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October 19, 2004
Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Urban
Renewal Authority on Tuesday, October 19, 2004, at 5:30 p.m., in the City Councii Chambers of
the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
1. Call the Meeting to Order
2. Roll Call of Members
3. Approval of Minutes - October 5, 2004
4. Public Forum (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on
the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.)
5. Executive Session under C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4)(e) &(b) for the purpose of
determining matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for
negotiations and/or instructing negotiators regarding the termiuated 38'n Avenue and
Sheridan Boulevard redevelopment project and receiving legal advice regarding
specitic legal questions related to outstanding issues regarding the terminated 38rh
Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard redevelopment project.
6. New Business
A. Approval of Release Agreement and License Agreement with Terry McFadden
B. Other
7. Adjoumment
October 5, 2004
5:30 p.m.
Due to Chair Hashem's absence, it was necessary to select an acting chair for the
meeting. It was moved by Terrell Williams and seconded by Janet Leo to
appoint Pete Ziemke as acting chair for the October 5, 2004 meeting. The
motion passed unanimously.
The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority meeting was called to order by
Acting Chair Ziemke at 5:40 p.m. in the council chambers of the Municipal
Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Commissioners present:
Commissioners Absent:
Elw}m Kiplinger
Janet Leo
Tom Mallinson
Terrell Williams
Pete Ziemke
Mazy Hashem
Also attending: Alan White, WRURA Executive Director
Corey Hoffmann, WRURA Attorney
Terry McFadden, Paradise Billiards
Charles Durbin, 3703 Ames St.
Robert Wallace, 3749 Sheridan Blvd.
Art Fast, Kitchen Masters
Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
It was moved by Terrell Williams and seconded by Tom Mallinson to
approve the minutes of September 21, 2004 as presented. The motion passed
Terry McFadden
Paradise Billiards
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Mr. McFadden asked the Authority to take action at the meeting to allow
reimbursement for financial losses incurred by his business as a result of the
urban renewal process. He asked for a conclusion to the matter in order for him
to make decisions regarding the future of his business. He stated that he had also
submitted his request for reimbursement to Alan White.
Terrell Williams stated that while he understood Mr. McFadden's frustration,
members of the Authority had not yet had opportunity to review his request.
Therefore, it would be necessary to meet in executive session to review his
request and receive legal advice regarding the Authority's responsibility in this
Robert Wallace
3749 Sheridan
Mr. Wallace expressed concern about previously filed immediate possession
hearings. He also asked if the Authority would make an effort to settle with
property owners without going to court.
Alan White informed Mr. Wallace that immediate possession hearings had been
postponed and legal counsel directed to "abandon" those heazings. Mr. Wallace
stated that he understood. Mr. White also informed Mr. Wallace that he would be
given opportunity to discuss his reimbursement requests.
A. Adoption of Resolution 03-2004: A resolution setting foMh the basis
for termination of the Disposition and Development Agreement with
Cornerstone Group.
Corey Hoffman explained that he prepared this resolution in order to memorialize
reasons for the Authority's termination of the DDA with Cornerstone Group.
It was moved by Tom Mallinson and seconded by Elwyn Kiplinger to adopt
Resolution 03-2004, a resolution setting forth the basis for termination of the
Disposition and Development Agreement with Cornerstone Group. The
motion passed unanimously.
B. Discussion regarding 3718 Ames property.
There was a consensus of the Authority that this matter should be discussed
during an executive session.
It was moved by Tom Mallinson and seconded by Janet Leo to amend the
agenda in order to conduct an executive session. The motion passed
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It was moved by Terrell Williams and seconded by Tom Mallinson that the
Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority enter into an exewtive session to
determine positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations,
develop a strategy for negotiations, and/or instruct negotiators, pursuant to
CRS Section 24-6-402(4)(e); and to receive legal advice pertinent to issues
that arose in the first portion of the public meeting, pursuant to CRS Section
24-6-402(4)(b). The motion passed unanimously.
The regular meeting was adjoumed at 6:08 p.m. Executive session was convened
in the lobby conference room at 6:10 p.m. Those present for the executive session
were as follows: Elwyn Kiplinger, Janet Leo, Tom Mallinson, Terrell Williams,
Pete Ziemke, Alan White, Corey Hoffmann, and Ann Lazzeri. The executive
session was adjourned at 7:02 p.m.
The regular meeting was reconvened at 7:04 p.m.
It was moved by Terrell Williams and seconded by Tom Mallinson that the
Authority authorize Corey Hoffmann and Alan White to contact Mr. Fast
and Mr. McFadden, tenants at 38tn and Sheridan, to discuss their individual
and speci£c concerns and attempt to resolve appropriate compensation
amounts for those individuals, and further authorize Mr. Ostrander to be in
contact with the property owners or their attorneys or designated
representafives. The motion passed unanimously.
It was move by Terrell Williams and seconded by Elwyn Kiplinger to
adjourn the meeting at 7:08 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.
Pete Ziemke, Acting Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secretary
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