HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/17/2001AGENDA CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY Monday, December 17, 2001 .S:36 -am P.M. Notice is hereby given of a Special Meeting toheld by the City of Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority on December 17, 2001, a p.m., in the second floor conference room of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 1. Call The Meeting to Order 2. Roll Call of Members 3. Approval of Minutes - November 27, 2001 4. Public Forum (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 5. New Business A. Amendment to agreement with Syzmanski/Ray B. Contract with Art Anderson to undertake a blight study 5. Old Business Other Matters 8. Executive Session under C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(a) &(e) for the purpose of developing negot'sation strategies for the potential redevelopment and/or acquisition of properties in the 38`h Avenue Corridor, Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor, and 44' Avenue/Ward Road Redevelopment Areas and instructing negotiators, consultants, and attorneys: 9. Executive Session under C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(a) &(e) for the purpose of receiving legal advice. 10. Election of Officers 11. Adjournment C:\ICathy\Ura\AGENDAS\011217.wpd MINUTES OF WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY November 27, 2001 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The Wheat Ridge. Urban Renewal Authority meeting was called to order by Chair Matthews at 630 p.m. The meeting was held in the second floor conference room of the Municipal Building, 7500 VJest 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Norm Burkpile Sandra Collins Vance Edwazds Marilynn Force Jim Goddazd Elwyn Kiplinger Janet Leo Dick Matthews Kandi McKay Mazgy Platter Commissioners absent: Rae Jean Behm Also attending: Alan White, Planning Director Arnie Ray, Szymanski Ray Steve Szymanski, Szymanski Ray Ann Lazzeri, Secretary 3. APPROVAL OF NIINUTES The minutes of the regulaz meeting of November 13, 2001 were presented for consideration. Dick Matthews requested amendments to page three of the mniutes: Kandi Arce should be changed to Kandi McKay. Page three should be renumbered. It was moved by Sandra Collins and seconded by Margy Platter to approve the minutes as amended. The motion passed unanimously. 4. PUBLIC FORUM There were none present to address the Authority. 5. NEW BUSINESS WRUItA Minutes Page 1 11-27-01 A. WRURA Appointments Chair Matthews announced that City Council reappointed 7anet Leo to the Authority. John Ha11 was appointed to replace Rae Jean Behm. B. December Meeting Date There was a consensus to change the December meeting from December 10 to December 17 at 6:00 p.m. 6. OLD BUSYPTE5S There wasno old business to come before the Authority. 7: OTHER MATERS There were no other matters to come before the Authority. 8. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Vance Edwards and seconded by Kandi McKay to adjourn to executive session under C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(a) and (e) for the purpose of developing negotiation strategies for the potential redevelopment and/or acquisition of properties in the 38th Avenue Corridor and 44th Avenue/Ward Road Redevelopment Areas and instructing negotiators, consultants and attorneys. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned to executive session at 637 p.m. All individuals listed as present at the beginniug of the minutes were present for the executive session. It was moved by Elwyn Kiplinger and seconded by Marilynn Force to adjourn the executive session and resume the regular meeting at 8:50 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. 9. ADJOURNMENT Itwas moved by Marilynn Force and seconded by Sandra Collins to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:53 p.m. The motion passed unanimousiy. Dick Matthews, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary WRIIRA Ivlinutes 11-27-O1 Page 2 oF wHear City of Wheat Ridge ~ Po Planning and Development Department " m Memorandum TO: Urban Renewal Authority FROM: Alan White, Planning and Development Director qJA SUBJECT: Amended Agreement with Szymanski/Ray DATE: December 13, 2001 Attached is an amended agreement with Szymanski/Ray to continue to provide development consultation services to the Authority. As you will recall, the agreement was far an amount not to exceed $18,000.00 for the purpose of looking at options in the 44/Wadsworth area. A total of $10,247.10 has been billed and paid to date. Szymanski/Ray has been asked to look at 44/Ward, 38I/Sheridan, and other properties along 381" Avenue for the streetscape project. None of this work is in the original agreement. Attached is the amended agreement to provide the additional services. C:NM1yFiles\WPFiles\URMamend sr agreementwpd SZYMANSKI i RAY December 14, 2001 Atan vVhite Wheat Ridge Urban ltenewal Authority 9500 W. 29th Aveiaue Wbeat Ridge, CO 80215 RE: Time Square S.C. - Wheat Rzdge, CO Deaz,Alan, Subsequent to the appxoval of our August development consuiting agreement we Itave expanded the scope of our services. Our original Phase I scope was zo "identify and evaluate a potential redevelopment and implemeatation plan for all or part of the Times Square S.C. area (on the SEC of 44th Avenue and Wadswortii Soulevard)." Since thea, we have: - Assisted the Ciry in obtaining an easement for the 381h strzetscape iiziproveihents for the Spallone property, • Assisted in support for the various redevelopmezit plans, • Are evaluating the redevelopment feasibilary and implementation plans for the 444h & Wzrd and 38th & Sheridaa pxojects, • Commissioning additional design and valuation services in suppott of the 44th & Ward and 38th & Sheridan projects. Therefore, we propose the following amendment to our August devalopmept consulung agreement: Recogniae the add'ztional sarvices thac we have already performed for the City. • Expand the scope to include the evaluaUOn of development feasibility and preparation of impfamantation strategies for the 44th & Wazd and 38th & Sberidan projects, in addition io the $EC of 44Fb Avenue and Wadsworth Bou{eva[d project area. •F-xpand our fee cap front $18,000 to $28,000 (i»cluding our out-of•pocket costs for design and valuation support seroices) £or the above•expapded scope. Enclosed is a summary of ouc faes-to-date and anticipated fees to compiate this scope. S'ryvetz P. SzYMAxsxz (303) 595-3311 • ARNOLD C. RAX, Ci2E (303) 595-44-22 901 ACO-MA $IREET • DENVER, CO 80204 • Pax: (303) 595-8810 - SzYmANSxz / RaY Aian White Decennber 14, 2001 Page 2 of 2 We are excited about tlte opportunity to work With you, the Wheat Itidge Urban Reuewal Authority and the City of Wheat Ridge on these projects. Please Iet us know if you want us to proceed or if you want to discuss our proposal in more detail. Szncerely, Amold C. Ray, C Steven P. Szymanski The above Phase 1 woxkscope is authori2ed, By: Date: SrsvEN P. SzrMrwsxt (303) 5953311 - ARNOLD C. RAY, CRE (303) 595-4422 901 ACOM.4 STREET • DENv&tt, CO 80204 •.FAx: (303) 595-8810 o m ~ o o ~ O o W 0 0 W ~ N n N ~ O N N jZ r ~ ~ M C VT N 4l~~ ~A I f9 ~ N FA E ' ~ m v_ . ~ ti ey ~ ~ I O ~ O S ~ M y m p 9 D Vi ' ` ~ cl ° N ~ ~ Q '21 J c ~ ~ 00 S o o ° ~ 3 t u~l W 'a v' c~ i m m c ~ + v ~ ~ N ~ o e 3 m c °o 0° , ~ S o I °o ~`a ~ 8 ~i 0 I 0 0 e» 0 u~ ~ c r v ° oi" O ~ Cd N ~ Q p~ S-O O ~-yp g v 3 y N P N Ld - 4~p ~ O W y Q(DeOt~? eit»~ ~~p ~ ~ O~ c N 9 ~ ~ L M N ~ tH. l iA p O. o m . a ~ ~ `o y w t° o c ~ ~ m d ~ m T A ~ ; y N O > $ N c ~ c N ~ E Q d > - n ~ o ~ w E H a~+ T'° ° E m U ~ ~ ~ O~~ ~ d = ~ ~ rt a~ p ~ O 4= m fp D ' v ~ D m Q ^p ~ ~ U N Ny ~ 3 ~ i > O O Z n ~ b p 0~ v ~ . i W pl O li . iu m Urbanplan.,oM Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc., 2342 Pine Street, Boulder, Colorado 80302 303.447.2341 e-mail artanderPurbanplan.com Infroduction Arthur L. Anderson and Associates is pleased to present this proposal to conduct a blight survey of existing conditions regarding those specific items cited in C.R.S. Section 31-25- 103(2) for the area of the Ciry of Wheat Ridge defined as follows: • 3915 Upham to 4281 Upham including the adjacent 12ight of Way of Upham Street. Survey Objective Under Colorado Law, the legal term "blight" describes a wide array of urban problems that can range from physical deterioration of buildings and the environment to the health problems in a particular area. A finding that blighted conditions exist within an area is required by the Ciry Council of Wheat Ridge for the creation of an urban renewal area and adopiion of a plan for that area. In order to make such a finding; the City Council cannot rely on a single matter, but rather a combinarion of factors attributable to a number of physical, environmental and safety factors. Our inquiry will identify if any of the conditions that constitute blight existing in the study area. C.R.S. Section 31-25-103(2) as modified by House Bill 99-1326 in 1999, defines "blighted area" as follows: an area that, in its present condition and use and, by reason of the presence of at least four of the following factors, substantially impairs or arrests the sound growth of the municipality, retards the provision of housing accommodations, or constitutes an economic or social liability, and is a menace to the public health, safery, morals or welfare: (a) slum, deteriorated, or deteriorating structures; (b) predominance of defective or inadequate street layout; (c) faulry lot layout in relation to size, adequacy, accessibiliry, or usefulness; (d) unsanitary or unsafe conditions; (e) deterioration of site or other improvements; (f) unusual topography; (g) defective or unusual conditions of tide rendering the title nonmarketable; (h) the existence of conditions that endanger life or property by fire or other causes; Survey Objective (continued) (i) buildings that are unsafe or unhealthy for persons to live or work in because of building code violations, dilapidation, deterioration, defective design, physical construction, or faulty or inadequate facilities; (j) environmental contamination of buildings or property; (k) inadequate public improvements or utilities; or (1) if there is no objection by the property owner or owners and the tenant or tenants of such owner or owners, if any, to the inclusion of such property in an urban renewal area, "blighted area" also means an area that, in its present condition and use and, by reason of the presence of any one of the factors specified in paragraphs (a) to (k) o£ this subsection (2), substantially impairs or arrests the sound growth of the municipality, retards the provision of housing accommodations, or constitutes an economic or social liabiliry, and is a menace to the public health, safery, morals or welfare. For purposes of this paragraph (1), the fact that an owner of an interest in such properry does not object to the inclusion of such properry in the urban renewal area does not mean that the owner has waived any rights of such owner in connection with laws goveming condemnation. This survey will measure a wide range of physical, environmental and safety factors based upon on-site inspections, research and interviews conducted with staff of the Ciry of Wheat Ridge. Data will be gathered in the following areas: 1. Slum, deteriorated, or deterioraring structures; 2. Defective or inadequate sireet layout. 3. Lot layout, accessibility, size and usefulness. 4. Unsanitary or unsafe conditions; 5. Deterioration of site or other improvements. 6. Unusual topography. 7. Defecrive or unusual conditions of ride rendering the tide nonmarketable; 8. Existence of conditions that endanger life or property by fire or other causes; 9. Environmental contaminarion of buildings or property; 10. Inadequate public improvements or utilities. These ten factors are within the statutory definition of blight. Because the presence of blight is a cumulative finding, these factors will be depicted in graphic form to show the geographic incidence of various blighting factors. Maps and photographs will be used to which graphically demonstrate the physical distribution of the various factors. Page 2 Experience Arthur L. Anderson owner/president of Arthur L. Anderson and Associates will conduct this blight survey. He is uniquely qualified to perform this service having performed twelve such surveys in the Denver Metro area and surrounding mountain communities. The surveys include: Proiect Name Municipalitv Comnletion Date Water Tower Area Arvada October2001 Ward Road/W.44t' Avenue Wheat Ridge July 2001 Englewood Industrial Englewood December 2000 Broomfield Industrial Lane Broomfield. February 2000 Villager Square Shopping Center Broomfield November 1999 Ridge Home Arvada November 1997 Town of Silverthorne Silverthorne September 1996 Two neighborhood shopping areas Northglenn URA September 1995 Details of the most recent surveys are discussed below The Arvada Water Tower Area survey includes portions of "Olde Town Arvada" as well as the area to the west of the redeveloped Wadsworth Bypass. It is a mixed residential and commercially zoned area that was found to haye numerous blight factors. This survey is being conducted for the Arvada Urban Renewal Authoriry. The contact person is Tim Steinhaus, Execurive Director, Arvada Urban Renewal Authority, who can be reached at 303.431.3025. The Ward Road/West 44th Avenue area consisted of commercial property that was found blighted because of public safery; unsanitary and unsafe conditions; environmental contamination; inadequate public infrastructure (streets, sidewalks, utilities); and deteriorated structures. The contact person is Alan White, Planning Director, City of Wheat Ridge, who can be reached at 303.235.2844. • The Englewood Industrial Survey performed for the Englewood Urban Renewal Authority included the General Iron Works, an abandoned steel processing plant, and surrounding industrial zoned properry. The contact person is Mark Graham, Senior Planner, who can be reached at 303 762 2353. . The Broornfield Industrial Blight Survey was performed for the City of Broomfield in order to expand an adjacent urban renewal area. The area was adjacent to Industrial Lane, north of Wadsworth Blvd. The area had severe access problems as well as infrastructure deficiencies. The contact person is Kevin Standbridge, Depury Director of Communiry Development, who can be reached at 303 438 6384. Experience (continued) Page 3 Mr. Anderson was the Executive Director of the Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority (EPURA) for over 15 years from 1984 until he retired in 1999. He also served as the Execurive Director of the Golden and Edgewater Urban Renewal Authorities. He is very familiar with the operation of governmental decision-making process and has made numerous presentations to governmental bodies. Ms. Lauren Waterton, AICP, Principal of the Waterton Planning Group will aid Mr. Anderson. Ms. Waterton was actively involved in the Arvada Water Tower Blight Survey and in the preparation of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Plan for the Ward Road/West 44`" Avenue area. The Team will devote all efforts as described in this proposal, completing field work within a two month period after receiving notification to proceed and receiving the requested information. Blight studies are unique in that they require the experienced eye to spot and categorize the observed conditions. The Team has developed that abiliry through the surveys that have been conducted. Arthur L. Anderson and Associates observe and review all photographic evidence of the condidons to insure that the final product is accurate and will withstand judicial review. Proposed Program Phase 1: Inventory: The area will be visited and visually examined to determine the existing physical and environmental conditions. This is a two-step process. The first visit familiarizes me with the existing conditions, Subsequent visits, allow us to document exisring conditions through photographs. Existing reports will be reviewed and interviews held with appropriate individuals such as: Code Enforcement, Building Inspectors, Finance Director, Police and Fire Department representatives, Planning Director and Zoning Administrator. Photographic evidence and written statements concerning the existing conditions will be prepared. Phase 2: Analysis: The existing conditions observed will be evaluated against the criteria stated in C.R.S. 31-25-103(2) which describes the general conditions found in a blighted area. Phase 3: Report Preparation: A report detailing the conditions observed and how they relate to the definirion of blight found in C.R.S. will be prepared. A draft report will be prepared and discussed with the Urban Renewal Attorney to insure all aspects of the survey conform to the state statues. The draft will then be suhmitted to the City Staff and Urban Renewal Authoriry Boards for their review and comments. Based on the Ciry Staff review a final report will be prepared. Descriptive presentation boards with pictures and diagrams highlighiing existing conditions will be prepared as visual aids for presentarions. Page 4 Phase 4: Presentation to Governing Board: The results of the survey will be presented to the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authoriry and the Wheat Ridge City Council. Services Provided Contractor It is requested that Wheat Ridge provide the following: detailed area maps, plats, zoning information, aerial photographs, traffic count and accident information on the adjacent sireets, flood and drainage information, utiliry service availabiliry, Building Official's reports conceming hazardous conditions and all reports prepared by the Code Enforcement Officer. Time The physical blight survey and final report will be completed by Feb 18, 2002. This timeline assumes a December 17, 2001 contract award and information requested by December 21, 2001. Survey Cost The survey will be conducted at a fixed cost of $ 17,000.00. Reimbursable expenses (film, development, enlargements, map preparation, poster board, supplies, mileage and the like) will be itemized and billed at actual expense with a not-to-exceed limit of $1,700.00. Conclusion This study will provide documentary evidence of the existence of blight conditions. This survey will include a physical examination of the area, analysis of the conditions observed, preparation of a detailed report and presentation of findings. Thank you for this opportuniry to submit this proposal. Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. /S/Arthur L. Anderson Page 5 N ~O: O) d' ~ E o 0 0 I~ O V' 4 3~ 0 o N I~ O - m O a'. ~~ti ~M N~n f- z,CQ I- V rn k NLn o . ,a W Q U W m I~ ' ln V O T M ~ r- N N ✓W~;;. N(O O LL7 r 4~1z 1- N V a ] V ~~1i V ~ m C ~ a ` ' , W U ~ _ , n. ? 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' N m . 1R• d`o- T 1: O M ]Ij; i JJ.In 1 ~ W Y II.': W W R'" cV m LLJ U) ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ Zm F ~rz ~ - c~ow ¢wQ vs. a-Q~ ,~i ~~w 0 Z0 1- ~ ~LL~ ?~re -~Qv) c~ ~ ~F WHEqT City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Urban Renewal Authority FROM: Alan White, Planning and Development Director afi SUBJECT: Amended Agreement with Szyxnanski/Ray DATE: December 13, 2001 Attached is an amended agreement with Szymanski/Ray to continue to provide development consultation services to the Authority. As you will recall, the agreement was for an amount not to exceed $18,000.00 for the purpose of looking at options in the 44/Wadsworth azea. A total of $10,247.10 has been billed and paid to date. Szymanski/Ray has been asked to look at 44'h/Ward, 38/Sheridan, and other properties along 381h Avenue for the streetscape project. None of this work is in the original agreement. Attached is the amended agreement to provide the additional services. C:WiyFiles\WPFiles\URA\amend sr agreementwpd .q7VMANSKT I RAY December 14,2001 Alan White Wheat Ridge Urban Xenewal Authority 7500 W.29th Aveuue Wbeat itidge, CO 80215 RE: Time Squaze S.C. Wheat Ridge, CO Deaz Alan, Subsequent to the approvak of our August development con5ulting agreement we ltave expanded the scope of our services. Our original Phase I scope was to "identify and evaluate a potential redevelopment and implementation plan for all ox part of the Times Square S.C. area (on the S£C of 44th Avenue and Wadswortii Eoulevard)." Since then, we have: - Assisted the City in obtaining an easement for the 38th streetscape itziprovements for the Spallope property, • Assisted in support for the various redevelopment plans, • Are evaluatiag the redevelopment feasibilAty and implementation plans for the 44th & Ward and 38th & Sheridan projecu, • Commissioning additionsl design and valuation services in supporc of the 44th & Ward and 38th & Sheridan projects. 'X'herefore, we propose the foUowing amendmezit to our August developtnent consulting agreernent: • Recognize the addztional services that Nve Uave already performed for the City. • Expand the scope to include the evaluation of development feasibility and prepazaGon of ampiemzntation strategies for the 441th & Wazd and 38th & Sberidan projects, in addition xo the SEC of 44tb Avenue and VJadsyvortb Boulevard project area. • Expand our fee cap from $1$,000 to $28,000 (including our out-of-pocket costs for design and valvasion support services) for the above-expanded scope. Enclosed is a summary o£our fees-to-date and anticipated fees to complete this scope. STEVEx p. SzYMANSKT (303) 595-3311 • ARPIOLD C. RAY, C12E (303) 595-4422 901 AcoMa S[xaer • DENVER, CO 80204 • Fsx: (303) 595-881 Q SZYMANSKI / RAY Alan vvh,te December 14, 2001 Page 2 of 2 We are excited about the opportunity to work with you, the Wheat Ridge Urban Reuewal Authoriry and the City of Wheat Itidge on these projects. Please let us know if you want us to proceed ot if you want to discuss our proposal in more datail. Suncerely, Amold C. Ray, C Steven P. Szymanski The above Phase 1 woxkscope is autliorized, sy: Date: 3tEVEN P. SzYrut,NSKZ (303) 595-3311 - ARNOLD C. knv, CRE (303) 595-4422 901 ACOMA $TREET • DENvgR, CO 80204 • Fqx: (303) 595-8810 ~ ~ K W o n N h ti r r r N o O n N ry~ Ic ~ N e- In C 1~ . 1~ r y (7 C IR N (fl iH fA . W I f9 ~ N fA N V ~ H e8 ~ N I O O S ~ m ~ v Cq a t c ~ `E g ff S °o ~ °o ?3~ ~ ~ g f ° ° L 4'1 o OD o ~ C ~ ~ 'O $ a ~ ry ~ ~ xc 3 m c o° o° ~ S °o I °o y N u~ d gs L N w~d f0 ~ Y? :(V l N a.ro Hy~ F» ~ w ,~o I ° E K ' P ca v ii c ° ~ Q ~ L S P O O I~ O: O L`, ~ O N v~ O n in ~n I n ~ ~ y Q x Y NcU a N G (D d. r p y ~ y b ¢ O O Y W O ~ ] N N 3 N T A ~ O N ~ y Cl) 0 c K~ > J N ~ ~ E N Q N Q > a ~ m E y m Tu S ~ m U ~ d R= N O v U o N a~ moa ~jozo o WU a ~~'aa ic E , c= a g y ~ t- tt ~ ~ 0 m t ~ ,C ~ y N ~ L1J O iL W c0 Urbanplan.,oM Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc., 2342 Pine Street, Boulder, Colorado 80302 303.447.2341 e-mail artander@urbanplan.com Introduction Arthur L. Anderson and Associates is pleased to present this proposal to conduct a blight survey of existing conditions regarding those specific items cited in C.R.S. Section 31-25- 103(2) for the area of the Ciry of Wheat Ridge defined as follows: ' • 3915 Upham to 4281 Upham including the adjacent Right of Way of Upham Street. Survey Objective Under Colorado Law, the legal term "blight" describes a wide array of urban problems that can range from physical deterioration of buildings and the environment to the health problems in a particular area. A finding that blighted conditions exist within an area is required by the City Council of Wheat Ridge for the creation of an urban renewal area and adoption of a plan for that area. In order to make such a finding; the City Council cannot rely on a single matter, but rather a combination of factors attributable to a number of physical, environmental and safery factors. Our inquiry will identify if any of the conditions that constitute blight existing in the study area. C.R.S. Section 31-25-103(2) as modified by House Bi1199-1326 in 1999, defines "blighted area" as follows: an area that, in its present condition and use and, by reason of the presence of at least four of the following factors, substantially impairs or anests the sound growth of the municipaliry, retards the provision of housing accommodations, or constitutes an economic or social liability, and is a menace to the public health, safery, morals or welfare: (a) slum, deteriorated, or deteriorating structures; (b) predominance of defective or inadequate street layout; (c) faulty lot layout in relation to size, adequacy, accessibility, or usefulness; (d) unsanitary or unsafe conditions; (e) deterioration of site or other improvements; (f) unusual topography; (g) defective or unusual conditions of tide rendering the ritle nonmarketable; (h) the existence of conditions that endanger life or property by fire or other causes; Survey Objective (conrinued) (i) buildings that are unsafe or unhealthy for persons to live or work in because of building code violations, dilapidation, deterioration, defective design, physical consirucrion, or faulty or inadequate faciliues, (j) environmental contamination of buildings or property; (k) inadequate public improvements or utilities; or (1) if there is no objecrion by the property owner or owners and the tenant or tenants of such owner or owners, if any, to the inclusion of such properry in an urban renewal area, "blighted area" also means an area that, in its present condition and use and, by reason of the presence of any one of the factors specified in paragraphs (a) to (k) o£ this subsection (2), substantially impairs or arrests the sound growth of the municipaliry, retards the provision of housing accommodations, or constitutes an econoinic or social liability, and is a menace to the public health, safety, morals or welfare. For purposes of this paragraph (1), the fact that an owner of an interest in such property does not object to the inclusion of such properry in the urban renewal area does not mean that the owner has waived any rights of such owner in connection with laws governing condemnation. This survey will measure a wide range of physical, environmental and safety factors based upon on-site inspections, research and interviews conducted with staff of the Ciry of Wheat Ridge. Data will be gathered in the following areas: l. Slum, deteriorated, or deteriorating structures; 2. Defecrive or inadequate street layout. 3. Lot layout, accessibility, size and usefulness. 4. Unsanitary or unsafe conditions; 5. Deterioration of site or other improvements. 6. Unusual topography. 7. Defective or unusual conditions of tide rendering the title nonmarketable; 8. Existence of conditions that endanger life or properry by fire or other causes; 9. Environmental contamination of buildings or property; 10. Inadequate public improvements or utilities. These ten factors are within the statutory definition of blight. Because the presence of blight is a cumulative finding, these factors will be depicted in graphic form to show the geographic incidence of various blighting factors. Maps and photographs will be used to which graphically demonstrate the physical distribution of the various factors. Page 2 Experience Arthur L. Anderson owner/president of Arthur L. Anderson and Associates will conduct this blight survey. He is uniquely qualified to perform this service having performed twelve such surveys in the Denver Metro area and surrounding mountain communities. The surveys include: Proiect Name Municipalitv Complerion Date Water Tower Area Arvada October 2001 Ward Road/W.44"' Avenue Wheat Ridge July 2001 Englewood Industrial Englewood December 2000 Broomfield Industrial Lane Broomfield February 2000 Villager Square Shopping Center Broomfield November 1999 R.idge Home Arvada November 1997 Town of Silverthome Silverthorne September 1996 Two neighborhood shopping areas Northglenn URA September 1995 Details of the most recent surveys are discussed below. The Arvada Water Tower Area survey includes portions of "Olde Town Arvada" as well as the area to the west of the redeveloped Wadsworth Bypass. It is a mixed residential and commercially zoned area that was found to have numerous blight factors. This survey is being conducted for the Arvada Urban Renewal Authority. The contact person is Tim Steinhaus, Executive Director, Arvada Urban Renewal Authority, who can be reached at 303.431.3025. The Ward Road/West 44th Avenue area consisted of commercial properry that was found blighted because of public safety; unsanitary and unsafe conditions; environmental contamination; inadequate public infrasiructure (streets, sidewalks, utilities); and deteriorated structures. The contact person is Alan White, Planning Director, Ciry of Wheat Ridge, who can be reached at 303.235.2844. The Englewood Industrial Survey performed for the Englewood Urban Renewal Authoriry included the General Iron Works, an abandoned steel processing plant, and surrounding industrial zoned property. The contact person is Mark Graham, Senior Planner, who can be reached at 303 762 2353. • The Broornfield Industrial Blight Survey was performed for the Ciry of Broomfield in order to expand an adjacent urban renewal area. The area was adjacent to Industrial Lane, north of Wadsworth Blvd. The area had severe access problems as well as infrastructure deficiencies. The contact person is Kevin Standbridge, Deputy Director of Community Development, who can be reached at 303 438 6384. ExperienCe (continued) Page 3 Mr. Anderson was the Executive Director of the Estes Park Urban Renewal Authoriry (EPURA) for over 15. years from 1984 until he retired in 1999. He also served as the Executive Director of the Golden and Edgewater Urban Renewal Authorities. He is very familiar with the operation of governmental decision-making process and has made numerous presentations to governmental bodies. Ms. liauren Waterton, AICP, Principal of the Waterton Planning Group will aid Mr. Anderson. Ms. Waterton was actively involved in the Arvada Water Tower Blight Survey and in the preparation of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Plan for the Ward Road/West 44'hAvenue area. The Team will devote all efforts as described in this proposal, completing field work within a two month period after receiving notification to proceed and receiving the requested information. Blight studies are unique in that they require the experienced eye to spot and categorize the observed conditions. The Team has developed that abiliry through the surveys that have been conducted. Arthur L. Anderson and Associates observe and review all photographic evidence of the conditions to insure that the final product is accurate and will withstand judicial review. Proposed Program Phase 1: Inventory: The area will be visited and visually examined to determine the existing physical and environmental conditions. This is a two-step process. The first visit familiarizes me with the existing conditions, Subsequent visits, allow us to document existing conditions through photographs. Existing reports will be reviewed and interviews held with appropriate individuals such as: Code Enforcement, Building Inspectors, Finance Director, Police and Fire Department representatives, Planning D'zrector and Zoning Administrator. Photographic evidence and written statements concerning the existing conditions will be prepared. Phase 2: Analysis: The existing conditions observed will be evaluated against the criteria stated in C.R.S. 31-25-103(2) which describes the general conditions found in a blighted area. Phase 3: Report Preparation: A report detailing the conditions observed and how they relate to the definition of blight found in C.R.S. will be prepared. A draft report will be prepared and discussed with the Urban Renewal Attorney to insure all aspects of the survey canform to the state statues. The draft will then be suhmitted to the City Staff and Urban Renewal Authority Boards for their review and comments. Based on the City Staff review a final report will be prepared. Descriptive presentation boards with pictures and diagrams highlighting existing conditions will be prepared as visual aids for presentarions. Page 4 Phase 4: Presentation to Governing Board: The results of the survey will be presented to the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority and the Wheat Ridge City Council. Services Provided Contractor It is requested that Wheat Ridge provide the following: detailed area maps, plats, zoning information, aerial photographs, traffic count and accident information on the adjacent streets, flood and drainage information, utiliry service availabiliry, Building Official's reports concerning hazardous conditions and all reports prepared by the Code Enforcement Officer. Time The physical blight survey and final report will be completed by Feb 18, 2002. This timeline assumes a December 17, 2001 contract award and information requested by December 21, 2001. Survey Cost The survey will be conducted at a fixed cost of $ 17,000.00. Reimbursable expenses (film, development, enlargements, map preparation, poster board, supplies, mileage and the like) will be itemized and billed at actual expense with a not-to-exceed limit of $1,700.00. Conclusion This study will provide documentary evidence of the existence of blight conditions. This survey will include a physical examination of the area, analysis of the conditions observed, preparation of a detailed report and presentation of findings. Thank you for this opportuniry to submit this proposal. Arthur L. Anderson and Associates, Inc. /S/Arthur L. Anderson Page 5 f-111 O O O O O O yf'`O ~ r O O O O O O ~ ~6% O O O O IO2 O Od' N l(') i~"~O" O O O O O O N "u'9 O O W Q U W OJ ln h ~ I~ ' i`f','I: 1~ V: 117 4 O kQh M N N ~ - N CO O ll7 r.. r N U M V d -ar- M c LL, ~ l Z a . W-t n cD m covrn a ~ i-~nrn ln ~ om (0 0) co (O N W (O 0) 0) co N l M O) LO (O I- p 'Q N N (3) O ~ ~ 0 m 1~ g{. ~3;{ ~1 N d' ~ . 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