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March 16, 2006
Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning
Commission on March 16, 2006, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal
Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
4. APPROVE THE QRDER OF TFIE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may be
recommended for placement on the agenda.)
5. APPROVAL OF MINiJTES - March 2, 2006
6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not
appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.)
A. Case No. WZ-05-10 (continued from Februarv 2 2006): An application filed by
Michael G. Pharo Associates for approval of a rezoning from Residential-Two (R-2)
to Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and approval of an oudine development
plan for property located at 7495 W. 29th Avenue.
B. Case No. LVZ-05-12: An application filed by Jim Blumenthal for Skitzo Offshore,
LLC, for approval of an amended Planned Commercial Development outline
development plan and approval of a final development plan for property located at
4651 Tabor Street.
C. Case No. MS-OS-OS: An application filed by Jim Blumenthal for Skitzo Offshore,
LLC, for approval of a final plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street.
Minutes of Meeting
March 2, 2006
The regulaz meeting of the Wheat Ridge Planning Cominission was called to order by Chair
McMillin at 7:07 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West
29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Coxnmission Members Present:
Commission Members Absent:
Staff Members Present:
Anne $rinlanan
Jun Chilvers
John McMillin
Phil Plunvner
Cassie Spaniel
Kim Stewatt
Scott Wesley
Jerry Scezney
Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner
Travis Crane, Planner
Ann I,azzeri, Recording Secretary
Following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of March
2, 2006. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the
Community Development Department of the City of Wheat Ridge.
It was moved by Commissioner PLUNIMER and seconded by Coininissioner STEWART
to approve the order of the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanunously.
5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 16, 2006
Tt was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner WESLEY to
approve the minutes of February 16, 2006 as presented. The motion passed 6-0 with
Conimissioners SPAlVIEL abstaining and Commissioner SCEZNEY absent.
There was no one to address the Commission at this time.
Planning Commission
Mazch 2, 2006
Page 1
A. Case No. WZ-05-13: An application filed by Jefferson County Housing Authority for
approval of a rezoning from Residential-Two to Planned Residential Development and
approval of an outline development plan for properties located at 7671 West 32°a
Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevazd.
This case was presented by Travis Crane. He entered all pertinent documents into the recard
and advised the Coxnrnission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He reviewed the staff
report and digital presentation.
Commissioner WESLEY asked if a mediation report was available from the second
neighborhood meering. Travis Crane replied that this report had not yet been received.
Commissioner WESLEY asked if the school disfrict had been contacted in regard to the
proposed project's impact on schools. Travis Crane replied that the school district was not
contacted as part of the outline development plan but could be done as part of the final
development plan. He commented that the proposed development should not have a
significant impact on nearby schools.
In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Travis Crane explained that some of
the units to the north which aze zoned R-3 exceed today's density requirements. These units
were built under earlier regulations and have been grandfathered.
Chair McMIL,LIN asked to hear from the applicants.
Tom Klein
1215 Elati, Denv2r
Mr. Klein was swom in by Chair McMILLIN. He stated that Will Jonnson from LSC Traffic
Engineers and Bill Willis from Martin & Martin were also present to answer questions. He
then introduced Alan Feinstein from the Jefferson County Housing Authority.
Alan Feinstein
7770 West 110th Avenue, Westminster
Mr. Feinstein, representing the Jefferson County Housing Authority, was swom in by Chair
McNIlLLIN. He reviewed the purpose and objectives of the Housing Authority. This project
would offer opportunity for home ownership especially for work farce housing in Wheat Ridge.
He refened to an article in the Denver Post business section on the need for work force
housing. He stated that 7efferson County Housing Authority is a nonprofit agency and has
recently worked with the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority to provide home ownership through
three townhome rehabilitation projects. He entered a letter of support from a major employer
in Wheat Ridge into the record.
In response to a question from Commissioner WESLEY, Mr. Feinstein stated that these units
would probably sell in the neighborhood of $180-190,000.
Planning Commission . . Page 2
Mazch 2, 2006
In response to a question from Commissioner STEWART, Mr. Feinstein stated that deed
restrictions would be in place to prevent the units from ever being rented out.
Commissioner CHII,VERS asked how much of a subsidy the county would be paying on these
units. Mr. Feinstein replied that the land was purchased through a grant of $800,000 and they
plan to build 42 units:
In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKNIAN, Mr. Peinstein stated that once 75%
of the units have been sold, Jefferson County Housing Authority would turn control over to the
development's homeowners associarion.
In response to questions from Commissioner McMMIL„LIN regarding a timeline, Alan Feinstein
estimated approximately one year to date of completion; however, this wouldbe mazket driven.
Commissioner STEWART asked about provision for play areas in the development.
Tom HIein returned to the podium to state that intemal open space and play areas would be
finalized and included in the final development plan. He further stated that the ditch running
through the azea provides opportunity for pedestrian and bike paths to connect to open space.
He also commented that there are parks and open space on the north of the proposed project
and on the east side of Wadsworth.
In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Mr. Klein stated that the ditch
company had not been contacted regazding the use of the easement for paths.
Mr. Klein reviewed access, internal circulation, internal open space and drainage for the
project. The existing curb cut on Wadsworth would not be utilized for access to the project and
would be used for emergency access only. This site would be accessed from Hilltop
Apartments and the second curb cut on 32d Avenue would not be utilized for this project.
Will Jolinson
1889 York Street, Denver
Mr. Johnson, of LSC Traffic Engineers, was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. Due to concern
e.xpressed at the neighborhood meetings, LSC did an additional traffic study. Traffic counts
were taken through the period of Februazy 21 through February 27 which included a weekend
count. These counts had not increased since those done in September.
Commissioner BRINKMAN asked about traffic backup for eastbound 320 Avenue turning
onto Wadsworth. Mr. Johnson said at peak time, the furthest back-up was six to eight vehicles.
Commissioner WESLEY asked if there was a process far citizens to. follow to make a request
to CDOT for a tum light. Travis Crane sYated that the city traffic engineer could make a
recommendation to CDOT.
Planning Commission
Mazch 2, 2006
Page 3
Commissioner ST'EVJART questioned the number of trips generated in and out of the
development. She commented that 19 Trips generated by 42 umts seemed to be unrealistic. Mr.
Johnson stated these numbers were arrived at using figures from national traffic studies. The
study takes into account that people leave for work at different times.
(Chair McMIIILIN declazed a recess at 8:08 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:17 p.m.)
Chair McMILLIN invited public comment at this time.
Paul Diebert
3225 Yarrow Court
Mr. Diebert was sworn in by Chair McMMIL,LIN. He stated that he has lived in the area for 39
years and was opposed to the project. He expressed concem about the density and did not
believe the development would be compatible with the azea. Present density is already higher
than allowed by present law. The income levels tazgeted by the development aze at the lowest
end of what the revitalization plan ca11s strong households. Traffic is a big concern, especially
turning onto Wadsworth from 32nd Avenue. He has talked with CDOT and was told that a turn
light is not wuranted at 32°d and Wadsworth. He stated that the traffic study did not count
those people leaving on Allison or Yarrow. He did not think a pedestrian path along Rocky
Mountain Ditch would be feasible. He also expressed concern about security and noise.
Greg Parsons
3270 Zephyr Court
Mr. Pazsons was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. He agreed with statements made by Mr.
Diebert and also expressed his opposition to the project. He expressed concern about the high
density and incieased traffic. If the units were built, there would be 75 housing units (including
adjacent development) using one access point from 32°d Avenue.
Al Hobbe
4030 Willow Way, Denver
Mr: Hobbe was sworn in by Chair McMII,LIN. He stated that he was neither opposed nor in
favor of the project. He stated that he owns property adjacent to the subject azea that has two
curb cuts onto Wadsworth and wondered why no one had approached him regarding purchase
of this property which could possibly soive the access problem to the proposed development.
In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Travis Crane stated that it would be
up to the applicant to talk with Mr. Hobbe about purchasing the property; however, CDOT
reviews curb cuts upon changes of use and could possibly close the present curb cuts. Meredith
Reckert commented that if CDOT did allow a curb cut, it wouid probably be right-in, right-out
Alan Feinstein returned to the podium te state that he was aware of Mr. Hobbe's property and
had spoken with him in the past; however, the Housing Authority is on a limited budget which
only allows what has been presented in the proposal.
Planning Commission Page 4
Mazch 2, 2006
Ed Serpozo
3363 Yarrow Court
Mr. Serpozo was swom in by Chair McMII.LIN. He expressed concern that the proposed
project would worsen an already poor water pressure situation in the area. He was also
concerned about storing snow from snow removal in a very dense area. He did not believe the
project would benefit Wheat Ridge. He prefened to see duplex units built on the property. He
was concerned that the high density units would decrease property values in the azea.
Bill Willis
2130 Ellis Court, Lakewood .
Mr. Willis was sworn in by Chair McMIi,LIN. He stated that an additional loop would be
added to supply water to the development. The water and sewer departments have indicated
that they would be able to adequately provide water and sewer services to the proposed
Martha Cerrone
3373 Yarrow Ct.
Ms. Cenone was sworn in by Chair McMII,LIN. She expressed concern about traffic problems
that are made worse by the bus pull-overs. This affects traffic on 32°d Avenue on both sides of
Wadsworth. She commented that the Rocky VIountain Ditch is unsafe for children because the
water is very swift. She didn't believe the ditch company would approve walkways along the
Chair McMILLIN asked if there were other members of the public who wished to address this
matter. Hearing no response, he closed the public hearing.
Commissioner PLUNfIvvIER stated that he would vote against the proposal because he didn't
bel:eve it would be compatible with the neighborhood ar the recent recommendations for
increasing the amount of strong households in Wheat Ridge.
Commissioner WESLEY commented that he liked the fact that this project wouid help people
buy their first home. However, traffic on 32°d Avenue is a major concern.
Commissioner CHII.VERS stated that he would vote against the proposal because it would not
benefit the city.
Commissioner McMILLIN commented that the project would help people bay their first home.
There is adequate buffering between the proposed and existing housing units. Traffic is a
concern and it would have helped to have an access from Wadsworth.
Commissioner STEWART stated that she had mixed feelings about the project. She had
concems with the density issue. The price is right for faznilies starting out with their first
home. She expressed concern about pazking within the development and adequate facilities for
children. She did not believe the project fit within the 2020 goals.
Planning Commission Page 5
Mazch 2, 2006
It was moved by Commissioner PLiTMMER and seconded by Commissioner CHILVERS
to recoinmend denial of Case No. WZ-05-13, a request for approval of a rezoning from
Residential Two to Planned Residential Development and an Outline Development Plan
for properties located at 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard and 7671 West 32nd Avenue for the
following reasons:
1. This is a high-density project that is not compatible with the existing neighborhood.
This is not a reason to degrade the neighborhood from R-2 zoning.
2. This project is noC compatibie with the recent 2020 Plan that recommends more
strong households to upgrade Wheat Ridge.
3. This area has a high vacancy rate in both homes for sale and units for rent in the
Jefferson County-WheatI2idge area. There are plenty of houses for young people to
purchase a starter home.
The motion passed 4-3 with Coinmissioners WESLEY, McMILLIN and BRTNKMAN
voting no.
Commissioner WESLEY moved and Commissioner STEWART seconded to make a
recommendation that the city traffic engineer look at the intersection of 32"d and
Wadsworth and make a recommendation to CDOT to install turn signals at this
The motion passed 4-3 with Commissioners BRINKMAN, PLUIVIIVIER and CHILVERS
voting no.
• Meredith Reckert gave a brief update on historic designation developments with the Olinger
property at 29`h and Wadsworth.
• Travis Crane asked if the Commission would like to meet on March 30`h in order to hold
anofher workshop on the 3-Mile Plan. There was a consensus to hold the work session on
March 30'.
• Commissioner McMU„LIN commented that lighting at the Phillips 66 station at 32nd and
Wadsworth doesn't seem to be contained within the perimeter. Travis Crane replied staff
would look into this.
• Commissioner BRINKMAN informed the Commission that she would not be attending the
Apri16`h Planning Commission meeting.
There were no commission reports.
Planning Commission Page 6
Mazch 2, 2006
There were no cominittee and department reports.
It was moved by Couiuiissioner BRiNKMAN and seconded by Commissioner WESLEY
to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.
John McMillin, Chair
Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
Planning Commission
Mazch 2, 2006
Page 7
TO: Planning Commission CASE M?u'VAGER: M. Reckert
DATE OF MEETING: March 16, 2006
CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-05 -10/Pharo (Wadsworth Exchange)
ACTION REQiJESTED: Approval of a zone change from R-2 to PCD and approval of an Outline
Development Plan
LOCATION OF REQIJEST: 7495 W. 29`b Avenue
APPLICANT/OWNER: Michael G. Phazo Associates for M& E Financial, LLC
PRESENT ZONING: R-2, Residential Two
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Small OfficeBusiness Center and Low Density Residential (Not to exceed four
du's per acre)
Location Map
Plannuig Commission . . 1
WZ-05-10/Pharo for Wadsworth Exchange
All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to heaz this
This application is for approval of a zone change from Residential-Two to Pianned Commercial
Development and for approval of an Outline Development Plan for property located at 7495 W. 29rh
Avenue. The purpose of the zone change is for the construction of retaiUrestaurant development.
See applicanYs explanation ofthe request ~.k~1 ti~ p~ i~;Ie_`
The property in question is zoned Residential-Two, is comprised of 4.6 acres of land area and has
street frontages on three sides; W. 29`h Avenue on the south, Wadsworth Blvd. on the west and the
interior curve of the intersection of W. 30`h Avenue and Webster at the northeast corner of the
property. An unbuilt half width of right-of-way for W. 30`h Avenue abuts the property on the north.
DR~ai~t3iR f~ wnggl,
The R-2 zone district is a low density residential zone category allowing single family dwellings and
duplexes. If developed under the existing zoning conditions, approxnnately twelve duplexes could be
built on the property.
There are three primary structures on the property. On the north end of the site is a one and a half
story frame farmhouse structure which was built circa 1892. Structures associated with the fannhouse
include the original bam with brick foundation and a newer, contemporary double caz garage. The
farmhouse has an 842 square foot footprint. A driveway runs along the northern side of the structures
from Wadsworth east to the 30`h Avenue/Webster intersection.
On the southern portion of the property is what once was a primary residence of the Olinger family
built in 1914. It is of brick construction, contains a 3300 square foot footprint and has a red tiled roof.
The interior of the structure was modified for office use. Other modifications to the original structure
include a tented vinyl breezeway on the east side and a handicapped ramp on the west side.
The third primary structure on the property is the chapel which was built in 1969-1970. It has similaz
architectural features to the house including the same brick pattem and red tiled roof. It has a
basement; a porte cochere on the south side and is 3300 square feet in size.
Other miscellaneous features on the property include a brick well house and a pergola running along
the Wadsworth frontage. The pergola and the climbing roses along the support columns became an
identifying feature for the property to the extent that the mortuary was called the "Rose Arbor
Moriuary". A pazking lof large enough to accommodate around 100 vehicles is located in the interior
of the site.
It is unclear as to when and how the property was converted from residential to a commercial mortuary
use. On August 5, 1969, the 7efferson County Board of Commissioners approved a zone change on
the property from R-2 to RCl subsequent to the issuance of a building permit for the chapel. Seven
Planning Commission 2
WZ-05-10/Pharo for Wadsworth Exchange
days later, the Mayor and City Council of the newly incorporated City of Wheat Ridge came into
office. Neighbors and adjacent property owners filed suit to overiurn the zone change in district court.
In April of 1970, the court found that the rezoning was an unconstitutional exercise of zoning powers
by the Board of Commissioners and ordered the City of Wheat Ridge to take action to rezone the
property back to R-2. At that time a church (chapel) was a permitted use in the R-2 zone district
The use of the property as a mortuary office and chapel is considered non-confomring. Since the
property was sold, chapel services and the use of the mansion as offices have stopped. Under the
existing zoning and development code, mortuaries and crematories are special uses in the C-1, C-2 and
I zone districts. Principal, commercial uses are not perxnitted in the R-2 zone district. Churches are a
special use in the residential zone districts.
The property was subject to a historical landmark designation application filed by the Wheat Ridge
Historical Society. It was reviewed by City Council at a public hearing held on January 9, 2006. The
case was continued until January 23, 2006, and then February 27 so that negotiations could occur
between staff, the property owner and the historical society.
At the February public hearing a motion was made regarding Case No. WHL-05-01 to decline to
approve the historical designation for the following reasons:
The absence of sufficient factors under Section 26-906 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws;
2. The property owner does not consent to the designation; and
3. The applicant and property owner have reached an agreement with respect to the
preservation of certain structures and elements on the site.
It was further moved that City Council action not take effect until the approval of an Outline
Development Plan which meets the following condirions:
L The Olinger house be retained in its present location and exterior condition; normal
maintenance and upkeep expected.
2. The interior of the main house may be used for any purpose permitted by the then-current
3. The existing pergola shall be moved, if feasible, to a location or locations on the subject
property or shall be reconstructed at one or more locations on the subject property.
4. An option to acquire the old house and bam on the site (for no monetary consideration) shall be
granted to any responsible organization, conditioned upon such option being exercised and
buildings moved off of the site prior to the initiation of any construction on the site by the
5. a. No application for a demolition permit shall be accepted, nor any such permit issued by the
City for the Olinger house (mansion) ar the pergola until the pending ODP application for the
subject property has either been approved or denied, pursuant to the customary review process
for such applications.
b. The azchitectural design of any new structures on the property will be consistent with the
elements of the architectural style of the Olinger house, including such elements as, by way of
example, roof lines and shapes, building materials and colors, window patterns, building size,
building mass.
6. The property owner shall have consented to the foregoing conditions of an Outline
Development Plan approval on the recard before the City Council.
Planning Commission
WZ-05-10/Pharo for Wadsworth Exchange
The Outline Development Plan (ODP), which accompanies a rezoning ordinance, sets the allowable
uses and development standards for the property. Typically the Outline Development Plan is general
in nature and serves as the blueprint for development of the property by showing approximate areas of
landscaping, building footprints and pazking.
The Outline Development Plan is aiso used to establish design pazameters including maxnnum
building height, minimum landscaped coverage and minimum perimeter setbacks ~~~'v~tr-3;~,D`"~n 1~n~
O~' i~ ~ Fme~nL Pl ~7,a)
Structure configuration
The proposed Outline Development Plan is shown as preserving the house and chapel on the south
side in their existing configurations (described as areas 1 and 2 on page 1). Verbiage has been
included on the front page of the document addressing the relocation/reconstruction of the pergola in
different areas on the p.roperty. The farmhouse and barn on the north end have not been incorporated
into the Outline Development Plan.
Use area 3(the grounds) is indicated as the area for new construction located north of the existing
structures remauung. The configuration of the new area may be a single sriucture or several smaller
structures consistent with the three pads shown, to be determined aTthe time of Final Development
Plan and plat. Maximum building coverage for all structures is shown as 30,000 square feet with .
overall maximum coverage by buildings and hazd surfaces of 80%. Staff is concemed that square
footage shown is too low and that it be increased to at least 35,000 s.f. (or a nusnber arrived at by the
proj ect team) and that it be reflected prior to City Council public hearing.
The defined use azeas on page one of the ODP should be graphically shown on page two. Staff would
also recommends that a note be added that vehicular access between pad sites in use area 3 be limited
to one aligning ar connecting with the access from Wadsworth.
Allowable uses
Permitted uses were taken from the Commercial-One zone district regulations. Many of the normally
pernutted uses in C-1 have been eliminated based on iraffic generation and negative impact on the
neighborhood. Those eliminated uses include the following: auto sales, auto service and repair, fast
food restaurants, gas stations, cabinet shops, carpet clearing, day care, elechical supplies and service,
equipment rental agencies, exterminators, home improvement supply stores, locksmith shops, indoor
amusement enterprises, indoor flea markets, motorcycle sales and service, schools, plumbing and
heating supply stores, schools, and upholstery shops. Drive-through facilities haue been eliminated
from the liquor store category. Uses which are allowed to have "soft" drive-through facilities include
banks, coffee shops, laundry and dry cleaning shops and phannacies: No additional land use process
is required for these uses.
The use list includes churches with daycare and preschool (#17) and residential uses (#52).
The ODP sets the minimum amount of landscaping at 20%. The property currently has an abundance
of existing landscape materials. A variety of large trees are located around the house and chapel. Tree
Planning Commission 4 -WZ-05-10/Pharo for Wadsworth Exchange
varieties include cottonwoods, oaks and blue spruce. The area to the northeast of the interior pazking
lot is park-like with trees and shrubs. A variety of fencing types belonging to the houses on Webster
run along the eastern property line, varying from an absence of fencing to 8' high solid fencing.
Another landscape feature is a sunken garden area with concrete walks and stairways on the east side
of the chapel.
The applicant has indicated that many of the existing mature trees are diseased or in failing condition.
Although as many as possible will.be saved, those that are in bad health or interfere with building pads
will be removed. At the time of final development plan and plat, Staff will require a tree assessment
performed by a licensed arborist.
The pergola running along Wadsworth is over 300' long and 15' in width. The columns aze 2' in
diameter and constructed of concrete and stucco. The original wooden slats across the top of it have
been replaced by vinyl. In its current configuration it is located in the area required for right-of-way
dedication. Constcuction of lane improvements and an additional through lane with curb and gutter
and separated sidewalk will require relocation/reconstruction of the pergola elsewhere on the site.
This is a condition of the February 27th City Council
motion which was agreed to by the property owner.
A solid wall or fence at least 6' in height in combination with landscaping will be required to be
constructed along the east and north property lines.
Existing'access to the site is by two primary curb cuts; one each on W. 291h Avenue and Wadsworth.
The 29`h Avenue entrance is pushed to the east against the common property line with the row of
homes on the west side of Webster. It is offset from the City Hall entrance by about 35'. The other
primary access from Wadsworth is located north of the house. A second access point farther north on
Wadsworth appears to only provide access to the farmhouse. This driveway provides access through
to the Webster/W. 30`h Avenue intersection.
Proposed access points are depicted on 29`h Avenue aligning opposite the access into the municipal
building property and 500' north of the Wadsworth/29`h Avenue intersection. The 29th Avenue access
will be full movement. The access to Wadsworth will be restricted to right-in/right-out. The location
of the Wadsworth access point may shift north or south of the location shown, to be determined at the
time of FDP and plat. A pedeshian connection will occur at the northeast corner of the property at the
Webster/W. 30th Avenue intersection. No vehicular access will be permitted from this corner.
Public Works has determined that a total of 45' of right-of-way/easement area will be required for
future roadway improvements. A 20' right-of-way dedication will be required to accommodate public
unprovements with this development (lane widening, new through-lane, and separated sidewalk). An
easemenUreservation area will accommodate future widening and streetscape improvements. Both of
these reservations are shown on the ODP document.
An RTD transit stop is depicted north of the Wadsworth /W. 29ih Avenue intersection.
Building Height/Minimum Setbacks
Maximum building height is specified as 45' which is more restrictive than the 50' allowed building
height in the RC and C-1 zone districts. Setbacks proposed are generally consistent with our
commercial zone districts.
Planning Commission g
WZ-05-10/Pharo for W adsworth Exchange
Development Standards:
The development standards depicted in the table are shown on the ODP. Future development ofthe
site must comply with these standards
Re uirement
Maximum Building and Aard Surfaced
Covera e
Minimum Setbacks
From rights-of-way:
From northern property line:
From eastern ro er line:
Minimum Landscaped Coverage
Minimum Park9ng Required
Refer to Secfion 26-501 of the Wheat Ridge
Code of Laws for additional re uirements
Maximum Building Height
Refer to Article VII of the Wheat Ridge Code of
Refer to Secfion 26-603 of the Wheat Ridge Code
of Laws
Exterior Lighting
Refer to Section 26-503 of the Wheat Ridge
Code of Laws
Architectural Detail
Refer to the Streetscape and Architectural Design
Staff concludes that the proposed development standazds are generally consistent with those in the
Restricted Commercial and Commercial-One zone district regulations. All reguirements for a Planned
Commercial Development Outline Development Plan have been met.
Planning Commission 6
WZ-05-10/Pharo for Wadsworth Exchange
Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a change in zone.
1. That the existing zone ciassification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the
City of Wheat Ridge is an error.
The official zoning map is not in error. The parcel is currently zoned Residential-Two.
2. That a change in character in the area has occurred due to installation of public facilities,
other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions, and that the
evidence supports the finding of the following.
Commercial development along the Wadsworth Blvd. corridor continues to intensify. Wadsworth is
one of the heaviest traveled corridors in the metropolitan azea. On the city's street classification plan,
it is designed as a major regional arterial and carries over 41,000 vehicles per day (1998 connt). Based
on increased traffic and intensification of commercial land uses, Staff concludes that there are changed
conditions which make this property undesirable for low density residential use.
Although the zoning on the property is R-2, this land was used as a fairly intensive non-conforming
commercial use (morhxary and funeral chapel) for over 40 years. The use as a funeral home and
chapel was at times quite intrusive to the neighborhood and surrounding street system. Many times
both W. 29th Avenue and Wadsworth would have traffic stopped far long periods of time while
lengthy funeral processions exited the property.
3. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance,
with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other
related policies, and other related policies or plans for the area.
The Comprehensive Plan £uture land use map designates that the northem portion of this property
should be used for Single Family Detached Residential and Existing Two Family Conforming
Shuctures and Lots (Not to exceed four dwelling units per acre). The proposed rezoning would be
clearly inconsistent with this designation. However, Staff has concluded that there are conditions
which have rendered the property undesirable for low density residential uses.
The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map designation for the southern portion of the property is
Small OfficeBusiness Center. The Comprehensive Plan states that the Small OfficeBusiness Center
areas are to consist of smaller businesses, office, research development or lab spaces that may require
the dishibution of goods produced or fabricated on-site, by cargo vans and smaller trucks. Areas are
located with easy access onto collector streets.
The Comprehensive Plan lists the desired attributes of the SOBC areas as:
• Small office or incubator space which does not require high visibility from well traveled streets
but may have a retail component as an accessory use.
. Welllandscaped.
• No visible outdoor storage; trash areas screened.
Planning Commission 'J
WZ-05-10/Pharo for Wadsworth Exchange
o Amenities such as outdoor sitting and eating areas, and pathways should be encouraged on-site
for employees.
• Vehicle circulation be handled internally on the site.
• All materials, equipment, vehicles and activities be enclosed within the primary shucture.
Desired uses are listed as workshops, contractor/trades, repair and equipment shops, professional
services, research and development facilities and labs, offices. There are only isolated pieces of land
designated SOBC scattered throughout the City. Theses pockets of SO designation are at 50`h and
Kipling, the Youngfield corridor north of 38th Avenue and at 43ra and Kipling. The desired uses listed
are more industrial in nature and more appropriate to an office/wazehouse complex than what is being
proposed as a retail site. Staff concludes that the Small OfficeBusiness Center designation for this
location may be inappropriate but that retail development makes sense based on proxunity to
Wadsworth Blvd.
Other goals of the Comprehensive Plan which apply to this situation are:
• Establishment of pedestrian connections.
• Providing effective buffers and landscaping between different land uses.
• Reduction of the number of access points on arterials.
4. That the proposed change of zone is compatibie with the surrounding area and there will
be minimal adverse impacts considering the bene£tts to be derived.
The subject property is surrounded to the north and east by low density residential land uses, primarily
single family dwellings with some duplexes mixed in. Corresponding zoning is R-2 and R-lA. To the
south are Hayward Park and the Wheat Ridge municipal building zoned Residential-Two.. Property to
the west is located in unincorporated Jefferson County arid is utilized as a mortuary and cemetery. The
proposed commercial zoning is incompatible with adjacent residential use; however, the applicant is
showing upgraded buffering to minimize impacts.
5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or econotnic benefits to the
community derived by the change of zone.
There are no obvious recreational benefits as a result of the zone change. If the property is rezoned to
allow retail uses, retail sales taac will be collected. Zoning and development of the site would support
the Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy concerning the redevelopment of the Wadsworth Corridor.
6. That adequate infrastructure/faciliHes are available to serve the type of uses allowed by
the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist
or are under capacity.
All agencies can serve the property with upgrades to infrastructure, the cost of which will be bome by
the applicant.
7. That the change of zone will not adversely affect public heaith, safety or welfare by
creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and
air to the adjacent properties.
Planning Commission
WZ-05-10/Pharo for Wadsworth Exchange
The property has been used for over 40 years as a mortuary/funeral chapel. This specific use was at
tunes a heavy h-affic generator. The preliminary traffic study indicates the site will generate 1471
daily vehicle trips (735 entering and 735 exiting the site). West 29th Avenue is a collector street and
has a signalized intersection with Wadsworth Blvd. Wadsworth is designated as a major regional
arterial. According to the study, both streets have adequate capacity to handle the anticipated volume
generated by the commercial development. Public Works will be requiring construction of an
acceUdecel lane with this development. 20' of additional right-of-way is being requested to
accommodate these improvements. An additional reservation has been included on the ODP
document to accommodate future widening and streetscape improvements.
8. That the change of zone will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to
adjacent or nearby areas.
The proposed change of zone will create an isolated zone district. There are no properties n the
immediate area zoned commercial. The use of the property since the late 1960's has been commercial
in nature.
The required pre-application meeting for neighborhood input was held on July 21, 2005. There were
approximately 28 attendees from the neighborhood. Many of the questions asked pertained to traffic;
in particular whether West 30`h Avenue.would be extended from Wadsworth to Webster and whether
vehicular access would be allowed at the 30`h Avenue/Webster Street intersection. Many of the
neighbors were not in favor of any automotive-related uses, including gas sales. There was also
opposition voiced regarding liquor stores, fast food restaurants, and businesses that stay open until2
AM. (~Ef-
An additional meeting with the neighborhood will be held on March 14, 2006.
Attached is additional correspondence regarding the request.
All affected service agencies were contacted regarding the ability to serve the property. The developer
will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific
referral responses follow.
Colorado Department of TransportaHon: CDOT has granted conceptual approval of the proposed
right-in/right-out access onto Wadsworth provided that a deceleration lane be constructed.
Wheat Ridge Public Works: The Public Works Department has reviewed preliminary drainage and
traffic information. They have determined that 45' of right-of-way/easement area will be required for
fuhxre roadway improvements. A 20' dedication is required to at the time of FDP and plat to
accommodate a new continuous travel lane, curb, gutter and separated sidewalk.
Planning Commission
WZ-05-10/Pharofor Wadsworth Exchange
Consolidated Mutual Water: Can serve the property with needed improvements at the developers
Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: Can serve the property by an 8" sewer main in W. 29t" Avenue.
Line upgrades and new taps will be the responsibility of the developer.
Regional Transportation District: Has an existing transit stop on Wadsworth just north of 29`h
Avenue intersection which must be accommodated on the Final Development Plan.
Jefferson County Planning Department: Has commented that 20% landscaping may not provide
adequate buffering for adjacent residential uses.
Wheat Ridge Economic Development: In support of the NRS, new commercial development may
detract from the City's goal of redeveloping existing commercial areas. Uses in the PCD should not
permit those which would be incompatible with adjacent residential areas. Uses which are saturated
within the city such as auto repair and uses which do not generate additional revenue should be
Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District: Can serve.
Staff has concluded that there aze changed conditions in the area that have rendered the property
undesirable for zesidential uses. The zone change proposal is inconsistent with the low density
designation on the Comprehensive Plan for the northern portion: The southern two-thirds of the
property is designated as commercial (Small OfficeBusiness Center). Staff has concluded that zone
change to PCD supports the Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy of the redevelopment of the
Wadsworth corridor therefore; a recommendation of approval is given for Case No. WZ-05-10.
Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-05-10, a request for approval of a
zone change from Residential-Two to Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an
Outline Development Plan for property located at 7495 W. 29"' Aaenue for the following reasons:
1. The property is unsuitable for low density residentiai use due to intensification of traffic and uses
along the Wadsworth corridor,
2. This land was used as a fairly intensive non-conforming commercial use (mortuary and funeral
chapel) for over 40 years.
3. Zoning and development of the site would support the Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy
concerning the redevelopment of the Wadsworth Corridor.
4. The design parameters shown are generally consistent with the C-1 zone district.
5. The proposed document meets all requirements for a Planned Commercial Development Outline
Development Plan.
6. There will be economic benefits to the community derived from the zone change.
7. Adequate infrastructure is available to serve the proposed development with upgrades at the
developer's expense.
Planning Commission 10
WZ-05-10/Pharo for Wadsworth Exchange
S. The ODP includes several provisions which will minimize adverse impacts to adjacent uses.
9. The February 27, 2006, City Council conditions have been incorporated into the Outline
Development Plan.
With the following conditions:
1. The defined use areas on page one of the ODP be graphically shown on page two.
2 The maximum building coverage figure be increased to at least 35,000 s.£ (or a number
arrived at by the project team) and that it be reflected prior to City Council public hearing.
3. For use area 3, a note be added that vehicular access between pad sites be limited to one aligning
or connecting with the access from Wadsworth.
4. A tree assessment performed by a licensed arborist be submitted at the time of Final Development
Plan and plat.
5. The "transition" areas along the northem and eastern property lines include a combination of solid
fencing and landscaping.°
Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-05-10, a request for approval of a zone
change from Residential-Two to Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an Outline
Development Plan for property located at 7495 W. 29`h Avenue for the following reasons:
Planning Commission . 11
WZ-05-10/Pharo for Wadsworth Exchange
Michael G. Pharo Associates, Inc.
September 16, 2005
Ms. Meredith Reckert
Senior Planner
City of Wheat Ridge
7500 West 29th Avenue
VJheat Ridge, Colorado 80215
Re: Wadsworth Exchange : Rezoning
Dear Ms. Reckert:
Enclosed is our rezoning submittal for the Olinger Property in Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
We are calling the proposed commercial development'Wadsworth Exchange'. This
submittal consists of 16 copies of the Outline Development Plan, an 11"' x 17" reduction
of the Outline Development Plan, 5 copies of the traffic study, 5 copies of the preliminary
drainage study and other supporting documentation as required. The submittal fee of
$1920.00 is also enclosed.
This re-zoning is to provide for development of the 4.2 acre property for commercial
purposes. The development will occur in a manner which is consistent with and
supported by City plans and regulations. We are presently finalizing our market research
so that we can submit a Final Development Plan for the property which provides
complete design details.
Please let me know if I can do more at this time.
c: Andy Miller
David Engleberg
Bruce McLennan
2835 West Oxford Ave., #6, Englewood, Colorado 80110 • phone: 303/783-3772 • fas: 303/783-3773 • e-mail: mplandplan@aol.com
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_ _ _ _ _ Sheet l of2
~ D~ve1o ment Criteria ~
Allo~ved t~ p 1Cl~ll
~ Area oi Development; Total Lot Area-4.601 Acres (200,401 sq. ft.) Allowed l~ses shall
~o Altemate land use<. W.52 AVI'. , o
,~6 ~~f Ma~mum I3uilditig and Hardscape Coverage: 80 /o of Total I,ot below, may bt allo 1
detennination that ,
Maximun~ Floor Area ltatio (FAR}: .50:1 Outside tlisplays a~
1_7~ J Code of Laws.
7~ Maximum Building Keight: 3 s~ories or 45 Feet I. Ai7imal v ~ eter
do s~ no g , creT ~G LAKESIDE Building Setbacks: Wadsworth Blvd. R.~}.W.--------- 30 ~eet
2. Antique Stor ~~P , ~ ,
w. 44T" AvE. ~ West 29 Avenue R.O.W.--------- 30 Feet 3. Ap~parel and Northern Propertv Boundary------ 20 Feet 4, Appliance st~
' Eastern Pro ert Boundar 20 Feet
p y Y S. Art galleries
. ^ 6. Automoti~~e ~ Minimunl S ace Between Buildin s: 20 Feet ~
~ P g 7, Bakeries, ret~ ~
~ 8. Banks, loan ~ , T~ , w~ Q Parking: All parking shall be in confoimance with Section 26-501 of 9. Bie ~cle store ;
~.38 AtiE. ~ ~ y ~ the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. 10. Blueprinting, ~ _
~ ~ z
~ o ~ 11. Books~ores, r ~ ~ w ~ q Fencin : Al1 fencin shall be in conformance with Section 26-603 of
~ ~ g ~ 12. Busmess ma~ ~ WI-IEAT RIDGE q ~ a~ the Wheat kid e Code of Laws.
~ ~ g 13. Came~~a and a ~ W ~ ~ ~ 'J D ~
~ ~ w. 32` AvE, ~ a ~ ~ , . , 14. Candy, nut a~
SUBJECT Slgnage: All signage shall be m conformance with Article VII of the 1S. Car~et sales
. CROwN HILL T}~ Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. 16. Caterers ~ W.29 AVE.
' ~ ~ CEMFTERY 17. ChuTCh wrth ~ ~'cROwxHrcL, 1 xterror ''n s in c nf nc w~th tion ~ Ligbt~ng: AI e hghh g hall be o orma e i Sec 1S. Clrnics and o
w. 26~"~~V~. 26-503 of the Vdheat Rid e Code of Laws.
g marltal, de~ e
19. Coffee Shops Landscaping. Landscaping shall be a minimum of 20°io of the total lot 20e Commtmity ~
ED~EWATER area. Landscape design shall be in accordance with criteria 21. Dair roduc ~
YP 7H . defined in the Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual 22. Department c
W. 20 .AVE.
23o Drug stores Architecti~ral: Architeetural detail to be approved by Communiry 24. Eating establi
LAKEWOOD Development Direetor in accordance with the StYeetscc~pe 25. Flpral shops ~ndArclzitectural Design Manual. 26, Furniture sto~
~ ~ 27a Carden stkpp W. COLFAX A E
2$~ Gi£~, noveIty ~
,~PPxoxl~ T _ 29o Quasi-gover~ A E - . - _
SCALE: 1"=3000' 110 OUCSIde StC NoxTx p1a~111111 ~01211211SS1011 ~eT~l~lCat1011o 30. Grocer or c~
~ Y Recotnmen~ied for ap~proval this _day of ~ , 20__, by 31, Hair, uail and . r -
- . tl~e Wheat Ridge Planning Commissian. 32. Hardware sto
Le al ~eSCTI t1011: 33. Hobby and cr g p a
A tract of land loeated in the SE'/a of Section 26 Townshi 3 South. Ran 7c 69 West of _ 34. Home furnis ~ P ~ ~
of 1 rado bein the West' oI"~ Ghairman 35. Int~erior decor the 6th P.M., County of Jefferson, State Co o , g /z Lot 3, Block l,
BARTH'S StTBDNISION beiu more a~ticularl described as follows: 36. Jewelry store~~ , g P Y 37. Laundry and
mm ni D 38. Leather good o u t ev 1 C e o men Dlr Be mnin at the Center uarter Corner of sald sectlon• thence S02 3$ OS ~ 661.25 feet t ~CtOr. ~ g Q , , Y p
to a oint on the East Ri ht of Wa Line of Wadsworth Boulevard which is the TRUE 39. Linen supply A g Y ~
POTNT OF BEGINNING; thenee S00°02'03"E alon said right-of-way lin~; 635.80 feet ; 40, Liquor stores g -
thence leaving said nght-of-way line S89°52' 13"E, 315.06 feet; thenee NUO°00'33"B, Community Developmen~ Director 41. ~ Meat, poultry _ j
635.39 feet; thence N89°4T46"W, 315.54 fee~ to the TRI1E PO~NT OF B~;G1NN11V~G. 42. Medical and ~
The above desenbed tract contains 200,401 square feet or 4.601 aeres mor€; or less. ~ 43. Music stores
~ 44, Newsstands
BASIS OF BEARINGS: An assumed bearing of N89°47'46"W bet~veen two found - - - - 4S. Office supply
moiluments-one being the Northeast Corner of the ~~est % of Lot 3, Block~ l, BARTA'S Clt COU11C11 Ce~1~1Cat1021> 46, Offices: gene~ Y
SUBDIVISION, a fouild 2 diameter pipe. The other being a point on the ~1orth Line of A roved this warehousing ~ pp _ day of 20_ , by the ~
sa~d Lot 1 bemb 31~.54 feet westerly of sald Northeast Corner along said lvorth Lme said Wheat Rid e C~t Councll. 47, Optical store,
o~nt bein a No. 5 rebar with oran e ca stam ed P.E, & L.S. #9489. g ~ 48, Paint and wal P ~ ~ p P
Attest: 49e Pet stores . . 50. Pharmacies w
_ _ 7 ' - 51. Pieture frami~ ,i
~W11eT S CePtlflCatlOll: City Clerk Ma or , y 52. Residential -
The below-signed owner, or legally designated agent thereof, does hereby agree that the
Q Cit Seal: Developmen property lebally descnbed hereon wrll be developed as a Planned CQmm~rclal Y 53. Shoe repatr sl
Development in accordance with the uses, restrictions and conditions contained in this 54. Shoe stot•es
plan, and as may othervvise be required ~by law. Owner further recognizes that the 55, Specialty sho~
approval of rezoning to Planned Commercial Development, and approval of this Outline 56. Sportmg gooc
Development Plan, does not create a vested properry nght, Vested Jproper~y nghts may _ _ - - 57. Studio for prc
only arise and aecnze pursuant to the provisions af Section 26-121 of the t'~heat Ridge
Count Clerk and R dan~e ecorders Certific ~ . Code of Laws. y ate. 58. Tailor, dressn
M& E Financial, LLC This document aceepted for filing in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of 59. Tavei~ns, mgh N _
Je~'erson County at Golden, Colorado, on the day of , 20_AD, • . `
in Book 60. Te1er ision, ra _ , Page , Recephon No. - 61. Tobaeco storE
By: Andy Miller
JEFFBRSON CO 62. Toy stores UNTY CLERK AND RECORDER 63. Video rentals
NOTARY PUBLIC 64. ~rVatch and je~
Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 20 _
Recorder Deputy
Witnese my hand and official seal. St~t~lllent 0
My commission expires This rezoning requE
(Planned Commerc
_ _ _ _ ~ intent of the Wheat
Notary Seal: Sl1rV~ OTS ~eTtlflCat1011: Develo ment of the y p
I, Michael S. Chessnoe, do hereby certify that the attached description for Lot 3, Block 1 existiilg developme
of Barth's Subdivision, was prepared ulider my supervision, responsibility and checking provided in accorda
~ • ~n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ and to the best of mv knowledee. informa~ion and belief in aceordaa~ce with all annlicahle will be provided at ~ C
vwnersnl ~)tatement: Colorado statutes. The accompanymg descnption accurately representis said lot. The l, fl, Z,-r v U. v c6,Ly D vu., 3ulLc ~U.) Englewood, Colorado 80110 Denver, Coiorado 80210 3031783-3772 3031722-3267
The owner of the property is M& E Financial, LLC, certificativn as shown hereon is intended only for the lot description,
Michael Pharo - Principal Michael S. Chessnoe - Principal
Phasin g: Unlfied Control Statement. asing:
The owner of the property is M& E Financial, LLC. M& E Financial, LLC has every The design and pro design and processing of a Final Development Plan will occur within a time frame of CaSe H1st41"y:
interition of developing commereial activities at this location. Should mark-et/business - (SEAJ) approximately9 m( oximately9 months. The development of the projects infrastructure and construction WHL -05-01, WZ-05-10 iq nrimaLy structures wrli follow within a time frame of approximately 9 to 12 Prepared On: September 14, 2005
conditions require a sale of the property, that awner would be oblig;ated b;~r the conditions Michael S. Chessnoe, PE/PLS 9489 of the primary stru(
of this document nlonths. Total timc ,ths, Total time from ODP approval to opening day will be approximately 20 months. Itevised t)n: January IJanuary ~ E wvuI B I 1
r~, 3
March 9, n
, •
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- Sheet 2 of 2
Schematic Location af Pro osed ~
Structures per Date of ~DP;
Str~cture Location May ~e
~ Revised Within Limits of
Bui1 in n d g a d Parkm Area of FDP g N01
I ~ ~ r; ir_~n■~■~ ~ ~ ry~~l.~ ~ ~ sn~■~ ~ ~ ~ ,..~.~r..r,..~...~. ~._,~,._~_~~.~.~....~..,w•.~
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Exzstln . . . ~ . . . . .
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ml~ ~~Jest 30 Avenue & . . . . In 1 Fa S e g Y , ~ 1.~.... - a. w. ~ . . . . ~ ~ vVebster Street ~i~tersection ~ ~ ~ . . , .
s i ~ . . . u ~~~d1Cd~1011 ~ , , . .
~s ~ ° • ' - - 1 il•
~ ; Pedestrian Connection to ~ ~ ~
, ~ 'T , ~Veighborhood ~ • • ~
20 ~ ~ -Ped~strlan , . , . . . . . .
R.O.W. Connectlon ~ ~ . , , . , ~I.,..,.. s
Dedication ; I , , . , . Planned Comr
, ~ ~ ~ i 3.9 Ac
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i ; Schematie Limi~s of Buildin 1~~~ ~ R
Ri ht-In/ ~ ~ and Landsca ed g ~ p .
l~t-Out " Parkin /Vehicular Access ° - - ~ Rrg 1 g . ~
~ ~ , ; i 1 Access
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West 29 Avenue , I f ~ I , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i I ii ~ ~
t i i I vemen ~ 11 Mo ~ ~ F I~ l ' ~ II I i I I ~ I
, Acce~s 6
~xistin Clt of g - Y_
~ Streetsca e Area with ~ 0~ h Rld e ~ W eat g_
Reservation for Pedestrian Cit Ha11 Seconda Pro~ect Si
-Y ~ ~ Access, Tree Lawn, Street r h I~oule~ard Wadswo t ~ ~
R-2 Furniture, Landsca in , etc. ; ~ g R~ ht ln/RL ht~out Ir f ~
~ g - Nlinimum Allowable er ODP ~ , ~ p er Traffic Anal sis
~ Y . , ~ Criteria; Distance will Va
1 . l ~?0 rY 1 e a11 Sca e______ - - per Final Site P1an
~ Specific Location of
01in er P r 1 g e go a to b~
s~a~e rn Feer Relocated or Reconst
North _ _ _ _ _ Other Por~ions ~f the o lao Zao
Site Data Table
Allowable Covera e Antici ated Coverage
Per Zoning Ailowance Per Preliminary Site_Desi n
' o ~ Buildings 30,000 S.F. (l~i/o)
- 80°l0 61 % o - - ~ ~
Roads/Parking 83,470 S.F. 45% _ ~ )
Openspace Minimurtz of 20% 72,94Q (39%)
- 1
Totals 100% °
100 /J
1. Grass lot area is 4.601 acres - 200,441 S.F. Net lot area, minus 1,275 S.F. for East
30rh Avenue/Webster Street dedication and 12,716 S.F. for Wadsworth Boulevard
~-i~--`-- --nn~n---- toi,ttnnr
uemcailon, ls 4.z /y acres- ioo,,+iu 3.r.
2. Data provided far the "anticipated coverage per preliminary site design" is for
reference purposes only and is subject to change. Final data will be provided with the Case History: WHL -05-01, Wz-05-10
Final Development Plan. The "allowable coverage per zoning allowance° is valid per
this Outline Development Plan. Prepared On: Septembsr l 4, 2005
Revised On: January 13, 2006
January 26, 2006
March 9, 2006
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(6 P-~
7500 West 29th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
3031235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857
The City of
Wdaeat Ridge
Date: July 21, 2005
City Staff Present: Meredith Reckert, Jeff Hirt
Location of ineeting: Second floor, police training room, Wheat Ridge municipal building,
7500 W. 29t' Avenue
Property address: 7495 W. 29t' Avenue
Property owners (per the Jefferson County Assessor's records:
Colorado Mortuaries Inc.
PO Box 130548
Houston, TX 77219-0548
Olinger Mortuaries Inc., #2553
PO Box 1108
Houston TX 77251-1108
Property Owners present? No
Existing Zoning:.
Michael Phazo
Michael G. Phazo Associates, Inc.
2835 W. Oxford Avenue, #6
Englewood, CO 80110
R-2, Residential-Two
Comprehensive Plan Designation: Small Office/Business Center on the majority. A
small piece at the northem end of the property is shown as Single Family (not to exceed 6
du's/acre) and Single Family (not to exceed 4 du's/acre).
Existing Use/Site Conditions: The property contains 4.45 acres and is a corner lot with street
frontages on W. 29'11 Avenue and Wadsworth Blvd. The cunent use of the property is
nonconfornung in that it has a mortuary and chapel on the southern portion. Under existing zoning
conditions, the mortuary use would not be pernutted. A farmhouse and outbuildings aze located on
the north side of the property. Access to the mortuary use is provided by a curb cut on 29t' Avenue
and two curb cuts on Wadsworth. Access to the fumhouse is via a driveway from Wadsworth. An
additional unpaved access exists from the intersection of Webster Street and W. 30th Avenue at the
northeast corner of the property.
and plat approval.
Lighting: A photometric plan will be required at the time of fznal development plan and plat.
October 19, 2005 C ~t
4Vheat Ridge Plamiiug Committee
To Whom It May Concern:
In reference to Dauid Engleberg's development of the site at the corner of Wadsworth
and 29t', I wholeheartedly support development of the site to retail. Currently our family
travels to Belmar, Denver West, or Highlands due to the lack of desirable retail in Wheat
Ridge. We would much prefer to live and spend our money in Wheat Ridge when it
comes to restaurants and shopping. The concept of retail being in this location seems
much better than a cemetery:
P?ease call me at (720) 891-1271 with any questions or concerns.
(Alan N. Wyngarden
8900 W. 35h Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
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July 17, 2005
City of Wheat Ridge
Community Development Department
Attn: Meredith Reckert, Senior Plapner
7495 W. 29'b Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Re: Pre Application meeting about the development of the "Morfuary Property" at 29~'
and Wadsworth.
Deaz Meredith Reckert:
I have reviewed the Pre-Application Meetine Summarv of the property, at 29~' and
Wadsworth. I will not be able to attend the meeting on July 21". Therefore, this letter
must serve as my comments regazding the preliminary proposal. My coxnments are as
L The historic structures along 29t' Avenue should be retained, as proposed.
2. Scenario "D" is the most desirable. It provides the best buffer and keeps
most of the traf#3c from the north and east sides of the properry. The other
scenarios aze not acceprible.
3. There should be no automobile ingress or egress allowed from the north
and northeast sides of the property.
4. A substantial, solid fence barrier should be built on the north and east
sides of the property to screen the development from the residenrial
neighborhood to the north and east Setbacks of at least 15 feet, or
preferably, 25 feet should be enforced.
5. Preferably, the hours of oparation of the retaiUcommercial establishments
would not begin before 8 am. and close by 10 p.m. Ail lighting should be
dimmed by 1030 p.m.
6. Construction should not begin before 8 a.m. in the moming and end by 6
7. Buildings should be no more than two stories high.
My greatest concern is to maintain the integrity of the established, residenrial
neighborhood. I hope that you will show the highest regard for the residents who border
this newly planned development. I would appreciate it, if one of your staff would read my
comments at the meeting on July 21".
Leahc~ er
3035 Webster Street
Meredith Reckert
From: Kevin Murphy [KMurphy@getty.edu]
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 3:44 PM
To: Jeff Hirt; Meredith Reckert
Subject: Meeting re 7495 W. 29th Avenue
Dear Ms. Reckert and Mr. Hirt,
Thank you very much for taking the time to meet with me so unexpectedly last week
concerning my interest in the future of the Olinger residence and grounds at 7495 W. 29th
Since we spoke 2've had a voicemail message from Ray Perry of Sevo Miller which gave me
the impression he had a buyer on 1ine.and was about to set a closing date. I expect to
speak with him directly,within the next couple of days to get a bitmore information.
However, I have spoken to several area residents, particular those whose property is
directly adjacent to the site, and the consensus seems to be one of preservation ofthe
original buildings, with little or no additional building taking place. Al1 concerned
would be most interested in attending any zoning change hearings that are slated, and,
further, would be willing to petition against any sort of radical re-zoning efforts. They
are now on alert for any such notices from the city of Wheat Ridge.
I have had a brief chance to look over the material you gave me regarding the historic
preservation articles, and this seems to be the first step in maintaining the integrity of
the corner site. I feel confident that area residents (not to mention Denverites in
general concerned with historic and cultural heritage) would certainly prefer the estateto remain open space, with the main house and pergola intact, as opposed to any sort of
commercial or mass residential concerns going in.' I welcome suggestions from your end
that would expedite the historic designation, if this is indeed within your jurisdiction,
so to speak. Thank you again for your time.
Kevin Murphy
3050 Upham Court
Wheat Ridge
Meredith Reckert
To add to the fi1e.
Alan White
Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:57 AM
Meredith Reckert
FW: Message sent concerning Olinger Mansion
Alan White
Community Development Director
-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Berry [mailto:khberry26@hotmail.com] Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006.1:42 PM
To: klpa@comcast.net; egokey@comcast.net; sangjw@netzero.net; councilorschulz@comcast.net;
Cc: Randy Young; Jerry DiTullio; Pam Anderson; Alan White
Subject: Message sent concerning Olinger Mansion
Dear Jill:
In response to your question, the case was continued for decision only.. I will be sending
an email to council stating that, if new information is presented by the applicant, staff,
or landowner, I will make a motion to open the hearing to allow additional testimony from
the public. I totally agree with you that you should be able to respond:to any new testimony or information.
Thanks for taking the time to voice your concerns.
Karen Serry
>From: "Jill Strunk" <jill_strunk@msn.com>
>DiTUllio'" <jerryditullio@comcast.net>
>Subject: Olinger Mansion
>Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2006 19:06:08 -0700 >MIME-Version: 1.0
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>Return-Path: jill_strunkQmsn.com
>Dear Mayor and Wheat Ridge City Council,
>When my husband and I bought our house at 6915 W. 29th Avenue five
>years ago, one of the things we loved about the neighborhood was the
>feeling that we were buying into the history of our community. We loved
>the tree lined streets, the older houses and the beautiful mansion at
>the end of the street. >
>We met our neighbor at 6815 W. 29th Avenue, Emma Bohm, who was 101 when
>we bought our home and at one time owned the property that our house,
>as well as several of the surrounding homes, now resides on. We live
>across the street from the oldest house in Wheat Ridge. We take our two
>boys for walks up and down the streets around the neighborhood.We go
>to the park across from the mansion and next to the City building.
>We fear that if that beautiful mansion, the barn, the pergola and the
>old farm house are demolished, it will completely alter the lovely feel
>of our community. We bought our home because we knew that the community
>was built out and that there wouldn't be a ton of development. In our
>opinion, a new office complex and restaurant would significantlychange
>the neighborhood for the worse. .
>OUr sincerest hope is that you, as our Mayor and Council members; will
>preserve these historic structures. We hope that DHE Wadsworth LLC and
>ASM Casa LLC will be able to create their office complex within the
>walls of the mansion and leave the other buildings as they are.
>Thank you, .
>Jill & Dave Strunk
>303.232.2676 .
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Meredith Reckert
from: Alan White
'Sent: friday, February 03, 2006 9:13 AM
To: Meredith Reckert
Subject: FW: Olinger propety zone change
For the file.
Alan White
Community Deve%pment Director
Erom: ]erry DTullio [mailEo:jerrydifullio@COmcast.net]
Sent: Thursday, Pebruary 92, 2006 6:01 PM
To: 'Doreen lee'; khberry26@hotmail.tom; t.womtile@tomcast.net
-tc: Alan White; Randy Youhg;bebbie Neixner.
SubjecC; RE: Olinger,propery zone change
:Hel lo,
Thank you for your comments. I will forward them to the Planning Dept. for the public hearing.
fviayor Jerry DiTullio, Wheaf Ridge
Email: ierrydituflio(d)comcast.net
Website: www.ci.wheatridge.co,us
-----Original Message-----
Fcorrl: Doreen Lee [rnailto:leedll129@msn.com]
Sent; Thursday, Feb'ruaryOZ, 2006 9:50 AM
To: jerryditullio@tomcasf.net; khberry26@hotmail.corri; t.womble@comcast,net
5ubject: OlingerpropeCy zane change
Importancer High
We are writing this emai{ because we are.concerned about the zone change for the Olinger
praperty. We .do not wanf any commercial development in our neighborhaod! People are
already beginning to sell kheir bomes because they fear the worst.
Commercial development would only hurt our quiet neighborHaod and drop our property
values. We already have 2nough traffic through the neighborhood (including police) and it
becomes worse if there is an accidenC on WadsworGFs.
How would you like to have your $300,000+ houseJproperty baekup to a strip mall with a
bunch of dumpsters or a four-story office building where the occupants can peer down on
you in your yard? We would especially enjoy a smelly restaurant or a fast food joint that
would attract a bunch of teenagers to hang around! Would you want to sit in your
backyard with all that noise and linappealing smells? We already get enough smeUs
(hops) from Coors.
Page 2 of 2
Wheat Ridge needs to concentrate on redevelopment (buying up and selling all the rentais
as single family homes) and the transient population not changing what works. The
Olinger property should be declated a historical landmark including the parking lot. If a
dentist or insurance agent wants to set up a small office in the existing building that would
be Pine. The property should not be rezoned. The developer bought it as a zone Z and he
tan sell it or use it as a zone 2. -If the developer cannot make enough money as a zone 2
who cares? No one seems to care that a zone change would devalue our land!
Thank you,
Angry Wheat Ridge Residents.and Voters
Doreen Lee
Denise Lee
Kenny Haines
Dana Haines
"Dorisgene Plant
Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Walden
12375 West 34h Place
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
February 2,2006
Chris Towell
2955 Webster
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
Deaz Chris,
I saw you on TV the other night about the Olinger hearing. I'm sure the
developers have no idea of what a mess is involved in the history of that property. I
remember Francis Vanderbur's idea to fill it up with high-density apartments back in
1954. He had his people trying to buy up the homes abutting the property to try to get rid
of the neighborhood's opposition. All he did was make all the neighbors really mad. I'm
sure some of the hard feelings still exist to this day. ThaYs back when that neighborhood
learned to get organized and fight developers.
I saw Chief Cassa at lunch today and he suggested a professional office complex
of maybe 3-4 pods and a coffee shop built around the old mansion. I really like his idea
and think it would be a nice compromise and a good way to cut down the traffic problem.
As I thought about it, it seemed that the lawyers that need to be around the city offices
across the street would jump at the chance to have their offices there.
I can visualize some 21eve1 office pods following the existing motif of the old
mansion with parking interspersed with pazk-like landscaping throughout. I wouldn't
mind having a dental office in a place like that. It would keep the traffic flow down
because most professional offices don't operate on the weekends.
So I wish you well and hope you and the neighbors can find a good compromise
with the developers.
The neighborhood spirit there meant a lot to me as I was growing up. Are you old
enough to remember when we closed Webster St. off and had a huge block pariy? What a
:Love Ya,
City council
CC: Chief Cassa
Olinger property developer
Page 1 of 1
Meredith Reckert
From: Alan White
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 4:38 PM
To: Meredith Reckert
Subject: FW: Olinger Mansion
For the file!
Alan White
Community Deue%pment Director
From: LouAnn Canjar [mailto:LCanjar@hollandhart.com]
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 3:09 PM
To: Jerry DiTullio; klpa@comcast.net; khberry26@hotmail.com; egokey@comcast.net;
councilorschulz@comcast.net; bftireco@aol.com; Sangjw@netrero.net; t.womble@comcast.net; Alan White
Subject: Olinger Mansion
Mr. Mayor, Council Members and City Administrators,
I am one of the many Wheat Ridge residents opposed to the zoning change from R-2 to commercial at the 29th
Avenue and Wadsworth Olinger property. Having lived on the subject block for most of my adult life (3055
Webster Street), the thought of a strip mall being built on the property is anathema to me. With the proposed
wiiiening of Wadsworth Boulevard, our property values will already be compromised. Please don't allow this
zoning change. The entire Wadsworth corridor doesn't need to be commercialized. Please consider another use
of this historic site a library, perhaps. Thank you for your thoughtful decision on this matter.
LouAnn Canjar
3055 Webster Street
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
LouAnn Canjar
Legal Secretary
Holland & Hart LLP
555 17th Street, Suite 3200
Denver, CO 80202
Phone (303) 295-8454
Fax(303) 295-8261
E-mail: IcanjarCcilhollandhart.com
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is confidential and may be privileged. If you believe ihat this email has been sent to you
in error, please reply to [he sender that you received the message in error, then please delete this e-mail. Thank you.
Wheat Ridge City Planning Commission
Wheat Ridge Municipal Building
7500 West 29th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Dear Commissioners:
Please consider this letter my legal protest to the proposed zone change request for the property at 7495 West
29"` Avenue. As a Wheat Ridge resident and properiy owner whose property abuts 7495 West 29t' Avenue, I do
not support altering the current R2 designation to a PCD designation.
I do not want commercial development in my back yazd.
`Frank H. Montoya, Sr.
2905 Webster Street
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
ri30-06 t~
Wheat Ridge City Planning Commission
Wheat Ridge Municipal Building
7500 West 29t" Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Dear Commissioners:
Please consider this letter our legal protest to the proposed zone change request for the property at 7495 West
29`h Avenue. As Wheat Ridge residents and property owners whose property abuts 7495 West 29~' Avenue, we
do not support altering the current R2 designation to a PCD designation.
Allowing commercial development on the corner of Wadsworth and 29h Avenue does not fit with the
established neighborhood. We do not want additional noise and traffic congestion from commercial
development in our neighborhood.
Susanna and Donald Wilson
2915 Webster Street
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Date: 11--2, ~10
Wheat Ridge City Planning Commission
Wheat Ridge Municipal Building
7500 West 29th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Dear Commissioners:
Please consider this letter our legal protest to the proposed zone change request for the property at 7495 West
29t1i Avenue. As Wheat Ridge residents and property owners whose property abuts 7495 West 29th Avenue, we
do not support altering the current R2 designation to a PCD designation.
The current R2 designation is appropriate and in harmony with the present azea. Conditions in the area have not
changed and there is no compelling reason to change the zoning.
Janet and Donald Edelen
2935 Webster Street
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Wheat Ridge City Planning Commission
Wheat Ridge Municipal Building
7500 West 29th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Dear Commissioners:
Please consider this letter my legal protest to the proposed zone change request for the property at 7495 West
29'' Avenue. As a Wheat Ridge resident and properiy owner whose property abuts 7495 West 29t' Avenue, I do
not support altering the current R2 designation to a PCD designation.
The zoning should be left the way it is because it fits with the area and commercial development would not be
good for the neighborhood.
Virginia Wingle
2955 Webster Street
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
('ZL /04
Wheat Ridge City Planning Commission
Wheat Ridge Municipal Building
7500 West 29"` Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Dear Commissioners:
Please consider this letter my legal protest to the proposed zone change request for the property at 7495 West
29t' Avenue. As a Wheat Ridge resident and property owner whose property abuts 7495 West 29t' Avenue, I do
not support altering the current R2 designation to a PCD designation.
I do not believe a zone change should be granted just to allow for the most profitable use of the land by the
owner. Other, less invasive development should be found for the site. The area is solidly residential and alwa}
has been. The surrounding property owners have a right to expect stability in the neighborhood zoning.
Commercial development is not consistent with the present conditions in the area and should not be approved.
John F. Towell, Jr.
2975 Webster Street
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
~ ac,~v~
30 -J~
rIt- ~
Wheat Ridge City Planning Commission
Wheat Ridge Municipal Building
7500 West 29"' Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Dear Commissioners:
Please consider this letter my legal protest to the proposed zone change request for the property at 7495 West
29ffi Avenue. As a Wheat Ridge resident and property owner whose property abuts 7495 West 29ffi Avenue, I do
not support altering the current R2 designation to a PCD designation.
The developer had offered no evidence the property cannot be successfully re-developed with the current R2
designation or with some other zoning that would be less destructive than what is proposed.
Catherine Snyder
2995 Webster Street
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
'n~~'~tn)~ tl~.
` ~-3v -66 ~
Wheat Ridge City Planning Commission
Wheat Ridge Municipal Building
7500 West 29th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Dear Commissioners:
Please consider this letter our legal protest to the proposed zone change request for the property at 7495 West
29"' Avenue. As Wheat Ridge residents and properiy owners whose property abuts 7495 West 29ffi Avenue, we
do not support altering the current R2 designation to a PCD designation.
Commercial development on the site will have an adverse effect on the surrounding area by increasing noise
and traffic and by intruding on the residential character of the area. The City already has numerous commercia'.
developments along Wadsworth Boulevazd. The citizens are not under-served in this regard.
Helen and Harry Cook
3015 Webster Street
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
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City of Wheat Ridge ~oF WHEATP
Community Developrnent Department = °
c~ m
MVmoI a11du111 c~CORP00
Planning Commission
Meredith Reckert
Case Nos. WZ-05-12/MS-05-05
March 10, 2006
Staff is recommending a continuance of Case Nos. WZ-05-12 and MS-05-05 until Apri16, 2006 as
the required documents were not provided in suffic'tent time to be included in the packet.