MARTIN / MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1 2499 WEST COLFAx AvE. P.O. Box 1 51 500 LAkK E:wiaum, CO BO2 1 5 303.431.61 FAX 303.431 .4028 PLAT NOTE i N z a� a� E �u z a U � N v 0 I a 0 U 0 u / Q / z Q / O 0 N Q w m Q u I 0 N T c: Q M o'5 C)0 U U r-y-i J (j n z Q) c- c U a) o� a� U a� Q) 4- a� ry x m a� a.� oQ D 0 z �0 C) v Q o z> 4 �F- CL F� a a� (1 Q) U to n Q _° o a n a� W z 0 O CT C) p (Q� o z z a n o U � 0- n ° - - SET 114 RE - W/ CAP PLS. #2899 N=705624. 77 15001 E=98592.85 N39'46'08. 4361 I " 114 COR. COMMON TO SEC. 19 W105 °09'24.17682" & 30 FOUND RED STONE SPC W /CHISELED "+** EMBEDDED IN 1705174.60 CONC. MARKED AS SHOWN 3096498.96 MSPC T3S R69W 705604.71 S ®19 97280.13 S -30 10 -23 -86 t� M O N M r d° LO LO T z ZONED P - -D (JEFFERSON COUNTY) 70' UTILITY EASEMENT (TYP.) (REC. 2006 1489 1 7) (TO REMAIN) F SET #4 REBAR W/ CAP PLS. #23899 I II N= 704303.98 E=98614.25 I ' ( I I I 14 100 50 0 100 200 I I' SCALE: 1 " =100' 1 I \ 99953.15 -- ---I LOT I ( N RA GE Box I _ I I ' j I FND. #4 REBAR LS hf 13212 I W1 CAP PLS. #17010 70 T BU S / SS I I I N= 704009.78 - ----- - - A PPL EWOOD NIPS - - -I I 1 0 - I I - - - -- - - N3 '454 .6 - -- CEN TER SUED / V /S /ON I E= 100922.09 DQZ TL01 - _ W JO '08'5 .08231 " FIL ING NO. 3 I APPLE 1�U0�L/. E 70 l�l!FST BUS /NESS BOOK 19, PAGE 64c PLAT BOOK 148, PAGE 51 REC.'' 59764494 BOOK 97, PAGE 3 170 572.97 I - -- - I CENTFP (701NBC� i REC1 #FO901318 REC. 88049716 309 171.35 I BL OCA' 2 PLAT BOOK 79, PAGE 47 - -- - -- - __ - 703002.49 - -- _ -- = - - -- _ -- __ -- L0/ I I REC. 84076366 I QUIT HIM ED REC. - -- - F2079471 & 07947 SITUATED IN SECTIONS 19, 20 29 & 30, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 5OF9 S SHEET 4 OF 9 FOR CONTINUATION / �-- 35.68' SEC 19 SEC 20 N ORTH LI NE NW 1 4 SEC 29, T3S, R 69W, 6TH P.M LIN SE 1/ 4, SEC 19, T3 s / SOUTH S,_ R69 6TH P _ _ _ \ - - " 2625.77' - - 1312.99' - ® \ - - \ \- - �ECJO SEC 29 N89'2239 "E 1004.97' 10' U.E. {TYP) N89'32'1 6 "E SET f4 REBAR N89 09 04 E \ \ _ 39 12 , 59 (REC 2006148911) I W/ CAP PLS . #2.3899 A - 19.90 \ HEREBY VACATED / A= 49'50'18" N= 7056.54.67 I - - - _ R \ \, . I 7 O9.00� T I 8C' DFNV�R WA7E R = \ �� \ _ BY LA R E= 100910.60 - - - - - -- - --------- - - - - - - - - - - 7 i HOARD EASEMENT - A= 86'28'01' 170'' L,'l lTY BOOK 379, PAGE 66 - \ \ ' \ �`\ CH= S4T52'46 "E R= 19.50 L= 494.94' b' , s BOOK 708, PACE 336 \ \ 469.82 A =13 L =29.43 �✓ CH =N64 21 1 CIE LA_�� .Mr,7T (IYP.) �J 479.48' I REC. 921.30445 R= 800.00' CH= N82'40'0 \ 8 "E (REC. 2OC761489 7 7) � \ V �� \ l \ L= 186.96' 26.71' r� ��� �' 10' U.E. (TYP) ( I I (TO f EMAGV� �T CH= N60'47'34 "W �� ®�� ; (REC. 200614891 1 ) I I LOT 6, A =39' 12'59" \ ` \ \ 3 186.54' ^� N - a HEREBY VACATED 10' UTIZ.ITY 1 CAE7ELA S /COORS SUBDIVr5 /OT✓ R= 800.00' \ \ � o,`� �° p�ti � BY THIS PLAT I r LUNG NO. 1, AMENDED 4 / I EA �LiliIENT (TYP. > L= 547.56` \ \ � � cy �,` Tory ^g (REC. 2006 7 489 1 1 (REC. 2006148911) CH= 547 "E \ o '60 ` ' � •Q) (7 REMAIN \ 5 36,94' � \� 200' WIC FND. �A 3 ALUM. CAP LS #13212 \ \ 20' APPLEWOOD SANITA T,ION \\ 100 \ \ A= 86'28'01 " DISTRICT EASMENT / \\ N39'46'06.74522" \ \ \ R= 19.50' HOOK 265 3 PAGE 360 / \ ' ' W1050850.52251 " \ \ \ ' TO REMA \ \ � L =29.43 ( ) SPc I \ \ \ \ `e, CH= SO3'47'54 "W I \ 170501357 I \ \ , / I \ 3099127.50 \ \ � 26.71 10' U.E. (TYP) / 100' GRAINAGT AND \ 10 U.E. (TY�') o v \ \ (REC. 2006148911) / N CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT 705443.56 (REC. X006148911) \ HEREBY VACATED / `�'� \ HEREBY VACATED � 2006 7 48.9 7 7) v 99909.27 \ BY THIS PLAT / ao �, I � � w TO REMAIN BY IS PLAT / r CABELA'S /COORS sUBDIL'ISION (I I \ FILING NO, 1, AMENDED (RFC. 2006 1489 1 1 , (I 80' DENVER WATER BOARD EASEMENT BOOK 379 PAGE 66 \ I 0 (I BOOK 708, PAGE 336 \ \ / I 00 REC. 92130445 I (I I (TO REMAIN) \ \ \ \ / / I rN I LOT 7 I I 6= 49'46'51" \ �\ \� w R= 700.00' \ i A =46' 14'52" I s I CABELA S/C'OORS SUBDIVISION L =608 . 19 ' \ R= 800.00' FIU,NG NO. 1, AME/ ✓DED (I c� CH =S25'40 27' E \ ` L= 645.74' L O (REC. 2006 1489 7 1) I ( ( cw 589.24' \ / �, �� CH= N23'54'28 "W I d' 'ONL D f CD (CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ( ,v I � LOT 6, / �1 � +� \ 628.35' I 00 (I V C'ABELA S /COORS SUBDIVISION N / // I ( FILING NO. 1, AMENDED / / \ \ 10' UTIL17 - Y (I o (REC. 2006748911 / / �\ \ \ \ I FASFMENT (TYP) 0 / /� i I (RFC. 2006 7 489 1 7) (TO REMAIN) I I I ( 20' APPLL WD00 SANITA TION / / \ \ A= 50'5726" w DISTRICT EASVENT / / \ V (( BOOK 2653, PAGE 360 / / \ A= 49'05'04" \ ( R= 265.99' I I (70 REMAIN) / m m D R ,741.00' \ L= 236.56' / n (A L= 3.12' \ I CH= N63'44'22 "E I ► w 0 r) m CH =S6. 14'24 "E \ I 228,84' 00 I 34.06' \ \ >* � I 0 - 0 \ \ 0 -01 ► 70' UTiuTY INTERSTATE 70 ®• to EASEMENT (TYP) \ / \ CONNECTOR I I i m (REC. 2006,14891 1 \ PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY I (TO REMAIN) (REC. 2006148911) ca j 89' 13'04 "E - \ ry (TO REMAIN) - 20' APPLFWOOD SANITATION cn cn I 99 26' \ o V (I in CD A =47'50 39 , DISTRICT EA \ \ 30' APPLEWOOD SANITA TION BOOK 265.3 PAGE 360 I I - - - -- - - - - - - -- R= 265.99' \ DIST. - FASFMFNT DRAINAGE EASEMENT (TO REMAIN) '" ' L =222.1 1' (REC. 88069775) (REC. 88069775) I I - _ - ' - DRAINAGE EASEMENT ! N89'13'04 "E CH= S66'51'36 "E \ (TO REMA7Ni (TO REMAIN) - - - - - - _ _ ( _ - - - (REC. 88069775/ - 108.54 - - - 215.71 ' (TO REMAIN) N 10' UTILITY - �.O.W. _ - _--- - - - - -- � = ---- - - - - -- I 0100' o EASLULAIT(7YP)- \\ FND. #5 REBAR W/ I/ - -_ - - -- -- ALUM. CAP PLS. 16401 20' APPLFWOOD SANITATION D1,51 (( ® � � ! ® (REC. 2006148911 EASEMENT (RE - C. 88069774) y I 50 50 (TO REMAIN") � 37.1 1 ' N= 704332.98 (TO REMAIN) I I o I o E= 100928. 19 - - - - - - SOUTH LINE NW 114, NW 114, SEC 2_9, _73S, R_69W, 6T H P.M w h, - - - - - - - S89'26'04 "W 562.05, - - - - - - _ - - 4 e -- -- -- - - - -- -- m A 49° 08' S " CONSOL IDA TED MU AL S89 1315 .31' FND. #4 REBAR � I I R=41.00' ( 0 WA TER COMPAN Y L Z- Sl - -- - - - - - - - - -- W/ ALUM. CAP PLS. #438 I I t° L= 35.17' to FASFMENT & 72' 00 \ 478 477 I I N= 704323.07 A LOT 5, °. i - CH =N64 °38'37' °E INGRESS EGRESS I 476 4 \ ___ __� 22 ` 2 j E= 99929.42 q t SUBDIVISION 34.10' I N BOOK ,317, PAGE 43 LOT 4, (TO REMAIN) I \\ prj FILING NO. 7, AMENDED 10 U.E. (TYP) COORS SUBDIVISION W � I w EL. A 'S I � -- - -- -- - - - A P P l_ E W 0 0 D GARDENS N (REC. 20067489 7 1 (REC. 2006148911) ry CAB i � a p I � / 2 2ND FILING M HEREBY VACATED' c,a I �"' I FILING NO. 1, AMENDED I � 0 W 14th % dE. I (REC. 2006148971) (BOOK 1952, PAGE 286) BY THIS PLAT 0a 1 M 4I PLAT BOOK 28, PAGE 33 = w - i ( d° FND. #4 REBAR T - - -- -- - -- - - _ _ FND. AL UM. DISK 10 U.E. ►`� (TYP) • REC. #67249084 � tv I O W/ CAP PLS. #16401 ' 24 PLS. 38098 (REC. 2006148911) O # N= 704091.50 O N= 703999.72 COMBINED A CCESS i HEREBY VACATED I E= 100931.25 480 ZONED P -D I t!) �- - 488 489 t _ (JEFFERSON COUNTY) ZONED R- 1A E= 99935.23 EASEMENT I BY THIS PLAT „ \ I C v 471 BD - - (JEFFERSON COUNTY) Z I i I ` S06 23 52 W � ZONED R -7 I 10' UTILITY (REC. 2009090469) i 10' UTILITY , - JLFFERSON, COUNTY' I I - - -- EASEMENT (TYP) -- (TO REMAIN) ! i EASEMENT TYP 82 � - - - - - - - -- - -a - -- - - 25 (TO REMAIN) / (TO REMAIN) W1 4 OR. SECTI N 290 - - 326.33' - - - -' REV. MARCH 28, 2011 T3S R69 W, 6T P.M. - 560.58 - - - - / - -- 100-00 -- - _ - - J REV. MARCH 14, 2011 c l� _._..__ - -_. ____� FND. 3- 4 ALU CAP FFRRI IARY 1R gni 1 " ( - -- S89'24'56 "W 986.91' - r 114 IC D z -,- N s Cn Q) n _ Ea U z q 0 D N O n 0 N i z Q o_ 0 0 N Cn Q w M Q v 0 �Q m 0 00 3 U F- 0 _j �6 oz 0 U Q) 0:2 M v C a> Sri Q) 0 C_ N Q) 0>! x Mimi ­dnmh�_ 122H i FND. 114 REBAR W/ CAP PLS. 1116401 N= 70709719 N00'23'08 "W-/ E=97269,96 171.61 ' -I-, o FND. 3- 114 " 0 p o Name 0 z Arc Chord PLS. #16401 0 N=706925.58 U) Direction - - - E=97271.12 011 Line TaiAe f3f542 0 Name E engih Direction L t 24 63 N46 07414E - 234.32 L 13 53 S 11 + 2'36 "W - - -- L ^ m 138 x9 n N01 4 € 04 W L4 37.45 S35`36'4 "W 12 "10 v cn X42 35 S07 "46'44x- E. 364 ?3 7 L 15 57`' 4 3 cn Q) 15 L16 718 0;3 S00"4649 E � L20 98.22 N38'3641'E o L21 138.69 r N13 52'53'E I C7 .R. S3 N11 ' 02'36'E 12 145'W Q) .3T97 N16`3041 "E 24 43 4F L25 313 59 N46 "04'14'E 17880 L Q) S67 "5725 "E _ i2 0 .._.., L2'7 36.86 o 0 1J2 UV I— '31 " � + � �,.mm�n 82.67 Cif 2b'49"59 " c G ry 745. nn � W CT 3 (] 037 2 Cn z z � > a C16 42 1 r' 507 014 673.16 Q -4- > - O 7 0 3 n E_ C N Mimi ­dnmh�_ 122H i FND. 114 REBAR W/ CAP PLS. 1116401 N= 70709719 N00'23'08 "W-/ E=97269,96 171.61 ' END. J5 REBAR f FND. #4 REBAR SO �ASEMENI I I � BOOK 2 PAGE 367 (HOOK W/ CAP PLS. 37948 CAP PLS. 16401 (TO REMAI ) T AGE 49�,) N= 707738.46 W / -- - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - E= 99453.62 -- - - - - - - - ZONE - D / 1 - N=7076,36_31 - - ` E= 97487.58 - - - - _ = - -- - - - - - - - - - -- _ -- - - - Of WHE 7 f, ID - -- - - -- - -- -- - 1 ®5 4'27 ( I - -- -- - - - - - _ - - - -- -- - - N87'01'33 "E _1 _ - - - - - -- ' - `' -�- - 1 - -- - -- - - - -- 1342.82 -� FND. #5 REBA R - I I .- -_ -- - -- - - - - - - - 10' UTILITY 4 SEMFNT � I W/ CAP PLS #37948 -- - - -- _ _ _ 470.21 _ 155.66 \`\ (REC. 2006 7 489 1 1) N= 707690.79 S33'53'52 "E \ - S89'21'20 "W 313.48' - --- `" \ (TO REMAIN) \ _ .. � � `\ E= 99788.87 103.60' \ 1 01'42'03" v v v 6.24' 10' UTILITY EASEMENT FND. #5 REBAR 1 41 )EC. 2006 1 489 12) \ �® \ \ W/ CAP PLS. #37948 S87'08'1 9"E \ LO N= 707604 80 �� . FND. #4 REBAR \_ w- \ ( REMAIN) \ \ \ E= 99846.65 51 .00 ' W1 CA P PLS. 6401 \ \ \C29 \ \ \ A =59° 13'47" FND. #5 REBAR - I N= 707494.86 \ \ �\\ R= 778.50' W/ CAP PLS. #37948 E= 97483.38 \ \ A =82 52 00 - ---- - \ L= 804.78' I \ \ \ \ \� 'y N= 707602.25 R= 681.50' O • � CH =S37 °23'33 "E =99897.58 UNPLA7TED V A L= 985.65' \ \ CH =N49 °12'40 "W % \ 769.42' LOT 70, N69'4524" A= 53'02'20" \ \ 901.96' \ �s�F® \ CABELA'S /COORS SUBDIVISION 13.67 R= 505.40' FILING No. 1, AMENDED L= 467.85' \ \ \ \ LOCK 6, \�� L F` ( (REC. 2006148911) 00 LOT 1 10' U.E. TYP. '- CH�=N28' 13' 13 "E \ \ 663,942 S.F. \ \ HEREBY DEDICATED ZONED T CD 451.32' / 80' DENVER WATER \ \ 15.24 AC \\ BY THIS PLAT (CITY Of WHEAT RIDE) co � BOARD F_4SEMEN7 \ \ � � �y , LIJ BOOK 379, PAGE 66 V A LOT 9, BOOK 708, PAGE 336 V A 9� A� 5 00 REC. 92130445 v v cABELA s /cooRS sUBDl�rsloN � � � 5 \ B LOCK , OT 1 / FLUNG NO. 2 , { (TD RFMAI) \ \ REC,'. 2006748912 ' \ 1,105 S.F. °z \ ( ZONED PCD ) 10 U.E. (TYP.) � � \\ 25.38 AC I \ HEREBY DEDICATED 10' UTITITY EASEMENT V A (CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE) BY THIS PLAT / -- C. 200,51489 12) I / (10 REMAIN) V A 30' DENVER WATER � SOT46'40 "E 112.76' R. 0. W. AGREEMENT EXlSI. f Z_F�'. EASEMENT \ (BOOK 1877, PAGE 174) � I (REC. HOOK 706, PAGE 246) 20' TRAIL_ 4SEMENT V A (TO REMAIN) I (TO REMAIN) (REC. 20080336) \ \ \ V A DENIER WATER \ SE COR., N1/2, SE1 /4, _ (TO REMAIN) R. 0. W. AGREEMENT NW CDR., SE1 /4, SEl /4, TEMPORARY TRAIL SEC. 19, T3S, R69W, 67"H P.M. (REC. 89015704) \ 1 SEC. 19, US, R69W, 6TH P.M. L REMAIN 4SEMENT 1 TO - - - ° z' N07'46'49 "W - (REC 92093972) 10 ' 4 SEMEN 0 5.13 - - - - - - \ REMAIN) -� \ \ \ 0 -4 128.29 - - -- - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - 2008006436) \ 5' \ \ N ,� - - - --- - - - - N89'07'35 "E 1319.03' - \ (TO REMAIN) \ \- -- s - - - - -- - _ - 973.71' _ ' TRAIL - � 329.72' \ - EASEMENT [10' E. (TYP .) S89'07 35 W 410.63 (REC. 2 ° °9 - - - _ 5' \ HEREBY DEDICATED - - - FND. #4 REB AR BLOCK 16,1 LOT 2 \ BY THIS PLAT ''' (TO �E�43 °06'00" - - _ - - - - - __ = TRACT B o W/ CAP PLS. #16401 LOT 9A, 192,2p6 S.F. \ \ \ \ (�`' - - _ - 107,602 S.F. N= 706931.84 CABELA S /COORS SUBOLVI.SION 4.41 AC V A w R =367.0 - 2 47 AC N r�i E =97681.70 FILING NO. 2 , 00 L=27� 07 TRAIL EASEMENT \ \ M NEG' 1 -2 N00'23'08 "W (REC. 2006148912) \ - - \ - - - ( � � � �' CH= S29'19'49 "E (REC. � REMAIN .� LOT 4 � ZO JEFFERSON COUNTY) - - 10' UTILITY_EN4.SEMEN ,\ _ - -I N M 269. EAT RIDGE RIGHT-OF--WAY ( ) ZONED P -D tD ( 174.56 _ �- - REC. 2006148 12) �� UTY OF W N \ A =25 4�" (REC. 200098955) TRACT 'A' (JEFFERSON COUNTY) 0 00 )0 REP✓IAIN) 028 N o -- -- _--- ____ -- - -- - - - - - -- R= 474.50 (TO REMAIN) b ROXBURY GA b \ \ N (T A 1 DRAINAGE AREA (REC. No. 09 o 337790) -- FND. #4 REBAR s \ L= 212.52 \ \ O Z W/ CAP PLS. #16401 A =10 05 16 CH= N2Q'36'30 "W ® (JEFFE COUNTY) AND EASEMENT N= 70675729 R= 1022.23 X10.75 V Z . -DENVER WATER BOARD EASEMENT 321,402 S.F. E_-97682.87 L ®179 A =12' 49' 33" \ `\ (REC 93120802) 7.38 AC S87*51 ' 1 ® "W 175.73' CH= N87#06' 12 "W R=1529 \ 89 17' (TO REMAIN) S89'52'43 "W N89'39'36 "W 403.08' 328.20' FND. #4 REBAR 179.75' ' FND. #4 REBAR \ 030 L= 342 .40 -- FOUND #5 IRON 13646' . 1 �® 322 27 N89 °39 36 09.00' - W/ CAP \ \� R00 W /Y.P.O N00'07'26 "W ��1 1\ ACT 'D' ' � ® F. / - 'W 4 - - - - W/ CAP PLS #16401 FND. #4 REBAR CH N75 '38'47 "W PLS. #16401 \ 20.00' .5'I'��` DRAINAGE AREA o \ LS 13495" $`L �1 N= 706763.87 W/ CAP PLS. #16401 341 N= 706670.08 \ ( \ 5 6k AND EASEMENT E= 97858.48 N= 706754.79 E= 98369.02 \ 89'52 34 W 300.70 124.29 S F E=980,38. 00 z Curve Table FND. 3- 114 " REV. MARCH Name ALUM. CAP Radius Arc Chord PLS. #16401 0 N=706925.58 Length Direction - - - E=97271.12 011 Line TaiAe f3f542 0 Name E engih Direction L t 24 63 N46 07414E - 234.32 L 13 53 S 11 + 2'36 "W - - -- L ^ m 138 x9 S 13 52'63 �/....,_ N01 4 € 04 W L4 37.45 S35`36'4 "W 12 "10 L a X42 35 S07 "46'44x- E. 364 ?3 7 L 15 57`' 4 3 S55 "51'58 "E 1 15 L16 718 0;3 S00"4649 E � L20 98.22 N38'3641'E 117.39 L21 138.69 r N13 52'53'E I C7 .R. S3 N11 ' 02'36'E 12 145'W L23 ^ .3T97 N16`3041 "E 24 43 4F L25 313 59 N46 "04'14'E 17880 L 53 90 S67 "5725 "E _ i2 0 .._.., L2'7 36.86 355 "01'40 "E 1CI`� a3" END. J5 REBAR f FND. #4 REBAR SO �ASEMENI I I � BOOK 2 PAGE 367 (HOOK W/ CAP PLS. 37948 CAP PLS. 16401 (TO REMAI ) T AGE 49�,) N= 707738.46 W / -- - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - E= 99453.62 -- - - - - - - - ZONE - D / 1 - N=7076,36_31 - - ` E= 97487.58 - - - - _ = - -- - - - - - - - - - -- _ -- - - - Of WHE 7 f, ID - -- - - -- - -- -- - 1 ®5 4'27 ( I - -- -- - - - - - _ - - - -- -- - - N87'01'33 "E _1 _ - - - - - -- ' - `' -�- - 1 - -- - -- - - - -- 1342.82 -� FND. #5 REBA R - I I .- -_ -- - -- - - - - - - - 10' UTILITY 4 SEMFNT � I W/ CAP PLS #37948 -- - - -- _ _ _ 470.21 _ 155.66 \`\ (REC. 2006 7 489 1 1) N= 707690.79 S33'53'52 "E \ - S89'21'20 "W 313.48' - --- `" \ (TO REMAIN) \ _ .. � � `\ E= 99788.87 103.60' \ 1 01'42'03" v v v 6.24' 10' UTILITY EASEMENT FND. #5 REBAR 1 41 )EC. 2006 1 489 12) \ �® \ \ W/ CAP PLS. #37948 S87'08'1 9"E \ LO N= 707604 80 �� . FND. #4 REBAR \_ w- \ ( REMAIN) \ \ \ E= 99846.65 51 .00 ' W1 CA P PLS. 6401 \ \ \C29 \ \ \ A =59° 13'47" FND. #5 REBAR - I N= 707494.86 \ \ �\\ R= 778.50' W/ CAP PLS. #37948 E= 97483.38 \ \ A =82 52 00 - ---- - \ L= 804.78' I \ \ \ \ \� 'y N= 707602.25 R= 681.50' O • � CH =S37 °23'33 "E =99897.58 UNPLA7TED V A L= 985.65' \ \ CH =N49 °12'40 "W % \ 769.42' LOT 70, N69'4524" A= 53'02'20" \ \ 901.96' \ �s�F® \ CABELA'S /COORS SUBDIVISION 13.67 R= 505.40' FILING No. 1, AMENDED L= 467.85' \ \ \ \ LOCK 6, \�� L F` ( (REC. 2006148911) 00 LOT 1 10' U.E. TYP. '- CH�=N28' 13' 13 "E \ \ 663,942 S.F. \ \ HEREBY DEDICATED ZONED T CD 451.32' / 80' DENVER WATER \ \ 15.24 AC \\ BY THIS PLAT (CITY Of WHEAT RIDE) co � BOARD F_4SEMEN7 \ \ � � �y , LIJ BOOK 379, PAGE 66 V A LOT 9, BOOK 708, PAGE 336 V A 9� A� 5 00 REC. 92130445 v v cABELA s /cooRS sUBDl�rsloN � � � 5 \ B LOCK , OT 1 / FLUNG NO. 2 , { (TD RFMAI) \ \ REC,'. 2006748912 ' \ 1,105 S.F. °z \ ( ZONED PCD ) 10 U.E. (TYP.) � � \\ 25.38 AC I \ HEREBY DEDICATED 10' UTITITY EASEMENT V A (CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE) BY THIS PLAT / -- C. 200,51489 12) I / (10 REMAIN) V A 30' DENVER WATER � SOT46'40 "E 112.76' R. 0. W. AGREEMENT EXlSI. f Z_F�'. EASEMENT \ (BOOK 1877, PAGE 174) � I (REC. HOOK 706, PAGE 246) 20' TRAIL_ 4SEMENT V A (TO REMAIN) I (TO REMAIN) (REC. 20080336) \ \ \ V A DENIER WATER \ SE COR., N1/2, SE1 /4, _ (TO REMAIN) R. 0. W. AGREEMENT NW CDR., SE1 /4, SEl /4, TEMPORARY TRAIL SEC. 19, T3S, R69W, 67"H P.M. (REC. 89015704) \ 1 SEC. 19, US, R69W, 6TH P.M. L REMAIN 4SEMENT 1 TO - - - ° z' N07'46'49 "W - (REC 92093972) 10 ' 4 SEMEN 0 5.13 - - - - - - \ REMAIN) -� \ \ \ 0 -4 128.29 - - -- - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - 2008006436) \ 5' \ \ N ,� - - - --- - - - - N89'07'35 "E 1319.03' - \ (TO REMAIN) \ \- -- s - - - - -- - _ - 973.71' _ ' TRAIL - � 329.72' \ - EASEMENT [10' E. (TYP .) S89'07 35 W 410.63 (REC. 2 ° °9 - - - _ 5' \ HEREBY DEDICATED - - - FND. #4 REB AR BLOCK 16,1 LOT 2 \ BY THIS PLAT ''' (TO �E�43 °06'00" - - _ - - - - - __ = TRACT B o W/ CAP PLS. #16401 LOT 9A, 192,2p6 S.F. \ \ \ \ (�`' - - _ - 107,602 S.F. N= 706931.84 CABELA S /COORS SUBOLVI.SION 4.41 AC V A w R =367.0 - 2 47 AC N r�i E =97681.70 FILING NO. 2 , 00 L=27� 07 TRAIL EASEMENT \ \ M NEG' 1 -2 N00'23'08 "W (REC. 2006148912) \ - - \ - - - ( � � � �' CH= S29'19'49 "E (REC. � REMAIN .� LOT 4 � ZO JEFFERSON COUNTY) - - 10' UTILITY_EN4.SEMEN ,\ _ - -I N M 269. EAT RIDGE RIGHT-OF--WAY ( ) ZONED P -D tD ( 174.56 _ �- - REC. 2006148 12) �� UTY OF W N \ A =25 4�" (REC. 200098955) TRACT 'A' (JEFFERSON COUNTY) 0 00 )0 REP✓IAIN) 028 N o -- -- _--- ____ -- - -- - - - - - -- R= 474.50 (TO REMAIN) b ROXBURY GA b \ \ N (T A 1 DRAINAGE AREA (REC. No. 09 o 337790) -- FND. #4 REBAR s \ L= 212.52 \ \ O Z W/ CAP PLS. #16401 A =10 05 16 CH= N2Q'36'30 "W ® (JEFFE COUNTY) AND EASEMENT N= 70675729 R= 1022.23 X10.75 V Z . -DENVER WATER BOARD EASEMENT 321,402 S.F. E_-97682.87 L ®179 A =12' 49' 33" \ `\ (REC 93120802) 7.38 AC S87*51 ' 1 ® "W 175.73' CH= N87#06' 12 "W R=1529 \ 89 17' (TO REMAIN) S89'52'43 "W N89'39'36 "W 403.08' 328.20' FND. #4 REBAR 179.75' ' FND. #4 REBAR \ 030 L= 342 .40 -- FOUND #5 IRON 13646' . 1 �® 322 27 N89 °39 36 09.00' - W/ CAP \ \� R00 W /Y.P.O N00'07'26 "W ��1 1\ ACT 'D' ' � ® F. / - 'W 4 - - - - W/ CAP PLS #16401 FND. #4 REBAR CH N75 '38'47 "W PLS. #16401 \ 20.00' .5'I'��` DRAINAGE AREA o \ LS 13495" $`L �1 N= 706763.87 W/ CAP PLS. #16401 341 N= 706670.08 \ ( \ 5 6k AND EASEMENT E= 97858.48 N= 706754.79 E= 98369.02 \ 89'52 34 W 300.70 124.29 S F E=980,38. 00 ° ZONED ,- -D (JEFFE COUNTY) UNPL_A T - TED A= 15'21'56" NOO °07'26 "W R= 791.19 69.37' L= 212.1$' FND. #4 REBAR CH= N50'55'44 "W w/ cAP PLS. #16401 211.55 N=706536.75 E= 98533.26 S89'07'35 "W 57.62' FND. #4 REBAR W/ CAP PLS. #3794 prj N= 706537.62 E=98590.87 3 c0 N Z 3 120. 0' 271.74' A= 90'00'00" 7 1.68 AC • 10' U.E. (TYP.) \ 015 8,\'� R= 4 18.85' 26 '0$ � ' 25 BY HEREBY S PLAT CH= N79'08'02 "E 12.23' NA DEDIC ATED C \ \ 89 S• �- \ \ \ 16.97' R = 52. 5'S8" 6= 42'21'17" R= 52.00' R= 88.00' \ \ \ E L= 65.05' L= 14.61' CH =S53 °15'29 "W CH=S 66*23'09"W 4. 63.58' ' I N32'04'50 "E S `� N45 °46'16`�W 2 38.70 84.70' \ \ ° 03 BLOCK 1, LOT 2 A= R= 474 \ 8�\ �, , 607,300 S.F. -7A R 0 30" \ S \ gory 9 s 13.94 AC . 5 L= 47.83' CH =N42 °53'01 "W 147.81' 80' DENVER WA TER\ \ BOARD EASEMENT BOOK 379, PAGE 66 BOOK 708, PAGE 336 ,q REC. 92130445 10' U.E. ( TYP.) \ \~ ®J- ®�C',9 HEREBY DEDICATED BLOCK 5, LOT 1 \ \ \ \ \ ®sip® /LF BY THIS PLAT I \ 1 603,901 S.F. 13.86 AC 10' U.E. (TYP.) \ \ HEREBY DEDICATED \ \ \\ fNUAT LOT 8, BY THIS PLAT COO P. 0. W (REC. 2006018786) r N SET W/ CAP PL E_ FND. #5 REBAR W/ CAP PLS. #37948 N= 707606.98 -= 9991 D. 41 z Curve Table 20 0 Q REV. MARCH Name Delta Radius Arc Chord Chord � 0 V Length Direction Length 0 011 1t(7k f3f542 0 18(.78 7 N61'()tl'4i "' 184) 39 C2 1 �s 10 45° - '030 00 - 234.32 _. _. N5T 5 44 W 233.23 C3 9" 2"35 it 04 1 7i N01 4 € 04 W ,. 17 61 i C4 12 "10 =105 50 3x7€1.30 N72'47' 9 "E 364 ?3 7 W C5 30 15 2`i 42 S33'29'22 "E 22.67 2 17 2 117.39 512 - 03'15' 16.39 C7 0 17 ' 9 1 €5 12 145'W `-8.94 1 _ C6 24 43 4F _ j�' 754 _ '1803 _ S12 '1447W 17880 C9 15t � 5 1 m _ i2 0 105 i9 582"02'11"w 16 N 015 1CI`� a3" 1J2 UV '31 " � + � �,.mm�n 82.67 Cif 2b'49"59 " X350 745. S45'26'58"E ._ 74-.29 037 2 4 1 841 S51 15'3 "E 419 14 C16 42 1 r' 507 014 673.16 S34 0757E ,..._._ 824.68 - C20 2 , 43"4-8 150 i 9 °I, 23 N26 i4 47 E 192.72 . C2 1 a 1 5 0 2O 56 _ N12 217'45T 2455 CAL rrt LB' '350.00 0 33-40 N13'46 "E m3$... V4Y 5f�t.. M+ .N79 03'25 E .}_ 485.64 . G26__ 1 45° 52& & 118.69 S6 29`3 2"E 118.44 C27 r D5 28" �t 15 �1 �' S70 8424E 215.46 100 50 0 100 200 C25 1t 4344x 532 11 559 515 X832 E 116.22 .. SCALE: 1 " =100' 0:29 7tl`2 0 ' 1 8$ 3'7 S42'57'54t 834.41 C � 21X22'41" 43°'_00 16 .19 34 S11'45 E 16x0.25 ° ZONED ,- -D (JEFFE COUNTY) UNPL_A T - TED A= 15'21'56" NOO °07'26 "W R= 791.19 69.37' L= 212.1$' FND. #4 REBAR CH= N50'55'44 "W w/ cAP PLS. #16401 211.55 N=706536.75 E= 98533.26 S89'07'35 "W 57.62' FND. #4 REBAR W/ CAP PLS. #3794 prj N= 706537.62 E=98590.87 3 c0 N Z 3 120. 0' 271.74' A= 90'00'00" 7 1.68 AC • 10' U.E. (TYP.) \ 015 8,\'� R= 4 18.85' 26 '0$ � ' 25 BY HEREBY S PLAT CH= N79'08'02 "E 12.23' NA DEDIC ATED C \ \ 89 S• �- \ \ \ 16.97' R = 52. 5'S8" 6= 42'21'17" R= 52.00' R= 88.00' \ \ \ E L= 65.05' L= 14.61' CH =S53 °15'29 "W CH=S 66*23'09"W 4. 63.58' ' I N32'04'50 "E S `� N45 °46'16`�W 2 38.70 84.70' \ \ ° 03 BLOCK 1, LOT 2 A= R= 474 \ 8�\ �, , 607,300 S.F. -7A R 0 30" \ S \ gory 9 s 13.94 AC . 5 L= 47.83' CH =N42 °53'01 "W 147.81' 80' DENVER WA TER\ \ BOARD EASEMENT BOOK 379, PAGE 66 BOOK 708, PAGE 336 ,q REC. 92130445 10' U.E. ( TYP.) \ \~ ®J- ®�C',9 HEREBY DEDICATED BLOCK 5, LOT 1 \ \ \ \ \ ®sip® /LF BY THIS PLAT I \ 1 603,901 S.F. 13.86 AC 10' U.E. (TYP.) \ \ HEREBY DEDICATED \ \ \\ fNUAT LOT 8, BY THIS PLAT COO P. 0. W (REC. 2006018786) r N SET W/ CAP PL E_ FND. #5 REBAR W/ CAP PLS. #37948 N= 707606.98 -= 9991 D. 41 z (REC, 20 0 Q REV. MARCH 14, 2011 F- z 0 V Cr 0 TRACT C L_ 690,478 S.F. 15.85 AC 0) L_ 711AIL EASEMENT REC. 920.93972) (TO REMAIN) LLI ' W i i U) / / W LL) N70'23'47 "E U) 262.50' / N00 °08'20 "E ✓ 215.00' N89 °01'11 "E 80.43' 137.99 -1 N00'08' 15 "E 7.56' I I N w) � N Z Gj 00 v� z (w z i v I REV. Ji MARCH 28, 2011 REV. MARCH 14, 2011 ANY 1 b, LU 1 MARTIN / MARTIN , CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1 2499 WEST COLFAX AVE. P.O. BOX 1 51 500 LAKEWOOD, 00 8021 5 303.431 .61 00 FAX 303.431 .4028 PLAT NOTE E 4- C_ (f) E � D z y 0 - 0 -) Cl- A A 0 _X/S' / A 5' Vf END. 1f5 REBA R SHEET 7 OF 9 2 W1 CAP PLS 11,31948 , IJIIQ� 4,9 1 5) IV=707738.46 (/0 HLIVIVAl') E=9945J. 62 ZONE D A I 581'54#270's (CITY OF Wk-lf-All N87601133"E 1968-b- 1342.82 1- - /y� /V7 FND. 115 1 0' /Jf/117�' W1 CAP PLS 11,37948 1 -1­ 11 REC. 200,657489 (TO REIII�A/1\11' N=7071590-79 S33*53'52"E E=99788.87 103.60' IN, FAIr) Z- PFRAP ` (500K 176 / 441� ( R 0 W (1 P4 0 REMAIN 2006-01878 S87*08'21 CD 0 T R. 0. W -1 - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - � - } 'P C . 20060187 _Ix ZONED A 2 (,_, COL//VT�/)' A=58*44'05" R=577.60' L= 592.10' N6 1 CH=N57*08'25"W SET J4 REEHA ' 566.52 W1 CA P PL S j2J899 SFT #4 REBA R N= 707739.83 E­= 100270.58 I W1 CAP PLS j23899 W1 CAP PLS. J,37948 S87 "E - F - ND. #5 RE \ � � N= 707604.80 W1 CAP PLS J37,948 E-=99846.65 N= 70 7606.,98 z 51.00' A=rO' 13 7" C. D. O. T. t-IVLJ. )f5 MLLJ��K R=778.50' W1 CAP PLS J31948 1 A=82*52'00" - C 2 9 0 L=804.78' N=707602.25 ("I R=681.50' 4 CH=537*23'33"E E= 9989758 1 U� L=985.65' 91 L < � 769.42' 1 __j CH=N49' 1 40 W LOT 10, N69*45 Li M 90i.g-6- /C CA H�_ LA OOH__) SUBDIVISION 13.67 FA IN( NO. 1, AMENDED I o BLOCK 6, LOT 1 10' U.E. (TYP.) (REC. 2006148-911) 00 z 663,942 S.F. HEREBY DEDICATED ZONE D POD 0 15.24 AC BY THIS PLAT WHE R/DG1. < LU 0 :� L 0 7 9, 0 C _+� < (,AL?FLA'SICOORS SU BLOCK 7, LOT 1 00 0 0 FIL ING NO, 2 1105 25.38 AC z ,389 S.F. 1 n z z (REC, 2006148912) 10' U.E. (TYP.) , ZONED PCD HEREBY DEDICATED (CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE) BY THIS PLAT 0 '\ 30' DENVER WATER S07*46'40"E 112.76' R.O.W. AGREEMENT 1 7371, PAGE 174) M (TO REMAIN) \ , D� f A 7L _NV W _ LL \ \ � R SE COR, N112, SE114 4� (D R.O.W. A . ,,-NW COR., SE114, SE114, $ C) C: TEMPORARY ;1 SEC. 19, TJS, R69W, 6TH P.M. .Q) . 0) (3) - (REC, 8,9015704) SEC, 19, TJS, R69W, 67 P.M. EA SEIVEN T 0 (n Q) 3: -1 \ _ (TO _2[IMA 1��2 < N07*4649"W FF(REC. 92093972) 5.13 0 ­4 0 128.29' (TO R -EVA IN) 5' -N89*07'35"E 1319.03 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (0 329.72' 4�- TRAIL EASEMENT 973.71' Lp W N89*OrZ�5'11E i� 15.8,1\' L 10' u. E P-) 20010989- - 5 HEREBY DEDICATED , Lij BLOCK 16,1 LOT 2 BY THIS PLAT (T 0 RL- - A-r-43*06'00" 192 2p� S.F. TRACT B -r , w 4.41 AC R=367.00' 107,602 S.F. 0 1 00 ­L= 04 TRAIL EASEMENT 2.47 AC C*14 LUO) _N LU CH=S29*19'49"E (REC. 920-9J972) PO (D 00 3: C%4 269.61' (TO REMAIN ZIP, LOT 4 w 10' UTILITY EX SEIV - -- _T r -CITY Of WHEAT RIDGE HIGH T - OF- WA Y - D P - REC. TOa674 3N- ZON�-. ---D ' A=25 4,1" 00 2007093,955) (JE FFERSON COUNTY) ry 1,Al) TRACT 'A' 0 0 (TO RE MA IN) C 8\ N x R=474.50' (TO RL VA IN) DRAINAGE AREA ROXHURY GARDENS L=212.52 ZONED /__ I (RE NO. 09337790) AND EASEMENT z V) CH=N2p*36'30"W (JE1 COUN� 0 /1 321,402 S.F. -210.75' z -DENVER WAT[ TY 1� 1 BOARD EASEMENT Line Table (REC 9,3120802) 7.38 AC //TO 1 34 REMAIN ) S89*52'43"W N89*39'36"W 403.08' 328.20' 89.17' 11 FIVD� 114 R&SAR C30 i Name I-engih Direction FOUND 115 IRON 136.46' _N8 1\ 1 322.27' 9*3936W 409.00' W1 CA P ROD wly. P, 0 NOO*07'26"W 1$ TRACT * D * 249 E3 PLS. J16401 N 00 5"E 51 1'0236"W ' 5" L 132 E3 LS 1,34 9 20.00' DRAINAGE AREA N 706670.08 7 52'53"W 9 Slk AND EASEMENT 1 , _1 89 *52'34"W 300.70 194.29' S38'�36' VW I - 14 74 __ _­ - __ - -' � 7 37 73,016 S.F. 4- 120 0 � NOO*07'26"W >11 271-74' A-90.00 0 '42 25- A=15*21'56 69.37' 0 10' U.E. (TYP.) 115 57243 555 5t "E R=12.00' HEREBY DEDICATED C) z 1. 68 AC R=791.19 C 15 0 -0 �L16 718 E3 L=1 8.85' BY THIS PLAT s0046'4�:"E ND ' ' 0 __j L=212.18' 2 2 N,38`3641'� Sow a_ W1 CA CH=N79*08 12.23' 1_ -6H--N50*5544 PLS. #16401 16.97' i L21 - 133 fq N13`52'5-'�"E i - - 1-.-,-- 11 ­1 - ­­ il I I - ­ I - "I ­­ ­ - _ A--16*05'58" 122 132 t3 N11 023E " E 211.55' N=7065,36.75 A--42*21'17" 1 L2) 3 37S7 NI&'3941"E R=52.00' R=88.00 C N 4 04 3 E9 6' '14"E S89"07'35"W 57. Q) 62' L=65.05' L=14.61 Li ;L26 53-0 CH=S53*15'29"W CH=S66*23'09"W CN ! L27 36 E; 955"01'4C"E FND. I f4 REBA R 14.56' Mw_ Q) 63.58' 4- a - ----- W/ CA 0 0 Curve Tble N32*04'50"E &'N PLS. J,37,94 A N45*46'16'�\w z n Chord Chord N= 7065J7 62 38.70' Marne Delta Radius Arc 84.70' E=98590.87 BLOCK 1, LOT 2 Q Length Direction Length 14 N61"00'4 1"W 180-39 M M00 � "--, , 05'46' 30" 607,300 S.F. C) U) ........... V_ C2 % -1 00, 00 234.32 (57 233.23 R=474.50 (0 13.94 AC -- ---------- 0) Cf) Q) 12.00 19,7T �NOI"0'1`04"W 17,61 L=47.83' N72' 47'49"E 364.73 CH = N 42 '53'01 W C4 IbY 378� 3D 3�: 405.50 ---- ---- It C5 15.50 25.42 S3329'22"E 22.67 (0 47.81' S FA 5 �VIPV T R� C. 200601,57,57) (TO REMA L_ - - - TRACT C 690,478 S.F. 15.85 AC FVD. 3 - 1/4 " A UM. CA PLS. #16401 N=706659.71 E= 100898.38 0 to M TRAIL EASEMENT (REC, 920,9J972)-- A (TO REMAIN) 167.55' Ed Ed Ed N69*50'24"E a Ui A 175.00 ' .. N86'53'1 9"E -. w N72*56'1 0"E 165.00' _X/S' / A 5' Vf END. 1f5 REBA R SHEET 7 OF 9 2 W1 CAP PLS 11,31948 , IJIIQ� 4,9 1 5) IV=707738.46 (/0 HLIVIVAl') E=9945J. 62 ZONE D A I 581'54#270's (CITY OF Wk-lf-All N87601133"E 1968-b- 1342.82 1- - /y� /V7 FND. 115 1 0' /Jf/117�' W1 CAP PLS 11,37948 1 -1­ 11 REC. 200,657489 (TO REIII�A/1\11' N=7071590-79 S33*53'52"E E=99788.87 103.60' IN, FAIr) Z- PFRAP ` (500K 176 / 441� ( R 0 W (1 P4 0 REMAIN 2006-01878 S87*08'21 CD 0 T R. 0. W -1 - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - � - } 'P C . 20060187 _Ix ZONED A 2 (,_, COL//VT�/)' A=58*44'05" R=577.60' L= 592.10' N6 1 CH=N57*08'25"W SET J4 REEHA ' 566.52 W1 CA P PL S j2J899 SFT #4 REBA R N= 707739.83 E­= 100270.58 I W1 CAP PLS j23899 W1 CAP PLS. J,37948 S87 "E - F - ND. #5 RE \ � � N= 707604.80 W1 CAP PLS J37,948 E-=99846.65 N= 70 7606.,98 z 51.00' A=rO' 13 7" C. D. O. T. t-IVLJ. )f5 MLLJ��K R=778.50' W1 CAP PLS J31948 1 A=82*52'00" - C 2 9 0 L=804.78' N=707602.25 ("I R=681.50' 4 CH=537*23'33"E E= 9989758 1 U� L=985.65' 91 L < � 769.42' 1 __j CH=N49' 1 40 W LOT 10, N69*45 Li M 90i.g-6- /C CA H�_ LA OOH__) SUBDIVISION 13.67 FA IN( NO. 1, AMENDED I o BLOCK 6, LOT 1 10' U.E. (TYP.) (REC. 2006148-911) 00 z 663,942 S.F. HEREBY DEDICATED ZONE D POD 0 15.24 AC BY THIS PLAT WHE R/DG1. < LU 0 :� L 0 7 9, 0 C _+� < (,AL?FLA'SICOORS SU BLOCK 7, LOT 1 00 0 0 FIL ING NO, 2 1105 25.38 AC z ,389 S.F. 1 n z z (REC, 2006148912) 10' U.E. (TYP.) , ZONED PCD HEREBY DEDICATED (CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE) BY THIS PLAT 0 '\ 30' DENVER WATER S07*46'40"E 112.76' R.O.W. AGREEMENT 1 7371, PAGE 174) M (TO REMAIN) \ , D� f A 7L _NV W _ LL \ \ � R SE COR, N112, SE114 4� (D R.O.W. A . ,,-NW COR., SE114, SE114, $ C) C: TEMPORARY ;1 SEC. 19, TJS, R69W, 6TH P.M. .Q) . 0) (3) - (REC, 8,9015704) SEC, 19, TJS, R69W, 67 P.M. EA SEIVEN T 0 (n Q) 3: -1 \ _ (TO _2[IMA 1��2 < N07*4649"W FF(REC. 92093972) 5.13 0 ­4 0 128.29' (TO R -EVA IN) 5' -N89*07'35"E 1319.03 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (0 329.72' 4�- TRAIL EASEMENT 973.71' Lp W N89*OrZ�5'11E i� 15.8,1\' L 10' u. E P-) 20010989- - 5 HEREBY DEDICATED , Lij BLOCK 16,1 LOT 2 BY THIS PLAT (T 0 RL- - A-r-43*06'00" 192 2p� S.F. TRACT B -r , w 4.41 AC R=367.00' 107,602 S.F. 0 1 00 ­L= 04 TRAIL EASEMENT 2.47 AC C*14 LUO) _N LU CH=S29*19'49"E (REC. 920-9J972) PO (D 00 3: C%4 269.61' (TO REMAIN ZIP, LOT 4 w 10' UTILITY EX SEIV - -- _T r -CITY Of WHEAT RIDGE HIGH T - OF- WA Y - D P - REC. TOa674 3N- ZON�-. ---D ' A=25 4,1" 00 2007093,955) (JE FFERSON COUNTY) ry 1,Al) TRACT 'A' 0 0 (TO RE MA IN) C 8\ N x R=474.50' (TO RL VA IN) DRAINAGE AREA ROXHURY GARDENS L=212.52 ZONED /__ I (RE NO. 09337790) AND EASEMENT z V) CH=N2p*36'30"W (JE1 COUN� 0 /1 321,402 S.F. -210.75' z -DENVER WAT[ TY 1� 1 BOARD EASEMENT Line Table (REC 9,3120802) 7.38 AC //TO 1 34 REMAIN ) S89*52'43"W N89*39'36"W 403.08' 328.20' 89.17' 11 FIVD� 114 R&SAR C30 i Name I-engih Direction FOUND 115 IRON 136.46' _N8 1\ 1 322.27' 9*3936W 409.00' W1 CA P ROD wly. P, 0 NOO*07'26"W 1$ TRACT * D * 249 E3 PLS. J16401 N 00 5"E 51 1'0236"W ' 5" L 132 E3 LS 1,34 9 20.00' DRAINAGE AREA N 706670.08 7 52'53"W 9 Slk AND EASEMENT 1 , _1 89 *52'34"W 300.70 194.29' S38'�36' VW I - 14 74 __ _­ - __ - -' � 7 37 73,016 S.F. 4- 120 0 � NOO*07'26"W >11 271-74' A-90.00 0 '42 25- A=15*21'56 69.37' 0 10' U.E. (TYP.) 115 57243 555 5t "E R=12.00' HEREBY DEDICATED C) z 1. 68 AC R=791.19 C 15 0 -0 �L16 718 E3 L=1 8.85' BY THIS PLAT s0046'4�:"E ND ' ' 0 __j L=212.18' 2 2 N,38`3641'� Sow a_ W1 CA CH=N79*08 12.23' 1_ -6H--N50*5544 PLS. #16401 16.97' i L21 - 133 fq N13`52'5-'�"E i - - 1-.-,-- 11 ­1 - ­­ il I I - ­ I - "I ­­ ­ - _ A--16*05'58" 122 132 t3 N11 023E " E 211.55' N=7065,36.75 A--42*21'17" 1 L2) 3 37S7 NI&'3941"E R=52.00' R=88.00 C N 4 04 3 E9 6' '14"E S89"07'35"W 57. Q) 62' L=65.05' L=14.61 Li ;L26 53-0 CH=S53*15'29"W CH=S66*23'09"W CN ! L27 36 E; 955"01'4C"E FND. I f4 REBA R 14.56' Mw_ Q) 63.58' 4- a - ----- W/ CA 0 0 Curve Tble N32*04'50"E &'N PLS. J,37,94 A N45*46'16'�\w z n Chord Chord N= 7065J7 62 38.70' Marne Delta Radius Arc 84.70' E=98590.87 BLOCK 1, LOT 2 Q Length Direction Length 14 N61"00'4 1"W 180-39 M M00 � "--, , 05'46' 30" 607,300 S.F. C) U) ........... V_ C2 % -1 00, 00 234.32 (57 233.23 R=474.50 (0 13.94 AC -- ---------- 0) Cf) Q) 12.00 19,7T �NOI"0'1`04"W 17,61 L=47.83' N72' 47'49"E 364.73 CH = N 42 '53'01 W C4 IbY 378� 3D 3�: 405.50 ---- ---- It C5 15.50 25.42 S3329'22"E 22.67 (0 47.81' S FA 5 �VIPV T R� C. 200601,57,57) (TO REMA L_ - - - TRACT C 690,478 S.F. 15.85 AC FVD. 3 - 1/4 " A UM. CA PLS. #16401 N=706659.71 E= 100898.38 0 to M TRAIL EASEMENT (REC, 920,9J972)-- N80* 1 4'1 9 (TO REMAIN) 167.55' N69*50'24"E Ui 175.00 ' N86'53'1 9"E w N72*56'1 0"E 165.00' R 4. 170.00' Ile) C 10' U.E. (TYP.) N70*23'47"E I HEREBY BY TH I S DEDICATED P LAT V) 262.50 BLOCK 1, LOT 3 NOO*08'20"E 306,955 S.F. 215.00' 7.05 AC N89'01'1 1 "E 80.43' L 137.99' .56' i� (A 0 OD ) L4, M U1 5' U.E. (TYP-) HEREBY DEDICATED BY S89'01'11 "W 910-00' 852.44' LOT /, CAHFLA`S/COORS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. /, AMENDED (REC. 2006,1489! 1) ZONED PCD (CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE) BLOCK 1, LOT 1 640,857 S.F. 14.71 AC SET J4 RE3AR W1 CAP PLS j23899 N=707425.,32 E= 1 00888.90 1 0' U.E. (TYP.) HEREBY DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT I LO I 1 01 _04 r- V _ C31 Li 0 0 Uj r 0) ,: U) 0 FIN 80 DENIER WATER II THIS PLAT 5 U.E. JYP.) 2 17N . ....... . . . ------- :2 a_ C 7 , �W - 17' 182�50 18.95 S12"2,i BOARD EASE 0 ---- HEREBY BOOK 37,9, PACE 66 80 - .20 S26'7W 178* C8 24 ;1 180 14'4 � �50 ------- BOOK /08, 1--�AGE J'136 DEDICATED BY C 1 12 19 85202'11"W 16.50 1 9 j z REC. 921JO445 10' U.E. (TYP.) THIS PLAT C15 10 5851' 432,00 82, 80 S50'2Z�3'VE 8267 1 D VS Q) HEREBY DEDICATED C4959� 2050, 00 74 S45'2658 "E I 741 '0 C 16 2C - i VIP BY THIS PLAT -­---------- ------ ----- - ­ ----- -- - ------- - ---------- � 750.00 BLOCK 5, LOT 1 424.80 S5115'32"E 419� 14 C 312 Q) 603,901 S.F. t 18 6 i�_ 4 7 5 '0". - - 0 , - 0 - _ 3 - 3'4' - _'_ 0 - 7 , `5 7 -- " - E -, 13.86 AC 10' U.E. (TYP 4� AT48 450�00 194,2 N,2151447"E 192.72 0 0 A--1 5*41'31 ED HEREBY DEDICAT 415.00 20. 56 N12`27'45T R=2100.00' L 8, BY THIS PLAT C 2 - 2 3340 N13 "E 33.39 ------ --- L=575.14' 4413,00 _1 5 4 - 7 - 2 _E 485,64 CASELA'SICOORS SUBDIVISION ry CH=S42*52'44"E 1 '4 -, E C26 ',26 Vp a .00 b4 8" 4 FILING NO. 1, AMENDED re, 573.34' 1 , to Q) a z C27 3V05'28' 415�00 21 96 S70'0424"E 215�46 (RE 2006 7 489 1 1) \ \ a ------------ 1 43*44' 432,00 118 59 S15 11 ZONED PCD (CITY OF WHk 834 - - -4 ,-, l - Q) A T RIDGE) C29 70`22 t�, 66 0 34'1 1'45"E 160.25 - CD C30 2 1 ' 43200 16 19 8 SEE �HEE 86� 9 FOR CONTINUATI ON M (I L=172.32' CH=S15*04'48"E 170.58' &-- 51 *13'39 R=486.50' L=434.98' 100 50 0 100 200 N29'1 ' CH=N86*25'46"E SCALE: 1 100' 38.28' 420.63' S67*5725"E . 53.90' x=28'12'31 I Q Q I Ls, zi l REV. MARCH 28, 2011 REV. MARCH 14, 2011 FL13HUANY 1b, 2U1 MARTIN / MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 12499 WEST COLFAx AvE. P.O. Box 1 51 500 L^K 7WOOD, 00 E302 1 5 303.431.61 00 FAX 303.431 .4028 N--- = 7 07732.71 F= 1004 13.03 ZONED P__D ( Ji f FFRSON COUNT)' ) is 4- cv (.n k Q) n E o 0 n 0 _D IL Cn z L_ 0 Cn LLJ M U I 0 0 cn < M 0:E 0 c _1 n z 4- ca Q) 0 � U Q) CIL x M _0 BLOCK 6, LOT 1 Mffdb3M I \ I0 DEN f F 14 TER 663,942 S.F. V 15.24 AC A G/ � A_' 1A Al T _(500K E SET 114 RE 7877 /` 174) '_4 � �4," 0 REMA NOO*07'26"W V A 4- 0 < � CL _j � � W b L2_1 (fO RZUAIN2 I 1313 52'' 0 1 5.13' L=212.18' 5 4� 122 L CONC, N11'02'36"E 3096498.96 W1 CA P 0 37 7 - N9'07 ;E IN 1 -6 t 30'4 - 1 " E L 10' U.E. (TYP.) PLS. #16407 BLOCK 16,1 LOT 2 5 HEREBY DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT b 192,216 S.F. 4.4 IAC LA U) iL26 53,S0 I D_ - - - - -- pi N q- 00 C14 C/ (D !L27 ------- ---- 3&86 7A_ HEC 2006145, 4 =25 4 S 41 E (To REMAIN) R=474.50,\ C28 L=212.52' Curve Table o n > 0 Une Ta�jle 210.75' n Name Length 249 E3 I *6'04'14-"E 0 L2 1,s2 )2'36"w W1 CA P Q) W1 CA P 14 37 1, �38�3641"W I f N=706670.08 De Ita 0 0 Arc Chord Chord PLS. #J794 ry Length E 0 a L_ U) 0 160.78 N61 W'4i "W C) n (3)_ < U - 3: 0 Q_ 0- n N BLOCK 6, LOT 1 Mffdb3M I \ I0 DEN f F 14 TER 663,942 S.F. V 15.24 AC A G/ � A_' 1A Al T _(500K 116 SET 114 RE 7877 /` 174) '_4 � �4," 0 REMA NOO*07'26"W V A � DE WATER -, 9 8 _ � \` � � � \ !REC. 89�?5T�4) b L2_1 (fO RZUAIN2 I 1313 52'' 0 1 5.13' L=212.18' 5 4� 122 L CONC, N11'02'36"E 3096498.96 W1 CA P L -2 37 7 - N9'07 ;E IN 1 -6 t 30'4 - 1 " E L 10' U.E. (TYP.) PLS. #16407 BLOCK 16,1 LOT 2 5 HEREBY DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT b 192,216 S.F. 4.4 IAC LA iL26 53,S0 I S675 E. t - - - - -- pi N q- 00 C14 10' UTILI I !L27 ------- ---- 3&86 7A_ HEC 2006145, 4 =25 4 S 41 E (To REMAIN) R=474.50,\ C28 L=212.52' Curve Table CH=N2p 0 Une Ta�jle 210.75' Name Length 249 E3 I *6'04'14-"E 89.17' fND. 114 REAR L2 1,s2 )2'36"w W1 CA P � PLS. 16401 W1 CA P 14 37 1, �38�3641"W I f N=706670.08 De Ita . 42 2 S :1 SC746'40"E i E= 98369 02 Arc 115 572-43 1 -655'515 Mffdb3M I V 116 SET 114 RE '_4 � �4," A= 15*2 1'56" NOO*07'26"W �L20 9 8 _ I I - N38 7 3641"E R=791.19 ' 69.37' N39 °46'08.43611 " L2_1 -1 69 I 1313 52'' I L=212.18' FIVD. #4 REBA R WICHISELED EMBEDDED IN 122 ---- -- - 132!514 CONC, N11'02'36"E 3096498.96 W1 CA P L -2 37 7 f IN 1 -6 t 30'4 - 1 " E 50*55'44"W C H -N5 PLS. #16407 125 b 97280.13 211.55 N=706536.75 -75 N=706536.75 iL26 53,S0 I S675 E. t 10-23-86 !L27 ------- ---- 3&86 71- S 41 E S89*07'35"W 57.62 Curve Table FIVD. #4 RERAR i W1 CA P Marne De Ita Radius Arc Chord Chord PLS. #J794 Length I Direction Length J 4 160.78 N61 W'4i "W N= 706537.62 1 �'J9 C2 1;'10345' -7 00.00 2'�4 �t_ N57 7 53 '44" W 23323 C3 94`22'35" 12. 00 19.77 1 1 704"W 17.61 C4 405.50 378.30 1\172 364.73 C5 9. 15 50 25,42 S332922 "E 22.67 1},`27'17" 1},`27'17" ^ ;382 50 16.39 S12'16'15"W 16 C? '382.50 18,95 812'2745 1 @ 94 C8 24"4348" 117 50 180.20 S261447"VV 178.80 8f 51 1Z00 882' €}2' 11 16.56 C1 5853' 432.00 82,80 550 C1(i 2f 2050.00 39 S45�26'58"E 741 29 C17 32'27'07 x50 00 424.80 S51'15'32 " 439 14 0r 11 i 66 '421 -7 50,00 873, 824.68 C20 24-`4348" 450.00 194.23 N26'1447E 192.72 c50 415.00 0..'28 '05- J .60 33,40 N 13'46'39"E 33,39 C2 E 446.00 ; 13.54 N79:'63'25"E .64 C2E 12`5545" _4 -------- 526,00 ---- --- __41-­ 118.69 - ------ S61'2932 "E - ----- - --- -------- 118.44 C27 1 30`0528" 415.00 217.95 S7&'04'24"E 215 46 C3F1 1`43'44" 432.00 118.59 815 38'32"E 118.22 7 24,00 889,27 S42'6 64 t 834.41 C30 2 1 `2241" 161 19 S 34 1 145" 0) (0 C (JEFFERSON COUNF>) 0 z 100 �mmnmmiiii I 50 0 100 200 SCALE: 1 100' M E w Mffdb3M I V SET 114 RE W1 CAP PLS #23899 10 IV= 705624, 17 15001- E C14 N39 °46'08.43611 " 1/4 COR. COMMON TO SEC. 19 M W105*09'24.17682'* & 30 FOUND RED STONE SPC WICHISELED EMBEDDED IN 1705174.60 CONC, MARKED AS SHOWN 3096498.96 T3S R69W U-) 705604.71 -1 9 SS b 97280.13 0 z S-30 10-23-86 M E w Mffdb3M I V A S07*46'40"E 112.76' 11OCK 7. LOT 7 1,105,3i869 N80' 14' 19 . 920939 72_) ( To I?F"14. /A) 167.55' (0 LO N69*50'24"E (0 175.00' r1_ SE COR, N112, SE114, N 86 ° 53 6 ' 0 0 ;j 0 1 ZI r_ jAJ 1 1-NW COR., SE114, SE114, TEMPORARY TRAIL SEC. 19, TJS, R69W, 6TH P.M. N72*56'10 E 165.00' SEC. 19, 73S, R69W, 6TH P.M. FA S F_A11FN/ TRACT C 170.00' C4 N07*46'49"W F_(1VFC_ 92093972) 690,482 S.F. 128.29' (TO REMA IN) 15.85 AC -N89*07'35"E 1319.03'- 10' U.E. (TYP �h'1111, EASEMENT 973.71 329.72 N70*23'47"E HEREBY DEDICATED V) - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 262.50' BY THIS PLAT ( REC. 200709895 �') __ - J �� (fo A-- 43'06'00" TRACT B a i LO R=367.00' 107,602 S.F. 0 / _ --L= IRA /Z_ EASEMEN M 2.47 AC BLOCK 1, LOT 3 CH=S29*19'49' (RE C. '9 - 3: 306,955 S.F. (10 f�EMA IN) LO/_ 4 r- I NOO*08'20"E fi 269.61' 7.05 AC CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE RIGH - Of- WA Y ZONED P - D 215,00' (RFC. 20070-9,59--5) 1 COUNTY) 00 END. 3 114 TRACT 'A' 0 0 Z ON ED A I) PDXPURY 6ARDENS b b 0 I __ / DRAINAGE AREA 0 (REC NO. 0,9J377-90) PLS. #16401 (JEFF � IYSON COUNTY) AND EASEMENT z N89'011 1 "E N= 70665,9.71 -DENVER WAI=/? BOARD EA-51-MFIVr 321,402 S.F. 80.43' E= 100898. J8 ND 4 A Ap _ L U". C P 5. ' 401 N L7O 6#6!5 9 71 F= 1 008_98 J8 (RFC, 93120802) 7.38 AC S89*01'11"W 910-00' 30 (/_0 R EMAI N ) S89*5243"W N89*39'36"W 403.08' 1 328.20' 852.44' FOUND J5 IRON 136.46 322.27' N89#39'36"W 409.00 137.99'- ROD w P 0 NOO*07'26"W 1* '0 TRACT 'D' N00'08'1 5 "E LS 134,95 "' DRAINAGE AREA 20.00' AND EASEMENT 7.56' T_ 89*52'34"W 300.70' 124.29' 73,016 S.F. 12090 271.74' x'90*00'00" 1.68 AC ' U.E. (TYP.) R=12.00' 56 HEREBY DEDICATED C15 L= 18.85' r BY THIS PLAT LOT 7, CH=N79*08 12.23' CA5[_LA51O1YS SU8DIVISION 10 U.E. (TYP-) 16.97# --16*05'58" FILING NO. 1, AMENE)FD x=42 `17" A HEREBY DEDICATED 1 \ \ B j R=52.00' (REC. 2006748�) / 1) BY THIS PLAT R=88.00' 0 ZONED PCD L=65.05' L= 1 4.61' ld 1 1 q, I CH=S66*23'09"W 01 (CITY OF WHEA RIDGE] CH -55315 29 W 001 14.56' 63.58' 00 ­j M ! N32*04'50"E BLOCK 1, LOT 1 C51 Ui N 4 5 4 6'\1\6'�W z 640,857 S.F. 0) 0 1 38.70 1 L 14.71 AC 0 84.7 '0 BLOCK 1, LOT 2 A--05*46'30' N�\ 607,300 S.F. w 13.94 AC It R=474.50' 0) L=47.83 5' U.E. (TYP-) :t CH=N42*53'01"W 'x 14. -it-HEREBY DEDICATED BY 47.81' 80' DEIVIlf R WA 7E­R'\ THIS PLAT 5' U.E. (TYP-) (n BOARD EASEMENT HEREBY BOOK 379, PAGL _ 66 BOOK 708, PAGE 336 DEDICATED BY A 28*12'31 REC. 9217_50445 10' U.E. (TYP-) THIS PLAT R=350.00' 4 0 HEREBY DEDICATED L=172.32' BLOCK 5, LOT 1 BY THIS PLAT CH=S1 5*04'48"E 603,901 S.F. A--94-2239 ' 4= 51'13'39" -- 51 *13'39" " 170.58' 0 13.86 AC 10' U.E. (TYP) A-- 1 5*41'31'# R =12.0 ' HEREBY DEDICATED R=2100.00' CH=S86*44'30"E R=486.50 ' BY THIS PLAT L=575.14' 17.61 L=434.98' 4= 1 2'55 ' 40 CH=S42*52'44"E N29*11'04"W CH=N86*25'46"E R=566.50' 573.34' 38.28' 420.63' - L= 1 27.83' 1 \ �\ S67'57'25"E CH=S61 '29'32"E A 1 4*44'42" 53.90' R=486.50' WEST 40TH Ak/ KIII 127.56' 7-1\ N1w. tj3 ®O W o = L t 5 . HEREBY DEDIC S55*01'40"E OT 8, A-�l 3*29'03" C1 A-- L= 1 25.20' 04*31'1 CH=N53*26'35"E C �25 BY THIS PLAT 42, 1\ 36.86 CAHEIA ' L R=2000.00' R=700.00' 124.85' J ___C 'SICOOlys SUH[XVISION L=470.68' L=55.22' 29*29 FILING N/0. 1, AM ENDED H=S37*17'35"E -,C4 Cf, C22 R.O.W. ­,026 81' R=374.5 CH=N49*07'27"W e) i I =1Q9 7 ► II (REC. 200674,697 7) 469.60' \ X� I & .0 --'& - 1%� PAR(.,EL 1 43 ZONE D /DC/) �p \,x I /- 0 .1 CH=S69-�6'14"E B 00 k�' 18 55 I (CITY OE 1 RIDGE -1 CLEAR CREEK DRIVE (0. OP DArc Z/ h^ 1. # 190.61' S29'1 '46"W .0 R.O.W. HEREBY DEDICATED NO) D/ ZZ) I ($I; no . I- N/ -zn an' A--12*53'50" UZ/ IN.W.Tw. - - SE COR., SEC. 19, R=15.50' R=300.00' F�-2000.00 C 0C L=67.53' L -- 5 6. 5 3' /NW COR SEC 29 C2 L= 27.32' CH=S22*44'51"W CH=S38*44K27"E SEC 7 R69W, 6TH P. M. CH=S61*32'36"W S55*01'401:- 25636' 19 NORTH LINE NW 114, SEC 29, rjS, R69W, 6 P. M 23.92' 36. _ S OUTH pNE SE 114, SEC 19, ;rJS, R69W, 6TH P.M. '04V 1J12.15 67.39' 820 °1 1'42 "W x12 ° °° Sc S89'09 29 N89*22'39"E 1004.9 n V-- SEC C 97.28' R=485.50' 1312.99' _ 265.i7; A--08*36'38" NJ9 *4608.72109 �89-09 '" L= 109.56' SW qOR., SE114, SE114, R=800.00' 3 W105'08'50.55867" SEC. CH=N61 *29'32"W ' 19 JS 9 W 6 TH L=120.23' Spc _T -,-- R6 , 6- _P M - - - - - --- - - - - 109.32' - 7 --- - - - - -- - S8_9'45'47_W__ 7 CH=S39*20'17"E 1 \ 170521349 10 809.54' 10 U/// ' /-Y 120.1 J09912J. 90 co A--30-35'19 ' " R=455.50 EASEMENT (T�-Pj BLOCK 5, S43*44'49"W 6, C17 < �q 70564J. 65 BLOCK 2, LOT 1 BLOCK 3. LOT 1 L= 243.1 BLOCK 5 LOT 2 (HIC- 200,5145-97 1) LOT 3 65' R.O.W. ',- �4, N 166,961 S.F. 507,044 S.F. CH=N70•19'19"W , (7 REVA IN) 82.17' 9905.69 3.83 AC 1 1 146 9 200 S.F. 1 1.64 AC 240.30' 0 1,246,569 S.F. _C9 /C2 4=24 °43'48" 28.62 AC 4- 1 1.64 3.36 AC A-- 44*34'41 C �, R=482.50' I/ OT 7, R=300.00' R=250.00' BLOCK 5, L=208.26' CA5E1_A`S/GOOHS SUHDIVISION L=371.98' L=1 94.51' LOT 4 CH=S26*14'47"W L 0T f NO, 1, AMENDED CH=N CH=S21 '27'28"W 32,418 S.F. %K 206.64' `A5E­LA ',/ COO/YS SUBDIVISION TIL/N 1, AMENDED ZONED PCD S38*36'41 "W (REC. 2006748,917) (REC. 200614891 1) 348.60' 189.64' 0.74 AC (CITY' Of WHEAT RIDGE) SE SHEET 9 OF 9 OR ONTINUATI 25.42" N -------------- S,-t J4 R[_SAR %� CAP PLS. X23899 N= 705654.67 E= 00910.60 REV. MARCH 28, 20 REV, MARCH 14, 2011 Enrol MARTIN / MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 12499 WEST COLFAX AVE. P.O. Box Is 1 500 LAKEWOE30, 00 E302 1 5 303.431.61 00 FAX 303.431 .4028 PLAT NOTE -4- E O C) 0 - D C:) 0 0 N M u I 0 (9) < M 0'5 0 c a = --J (D oz c 4- C) Q) => u �i Q) C) c Q) X M c Q CLEAR CREEK CROSSING SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1 A& E r� smmft 0 A& mm w� 10 r� M 0 10 0 WWW� 0 AgWft, M a Apnft� � ddft� = � � a AM- Delta � Arc a- 4- E Chord SET J4 REHAR - L= 236.158' Rrtgt Z CN I 0 C i N= 705624. 17 n CL �461 'OD'41"W U) 180-39 NJ,9*46'08.4361 1 " 114 COR. COMMON 7 SEC. 19 ' 7M IN W105*09'24.17682" Q) FOUND RED STONE 233.23 -1 WICHISELED "+" EMBEDDED IN C30 1705174.60 CONC. MARKED AS SHOWN 3096498.96 2 7 10' ZZ 0 371:, 30 uspc L- n 215.75' 705604.71 15 50 9 S9 : JT 97280. 13 - - �2. 67 ALUM. CAP PLS. S-30 U) Q) C7 10-23-86 Name LE n9th Clirecdon - 1E95 <10 L I" 24 63 - N46'04'14"E E= 100928.19 LZ W - 0 0 17&80 '9 05 12 W A S& "'02'1 11V 16-50 Q) 21 3: 5 1 SC7 43200 82 5 5 505`5158"E 82-67 4q'69' c 74-r Z 0 4- 0 - N ­ 2 - 8 - ' - W - 4T - E 98.22 ZONED P--D L21 138:6!3 N'1'3"5-9'53"E Q (,11-7� ERSON COUNT O 0 0- E z cn Q) 0 824.68 1- 5 0- 3 59 NW04 Q) '�26 + 1 53 9 1 SE7'57'25"E C21 02" 5q 17' -2 Sr,5 01'40"E 7 n n- O CLEAR CREEK CROSSING SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1 A& E r� smmft 0 A& mm w� 10 r� M 0 10 0 WWW� 0 AgWft, M a Apnft� � ddft� = � � a AM- Curve Table Name Delta Ritclius Arc Chord Chord SET J4 REHAR - L= 236.158' Rrtgt W1 CAP PLS J23899 I A C i N= 705624. 17 &DO, 00 15001 �461 'OD'41"W E=98592.85 180-39 NJ,9*46'08.4361 1 " 114 COR. COMMON 7 SEC. 19 ' 7M IN W105*09'24.17682" & 30 FOUND RED STONE 233.23 -1 WICHISELED "+" EMBEDDED IN C30 1705174.60 CONC. MARKED AS SHOWN 3096498.96 2 7 10' 4 50 371:, 30 uspc T3S R69W 215.75' 705604.71 15 50 9 S9 : JT 97280. 13 - - �2. 67 ALUM. CAP PLS. S-30 Linto Table C7 10-23-86 Name LE n9th Clirecdon - 1E95 <10 L I" 24 63 - N46'04'14"E E= 100928.19 LZ W - SX 17&80 '9 05 12 W A S& "'02'1 11V 16-50 L8 21 3: 5 1 SC7 43200 82 5 5 505`5158"E 82-67 4q'69' 2050 00 74-r S45' -"6' L20 - N ­ 2 - 8 - ' - W - 4T - E 98.22 ZONED P--D L21 138:6!3 N'1'3"5-9'53"E (,11-7� ERSON COUNT C 18 N ­ 11' 0- - 0 - 2 " E 75000 87, 1 L2 3T 97 i N 16 "WAVE 824.68 L25 3 59 NW04 44. 2�i:i '�26 + 1 53 9 1 SE7'57'25"E C21 02" 5q 17' L2 7 Sr,5 01'40"E 7 L28 10-04 SWO13 -Q�5'28'05` 350 00 3, 4f) 32,13 S89 I "W 33.39 L30 %.2*7 NEE 9`12'68"E 00 51 5-1 L31 108-63 S89" 12'58" w 4 64 C26 L32 88.53 NE9`13'11"E 9'32"E Curve Table Name Delta Ritclius Arc Chord Chord L= 236.158' Rrtgt C ire ctori I L ength C i 12',%W &DO, 00 8C, 7�5 �461 'OD'41"W 00-12396 180-39 - ----- -- 19AO46� ' 7M IN 21 F 4 -- 57 53'44 233.23 R=266.00' 7 N C30 7, L= 222.15' �C � o C4 2 7 10' 4 50 371:, 30 'X1 2 749"E 364-73 215.75' 23 15 50 2E,42 : JT FND. #5 RESAR - - �2. 67 ALUM. CAP PLS. #16401 16-39 C7 3 2 w 7 35- 50 - 1E95 <10 18.94 E= 100928.19 4 ' SX 17&80 '9 05 12 W 1 S& "'02'1 11V 16-50 15 39 43200 82 82-67 4q'69' 2050 00 74-r S45' -"6' 741-29 424,80 551`512"E 419-14 C 18 --- --------- 55'42", 7 75000 87, 1 534::0715TE 824.68 4 � 5C 00 44. 2�i:i '�26 + 192 72 . C21 02" 5q 17' 7 - 20 - 55 - C22 -Q�5'28'05` 350 00 3, 4f) ' l 33.39 _ cG V 00 51 5-1 W9x W�" 4 64 C26 IZ 51`6 CID 9'32"E 118.44 ""k4152-F 41500 2ir S7D 215-46 43 41"2 00 118- C29 70 22W' 72 88£.2 542'57'54"E 834.41 21 224 432 00 61,19 53V' 1'45"E 160.25 1C 43 10-31 2 6 '304,88 c 05-: , `13'57 - AV 286.34 33 491048' 41 N - 3-T71 - 4 - 'F 5 1 38 E 1 34.12 - 1 4 1, 453 7 z400"E 15.33 C35 '27'422e' 41 00 e,83 1 S7, 19.63 C36 2i"3& 2 60 E2 1 477', 2 5'35"E, 8-19 5742TG` 270' M 271,92 S61'6646'E 260-57 C38 140"30'34' 42 50 04 %3 0f' `4 1 TTV 80.00 CD 0 04 LO LO b 0 z F SET J4 REBAR W1 CAP PLS. J23899 N= 704303.98 E=98614.25 N I 100 50 0 100 200 SCALE: 1 100' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO F SEE SHEET 8 OF 9 FOR CONTINUATION SHEET 9 O 9 C 20 NORTH LINE NW 114, SEC 29, T3S, R69W, 6T P. �SOUTH E .5E 114, SEC 19, T3S, R69W, 67 P.M. S89*09'04"W IJ12.95' SEC N89*22'39"E 1004.97� S20*1 1'42"W 1-312.99' SEC. z 97.28' 9, 0�� - 1 4 -��/ -t � / E 26� s7c29 7� ,q89*09 0 E 2625.77' A--02*02'28 SW FOR., SE114, SE114, R=800.00 3 CLEAR CREEK DRIVE 19 1- SEC. -TJS ,--) 6 - PM L=28.50' - - - - -__- ...... . ........ - - - - - R.O.W. HEREBY DEDICATED -- 7 CH=S44*39'50"E BY THIS PLAT 1 Mn S8 - -- --- -- - - - 1 - S43*44'49"W 10' URLII J0 `7 CH 1� 809.54' 1 28,50' 82.17' BLOCK 5, BLOCK 2, LOT 1 BLOCK 3, LOT 1 2006148-9 1 1 01 N os *04'14 " '\ I (RL \-\ C17 C 2- LOT 3 166,961 S.F. 65' R.O.W. 507,044 S.F. (TO 0 A--46 00 1� 75.33' 1 \ --, z I 1 1 46,200 S. 3.83 AC 3 1 1$; R=81.50' C dl C2 X24'43'48°' 1 1.64 AC .36 AC L=66.71' R=482.50' CH=N22*37'14"E d =06'1 '21 L=208.26' 64.87' R= 800,009 0 " i CH=S26*14'47"W L 0 1 J", A r- 1-1 CAGE A OORS SUBDIVISION -- 44'34'41 3r. CH=548'48'14"E \(O tK 206.64 ' s/c L= 87.11 FILING NC. I, AMENDED R=250.00' - 04 87.07' S38'36'41 "W (feFC. 2006" 1489 7 7) L=194.51' LO 00 25.42" A--71'02'34" 'q- I - c� S50*30'57"E S5030'57"E CH=S21*2728"W r-) 'M * A--86*5442" R=300.00 189.64' 0 15.74' It 105.07' R=1 2.00 L=371.98' 0 b z L= 18.20 20' A PP� E WOOD SA N/ /A [ION CH=N19*13'21"W S89' 10 1 D45 7FIC T I T 348.60' 157.50' CH=SO4*50'40"E HOOK 265J, PA 360 A--- 1 8'40'1 7" 16.51' 0) BLOCK 5, LOT 4 32,418 S.F. R=688.00' o6 A--26*07'01 0.74 AC L=224.20' R=812.00' > > j 200' WIC FND. CH=N58*08'57"W L=370.13' 223,21' 3 ALUM. CAP LS #10212 CH=S35*1 4'31 "E 10 A-�07*00'28" 366.93' N39 R=812.00' k-90-29-59" W105'08'50.52251 " I L=99.32' R\=12.00' f-p-c CH=N63*58'52"W L---�8.95' ci� 170501357 99.25' CH=S86*56'0'9:'W 309912750 17.0 /0 UTILITY I I 70544J. 56 EASEMENT (TYR)___4� AF7 60-�7 BLOCK 5, LOT 2 (REC. 200614891 99909.27 A-47:02'03" -�R=32.00' R=7DO.00' If (TO IL�Eul-i //v) 1,246,569 S.F. L=574.63' BLOCK 5, LOT 5 28.62 AC CH=SO4*47'03"W 776,629 S.F. CH=N24'17'50"W\ 27.28' 1 7.83 AC 558.63' LOT 6, d= 19 °39 °43" /01 7, 00 CAHELA'SICOORS SUBDIVISION R=800.00' CABEIA'SICOORS SU13DIV 10) /S/0N FILING NO. 7, AMENDED 20' L=274.53' c FIZING NO. 7, AMENDED BE C. 2006148911) CH=510*36'40"E 273.19' ZONED PCD 13: I (REC. 2006148,91 (CITY OF WH -A T RIDGE) i 1 04 U INTERSTATE 70 'Mi 10 z 20' APPLEWOOD SANITATION cbNNECTOR I 5'1111 T 04 O/S TRIC I PUBLIC RIGH 00 BOOK 265,3 PACE J60 'H OF WAY -50-'- 50'_ '\\ (REC. 200614�9�) / I , M (TO REM 81.59' N01*01'46v------ 2641,58' ;0 > C -'j (BASIS OF BEARINGS) . 100 0100 4.541 M* c� L28 r n 05 3: co C31 M - v rn;u 0 r4 C33 C L29 20' APPLEWOOD SANITATION M 1-36- C.D.O.T. 10 --Ij 0 DIS TRIC T L­A SVEN T . r 0) R.O.W. BOOK 2653, PAGE J60-� z HEREBY "ED \18 JO' Al DRAINAGE INA GE EASE T 0 -01 17.89' DEDICA1 -'P�FWOOD SAN17A 17ION -0. C14 EASEMENT (REC. (REC 88069715) L31 BY THIS PLAT 50' 88069775) L 3 . . ...... C34 ------- - - - - -- C -I - -- -- - - - -- - - - SE COR NE 114, -1 r- SL rL J4 REBA R W/� CAP S. N=7056' E- 100910.60 L 0 C r4') L= 236.158' uj 1 . R C E L 1 2 3 A d . F300K '1855, LO 'PAGE 4,25 tF RECJ 0 b c) 00-12396 V) - ----- -- A---47'51'06" R=266.00' 7 N � L= 222.15' �C � o r1Z Qi 94 215.75' ci 20' A1 SANITA I Z)/ST NE 114, SEC JO PD C37 - � -' � °-- - - FASEIVIFNI (REC. 8,5069774) 37.12' T - - - - - - - - --- �' - <�- SOUTH LINE NW V4 NW 14, S TJS R6W- 6TH P.M. A7' � T S R r 259&8 9 -�70/ �0 Z1 1 S8901 "' 7 0 3 S89'25 52 W 562.01 DA 7T0 /�� - D MU 7jA Z.- - 22.05' 0'06 " W 1 3 15.31' END. J4 REBA R WA 7FI? COMPAN WEL 5'1'iE 4, 11 W1 A L UM CAP PLS 114J8 BLOCK 5. LOT 6 EA SEVEN T & 12' 0 - S N=704,32,3.07 INGRES /EGRESS IFI I E=99929.42 181,486 S.F. -0 o BOOK 317 PA(, 43 4.17 AC C: c� 04 rn co BLOCK 4. LOT 1 '0 APPLEWOOD GARDENS C14 LOT 5, 0 10- w to N 127,851 S.F. c � a 2ND FILING T- 00 W. 34th A VE. CABELA'SICOORS SUHDI VISION M CA X 2.94 AC C14 FILING NO. 1, AMENDED 41 PLAT BOOK 28, PAGE 33 1. LOT 4, PO REC. #67249084 FND. ALUM. DISK (REC. 2006748-97 1) 1 4 - .04 p PLS. N = 703999.72 V) Un CAHLLA'SICOORS SUBDIVISION - . ZONED P---D ZONED R- 1A #38098 0 FILING NO 1, AMENDED 4" 4" (1 1 (JF- f FERSON COUNTY) (,JEFFERSON COUN7) r- COURIN� D ACCESS :E (REC'. 2006 7 489 7 1) 7.09' 1 • E ASEMEN T T ZONLD' Z POINT OF BEGINNING z (REC. 2009090469) CITY OF WHEAT C38 RIDGE R.O.W. - ----- - -F 50' 62'_ 1 1 (JEFFERSON COUNT (TO REMA IN) HEREBY DEDICATED 73.00' _38 BY THIS PLAT 9.23* W114 TIO 29, 60.61 - - - - - - --5 - - 11 .00' -314.30' � R � j SEC T) I ROW TJS, 69 W, 6 P. M. - S89"2456"W 986.91 F Qj END. J- I AL CAP IN RANGE LS 160 12 J END. l f 4 IREBA R? - j m , CAP PLS. #1 1010 APPLE 70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER 1 N=704009.78 FrULA./ MESA -N,.W4.542. SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 3 i E= 100922. 09 --JRD ON 77 If 105'08'50. b8231 F 1 51 I PLAT BOOK 148, PA GE 701 WEST BUSINESS CENTER APPLEMOOD LA spC BOR K PACE 64 CD (-D REC. #F Q0 BOOK 97, PACE 3 1 170 72.97 L (70WBC) < C�! 59764411 30� 171.35 REC. 88049716 I PLAT BOOK 79, PAGE 47 C� CD BLOCK 2 REC. #84076366 00 7030 .49 UIT CLAIM DEF� REC. LOT 1 0 99953.15 2079471 & 0 20 947 0 C-5 0 M LJ A--50*57'34" ok X R=266 00' L= 236.158' CH=N6 228.861 A---47'51'06" R=266.00' L= 222.15' CH=N66*51'29"W 215.75' 1 FND. #5 RESAR W/ ALUM. CAP PLS. #16401 N= 704332.98 E= 100928.19 (BOOK 1952, PAGE 286 FND. J4 REBA R W1 CAP PLS. #1640 N=704091.50 E= 1009) 1.25 - S06 23'52"W 82.13' REV. MARCH 28, 2011 1 - ----- REV. MARCH 14, 2011 FLUNUAHY I b 2U MARTIN / MARTIN 12499 WEST COLFAX AVE. P.O. Box 1 51 500 LAKE:wc3c3D, CO B02 5 303.431 .61 00 FAX 303.431 .4028 PLAT NOTE ! ► ` �' City Of W e at Wdge PUBLIC WORKS City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2861 F: 303.235.2857 March 31, 2011 Mr. Mike Palumbo Project One Meridian One 9785 Maroon Circle, Ste 380 Englewood, CO 80112 303.771.0396 Re: Third Review Comments of the Clear Creek Crossing Subdivision Filing No. 1 Plat, and fourth Review of the Specific ODP. Dear Mr. Palumbo, Public Works has completed the third review of the above referenced documents received on March 29, 2011 for the Cabela's Development located west of I -70, south of CO 58, and north of 32 Avenue, and have the following comments: Final Plat General Comment: 1. All parcels on this plat identified as "Tracts" must have a Note or Notes describing what they are for, and if they are non - buildable the Note(s) must also include a statement to this. 2. There are some Right -of -Way deeds referenced on page 1 of the Sewer Line Easement found under JeffCo Reception Number Book 1737, Page 495 that may impact the portion of the subdivision lying within Section 19. These deeds are as follows: a. City & County of Denver ROW: B717 P191, B379 P112, & B384 P78 b. CO Central Power Company ROW: B706 P246 Sheet 1 (Cover Sheet): 1. It appears that there was another sheet added during the second submittal that we missed, so Note 6 needs to be revised to reflect that "SHEETS 2 THROUGH 5" show the vacations and "SHEETS 6 THROUGH 9" indicate the proposed items. Sheets 2 through 5: 1. On Sheet 2: a. Provide the purpose or type for the easement shown at the top of the sheet (identified as B 1737, P495). b. There appears to be an old water company Utility Easement (133 84 P78) in Lot 9, Cabela's /Coors Sub Filing #2 (see redlined plat) which may need to be shown. c. Provide the dimension, purpose, and disposition of the easement along the easterly line of Lot 10, Cabela's /Coors Subdivision, Filing No.I Amended. d. After a conversation with Tim Paranto, Director of Public Works, PW has decided that the odd - shaped "tail" of public Right -of -Way that was dedicated to Wheat Ridge by JeffCo will no longer be needed for access to the regional pond as originally intended (due to the fact that the area it goes across will be fully encumbered by a Drainage Easement which allows access). Therefore, we would like to see the ROW truncated along a continuation of the curve to the north (please refer to the redlined plat). EXHIBIT 4 Public Works Engineering March 31, 2011 Page 2 e. And along those same lines as comment Id above (no pun intended), please continue the northerly ROW line from the truncated "tail" to the proposed Cabela Drive ROW to create a more consistent road ROW width and smoother transition around the curve (again, please refer to the redlined plat). On Sheets 2 & 3 PW believes there are additional existing trail easements present than those currently shown (refer to REC # 92093972). I have attached some of the Exhibits from 92093972 that highlight the trail easement location for your convenience. Sheets 6 through 9: 1. On Sheets 7 and 8: In order to construct the Cabela's building, the line between Block 1, Lot 1 and Block 1, Lot 3 will need to be removed and Lots 1 & 3 need to be combined into a single lot. Buildings are not allowed to be constructed across a lot line due to ownership and Building Code issues, and they will need to have their parking area within the same Lot as the primary building to avoid Zoning Code issues. 2. Please fade or shade the text for the existing lot information on these sheets to differentiate it from what is proposed. a. Provide the purpose or type of easement shown at the westerly side of the sheet (identified as "Rec. 2008006436, To Remain "). 3. On Sheets 6 & 7 PW believes there may be additional existing trail easements present than those currently shown (refer to REC # 92093972). 1 have attached some of the Exhibits from 92093972 that highlight the trail easement location for your convenience. Specific ODP 1. An engineered design for the (westerly) private access drive to Cabela's needs to be shown on Sheet 3 of the Specific ODP. The design must show lane striping and sufficient dimensions for the drive and approach to Cabela Drive to ensure proper functionality. Public Works needs two hardcopies and an electronic PDF file for each submitted document, PLUS an electronic file of the Final Plat in AutoCA D 2007.dwg format only. The electronic files may be delivered either on CD -ROM with the next subm ittal or via e-mail to me at: dbrossman(a The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303.235.2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. City Surveyor/Development Review Engineer CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner John Moore, Principal, Martin/Martin File www.c i.w heat ridge.co. us Clear Creek Crossing Subdivision Filing Nol_Review- 3.lu.doc