HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/17/2001AGENDA CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORYTY Tuesday, Apri117, 2001 7:00 p.m. Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held by the City of Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority on AprilPl, 2001, at 7:00 p.m., iu the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado: 1. Call The Meeting to Order 2. Roll Call of Members 3. Approval of Minutes - March 27, 2001 4. Public Forum (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 5. Old Business 6. New Business A. Presentations of Blight Studies: 1) 38" Avenue beriveen Sheridan and Wadsworth 2) Wadsworth Boulevard between 35" Avenue and 44' Avenue B. Public Comments on Blight Studies C. Resolution Ol-Ol: A Resolution Finding the Existence of Blight in the Vicinity of 38" Avenue Between Sheridan Boulevard and Wadsworth Boulevard and Making Recommendations to the Wheat Ridge City Council. (Action Requested) D. Resolution 01-02: A Resolution Finding the Existence of Blight in the Vicinity of the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Between 35" Avenue and 44" Avenue and Making Recommendations to the Wheat Ridge City Council. (Action Requested) 7. Other Matters 8. Adjournment C:\W MDO W S\TEMP\010417.wpd MINUTESOF WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY ~ March 27, 2000 7:00 p.m. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority meeting was called to order by Chair Matthews at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commissioners present: Kandi Arce Norm Burkpile Sandra Collins Vance Edwards Marilyn Force Jim Goddazd Dick Matthews Commissioners absent: Rae Jean Behm Elwyn Kiplinger Janet Leo Mazgy Platter Also attending: Alan White, Planning Director Jim Windholz, Urban Renewal Attorney Terry Waze, HNTB Dana Jaugilas, HNTB Ralph Mancinelli, City Council Jerry Roach Ann Lazzeri, Secretary 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regulaz meeting of January 16, 2001 were presented for consideration. It was moved by SANDRA COLLINS and seconded by KANDI ARCE to approve the minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 4. PUBLIC FORUM There were none present to address the Authority. 5. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Authority. WRURA Minutes Page 1 03/27/O1 6. NEW BUSINESS A. 38" Avenue & Wadsworth Blieht Studies Update bv HTNB Terry Waze presented a brief update on the biight study being performed for 38`h Avenue and Wadsworth. He informed the Authority that a draft of the blight study has been submitted to the city and should be finalized within the next two weeks. Alan White informed the Authority that he and Jim Windholz were presently reviewing the draft. Mr. Windholz reported that a tentative meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday to discuss the draft with Terry, Dana and Art Anderson. He is confident that the legal requirements of blight will be met. Alan White informed the Authority that final recommendations to City Council would be made by resolution at the next WRURA meeting. The following Monday, Apri123, the resolution would be taken to City Council. Vance Edwards urged all members of WRURA to attend the City Council meeting on April 23. Marilyn Force suggested that every effort be made to educate the public in order to eliminate any feaz the citizens may have about blight designation. Jim Windholz agreed that education is crucial to the process. It is also extremely important to consider public comment. He suggested that public comment should not be limited during the City Council heazing. Dick Matthews commented that, rather than a blight study, it could be referred to as a study to determine eligibility for redevelopment incentives. B. 44th/Ward Blight Studv Update Jim Windholz reported that he has reviewed the drafts of this study.and wiil soon have a final copy for the Authority's review. C. Town Center Park Renovation Request Last yeaz the Authority voted to fund improvements to the Town Center Pazk in the amount of $54,500 from the Urban Renewal Fund. On December 19, 2000, the Authority voted to fund an additional $38,000 for the improvements. The bid came in higher than original estimates. Therefore, additional and final funds are needed in the amount of $66,479. The general consensus of the Authority was that, while no one is happy about paying out these additional funds, it is absolutely necessary to complete the project. The improved park wili facilitate the redevelopment WRURA Minutes Page 2 03/27/O1 process. It is also planned to apply for Open Space funds to acquire the TCBY proper[y as an extension to the Town Center Pazk. It was moved by VANCE EDWARDS and seconded by MARILI'N FORCE to approve additional funding for renovatioa of Town Center Park in the amount of $66,479 to be transferred from the Fund 37 fund balance to account #37-120-800-872. The motion passed unanimously. D. Safewav Market Place Payments The supplemental agreement with the developer of the Safeway Mazket Place project provides that the Authority reimburse a total cost of $175,000 over a period of ten years. Through the year 2000, the Authority has reimbursed $122,500. A payment of $0 or $17,500 could be made this yeaz. It was moved by NORM BURKPILE and seconded by VANCE EDWARDS that staff be directed to make a payment to the Safeway Market Place in the amount of $17,500. 7. OTHER MATTERS • Alan White presented a brief recap of WRURA's budget. • Vance Edwaids mentioned the pilot project for streetscape design that is planned to be along 38" Avenue west of Sheridan. It is essential that WRURA play a lazge part in this project. • Vance Edwards commented that it is extremely important to be aggressive in finding developers for the 44'h and Wadsworth site especially in light of Wards closing in Lakeside Shopping Center. He distributed copies of an article announcing Tazget's plan to open 90 new super centers by the year 2003. Part of Target's plan is to acquire 35 former Wazds stores. • Vance Edwazds presented an update on the city manager hiring process. The City Council is very close to making a decision. 8. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by VANCE EDWARDS and seconded by SANDRA COLLINS to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. Richard Matthews, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secretary WRURA Minutes Page 3 03/27/O1 ~F WHEql City of Wheat Ridge ~ o ~ Planning and Development Department " m ~ocoRAa° 1V~emorandum TO: Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority Members FROM: Alan White, Planning and Development Director SUBJECT: Recommendations on Blight Studies DATE: April 12, 2001 Attached are the blight studies for Wadsworth Boulevard and 38' Avenue and the resolutions to recommend adoption of the studies by City Council. Separate motions are needed to adopt each resolution. Staff recommends adoption of the resolutions. The 44' and Ward study has been delayed for approximately two months to enable the developer representative to proceed with the investigation of assemblage options. It is anticipated that this study will be considered by the Authority at the June meeting. WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. Ol-Ol Series of 2001 TITLE: A RESOLUTION FINDING THE EXISTENCE OF BLIGHT IN THE VICINITY OF 38T" AVENUE BETWEEN SHERIDAN BOULEVARD AND WADSWORTH BOULEVARD AND MAKING RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, the Urban Renewal Law of Colorado (§31-25-101 et seq C.R.S.) authorizes the analysis and consideration of factors within the City of Wheat Ridge to determine if blight exists within certain areas of the City to utilize the provisions of the Urban Renewal Law to elirninate and prevent blight and to deveiop and/or redevelop such areas for the economic and social well being and public health, safety and welfare of the community; and WHEREAS, such analysis has been undertaken to determine whether factors of bligh[ exist within the 38' Ave. Corridor between Sheridan Boulevard and Wadsworth Boulevard, which study area is depicted on Exhibit 1 hereto (hereafter the "Study Area"); and WHEREAS, following requests for proposals and responses thereto, HNTB, Corporation was chosen to conduct such blight analysis; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has been presented with the results and evidence of such blight analysis at a public meeting on April 17, 2001; and WHEREAS, said study and analysis and the data and evidence presented at the public meeting validates the existence of factors of blight in the Study Area consistent with §31-25-103(2) C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority as follows: Section 1. The blight study for the 38"' Avenue Corridor and the data and evidence related thereto is hereby accepted by the Board of Commissioners. Section 2. Consistent with §31-25-103(2) C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law, the Board of Commissioners hereby finds that the following six factors of blight exist in the 38' Avenue Corridor Study Area: A. Slum, deteriora[ed or deteriorating strucNres; and B. Defective or inadequate street layout; and C. Faulty lot layout in relation to size, adequacy, accessibility or usefulness: and D. Unsanitary or unsafe conditions; and E. Deterioration of site or other improvements; and F. Inadequate public improvements or utilities. Section 3. The Board of Commissioners fmds that the 38' Ave. Corridor Study Area, in its present condition and use and by reason of the presence of the foregoing six factors. of blight, substantially impairs the sound growth of Wheat Ridge, constitutes an economic liabiliry and is a menace to the public health, safery and welfare. Section 4. The Board of Coaunissioners respectfully recommends to the Wheat Ridge City Council the following: A. That, in compliance with the Urban Renewal Law, it give notice of and hold a public hearing regarding consideration of blight factors in the 38' Avenue Corridor Study Area; and B. That if the data and evidence at the public hearing is sufficient to comply with the Urban Renewal Law, it make findings of the existence of factors of blight; and C. Based upon such blight factors, it establish an urban renewal area in the general vicinity of the 38' Avenue Corridor between Sheridan Boulevard and Wadsworth Boulevard, as it deems appropriate; and D. If it makes such findings of blight and establishes the urban renewal area, that it authorize the procedures for commencement of the preparation and consideration of an urban renewal plan for the area. DONE AND RESOLVED this day of 2001. WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY Chair ATTEST: Secretary to the Authority 2 ~ ~ ~ ; , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 01~ ~ ~ ~ ~L ~ ~ ~ - ~ - ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ! i 7 Y ~ A 1 ~ a 4 r EXHIBIT 1 38th Avenue Blight Study from Wadsworth to Sheridan City of Wheat Ridge -75 m ~ ~ 75 L ~ S V 1 WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 01-02 Series of 2001 TITLE: A RESOLUTION FINDING THE EXISTENCE OF BLIGHT IN THE VICINITY OF THE WADSWORTH BOULEVARD CORRIDOR BETWEEN 35T" AVENUE AND 44T" AVENUE AND MAKING RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, the Urban Renewal Law of Colorado (§31-25-101 et seq C.R.S.) authorizes the analysis and consideration of factors within the City of Wheat Ridge to determine if blight exists within certain areas of the City to utilize the provisions of the Urban Renewal Law to eliminate and prevent blight and to develop and/or redevelop such areas for the economic and social well being and public health, safety and welfare of the community; and WHEREAS, such analysis has been undertaken to determine whether factors of blight exist within the vicinity of the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor between 35th Avenue and 44' Avenue, which study area is depicted on Exhibit 1 hereto (hereafter the "Study Area"); and WHEREAS, following requests for proposals and responses thereto, HNTB, Corporation was chosen to conduct such blight analysis; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has been presented with the results and evidence of such blight analysis at a public meeting on April 17, 2001; and WHEREAS, said study and analysis and the data and evidence presented at the public mee[ing validates the existence of factors of blight in the Study Area consistent with §31-25-103(2) C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority as follows: Section l. The bligh[ study for the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor and the data and evidence related thereto is hereby accepted by the Board of Commissioners. Section 2. Consistent with §31-25-103(2) C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law, the Board of Commissioners hereby finds that the following six factors of blight exist in the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Study Area: A. Slum, deteriorated or deteriorating structures; and B. Defective or inadequate street layout; and C. Faulty lot layout in relation to size, adequacy, accessibility or usefulness; and D. Unsanitary or unsafe conditions; and E. Deterioration of site or other improvements; and F. Inadequate public improvements or utilities. . Section 3. The Board of Commissioners finds that the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Study Area, in its present condition and use and by reason of the presence of . the foregoing six factors of blight, substantially impairs the sound growth of Wheat Ridge, constitutes an economic liability and is a menace to the public health, safety and welfare. Section 4. The Board of Commissioners respectfully recommends to the Wheat Ridge City Council the following: A. That, in compliance with the Urban Renewal Law, it give notice of and hold a public hearing regarding consideration of blight factors in the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Study Area; and B. That if the data and evidence at the public hearing is sufficient to comply with the Urban Renewal Law, it make findings of the existence of factors of blighr, and C. Based upon such blight factors, it establish an urban renewal area in the general vicinity of the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor between 35th Avenue and 44' Avenue, as it deems appropriate; and D. If it makes such findings of biight and establishes the urban renewal area, that it authorize the procedures for commencement of the preparation and consideration of an urban renewal plan for the area. DONE AND RESOLVED this day of 12001. WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY Chair ATTEST: Secretary to the Authoriry 2 EXHIBIT 1 Q Q Q Fri<nAlv Fnr(1 naalarahin S fn VVadsworth Corridor Blight Study from 35th to 45th Ave. City of Wheat Kidge Nadsworth Blvd. Pep Boys -y~ -r 1-11 Legend Property Parcel Lines Street Right of Way - ~ Building Footprints Sca l e _400' Study Area `~~1lll/1 NORTH 0 200 400