June 3, 2008
Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Urban
Renewal Authority on Tuesday, June 3, 2008, at 6:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the
Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
1. Call the Meeting to Order
2. Roll Call of Members
3. Approval of Minutes - May 6, 2008
4. Public Forum (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on
the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.)
5. New Business
A. Approval of RFQ and RFP for Development of Southeast Comer of W. 44th Avenue
and Wadsworth Boulevard
B. Kipling Corridor Blight Study
C. Training Video: Preventing Public Officials' Liability
6. Adjournment
May 6, 2008
The meeting of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority was called to order by
Chairman Williams at 6:00 p.m. in the council chambers of the Municipal
Building, 7500 West 29`h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Authority Members Present: Rick Adams
James Bahrenburg
Janet Leo
Walt Pettit
Tom Radigan
Larry Schulz
Terrell Williams
Also attending: Patrick Goff, Deputy City Manager
Corey Hoffinann, WRURA Attorney
Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
It was moved by Larry Schulz and seconded by James Bahrenburg to
approve the minutes of April 15, 2008 as presented. The motion passed
There was no one present to address the Authority.
A. Resolution 5-2008 - A resolution approving a representation
agreement by and between the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal
Authority and Wheat Ridge 2020.
At direction of the Authority, legal counsel drafted a Representation Agreement
regarding the relationship between WRURA and WR2020 in redevelopment of
- the 44`h and Wadsworth Avenue area. Corey Hoffmann reviewed the draft
WRURA Minutes - l- May 6, 2008
Modifications to the draft resolution were discussed.
It was moved by Larry Schulz and sewnded by Janet Leo to adopt
Resolution 5-2008 with the following modifications:
Add a time line as an obligation for Wheat Ridge 2020 to create within
the first sixty days plus a reporting obligation on at least a monthly basis.
Change language related to options to purchase to assure that WRURA
negotiates terms and prices.
Incorporate the non-substantive revisions from Denise of Wheat Ridge
The motion passed unanimously.
B. Referral regarding proposed Outline Development Plan Amendment
to allow for a larger sign at 6340 West 38th Avenue.
The Authority expressed no objections ar concerns regarding this proposal.
C. Updates
Mr. Goff reported that the first rent check was received from Mr. Karl.
The final Operations and Maintenance Manual for Hazardous Building
Materials has been received that outlines Mr. Karl's responsibility for the
The City bas received a check in amount of $100,000 from the Vohoska's
to be used toward building a library. These funds will be held in a Wheat
Ridge Foundation account.
The meeting was adjourned at 636 p.m. The next meeting will be held June 3,
Terrell R. Williams, Chairman
Aml Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
WRURA Minutes - 2- May 6, 2008
Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority
7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 3032352846 303-2352857 (Fax)
TO: Urban Renewal Authority Board Members
FROM: Patrick Goff, Executive DirectoJ
RE: ICipling Conidor Blight Study
DATE: May 29, 2008
On May 12, 2008, City Council adopted Resolution 26 authorizing the Wheat Ridge
Urban Renewal Authority and appropriating funds to conduct a blight study of the entire
Kipling corridor within the boundaries of the City of Wheat Ridge.
The Urban Renewal Law of Colorado (31-25-101 C.R.S.) authorizes the analysis and
consideration of factors wifhin the City of Wheat Ridge to determine if blight exists
within certain areas of the City to utilize the provisions of the Urban Renewal Law to
eliminate and prevent blight and to develop and/or redevelop such areas for the economic
and social well being and public health, safety and welfare of the community.
Staff is seeking direcYion from the URA Board to move forward with drafting a Request
for Proposals to obtain a firm to conduct the blight study. City Council has appropriated
$50,000 of lodging tax revenues for such a study.
1. City of Wheat Ridge Resolution 26
Series of 2008
VS'HEREAS, the Urban Renewal Law of Colorado (§31-25-101 et seq C.R.S.) authorizes
the analysis and consideration of factors within the City of Wheat Ridge to determine if blight
exists within certain areas of the City to utilize the provisions of the Urban Renewal Law to
eliminate and prevent blight and to develop andlor redevelop such azeas for the economic and
social well being and public health, safety and welfare of the community; and
WHEREAS, City Council is desirous of such analysis to be undertaken to determine
whether factors of blight exist within the vicinity of the Kipling Conidor; and
WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority was established by Ciry
Council in 1977 to conduct such analysis; and
WHEREAS, twenty percent of the City's Lodger's Tax in the Capital Investment
Program Fund Budget is to be used for redevelopment and public improvements within the City;
WHEREAS, funds were not appropriated in the 2008 Budget for a Kipling Corridor
Blight Study and the Wheat Kidge Charter requires that amendments to the budget be effected by
the City Council adopting a Resolution;
NOW THF,REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge City Council, that:
Section 1. The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority is authorized to conduct a
blight study of the Kipling Corridor; and
SectlOn 2. The City of Wheat Ridge fiscal yeaz 2008 Capital Investment Program
Fund Budget be amended accordingly, specifically transferring $50,000.00 from Capital
[nvestment Program undesignated reserves to account 30-610-700-725.
DONE AND RESOLVED this )2 day of~, 2008.
Michael Snow, CiTy Clerk
City of
W heat idge
TO: Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority
THROUGH: Patrick Goff, Executive Director, Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority-W
FROM: Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant
DATE: May 29, 2008
SUBJECT: Preventing Public OfScials' Liability
The Colorado Intergovenunental Risk Sharing Agency (CIRSA), the City's property/liability and
workers' compensation insurance broker, has recently produced a new video entitled "In the
Scope of Your Authority: Preventing Public Officials' Liability. " This video was designed to
be viewed by the City's elected and appointed officials, and the management team. It discusses
how elected and appointed officials can avoid mistakes that can lead to liability claims and
identifies best practices that will allow officials to be successful.
In addition to the video, CIRSA and the Colorado Municipal League (CML) updated their
"Public Officials Liability Handbook" in 2007. This handbook is intended to provide an
overview of some of the liability issues facing public entities, as well as some suggestion for
avoiding and reducing liability. A copy is enclosed.
The video, which is 17 minutes long, will be played for the Housing Authority at the June 3`d
Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority
7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303235-2846 303-2352857 (Fas)
TO: Urban Renewal Authority Board Me bers
FROM: Patrick Goff, Executive Director,.~
RE; RFQ and RFP for Development of Southeast Comer of W. 44th Avenue
and Wadsworth Boulevard
DATE: May 29, 2008
Staff from Wheat Ridge 2020 and the WRURA have drafted the attached Request for
Qualifications and Request for Development Proposals for the Southeast Corner of W.
44`h Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard. The proposed release date in June 9, 2008 with
responses due back to WR2020 by Noon on August 8, 2008.
The RFQ and RFP will be advertised in the Rocky Mountain News for two consecutive
weekends, advertised on the City and WR2020 web sites and mailed to a list of
approximately 75 master site developers.
Staff is looking for direction from the WRURA Board to move forwazd with the RFQ
and RFP.
1. Draft RFP/RFQ for 44`h and Wadsworth Boulevard
~ WHEar RlD6 F
V °arma¢InaVihr3n l^ne [Ridge
Draft for internal discussion
Request for Qualifications &
Request for Development Proposals
Southeast Corner of W. 44`h Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
RFP Release: June 9, 2008
Responses Due: Noon, August 8, 2008
To the offices of Wheat Ridge 2020, Inc.
4350 Wadsworth Boulevard, Ste. 420
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Wheat Ridge 2020, Ina (WR2020) on behalf of the City of Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal
Authority (WRURA) is releasing this RFP for an infill development tract. WR2020 is a
private non-profit development corporation working in partnership with the city to
reposition commercial and residential real estate within the community.
Site Description
Location: This 7.4 acre tract is located less than 200' east of the Wadsworth Blvd.
and W. 44`h Avenue intersection with its predominant frontage on W. 44"' Avenue (the
"Property"). The Property is approximately %z mile south of the Interstate 70/Wadsworth
Boulevard interchange. Weekday traffic counts along Wadsworth Boulevard, a regional
arterial through Jefferson County, average 44,000 cars per day. The 1" Bank Building,
which is not a part of this Property, anchors the intersection's southeast comer and sits
just west of and adjacent to the Property.
Additionally, the site is approximately one mile northeast of the Exempla Lutheran
hospital complex. The hospital employs 2400 persons and sees 160,000 outpatients and
20,000 inpatients per year. Exempla Lutheran is currently undergoing a$225,000,000
redevelopment pursuant to a master facility plan.
The Property is predominately vacant except for a 34,800 s.f. commercial building. It
is assumed that this building will be demolished as part of a redevelopment.
Adjacent to the Property are two "ouY" parcels, a Panda King restaurant to the east of the
Ist Bank Building and an auto repair shop at the corner of W. 44`h and Upham Street.
These parcels are currently not a part of this RFP. WR2020 has entered into discussions
with the property owners of the two "out parcels" regarding the potential inclusion of
these properties within the property proposed to be redeveloped.
Property Ownership
The Property is under the ownership of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority.
Environmental Due Diligence
WR2020 has completed Phase I and II analyses for the Property. According to the
analyses, there is no evidence of contaniination on the vacant portions of the Property
either surface or subsurface. The building located on the Property does contain asbestos
materiaL Copies of the Phase I and II reports are available for review at the offices of
Wheat Ridge Water District
The Property is within this water district which obtains its water from the City of Denver.
The infrastructure, both internal and external to the Property is in need of upgrading.
Redevelopment Vision
The vision for an infill development project is mixed use in nature executed by a master
developer. Subdivision of the Property into incremental pad uses with large expanses of
parking is not desirous. Uses initially envisioned include oft3ce, commercial and cluster
residential. There is also potential for civic uses. Integrated utility, vehicular, pedestrian
and public space systems are also assumed.
In order to depict a redevelopment vision, WR2020 prepared a conceptual master plan for
illustrative purposes. A copy of the plan is included as an attachment. The developer
selected for this project will not be held to the specific site layout or land use mix
depicted. Those responding to this RFP however should take note of the overall
objectives outlined in the plan.
Zoning/Other Adopted Public Policy Documents
The following regulatory documents apply to the property:
City of Wheat Ridge Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Redevelopment Plan.
Adopted in October of 2001 after the City Council determined that blight existed in the
vicinity of the Wadsworth Corridor from 35'' Avenue to 44`' Avenue. This plan controls
the land area, land use, building requirements, timing of development, and procedure for
implementation of such plan in the Wadsworth Corridor Redevelopment Area. The plan
can be viewed on the City of Wheat Ridge's web site, www.ci.wheatridge.co.us, under
Departments; Community Development; WRURA.
City of Wheat Ridge Wadsworth Corridor Subarea Plan. Adopted in August of
2007, this study examined land use redevelopment and Wadsworth Boulevard
transportation improvements. The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT)
anticipates the need for a future reconstruction of the roadway, including the need for
additional right-of-way. The findings and recommendations of this study will assist the
city in positioning itself for discussions with CDOT regarding the street reconstruction.
Additionally, roadway improvement implications to adjacent property owners and
revitalization activities are of paramount concern and were evaluated in the study. It is
not anticipated that W. 44th Avenue will be impacted as part of the upgrading of
Wadsworth Boulevard. The plan can viewed on the City of Wheat Ridge's web site,
www.ci.wheatridge.co.us , under Departments; Community Development; Subarea Plans.
Zoning. Two commercial zone districts currently overlay the Tract, C-1 and Planned
Commercial District (PCD). Both are incondusive to a master planned, mixed use
development and would require the Property to be rezoned. WR2020 and the city are
currently exploring options for a flexible, mixed use zone district for this Property and
adjacent tracts. WR2020 is prepared to support a developer in the rezoning process.
Potential Incentives
Since this Property has been priontized as a significant infill opportunity within the city,
the following incentives will be considered by either the Urban Renewal Agency and/or
the City of Wheat Ridge.
-Urban Renewal Tax Increment Financing (TIF). Given the Property's location
within an urban renewal area, TIF financing is potentially available subject to the
approval of the WRURA azid City Council.
-City Sales and [Jse Tax Rebates. The Enhanced Sales Tax Rebate Program (ESTIP)
rebates sales tax. A second program, the Business Development Zone, can potentially
rebate sales, use and other development fees. TIF financing cannot be used in
conjunetion with the ESTIP program. All incentive programs must be approved by City
-Land Bank Incentive. WRURA will sell the property to a developer under a negotiated
redevelopment contract, and hold a subordinate note and mortgage on the land. The Note
will not require any payments through a specific timeframe of the redevelopment period,
and will become due after completion of a certain percentage of specified activities as
outlined in the development agreement.
-Federal New Market Tax Credits and Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) funding. Both are potential sources of financing for this project, but are subject
to varions federal restrictions on the types of uses and activities which can be assisted.
The funds are administered by the Colorado Housing Finance Agency (CHFA) and
Jefferson County respectively. The Property is within a geogaphic area eligible for
either category of funds.
-Brownfield Clean-Up. Due to the presence of asbestos in the commercial building on
the site, remediation activities will be necessary to demolish the structure. The State of
Colorado offers a Brownfield Clean-Up Revolving Loan fund for property owners. The
fixnd is administered by the Colorado Housing Finance Agency (CHFA) and the Colorado
Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). Repayment options are
intended to be flexible and negotiable. Additionally, the former owner of the building
has escrowed funds for a portion of the clean-up.
-Faqade Improvement Funds. The Wheat Ridge Business District is a non-profit
organization which promotes the local business community. It offers a fagade
improvement reimbursement grant. $14,000 is available per building. Funding is subject
to availability and approval the district's board of directors. WR2020 administers this
program for the district.
-0ther Types of Assistance. Requests for other types of project assistance will be
considered based upon the demonstrated needs of the project.
Submittal Requirements
Please submit six (6) copies of your proposal addressing each item listed below. You
may submit additional infonnation deemed relevant to the proposal.
1. Overall redevelopment concept for the Property. Summarize as cover sheet.
2. Developer Credentials. Please include:
-Corporate structure and resumes of principals
-Number of Years company has been in existence
-Overview of development experience of company and principals, list
urban/suburban infill development projects the firm has completed
-Experience in public/private partnerships, list projects and other participants in
the partnership, describe your role in the project
-List any significant past or pending litigation, disputes or bankruptcies of your
company, controlled or parent entities or auy employee involving development
-Discuss if previously terminated from a project and the nature of the
-List other projects the company is currently involved in
-Finaucial readiness to undertake project
Initial Assessment of Markets/Users for the Project. Discuss your proposed
land use mix and the markets to be served. Be candid about market strengths
and weaknesses.
Master Developer. Outline your approach to the project as a master developer.
Indude goveming structure, marketing, design standards, long term management
and so forth.
5. Describe Approach to Project Financing.
6. Outline a Conceptual Project Time Line.
7. Discuss other Issues Deemed Relevant to Your ProposaL
8. References. Please provide three references who can attest to the company's
development performance.
RFP Review and Selection Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated by a team consisting of Ciry, Urban Renewal Authority and
WR2020 staf£ A short list of developers to interview will be prepared. Following the
interview process, a preferred developer will then be recoinmended to the Urban Renewal
Authority Board of Commissions for their consideration.
Review and Selection Criteria:
1. Developer's land use and market vision far the Property as balanced against the
redevelopment goals and objectives as outlined in the conceptual site plan
prepared by WR2020.
2. Qualifications and past experience with infill development.
3. Financia] ability of developer to undertake the project.
4. Implementation Timeframe.
Tentative Scheduâ–ºe of Review Process
RFP Issued
Informational Briefings
Proposals Due
Review and Evaluation
Short List Interviews
Recommendation of Preferred Developer to WRURA
Selection of Preferred Developer by WRURA
The WRURA Board of Commissioners will review the recommendation of the RFP
evaluation team. If the Commissioners select a developer, a redevelopment contract will
be entered into between the parties. It will provide for a due diligence period.
All costs incurred in preparing this proposal will be bome by the responding firm. All
submittals will be retained by WR2020 and the City of Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal
Authority. Property of the WRURA is subject to the Colorado Open Records Act. It is
the responsibility of the applicant to assert any claim of confidentiality under state law.
WR2020 reserves it's right to modify this review schednle and can make no
representations on behalf of the Urban Renewal Authority that a developer will be
selected. WR2020 and the WRURA reserve the right to verify the business reputation
and other information about a development company and to request additional
information as deemed appropriate to this RFP process.
During the RFP process, all communications should be directed to:
Robert J. Osborn, Esq., Executive Director
Wheat Ridge 2020, Inc
rosborn c7r wheatridge2020.org
Denise M. Balkas, Director of Real Estate Development
Wheat Ridge 2020, Inc.
dbalkas a)wheatridgc2020.ore
Attachment: Conceptual Master Plan