HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/26/2005HOUSING AUTHORITY MEETING October 26, 2005 LOBBY CONFERENCE ROOM 7:00 P.M. A. Call Meeting to Order B. Roll Call C. Approval of the Minutes: June 22, 2005 D. Officers Reports E. Public Forum F. Unfinished Business G. New Business 1. Update on Park Side Townhomes Project H. Other 1. Adjournment CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes of Meeting June22,2005 A. CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair DiTullio. B. ROLL CALL Chair DiTullio welcomed Janice Thompson as a member of the Housing Authority. Authority Members Present: Cheryl Brungazdt Kent Davis Jerry DiTullio Kathy Nuanes Janice Thompson Others Present: Alan White, Community Development Director Larry Nelson, Cornerstone Realty Betty Maybin, Cornerstone Realty Henry Wehrdt, Project Manager Wendy Swanhorst, Auditor Dick Matthews, Accountant Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Kent Davis and seconded by Cheryl Brungardt to approve the minutes of February 23, 2005. The motion passed 3-0 with Janice Thompson and Jerry DiTullio abstaining. D. OFFICERS REPORTS There were no ofFicer reports. E. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one to appeaz before the Authority. F. There was no unfinished business. Housing Authority Minutes - 1 - 06-22-OS G. NEW BUSINESS i. Presentation and accentance of audit Wendy Swanhorst presented an overview of the Housing Authority audit. It was moved by Kent Davis and seconded by Cheryl Brungardt to accept the audit and forward it to City Council for review. The motion passed 5-0. 2. Update on Park Side Townhomes Prolect Henry Wehrdt reported that a variance was granted by the Boazd of Adjustment to allow construction of five gazages. Four gazages could have been built without a variance. Bids have been received for the gazage construction. Plans have been submitted for patio enclosures. Completion of the entire project is estimated to take place in late August of mid-September. Jerry DiTullio reported that all graffiti has been removed and arrangements have been made to cut grass and weeds. He also commented that upon completion of this project, the Housing Authority will have converted a total of 32 former rental units to home ownership. H. OTHER Quail Square - Larry Nelson reported that a unit at Quail Squaze went into foreclosure and was purchased by the Authority for $118,000. Approximately $1,300 was spent on refurbishing the unit. It is being offered for sale at $132,900 with $5,000 carried by the Authority to be forgiven after a 5-yeaz period. Neighborhood Revitalization Study - Jerry DiTullio encouraged Authority members to attend the public meeting on the Neighborhood Revitalization Study to be held on June 28. He commented that the study could result in an expanded role for the Housing Authority to provide more opportunities for home ownership. National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials - Cheryl Brungardt reported on the conference she attended for the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials. One of the discussion items concerned shifting money from HUD to the Commerce Department which would result in less funding being available for subsidized rent. This increases the importance of providing assistance to enable people to move from renting to home ownership. Housing Authority Minutes 06-22-OS If Cabela's locates in Wheat Ridge, Cheryl will work with them regarding a job fair in conjunction with the city to provide jobs to make it possible for more individuals to consider home ownership. She also made contact with a foundation that gives small grants to homeowners in the energy efficiency azea. She proposed a project where, with the help of this foundation, the AuthoriTy would help low income homeowners install storm doors. Cheryl Brungardt also commented on "infectious habititis" that occurs when a rundown property is improved and surrounding neighbors aze then inspired to improve their properties. She also suggested that thought be given to instituting a program where an award is given to homeowners who have improved their neighborhoods by improving their own property. • 3718 Ames - Alan White reported that the Urban Renewal Authority decided at its last meeting to keep the property on the mazket at the present listing price. 1. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 p.m. Jerry DiTullio, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secretazy Housing Authority Minutes 06-22-OS ioiisiaoos Henry Wehrdt JCHA 7490 W. 45`h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303-422-8600 extension 125 WI2HA Update In addition to the above listed items, the following have also been completed: • Gazage interior walls are drywalled on one side and garage doors hung • Vinyl siding and soffits started on gazages, roofmg installed • Rear asphalt and entry apron laid, stumps ground out and fencing removed • Linoleuxn installed • Countertops rescheduled for week of 10/24 (color changed) • Security doors installed • Finish electrical including fixtures neazs completion • Rough electrical in gazageslstorage sheds started • House panel for garage arranged for but loop not dropped • Entry covers made maintenance free w/siding and wraps If you would like to visit the project, please call me and I will meet you or provide the combinarion to the lock box so that you can go into the units. Thanks for your patience in this renovarion. Henry Wehrdt 9/27/OS Henry Wehrdt JCHA 7490 W. 45`h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303-422-8600 extension 125 WRHA Update Just in case you have not been by the Everett Street project, the following has or will shortly occur: . Front walks to all units completed • Garage foundation and storage sheds poured and framed w/trusses scheduled for 9/28 • Pario enclosures completed and textured . Texture completed Uuoughout all units and paint of remaining portion of interiors set for 9/28 • Ceramic rile installed in all bath rooms • Vinyl windows and exterior doors instailed units and enclosures • Vinyl siding completed on entire building as well as gutters • Linoleum scheduled after paint comp]eted • Cabinets and vaniries installed • All new hot water heaters installed • All new furnaces installed • Rough plumbing for all units completed and inspected • All entry porch covers installed • Concrete aprons and walk scheduled with all asphalt for week of 10/2 The project is now moving along nicely. The remaining piece of the project yet to be addressed is the rear courtyard, landscape and irrigation system; all after concrete and asphalt completed. Also I am preparing the draw for HOME funds in the amount of $75,000.00 to defer rehabilitation costs. If you would like to visit the project, please call me and I will meet you or provide the combination to the lock box so that you can go into the units. Thanks for your parience in this renovarion. Henry Wehrdt WHEAT RIUGE HOUSING AUTHORITY EVERETT STREETIWEST45th PLACE 2005 ~ na n re ni , _ - 61wre:imenar M1OISNIIg.00q5•2NClIRD I0LWIdCLE55, P.Q. 90X 1349 showef tlOnp fi385 WEST 491h AVENUE Insulation, mdasura, wvars ae0ivil, tlumpsleq fmting CONIFER,COLORADO&N33-13I8 Estirtete OlHarence WHEATRIDGE,COLORAW 6W33 Estimla OilFerence- CONTRACTAMOUNT 28,283.a0 - 28283.00 CONTRAGTFMOUNT 79,730.00 - 78,730.00 CHPNGE/FIELDOROERS 2,190.00 CHANGE/FIELD ORDERS 36,400.00 TOTAL 30.4]3.00 TOTAL 115,130.00 PAVMENTM OATE fAMOUNT REfAINAGE CHECNM PAVMENTM DATE SAMOUNT REfAINAGE GHECKII 1 B02005 6,952.00 361.00 WRHA 1 6H4/2005 14,677.50 772.50 WRHA Z 9/27/2005 6,830.00 360.00 WRHA 2 1I512005 3,847.50 202.50 WRHA 3 8/112005 34,799.00 7,832.00 WRHA 4 BI252005 14.668.00 772.00 WRHA 5 911412005 10.180.00 550.00 WRHA 6 1011912005 20,377.00 1.073.00 WRNA TOTALPAIOOIfT 13,692.00 721.00 74,403.00 TOTALPAIDOUT 98,1128.00 5,202.00 104,030.00 CONTHACTAMOUNTWfT}iCHANGES 30;473.00 CONTRHCTAMOUNTWITHCHANGES 115,130.00 REMAININGOWEOTOCOTNRACTOR 76.070.00 REMAININGOWED TOCOTNRACTOR 11.100.00 or mis mg n ovrs umer san ine 8385 WEST 461h AVENqE 15836 WEST isl ORIVE - WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 EsGtrele DIRerenre GOLDEN.COLORAOOB0401 Estirrete DifFerence CON7RACTAMOUNT 20,600.00 - 20,600.00 CONTRACTAMOl114T 23,915.D0 - 23,915.00 CHANGFJFIELO OROERS - CHANGE/FlELD ORDERS - TOTAL 20,600.00 TOTAL 23,915.00 PAYMENT# UATE fAMOUNT RETNNAGE CHECI(:1 PAVMENTC DATE fAMOUNT RETAINAGE CHECKA' 1 7/52005 6,460.00 340.00 WRHA 1 511612005 855.00 45.00 WRHA 2 9114/2005 10.232.00 539.00 WRHA 2 911412005 70.450.00 550.00 WRHA 3 1019/05 " 2,978.00 15200 WRHA fOTALPAID OUT 19,570.00 1,030.00 20,600.00 TOTALPAIDOUT 11,305.00 595.00 11,w0.00 :ONTRACTAMOUNTWITHCHANGES 20,600.00 CONTRACTAMOUNTWRHCHANGES 23,915.00 iEMAINING OW ED TO COTNftACTOR REMAINING OW ED TO COTNRACTOR 12.015.00 inxs. awres, a7Ptan~, m remoo . - ennoi 15636WESTis[ORIVE fum2re,ak,tluc4dmnlnB 6365 WE+`T4fithAVENUE . 30LOEN.GOLORA0080401 Btimate DiRerence WHEATRIOGE,fALORA0080033 Fstimate oiRerence :ONTRACTAMOUNT 56,905.00 - 56,905.00 CONTRFGTAMOIIM 25.580_00 - 25,5130.00 JHAN6ElFIELOORDERS 2.750.00 CHNNGFJPIELD ORDERS 4,320.00 rOTAL 59,655.00 TOTAL 29.900.00 PAYMENT# DATE fAMOUNT REfA1NAGE CHECift PAVMENT# DATE SAMOUM REfAINAGE GHECK7F 1 5H612005 3,465.00 190.00 WRHA 1 913/2005 7,315.00 3&5.00 WRHA p 524/2005 75,575.40 1.011.W WRHA 2 9252005 7,837.00 413.00 WRHA . 3 fi22005 6,210.00 330.00 WRHA 4 8/162005 4,038.00 212.00 WRHA iOTALPAID OUT 29.340.40 1,733.60 31,082.00 TOTAIPAIDOUT 15,152.00 790.00 75,950.00 CONTIiACTAMOUNTWfi}iCHANGES 59,655.00 COMAAGTAMOUMWITMCHFNGES 29.900.00 REMAININGOWED TOCOTNRACTOft 26.9100 REMAININGOWEIITOCOTNRAGTOR 13,950.00 10-D mas - a9es 5365 W E5T 46Ih AVENUE 6385 W EST 46N AVENUE WHEATRIOGE, COLORA00 80433 Estimate DiRerence WHEATRIDGE, WLORADO 80033 Fstimte DiRerence GONiRACTAMOUNT 5,400.00 - 5,400.00 COMRACTAMOUNT 41,860.00 - 41,860.00 CHANGE/FIELOORDERS - CHANGEIFIELD ORDERS - TOTAL 5,400.00 TOTAL 41,95).00 PqYMENT# OATE SAMOfINT REfAINAGE CHECI(# PAYMENT# DATE fAMO11NT REfA1NAGE CHEGK# t 9/1412005 9,965.00 525.00 WRHA 2 10!l2005 19,240.W 960.00 WRHA TOTALPAIOOUT - - - TOTALPAIDOUT 28,205.00 1,405.00 29,690.00 CONTRACTAMOUNTWffHCHANGES 5,400.0D CONTR4CTAMOl1iJT WITFICHANGES 41,860.00 - 1- nwmmrn+x.mermo 540000 REMAINWGOWED TOCOTNRACTOR . 12.170.00 . 325.000.00 TOTAL JNDS 31,581.00 356,581.00 L CON'fRACT 281,273.00 - L CHANGEIFIELD ORDERS 45,660.00 ECTCOSTS+pqID BVJCHA - 326,933.00 LOAN PLUS REMAINING ICOST 15,346.65 CUFUNOS FUNOS IANGES 15,000.00 . ~SCAPMG 76,000.00 COMRACTTOTAL 314,279.65 356,581.00 (17,698.1 LPAID OUT 216,090.40 L DUE IN RETAINAGE 11.564.60 LBALANCEOIIE 146,624.65 7ENT5 OUT OF HARD COST 1010ei05 Wheat Ridge Housing Authority Park Side Project As of September 30, 2005 Sep 30,'06 % of Income Ordinary Income/Expense Income 630 • Rent 9,233 700% Total Income 9,233 100% Cost of Goods Sold $55 • Purchase ot Units 545,000 5,903% 660 • Acquistion Appreisal Fees 1,700 78% 562 • Acquisitions Costs 7,939 27% 563 • Architecture 600 6% 667- Construction Period Maintenance 1,773 72% 570 • Garages 29,690 322% 571 •HomeownersAssociation 1,000 11% 674•Rehabilitation-Cabinets 11,900 129% 575 • Rehabilitaion - Electrical 15,950 . 173% 676 • Rehabilitation - Exterior 17,570 190% 577 • Rehabilitation - Floors 14,403 156% 578 • Rehabilitaion - Plumbing 31,082 337% 680 • Rehabilitation - Various 85,964 931 % 599 - Ending Cost of Units -757,911 -8,209% Total COGS 0 0% Gross Profit 9,233 100% Expense 760 • Accounting 8 Legal 215 2% 802 • Gardening 8 Maintenance 4,134 45% 625 • Office Supplies 70 1% 832•.Postage 15 0% 843 • Repairs . 89 1 % 857 • Taxes - Real Estate 300 3% 665 • Tresh Removal SBi 6% 672 • Utllitles 7,467 76% TotalExpense 6.871 74% Net Ordinary Income 2,362 26% Net Income 2,962 26°k Page 1 of t