HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/07/2004AGENDA WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY September 7, 2004 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority on Tuesday, September 7, 2004, at 5:30 p.m., in the City Couacil Chambers of#he Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. L Call the Meeting to Order 2. Roll Call of Members 3: - Approval of Minutes - August 17, 2004 4. Public Forum (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may, be limited to 3 minutes.) 5. Execufive.Session under C.R.S. SecHon 24-6-402(4)(b) for the purpose of receiving legal advice regarding specific legal questions related to acquisifionand relocation issues at 38t6 Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard redevelopment project and the status of the DDA with Comerstone Group. 6. ' New Business A. Review of Land Use Case - SUP-04-03 7. Adjournment ; MINUTES OF WFIEAT RIDGE LTRBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY August 17, 2004 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority meeting was called to order by Chair Hashem at 5:40 p.m. in the council chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commissioners present: Mary Hashem Elwyn Kiplinger Janet Leo Tom Mallinson Terrell Williams Pete Ziemke Also attending: Alan White, WRURA Executive Director Corey Hoffinann, WRURA Attomey Art Fast, Kitchen Masters Mike Olivas, Kitchen Masters Terry McFadden, Pazadise Billiazds Charles Durbin, 3703 Ames St. Robert Wallace Jeff Bailey, Cornerstone Development John Lubitz, Attorney for Comerstone Development Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Terrell Williams and seconded by Janet Leo to approve the minutes of August 5, 2004 as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT No one indicated a desire to speak at this time. 5. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Terrell Williams and seconded by Elwyn Kiplinger to adjourn to executive session under CRS Section 24-6-402(4)(b) for the purpose of receiving legal advice regarding specific legal questions related to acquisition and relocation issues at the 38th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard redevelopment project. The motion passed unanimously. WRURA Minutes Page 1 08-17-04 The regulaz meeting was adjourned at 5:42 p.m. Executive session was convened in the lobby conference room at 5:43 p.m. Those present for the executive session were as follows: Mary Hashem, Janet Leo, Elwyn Kiplinger, Tom Mallinson, Terrell Wiiliams, Pete Ziemke, Alan White, Corey Hoffinann, and Ann Lazzeri. The executive session was adjourned at 6:42 p.m. The regular meeting was reconvened at 6:43 p.m. 6. NEW BUSINESS Based on discussion during executive session conceming the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) between the Authority and the Cornerstone Group, it was moved by Pete Ziemke and seconded by Tom Mallinson to authorize counsel to send written notice of defauit to the developer under Secrion 15.1 of the Agreement reciting two particular defaults: one being a default under paragraph 5.1 and t6e other being a default under paragraph 5.6; the £rst relating to financing commitments and the second relating to commitment from Walgreens for an irrevocable commitment to carry on this project. The motion passed unanimously. • Chair Hashem announced that the Authority has set a schedule for formal meeting times. From this time forwazd, the Authority will meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 5 30 p.m. unless need arises for special meetings. PUBLIC FORUM At the request of Art Fast (Kitchen Masters), the public forum was re-opened for further clazification of the motion made by Pete Ziemke. Mr. Ziemke explained that there are two defaults under the DDA. (1) Over a yeaz ago, the Authority was to have received a binding commitment from Walgreens to sign a lease on this project and that commitment has never been received; and (2) adequate financing has not been received at this point. The contract allows for a 30-day cure of the defaults. If the defaults aze not cured during the 30-day period, the contract is temunated. Chair Hashem further explained that the AuthoriTy has had indications that the existing loan agreement is not adequate and there is also a question of collaterization of the funds. Immediate possession hearings have been postponed because adequate funding has not been assured. Terry McFadden spoke from the audience and expressed his frusiration with the uncertainty of the lengthy process involved in this project. WRURA Minutes Page 2 08-17-04 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Mary Hashem, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secretary WRURA Minutes Page 3 08-17-04 SEP-0 1-04 07:50AM FROWHayes Phillips, Hoffmann 8 Car6erry, PC +3038251269 T-733 P.001/003 F-648 MA'YES, PHII,LIPS, HOBk'MANN & CARBERRY, P.C. Attomeys al Law Suite 450, The Markct Centcr 1350 Seventeeath Stxcct Denver, Colorado 80202-1576 Telephone: (303) 825-6444 Facsimile: (303) 825-1269 JoLa E. Hayes He[ben C. Plu7lips Corty Y. Hoffmann Kendra L. Cazberry DA1'E: 5EPTEMBLR I, 2004 TO: ALAN WHITE FROM! COREY HOFFMANN COPY TO FOLLOW BY MAII.: COMIV4ENTS: RE: WRURA # OF PAGES: 3 PAX 303-235-2857 NO OUR FACSIMILE NUMBER IS: (303) 825-1269 IF YOU HAV& ANY PROBLEMS, PL£ASE CnLL: (303) 825-6444 CONFIDENTL4LTt'Y NOTICE Hilary Mogue Graham Jo17n Slakely Wilson Jefferson H. Parker This facsimile ffaasmission and any accompanying documenrs contain informarion belonging m cfie sender which may be confidential and legally privilcged. This information is intended only for the use of the individual or cntity to whom this facsimile nansmission was sent as indicated above. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copyvig, dismbuaon, or action takea ia reliance on rhe conceau of the information conwined in chis facsimile 4ansmusion i5 surietly prolu'bited lf you have received this aansmission in error, please call us eollecc m arrange for che retum of the documents at our expence. Tlianlc you_ ` 9/f/04 Q: 1 USERSIWRURAI N?!!Tf-Fi1X.DOC SEP-01-04 07:50AM FROIMHayas Phillips, Hoftmann & Carberry, PC +3038251269 T-733 P.002/003 f-648 HAYES, PHILLIPS, HOFFMANN & CARBERRY, P.C. Atcomeys ac Taw Suite 450, The Mazket Center 1350 Seveateenrh Street Dcavcr, Coloiada 80202-1576 Telephane: (303) 825-6444 Facsimile: (303) 525-1269 John E. Hayes Hetber[ C. Phillips Corey Y. Hoffinann Rendra L. Carberry VVHEAT RIDGE URBAN REIVE'WAL AUx'kTORITY MEMORANDUM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTOTtS ALAN WHITE, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FI20M: COREX X. IiOk'F'MANN, ESQIV DATE: SEPTEMBER 1, 2004 RE: CORNERSTONE RESPONSE 7'O NO'I'1CE OF DEFAULT HiIary Mogue Graham Jolw Blakely Wilson Jefferson H. Pazkcr CONFiDE~"RAt Please let tius Memorandum summarize the response Teceived by Alan White on August 24, 2004 from Allan Hale, Esq. on behalf af The Cometstoae Group XXII, L.L.C. ("Comentone") to the Authorit}ts Notice of Default dated August 18, 2004. As a preliminary matter, by way of overview, it is appazent thac Comerstone now desires to iitigate rather than redevelop. Xnstead of choosing to address the defauit issues identified by the Authority, Comerstone instead responded with its own Norice of Default idenufying areas in which it believes that the Authority is in default both in the DDA and in the I,oan Agreement. With that in mind, I will summarize the "high poinu" of Comerstone's correspondence. Iaitially, Comerstone accuses dxe Authority of reneging oa an obligation to provide Comerstoae with certain proposed amendments co the various Project Agreements, wlrich inelude the DDA and the Loan Agreement. To rhe cont-ary, Cornerstone speeifieally indicated co Mary Hashem, Alan White and I on July 16, 2004, that they needed to have discussions with iheir lender prior to determining how to resolve outsranding issues with the Loan Ageement, and that they would get back to us. In fact, I subsequently had conversarions with 7ohn Lubitz of Allan Hale's law firm in whzch Mr. Lubicz indicated they were srill discussing various issues with the lender axxd had not been able to yet find a rtsolutioa. Thus, Corneistone's correspondence blatantly mischarncterizes what was to occur following the 7uly 16, 2004 meeting. Regarding the specific items idenrified as being in default, Comerstone indicates the following. As to the Loan Agreement, it indicates that the Authoricy has not maintained the DDA in full force and effect, in violation of Section 2.03, has not made the Closing Deliveries 911104 Q:1 U5£RS1WR URAI DEEd UL7 RESPONSE-MOI.DOC SEP901-04 07:50AM FROM-Hayas Phillips, Hoffmann 8 Carberry, PC +3030251269 T-733 P.003/003 F-648 September i, 2004 CONFlQENTlAI Page 2 required by Secrion 2.04, has breached "several" (unspecified) Representations and Warranties in violarion of Seccion 3.01, has not provided good and marketable title for the Properry for which reimbursement is requested in violation oFSection 4.01, and has faited to give weekly updates in violadon of Section 5.02. Regarding the DDA, Comerstone indicates that the Authoriry shouid be estopped (prevented) from asserting a default under the DDA under Section 5.1, because of the existence of the executed I,oan Agreement. T,ikewise, Comerstone accuses the Authoriry of not using diligent and good faith efforts to finance its obligations under the DbA pursuant to Section 11.2. Finally, Comerstone accuses rhe authority of not acting in good faith pursuant to Section 19.15. Regazding the Line of Credit Note, Comerstone alleges that the Authority breached its obligarion to provide "Collateral" as defined in the Note. The various items of default identified above appeaz to indicate that Cornezstone is ignoring rhe fact it was not able to fund the obligations uader the Loan Ageement. Puc another way, Cornerstone appears to be preparing to azgue that it was only obligated io fund closed sales or completed condemnation cases, as opposed to immediate possession, because those aze the only instances ia which rhe Authoriry could get "good and mazketable ride." This apparent reading of the DDA and the Loan Agreement is strained at best, inconsistent with its terms as a whole, and certainly inconsistent with the course of conduct betwem the par[ies as it relates to Comcrstone's push to obtain immediace possession. Finally, Comerstone predictably characterizes as "bad £aith" the Authorityts raising of the issue regazding the Walgreen's commirment, and reiterates that it stands ready to perform under the I,oan Agreement so long as there is sufficient coilateral. Whiie many of the issues identified above are factual in nature, it seems very reasonable in light of Comerstone's apparent inabiliry to fund the immediate possession deposits to obtain assurances about Walgreen's commituient. Comerstone ultimately concludes its lerter by demanding that the Authoriry withdraw its Notice of Default, and provide adequace assurance of its performance, or Comerstone will pursue its remedies. Accordingly, it appears that the Authoriry can do one of three things. First, it can withdraw its Notice of Defauit based on Cornerstone's response. Second, it can wait out the thirty (30) day period in the Authority's August 18, 20041etter and rhen temiiaate the DDA. Or ihird, in light of Cornexstone's response indicating thai it has no intention to cure the default, the Authority can respond with correspondence immediately terminating the DDA and at the same tune respond to ihe various inaccuracies in Comerstone's response, in order to "set the table" for what would appeaz to be inevitable litigation. I look forward to diseussing with you how you wish to proceed. 9irroa Q:IUSER37tYRURAIDEF.1 ULT RESPONSbMO1.DOC Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303235-2846 3032352857 (Fax) TO: Urban Renewal Authority Board Members FROM: Alan White, Executive Director RE: Community Development Department Case No. SUP 04-03 DATE: September 1, 2004 Attached are materials illustrating and describing a proposed car wash at 4470 Wadsworth. The lot is located just north of Pep Boys and south of the under-construction Jefferson County Housing Authority office building. The property is zoned C-1, Commercial-One. Background Creation of the lot in question was accomplished by the approval of a subdivision plat in 2002. Jefferson County Housing Authority purchased one lot and S&O Development purchased thelotin question. Under the City's Zoning Code, car washes require the approval of a special use permit. The Code also requires the review by WRURA of land use applications in an urban renewal area. The Code requires a written recommendation from WRURA based on its review of the application "against the provisions of the urban renewal plan with respect to the land area, land use, design, buiiding requirements, timing and procedure." You are not making a recommendation on whether the specia] use should be approved or not. Your task is to deternune if the use as proposed is in compliance with the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Redevelopment Plan. Your finding will be one factor to be considered in the approval process. The Special Use Process A special use is one which is not pernutted by right in a certain zone district. A special use is a discretionary use which, if properly designed, developed, operated and maintained, may be approved for any specific location within a zone district wherein the special use is enumerated. The special use process consists of a pre-application meeting with staff, a neighborhood meeting, formal application, and referral period to City departments and outside agencies for review and comment. After the comment period, notice is given to landowners with properties immediately adjacent to the property in question. They have 10 days to submit any objection to the use in writing. The special use can be approved administratively if there aze no objections. If objections are received, the request is scheduled for a public hearing before City Council for consideration. The Urban Renewal Plan The Wadsworth Boulevard Coiridor Redevelopment Plan was adopted in October 2001. Many of the concepts of the redevelopment plan refer to the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Transportation, Land Use, and Design Plan adopted in May 1999. This plan identifies three areas of potential major redevelopment activity: Time S~uare, the southwest corner of 44`h and Wadsworth and the southwest comer of 38 and W adsworth. The subject property is not included within any of these major redevelopment areas, and is considered appropriate for commercia] infill development in the corridor plan. Little additional guidance is given by either the redevelopment plan or the corridor plan. The corridor plan contains guidelines for design within the corridor and these are attached as Attachment 1. The Application A description of the car wash is attached as Attachment 2. Attachment 3 is a site plan of the property as it is proposed to be developed. Elevations are included in the set of plans. The car wash building is oriented to the front of the property. This facilitates stacking of cazs on the north side of the building while waiting to enter the washing facility. Vacuums are located to the east of the building and are used after cars exit the wash. The layout will impede circulation between uses in the area between 44`" and 45`h. It would be desirable to maintain a drive aisle in front of Pep Boys from 44~' to 45th, although there is no legal cross access easement on the Pep Boys property. A cross access easement was created when the Ace hardware plat was approved, but it ternunates at the north line of the car wash lot. There is no mechanism available with this application or the previous subdivision plat to create this off-site access easement. The building will be constructed of brick with some architectural details provided on the side facing Wadsworth. Findings The use will not be a major tax generator for the City. Circulation will be restricted with the location and layout of the site; however, the Wadsworth Corridor Plan does not show this connection to be a major parallel route to Wadsworth as in some other azeas in the Corridor. The stage was set for this type of use when the subdivision of the larger area (this car wash lot and the Housing Authority lot) was approved. The shape and dimensions of the lot hinder its use for uses that may be more beneficial to the City in terms of sales tax revenue. Design Gwdelines for Wadsworth Boulevazd Corridor M exci[ing pedesaian environment on Wadswotth will cake shape wich public amenities and priva[e development coordina[ed to play their parts in creating an atvactive Qlace to shop and spend cime. Pedesvian-scaled buildings, landscaped places to walk, shop and si[ will be an a[[rac[ion that is a plus for businesses and residents in Whea[ Ridge. `fhese design guidelines are intended [o be a general guide m private developmenc in che Corridor, focusing on the area between the John Elway Ford dealership and Time Square. A fu11 se[ of design guidelinet and/or standards such as those dealing with building appearance is ouaide the scope of this plan, and is recommended to be done as a followup [o [his work. In the meantime, however, chese guidelines will provide interim direc[ion to enable developers and desigrters [o make good planning and design decisions in concert wich che public framework of streea, access and screetscape. I'roperty Access Properry access from Wadsworth will be provided at regular intervals by means of che access grid syrstem, as per the recommenda[ions on transportation. Developers will be responsible for creating [his system and rela[ing buildings [o chese pedescrian and vehide access pachs. Direct access co individual properties and businesses will be taken from the grid rystem, as shown on the illuscracive sice plans. Nore that [his is a system of controlled access, in wnjunc[ion wich a landscaped median, which will Iimit access m cenain locations along Wadswor[h. ~ Building Zocatson and Orirntation ' Buildings should be loca[ed on the right-of-wa}' line of the access grid, if possible, adjacent ro[he sidewalk. Secbacks from the access grid should be minimal, and if they exisc, should be landscaped in a manner compatible wich rhe pedescrian environmenc. ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 / 1 / / 1 ~ / / 1 1 ~ / / Buildings on each parcel should be orienced wich their Front encries Facing direcdy roward the sidewalk on the access grid. Ocher encries may serve cuscomers and users direcdy from the parking areaz adjacenc co che buildings. The eEfea should be co encourage a pedestrian walking environment that is reinforced by building storefroncs and encries. See Figures V-15 and V-17 for illustrations of sice plans that reinforce the in[ent of rhese design guidelines. Building Height, Bulk and Massing Buildings should be sized and their massing arranged co allow buildings behind them co be seen from the screec. Long, uninterrupted building facades near Wadsworth should be avoided because [hey block the visual access of other businesses behind them. Building heights of small pad retail buildings near Wadswor[h ma}' mnge from one ro rwo s[ories. Building heighcs on (arger parcels may range up to chiee stories. ATTACHMEIV°i' 1 62 V. WADSWORTH BOIJLEVARD CORRIDOR PL1N ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ , ~ , , ~ ~ , , , ~ , , , , , 1 , , , , ' , , , , , , , ' , , , , ~ , , ~ Parking Each parking area should be located in proximiry [o the business [hat it serves. Envies and layoucs of parking should be coordinated wirh adjacent parking lo[s [o facilica[e ease of cusromer movemen[ from lo[ [o loc Lo[s should no[ be funaionally isolated from each ochec Parking should be locaced behind or beside commercial buildings. Parking areas shoiild be screened b}, combinacions of plancing and walls Zandscape Landscape buffers should be provided be[ween the parking areas andthe adjacen[ accus grid and sidewalk. This buffer should include trees coordinaced wich the overall sveec cree plan, and ground cover or low shrubs which do not block vision inco the parking azeas. Landscape should be concencraced on the edges of the parking areas and che building entries. Sire Lighting Ligh[ing of parking bts and landscaping should not glare onto adjacent public righ[s-of-wap and proper[ies. Accent ligh[ing should be concentrated on building en[ries, and general ligh[ing on parking areas. Lighcing for parking should be coordinated wich o[her properry owners on the block, and the Ciry of Wheat Ridge. S:gna%e Ac a minimum, signage mus[ be in conformance wich exis[ing signage regula[ions in the Cit}, of Whea[ Ridge. Monument signs are encouraged. Escernally illumina[ed signs are preferred. Signs on buildings are allowed. Corpora[e logos are allowed in harmony wich the building's architecmre. Arthitectural Daign Sloping roof forms are encouraged where possible, esQecially on smaller buildings. Larger buildings wich fla[ rooFs should provide facade and parapet [rea[ment cha[ has an articula[ed roo0ine, as viewed from the stree[ or parking areas. No sryle of architecmral design is advocaced for chis area; Favored archicecmral designs should be small, arciculaced massings with window, door and roof de[ails, and ocher elements [ha[ provide a human scale. Building Colorr and Materia& Building marerials should be namral, to the acren[ possible. Facada should be faced wich brick or o[her masonr}t or stucco, wi[h appropria[e decailing. To the ex[en[ possible, corporate signs and logos should be inmrporated into the archi[ectural forms of the buildings in a compatible way, and sized in reasonable proporzions m[he buildings. Building colors should be a range of earchcones, wi[h use of primary or brigh[ or accent mbrs kep[ [o a minimum. 63 V. WADSWORTH BOULEVARD CORRIDOR PLAN S~O Development, LLC deve/oping tum-key businesses To Whom It May Concern: May 25, 2004 S& O Development LLC is proposing to deyelop a 120' conveyor Kwik car wash system at 4470 Wadsworth. This state of the art faciliry will be owned and operated by Rob and Judy Wilcox. The purpose of this car wash is to meet the community and surrounding azea's needs for a caz wash by providing a cost efficient, environmentally friendly and high quality caz wash. The caz wash will be an exterior only wash. Meaning it will not be full service with detail bays. Although it will not be full service there will be an attendant on site during hours of operation. An attendant will open and close the car wash but also provide for on site presence to cut back on trash and loitering while all the time providing a friendly atmosphere for our customers. Construction will consist of an all-structural brick building in earth tones with a cornice cap. The lot will be professionally landscaped. This is all done to provide a warm pleasing aimosphere that adds to its environment-never taken away. T'he benefits of our car wash besides the superior construction aze: virtually no waiting in line, attendant operated and environmentally friendly. The conveyor tunnel car wash with its unique ability to wash more than one caz at a time allows us to wash more cars in a day with very little wait time. This keeps the process flowing with very little need for stacking. As discussed eazlier, an attendant will keep the pmperty clean and aid in the fiow of traffic. All of out caz washes aze built asing a water re-claim sys[em. We can re- claim up to 95 % of the water used to wash a caz. By using this system we can reduce our water meter to a one-inch, allowing us to use less water and discharge less into the city waste system. Utilizing the MacNeil wash system and Rwik Industries 30+ years' experience, this caz wash will stand out in the community as a prune example of a business that exceeds_ the community's expectations of how you wash your caz. ATTACHIVIEN°T 2 2421 West Edgewood Drive - Jeflerson City, MO 65109 PREPARED FOR: KAHN CONSTRUCTION ATTN: THOMAS KAHN 5600 SOUTH QUEHEC STREET, SUITE 215A GREENWOOD VILLAGE. COLORADO 80111 PHONE: (303) 757-5515 PREPARED BY: ENGINEERING SERVICE COMPANY ATTN: DAVID ADDOR, P.E. 1300 S. POTOMAC STREET, SUITE 126 AURORA, COLORADO 80012 PHONE: (303) 337-1393 ScbmBiL.11am 1. RLL WORK WIIFIIN THE PUBLIC PoGHT-OF-WAY OR FJSEMEM Sk41 CONFORM TO THE CRY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENdNEERINC REGUUTIONS uID OE9GN STANDMDS. 2. IJl PPPROVED RIGM-OF-WAY CANSiRUCTION PFRMR NND A MUNICIPAL CONrtN(:TOR"5 IICENSE IS REQUIRED PPoOR TO ANY WORK COMMENCklG W(R11N THE GUBLIL RIGHf-Oi-WAY. MlY WORK GERFORMED WfIHIN STATE RIGM-Ot'-WAY SH4LL REOUIRE AN APPRUV£D 5lATE CONSfRUClION PERMR PRIOR TO PNY WORK COMMENCING. 3. R SHRLL BE THE COMRACIOP'S R6PONSBILIIY TO N011FY THE OwNQt/DEVELLOPQt OF ANT PROBLEM IN CONFORYMG TO THE nPPROVED CONSRnICiION PWJS FOR wm EIEYEM OF THE PPOPOSED MPROVEMENTS PRroR TO IIS CONSIRUCl10N. 4. R SIULL BE THE R6PON51611-fIY OL THE DEVFLOPER OURING CONSIHUCfqN ACTMIIES TO R60LVE CONSiRULT10N VROBLENS DUE TO CH4NGm WNOrti0N5 OR DFSICN ERRORS FIJfAUNlERm H+ THE COMFGCTOR DUMNC THE PROGRESS OF ANY PoFIION OF THE PROPOSFD WORK. IF, IN THE 0%NION OF THE CRYS iNSPECTOR, THE MODIFMATIONS PROPOSm HY THE DEYELOPER TO THE AVPRpVED PIANS MVOLVE SIGNI(IUNi CHANG6 TO THE CIURAGIEft OF THE WORK OR TO MURE CONfIGUWS PUBLIC OR PRNAIE IMPROVEMEMS. THE DEVEIOPQt SfWl BE FESGONSIBLE FOR SlI8MR11NG REYISEO BE TO THE 5. BLUE SfN(ES - THE CONIRACTOR SHRl1 CONTACT BLUE SrAKES fOR LOG4110N OF UNDERCROVND CfS. F1EC1kIC. PND IEtEPHONE U1ILRIES AT lFAST 18 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMFNCEMEM OF ANt' CONSIRUCiION. PMONE 303-534-6700. 6. ALL UfIl1fY PoLES SHRLL BE RELOCATED PRIOR TO THE PUCEbENT OF CONCREIE. 7. WIM NOTFlCAIqN OF THE RESGECiNE OWNQt. A0.1USf RIMS OF ALL CLFANWTS, Al4NHO1.ES, VPLVE fAVQ25. PND SURVEY NONUMENlS PRIOR TO THE FlN4L PAVING IJFf. S. THE COMRRCtOR SIVLL PROVIDE ALL UGMS. SIGNS. flVtPoCADES, RAGMQI, OR QiHER OEVICES NECESS4IiY TO PRQJIDE FOR THE PUBUC SAFEfT IN ACCORDPNCE W11)1 THE CURRENi NPNUPL ON UMfORM 1RAfFlC CANrttOL DENCES. 9. lHE COMPFCTOR $IWl PROHDE NM AWMNN IMGRESS AND EGRESS TO PRNAIE PROPfRiY PD.l4CENT TO THE WORN THHOWHOIR THE PERIOD OF CANSIRUCTION. VRIOR TO BEqNNING ANY WORK. THE CONRWROR $1ULL OBTNN A WRRTEN AGREEMIXf FROM THE AFfECfm PROPERIY dWNER(5) INPRCiED BY TH6 ACCE55. 10. PRIOR TO lliE FlwLL UR OF SURfACE PAVEMEM. N1 UNDERGROUNO IJIIIM FWNS SHNL BE IHSfnLLm AND SE1i.nCE CUNNECTONS SRIBBED OUL BEYOND THE fl4CK Of CVftB/SiDEWaUC l1NE WHEN AtLOWm HY THE UIILRY. SFRVICE FitON PU&JC UiWliES AND iROM S449PFY SEWERS SH411 BE ANOE AVAItIBLE FOR FACX LOT IN SUCM A MRNNER THAT R WILL NOT BE NECESSPRY TO D6NRB THE SIREET PAVEMpJi. CURB. GUITER, AND SIDEWAU( WHEN CONNECTIONS ARE YPDE 11. A MtAR COPY OF '!5 BlNll' PtPfiS SNP11 BE SUBMiitm TO THE CrtY OF MHFAT RIIX;E PRiOR TO FlNnL nCCEPfNJCE Oi ME WORK. 12. THE CONRWCTOR SH4LL NOTIfY THE Cltt INSPECTOR AT LE45T 26 HWRS PRiOR TO ME DESiRFD INSPECTION. 13. NO Fft110N OF THE SRtEEf MAY BE FlNPL PAVED UNTIL PLl SR2EEl IJ(dtIWC IMPRQJEYENIS DESIGNED TO SER/E THE SIREF! (AND/OR DEVELOPYENTj HAK BEEN LOAIVLEiED. 14. AIRVEY MONUMENTS MU5T BE SEf WIiHIN 60 DAY$ OF COMPLETqN OF PRQIELi. HlqS OF BFi1N&GS: IHE &SIS Of BEPRING$ IS FROIA iHE MINOR SUBUMSION OF LOT 2 RCE HPADWME LOT UNE ADJUSIMEM PLqT. FOUND 3.25' BRASS CRP FOUND AT THE CEMER 1/4 OF SECTION 23. T.3S., R.59W., OF THE 6M P.N. AT TIE INIERSECIION OF WEST HTH AVENUE h w/•DSVORIH BOULEVPRD. AN OFF1qAL DEVFLOPMENT PLAN OF THE CRY OF WHEAT RIDGE COAIBINm PRFLMINARY-FlNAL DEVELOPMtM PUW LOT 4, MINOR SUBDMSION OF LOT 2 ACE HARDWARE LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT PIAT, SI'R1A7ED IN THE NE 1/4 OF SEC710N 23. T.3S.. R.89W.. OF THE 6iH P.M. cm OF wHFAr krocF, COUNTY OF JEFfER50N. SfATE OF COLORADO SHEET INDEX COVER SHEET S1 SI1'E PLAN S2 PRELIMINARY GRADING, DRAINAGE, & EROSION CONTROL PLAN............ 53 PRELIMINARY UTILTTY PLAN . . S4 LANDSCAPE PLAN Ll BUILDING ELEVATIONS (CAR WASH) BS im~ ~ LOT 4. MINOR SUBDMSION OF LOT 2 ACE H4RDWME LOT LJNE ADJUSTMEM PIAT, CIiY OF WHFAT RIDGE, COUNIY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORPDO. S1IE OAT/. TOTAl AREA Of PROPERtt (LOT 4): 38.357 SOVME FEET OR 0.eB06 RCRES BUIIDING COVERACE: 3,264 SWME FEEf (8X OF TOiP1) tANpSCPPE COVEMCE: 8.382 SOUARE FEE! (229. OF TOTPL) TOTRI lOT COVERAGE 8Y ALL SiRUCIURES PND PAYiNG: 29.915 SOUME GEET ()85 0F TOTPL) ~Rl9lTlG' HNM'~Y REGUUR 1 2 H4101GPPED ~ tNRH 8' A5lE ' WfR~ ' N' GRO55 FLOOR ARFA 3.264 SOUORE FEEf RESIOINIW. UNI15: MONE OET14fY: N// BUILDING HQGM 5 50 FEEi AU%IMUM IN T15 ZONE DIStkILT (C-1). PROPOSED BUIIDING HDCHi IS ONE SIORY. (SEE THE BUIIDING EIEYAl10N5 FOR ra ~cr onacHSaN.) .SE181d5 ~I6HNIV.BZIlPfD AIVlRi'D 4 1 1 9 owr~Exs coxncirwnou~ THE ecLow sIcxeo rnmeR(s). oa LEcuLr ocsww..FO ncwr(s) nHvtcov. DO HEREBY RCREE THAT THE PROPERtt LEGALLY DESGftIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPm Ix ACCORWNCE wIM TNE USES, RESRiICilONS, AND COND(IlONS COMNNm IN 1HI5 PWi. ANO AS MAY OiHEKWISE BE REOUIRED BT IAW. I WE) Nf[IHER RECOGNIZE 1HAT THE APPROVPL Of A FlN4 DEVELOPMENT PUN (PND OR PIAn DOES NOi CREATE A VESiED PROPERiY RIGM. vESfEO PROPEHlY RIGHTS AIAY ONLY APoSE PNO ACIX2VE PUSURM TO THE PROVI510N5 OF SECTION 26-6(C) OF MT0.E I OF THE CODE Of tqx5 ov n{e cm or xmenr aioce. SiCNANRE Oi OWNER(5) OR ACEM(S) Ku1N CONSrttUClION STAIE OF COLORhDO ~55 COUN~ OF THE FOREGOING INSR2VMEM WAS ACKNOWLEDGm BEFORE ME THIS WY OF___ _ . 2_. BY THOA445 KPHN OF KPHN COSiRUCT10N WITNESS E!T WWD PND OFFICIAL SEP1 W COMMISSION IXPIRES: - nPPROVED THIS OnY Of _ RIDGE PtANNiNG COMMISION. tlrv COIIN[9_ CETIFlGIM)NPPPROVED iHIS _ OAY OF 210GE CIIY COUNqL 20 , HY THE WHGT 20 , BY THE WHE1T CrtY SFAL FTIEST' Cirv IXERK Cm~ARON: I, BRER L MILL£ft, A PROFESSIONRL LWD SURJEYOR REGSiEREO IN THE STAIE OF COLOINDO. CEHIIFY 1HAi ON 1H15 _ DAY O( 20 , Tf15 PIqN W/5 AREPN2ED UNOER HY DIRECf ~510N, PND TO THE BESr OF W PROFE590NAL KNOWiIDGE PND BELIEf 5 NCCURATE PROFESSIONPL L5. M. 27609 FOR ANO qJ BQ1Alf Of QJGMEERING SERJICE COMPMfY CM MN RFCORDER'< Cpm{K M' lN5 DOCUMENT ACCQ'1FD FOR FltJNG IN THE OFi1CE Oi lHE COUNiY CIERK PND RECOROER OF JFFfER50N COUNIV AT GqDpl, COLORA00, ON THE _ OAT OF . 2Q--. IN BOOK-AT PAGE /5 ftECEPIION NO JEfFQt50N COUNtt CtERK M!D RECORDER ATTACHMENT 3 raxm rr r tniE~-d-~ ~T0 4 WEST ELEVATION sud.e: IV. 1'_0• T L e•easw~a`vgwNtGeRroar~rt FACE C11(CGIGF. DALM.'N) 1 DdxYMM' WNMGDUD 81RlC11RdL (CCICIi-YANTAN 1~)iE1.D. S E'dx~luJi• IW1N5C'J'b BTLICtWdL (fGL4l! - C3NYLN A'A.4EJAGC'BR. i. EIFA Gq@OGE DRYNi C0.Q¢'I¢B 41.Ybfi 011~IE'. 6. 4ElR NYA~ NJS11Mf1 BTOFBimNf Wil1 P ~YJIL4TNfi lB~ i. W6DNG.ErtELIWlFMiWl.BFE ~ 1 k'M1LW tElAL Mdl p.a' ."R WiH STEEL IRN£ PANIFD - TO M41CN ttE ffr1D 0. MG%Td[Y CL1itpCl .bM MN ]E1L/Jit. ~ aiwcnwa_ s o~.~b eaae (.uutwn>. ao. tN~'8 ta+r+lE a,•~~~. EXfERIDR FMISN SCNEDULE S of5paPnR7 MMidLmatcLqt M/~2 MIOI caawt eQ ren emrwum sem ~ aorwa TG6715 a m ¢ N O ~ ~NA 0~9 rc m0~ LL oa- ~ ~¢4 M ~O W 8m ~gm On ~ ot~ NJ~ (j) a 3 ~ an HIX hGN 2L A4.1 Dasm aEVAnas 1 50UTN ELEVATION scAtr:: ve• , ,,-m• 2 Easr ELEvarioN 6CALE: 10 - ,._W 3 NORTN ELEYATION SCALF-- vr . r-e• 'NW CORNER Of T1E HE t/s SECPON 23, T.35., R.69W., ~E 61H P.M. ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ' WE$i46IXAVENUE I I (50' R.O.W) , E ~ AN OFFlCW. DtYELOPMENT PLAN OF iHE CIN OF WHEAT RIDGE WMBINED PRELIMIWIRY-FlNAL DEVELOPMENT PIAN LOT 4, MINOR SUBDMSION OF LOT 2 WCE HARDWARE LOT LINE AD.IUSI'MENT PUT, SfTUATED IN iHE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 23, T.3S., R.89W., OF 1HE 8tH P.M. IXfY OF WHEAT WDGE, COUHfY OF JEFFERSON. SUTE OF COLOiUDO I I ~ - - - - - - - -s- - - - - ~ - L 1-i.- - - - Ia 1 I I I - I ~-----~-----~----I~~- T r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 A I i I I i I 3 I i I f I~ I ~ i ~,raeandrsur ~ ~ s I I ~ I ~ .Q~li'6LY.171"/Q'@a66S///A/IR77 I ~ i XM~G1 I ~ I I { ' I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I ~ I I I ' f ( Itl ~ I ! : ~ o I I ~ f .~X[~lO7 I3 p g ~ ~ I ' j^ I ~ I ALS/!(~Y,Lff ~ LFB~GI \Iz m> ~ I I s~~ Op ~ ~ ~ i i 'f 3 ~ I ~ I \ I I I I `1.~ I3 ' ( ~ I 1 I L? ~ I I ' i-- O-~ 29.7 ,o.o• r'l azs' ~ e I ( ~ I I S 8 O ~ I 102.0' 1 ~ N89'I0'ab'E ~ bA.60' - 0 I sw CoRN[x or THE NE 1/4 OF SECMIN 23, T.35.. R.69W.. 'Oi THE 6fH P.M. (FOUNp 3.25' BR4S5 GP M RHNGE BO% S7PMPED f~1Y OF WHFAT RIDGE L5. NO. 13212-) ~ac~coc~rsa.. q go 0g0 ko 0 I ~ ` tl~1-_._... • _ J ' ' ~1 \ ~ 1 \ 1 LB 0~'u 0g0 0g01~ ~ rA P1mI r@ IA~H fl1515 OF 1HE &515 OF BEARWGS I$ FROM THE MINOR SUBDMSION OF LOT 2 ACE HRRDWME lOt t1NE AOJUSiMEN! PIAT. ~ FOUNO 3.25' 8(tA55 CnP f0UN0 AT THE CENIER 1/4 OF SECFON 23, T.iS.. R.fiVW !1F TNF ATl PY RT TI( INi[RCGI'illlN nF 2 12 30 ~ 0 6 20 a0 scuc: i' = 2a• UNE,29TA TABI.E camsE er~ne~c aacwcc u xovmizw aoer l] M9SBbY ]6.91' u xov~o'aov sesx' u IBVm'~e4 tYe.]T l5 $QT15'~94 1]9.µ' ~E 59V~0'wY JW.pI LEGENO - - IXIST. ElEC1RICAL UNE - -n- - IXIST. 54NRARY SlWER l1NE PROP. 54NRA4Y SEWER IINE - -~s- - IXIS1. $iORM SEWER LINE - - IXIST- walEH IJNE 1- PROP. WRIER tJNE D(5T. G0WOUR IINE m PROP. COMOUR IJNE , FENCE LINE . mn. cu~NOUT • PROP. ClFAHOUT O IXISI. MnNHOLE O GROP. NANHOIE e GROP. WATER MEfER n E%IS1. FlRE HYD~ ef] FROP. tJGM PoLE Qo NUMBER OF PaRHING S1P115 ' o p(ISI. TEIEPHONE PEDESlnl . . IXISI. WATER VP1VE Oi PROPoSED VRCUUM SrP110N OY IXISiING UGM POLE O9 PROPOSED SIGN O4 PROPOSED BUitDiNG. fF=5396.00 (RE: ARCHRECNRPIS) O6 PROPOSED VEHICIE CUUNVEYOR O PROPOSED SGNAI l1GHT Oi PROPOSEA ASPHCLT OB IX511NG NDJRCEM BUIIDING O PROPOSED PoP-R1P ER040N PROiECl10N 10 PROPOSED WiLEi SRtULTVRE Q cqoaosco aeraNnic wnu ~ CFMERIJNE OF Sv.LLE O8 PROPOSED CLFANOUi Q PROPOSED 6' S4NRARY SERNCE UNE Q PROPOSED 4' SNIRARY MANHOLE Q PROPOSED 4' SWRAftY WJlHOtE (8Y OlHERS) Q PROPOSED 8' S41RPR1' SEWIIt LINE E3 PROPOSED 8" SnHRFRY SEWQi (BY OTHERS) O9 PROPOSED 1.5' WaIER SERVICE IINE ~ PROPoSFD 1' WATER MEIER Yt PROPOSED 1" TAP ~ PROPOSED 10'a12' lRlSH ENClOSURE EASEMENTSCHEOULE EO IXISIINC Cfl055 ACCE55 EASEAIEM ~ IXISIING 8' UfIIRY FISEMEM (TO BE VACATED HY SEPERAIE DOCUMElIn ~ EXISIiNG 25' MGRE55 X EGREA EASQtENi AN OFFlCWL DEVELOPMEM PLAN OF THE CRY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMBINm PREtJMINARY-FlNAL DEVELOPIAENT PLAN LOT 4, MINOR SUBDNISION OF LOT 2 ACE HAROWARE LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT PLAT, SRUAiED IN THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 23, T.3S.. R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. pIY OF WHFAT RM COUMY Oi JEFFERSON, SfATE OF COLORADO WE5T46TfAVENUE (50' ft.O.W.) I ~N 3 -----------T----------- r I I I I I r I I I f i I i I I I I I I 4 I ~ "IAWAUV Lff 1 I jI 1 ~ ~ ~ I PROPOSED am* IEHE ARE NO iLOODPWN IJMI15 IN h L ON-SfIE ORAIN4GE GAGUIIE$ SHOM9 1 ON-SIIE DR/JNAGE FAGUIlES SHOWI RlNDo ciw BRASisiv CAP FOUND AT THE 2 12 30 ~ 0 6 20 60 SCF1E: 1' = 20 ------0o------ ons. coHrouR ur+e PROP. WNiOUR LINE PROP. Y= CATCH" CURB RND GUI'IER PROP. 1'= SPILL, CURB RND GU11ER PROP. H451N BOUNDARY ~ PROP. FLOW MROW ~ ENEftGENCY OVERROW pp OUTtET GROIECiION O 9LT FFNCE ~ VEHiCIE 1RPCKING CONTROL Q1 DESICN POINf A &SIN UESIGNAPON 1.00 &ISIN AREA IN ACRES ~ A ipAPoRARf SEqMFNi flMRIER C/.Ml4511NG OF A FlLTER FABPoC SR2EfCHED ACNO55 AND ATTACHm TO SIIPPoftI1NG PoSR AND ENINENCHm. $ILT LENCE 5 CONSIHUCIEO OF SYNIHLIIC OP NRNRAL (BURtM) FLLTEF iABPoC N1D PoSIS. WIRE iENCING M4Y ALSO BE USm TO SUPPoRi THE GILTQI FPBRIC IN RDq110N TO THE Po515. 1. TO IMEItCEM NN OElAIN SA1ALL NAWNR OF SEDIMEM FRON pISTURBm AREhS DIMING CONSIRUC110N OPERATIONS W ORDER i0 PREVEM SEDIMEM RtOU LEXnNC THE SrtE 2. TO DECFF/SE THE VELOCIIY OI SMEET FLO'MS PND LOW-TO-MODERIIE L£v4 CHNINEL ROWS. i. SEf THE SiPI(ES. 3. SfMIE FlLIER M5IERVL i0 SfANES PND IXIENO R INTO THE iREHCN. ' 2. IXCAVATE A 6'x4' iRENCH UPSIDPE PLONG THE LINE OF SfAKES d. fl4CKFlLL AND COMPACT THE IXGVATED SqL (Z> A STONE SIiHLIZm PAD LOfAiE) RT PqNlS 0F VEHICUVR INGRES$ ANO EGRE55 ON N CqiS1RUCMIN SIIE. ~ TO REDUCE THE ANOUM OG MUD 1RMlSPoPiED OMO PUBIIC HWDS ITY MOiOR VEHICLES OR RUNOiT. / (0) PUCE 1" GRRYEI N1 iRONt OF THE OWFlCE PIATE TO PROIECT THE WRET SiRUCNRE. IF THE OUILEf SfRUCNRE CONTPINS A WEHt, KEEP THE GRAYEL IN fROM OG THE ORIFlCE PIAIE PND BELOW THE WaR. an~Er SIMICIVVE f' tlN~41 -5f~A1U1E~ ........e m Q 0[/7Z.6TPF07FC770N ' I 6 2< j; 3 T I ~ ~ ~ ~ ' I I I I I I ~ ~--0 I I I I I I I I I ~ I A ,w oFFIcuL oeVELoPMorr auw oF nie crrr OF wHenT Rioce COMBINm PRELIMINARY-FlNAL DEVELOPMENr PUW LOT 4, MINOR SUBDMSION OF lAT 2 ACE W4RDWARE LOT UNE ADJUSt1AENT PLAT, SITUAiED IN 7HE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 23. T.3S., R.69W.. OF 1HE 6TH P.M. qIY OF WHEAT MDGE. COUMY OF JWFERSON. SfATE OF COLORAW - - - -w- ~ - - -w- - WEBT 46TH AVENUE (50' R.O.W) ( I ~ I ~ I I I f I I I ~ I I I I I ~ I I I LWAGId~'rM / ~ ~ I I I I ~ I I I ~ ~ I I I I 1 ' ~ I ' I ~I I I LZ \ I ' V I ~ 1 ~ 1 1 ~ \ I ~ \ I ~ l I , \ 81 1 - - - - - 4 - - - ~ ,a ~ T ~ I I ~ I ~ ' I ' 1 1 ~ `1 1 ~ e - - - - - -s-.~~ - - _ ~ - _ -I ~ - -I ~ ~ _ _ - _ _ _ - Tr - - - , I I ~ ~ I I l01d ~ jI~ l~.IRkO%~67TK17 ~ W I I j ; ~ ✓ I 0 o a ' 1 ~ I I 2 12 30 0 6 scue r = zo' UNEOATATA6LE WIIISE BEYUiG OISf/!!CE u xov1o'" m.m t2 Mg}8'N'E 1)6.91' u waviomw mn' u e~a~rc m.n 15 $OV15'{92 IJ9A]' L6 58ff~0'NY l19.91' PROP. WIRNRY SEWER ~ PROP. WATER UNE PROP. IIGHT POLE ~ PROP. MPNHOLE ~ PROP. M4NHOLE . c~our - -E- - rxisr. ¢Ecrt+~ uHe - -s- - IXiST. SM1NrtNN SEWER l1uE - -ss- - E%ISI. SiOfEM SEWER UNE - - IXISI. WATER UNE n [%IST. FlRE HYDRPNT O IXISI. WJiHOIE o IXIST. IELEPHONE PEDESTAL ~ IXIS1. WATER VALVE_ [/71L/lY3CHmULE Ot PROPOSFD 248J'^LS' WATER SERJICE UNE OY PROPOSFD t' wnTER YEfER O PROPOSm 35.0'-1' WnTER SERVICE UNE O4 PROPOSED 1" TnP O6 PROPOSm (BY OTHQiS) e' SANrtaRY SEWER UNE Oe PROPoSm (6Y OTHERS) 4'0 SUIrtART MNNHOIE O PROPOSm 70.4'«8" SANRARY SENER UNE O PROPOSm 8'x8"x6' lEE O PROPOSED 4' 9 SNlITARY M4NHOLE f0 PROPoSED 100.0'-6' SnNrtARY SEWER SEWCE UNE 1f PROPOSFD CLEANOU! ~ PROPOSm 1000-6' SANRGRY SEWER SERJIQ UNE QS PROPOSED 68-9'-6' SNiRAR'/ SEWER SERVICE UNE Q PROPOSm OUR£f STRUCIURE Q6 IXISTNG EtEC/RIfAL UNE ~ IXISTNG CJ5 UNE Q IXISLING FlRE HYORAM 1B IXISTING WAiER UNE IXISTNG WAIER VPLVE ~ IXiSfING SWrtIRY SEWER UNE ~t IXISfiNG SNIRPRI" WNMOIE. RIN=5385.32. INJ.=5376.11 ~ E)OSTtIG S4NRPR+LANHOtE, PoM=5992.31. INJ=5303.96 ~ E%iSTNG 54NRSF' MANnOIE, RiM=539629, IFN.=5386.09 ~ IXISiING STORY SEWER UNE ~ IXISIING 40RM MLET, T.O.C.=5384.68, IIN.=5381.JJ ~ IXISIING SIORM MIET, T.OA.=5384.91, INV=538226 ~ ESSfING 5lORA1 SEWER uANNOL£, RIM=5385.12, INV.=5361.65 ~ IXISTNC LJGHT POIE ~ PROPOSm SIGNPL IIGNT ~ PROPOSm MONUMEW SICN Z W 2 W ~ U z Q H N W J a ~ ¢ W H Z W U Z O F- ~ W p ~ a m a w x 3 ~ o 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 a ~ --o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o o 0 o D a t N N N ; ~ V M (D N O ~ cO Ln I- N: O 00 r- C, r O O O N - N Sta- C ' b= (D (3) co aLn rn :s a i c~ m ~ .q~ co n ~ (D O) V - 7 O N I~ Lf7 r co o ur- r rn v ~ ~ z 16v v> sh v> sv ~ f» tn ~ ~ 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 o 0^. o o 0 0 0 0 ,a 0 oo 0 , N. O tn ~ yCO O L[7 C~ 7 c0 ~[Q:. GSi. ~ 00 M iA ~ ic~n LO 7 L6 N N, ~ ~ ~ 4,4 W 1 M i C ^ - l t : ! ! t Ln a0 O C"% m V O ` V0) N ' CO 1n M ln C3: (O l0 M 0) C1. OJ (O ln W (D VL} i0 : (D 0) V 10- LO - 00 ` P') ~ ll'1 f r 117 rl SLO ' V E!T <'fl ~ V3 603 EF3' 3Nl, ~ x, !f) Ef-J Ef3 ~ EA fPr 6F3 E9; 3 , q 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 <'o= ~e - o 0 0 0 o i\: ~~0 o o P! u. { 1 j' 1 a0 h N . O O(D N'. f- a0 oJ N V 00 O, 7 7 N $C= N O; y.cE~ N ~ CO SO ' ~ M N N t-. U g ~ cD c0 I~ 4f ` Ln rn G J. V N N rn rn N~ .i0. N i~ i'k 0) WCD N0) - .Q'. 1~%' N oo cO CA 1~ C ; a0 N 7 O 00 V TfT ''Cj .pp 'O1: ~ . N c7 M ;OS . N c0 v . .C6~ ~ C7 f N "Of. N. O Q Z• EA EA fA ~ fA fH EA V) V) V3 ~ V3 ffiJ H3 i ~o ~o ~ 1 ~ O ~ O O ~ O ~ O O 0. ; . O ~ Ch ~ O: O O O m G. O d' m ~ - ~ OJ Ai (O: ~ OJ M xlfl CO CD Oo ffi ~(O O . ~fi N W r ~ uO M V -t74: - N N N ;N ~ c0 N N: ~ p'M~ C. Y~ ; . 77 6 ' k ] ~ 3t1 O c0 ' ' ch tn N V I~ V YJ. o f- I . o . r } rnv~n rn wcom c~ L ' wr~ 7 O mo M V' O s GQ }m ~ V t0 O ~O. N N 01 . : N ~ 7(O h Il N N N W N6 L6 A N . s., ; ; ER 63 fR [f3 Vi V3 V3 hR EA Ef3 EH FA V) V~ #9, ~ 'r rnLn v CO~.. rn rn u, r% v ao m ;,o... co r~ cfl tA N 00 ~oi -O o: C7 , Om W ~ ~ r I~ s ~ a0 I~ ;LP _ : I~ O) LO ,~t r 00 M 7 c0 N~ U) N 00 ifD ~ ~ u7 I, (O ' x~ (D (D ~ C ?dD, CO O V V' l0 ~W. ~pp.. V P ) M N- O] V V %[7 V V C D ! s " va F» » r#i ej (a v> 613 F» En tvi • e3 6p v> C) ~ ;C, °i *t a m `K l; F ; ~ ~ ID ; ~ a ~E E a Q,. Q~ n z U O a) 2 ~ii2E ¢2 c v ~¢cn c> 0 z0 v 1-