HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/19/2000AGENDA CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY Tuesday, September 19, 2000 7:00 p.m. Notice is hereby given of a Public Meetiag to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority on September 19, 2000, at 7:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 1. Call The Meeting to Order 2. Roll Call of Members 3. Approval of Minutes - August 15 & 23, 2000 4. Pubiic Forum (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 5. Old Business 6. New Business A. Status Report on URA Market Feasibility Study B. Northeast corner of 44"[Wadsworth - property information C. Consultant for 44`h/Ward Road Area Market Feasibility Study (Action Requested) 7. Other Matters 8. Adjoumment - October 17, 2000 Q\Ka[hy\ECODEVOWGENDAS\000919. WPD MINUTESOF WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY August 15, 2000 7:00 P.M. 1. 2. 3. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER In the absence of Chairman Jerry Roach, the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewai Authority meeting was calied to order by Norm Burkpile at 7:05 p.m. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commissioners present: Norm Burkpile Sandra Collins Vance Edwazds Jim Goddard Elwyn Kiplinger Janet Leo Margy Platter Commissioners absent: Rae Jean Behm John Ha11 Dick Matthews Jerry Roach Also attending were: Alan White, Planning Director Valerie Adams, City Manager Ralph Mancinelli, City Council Ken Siler, City Council Gerald Dahl, City Attorney Jim Windhoiz, Urban Renewal Attorney Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of July 18, 2000 were presented for consideration. It was moved by VANCE EDWARDS and seconded by SANDRA COLLINS to approve the minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously. WRURA Minutes Page 1 08/15/00 4. PUBLIC FORUM There were none present to address the Authority. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Selection of Bond Counsel - Vance Edwazds reported that the bond counsel selection committee interviewed five candidates for bond counsel. The committee arrived at a recommendation to WRURA and City Council to hire the .firm of Kutak Rock. • Kutak Rock had the most experience as bond counsel for urban renewal sites as well as expertise in tas increment financing. • Kutak Rock is well respected in the bond counsel community. It was moved by VANCE EDWARDS and seconded by SANDRA COLLINS that WRURA make a recommendation to City Council that the firm of Kutak Rock be hired as bond counsel. The motion passed unanimously. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Resolution approving the proposed modification to Urban Renewal Plan, deleting the Northern Portion of the Urban Renewal Plan area, transmittine the same to the Citv Council and requesting the Council to determine that it is a substantial modification of the Urban Renewal Plan. Alan White reported that the tax increment information for the pazcels included in the northern portion of the Urban Renewal Plan azea is not quite complete at this time. For the sake of timeliness, it was staff's recommendation that a special meeting be held to consider this matter when that information is completed. Gerald Dahl reviewed the resolution and the process which would be involved in the modification of the urban renewal area. It was moved by VANCE EDWARDS and seconded by MARGY PLATTER to hold a special meeting of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority on August 23, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council chambers to discuss the resolution approving proposed modifications to the Urban Renewal Plan. The motion passed unanimously. WRLJRA Minutes Page 2 ; 08/15/00 B. Hiring of a consultant to preaare a blight studv for additional areas near Wadsworth Boulevard for potential inclusion in a new Urban Renewal Plan. Alan White requested formal authorization from WRURA to hire a consultant to prepare the above-referenced biight study. It was moved by SANDRA COLLINS and seconded by JANET LEO that the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority direct the city staff to hire a consultant to prepare a blight study for additional areas near Wadsworth Boulevard for potential inclusion in a new Urban Renewal Plan. The motion passed unanimousty. 7. OTHER MATTERS A. First Bank at 44th and Wadsworth - Alan White reported that when this facility was approved, plans were also approved for a drive-up facility on the north side of the bank. The bank is planning to relocate their remote drive-through facilities to the location at 44th and Wadsworth. Upon conferring with Jim Windholz, Mr. White stated it was determined that, since a drive-up facility was approved in the original plan and would not be a major modification to the Urban Renewal Plan, it was not necessary to bring the matter to WRURA for approval. B. Repuest for Oualifications (RFO) for Feasibility Study at I-70 and Ward Road - Vance Edwazds reported that this feasibility study will most likely be fixnded from the hotel/motel tax. The RFQ is in process and will be coming to WRURA for consideration in the future. 8. ADJOURNMENT - It was moved by VANCE EDWARDS and seconded by JANET LEO to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. NORM BURKPILE Ann Lazzeri Acting Chair Recording Secretary Minutes Page 3 08/15/00 MINUTES OF WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING August 23, 2000 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority meeting was called to order by Chairman ROACH at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commissioners present: Commissioners absent: Also attending were: Norm Burkpile Vance Edwazds Jim Goddard Elwyn Kiplinger Dick Matthews Mazgy Platter Jerry Roach Rae Jean Behm Sandra Collins John Hall Janet Leo Alan White, Planning Director Jerry DiTullio, City Council Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regulaz meeting of August 15, 2000 and the special meeting of August 23, 2000 will be considered at the next regulazly scheduled meeting of September 19, 2000. WRiJRA Minutes Page 1 08/23/00 4. PUBLIC FORUM City Council Representative Jerry DiTullio reported that the approval of bond counsel as well as the resolution deleting the northern portion of the Urban Renewal Plan area are scheduled for the agenda of the City Council meeting to be held next Monday. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no unfinished business to come before the Authority. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Resolution Approvine the Proposed Modification to the Urban Renewal Plan - A resolution approving the proposed modification to ttte Urban Renewal Pian deleting the northern portion of the Urban Renewal Plan azea, transmitting the same to the City Council and requesting the City Council to determine that it is a substantial modification of the Urban Renewal Plan. Mr. White distributed copies of a revised Urban Renewal Plan modification. He entered information received from the taY assessor's office into the record. Upon review of this information, the staff and attorneys are of the opinion that the city has received little or no property tas increment on the properties which would be deleted by the above resolution. Mr. White also distributed copies of a memorandum which will be made part of the case file which shows that there is a$3 million increment value in the entire urban renewal. This $3 million can be traced to Wheat Ridge Mazketplace, First Bank and the Maktura Building. It was moved by DICK MATTHEWS and seconded by NORM BURKPILE that the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority approve Resolution No. 1 which modifies the Urban Renewal Plan, deleting the northern portion of the Urban Renewal Plan area, and transmit same to the Wheat Ridge City CounciL The motion passed unanimously. 7. OTHER MATTERS A. Wheat Ridee Water District - Alan White distributed copies of a letter from Walt Pettit of the Wheat Ridge Water District. The letter outlines his concems and potential infrastructure needs in regazd to the Urban Renewal Area. There was a suggestion that Mr. Pettit be invited to a future WRURA meeting to relay his concerns directly to the Authority. WRURA Minutes Page 2 08/23/00 B. Area North of 44th Avenue - MARGY PLATTER requested that everything north of 44th Avenue, including Pep Boys and the current First Bank drive-through, be considered for inclusion in the Urban Renewal Area at the next WRURA meeting. 8. ADJOURNMENT - It was moved by DICK MATTHEWS and seconded by VANCE EDWARDS to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. JERRY ROACH Chair Ann Lazzeri Recording Secretary WRURA Minutes Page 3 08/23/00 n 0 100 200 Feet A Wadsworth Blvd. & 44th Ave (northeast corner) R ~ O O (D W R y ~ N C ~ d Lf) 7 U x H ~ d V O N I~ co d. N I~ V OJ O M (N N d' ~ OD ~ 00 O ~ V (D V 7 ~ M 0 d' L ln c0 ~ M M a0 c0 4o W W 1~ t Lf) Lo "t 0) M a Q OD I~ ~ N N M N ~ ~ ~ y. ~ H3 K3 V3 63 63 64 d ~ y~ ~ L ~ U > o 0 0 Q m O M M O M O W p (p O O O m O I- w C ~ N N M h 0 N N ~ m O M N c h Ld M O U ~ EV ~ ES e~ e4 F» e3 » w 41~ „ a a a a a a a a a a N 61 V (O (O O) f~ ~ tn ~ N ~ V LO I~ M W Lo cO U~ M U~ N N O ~ N O O O O O O h N N C L m m a) c o c o c o ~ N t ~ L > N LL N E E E C C 3 o > o ~j c m N t~ a~ fA a~ tn a~ N m O Y Y U 0 l6 = > C > C > C ~ N l6 (6 m E N L m m E y m m ~ U 0 0 M M r ~ ` > Q > Q > Q > Q > Q > Q > Q o 3 o 3 L L .C L L L L V N N V V V ' 7 ' 7 ' 7 ' ~ W N N V V d 'd V V V o o ~n ~n ~n r~ n ~ ~ V V N ~ V M (M M M ~ d Q E ~ N M 7 m cO f~ aO m A 0 7 Z oF WNCq T City of Wheat Ridge ~ U m Planning and Development Department C~C ORP00 Memorandum TO: Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority FROM: Alan White, Planning and Development Director aw SUBJECT: 44"'/Ward Road Market Feasibility Study Proposals DATE: September 14, 2000 Enclosed in the packet are the iwo proposals we received in response to the RFQ sent out for the market feasibility study for the 44`h/Ward Road area. Also attached is a copy of the RFQ. Please review the proposals and be prepazed to select a date to conduct interviews. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS RFQ # 00-010 PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES TO PREPARE A MARKFT FEASIBILITY STUDY OF THE REDEVELOPMENT LOCATED IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, CO BOUNDED BY.I-70, TABOR AND 44TH AVE PROPOSAL OPENING DATE: Monday, August 28"', 2000 PROPOSAL OPENING TIME: 2:00 P.M. Issue Date: August 9, 2000 INDEX OF CONTENTS I. Notice of Request for Qualifications II. Request for Qualifications Document III. Attachments - Map and Zoning of the Area ~ City of Wheat Ridge - RFQ 000-010 08/09/0 II. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS INTRODUCTION: The Ciry of Wheat Ridge is in[erested in exploring redevelopment opportunities of [he area bounded by I-70, Tabor and 44" Ave. Please see map attached. The Ciry Counci] believe that it is essentiat to attract qualiry redevelopmenC projec[s that will work in concert with the Ciry's Comprehensive Plan and future Redevelopment Master Plans. OVERVIEW: Who Are We? The City of Wheat Ridge is a mature thriving community in the Denver metropolitan area that has a rich history and a bright future. Although the area has been steadily developing post World War II, it incorporated in 1969 in paR to retain its character and unique identity within the metropolitan Denver area. Within the City of Wheat Ridge exists a thriving industrial area, which is located primarily along the I-70 corridor. Throughout Wheat Ridge are residential neighborhoods that provide a variery of housing choices. Although the City imposes a rea] estate property tax, the City's revenue sources are dependent upon retail sales and use taxes. Many small commercial areas are laced throughout the ciry. Most were constructed in the fifties and sixties. As we enter the new millennium, many of these areas are prime locations for revitalization and beautification. This renewed interest has sparked the desire for reinvestment into the community using an aggressive revitalization program for the area under consideration in this Proposal. TheCiryis committedtopreservingandfurtherenhancingthecurrentfamily-friendlycommuniryatmosphere. The City's newest addition is the Wheat Ridge Recreational Center. This facility is a state of the art 72,000 sq. ft. aquatic and recreation complex. In addition to this recreational amenity, the City owns and maintains over 250 acres ofpark and open space that is available for residents and the surrounding communiry to enjoy. The City has recently finished the Wadsworth Comdor study to identify possible infrastructure improvements to an area that has great redevelopment opportunities. Coupled with this effort, the City has formed a new communiry driven Economic Development Committee that will work to develop a master plan for future economic revitalization projects and programs. This ci[izen driven Committee will then work closely with the City Council and the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("WRURA") to implement new revitalization projects that will hopefully diversify the ,City's revenue streams. As if this was not enough, the Ciry is also taking on the tedious task of reviewing and'revising the zoning code to reflect the needs of the community. 2. Where Are We Goine? The Ciry of Wheat Ridge anticipates the future with optimism as it prepares to meet the 21" Century. To be ready to serve the needs of our communiry, the citizens, elected officials and staffbelieves that it is imperative to revitalize significant commercial comdors within the City. The City believe that the area defined in this Proposal is an important comdors for commercial revitalization. It is our hope and desire that the development process used by the Consultant will include a process that will foste: a meaningful partnership with city officials and affected property owners. In an effort to assist the Consultant the city will work closely with the selected Consultant to put together a market briefing report that wil] address the community, fiscal and economic impact of the atea defined in this Proposal. Wheat Ridge UR - RFQ 00-010 1 Market Feasibility Study I-70/Tabor ELEMENTS OF THE PROPOSAL: The response [o [his Proposal should include a one (1) page Executive Summary of the services [hat will be provided under the Proposals Scope of Services. In addition, to the Executive Summary, the Proposal sha(I provide a written response to [his request [hat will address the following: - Steps that are necessary to comple[e the project - Detailed descrip[ion of the process used to assis[ the city through this evalua[ion process. - Other team members or consultants that will be par[ of this project. - Detailed description of the approach on creating parmerships with the elected officials and property owners to facilitate and achieve support for the recommendations made in the market feasibility evaluation. - Resources that will be required to perform the scope of work. - A]ist and description of other similar projects and a list of references that can be contacted. SCOPE OF SERVICES: Iden[ifv the Base Scenario Provide a basis for evaluating communiry, fiscal and economic impacts on the City from other altemative reuse scenarios. This should include, but not be limited to developing property data for use by private or public partnerships for the redevelopment of the area. Evaluation of the Reuse Oooortunities Redevelopment will be necessary to achieve full economic potential of this area. This portion of the scope of services should address the underlying market factors to facilitate redevelopment of this area. This evaluation should look closely at retail/commercial redevelopment, coupled with other mixed land uses. Prenaration of a Marketine Brief for Redeve]ooment Oooortunities This should include, but not be limited to gathering background and supporting documentation, evaluation of all factors directly/indirectly affecting the location and possible financing mechanisms that may be available to implement the revitilization efforts of this area. This portion of the scope of services, shall be a written document that will assist the ciry in the implementation of revitalization efforts of the azea. SELECTION PROCESS: The procurement process for these services will be based upon a Qualifications Based Selection ("QBS") process. The award of an agreement will be made to the consultant offering a proposal which best meets the needs of the City. Each qualified proposal will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria: 1. Quality of proposal and specific approach; and 2. Credentials of fian and demonstrated ability in similar projects. Wheat Ridge UR - RFQ 00-0 10 2 Market Feasibiliry Smdy I-70/Tabor Since [ime is of the essence, we feel that it is oniy fair to outline how the city will be moving through the selection process. A short list will be created based on this evaluation process. Firms on this short list ma}' be required ro interview and make a presentation before the ciry [o fuRher present their qualifications and ideas in a visua( form using examples from previous similar work. Final selection will be based on [he best proposal and presentation/interview that best meets the needs of the city. SCHEDULING: We know that time is a valuable commodity and [ha[ this type of project, if done right, will take bo[h patience . and time. Yet, the schedule is imperative to the success of this project. To help illustrate how you propose to move us along in this project in a timely manner, please outline a timetable in calendar days for all steps of the proposed project. Please be sensitive to length of time spent on this project and the number of ineetings proposed to accomplish the scope of services. COST: Please estimate the time and expense for each proposed step. This section should include tota] hours per activiry and all related direct and indirect costs. FINAL WORK PRODUCT: If the City chooses to move forward and hire a Consultant, the selected consultant will provide to the city a final written repoR outlining the mazket feasibility of area that will demonstrate a starting point for prospective redevelopers. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION: If you are interested in submitting a proposal please send one original and Ten (10) copies of your proposalto: City of Wheat Ridge Attention: Purchasing 7500 W. 29" Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 All proposals must be received by 2:00 p.m., Monday, August 28, 2000, at the above stated address. NO F,9XED PROPOSALS WILL BE ACCEPTED. 1. Ifthe City moves fonvard with this project, the selected consultant will be required to enter into a contract with the City. The final contract is subject to final approva] by the Wheat Ridge Ciry Council. The City reserves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals or portions of a proposal deemed to be in its best intecest. Neither the distribution of this RFQ nor acceptance of any response should be construed as cceating a contractual obligation between the City and any Consultant. The the City does not authorize and wi11 not be responsible for any expense or charges associated with providing a response to this Request for Qualification. Your proposal must remain valid jor at least ninety (90) days after the submittal date. Wheat Ridge UR- RFQ 00-010 3 Market Feasibility Smdy I-70/Tabor ~-7- m ~ ~ ~ ~ -n (D a) U) a ~ ~ U) ~ c n. ~ D ~ a 0 x 3 2) ML cD cn C Q ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 5io- - Development Research Partners aug,st za, 2000 Ms. Valerie Adams City Manager City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29u Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Dear Ms. Adams: I am pleased to submit this proposal to prepare a market feasibility study for the urban renewal area bounded by I-70, Tabor and 44'h Avenue. As you know, Development Research Partners is cunently engaged in a similar study of the redevelopment area south of 44u Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard. I believe our current efforts to know the City of Wheat Ridge, and its community needs and goals, places us in a unique position to build upon our current efforts. Our team's approach reflects the unique, diverse backgrounds of its members. Development Research Partners combines Colorado-based practitioners with experience and knowledge in economic research, economic development, real estate analysis, and community planning. Our skill and responsiveness may be attested to by a diverse base of clients including the Metro Denver Network, the City of Lakewood, Jefferson Economic Council, Aurora Economic Development Council, and the City of Englewood, to name a few. We believe our team has superior credentials for this project. Our depth of experience in hands-on economic development means we can prepare and present studies that community leaders will be able to understand and use immediately. By maintaining a consistent analytical team, the results of this study will seamlessly blend with redevelopment efforts underway at 44d' and Wadsworth Boulevard. Our proposal has been prepared in accordance with the RFP. Please direct any questions and comments regarding the proposal to: 7esse Silverstein, Principal Development Research Partners 8138 West Caley Place, Suite 2001 Littleton, Colorado 80123 V(303) 933-4464, FAX: (303) 933-4463, JesseDRP@earthlink.com We look forwazd to continuing our work with the City of Wheat Ridge on these important projects. ~mc re'y, esse D. Si verstein Principal 8138 West Caley Place • Suite 2001 • Littleton, Colorado 80123 9 303-933-4464 • FAX 303-933-4463 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City of Wheat Ridge desires to evaluate the redevelopment potential of, and to attract appropriate redevelopment to, the area bounded by I-70, Tabor and 44t" Avenues. Development Research Partners (DRP) proposes a to evaluate initial site conditions, estimate the economic and fiscal impiications of various reuse options, and develop marketing information appropriate to attract interested businesses and developers. DRP will work closely with the City of Wheat Ridge (City) and the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority (WRURA) to ensure full communication and support, maximize the use of prior research, and fully consider complementary City efforts such as land use and capital investment planning. Additionally, DRP wili develop assumptions regarding this area for use in the economic and fiscal impact model already being developed for the City under our approved Scope of Work for the 44'h and Wadsworth feasibility study. Development Research Partners strategic approach incorporates the following activities: n Identify the Base Scenario Purpose: To (1) provide a basis for evaluating community, fiscal and economic impacts from alternative development scenazios, and (2) to develop property data for use by private enterprises to understand the opporiunities and challenges presented. Research and Reportine: 1) Inventory of land parcels including size, dimensions, frontage, access, ownership, existing improvements and condition, assemblage potential, etc. 2) Existing development and land uses in the surrounding area. In Evaluate Reuse Opportunities Purpose: Reuse/redevelopment is needed to achieve full economic potential and enhance the quality of commercial goods and services available to the community. Underlying market factors are evaluated to facilitate redevelopment by private enterprises. Research and Reportine: 1) Implications of comprehensive planning, infrastructure improvements and other City activities. 2) Neighborhood Retail/Commercial Development Analysis including an evaluation of consumer expenditure patterns (demand analysis) overall neighborhood retail purchasing power, and demand for retail/commerciaUresidenfial space. 3) A real estate market analysis of area-wide existing inventory, rental rates, and availability of space. This property "supply" estimate will be compared to "demand" estimated-above and evaluated for development and renovation opportunities. M. Prepare a"Business and Development Opportunity Report" PurQose: Background information, market data, and the evaluation of opportunities are presented as a starting point for prospective businesses and developers interested in this location. Research and Reportine: 1) Introduction (overview of cunent conditions, goals, and opportunities). 2) Economic overview: neighborhood and sunounding area (demographic, business, real estate trends & opportunities). 3) Property description (ownership, occupancy, physical condition, site conditions) \ 4) Description and evaluation of retail/commercial mazket potential.. 5) Presentation of possible City financing support and other partnering opportunities. Development Research Parhrers: Wheat Ridge UR - RFQ 00.010 STEPS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT 1. Interview City and WRURA representatives to establish an understanding of project gqals and research and strategies implemented to date. 2. Drive/walk inspection ofthe redevelopment parcels, the completed revitalization area, and the surrounding neighborhoods. 3. Review of City activities and planning efforts including: • Comprehensive Master Land Use Plan . Transportation Corridor Studies . Zoning Codes (including City staff reviews and proposed amendments) . Community/neighborhood meeting minutes and related information • Specific land use concepts generated either intemally or as previously submitted by outside parties . Other pertinent identified data through the City and WRURA interviews 4. Research economic and demographic data to establish the base case, populate an economic and fiscal impact development simulation model for evaluating redevelopment scenarios', and for use in marketing materials to business/redevelopment prospects. The development model will be provided to the City for its future use in evaluating specific development proposals as a result of this feasibility study. Evaluate retail, commercial, and residential business patterns to identify market opportunities and evaluate real estate market demand. 6. Inventory parcels and property characteristics with respect to real estate investment and redevelopment opportunities. This information will be used as a basis to determine development feasibility and to provide information to redevelopment prospects. Conduct a real estate sub-market evaluation to identify existing supply, type, quality, and occupancy costs. This information will be used as a basis to determine development feasibility and to provide information to redevelopment prospects. 8. Characterize economic gaps that may impede business and real estate development and identify "bridges" for these impediments. Bridges may include existing City programs, new financial and technical grant sources, and reporting on existing models from other jurisdictions. 9. Prepare a marketing brief that the WRURA can utilize in public communications and for business and development prospects. ' DRP's SiteStatsO model is available for review upon your request. Development Research Parteers: Wheat Ridge. (1R - RFQ 00-010 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE EVALUATION PROCESS It is the intent of the City of Wheat Ridge to evaluate the redevelopment potential of, and to attract appropriate redevelopment to, the area bounded by I-70, Tabor and 44~' Avenue. To assist Wheat Ridge in their efforts, Development Research Partners (DRP) proposes to design redevelopment tools to enhance the quality of neighborhood commercial services, increase propeRy values, generate sales tax, and eliminate vacant and underused parcels. . The redevelopment process begins with the parcels in their current state and envisions a roadmap to final uses. A strategic approach to redevelopment necessitates an understanding of initial site conditions, the implications of various reuse options, a strategy for achieving financial viability, and the ability to attract developers to undertake the project. DRP's approach to facilitating redevelopment within the I-70, Tabor and 44°i Avenu.e area includes the fo(lowing phases: n Identify the Base Scenario ("Do nothing" option) To (1) provide a basis for evaluating community, fiscal, and economic impacts on the City from altemative reuse scenarios, and (2) to develop property data for use by private enterprises to understand the redevelopment opportunities and challenges presented. Analysis and reporting will include: a) Existing development and land uses in the general area b) Demographic estimates for the neighborhood and surrounding azea i) population (neighborhood & area) ii) income (neighborhood & per household) iii) age-cohorts (neighborhood & per household) iv) average househoid size & composition v) school children multiplier (student yield) c) Physical description of redevelopment parcels including size, dimensions, frontage, access, ownership, existing improvements and condition, etc. d) Economic & fiscal impacts of parcels in the current use (jobs, wages, retail sales tax, property tax to city & school district, cost-benefit analysis) Developmenl Research Partners: Wheat Ridge UR-RFQ 00-010 In Evaluate Reuse Opportunities ("Redevelopment" option) Redevelopment is desirable to enable the area to achieve its full economic potential and to enhance commercial goods and services available to the neighborhood. The feasibility of altemative site uses are evaluated to develop financial mechanisms and programs to facilitate redevelopment by private enterprise. Analysis and repoRing will include: a) Implications of the Comprehensive Plan, infrastructure improvements and other City activities on the outlook for the neighborhood and surrounding area b) RetaiUCommercial/Residentail Development Feasibility Analysis i) demand analysis (1) purchasing power (neighborhood consumption/purchasing power per acre estimates) (2) consumer expenditure patterns by demographic sector (3) supportable gross leasable space ii) real estate market analysis (1) existing commercial/residential inventory, rental rates, and vacancy (neighborhood and surrounding azea) (2) undersupply/oversupply ofspace (3) construction cost estimates (4) test of viability to identify feasibility gaps c) Economic & fiscal impacts on the City of parcels as redeveloped (jobs, wages, retaii sales tax, property tax to city & school district, cost-benefit analysis) d) Cost-Benefit analysis to evaluate the City's alternatives for incentives and other partnering such as providing infrastructure, tax increment financing, financiai enhancements, and utilizing federal grants and resources. . Dwelopment Researck Partners: Wheat Ridge UA- RFQ 00-010 IIn Prepare a Marketing Brief for Private Enterprises Interested in Redevelopment/Reuse ("private enterprise redevelopment" option) Background information, market data, an evaluation of development potential, and possible public/private paRnering options are presented as a starting point for prospective businesses and redevelopers. a) Introduction (overview of current conditions, Wheat Ridge's economic and community goals, and the oppoRunity) b) Metro Denver Regional Economic Overview- (demographic, business, real estate trends.& . opportunities) c) Neighborhood and surrounding area economic overview- (demographic, business, real estate trends & opportunities) i) neighborhood's position in, and relationship to, the surcounding metropolitan employment, housing, and consumer markets d) Redevelopment property description- (ownership, occupancy, physical condition, site conditions, environmental conditions) e) Development Proformas (possibly including City investments and enhancements) f) Presentation of other City possible financing, enhancements/incentives, and other partnering mechanisms. , Develapment Reseaich Partners: WkerR Ridge UR - RFQ 00-070 THE DEVELOPMENT RESEARCFI PARTNERS TEAM The term economic development means varying things to different users and their audiences. To the local chamber of commerce, the economic development practitioner, or the community, the purpose and direction of economic development initiatives can vary. However, the overall objectives are almost always the same; to facilitate the creation of new economic opportunities for the community. However, job creation and tax base improvement are not the only outcomes of a well-crafted and executed strategy. A successful initiative should also improve a regiods overall economic health, improve its ability to manage change, and create a sense of community and pride. DRP's team includes economic development practitioners and professionals with deep collective experience in real estate, economic development and community planning: Patricia L. Sitverstein, President Ms. Silverstein's expertise is in economic research and economic development, including site location analysis, industry studies and strategic economic development planning. She has extensive experience in preparing economic impact and fiscal impact analysis for community development purposes. In addition, she serves as the consulting chief economist for the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce. In this role, she compiles, interprets and forecasts economic and demographic data for the Denver metropolitan area and performs in-depth research on issues and proposed developments impacting the region. She writes a monthly column on economic trends and statistics for the Denver Rocky Mountain News, delivers numerous speeches on local economic conditions, and is widely cited in Denver's tedia. Ms. Silverstein holds a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from Nebraska Wesleyan University and a Master's Degree in Economics from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Jesse D. Silverstein, Principal Mr. Silverstein's expertise is in preparing economic and real estate-related analysis. He has extensive experience in developing economic development strategies, real estate market analysis and feasibility studies. His expertise includes redevelopment analysis for environmentally impaired property. Mr. Silverstein's prior employment includes positions as Director at Equitable Real Estate Investment Management and Chief Appraiser for the Resolution Trust Corporation (FDIC) in Washington, D.C. He is actively involved in organizations inciuding the Denver Association of Business Economists and Denver Metropolitan Commercial Association of Realtors. Mr. Silverstein holds a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from the University of Delaware, a Master's Degree in Economics from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and is an MAI designated member of the Appraisai Institute. Karen B. Lecker, Research Analyst Ms. Lecker's expertise is in economic and demographic analysis, especia(ly as it relates to urban and regional planning. While completing a Master's Degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the "Iniversity of Colorado at Denver, Ms. Lecker served as an intern with the Arapahoe County Planning Division. In addition, she holds a Paralegal Certificate from the Denver Paralegal Institute and a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from Colorado State University. Deve[opment Research Parhrers: N'heat Ridge UR - RFQ 00.010 6 CREATING PARTNERSHIPS AND SUPPORT Given the multiple, contiguous, relatively large redevelopment areas the City is currently working with requires a comprehensive approach to create synergy and balance between uses and design. DRP's approach will facilitate appropriate development by evaluating and promoting elements important to both the City and the ultimate developers. Our Approach will consider the following principals: Redevelop to an Appropriate Scale People go to places that appeal to them and when they like the place they wiil incorporate it into their lives. Revitalization and development plans should be guided by a realistic view regarding the markets to be served. Whether a location is appropriate for neighborhood serving uses or a regional destination will reflect pedestrian and vehicular access to that site. Access determines market competition and trade area demographics. Balance Land Uses to Support the Project Balancing the quantity of commercial Development provides property and business owners the economic strength to succeed and maintain capital investments necessary to evolve with the market. The amount of development should be scaled to reflect the size and strength of the market, and incorporate a variety of mixed-uses as appropriate to maintain a healthy economic balance. Incorporate Community Activity Nodes Key intersections, transit stops, and public facilities such as a library, school, administrative centers, parks, etc., can function as a core or special focus area within the project. Public investment and public private partnerships can be used to create cores of development that are unique, friendly, and attractive. For instance, transit stops at the activity nodes may make them attractive for development and enhance the synergy between nodes. Recognize and Incorporate Transportation Impacts Traffic is fundamentally a good thing, assuring good visibility and putting customers in proximity to businesses. However, too much traffic can create an accessibility problem. Roadways can be seen as a seam or an edge. A seam knits the community together across the road, whereas an edge divides the community in ways that should be respected. Traffic patterns and pianned improvements should be evaluated to determine the impacts on pedestrian and vehicular access, exposure and trade azea boundaries. Anticipate and Respond to Changing Market Eapectations Market demographics change as the community ages, young people choose a single versus married lifestyle, and families grow. In-migration may bring new people with diverse cultural backgrounds, lifestyles, and market expectations. Redevelopment goals and plans for a specific site should consider such demographic and lifestyle trends. For example, suburban residents are looking for community amenities like public gathering places, a more livable environment and more convenience in daily life. Use Public-Private Partnering as Appropriate Public investments can be indirect, such as in transportation infrastructure, streetscape and environmental improvements, and through zoning policy and nuisance abatement programs. Public investment can also be direct such as with waivers and rebates, site acquisition, or the provision of financing mechanisms. Projects should be evaluated for the appropriateness and degree of public- private partnering opportunities. Development Research Par[ners: Wheat Ridge UR - RFQ 00-0I0 RESOURCES REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE FEASIBILITY STUDY Providing quality research and useful reporting requires resources from a variety of sources. Data costs have been included in the fee schedule quoted herein. City and WRURA Staff Resources: Our goal is to understand and utilize the existing City and WRiTRA base of research, knowledge, and experience to make our work as cost-effective as possible. To minimize City and WRURA staff time and resources devoted to this effort, we will efficiently organize our interview process to quickly assess the existing knowledge base and implementation strategy. Primary Data: The nature of this project necessitates the first hand collection of information pertaining to existing land uses, topography, neighborhood characteristics, real estate market factors, and other similar data. Secondary Data: Secondary data sources will be used when appropriate and my include, but necessarily limited to, U.S. Census Bureau demographic and business data series, County Business Patterns, U.S. Bureau ofEconomic Analysis data series, Consumer Expenditure Survey, CACI demographic data, Dun & Bradstreet, InfoUSA data, and other data sources as necessary. Deve[opment Research Parhters: Wheat Ridge (1R -RFQ 00-010 SIMILAR PROJECTS COMPLETED & REFERENCES ♦ Development Research Partners has recently (February 2000) completed a land use study for the City of Englewood, Colorado, comparing the fiscal and economic impacts generated by four distinct development scenarios for a high profile parcel within the City. Impacts from land use as well as from possible business operations on-site were evaluated including quality and number of jobs created, housing demand, demand for business-to-business goods and services, and affects on local retail demand. Reference: Mark Graham, Senior Planner, Community Development Department, City ofEnglewood, 303-762-2353. ♦ Development Analysis of Praposed I-25 Interchanges, 1998, an outlook for, types of development and related fiscal impacts relative to altemative placements for a new interchange; a comparative approach evaluating the rate of urban-edge growth and land development patterns at existing interchanges; prepared for the NorthMetro Chamber of Commerce. Reference: Alan Windmiller, Finley & Company Real Estate, 303-451-4397. ♦ Economic And Fiscal Impact of the Proposed Ryland Homes Development, October 1999, located in Bennett, Colorado, prepared in partnership with John M. Mullins & Associates for Ryland Homes. Reference: John M. Mullins & Associates, 303-683-9382. ♦ Economic and Community Impact Studies of Redeveloped Sites (October 1999), evaluated the economic and community impacts of Voluntary Cleanup activities at two Colorado brownfields sites. Reference: Mark Walker, Voluntary Cleanup Program, Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, 303-692-3449. ♦ Development Research Partners established a housing needs assessment in the south metro Denver area by analyzing the employment base, salary levels, current and projected housing stock and prices, commuting patterns, household income levels and demographic trends of the area. This study, completed in April 1999, presented a pioneering approach for examining the inter-relationship between job growth and the level of housing development, increasing the awareness of the importance of housing in economic development efforts. References: Peter Neukirch, Southeast Business Partnership, 303-792-9447; Brian Vogt, South Metro Denver Chamber of Commerce, 303-795-0142. ♦ Development ReseaTCh Partners designed and customized economic and fiscal impact models (7uly 1999, March 2000), for the Jefferson Economic Council to evaluate the comparative strengths of various business and real estate development opportunities. References: Holli Baumunk or Tom Clark, Jefferson Economic Council, 303-202-2965. ♦ Business Development Research Task Force and Implementation Program, in progress, conducted a focus group of economic and development professionais from the Metro Denver Network (metro region) to identify appropriate research and information products with which to conduct business development activities; conducting research and preparing documents at the direction of the task force. Rei'erence: Joe Snell, Economic Development Director, Metro Denver Network/ Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce, (303) 620-8075. ♦ Development Research Partners is currently providing advisory services to the City of Lakewood in their efforts to attract business and development to environmentally impacted sites within vazious revitalization corridors identified by the City's Community Development Office. Reference: Brian Nielsen, Environmental Manager, City of Lakewood, 303-987-7192. Development Research Partners: Wkeat Ridge UR - RFQ 00-010 9 z , a ~ W U ~ H U ~ ~ o. ~ F W w a ~ 0 U O E~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ a W H ~ 'D ~ L U N v T N E V ~ N N y ~ C O w ~ ~ F-F ~ ~ ~ M N W O W H U Gr] o0 h O a o . ~ w W F F W M O N a a. d •y O ~ ~ C t ~ > N ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ in d' ~ ~ 0 E V • t. N ~ N O m ~ E ~ - ° C M b y E ° E ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ > ~ p - ~ J • J~ . a~+ 'O N N y . p C C F GJ CJ Y .L "O 4N. V •2 co 0 ,G ~ Y ~C Q~ F ~ d ~ fa ~ 0 ~ d 4. C ~ G + itl ~ t' r\ii p 7 W ~ ~ t Y F U ~ ~ O d C O ~ O m ~ . V ' O V Y ~ L y ~ ~jy d > L W 4 v U ` r a o m a e o oo a~ c) 0 ^ a ~ 0 0 0 a C i a ~ a ~i ~ ~ : d 0 -u ~ h N 4 O v 0 ~ N ~ ~ U U ~ a° a °o 0 0° °o 04 C5 F ~ o v o O N es a q 0 o 0 0 0 0 d °o sf ~ (!i H9 Q ~ d a ~ o a o ~ ~ ~ o 0 0 ~ N 69 ~ fi9 fH ~ n vNl N ~ ' d ~ o ~ p7 ~ 00 O N ~ O L. i~- L O p GL a afli i p G ~ o d a d d 8 • o 0 0 ~ v 0 st a O ° 0 0. v~ ~ C ~ a, , , C ' d d cc FS ~ ~ ~ O o C~ G 7 FredericK Rvss Cvmpany ////////i////////////// ~ Request for Qualifications Market Feasibility Study I-70, Tabor and 44`n Avenue RFQ # 00-010 Prepared for: C i t y o f W h e a t R i d g e Purchasing 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Rvss Consu/ting 6rnup Augu5t28,2000 A055 Request for Qualifications Market Feasibility Study 1-70, Tabor and 44`h Avenue RFQ # 00-010 Prepared for: City of Wheat Ridge I Purchasing 7500 West 29tb Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Ross Consu/ting 6roup August 28, 2000 Table of Contents I. Ezecutive Summary of Proposed Scope of Services II. Project Approach III. Planning Process Diagram and Proposed Schedule IV. Proposed Fee V. Resumes - Team Members VI. Appendix • • Capabilities of Firms Executive Summary of Proposed Scope of Services It is our understanding that the primary scope of services is to prepare a market feasibility study. The final work product will be a written report outlining the market feasibility of the study area that will demonstrate a starting point for prospective redevelopers. Our approach, analysis, and planning methodologies will organize real estate issues in a way that clarifies consequences of alternative courses of action. The process designed for this project will enable the City of Wheat Ridge (City) to achieve the maximum fiscal benefit possible given the projecYs location, timeframe for development and market conditions. We will develop alternative reuse scenarios to maximize productivity and performance of the site and provide the City with the basis for decision-making regarding investment, financing, and development cost and alternatives. Our Team will also facilitate a process designed to yield a reality based and implementable redevelopment plan that wili not only be economically beneficial but also community based. Creating a vision for the I-70 and 44i° Avenue corridor and more specifically the proposed planning area will require a collaborative, efficient and timely process given the project's parameters and schedule for redevelopment. The following elements identify the general approach the Planning Team proposes to undertake in order to accomplish the goals and objectives of this project. . Making the best and most informed real estate decisions requires intimate awareness of market dynamics and other forces effecting development potential and feasibility. It also requires sophisticated, experience-based judgement supported by rigorous analytical underpinnings. . Based on this philosophy, our approach wdl follow a four-step process. 1. Perform Reconnaissance and Research 2. Analyze Data and Evaluate Opportunities 3. Define Options and Develop Alternatives 4. Prepare Recommendations and Map Action Plan for Phase Two Each of these phases follows a progressive process designed to channel and narrow the creative focus that will ultimately yield a development plan that addresses the goals and objectives of this project. It is our understanding that the market study will be required to address: • The fiscal and economic impacts of proposed alternative reuse scenarios. • Redevelopment needs to achieve full economic potential of the study area. • Appropriate mix of businesses that will facilitate synergistic success, and • Marketing information and data for redevelopment potential for prospective redevelopers. In addition to the above process, the Planning Team feels it will be important to assist in educatin9 the stakeholders (i.e. communi ro ertowners, elected offcials, etc. re ardin ~ h', P P Y ) 9 9 market and development influences. An understanding that development patterns will be influenced by market timing, local and national economic conditions, acceptance of the vision and plan by investorsldevelopers, and the fact that patience wili be important because rarely does change occur overnight. We will also assist in defning the role of government in the redevelopment effort. This is an important step because redevelopment of the project area is primariiy dependent on private initiative and investment. Strategic public investment can leverage and direct private investment. The essential role of municipal government is to facilitate this process by providing the framework of policy, ground rules, and regulations that help guide development in the public interest, and to provide and maintain the basic infrastructure and services. And finally the Team is focused on creating an identifiable image as part of the planning effort. This will accomplish several things. It will distinguish the proposed redevelopment area from other competing redevelopment projects, concepts created can be used in marketing the project to perspective investors or development partners, and a clearly defined vision is a powerful tool in gaining acceptance and creating a rallying point for stakeholders and the community. APPROACH The following elements will be considered in establishing a successful redevelopment plan for the subject area. Preparing a market feasibility study iri and of itself will not facilitate redevelopment of the properties in the study area. Making the best real estate decision requires intimate awareness of the local market dynamics and comprehensive experience with all aspects of reai estate decision-making, investment, marketing, development, financing, ownership and management. It will also be essential to establish a clear vision for what the community wishes to accomplish, what the market will accept, and identifij specific steps that will be necessary to take in order to successfully implemerit a redevelopment strategy or plan. The process the Planning team will follow is founded on an inactive process and is structured to assist the City and other stakeholders in preparing a successful, implementable redevelopment plan. Following this summary of our approach is a Chart that identifies the primary activities and deliverables in more detail and a proposed schedule for completion. Our planning process (Approach) consists of four steps - Reconnaissance/Research, Analysis, Options/Planning and the development of a Market Briefing Report. RECONNAISSANCE / RESEARCH This phase of our process focuses on determining the effect that market conditions and trends, physical (land use, transportation, & infrastructure), political, and economic forces have on opportunities to develop. Our team will assess local, regional and national economic and real estate conditions in order to inform our thinking and analysis relative to demand, absorption, capture, and financing alternatives for the subject property. This is one of the more critical phases of the process because it will establish the foundation upon which all other phases are created. In addition to data collection, this phase will establish the basic assumptions to be used regarding project goals and objectives and fiscal parameters. While this phase tends to collect primary data and be more scientific, a certain degree of art is essential to begin creative conceptual planning process. To be effective, this phase must address a wide range of "Stakeholders" interests. Data will be summarized and used in each subsequent phase but most importantly in a.work session with Stakeholders prior to the analysis phase. The work session in intended to valid assumptions and make course corrects as necessary. 2. Analysis In the previous phase the Planning Team summarized collected data to establish a"baseline" against which any actions will be compared. This phase will center on analysis of key data and characteristics of the real estate market. Other economic, demographic, and physical factors will also be considered to predict performance and establish the basis for developing alternatives. To be successful, this phase must produce a series of parameters that will be grounded in the realities of implementation. As in all our work, there will be a feedback loop by which the Team will test the realities of our findings with Stakeholders, the City, and others to infuse the planning process with discipline and creativity. Without a firm grasp of market realities, there is too great a risk of producing a Plan that cannot be implemented or, worse, cannot succeed. In addition to market and development parameters, the Team will create a framework to guide decision- making. The framework will be used to create a physicai theme based on potential scenarios identified by the market opportunity analysis. 3. OPTIONS / ALTERNATIVES In this phase, market opportunities, informed by the analysis phase, will be integrated to create conceptual development alternatives. The successful development of alternatives will involve a series of iterative Planning Team work sessions. The goal is to create alternative scenarios that are economically, fnancially, physically, and politically feasible. In addition to using team workshops to create development alternatives, a comprehensive community involvement program encompassing a variety of innovative techniques must be conducted to ensure both the participation of the major property owners and members of the community in this process. The Planning Team believes that successful development plans and strategies represent the synthesis of desires and needs of many diverse interest groups and stakeholders. The decisions the Planning Team, Wheat Ridge City Council, and staff make will be beneficial and successful only if they have the broad support of the most affected. 11 4. THE MARKET BRIEFING REPORT The Market Briefing Report will provide the City with a written summary of the projecYs findings and recommendations. The reporf will outline the market feasibility of the subject property, the fiscal opportunities and constraints, financing alternatives, and a development summary. In addition to these key elements the report will provide overviews of factors influencing development, both positively and rregatively, such as, infrastructure, transportation, cost of development, land uses, real estate market, and political. The report will also include appropriate illustrative graphics, development plans, charts, and graphs to demonstrate the projecYs quality, character, and feasibility to current stakeholders and prospective investors and developers. i v >.o=n=a _ "=o° ~ L° 3 a m a v 2~° d -cv~moEa ° yyv O ^ v o d° N E Q o 2•m,'~'c E_ ~ c tt ~n> ~ Q E F L_„'3 a'_ c F n~ d ~ y ~ " o ~ ~ a~ r E u v o ~ a - oa = c= c o v v . v a= t v a N w'~ n 1° v' c v a w u 0] EsovcmE`o°'adm~ a d n 3 v~ o E m v m a c`m o m. = c° `v Y E m< a n y `o c o E~ c5 s o° `C o x~ m=~''- " > o A m u° h'v ~ - m 3 v ~ d"Z u m L c a v`aa9c O r`mc"o5 mS o°n~ a"u10 c - ~ m < c U o V 9 E y m ~ d v 12 o c y m < v N U' c p~ ~ O T6 9~ ? p R ~ O a 'c a " ` ° v c ~ O - m 't0 O m E v o U V u ~ v- " a m V v a c o°v ~ L' i o OU ` qcu'^m ~O ~LL t~ ~C~ v E j n 401d 'C C 9 LL ~y ON~O d 2 ~ O~ O 13 d d N~~ d, O 6 C ° 6 C 0 o ~ E a a. a o a a g' ° E n= > n;D m n - t.~ 'T m y d v o$ E ~ 9 'c c c C 'y u E a E E u w~: a o N d c-y ~ N q y d.C L O d Ov~ddUO~ C N O E O O ~LLUWUU Y N ad C C wrtlQ~J O 7 ~U2Q= u o = m° ~ ~ c V ~ ~ H N ,b n ~ : vy N N O C t C N~ C• t~ y C ' a v~ dy~ n a Q~o n'm ~ Q d L 9~ W C ? O n Q O j j c Q W Y t ° n o N o 3 E v~ e dOU > N~i~ O O¢- u o o ~m av E E a~ y ` o u m o a t°' c. u 9` a N m y o y o°:$ 10 y°e' [ a° E v v q'm ° E o yi. c> > N n " x¢ aK~w.. F`j❑ ¢c7w V ttC'!w >m"caa` ta d N ~ ~ d L V y ~ N N N O a U N O a C o c c°~' v y ~ ~ O ~ m C ~ N m J ~ c y ¢ c c z ~ ~ H m d a U y o N U~ a o ~ ~ n c 01 O~o_o `a~ a5W c uN y~ O " o '°>a 'Gz j : yo : ~m om wo E m-a 00 yp 0° Y ~ p ~ A N 9 W C= C i i0 O L'J 6 C C~' ~ j L i b C ~ 6 C . ` ` a V ~ x ~ ~ 9 ° t 0 ~ > c rv g V p t E m u>~ m v°'> ° n u o- t a`o ~~UUOin q¢N ~ a: u°u m O ~¢Krc a rv~_'~ Otr~m ° m y w qKw yK o u'~ a° E~i r A U¢ aKC7wrts ca'a P r o p o s e d F e e The proposed fee is based on the four worksteps outlined earlier in this proposal. The Planning Team will complete the proposed scope of services for $65,000. This fee is inclusive of ali time, and final presentation of our findings and recommendations. Exclusive of this fee would be any reimbursable expenses, post presentations and external meetings that the City may request. Phase 1 = Research / Reconnaissance $16,500 Phase 2 - Analysis $21, 500 Phase 3 - Options / Planning $22,000 Phase 4- Market Briefing Report 5 000 Total $65,000 Resumes - Team Members Ross Consulting Group has assembied a"Planning Team" capable of ineeting all aspects of this project. As discussed in this proposal, making real estate decisions requires an intimate awareness of the market dynamics and comprehensive experience with all aspects of real estate decision-making, investment, marketing, development, financing and ownership. The Planning Team certainly meets these qualifications. The following is a brief summary of each firm's capabilities and experience followed by resumes for each team member. Ross Consulfing Group Ross Consulting Group (RCG), and independent arm of the Frederick Ross Company • ONCOR International, was organized in 1982 to assist public and private sector clients in reai estate decision making. RCG brings to the real estate owner, investor or user an objective, anaiytical view of alternatives. Ross' analysis and planning methodologies organize real estate issues in a way that clarifies consequences of alternative courses of action. The services RCG provides enable our clients to achieve the maximum utility and value form their real estate decisions. In all assignments RCG seeks to maximize the productivity and performance of real estate both as a factor or productions and as a financial asset. Matrix Design Group, Inc. Matrix Design Group, Inc. (Matrix) is a Colorado based multi-disciplinary consulting engineering firm specializing in major asset management and urban redevelopment projects. The umbrella of services provided by Matrix provides for full integration of the planning and design of transportation systems, utility infrastructure, and water resources within a community. Matrix staff routinely works on mixed planning and engineering teams to provide facilitated problem solving on land use based infrastructure assignments. Additionally, Matrix has the expertise to evaluate infrastructure systems on the basis of economic value, cost of construction, and have developed an extensive database correlating land use densities with infrastructure costs. Matrix utilizes state-of-the-art technologies in creating electronic master plans that provides today's decision-makers with tomorrow's management tools. Through extensive use of geographic information systems (GIS), Matrix develops land-based infrastructure solutions and financial models to assist in fiscal impact analyses, economic analyses, and capital budgeting for plan implementation. Through use of these models, we commonly assist clients in optimizing land plans that reduce cost, expedite construction, and maximize the value of infrastructure to the community. Additionally, the resulting databases become living documents that can be expanded and modified with continued use. Rogers Company Inc. ROGERS COMPANY INC (RoColnc), a real estate consulting firm providing feasibility and development management services for public and private organizations, developers, and real estate investors, prevents the problems other consultants are typically hired to solve. This is accomplished through specialized practices, experience and expertise in complex urban real estaie, corporate, business and municipal environments. RoColnc is known for its pro-active approach and strategic capabilities. Since its establishment, Rogers Company has worked with businesses, corporations, municipalities, governments, public housing authorities, and real estate developers to successfully guide programming, planning and implementation of comprehensive real estate projects throughout the United States. RoColnc provides extraordinary creativity to deliver solutions to complex problems with collaborative and flexible leadership. STRATEGIC PERFORMANCE First, we identify the challenges; then find out wfiat everyone involved (the stakeho/ders) want and need. Use this input to create a solution in which everyone gets something they want and like - which successfully addresses the basic objective(s). Finally, RoColnc identifies specific steps for successful impfementation of the project along with a schedule and budget to assure the initial project goals are achieved. COMMUNITY RE-WEAVING RoColnc formulated its Community Re-Weaving philosophy to respond to a wide variety of urban redevelopment assignments. To attain long-term success - with economic vitality and sustainable improvement in physical condition and appearance - any development project must incorporate re-weaving the neighborhood fabric into and through the site. Identifying the significant influences in and around the site is essential. Use (or re-use) of any site must be b/ended into its neighborhood - integrating activities, traffic patterns, buildings and security issues - creating synergistic relationships. Only then will it endure. PROJECT MANAGEMENT RoColnc has a longstanding reputation for unsurpassed management of strategic, development and planning projects, based on extensive experience in planning, design, construction, and financing - as well as essential political and economic components. The essence of project management - control, leadership and communication - is inherent in RoColnc's approach to getting the job done efficiently and effectively. Intimate familiarity with key obstacles and solutions in all sorts of projects - from residential renovations to multi-faceted urban renewal, redevelopment and expansion - is how RoColnc delivers results. PROJECT FINANCING Every successful real estate development project requires funding. The larger the project, the greater the complexity - and the number of individual financing sources that must be secured and coordinated. RoColnc offers years of experience and success in the areas of public and private financing for real estate projects - to achieve the maximum potential project scope and quality for the equity dollars invested. AGILITY + RESOURCES = RESULTS Any organization is only as good as its resources. RoColnc assigns a principal and project manager to each project to maintain project agility - the ability to reconfigure to address unanticipated opportunities. Other resources/firms are added to the team as required to assure that the best possible outcome is realized. RoColnc works with organizations across the country to deliver successful resolution of real estate and business challenges in a variety of capacities, including • Real Estate Development • Owner Representation • Program Management • Urban Redevelopment • Strategic Master Planning • Feasibility Studies • Asset Management • Implementation Strategies • Design Management • Project Management Individual Resumes People in Profile IV Chuck Luna Director, Ross Consulting Group Chuck Luna is Director of Ross Consulting Group, providing ieal esta[e advisory services to imestors, developers, corporations and landowners. Chuck brings over 25 yeazs of real estate related planning, ` design, asset management, research / analysis and decision- making to RCGs projects. Chuck has been responsible for the stra[egic planning and asset managemen[ of over three million squaze feet of leased and owned property throughout Colorado and Texas. He has also been responsible For master planning, land use s[udy, zoning, site selection, design, project management and construction for this lazge portfolio: Chuck also has an extensive design background in architecture, interior design, landscape azchitecmre, engineering and space planning. His has provided asset managemen4 s[rategic planning, and modeling for decision- making to TEPCO, one of 7apan's lazgest utility companies, various architecmral design firms, facility departments of high-tech firms such as Hewlett-Packazd and Srorage Tech and multitude of large corporations. a Frederick Ross Campany ' ' " WorWwlde Real Esfate Semces Prior [o joining Ross Consulling Group. Chuck served as Manager of S[ra[egic Planning. Design and Project Management for New Century Energies, pnrent company to Public Service Company of Colorado and Sutithwest Public Service of Texas. In this capaci[y, he manageJ ur was directly responsible for projeccs that ranged from ovor $50,000,000 to under $100,000 and the oversigh[ of decisiuns rcluting to facility and real estare sVa[egies. Because of his cxpcrience with all aspects of real es[ate management and analy+is, Chuck developed financial models to support [he decisinn-making process of a regulated company and assess the influcnee of these decisions on shareholders and other stakchulders. Chuck also developed a variery of databases to vack the performance of real estate asse[s, space u[iliza[ion, benchmarking, and cost of ownership. Chuck holds BS in Engineering from New Mexico State University and has worked on his mas[ers in Archi[ecture and Planning from the Universiry uf Colorado. He is a member of the CU Real Estate Council, the NACORE Institute and the Denver Partnership. \ People in Tom Martin Profile Associate, Ross Consulting Group Tom Martin manages a broad array of real estate related , developmen[ and investment projec[s as well as cocporate consulting assignments. formulates land development strategies, conduc[s ` market reseazch and investment analyses, and evaluates commercial and residential real estate developments for imes[ors and landowners. Clien[s include the Colony Investments, Pauls Corporation„Tertabrook, Union Pacific ' Railroad, and Trillium Corp. Tom also works extensively with [he design of mazket analysis and financial models to quantify [he implications of real estate tlecisions. Tom has analyzed over $1 billion in investrnen[ sale transac[ions, including $800 million in insfim[ional por[folios [hroughout Ihe Sou[h Bay and Silicon Valley. In addition, Tom works closety witfi landowners to design and develop real estate assets located throughout the country. Tom also provides corporate consulting services, where he evaluates growth options for several of high-tech clients, i as Silicon Graphics, Maxtor, Quantum Corporation and ~ FredericK Rnss ~ Cnmpany ' ' " wondwide Real Estore Services Hewle[t-Packard. These analyses factor estimates of pre-tax, after-tax and book impacts specific to each client inro acquisition/disposi[ion considerations as well as sale/leaseback, syn[heticlease and build-to-suit options. Prior to joining Ross Consulting Group, Tom served as Financial Analys[ to Colliers Damner Pike. Using comprehensive financial analysis software, Tom developed financial models to assess implications of a variety of commercial real estate uansactions, induding local and regional mazket analyses and sensitivity assessments for assignments located throughout the west. As Senior Planner with the City of Irvine, California Planning Department, Tom was responsible for project management, designing of city plans and reports as well as interaction wi[h public, management and elected representatives. He managed several major mixed-use projects throughout the ciry approval process. Ae also supervised downtown redevelopment planning efforts, as well as roadway infrastrucmre improvements. Tom holds a BA in Political Science from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a Master of City Planning from the University of Califomia, Berkeley. John L. Blanchard, PE Principal ~ N1a~xIksi~Group.n Esperience Mr. Blanchard is a principal and co-founder of [he btatrix Design Group. He has a broad based background in municipal engineering design, environmental permittine and economic analysis, with a sriong expertise in water resources. Mr. Blanchard serves as project manager on interdisciplinary projects from the initial planning stages tluough design development and construction. Mr. Blanchard is recognized as an expert in urban drainage and flood control aHd actively teaches for the American Society of Civil Engineers throughout the U.S. and Canada. He has d'uected innovarive designs on awazd winning development projects by successfully integrating the efforts of land planners, landscape architects, natura] scientists, and engineers. Economic Analysis Mr. Blanchazd has extensive experience in economic analysis, real property, valuarions, capital budgering, and fiscal unpact analysis for vazious residential development and commercial ventures. Representarive assignmems involving economic analysis include: valuarion of water rights associated with Delaney Lakes in Jackson Counry, CO; cash flow projecrions, pro-forma budgets, and fmanciat analysis of citrus orchazd development for the Pauma Indian Tribe near San Diego, CA; fiscal impact analysis for a proposed development in Green Island, N1' which would add 1,200 residents to an existing population of 1,500; and preparation of a site wide redevelopment cost model for conversion of the Lowry Air Force Base. Land Planning/ Mr. Blanchazd has worked on a broad array of site planning and civil engineering Community Development assignmenu in more than 15 states. His expertise includes site layout, land planning, subdivision design, and program management Mr. Blanchazd is cuzrently assisting with the prepazation of infrastructure master plans and capital improvement programs to support redevelopment of the former Stapleton International Airport. This project consists of redevelopment of approximately 3,000-acre site. It will be a mixed use communiry consisting of residential and retail properties as well as open space areas. Mr. Blanchazd has provided expert engineering for redevelopment of federal installations associated with the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) program. At the former Lowry Air Force Base in Denver, he provided infrasuucture master planning and managed the $8.2 million Lowry EDA Infrastructure Project. The EDA project created the spine roadway, urility, and drainage infrastnicture to serve the site and stimulate redevelopment. Value engineering techniques resulted in a reducrion of $5 million in capital costs. Mr. Blanchazd served as manager on the Infrastructure Master Plan for Fitzsimons Medial Army Center in Aurora, CO to support redevelopment of the 577-acre site Blanchard2 John L. Blanchard, PE .ge 2 into a bio-science research park and campus for the University of Colorado HealUi Sciences Center. Tlie mastec plan established the framework for pcivatization of a central energy plant, decommission of a wastewater heatment plant, and programetric improvements to all roadway and utiliries. Urban Drainage and Flood Control Throughout his career, Ntr. Blanchard has demonstrated innovame approaches to soiving complex drainage problems through the use of a comprehensive approach emphasizing mul[i-use, mulri-benefit faciliries. fIe developed a master plan to . accomplish 100-year zero dischazge from a 600-acre basin ffibutary to the Rock}' ' Mountain Arsenal in Denver, CO. The plan utilized existing storage reservoirs to retain stormwater while providing a firm water supply for on-site irrigarion and base flows for riparian corridors to be preserved downstream across the Arsenal. As project manager for the Master Drainage Plan at the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Complex existing ponds were used to enhance water quality and protect downstream water supplies, in Denver, CO. Representative design assigntnents include work as project manager for the design of riverfront improvements, navigable canals, and flood conveyance facilities for the Historic Arkansas River Project (HARP) in dovmtown Pueblo, CO and work as project manager for design of four multi-purpose lakes, four miles of irrigation canals and pipetines, and numerous specialry structures including a 350 long concrete baffled apron drop on a 3.5:1 slope at the Maroon Creek Golf Club in Aspen, CO. Mr. Blanchard was also the project manager for the planning and design of numerous stormwater detenrion and water supply storage faciliries where jurisdictional dam structures were requued. He performed hydrological studies, hydraulic design, developed liner specifications, and assisted with permitting. Examples of jurisdictional dam designs include the rehabilitation of the 300 AF Lake Grant Dam near Crested Butte, CO and new construction of a 60 foot high dam at Kevin Cosmer's Dunbar Resort near Deadwood, SD. Awards and Publications - Manual ofPracticefor Design and Construction of Urban Stormwater Management Systems, Contributing Author, ASCE/WPCF, 1992 ASCE Manual ojPractice, Principal Instructor of Short Courses, Irvine, CA, Erie, PA, Toronto, CAN, Denver, CO, Las Vegas, NV, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Memphis, TN and Phoenix, AZ "Planning and Financing a Comprehensive Storm Water Management Program Instructor for University of Wisconsin short course, 1994 "Developing Dijficulr Sites 1994 National Association of Home Builders Convention in Las Vegas ASCE Applicarions in Stormwater Management, Principal Instrucrion of Short Courses, San Antonio, TX, Sacramento, CA, Las Vegas, NV, Honolulu, AI, Blanchard2 John L. Blanchard, PE Page 3 and Orlando, FL Education Masters of Business Administrarion, Regis College, 1988 Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering, Universiry of Iowa, 1982 Professional Registrations/ Registered Professional Engineer, States of Colorado (24420/1986) and New Yock Affiliations (65239/1988) Registered Colorado Real Estate Appraiser American Society of Civil Engineers Mined Land Reclamation Boazd Non-Point Source Pollution Committee Home Builders Associarion of Metro Denver, Water Development Committee Work Fiistory Matrix Design Group, Inc. (1999-Present) BRW, Inc., Vice President (1995 to 1999) Wright Water Engineers, Inc., Senior Water Engineer (1990 to 1995) C.T. Male Associates, PC, Managing Engineer (1988 to 1990) Bell Engineering Company, Project Manager (1983 to 1988) Hansen Lind Meyer, PC, Design Engineer (1982 to 1983) Blanchard2 ,iames L. Price, PE ',.:nior Civil Engineer Experience Mr. Price is a Civil Engineer with Matrix Design Group and is responsibte for the successful design, coordination, and management of municipal and private sector improvement projects, studies and reports. Ae provides multiple project management and coordination of hansportarion, utility, capital improvemen[ and land development projects as well as detailed master planning and analysis. His experience includes involvement with a mulritude of residential and commercial development and redevelopment projects throughout the state. Mr. Price served as the senior project manager in responsible charge of all trunk infrastructure projects for the redevelopment of the former Lowry Air Force Base in Denver, CO. His sffong background in municipal transportation roadway, urilities, and Right-of-Way improvements has helped guide the reconstrucrion of infrasnucture at the former base. Previously, Mr. Price was responsible for the management of several regional, state and local improvement and rehabilitation projecu. Many of these projects have received indusuy awards and the highest client praise for innovadve design. il Engineering Mr. Price has a broad asay of civil engineering experience. This experience spans both the public and private sectors and includes such hallmark projects as the redevelopment of the former Lowry Air Force Base, The City of NIorgan Hilt Auto Mall, the Colorado State Highway 85/87 widening project in Colorado Springs and the I-55-405 Freeway Confluence Project in Orange County, CA. Mr. Price is involved with the ongoing master planning and platting for all residenrial and couunercial development at Lowry, iequiring continual master plan and infrastructure design revision as phased development occurs across the base. He also continues to manage and coordinate the Lowry comprehensive traffic planning and site impact analyses for the Lowry Redevelopment Authority and The City and County of Denver. Previously, Mr. Price served as project manager for the U.S. Highway 85/87 and SH 29 widening project for the Colorado Springs World Arena. This highway reconstruction project was financed and constructed through an Inter-Govemmental Agency Agreement with The Colorado Deparanent of Transportation and the Ciry of Colorado Springs with matching funds provided by The Colorado Springs World Arena. The project involved large scale roadway, drainage, traffic and signalization improvemenu necessary to mirigate future traffic and access demands created by the World Arena operarions. Several lazge drainage structures were designed within the project due to the heavy flood run-off genecated by the nearby Cheyenne Mountain Drainage basin. Pnce civil engr James L. Price, PE Page 2 He served in a lead design role on the recently completed I-5/I-405 Freeway ConIIuence project in Orange County, CA. This $90 million inrerstate improvement project consisted of existing freeway widening, new collector/ distributor roadway. interchange, direct connector flyover, and multiple bridge and retaining wall consuuction. Federal, State, Counry and local City funding and agency approvals were part of the project development, design and construction program. Public WorksNlunicipal Engineering Mr. Price has strong project management and design expenence within the public sector. Having successfully designed, bid and overseen the construction of dozens of local municipal and state unprovement pzojects, he maintains an excellent track record with projects requiring rare construction change orders. Mr. Price is an expert in municipal roadway design, construction, and traffic operation. He is also . very familiar with the design and construcrion of domestic water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage facilities. Previously, Mr. Price served as project manager for the Lowell Boulevard Improvement Project, Phases 1 and 2, for the City of Wesuninster, C0. Phase 1 of the project included preparation of final plans, specificarions, and estimates (P,S S E) for 1.5 miles of sanitary sewer and water improvements within Lowell Boulevard, 68th, and 69th Avenues. Phase 2 construction included complete roadway reconstruction and drainage improvements. Residential and commercial access plans were developed for Phase 2 including signal modification plans and Burlington Northem crossing upgrades. He served as project manager for the Washington Street Rehabilitation Project for the City of Northglenn, C0. T7ris project involved approximately one-half mile of roadway reconstruction and storm drain improvements including utiliry relocations, signal modifications, and commercial access consolidation. A type selection process was developed by Mr. Price during preliminary design for evaluation of roadway and drainage design altematives. Significant storm drainage improvements were requued to alleviate a large deficiency in tunoff capacity within the existing Right- of-Way. While providing continuous on-call consulting services for the City of Beverly Hills, CA, he worked on several high profile improvement projects including the Rodeo Drive Reconstruction Project and the Olympic Boulevard Rehabilitation Project. He oversaw the design and construction of Rodeo Drive tluough downtown Beverly Hills. Two miles of Olympic Boulevard was rehabilitated including the consavetion of direcrional concrete bus lanes. Both projects requued significant public interacrion with the local communiry. He also provided on-call consulting services for the Ciry of Newport Beach, CA, including the design of the Balboa Business District Improvement Project within the Balboa Peninsula. Through the crearion of a commercial assessment district, Pnce civil engr -ies L. Price, PE Fage 3 funds were raised for the reconstruction of all roadways, sidewalks, bikepaths, and storm drain systems within the Business District. Again, significant public inceraction was required due to the project's lugh profile. Large detail was oiven to pedeshian access treatments, construction materials, and drainage systems which had to operate below mean sea level. Transportation/Traffic Engineering Mr. Price has extensive experience in ffansportation, traffic engineering, and roadway construction. He is very familiar with all aspects of geometric layout, intersection design, signalizarion, traffic control, roadway lighting construction phasing, urban design, signing and pavement delinearion, and development of project design criteria. He was the project manager for the US 85/87 and SH 29 widening project in the Colorado Springs, CO providing special event access to the newly wnstructed Colorado Springs World Arena. This major lughway widening project included the reconsffuction of a two-lane highway to a four-lane highway plus acceleration/deceleration lanes with double left turn movements at all intersections. Complete traffic signalization upgrades and new roadway lighting were also provided tluoughout the project. Mr. Price was the lead pioject engineer for the reconstrucrion of MacArthur Boulevard (State Route 73) through Newport Beach, CA. This 2.5 mile long roadway upgrade project was financed fluough Calhans and the Ciry of Newport Beach as part of San Joquin Hills Transportarion Corridor Project. As part of his infrastructure program management responsibilities at Lowry, he supervised the Quebec Street Extension Project through the former Air Force Base. This new major arterial roadway is expected to carry over 35,000 ADT and will provide an altemarive path to the currently saturated Monaco Boulevard. He designed detailed traffic handling and construcrion phasing plans for the enormous I-5/I-405 Freeway Confluence Project in Orange County, CA. Multiple stage haffic handling plans were required for most consuvction phases. He also prepazed final pavement delinearion plans for the entire freeway confluence. Mr: Price was the Project Manager for the US 85/87 and Santa Fe Avenue Intersection Realignment project within the City of Fountain, C0. This project, which was almost enrirely fmanced by Federal ISTEA monies, involved the reconstruction of an existing intersecrion plagued by a poor accident history due to highly irregulaz roadway geometrics. Several altemarives were evaluated for their advantages/disadvantages and construcrion cost, and sununarized within the project design report. Ciry approval was received for the project during Mr. Price's presentation of the recommended alternarive alignment to the Ciry Council. Several environmental and design challenges were solved by the consultant through Price civil engr James L, Price, PE Page 4 innovarive solutions such as maintaining existing state highway signalization (as desired by City Council) through a revised school zone pedestrian wanant. He designed the Cook Street Estension to Interstate 10 through the City of Palm Desert, CA. This project, which included the removal and reconsuuction of the at- grade intersection of Cook Street and Frank Sinatra Drive has received the highest acclaim from local authoriries including the Palm Desert Ciry Council which called it "the best intersecrion ever designed and constructed within the Ciry limits, excelient IayouP". Land Planning/Site Civil Engineering Mr. Price has provided master planning consultation and design services for multiple commercial and residential projects including Plaaned Unit Development (P.U.D.) and single parcel projects. He was the lead project engineer for the Nlorgan Hill Auto Mall within the Ciry of Morgan Hill, CA. He provided preluninary layout and £mal design of all roadways and public urilities for this 100-acre commercial site. Previously, he provided significant engineering design for Highlands Ranch Filing 112A within Douglas County, CO. Arterial, collector, local, and utiliry design were all key components to the final layout of this 500-1ot residential subdivision. As part of his program oversight responsibilities, Mr. Price provided transportation planning, site layout, and impact analysis for the Lowry Employment Campus commercial site plat within the City and County of Denver, CO. Critical to the Campus layout was the reuse of the existing roads and urilities which fommed the signatiue loogroad circulation system. Also critical to the land use and site layout was the evaluation of existing buildings for possible resale within the commercial area. Federal Economic Development Authonty (EDA) monies were utilized by the redevelopment agency for improvements within the loop road Right-of-W ay. Traftic/Site Impact Analysis Mr. Price is an expert in prepanng Traffic Impact Reports for residential and commercial site improvements including large scale development projecu requiring significant off-site capital improvements for 4affic mirigarion. He has extensive experience representing clients and their projects through all phases of project development and review including representarion at public meetings. As part of the hansportation master plaaning for che redevelopment of the former Lowry Air Force Base in Denver, CQ he developed a comprehensive traffic impact analysis for the entire 1,866-acre base. This comprehensive analysis formed a data base for subsequent site specific traffic unpact reports for each phase of development. This approach provided site wide preluninary background and horizon year 2010 design data to support trunk infrastructure design while maintaining flexibility in land use and layout. Previously, Mr. Price prepared a fraffic impact assessment document for the St. Price civil engr ',mes L. Price, PE rage 5 Julien Hotel Development project in dovmtown Bouider, CO. This horel and commercial retail site was projected to generate hundreds of trips per'day within a highly sensitive neighborhood, requinng evaluation of multiple Traffic Management stracegies and multi-modal solutions. Over 20 signalized inrersections were analyzed for acceptable level-of-service (LOS) throughout the downtown Boulder grid. He prepazed a traffic impact report for the 440-acre Renaissance Subdivision Development project in Longmont, CO. Key buildout horizon volumes were developed from regional trip data for the southwest Longmont area. Recommendations for highway access, roadway widening, and intersection signalizarion were all required as part of the final drafr report. Education Master of Science in Civil Engineering, University of Califomia - Irvine, 1994 Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, 1990 Professional Registrations/ Registered Professional Engineer, States of Colorado (30056/1994) and California Affiliations (51776/1993) American Society of Civil Engineers Insritute of Transportation Engineers Work History Matrix Design Group, Inc. (1999- Present) BRW, Inc., Project Manager (1996 to 1999) Drexel Barrell & Company, Senior Transportation Engineer (1994 to 1996) Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates, Project Engineer (1990 to 1994) Muller Engineering Company, Engineering Technician (1989 to 1990) Colorado Deparnnent of Transportation, Engineering Aide (1989) Pnce civil engr Frederick C. Lantz, PE Traffic Engineer N1a~cI~~Crap, L~usniN P+~µ SWU inm As owner of Laniz Associates, Mr. LanTi provides Transportation Consulting services Experience to the private and public sectors. Projects completed include Traffic Impacc Analysis for developments, Pazking Studies, Access Permits, Traffic Signa] Design and geneml Traffic Engineering. As Project Manager of the Transportarion Business Unit at the Graphic Data Systems Corporation in Englewood, Colorado,lVlr. Lana provided Transportation Engineering Sofrivare applications for public enriries. Mr. Lantz was the traffic engineer for the Ciry of Lakewood in Colorado. His responsibiliries were management of all traffic engineering funcrions for the City of Lakewood. Approved traffic sign and traffic signal plans and work orders, reviewed development plans and issued access pernuts. Developed transportation policies, prepared budgets and represented the City in Transportation matters. As Transportarion Services Manager for the City of Arvada in Colorado, Mr. Lantz managed of all traffic engineering, and street and drainage maintenance functions. Developed policies and budgeu for the Traffic Engineering and Street Division. Designed traffic signals, prepared and reviewed signing plans, and reviewed and issued access permits. Mr. Lantz serded as Spff Traffic Engineer for the City of Louisville, Kenrucky. His responsibilities included responsibility for signing, striping, development review and signal operations for one-half of the metro azea. Education BS, Civil Engineering, University of Krntucky, December 1970 MS, Computer Informarion Systems, Universiry of Denver, June, 1996 Professional Registrations/ Professional Engineer in Kentucky and Colorado Affiliations Fellow - Insritute of Transportarion Engineers Work History Lantz Associates, Owner (1997- Present) Graphic Data Systems Coiporation, Project Manager (1995-1997) City of Lakewood, Traffic Engineer (1986-1995) City of Arvada, Transportation Services Manager (1976-1986) City of Louisville, Kentucky, Staff Traffic Engineer (1971-1976) Lance-Matnx J. SCOT ROGERS ROGERS Areas of Expertise C OM P A N Y Real Estate Development and Finance I N C O RP O RAT E D Project Management Programming and Strategic Planning iG.<.s:b>.ti:/v44vci5RL!~'~)4vL!e^.:tlR4ti~A.a:3:0:L Team Building and Leadership Consensus Building • Leading-edge innova[ion to Community Re-weaving' Resolve real esmte chal(enges Economic Development and Urban Redevelopment 6692 South Columbine SVeet Littleton C0 80121-2902 USA Summary of Qualifications and Expertise teteprane 303347.9020 lacsimile 303347.9040 ~en Info@RoCoInc.com Mr. Rogers is the CEO of Rogers Company Inc - a founding member of Housing intemet www.RoCoInc.com Solutions- a national consortium of firms providing integrated solutions today to meet tomorrow's housing needs. He is an energetic, highly creative and organized real estate professional with a hands-qn approach to getting projects accomplished. W ith over two decades of experience -rangingfrom architecture and construction to finance and real estate development - Mr. Rogers has been instrumental at both realizing economic objectives and simultaneously maximizing project performance. Mr. Rogers has worked with both public and private entities on large urban development projects throughoutthe United States, managing comprehensively, coordinating concept development, public and private financing, land acquisition, design, planning, en- gineering and construction, as well as securing public consensus for projects. In 1988, Rogers established his firm to provide special-case solutions to property owners and developers; directing the resolution of myriad critical project issues, including governmental approvals, individual parcel developments, complex contract negotiations and extensions, financing; and in many cases, re-establishing owner/developer control of - and schedules for - development projects already underway. A founding member of . 404wio Mr. Rogers has performed as Project Manager/Developer for two ofHUD's Urban Revi- HOUSING-SOLUTIONSs'^ talization Demonstration (URD/HOPE VI) projects in Deuoit, Michigan and Spring- www.Housing-Solutions.com field, Illinois. Both URD Revitalization Plans have surpassed HUD's New Urbanism a 1.888.724.6692 planning goals - alleviating the polarization of low-income people .through housing types. I a J. SCOT ROGERS (Continued) Paae Rogers has extensive experience as an Owner Representative and consulting Rea] Estate Deve(oper for a variety of other clients, providing preliminary analysis, programming. site selection, and coordination of design, financing and construction activities. Capabilities & Experience RogeYS Company Inc serves as Owner Representative, Consultant and/or Developer for organizations facing real estate development and urban planning/redevelopment challenges: KANSAS CITY KANSAS DEVELOPMENT PLAN - K3t1S8S City, KariSaS Comprehensive planning for this community of 150,000 with focus on inner City redevelopment and addressing great need for affordable housing options. Also completed a HOPE VI grant application for FY2000 for less than $30 million to leverage a total renewal project of well over $180 million over three years. INDIANAPOLIS HOUSING AGENCY - Indianapolis, Indiana Feasibility and Strategic Needs Assessments for all 15 residential properties plus their Headquarters Office Building and central Maintenance Service Center. HALL PROPERTIES - Johnson City, Tennessee Acquisition analysis, for commercial property portfolio. DevelopmenUdisposition analysis for commercial property portfolio LIPAN DISTRIBUTION COMPLEX, New Century Energies - Denver, Coloiado Owner's Rep for design/build construction of this $20 million service center distribution compiex. Also directed phased personnel moves into the new facility. FuxNtTURE MANAGEMsxT PLAN, New Century Energies - Denver, Colorado Comprehensive corporate strategy to manage, acquire and utilize furniture assets. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO - Denver, Colorado Kipling Service Center Master Plan to remodel and upgrade major service center. Gateway Service Center MasterPlan to improve utilization of service center facility. Pueblo Service Center Master Plan to remodel and upgrade major service center. Corporate Asset Management strategy formation for all PSCo real estate assets. Greeley Service Center Master Plan to improve utilization of the facility. Customer Office Analysis resulted in closure based on economic performance. HAY HOMES HOPE VI REVITALIZATION PLAN - Springfield, Illinois Coordination of Plan preparation, financing, development, and community re- weaving (consensus, political, governmental, etc.) J. SCOT ROGERS (Continued) Page 3 HIGHI.ANDS REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT - Denver, Colorado Co-developer for acquisition/renovation of historic rental housing HERMAN GARDENS URD REVITALIZATION PLAN - DetiOit, MiChlgari Directed preparation of Plan including paRial demolition application and prelimi- nary submission to Hi1D for review as well as serving as the key professional contact and facilitator with Resident Design Team SCOTT SYS'rEM, INC. - Denver, Colorado Developed strategic program for expansion of manufacturing firm as owner representative and directed site selection, design and financing PALM SPRINGS CLASSIC - Palm Springs, Califomia Directed planning for this $200 million mixed-use development. Organized public consensus, acquisition suategies, and broader economic development impacts. Education & Licenses „ 1994 Colorado Real Estate Broker License 1992 Series 7 and 63 Securities Licenses 1985 MBA in Finance, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado 1982 Colorado Real Estate Sales License 1978 BA in Architecture, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri Memberships Metro Denver Homeless Initiative, Director, 2000- NAHRO, Asset Management Instructor, 1999- Who's Who in American Business, 1999- Colorado NAHRO, Asset Management Instructor, 1999 Peabody Neighbors - founder (1999) National Association of Housing Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) DU Real Estate Reseazch Council Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce, RTD Guide the Ride task force, 1497 Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce (DMCC) DMCC Transportation Committee, 1997- Alumni Boazd, DU School of Real Estate & Construction Management DU Graduate Business Alumni Association, Director Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver, Director, 1990-93 Wolf Creek Valley Metropolitan Districts I, II, III, & IV, Secretary, 1984-85 Denver Jaycees, Director, 1979 American Institute of Architects (AIA), Associate Member, 1977-83 AIA National Committee on Architecture for Justice, 1977-78 Frederick Ross Company Frederick Ross Company is the oldest and largest real estate firm based in Colorado. Founded in 1888 by Frederick Ross, the company has a history of highly capable, stable leadership. In order to continue providing its clients with unpazalleled service, Ross merged its Colorado Springs operations with Palmer McAllister, the premier commercial real estate brokerage firm in Colorado Springs for the past 25 yeazs. Ross today is a full-service organization of some 170 professionais and support staff organized along five major service lines: brokerage, management, consulting, Frederick Ross Company development, facilities p(anning, and reseazch. This broad array of services in one organization produces a constant cross-fertilization of specialized professional knowledge and a rich flow of market intelligence. Regional Strength With headquarters in Denver and a second office in Colorado Springs, Frederick Ross's services are readily available in all Colorado metropolitan azeas. Ross's service lines aze organized as follows: • Brokerage Group: The Frederick Ross Brokerage Group comprises close to 70 professionals specializing in real estate leasing and sales transactions. In addition to office, retail, and industrial leasing, the group's services include tenant representation; acquisitions; hotel, land, and investrnent sales (office, retail, industrial, and apartments); site assembty; and portfolio disposition. • Real Estate Management Group: This group now manages more than five mi(lion SF of office, retail, industrial, and multi-family residential properties. The group is pazticulazty notable for its effective tenant ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 1 \ Frederick Ross Company relations (over 90 percent tenant retention) combined with efficient management (operating costs consistently below BOMA averages). • Consulting Group: The Ross Consulting Group is nationally recognized for the quality of its market and financial reseazch and analysis. It is an independent business unit that provides objective, third-party counseling and problem-solving services on a fee basis. Principal services include valuation, strategic planning and asset management for property portfolios, project feasibility and mazket direction studies, acquisition and disposition transaction timing, and real estate and economic forecasting. Rick Pederson is Senior Vice President of Frederick Ross Company and the head of Ross Consulting Group. Rick enjoys a national reputation for his expertise in investment and market analysis. Among the clients he has advised on property acquisitions are Property Trust of America, Miller- Anschutz, Rockefeller & Associates L.P., and The Colorado Trust. • Development Management Group: Ross's development unit has completed more than 2.5 million SF of office, industrial, and retail projects. Ross's services are utilized both by investors requiring experienced managers for new projects or companies whose facility needs require build-to-suit solutions. Ross developers take particulaz pride in their involvement in public/private partnerships with municipalities that have enhanced their tax bases by generating new commercial and retail economic activity. • Research Services: An essential component of ail Ross service lines is up-to-the-minute mazket information of the highest quality. To track micro and macro statistics, trends, and projections now requires the full-time effort of four market research professionals. Ross Reseazch Services tracks economic trends such as employment, demographics, and retail sales as a basis for analysis of regional reatestate value, pricing, and absorption trends. Without peer in Cotorado; Ross's database now tracks activity in more than 700 office buildings, almost 700 retail centers, and over 1,600 industrial properties. Frederick Ross Company Competitive Advantage Through Market Research and Analysis Quality information is essential to making good decisions in a competitive mazket. Traditionally, mazket knowledge was the highly personalized and closely guarded property of individual brokers. Information gave them, and their clients, an advantage in the marketplace. In today's mazkets, an individual broker's knowledge is not enough. While the "street knowledge" of individual brokers is extremely valuable, it must be organized, systematized, and then processed in a disciplined analytical framework in order to achieve its maximum usefulness and value. An essential component of all Ross service lines is up-to- the-minute mazket information of the highest quality. Frederick Ross Company offers the most sophisticated and authoritative real estate mazket research capabilities. Our database of properties, tenants, owners, investors is unmatched by any other company in Colorado. Ross Reseazch Services tracks economic trends such as employment, demographics, and retail sales as a basis'for analysis of regional real estate value, pricing, and absorptiou trends. Ross's semiannual market evaluations and forecasts aze highly regazded in the real estate and investment communities, and our research resources are designed for application to individual projects as well. Ross's research capability is linked to Ross's Consulting Group and provides a wide range of market analysis capabilities for Ross clients, including the following: . Market forecasts and trend analysis. This service has been used extensively by national and local investors. . Office Market Reports on all of Den,ver's submarkets. This includes rental rate information and trends, vacancy rates and trends, new construction and other vital mazket statistics. . Property management expertise. Because of our Frederick Ross Company extensive property management operation, Frederick - Ross Reseazch also tracks operating expenses by components across different building sizes, types, and operating systems. ONCOR Internationai: Local Control, Worldwide Services Frederick Ross Company is one of 51 independent real estate companies that own ONCOR International, the world's lazgest full-service real estate corporation. ONCOR companies have some 2,300 real estate professionals in over 200 major mazkets in the United States and 27 foreign countries in North America, Europe, Asia, South Africa and Latin America. ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ONCOR companies in 1999 completed 17,461 projects in total, with a transaction value of $21.2 billion. Corporate acknowledgment of ONCOR's effectiveness in multi- mazket situations is evident in the steady increase in ONCOR projects. Among the companies utilizing ONCOR services aze GTE, Amdahl, Camp Dresser McKee, AT&T, McGraw-Hill, Coca-Cola USA, Pepsi-Cola, Unisys, United Technologies, Tenneco, John Hancock Mutual Life, Ralston Purina, Contractor's Warehouse, MacArthur Foundation, Campeau Corporation, Aema, Campbell Soup, Travelers Insurance, and Morgan Stanley IntemationaL The projects included office, industrial, and retail leases and sales; subleases; land sales and purchases; and a variety of consulting assignments. ONCOR was formed in 1977 in Houston, Texas, in response to Houston-based companies' desire to have local accountability for their real estate projects in other cities. Because leading independent real estate companies in other major U.S. mazkets had corporate clients with the same Frederick Ross Company needs, the ONCOR structure was a natural result The primary benefit of working with ONCOR companies is . that projects in distant mazkets are executed by the best- ' qualified brokers in the strongest independent firms in that market. At the same time, clients maintain close control of their projects through their relationship with the ONCOR - company broker in their home market. Unlike so-called national firms, projects are not simply "handed ofP' to a broker in the other city. ONCOR projects are managed by the firm with which the client company has the primary relationship. Project progress is readily tracked and controlled under ONCOR's proprietary project management system. Ross was one of ONCOR's founding companies. Ross CEO Jack Box is the ONCOR past Chairman, and Ross Consulting Group Director Rick A. Pederson is developing ONCOR's new worldwide real estate reseazch and market analysis program modeled after Ross's market research and analysis system. Frederick RosS Campany I Experience _ PUBLIC SECTOR CLIENTS . Aurora Economic Development Council . Broomfield Redevelopment • City and County of Denver . City of Arvada-Urban Renewal Auth. . City of Aspen • City of Aurora • CiTy of Boulder-Urban Renewal . City of Colorado Springs . City of Denver-Urban Renewal Auth. • City of Edgewater-Urban Renewal . City of Fort Collins . City of Lakewood . City of Littleton . City of Northglenn . City of Northglenn-Urban Renewal ' . Clayton Found./Cook Inlet Region . Colorado School of Mines . Public Service Company of Colorado . Regional Transportation District • State Boazd of Land Commissioners • State Department of Administration . The Denver Partnership, Inc. . Town of Avon • Town of Castle Rock . University of Southern Colorado . URS Consultants, Inc. PRNATE SECTOR CLIENTS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . American Red Cross • Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. . Ameribass Realty • Archdiocese of Denver . Bank of Nova Scotia Ex erience • Berger Realty,Inc. • CIGNA Corporation • Columbia Savings / First Nationwide • First Chicago Bank • First National Bank of Colorado Springs • First National Bank of Englewood • Guazanty Bank & Trust • Hewlett Packazd • Imperial Savings Association • Information Handling Systems • Miller & Schroeder Financial . Mission Viejo Company • Mobil Land Development Corporation • NationsBank of Virginia • Norwest Bancorp • PNC Bank . Rancon Financial • Security Capital • Union Pacific Realty Company • University Hills Mall • The Vanguazd Group PUBLIC SECTOR CLIENTS AMERICAN RED CROSS Ross Consulting Group was retained by the Mile High Chapter of the American Red Cross for identification and negotiation to purchase a new headquarters facility in the Denver metropolitan uea. Terry Sicilia Mile High Chapter American Red Cross 444 Sherman Street Denver, Colorado 80203 Frederick Ross Company TEL: (303) 722-7474 AURORA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL As consultant to ECO Aurora, RCG provided an evaluation of the tas and fee cost to developers for location of projects in Aurora versus other metropolitan area cities. Aurora Economic Development Council 15701 East lst Avenue, #206' Aurora, Colorado 80011 TEL: (303) 340-2101 EXpeT1011Ce BROOMFIELD REDEVELOPMENT Implemented a redevelopment program for the Broomfield Retail Center. Work included the negotiation of ' sale/financing agreement with Target, assemblage of 5 properties and relocation of 16 tenants (all without condemnation), and support for the additional development of 8 new stores. Chazles Ozaki City of Broomfield P.O. Box 1415 Broomfield, CO 80038-1415 T'EL: (303) 469-3301 CITY & COUNTY OF DENVER, COLORADO Ross Consulting Group has been involved in rivo sepazate but related real estate projects for the City and County of Denver: Experience 1. Strategic Asset Management. For nine months the Group served as ad hoc real estate director and defined strategic asset management policy for the City to implement the management of real estate. 2. Flnalysis of Economic / Financial Components of City-Occupied Office Space. RCG lead the task force responsible for the identification of economic and financial implications of current space utilization, and provided the City with a comprehensive assessment of practical altemative solutions to pursue in locating all City administrative staff. James Munay, Director (formerly) Deparhnent of Finance City and County of Denver 110 Sixteenth Street, #400 Denver, Colorado 80202 TEL: (303) 575-2769 CITY OF ARVADA, COLORADO - URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY The Cttoup's scope of work for the Arvada Urban Renewal Authority entailed the creation and development of an extensive Request for Proposal process to sell and develop 200+ acre Urban Renewal tract. To date over 600,000 squaze feet of commercial use improvements have been constructed. This assignment involved detailed market assessment, site planning, preparation of RFQ / RFP bid packages, and the negotiation of sale terms. Frederick Ross Campany Robert Marchbanks, Executive Director (formerly) Arvada Urban Renewal Authority 7307 Grandview Avenue Arvada, Colorado 80002 TEL: (303) 431-3025 CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO Ross conducted an in-depth feasibility analysis for parking gazages in Aspen, Colorado. The Group's study included the identification of appropriate sites, project analysis and development issue assessment, and also entailed identification of public / private funding sources. Experience Tom Baker, Planner City of Aspen ' 130 South Galena Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 TEL: (303) 925-2020 - CITY OF AURORA, COLORADO We have worked for the Prudential Realty Group and coordinated with the City of Aurora to evaluate the development opportunities for a 115-acre pazcet adjacent to the Aurora Mall. This has been a complicated process because of the previous mixed-use plans for the azea relative to real development opportunities. We have worked closely with the property owner, land planners, and the City and neighborhood groups to formulate a new master plan for the property. Ryan Toole, Vice President Asset Management Division The Prudential Realty Group 1 Prudential Plaza, Suite 1200 Chicago, Illinois 60601 City of Aurora 1470 S. Havana Aurora, CO 80012 CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO - URBAN RENEWAI- AUTHORITY We have assisted the Boulder Urban Renewal Authority in analyzing the redevelopment potentials in the Crossroads azea. Our primary focus was on "big box" retail opportunities, consumer demand, city policies, etc. In Experience addition, we have assisted the Boulder Urban Renewal Authority in evaluating redevelopment proposals for the Ninth and Canyon site in downtown Boulder. Mazk Francis, D'uector Boulder Urban Renewal Authority 1300 Canyon Boulevazd ' Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 4413276 CITY OF COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO Colorado Springs commissioned Ross to perform an analysis of all mazket and economic development related data to serve as the foundation for creation of the City's first strategic planning effort. Our work included the definition of a mission for downtown, identification of relative employment and sales tax goals for downtown, and •the linking of these with real estate, development and 2oning concepts to appropriate mazket conditions. Our scope also included analysis of downtown housing potential and recommendation of specific demonstration projecu to be undertaken. Frederick Rass Company Fred Uan Antwerp Comprehensive Planning City of Colorado Springs P.O. Box 1575-MC350 Colorado Springs, Colorado 50901 TEL: (719) 578-6300 CITY OF DENVER, COLORADO - URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY We provided the Denver Urban Renewal Authority with an evaluarion of feasibility for proposed projects presented to EXp0T1e11C0 - D.U.R.A. for funding. Our study included prepazing detailed analyses oF residential and retail markets in the metropolitan azea and downtown, and recommending changes in project chazacteristics. Susan Powers, Executive Director Denver Urban Renewal Authority - 999 Eighteenth Street, 92750 - So. Tower Denver, Colorado 80202 TEL: (303) 295-3872 ~ S S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 1 CITY OF EDGEWATER, COLORADO -URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY The Group prepazed a comprehensive mazket analysis and performed development programming for a mixed use Urban Renewal azea project. Cyrus Hackstaff (Developer) Continental Investment Services, Inc. 730 Seventeenth Street, #500 Denver, Colorado 80202 TEL: (303) 891-1111 CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO (A) Development, distribution and evafuation of a comprehensive survey to measure resident perceptions of City services and capital improvement projects. The information derived from this survey was used by the City Council of Fort Collins to aid in planning long and short- term budgeting strategies. Johnie Peazson (formerly) Department of Economic Development City of Fort Coliins P.O. Box 580 Experience Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 TEL: (303) 221-6763 „ CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO (B) Ross Consulting Group facilitated the creation of a downtown strategic plan. The Group was commissioned to identify and quantify present and likely future mazkets for the downtown azea of this northern Colorado city with a population of 90,000 population. Our scope of work included: the creation of a real estate mazket computer data base; analysis of mazket, political and physical conditions; quantification of residential property demand downtown; prepazation and presentation of resulting recommendations as a framework for the City's Downtown Plan. Thomas J. Peterson, AICP Planning Director Community Development Department City of Fort Collins 281 North College Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 TEL: (303) 221-7376 Frederick Rass Campany Robert Steiner, Executive Director Downtown Development Authority City of Fort Collins 201 South College Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 T'EL: (303) 484-2020 CITY OF LAKEWOOD, COLORADO The City of I,akewood commissioned our Group to shvcture altemative development strategies for public-owned Experience property in Union Squaze which met approval of neighborhood community groups while maximizing City's potential return on investment. ' John Mullins, (formerfy) Departrnent of Economic Development City of Lakewood 445 South Allison Pazkway Lakewood, Colorado 80226-3105 T'EL: (303) 987-7730 CITY OF LITTLETON, COLORADO Ross prepazed an in-depth study of mazket uses and best- development strategies for a 135-acre site in the City. Our scope of work involved the performance of detailed physical and mazket analyses, and the formulation of unique assembly / timing recommendations. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ James Woods, Director (formerly) Community Development Department City of Littleton 2255 West Berry Avenue markets, evaluated existing housing studies and programs as well as coordinated with local officials to explore cooperative housing ventures. The Archdiocese Housing Office has since built an 80 unit development in Glenwood Springs, and is now exploring the potential for up to three additional developments in vazious resort areas of Colorado. 7ohn McGuire, Registered Architect Manager of Properties and Real Estate Archdiocese of Denver 200 Josephine Street Experience Denver, Colorado 80206 TEL: (303) 388-4411 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Ross analyzed the present and proposed housing mix in a relatively unsuccessful, partially developed golf course . project for the foreclosing bank. Included in our scope of work were the prepazation of residential absorption forecasts and the development of recommendations as to the handling and disposition altematives for the golf course facilities. Bazbaza J. Brown, Senior Representative Bank of Nova Scotia 55 West Monroe, #3590 Chicago, Illinois 60603 T'EL: (312) 346-5520 BERGER REALTY, INC. We were retained by Berger to establish planning assumptions for the proposed mixed-use development of . potentially 1 million squaze feet on a IS-acre holding adjacent to downtown Denver, Colorado. Bruce Berger, President Beiger Realty, Inc. 960 Cherokee Street Denver, Colorado 80204 TEL: (303) 572-1188 CIGNA CORPORATION Our Group was responsible for the review of all corporate facilities located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Experience Hartford, Connecticut, which were owned by this Fortune 500 insurance and financial services company. Ross Consulting Group then recommended an organizational and . staffing plan to maximize corporate facility services and ' simultaneously minimize cost of service delivery. Bob O'Neill, Senior Vice President - Real Estate Department CIGNA Corporation 1650 Arch Street, T-17 Philadelphia,Pennsylvania 19103 'I'EL: (215) 523-2108 COLUMBIA SAVINGS / FIRST NATIONWIDE BANK ~ Ross provided continuing analyses of economic, ' demographic and real estate conditions retating to 220+ ~ assets in 44 cities nationwide to assist the institution and ' FDIC in decision making regazding values and hold versus sell actions. ~ ~ ~ ~ Don Boyson Columbia Savings 2323 East Arapahoe Road, 2nd Floor Littleton, Colorado 80122 TEL: (303) 795-3069 FIRST CHICAGO BANK The Consulting Group assisted F'ust Chicago Bank in their evaluation of real estate mazket conditions surrdunding major properties within the bank's loan portfolio. We were instrumental in evaluating current and projected market value of office and retail properties in nine major cities EXper1e11Ce across the United States. We also helped First Chicago in the appropriate definition of reserves against that loan portfolio. ' David Behling First Chicago Bank One First National Plaza, #0170 - Chicago, Illinois 60670 T'EL: (312) 407-5182 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COLORADO SPRINGS Ross was involved in the disposition of a 64-acre pazcel excess to trust estate. RCG's assignment entailed environmental assessment, property valuation, prepazation of sealed bid package, identificafion of qualified buyers, and sale implementation which resulted in the highest PSF value paid for residential ground in southern Colorado. J. Douglas Kelly, Vice President First National Bank of Colorado Springs P.O. Box 1699 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Colorado Springs, Colorado TEL: (719)471-5000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ENGLEWOOD We have assisted First National Bank of Englewood on severa( real estate assessment projects, including: 1. Evaluation of the fair mazket value of a 66-acre fairground property under foreclosure by the bank. 2. Evaluation of the fair mazket value of a 450 acre Experience pazcel of potentially contaminated land being considered by the bank as compensation under bankruptcy proceedings. . Steve Driscoll First National Bank of Englewood 300 West Hampden Avenue Englewood, Colorado 80110 GUARANTY BANK AND TRUST Ross Consulting Group completed an analysis of the Wintergreen property at Keystone and specifically the realistic development opportunities for the site. In our analysis we looked at a broad range of potential development opporiunities including employee housing, lower density housing and resort condominiums. David Boyles, President Guazanty Bank and Tntst Seventeenth and Mazket Streets Denver, Colorado 80202 TEL: (303) 296-9600 Frederlck Rnss Campany HEWLETT PACKARD We are currently invo(ved in preparing a strategic plan for the disposition of 35 HP-owned office properties located throughout the United States. This analysis entails assessing the best "fit" of company to real estate; identifying appropriate a(ternatives to cuaent locations, be they lease or build-to-suit; conducting all fmancial analyses regazding scenazio planning; and, recommendation of locational solution and disposition strategy of existing assets. Experience Bob Brackin Hewlett Packard 20 Perimeter Boulevard ' Atlanta, Georgia TEL: (404) 648-8911 IMPERIAL SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Our Group was responsible for the Creation of a strategic plan involving analysis and exclusive sales representation of a 22 asset portfolio valued at $125 million, that encompassed 8 states, for a major southem Califomia-based thrift institution. Our work included extensive property and market analyses and solicitation of purchase ofFers via an RFQ / RFP process involving over 200 purchasers / developers. Lloyd Rowland, Vice President Imperial Savings Association 9275 Sky Pazk Court San Diego, California 92123 "I'EL: (619) 292-3000 INFORMATION HANDLING SYSTEMS RCG analyzed Denver market conditions and reviewed existing site configuration for developmenf of a new world headquarters building and expanded manufacturing facility for IHS in southeast Denver. We d'uected team selection, building design, pricing, contract negotiation and construction of a 65,000 squaze foot building. IHS Group, Inc. 15 Invemess Way East, Building B Englewood, Colorado 80150 TEL: (303) 790-0600 Experience MILLER & SCHROEDER FINANCIAL Ross Consulting Group has recently conducted an analysis of the commercial real estate mazket in Chazleston, South Cazolina, anticipating closure of the naval base facility there. Involved in this work was the determination of the likely"impact of base closure upon a 500 unit apartment complex in Chazleston; our recommendations included suggestions to mitigate impact on occupancy levels and project expenses. Denice Holstad Assistant Vice President Miller & Schroeder Financial 220 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440-0789 TEL: (612) 376-I500 MISSION VIEJO COMPANY We prepazed an in-depth analysis of several sites and development concepts in Douglas County, Colorado, to determine highest and best use and timing of office, industrial and commercial development. Experience Robert Bunyan, Director of Planning Mission Viejo Company 24800 Chrisanta Drive Mission Viejo, California T'EL: (714) 431-3025 MOBIL LAND DEVELOPMENT CORP RCG conducted a mazket analysis to determine correct mix of housing types and absorption potential at a lazge residentiai development in Douglas County, Colorado. Jerry Lawson Mobil Land Development Corporation ' 7315 East Orchazd Road, #400 Engiewood, Colorado 80111 TBL: (303) 740-7580 NATIONSBANK OF VIRGIlVIA For the Trust Deparhment ofNationsbank of Virginia, Ross Consulting Group reviewed a collateralized loan portfolio consisting of 92 loans secured by commercial properties located primarily in Virginia, North Cazolina and South Cazolina. We received the portfolio, developed a Request for Proposal for providing performing loan servicing as wel( as special servicing for non-performing loans, assisted in the selection of a provider and the Uransition of such services. Ross Consulting Group reviewed the non-performing properties and continues to assist NationsBank in determining the best course of action to maximize value to certificate holders as well as to provide effective communication to the Trvstee and certificate holders. William J. Kennedy, Sr. Vice President NationsBank of Virginia, N.A. 600 East Main Street, 17th Floor Richmond, Virginia 23219 TEL: (804) 344-1334 NORWEST BANCORP 1. Value and strategic hold/disposition plans for key bank properties. Involved concepts of fair market, special use, and fair rental valuation. Experience 2. Developed alternative hold / disposition strategies for several pazcels located in downtown Boulder, Colorado. ' (1) James Swaeby, (former) V.P. (2) Kirby Martin Norwest Banks of Colorado - 1700 Broadway Denver, Colorado 80274 PNC BANK Ross Consulting Group was retained by PNC to assist them in assessing current levels of facilities management services, developing a Request For Proposal (RFP) document to outsource certain facilities management services for key downtown properties, preparing a ranking of vendor responses by criteria previously established, and negotiating final contracts with preferred service providers. Charlene Donovan, Vice President Division of Facilities Management PNC Bank 200 Stevens Drive, #130 Lester, Pennsylvania 19113 T'EL: (215) 521-7848 Experience RANCON FINANCIAL Ross Consulting Group provided a comprehensive analysis of a 300 acre parcel south of San Diego, California, to evaluate value and best use / mazketing strategies for a large Califomia-based real estate fund manager. We then continued our work to implement recommendations. Dennis Chiniaeff Rancon Financial 27720 Jefferson Avenue Temecula, Califomia 92390 TEL: (714) 676-6664 SECURITY CAPITAL Ross Consulting Group conducted due diligence analyses on several mazkets in Colorado and Texas for Security Capital, the exclu'sive property advisor to Property Trust of America-a lazge publicly held real estate investment trvst, which included the recommendation of locations and pazameters for purchase of industrial properties by the REIT. Tom Wattles, Managing Director Security Capital Industrial Incorporated 125 Lincoln Avenue Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 TEL: (505) 982-9292 UNION PACIFIC REALTY COMPANI' Having successfully completed several projects for Union Pacific Realty, our scope of services has varied with each assignment. Representative types of projects performed include: • Site Evaluation and Planning. For several land parcels neaz Denver, Loveland and Fort Collins, Colorado, RCG work involved extensive analyses of raw ground and study of demand for various types of existing buildings. Experience • Development Potential and Feasibility Analyses. For Union Pacific Railroad properties located in the Central Platte Valley azea of Denver, Colorado. • Analysis and Recommendations. Regarding the potential physical, mazket and economic impacts of the new Denver Intemational Airport on proximate private properties. • Analysis of Special Improvement Districts. On land cost which invotved identifying and defuung types of special districts, case studies of such districts and land costs in several business pazks, and the development of worksheets to be used by potentiai investors to determine the long-tertn costs of special districts. Mr. Don Wolkins Union Pacific Realty Company 1416 Dodge Street, Room 4I100 Omaha, Nebraska 68179 TEL: (402) 271-2182 LJNIVERSITY HILLS MALL We aze managing the redevelopment of the University Hills Sfiopping Center in Denver. Included is the identification of development opportunities, coordination with the City of Denver, Denver Urban Renewal Authority, surrounding neighborhood associations, old tenants, perspective new tenants, lenders, eta The program is designed to position the property for redevelopment over the next 18 to 24 months. Cynthia Shed University Hills, Inc. Experience 13701 W. Jewell Ave., #200 Lakewood, CO 80228 TEL: (303) 986-6262 ' TfM VANGUARD GROUP For a major national mutual fund, RCG has assisted in the - redefinition of corporate real estate department organization, function and philosophy as it prepares to construct a 1 million square foot corporate campus in Pennsylvania. Elements of our plan include review of the company's real estate organization and decision-making processes; in-house versus third party providers and appropriate costs; and, the preparation of organizational charts, job descriptions and salary / compensation techniques for all remaining corporate real estate staff. Dan Fishbein, Assistant Vice President The Vanguazd Group, Inc. 1300 Morris Drive Wayne,Pennsylvania 19087 TEL: (215) 669-6391 Littleton, Colorado 80165 TEL: (303) 795-3748 Experience CITY OF NORTHGLENN, COLORADO We have worked with the City of Northglenn and the Northglenn Urban Renewal Authority relative to the redevelopment potentials for the Northglenn Mall. Our focus has been on identifying development opportunities, evaluating the retrofitting versus demolition of the existing mall, amount and form of public contribution, disposition and development agreement, etc. James M. Landeck, Executive Director 11701 Community Center Drive Northglenn, CO 80233 (303) 450-8743 CITY OF NORTHGLENN, COLORADO - URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY For the City of Northglenn, Colorado, Ross Consulting Group was retained as Owner's Representative in the negotiation with a private developer to redevelop a 1 million squaze foot regional shopping center. RCG's assistance included project scope and defmition, negotiation of fmancial terms and construction contracts as well as mazket feasibility analysis for proposed redevelopment plans. Northglenn Urban Renewal Authority 10544 Melody Drive Northglenn, Colorado 80234 TEL: (303) 450-8937 THE CLAYTON FOUNDATION / COOK INLET REGION, INC. The Group conducted an assessment of development potential and prepazed a complete feasibility analysis for a 200-acre infill property to accommodate privately owned mixed-use development. - Adele Phaelan, Director The Clayton Foundation 3801 Martin Luther King Drive Denver, Colorado 80205 T'EL: (303) 355-4411 Experience Frank Klett, Vice President Cook Inlet Region, Inc. 2525 "C" Stieet, #500 Anchorage, Alaska 99509-3330 TEL: (907) 274-8638 COLORADOSCHOOL OF MINES FOUNDATION, INC. We provided the Colorado School of Mines Foundation with a valuation of 30 acres of quasi-public land and five structures, ranging from office buildings to laboratories and office/showroom facilities, in order to determine an appropriate sale price, muketing strategy and reuse potential. Our scope involved concepts of fair mazket value, continued use / special use value, scrap value, fair rentai value, and reuse value. Ken Dike, Treasurer Colorado School of Mines Foundation 1811 Elm Golden, Colorado 80401 T'EL: (303) 273-3143. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO Experience For Colorado's lazgest public utility services provider, Ross Consulting Group has prepazed a strategic decision-making process for corporate real estate. This process began with a definition of an appropriate corporate real estate deparhnent, then outlined timing and input into real estate decision-making initiatives, further defined fmancial ' analysis hurdle rates and techniques, and developed descriptive implementation plans. Other projects completed by RCG for Public Service Company include: 1. Evaluation of two sites (one raw ground, one land and buiidings) to determine site value, marketability, disposition / development recommendations. 2. Analysis of headquarters office building in downtown -Denver to determine value and recommend a strategic marketing plan for the use or disposition of this•350,000 squaze foot real estate asset. Charles R. Luna Strategic Planning & Development Coordination Corporate Facilities and Real Estate Division Public Service Company of Colorado 1225 Seventeenth Street, #1900 Denver, Colorado 80202 TEL: (303) 294-2493 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT Our Group conducted an analysis of revenue potential in seven proposed fixed guideway rapid transit corridors in metropolitan Denver. This study included complete inventory of commercial space, economic forecasts and computer modeling of revenue generation from vazious sources including head taxes, creation of tax increment finance districts and Title 32 special districts. Experience Investrnent Administrator Regional Transportation District 1600 Blake Street Denver, Colorado 80202 TEL: (303) 628-9000 STATE OF COLORADO - ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT For the Colorado Department of Administration our scope of work entailed conducting an in-depth investigation of facility, needs and accommodations, prepazing a comprehensive defmition of existing conditions, and submitting recommendations for future improvement potential and utilization of the State Capitol complex which is comprised of 7 historic buildings. E. Robert Turner, Director (formerly) Departrnent of Administration State of Colorado 1525 Sherman Street, Room 200 Denver, Colorado 80203 T'EL: (303) 866-3221 STATE OF COLORADO - BOARD OF LAND The Consulting Group has worked with the Colorado State Board of Land Commissioners on numerous projects over the yeazs. In addition to providing on-going consultations to the Boazd, we have also provided the following services: Experience • Analysis of developability, packaging of development oppor[unity, prepazation of request for developer proposals, as well as mazketing and developer selection processes for a 200-acre property owned by the State located in the City of Arvada. Included: mazket and economic feasibility analyses, physical / political analyses, land use planning. • Creation of a strategic asset management plan for all real estate assets owned by the State Land Boazd. Work included data coliection and analysis conceming key urban land assets within a 3 million-acre inventory, and formation of a step-by-step strategic plan for implementation of real estate asset management. Additionally, a policy document governing current and future real estate decision-making was completed involving sale guidelines, portfolio management considerations, rate of return recommendations, Urban Lands Program organization, and staffing. Lucy Creighton, President Colorado Board of Land Commissioners, 1313 Sherman Street, Room 620 Denver, Colorado 80203 TEL: (303) 866-3454 T'fE DENVER PARTNERSHIP, INC. Ross Consulting Group has performed a vaziety of services for the Denver Partnership. Representative projects include: 1. Community Outreach and Attitudinal Reseazch. The Group conducted a survey of downtown Denver employees to identify and assess public attitudes about residential housing in the City's downtown areas. Our study included the development and facilitation of a comprehensive survey, in-depth analysis of residential mazkets in metropolitan Denver and downtown, and the formulation of conclusions regazding demand for rental and ownership housing downtown. 2. Mazket Research and Economic Analysis. We prepared a detailed study on the downtown Denver ;xperience a=ea ana its role in the metropolitan market and economy as a basis for development of a downtown azea plan. The Deiiver Partnership o 511 Sixteenth Street, #200 Denver, Colorado 80202 TEL: (303) 534-6161 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Ross participated in the Town's Public / Private development program addressed at identifying demand for a shopping center in Avon, Colorado, by assessing the need for public incentives and bringing a developer into the process. Ross Consulting Group negotiated land sale, development plans and infrastructure requirements on behalf of the Town. The project resuked in the matching of publicly held land and a private developer to design and consiruct a Wal-Mart anchored shopping center. With another project assignment, we assisted the Town Manager and Town Council in evaluating and structuring an Frederick Ross Company employee housing development program in Avon. Our role was to evaluate the feasibiliry of vazious proposals as well as to assist the Town in the structure and negotiations of Town participation. In 1991, the Town of Avon assisted private developments in the successful development of the 240-unit Eagle-Bend employee housing project. William James, Town Manager Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 TEL: (303) 949-4280 ?xperience TOWN OF CASTLE ROCK, COLORADO We have assisted the. Town of Castle Rock in the implementation program for their downtown plan. Inc(uded has been the identification of mazket opportunities, funding altematives, specific implementation activities, etc. In additiQa, we aze managing the new development of a 40- acre commercial pazcel in the Town of Castle Rock for a private owner. Brad Haswell RNL Design 1225 17th Street Suite 1700 Denver, CO 80202 T'EL: (303) 295-1717 Town of Castle Rock 680 N. Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 IJNIVERSITY OF SOUTE-IERN COLORADO Our Group advised the USC Departrnent of Agriculture on the selection of a developer and assisted them in negotiations for the devetopment of a 575-acre University- owned parcel. Planned use for the pazcel is to accommodate a lazge-scale residential / commercial / recreational project. The result of our work was a joint venture agreement between the University and David Sellon Company / Otero Savings and Loan. Bob Shirley, President University of Southern Colorado ~XpeT'1e11Ce 2200 BonfoRe Boulevard Pueblo, Colorado 81001-4901 TEL: (719) 549-2306 URS CONSULTANTS, INC. Ross conducted an analysis of special district revenue capacity for the northwest section of Denver's proposed new ring road (W-470). Our scope of work included a performing a quantitative study of commercial property inventory, preparing detailed economic forecasts, and developing residential dwelling unit projections for the W- 470 corridor and the entire metropolitan uea. Results from our work included estimates of revenue generation through the yeaz 2010. Geoff Baillie, Vice President (formerly) URS Consultants, Inc. 1099 Eighteenth Street, #700 Denver, Colorado 80202 TEL: (393) 296-9700 PRIVATE SECTOR CLIENTS AIR PRODUCTS AND CHEMICALS Ross Consulting Group was retained by APCI to prepare a strategic plan for its corporate campus located in Denver and to recommend appropriate occupancy strategies given market conditions. A decision was made to consolidate ACPI's position; RCG acted as advisor in the sale of the company's owned properry. Ted M. Pazcel, Director Corporate Real Estate Depariment ~XpPrT1eI1Ce Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 7201 Hamilton Boulevazd Allentown, Pennsylvania 18195 TEL: (2•15) 481-5913 AMERIBASS REALTY We pravided Ameribass Realty with an assessment of mazket position and created a comprehensive marketing strategy for a major downtown office, retail, residential and hotel complex located in Atlanta, Georgia. Donald W. Hutchings, Vice President Ameribass Realty 1800 Water Place, Suite 280 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER We have assisted the Archdiocese of Denver and the Archdiocesan Housing Office in exploring needs and opportuniries for employee housing in the various ski azeas in Colorado. In this process, we have identified housing