HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/21/20111141 City of Wheat�idge PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA July 21, 2011 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on July 21, 2011, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Heather Geyer, Public Information Officer at 303 -235 -2826 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may be recommended for placement on the agenda.) 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —June 16, 2011 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Case No. WZ- 11 -04 An application filed by David Myers for Metro Community Provider Network for approval of a Specific Outline Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and located at 7495 W. 29 Avenue. 8. OTHER ITEMS A. 38 Avenue Corridor Plan Update 9. ADJOURNMENT City of i� W heat Riclge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting June 16, 2011 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair BUCKNAM at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29 Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent: Anne Brinkman Alan Bucknam Marc Dietrick Tracy Guildner Dick Matthews Scott Ohm Steve Timms George Pond Staff Members Present: Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner Sarah Showalter, Planner II Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by Commissioner OHM to approve the order of the agenda. The motion passed unanimously. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — May 19, 2011 It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by Commissioner BRINKMAN to approve the minutes of May 19, 2011 as presented. The motion carried 5 -0 with Commissioners GUILDNER and TIMMS abstaining. 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes) Planning Commission Minutes 1 June 16, 2011 No members of the public wished to address the Commission at this time. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Case No. WZ- 11 -03 A city- initiated rezoning of the Wadsworth Corridor to Mixed Use Commercial (MU -C) This case was presented by Sarah Showalter. She entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended approval for reasons outlined in the staff report. Chair BUCKNAM opened the public hearing. Louise Turner 11256 West 38 Avenue Ms. Turner stated she was here to learn more about the proposed rezoning but expressed concern with city- initiated, rather than citizen driven, rezoning because it eliminates checks and balances. It's difficult for City Council to sit as an im artial judge when the matter has been initiated by the city. Residents north of 44� are opposed to high density development. She expressed concern about higher population density and questioned` whether it would result in a better quality of life in Wheat Ridge. Since population studies have not been done in the past twenty years, she encouraged the Commission to consider a current population study. Michael Smith Mr. Smith stated that he is an attorney representing an out -of -state client who owns property in the subject area and who remains in opposition to rezoning. He and his client do not believe the concept will work because there are a variety of property owners along Wadsworth without one major property owner to drive development. Thero is also a problem with Wadsworth, a major state highway bisecting,the area. This is not a neighborhood that can be pedestrian friendly. He stated that his client produces $200,000 in sales tax every year and did not believe that small storefronts would produce those kinds of results. He expressed concern about residential units above retail units. He stated his belief that mixed use development prevents big economic drivers from coming into the area and mixed use would also ultimately result in residential rental properties. Mixed use restrictions discourage existing businesses to improve what they have. Further, there are no tools in place to encourage developers to assemble properties. His client's property constraints remain in effect until 2023 and there is no plan to ever relinquish them. He stated that he has learned from his experience with mixed use developments that they are not always successful. Planning Commission Minutes 2 June 16, 2011 In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Mr. Smith commented that Wadsworth is a 6 -lane state highway that drives mixed use away. Commissioner BRINKMAN commented that she did not believe there are any aspirations to make Wadsworth pedestrian friendly. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked what impact the urban renewal area has had on his client. Mr. Smith replied that there has been no positive impact. Mr. Smith requested that his letters to the city regarding this matter be made a part of the official record. Ms. Showalter advised Mr. Smith that these records would be included in the official record. In response to a request from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Ms. Showalter explained the noticing process. She stated that, although there is no requirement other than to provide notices in The Transcript,L City Council directed staff to notify individual property owners in the area. Five separate mailings have been sent to property owners. Addresses were obtained through county records. Due to cost constraints, the letters were not sent by certified mail. In response to a question from Commissioner GUILDNER, Ms. Showalter explained that the mixed use zoning was adopted last. September. Commissioner BUCKNAM commented that this is only the second time that Planning Commission has been asked to approve 'a rezoning to mixed use - commercial (MU -C). In response to a question from Commissioner TIMMS, Ms. Showalter stated that the rezoning would not cause the bank and Pep Boys properties to become nonconforming. In response to a_question from Commissioner DIETRICK, Ms. Showalter stated that she was not aware of any negative impacts that the proposed rezoning would have on existing businesses. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked Mr. Smith if his testimony had covered the material contained in the letters sent to the city. Mr. Smith indicated that he was satisfied that the. Commission had heard all his concerns through his testimony. Commissioner OHM asked if an elevated crossing over Wadsworth might be considered in the future. Ms. Showalter stated that while it could not be ruled out, elevated crossings are very expensive. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if there was an estimate of the number of residential units that could be built in the subject 95 -acre area. Ms. Showalter stated that a very rough estimate would be several hundred new units. These 95 acres represent a very minimal percentage of the land in Wheat Ridge. . 1 Planning Commission Minutes 3 June 16, 2011 Commissioner BUCKNAM asked why more uniform boundaries were not established rather than adhering to the urban renewal boundaries. Ms. Showalter explained that City Council and property owners were in favor of rezoning only commercially zoned properties in the designated urban renewal area. It was moved by Commissioner GUILDNER to continue this matter until more information is available regarding letters and surveys. The motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner MATTHEWS commented that he promised to never rezone a property if there were objections from the property owner. He stated that he would like to exclude the entire northeast corner of the area of 44 Avenue, that includes Mr. Smith's client's property, from mixed use. If this client's property alone is excluded, it would not leave a deep enough strip of property for any future application of mixed use zoning. It was moved by Commissioner BRINKMAN and seconded by Commissioner TIMMS to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ- 11 -03, a request for a City- initiated zone change from Neighborhood Commercial, Restricted Commercial, Commercial -One, Commercial -Two and Planned Commercial Development to Mixed Use - Commercial, for properties located along Wadsworth Boulevard, generally between West 35 and West 45 Avenues, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and the Wadsworth Corridor Subarea Plan. 2. The proposed zone change is compatible with the surrounding area. 3. Any applicant for development under the proposed zoning will provide adequate utility upgrades where needed. 4. The proposed zone change will not adversely impact the public health, safety or welfare. It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by Commissioner GUILDNER to amend the motion to exclude the northeast corner of 44 and Wadsworth from the MU -C rezoning. Commissioner BRINKMAN stated that she would vote against the amendment because the property represented by Mr. Smith would not become nonconforming as a result of the rezone. The property owner can stay with his present situation until 2030 or as long as he likes. The amendment failed by a vote of 2 to 5 with Commissioners TIMMS, DIETRICK, BUCKNAM, BRINKMAN and OHM voting no. A vote was taken on the main motion which carried 7 -0. Planning Commission Minutes 4 June 16, 2011 (Chair BUCKNAM recessed the meeting at 8:20 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:25 p.m.) Sarah Showalter took this opportunity to further explain the reasons for choosing the boundaries of the proposed rezone. The primary reason was that the urban renewal area alone is exempted from the height and density restrictions contained in the charter. B. Case No. MS- 11 -01 An application filed by BCS Community Credit Union for a 4 -lot consolidation plat on property zoned Commercial -One and located at 4203 Wadsworth Boulevard This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended approval for reasons and.with conditions outlined in the staff report The applicant stated he had nothing to add to the staff presentation. Chair BUCKNAM opened the public hearing. Tammy Kaiser Ms. Kaiser lives two houses west of the subject property. She stated that she was happy to see this property improved and asked if there would be a buffer between the business and residential area. She also expressed strong objection to removing the traffic signal at Wadsworth and 3 -Acre Lane due to the amount of traffic in her neighborhood., Ms. Reckert explained that a 6 -foot landscaped buffer with a 6 -foot solid fence will be required along the western property line of the credit union. She also commented that the credit union will have much less impact on the neighborhood than the previous use as a fast food restaurant. It was moved by Commissioner TIMMS and seconded by Commissioner OHM to APPROVE Case No. MS- 11 -01, a request for approval of a four -lot consolidation plat on C -1 zoned property located at 4203 Wadsworth, for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of Article IV of the zoning and development code have been met. 2. All utility providers can serve the property. With the following condition: 1. The language for the city certification be slightly modified. Planning Commission Minutes 5 June 16, 2011 The motion carried 7 -0. 8. OTHER ITEMS A. 38 Avenue Corridor Plan Update No update was available at this time. B. Garden Tour Alan Bucknam, Chair ' Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Commissioner BRINKNL N reminded the Commission about the first annual Wheat Ridge Garden Tour to be held on June 27. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased at the Richards Hart Estate. The tour is sponsored by Live Well Wheat Ridge. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEW seconded by Commissioner OHM to adjourn the meeting at 8;44 p.m. The motion carried 7 -0. Planning Commission Minutes 6 June 16, 2011 �C yof Wat jd COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert DATE OF MEETING: July 21, 2011 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ- 1 1-04/Metro Community Providers Network (MCPN) /Jeffco Family Health Services Clinic (JFHSC) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a PCD Specific Outline Development Plan (ODP) LOCATION OF REQUEST: 7495 W. 29` Avenue APPROXIMATE AREA: 4.6 acres PRESENT ZONING: Planned Commercial Development (PCD) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Buffer Area ENTER INTO RECORD: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE DIGITAL PRESENTATION Planning Commission WZ- 11- 04/MCPN /JFHSC All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST Case No. WZ -11 -04 is a request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Specific Outline Development Plan (ODP) on property located at 7495 W. 29 Avenue. The intent of this application is to facilitate construction of an approximate 46,000 square foot medical clinic. The new clinic will offer medical, dental and mental health services. No emergency services will be provided. (Exhibit 1, Applicant request) II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/PROPERTY HISTORY The property in question is zoned Planned Commercial Development having been rezoned from Residential -Two in 2006. It is comprised of 4.6 acres of land area and has street frontages on three sides: W. 29 Avenue on the south, Wadsworth Blvd. on the west and the interior curve of the intersection of W. 30 Avenue and Webster at the northeast corner of the property. An unbuilt half width of right -of -way for W. 30 Avenue abuts the property on the north. At the time of original zone change approval in 2006, there were three primary structures on the property: a one and a half story frame farmhouse with accessory structures on the north, a brick home converted to an office on the southwest corner and a contemporary chapel built in 1969 on the southeast corner. Other miscellaneous structures on the property included a brick well house, a pergola running along the Wadsworth frontage and a commercial parking lot. The site is currently vacant with the exception of the well house and parking lot. The property is surrounded by a variety of land uses. To the north and east are residential neighborhoods zoned R -1 A and R -2. Immediately to the south is property owned by the City of Wheat Ridge; it is zoned R -2 but includes City Hall, the Police Department, and Hayward Park. To the west across Wadsworth is the Olinger Crown Hill Mortuary and Cemetery; this property is outside the boundary of the City of Wheat Ridge in unincorporated Jefferson County. About four dozen mature trees are scattered throughout the site; there are numerous species in varying conditions of health. A fence and landscape buffer separates the property from the residential neighborhood to the east. The property was rezoned from R -2 to Planned Commercial Development pursuant to Case No. WZ- 05-01. The approved ODP document was heavily conditioned with items pertaining to use areas and maintenance of the then existing structures. (Exhibit 2, 2005 ODP) A subsequent Specific ODP for construction of a restaurant, retail and office was approved pursuant to Case No. WZ -08 -01 but was never built. (Exhibit 3, 2007 Specific ODP) Planning Commission 2 WZ- 11- 04/MCPN /JFHSC III. OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN The planned development Outline Development Plan (ODP) process was modified in 2007. In 2005, when the original zone change was approved, the ODP document was always general in nature and showed general use areas including access points, approximate areas of landscaping, building footprints and parking, sometimes referred to as a "bubble plan". The Outline Development Plan was used to establish design parameters including maximum building height, minimum landscaped coverage and minimum perimeter setbacks. In the summer of 2007, the planned development regulations were modified to expedite the Outline Development Plan (ODP) and Final Development Plan (FDP) review processes. The applicant is now allowed to provide more written and graphic information detailing the development proposal at the ODP stage. The Specific ODP still addresses permitted uses and development standards but provides much more information regarding the site layout and proposed architecture. Approval of a Specific ODP allows the Final Development Plan (FDP) to be approved administratively. The case processed in 2007 was consistent with the new process. This case again is being processed in accordance with more detailed Specific ODP requirements. As such, the plan set for the ODP contains the following four sheets: declaration page /development standards, site plan, building elevations and isometric perspective of the property in relationship to the area. (Exhibit 4, Specific Outline Development Plan) This Specific ODP supersedes both the prior ODP approvals. Staff will attempt to compare the old and new ODP plans, when appropriate. IV. SPECIFIC OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Allowable uses: While the applicant has a particular development scenario and use in mind, the proposed Specific ODP must define all future allowed uses. Those permitted uses were taken from the Commercial-One zone district regulations but many of the normally permitted uses in C -1 were eliminated. Those eliminated uses which were determined to have a higher traffic generation and negative impact to the neighborhood included auto sales, auto service and repair, fast food restaurants, gas stations and home improvements supply stores. Uses which were allowed to have "soft" drive- through facilities include banks, coffee shops, laundry and dry cleaning shops and pharmacies. The proposed list of uses is the same as on the two prior ODP approvals. Landscaping: The proposed ODP sets the minimum amount of landscaping at 20 %. The landscaped coverage depicted on the site plan is 35 %. A solid wall or fence at least 6' in height in combination with landscaping will be required to be constructed along the east property line. A detention pond will run along the eastern boundary of the project with a pond at the southeast corner. Public Works has reviewed the drainage report and will require revisions to the pond design to meet the City standards. Final landscape design will be determined and reviewed at the Final Development Plan stage. Planning Commission 3 WZ- 11- 04/MCPN /JFHSC Building Height/Minimum Setbacks: The two prior ODP plans designated maximum building height at 35'. This ODP increases permitted height to 40' which is still more restrictive than the 50' allowed building height in the RC and C -1 zone districts. Setbacks proposed are generally consistent with the City's commercial zone districts. Development Standards: The development standards depicted in the table are shown as minimum standards on the ODP. The table provides a comparison with what is required by the ODP and what is being shown on the site development plan (Sheet A2). Item Requirement Provided Max. Building and Hard 80% 65% of net site area Surfaced Coverage: Minimum setbacks From rights -of -way: Wadsworth — after 20' ded. 30' 40' from new property line 29 Avenue — after 5' ded. 30' 115' from new property line 30 Avenue — after 25' ded. 25' 310' from new property line From eastern property line: 20' 120' Minimum landscaped 20% 35% of net site area coverage: Minimum parking required: Refers to Section 26 -501 of the Meets parking requirement for Wheat Ridge Code of Laws proposed use Maximum building height: Approx. 35' to roof deckline 40' (excluding non - occupied mechanical penthouse) Signage Refer to Article VII of the Complies Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Fencing Refers to Section 26 -603 Complies Exterior Lighting: Refers to Section 26 -503 of the Will be evaluated at the time of Wheat Ridge Code of Laws FDP approval Architectural Detail: Refers to Architectural and Site Complies Design Manual (ASDM) Planning Commission 4 WZ- 11- 04/MCPN /JFHSC Access: Existin access to the site is by two primary curb cuts; one each on W. 29 Avenue arid Wadsworth. The 29 Avenue entrance is currently pushed to the east against the common property line with the row of homes on the west side of Webster. It is offset from the City Hall entrance by about 35'. There are two existing access points to Wadsworth. On Sheet A2 of the plan set, a proposed access point is depicted on 29 Avenue aligning opposite the access into the municipal building property. The 29 Avenue access will be full movement and align with the centerline of the city hall access. A departure from the two previous ODP documents is access from West 30 Avenue rather than Wadsworth. This will require dedication of the southern half of 30 Avenue (25') and street construction of 30 between Wadsworth and Webster Street. Staff believes that construction of this street connection fulfills the goal of the City to complete a "grid" pattern street system with increased pedestrian accessibility. Due to the new street, a pedestrian connection will occur at the northeast corner of the property at the Webster/W. 30 Avenue intersection; therefore sidewalk should be extended to the eastern property line. The design for 30 Avenue is consistent with the Streetscape Manual. Public Works has determined that a total of 50' of right -of- way /easement area will be required for future roadway improvements on Wadsworth. A 20' right -of -way dedication will be required to accommodate public improvements with this development (lane widening, new deceleration lane, curb and gutter). A 30' future right -of -way reservation is also denoted behind the 20' to be dedicated by the plat. A 10' wide separated multi -use path will be built at the eastern edge of the reservation area. Other streetscape elements will include street trees planted at 35' intervals. A relocated RTD transit stop is depicted north of the Wadsworth/W. 29 Avenue intersection. The existing well house, which the owner would like to keep, is located in the path of the proposed walk. The applicant is showing the path meandering around the well house on the west. A meander to the east would result in the loss of parking. In light of this, Staff does not object to the western meander. Public Works has also commented that a left hand turn lane be provided along the 29 Avenue frontage to accommodate vehicles going eastbound to turn into the property. Six feet of additional right -of -way will be required to be dedicated to accommodate left hand turns in and the north bound right -hand turn to Wadsworth with a turn bay island. Parking and Circulation: The primary parking lot for patients will be located north/northeast of the structure with a drop off contiguous to the main entrance on the east side of the building. Staff parking will occur south of the structure adjacent to a secondary entrance. Proposed parking exceeds the amount required by Section 26 -501 of zoning and development code based on building use areas. Handicapped accessible spaces will be located as close as possible to the primary drop off and entry courtyard on the east side of the structure. Bicycle parking is provided adjacent to the main entry way. Planning Commission 5 WZ- 11- 04/MCPN /JFHSC Architectural Elevations: Architectural elevations (Sheet A3) have been provided for the medical building. The - structure will be two and a half in height with an exposed lower garden level on the east/southeast due to existing topography and required drainage on the property. Proposed materials include integrally colored concrete block, metal and concrete panels and stucco around the entrance on the east. Four -sided architecture is provided with wall plane changes and fagade articulation using reveals, sunshades, louvers and different glazing types. The proposed materials and colors need to be specified on the architectural elevations where it is not specified. Staff concludes that the proposed elevations are consistent with the Commercial/Industrial Design Standards of the Architectural and Site Design Manual except for transparency. The ASDM provides "transparency of ground floor facades facing any street or pedestrian way, regardless of distance, shall be at least 60% and not more than 85 %. ...... for corner lots, the minimum percentage of transparency can be allocated from one street fagade to another. At no time can the percentage of transparency on a street frontage be less than 30 %." The applicant has provided an analysis of the transparency and indicates that it is 28% on the north - facing elevation, 37% on the south - facing elevation (W. 29 Avenue), 40% on the west facing elevation (Wadsworth side) and 43% on the fagade facing the east. In review of this standard in the manual, it appears to have been written for a retail situation and does not lend itself to medical institutions and their requirements for internal operations and patient privacy. In addition, the property has what could be considered four frontages; one each facing 29 Avenue, 30 Avenue and Wadsworth. The fagade most visible by patients and the public entering the facility is the east which has the highest percentage of transparency and architectural interest. Given the unusual site conditions and the required structure functionality, Staff supports the reduction in transparency as other requirements in the ASDM have been exceeded. Isometric Perspective: The final sheet of the plan set is the required architectural design portrayed as an isometric perspective. The intent of this requirement it to demonstrate graphically the nature of the proposed development and demonstrate that the proposal is not inconsistent with adjacent land uses. This graphic must be modified to show detached sidewalk along the entire length of W. 29 Avenue. V. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Staff has the following comments regarding the zone change criteria. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the applicant demonstrates the following criteria have been met: 1. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error; The official zoning map is not in error. The parcel is currently zoned Planned Commercial Development. 2. A change in character in the area has occurred due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions, Planning Commission 6 WZ- 11- 04/MCPN /JFHSC Commercial development along the Wadsworth Blvd. corridor continues to intensify.- Wadsworth is one of the heaviest traveled corridors in the metropolitan area. On the city's street classification plan, it is designated as a major regional arterial and carries over 42,000 vehicles per day (2008 count). Based on the fact that there have been no viable retail developments proposed, Staff concludes that market conditions since original zoning have changed and that this destination medical use is appropriate for the location. The Planning Commission shall also find that the evidence supports the finding of at least four of the following: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area; Subarea Plan The Wadsworth Corridor Subarea Plan was adopted by the Wheat Ridge City Council in 2007. This document is considered an addendum to the Comprehensive Plan for this portion of the city. The document is intended to be used as both a short-term and long -term planning document by providing guidance for the future development and redevelopment of properties along Wadsworth. The property is shown as Commercial on the Recommended Land Uses Map in the subarea plan. The subarea plan calls for the redevelopment of Wadsworth with a mix of uses which are pedestrian friendly and will enhance the corridor aesthetically. Comprehensive Plan Envision Wheat Ridge, the Comprehensive Plan adopted in 2009, also promotes the vision for Wadsworth as a priority commercial corridor appropriate for redevelopment. The goal for improving the appearance and function of the corridor is being met with this development proposal through upgraded landscaping, trees and architecture. It will further address the goal for improved bicycle and pedestrian access. The plan also specifies the buildings adjacent to residential areas should transition down from height. The subject property is also located within a Neighborhood Buffer area and should act as a transition between the low density neighborhood to the east and Wadsworth. Other goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan which apply to this development are: - • Use of good urban design through the establishment of pedestrian connections and reduction of the number of access points on arterials. • Promotes a diverse and efficient use of land by redeveloping infill lots with high quality landscaping and architecture. • Supports economic development efforts by adding to the city's employment base through new jobs and the provision of needed services for the community and region. • Should improve the quality of life by providing new medical, dental and mental health choices to a currently under -served population. • Promotes healthy lifestyles by providing pedestrian connections adjacent and to the site. • Provides a development which supports and complements adjacent residential development through effective buffers and landscaping. Planning Commission 7 WZ- 11- 04/MCPN /JFHSC Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. b. The proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived; The subject property is surrounded to the north and east by low density residential land uses, primarily single family dwellings with some duplexes mixed in. Corresponding zoning is R -2 and R -lA. To the south are Hayward Park and the Wheat Ridge municipal building zoned Residential -Two. Property to the west is located in unincorporated Jefferson County and is utilized as a mortuary and cemetery. The proposed commercial zoning is compatible with adjacent residential use due to good urban design and the use of upgraded buffering to minimize impacts. Additionally, some of the more intensive and auto oriented uses have been eliminated. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. C. There will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone; There will be economic benefits as a result of the zone change due to increased employment base for the City, in addition to property tax increases. The parcel, which is currently an eyesore, will be developed with high quality architecture and landscaping providing a physical benefit. The installation of pedestrian connections to and around the site will create a recreational benefit. Increased medical options and availability to an underserved population will be a social benefit. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. d. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity; All agencies can serve the property with upgrades to infrastructure, the cost of which will be borne by the applicant. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. e. The change of zone will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties; The change in zone will not negatively affect public health, safety or welfare in the area. Traffic will increase from existing conditions; however, the amount of traffic generated by the new development will not overburden the roadway system. It has been concluded that the existing street network has adequate capacity to handle the anticipated volume generated by the commercial development with improvements to 29` 30` and Wadsworth that will be installed with the development. All site generated drainage will be conveyed to a detention pond at the southeast corner of the site. The applicant will continue to work with Public Works to ensure a functional drainage system will be built which will not have impacts on adjacent streets or properties. Planning Commission 8 WZ- 11- 04/MCPN /EHSC Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. Staff has concluded that the proposed site design and architectural elevations are consistent with applicable standards in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. While the transparency provided is somewhat less than specified in the ASDM, the design has compensated in other areas. Due to the requirement for internal operations and patient privacy, Staff supports the architectural elevations as shown. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. VI. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING The required pre - application meeting for neighborhood input was held on May 24, 2011 with 13 persons in attendance. (Exhibit 5, Neighborhood Meeting Recap) VII. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted regarding the ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific referral responses follow. Colorado Department of Transportation: No objections or comments as there are no new accesses proposed to Wadsworth. Consolidated Mutual Water: Can serve the property with needed improvements at the developers expense. Xcel Energy: Can serve. Regional Transportation District: Has an existing transit stop on Wadsworth north of 29 Avenue intersection which must be accommodated. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: Can serve the property by an 8" sewer main in W. 29` Avenue. Line upgrades and new taps will be the responsibility of the developer. Wheat Ridge Fire: Can serve. Wheat Ridge Long Range Planning: The proposal is consistent with the Wadsworth Corridor Subarea Plan and Envision Wheat Ridge. Wheat Ridge Police: No objections. Planning Commission 9 WZ- 11- 04/MCPN /JFHSC Wheat Ridge Public Works: The Public Works Department has reviewed preliminary drainage and traffic information. They have determined that 50' of right -of- way /easement area will be required for future roadway improvements on Wadsworth. A 20' dedication for Wadsworth will be required at the time of platting, in addition to dedications for 30 Avenue (25') and 29` Avenue (6'). They are requesting modifications to the drainage design and report and specifically, the detention area at the southeast corner of the site. Problems with the legal description must be resolved. VIII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that the proposed Specific ODP is consistent with the City's guiding documents and that it meets the evaluation criteria used to evaluate a zone change /Specific ODP approval. For these reasons, a recommendation of approval is given for Case No. WZ -08 -01 with conditions listed below. IX. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ- 11 -04, a request for a Planned Commercial Development Specific Outline Development Plan for property located at 7495 W. 29`' Avenue for the following reasons: 1. Due to changed market conditions, the property is. no longer appropriate for retail. 2. The proposed Specific ODP is consistent with the Wadsworth Subarea Plan and Envision Wheat Ridge. 3. The proposed site design and architectural elevations are consistent with the Commercial/Industrial Design Standards in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. 4. The zone change evaluation criteria support approval of this request. 5. With modifications recommended by Staff, all requirements of an Outline Development Plan have been met which will allow administrative approval of FDPs for the property. With the following conditions: 1. Problems with the legal description be resolved prior to first reading. 2. The applicant continue working with Public Works to resolve drainage design on the site. 3. The proposed materials and colors be specified on the architectural elevations where they are not indicated. A sample board be provided prior to City Council public hearing. 4. On Sheet A4, the graphic be modified to show a detached sidewalk along the entire length of W. 29` Avenue." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ- 11 -04, a request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development Specific Outline Development Plan for property located at 7495 W. 29` Avenue for the following reasons: 2. 3. Planning Commission 10 WZ- 11- 04/MCPN /JFHSC May 26, 2011 Written Request Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge Development and Zoning Department 7500 W. 29th Ave. 2nd Floor Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: MCPN project at 7495 W. 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Robert G. Owens, III, AIA Craig D. Mulford, AIA Nicholas J. Rehnberg, AIA Timothy C. Boers, AIA Curtis Chong, AIA Michael L. Fiplds, AIA Donald A. Myers, AIA Metro Community Provider Network (MCPN) is a non - profit healthcare organization with a network of eleven health centers located throughout the metropolitan Denver area, including Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The proposed Jeffco Family Health Services Center at the northeast corner of 29th Avenue & Wadsworth Boulevard would further extend healthcare services and education to underserved, uninsured and working families who cannot afford these services. Many of MCPN's clients reside in Wheat Ridge, and part of this Center would have a focus on serving a senior population. The site at 7495 W. 29th Avenue is currently zoned Planned Commercial District (PCD). The site was previously developed but is now vacant except for a remaining asphalt parking lot and a small well house. MCPN is proposing to redevelop the site to expand healthcare availability in Wheat Ridge. This proposal includes a primary medical office building of approximately 48,000sf with two stories above grade and a partial garden level. The main program components are five clinical pods (one senior care, two family practice, one pediatrics, one obstetrics, and a dental suite. The building would also house a community room, group meeting rooms, staff support spaces, community outreach department, behavioral health services, lab, and a small pharmacy serving patients (no retail). There would also be a small garage to house a mobile dental van. The use as described above is allowable under current zoning. On behalf of MCPN, we welcome the opportunity to answer any questions about this proposal, and look forward to working with the City of Wheat Ridge in this ODP process. Sincerely, Stacey Root, AIA Boulder Associates, Inc. Boulder Associates, Inc. EXHIBIT I 1426 Pearl Street I Suite 300 1 Boulder, BOULDER ■ SACRAMENTO ■ ORANGE :om N a•.�ge.ol5 pm Wadsworth Exchange Planned Commercial District Outline Development Plan : An Official D Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge P A Parcel of Land Located in the SE 1 /4 of Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6 P.M., Vicinity City o whea Ridge, Cou nty of Jeff State of Colorado Development Criteria Strew l. td2 Allowed Uses _...__.__ mavariety -_ -- - - -- - Acf Devebpusat Tow Lot Arse -4.601 Area ( 200,401 art. it.) Allowed can shall coedst of a r of ocmardid land am r diced below. 11rcUities 1Wed Maim- Building and Hadmape C-WW 80%of raw La W. 52"• AVE . y li. that tae dtonide toad nae W of scene ehraotrheie to than men ned Marian® Floor Arm Ratio (FAA): .30 Outside displays a" V* to ragakamanh puaermt Section 26 of the Wbed Ridge 1.76 Code of Lava. 1. Amend veterinary lasoo kr clinic where them re no outside per or raw for - ~� e {rAKth9� Building Setbacks: WAdsWrthBlvd.R.O.W: -30Fmt ��j W.44' AVE, AntiqueStra West 29 Avem ,ILO.W.---- -30Fee W. 33" AYE Apparel and accessory abnr - Natlbn property Bomdry - -20 Per 4. Appliance err and O ccidental adviro and raw nIIYmw 5. Au gamma or studio V,r Sta mm ;, r:, 6. w i11F� T W. 32 AV ; Miami Space Between Brildty: 20 Fed - POINT OF BP.OINNINO; *mss S00'OY03"B along said rigk4 of -way Imo 635.60 fed; drive the prepcodra as of tb* mvmw fiom over- dbcoentr salad of - �CmwmrAtyDovolopsaot 37. Landry and dry clesmg dwp with drive through oullizer Parting: All parking loll he in coafrmoce with Section 26.501 of D'reebr a wws1 OV? CL-Army l ur W.2a St . AN Wheat Rkirbodeommi, - W. 29 AV6 o - S. W. 26 Fooeing: An fmoing atoll ye omae in cootm wbh Section 26-6113 of 9. Bicycle ewes LA SIZOP W. 00LFAX AVE 10. Bluspriming, photo odic copying am other "ter reproduction services APPRnXMA7E SCAM r' 3606 Maim- Building and Hadmape C-WW 80%of raw La Materials land nar, and *ban applicable, drive W-0 col speerfiaaily below, may be allowed upon collier ofthe Community Development Dkedw. if it is his . - ddmmwdm li. that tae dtonide toad nae W of scene ehraotrheie to than men ned Marian® Floor Arm Ratio (FAA): .30 Outside displays a" V* to ragakamanh puaermt Section 26 of the Wbed Ridge Melanin Bdidleg Haight: 2 hair or 35 Poet Code of Lava. 1. Amend veterinary lasoo kr clinic where them re no outside per or raw for - ~� e dogs; no aamsbm Building Setbacks: WAdsWrthBlvd.R.O.W: -30Fmt 2. AntiqueStra West 29 Avem ,ILO.W.---- -30Fee 3. Apparel and accessory abnr - Natlbn property Bomdry - -20 Per 4. Appliance err and O ccidental adviro and raw Properly Boundary- -20 Peel 5. Au gamma or studio V,r Sta mm ;, r:, 6. Arno pats, sPPil•• and a� windows, ows, eft dome me bommm which Miami Space Between Brildty: 20 Fed - POINT OF BP.OINNINO; *mss S00'OY03"B along said rigk4 of -way Imo 635.60 fed; drive the prepcodra as of tb* mvmw fiom over- dbcoentr salad of - �CmwmrAtyDovolopsaot 37. Landry and dry clesmg dwp with drive through merchandise intamded for cuftm uwWldaiun. No oogW =Wnlobvo "palm Parting: All parking loll he in coafrmoce with Section 26.501 of D'reebr allowed; matdWtion to occur within the allowable business. , . AN Wheat Rkirbodeommi, - 7. Bakeries, revel o - S. Bands, loan and finance off ci a with drive 6=0 Fooeing: An fmoing atoll ye omae in cootm wbh Section 26-6113 of 9. Bicycle ewes the What Ridge t)'gde of laver. 10. Bluspriming, photo odic copying am other "ter reproduction services mmummb -se being the Nordmat Carer ofdw West %of tat 3, Block 1,,WTH'S 11. Bookstores, eeawstanda, stationary and and assts Storage: AB dgeyo loll be in eon*maece w'itk Article VII of Oro 12. Business machine or compeer dorm ' Wised Ridge Code of Lawa. 13. Chin and photographic srvia ad supply roar _ 14. Candy, mrt and conhodoor3' dace tightbtg: AB interior lighting "be in comfotmanee with Season n3- Carpet coda 26-503 ofe w Wbod Ridge Cc& of Lease. 16. Cinders rl 17. Church with Dayea , and Pnoodiml - I-Ws=pmg: Lanhosift dog be.a Nin of20%ofdw Will bt is. Clinks and oftkalor the connecting adt wmnmofpsyeholOS14eocial, - moo, Landscape coign ldl be in accordance with riwcia C Cle mons, and A ro os critical, developmental or danger cmdidcros (am - defined in the Sbedomps and Anbhwbtal Dodge MWAW 19. Coffee Shops with drive through 20. Commmritybuildinga Architectural: A"himdmaldowltobe approved byCommunity 21. Dairy product a ar Dwvdopeno Director Inlowdaooe with the Slr"UCAPO 22. Doprmentrvmiatydorr ewdAruafitrarwwsiDrlger AfmrwL 24 B�g amllialmm4 -art down, with r without liquor, sdvioe roqudtktg a . Development Plan hoteV"dtdmnt liquor boom 25. Flosal shops . - 26. Furniture stores Planning Commission Certification: 27. Owden supply scar with no Outside st611100 of in vmbry Unified control Statement: The owner of the pmpaty is M sit E Financial, Id.C. MBE Financial, LLC hr overy intention of developing commercial activities at this location. Should m ckOAsuamess conditions require a sole ofthe property, the owner would be obligated by the codttions of this document Phasing: Tbe,dmip ad processing of a Final Development Plan Wt'n owe wi .a dine ftans of appmzimately - 9 monde. The devebpmant of the pmjenh imfmmuomr ad oorvnetim of air primary evurmnr will follow within a dme faa" of appodmlaely 9 to 12 reemb . Total time from ODP approval to opening day -11 be oppruzimody 20 momW. Character of Development: Development ofthe property win be accomplished in a answer Which acknowledges the saohkooterw charactr ofthe misting smocWa(a} • New omanantioa Win rWtise the modals characteristic ofrwmry Air @a primary wall aw aces Acasls any be nac aded dnraog syntactic sinew and formed meal. Osbld roof oompenmu will online premed sal which amnW a tik roofing. IodividuW ehmcmrco maybe tinned with ash otha r lamgraced lob the perk -triad system with ovrMd ancWmi6 aveeuoaI llglalnglfimtitaarpr'bg and lw dswpin% The Pergds wnl b other porticos ofthe property r Part of th an a pedestrian d sake armoopr propam. its property contains antmarjofcrlre 1zOilerezktingvegrud Many of the emoting tier am pad their prime - oflhns re located to canfikt with ngvuw advance mods or daird pads. Where possible, in accordance with sword develop- proodces, ddatiag win be maned. Where academy, rapb-atveptodon will retadcitytarykameth. Thar subjectpepr rioontheaa tyboldms taddmtiol th codcost. Them dger e will be implo dses red With fencing and lapmg consisting of rise, sans, ad a variety ofgroundcoven. and picking lothodaay, setbacks Will mod r ea ed TIN Chymitrlm®a. 'LL T prepoad rlwelopstrcot wnlbe p dand l® pm so.W1 . reMot the atdmacid aPPamaiJ y the Wadsworth BotrleveN a:peaure and by doe o4scmoy of tbo eidnaigldradnod cod of W.admath Boulevard. Thal characteristics by inOadPorstion ofatieft struaturr Miller than )ago, oriented aavkg the ne r Wen r Thom trevanng Wadsworth or than regional err, ad an reNUmad and landscaQe deep con oriented and scald si oppad b "big box• r"m ml agiw 1 ?edaenian mar wi the noribeast Dana of the development: in omjmdim with the te Wert 36 Avemm/WebsOr Sort interdicinterdiction. a. pedrvim antanities vement, beroam, lighting, rod Iandmaping. The Wed 20 Avenue ad oulevard mprmr will be mhmoed per the Sao -cape Design Standards. _ The property will be dwelapad for Jny of An Allowed Uar me frtlt on this dominant. Dawlopmeat win be w witk the gods, policies, and abjeedvr of AN City of Wheat Ridge, Development of the 1$roperty: For drwipdve purposes as a AhAAxmmcoonont QQQnnnn ofthis ODP, the pmpdty is divided into three up- Prato r development rms, The eras aft designated or • AM Th4 Qk= A its aoWtidg of 00 straedne ad hind am an Its than 10 fed ftom the structure. ! • Am 134 -omdsdal, ofthe tnratme and land rna no Ira than 10 bet fbm Poe structure. • AIf d2: 134Si@➢ od1-000wtngoflhatamainidetroprtY Develnpmmt anowaaca for coma - Rearmamdd Air approval this ^ day of 47,- � . 20 0 by 26. Gi& novelly or rohrvath' tbt r arson, cob. vv'rth 29. es, .. Legal Description: ilatir may be macd a necessary novcessary pmpaly the What Rwpl'Iwdngcaomdodm �� n60 o utsid e Bas 1�+W or �vwicwc mm, - A tract of lad located the SE'h of Sdcdoa 26, Township 3-South. Range 69 Want of - ~� e � 31. Han, wi and cosmetic swvieauo the 6th P.M., County oF7effrsar, Site of Colorado, being the West i4 of Lot 3, Block 1. theamhyeahbtildrpaROfthepsject (Sr t 72. Hardware storm and Mme 1mWrOVemdm aupplra with on "bighoz "items BART R'S sUBb1 VISION. baixg moo0l�rtimlat3r aeadibd r fonnww: ddodrwtm dwUbertbpkwm"ofdwOwmr. - 33. Hobby and craft tar Cancer Quarter Co of add modde; thaow S0279'O5 - E, 661:23 fed Begmn ng t the Cur ma - Dev Diree Communit Dev e lo p ment 34. homedntdilng tams 35. Interior dacareting and fraitme urpMWtery sMpr to a point on lice Bert Right of Way Iva of WadswrtR Boulet'rd, which is fie TRUE to slow ibctmmdivrmtse udofirtd in the Allow" Iftinatraekau 36. Jewelry slows - - POINT OF BP.OINNINO; *mss S00'OY03"B along said rigk4 of -way Imo 635.60 fed; aemfigaraGaa. The site era of the Caapd - �CmwmrAtyDovolopsaot 37. Landry and dry clesmg dwp with drive through thence leaving rid right -of-way line 889'5213"18, 3I5.0&*vk thanes N(100033 p roperty D'reebr 36. Lath gods and luggage Corr 635.39 fed; thence NW4746 W, 315:54 feat to the TRUE PODff OF BBOBdNBdO. far Acmecodddati6pofmddediml development m addition to tae 39 Union supply - The above described tract certain 200 square Aid or 4.601 ago name or leas. ywillberamovdortebotedoH 'tiioe.lLk mchtles the small meeWmee, adi wdoe sat >b beer awls m drive 40. Liquor dotes, high q tag Whim, l amftbd. BASIS OF sP.AR1NtyS: An •aausoed ktmiag efxe9 ar46 -W bearers two thrna - potWosofthiapmprty. Thepropertycodof . _... - -- . - - ---- - 41. atM poultry of sdod atmallakrs mmummb -se being the Nordmat Carer ofdw West %of tat 3, Block 1,,WTH'S gisaft Mowanor in m4wactim w¢h tae Wed 29 Clty Council Certification: • 42. Medial and druid offioa, choice, Westland - _ SUBDIVffifO1V, a limit 2" diametrpkpe.,71 a other bails a Pohl on the North live of Appm val ilea J Y rare day of 200_ ,6 , by the 43. Music atoms add Lot 1 being 313!4 feet wooly of add Nor Coma along add North Lw add 75375 3 conoftmnb What R CkY Coumon - -' 44. Newsstands cap being a No. 5 robot with aange p decoped P.B. sit LS. #9489. Wendell Ayers - Principal . -- 45. Office supply site - - -- 1869 Yodc 5 rl 46. Officear. general a hoinietadvc, bndnsr moil pofadond officer anainry warehousing Owner's Certification: Dan Ruble - Principal iris Mayor 47. Optical owes Ties below4wW owner, or lepny designated aBw thereof, doe haaby W - tltt thg Commercial :. C Cle mons, and A ro os City Sol: + 46. pews and vvalllpgcer tar 49. pa Bores property kpny described heron will be developed r a Palmed 50. pharmacies with drive theooghe Davdopmst m accrdsaawith the area, t- vision and onditkns contained in this St. Pit*= Awning lope Piet, and a my othawim be reguiredby law. owner Acidic recopsa than tba Rn Moan r, evw 52. Residential - Development Cdtaia std dedP ektsiW provided at time of Ichsl approval of raonrng to Pledged Cr®ernl Davebpment, and approval of dds Outline f Development Plan Development Plan, don notaaroavrkdptopetytigla. veetadpoi- tyrigoaasY ._..... - - -- __. __ $3. Shoe repair shops only aim and roue pumas[ to thr provinces ofSwdm 26-121 ofthe Whop Ridge a County Cl Certificate: . $4. Sboi stags Code of Leda. M R B LLC - This doa®ent aostpad filing in fie ofiloo Cormty Glatt Rrrdr of ms r b sae, shined give m , sat -mom" 53. Specialty lop" •ono ad e, M Iefibrarh County a Golden, Colorado, on the dry of 2f�AD, - m Book = Reception N9, _ - Pap a 56• Sp -=S pods scram 57. for pmfeaional work r Watching re hi g of A srle, photography, musi0. dins or . �� - - . BY Andybffllr - NOTARY PUBLIC : ,. err f - .. 113PPBR30N C Cull[ AND d 59. Tailor, drrdnndng r clothing attention shop 39: Tekviofon, radio, small appliaxe repay and movies drop SObacnbed ad ewom b before roe tbts�f R day of \1sa1e. . 2D i� S 60. Tobscoe sir . . :. ✓ `! 'l Aso air 61. Toy sir ins W my hand and o®cial.aed. My commis nw expos V Ieo�eB ' .• -�.' o i :, O ..- 62. Video r G3. Watch and jawelry>tP•w sho t r O nY . -..._- Statement of Existing Zoning: Nobly Seat: Surveyors Certification: � � '17cs r=m=S request is Wedded to "via tae adding R-2 Utieg kid 2) zmmtb PCD �IlE PIO�y L � L Micbed S. Chimes, do history certify that tha attache des cr i ption eption for# 3, Block I (Palmed Commercial Dtstria). 1Lb soomg will be aaamPBbed in recognition of the imam of the Wheat RidgeCamprahmive Flan -61 daydvxfvasofibechy. k6 ; G.ak. ....... N m'BaAh's SoedividO4 wa pepemd rater mYP , ttRousdbititY oat dsdki°g adtotee toes of nag 6nwledgm, ietotmmao di! bdkf m iocordtsee wits an applicable Davdopmmst of the propety im aaotdma with thW mm doaumt wffi Wmd with �ptg davelopmst on the north sat erL vehicular sat padamis Oran will .TIa 1tleII ,� Coloado aptk , 13e -oetmp�g drWipliaoaatolady mF-- aid lot The i aocaadma vela county tabmf& DparY of me p %-g devdopmehi The owner o{ property is M & S Fitlanoial, Id C. oe#glietior an shown has is inbrrded only the lot deaaiptioa will be provided at the time of PDP (Find Devoiopmeot Plan) Pr City mg4iramma• Unified control Statement: The owner of the pmpaty is M sit E Financial, Id.C. MBE Financial, LLC hr overy intention of developing commercial activities at this location. Should m ckOAsuamess conditions require a sole ofthe property, the owner would be obligated by the codttions of this document Phasing: Tbe,dmip ad processing of a Final Development Plan Wt'n owe wi .a dine ftans of appmzimately - 9 monde. The devebpmant of the pmjenh imfmmuomr ad oorvnetim of air primary evurmnr will follow within a dme faa" of appodmlaely 9 to 12 reemb . Total time from ODP approval to opening day -11 be oppruzimody 20 momW. Character of Development: Development ofthe property win be accomplished in a answer Which acknowledges the saohkooterw charactr ofthe misting smocWa(a} • New omanantioa Win rWtise the modals characteristic ofrwmry Air @a primary wall aw aces Acasls any be nac aded dnraog syntactic sinew and formed meal. Osbld roof oompenmu will online premed sal which amnW a tik roofing. IodividuW ehmcmrco maybe tinned with ash otha r lamgraced lob the perk -triad system with ovrMd ancWmi6 aveeuoaI llglalnglfimtitaarpr'bg and lw dswpin% The Pergds wnl b other porticos ofthe property r Part of th an a pedestrian d sake armoopr propam. its property contains antmarjofcrlre 1zOilerezktingvegrud Many of the emoting tier am pad their prime - oflhns re located to canfikt with ngvuw advance mods or daird pads. Where possible, in accordance with sword develop- proodces, ddatiag win be maned. Where academy, rapb-atveptodon will retadcitytarykameth. Thar subjectpepr rioontheaa tyboldms taddmtiol th codcost. Them dger e will be implo dses red With fencing and lapmg consisting of rise, sans, ad a variety ofgroundcoven. and picking lothodaay, setbacks Will mod r ea ed TIN Chymitrlm®a. 'LL T prepoad rlwelopstrcot wnlbe p dand l® pm so.W1 . reMot the atdmacid aPPamaiJ y the Wadsworth BotrleveN a:peaure and by doe o4scmoy of tbo eidnaigldradnod cod of W.admath Boulevard. Thal characteristics by inOadPorstion ofatieft struaturr Miller than )ago, oriented aavkg the ne r Wen r Thom trevanng Wadsworth or than regional err, ad an reNUmad and landscaQe deep con oriented and scald si oppad b "big box• r"m ml agiw 1 ?edaenian mar wi the noribeast Dana of the development: in omjmdim with the te Wert 36 Avemm/WebsOr Sort interdicinterdiction. a. pedrvim antanities vement, beroam, lighting, rod Iandmaping. The Wed 20 Avenue ad oulevard mprmr will be mhmoed per the Sao -cape Design Standards. _ The property will be dwelapad for Jny of An Allowed Uar me frtlt on this dominant. Dawlopmeat win be w witk the gods, policies, and abjeedvr of AN City of Wheat Ridge, Development of the 1$roperty: For drwipdve purposes as a AhAAxmmcoonont QQQnnnn ofthis ODP, the pmpdty is divided into three up- Prato r development rms, The eras aft designated or • AM Th4 Qk= A its aoWtidg of 00 straedne ad hind am an Its than 10 fed ftom the structure. ! • Am 134 -omdsdal, ofthe tnratme and land rna no Ira than 10 bet fbm Poe structure. • AIf d2: 134Si@➢ od1-000wtngoflhatamainidetroprtY Develnpmmt anowaaca for coma ldlbe r follows: • Ares 1: 134 Qll>lemt $41 'kite axosiar ofthe structure aball be preserved in its aaigmal oorjRL ilatir may be macd a necessary novcessary pmpaly hour aAcm will be determined by madat toner 10 the AlbWNt c A $dpf win ba a- amphdm dvmrs, of the d"tcbn and cdmior Mdmmaoo theamhyeahbtildrpaROfthepsject (Sr RavkRVeCevmmtreepaded IWM=Comty,ReapionliMMM11) • Ama2,: 1345 41: Ratind n ddodrwtm dwUbertbpkwm"ofdwOwmr. Htenined, the extrir of tls wa be pmmv d m ids original comdidm and d miP. m Rdtlon will be by twit fret rd project oompam'bililty in mission bdnl®ihdnvmI poI 111 fa0numatieltirwofgo ration. lies interior may be raooYatrd to slow ibctmmdivrmtse udofirtd in the Allow" Iftinatraekau issuance d ,theeataideoftheollgir Raeidrat will be rearmed b b' aemfigaraGaa. The site era of the Caapd will be developed fir am in die . • Alga. 13aS3svRdl: The p roperty 4.279 car, will be developed aommwdal was m aaordanee w`iththe crib:. aged m this ODP. Tills ODP far Acmecodddati6pofmddediml development m addition to tae r" and office am The ardatieg directions at themdwnpottionofthe ywillberamovdortebotedoH 'tiioe.lLk mchtles the small meeWmee, garage, std wall house. 'hsparplawhll be reketdor nomanordon potWosofthiapmprty. Thepropertycodof Am - A 2: The Cthapel, which s a ofthe original amkm gadma, may ar may not be rained depending up. gisaft Mowanor in m4wactim w¢h tae Wed 29 Avmuis aunty to the project. Project Contacts: For: pClsvaB�on M 701d 200 3v Sdb 200 75375 3 conoftmnb 30�3 100 s0230. I.idkem ColoadoColstado 80120 Andy Millar - Principal Wendell Ayers - Principal . SEM SC T• an lfg�M t �r o s n Car�l�b, Inc. 6 � Blvd. #200 1869 Yodc 5 80246 Colorado 60246 90o Denver Colada 60206 303 Bruce Mdwm Pdncipd Dan Ruble - Principal IA" Thiess: T hdpA run Pas o Associates, Inc. C Cle mons, and A ro os 28 cmee 203 WH EXHIBIT 2 Pn Rn Moan r, evw Wadsworth Exchange Planned Conunercial District Outline Development Plan : An Official Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge -A Parcel of Land Located in the SE 1 /4 of Section 26, Township 3 South,, Range 69 West of the 6 P.M., City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado Sbed 2 of Solid Masonry Trash Enclosure W/Landsesping -Schematic Location of PrCr fed S of OD S=L%TU?%y be Revised Within Limits of ■ Won 29Avmw' Qf Flity R Site Plan Scale: t^ =100 L.-I F 0 100 200 North Movement Access 4 V Building and Parking Area of FDP I N 00 E Pergola . 71: R-2 R-IA ..... .. .. .. . E xisting Funtitum -; It tper ODP Minimuni WAHowWab% ctc Distance Vary Y R.O. W. Dedication will per Final Site Pin r -20' IPLI 0. W, Dedication Pedestrian Connection d& 0Ane Doveiopnont Plat. Revbol0m: 1= 1 6. M 41 >u LV f ill P lanned Cfflv nierni 1) 'S g n all tle §Z aiLv ! i I y DisDistrict R-IA sus L (Jeffoo) ■ Won 29Avmw' Qf Flity R Site Plan Scale: t^ =100 L.-I F 0 100 200 North Movement Access 4 V Building and Parking Area of FDP I N 00 E Pergola . 71: Wed 3e Avenue ..... .. .. .. . Webster SUM Interse4ctioni Funtitum -; It tper ODP Minimuni WAHowWab% ctc Distance Vary Detention Pond will per Final Site Pin r Pedestrian Connection to Neighborhood Find DevelopowmPka. The *sHowablecovemp per zoahl allowwW w valid per P Wood OwSoplawbor 14, 2005 d& 0Ane Doveiopnont Plat. Schematic Limits of Building r Access 0 7 .... 0 z Solid Masonry Mash Enclosure w&andscaping 6 Foot Solid Penns w/overstory Plwtirfp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -i K-:-:f Existing Property Line SU" R. sofpArea .a. for P Access, Tne Lawn, Sued Mmamum dc.; L A - now b =bpter ODP Vary per Final Site Plan Cite iLh Table -J Specific Location of Existing =7 Other Potions of the PIOX Street" Area with Reservation for Pedestrian Access, Tree Lawn, Street Pergola Funtitum -; It tper ODP Minimuni WAHowWab% ctc Distance Vary Detention Pond will per Final Site Pin r 6 Foot Solid Fencing FLntings Find DevelopowmPka. The *sHowablecovemp per zoahl allowwW w valid per P Wood OwSoplawbor 14, 2005 d& 0Ane Doveiopnont Plat. Revbol0m: 1= 1 6. M 41 morch 9, 2006 April 14, 2006 Jame 15,2006 sus Specific Location of Existing =7 Other Potions of the PIOX Street" Area with Reservation for Pedestrian Access, Tree Lawn, Street Pergola Funtitum -; It tper ODP Minimuni WAHowWab% ctc Distance Vary Detention Pond will per Final Site Pin r 6 Foot Solid Fencing FLntings Schematic Plan I"= 40' F e 0 40 -- 120 North Fun Movement Intmection to AIW with Pinson Place - 1. r3 ross lot am is 4.601 saes 206,401, SF. Not lot 7"shoes 1 275 S.F. tar EM 30 AY40&Vebdw Shit dWiodm sad M716 S 6x wallwolth souwvKd deftedom is 4279 maw - 196,410 S.F. 2. Daksprovided for "modeqoWdownriV pw prolkohory site dosW is do Caw History: rohnoce porpom only and is am I waloW Plus) doh witibe provided with to WHi-W4i Find DevelopowmPka. The *sHowablecovemp per zoahl allowwW w valid per P Wood OwSoplawbor 14, 2005 d& 0Ane Doveiopnont Plat. Revbol0m: 1= 1 6. M 41 morch 9, 2006 April 14, 2006 Jame 15,2006 Wadsworth Boulevard Area 3 0 Plumed Commercial District 3.9 Acres Not . .. .. ..... S 00*0n3"E Secondary Project Sipw bI Rig '= Intawction Per T; c a Criteria New Continuous Traffic Lane per Traffic Analysis Criterts. 20 Foot R.O.W. Dedication for Wadsworth Boulevard 29 Avenue to be 'W O Edge We Criteria per Traffic Secondary Project Signage City of Wheat Ridge + Access Point i-, i --4 t—.Ares. 2 j -4 ... ....... ...... 4-- -4 I& - Ll glot a =3s: Wadsworth Exchange Planned Commercial Development, , mendnwnt No. 1 Outline Development Plan: An Official Iry rent Phu in City of Wheat A Parcel of Land Located in the SE 4 of Section 26, Township 3 69 West of the 6th P., Vicinity Legal Description: A tract of land located in the SE Y of Section 26. Twaship 3 South, Range 69 Wet of the 6th P.M, County of Jefferson, Slate of Cotaado, being the West 1'r of Lot 3, Bfoek I, BARTH'S SUBDIVISION, be* mom particularly described n fORows: Beginning at the Ceatsr (pater Carder of std sweou; tlrnee Mr3m 66125 fact to a point M tb Beat Rigbtof Way Line of Wadetamlh Bords,5 , wrier it tb TRUE POINT OF BROORONQ; theses BBV V3°EAM said aiSllf•qf-wwA*MAOfeet; thence kaviy wk fKtbef - wy lineSN"213r8, 3tSA164'cct; ftowN8OWW'B, - 635.39 feat tiara NO*474d*, 3ISM Sse to ft TRUE POW (W OBOVINM. The above dmibed tract cattalos 296,461 square fee ant 4.601 am mom ter mad BASIS OF BEARINGS; An as mred baling ol'NOr47*M brwpea two found monnumaNs ono being the Northeast Cesea of the West Yi of Lea 3, Barak 1, SARTHS SUBDIVISION,a found 2"diwtcsrpgm. The mfsa beigaprdnt4a We Nedtt Srbeof said Lot 1 being 315.54 foot w4ak* -Of Wd NWOOWCarat dor*AW*Nat+Liaegait point being k No. & L.S. #%ft. Owner's Cettifi : The below-signed owner. or Iogally dtsrgaed agent thersK dose hereby agree mr the Property legally described hernia will be developed as a Planted C Unmoid Isceek rent in accordance with the uses, runs and cmndRions contained in On plan, and se my otherwise be requited by law.. Owner fwdw newgoims the the appmvat cf tbie Omlme Development Plan does not cream a vested Property ^8nt. Vested propery rights vary only anise and accrue prmmar t a the pm isioea of Section 26121 of da Wiser Ridge Code of LewS. /c �� a � M & Fail, LLC By: Andy Milky NOTARY PUBLIC � Subscrlbed d swarr ►eAredhe ga. ,W day of tAdrt►+ , 201ft_ City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, Std of Coldr� Development Criteria: AnetDevtleremt TOW Lot Ann -COI Aaes(209,4e1 p.R) m Bmldmg and Hwdmap cw-p 89%ef Tow Lot brwimm P1en Area sslo�AR t;< .SRI bYomtm Budding Height 2 mesia ter 35 far Dowing SsNtdn: watww* BIA MW. - -30 fee War nth Aveme R.O.W.- .d oor Nostrmn Proprty Hmreiry--26 feel Bakers Property Bovdey__ ....... 59 ken maimm Spso 8ew01%s buildings: 29 &ct Pakmg: AR posting shall be i cm(mmanw with Seetioo 26-561 of the Whom Ridge Code of Lava Fsaome: AR fe oneg slosh be in ceafeemenee with Swdea 26-603 oflhe Wheat RAW CaOoff4re. Sipye: AMAgmpshillbecemsfio somewill Arch VDof the Wiest RogeCade otLaer. Lightiig: AII- aaiorhothagstaSbeiacesibmwrawth S-tiao26- 903ofine Wber Ridge fade of Laws. l,ambmprow Laadacaping aboubs. inenuma(3D%.fdwtoW Warn. Laodinpc deriBe dpedeariae acraa ets11 be m accmdsom hair crterm defbod m the Ard.M. W and SYM Derigs Afesed. Aac6ilaemw{: Atehironad 4meil eo be appsavdtyce -onity Devdapmmt Order marorOooewRhthe kOWh VWWMrdd'A'e Bdiir MW"d. Slate 1 of S Allowed Una; Allowed MMM111611 COMM t■edq► Ytwd�ae Afire lards ua art wI d1lIeeI m be sSmwnd upw oo■se�ff#►dIMIrM�t_ iw tat bs deanms ledad;l4fd lt.. - Ill r. 4 h" mq l eCwwl vatariaay .� ■ rMrBr9lrs >ti■isdwblt9■raeMeirifON Pinning Commission Cron: lGmammedd for aBPe•l'd t>da I- day of ZB °� by 9la M9lastd WF Plo ,Cwamtaloe. W & - Chairman C qmmtmi _fvjkqrent Director tY Develops t rmntcr City Council C AppwradtMs 2'/� day} . 200/ ill the 1Pbed Ridge City Co ML- AMbeft T M� County Clerk and Recorders Certificate: Ties dee®at accepad for 6'yog is the oiee 6a Coady Clark d Reeorda of Jef areas County at Ooltim Colorado, cm the r d9't . )� 20A AD, m Bea Pag4Q Reception Nq 1(- .W itress my hand std official hfy aamae■n +emapw communion expires Notary Sal: .� a•. a% ��C''�.• I Ownership Statenwnt: ( 3 The ows e of the pegperty is M & E Financial, LLC. �k Unified Control Statement: (� w intention of developing commetod aetivitiw r.ehia tocaaw. SheuW nmrlaedbughwo conditions require a sale of the prapmy, that owner would be obti@OW by the eoadimea of this d ocu ment. F � Id of colo C'aOWN M&L J � ° l cl>afC:rreY * W. "A AYR. w, M'.20 AYC L.Axa =woos W.C'W.►AXAVt 7 -- vM.a: 1 "5.01• Legal Description: A tract of land located in the SE Y of Section 26. Twaship 3 South, Range 69 Wet of the 6th P.M, County of Jefferson, Slate of Cotaado, being the West 1'r of Lot 3, Bfoek I, BARTH'S SUBDIVISION, be* mom particularly described n fORows: Beginning at the Ceatsr (pater Carder of std sweou; tlrnee Mr3m 66125 fact to a point M tb Beat Rigbtof Way Line of Wadetamlh Bords,5 , wrier it tb TRUE POINT OF BROORONQ; theses BBV V3°EAM said aiSllf•qf-wwA*MAOfeet; thence kaviy wk fKtbef - wy lineSN"213r8, 3tSA164'cct; ftowN8OWW'B, - 635.39 feat tiara NO*474d*, 3ISM Sse to ft TRUE POW (W OBOVINM. The above dmibed tract cattalos 296,461 square fee ant 4.601 am mom ter mad BASIS OF BEARINGS; An as mred baling ol'NOr47*M brwpea two found monnumaNs ono being the Northeast Cesea of the West Yi of Lea 3, Barak 1, SARTHS SUBDIVISION,a found 2"diwtcsrpgm. The mfsa beigaprdnt4a We Nedtt Srbeof said Lot 1 being 315.54 foot w4ak* -Of Wd NWOOWCarat dor*AW*Nat+Liaegait point being k No. & L.S. #%ft. Owner's Cettifi : The below-signed owner. or Iogally dtsrgaed agent thersK dose hereby agree mr the Property legally described hernia will be developed as a Planted C Unmoid Isceek rent in accordance with the uses, runs and cmndRions contained in On plan, and se my otherwise be requited by law.. Owner fwdw newgoims the the appmvat cf tbie Omlme Development Plan does not cream a vested Property ^8nt. Vested propery rights vary only anise and accrue prmmar t a the pm isioea of Section 26121 of da Wiser Ridge Code of LewS. /c �� a � M & Fail, LLC By: Andy Milky NOTARY PUBLIC � Subscrlbed d swarr ►eAredhe ga. ,W day of tAdrt►+ , 201ft_ City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, Std of Coldr� Development Criteria: AnetDevtleremt TOW Lot Ann -COI Aaes(209,4e1 p.R) m Bmldmg and Hwdmap cw-p 89%ef Tow Lot brwimm P1en Area sslo�AR t;< .SRI bYomtm Budding Height 2 mesia ter 35 far Dowing SsNtdn: watww* BIA MW. - -30 fee War nth Aveme R.O.W.- .d oor Nostrmn Proprty Hmreiry--26 feel Bakers Property Bovdey__ ....... 59 ken maimm Spso 8ew01%s buildings: 29 &ct Pakmg: AR posting shall be i cm(mmanw with Seetioo 26-561 of the Whom Ridge Code of Lava Fsaome: AR fe oneg slosh be in ceafeemenee with Swdea 26-603 oflhe Wheat RAW CaOoff4re. Sipye: AMAgmpshillbecemsfio somewill Arch VDof the Wiest RogeCade otLaer. Lightiig: AII- aaiorhothagstaSbeiacesibmwrawth S-tiao26- 903ofine Wber Ridge fade of Laws. l,ambmprow Laadacaping aboubs. inenuma(3D%.fdwtoW Warn. Laodinpc deriBe dpedeariae acraa ets11 be m accmdsom hair crterm defbod m the Ard.M. W and SYM Derigs Afesed. Aac6ilaemw{: Atehironad 4meil eo be appsavdtyce -onity Devdapmmt Order marorOooewRhthe kOWh VWWMrdd'A'e Bdiir MW"d. Slate 1 of S Allowed Una; Allowed MMM111611 COMM t■edq► Ytwd�ae Afire lards ua art wI d1lIeeI m be sSmwnd upw oo■se�ff#►dIMIrM�t_ iw tat bs deanms ledad;l4fd lt.. - Ill r. 4 h" mq l eCwwl vatariaay .� ■ rMrBr9lrs >ti■isdwblt9■raeMeirifON Pinning Commission Cron: lGmammedd for aBPe•l'd t>da I- day of ZB °� by 9la M9lastd WF Plo ,Cwamtaloe. W & - Chairman C qmmtmi _fvjkqrent Director tY Develops t rmntcr City Council C AppwradtMs 2'/� day} . 200/ ill the 1Pbed Ridge City Co ML- AMbeft T M� County Clerk and Recorders Certificate: Ties dee®at accepad for 6'yog is the oiee 6a Coady Clark d Reeorda of Jef areas County at Ooltim Colorado, cm the r d9't . )� 20A AD, m Bea Pag4Q Reception Nq 1(- .W itress my hand std official hfy aamae■n +emapw communion expires Notary Sal: .� b6dbd ©. Phew AawdmP, ins. 1.91➢Im1E. CTasoaw, S Lm'a4y eOetR) ibetbsttse11ed daadpBian N WsAswerth Ownership Statenwnt: Ew6etipap�Amen6eaatbin. 1. wagetpad >■drsl!.leptaebon,+apoea�Rrtyd The ows e of the pegperty is M & E Financial, LLC. �k Unified Control Statement: (� The owns of the property is M & E Financial, LLC. M & E Financial, LLC has away intention of developing commetod aetivitiw r.ehia tocaaw. SheuW nmrlaedbughwo conditions require a sale of the prapmy, that owner would be obti@OW by the eoadimea of this d ocu ment. JEFFERSON �COUNTY C' LEMG AND REC OMEM aamae■n +emapw 9rt889r"M Swveyoes Certil ation: b6dbd ©. Phew AawdmP, ins. 1.91➢Im1E. CTasoaw, S Lm'a4y eOetR) ibetbsttse11ed daadpBian N WsAswerth .. Ew6etipap�Amen6eaatbin. 1. wagetpad >■drsl!.leptaebon,+apoea�Rrtyd _ dmiulw ad so th.be tof ■w ka■ AW99, inf■®Misessed bdWin edoianee with 00 7MfIU�3712 ePP -ado surdet. 'lrsa000mpdwFtptlan souradelY mpreminstWdfsc . booted P11ae -Pries d The certification as shows ha eon is intended - Only Ibr the lot dwail" S E S _ �a S. Cbasnee, PEM S 9489 * 9489 ' � of colo sap •RmaGOO. 2. Antique Stares 4. Appliaau stmerg89dei8Wldetoiwatrettpetr. . 5. Art galleries aeeiBU 6. Auto parts. supp6' w, dioddld ■eee■oode.em8lyBleMWdielmwdtWt derive th e prep�mdtmtolref.YldbritpPlpe■ _ own arawe the iiWMrle _ 7. B&M.., Mail 8. Be" kan and 6s.ees diet wlldlltsdeetM 9. Bmych: Slaw I■. Bo tiag, phms'doS 11. Boalutera, eewrllei deelplP mi OmLae 12. Buuriws madoworee�ldrtl� 13. Camera sod piaesidptie nrelwsdotpw sum 14. Ceody, au and wetrMsty MOM is' Cleperodbz 16. Caw= 17. Clinch wpb Baprm"*#" 9 Ie. (7miadaiose�e' air. MtLil�NteelLSUldl9e�Md.weW. --d. dsvdepmed ter . 19. CaObe Shape wdlOM ■ism 20. Cemmtmty bteime� 21. Dairy pasah J moues 22. Department ter voo ed'amew t. seOrtinge bOleVmaaumt liryrt Sids■w 29. Fbed staid 26. Finamae eoms 27. Goal n atppdP 28. GA novelty ant 29. Qua Fi ®remaeeYtl��4it4�ai�t�liegr. asllbm outside storage 30. ctoeey or eonvwl�eersM.m1!i11M4e 31. Heir, ail and oaYeeljeeiteiew 32. Hardware srmasaai3sanr a*pon wl` r %!Burr' ram 33. Hobby and craft errs 34. Home famishing ohms 35. Interior decroshall d hod ew steps 34. Jewelry seems 37. La siby d dry dnetSdBtt/pelO�ilre0es� 34. laerher goods d IlwWetww _ 39. Linea a40Y 40. L or" omom. till BsliwWeetl+ 41. b1sstpouRrya B 42 . bdegcd d tendaiew; aXelee. t..ow" 43. Moue slot 44. NeswWdo 43. Office supply ter 46.Offices: domed atb■rla11d % meYlwPwrsale{ 47. Optical stoat 48. Paint and wdfppraUm 49. Pee roam 50.8brmscies wilttpAMftr Si. RmiaBsJMp s2. radmti■•i - Dawlep .rsOt+.ee.ft+l�.aMrM/sd�eeaNi+ Develupmat Plan - 53. Shoe repair shape 54. Shoe states 55. Specialty shops cob a band owe, lams, seined glom. e/Imeandame 56. Sportung goods era 57. Studio forpmhoshowi week or NNOW4941M ML pheMpe tm106Amow*Am 5d. Tdlar, drveamsiitlts adeiiredletspidBdepe 59. Tdevisioq wdb, sppfinaewpittiep 60. Toba tares ece 61. Tay store 62. Video round. 63. Watch and jeweky raw deep Statement of Exisft Thapaapenyrnaaaifl�fCldtbeelDYbbt TfisewliVs'Itw/`t cwomrcisl new warte9pegefdrII 1li�■A11 ■idrteeMeM 9 Lai ia8aomatua TteneBSgt4ttiedBiwimstBl►' .Ua w senmvdof a edlgarMse boded 40 80 wedoworR BGRW4 6. Phasing: The initial phase afA nlb*MW 10114001 0119 We buw" thenortheadoftbopmpty rM■ obmining requnadariYtawuaeglArtrfetemrti4 peetideq■sdpt.rt potions of the p "Mir WE oeowep�eweAd a8ltota. EwaAer of Develeponew. The tiepry, wrist eedme stsprr olmoo y 4,M1 amo, will bedo d wed he osidreaidserrdweeiwee add tieneehedrttbY OBI'. Tbb OWdiet pe9seae eerMsrietri/ sdetbOeYptseei�ls ■rM►OMefaer�M�M►Mwe. Tr ■gL1}fat ■sM■ -40 410#40f tO>.Lnr,KWwfsl eMiea Ttibter1d1e41e1adsBdrwe, bine,goo"B■erwelldsa TtrdMIl�Mgtr teethesdY41■+eY1Yi + ldwdl'sworaft sbsMaBewstialBSi�4 Owen; In Auk" a ace �tabrOasLlhertesirisP. BMedermobs tee■ ill ■ed4C■eelatBeBdN■dpetjtseeeSt, wrer■ieteeAeYlelbi■wiRof ptleseW ortfrieseedra The do Morava Yd"inaer■pedmel8■psYw eWe■e Baridiewinistiw4 NO 01 pad :OWM rebwYpsiir■sdeaMB / din i"4111'. Tie wedeewetap , stow arlslnbi■eafO►M91t4 OLtLIS�dmOrashitrra •a/L�rira�i0rsfl. dbr 68d►. TM !liMlA<awtaht•M�L�ReA�rlS11�1 �iet .. _ _ _ raiY r►q�(�piiir Oe aABMeee■sdmeeB61 IlblR9hi , awieeeeiduf■edtNt<dl�iedrY! d steoienoesro d Arrt« wdq Olaf a a4 wp4osA■eLtf IYr>•niUN&MON`ugm nnid11r eMsglterrs. Ciewi be sssirltstertr ON"(7e6es, 4 Go "do VA doetrk Owed eelae4a OWNS, ddegles or s LNSX8 tort aratlerr S�ew�w4Btin188 98!'1Js4sselidd6f81►93A 1ftwMt;albTM.«s339 W.B11hB181.l.ili8 >iPM.98ld LAM �F �b 1'tdMciReYtwa to fPTli3oleed! lei 1pM 1 grawiladmo MvAmw aamae■n +emapw 9rt889r"M b6dbd ©. Phew AawdmP, ins. Cheae■ed Aesoeinlre n35 deem Odbod Avows, 06 2430 &(kimsdty 21"L, Sir 203 BMMeemod,caboosio 80110 Deeee40wbesde882t9 7MfIU�3712 9981191 -W booted P11ae -Pries d MYtd S. t'hasm"44 *d Cm rjawy: FARPmdo hmoy4. an411t430 7...w1 )1' 200 monk n nft EXHIBIT 3 Wadsworth Exchange Planned Commercial Development, Amendment No. 1 . Outline Deve Meat Plan: An Official DevelW ent PI= in the Cfty of wheat Ridge A Parcel of Land Located in the SE 4 of Section 26, Township 3 Ste, 69 welt of the 6th FM., City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado Site Plan R.O.W. Dtdicaflm Ri R i -(�Ht Access Ed Cety (Jeffix )) Moves Access Site Plan SCA[2: I - -600' 7 _SCAL6IN-FEET 0 100 by to ww Totes project 6ww"to , Typ. Sheet 2 of 5 Ex*t*q 1`4W ty lis 6 Feet fond mw w" ailh O%W' y MOKWs. 29th Ane mss W Inoft Fun pftwemert'Mmereaction to Anglt wM Pnusen FMace Ma bus Stets Projeat SWOPIL Tio.- VVrW- f VV%.#K 1 rT CP - VAJMVFJ U i.sis e sewrr�w VP&" a L.ws Per Traffic An*" Chit" F2tght- fn/R18F! -ott 6' .octibn Trefflc Analysis Glterie - 20 Foot 1lQ21 Dedeeetien for IUaol.rorth boulevard by future plat doawnrt Nola-? I. Ord** IM arw is 4.601 aces - 2O0,4O1 SF. Ndt lot area, mucus 1.219 SF. fer,lsst 30th A w..w tl er Street dedlcotloa and 12,116 OR ror litad.wcrth Boulevard dedication, to 4219 acres - 186,410 SF. 2. Data provided for the "anticipated coverage }aer preiMrutry.site soajcl�er 14 for retererwo purposes oniy and Is sulajeet to charge- Wit be provided Wrth the Fhmi Devetapinatr# FYan. The age per toning elFoWance" 1s vattd per this MOM e 3. r7% total parking spaces ragwreck 190 par"V spaees provided 4. To the extet say future goverrpe tal actlem to so" an or part of the 29 -foot reservatlon area wee to take the alts out of compliance With City requo-snet for minimum I " or ' property the property shall be considered hoVtN eoftroo Me In regard. to those 1'equirem�rtt., provided that the +meat of parking reduction does not exceed 2'3 paver of the mMl as pw" requireatrt unless a greater reduction has been revtft"d and approved by the Commurrlty Development Director. schmmade Pho SC ALA I++r ac+Na ax roar KII a M no 1110M hsbeaeEf®eN APART 4,208 0 bid 0,11 khakF 31,21110111 1811R� i$3�bIF 8r111a➢�Ip !k 2888 F ly �.o. . 1 ! Wxee0iedee' .+ 11 Di tct j; iir1A "i!, -- I I I a I � I 6 Foot soot Fancire With — Overaw" Martkrga . FLsstaurart A .Ile dest9n .hoax, I for gbaclflc war es of the data of this ODfs - -� Eeciallti� 25' pribite right, of I np oa�ge� @ion of I � +cods. to this projal¢t 1undadgrofa utilities Wnl beeacaa.syd. I 29 tO" area of reservattom rich ttlgoa! anion by c1t .sera is+ b+ usl nn.d for Wedwasprth died. exparolam, .lfea�aMii dwsiopmet arasl / 10 tam! wisasy. Exi y �sf ity Hd R -2 �.-, -_ a ... Ua - - x_ _ + # .50E.t3 29 ucst 200 C v I N S = f � 1f � . RAMP, TY .. 4 , F t r- r r , 'ESE SHOWN - _ _____ ERCENTAGE OF TRANSPARENCY z� x } i TOTAL AREA: 17785F L IEA 106 s . GE OF .. M 3 I - ci _. f�3 00 m J ` e ms City of Wheat Midge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NOTES Meeting Date: May 24, 2011 Attending Staff: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Lauren Mikulak, Planner I Tim Paranto, Director of Public Works Location of Meeting: 7500 W. 29 Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Police Department Training Room Property Address: 7495 W. 29 Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Property Owner(s): M &E Financial LLC Property Owner(s) Present? No, applicant was present and is under contract with property owners to purchase the subject property Applicant: Metro Community Provider Network (MCPN) Existing Zoning: Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Existing Comp. Plan: Neighborhood Buffer Area Existing Site Conditions: The property is located at 7495 W. 29 Avenue and is currently zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD). It is comprised of 4.6 acres and has street frontages on three sides: W. 29th Avenue to the south, Wadsworth Boulevard to the west, and the curved intersection of W. 30th Avenue and Webster at the northeast corner of the property. An unbuilt half width of right -of -way for W. 30th Avenue runs along the north side of the property. The property is surrounded by a variety of land uses. To the north and east are residential neighborhoods zoned R- I A and R -2. Immediately to the south is property owned by the City of Wheat Ridge; it is zoned R -2 but includes the Municipal Building, the Police Department, and Hayward Park. To the west across Wadsworth is the Olinger Crown Hill Mortuary and Cemetery; this property is outside the boundary of the City of Wheat Ridge in unincorporated Jefferson County. The property at 7495 W. 29 Avenue formerly included a mortuary and chapel, but few improvements still exist on the site. In the northwest corner is a 113- square foot brick well house. In the middle of the site is a paved parking area about one acre in size. Remnant sidewalks and a driveway in the southeast corner surround the former "sunken" garden. About four dozen mature trees are scattered throughout the site; there are numerous species in varying conditions of health. A landscape buffer and dilapidated fence separate the property from the residential neighborhood to the east. Applicant /Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant, MCPN, is proposing to modify the existing Outline Development Plan (ODP) for the property, which was approved in 2008. The modified ODP includes a community health clinic as the primary use. The clinic will provide medical, dental, and behavioral health services for an underserved population, including youth, seniors, and the disabled. The facility is proposed to be a two -story building with a basement, approximately 48,000 square feet in size. Included in the building are five clinical pods and a dental pod, each of which includes shared workspace and exam rooms. The building is also proposed to include group meeting rooms, staff space, a pharmacy for patients, and a community outreach department. The proposal also includes a detached garage to accommodate a mobile dental van that will serve schools in the area. The applicant will attempt to save as many existing trees as possible, based on the recommendation of an arborist. The fence along the east property line will be replaced, and the landscape buffer enhanced. The building will be located in the southwest corner of the property and oriented to take advantage of the existing topography, including a garden level at the lowest point on the site. All parking will be located in off - street surface lots, with a separate staff parking lot on the south side of the property. A paved multi -use trail will run the length of Wadsworth Boulevard. Street trees are included in the proposal along with additional pedestrian amenities and streetscape enhancements. A bus stop and shelter are proposed on Wadsworth near the intersection at W. 29` Avenue. At the request of City staff, the site plan also currently includes the extension of W. 30` Avenue from Webster to Wadsworth. Access to the property from W. 29"' and W. 30` Avenues would replace the existing access point on Wadsworth Boulevard. The following is a summary of the neighborhood meeting: • In addition staff, the applicant and development team was in attendance, including: David Myers, MCPN Nick Rehnberg, Boulder Associates John Kuenning, MCPN Stacey Root, Boulder Associates Kristine Gaw, MCPN Marco Yancovic, Boulder Associates Jon Ouellette, Ouellette & Associates Paula Sullivan, Boulder Associates David Meyer, R &R Engineers - Surveyors • Most of the 13 members of the public who attended the meeting, are residents in the surrounding neighborhood. In addition, a representative of Livewell Wheat Ridge was present. • In general, attendees were supportive of the proposed medical facility. Neighbors consider the medical offices to be an appropriate use for the property, and they are pleased with MCPN as a thoughtful and reputable end user. The medical office facility is widely considered a more desirable use than other uses that have been proposed in the past (including a restaurant, bank, and retail). • The primary concern among residents was the potential for increased traffic in and around the neighborhood. In particular, some attendees voiced concern regarding the City's request to construct W. 30`'' Avenue through to Wadsworth. There are concerns that this will increase traffic through the neighborhood. The development team and the City addressed these concerns (see below), but the conversation is likely to continue at public hearings. • Staff discussed the conditions of the site and the conditions of the existing Outline Development Plan (ODP) for the site. The existing ODP was approved in 2008 for a specific development concept that included commercial retail pads, a restaurant, and a bank. The ODP delineates 63 permitted uses of varying intensities, most of which are retail or service based. • The current ODP was shared with attendees not only to explain the contents of an ODP document, but also to explain the purpose of this land use process. Because the proposed development concept is very different from the existing concept for the site, a new Outline Development Plan is required to be approved through the zone change process. • Attendees were informed of the process for an ODP approval (zone change). • Members of the public were informed of their opportunity to make comments during the process and at the public hearings in front of Planning Commission and City Council. • The applicant shared a brief overview of the mission and services offered by MCPN. The organization has several facilities in the region and hopes to open the proposed Wheat Ridge facility by October 2012. The following issues were discussed regarding the proposed development and the ODP approval process: • Will MCPN accept patients with insurance? Yes, MCPN serves clients of all ages and abilities, including the underserved, those with private insurance plans as well as Medicare and Medicaid. • When will the facility be open? MCPN hopes to open the Wheat Ridge facility by October of 2012. The health clinic will likely be open six days a week —open until 7pm or 8pm on weekdays and no later than 5pm on Saturdays. • Why does the City want W. 30` Avenue constructed from Webster to Wadsworth? There are several reasons why it makes sense to construct the remainder of W. 30` Avenue at this point in time. First, the City's Comprehensive Plan, Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, and City Council's Strategic Plan all prioritize increased connectivity and multirnodal transportation. An unbuilt half -width of right -of -way already exists, and the construction of W. 30` Avenue would complete the street grid in this part of the City. The roadway construction is also well timed to serve new trail improvements. The City recently awarded a contract to construct a multi -use trail on the east side of Wadsworth from 26` to 29` Avenues and on the west side of Wadsworth from 29` to 32 "` Avenues. In addition, the applicant will be constructing a multi -use sidewalk on the east side of Wadsworth in conformance with the City's Streetscape Design Manual. The construction of W. 30` Avenue will allow more users to readily access these trails. In addition, the construction of W. 30` would eliminate the site's driveway access on Wadsworth, thereby making the trail much safer_for pedestrians and cyclists who will not have to cross a wide driveway. Finally, W. 30` Avenue would be constructed to allow only right -in and right -out traffic patterns. Southbound traffic on Wadsworth will not be able to turn left onto W. 30` Avenue; vehicles will continue to use the traffic light at W. 29` Avenue. Neighborhood concerns regarding the construction of W. 30` Avenue and increased traffic are understandable, but a preliminary traffic report indicates MCPN's effect on Wadsworth will be 3 minimal. Because the clients of MCPN come from around the region, most clients will likely be arriving and departing via Wadsworth Boulevard and not on local streets in the neighborhood. The development team has committed to designing prominent entries to prevent clients from getting lost in the neighborhood. Clients and staff are only present during MCPN's operating hours, so the traffic impacts with this use should be significantly less than with a restaurant or other commercial tenant that might have longer hours. • Is Wadsworth Boulevard going to be widened? Yes, Wadsworth Boulevard is slated to be upgraded to a 6- lane within a ISO foot right -of -way. For this reason, the applicant is providing a 30 foot reservation along the entire western property line. Wadsworth is State Highway 21, and therefore the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is responsible for the improvements and future widening of the roadway. • How does the widening affect the proposed trails? The future width of Wadsworth will be considered when locating the proposed trails. The trails will be constructed a sufficient distance from the current roadway, so they can be preserved when Wadsworth is widened. • Who does MCPN serve? MCPNserves the communities of Arapahoe, Jefferson, Douglas and Adams counties and the Cities of Aurora, Lakewood, Edgewater, Englewood, Littleton, Centennial, Bailey, Arvada and Wheat Ridge. MCPN offers services for children, families, and seniors. • Will the medical building take up the entire property? No, the proposed building will be located in the southwest corner of the property, closest to the intersection of Wadsworth Boulevard and W. 29' Avenue. The proposed design the rest of the property preserves a park- like with landscaping and trees throughout the site and parking areas. • Are there any plans to improve crosswalks across Wadsworth at W. 29` Avenue or at W. 30`'' Avenue (if it is constructed)? Yes, as part of the City's trail construction project from W. 26` to W. 32 " Avenues there are plans to improve the crossing at W. 29' Avenue. • Will the proposed sidewalks along the north and south property lines of the site connect to existing sidewalks in the neighborhood? Proposed sidewalks on the subject property will connect to sidewalks if they exist on adjacent properties. Most of the adjacent properties, however do not have complete sidewalk_ s. • Will traffic increase on W. 29` Avenue? A preliminary traffic report is underway and focuses on Wadsworth Boulevard. Preliminary results seem to indicate that the proposed health clinic will not significantly increase traffic on Wadsworth. The development team expects that any new traffic created by MCPN will be turning, from Wadsworth directly into the parking area. When the traffic report is completed, it will provide a better understanding of any potential impacts. • Is a new bus stop included in the proposal? Yes, a new bus shelter is proposed on Wadsworth just north of W. 29' Avenue. The City applied for a grant to install additional shelters at bus stops that have high ridership. A proposed acceleration lane along Wadsworth will allow an RTD bus to pull over and stop without disrupting the flow of traffic. • Does the proposed medical office use include an emergency room? No, MCPN does not provide emergency medical services. There will not be any emergency or trauma units in the proposed facility. That being said, if a patient arrives at the facility and requires immediate medical attention Or example, if 'a patient goes into labor or is suffering a heart attack), an ambulance would be called to transport the patient from the_faeility. In these instances, an ambulance does not typically use its lights and sirens. How can neighboring residents make their opinion know? Approval of an ODP requires two public hearings —in front of Planning Commission and in ,front of City Council. Notification of these hearings will be published in the Transcript and on the City's website. Signs will be posted on the property, and letters will be sent to adjacent property owners. Public hearings are open to members of the public at which anyone can give testimony. Testimony may be in the form of written correspondence sent to staff or a statement made at the public hearing. Public hearings for zone changes are quasi-judicial in nature. This means that the deciding body should make a decision only based on testimony presented at public hearings. The applicant and members of the public are asked not to contact the Mayor, Planning Commissioners, or City Council representatives to discuss the merits of the case prior to the public hearings; it could jeopardize their ability to hear the case. When will construction begin? MCPN hopes to open their doors in October 2012. Based on the standard timelines for land use and building permit approvals, construction could begin in the fall of 2011. Does MCPN provide dental facilities? Yes, there will likely be a family dental practice at the proposed facility. Orthodontics would not be included, but a pediatric specialization may be part of the program. Has a soils report been completed? A soils study is currently in progress to determine the percolation of the soils and the presence or impact of any underground rivers. The following statements of support were made by members of the public at the meeting: I love the idea of having something new on the property. There are so many abandoned and underutilized properties in Wheat Ridge; it is nice to see this proposal. I think people are very pleased with having a medical office building on the site. The health clinic seems like it will have less of an impact from a use and traffic perspective —than previous development proposals. In addition to statements made at the meeting, staff received two comments from others in the area regarding the proposal. One neighbor called to voice her support for the proposed use. Another neighbor wrote a letter to request a fence along the northern property line instead of an access point; this letter is included as an Exhibit to this meeting synopsis.