HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/05/2004AGENDA WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY AUGUST 5, 2004 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority on Thursday, August 5, 2004, at 5:30 p.m., in the second floor conference room of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. L Call t6e Meeting to Order 2. Roll Call of Members 3. Approval of Minutes - June 1, 2004 4. Public Forum (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 5. Resolution 02-2004, A Resolution adopting amendments to the Authority's Bylaws 6. Executive Session under C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4)(e) &(b) for the purpose of determining matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for negotiations and/or instructing negotiators regarding the 38t' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard redevelopment project and receiving legal advice regarding specific legal questions related to acquisition and relocation issues at 38`b Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard redevelopment project. 7. New Business 8. Adjournment MINUTESOF WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY July 12, 2004 6:00 p.m. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewa] Authority meeting was called to order by Chair Hashem at 6:30 p.m. in the second floor conference room of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commissioners present: Mary Hashem Elwyn Kiplinger Janet L.eo Tom Mallinson Terrell Williams Also attending: Alan White, WRURA Executive Director (left meeting at 6:30 p.m. to attend City Council meeting and retumed at 6:55 p.m.) Corey Hoffmann, WRURA Attomey Charles Durbin Chuck Mandril Kelly Zielbauer Jeff Bailey, Cornerstone Group I Allan Hale, Comerstone Attomey John Lubitz, Cornerstone Attorney Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary 3. APPROVAL OF MINiJTES It was moved by Tom Mallinson and seconded by Elwyn Kiplinger to approve the minutes of June 1, 2004 as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT Charles Durbin 3703 Ames Street Mr. Durbin made a presentation showing sales tax figures from the Wheat Ridge Town Center and Kipling Activity Center as compazed to general sales tax figures for the city. His reseazch concluded that the projected sales tax revenue from these Two areas has not been generated. WRURA Minutes Page 1 07-12-04 Since Alan White was not present during this portion of the meeting, Chair Hashem requested that Mr. Durbin meet with Mr. White to go over the figures he presented to the Authority. Chuck Mandril 4669 Teller St. Mr. Mandril expressed his frustration with the urban renewal process that has been taking place at 38`h and Sheridan. He stated his objection to a process server serving a legal notice to the wrong person. Kelly Zielbauer 8640 West 93`a Place, Westminster Ms. Zielbauer owns the property at 5280 West 38`h Avenue. She also expressed frustration with the urban renewal process. She presented a time line of proposed closing times, requested extensions, conference calls, etc., that she stated did not ocwr as promised. She stated that she has received no response to her counter offer. She objected to the methods used by process servers. She stated that the manner in which her case has been handled has been inappropriate and, in some cases, amounts to hazassment. Mr. Hoffmann informed Ms. Zielbauer that avenues exist for her to pursue if she believes improper service has occuned Ms. Zielbauer accepted Chair Hashem's offer to meet with the Authority during executive session [o discuss details of her offer that could not be discussed during public meeting. (Alan White retumed to the meeting at 6:55 p.m.) 5. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Janet Leo and seconded by Elwyn Kiplinger to adjourn to executive session under CRS Section 24-6-402(4)(e) &(b) for the purpose of determining matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strateg,y for negotiations and/or instructing negotiators regarding the 38th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard redevelopment project and receiving legal advice regarding specific legal questions related to acquisition and relocation issues at 38th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard redevelopment projecL The motion passed unanimously. The executive session was convened at 6:57 p.m. Those present for the executive session were as follows: Mazy Hashem, Janet Leo, Elwyn Kiplinger, Tom Mallinson, Terrell Williams, Alan White, Corey Hoffmann, and Ann Lazzeri. The executive session was adjoumed for a brief recess at 6:57 p.m. and reconvened at 7:19 p.m. The executive session was adjourned at 730 p.m. WRURA Minutes Page 2 07-12-04 The regulaz meeting was reconvened at 730 p.m. 6. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to come before the Authority. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Terrell Williams and seconded by Elwyn Kiplinger to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:32 p.m. Mary Hashem, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secretary WRURA Minutes Page 3 07-12-04 Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colmado 80033 3032352846 303235-2857 (Fax) TO: Urban Renewal Authority Boazd Members FROM: Alan White, Executive Director ~v RE: Bylaws DATE: July 29, 2004 Attached is a Resolution adopting amendments to the bylaws of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority. The amendments are attached to the Resolution. The primary change is to the requirement for a quorum to conduct a meeting. The requirement has been changed from five members to "a majority of the appointed members." This way if the membership is changed by ordinance again, the bylaws will not need to be changed. What this means is that if the full 7 members are appointed, 4 members would constitute a quorum. In our present situation of 5 appointed members, 3 would constitute a quorum. If the appointed membership dropped to 4, 3 would constitute a quorum. I have also taken the opportunity to change all references to the Wheat Ridge Economic Development and Revitalization Commission to Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority. This name change occurred by ordinance a few years ago. A motion to adopt the Resolution is needed to amend the bylaws. Recommended Motion: "I move to adopt Resolution 02-2004." WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORTI'Y RESOLUTION NO. 02 -2004 Series of 2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE WHEAT RIDGE iJRBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE AUTHORITY'S BYLAWS WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge City Council adopted Ordinance No. 1229 on October 8, 2001 which, among other things, changed the name of the Wheat Ridge Economic Development and Revitalization Commission to the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority; and WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge City Counci] adopted Ordinance No. 1312 on October 27, 2003, which changed the membership of the Urban Renewal Authority to seven members; and WHEREAS, the Authority desires to amend its bylaws to reflect the changes enacted by the City Council in the above referenced ordinances and to make the Authority's requirements for a meeting quorum reflect the membership appointed under Section 25-24 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewa] as follows: Section 1. The amendments to the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority Bylaws, attached as Exhibit 1 hereto, aze hereby adopted. DONE AND RESOLVED this 5`h day of August 2004. Chair ATTEST: Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Corey Hoffmann, WRURA Attorney EXHIBIT 1 AMENDMENTS TO THE BYLAWS OF THE WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTI30RITY The following are amendments to the bylaws of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority, formerly known as the Wheat Ridge Economic Development and Revitalization Commission: Amendment 1. Article I, The Commission, Section 1, Name of Commission, is amended as follows: The name of the Commission shall be the "Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority Eeenofnie n ,CfRen« ana De..l^,;,^*;^n Ge-p-n:°°;an" hereinafter referred to as WRURA or the Authority. rT1ADf' r re""":°°:^" The name of the Authority Commissien was previously the "Wheat Ridge Economic Development and Revitalization Commission Tr,;an D°n°.. n„theiity." The Authority EeFiiWAssieR shal] consist of the number of nixe{9} members as provided by Section 25-24 SeetieH ~3-4 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Amendment 2. All references in the bylaws to the "Wheat Ridge Economic Development and Revitalization Commission" are amended to the "Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority" and all references to the "Commission" are amended to the "Authority." All references to "Commissioners" are amended to "Authority members: " Amendment 3. Article III, Meetings, Section 3, Quorum, is hereby amended as follows: The power of the Authority Eemffii$siea shall be vested in the Authority members re-nw:ss:er°f° •h°:eoF in office from time to time. A majority E€rvO of the appointed Authority members CommigsiefleFS shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting its business and exercising its powers and for all other purposes, but a smaller number may adjourn form time to time until quorum is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance, action may be taken by the Authority C-eaamissiea upon an affirmative vote of the majority of the Authority members Gerraipissienets present. Notice of motion to amend the bylaws was not made and seconded at the previous Authority meeting as required under Article IV, Section 1 of the bylaws. The Authority members consent to waive this requirement, as permitted under Article IV, Section 2 of the Bylaws, and as evidenced by the signatures below: Mary Hashem, Chair Elwyn Kiplinger Janet Leo Tom Mallinson Terrel] Williams Peter Ziemke AMENDMENTS ADOPTED this 5"' day of August, 2004. Mazy Hashem, Chair Attest: Secretary to the Authority