HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/01/2004HO'll,'SITIG AUTH , 40AIT1 MEETING REVISED AGENDA December 1, 2004 7:00 P.M. A. Call Meeting to Order C. Approval of the Minutes: July 28 & September 15, 2004 1 rt E. Public Forum 1. Adjournment HOUSING AUTHORITY MEETING December 1, 2004 LOBBY CONFERENCE ROOM 7:00 P.M. A. Call Meeting to Order B. Roll Call C. Approval of the Minutes: July 28, 2004 D. Ofticers Reports E. Public Forum F. Unfinished Business G. New Business 1. Resolution 01-2004, Presentation & Approval of 2005 Budget 2. Update on Carnation Square Project a. Sale of units b. Drainage Issue 3. Update on New Project-45~n & Everett St. H. Other 1. Adjoumment CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes of Meeting July 28, 2004 A. CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Acting Chair Kent Davis. B. ROLL CALL Authoriry Members Present: Kent Davis Kathryn Fulton Kathy Nuanes Commissioners Absent: Cheryl Brungardt Jerry DiTuilio Others Present: Alan White, Community Development Director Alan Feinstein, Jeffco Housing Authority Larry Nelson, Cornerstone Realty Betty Maybin, Comerstone Realty Jim Bills, Vectra Bank Dick Matthews, Accountant Wendy Swanhorst, Auditor Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Kathy Nuanes and seconded by Kathryn Fulton to approve the minutes of March 24, 2004. The motion passed unanimously. D. OFFICERS REPORTS There were no officers reports. E. PUBLIC FORUM Roberta Two Elk 9355 West 48t6 Avenue Ms. Two Elk appeared to report problems at Caesaz Square located at 9555 West 48'' Avenue. She was advised that this was not a Wheat Ridge Housing Authority project and that she should contact the Jefferson County Housing AuthoriTy located at 6025 West 38~' Avenue. Housing Authority Minutes ' ~ - 7-28-04 F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Dick Matthews presented a financial report on Camation Squaze. G. NEW BUSINESS Presentation and Acceatance of Audit Wendy Swanhorst reviewed a drafr of the financial audit for the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority as of December 31, 2003. It was moved by Kent Davis and seconded by Kathryn Nuanes to accept t6e audit subject to fine tuning after review by Dick Matthews. The morion passed 3-0. Update on Carnation Square Proiect Larry Nelson reported that one unit remains to be sold at Carnation Squaze. He believed the sales success was due to the quality and the price of the homes. Manaeement of Carnation Square There was discussion regazding a manager for the Carnation Square project. There was consensus that Mazcie Emily, present manager for the Authority's first project, would be suitable for the position since she is willing to take on small projects. Larry Nelson reported that he has contacted many management companies who feel this development is too small. It was moved by Kathy Nuanes and seconded by Kathryn Fulton to retain Marcie Emily to perform management duties for Camation Square. The motion passed 3-0. Update on 44th and Tabor Proiect Larry Nelson reported that negotiations to acquire portions of this property have come to a standstill. There was a consensus to have Comerstone Realty make a final offer to the owners of the property. Future Proiects Larry discussed some other properties that Comerstone Realty is looking at for another Housing Authority project. Arrangements will be made for Authoriry members to tour these properties. Housing Authority Minutes 7-28-04 Dualex at Richards Hart Estate Alan White reported that recent maintenance costs have been incurred for the duplex on the Richards Hart Estate. The Housing Authority is responsible for managing this property. H. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Kent Davie, Acting Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Housing Authority Minutes 7-28-04 City of Wheat Ridge ~oF '""Eqr~ Community Development Department ~ m Memorandum C~IORP~~ TO: Housing Authority Board Members FROM: Alan White, Community Development Director OW SUBJECT: December 1, 2004 Agenda Items DATE: November 23, 2004 In addition to discussion of 4501 Everett, the Board needs to take action on the following items: 2005 Budget As an authority organized by a]ocal government the Housing Authority needs to adopt a budget for 2005 prior to December 15th. Attached is a proposed budget. The budget includes as revenue sources the sale of the remaining units at Carnation Square, the Community Development Block Granyrent to be collected at the Richazds Hart Estate duplex and 4501 Everett. Major expenditures include the costs of rehabilitation of 4501 Everett. A small amount is budgeted for repairs at the Richard Hart Estate. A resolution is attached to the budget. Adoption of the resolution is recommended. Carnation Square Attached is a bid from PG Construction Services for the construction of improvements to fix a drainage problem created by the construction of the retaining wall at Carnation Square. We have received complaints from the property owner to the south that the drainage was altered with the retaining wall and his building is flooding. Henry Wehrdt obtained the bid. It was copied to the Homeowners Association in care of Mazcie Emily. I have not received any response from her. Staff is requesting direction as to whether to pursue these improvements or not. WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO.Ol Series of 2004 TITLE: A RESOLUTION ENACTING A BUDGET AND APPROPRIATION FOR THE YEAR 2005. WHEREAS, C.R.S. 29-1-103 (I) of the "Lceal Govemment Budget Law of Colorado" requires certain local govemmental entities to prepare and adopt an annual budget and WHEREAS, the City Attorney has opined that the provisions of the Budget Iaw apply to the Authority; and WHEREAS, notice of adoption of this 2005 budget and appropriation was given by the Housing Authority in compliance with C.R.S. 29-1-106; and WAEREAS, in compliance with the provisions of the Budget Law regarding notice, objections, and hearing, a public hearing was held on this Budget and Appropriation for 2005 by the Authority on December 1, 2004. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge Housing Auffiority as follows: Section 1. The yeaz 2005 budget as shown on Eachibit 1 attached hereto is hereby approved. Section 2. Sources of revenue for the Authority are sales of units rehabilitated by the Authority, Community Development Block Grant funds, and interest eamed. Section 3. Total expenditures of the Authority do not exceed available revenues and beginning fund balance. Section 4. A certified copy of this resolution shall be filed with the Division of Local Govemment. ADOPTED the 1 st day of December , 2004. WHEAT RIDGE LJRBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY Chairman ATTEST: Secretazy to the Authoriry \\srvcitng-001\~\awhiaWO FilesWOUSAIG AUTHORITM2005 budget res.doc EXHIBIT 1 oinaa Wheat Rldge Housing Aulhorlty Proposed Budget 2006 unauen.a Provoua Groj«1W 3001 2005 2001 BuEg+1 ButlgN Ortlinary IncamWErpurce Income 500 Sala of Unml 165,081 1,011.000 1.31e 000 330Rmt 10,000 10,000 10,000 SSS InbrM Incan. 700 1 500 1500 SOf Miscdbnwue Incam. 0 M)0 Taldlncan. 776,181 1.023,000 13d0000 Gwt ol GaoEs SoIE 5519aginnin9~rrolUnO. ]]3,665 816.175 774 ,801 SSSPurcAruolUnib 545.000 SN COBG Gnnt -75,000 Summ.ry0..MbilneM1anCosb 150000 400,000 SGe EnEing Cos1 oi Unm -]]0,801 ToGIGOGS 618,BfM 8]6.1]5 1.110801 Groli+ Profil 19311 106,625 165.199 E.p.nu )UO UIlinp Cow 700 925 1]14 10/ Bupr Incmliv.. 6.570 11.319 u.Bbe )OS Go.in9 3753 4957 6,511 710Canmiiwubnrr 30,493 0.5,556 59.840 130 Accovnting 6 L"al 3,"0 10,000 10.000 76I9enMChrrgmi 18 100 100 171GilyR.imLUnwnsnl I,~ 3000 3,000 175 GoMmno 6 MMin9 Etpenu 150 500 500 711COMr¢15arvicn a 7p1WU,Books 65ubrecrption. 60 300 500 MR GrrAioing 8 Mriimmanc. 2000 1.500 1, WO EW NomwwnwnAswcMiwn Was 1,200 3.000 2,000 !07 Msunnw 5, WO E25 - Oflr. SuPPIn. ZO 250 3`A l33PoMs9. 2W 250 E33 Prinnng 8 Coprr 0 500 500 601. Rapsin 3 000 1 500 1 500 933 Suppliw 1.500 150 250 Tins-RUl ENb 262 1 000 1.000 !ES Tn~h R«norel 300 2'.A 2'.A MI. Uilni» 5.000 1.500 t.500 TotelEx,n.s 72.056 &5.856 tp5,533 NwOrCinary lncan. &5.261 60,969 59,6fifi Mar IncanV E[penw . OiluEapn« 910 Int~r~N Ezp~n« W i.]00 1.]00 To1sIOUerERpenM NNONarNCdnwEapenx -60 -iZJO -1200 NN Mcom. lS.ZOt 59,169 SE.488 Begioning FmE BaIance 1.tN.533 1.113,803 1.208.730 Entlin9 FunE BaYnw 1.3M.Yp 1.1Tl.3)] t.Ii5.1Ef Page 1 0/ 1 FILE No.399 10i06 '04 12:36 ID: FAfC: PAGE 2i 4 . . i 711d'.~Vpt ~ il~yefit,-":`t`.. 1Hrc: Ocreber 6, 2004 Client Whar Rid6c Howiag AmhoriS/ Job Nwr. 6410 Wat 44'^ Placs 64 10 W¢nq4'"Plwe WhoaRidg,C080033 WLcn Ridge, CO 80033 DnioW at the reuining wLU Atm: Hcnry Wexdt Fax: (303) 422-5229 Phoae: (303) 422-8600 x 23 M'e DroOefe Fwcby m nmbh moaaid ua laber. oompbe M rxarGaac ~wN aKdSariero 6dev. b b~e aum af. ~ Ptymml m be mads n follws: CY All meietiW k Cwrmac0 m be U VaciQcl NI wek b m h ronipkead ie a wpumaa qWaa acwdle W andrd 9ncti~. nny ahatlim m daMdon fram iy~citatiwt bsNw mwhioy ae~ aoo rld 6c cavrd eny u0u~ wimm arden aad viU bemne m ema darye oNr W a0ov. ~M~ wll ~O~~m m cedin~rmrm eCe^ iai4cs. aaa[mn er aclQm bryend eur emw1. O~ m can 6f% ucmae ud oAV naaary 4wan¢ Our r'otbe+a ve tully eavefd bY 9VOeaw fevysnn[bn t~ Audiorimd Signaturo Nocc: 7h4 propos61rmy De witl~awwn py ue ifna acccpted whhin 3e datp'c hcrabr mnmie ryadr,r.um. uW admarcs t«: as/o nan k'troae_ py~n ~~e re~Lc~g wu ~9ceoe olWerk Phax! 1- Remwe and dispose of 38 SF of comtctc. Remove aad dispme of 48 SP of uplWt 3. Move landsu~ }imyem eppsOxjmyRly 12" ro uxommpdaEe thc chainage. a. Jnsmll unde[you¢d dzatnage pipe et tLe dovrtuponc -aPPioximuely 8 LF. 5. Plaee a naw woaeu sidswalk ro eouae positivc draimge. 6. Plaee new asptuk m c:eue a drataage nwale ia be perldng 1ot . 7. Clran the jiu md dispose ofthe debris. 8. Co6t ......................51,750.00 Pkase II Re-6rade aPDroxmatety 60 LF of bacJc fill at the ntaiqM wall. Construet a 12' x 12" x 6' tmeh traia at the smah aide of the rotaiamg wall. Tfae ftia will day1i61n apPrOximatdy S LF $om the to'uadtrioa aeiL 3. Clean sice ud diapnse otde6rie. 4. Cosc........ _ 53,572.00 Attcptanee of PropmN - Tne shovo prioa, syK,jlfprione md eond'uons m agjsjacrory yd +n hesoby maepad. Yoa uc audwrizW m do tDe woAc as speeified. PryMM tvill be made u ovtlined tbovc. Siputurc: Dm ofAU,roponoe: (P4ar 9ev:.rY e~*dD" LOCATiW: RX T(I1E 10/06 '04 10:23 FiLE No.399 10i06 '04 12:36 ID: FRX: PRGE v.W.; ro c.Far.aOR.s..waq Lc Tepwlar FAre Pldo AwAt.lwMp N10 Neu 40 t(aps-DFWyje M M. Maidij svC OeNbe, b 7I0! NJ ri'oik hrvnlrhC RPw endlor ropheweann mra tlw dameged aro mly. O OYtlbud in 0w Conmcc Docum.riu. All woek will be compkzd m a Weiianaolilce moonr min6 nureae nsyeiyues aod mueriab r.ywwbiy colaiaad u apparimane dic miyiml Euis6 w! qWib. All oonsvoaiam ulva;e UW I Neeme 9m prepem of 7Aa Con¢.ccer. 13e CenaYrot %+11 na be N" faf OmtaiO+neYs Aaen'a doeisiwu or Judgnnrtp pn ury wlor or srylc ulealons and/v awk dee4ie¢t ibet 1n .aft11Y pve.i by du 0»nenOwne•4 Abync AddlpeRd Wmk (not CoveRd ify s6u As°rxrtKat), a,ngu ia apKakxmm waadie,,n otmy DNOOn of the wark ([11e RGn w'odC' "I inciude "o 0f Y'OAG suDDkRIi~lOdl rak m addiGOOal wqk) .ill only be drne pursuurtm a wrirtce C'hape Order cisned by O.ne. fJln ne Gum otthe Wotk, ➢GCS ahwld find eny SnbpaScc or 162ept pyyyia{ cmditiqu, pc pieviously wknown pIM'wtl or aNa m06iliwu u the Sltt. of m muAW nbe ar diEhio6 7mawvl1y L•oA ihose ard'manlY encauntacd and Brne+WY rocopimd u Inhe'eo: in wMc ofm. duna& Wevi0d io mis conffau, UKn PGCS slWl bc quhW m enY IneRase meo rhie6 mey be nsemy U A reuk ofiness eonditiorw. Dushf 7ke Cwvrs of me wwk shoWd mc Caalsacmr anmimra ca mocic mhann (abeaoa diemlalR 8+i w dr IflaJ. Comficwr wy AN[ tA wrork. Shmld de work 6e M1dxd for mofe aYn ame wek. O.+wer asreet m pay Oo4tnaor 4or all wmk P>fmmeA m mee, wrtaat mmaOa. n dswmlued by Oic Goovtcta's rasomDL ueimate antl invpice (inGWin( mfo of demoli"1tadoq rvhicp yPyl hs 10% of U)e waric noc yex w.pleele Conasemr ehdl be aidtlcd w rocov,;r any addltiom! caa oocbliaoea Cy 1he disewery of sid mxic aubanm:. sae.u 7ua sarvmn ot u vchiau or myeeer be nqursa tw a~y ~won in aav oo co+nv~•ae the above uotk thc are6iua/wgiow shail be qp+P1oyW dirmCth Ey IDe Ormai9.W': Asun. Mv dstitn dnwinas or waviceiors isswd by el+e arwlaa/mTnrr d.n be pre.ided 5re ofcast m PGCS. fiir Unvmct is DuoA up^ aod Oww &gep w peevitle clcr aod cootituow oca.u lOr dl work ec e eeoeument umclydnld bu* duriM nomW veeft hours f7:00 a.m. - 9:30 pm »se1Wari} Oumr's mlepdqpe, olecoiehy, md wwr vs m bc mWe [vallabk Ta Conaarmr'e use maing ms preau oTtAe wotk tt no eoRm thc CpL¢vCCer. Tnar !s of tT6 wwau of rnix raraact. Cewaeeer ayeo w di14m* pWO 6vbsemt»l Gmpbtim of fbe wnrk but 51101 nm be held lia6b for dtlye due m lut delivviq rsdwr, or my oCier condidon beyuid Conoaemfe nuauble roocoi. Fa Puryow Eerm~ yyWootjy Campyym ie tDe dm whm eanaavctim h e¢}lCeimtly compleu fe tlw Oana m oecupy or maim me w0ek ffilbs me for rhieh i[ wu Imentled. Orwe Afee w ^MPW -lk a'ha rcWeR o(1M Cm~ and m dil*mly aheEuk and erqadim tey iNpoctiem requved M Mmyge ComPwW, Iwdqs. WMY NOtY 1LC maY bc rmprmsbie for n(we ef fueds Oue Geeascmr fer ea paformsnce o( dr wq& pvaa, gpees m amcw a Ismer u{ AcuOtin- an!!ot Svb.m-rttid famplerien on panieWu po.uma of 16e wmk P~ aar is tabnanuaiy amplemd. L4nhM IVOnpry: Cmraew sMIL epen nalpt otwd eeedltiood cpan fxW P'pm`4 ,,ip m Owna sll wamnue of fLe mewficmv. and duU w+Mst Suhmdd CompNem x ms ey Pwc, whiehevcr oeous finc P6C3 wartr¢c worlamnthiy md rtami.ls ailiad duriq ma wmpkam M raain for onc 7m fiom aaa nf mbsantltl eoupl.rim. Unls ortwwise Ndd la WlUqg Comtaor dosa na wirtuu roof npa:n w wenrrt conulmt. Planer or ck wk m!e Ra bam afekteg a aaang. Addivmully. Con¢uter doq no[ pvmt coeero¢ fivn heavina er upJme phpa~pp ytd in .rl[ing, P4uwrnnAn Doe Lqron Subetlatid Compledan Maach Phat Mrwk tipon Cwmcur rmdqina m imeia for ssms. If uy Mmmt Ew LManda p m p.W Wm dm. Owaa iyfte m pq irae, on ilxunpaidbdmaRiMemotl.5%w[7aWlblli%AP.3t.} IartRCwntOasw87Liomis~pp Y GgROG Of R Y111WW00 O{ iIy atlq' Wwuim OL OIY LIIaomS 7YA Cptl[ww CpyWm NCI M anamy fer eall~ion m omwLS dia4 maddkm m dl etlar aam dw haaoqda. Wut pils W qpr anrosaorauit.InonraM mwtr.uombk.vemft's 4x.u.refm,n.aeremcseow. w„yli.bfterm Ow+is. mry Aave epinrt *ia Cenauzor fhali M/m addrasW ro Wma'e imexamea in dCeee a ehe utu et lou, wnhouc iqinp agairut this Cmqaemr. PIX'S Sbd! RaNrs u~e awn espenu Sea Ne iob rin tm+bish and vrasw mas~Ws tmWtl.8 from iu oDw+deos. PGCB sh&ll lmve s11 +ork uas broam elwo vim equiwlenC ialw 06sr.is aooed MM CaaorvoV or chim artriny ooc of a rc6dM m mkk Cooeaq w tEW trefth damEwLirb ea1met 6e rqohed by nnml aQrmneM, sbaU De lealed &rosih L'dp¢on Siprmrc DW viAcapuecc x+~»~n.rw,.tw+ti+.ww.ywu wnMn..-n.sw.a~r..o-Jaur 3i 4 I1ICATION: RX Til'E 10i06 '04 10:23