HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/11/2001~ AGENDA CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY Monday, June 11, 2001' ' 5:30 p.m. Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held by the City of Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority on June 11, 2001, at 5:30 p.m., in the City. Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 1. Call The Meeting to Order 2. Roll Call of Members 3. Approvai of Minutes - May 14, 2001 4. Public Forum (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 5. Old Business 6. New Business A. Discussion of Urban Renewal Plans preparation B. Consideration of entering into an agreement to engage the services of a Financial Advisor C. Consideration of entering into an agreement to engage the services of a. Redevelopment Management Consultant D. Reconsideration of continuing the services of Development Research Partners 7. Other Matters 8. Adjournment C:\Kathy\EcodevWGENDAS\0106I l.wpd ~ ' MINUTES OF WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY May 14, 2001 ` 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority meeting was called to order by Chair Matthews at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commissioners present: Kandi McKay Sandra Collins Vance Edwazds Mazilynn Force Elwyn Kiplinger Janet Leo Dick Matthews Commissioners absent: Rae Jean Behm Norm Burkpile Jim Goddard Margy Platter Also attending: Alan White, Planning Director Jim Windholz, Urban Renewal Attorney Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Bob Olsen, The Chronicle 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of April 17, 2001, were presented for consideration. VANCE EDWARDS requested an amendment to page two, pazagraph one, to insert the words "as requested by the Urban Renewal attorney" at the beginning of line two. It was moved by Elwyn Kiplinger and seconded by Kandi McKay to approve the minutes as amended. The motion passed unanimously. 4. PUBLIC FORUM There were none present to address the Authority. 5. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Authority. WRURA Minutes Page 1 OS/14/O1 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Review and Approva( of Scope of Plan There was discussion of the Request for Qualifications to prepare the Wadsworth and 38h Avenue Redevelopment Plans. One RFQ is being prepazed for both projects. Jim Windholz stated that it would be important for the market review to be done in conjunction with the redevelopment plan. It was moved by Vance Edwards and seconded by Sandra Collins that the Urban Renewal Authority approve the Request for Qualifications with an amendment that the line item for budget amount be deleted from the RFQ as suggested by Jim Windholz, Urban Renewal Attoruey. The motion passed unanimously. B. Discussion of Urban Renewal Area Market Feasibility Study - Alan White reviewed his memorandum of May 10, 2001. The consultant, Development Reseazch Partners, was directed to stop work in November until the blight study could be completed. There was discussion about whether or not it would be necessary to complete the study. There was a consensus of the Authority that it would be helpful to have the consultant complete the market feasibility study. C. Discussion of Hiring a SurveYOr to Complete Legal Descriptions Alan White stated that there aze approximately 170 properties in the urban renewal area that require complete legal descriptions. The Planning Department does not have available staff to research legal descriptions for each of these properties. He stated that the public works survey crew and the city surveyor presently have some down time and suggested that they be employed by the Authority to perform this research. It was moved by Marilynn Force and seconded by Sandra Collins that the Authority approve the city surveyor and public works survey crew to do the work necessary to complete the legal descriptions at a cap of $5,000. The motion passed unanimously. Vance Edwards stated he would add this item to Monday's City Council agenda. \ WRURA Minutes Page 2 OS/14/O1 D. Discussion of Change in Meeting DaY and Time Since Jim Windholz, Urban Renewai attomey, has a conflict with meeting omthe third Tuesday of the month, it was suggested to change the Authority meetings to the second Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m. It was moved by Vance Edwards and seconded by Kandi McKay to change the Authority's meeting time to the second Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m. and, if necessary, that the bylaws be changed accordingly. The motion passed unanimously. OTHER MATTERS TCBY Property - Vance Edwards announced that the Parks and Recreation Commission placed the TCBY property as its top acquisition priority. There may be a need to use Urban Renewal funds in the purchase of this property. 2000 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds - A memorandum, dated May 14, 2001, from Ann Pitinga, grant administrator for the city, was reviewed. She will be attending a training session regarding the Davis- Bacon law on May 21 st. Expenditure of CDBG funds for labor requires conformance with this law. Carnation Festival - Dick Matthews suggested having a booth at the Carnation Festival to provide information on redevelopment opportunities through the urban renewal process. Staff will look into this. Appreciation - Vance Edwazds and Jim Windholz expressed their appreciation to the Authority members for their efforts in the urban renewal process. 8. ADJOURNMENT - It was moved by Vance Edwards and seconded by Marilynn Force to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. Richard Matthews, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secretary ~WRURA Minutes Page 3 OS/14/Ol OF WHEAT City of Wheat Ridge ~ Po Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Urban Renewal Authority Members FROM: Alan White, Planning and Development Director ~ SUBJECT: Urban Renewal Plan Proposals DATE: June 7, 2001 June 6' was the deadline for the submission of proposals by consultants interested in preparing the urban renewal plans for the Authority and City. As of the deadline, we had received ZERO proposals. I spoke with several of the consultants we sent requests to. The consultants indicated that the reason they did not respond was the lack of time allotted for their response. We have two options to move forward: 1. Readvertise the request with a new deadline and give consultants more time to respond. 2. Prepare the plans in house. Either option probably extends the deadline for completion to at least the end of September or early October. Preparing the plans in house will involve a considerable amount of the attorney's time and probably the need to hire additional personnel for certain specialized work such as financial analyses. The prepazation of these plans, other than managing a consultant, has not been included in the workload allocation of the Planning Division. I do not have the tnne or staff to prepare these plans in house. Staff recommends that we readvertise and adjust the schedule for completion accordingly. C:4MyFiles\WPFiles\URA\ury proposals.wpd 06/08/2001 11:44 3034437835 WINUHOLZ PC PAGE 02105 SZYMANSKI / RAY Rea! `-Siu.~ DCv Giv~ri7~ciii c~°, " o wttsuittnz 7une6,2001 Jattles A. Windholz, Esq. Wmdholz & tlssociates 1650 West 38ih Street, Suite 103w Boulder, CO 8D301 RE: Time Squaze S.C. - Wheat Ridge, CO Deaz Jim, Tbank you for the opportuniry to discuss the potential redevelopment of the Times Squaze S.C. arca (on me SEC oi 414-tl-~ Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard) with yon and the Ciry of Wheat Kidge. toilowmg aze our ideas about a possible agreement. Our purpose would be: 77te iesponsibiliry of Szyrrzanski /Rrry will be tu arsist the Ci{v niWkent RuL~a / Whear Ridge Redeve[opment Autkariiv in successful[v y. ..r.....y their redeveloDment 2oals !or this nrnnPrro wi~h .,~~anr..xlo <.se / R~wl.ns..../-- __x.'_.._........,, ..6Y.wy fiRaIICtal telm.c nwno'~kin nnAs:xs;an Specifically, our Phase 1 prograin would identi Fy and eva]uate a potencial redevelopment and ..F.L' . • - c----°•---_.. r y~. va .uc p.u~i ~y, wiiS~ucnng: ❑ Physical feasihility - includina. pazcel and ownership uatterns; accesc exnncil.P, s_rP s;>e dimensions, topogtauhy and other ohysical chararrPr;~r~~~_ • i~iaricet ieasioiiiry - we wiit consider the opportuniry for retail and other appropriate potential uses, mcluding site criteria by retaiI anehor tenants in an active expansion mode, ezistinc competition serving the sub-market, criteria such as uopulation densiry_ aooeqs and v;qibdHt; requiremenu, etc, o Polirical feasibility - current zoning entitlemenu, City support, potential neighborhood response, eta Financial feasibitity-estimated potential public costs vs. revenues, potential private risks vs. -ua.,, au ui:uiciei "u i+r Poteniiai Puoiic ParticiPation, tortns oF Public Ya~•.••••a~ r pariicipaiion avaiiaoie, pubiic up,iront money vs. reimbursement agreements, TTF capaciry, etc. ❑ TIIlpICII).CIIIdLIO1I DOLCRLIaI - WbO W1II 1TT1l1IP.R1?IIT r}lP n in0r9M7 Tmnlo.~~~w~~~~~ J ' ~a'_.... ~...i.__....... ~..~.07 uiiu schedule; etr. RECL11/ 's13 .o~J iq q p- 9;a ~ A loint Vcnwrc oT SzymunsAi DevcloDmeru C(,moany and R5y Ruil F.srair. Sr.rvicr..,~'anr, C.....,~.... n C i~n~' rnr ~icv¢iv a. ou in.r~~'atU ~~v~/ 1 A• A1~rvULU l,. ACAY, C.icE (K3)5YJ-4'4GL 90i iacorvv, S rxar 9 UENVER, Cu 80204-4023 • rnx: (3U3) 595-8610 06/E8/2061 11:44 3034437835 WINUHUL_ PC PUGE 03/65 S7YMAN.$KT / R 6y )ames Windholz, bsq. .T.Wzs 5, 2CC1 -D....,.'f _C • i~b V41Y Our primazy Phase 1 tasks would be: t. Data collection -pazcelization, ownerships, assessor's "actual values", access, zoning, o .........s~u...... r~r~~r, C0~pcti.x : on, pruposed deveiopments, ownership isSUeS, etC. 2. Brainstorm to identify from 3 to 5 altemative development concepts. s"- ~'vnaiysis oi tiie alternatives bazed on the above (physical, market, political, financial and implementation) feasibility factors. 4. Selection of preferted development concept(s). 5. Definition of the implementation strategy / process. o. we wiii coordinate and meet with you and the City, as appropriate. Contract terms would be: • Srymanski / Ray would be authorized up to a maximum of 8,000, including expenses, lww iy uiiiing at a raLe of 3i5G per hour eacli for Ame Ray & Steve Szytnanski. • VVe estimate that this project would require two to three months to complete, depending on the coordinatinn uritR rhP r'it.~ - • We would bilt monthly and the contract would be cancelabie bv either nutv at anv time. with payment due up to the date of cancellation. We would be pleased to discuss our possible Phase 2 assista»ce on the subsequent imulemeetation at the anprnnriAre r:mP. For,,,,,,. - • • Yhase 1, this proposal - we would work with you to identify and evaluate various developmcntt alternatives. • Phase 2, Development Martagement - Tf we identify a viable and desirable development prograRi, we could theIl proceed to discuss a potential Phase 2 implementation progam, which could inc]ude the following elements. The following ouUine of possible Phase 2 taslcs is speculative, since we do not Imow any uetaiis aooui me concepu or goais of an implementstion program. Howevet, this is based on similar projects for the City oF Westminster, Federal Heights, etc. We would need to 57evEN P. SzrMaHSKI (303) 595-3311 • A[uvoin C. Rnv, CFtE (303) 595-4422 901 ACOMa STxEer - DENVER, CO 80204 • Fax: (303) 545-8810 06/08/2001 11:44 3034337835 WINLHOL= PC PAGE 64l05 SZYMANSKI i RAY James Windhok, Esq. lane 6,2001 Yage 3 of 4 review and refine any agreeement at the conciusion of the Phase 1 program. Potential Phase 2 Tasks: Our approach is to ad u Development Ivlanager and to complete any tasks necessary to assist you in implementma the desigiated development progrem, includinq! 7 cit. e ;-1.,. ~..a:-"--- ' • > y.c.,.....,ri ya,ce~s, wuuiuancs and dimensions, ovunerships, cutrent and potential s t. :i ::s. 2. Review and refine eonceptua] site plans, building SF allocations, err. 2• r0%::p^:9+.°iui yiv-LViutbi iue -ulc dcveiopmcni and consuuction pnases and altemapves. °aiiM evui~u¢i~. ii,G YVJ], I1IGUIIIC AIlU ir poieniiais and opuons. 4. Work with you and the Ciry to outiine the potentia2 business terms of the deve]onment mrid financial coopemtion, including alternative-financing nroerams, etc. 5. Fva,uu'ua~v W4Y Vi1VLi Gi4 30.UIIIlIIGWGLLUII~~ iociuding our estimates oi pubiic vs. pnvate ....ES". :C:.'.::,yuixci, iiuTaciini, ullpiet[tcm3[IOR PI'OgL8m, iR1ID2U18t0 DBXT SLBF/5, 2LC. 6. Assist ia the preparation of public information materials and presentations. Assist in various owner, City, public... meetings and evaluation 7. ldernify and contact various appropriate potenual tenants and/or developers to implement the 5=?==•~adeval.,.......~.__.,.._.,_ .r ' . ..f......u.y~.+g.au. u aFrNiv(itlaic, tlltuiagC:iII I(I'Y 2Ii4 SElOCLIOII pfOCCSS. 8. Act as the negotiator relative to the business tertns. Assiss the City's leeal and finane;.al t?nm ;n structuring any development agreements. 9. As bevelopmeM Managers, wordinate the selection, contracts and project manaaement for '-~ds, >uch as dcu;Peey acncrui conaactar, civii engineer, leasing broker, etC, in ...de: -,:u.. icr__....~~_ U~.,« ~_~_.cu • ui~yus- ~iiim rdeveiopmrnc - uF c progtam. it ~s anticipa[ed that these ..%Git:.CS .::u vc uucCti'y"witu uic i.ily i i~e¢CVeiOpIJ1E[12 fi,~BRC}~, bUt wOlllA be COOIdlilBted 3nQ Out compensation for Phase 2 would be based on a combination of retainer and performance 1C0], u, iinv wim our simiiaz projecu. SrEVe.N P. SzYlnrws[ci (303) 595-3311 • ARNOLD C_ RAY, CRE (303) 595-4422 70l t1CUNu1 JTftEET • uErrvER, CO 80104 • hnX: (3p3) 595-68 10 06/08/2001 11:4-4 3034437835 S7YMAIV.CKT / R ev 7ames Windholz, Esq Ju c 6, 2~C; n..ue n _cn + ng~. 'ua v wZNLHOL_ Pc We woyld welcome the opportunity to work with you on this exciting project. Please tet us imow ii you want us to proceed or if you want w discuss our proposal in more detaii. CincrrPlv A w Amold C. Rav JIZF - - --•V- 7he above Phase 7 workscope is authorized, By: Date: PAbE F75/05 I .n <Ln °:evc„?. Sryii~ansia~ i STEVF.NP. SZYMAN$KI (A0I) 545-3111 • ADNnrnf Rev ('RF /21121 COG ndal . _ . ~ n~.. d(il Arnnnc Ctoncr . Trnnrr.o i^n amnn . r..,. nmx enc oo,n ~ .......ouur.• ur~.~r..yvvVViV'r'tnA.~JVJf✓]J-OpIV oF wHeqr City of Wheat Ridge ~ Po Planning and Development Department " m Memorandum C~tORP00 TO: Urban Renewal Authority Members FROM: Alan White, Planning and Development Director ~vw SUBJECT: Urban Renewal Area Market Feasibility Study DATE: June 5, 2001 In May the Authority considered retaining or terminating the services of Development Research Partners (DRP) to finish preparing a market feasibility study for the Wadsworth Urban Renewal Area. The Authority decided to have DRP finish the work they were under contract to provide. Since that date, I have had several discussions with Mr. Silverstein, none of them encouraging. He has informed me that now he cannot get back to our feasibility study until September. That is unacceptable due to our time lines for the urban renewal plans. He also seems to be insistent on providing a new scope of work, which would lead to additional fees. I have received a majority of the material that DRP assembled for this study and perhaps it will be useful to the consultants in preparing the urban renewal plans. We have paid DRP to date approximately $26,000. Jim Windholz and I have spoken about this matter and have concluded that the contract with DRP should be canceled immediately and that all materials produced as part of their effort be turned over to the City. No additional fees will be paid to DRP. C:VViyFiles\WPFiles\iJ2A\wa marke[ study2.wpd