HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/18/2002AGENDA CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY ' November 18, 2002 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority on Monday, November 18, 2002, at 5:30 p.m., in the second floor conference room of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 1. Call the Meeting to Order 2. Roll Call of Members 3. Approval of Minutes 4. Public Forum (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 5. Executive Session under C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4)(e) for the purpose of determining matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for negotiations and/or instructing negotiators. 6. Executive Session under C.R.S. 5ection 24-6-402(4)(b) for the purpose of receiving legal m advice regarding specific legai advice regarding specific legal questions for acquisition and relocation at 38th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard. 7. New Business 8. Old Business 9. Other Matters 10. Adjournment T H E W A E A T R I D G E. T R A N 5 C R 1 P"i PUBLIC ie 8(R-18) antl located et treat. 4-02•tE:AnaPPiicationr King (or approval of a e edanca trom the required - :k for a ireestandin8 sign, . 4 tooi setbeck AND a 2 faot setback variance ired 5 iool satback tar e kntling sign resuliing in a 3 JJD a reQUes[ ior a 9 ioot ,riance fian the maaimum oot sign heighl resulting in n sign for properry zoneA )na (C4) and located at rth Boulevartl. p-02•15: M aPPlicatbn ies 8 Jeremy Frisk for r 8 Grlllfor approvel oi a iver of Section 2E502 Aequirements) enA eJ perking spaces irom the requiretl Bt spaces resul6ng in 51 patlcing speces on propert/ zoned Commerciel-One (C4) ana iocatetl et 4400 Wertl Roetl. Cose N WA-0246: M applicetion filetl by Colin Wells tor epprovel of a 10 foot ironi yard seMeck variance irom the 30 foot fmnt yartl setback requirement resuiting in a 20 foof hani yeN setback lor propeity zoned Fesidentlal-Two (R-2) and locatetl at 8870 W.30th Avenue. ~ KaUry v /yFieC AdministraMeASSistant ATTEST: / .hnre ia^e Wantla Seng. Cfly Cletlc To be PubliShetl: November 14, 2002 in the Wheat Ridge Trenscnpt 42509750 CES . NOTICE OF PUBLJC MEE77NG Notice ishereby given ihel a Pubik Maeting wlll 6e held before the Clty oi NTeet Hltlge UrbBn RenaWel Authofiry on Mondey, Nwembet /B, 2002, at 5:30 p.m. in the secontl 9oor con(arence room of the MuniGipel OuilAing at 7500 Wast 29ih Avenue, Wheet Ridga, Coloiatlo. All Nterestetl citizens are invited to attand the pubiic meeting. /=JK°f/ryField Kathy Fe10, Atlministretive Assistenc ATTEST: /sl.hnaa ionas Wantla Sang. Cdy Clerk To be Published: Novembar 14, 2002 in the Wheat Ritlge Transcripl42508751 NOTCE The City Council.of the Ctty M Wheel Ridge has uheduletl the fallowing Meeting: Monday-NOVamber. 18, 2002-6:00 p.m. Municipal Builtling' ' 7500 W. 29th Ave' DRCOG Presemecion - Jack Hoops Wenda Sena Wanda Seng. Ciry Cierk To be Publishetl: Narember 14, 2002 in the Wheat Fidge Transcript 42509752 . NOi1CE TO CPEDRO(iS E5t3tB af VEANA D BUSCHV Deceased CasB No. 02 GP 1089 A11 parsons having clalms againsl the ebove-nametl eslate ara requiretl ro prasenl them lo the personal representetive or to the DisMd CouM1 of . eHers°n Caunty, Cobratla on or before Februerv 2~ 2ao9 . or the clalms may be iorever barted . r•Bry m 6 uaenv 9866 Jellison 5[reet w etmmacar. co eaa2+ - (3031423,109 - Pareonel Nepresentetive First Publice6on Oetobar 31. 2002 Secontl Publieetion November 7, 2002 Third Publication November 14, 2002 in the Whaet Ritlge Trenscnpt 42508591 ire LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES? ....and be informed of the functions of your governmenf " are embodied in public notices. In that self-government charges all atizens to be informed, this newspaper urges every atizen to read and study these notices. We strongly advise those citizens seeking further information to exercise their right of access to public records and public meeiings. LegalAdve►tising Rates: Miscellaneous Legals- $0.891Line (Per Run) Name Changes- $30.00 Per Ad (3 Runs) Notice to Non-Custodial Parent- $120.00 PerAd (4 Runs)