HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/10/2001AGENDA CITY OF WfIEAT RIDGE U12BAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY Monday, September 10, 2001 5:30 p.m. Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held by the City of Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority on September 10, 2001, at 5:30 p.m., in the second floor conference room of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 1. Call The Meeting to Order 2. Roll Call of Members 3. Approval of Minutes - August 13, 2001 4. Public Forum (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 Yninutes.) 5. Old Business 6. New Business A. Intergovernmental Agreement with City B. Financial Status Report 7. Other Matters 8. Executive Session Executive session under C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(a) &(e) for the purpose of developing negotiation strategies for the acquisition of property and instructing negotiators. 9. Adjournment C:\ICathy\Ura\AGENDAS\010910.wpd MIN[ITES OF WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AiTTHORITY August 13, 2001 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority meeting was called to order by Chair Matthews at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commissioners present: Norm Burkpile Sandra Collins Vance Edwazds Marilynn Force Jim Goddard Elwyn Kiplinger Janet Leo Dick Matthews Kandi McKay Margy Platter Commissioners absent: Rae Jean Behm Also attending: Alan White, Plamiing Director Jim Windholz, Urban Renewal Attorney Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Bob Olsen, The Chronicle 3. APPROVAL OF NIINUTES The minutes of the regulaz meeting of July 9, 2001 were presented for consideration. It was moved by Vance Edwards and seconded by Sandra Collins to approve the minutes of July 9, 2001 as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 4. PUBLIC FORUM There were none present to address the Authority. 5. OLD BUSINESS A. Council Actions Alan White reported that agreements with Hanifen Ixnhoff (financial advisor) and Kutak Rock (bond counsel) were ratified by City Council. City Council also approved Clarion and Associates LDR to do the 38th and Wadsworth urban renewal plans. The blight study for 44t' and Wazd Road was also approved by City Council. WRURA Minutes Page 1 08-13-01 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Presentation - General Approach to Wadsworth and 38tn Urban Renewal Plans Sandra Coilins reported that Clazion and Associates was the unanimous choice of the interview committee. Alan White distributed copies of the draft scope of services from Clarion and Associates for the two urban renewal plans. All day workshops will be held on August 29 and 30 with public meetings to be held the night of August 30. Elwyn Kiplinger will check the auailability of the grange for these meetings. Prior to the public meetings, a questionnaire will be sent to all landowners in the urban renewal azea. A number of business owners will also be interviewed and Alan asked for assistance from Authority members for this interview process. It was moved by Elwyn Kiplinger and seconded by Sandra Collins that Jim Windholz and Alan White negotiate the contract price with Clarion and Associates. The motion passed unanimous(y. B. Extension oP Contract with Arthur Anderson and Associates to Prepare a Redevelopment Plan for the 44t & Ward Area Staff recommended that the contract with Art Anderson be extended to prepaze the urban renewal plan for 44h and Wazd Road. It is expected to have this plan completed by the end of October. It was moved by Sandra Collins and seconded by Margy Platter to extend the contract with Art Anderson to prepare the urban renewal plan for the 44`h and Ward Road area. The motion passed unanimously. OTHER M?,TTERS TCBY Property - Vance Edwards reported that the JefFerson County Open Space Advisory Board has placed the TCBY properiy on its high priority list. The properiy would be utilized for extension of the Town Center Pazk which would serve as a gateway to the redevelopment azea. 8. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Vance Edwards and seconded by Sandra Collins to move into executive session at 6:10 p.m. under Secfion 24-6-402(4)(a) &(e) C.R.S. to discuss the potential acquisition of property interests and determine positions related to matters which may be subject to negotiations, developing strategies for negotiations and instructing negotiators related to the 38tn Avenue and Wadsworth Corridor Redevelopment Area and the 38t6 Avenue 1 \ WRURA Minutes Page 2 08-13-01 and Wadsworth Corridor Redevelopment Plans. The motion passed unanimously. It was moved by Vance Edwards and seconded by Kandi McKay to adjourn the executive session at 6:40 p.m. 9. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Vance Edwards and seconded by Marilynn Force to adjourn the regular meeting at 6:41 p.m. Richard Matthews, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secretary WRURA Minutes Page 3 08-13-01 DI2AFT i1yTERGOVERPIMEIVTAL AGXtEEN1EN'I' BE'TWEEPI'THE CITY (3F iK'HEA'I' RIDCaE, COLORrLDO rtND'X'HE WFIEAT RII}EYE UTtP,AN I2~EPdrWA7L AC7THOMY iTMS AGgtEEM3ENT, effecrive the day of 2001, by and between the CY']CY OF W14EAT I2IAGE, COLORAbO, a Colorada municipal cozgofation («City„), and the WAEAT RIDGE iJitBAN ItEN'EWAY.. AITTHORTI'Y, a body corporate and politic ("tluflhority"). REC3TA3[.5 1. The Colorado i7rban Renewal I.aw, specifically 31-25-112 C.R.S. thereof, authoxizes the City and the AuthoriLy to enter into agreements of thits nature to cooperatively effect all aspects, provisions, administration and operaflons of'urban rene+.val areas, ucbau reaewal plans aad redevelopment ptojects witfiin the City. 2. Tn £uctherance af the pravisions and purposes of the Golorado Urbaa Renewal Law, 31 ZS-101 eF seq C.RS., the Authority is engaged inthe admittistration, operation and implementation of urban renewat azeas established by the City Cauncil, fcuown as the Wadswarth Botslevard Corridor UzBan Iteaewai Areas, the 3$* Avenue Corridor iIrban Renewai Area and the Ward Road & 44'h Avenue Area Redzvelapment Area. 11ie Authority also shalf he urvolved in the administration and imglexnentation of the urban zenewal plans for said urban renewal areas. 3. The Ciry and the Authority have prevnuusly entered into numerous Coopecatzon Agreemenu avd/or IntergQVemmentaI Agreements zegazding the adxninistration, operation and impiementation of other uzban renewal azeas and urban renewal plans vrifhin the City. It is the desire of the City and the Authority to reseind all of the gtevious and escisting agceements between the parties and to eaYex into this sole agreemeut in accaidance with the teLms and provisions herein W govem the xelationships, cooperation and cooxdinafion of the City and the AucharitY- 4. To realize the esseatiai coordinated efforEs of the City and the A:uthority to impiement urban renewal plans as approved by the City Councii and to ttssist the Authority in procuring various sezv'rces arni assistanee tfierefore, It is neeessary and ia the pubSic interest that the Cisy and the Authority cooperaYe to provide administrative services, opeiational facilities and funding, in additioa to odier cooperative actions of the City and the A uthoritp as provided in this Agreement. 5. It is the intent of the patCies to avoid unnecessary duplication of services, equipment, and emglayees. Tkzerefore, to this end, tkris Agreement provides fot the Autharity and the City ta share resaurces includ4ng serviees, equipment, and personnel when the needs of both entities caa be served theraby. (y. It is alsa the intent and desue of the City and the Autharity to speeify and clariiy the purposes, powexs, dutzes and autlaorizations of each o£the parties rvith regard to implemenearion and operatians of the urhan renewal azeas and plans. 7. The pazties are also desirous o£ providing for the elements of cooperation, coardination aud trust in each respeotive govemmental body to caxzY out the vazious redevelopmenVurban ienewai pro,jectg `x'rtbi' the City. ARTICLE 1- EMPLflXEES Section 1. Executive Duector. The City Managez has retained oz shall retaiu a pirector o£ Pianning and Development and/or a Director af Econamic Develogment md the Authority has retained said person as Yite Executive Director of the Aixthoriry. Whett the Fxecutive Director of the Authority is alsa an employee of the Ciry, helske shall maintain records oP hislher time spent oa3 an hourly basis when serving as Executive Directcjr. The Anthority shall be responsibte fos and pay the Eity £or such time expended on Authority matters retated to the r,°.development activities, based upon laislher salary and £ringe benefits. Section 2. AuthoritY £mplo-vecs. The Aathority has and may conkinue to retain the pzofessianal services of other staff, consutt,ants, advisors, experts and legal counsel as necessary and in aoeotdance with the [Jrban Ftenewai T,aw. Section 3. CitY Emplo ees. Upon zequest of the 17zrectoz of the Authority, aud subject ta apgroval of the City Marager or his designee, CitY emgioyees may be assignecl to work for the Authority. Such approval of the Manager shall include the rigiit to limit or to witl3hold assigaznent of City emptayees to wazk for the Authority if, izi the judgment af the City Managec, the assignazent of such emPloyee(s) to work for the Authoiify is impairing the emP1tiYee(s)' ability to complete hislher City dut's.es, WhUe perfQnning serYices for the Autharity> sueh Ciry eulp]oyees shali coozdinate their services with the Director. WhiJe serving as emPloyees for or groviding se-vices to the Authority, reaords shall be maintAined of suelt City employees' work, time and service5. Tfte exPenses of such sezvices attributable to the Authority shall be bill.ed to the Authoixty by the CitY• ARTICLE II - PERSONivEL .ACTTON$ x2ET.ATEiI TO F1VIpLOYEE3 Section 1. Notwiihstanding Article 1, Section 1, the selection, ieraiination and othez pexsonnei act'sons related ta any person perfomvng the fimctions af the Executive Director of the Authoritq, who is not a Gity employee, shall be made by the Boazd of Coznmissionexs of the Autliority, The $oard o£ Coinznissioners of the Authority aarees to eonsuit with the City Manager prioz to the retention of an Executive Director ragazdinS xnethads and area` °f cooperaion between the Authority and the City relating to dutizs of the 8xecutive Director vis-a-'vis contemporaneons Czty duties, zf any, and utilization of other Cicy emplayees. SectioA 2. The selection, description of duties and services, termination and othcx personnel actioas retated to sll other emp10Yees, consultants, experts, attomeyS and advisors of thc Authority shall be made by the Authority's Boazd of Commissioners. Sectzon 3. Personnel aciaons raiating to City employees shall in mo manner be affected by this Ageement. In the event of any persanmel acti4n relaxing to any Cit}r empfoyee whiie wazking under the terms and provesions of tteis Agredment, such action shall be subject to the City's petsonnel rutes and zegulations. ARTICLE Ix.i - 5ALAR7ES AND PAtOCEDTJi2ES Section 1. The salary of the Executiva Director of fhe Authority shall be established by the Baazd of Commissiouers af the Autharity; provided, however, in the event the Execu4ive Dizector hired by the Authority is also a Czty employse, the Authority agxees that Tus/her total salary shaYl be zn aceardauee wftYe the salary set by the City for the Directoz's Qosition wi1'h the City; and the portion ihereof atitributable to the Authority shall be aliocated anH paid as provided in this AZreement. Section 2. 'I'he salaries/£ees of alt other employees, consuItants, experts, attozneys and addtsocs of the Authority sbatl be established by the Board of Commissioners of #he Authority. Any Authority empioyee may be inchided 'vn benefit pragracns avaitable to City employees and the Authority shalt pay for the coses thereof. ARTEGiX N - f?THEit SERV,YCES Section I. The City may gxovide the Autbority with such othes senices as map be requized in arder to perfarm its urban renewal £unetiolas including, but no# limi#ed To, accounting, financiai and budgai managemeat, plaaning services aad enginsaring scrvices; provided, however, that nothirtg heteiun shall be eonsuued as prvlubiting the AuLtutrity fzom contractuxg with ar retaining diird Parries to provide all or a portian of my services. Records of af1 axpenses aad satazies related ta such CitY services shall be mainrained, and the Authoxiry shat] be billed by the City and pay the City therefore. geerion 2. Anxtual ar any special financial audits shall be perfozmed by the City's independeut auditor, Ati costs ofany such auciit ot fsaancial semees shall be billed to arad paid by the Authori.ty. AIYI'ICY.E V - OFFICE SPACE• FCPR.IYISHINGS The Ciry may make avaiiable appropriate off.ice space and offxoe equipment to the Autharity. All fumishimgs, equipment and supplies for the fluthoriry znap be acquired by the Authority or rented from the City. AJ1 fiunishings and equipmeni loaned or rentesi to tke Au#kxority by the City shall be bilked to and paid by the Authority and remain tke properly of the City. Ail futaishings and equipment acquized by the Authority shall become the proPertY af she City ngon the dissolu6on of the Authority. ARTICLE Vi - OPE][LATFQNS RvTEGRATTO~ Section 1. CitY Codes. 'fhe Authority shail comply with applicable City ardiaanc.es> codes, rules and regulations refated tcs the development anclloz redevelopment of the urban renewal areas, except as pkovided othenvise in the urban renewal ptaus and tFie ColQrado Urbaii Renewal LaFV. Section 2. Reuorts to Council. The City Couacil s1xaI1 be informed of tlze activities, functiaas, operarions, ]egal processes and fmanciallbudgetary administrauon and condition of ft Authority an a periodic basis and as requested hy Council. Section 3_ Meet~n~s. The Baard of Commissioners and City Council shail meet at the zequest of the Cauneil to eommunicate and caordipate acuvities, functions and shaxe ideas and actions relatad to cazrying aut urbaa renewat andlor redevelogment pra}ects. Section 4. Powezs of Autfiori . The paxties acknowlec3ge and agree diat the Board oFCotnmissivners shall exercise all powers provided im the'(Jzban Renewal T,aw (s capy of suck paweas is attached hezeto as Appendix A and made Part hereot) and as pmvided in the u,rban renawal (redevelopment) plans adopted bq Council. ARTICLE VII - INST3RANCE The Authotiry skiall gay far its vwn publie liability insurance and other insurance requirements; prodsded, however, that ttie City and the Authozity agxee to iaclude the Authority as an additional sepazate insured within ttfe existizig liability insurance wverages as a part of the services to be provided bp the City to the Au#hozity undez the tertzcs and provisions of this Agreement ARTIC]GE VIYI - REMUI.tSEMENT OF CI'TX The Authorit}' shall reimbutse the CiYy for salazies, rents aad costs incuzred bY the Efgy in pmvidine employees,,,,s~ce, eqwpment, facilities, services sud supplies as provided herein. The City shall file inv4ices '%"ith the A"thQrin' each quarteY £or empiayees, facilities, equipment and sezvices readered durang the uxamediately precedina quaxter, includin.g thereia alZ costs of providing same. Such invoiees sba11 be in siiff'r.cient detail and incIude aIl costs incuzred bq the City and shall sufficiently dasignate the types of services perforaned or provided by the City so thax thc Auchority might progarlY deternsine tbLe funds to which costs aze to be chazged. E7pan apProvaZ of such invaiees by the CommissiDness, the Authority shall make azrangements with the Ciiy to pay said invoices. Ft is the intent of the garties that the expenses be pai8 to the City at the eerliest praeticable time; haw2ver, the parties agree that this obligation of tlie Authority shail not impais the abikity o£ the Authozity ta obtain debt fiaancing, if necessary. Thezefvrc, the fiuancial obligation created heLeunder shali be subordinate to any financial obligafiions, bouds, aates ar other debt finaneing issued by the Authorlty The total funds due the City by the 13uthotity as provided herezzi shall beu interest at a rate agreed upon by the City and the Authority. It is the iatent af flae pa:ties th2t the said principal and interest shaLt be paid in fulk by the AnthoritY to the Cit'Y from funds avaiiable to the Authority, including but not 1'united to, sales and property tax inerementaI fiutids. ARTICLE 1(X - CI'i`Y AND A.VT'fIQR3TY 5UARATE Nothing zn this Ageememt shall be interpreteri in any zvanner as constitut3ng the City or its afficials, xepFesentatives, consult3nts ar emgtagees as the ageats or ampioyees of the Authnrity, or the Authority or its officials, sepresentaiives,. consultants or empIoyees as the agents or emgloyeas of the Caty. E?ch entity shall remain sepazatQ, subject tv the cooperation and oooYdination of each enfity's respecrive duties aud powers with zegard to urban zenewa! (redevelopment) activities. Neither party shalY hereby aSSUnc ttie dcbts, obl}gatians ox liabilities of the other. The Authority sl-iall be responsible for cmxying out its duties and functians in accordanee with the Calarado Urbaa Renewal Law, the urbau renewal plans and other appticable laws and regulations. ARTICLE X- RESCISSIEDN OF ALL JPR]EVIQUS AGAEEMENT$ t112 existing/prior nooperation agreements andlQr intergovernmental agreements between the City and the Authority are hereby rescinded. Tkie terms af this Agreemeut sha11 control the relatiouship between and aetivities of the City and the Authority. ARTTCI.E %I - TF-RMINAT[f3riI This Ad eement may be terBtimated hy the muwal consent of the parfies at any fime after giving at least thirtp (30) tiays written naAce of imtention to so tezminate; provided, however, terminahon of ttzis Aa eement sUsll nnt zelease the tknthoz'itY fram its obligation to pay ~e funds due the. Ctiy as gro vided herein, unless such obligatioa is specific311y temvnated by the City. Tkie parties have executed dus Agreement effective on the date psovided Above. CYT'Y OF VVHEAT RiDGE sy Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk wxEa.T xIEncE uRsAv i2ENEWAL ALTTIiORI'I'Y By Chair ATTE5T: Sectetuy ~ CO Colorado Renised Statutes 31-25=105. Powers oi an authoriL"y. (1) $wery aathcrity has all the powers neces>ary or convenient to carry out and effectuete the puxposes and provisions of this part 1, including, but not 1imiCed Co, the following powers in additian to )thers granted in this part 1: (a) To sue and to be sued; to adopt and have a seal and to a1Cer the sasae at pleasure; to have perp0tua2 succession; to make, and from time to tzme amend and repeal, bylaws, orders, rules, and regulations to e£factuate the provisxans of this part 1; . (b) To undertake urbdri renewal pxojects and tomake and execute any and all contracts and other iastruments whzch it may deem necessary or convenient to the exercise of its powers undet this pait 1, .including, but not limited to, contracts for advances, 2oans, qrants, and contxibutions Prom the Zederal government or any other source; (c) To arrange for the furnisking or repair by any persaa ar public body of serviCes, privileqes, works, streets, roads, public utilities, or educdtiioridl or other facilities £or ox in cannection with a project of tha authority; to dedicate groperty acquired or held by it for pu6lic works, improvements, facilities, utilities, and puzposes; and to agree, in connection with any of its contracts, to a.ny condit=ons that it daems reasonable and appropriate under this part I, including, but not limited to, conditions attached to federal Pinancial assistance, and to include in any contract made Or 1et in connection with any pzoject of the auihority provisions to €a1fi11 such of said condi.tions as it may deem reasoaabSe and app=opriate; (d) To arranle with the municipaZzty or other publiC bOdy to p1an, zeplan, zone, or xezone any part of the asea of the municipality or of such other public body, as the case may be, in connection wiL•h any project proposed or being undertaken.by the authoxity under this part 1; -(e) To enter, with the coasent of the owner, upon aziy buildzng or property in osdex to make sarveys or appraisals and to obtain an ordcr for this purpose from a court of competent jurisdiCtiOn in the event entry zs denied or resisted; to acquire any property by purchase, lease, option, gi£t, grant, bequest, devise, or otherwise to acquire any interest in property by condemriatian, including a fea simple absolute title th2reto, in the manner proaided by the laws o£ this state for the exescise o£ the pomer of eminent domain by any qthEZ gublic body (anfl property alrcady devoted to a public use may be acquired in a like manner excEpt that no property belonging to the federa2 government or to a public bod.y may be acquired without its consent); excepC that any acquisition of any interest in prope=ty by condemnation by an authority Must be approved a3 paYt OE an urban renewal pla.n oz substantialmodifitation thereof, as provided zn section 31-25-107, by a majority vote of the governing body of the municipality in wYzich such groperty is located; to ho1d, improve, clear, or prepare for redevelopment any such property; to mortgaqe, pledqe, hypothecate, or otharwisa enoumber or dispose oP its p=operty, and to insure or provide £or the insuranCe of any propesty Qr operations of the authority against any risks or hazards; except that no provision of any other law with respect to the planning or undartaking of projects or the acquisztion, claarance, or disposition o£ propezty by pUblic bodic>s shall.resCzict an authority exercising powers under this part 1 in the exezcise of such functions with raspect to a projact o£ such authority unless the general assembly speci£ically so states; - (f) (S) To invest an1 of i4:s fund5 not required Por immediate di9bur3ement in property or i.n securitiesin whickx public bodies may legally 7.nvest funds subject to their control pursuant to part 6 oE :a=ticle 75 of title 24,C.R.S., and to redeem such bonds as it has 6ate Printed: August 31, 2001 2:09:50 PM CO Colorado Revised Statutes issued at the redemption price"established therein or to purchase- 3uch bondS 2t less than redemption price, all such bonds so redeemed ~x puXChased to be canCelied; (II) To fleposit aay funds not required for imiaediate disbur5emenL' in any depository authozized in section 24-75-603, C.R.S. Fos che purpose of making such deposits, the authority may appoint, by aritten resolution, one or more persohs to act as custodians of the funds of tke authority. Such persons shall give surety bonds in such amounts and form and for such puzposes as the authority requises. (g) Ta borrow money and to apply for and accept advanc2s,.loans, granta, and contrxbutions £rom the federal govermnenL• or othei sousce for any Qf the purposes of this part 1 and to give such security as nay be required; (h) To make such apprapriations and expenditures of its funds and to set up, establish, and maintain such gene=al, separate, or sp2Cla1 funds and Hank aecounts or othez accounts as it deems riacessary to zaxrp out the purposes of this pa.rt 1; (.'tI To make or hava made and to submit or resubYnit to the governing 3ody for appropriate action the authority's p=oposed plans and aodifications thereof necessary ta the carryingout o£ the purposes 3f.this part 1, such plan Shall 1nC1Ude, but not be limitedto: (1) Plans to assist ths municipality in the J.atter's preparaCion of 3 warkable gx'ogram for utilizing appropriate private and public resources to eliminate and prevent the development or spread of slum and bli.ghted areas, to encourage needed urban zehabilitation, to orouide for the redeueJ.opment of slum anfl blighted azeas, or to undertake such activi'L•ies or othes feasible municipal activities as aay be suitably employed ta 3chi2ve the objectives of such workable pragram, which program may iaclude, without limitationr prOVis.ion fnr: The prevention of the spread of blight into areas of the aturticipality which arc free £rom blight throuqh diligent enforcement oi housxng, zoning, and occupancy controls and standards; the rehabilitation or conservation of slum and blighted areas or portions thereo£ by =eplanning, removing congestion, providing public improvemeats, and encouraging rehabilitation and sepaiz oi deeeriorated or deteriozating structures; and the clearance and redevelopment of slum and b1J.ghted areas oz portioriS th2l'20f; - (IZ) Urban renewal plans; (III) Pzeliminary plans outlining psoposed urksan renewal activities for neighborhoods oP the municipality LO embraCe two or more tzrban renewal axeas; (IV) Plans for the relocation of those individuals, €amilies, and business concerns situated in the urban renewal area which wi11 be displaced by the urben reneHJal pro7ect, which relocation plans, without limitation, may include agpropriat¢.data setting fOZth a- fEaSiDle methDd for the tesporary reloc2tian of such individuals and families and showing taat there will be provided, in the urbaa renewal azea or in other areas nvt genezally lESS desirable.in ragard to gublic utilities and public and cotntttercial facilities821d Bt rents or prices within the Pinancial means of the xndividuale arid Pamilies so displaced, decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings equal in number to tha number of and available to such i.ndividuals and families and -reasonably accessible to theis places of employmen.t; (V) p.laas for undcrtaking a program o£ voluntary repais and rehabilit3tion o€ buildings and improvements and for the enforcement oE etate and local Zaws, codes, and regulations relating to the usc of land and the use and occupancy of buildings and impxovements and to the regaiC, sehabilitation, demolition,.or removal o£ buildinqs Date Printed: August 31, 2001 2:09;50 PM CO Co2orado Revised Statutes ind inlprovements; (VI) Financing plans, maps, plats, appraisals, titie searches, >uXVeys, studies, aad other preliminazy plans and work neC2558sy or ertinent to any proposed plans or modifications; (j) To make •reasonable relocai:ipn payments to or with reSpect to individuals, families, and busiiless concerns situatod in an uzban ^enewal area that will Ge displaced as pzavided in su6paragraph (IV) D£ Daragraph (i) o£ this subsECtivn (1) for moving expenses and ~ctual dixect losses o£ property including, €or business concerns, aoodwill and lost profits that are reasonably related to relocation Df the business, xesulting f=om their displacement for which ceimbursement or compensatioa is not otherwise made, includinq the naking of such payments Einanced by the £ederal government; (k) To davelop, test, and report methods and techniques and to zarry otlt demonstratiOnsdnd -other 8cti.vities £or the prev2ntion and the elimination of slum and b7.iqhted areas within the municipality; (1) To rent or to provide by any ather means suitable quarters foz thE use of the authority or to accept the use of such quarters as may ae fuXnished by rhe municipality oz any other public body, and to °quip such quarters with such furniture, £urnishings, equipment, =ecords, and supplies as thE authority may deem necessary to enavle it to exercise its pvwers under this pazt i. Date Printed: August 31, 2001 2:09:50 PM URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY Financial Status Report - August 2001 ls Available Checking Account Balance $121,204 (As of 8/22101) Colotrust 371 078 (As of 7/31/01) Total $492,282 Committed Funds Supplies $4,100 Services Professional Services Clarion $90,000 Syzmanski/Ray $18,000 Kutak Rock $7,000 Windholz $15,000 Anderson $32,500 Dahl $5,000 City Reimbursement $5,000 Capital Payment to Fire District 12 000 Total Committed $188,600 Balance $303,682 Saies Tax Payment from City* 100 000 L_.,mated Year End Fund Balance $403,682 * The sales tax payment usually occurs near the end of the year. F W o 0 0 . o- x o 0 0 'b~o 0 0 o 0 0 ~ Z(n N Wr 1f7 I~ O O O O O illtD ~ W Q 7 ~ ~ N u7 O ~s.,, O O O . O U W V c7'7 ~ 7~cO 0 000 ~ N .a't'4, L z ~ a ? c0 M ~,~pL cD d' O) tn ~ N N ~a m0) oJ i lr, O~ 0 0) O N 5~ ~ m 3.~ M N V' lD 1~i (D h M J+~ (O 6J e,TM„' ~ N fA zqk V3 EA : - .,~•F ,~s~' o p ER fH EA f}}: EH Efl ~ 2 h% ~ , V3 O F- _ s= aE Za„ . 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