HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/02/2002AGENDA CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY - December 2, 2002 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Urban _ Renewal Authority on Monday, December 2, 2002, at 5:30 p.m., in the second floor conference room ofthe Municipal Building at 7500 West29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. . 1. Call the Meeting to Order 2. Roll Call of Members 3. Approval of Minutes - October 30 & November 18, 2002 - 4. Public Forum (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 5. New Business A. Public Hearing - 2003 Budget B. Land Use Cases - WA-02-14 & WA-02-15 C. Canceling/Setting of next meeting date 6. Old Business 7. Other Matters 8. Adjournment ! NIINUTESOF WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAI, AUTHORITY October 30, 2002 4:30 p.m. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority meeting was called to order by Chair Collins at 4:40 p.m. The meeting was held in City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Meinbers present: Sandra Collins Vance Edwards Mazy Hashem Elwyn Kiplinger Tom Mallinson Kandi McKay Members absent: Norm Burkpile John Hall Janet Leo Mazgy Platter Also attending: Jim Windholz, Urban Renewal Attorney Alan White, WRURA Executive Directar Randy Young, City Manager Steve Szymanski, Szymanski/Ray Arne Ray, Szymanski/Ray Kathy Field, Recording Secretary 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES . The minutes of the regular meeting of October 14, 2002 were presented for consideration. It was moved by Vance Edwards and seconded by Mary Hashem to approve the minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously. It was moved by Vance Edwards and seconded by Mary Hashem to add an Executive Session to the agenda after New Business. The motion passed unanimously. WRURA Minutes Page 1 10-30-02 4. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one present to speak before the Authority regarding unscheduled matters. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. DesiQnation of Preferred Develouer for38th & Sheridan Alan White introduced Steve Szymanski and Amie Ray, consultants for the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority (WRiTIZA), and Jim Windholz, attorney for WRURA. Mr. Windholz explained the urban renewal process relating to the 38th and Sheridan azea and stated his opinion that all legal requirements of this process have been met. He also advised WRURA members that any discussions regarding proprietazy information should take place during executive session. Developers who submitted proposals for the southwest corner of 38`h and Sheridan were: (1) The Cornerstone Group proposing Walgreens Drug as sole tenant; and (2) Centres, Inc. proposing Eckerd Drug as sole tenant. Representatives of the two developers were present as follows: Jeff Bailey with the Cornerstone Group and Hillazy Darling with Lyman, Davidson Dooley (azchitects for Centres, Inc.) Arne Ray explained the six criteria established by the Authority for reviewing the proposals and summarized the two proposals submitted to WRURA. Members of the public were invited to comment on the proposals at this time. Charles (Chuck) Mandri( 4660 Teller St. Mr. Mandril, owner of Casman's Automotive at 5208 W. 38"' Avenue, spoke to the Authority about his displeasure with the urban renewal plan. He did not believe the money offered by either developer would be sufficient to pay for relocation of his business which has been in operation at this location since 1949, a business which has paid sales tas to the city for many yeazs. He questioned how long it would take for the city to recoup expenses from tax revenue generated by either developer. In response to a question from Mary Hashem, Mr. Ray stated that Casman's Automotive was given opportunity to file a request for proposal for this location. Mr. Casman stated he did not believe an existing business should have to file a request for proposal. He further stated his intention to fight the process. ~ WRiJR A Minutes Page 2 10-30-02 Gus Allen 3837 Balsam St. Mr. Allen spoke in opposition to 1he urban renewal process which he considered to be undemocratic. Terry McFadden Mr. McFadden, manager of Pazadise Billiards/Family Fun Centers, questioned the urban renewal process which he believed did not take present property and business owners into consideration. He expressed concern fhat the business owners won't know what is going to occur with their businesses in regard to relocation policies, etc. until the new development is finally settled. Since his business is located in a prime location, he asked if he would be relocated to another prime, rather than adequate, location. There were no other individuals who expressed a desire to speak before the Authority. 6. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Vance Edwards and seconded by Mary Hashem to adjourn to executive session under C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4)(e) for the purpose of determining matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for negotiations and/or instructing negotiators. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned into executive session at 535 p.m. The executive session took place in the second floor conference room. Those present for the executive session were: Sandra Collins, Vance Edwards, Mary Hashem, Elwyn Kiplinger, Tom Mallinson, Kandi McKay, Jim Windholz, Alan White, Arne Ray, Steve Szymanski, and Kathy Field. The executive session was adjourned to the regulaz meeting at 6:19 p.m. Based upon the information from our staff and consultants and based up the criteria established by the Board and based upon the provisions of the Urban Renewal Law, it was moved by Vance Edwards and seconded by Mary Hashem to authorize the staff and consultants to enter into exclusive negotiations with Cornerstone Group for a Disposition and Development Agreement for the redevelopment of the southwest corner of 38th Avenue & Sheridan Boulevard. The motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Autharity. WRi JRA Minutes Page 3 10-30-02 8. OTHER MATTERS A. Set November meetine date - Since the first November WRURA meeting will fall on a holiday, Alan White requested that the Authority set another meeting date. There was a consensus of the Authority that Alan White coordinate with Jim Windholz to set the next meeting date. B. Elect New Chairperson - Since Sandra Collins is moving out of the city, it was moved by Vance Edwards and seconded by Elwyn Kiplinger to elect Mary Hashem as Chair for the remainder of Sandy's term and re-elect Kandi McKay as Vice Chair. The motion passed unanimously. On behalf of WRLJfZA, Vance Edwazds expressed appreciation #o Sandra Collins for her service to the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority. 9. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Vance Edwards and seconded by Elwyn Kiplinger to adjourn the meeting at 6:32 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. Sandra Collins, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secretazy WRjJRA Minutes Page 4 10-30-02 MINUTESOF WHEEiT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY November 18, 2002 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority meeting was called to order by Chair Hashem at 5:37 p.m. The meeting was held in the second floor conference room of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Members present: Members absent: Norm Burkpile Vance Edwards Mary Hashem Elwyn Kiplinger Janet Leo Tom Mallinson John Ha11 Kandi McKay Mazgy Platter Also attending: Jim Windholz, Urban Renewal Attorney Alan White, WRURA Executive Director Steve Szyxnanski, Szymanski/Ray Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretazy 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of October 30, 2002 were not availabie. They will be presented for consideration at the next WRiJRA meeting. 4. PUBLIC FORUM Robert Wallace 3749 Sheridan Mr. Wallace requested to be kept up to date on the urban renewal procedures for 38"' and Sheridan. He stated that he had not been contacted by Katy Press. Mr. Wallace had already left the meeting before Jim Windholz could clarify that Mr. Wallace is represented by an attorney (Mr. Fox) who has instructed that all communication with the Urban Renewal Authority be directed to him and not his client. WRURA Minutes Page 1 11-18-02 5. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to come before the Authority. 6. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Authority. OTHER MATTERS There were no other matters to come before the Authority. 8. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Janet Leo and seconded by Norm Burkpile that the Authority move into Egecutive Session under C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4)(e) for the purpose of determining matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for negotiations and/or instructing negotiators. The motion passed unanimously. It was moved by Elwyn Kiplinger and seconded by Norm Burkpile that, under C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4)(b), the executive session also be held for the purpose of receiving legal advice regarding specific legal questions for acquisition and relocation at 38t" and Sheridan Boulevard. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned to executive session at 5:44 pm. 9. ADJOURNMENT The executive session and regulaz meeting were adjourned at 6:12 p.m. Mary Hashem, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secretary WRURA Minutes Page 2 11-18-02 WIIEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. Series of 2002 TITLE: A RESOLUTION ENACTING A BUDGET AND APPROPRIATION FOR THE YEAR 2003. WHEREAS, C.R.S. 29-1-103 (1) of the "Local Government Budget Law of Colorado"requires certain local governmental entities to prepaze and adopt an annual budget; and WHEREAS, the Attomey for the Authoriry has opined, by memorandum dated August 29, 2001, that the provisions of the Budget Law do apply to the authority; and WIIEREAS, notice of adoption of tlus 2003 budget and appropriation was given by the Urban Renewal Authority in compliance with C.R.S. 29-1-106; and WFIEREAS, in compliance with the provisions of the Budget Law regazding notice, objections, and heazing, a public hearing was held on this Budget and Appropriarion for 2003 by the Authority on December 2, 2002. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority as follows: Section 1. The year 2003 budget as shown on Exhibit 1 attached hereto is hereby approved. Section 2. Sources of revenue for the Authority aze sales and property tax increments generated in the urban renewal area and interest eu-ned on checking and Colotrust accounts. Section 3. Total expenditures of the Authority do not exceed available revenues and beginning fund balance. Section 4. A certified copy of this resolution shall be filed with the Division of Local Govemment. ADOPTED the 2"d day of December , 2002. WIIEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AIITHORTI'Y Chairman ATTEST: Secretary to the Authority CdDwumenct and SeNngsWl:uiWiy Dacumen6\WPFilesW RAl?003 budge[ res.wptl WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY ACTUAL 2001 EST. 2002 BUDGET 2003 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $527,833 $156,850 $399,446 Revenues 37-500-00-501 Property Taxlncrement $256,450 $243,250 $240;000 37-500-00-504 Sales Tax Increment $100,000 $82,000 $80,000 37-580-00-581 Interest 18 103 $3,800 5 000 City Reimbursement 120 979 TOTAL REVENUE $902,386 $606,879 $724,446 Personnel 37-120-600-602 Salaries $0 $0 $0 37-120-600-625 FICA $-0 LO $_0 Total Personnel $0 $0 $0 Supplies 37-120-650-651 Office Supplies $40 $100 $200 37-120-650-654 Printing & Photocopying $976 $1,000 $1,000 37-120-650-655 Postage $0 $0 300 Total Supplies $1,016 $1,100 $1,500 Services 37-120-700-702 Conference & Meetings $392 $70 $1,000 37-120-700-706 Dues, Books, Sub $3,406 $3,300 $3,300 37-120-700-740 Mileage $0 $0 $300 37-120-700-750 Professional Services $225,274 $120,000 $200,000 37-120-700-758 City Reimbursement $5,230 $20,000 $25,000 37-120-700-799 Misc. 162 50 200 Total Services $234,464 $143,420 $229,800 Capital 37-120-800-801 Acquisition & Relocate $0 $0 $0 37-120-800-872 Site Improvements $0 $0 $300,000 Payment to Fire District $13,808 $14,000 $15,000 37-120-800-872 PTI - Marketplace $216,248 $48,913 $17,500 Transfer to City $280,000 $0 $0 37-120-800-899 Unallocated $-0 0 10 000 Total Capital $510,056 $62,913 $342,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $745,536 $207,433 $573,800 ENDING FUND BALANCE $156,850 $399,446 $150,646 ~ URA 2002 Budget Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303-235-2846 303-235-2857 (Fax) TO: Urban Renewal Authority Members FROM: Alan White, Executive Director RE: Land Use Cases, WA 02-14 and WA 02-15 DATE: November 25, 2002 Two cases being processed by the Planning and Development Department aze located in urban renewal azeas. Per the Zoning and Development Code, the Authority is to review and provide comment as to the consistency of the requests with the applicable urban renewal plan. Case No. WA 02-14 is a request by Burger King for height and setback variances for the sign fronting Wadsworth and a setback variance for the sign facing 38th. Both signs will be replaced as part of the construction of a new Burger King at this location. See attached description and site plan. The restaurant on the northeast corner of 38' and Wadsworth is located in the Town Center Urban Renewal Area. This area was established in 1980. A copy of the Urban Renewal Plan fbr this area is included in the larger burgundy binder each of you should have received. The Plan does not provide specific land use recommendations, but does contain the following statements of project purposes: 1. the improvement of elimination of conditions constituting blight which are detrimental to the Project Area. Elements of blight include.... buildings and land which are vacant and underutilized resulting in a low economic return for the centers and the City." 2. "Redevelopment of the Project Area in a manner compatible with and,complimentary to existing development and uses in the general azea.... thereby increasing the Project Area's ability to compete with retail centers in the one, three and five mile radius of the Area." 3. "Encouragement of increased patronage of businesses by improving signage, traffic circulation, access, attractiveness, synergy and recognition of the commercial center." 4. "Provision of a stronger, more balanced tax base through new development or rehabilitation or existing properties resulting in increased commercial activity." Redevelopment of the site is,consistenT-with all of the above purposes. The purpose of the variance request for the Wadsworth sign is to make the sign more visible for the reconstructed restaurant, thereby attracting more customers. The variance for the 38' Avenue sign is needed due to the size and shape of the lot. Staff is recommending approval of both variance requests. Case No. WA 02-15 is a request by the owner of L,ong Shots Bar for a waiver to the required 20% landscaping requirement. The baz is located at the northeast corner of 44t° Avenue and Wazd Road and is in the W.44' Avenue/Ward Redevelopment Area. The owner is proposing to enclose an eacisting outdoor patio azea. Under the zoning code, this request triggers the need for additional parking and the entire landscape requirement. The Redevelopment Plan relies heavily on the proposal to move the I-70 on/off ramps to the east to create a lazge parcel for redevelopment. On this parcel, the Plan proposes a Community Commercial center which may include a large format retail store in the range of 100,000 to 150,000 square feet. There could be the potential for pad sites for small individual retail uses on the streets fronting this large pazcel. Eating/drinking establishments would be expected users of the pad sites. The purposes of the Plan include: • . "To eliminate existing blight conditions. . . ."To stimulate the redevelopment of underutilized commercial land in the Area." "To assist in developing the economic potential of this Area, through the attraction of capital investment, retention and expansion of eacisting businesses and maintaining a competitive regional position thereby providing employment and strengthening the City's economic base." "To develop projects which reflect an image of quality development, through good landscaping and design." The existing site has been a bar for a number of years and was recently purchased by a new owner. The site has no landscaping within the propertyboundaries, but there is landscaping within the adjacent 44' Avenue and Ward Road rights-of-way. Staff is recommending that a complete waiver of the landscaping requirements is inappropriate. Instead of requiring the fu1120% landscaping, staff is recommending that the owner be required to: Supplement the right-of-way landscaping to provide some additional landscaping and screening of the site. Install landscaping along the eastern property line. City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department - Memorandum TO: Alan White FROM: Travis Crane SUBJECT: 3800 Wadsworth Boulevazd/Burger King DATE: 26 November 2002 The Planning Department has recently received a request for variance to the sign code for 3800 Wadsworth Boulevard. The property is currently being utilized as a fast food restaurant, and is located within a designated Urban Renewal area. The applicant, Burger King, is proposing a redesign and redevelopment of the property. In addition to a total redesign and reconstruction of the building, the applicant will update to the twenty-year old signage. Because of site size and layout constraints, the applicant is requesting three separate variances. They are: Variance "A" - A request for approval of a 6-foot setback variance for a freestanding sign, resulting in a 4-foot setback for the sign. Currently, a freestanding sign exists offthe subjectproperiy inthe Wadsworth Boulevardright-of- way. Over time, the acquisition ofright-of-way for Wadsworth Boulevard has "shifted" the sign off-site. The applicant is proposing to move the existing sign onto the subj ect property. The sign code requires a sign that is between 7 and 25 feet in height must be setback at leastten feet from the right-of-way. Due to physical constraints, the applicant is requesting the sign be setback only 4 feet from the right-of-way. A detail of the sign has been included as "Exhibit A". 2. Variance "B" - A request for approval of a 2-foot setback variance for a second freestanding sign, resulting in a 3-foot setback. A second freestanding sign exists on the 38`h Avenue frontage. The applicant is proposing to replace the existing freestanding sign with a much smaller monument sign. The sign code requires that a sign that is under 7 feet in height must be setback at least 5 feet from the right-of-way. The applicant is requesting the sign be setback only 3 feet from the right-of-way. A detail ofthe eacisting sign and the proposed sign has been included as "Exhibit B". Variance "C" - A request for a 9-foot sign height variance for the first freestanding sign resulting in a 24-foot high sign. As stated above, the applicant is requesting that the sign on WadsworthBoulevard be retained and moved onto the subjectproperiy. This signwas conshuctedunder aprevious version ofthe Zoning Code that allowed a freestanding sign on this property to be 25 feet tall. The current Zoning Code only allows a 15 foot high sign for this properiy. The applicant is requesting that the existing sign remain 24 feet tall. I have included a copy of the proposed site plan for your reference, labeled as Exhibit "C". Only the proposed freestanding signage is being reviewed at this tnne, not the entire site redevelopment. I will notify you when the applicant submits a building permit application for the site redevelopment. EXHIBIT 'A Profile EXISTING POLIE SIGN @ WADSWORTH BOULEVARD REPL,4GE EXISTING SIGN FAGES WITH NEW LOGO FIAGES PYLON 516N 51 GN E LE-YATION 'A' SGALE: I/4" = I'-O" Elevation Profile EXISTING POLE SIGN @ 38th AVENUE TO BE REMOVED AND REPLAGED WITH MONUMENT 51GN Elevation W_411 Elevation Profile vicixirr Map IWW~, E)(HIBITi-C * 11 al ,4MA SUMMARY Mi~ sPn ~n lasw tW aoeM . . N6.eRa~ ►Ai4 M. S~ MVIW~ I!'MIlf.'. M.~k af1lK6 tlaM, b~ BUI1.flIN6 SUMMf~RY moroem ue, e.~uas aw isrxw~w* MIDAY Na~ ~M~ R. lUILDI!!lfal0lR~ 5V• raww~ o-vi cemu+. - aa denucr OCeY'MlGY MOIP~ M GQtl1RbT10N 11T5 V-X P,4RKIN6 SUMMARY 0.Mf1MYN~V~WFN~ M%t/1~V ; AL MI~WN~ f'IG~ IOilA~~ 00 ~RMAIM~f beuV TuTM. ~.MIqIL !P/EM I~IbJmm~ ]4 Mau~amrw'.ic~ ~IOr werlYAr IIIMIAMr I~n1 eeee~r a1~ ~ Q ~ m a~ ~ S 6fii~t!lLg~'i' A TofN.! GYEST 3BTH A lTNUE pr.o.w. mwsJ p13DP05ED 51TE PLAN KML I• . !0'-0' O ' ID 00 AO 'p I d I.. SP-1 I City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Alan White FROM: V" Meredith Reckert SUBJECT: Case No. WA-02-15/Frisk DATE: November 26, 2002 The applicant is requesting a total waiver of Section 26-502 of the Code of Laws. The subject property is located at 4400 Ward Road, is zoned C-1 and is used as a bar. As the property is located within an identified urban renewal area, I am forwarding this for the LTRA's input. The applicant is desirous of enclosing an existing patio area so it can be used year round. The existing shucture is 2100 square feet in area with the proposed addition 2180 square feet in size. There is currently no landscaping on the property. Because the proposed addition is a 100% increase in building area, the applicant must comply with all commercial landscaping regulations. Those would include the following: • Section 26-502(C)4. requires installation of a fully automatic sprinkler system. • Section 26-502(C)3.a. requires the installation of one street tree for every 30' of street frontage. • Section 26-502(C)3.b. requires, in addition to street trees, the installation of an additional tree and five shrubs far every 1000 square feet of required landscaping. • Section 26-502(C)3.c.1. requires 20% landscaped coverage on the property. • Section 26-502(C)3.c.2. requires installation of a 10' wide landscaped buffer along the city's arterial and collector streets (this would include both W. 441 Avenue and Ward Road). • Section 26-502(E)2. requires installation a vertical landscaped screening azea between pazking areas and public streets. There is currently landscaping within the right-of-way which appeazs to be located on the property. Staff is recommending a partial waiver with the following conditions of approval: 1. The applicant install a 50' long strip of landscaping along the eastern property line with upright junipers planted at 6' intervals. 2. The existing landscaping in the right-of-way be enhanced with the installation of one omamental tree and 15 shrubs. . +I•I;'~' , s . , - --=J BUILAING . , . . ~ . ` • ~ , ~ ~ CONCgE3*; • , ~ -SLAB ~ A.IEA.I 0.75: • ~ ~ 100" - l;✓q2A ~0 A~ i _ ASPHALT PAVED AREA ~ • . ~ . . ~ ' ~ - - - - - - - ~ ~ CONCRETE. _'i" S I 3 ~ - SLAB ~ ~ ~ • A REA ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ o \ 0 \ \ \ 0 0 0 \ 0 \ 0 F- W a O o N o] O 0 ~ 0 o O [F o (O O O O) O) N M I~ O O m V Q W c0 N 1- f~ N cD N m m<D N cO O O m f, W U N ~ N ~ ~T r 00 r V N O O I~ (17 T ~ x M N P j p j ~ ~ W U d? c0 (0 f- CM u) c) r c`') 7 f- N N N c0 W I~ f, 0) Wm O N CO M 7 N W O N(h M 0) WM , h (7)~ f~ 00 O O f0 n N d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T ~ N ~ ~ M ~ ~ Efl V3 fFT ff3 EH ' ff3 6r3 fl-7 N Cn \ \ \ ~ 0 \ \ 0 0 0 \ 0 \ ~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~yJ F- Z(n o 0 0 LO m N 0 O 0 0 0 CY) 7 LO f, I- O 7 m N N M 'ct tfl ' W Q O7 U) I~ lf7 f- V' m m NLO O LO W(O O) O ) U W m I~: 7 M ~ O ' N C`7 N N(O N N ~ . ~ M d~ M d ~ N N N LO - N N ~U w a? c0 07 O c0 V m T f- ~m O c0 ~ M c`7 mcocn co rnrno~ n LO rn~ o corn <r U) f~ N N M O) O c0 T rm LC) f- (O I- LO W 0) N d' L6 N c0 f~ ch h (O W Oi tn N i-7 c0 1 N r tn (fT r M EPr HJ 6c3 N N EH r P7 Efl EA Efl 603 EH H3 EA fA EH EH 6c3 1 O h 6a N fA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 w F, o 0 0 O W 00 0 I- 0 0 0 (O r V 0 ~ 0 O c0 ~ M ch I~ 7 c0 00 Q V N o7 m lf] O~ O W d' O c0 W 7 ln W U [O M ~ ' 4 (D (D N oi u) (O O V' N O] cO N Oi N c7 ~ ~ l M d V N N N N N N W U d Z 07 Lo N O d' V f- LO h h 07 N O c0 h P') m 7Lo 01 N(O W CJ W I, W (O CO O d' LO . 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