HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/18/2005AGENDA WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY : October 18, 2005 NIINUTESOF WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY September 6, 2005 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority was called to order by Chair Williams at 5:35 p.m. in the lobby conference room of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. / 2.. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Authority members present: Janet Leo Ralph Mancinelli Terrell Williams Pete Ziemke Also attending: Corey Hoffmann, WRURA Attorney Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary Charles Durbin Chris Felton 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Ralph Mancinelli and seconded by Pete Ziemke to approve the minutes of August 2, 2005 as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 4. PUBLIC FORUM Chris Felton, attorney for Kelly Zielbauer and Danica Filonowich, was present to receive the Authority's response to his submittal of a settlement demand proposal for reimbursement for damages incurred by his clients. He stated that he did not have authority at tlus time to enter into any type of negotiations on behalf of his clients. He understood that it would be necessazy for the Authority to receive legal advice regazding his proposal and that he would wait until the conclusion of the executive session to meet with Authority again during the regulaz meeting time. 5. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Pete Ziemke and seconded by Ralph Mancinelli that the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority enter into an executive session on September 6, 2005, under CRS Section 24-6-402(4)(b) for the purpose of receiving legal advice regarding speciCc legal questions regarding the WRURA Minutes Page 1 09-06-OS terminated 38th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard redevelopment project and to discuss the settlement demand submitted by Chris Felton. The motion passed unanimously. The regular meeting was adjourned to executive session at 5:42 p.m. The executive session was convened in the lobby conference room at 5:45 p.m. Those attending the executive session were: Janet Leo, Ralph Mancinelli, Terrell Williams, Pete Ziemke, Corey Hoffmann, and Ann Lazzeri. The executive session was adjourned at 6:22 p.m. The regular meeting was reoonvened at 6:24 p.m. DISCUSSION OF SETTLEMENT DEMAND Pete Ziemke commented that, while he believed the Authority's original settlement offer was fair, he would be in favor of renewing the Authority's offer in order to arrive at a reasonable settlement amount. Chris Felton replied that he did not believe this response would be favorable to his clients. Their property at 5280-90 W. 38`h Avenue had yielded a monthly income to his clients for many years. They sold their property out of necessity when their tenant, Art Fast, relocated his Kitchen Masters business. He stated that Mr. Fast had informed him that he had intended to renew his lease until he felt it was necessazy to relocate due to the urban renewal process. Janet Leo agreed with Mr. Ziemke's position and commented that Mr. Felton's clients sold their property for the appraised amount and are now in a position to invest the proceeds to produce extra income. While she understood the reasons for requesting reimbursement for damages, she believed it was important to arrive at a fair settlement with use of the public's money. Mr. Felton stated that other property owners and/or tenants have received settlements for damages that seemed more tenuous than those of his clients. Terrell Williams stated that the Authority considered each party in the project very carefixliy on an individuai basis and intentionally avoided comparing one settlement with another. Settlements were based upon submitted expenses which were well-defined and well-documented. The Authority was in agreement with Mr. Ziemke's position to consider renewal of the settlement offer. Mr. Felton will discuss the Authority's response with his clients. WRLIRA Minutes Page 2 09-06-05 8. ADJOURNMENT Prior to adj ournment, Ralph Mancinelli stated that he would not be able to attend the September 20, 2005 meeting. The regular meeting was adjourned at 635 p.m. Terrell Williams, Chair, Ann Lazzeri, Secretary WRURA Minutes Page 3 09-06-OS Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority 7500 W.29[h Avenue WheatRidge, Colorado 80033 303-235-2846 303295-2857 (Fax) TO: Urban Renewal Authority Board Members FROM: Alan White, Executive Director gu RE: Community Development Department Case No. SUP 05-09 DATE: October 14, 2005 Attached aze materials illustrating and describing a proposed car wash at 4470 Wadsworth. The lot is located just north of Pep Boys and south of the Jefferson County Housing Authority office building. The property is zoned C-1, Commercial-One. Background Creation of the lot in question was accomplished by the appioval of a subdivision plat in 2002. Jefferson County Housing Authority purchased one lot and S&O Development purchased the lot in question. Under the City's Zoning Code, car washes require the approval of a special use permit. The Code also requires the review by WRiJRA of land use applications in an urban renewal area. The Code requires a written recommendation from WRURA based on its review of the application "against the provisions of the urban renewal plan with respect to the land azea, land use, design, buiiding requirements, timing and procedure." You are not making a recommendation on whether the special use should be approved or not. Your task is to determine if the use as prbposed is in compliance with the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Redevelopment Plan. Your finding will be one factor fo be considered in the approval process. The Special Use Process A special use is one which is not pemutted by right in a certain zone district. A special use is a discretionary use which, if properly designed, developed, operated and maintained, may be approved for any specific location within a zone district wherein the special use is enumerated. The special use process consists of a pre-application meering with staff, a neighborhood meeting, formal application, and referral period to City departments and outside agencies for review and comment. After the comment period, notice is sent to immediately adjacent landowners. They have 10 days to submit any objection to the use in writing. The special use can be approved administratively if there aze no objections. If objections are received, the request is scheduled for a public hearing before City Council. This proposal may look familiaz. You reviewed a version of this plan last year. The SUP was approved by City Councii, but the owner of the lot to the south brought to the attention of the applicant that an access drive between the two lots was created by covenant. The applicant has re-designed the site to accommodate the access drive. The Urban Renewal Plan The Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Redevelopment Plan was adopted in October 2001. Many of the concepts of the redevelopment plan refer to the Wadsworth Boulevazd Corridor Transportation, Land Use, and Design Plan adopted in May 1999. This plan identifies three areas of potential major redevelopment acfivity: Time S2 uaze, the southwest corner of 44`b and Wadsworth and the southwest corner of 38 and Wadsworth. The subject property is not included within any of these major redevelopment areas, and is considered appropriate for commercial infill development in the corridor plan. Little additional guidance is given by either the redevelopment plan or the corridor plan. The Application A description of the car wash is attached as Exhibit 1. Exhibit 2 is a site plan of the property as it is proposed to be developed. Elevations are included in the set of plans. The car wash building is oriented to the back of the property. Stacking of cars occurs to the west of the access drive while waiting to enter the washing facility. Vacuums aze located to the west of the building and aze used after cars exit the wash. The layout will impede circulation between uses in the area between 44`h and 45`h . While the new design maintains the drive aisle in front of Pep Boys from 44ffi to 45th, the exit from the car wash at the drive aisle creates a hazazdous situation which is compounded by the car wash sitting at an angle to the drive aisie. The building will be constructed of brick with some azchitectural details provided on the side facing Wadsworth. Findings The use will not be a major tas generator for the City. Access form 44`h to 4P will be maintained, but the layout creates a potentially hazazdous situation at the car wash exit. The facility itself conforms to the applicable design standazds in the Wadsworth Corridor Plan. The shape and dimensions of the lot hinder its use for uses that may be more beneficial to the City in terms of sales tazx revenue. .1 , . ' , . . . . . . . ~ , . . . . . . . . , . . 1 - . . " . ' . . . . . . i ' . . ~ October 3,,2005 Mr. Travis Crane, Planner = . INTERGROUP Qommunity 'Development Department . City of Wheat Ridge.' 7:500 \Nes't 29" Avenue' Wheat Ridge, ColoTado 80033 , , . ' Re: Kwik,Car Wash Special Use Permit; , : 7490 West 45" Avenue, ' . . Wheat Ridge Colorado. , . ~ • Dear fdlr. Crane, , The.attached.applicatibn. is.for a proposed car wash facility located on l.ot 4.' j The ezisting lot is located in the southeast corner of the -intersection of 45`h ~ Avenue and Wadsworth BoUlevard. : Th'e Rropecty is appro)qmately .88 acres. , The-buitding's elevations will_ incorporate cofored masonry walis (smooth ' ` face in the field, split face along the base of~the 6(jilding -earth tone colors) , • , , and. EIFS cornice detailing. We anticipate construction to begin late. fhis f,all and completing Decem6er, , 2Q05. . . . ~ ' Theappointed representative is: - ~ I - - , . Tony Casey, Associate AIA'. . I Principal. li Jntergroup, Ina. . : , 2000 West Littleton Boulevard , . Littleton, Colorado 80120 - Pbone: (303) 738-8877 • Piease call if we can answer any questions: - - o d" ' Wl l y, A soc.. IA ' . , - Principal . . 7 . , ~ E)CH1B1°T 1 , xc: fVlark Perrino - Mountain Valley Design - ° INTERGROUP ARCHITECTS 2000 )/VEST LITTLETON BLVD LITTLETON, COIORADO 80'120 FAX 303.738.2294 '303.738.BH77 i iff ZO E~ 3 F- I I I ~ I ~A I I 1 ~ I -a , ~ ~ I I ~ pl~ I ~ z' I 1z ' g $ I p I ~ L k--y' - I ~ KWIK CAR WASH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LOT 4, MINOR SUBDIVISION OF LOT 2, ACE HARDWARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT SITUATED IN THE NE 114 OF SECTION 23, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO LOT 1. ACEHPROWAPEIOT 'LINEPDJUSIMEMPUT ACEHMOWARE 2IXimG1 ~ yyE$T451HqVENUE (Sf/ RO.W.) ~ I _ _ i F ~ i~ ~r~ i ~~m I I eno~ustr.m+rnnr ur+ ; JfffEfLSONCOIINiI'HOUSINGNUMORRV 2ONmG Li LE ` I I y ~ I I ~ I I _NBYMYIE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IB I ~ II . 969.91' I I I I ~ I I ~ -1 II \ COUIElW1GRANGEPEPBOY3 ZONFD61 ~ I Ii"a i$ Q iGEYNOTES: L 9s• wLt DePn+ 0.5PH/.Lr roR cae 1wr£Ic i 6' REIt6LXCED LONCREiE PGVIKe 1 NEW 6' VERiICGL CCNCREtE CII.~. VERIFY CdTCH y~lp_ PMG GT W FLIISH WII ftH~ TLP CP Olf~ fJIRN` TO BE 4 4' WIDE W11iE PAIM LINE -iYPICiL 5. Pfv'vIOE NEY16' HIGH CEDAR PRIVACY PENLE 6. 4• THILK FERFLRCEO CQ"CRETE FLANYJfdC B'Rbly FIIU3{L 6'NG• . WIAXWA WFF. t ADA PfPF6JED NPNDICAFPED ACCE981BLE PPACMG SK31 6 9'-0' %H6VpILA!'r EO P~ BP?CE WTH 9' WDE AIBLE 1 vdCLLH SiGTILN Ip.9' X 39' PAFKMG SPPCE A,Lp1y5CqPRG <rYc45EE L6Vp9LPPE VW`111N6S. h PICPL C.EXI$TPG LIGHT POLE ~GTOR TO VERIR' TO ~mAtNL li8'-8MI0' TFlSH ENCLO&IRE WITH 1'1ETAL GATEA k~~~= CONVE.C~ L',DIFEGTIONdL AR70Y6. PAINiEO. 4.SkNnL LIGHI. IL&lE LkaHThYa, Wi ELEGTRICN.. b.6' OIA X 0' LOW 9TEEL PIFE LYAL4AD. K MEdtED 6LdB AT PFEd9 INDILATED W R4N. BEE I'1ECH4vI1AL M d1TLET STldCNF£ BEE GIVIL ]L RETAINMC IWLL 6EE LIVIL ]y XLEL IITILIiY METER ]S NOT WEM yy NEW tIGM1W'IENt 6IUL 10. ELELIftICAL TRPNSFOH'iE2 20. WG RN'1P Mlp LANOMfi GAS HE1ER 268TGP 91GN. 'lYP<INiED 69PHCLT SFEED &d1P G' WR]0'-0' L 90.NEUI6' VERfICdL CLNCRETE G1RB WLM co4crs~T¢ h.~iu iwo wrm sroP. bclu *o ee RYSX WIiH TOP 0' LUFH 110H vERIPY CdTLH OR BPILL WITH GIVIL PRA11W"+. I EXH' B' T I 1 SITE PLAN ~ SGALE: I' = 70' TC 6715 ~e u ° Ro~p a m ¢ N 7 N ~ WNn O Q~W m mmo LLn oo~ V/~ W LL O W Um WO~ Z pJ~ NJ~ ~ F?m y =~IMVYw~ y~ry /~v1~~~Y M ~Mw{ i~Yn~~y~y YawaYl~~ a F ~ N ~ a 3 o < fl , Q ~ ~ U a ~ a ~ a i Y 3~ DATE pypy yqlplRLL A1 S~ I ~ ~ > x w 0 3 ~ ~ .9 KWIK CAR WASH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LOT 4, MINOR SUBDIVISION OF LOT 2, ACE HARDWARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT SITUATED IN THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 23, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO ~ I I i I I u i ~ ~ I ~ I I - - - - - - ~ I -------------~==,--1-J ~ I I- - -c~~ IrRASI tY ~ ~ 1 ~ QJi.LOJi ~ ~~-\y~ IXIS7ING 1REE E%IS71NC 7REE 1 I / P Y/\ TO REAIAIN. T7P. TO REMAIN. TYP ~ 1I I5-PCL .NON-IRRIGAIED.' ' ~ N~A1PYE SEm..7YP' " BUILDING _ - - - ` hBCJ 1 i PAkKtt~' , ~ vncuuM sTnnoNS 5-MH ~ SPEGFlm ROCK nl ~ MULCH. iYP. VI ' ' 1 1 ~ I SPEqFlFD ROCK ' ~ 10-BJ ~o MULGH. T~YP."~'~ I ~ -ncrn ~ S1EEL EDGFA NAP4E a5FID` TP. ~m MONUMENT ~ 1C SIGN_____ ~ IXISPNG ASPHALT PANNG-i - HE SI7F PLAN Sa Sumlmut p¢h y" act apecim<n puoliry F x pennaNwnica m . U mt = PA Patrnoro Ash P°~~apvanico Pa n s 2" wl. mecimm QuMHy n re o BkB. MakeE J ORNAUENTAL iREES SSC + 5pring STOw QoboQple Al l 'S i 2" col. sD«imen quollly. Nil a us pr n9 Snaw }e., BkB, ataked 5 EVERGREFN TREES ~ AP AuaMan PNe Pinus nigm 6' ht aVecimen 9uality B@B, guyetl HBS Nunnewtll Biue Spruce 6' M1t. speclmm quvlity Pleea pungere 'MUnnawdliona' BdrB, guyetl 99 DEQDl10U5 SHRUBS AWS AnNOny Wotercr Spireo 5 gal. onfoiner. 5 co p Spimea 'MihmY Wahrd 19'-24' Ft. Plant J6* a.p RCB Rosy CJOw BaNerry 5 gal. containr, 5 mnea min. BerCerie NunOaqL 'ROSe Clow' 18'-24' nt. ploni 36' o.q AC Alpfne GLmunt 5 gal. ontameq 5 canes min. Ribn alpinum 18'-24' nt. Plant 36' o.c. AV Arrowwootl Nbumum 5 gal. wnloinu, 5 canes min. . Yibumum tlenSOtum 'Blue Muffin 18~26' ht, plont 36' o.e MX Minigloba HoneynucWe 5 gal. contamr, 5 canea mM. - Lonicera xNosleoiGw 'MU,igloEe' 18'-24' hL. plant db' a.c CAC Compac[ Pmericon Ganbnry 5 qal. containa. 5 cones " W umum hilabum 'Cwnpottum' 18'-24' ht. plont 36 o.c. ❑P Upnght Pdvet 5 gal. container, 5 canes min. LlgusWm wlgare'Upright' 24'-30" ht, plont 46" a.c. ID lunti Oogwootl 5 gal. containeq 5 wna min. comu: aamao •isaaer n•-30° nr., viane 4e" aG PC Peking Cotonaastx 5 gol. ontaNer, 5 cunes min. Cetonwster IuclEus 24'-30" hc, plont a.e RS Regmt Serviceberry 5 gal. eontoiney 5 canes min. AmelancM1iv 'Pegent' 24'-30" ht, plant 60" o.c 90 EVERIXtEEN SHRUBS QQQ BJ Bufldo JunIOH 5 gal. crntaNer, 18"-24" aprmE Juniperus sabino 'Buflalo' plant 48" e.u - BCJ 81ue CM1ID Juniptt 5 9d. container. 18"-24" apreoE Junipew M1rcizontalie 'Blm CM1ip' planl 18" o.a HJ HugM1m Junlpa 5 qal. contalner. 18"-24" spreaE JunlPeNS hmizantvlis 'HU9bes' plant 49" TJ Tommy JuniOa 5 gal, cantainx, 18"-24" sprood Juniperve wbNO'Tamarisciblio plont 48" wc. LANDSCAPE NOTES 1. THE NRF AREAS SNALL BE SOppED N11H A BOR FESGIE/ 20S BWEq2ASS 8lF]10 INCORPOftAIING DRWGNT TOLpiANT VARIETES RIE NRF AREAS, RS MELL AS SHRUB BEDS SXP.LL 6E POT011LLID M1iH COMPOST AT THE RAIE OF 4 WBIC YAROS PER 1.000 SWnRE FEET. THIS PRQ+ARATON SHnLL BE THIXtOUpILY INCOPPIXtAIED INTO THE i0P 6" OF IXISTNG SWL 2. PRONDE L' DFP1H 1-1/2" RWNOm RIVER ROCK MULqI IN N1 91ROB Bm5 AND RflEAS RDJNCENT TO TIE BUILDING. PLACE SPEQFlm FlLIER FABRIC UNOER ALL ROCK MULCH. 3. ALL lANOSCME /•REAS MLL 6E WAiERm BY AN UNDERGRq1ND RUiOMAiIC IfiRICAl10N SYSiEM. ALL NRF ARERS l£SS THMI 25' N10E YALL HAVE N POP-UP $PFAY STSIEM DE4CNm AND INSTALLED TO MINIMIIE'OVQt-SFRAY ONTO ADJACQlT 9DEWAt1(S PNO ROPUWAYS NHILE PRONOING HEAD TO HEPD COVERAGE ALL SHRUB Bm5 41P11 HAVE A SIREAM BIIBBIFR SYSiEH OE9GNm PNO INSiALLEO. ALL TP6S IN IRRIGATE➢ SOp qNp FESGIE SEm ARGS SHALL HAYE A SmARAIE DRIP STSiEM MSTMIEO FOR DROUGHT 9NA7001S ALL SHRIIB BmS ARE TO BE CANTAINED mnf 5T[Ei eocm NOT REpU1Rm AT WRB, WAIK OP BIIRDINC 5. O11 lREES YALL EIiHER BE STANm 119NG 1N0 LODCEPd.E GINE SiRKES OR CUYEp U9NG 3 y12 GqIVANRFD N1RE WYS ATTAGHm RI BUPoED ST/.KES. SlAKING AND GYING Mq1ERIA4 RND 1RFE Y.RM SHALL BERMOYID AFIER ONE CROYANG SEp50N. 6. 1XE OWNER 91A1 BE RESPON9BlE FOR MAINTNNING ALL LFNDSCA%NC, INCWDING IRNGAl10N, WFEDMG, PRIINWC, AND M01MNC OF PLANT MAIERIALS. GROUNDCOVERLEGEND ~ IRflIGAiED SEED MI%: NAME I.y% eic ewcsrcu iox VELLOW INDIANGRA55 10R SMTqIGRA55 10S SOEOFiS CRAMq tOS NES1QtN MNEATGRASS 10F BIVE CRAMA IOS TIICKSPIRE NHEAlCRA55 tOS PRNflIE SANpREEO 10% CREEN NEEOIFGRA55 10% SLQIDER KNEATCRA55 5% SiRFAABPNK MHERTGRP55 59 ~ NPY -I RRIGARD NATYE 'LOW GROV( 5EED MIK Nq ME AA% BIVE IXUNA 20S SHIq(SPIRE NNFATCRASS 10i 'BUiFFtO CRA55 20F ~SiREPMBANK WHEqTCRA55 10% Y swEOATS cwMn zox M£S1FRN MHEAttYtq55 zox 1-1/Y' ROUNDED RIVER ~ ROG( MULdI LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS LOT AREA = 39357.8 S.F. REQUIqEp/A10.tlM11N PRONOm LAN0.5CME MEA 20X) ].6)2 at ZB.SJ 10.549 af. NON-IINNC LANOSLMf (mox 35%) 3,685 zf. 29%) 2,206 vf. SOD mac ]0 2302 e.t 30%) 2,293 xl. ~ NATVE qiAS5F5 3B%) 2004 el. iREfS 8 11 91RUB5 T/ IW lANDSCRPE BIIFFEH qqEp - 139.0 LF. NHEAT RIpGE NNiK CPR WASH REWIRpAEN15 WANTTES TREES/ SHRUBS )0 >0 0 b A W wnam scusr.ara^ KWIK CAR WASH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LOT 4, MINOR SUBDIVISION OF LOT 2, ACE HARDWARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT SINATED IN THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 23, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 1 50UTH E SCALE: I/8" . -&Ri s Jioa~r,o, anlui ~YFi--~ rami ~ 2 e . . , . . ~ wr ~M Ir ~n_ v ~ i ~ ;;W;~ ~ u M~yp~lr ~ itivF 4 uEST ELEvATION SC4LE: I/8° . I'-0• 4CEYNoTes, L wn ~ PPC2 GU (GGl L a•aw~rub•lua mr++wo eor+~ eriesrviaa~ edcx. rcaaa - r.EOieu, FIELD 18•aa~xvK•. /aeNlrY+ac~W BilNGNRPL ~ (GQ.GR . @KYNIbU ecceHv L E1fA CORIiCE. DF1vIT C0.01t Y6 ~a,id¢ ualre: • L aenie nHOOixeo nLu+Wn arq¢rro'.Ni Wru i• IrquLaiRG ip.nvclEo GLGZWG.GLPZPG • M^.MG.EY_ ~ WILDWA/BI1E LIGYL PI%NREBEE EIEGiRICAL iLP G£ UGHi Pi I]'-0' YIGK 1 M'Y+.LQY MEiqL ItNi CCOR LL1M 6iEEL FRME PPINTCD - tOILiGH ll@ FIELO ~IX ♦MGQQiRY LCNiRCL JOIHT WTI EE<LYIT. cee eria~c~wxa~ IL OVERIEPD CGVR (ALIfi~1 y~,rrAaWOw~ see 7i~ rss wrs rveu y, ra. useo JLA• ~re Wee ea.LnFKX i 3 NORTN ELEVATION SCALE: Ve` . I'•0° .