HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/18/2000AGENDA CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY Tuesday, July 18, 2000 7:00 p.m. Nofice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority on July 18, 2000, at 7:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 1. Call The Meeting to Order 2. Roll Call of Members 3. Approval of Minutes - June 20, 2000 and June 29, 2000 4. Public Forum ('I'his is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 5. Old Business 6. New Business A) Approval to consult with bond counsel, blight study consultant, and plan preparation consultant B) Review of Budget - 2000 and 2001 7. Other Matters 8. Adjoumment - August 15, 2000 C:\Barbara\ECODEVOWGENDAS\071800. WPD MINUTESOF WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY June 20, 2000 7:00 P.M. 1. 2. 3. 4. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority meeting was called to order by Chairman ROACH at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commissioners present: Norm Burkpile Sandra Collins Vance Edwards Jim Goddard John Hall Elwyn Kiplinger Janet Leo Dick Matthews Mazgy. Platter Jerry Roach Also attending were: Alan White, Planning Director Martin Orner, Economic Development Specialist Valerie Adams, City Manager Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary Bob Olson, The Chronicle CONSIDERATION OF ABSENCES Rae Jean Behm was absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by DICK MATTHEWS and seconded by ELWI'N KIPLINGER to approve the minutes of the May 16, 2000 EDARC meeting. The motion carried unanimously with SANDRA COLLINS and JOHN HALL abstaining. WRURA Minutes Page 1 06/20/00 5. PUBLIC FORUM There were none present to appear before the Authority. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Supreme Court Opinion - Alan White reported that he received a copy of the letter which was sent to the Supreme Court on behalf of the Authority asking for an opinion as to whether tas increment financing is included under the Tabor limitations. He will advise the Authority when that opinion is handed down. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Northern Portion of Urban Renewal (URA) 1) Market Feasibili ty Study Update - Alan White invited discussion of the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) which was sent out for the preparation of the mazket feasibility study for the northern portion of the URA. Valerie Adams reported that, as a result of sending several RFQ's, two proposals were received, one of which was not accepted because it did not meet the submittal deadline. Development Reseazch Partners submitted a proposal which was accepted. She suggested that the Authority meet with Development Research Partners to discuss their proposal before making a decision regarding the hiring of a consultant. In the interest of expediting the process, it was suggested that a decision be made at the time of the meeting to either hire the consultant or change the scope of the RFQ since the proposal will have to go before City Council for approval of a budget request as well as approval of the contract. It was moved by VANCE EDWARDS and seconded by NORM BURKPILE that a special meeting of the Urban Renewal Authority be held in the City Council chambers at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 29, (with an alternate meeting date of July 5) for the purpose of ineeting with Development Research Partners to discuss their proposal submitted in response to the Request for Proposal. At this meeting, the Authority will have the options of accepting the proposal, referring it back to another meeting or changing the RFQ to send it out again. The motion passed unanimously. Valerie Adams left the meeting to contact Development Reseazch Partners. She retumed to the meeting and reported that they were agreeable to meeting on June29. WRURA Minutes Page 2 06/20/00 2) Economic Impact Model Update - Staff was directed by WRURA at the last meeting to develop a model for the northern portion of the URA which would forecast a proposed development's impact to the City. Alan White reported that, after discussing the use of the model with the Jefferson Economic Council (JEC), it became apparent that it would be best to wait until the results of the mazket feasibility analysis are available before proceeding with the development of a model. In the meantime, staff will be working with JEC to customize the model for Wheat Ridge. 3) Sales and Property Tax Increments - Alan White reviewed the staff report concerning the property and sales tax for the northern portion of the urban renewal area. Alan White addressed the question of what the impact would be to the Urban Renewal Authority budget if the northem portion of the urban renewal azea was removed for a period of six months and then put back in. It was his opinion that there would be no impact in regazd to sales tax revenue. However, the Authority could lose approximately $75,000 in property tax revenue. He also advised the Authority that removing properties from the Urban Renewal Authority would require a revision to the Urban Renewal Plan to be reviewed by Planning Commission and passed by City Council. It was moved by DICK MATTHEWS and seconded by VANCE EDWARDS to remove Parcels 2 through 12, known as Wheat Ridge Town Center, from the northern portion of the Urban Renewal Authority. The motion carried unanimously. Vance Edwards will initiate the ordinance process with City Council. B. Area West of Wadsworth - 44th Avenue to Three-Acre Lane - At the request of the Authority, staff prepared property and sales tax information for the west side of Wadsworth from 44th Avenue to Three-Acre Lane. Alan White reviewed the staff report regazding property and sales tax information for the above-referenced area. There was discussion regazding the inclusion of the west side of Wadsworth in the Urban Renewal Authority which would provide for more consistent standazds on both sides of Wadsworth. WRliRA Minutes Page 3 06/20/00 It was moved by SANDRA COLLINS and seconded by MARGY PLATTER that Vance Edwards communicate to City Council that WRURA is interested in including the southwest corner of Wadsworth from 44th to 38th in the Urban Renewal Authority. The motion carried unanimously. Valerie Adams will contact the consultant and ask them to add this area to their proposal. 8. ADJOURNMENT - It was moved by DICK MATTHEWS and seconded by VANCE EDWARDS to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. JERRY ROACH Ann Lazzeri Chair Recording Secretary WRURA Minutes Page 4 06/20/00 MINUTES OF WI-IEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY June 29, 2000 7:20 Call to Order Introduction of Jesse Silverstein and Patty Silverstein. How their firm works and operates in this mazket. Jessie Siiverstein highlights the firms approach to this project: They include: - Review of current and potential development perspective, - Create common public/private goals, - Estabiish a connection between real estate and community, - Examine costs and benefits to the city and community, - Review development potential. This includes the physical chazacteristics and supply and demand for goods of services, - Examine business opportunities and quality of real estate/lease rates; - Evaluate community impacts relating to costs, an d - Review the market as a whole for the developers. Mr. Silverstein reviews the project and that his firm will be doing the following: - An in depth inventory of the properties, - Review the opportunities of possible reuse of properties. o Look at future developments and new projects. o Community expenditure patterns, potential mazkets o Fiscal impacts on the community. - Examine the current and future market for development, - Prepare the business and development opportunity reports. o Background information. o Prospective business opportunities. Mr. Silverstein indicated that he will use the JEC economic development model to analyze the market and potential businesses. This will also analyze local businesses and their growth and ability to meet the mazket demands. This program can do a detailed analysis of cost and benefits to the city in the following areas: - Economic Growth - City General Fund Revenues - City General Fund Costs - Net economic Benefits vs. Public Costs - Net Pubiic Revenues vs. Public Costs The breadth of their analysis includes in depth economic indicators. In addition, Mr. Silverstein has experience in difficult and contaminated properties. Mr. Silverstein asked the Commission what the Community envisioned the azea to be. Ms. Collins indicated it would resemble the same type of development that is next to it. Entice high caliber rypes of development to match the current development. Councilman Edwazds indicated that the URA azea is not seen as a positive factor for the City. It took a long time to do the Safeway development, and time is running out. The area under URA needs to reflect the quality of the community and the surrounding area. Mr. Silverstein indicated that Wheat Ridge is a secondary city and it may be hard to attract high quality investments, but the Safeway development demonstrates that this may not hold true. Ms. Collins reviewed the Wadsworth Corridor study and the need for pedestrian and alternative traffic flow. Mr. Silverstein asked the question, does the Wheat Ridge residents shop elsewhere. The Authority indicated that this is the case and it needs to change. Mr. Edwazds indicated that with the traffic counts for the area, is frustrating because there is a huge potential and the blight of the azea is a detriment to the community. The timing is right to focus on the redevelopment opportunities on both sides of Wadsworth. Mr. Silverstein inquired about the housing stock and demographics. Councilman Edwazds indicated that commercial redevelopment is important, but the idea of mixed or blended uses concepts aze not out of the question. The city is wiliing to be innovative, but again retail will be our focus. Mr. Silverstein indicated that now mixed uses are very populaz, over the past yeazs, financing for such uses have been hard to find. Now the financing on this market has changed. Mr. Mathews indicated that it may not be the vision that drives the development, but the mazket will drive the uses. Ms. Silverstein inquired about mixed use with office. Mr. Mathews indicated that the City will entertain mixed use, but would like to focus on sales tax revenue generator. Mr. Edwazds inquired about Mr. Silverstein's experience in environmentally challenged properties. Mr. Silverstein reviewed his experience and indicated that now, developers aze willing to come in and clean up the properties and then turn it into a profitable development. In this experience, there are many ways to approach an environmentally challenged properties. Developers are generally attracted to lazge pazcels of properties. With smaller properties, it makes more sense for public intervention. There are many innovative grants and financing program to be tapped. The catch is to add value to the property so that it works to the advantage of the development. Councilman Edwazds inquired about Mr. Silverstein's experience working with a U.S. Post Office. Mr. Silverstein indicated that this would be a good addition to the entire development. Looking at the impact of the post office includes their employees and customers that visit the post office. Councilman Edwards inquired about the JEC modeling and how their information will interface with that model. Ms. Silverstein indicated that they development the JEC model and have refined it for mixed use development. As part of their proposal, they would provide the city with the model to use for this and future developments. This model will create a snapshot of the local economy and how the development will factor into the current and local economy. Mr. Alan White asked about their experience in working in URA. Mr. Silverstein indicated that several of his projects are within an URA. They have been using some creative financing aspects to enhance the development. Since they aze the ones that developed the modeling, they have the experience to interface several creative financing factors to see how they will affect the development and the city. Councilman Edwards indicated that the Wadsworth Corridor study is an important factor in this project. The Authority is looking at the West side of Wadsworth. The Authoritx would like to look at the opportunities and challenges on the west side of Wadsworth and how it can be intergraded into the Wadsworth Corridor. Mr. Silverstein and Councilman Edwazds agreed that the expansion of the area will benefit both the city and current local businesses. The study will provide information to the businesses/city an informative mazket analysis that can assist both the city and businesses in redevelopment. Mr. Burkpile inquires about the firms experience with Lakewood. Mr. Silverstein is focusing on the redevelopment of Brownfields properties on Colfax, Wadsworth and Alameda. This includes program development and connecting them with funding and prospective developers. Mr. Alan White inquires about who will be doing the bulk of the work. Mr. Silverstein will be the primary contact. Mr. White questions Mr. Silverstein's work load and if this project will fall on the radar screen and be given the priority that it needs. Mr. Silverstein indicated that they have time carved out starting in August 1. This would meet the required time requested in the Proposal. If the City adds to the scope, it is possible that the time frame may be extended due to unknown factors, but only by a few weeks. Vice Chair Mathews thanked the Silversteins for their time. 8:20 Chairman Mathews requested a five minute break. 830 Call to order. Vice Chair Mathews questions what actual scope of work. Councilman Edwards indicated that it makes sense to look at the west side of Wadsworth from 35°i to 44 `h Councilman Edwazds makes a motion to change the scope of the project to include the above, seconded by Mr. Burkpile. Discussion concerning the size of the azea, and that it ' is prudent to include the west side in the scope and planning. There was discussion of the size of the current area. Unanimously approved by a voice vote. Ms. Collin indicated that Development Research Partners gave a good presentation by Development Reseazch Partners. Councilman Edwazds liked the idea if interfacing the JEC model and their experience in this azea. Councilman Edwards made a motion, to forwarded to City Council to amend the budget and approve Development Research Partners to perform the work, seconded by Mazge Platter. Item 2 Councilman Edwards, made a motion to nominate Mr. Burkpile to work with the City Manager to represent the Authority in the recruitment of the new Economic Development Administrator, seconded by Ms. Collins, unanimously approved by voice vote. E WHEqT City of Wheat Ridge U f~ Planning and Development Department Po~ orz aoo Memorandum TO: URA Members FROM: Alan White, Planning and Development Director ~ SUBJECT: 2000 and 2001 Budget DATE: July 13, 2000 Attached is a budget sheet which shows a revised 2000 budget based on the re-allocations from the fund balance approved by URA and Council. The transfers were for repairs at the town Center Park and to provide funds to complete the market feasibility study for the north half of the URA. There likely may need to be other transfers to professional services to provide funds for hiring a bond counsel, blight study consultant, and site planning consultant. Also shown is a budget for 2001. The numbers aze provided for discussion purposes. Significant increases aze shown for printing, postage, and professional services in anticipation of the new Economic Development Administrator initiating aggressive mazketing and for consulting services for continued work on the URA. The Property Tax payment to Safeway Marketplace is projected at $138,000, with a payment to the Fire District of about $12,000. This payment will neazly complete the Authority's obligation to the developer. Also attached are the properiy tax increment calculation which shows the remaining obligation to the Safeway Mazketplace developer and an update to the sales tas increment calculation. EiPlanningTcodeNbudget memo.wpd URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY BUDGET 2000 BUDGET 2001 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $439,321 $483,251 Revenues 37-500-00-501 Property Tax Increment $230,000 $230,000 37-500-00-504 Sales Tax Increment $100,000 $100,000 37-580-00-581 Interest 10 000 1$ 0.000 TO,TAL REVENUE ? $779,321 $823,251 ; Personnel 37-120-600-602 Salaries $0 $0 37-120-600-625 FICA $0 $0 Total Personnel $0 $0 Supplies 37-120-650-651 Office Supplies $300 $500 37-120-650-654 Printing & Photocopying $500 $3,000 37-120-650-655 Postage $200 600 Total Supplies $1,000 $4,100 Services 37-120-700-702 Conference & Meetings $1,000 $2,000 37-120-700-740 Mileage $0 $300 37-120-700-750 Professional Services $51,370 $100,000 37-120-700-758 City Reimbursement $5,000 $5,000 37-120-700-799 Misc. 200 $200 Totai Services $57,570 $107,500 Capitai 37-120-800-801 Acquisition & Relocate $0 $0 37-120-800-872 Site Improvements $35,000 $17,500 Loan Payments $0 $0 37-120-800-872 PTI - Marketplace $148,000 150 000 Transfer to Parks 54 500 Total Capital $237,500 $167,500 T,OTALEXPENDITURES ;$296,070-:: : '-~$275100,_ FUND 37 07112 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 0 0 N m ~ ~ V i~Om O ~ N M V' c0 (O W T LO M V V V N N U ~ C c . ~ V ~ ~ CJ O L O N W W ~ p M d' (D V ~ f~: ` OJ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O 63 Efl tA EA N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 y N 0) uO M N(D N m O N M W N N. 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