HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/06/2011.� City of i�9r Wh6atWidoe PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA October 6, 2011 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on October 6, 2011, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Heather Geyer, Public Information Officer at 303 - 235 -2826 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may be recommended for placement on the agenda.) 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — September 15, 2011 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Case No. WZ- 11 -06 An application filed by Atecs for T- Mobile for approval of an Outline and Final Development Plan Amendment for property zoned Planned Industrial Development (PID) and located at 10700 West 50th Avenue. B. Case No. WZ- 11 -07 An application filed by William Last for approval of a zone change from Commefcial -One (C -1) to Mixed -Use Commercial (MU -C) for property located at 4565 Kipling Street. 8. ADJOURNMENT 6 A 1( City of l WheatRidge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting September 15, 2011 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair BUCKNAM at 7 :02 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29 Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Anne Brinkman Alan Bucknam Marc Dietrick Tracy Guildner Dick 'Matthews Scott Ohm =George Pond Steve Timms Staff Members Present: Ken Johnstone, Community Development Director Tim Paranto, Public Works Director Sarah Showalter, Planner II Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by Commissioner TIMMS to approve the order of the agenda. The motion carried 8 -0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — September 1, 2011 It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by Commissioner GUILDNER to approve the minutes of September 1, 2011 as presented. The motion carried 5 -0 with Commissioners BRINKMAN, DIETRICK, and TIMMS abstaining. Planning Commission Minutes 1 September 15, 2011 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes) Thomas Slattery 6869 West 32 " Avenue On behalf of Wheat Ridge United Neighborhoods, Mr. Slattery invited members of the Commission, staff and citizens to submit proposed questions for the Candidates and Issues Forum to be held on September 29. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Case No. WPA- 11 -01 A resolution recommending adoption of the 38 Avenue Corridor Plan and, by such adoption, amending the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. This case was presented by Sarah Showalter. She reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. In response to a question from Commissioner MATTHEWS, Tim Paranto explained that the road diet scenario would add an estimated 20 -40 seconds to a trip along the corridor. Commissioner BUCKNAM suggested that cyclists be encouraged to use 35 Avenue as designated bike corridor. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN regarding school bus traffic and emergency vehicles, Ms. Showalter stated that representatives from the fire district and the hospital were involved and expressed no concern with the plan. Commissioner BUCKNAM suggested further discussions with the school district regarding peak school traffic. Denise Balkas Real Estate Director, Wheat Ridge 2020 Ms. Balkas stated that WR2020 is in favor of the Plan. WR2020's priority is to preserve existing businesses and invite new businesses along 38 Avenue. WR2020 re ceived a State grant to conduct a visit by revitalization experts to analyze the 38 Avenue corridor. Their action plan included development of the 38 Avenue Corridor Plan. WR2020 has participated in development of the Corridor Plan from the beginning. The development process was open and inclusive to the community. She submitted a flow chart into the record that shows the steps involved in getting the Plan to this point. Russ Redig 7080West 38 Avenue Mr. Redig represented A -I Rentals at the above address. He was on the stakeholder committee and expressed opposition to the plan. His business has Planning Commission Minutes 2 September 15, 2011 been in its present location for fifty years and he believed the Plan would restrict traffic flow to his business. An informal poll of his customers indicated that the majority of them would divert from 38 Avenue if the road diet plan takes place. He stated that most of his customers find him by driving by and believed implementation of the Plan would put him out of business. Don Eafanti Mr. Eafanti commented that 38 Avenue east of Harlan is different than west of Harlan. He sees no need for a change on 38 Avenue other than installing a sidewalk from Robb to Harlan. He did not agree that slowing traffic down would bring more business to merchants. Frank Stites 3354 Zephyr Court Mr. Stites stated that he has been in business =38 Avenue for fifty years. He expressed opposition to the street diet because it would interfere with emergency vehicles. Drivers will also funnel onto 3.8 from north Denver. 30 and Pierce is already tied up for a block when school lets out. He stated that he has not heard any business people complain about 38 Avenue as it is. He expressed concern about the cost of implementing the plan. He believed any improvements along 38 should be made behind the street not on the street itself. Pete Mamon 3950 Eaton St. Mr. Mamon spoke in favor of the Plan because it will attract people to the area from outside Wheat Ridge. It is difficult to look at businesses when you are driving at 35 miles per hour. (Chair BUCKNAM declared a recess at 8:37 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:45 p.m.) Mary Cripe 3950 Eaton St. Ms. Cripe spoke in favor of the Plan which would make 38 Avenue more walkable and attract more businesses. She has seen similar plans work well in Portland, Oregon. Ted Heyd Live Well Wheat Ridge Mr. Heyd stated he was involved in the development of the Plan and that Live Well Wheat Ridge is highly in favor of the Plan. Wheat Ridge needs a downtown district and the Plan effectively addresses community health with a pedestrian friendly environment that accommodates vehicles without affecting levels of service. He commended the work of WR2020 in bringing new businesses to the corridor. He stated that he has been a planner for twelve years and believed the road diet is the essential piece of the Plan that will make it work. He pointed out Planning Commission Minutes 3 September 15, 2011 that downtown corridors of surrounding communities have two -lane streets with occasional turn lanes. Tara Jahn 3620 High Court Mr. Jahn stated she decided to buy a home in Wheat Ridge because of the work in progress to bring change to the City. She has been involved in the Wheat Ridge Planning Academy and the stakeholders meetings. She was excited about the vision of vibrancy presented by the Plan. She would like to see a corridor where people drive to it rather than driving through it. Tim Reed Director of Facility Planning, Jefferson County,Schools, Mr. Reed stated that the School District will continue to work closely with the City to ensure safety of students, parents and bus drivers. Sharon Rogers 7053 West 38 Avenue Ms. Rogers stated that she has had a business in Wheat Ridge for 35 years. She asked about snow removal with the road diet plan. , She expressed concern that her business could be adversely affected by the Plan.' Lloyd Rogers 7053 West 38 Avenue Mr. Rogers is co -owner of the business at this location. He was in favor of bicycle traffic being diverted onto 35 Avenue. He did not believe the street diet would move more traffic nor would it increase his customer base. He would like to see a trial period for the street diet scenario. Larry Merkel 7175 West 34 Avenue Mr. Merkel stated that the Plan would create more congestion on 38 Avenue. He believed the Plan - would be of more benefit to the Lakeside area that is planning to build a new Wa1Mart than to businesses on 38 Avenue in Wheat Ridge. Tracy Volkman Environmental Health Specialist Jefferson County Public Health Department Ms. Volkman commended the diligence of those involved in putting the Plan forward. Jefferson County Public Health Department is in favor of the Plan which would promote an environment to accommodate pedestrian, bicycle and automobile traffic. It would result in a reduction of ambient noise and improve air quality and encourage physical activity. Planning Commission Minutes 4 September 15, 2011 Brandi Wilson 4765 Everett St. Ms. Wilson is co -owner of Fran's Cafe and expressed opposition to the Plan. The majority of her customers are senior citizens from nearby high rises. She expressed concern that the Plan would take out the parking lot in front of the restaurant. If the seniors can't park in front, they won't come. Janet Pint 7047 West 38 Avenue Ms. Pint is co -owner of Fran's Cafe. She expressed opposition to the Plan because people would avoid traffic congestion caused by the street diet. Buzz Calkins 7268 South Tucson Way Mr. Calkins' family owns the Bradley Gas Station at 38 and Vance and the self service gas station at 38 and Pierce. He spoke in opposition to the Plan. He believed that most of the businesses on 38 I Avenue are impulse and convenience businesses. The road diet will lower traffic counts that will result in substantial loss to his business that relies on volume. He believed that 38 Avenue is the wrong place for this Plan. Britta Fisher Executive Director, WR2020 Ms. Fisher agreed that she would not bike on 38 Avenue. WR2020 is a flag bearer of vision for progress in the community. Successful economic development has business clusters where people can stop and visit several businesses." The Plan is conceptual and.she invited affected business owners to contact her or Sarah Showalter to discuss their concerns. She pointed out that the building at 318 and High Court previously referred to in the meeting will be sold in two weeks to a pizza pasta pub that wants to be part of the future of 38 Avenue. Jeff Sieh 6440 West 32 "d Avenue Mr. Sieh stated his opposition to the Plan. He expressed concern that the road diet on 38 Avenue will divert more traffic onto 32 " Avenue where he lives. He also expressed concern about snow removal on sidewalks. Existing buildings should be revitalized. Cristen Sieh 6440 West 32 Avenue Ms. Sieh expressed concern about safety for school students. She was also concerned about safety issues associated with more traffic being diverted onto 32 Avenue. Many children live along 32 " Avenue. Planning Commission Minutes 5 September 15, 2011 Tom Slattery 6869 W. 32 " Avenue Mr. Slattery asked if there were plans for RTD bus pull -outs on 38 Avenue. In response to a question from Commissioner POND, Ms. Showalter stated that RTD doesn't generally recommend pullouts on streets where traffic moves under 40 mph; however, signalized intersections at Harlan and Pierce would have extended right hand turn lanes to serve as bus pull -outs. Commissioner POND asked if any business parking lots would be removed. Ms. Showalter stated that parking lot removal is not proposed for any business. Private property would not be impacted by the short-term road diet. Any curb cut consolidation would be in cooperation with property owners. Commissioner DIETRICK asked if any studies had been done regarding destination versus impulse buyers. Ms. Showalter replied that no studies have been done, only anecdotal information from other communities that seems to point out that slower traffic is an advantage for impulse shopping since drivers are more likely to notice businesses and signs. In response to a question from Commissioner BUCKNAM, Ms. Showalter stated that an ordinance concerning snow removal regulations is under consideration. Commissioner BUCKNAM encouraged interested citizens to go to the City's website to look at the traffic analysis: In response to a question -from Commissioner BUCKNAM, Mr. Paranto stated that present capacity for 38 th Avenue exceeds 20,000. Chair BUCKNAM closed the public hearing. Commissioner BRINKMAN thanked the citizens who attended the meeting to express their views. She commented that focus should be on revitalization of 38` Avenue and how to move it forward. Dressing up the street in 2001 did not work. The vacancy, rate has increased. She stated that she lives in this district and has participated in numerous 38` Avenue studies. She stated that she would vote for this revitalization vision for 38` Avenue. It is time to move forward. Commissioner MATTHEWS stated that he supports the multi -modal concept. However, he didn't think that simply slowing traffic would bring about revitalization. He believed the road diet as part of a package of landscaping and building to the front of the street would work. It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by Commissioner GUILDNER to continue the public hearing to October 20 to allow time for staff to work with property owners and businessmen along Planning Commission Minutes 6 September 15, 2011 38 Avenue. The motion failed 6 -2 with Commissioners TIMMS, DIETRICK, BUCKNAM, BRINKMAN, POND and OHM voting no. 8. Commissioner POND expressed appreciation to everyone involved in development of the plan and to those citizens who attended the meeting to make their views known. He commented that the prime intent of the Plan is to bring people to the corridor. He stated that he looks forward to the leadership committee being formed as soon as possible and requested that at least one member of the Planning Commission, preferably from District One or Two, be included in the membership. Commissioner OHM stated that he would vote in favor of the Plan. The amount of work that has been put forth to develop the Plan is outstanding and he believes it is a turning point to start moving forward. Commissioner GUILDNER commented that she can understand business owners' concerns. She was not convinced about the street diet and expressed concern about chasing existing businesses away. Commissioner BUCKNAM lives in District One. He expressed appreciation for all the effort expended by all those involved in developing the plan. He thanked all those who came to the meeting to offer their input. The road diet is a component of a more comprehensive solution to revitalize 38` Avenue. He would like to see more done with 35t and 44 th Avenues and signalization around the schools. It was moved by Commissioner BRINKMAN and seconded by Commissioner POND to adopt Resolution 02 -2011, a resolution recommending adoption of the 38th Avenue Corridor Plan as an amendment to the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan, Envision Wheat Ridge, and forwarding said recommendation to the Wheat Ridge City Council for the meeting on October 10, 2011. The motion carried 6 -2 with Commissioners MATTHEWS and GUILDNER voting no. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner GUILDNER and seconded by Commissioner OHM to adjourn the meeting at 9:51 p.m. The motion carried 8 -0. Alan Bucknam, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Planning Commission Minutes 7 September 15, 2011 ♦� City of " COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert DATE OF MEETING: October 6, 2011 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ -11 -06 / ATECS for T- Mobile (L & K Industrial Park) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of an amended, combined ODP and FDP on property zoned Planned Industrial Development (PID) LOCATION OF REQUEST: 10700 W. 50"' Avenue and other lots in the L & K Industrial Park APPLICANT(S): Atecs for T- Mobile PROPERTY OWNER(S): Various APPROXIMATE AREA: 13.9 Acres PRESENT ZONING: PID (Planned Industrial Development) PRESENT LAND USE: Various industrial office /warehouse uses COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Employment ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION LOCATION MAP — A_1 - � 10700 W. 50 "' Ave. Case No. WZ -11 -06 / L & K Industrial Park I JURISDICTION: All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST This application is for approval of an amended Outline and Final Development for property located specifically at 10700 W. 50 Avenue but applicable to all lots within the L & K Industrial Park. The purpose of the ODP amendment is to modify the underlying zoning to allow accessory structures (CMRS towers) up to 50' in height. Pursuant to Section 26- 112.B.2., a zone change process is required when changing the conditions of an existing zone district where those conditions were established or not addressed by a previous zoning action. In this case, the change of zoning conditions is the proposed modification to the height standards, fencing standards and the ability to have accessory structures (CMRS towers) in the industrial park. (Exhibit 1, Letter of Request) Because this case was processed under the old zoning regulations (prior to the current provisions for Concept and Specific Outline Development Plans with an administrative Final Development Plan), it is being modified using the old process for a combined Outline and Final plan amendment reviewed through a public hearing process. Pursuant to Section 26 -311 of the planned development regulations, where there are multiple owners, applications for amendment to an ODP must be approved in writing by 25% of the property owners. There are currently 13 property owners within the development; four of the owners have submitted signed, notarized land use applications, therefore, this standard has been met. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/PROPERTY HISTORY Existing Site Conditions: The property is located at 10700 W. 50 Avenue and is zoned Planned Industrial Development (PID). The site is part of the L &K Industrial Park; a planned development originally zoned and approved in 1974. The development which is located on the south side of 50 extending from Miller Street west to Oak allows for a wide range of industrial, warehouse and commercial uses and currently includes six buildings with various businesses and two detention ponds. The subject parcel, located south of the structure at 10700 W. 50 and its ancillary outside structure, contains a detention pond and is located at the middle of the overall development's southern boundary line. The parcel is one of three owned by Peterson Company which processes and distributes metal products. The building at 10700 W. 50 17,554 square feet in size, was the most recently constructed in the industrial park, having been built in 2006. While the applicant is interested in construction of a CMRS tower on the southern lot of the Peterson Company ownership, Staff thought it prudent to amend the entire PID in case other opportunities for additional tower placement occur. The amendment would allow building and rooftop CMRS facilities as well. (Exhibit 2, Ownership aerial) This will be the seventh amendment to the original PID zoning (Exhibit 3, L & K Industrial Park, amendment 6) Case No. WZ- 11 -06 1 L & K Industrial Park Surrounding Zoning and Land Use Parcels north of the subject property across W. 50 Avenue, are also zoned PID and include the Rocky Mountain Bottling Company. To the south is a right-of-way zoned Agricultural-One that contains a series of Xcel Energy transmission towers and power lines. Staff estimates that these transmission towers are over 100' tall. To the east across Miller Street is the Arvada Ridge Market Place in the City of Arvada. To the west are properties zoned commercially and agriculturally (C- 1 and A- 1). 111. COMBINED OUTLINE AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN The applicant has provided a five sheet combined Outline and Final development plan document (Exhibit 4, ODP/FDP document). Sheet I contains the legal description and required certification blocks. Language has been included indicating the ODP/FDP is being amended to allow CMRS facilities (both freestanding and structure- mounted) up to 50' in height. This sheet also addresses the development standards being modified. Staff would note that language should be added requiring 8' high solid fencing/walls around accessory ground mounted equipment cabinets. This has been added to the recommended motion for approval. A note has been added disallowing towers in the front yard of buildings and requires the following setbacks: 10' from side property lines and 15' from rear property lines. Sheet 2 of the plan set shows a site plan for the southern lot of the Peterson Company ownership, where the cell tower will be located. Sheet 3 provides topography data. Sheet 4 shows a detail of the proposed tower location on the southern lot of the Peterson Company ownership. This parcel is currently devoid of structures but there is a large detention facility on the property which provides drainage functions for the entire development. The proposed improvements include a 50-foot high freestanding CMRS monopole with three frames that can accommodate a total of nine antennae. The monopole is being built so it can also accommodate future co-locations. The site improvements include construction of an 8' high equipment enclosure (15' x 30') around the base of the monopole. The enclosure would include a concrete pad for equipment cabinets; the remainder will be surfaced with crushed rock. Access will be from an existing drive on the west side of the parcel extending south from an internal drive aisle behind the Peterson Company structure. In order to accommodate cell towers in the development, the existing ODP must be amended to allow accessory structures up to 50' in height-. The existing plan does not allow accessory structures and the maximum height allowance is 42'. All other existing development standards for the industrial park would remain the same. IV. ZONE CRANGE CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the zone change criteria outlined in section 26-122.D.2. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. Case No. W7- 11 -06/ L & K Industrial Park Staff has not found any evidence of an error with the current Planned Industrial Development (PID) zone district as it appears on the City's official zoning map. 2. A change in character in the area has occurred due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions. While the Arvada Ridge project located on the east side of Miller is continuing to develop into a regional shopping area with light rail facilities, this particular vicinity (between Oak and Miller) is one of Wheat Ridge's true industrial/employment areas with both the bottling plant and a box manufacturing plant on the north side of 50 Avenue. The bottling plant recently invested 3.8 million dollars in improvements to facilitate Coors' merger with Molson so investment in this area is continuing. The L & K industrial park provides a transition in intensity between the heavy manufacturing facilities to the north and existing commercial/warehousing operations abutting the I -70 frontage road. The proposed amendment will not impact this land use transition function. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The Planning Commission shall also find that the evidence supports the finding of at least four (4) of the following: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. The proposed ODP/FDP amendment is consistent with the policies and goals in the I- 70 1Kipling Corridor Urban Renewal Plan and the City's comprehensive plan— Envision Wheat Ridge. Both plans designate the property as within an employment area which is described as existing light manufacturing, storage, warehouse, and other industrial- related uses. Modification of the ODP to allow CMRS facilities is consistent with the City's guiding documents. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. b. The proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. The proposed ODP amendment to allow CMRS facilities will be compatible with the surrounding area and will not result in adverse impacts. The Xcel Energy transmission lines currently abut the property to the south and are estimated at approximately 100' in height. In addition, the Coors bottling plant is located across from the development on the north side of West 50 Avenue. Buildings on the bottling plant property exceed 60' in height and much of the ancillary equipment is as high as 80'. Any new cell towers in the development will be less intrusive than the existing towers, lines and manufacturing structures in the vicinity. (Exhibit 5, photo simulations) Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. Case No. WZ- 11 -061 L & K Industrial Park 4 c. There will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. The lease revenues generated from CMRS facilities will provide a private benefit to those property owners. There will be personal service benefits to those cell phone customers in the area using this provider. Staff concludes this criterion has been met. d. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All responding agencies indicated that they have no objections to installation of a tower or towers in the development. Upgrades required for the new tower will be installed at the developer's expense. Xcel Energy has indicated that they have no objection to the tower as long as there is no activity including grading, landscaping or erosion control activities in their existing right -of way. They are not requiring a "free fall" area separation from the transmission lines. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. e. The change of zone will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties. Based on the limited scale of the improvements, there should be relatively little impact on traffic, drainage or amount of light and air to adjacent properties. Staff concludes this criterion has been met. 4. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. It would be impossible for the tower itself to meet any architectural standards. Upgraded screening is being provided by an 8' high block wall. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on July 6, 2011. There were no representatives from the neighborhood present. VI. AGENCY REFERRAL All affected service agencies were contacted regarding the ability to serve the property. Their specific referral responses follow: Arvada Fire Protection District: No objections. Case No. WZ- 11 -06 /L & KIndustrial Park Valley Water District: No concerns. Xcel Energy: No objection to cell towers in the adjacent development as long as there is no activity including grading, landscaping or erosion control activities in their existing right -of way. No requirements for a "free fall" area separation from the transmission lines. Wheat Ridge Economic Development: No objections. Suggested that screening height and materials be upgraded from 6' high cedar originally proposed. Applicant responded back with 8' high block wall. Wheat Ridge Public Works: No objections. Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority: No objections. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff has concluded that the proposed amended PID Outline and Final Development Plan is consistent with the City's guiding documents and that it meets the evaluation criteria for an amended ODP approval. For these reasons, a recommendation of approval is given for Case No. WZ -11 -07 with conditions listed below. VIII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ- 11 -06, a request for approval of an amended Outline and Final Development plan for property zoned Planned Industrial Development located in the L & K Industrial Park, including property addressed as 10700 West 50'' Avenue for the following reasons: 1. Both the Kiping /I -70 Urban Renewal Plan and Envision Wheat Ridge support the amendment. 2. The evaluation criteria used to evaluate a zone change supports the request. With the following conditions: 1. Minor language and typographical errors be corrected prior to the City Council public hearing. 2. A note be added indicating that CMRS equipment screening walls can be 8' in height, Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ- 11 -06, a request for approval of an amended Outline and Final Development plan for property zoned Planned Industrial Development located in the L & K Industrial Park, including property addressed as 10700 West 50"' Avenue for the following reasons: 2. 3." Case No. W7- 11 -06 /L & K Industrial Park 6 Project Description / Narrative Date: July 18, 2011 Property Owner Peterson Company 10700 W. 50 Ave Applicant T- Mobile West Corporation 7901 E Lowry Blvd, Ste 300 Denver, CO 80230 Applicant Representative ATECS,LLC 7901 E Lowry Blvd, Ste 300 Denver, CO 80230 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Project Name: Project Address: County parcel No.: Zoning Designation Zoning Process: Project Description T- Mobile CMRS Facility DN04073D Peterson Company 10700 W. 50 Avenue � I _ 16 A-. 0 2, -40 1;� PID Amendment to ODP to include a CMRS at 50' in height To enhance current wireless service in the area of 10700 W. 50 Ave, T- Mobile proposes to install a 50 -foot monopole and ground equipment at the above - referenced location. The telecommunications facility will be located on the south side of the property adjacent to the water retention pond. The antennas will be installed on extended arms in a triangular design. The equipment enclosure will be surrounded by a complimentary fence, constructed of similar materials already in place, that will screen the equipment inside. The antenna facility will have space available to accommodate a 2 nd carrier. Once on air, this will be an unmanned facility, requiring infrequent technical maintenance. Project Justification The demand for reliable, in -home cellular service continues as the use of land lines decreases. Demand particularly for seamless service area -to -area is also driving the need to increase call capacity. Emergency 911 calls have increased steadily as more area is tied into 911 emergency services. Federal and local governments encourage that wireless networks continue to expand so that calls for emergency help can be located geographically and responded too as necessary. T- Mobile has identified the area surrounding W. 50 Ave as an area where dropped calls and poor call quality inhibit acceptable reliable service. Therefore, by installing a new site at this location, more reliable call quality including proper hand -off connectivity from wireless site to wireless site will be achieved. FCC Regulations: T- Mobile facilities strictly comply with FCC requirements for cumulative field measurements of radio frequency power densities and electromagnetic fields. EXHIBIT 1 FCC Interference T- Mobile facilities strictly comply with FCC regulations prohibiting localized interference with reception of television and radio broadcasts. Public Safety Interference This proposed T- Mobile facility will not interfere with any public safety frequencies servicing the Wheat Ridge and surrounding areas and residents. Collocation T- Mobile proposes to construct this facility at its maximum height allowed in the PID of 45 feet, and including an additional 5 feet in height to accommodate acceptable coverage by amending the ODP. The antenna facility will have space available to accommodate a 2 nd carrier. Summary The approval of T- Mobile's proposed design will allow for enhanced telecommunications service. Residents and visitors passing through this area can be assured T- Mobile is committed to provide the highest level of wireless service. EXHIBI'l' 2 T { • Z , I it _ I i Y d Ak �t °o 6 h }1 YLic ' N E Y Q .Axe- J� be OLOA�(9 `i 3U. Vu L OK 1/IlDO TR /A L PARK AMEND ­ T6 (ADM /NISTRATI VE AMENDMENT) �/O — �AT�TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, R 69 6i T, OF rHE FR WHEAT RIDGE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO 4 .: AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PLAT. OF THE C ITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W -FH. W W „ EX/ST/N6 IZ" WATE SS - - -- -- SS EX /S T/ I SS 55 w w 9S E M£ CORNER SW 114, S£ / 11, SECTION 16 NW c~8 S 6 0 4Z'E _ _ _WE 50 �" AVENUE _ r-- - LAEARINI6 8456 AS PER OR/ PLAT 7 _ I-V9. 78 FOUND !/Z" SONAME STEEL A" SIY / /I, SE 114, 4 /S'£ 3000 B PUBLIC 5JE E 7 P7B4 RV:CE CO E NT SZ8 '• N45'Z6'55 "E 4254' SECT /ON /6 •42'E _ _ E7 K , Y s — -- -- -- - -- -_ =- - -- . I t rt 390.23 z VALLEY rA Tf,. _7 s 33J0.43'usis F I I - -_ I I_ I ' T. , I '. - I 1 I I I f I r- ei /fT o LEGEND "MARE STEEL PINY - - - � I, I IILI� i I N i i _._ - - -- - - -1 I 4 I I ...' P 477 e • Sfr PIN B CAF L S 16454 ` l Q - - - AU7M N7F�OR -WKF ANA UTIL/T Y EA WA JO' R/w __ • F I F /RE NYDRAN7 BLOCKZ BLOCK 1 -- - U nut P6L£ 4— 4 2 39/ Ac 2 4 a6Ar 4 HANDICAPPED PARATOW � I i LOT 4 /017A, i rL LAKE NOTES' i s LOAMW I I __ f -. j I E !x 5 1 O 1% ( -- T `�_ - - I y ! CORNER LOT LINE IONS ARE TO LOT 3 a° N-r-- /N7ERSEC7 1ON OF LOT COT LINES EXTENDED _ II OI 2 Ex /S %ING SANITARY SEWER AND WATER I r . - _i O n' u z - I I I I LINES IN WEST 50 rH 4VENUE A.NO IN ig m ig ai Z I EXISTING Am •9/MRY Ib4LAW1A1 - i i I I I i - - I - MILLER STREET WERE LOCATED AS PER c5 IOAWIr - S. /AlG, . 17GRY IewaAE•wW I AVAILABLE DRAWINGS AND SHOULD SE B FO RI j fir - I I FIELD YERIFIEO PR /OR TO CONS; RUCTION. _ _ ; 1 ^ _�� ` -? �• A) EASEYEMTM I fEACf C, • w 20EASEMEN ° I— -- - m2 R1 ` EXPLANATION OF AOM /N1$7RAT /VF 1, I 83/02797 = -- �. I w I h WATERS S EK T REC. rARY D!S?RlC� � - — /5 a r c L I F _ F .. I AMENOMEN7 -CASE NUMBER WZ -83- 9O LL 34 OW So PT I 8U/L0IN6 CONFIGURA rION FOR LOTS 4, 5 _ ? / 188.76 BLOCK 3 _.— / 96.33` - �i4 0ryy0 j -� -- -- - -T_ _ -- �— - i 86 WAS REVISED. TOTAL AREA REMAINED i w _ ss /, - 385.09' Q A EX /STING OW I � - �^ x - - - THE SAVE. L T 2 , { - — " I — ip"W WLAM - -� ' -/ M '+ f' 2 LANDSCAPING CONFIGURATION FOR LOTS 4, b I L S 5 S Ac. }r- ♦ -. , '�? �J J I CO I _.. _ T ' ° 5 $ n N7 a S B 3 WAS REVlS£0. TOTAL AREA INCREASE N q / _ - I � � - - + ��E plbE• A S T 4 B N 3 PARKING CONF/GUR4T /DN FOR LOTS 4,5 B 6 ��� Iy WAS REV /SED, T074 SPACES /NCR.EASED -.�` ` +. V P / / — ~ w1�" �7 ,C ~A BY 36. _ 7 � I / BU ILDING 6 PF` - == a P a REV7SEOE P4TT£RN FOR LOTS 4,5 8 6 WAS Ff J I L 0/ q/ PROPOSED ONE STORY BUILDING L. p — - YF' - I Ap E ? ~ I 5 SA /TA.4Y SEWER LOCATION ACROSS LOT 1.532 _ N g ' I / % 40,045SO.FT —I "— IL4p546 9 L vr W Cn � 444 SV. c e _ 1 _ Ln 6 31. 11' APPROVED /1 tOedwi O FMIS PLAY AMEA/,+S TINE OWWONSLY A0VADN" w �fn 1 I tp L8r AOVS7 /wa AWft IIWNT5 AMO 15 FH - 32, DOD SO. F7. IN ? -i - -- I H _j J wrM nr r-ac a�r�a� i o L BS6W TER Ar D Wx l I LSD �LAR.AFW&ANW A 0 A 0157RICT' - _ - - IO` E ASELEHT 2YaYMf OI�lM11Y�t<. �'.TIAM F. Jr. AAIENOAIENT 5 e Z _ f44 •7/7 WAS RECORDEO UNDER RECEPTION NO. 84032/05 61 SS _ 6 J I / LB I I —� c 5 46 TOTAL SITE /Aft — — AAIC I1LK EA o 1. — — I w �� aI r LOT 6 - _ N4. w O _:+ • _ • - _ 0.95/ e y h LAKE -- 40 wNLDINSS(SWUNO70WR/ /90,3M ! /S7 — PMVEMaENT IARNES n1!?oAAi'1 tN10,3M fT 4r-94 SE Cl7VYER LIT i rY A4N W '^- - 'I • I 7 4 0 58 OMV /LaWSOW B NMLATJ 133.03? 9 FT A 9 Sl007s c1R£CroR OF L'd1AM1/NTY GEYELOYN�Y PROPOSED ONE 2 S �4° 5 arras. s11 f STORY BLDG M6,747 9D FT /oa0os Vii. - - -- . - - f1 G cT� yp�gp� ro fAl jl, — ;`l 6 955 50. FT I 37Y FT7lF AILOING /S.Aj9 ALAS AFXA1'#1w*IMM' { PARKING /A LOTS 4, SPACES REO:MRFD - 74 A a l F'M 5 Q 6 OF BLOCK ? LEGAL LIESCRIPT /ON REL1 0AbERS CERnfVA7E 11 "• 215E Ac -- -- _ N7-� SPACES MV 111000' ! l ✓ A PA,?rfL Lr LAND PREVIOUSLY OESO4 AS L 8 K /NLUS'RIAL ACCEITEA FAA' F /LANG Ar THE 007ACE OF 5i ALL BUILDINGS C A AIRKING 70 L1E CDAAIAON TO c rr em Yv • I ; � _ - - .. -ANT 8 TAA F N Pa RL Of LAADIN : HEy SWtHWES� FOL OIiARTFR OF THE DON c S s� OF��E�ONA00 // .t/E_, <t� /YYEE IV SOUTNE�_' O!AgrE4 OF SECTION 'F TOWNS - P 3 S:UTN, RA A'GE w�' r EA SURVEYOR S CERTIFICATE : nab AT 5 `CL DAr L r. W ti, A'�f d�laF7. _..dOB OFAP 69 WEST. OF rH£ 6 f* P.RMC /AU MERIDIAN'. JEF r£gc,.4' - - aNT ✓, .'',' _ V"` NV I,E L /, DAVID L. FREEMAN, A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND COL.iRAPO, M, - •R£ FART.CULAR_I DES.ArBED AS FOLLOWS ! I ° PU V TE PLAN ! SURVEYOR /N THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERT /FY BEGlNMAAN,P AT A PLMr AT THE ANTEA75EC71DN Do rW 90UrHERLr I1EacrnON NAN O: jL I1 h-3 - "1 NOV, .985 TO THE C/TYOF N14£ATRIDGE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO R /GNTS JF WAY LINE OF WEST 50 AV£N ✓E ANG THE EASTERLY e -''tJ ENS ry.�� THAT T/AEPLAT OF SURVEY DESCRIBED HEREON, CORRECTLY - ,R*, JF_WAY LINE OF OAK STREET, BOTH 3C F_,. T Rl^HTS OF `II,OI.Y�y} -r4 L�. I O pEPRESENTS THE RESULTS OF A TRUE AND CORRECT SURVEY WAY OEOVCATED Dfi;cu9£R Y7, 1974, SAID Pew BEING LOCATED ,NEFF£R CQfAPTY CLERK MID RECQ..R ZI OF LOTS 4, 5 AND 5 DONE ON THE PREMISES UNDIER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION DURING OCTOBER 1985 AND TO THE BEST S 44'33'13' E, 4,32 #FET FROM 7H£ AGIATNWEST CORNER OF THE rrtr SIGNAGE: OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF INDICATES ALL STRUCTURES, SOUTHWEST ~TER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID P�L.R4� �'�'1 `lI�J4c�'AKAtAZ� 913'T5 ONE FREE STANDING SIGN PER STREET ENTRANCE, NOT EASEMENTS, RIONTS OF WAY, UT /L /TIES, FENCES, IMPMVE- SECT/AM 16 AS MARKED BY A DNE -HALF ANOI !p/ARE STEEL PIN; TO EXCEED 60 SQUARE FEET EACH, MENTS, AND ENCROACHMENTS ON OR AFFECTING SAID THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHTS OF WAY LINE OF NEST 50 ro er: DEPVn cLEAAr 3I 17 ONE WALL SIGN ON EACH BUILDING, NOT TO EXCEED 60 PREMISES, AND /S IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE AVE SUE S 89 !269 77 FEET TO A POINT ON THE OE57ERLY F SQUARE FEET EACH. COLORADO.ST4TUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION, AS a - AEL/ tMQi, STi1NI OW, ONE WALL OR ARCADE SIGN PER USER IN EACH BUILD AMEND- RIGHT, BEING WAY LINE OF MILLER STREET, A E FOOT STREET, SAID d ING NOT TO EXCEED /O SQUARE FEET EACH. £D POINT BEING LOCATED S 45 2 -Q w H 42.54 FEET FROM 7 ALL Ltl[S M[.L AF 1gTM/ TIE ACCEPTABLE' LIMITS ,� _� � NORTHEAST CORNER Of SAND AS/THNEST OUARTE'R, AS AktRK£O �Auip" ��• STATE OF COL ORA00 - ae - BY A ONE -HALF INCH SODA RE _TEFL PIN COUNTY OF JE SS DAVID L. FREEMAN FFERSON LA ' ^ENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHTS OF 4414 +� :N£ S_ 5! 'W' B(1 /MW TYPES: PRESTRESS/ M TAL MASONRY ME W/7H REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ND SURVEYOR NO 5112 ANS101M1YFAOIAE ALL S/ANLAR /N C7fAgACTEIP TZ7 THE FOREGOING lNS7A NT WAS EXECUTED BEFORE ME 750 W HAMPDEN AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 80,10 224 FEET 70 'HE NORTN_ A ST CC1RI £ OF Tt T raRCEt , %F [ASE HySTORY EXbT/MCfics.oMNG.4 /N THEPL4fAvwOWUS7R /ALL>&ELL719�IL�NT. T AY Of -_ -_ -. .,1986, BY PH. (3031 761 -5142 LAND 0£S6'0 IN 80,;M228 1 PAGE211; THFf.C£ ALONS THE WZ -7410 ORIGINAL R. M7OGE, 156 s 1AMMAN, GOLOEV, ^r. &�401, DATA: PROPOSED EXISTING NCRINERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL S74 40546 FEET A/AX/AAUNI AKNLDWNG HEAAHT: 42 FEET __IY 3 /279 -BCbI -BLOCK / AMENDMENT 6 AMENDMENT 5 TO 'M£ IvvRTHWEST CLRAiCP OF SA /C PARCEL; THENCE A_CNG WZ- 715 -Q3 FIRST AMENDMENT LEFR -8 i BL O, WHEN - RID" LYE GESCRIPTIUH AREA PERCLN fAGE 4REA PLRCENTAGE THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAIL PA.9CfL 5 0'35'51 "W, 112. �.J FEET le OEYELOPMW SChEDULE tea I 7, 401_ OUNG TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL, SAID POINT ALSO 9 - 840CA 2 LO' 4 BUILDING 6 40045 SF 35c 4GDOO SF 365 WZ -BI - 18 SECOND AAENDAIENT OU /LDIAW 1,2,3,4,5 EXISTING 95 PAVEMENT AREA 43561 SF 39• 44940 SF 41s LIEANG ON THE NORTI*E'RLY RIGHTS OF WAY LINE OF A 400 FOOT e MARATHON REAL 7y INC., ABRAHAV POLGER, LANDSCAPE AREA 2711)9 SF 2's 25?I5 SF 231. PUBL /C SERVICE COMPANY RIGHT OF WAY; T�'ENCf ALONG SAID BU ILDING 6 AND 7 ONE YEAR PRE°., 3FC'C S YOSEMITE STE. 370, C'ENVE.o TOTAL AREA 110715 Si 11015 •,F ` - � n - 802'7 i3f•' /779 I °71 - BLGYK 3 - LOTS /,?,4,586 PARKING SPACES o7 ;.1ilGuG SF 69 NORTHERLY RIGHTS OF WAY LINE S 74 "W, 913 75'FEEr TO WZ - d3 - 8 THIRD AMENAMFNT /AKal�SS/EA4ESS EASEMENTS L B S 1NVfS CARRY W AVOREWS 6 LOT 6 BUILUiNG 7 6915 Si i9'. 1300 SF 19: POINT ON SA EASTERLY RIGHTS OF NAY LINE Of OAK STREET, �� SHER.NAN R SCHROCK, il,59I B£THA!VI OP PAVEMENT AREA '258 SF 1 °. 4614 SF 26f A ,n r : NCf ALONG SAID EASTERLY R/GHq OF WAY S LINE NO'3534 "£, N? -d3 -29 Fi7U4TH AAIEM7AIEN7 5114 CAADIER ALL DES�"iNATEO A64.100? /N.'ERA�R OR /VL AM7 ACCESS 7` -� ( !9G, DENVER, co B(I(i;a /.331,3 7 5 BO36. LAN aiEp. .'3 SF 6i+ 20787 SF 55: - -- -^^ SECTION /6 W ucA 3 - LUr J r, 1OT41 AREA L'4Ct sF 1?4at ii _.I FEET TO THE POINT OF BEG %NN /lYG; CON7 POIN75 SHALL LIE RESERVED FOR T7IE CV MMA,NI USE Qr 7 �; PARKING ) S MORE OR LESS. AXM S701Nf MY COM.N/S:'!ON EYP S .4CE <. U GGL SF 5 ALL TE W USES 011'NERS / N TIIE P.LD. !;A ` r� LltEi.r/ S� iT :: 74 4 50x0 :F 6 6lOB SF 8 +d jlE PRGlPOSEO USES -8 - -- r.wR AREA u546 x6935 iF SU: -. 1.44i;SCAPING AND PARKING CON, WAS CHANGE. NOTARY PURL /C -� t'i -qnL CAPE AREA 1 - %7 SF la; 20578 it [' TO AC COMMODATE £.r /STING PAVING EXHIBIT 3 ALL USES AL LOwEO /N SECT /ON 2 / -B /IVCLULYJNG ANY MORE - �^,'/� - r _ HaUS/NG AS ALL000 UNDER THE` ORISM64L LSK INOUSMIAL lSAO / j G1Ai AREA 137 Sf 1721 SE sA „ PAW PLOT REMARM DECEAN3ER27, / 974 IN PLAN9"46 AAGE'3? ADDRESS Kam' PARKING SPACES S4 7i 1000 SF SA �< L&K INDUSTRIAL PARK AMENDMENT #7 AMENDMENT TO THE OUTLINE & FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BEING A PORTION OF THE SW 114, SE 114, OF SECTION 16 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRIME MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION Recommended for approval this i I day of by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission.' Chairperson Lega Description LEGAL DESCRIPTION — PARENT TRACT per Title Commitment No. 5509 - 1 707 120 doted 4 -18 -201 1 by First American Title Company: That port of L & K Industrial Park Amended, described as follows: Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 3, L & K Industrial Park Amended, a parcel of land in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Jefferson County, Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a point at the intersection of the Southerly right of way line of West 50th Avenue and the Easterly right of way line of Oak Street, both 30 foot rights of way dedicated December 27, 1974, said point being located South 44 degrees 33 minutes 13 seconds East, 42.32 feet from the Northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 16, os marked by a one —half inch square steel pin; Thence along said Southerly right of way line of West 50th Avenue South 89 degrees 42 minutes East, 660.22 feet to a point; Thence along lands known as Block 2, L & K Industrial Park Amended, South 00 degrees 35 minutes 51 seconds West, 505.28 feet to a point; Thence along lands of Public Service Company as per Deed in Book 744 at Page 56 of the Jefferson County records, South 74 degrees 50 minutes 58 seconds West, 269.37 feet to a point; Thence along said lands known as Lot 1, Block 3, L & K Industrial Park Amended, North 00 degree.^ 18 minutes East, 178.49 feet to a point; Thence along said lands known as Lot 5, Block 3, L & K Industrial Park Amended, North 89 degrees 42 minutes West, 124.00 feet to a point; Thence along said lands known as Lot 2, Block 3, L & K Industrial Park Amended, North 00 degrees 18 minutes East, 195.00 feet to a point; Thence along some North 89 degrees 42 minutes West 275.00 feet to a point; Thence along said Easterly right of way line of Oak Street, North DO degrees 35 minutes 34 seconds East, 203.55 feet to the point of beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado Containing 2 2.500 acres more or less, SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, ROBERT DALEY DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PROPERTY BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOWN HEREIN ON THE L &K INDUSTRIAL PARK AMENDMENT #7 OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN HAS BEEN VERIFIED BY ME AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IS CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MUNICIPAL_ CODE of LAWS, AND ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED. FURTHERMORE, UPON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT I AGREE TO FURNISH AN AS —BUILT SURVEY ACCURATELY LOCATING ALL CONSTRUCTED ITEMS. ROBERT DALEY 10727 FLAGLER DR. PARKER, CO 80134 T— MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS OUTLINE & FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO Allowed Uses ALLOWED USES CURRENTLY ACTIVE ON THE PROPERTY AND THOSE LISTED IN CASE NO. WZ -72 -10 SHALL BE ALLOWED. PROPOSED AMENDMENT IS TO ALLOW FOR ACCESSORY STRUCTURES IN THE RID LIMITED TO A WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY THROUGH THIS AMENDMENT OF THE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN. ALL EXTERIOR LIGHTING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26 -501 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. ALL FENCING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26 -603 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. EXPLANATION OF AMENDMENT WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY CONSISTING OF MONOPOLE MOUNTED ANTENNAS AND GROUND BASED EQUIPMENT INSTALLED ON LOT 6 OF BLOCK 3. A TOTAL OF 9 ANTENNAS WILL BE MOUNTED ON THE MONOPOLE IN A TRIANGULAR ARRAY. THE MONOPOLE AND ANTENNAS OVERALL HEIGHT WILL BE 50' -0 ". CURRENT ALLOWED HEIGHT IS 42' -0" WITH THE 50 -0" APPROVED IN THIS AMENDMENT. ADDITIONAL CMRS FACILITIES WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE DEVELOPMENT PROVIDED THAT THE FOLLOWING CAN BE MET: MINIMUM SETBACKS. PROPOSED CMRS TOWERS SHALL NOT BE LOCATED LOCATED IN THE FRONT YARD OF ANY BUILDING. MINIMUM SETBACKS ARE 10' FROM THE SIDE PROPERTY LINES AND 15' FROM THE REAR PROPERTY LINE. CO— LOCATIONS AND BUILDING AND ROOF MOUNTED CMRS FACILITIES ARE ALLOWED AS WELL WITH NO OTHER LAND USE PROCESS REQUIRED BESIDES A BUILDING PERMIT. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE The below signed owner(s), or legally designated agents) thereof, do hereby agree that the property legally described hereon will be developed as a Planned Development in accordance with the uses, restrictions and conditions contained in this plan, and as may otherwise be required by law. I (we) further recognize that the approval of a rezoning to Planned Development and approval of this outline development pion, does not create a vested property right Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26 -121 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. BILL KUBILUS Peterson Company 10700 West 50th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 State of Colorado ) ) SS County of Jefferson ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this - -- Day of 20 - - - - -- b y - - - - -- — Witness my hand and official seal. Ivy commission expires: W Notary Public (SURVEYORS SEAL) ADDITIONAL The owner, his successors and assigns grants limited rights and privileges to access and to free movement through those areas indicated as 'cross — access/ ingress— egress easements', as illustrated upon this plan. Such grant of easement shall be limited to the owners, tenants, customers, and guests of the owners, and shall furthermore grant access to and free movement through said easements to those entering said easements from similarly recorded easements from adjacent properties and /or from abutting public streets. CITY CERTIFICATION Approved this day of by the Wheat Ridge City Council. ATTEST City Clerk Mayor Community Development Director State of Colorado ) ) S County of Jefferson ) I hereby certify that this plan was filed in the office of The County Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County at Golden, Colorado at O'Clock M. on the day of ____, — _A.D., in Book — Page —, Reception No. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: DEPUTY NOTES 1. DEVELOPMENT WILL OCCUR IN ONE STAGE, 2. PRESENT ZONING IS PID AND ALL. ' SURROUNDING PROPERTIES ARE PID 3. CMRS= COMMERCIAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICE 4. THE CMRS ACCESSORY STRUCTURE WILL. NOT REQUIRE LANDSCAPING, SIGNAGE, LIGHTING, OR PARKING. 5. THE GROUND MOUNTED CMRS FACILITY WILL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL REGULATIONS SET IN CHAPTER 26 613 OF THE CITY CODE. CASE HIS TuRY WZ -74 -10 ORIGINAL WZ -76 -03 FIRST AMENDMENT WZ -81 -18 SECOND AMENDMENT WZ -83 -08 THIRD AMENDMENT WZ -83 -29 FOURTH AMENDMENT WZ -84 -09 FIFTH AMENDMENT WZ -85 -30 SIXTH AMENDMENT WZ -11 - 06 SEVENTH AMENDMENT The owner, his successors and assigns grants limited rights and privileges to access and to free movement through those areas indicated as 'cross — access/ ingress— egress easements', as illustrated upon this plan. Such grant of easement shall be limited to the owners, tenants, customers, and guests of the owners, and shall furthermore grant access to and free movement through said easements to those entering said easements from similarly recorded easements from adjacent properties and /or from abutting public streets. CITY CERTIFICATION Approved this day of by the Wheat Ridge City Council. ATTEST City Clerk Mayor Community Development Director State of Colorado ) ) S County of Jefferson ) I hereby certify that this plan was filed in the office of The County Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County at Golden, Colorado at O'Clock M. on the day of ____, — _A.D., in Book — Page —, Reception No. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: DEPUTY NOTES 1. DEVELOPMENT WILL OCCUR IN ONE STAGE, 2. PRESENT ZONING IS PID AND ALL. ' SURROUNDING PROPERTIES ARE PID 3. CMRS= COMMERCIAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICE 4. THE CMRS ACCESSORY STRUCTURE WILL. NOT REQUIRE LANDSCAPING, SIGNAGE, LIGHTING, OR PARKING. 5. THE GROUND MOUNTED CMRS FACILITY WILL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL REGULATIONS SET IN CHAPTER 26 613 OF THE CITY CODE. 11 CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT LANGUAGE T-MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS SITE OUTLINE & FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT PREPARED BY. ZUMA CONSULTANTS 1 05/11/11 PRELIM. ZONING KR 13969 W. 1ST AVE. GOLDEN, CO 80401 2 05/17/11 ZONING KR DNO4073D PETERSON CO. 3 05/20/11 REV ZONING KR a 06/07/11 REV ZONING KR 5 07/14/11 REV ZONING KR DATE OF APPROVAL: g 08/08/11 REV ZONING KR 7 09/14/11 REV ZONING KR 11 CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT LANGUAGE SB9 °42'00 "E 462.72' W . 5 0 TH A VE LW K INDUSTRIAL PARK AMENDMENT #7 AMENDMENT TO THE OUTLINE W FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BEING A PORTION OF THE SW 11 SE 114, OF SECTION 16 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRIME MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO - - 79 197.50' LOT 3 ZONING_ PID LOCK 3 I O N N W O O 0 z i EX. EASEMENT, TYP. - -,\ (SEE SHEET 3) S89 0 42 00 E 188.7 LIGHTING STANDARDS: ALL EXTERIOR LIGH - [ING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26 -501 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS 196.33' No N 0 0 LOT BLOCK ZONING: PID Ln 0w O O 00 O O / N89 °42'00 "W 124.00' PROPOSED MONOPOLE SETBACKS SOUTH PROPERTY LINE: 30' -3" WEST PROPERTY LINE: 22' -2" ORIGINAL EAST PROPERTY LINE: 2.46' -2" -76 -03 NORTH PRO LINE: 314' - 4" ZONING: PID LOT 1 BLOCK 3 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SITE OF NEW MONOPOLE & GROUND BASED EQUIPMENT (SEE SHEET 4) Z ONING _ PID LOT 5 BLOC 3 EXISTING BUILDING: 14,814 SF 260.19' SS 4I ✓� C 67 ( Vn VI I 0 Ui S FENCING STANDARDS: ALL FENCING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26 -603 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS B 2 ZO NING: PI E GE Control Point TP. Telephone Pedestal IPf Electric Transformer Irrigation Control Box ® Inlet Grate Coniferous Tree 0 Deciduous Tree Light Pole Water Valve WV 'Cr Fire Hydrant S8 Sanitary Manhole OUTL PREPARED BY: ZUMA CONSULTANTS 13969 W. 1ST AVE. GOLDEN, CO 80401 DATE OF APPROVAL: II Building CASE HISTORY__ Concrete WZ -74 -10 ORIGINAL Edge of WZ -76 -03 FIRST AMENDMENT Edge of WZ -81 -18 SECOND AMENDMENT KR WZ -83 -08 THIRD AMENDMENT KR WZ -83 -29 FOURTH AMENDMENT KR WZ -84 -09 FIFTH AMENDMENT KR WZ -85 -30 SIXTH AMENDMENT KR W -11 -06 SEVENTH AMENDMENT LOT 1 BLOCK 3 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SITE OF NEW MONOPOLE & GROUND BASED EQUIPMENT (SEE SHEET 4) Z ONING _ PID LOT 5 BLOC 3 EXISTING BUILDING: 14,814 SF 260.19' SS 4I ✓� C 67 ( Vn VI I 0 Ui S FENCING STANDARDS: ALL FENCING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26 -603 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS B 2 ZO NING: PI E GE Control Point TP. Telephone Pedestal IPf Electric Transformer Irrigation Control Box ® Inlet Grate Coniferous Tree 0 Deciduous Tree Light Pole Water Valve WV 'Cr Fire Hydrant S8 Sanitary Manhole OUTL PREPARED BY: ZUMA CONSULTANTS 13969 W. 1ST AVE. GOLDEN, CO 80401 DATE OF APPROVAL: II Building Edge of Concrete Overhead Electric Barbed Wire Fence Edge of Gravel Path Chain Link Fence Edge of Asphalt Edge of Concrete 3 SITE N AMENDMENT 2 11/11 PRELIM. ZONING KR 17/11 ZONING KR 20/11 REV ZONING KR 07/11 REV ZONING KR 14/11 REV ZONING KR 08/11 REV ZONING KR 14/11 REV ZONING KR ,.INLET TRASH Ll GRASS I I I I I � R I V < \ \ m CURB & GUTTER ELEVATION- HEIGHT DATA SW QUARTER OF THE SIE UAI �'��?I OF HEIGHT DESCRIPTION GROUND ELEVATION TOP ELEVATION GROUND TREE A 5376.9 5430.3 53.4 TREE B 5375.4 5424.2 48.8 TREE C 5375.8 5425.9 50.1 TREED 5375.5 5417.8 42.3 TREE E 5374.8 5406.7 31.9 TREE F 5376.2 5406.0 29.8 TREE G 5376.7 5408.6 31.9 LIGHTPOLE 5376.4 5401.5 25.1 TRANSMISSION TOWER 5377.6 5486.7 109.1 ASPHALT I v � � POND V \ \\ " I I \ 5;15 i 393 __D— C B i F 53 16 C5:3 � 7 h TRANSMISSION TOWER SITUATED IN THE SW QUARTER OF THE SIE UAI �'��?I OF COUN OF JEFFERSON, STAT IE OF C OLORAD O StJliytYVl� J LCKIIrII.HlG 1, Robert Daley, a Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the property boundary information shown herein on the L & K Industrial Pork Amendment 7 Outline Development Plan has been verified by me and to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, is correct and in accordance with the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code of Laws, and all applicable Colorado statutes, current and revised edition as amended. Furthermore, upon completion of the project i agree to furnish on As —Built survey accurately locating all constructed items. This drawing does not represent a Land Survey, Land Survey Plat, Improvement Land Survey Plat or Improvement Location Certificate and any monuments or boundary lines shown are for information only and are not to be relied on. This survey does not constitute a title search by this surveyor or Daley Land Surveying, Inc. of the property shown and described hereon to determine: 1. Ownership of this tract of land. 2. Rights —of —way, easements and encumbrances recorded or unrecorded affecting this tract of land. 3. Compatibility of this description with those of adjacent tracts of land. a) LOT 6 BLOCK 3 B✓T` L c MEN tC' S�DGIFTi0ND7 p..,�"PIES�s PROJECT ID z SITE 69- SSA 02 5g„W 30 WIDE MAJOR IN iEPIOr' DRIVE AND UTIL I Y EASE TEN PER r T "----- - - - - -- 30' WIDE VALLEY WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT L- -- - - - - - -- I Job No. 0802 -060 For and on behalf of Daley Land Surveying, Inc. 10727 Flogier Dr. LEGAL DESCRIPTION — PARENT TRACT Parker CO. 80134 per Title Commitment No. 5509-1707120 dated 4-18-2011 by First American Title Company: 303 953 9841 Robert Daley, PLS 35597 That part of L & K Industrial Park Amended, described as follows: Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 3 L & K Industrial Park Amended, o parcel NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after Southeast Quarter of Sec 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of f the 6th Principal Meridian, land in the Southwest Quarter of the you first discovered such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than Jefferson County, Colorado, described as follows: ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. Beginning at a point at the intersection of the Southerly right of way line of West 50th Avenue and the Easterly right of way line of Oak Street, both 30 foot rights of way dedicated December 27, 1974, said BASIS OF BEARINGS: point being located South 44 degrees 33 minutes 13 seconds East, 42.32 feet from the Northwest corner The bearings shown on this survey are referenced to the City of Wheat Ridge Horizontal Control Datum, being a ground based modified of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 16, as marked by a one --half inch form of the NAD83 HARN Colorado State Plane Coordinate System. These bearings differ from those provided in the title commitment. square steel pin; Thence along said Southerly right of way line of West 50th Avenue South 89 degrees 42 Rotation, City of Wheat Ridge to Plat or Title commitment: counterclockwise 0 °47'59 ". Tie to City of Wheatridge Control Station PHAC 4 minutes East, 660.22 feet to a point; Thence along lands known as Block 2, L & K Industrial Park from Northeast corner of Lot 4, Block 3: S22 °56'38 "E, 1868.0' Amended, South 00 degrees 35 minutes 51 seconds West, 505.28 feet to a point; Thence along lands of Public Service Company as per Deed in Book 744 at Page 56 of the Jefferson County records, South 74 VERTICAL DATUM degrees 50 minutes 58 seconds West, 269.37 feet to a point; Thence along said lands known as Lot 1, Elevations show on this survey are NAVD88 originating at the City of Wheatridge Control Station PHAC 4, published elevation 5375.38. Block 3, L & K industrial Park Amended, North 00 degrees 18 minutes East, 178.49 feet to a point; Thence along said lands known as Lot 5, Block 3, L & K Industrial Park Amended, North 89 degrees 42 UTILITIES: minutes West, 124.00 feet to a point; Thence along said lands known as Lot 2, Block 3, L & K industrial The utilities which are readily visible upon the ground, such as manholes, power and light poles, inlets, etc. were located by field Park Amended, North 00 degrees 18 minutes East, 195.00 feet to a point; Thence along some North 89 surveys and shown hereon. degrees 42 minutes West 275.00 feet to a point; Thence along said Easterly right of way line of Oak Street, North 00 degrees 35 minutes 34 seconds East, 203.55 feet to the point of beginning, County of SURVEYORS NOTES: Jefferson, State of Colorado There appears to be a defect in the legal description provided in Title Commitment No. 5509-1707120, dated 4- -18 -2011 by First Containing 22.500 acres more or less. American Title Company. The parcel Is described as "That part of L & K Industrial Park Amended, described as follows: Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 3, L & K Industrial Park Amended, a parcel of land in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Jefferson County, Colorado ". This is followed by a "more particularly" description which includes Lot 3, as well as Lots 4, 5 and 6 of L & K Subdivision. j N 1 Control Point a Telephone Pedestal ET Electric Transformer Irrigation Control Box ® Inlet Grate Coniferous Tree 0 Deciduous Tree 0 Light Pole m Water Valve WV 'C� Fire Hydrant SS Sanitary Manhole Building Edge of Concrete --- - - -oE- a:— Overhead Electric x Barbed Wire Fence -------- - - - - -- Edge of Gravel Path 0 o Chain Link Fence - -- Edge of Asphalt Edge of Concrete �3�_ INFORMATION: ETERSON COMPANY DN04073D 10700 W. 50TH AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, CO. 80033 JEFFERSON COUNTY RENT ISSUE DATE: ____ -.. 9114111 ZONING EV.: =DATE: DESCRIPTION L � I ME PLANS; PREPARED BY Pill ZL{ma CT I nc. Consultants, I offmko TITLE LAND SURVEY SCALES ';SET FOR A 24 "x36" "D" SIZE SHEET SHEET'; NUMBER: 0 20 40 I F _ _ � lORirl _AST CORNER OF THE iz 1 S EP I � !CF EASEMENT S7 QU,4RiFn' Or i "E U FiFVv ST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUART SOUTHEAST R 0F SOUTHA✓ ES3 QUARTER OF THE SECF01\1 1 T. S., Rr 69 ✓. SOS ,H' --,S. OUARFEP OE FND 3? 6FASS CAP. LS 13215 S'- CIICN 16, i..5 R,690,1. NORTH LiNE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER FIN ID 2` iLJM CA IS 24968 N8930'01 "E 1329_78 ----- -- -- -- -- -- -- . -__._- -- W. 50TH AVE'. 545'2 i'i2 "E N89 °30'07 "E 197.50' N89�30'01 °E 462.72' _ 42.32' _ I RUBL1r a) LOT 6 BLOCK 3 B✓T` L c MEN tC' S�DGIFTi0ND7 p..,�"PIES�s PROJECT ID z SITE 69- SSA 02 5g„W 30 WIDE MAJOR IN iEPIOr' DRIVE AND UTIL I Y EASE TEN PER r T "----- - - - - -- 30' WIDE VALLEY WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT L- -- - - - - - -- I Job No. 0802 -060 For and on behalf of Daley Land Surveying, Inc. 10727 Flogier Dr. LEGAL DESCRIPTION — PARENT TRACT Parker CO. 80134 per Title Commitment No. 5509-1707120 dated 4-18-2011 by First American Title Company: 303 953 9841 Robert Daley, PLS 35597 That part of L & K Industrial Park Amended, described as follows: Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 3 L & K Industrial Park Amended, o parcel NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after Southeast Quarter of Sec 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of f the 6th Principal Meridian, land in the Southwest Quarter of the you first discovered such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than Jefferson County, Colorado, described as follows: ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. Beginning at a point at the intersection of the Southerly right of way line of West 50th Avenue and the Easterly right of way line of Oak Street, both 30 foot rights of way dedicated December 27, 1974, said BASIS OF BEARINGS: point being located South 44 degrees 33 minutes 13 seconds East, 42.32 feet from the Northwest corner The bearings shown on this survey are referenced to the City of Wheat Ridge Horizontal Control Datum, being a ground based modified of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 16, as marked by a one --half inch form of the NAD83 HARN Colorado State Plane Coordinate System. These bearings differ from those provided in the title commitment. square steel pin; Thence along said Southerly right of way line of West 50th Avenue South 89 degrees 42 Rotation, City of Wheat Ridge to Plat or Title commitment: counterclockwise 0 °47'59 ". Tie to City of Wheatridge Control Station PHAC 4 minutes East, 660.22 feet to a point; Thence along lands known as Block 2, L & K Industrial Park from Northeast corner of Lot 4, Block 3: S22 °56'38 "E, 1868.0' Amended, South 00 degrees 35 minutes 51 seconds West, 505.28 feet to a point; Thence along lands of Public Service Company as per Deed in Book 744 at Page 56 of the Jefferson County records, South 74 VERTICAL DATUM degrees 50 minutes 58 seconds West, 269.37 feet to a point; Thence along said lands known as Lot 1, Elevations show on this survey are NAVD88 originating at the City of Wheatridge Control Station PHAC 4, published elevation 5375.38. Block 3, L & K industrial Park Amended, North 00 degrees 18 minutes East, 178.49 feet to a point; Thence along said lands known as Lot 5, Block 3, L & K Industrial Park Amended, North 89 degrees 42 UTILITIES: minutes West, 124.00 feet to a point; Thence along said lands known as Lot 2, Block 3, L & K industrial The utilities which are readily visible upon the ground, such as manholes, power and light poles, inlets, etc. were located by field Park Amended, North 00 degrees 18 minutes East, 195.00 feet to a point; Thence along some North 89 surveys and shown hereon. degrees 42 minutes West 275.00 feet to a point; Thence along said Easterly right of way line of Oak Street, North 00 degrees 35 minutes 34 seconds East, 203.55 feet to the point of beginning, County of SURVEYORS NOTES: Jefferson, State of Colorado There appears to be a defect in the legal description provided in Title Commitment No. 5509-1707120, dated 4- -18 -2011 by First Containing 22.500 acres more or less. American Title Company. The parcel Is described as "That part of L & K Industrial Park Amended, described as follows: Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 3, L & K Industrial Park Amended, a parcel of land in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Jefferson County, Colorado ". This is followed by a "more particularly" description which includes Lot 3, as well as Lots 4, 5 and 6 of L & K Subdivision. j N 1 Control Point a Telephone Pedestal ET Electric Transformer Irrigation Control Box ® Inlet Grate Coniferous Tree 0 Deciduous Tree 0 Light Pole m Water Valve WV 'C� Fire Hydrant SS Sanitary Manhole Building Edge of Concrete --- - - -oE- a:— Overhead Electric x Barbed Wire Fence -------- - - - - -- Edge of Gravel Path 0 o Chain Link Fence - -- Edge of Asphalt Edge of Concrete �3�_ INFORMATION: ETERSON COMPANY DN04073D 10700 W. 50TH AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, CO. 80033 JEFFERSON COUNTY RENT ISSUE DATE: ____ -.. 9114111 ZONING EV.: =DATE: DESCRIPTION L � I ME PLANS; PREPARED BY Pill ZL{ma CT I nc. Consultants, I offmko TITLE LAND SURVEY SCALES ';SET FOR A 24 "x36" "D" SIZE SHEET SHEET'; NUMBER: 0 20 40 I F _ _ � _ — — J I i iz 1 S EP I � !CF EASEMENT N BLOCK 3 N89'30'01' 188.7 7 i L L 9 96.3 3____ - _ - __- � � I I r r I I ` I I I - - - - - -- 7v I / � I I LOT 2 BLOCK 3 3 ------ - - - - --1 IAIV L LOT 5 I I BLOCK 3 � � I I 7 7T MIAIIJ LJ 3 30' - HIDE 1 /ALLEY EXISTING R Puy ` `ASFMENT 856. P56O Z / N2 8 - - -- - - A L .....- - - - - - -- I L -- -- _ _ -- - ®— , r ,o' / / 2 260.19 _ - - - - -- -- - - - - -- z -- - ------- - - - - - - a) LOT 6 BLOCK 3 B✓T` L c MEN tC' S�DGIFTi0ND7 p..,�"PIES�s PROJECT ID z SITE 69- SSA 02 5g„W 30 WIDE MAJOR IN iEPIOr' DRIVE AND UTIL I Y EASE TEN PER r T "----- - - - - -- 30' WIDE VALLEY WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT L- -- - - - - - -- I Job No. 0802 -060 For and on behalf of Daley Land Surveying, Inc. 10727 Flogier Dr. LEGAL DESCRIPTION — PARENT TRACT Parker CO. 80134 per Title Commitment No. 5509-1707120 dated 4-18-2011 by First American Title Company: 303 953 9841 Robert Daley, PLS 35597 That part of L & K Industrial Park Amended, described as follows: Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 3 L & K Industrial Park Amended, o parcel NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after Southeast Quarter of Sec 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of f the 6th Principal Meridian, land in the Southwest Quarter of the you first discovered such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than Jefferson County, Colorado, described as follows: ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. Beginning at a point at the intersection of the Southerly right of way line of West 50th Avenue and the Easterly right of way line of Oak Street, both 30 foot rights of way dedicated December 27, 1974, said BASIS OF BEARINGS: point being located South 44 degrees 33 minutes 13 seconds East, 42.32 feet from the Northwest corner The bearings shown on this survey are referenced to the City of Wheat Ridge Horizontal Control Datum, being a ground based modified of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 16, as marked by a one --half inch form of the NAD83 HARN Colorado State Plane Coordinate System. These bearings differ from those provided in the title commitment. square steel pin; Thence along said Southerly right of way line of West 50th Avenue South 89 degrees 42 Rotation, City of Wheat Ridge to Plat or Title commitment: counterclockwise 0 °47'59 ". Tie to City of Wheatridge Control Station PHAC 4 minutes East, 660.22 feet to a point; Thence along lands known as Block 2, L & K Industrial Park from Northeast corner of Lot 4, Block 3: S22 °56'38 "E, 1868.0' Amended, South 00 degrees 35 minutes 51 seconds West, 505.28 feet to a point; Thence along lands of Public Service Company as per Deed in Book 744 at Page 56 of the Jefferson County records, South 74 VERTICAL DATUM degrees 50 minutes 58 seconds West, 269.37 feet to a point; Thence along said lands known as Lot 1, Elevations show on this survey are NAVD88 originating at the City of Wheatridge Control Station PHAC 4, published elevation 5375.38. Block 3, L & K industrial Park Amended, North 00 degrees 18 minutes East, 178.49 feet to a point; Thence along said lands known as Lot 5, Block 3, L & K Industrial Park Amended, North 89 degrees 42 UTILITIES: minutes West, 124.00 feet to a point; Thence along said lands known as Lot 2, Block 3, L & K industrial The utilities which are readily visible upon the ground, such as manholes, power and light poles, inlets, etc. were located by field Park Amended, North 00 degrees 18 minutes East, 195.00 feet to a point; Thence along some North 89 surveys and shown hereon. degrees 42 minutes West 275.00 feet to a point; Thence along said Easterly right of way line of Oak Street, North 00 degrees 35 minutes 34 seconds East, 203.55 feet to the point of beginning, County of SURVEYORS NOTES: Jefferson, State of Colorado There appears to be a defect in the legal description provided in Title Commitment No. 5509-1707120, dated 4- -18 -2011 by First Containing 22.500 acres more or less. American Title Company. The parcel Is described as "That part of L & K Industrial Park Amended, described as follows: Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 3, L & K Industrial Park Amended, a parcel of land in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Jefferson County, Colorado ". This is followed by a "more particularly" description which includes Lot 3, as well as Lots 4, 5 and 6 of L & K Subdivision. j N 1 Control Point a Telephone Pedestal ET Electric Transformer Irrigation Control Box ® Inlet Grate Coniferous Tree 0 Deciduous Tree 0 Light Pole m Water Valve WV 'C� Fire Hydrant SS Sanitary Manhole Building Edge of Concrete --- - - -oE- a:— Overhead Electric x Barbed Wire Fence -------- - - - - -- Edge of Gravel Path 0 o Chain Link Fence - -- Edge of Asphalt Edge of Concrete �3�_ INFORMATION: ETERSON COMPANY DN04073D 10700 W. 50TH AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, CO. 80033 JEFFERSON COUNTY RENT ISSUE DATE: ____ -.. 9114111 ZONING EV.: =DATE: DESCRIPTION L � I ME PLANS; PREPARED BY Pill ZL{ma CT I nc. Consultants, I offmko TITLE LAND SURVEY SCALES ';SET FOR A 24 "x36" "D" SIZE SHEET SHEET'; NUMBER: 0 20 40 j N 1 Control Point a Telephone Pedestal ET Electric Transformer Irrigation Control Box ® Inlet Grate Coniferous Tree 0 Deciduous Tree 0 Light Pole m Water Valve WV 'C� Fire Hydrant SS Sanitary Manhole Building Edge of Concrete --- - - -oE- a:— Overhead Electric x Barbed Wire Fence -------- - - - - -- Edge of Gravel Path 0 o Chain Link Fence - -- Edge of Asphalt Edge of Concrete �3�_ INFORMATION: ETERSON COMPANY DN04073D 10700 W. 50TH AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, CO. 80033 JEFFERSON COUNTY RENT ISSUE DATE: ____ -.. 9114111 ZONING EV.: =DATE: DESCRIPTION L � I ME PLANS; PREPARED BY Pill ZL{ma CT I nc. Consultants, I offmko TITLE LAND SURVEY SCALES ';SET FOR A 24 "x36" "D" SIZE SHEET SHEET'; NUMBER: 0 20 40 APPROX. PROPERTY LINE, TYP. i i I ASPHALT ACCESS/ STORAGE AREA S EE N] LANDSCAPED — GRASS AREA I I l I I I I I I j I1 I I I I I I � I ' I I I N i I I I CUT BACK EXISTING SLOPE TO ALLOW FOR 12' GRAVEL ACCESS NEW T- MOBILE ACCESS & UTILITY ROUTE i EX. TREE, TYP. _- �J` NEW U/G RUNS (RC IEX & TELCO D) TYP. r— �r i 1 I I I i POND 1 \ \ c„ w PROPOSED MONOPOLE SETBACKS SOUTH 1 � -3" WEST PROPERTY LINE: 22' -2" 050/11 /2 EAST PROPERTY UNE: 246' -2" 06/07/11 NORTH PROPERTY LINE: 314' -4" �x xo 08/08/11 / x „ ® 09/14/11 REV ZONING x 3 1 #2 x i I � i PROPOSED MONOPOLE SETBACKS SOUTH PROPERTY LINE: 30' -3" WEST PROPERTY LINE: 22' -2" 050/11 /2 EAST PROPERTY UNE: 246' -2" 06/07/11 NORTH PROPERTY LINE: 314' -4" —POND — , 1NG ATION Y NEW T— MOBILE CEDAR FENCE LEASE AREA (SEE DET. 3 /A1) 2'� ��LANDSCAPED 246 ' GRASS AkEA_� EX. TRANSMISSI TOW ° o - 1 � NEW T— MOBILE MONOPOLE 2g 537 �! X373 2' -2" II (SEE DET. 2 /A1) 5 5 35 , 5 \ / f 53 �—EX. IRRIGATON DITCH APPROX. PROPERTY LINE, TYP. n'� 5' 0 10' 20' 30' SCALE: 1 "= 10' -0" 7> N Q 4' -0" AZIMUTH 26`. T- MOBILE OCATABLE )POLE NEW T- MOBILE MW ANTENNA - MOBILE 8' -0" NEW T STEEL DOUBLE GATE (PAINT TO MATCH) NEW T- MOBILE ACCESS & UTILITY ROUTE NEW T--- MOBILE U/G ELEC. & TELCO RUNS (ROUTE TBD) AZIMUTH 700® W T- MOBILE TENNA, TYP. 2' 0 4' 8' 12' 114" = 1' -0" SCALE: 1/4"=V-0" ' -0" I I I I I 1 I RELOCATE EXISTING LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION AS NECESSARY I 1 I I 12'-0" EX. TREE I I � / --NEW T— MOBILE CONCRETE EQUIPMENT PAD n / (SLOPE TO GATE) I J ---- _ - - - -- - - - - -- j .,-NEW T— MOBILE FLEXI UNITS IN I � I NEW T— MOBILE METER & i DISCONNECT ON H —FRAME I / I — — — — - - - - -- —� i NEW T— MOBILE CIENNA OR RAC24 —i / I FIBER CABINET ON H —FRAME i NEW T— MOBILE STACKED PPC &� I TELCO CABINETS ON H —FRAME I NEW T— MOBILE I GPS ANTENNA I I NEW T— MOBILE LEASE— /f " x 05/11/11 i + 05/17/11 x I 3 050/11 /2 REV ZONING � xa � # 06/07/11 REV ZONING Ia a a e A 07/14/ �x xo 08/08/11 / x „ ® 09/14/11 REV ZONING x 3 1 #2 x i I � i #3 x x xa � P4 x i I FCOA CABINET II I -NEW T— MOBILE 'I j BTS CABINET, TYP. I I � —NEW T— MOBILE SPLIT FACED BLOCK EQUIPMENT II ENCLOSURE W/ CONCRETE CAP f, I li. of o I ( I Ni o 1 I II I II I i j -NEW T— MOBILE I BBU, TYP. x I I x �-- NEW T- MOBILE CABLE TRAY II I I _ I AREA (450 SF) 1 �� 12' -0" 1 L— — ----- - - - - -- - -- -- — / 15' -0" NEW T— MOBILE SERVICE LIGHT, TYP. X3 W M t 1/4" = 1' -0 ItiL_YY I IVIV Vi� ANTENNA FRAME NEW T— MOBILE CO— LOCATABLE MONOPOLE (SEE DET. 2 /A1) 2' 0 4 8 12 SCALE: 1/4"= V-0" F mom CURREN ISSUED T ISSUE DATE: 09/14/11 FOR: ZONING : =DATE: REV4A 05/11/11 DESUKIN I IUN: PRELIM. ZONING by: Y: KR 05/17/11 ZONING KR 3 050/11 /2 REV ZONING KR ® 06/07/11 REV ZONING KR A 07/14/ REV ZONING KR 08/08/11 REV ZONING KR ® 09/14/11 REV ZONING KR S PREHAKEIJ BY W ZC. ma CI Consultants, Inc. 13969 W. 1 st Ave. Golden, CO 80401 P:303- 325 -5606 F:303 -- -325 -5629 RAWN BY: KR CENSURE TITLL DEVELOPMENT AREA, ANTENNA DETAIL & EQUIPMENT PLAN SCALES SET FOR A 24 "x36" "D" SIZE SHEET SHEET NUMBER: l��� l � lllllllll Il���inilu n alit ROJECT INFORMATION TERSON COMPANY DN04073D 10700 W, 50TH AVE, WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 JEFFERSON COUNTY CURRENT ISSUE DATE: 09/14/11 , ISSUED FOR: ��� ZONING _RFV-: =DATE: DESCRIPTION: —BY: T.O MONOPOLE ELEV. 50 —0" C.L. ANTENNAS ELEV. 47'-0" NEW T— MOBILE ANTENNA, TYP. i I NEW T— MOBILE CO—LOCATABLE MONOPOLE NEW T— MOBILE MW ANTENNA CO— LOCATION NEW T— MOBILE STEEL GATE (PAINT TO MATCH) NEW T— MOBILE EQUIPMENT CABINETS ON A CONCRETE SLAB (NOT VISIBLE) NEW T— MOBILE EQUIPMENT CABINETS ON A CONCRETE SLAB IA (NOT VISIBLE) EX. TREE NEW T— MOBILE SPLIT FACED BLOCK W/ CONCRETE CAP EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE T.O. WALL ELEV. 8' -0" NEW T— MOBILE UTILITY EQUIPMENT EX. TREE T.O. MO NOP01_E ELEV. 50' -0" C. L. ANTEN ELEV, 47' -0" NEW T— MOBILE —' I ' NEW T— MOBILE MW ANTENNA ANTENNA, TYP. NEW T— MOBILE CO— LOCATABLE MONOPOLE NEW T— MOBILE i —NEW T— MOBILE SPLIT FACED UTILITY BLOCK W/ CONCRETE CAP EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE T.O. WALL ELEV. 8' -0" 1396` Golde P:30� KR pw ,puma CI Consultants, Inc. mom W. 1st Ave. 1, CO 80401 — 325 -5606 F:303- 325 -5629 BY: " CHK.: APV.: KS KS IRF° E X. GRADE ELEV. 0' -0" N 3116" = 1' -0" EX, GRADE ELEV. 0' -0" 0 3116 = 1' -0" 2.5' 0 5' 10' 15' SCALE: 3/16"=V-0" SCALES `. `SHEET ORTH & WEST ELEVATIONS FOR A 24 "x36" ° D" SIZE SHEET UMBER: 05/11/11 PRELIM. ZONING _ KR 05/17/11 ZONING KR 0 05/20/11 REV ZONING KR ® 06/07/11 REV ZONING KR 07/14/11 REV ZONING KR Zk 08/08/11 REV ZONING KR 09/14/11 REV ZONING KR a � 1396` Golde P:30� KR pw ,puma CI Consultants, Inc. mom W. 1st Ave. 1, CO 80401 — 325 -5606 F:303- 325 -5629 BY: " CHK.: APV.: KS KS IRF° E X. GRADE ELEV. 0' -0" N 3116" = 1' -0" EX, GRADE ELEV. 0' -0" 0 3116 = 1' -0" 2.5' 0 5' 10' 15' SCALE: 3/16"=V-0" SCALES `. `SHEET ORTH & WEST ELEVATIONS FOR A 24 "x36" ° D" SIZE SHEET UMBER: T Mobile Site Name: Peterson Company T- Mobile Site Number: DN04O73D ,Z Zuma Consul '---,-- Prnnorfu nf• (This photo simulation is for i. F X H T R T T -Mobile4- 7901 E. Lowry Blvd. Suite #300 Denver, CO 80230 Existing View To The North From Frontage Road Proposed T- Mobile Monopole With Cedar Equipment Enclosure At Base �! Zuma Consultants Inc. F W - L7-" Property of: T , -MIobl.lea. 7901 E. Lowry Blvd. Suite #300 Denver, CO 80230 (This photo simulation is for illustrative purposes only) T- Mobile Site Name: Peterson Company T- Mobile Site Number: DN04073D Existing View To The Southwest From W. 50th Ave. Monopole With Antennas Proposed T- Mobile Monopole With Antennas City Of � Wheat 0 MUMTY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: Lauren Mikulak DATE OF MEETING: October 6, 2011 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ -11 -07 / William Last ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a zone change from Commercial -One (C -1) to Mixed Use - Commercial (MU -C) LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4565 Kipling Street APPLICANT(S): William Last PROPERTY OWNER(S): Kevin Schumacher APPROXIMATE AREA: 44,509 Square Feet (1.02 Acres) PRESENT ZONING: Commercial -One (C -1) PRESENT LAND USE: Vacant land COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Primary Commercial Corridor ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION LOCATION MAP SITE Case No. WZ -11 -07 1Last 1 All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST Case No. WZ -11 -07 is an application by William Last requesting approval of a zone change from Commercial -One (C -1) to Mixed Use - Commercial (MU -C) for property located at 4565 Kipling Street (Exhibit 1, Legal Description & Map). The zone change is the first step in the process for approval of mixed use redevelopment of this site. If approved, and prior to construction of any structures, a site development plan will be required to meet the standards of the mixed use zone district. The applicant is proposing a mixed use development that includes a mini- storage facility with an employee residence on the site. If the zone change request is approved, a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) with site plan and building elevations will also be required for the proposed mini - storage use. An approved rezoning does not guarantee the approval of a CUP for the mini - storage facility. Review of a conditional use includes consideration of the property design, the operation of the use, and the potential impacts on adjacent properties (Exhibit 2, Letter of Request). The proposed rezoning area includes one parcel -4565 Kipling Street —the total area of which is approximately 1.02 acres in size. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS /PROPERTY HISTORY Subject Property The property is located at 4565 Kipling Street about one quarter -mile south of Interstate -70 and is zoned Commercial -One (C -1). The site has an area of 1.02 acres, but is unusually long and narrow at 98 feet wide and 495 feet long. The property is part of the I- 70/Kipling Corridor Urban Renewal Area —one of the City's high priority redevelopment areas. There have been two prior zone change applications on the property. In 1978, a request to rezone from R -2 and A -1 to R -3 was denied by City Council, citing severe traffic problems with ingress and egress on Kipling. In 1980, a zone change was approved for the property; per Case No. WZ -80 -12 the zoning was changed from R -2 and A -1 to Commercial -One (C -1). The applicant proposed removing the existing house and developing the site with an office building and ski shop. Zoning approval included use restrictions and a condition to extend the existing deceleration lane north on Kipling. Ultimately, the applicant did not move forward with development, and the deceleration lane was not installed. There have been no commercial uses on the property since the zoning was changed to C -1 over 30 years ago. In late 2004, a pre- application meeting was held with a potential end user. The applicant was proposing a special use permit to allow a drive- through carwash on the property. The SUP process required a neighborhood meeting and likely a public hearing before City Council. Additional requirements included a traffic study, drainage report, and again the extension of the deceleration lane on Kipling. The applicant was strongly encouraged to contact CDOT and the fire department to discuss access and circulation issues. A neighborhood meeting was never held, and an SUP application was never submitted after the pre - application discussion. Case No. WZ -11 -07 1Last By 2004, the property had significantly deteriorated, and the City initiated abatement. In early 2005, a cease and desist order was issued, and in February 2005 the existing single- family home was removed (Exhibit 3, Aerial Images). The site has been vacant since. Surrounding Zoning and Land Use The surrounding properties include a variety of land uses and zoning designations (Exhibit 4, Zoning Map). To the northwest is a multi - family residential development zoned Residential -Three (R -3). Further to the north is the Camelot Club-Apartments Planned Residential Development (PRD) which includes the Kipling Village apartments. South of the subject site is an office building and a church. The three -story office building is on property zoned Neighborhood - Commercial (N -C). The Jefferson Avenue United Methodist Church includes parcels zoned A -1, R -2, and C -1. Across Kipling Street to the east is a large vacant parcel zoned Residential -Two (R -2) and Agricultural -One (A -1). This undeveloped area is about 8 acres in size. On the west side of the subject parcel is a single - family home zoned Agricultural -One (A -1). Prior to 1980, this adjacent residential property had no street frontage. For this reason, it is addressed 4471 Kipling Street, and access to the lot is provided by a 10 -foot easement that exists along the south side of the subject parcel. The easement was recorded in 1961 and grants perpetual access rights to the rear property owner and to utility providers. This easement reduces the developable area of the site by 10% (Exhibit 5, Improvement Survey Plat). For the most part, the properties along the west side of Kipling, including the subject parcel, are unplatted. The subject lot is clearly a remnant piece which is not zoned properly or desirable to assemble with adjacent land uses. Prior attempts to redevelop it have not materialized. III. PROPOSED ZONING The applicant is requesting the property be rezoned to Mixed Use - Commercial (MU -C), a zone district that is generally located along major commercial corridors and at community and employment activity centers. The MU -C zone district is established to encourage medium to high density mixed use development, and allows for residential and civic uses, in addition to a wide range of commercial and retail uses. The following table compares the proposed and existing standards that apply to the subject property. Under the existing C -1 zoning, the property is in the contemporary overlay and is also subject to the requirements of the Architectural and Site Design Manual. In general, the MU -C district is expected to make the subject property more developable. The mixed use district allows for a wider range of uses and does not contain the C -1 restrictions on residential development. MU -C zoning allows for increased height and density compared to C -1, and also has reduced requirements for landscape and off - street parking. Ultimately, the MU -C district allows for more flexible site design that is particularly beneficial for properties with unusual shapes or sizes. The MU -C zone district also has enhanced architectural controls to ensure compatibility with the variety of surrounding land uses. Case No. WZ -11 -07 1Last IV. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the zone change criteria outlined in section 26- 122.D.2. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. Staff has not found any evidence of an error with the current Commercial -One (C -1) zone district as it appears on the City's official zoning map. Case No. WZ -11 -07 1Last 4 MU-C C-1 with ASDM Building Height Minimum 20 feet N/A Maximum 6 stories (90') for mixed use 50 feet 4 stories (62') for single use Build -to / Setbacks Front build -to 0 — 20' (50% contains frontage) 0 — 20' (40% contains frontage) Side setback, south 0 feet 5 feet per story Side setback, north 10 feet 5 feet per story Rear setback 1 story =J0 feet 1 story = 10 feet 2 story = 10 feet 2 story = 15 feet 3 story = 15 feet 3 story = 20 feet 4 story or more = 20 feet Lot Coverage (max) 90% for mixed use 80% 85% for single use Landscape / Open 10% open space for mixed use 20% landscape for all uses Space (min) 15% open space for single use At least 65% must be living At least 35% must be living Off - street parking Lower off - street parking Higher off - street parking requirements requirements e.g. office use: 2 space / 1000 sqft e.g. office use: 1 space / 200 sqft Architectural Apply to all fagades Apply to faVades adjacent to street Standards Ground Floor 40% for non - residential, non - retail 60% all uses Transparency 60% for retail Uses Allows new residential uses Does not allow new residential uses Allows mini- storage as CUP Does not allow mini- storage IV. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the zone change criteria outlined in section 26- 122.D.2. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. Staff has not found any evidence of an error with the current Commercial -One (C -1) zone district as it appears on the City's official zoning map. Case No. WZ -11 -07 1Last 4 2. A change in character in the area has occurred due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions. The property is located in the I- 70 /Kipling Corridor Urban Renewal Area —one of the City's high priority redevelopment areas. The urban renewal plan for this area was adopted in 2009 and identifies the area as blighted. The renewal plan calls for cooperative development through public- private partnership to revitalize the Kipling and I -70 corridors. The subject site has been underutilized for several decades. Underutilization has led to deterioration, culminating in the 2005 abatement proceedings on the property. In recent years, code enforcement action has addressed weeds, tall grass, and litter. This vacant land creates blight in the middle of a corridor where the City's plans call for vibrant, attractive commercial activity. An anticipated change along the corridor relates to CDOT's plans for Kipling Street. Kipling is State Highway 391 and is slated to be upgraded and widened in the future. The vacant property across Kipling has the potential for development of a major mixed use commercial node. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The Planning Commission shall also find that the evidence supports the finding of at least four (4) of the following: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. The proposed zoning is consistent with the policies and goals in the I- 70/Kipling Corridors Urban Renewal Plan and the City's comprehensive plan Envision Wheat Ridge. Both plans call for mixed use development with elevated design standards and notable architecture. The comprehensive plan identifies Kipling as a primary commercial corridor that can accommodate a mix of commercial and office uses that exhibit high quality urban design and appearance. The subject site is adjacent to a designated mixed -use commercial area and a neighborhood buffer area the intent of which is to provide a small scale commercial uses (Exhibit 6, Guiding Documents). In the urban renewal plan, Kipling is again designated as a commercial corridor, and the subject property is adjacent to a designated village center at 44"' Avenue. At its August 30, 2011 meeting, the Urban Renewal Authority confirmed that the zone change request is not in conflict with the renewal plan. The proposed MU -C zoning encourages mixed use development and contains design standards that directly support the goals of the City's guiding documents. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. Case No. WZ -11 -07 / Last b. The proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. The Mixed Use - Commercial zone district has specific design requirements, but is considered more flexible in terms of land use, open space, and parking requirements than the existing C -1 zoning on the property. For these reasons, a rezoning to MU -C is expected to add value to the property and make it more developable. The enhanced architectural standards in the MU -C code are expected to benefit the character of the area. The proposed zone change is compatible with the surrounding area, as Kipling is a primary commercial corridor that includes a wide range of uses. There are existing residential uses to the north and west, but required residential transitions and screening in the MU -C code should help to protect these properties and ensure minimal adverse impacts. The property has been zoned for commercial use since 1980 with no viable development proposals. Commercial development under the MU -C zone district will ensure higher quality of design and better compatibility with the surrounding area than is currently required under the C -1 zoning. The intent of the mixed use zone districts is to focus not only on use, but also on design and impact to the area. While it could be argued that a mini- warehouse facility may be inconsistent with adjacent office and residential uses, if the design of the property meets landscape, drainage, and architectural standards, then the use may be compatible. The use could provide a good fit for the property given the physical limitations of the remnant parcel. In addition, while mini- storage facilities are not viewed favorably upon as a tax generator, they create relatively low impacts from a traffic perspective. If a zone change is approved and a CUP request moves forward, the specific development proposal and impacts will be evaluated through site plan and CUP review. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. c. There will be social, recreational, physical and /or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. The proposed zone change is expected to benefit the community, as the property has long been underutilized and is an eyesore. The zoning may encourage redevelopment of a blighted property and improve the character of the street. The MU -C zone district provides more flexibility for developers and will enable the site to become a tax generating property. Staff concludes this criterion has been met. d. Adequate infrastructure /facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. Any new development under the proposed MU -C zoning will be required to complete a site plan review process, which includes a referral to all impacted utility agencies. The developer will be required to provide utility upgrades in the event that current capacity is not adequate. Case No. WZ -11 -07 1Last Valley Water District has expressed that they do not currently service the subject property. Prior to development, an applicant would need to contact the district regarding water availability. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. e. The change of zone will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties. The change of zone will not adversely affect public health, safety, or welfare. While the new zoning would allow higher - density development, any proposed development will require site plan review through which traffic impacts, drainage, and buffering will be analyzed. Development proposals will be required to meet stormwater drainage and water quality requirements in order to be approved, therefore no drainage problems are anticipated. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 4. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. This criterion is not applicable as the Architectural and Site Design Manual does not apply in the MU -C zone district. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING Prior to submittal of an application for a zone change, the applicant was required to hold a neighborhood input meeting in accordance with the requirements of section 26 -109. A meeting for neighborhood input was held on June 21, 2011. Three persons from the neighborhood were in attendance (Exhibit 7, Neighborhood Meeting Notes). VI. AGENCY REFERRAL All affected service agencies were contacted regarding the ability to serve the property. Any applicant for development will be responsible for providing upgrades, as needed. Specific referral responses follow: Arvada Fire Protection District: There are no objections to the requested zone change. At the time of site plan application, the fire district will address concerns regarding fire department access, water lines, and fire hydrants. Valley Water District: There are no concerns with the zone change. The district does not currently serve the property, so a developer will need to contact the district to regarding water availability. Case No. WZ -11 -07 1Last Xcel Energy: Existing underground and overhead, gas and electric facilities are within the zone change area. There are no objections to the proposed zone change contingent upon maintaining all existing rights. Wheat Ridge Public Works: Kipling Street is State Highway 391 and is controlled by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). A 30 -foot wide right -of -way reservation along the eastern property line is required and no structures may be located in the reservation area. The need for a driveway off Kipling will require a CDOT access permit, and the extension of the existing accel -decel lane on Kipling may be required based on CDOT review. Site development will require stormwater detention and water quality facilities. A preliminary drainage report will be required with a Conditional Use Permit. A final drainage report will be required with the building permit. Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority: There are no concerns with the requested zone change. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the proposed zone change is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the I -70 /Kipling Corridors Urban Renewal Plan. Staff concludes that the zone change will be compatible with the surrounding area. Staff further concludes that the subject property has long been an underutilized, remnant parcel with no viable development proposals; property development will be more feasible under the mixed use zoning which allows for more flexible site design. Staff concludes that any applicant for development under the new zoning will, through the site plan review process, be required to provide utility upgrades, as needed. Finally, staff concludes that the proposed zone change will not adversely affect public health, safety, or welfare as the architectural controls of the mixed use district will ensure compatibility with surrounding land uses. Therefore, because the zone change evaluation criteria support the zone change request, a recommendation of approval is given. VIII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Option A• "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ- 11 -07, a request for approval of a zone change from Commercial -One to Mixed Use - Commercial, for property located at 4565 Kipling Street, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and the I -70 /Kipling Corridor Urban Renewal Plan. 2. The proposed zone change is compatible with the surrounding area. 3. The proposed zone change will not adversely impact the public health, safety, or welfare. 4. The subject property is currently underutilized, and a zone change may increase the likelihood of development." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ- 11 -07, a request for approval of a zone change from Commercial -One to Mixed Use - Commercial, for property located at 4565 Kipling Street, for the following reasons: Case No. WZ -11 -07 1Last 1. 2. 3. ... Case No. WZ -11 -07 /Last EXHIBIT 1: LEGAL DESCRIPTION & MAP Legal Description The area proposed to be rezoned is legally described as: THAT PART OF THE EAST '/z EAST '/z NORTHEAST '/a OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6 TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POIINT 1529.75 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORHTEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 21, THENCE WEST 495.5 FEET; THENCE NORTH 98.8 FEET; THENCE EAST 495.5 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 98.8 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THAT TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS BY ROSCOE A. RILEY AND IOLA V. RILEY, IN DEED RECORDED SEPTEMBER 19, 1969 IN BOOK 2133 AT PAGE 136, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Parcel Map Z Z J a Y 04565 I .- V) w W J T H AV E Case No. WZ -11 -07 1Last EXHIBIT 2: LETTER OF REQUEST The reason for the re- zoning of 4565 Kipling Street. The current zoning does not allow for self storage which is the ultimate goal of this process. Re- zoning to mixed use would allow this to transpire. This area is primarily commercial with some large apartment complexes in close proximity to the lot in question. The vast mix of zoning in this area seems to lends itself to the mixed use feel of the neighborhood. This development should have a beneficial aspect to the area, as it is projected that a vast majority of clients should come form the apartment complex's allowing less outside storage/ display of unsightly items. There should be very little effect on the adjacent properties as self storage is not a high volume type business and traffic flows should only be impacted in a very minor way. The vast majority of tenants do not visit their unit daily, weekly, or even monthly. With a large number of clients coming from such a short distance many may simply choose to walk rather than drive making traffic impact even less. The lot is currently vacant and unsightly with tall weeds, developing this lot would add to the overall view on this main thoroughfare in the city. With the city requiring significant zoning regulations and oversight to any plans that might be submitted, ultimate control over the look and overall scheme of the project will be greatly determined by the city. The city services will not he greatly impacted. With a proposed on site manager residence greatly reducing the likelihood of "mischief' arising, the impact on city services is expected to be minimal. I would hope to never need the police or fire dept. to come. With a computer access gate, high tech security camera system and top of the line locking mechanisms this facility should be crime free. With a vast majority of the units not having an outside access, controlling entry to each building will greatly reduce any attempt theft. Over 17 years of managing storage facilities I have seen an evolution from the "back 40" type facility to the modern multi story units with pleasing building facades. I will strive to build a facility that the city and neighbors can be happy that they allowed it to come to pass. Case No. WZ -11 -07 1Last EXHIBIT 3: AERIAL IMAGES - ;t � r z J f T t _I Jill Case No. WZ -11 -07 / Last 12 2010 Aerial Imagery — 4565 Kipling Street The property is currently undeveloped. 2001 Aerial Imagery — 4565 Kipling Street A single family home is visible on the east side of the property; the home was removed in 2005. EXHIBIT 4: ZONING MAP - - -r. r , F L ,-1■ F _ PI mt. (I } Ii r-R-1 - R -1 R -3 A -1 'R -2 1 C -1 s .l A -1 K R -C W R2 A -1 IF t _ 44TH;4VE - r 4 i t ( €7 ■■ D Case No. WZ -H -07 /Last EXHIBIT 5: IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT = r ! 5� s a — C a • � 5 g e t N gbSCFt�� ° e � N � F J s 9 > 9 a pbrg T Y i o7 q H Sfi if O 3g O � r 1 z � � 9 acRa • d ^ • j.� Y T O k � y 2F o�- x �L 9 � a • s NoK a. 0 a A p � A c �r A � U P a c� 7 r a C C 4� —C L—J f Y. C V > e sf► w( uuce ai'i �.• ��o...�toce o i� b•SKb P -!2 r' _ ib29.'1 •S' ._ K�p F.r--T Case No. WZ -11 -07 1Last 14 EXHIBIT 6: GUIDING DOCUMENTS - Neighborhood Buffer Area Excerpt from I- 70 1Kipling Corridors Urban Renewal Plan Concept Map i i � iao.v f a � Q 6 * t:ommerci�l - _ a COD \ _ Stable Residential Neighborhoods SITE Can�n".yfa ffiffoat YnlatnoodCw n![ual Vi1WgeCenters Case No. WZ -11 -07 /Last 15 Excerpt from Envision Wheat Ridge Structure Plan -Use - Mixed Commercial Primary Commercial Corridor Neighborhooc r Commercial '4 Corridor *h N.i ft1t�f. N Primary Gateway Community Commercial Center Neighborhood ` f Commercial Center Excerpt from I- 70 1Kipling Corridors Urban Renewal Plan Concept Map i i � iao.v f a � Q 6 * t:ommerci�l - _ a COD \ _ Stable Residential Neighborhoods SITE Can�n".yfa ffiffoat YnlatnoodCw n![ual Vi1WgeCenters Case No. WZ -11 -07 /Last 15 Excerpt from Envision Wheat Ridge Structure Plan EXHIBIT 7: NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NOTES City of W heat Pidge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NOTES Date: June 21, 2011 City Staff Present: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Location of meeting: Wheat Ridge Municipal Building Lobby Conference Room 7500 W. 29` Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Property location: 4565 Kipling Applicant William Last, All Secure Storage (potential buyer) Dave Talley, MB Zimmerman & Associates (representing the property owner) Existing Zoning: C -1, Commercial -One Comprehensive Plan Designation: Primary Commercial Corridor Member(s) of the community present: Maurice Fox — adjacent property owner (4465 Kipling) Larry Fixe — adjacent property owner (4465 Kipling) Diane Lyons — representing adjacent property owner (4471 Kipling Street Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant, William Last, is proposing construction of a mini - storage facility with offices that front Kipling. Mr. Last has constructed several mini- storage facilities across the country and retains ownership of those facilities. In addition to constructing and owning the proposed facility on Kipling, Mr. Last would likely manage it as well. The proposed preliminary site plan includes two primary structures. Building 1, to the east, is proposed to have a two -story fagade including offices for lease on the ground floor and possibly a manager's apartment on the second floor. Building 1 includes mostly indoor storage units to minimize the number of garage doors visible from Kipling. The building to the west, Building 2, is proposed to have outdoor storage units on all sides that would be at -grade and allow drive -up loading. Inside Building 2 are additional indoor storage units. Drive aisles are proposed along the entire perimeter of the site, with gated access to the storage units. For an additional fee, tenants would be allowed to gain twenty -four hour access. Building design and landscaping has not yet been designed, but the applicant has expressed willingness to work with the City to comply with the design standards and provide a high quality fagade and streetscape. In particular, the applicant has proposed a neutral color palette to deemphasize the garage doors on Building 2. Case No. WZ -11 -07 / Last 16 Existing Conditions: The property is located at 4565 Kipling Street about one quarter -mile south of Interstate -70 and is zoned Commercial -One (C -1). The surrounding properties include a variety of land uses and zoning designations. To the east is a large vacant parcel zoned Residential -Two (R -2) and Agricultural - One (A -1). To the north is a multi- family residential development zoned Residential -Three (R -3), and to the west is a single - family home zoned Agricultural -One (A -1). South of the property is a small office building zoned Neighborhood - Commercial (N -C) and the Jefferson Avenue United Methodist Church which includes parcels zoned A -1, R -2, and C -1. The subject property has an approximate 'area of 1.1 acres, but is unusually long and narrow at 98 feet wide and 495 feet long. The property is part of the I -70 /Kipling Corridor Urban Renewal Area —one of the City's high priority redevelopment areas. • In addition to the applicant, the selling broker and staff, there wer four members of the audience present. • Staff discussed the site, its zoning and future land use. • The applicant explained his proposed development scenario of the site into self storage units. • The applicant and members of the public were informed of the process for the zone change. • The members of the public were informed of their opportunity to make comments during the process and at the public hearing, if required. The following issues were discussed: • Since no parking is allowed on Kipling, where will customers park so as not to impact the office building to the south? Adequate parking will be provided on -site. Generally, customers like to park as close as possible to their storage unit. There should be no impact on the adjacent office building. • How will the proposed development impact the neighbors? This a property has development constraints due to it's narrow width_ The use ofseljstorage, while not generally supported by staff, may work with the property configuration and will be a low traffic generator. It will have to meet the standards for the mixed use zoning including paving, detention and landscaping installation. • What are the proposed hours? Selfstorage facilities' are typically open 24 hours but the busiest times are at night and on weekends. • How will the facility accommodate the 10' wide access /utility easement running down the southern side? The easement will need to be accommodated by the development. • Will there be an on -site manager? Yes, there will be a second story apartment /office for the on- site manager. The first floor oJthe front portion will have offices which can be leased. • Will vehicles be stored in the units? Yes, the units to the rear will have garage doors and are large enough to store vehicles. • Do you photos of other facilities under your ownership that you can show us? Not at this time but Mr. Last was willing to drop off pictures of his other facilities tomorrow. • It was generally the opinion of the property owners to the south that they would not support the use for a variety of reasons including aesthetics, incompatibility, etc. Case No. WZ -11 -071 Last 17