HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/25/2006HOUSING AUTHORITY MEETING July 25, 2006 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 5:00 P.M. A. Call Meeting to Order B. Roll Call C. Approval of the Minutes: June 27, 2006 D. Officers Reports E. Public Forum F. Unfinished Business G. New Business A. Approval of Fee Agreement with David Firmin H. Other 1. Adjournment CTTY OF WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes of Regular Meeting June 27, 2006 A. CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chair Brungardt. B. ROLL CALL Authority Members Present: Cheryl Brungardt Kent Davis Kathy Nuanes Terry Womble Authority Members Absent: Janice Thompson Others Present: Alan White, Community Development Director Betty Maybin, Cornerstone Realty David Firman, Housing Authority Attomey Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mav 24 and June 12, 2006 It was moved by Kent Davis and seconded by Terry Womble to approve the tninutes of May 24 and June 12,1006 as presented. The motion passed with Terry Womble abstaining. D. OFFICER'S REPORTS There were no officer's reports. E. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one from the public to address the Authority. F. NEW BUSINESS . Discussion of New Proiect - 3884-94 Parfet Street (duplexl Dauid Firman explained that the water district and sanitation district require separate water taps for each unit if they are sold individually. This would make the project cost prohibitive. He suggested two alternatives. One would be to forxn a two-unit condominium with a homeowners association. The other alternative would be a ground lease situation where the units would be leased for - long-term but the Housing Authority would own the ground. Housing Authority Minutes - 1 - 06-27-06 There was discussion about possible liability issues connected with a ground lease. Dauid Firman explained the issues involved with each of the alternatives. Betty Maybin stated that there were no problems with leasing units in a ground- lease situation in another project in northeast Denver. Alan White suggested that the Authority choose an alternative where city staff won't be responsible for collecting on leases, paying taxes, etc. David Firman stated that another altemative to alleviate the water tap situation would be to form a cooperative. However, he believed a ground lease would be tlie best altemative of the three. G. OTHER Cheryl Brungardt suggested using volunteers to do painting on the new project. She had been contacted in the past by Regis University in regazd to offering help with volunteer proj ects. She is also going to contact Wheat Ridge 2020 in regazd to possible help with landscaping, trimming bushes, etc. Betty Maybin reported that she was just notified of a contract on the unit at Quail Squaze and a sixth unit has been sold at Parkside. Cheryl Brungardt stated that the national NAHRO conference is scheduled for some time in July. The conference will be located in Denver this year. If anyone is interested in attending, they should contact Cheryl. H. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m. Cheryl Brungardt, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Housing Authority Minutes 06-12-06 DAVID A. FIRMIN ATTORNEY AT LAW JiAy 17, 2006 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Wheat Ridge Housing Authoxity c/o Mr. Laxxy Nelson 7500 W. 29'h Ave Wheat Ridge, CO Re: Repxesentarion and Fee Agxeement Deax Mx. Nelson: This lettex will set foxth the basis of my xepxesentarion in xelation to the Wheat Ridge Housing Authoritie's acquisition of the two unit duplex located at 3884-94 Patfet Steeet, Wheat Ridge, Colosado (the "Pxoject'~. I pledge my best pxofessional effoxu in the matters in which you have entrusted to me. My sepxesentarion of you cvill be based upon a fixed fee which fee which includes the seview of all documents associated with the acquisirion of the psoperty ptesented to me, pxepararion of all documents and attending all meetings Lequized fox the Housing Authority to accomplish its goals of providing affoxdable housing to the community. Documents may include but may not be limited to, suxveys, ride xepotts, recoxded docuxnents affecting the Pxoject, and the pxepaxation of Condirions, Covenants and Resteicrions ox gtound leases as may be requiued fox govexning the ownexship and use of the pxoperty. All documents will be pxepaxed puzsuant to the Authoxity's xequirements. The fixed fee for the perfozmance of all woxk shall be $1,750.00. In detesinuiing this fee, I have taken into account the complexity of the issues and amount of houxs required to sarisfactorily complete the documents. The Fee includes all time spent by myself ox any othex attoxney duected by me and associated with the Project during my xepzesentation. Such time includes confexences with the Housing Authority ox othex pexsons (whethex in pexson ox on the telephone), xeseaxch, dictarion of lettexs, and, whexe applicable intesviewing witnesses, and pxepazarion for and appeaxance at couxt heaxings. Because of my estimated costs in this action, it is necessaty that the Authoriry deposit with this firm the amount of $1,000.00. Any xetaines ox advance paytnent will be the pxoperty of this fixm, but if the fee is unearned ox the costs not dispensed, the Authoxity will be entided to a xefund. The balance of the fiaced fee shall be due upon completion of all woxk descxibed above and pexfoxmed by this firm. Should you have any questions at any time concexning youx account ox the matter which you have enteusted to me, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you have no questions -z- July 17, 2006 xegaxding this Agreement and it is acceptable to you, please sign a copy and Tetusn it to me as soon as possible with the requixed deposit so that our tecoxds will be complete. Sincexely, /s/ David A. Fismin David A. Firmin APPROVAL The Repxesentarion and Fee Agzeement set foxth above is acceptable to the Wheat Ridge Housing Authonty and is appxoved this day of , 2006. Wheat Ridge Housing Authority Its: 2308 MILLCREEK PL • LITTLETON, COLORADO • 80126 PHONE303/346-8948 FAX: 303/791-8795