HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/20/2006AGENDA CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING CONIlVIISSION April 20, 2006 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on April 20, 2006, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the iVIunicipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorada 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER 2. . ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may be recommended for placement on the agenda.) 5. APPROVAL OF NIINUTES - March 16 & 30, 2006 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. MS-06-01: An application filed by Park Kwang Choi for approval of a 2- lot minor subdiuision plat for property located at 4700 Parfet Street. B. Case No. WA-06-01: An application filed by Park Kwang Clioi for approval of a variance to minimum lot size and lot width for property zoned Agricultural-One (A-1) and located at 4700 Parfet Street. C. Case No. WZ-05-12: An application filed by Jim Blumenthal for Skitzo Offshore, LLC, for approval of an amended Planned Commercial Development outline development plan and approval of a final development plan for property locafed at 4651 Tabor Street. D. Case No. MS-OS-OS: An application filed by 7im Blumenthal for Skitzo Offshore, LLC, for approval of a final plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street. E. Case No. WPA-06-01: A resolution adopting an amendment to the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan to include areas outside the current city limits. 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. CONINII5SION REPORTS 11. CONIlVIITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS 12. ADJOURNMENT CITY OF WIIEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting March 16, 2006 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The regulaz mee6ng of the Wheat Ridge Planning Cominission was called to order by Chair McMillin at 7:02 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL Commission Members Present: Anne Brinkman 7im Chilvers John McMillin Phil Plummer Jerry Scezney Cassie Spaniel Kim Stewart Scott Wesley Staff Members Present: Alan White, Community Development Director Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner Gerald Dahl, City Attomey Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of March 16, 2006. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Community Development Department of the City of Wheat Ridge. 4. APPROVE ORDER OF AGENDA It was moved by Couuiiissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner STEWART to approve the order of the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 5. APPROVAL OF MINiJTES - March 2, 2006 It was moved by Commissioner BRINKMAN and seconded by Commissioner SPAIVIEL to approve the minutes of March 2, 2006 as presented. The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner SCEZNEY abstaining. 6. PUBLIC FORUM Claudia Worth 4650 Oak Street Planning Commission Page 1 Mazch 16, 2006 Ms. Worth addressed the Commission to reinind them that they do not have to always adhere to motions suggested by staff. 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ-05-10 (Continued from 2-2-06): An application filed by Michael G. Pharo Associates for approval of a rezoning from Residential-Two to Planned Commercial Development and approval of an outline development plan for property located at 7495 West 29"' Avenue. Prior to presentation of the case, Commissioner WESLEY asked if he would be able to participate in the decision on this case since he was not present at the Februazy 2, 2006 meeting when the case was first scheduled. Mr. Dahl advised Cominissioner WESLEY he could participate in this hearing since no testimony was given on Februazy 2, 2006. This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. Since this case was continued from an earlier date, she advised the Commission there was, jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. She refened to a grouping of letters from individuals living on Webster Street, and labeled as Exhibit 7 in the packet, and commented that these would meet the provisions for a legal protest. In response to questions from Commissioner SCEZNEY, Ms. Reckert stated that the neighborhood is opposed to any businesses that would be open past 10:00 p.m. Michael Pharo 2835 W. Oxford Avenue, #6, Engtewood, CO Mr. Pharo, land planning consultant far the applicant, was sworn in by Chair McMII,LIN. He stated that a deed restriction would be in place to maintain in perpetuity the mansion with a 10- foot perimeter. Even though the chapel is not historic, an attempt would be made to find a use for it in the developmen't. Retention of the sunken gardens would be problematic since the chapel is built in the middle of it and the required access location from 29I' Avenue would impact it as well. A 20-foot dedication would be provided far the Wadsworth widening. In addiuon to that dedication, the applicant would build an extra lane on Wadsworth to the end of the property to allow for turn movements as well as a bus pad. The pergola would also be retained and relocated or reconstructed to various locations on the property and a six-foot solid fence would be built along the east and the north sides of the property. The 25-foot right-of- way to the north of the property would become a"no man's land" unless a street vacation takes place. The site data table and schematic plan aze flexible and could go up or down from the 30,000 square feet. In conclusion, he stated the submittal meets the intent of the ComprehensiVe Plan, the goals and objectives the Community Development Department, and a development compromise that meets the goals of the historical society to save the mansion. Bruce McLennan 677 S. Colorado Boulevard, Denver, CO Mr. McLennan was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. He entered into the record, and provided copies for each Comsnissioner, drawings and perspectives of the proposed devPlopment. The buildings would be single story retail with front and back door parking. These buildings would Planning Commission Page 2 Mazch 16, 2006 house neighborhood service-type businesses. The developer and staff agree that the pedestrian link is important to the development and would be a neighborhood amenity. The pergola would be integrated into the design. Access from 29`h Avenue would give automobile flow through the project onto Wadsworth. In response to a question from Commissioner WESLEY, Mr. McLennan stated there was a small error on the drawing regarding omission of the fence along the eastern property line and the applicant would not be removing any portion of any existing fence. Andrew Miller 200 Spruce Street, Denver, CO Mr. Miller, one of the owners of the property, was swom in by Chair McNIIL.LIN. He stated that he had 27 years experience in retail development and the property was purchased based on the fact that Wadsworth Boulevard and Colorado Boulevard are the two best retail streets in the Denver azea. The proposed development would be a low impact site that would fit in with the city's comprehensive plan designation. He stated he was unaware of any plans to designate the Olinger mansion as a historic structure when he purchased the property. In order to meet a compromise with those wanting to save the structure, he and his partner have agreed to keep the mansion and would also like to incoxporate the chapel into the development. It would be necessary to move the pergola when Wadsworth is widened. However, upon examination of the condition of the pergola, it has been determined that it may not be possible to move it intact to another location on the property. Keeping the mansion as a landmark in perpetuity presents a hardship and he would like to be able to utilize the remainder of the site. Therefore, the farm house and barn structures would be removed. The project would not be a strip mall or one lazge structure, but a quaint neighborhood-type use. Commissioner BRINKMAN expressed concern about "tavern" under ihe list of allowed uses. She stated that she would have no problem with a restaurant that serves liquor. Mr. Miller replied that this is also the type of business they would prefer rather than a straight tavem business that would be open until 2:30 in the morning. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked why office use was not considered for this site. Mr. Miller replied that this site lends itself well to neighborhood type businesses and there is also a seven- year supply of office space in the Denver area right now. In response to a question from Commissioner CHII,VERS, Mr. Miller stated that, at this point, he is thinking of having three to five retail businesses on the site. He further stated that the site would accommodate required parking. (Chair McMIL,LIN declared a brief recess at 8:35 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:40 p.m.) Ed Eastman 2900 Vance Street Mr. Eastman was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. He expressed opposition to the rezone. He refer.e3 tc a court decision in the 1970's which required the city to return The zoring nf rll; s property to R-2 with the mortuary and chapel remaining as nonconforming uses. One of the Planning Commission Page 3 Mazch 16, 2006 court's findings was that a commercial zoning on this property would depreciate home values in the neighborhood. The court further found that the rezoning to commercial was unconstitutional and constituted spot zoning with no relationship to the master plan. He concluded by stating that nothing has changed in the neighborhood since then. He submitted a copy of the court findings into the record. Joyce Ford 2990 Vance Street Ms. Ford stated from the audience that she is opposed to the rezone. Suzanna Wilson 2915 Webster Ms. Wilson stated from the audience that she is opposed to the rezone. Donald Wilson 2915 Webster Mr. Wilson stated from the audience that he is opposed to the rezone. Heidi Marfil 2900 Webster Street Ms. Marfil was sworn in by Chair McNIILLIN. She stated her opposition to the rezone and expressed concern that a zone change would bring crime into the area. In response to a question from Commissioner STEWART, Ms. Marfil stated that she would like to see a church, duplexes, homes or office buildings built on that comer. Louise Canjar 3055 Webster Street Ms. Canjar was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. She stated her opposition to the pedestrian access from the neighborhood because it would add traffic in the neighborhood. She did not believe a six-foot fence was an adequate buffer between the development and the adjacent residences to the east. Catherine Snyder 2995 Webster Street Ms. Snyder was sworn in by Chair McMII.LIN. She stated opposition to the pedestrian access because her home is located right at the end of the proposed access. She also opposed the proposed seating area that would be located twenty feet from her house. She expressed concern that there is no guarantee as to what types of business would be built on this property. She suggested that the development be comprised of businesses that would be open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Jill Blasco 3045 Vance Street Ms. Blasco was sworn in by Chair McMillin. She expressed opposition to the rezone on the basis there is no need for more commercial property along Wadsworth. She listed in detail severa: vacant commercial properties along Wadsworth f:o:^.1 1-70 to 32°a Avenue. Planning Commission March 16, 2006 Page 4 , Commissioner BRINKMAN asked Ms. Blasco what she would like to see built on this property. Ms. Blasco stated that she would like to see the property used as a museum and pazk. Dennis and Norene Lee 3070 Upham Court Both expressed their opposition to the rezone from the audience. Claudia Worth 4650 Oak Street Ms. Worth was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. She stated that the Colorado Historical Society placed the Olinger house on its historic survey in Februazy 24, 1998. She suggested the following amendments to the plan: • Neighbors to the north of the Olinger property should have the 25-foot right-of-way vacated and returned to their properties. • A concrete block wall should be built between the development and the east and north sides of the property. This wall should be topped with iron estate fencing to ease neighbors' concerns about vandalism. • The access gate, shrubs and seating areas should be removed from the northeast corner of the property to prevent employee parking in the neighborhood. • The pergola should be reconstructed to its original look over the sidewalk along Wadsworth to be built by the developer. • The chapel should be removed and the sunken gardens restared. • Any trees removed should be replaced with the same type of trees. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Ms. Worth stated that she was speaking on behalf of the Wheat Ridge Historical Society. She also stated that the fann house and barn have been offered by the owner to a nonprofit agency. Commissioner McMILLIN asked if she would support the rezoning if her suggestions were met. She replied that she could not make a commitment one way or another until she sees the final development plan. Mark Rodman 333 West Colfax, Denver Mr. Rodman was sworn in by Chair McMII.LIN. He is Executive Director of Colorado Preservation, Inc. He commended the city staff, developer and historical society for warking together to save the Olinger mansion. He stated that the grounds aze important to a historical structure and the sunken gardens are important from a historic standpoint.. Oresta Hanni~an 8705 West 67 Place Ms. Hannigan was sworn in by Chair McMII,LIN. She is a licensed real estate broker and residential appraiser. She stated that someone called her to ask her opinion on the effect of the proposed development on real estate values. She estimated that real estate values would drop abont 10% and the houses directly adjacent to the developmer.t would drop even r*mare. Planning Commission - Page 5 March 16, 2006 Bob Olson 5050 Raleigh Street Mr. Olson was sworn in by Chair McMII,LIN He discussed the need for following standazds set forth by the Secretary of Interior in regard to saving historic structures. He asked the Commission to insist on the inclusion of these standards forpreservation,sehabilitation, restoration and reconstruction of the house, the pergola and landscape elements on the south side of the property. Louise Turner 11256 West 38th Avenue Ms. Turner was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. She expressed opposifion to the rezoning. She suggested a moratorium on commercial zoning and development until the city has had time to analyze the amount of vacant commercial buildings in the city. She didn't believe Wheat Ridge needs more commercially zoned land. She suggested that new businesses could utilize vacant commercial buildings already existing in the city. It is important to preserve residential areas and she suggested that unused commercial properties be rezoned to low density residential. Rental properties result when homeowners decide to move when commercial development takes place close to their properties. It is important to give consideration to existing homeownersin the azea. Commissioner STEWART asked what Ms. 'Ilirner would like to see done with the property. Ms. Turner suggested using the property for weddings and special events. Whatever takes place on the property, she stated that adequate buffering for the neighbors is necessary. Kevin Green 2960 Webster Street Mr. Green was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. He spoke in opposition to the rezoning. The 2020 Plan calls for attraction of strong households to Wheat Ridge. The neighborhood adjacent to the subject property is comprised of strong households and is attracting more. He also expressed concem about the pedestrian access from the neighborhood which would result in customers and employees pazking in the neighborhood to use the access to the shopping area. He also expressed concem that it could be a gathering place for homeless people. Martin Green 7385 West 28th Avenue Mr. Green was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. He refened to city's zoning standards which set forth conditions that must be satisfied in cases of rezoning and stated there aze several conditions that are not satisfied in this case. His understanding of the zoning criteria is that all of these conditions must be satisfied in order to have a rezoning. He also commented that there is more to consider in this case than the sales tax revenue to be generated. This development would reduce residential property values. Commissioner McIvIILLIN asked if it is true that all standards must be met before a rezoning can occur. Mr. Dahl stated that this has not been true in practice. Janelle Shaver 8890 West 35`h Avenue Planning Commission Page 6 March 16, 2006 Ms. Shaver was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. She expressed opposition to the rezone on the basis that it represents spot zoning. She presented two photos of the property as it looked in 1925. She entered into the reeord some historical information on George Olinger and Article 9 of Section 26 regarding historic preservation. She suggested leaving the pergola where it is because her understanding from CDOT is that this portion of Wadsworth will not be widened for many yeazs. She also suggested that building materials for new development match the existing structures. She asked the Conunission to consider their neighbors who live in this azea when voting on this case. Nancy Griffith 7130 West 29'' Place Ms. Griffith was sworn in by Chair McMillin. She spoke in opposition to the rezone and asked the Commissioners to consider whether or not they would like to have this type of development in their neighborhoods. She believed the proposed use would only benefit the developer and that it is important to retain affordable residential property in the city. She commented that it seemed the city administrator and city employees want to have a coffee shop, dry cleaners, and restaurant across the street for their convenience and are justifying it by calling it sales tax revenue. She did not believe this is an appropriate location for commercial development because it would be detrimental to the neighborhood. She stated the city needs more open space and should revitalize exisfing vacant commercial areas. She presented a complete copy of her comments to be made part of the official record. There were no other individuals present who wished to address the Commission. Chair McMII,LIN invited the applicant to comment. Mr. Miller stated that he had nothing to add. Commissioner CHII,VERS asked Mr. Miller why this site would be better than utilizing a vacant commercial property. Mr. Miller stated that what he is proposing would be appealing to retaiJers and provide neighborhood services. He stated that the proximity to Wadsworth is important to retail business and that well conceived retail space along Wadsworth is occupied. Those properties that are ill conceived are vacant. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked Mr. Miller if he would be agreeable to following the standards of preservation mentioned by Mr. Olson. Mr. Miller replied that those standards are rather nebulous and he would not agree to following them. He stated that he has already agreed to preserve the mansion. Commissioner CF3II,VERS asked about the pedestrian connection. Mr. Miller replied that this was a directive from the staff and the consultant. He suggested that it is important to decide which parameters are real and which are not real and then act accordingly. Commissioner STEWART asked why staff was asking for the pedestrian connection. Alan White replied that this development attribute is addressed in the comprehensive plan and the architech:ral and streetscape maaual. ??e statad fl:at the staff thonght ±his was a good design for the neighborhood but it doesn't have to be a part of the plan. Planning Commission Page 7 Mazch 16, 2006 Chair McMII.LIN closed the public hearing. It was moved by CommissionerPLUMMER and seconded by Coinmissioner CHILVERS to recommend denial of Case No. WZ-05-10, a request for approval of a zone change from Residential Two to Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an Outline Development Plan for property located at 7495 West 29th Avenue for the following reasons: 1. There is no reason to expand comruercial land use area in Wheat Ridge. Wheat Ridge must develop the commercial areas we have and not devalue existing uses. 2. - This request would create an isolated spot zone. 3. This request would not benefit the neighbors. 4. The neighborhood objection is enough to constitute a legal protest. 5. Adjacent landowners would not support this project. Commissioner WESLEY commented that he did not think these reasons would stand. Denial of the application could result in an empty unused property or more rental properties. The Comprehensive Plan and the 2020 Plan are guidelines and this property is an example of what variances in our code provide: Commercial developmentis a viable option for this property. It would benefit the city to have a useful alive development that would also bring in some revenue. The Wadsworth corridor will be built and this gives an opportunity to shepherd development the way we would like. Further, the developer has made concessions on this property. He expressed concern that if this case is denied, the property could remain vacant and fall into disrepair and attract less desirable activity around the property. Commissioner BRTNKMAN stated that she appreciated the public's comments. She did not believe properties along Wadsworth aze going to change, Spot zoning already exists along Wadsworth and works well in some cases. She cited the State Beauty Supply building on Wadsworth as an example. She stated that she believed the plan would work very well on this property. Commissioner PLUMNIER commented that State Beauty Supply was closer to 38ffi and believed the city should concentrate on the 38ffi and Wadsworth azea. He suggested that the mansion could be used for offices and residential units could be built on the remaining property. Commissioner STEWART stated it is very important to retain the mansion and remove the pedestrian connection. She also commented that building twelve duplexes on this property would result in potential rentals. Commissioner SCEZNEY stated he would vote for denial because he is a firm believer that it is not necessary for all of Wadsworth to be commercial. He stated that he wished to provide consistency with the neighbarhood and preservation of the historical property. Comu:mssioner McMII,LIN comunented thaY the plan is a well designed project, well buffered from the neighborhood and provides for preservation of the mansion. However, this project Planning Commission Page 8 Mazch 16, 2006 would result in spot zoning and there is a surplus of commercial property in the city. He supported a moratorium on commercial zoning. The motion passed 6-2 with Commissioners WESLEY and BRINKMAN voting no. B. Case No. WZ-05-12: An application filed by Jim Blumenthal for Skitzo Offshore, LLC, for approval of an amended Planned Commercial Development oudine development plan and approval of a final development plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street. C. Case No. MS-05•05: An application filed by 7im Blumenthal for Skitzo Offshore, LLC, for approval of a final plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street. Staff recommended a continuance of Cases WZ-05-12 and MS-OS-OS until Apri16, 2006 It was moved by Commissioner WESLEY and seconded by Commissioner SPANIEL to continue Cases WZ-05-12 and MS-05-05 to the meeting of Apri16, 2006. The motion passed 8-0. 8. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Commission. 9. NEW BUSINESS . Election of Officers - Cosnmissioner WESI.EY was elected chairman and Commissioner SCEZNEY was elected vice-chairman. Snecial Planning Commission Meeting - Alan White advised the Commission that a special meeting would be held on March 30, 2006 to discuss the Three-Mile Plan. 10. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no commission reports. 11. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no committee and departznent reports. 12. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner PLi.JM1VIER and seconded by Commissioner McMILLIN to adjourn the meeting at 11:58 p.m. John McMillin, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary Planning Commission - Page 9 March 16, 2006 CITY OF WI3EAT RIDGE PLANNING CONIMISSION Minutes of Meeting March 30, 2006 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The regulaz meeting of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Wesley at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, VJheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL Commission Members Present: Anne Brinkman Jim Chilvers John McMillin Phil Plummer 7erry Scezney Cassie Spaniel Kim Stewart Scott Wesley Staff Members Present: Alan White, Community Development Director Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary Following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of March 30, 2006. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Community Development Department of the City of Wheat Ridge. 3. APPROVE ORDER OF AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner PLLJMMER and seconded by Commissioner STEWART to approve the order of the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 4. DISCUSSION OF TAREE-MILE PLAN Alan White reviewed the proposed Three-Mile Plan. In response to previously stated concerns that portions of the plan azea would someday be annexed to Wheat Ridge, Mr. White stated that annexation in Colorado is totally driven by requests from landowners. The plan shows what the city thinks are appropriate land uses should someone express interest in annexation in the future. Flora Andrus, Prospect Recreation and Park District, stated she was very pleased with the plan and looked forwazd io completion of new traii connections. Planning Commission - Page 1 Mazch 30, 2006 Rhonda Tietelbaum, Applewood Property Owners Association representative to the Clear Creek Neighborhood Council, expressed appreciation for the forum provided by the City of Wheat Ridge to allow for proactive discussions. She also stated that she was also very pleased with the plan. She wanted to make sure that directional signs would be placed for access into Cabela's to lessen traffic impact in nearby neighborhoods. In regards to Coors' position that trails passing by the lake would present too much liability, she commented that recent legislation removes liability from property owners for trail access .to the fourteeners. Perhaps ttus could apply to the lake situation. She also stated that they have been working with CDOT to request that the road from 32nd Avenue to Highway 58 be two lanes instead of four. Direction was given to Alan White to have counts done on the Clear Creek Trail to actually see how many people use it, and to add a trail connection to the east of the reservoir and the golf course. A public hearing is scheduled on Apri120 to consider adoption of the Three-Mile Plan. 5. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Commission. 5. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to come before the Commission. 7. CONIlVIISSION REPORTS There were no commission reports. 8. COMIVIITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no committee and department reports. 9. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner McMIi,LIN and seconded by Commissioner STEWART to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m. Scott Wesley, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary Planning Commission Mazch 30, 2006 Page 2 ,oFW"~'Tq,o CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE~ ~ m PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT C~(ORP~O TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: Travis Crane CASE NO. & NAME: MS-06-01 & WA-06-0 1/Choi DATE OF MEETING: April 6, 2006 ACTION REQUESTED: A request for approval of a two-lot subdivision plat, including a request for a variance to minimum lot width and minimum lot size for property zoned Agriculture One. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4700 Parfet Street APPLICANT (S): Park Kwang Choi OWNER (S): same 4700 Parfet SY. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 APPROXIMATE AIZEA: 28,500 sq. ft. (0.65 ac.) PRESENT ZONING: Agriculture One (A-1) ENTER INTO RECORD: O COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATER[ALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION (X) SUBDIVIS[ON REGULATIONS oca ion ap csaDSOUTM "I . A-7 U:r K'~-". warrnar~ IAVF ' v m o 3 c o ~ I... R4 C "i e} 11 1 21 im All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, this case. Planning Commission MS-06-01 & WA-06-O1/Choi I. CASE ANALYSIS The applicant (owner) is requesting approval of a two-lot subdivision plat (Exhibit 1, Letter of Request). This application also includes requests for approval of a lot width variance for one lot and a lot size variance to each lot. The property is currently zoned A-1, and contains a single-family structure and associated outbuildings. The applicant wishes to subdivide the property and create two lots. The A-1 zone district allows single-family residential structures and accessory buildings. The property is 28,500 square feet in size. Lot 1- Existine Structure There is an existing single-family structure located on lot 1 that will remain. The A-1 zone district development standards were used to examine conformance with lot coverage and setbacks in relation to the newly created lot line. The subdivision plat will create a new rear property line on lot 1, and the existing structures must meet a minimum rear yard setback from this property line. A main structure in the A-i zone district must have a minimum rear yard setback of at least 15 feet. An accessory structure must have a minimum rear yard setback of 5 feet. The existing house will be approximately 55 feet from the newly created property line. The closest outbuilding will be approximately 33 feet from the rear property line. The A-1 zone district allows a masimum of 25% of the lot to be covered by structures. Given a lot size of 17,606 square feet, a maximum of 4,401.5 square feet of lot coverage is allowed. The existing structures on lot 1 combine for a total of 2,236 square feet, or a total lot coverage of 12.7%. Any new structure constructed on lot 2 must meet the applicable setback and lot coverage standards. II. SUBDIVISION PLAT The plat will subdivide the property into two lots (Exhibit 2, Plat). LoY 1 will be located adjacent to Parfet and will front Parfet Street. Lot 2 will be located to the east of lot 1, fronting on West 47`" Avenue. When subdividing a parcel into multiple parcels, each newly created parcel should meet the district standards for minimum lot size and width. The A-1 zone district requires minimum lot size of at least one acre and a minimum lot width of at least 140 feet. As the lot exists today, it is 28,500 square feet in size and 125 feet wide, neither of which meet these minimum requirements. Once subdivided, neither of the newly created lots will meet the one acre minimum. Lot 1 will remain 125 feet in width, while the newly created lot 2 will be 87 feet in width. As a result of these deficiencies, variances must be processed with the subdivision plat. Variance Requests Each lot will require a variance to the minimum lot size in the A-1 zone district. The Code requires a minimum lot size of 1 acre (43,560 square feet) for any A-1 lot. As the property exists today, it is only 28,500 square feet in size. The proposed subdivision would create two lots. Lot 1 would be 17,606 square feet in size, which is 25,954 square feet short of the minimuxn lot size standard. Lot 2 would be 10,894 square feet in size, which is 32,666 square feet short of the minimum lot size standard. In addition to minimum lot size, minimum lot width must be examined. The newly created lot 1 (on Parfet Street) is currently 125 feet in width. Because this is a pre-existing non-conforming Planning Commission MS-06-01 & WA-06-O1/Choi width which will not be altered as a result of the subdivision plat, no variance is required. Lot 2 will require a variance to minunum lot width. The A-1 zone district requires that each lot shall be a minimum width of 140 feet. Lot 2 would be 87.15 feet wide, which is 52.85 feet short of the minimum standard. This deficient lot width for lot 2 is created by the subdivision request, so a variance must be processed for the width of lot 2. Because the request is for a two-lot minor subdivision, Pla.uuing Commission will take finai action on both the subdivision plat and the variance requests. If the variances aze not approved, the subdivision plat cannot be approved. AgencV Referral All responding agencies haue indicated that they can serve the property, and the applicant will bear the cost of upgrading any service to the property. Typical utility easements are being established around the perimeter of each lot. Access There is an existing access point located on Parfet Street which serves the single family structure on lot 1. This access point will remain. Lot 2 will gain access from W. 47t" Avenue. III. VARIANCE CRITERIA Because the variance requests are inter-related and all variances must be approved as a package, the variance requests will be discussed together as one discussion item. In other words, Planning Commission can not approve the lot size variances and deny the lot width variances. Staff has the following comments regazding the criteria used to evaluate a variance requests: 1. Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located? If the request is denied, the property may still receive a reasonable return in use. The existing single faxnily residence may remain. Redevelopment may occur on the parcel in conformance with the A-1 standards and guidelines. If the variances are not granted, the subdivision may not be approved. ` 2. If the variance were granted, would it alter the essential character of the locality? If the requests were granted, the character of the locality would not be altered. Lot 1 would be 17,606 squaze feet in size and lot 2 would be 10,894 square feet in size. This lot size is consistent with surrounding properties on the north and south side of West 47`h Avenue. The properties on W. 47th Avenue are all between 12,200 square feet and 13,900 square feet, far below the one acre minimum lot size. Additionally, the surrounding properties are all approximately 100 feet in width, less than the 140 foot standazd. While the lot sizes will be much less than the one acre . standazd, tile lots will match the conditions of the surrounding neighborhood. 3. Does the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved result in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out? Planning Commission MS-06-01 & WA-06-0 1/Choi The property does not have a unique shape. The property is rectangular in shape and is relatively flat. The property has frontage on two streets - West 47ih Avenue and Parfet Street. 4. Has the alleged difficulty or hardship been created by any person presently having an interest in the property? A person having interest in the property has caused the hardship. The lot is currently 28,500 square feet in size, which is 15,060 square feet short of the one acre minimum lot size standazd. However, the applicant wishes to subdivide and further increase the non-confornuty, creating two substandazd lots. 5. Would the granting of the variance be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located, by, among other things, impairing the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, substantially increasing the congestion in public streets or increasing the danger of fire or endangering the public safety, or substantially diminishing or impairing property values within the neighborhood? The request would not be detrimental to the public welfare. The adequate supply of light and air would not be compromised as a result of the request. The request would not increase congestion ` in the streets, nor increase the danger of fire. The request would most likely not haue an effect on property values in the neighborhood. 6. If criteria 1 through 5 are found, then, would the granting of the variance result in a benefit or contribution to the neighborhood or the community, as distinguished from an individual benefit on the part of the applicant, or would granting of the variance result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities? The granting of the variance will not result in a benefit to the neighborhood. The request would not result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities. VI. STAFF CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDED MOTION (S): Each request will require a separate motion. The subdivision plat cannot be approved if the variance requests are denied. Variance Upon review of the above request, staff concludes that the criteria are supportive of the request. While the hardship may be self-created, the end result of the variances will match the existing character of the neighborhood. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL of the variance request. OPTION A: "I move to APPROVE Case No. WA-06-01, a request for approval of a 25,954 square foot variance to the minimum lot size of lot 1, a 32,666 square foot variance to the minimum lot size of lot 2 and a 52.85 foot variance to the minimum lot width of lot 2, for property located at 4700 Parfet Street, for the following reasons Planning Commission MS-06-01 & WA-06-0 1/Choi 1. The request will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to properties in the area. 2. The request would not alter the character of the locality; the proposed lot sizes and widths would match the lot sizes and widths of neighboring properties in the surrounding area. 3. The property as it exists today is deficient in respect to minimum lot size and width in the A-1 zone district. OPTION B: "I move to DENY Case No. WA-06-01, a request for approual of a 25,954 squaze foot variance to the minunum lot size of lot 1, a 32,666 square foot variance to the minimum lot size of lot 2 and a 52.85 foot variance to the minimum lot width of lot 2, for property located at 4700 Parfet Street, for the following reasons: 1. Subdivision Plat Staff concludes that the proposed subdivision meets all of the requirements of Article N of the Code of Laws. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL of the subdivision plat. OPTION A: "I move to APPROVE Case No. MS-06-01, a request far approval of a two lot subdivision plat for property located at 4700 Parfet Street, for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. 2. All required utility easements are being provided. 3. AdPqua?e ?nfrastructure will be constructed with the development to serve the proposed use." OPTION B: "I move to DENY of Case No. MS-06-01, a request for approval of a two lot subdivision plat for property located at 4700 Parfet Street for the following reasons: The variance requests associated with the subdivision plat were denied." Planning Commission MS-06-01 & WA-06-O1/Choi ar-o6 ~ ~ /.cL~ . ~ ~1 ~ ✓J~~ ~'vr,e-~~'~ Gt1.,t~t~ C2.~~-~'~ ~ez" 9` ~aw aK, ~ `i~ EXI-11 B1T1 ~ . ~ a~.,~.~~- ~ ~ ' . ` ~ ~ a~.a~,,,~~~-- ~ ~~~~.~'.~.e~ ~ ~ ~~-~1 ~,x, ~ . ~ v~^I~ ~ . "~islJ ~ ~~l , ~ G~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~//~-~~iu+~~ G " • c.~nr,a . _ ~ ~ ~ , ~ v~~~ ~ , ~~,-k_ ~w~~ c~D,' ~~~~~~-('i~ ~ y~-~- ~ ~ ~ ~ A SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE NO RTHWEST ONE- U~RTER W TO NSHIP 3 SOt~T.~ RAIVGE , S9 WEST OF THE 6T.H ~'RINCJ lII~RTER OF SECTIO,N 2', CIT Y OF WHEAT RIDGE COUNTY , OF JEFFERSON STATE ~ ~ ~'RINCIPAL MERIDIAN, _ ' ~ ~ STATE OF COLORADO 0 z ~ 1 1? N 30 0 30 fi0 THE UNDERSIGNED, BEING THE IIWNER QF TNE F 1 "=3d R QF TNE FOL L OWING DESCRIBED ARDPERT Y~ PlANN1NG COMMISSION CER ]IFI ]~~1; scale feet A PARCEL ~F LAND LOCATED IN THE NC~RTHWES TOWNSNIP 3 SDUTH, RANGE b9 WEST DF THE E ' APP'lOTUI./~('~T r711r' nunnrrn nr nrnr,n.~ ~ . . , . . a ~ NORTHWEST C(~RNER NORTH 1/4 CORN~R BEGINNING AT A P QINT DN 7'NE N£IRTN AN.U SLlU i SECTION 2?, T3S, R69W SECTION 21 T3S R69W ~4 DISTANCE OF 284 FEET SCIUTH DF TNE Nl7RTf 3-14" ' ' THENCE S~UTH 89°3D' WEST A DISTaNC~ L7F 30D / BRASS CAP 3-'l4 BRASS G'AP A,M,) TCI TNE TRUE PDINT L7F BEGtNNING~ IN RANGE ~OX lN RA~/GE BOX PLS ~32~2 PLS 93292 rHENCE SL7UTH 89°30' W£ST ~'27,9 FEEr lS ~ o,„ ~ NORTH L{NE SECTION 29 S89 2626 W PDINT ~N THE EAST BOUNDA~Y pF BRLIWN l ' - - - - - - - - - - - SLIUTH OF THE NI7RTH LINE QF SA7D SECTit ~ o . 4 TNENCE SCIUTH Q IS fAST ALDNG .SAID EAS ~ ~ I50 FEET C SDO°18`35'E, 150 FEE'T A,M,)f ~ ~ THENCE NL7RlN 89°30' EAST A DISTANCE OF x ~ FEE~' A,M,)TD A PC11NTj ~ ~ ~ THENCE NCIRTH 0°15` WEST 150 FEET 1N00°l~ ~ POINT QF B N R EGI NING, ~ EXCEPT THAT PORTIfJN THERE'OF DESCRIBED IN ~ JEFFERSON, STATE 11F CDL~RAD~ ~ CQNTAINS 28 500 SQUARE ~ T ` I N , EE , C0,654 ACRES), I ~ U,! HAVE LAID ~UT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLAT TED SAIl % U CflNTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE~ ~F CH~ i Q ~F A PART ~F TME CI T Y DF WHEAT RIDGE CCiL L a ~ ~ DEDICATE T~ TNE CIl'Y DF WHEAT RIDGE AND T~ ~ PROPERTY SHQWN AS RIGN1' DF WA Y, AND DO FL ~ ~ l~ WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALL Y F'RANCHIS ~ ~ Z P~RTI£lNS ~F RE'AL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEME i . 0 I - a ~ INSTALLATIC1N, OPERATIl1N, MAINTENANCE, REPAIk f ~ ~ ; . I Q SERVICES, TNIS N I CLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED m g ~ w ~ ~ GAS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER ~IN r ~ O Op ES, ~ ~ ~ AND P7PES, DE1'ENTIDN PDNDS STREET L ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ , IGHTS d ` ~ ~ ~ N ~ , ~ SIGNED THIS DAY C1F d W ~ , ; . ~ ^ . ~ ~ ~ ~~~~,a.~~..~m~ ~~.,~~~~,~~~,~,~,,~s.,.~~~~~~~.,~.~~,,a..~~.w.,~~~W~.~.~~,~,a.,~-~,.~~~,~„ . ~ BY~ ~ ~ ~ PARK KWAIJG CHtJl OWN ~ ~ , ER ~ ' ~I ~ o ~ W ~ ~ ~ UNPLATTED d I' STAJ'E dF COLDRA ~ ~ C~ b DCt ) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SS ~ W ~ REC~PT1~11V NUMBER 86159357 i~ ~ ~ _ 0 _ ~ COUNTY OF JEFFERS~N ~ ` Q ~ ZON~D A-1 0 o ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ S89 30 W, 300 ~ ~ TNE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNL7WLEDGED o ~ + p (S89 2626 IN 300.00 A.M.~ ty BY~ PARK KWANG CNDI ~ ~ ' S89°30'W 227,9' S89°26'26"W 228.00'A.M. ~ ~ ( ~ ) ~ ~ m ~~,~~~~~~m~~.~~~~~ p ~ , ~ ~ U} 940.85 87. 95 ~ WI TNESS MY HAND AND QFFICIAL SEAL, ~ P 1NT OF ( MY C M ► ~ _ Q ~ MISSIQN ~XPIRES~ ' B~GINNfNG ~ Z 5'tJTlLITY , 1i,1 10 UTILiTY ( ~ TRUE POINT Vj ~ ~ EASEMENT ~ EASEMEIVT OF 8EGlNN/NG I I,~ Q , , ~ ~ 10 l1TIL/TY 5 UTlLITY ~ µ ~ ~ N17TARY f , ~ ~ ~ ~ EASEMENT EASEMENTS ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ J o o ~u ~ t~ o ~ h i , W ~ ~ ? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W 9. NOTICE.° A i f ~ ~ LOT 1 LDT 2 ccoROi~vc ro co~o~aoo cAw rou a-rt _ ~ ~ ~ . ~ UNPLATTED ~ ~ c+~ q x LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT 1N THlS j ~ a '7 OFJ S. FT. ~i 10 894 SQa FT. ( F., THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRSi' DtSC01✓ER SUCN ~ 6 Q , ~ , ~ ~ ~ d ! ~ N ~ o BOOK 2957 PAC~E ~ 1l o~, o,. ( ~ E I/ E N T, M A Y A N Y A C 1 1 0 N B A S E ~ U P O N A N Y D E t' E i ~ q~ ~~NED A-1 d Z~NED A-1 4 o SUR UEY g q`~ ~ ~ ZUNED A-' BE COMMENCED MORf THAN TEN YEARS ~ I~ THE CERT1FICATlON SNOWN HEREDN, ~n t~V ~ N ^ ~ „ ~ 2, TEN F~DT CI D') W IDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ h o PR~PERTY ADJACENT TC1 ALL PUBLIL' STREETS PR~PER~Y LINES QF EACH LL7T IN THE SUBDIb . ~ a 90' UTiLlTY o ~ ~ ~ 90`UTILITY EASEMENT 90'UTILITY ~ FIVE FODT l5') WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY ~ ~ EASEMENT PRtJPERiY ADJACENF T!1 ALL SIDE L~T LIN ~ 25, EASEMENT I ES SUBDI VfSI~N 11R PL A T TED ARE,4, THESE EASEMi ` I , ~ THE ZNSTALLAI'IfIN, MAIN1'ENANCE, ~4ND REPLAC ~ 940,85' 87.15` .~..a„~~,,~ ~ ~ ~,f~M. ~ TELEVISION CABLE, DRAINAGE AND 1'ELECOMMU , ~ ~ o~ ~ o<« , UTILfTIES SNALL ALS~ BE PERMITTED WITNIN ~ N&9 30E, 22785 (N89 333D E, 228.00 A.M.} ~ , BOOK752 PAGE306 AND PRIVATE STREETS IN THE SUBDIVISI~N, f N ' WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WIT t ~ ~ EASEMENT,S r c~ p 9 ~n~ . . ti r .~,~~.~....~~,x..,~,~..~,~.~~~.~,.-.~r~,~~w~MZ~-~~,~.~~~,.~_,~ G 5 R 1 I ~ 3, = SET NQ 5 REBAR ~ a $ ~ wI TN AL UMINIJM CAP L. ,m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BOOK 752, PA~E 307 ~ , ~ p~, CENTERUNEOF 4, = SET PK AND WASHER "L,S, 1321~~? ~ ' ~ ~ N i W Q Rl~HT Of WAY ( ; ~o Z a ~ ~.~,~~.w~.~.,.,,~~~.,~~p,~,.~,~,~~.~,~.~.,~~.a.~,,.M.x....~~,,~t,~~.,,~~,~,,~,~~~~~~.~~>.~, w~,~.._..~~.,~~~~~~., w~.A~~ u_~~,~~~~.~~j~.w~ , - 0 OR Ql1ARTER C~RNER 3- ° ti ~~x~--~ ~I 5 SECTION C RNER 1 ~r ~ ~k 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ I ~ ~ Z ~ b, BEARINGS SH~WN 17N THIS PLAT' ARE BASED L?I ~ ~ W~ ~ 1 SAID NORTHWEST pNE QUAR1'ER WN H IC BEARS ~ h U ~ m ¢ i 'a ~ ~ 7, BEARINGS AND IIISTANCES SHOWN PARENTHETIC ~ ~ ~ VAL UES, ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 8, CONTRI7LLING Mt1NUMENTS USED FLJR 7'NIS SURV~ ~ ~ 3 ` ~ ~ CENTER 1/4 CORNER SECTI~N P1~ F~UND ~-1/4' BRf ~ MCINUMENT RECQRD BY J~NN S, LAMBERT PLS 13212 ~ ~ ~ N17RTH 1/4 C~RNER SECTI~N 211 F~UND 3-1/4" BRA~ a g MONUMENT REC~RD BY STEVEN L, FARVILL Y, PLS 2 h d' ~ NLIRTHWEST CpRNER SECTIffN 21j FOUND 3-114" BRA 3-114" BRASS CAP LS # 13212 PER rr Yo i n H vt A MONUMENT RECl7RD BY JC1NN S, LAMBERT PLS 13212, ~ PLS 13212, DATED SEPTEMBER 11, 1984 U~i I NEREBY CER1'If Y THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE L7F THE T ~ e o CENTER 914 CORNER ~ ar S CONSULTING ENGINEERS W 47TH P~ Q ~UNTY CLERK AND lPECLIRI~ER 11F JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GDLDEN COLORADO ~ - SECTION 29, T3S, R69W ~ LAND SURVEYORS A 1 l 20 ,AT 0'CLDCK , M, V) BQaK .PQGE RECEP170N ND ~ 3-714" BRASS CAP J ~ W ~ ri , nc. lN RANGE BOX MS_06-01 W 47TH AVE. Z ~ ~ 390 Union Boulevard Phone: 303-9$6-1444 PLS 93212 WA-Ob-DI ~ w Suite 630 FAX: 303-986-0994 z Lakewood, Colorado 80228 www.sandg4.com Q ~ W 47TH AVE JEFFERSON CDUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER ~ Y d ' DATE L7F PREPARATION: JANiJARY 10, 2006 ' COP a YRIGHT 0 2006 '0, 2006 0 BYl IIEPUTY CLERK REVISEU ; FEBRUgRY 23, 2006 U o W"Ela,~ ~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert DATE OF MEETING: April 20, 2006 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-05-12 & MS-OS-OS/Skitzo for Trailer Source ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a PCD amended Outline Development Plan, Final Development Plan and plat ir'vi.Ei i iG1Y OF Ri :'.7EST: 4551 Tabcr Street APPLICANT/OWNER: Skitzo Offshore, LLC APPROXIMATE AREA: 2.5 acres PRESENT ZOIVING: PCD, Planned Commercial Development COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Small Office/Business Center and Agricultura]/Estate Residential ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSNE PLFN (X} CASE FILE& FACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANTCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS i,ocation Map Planning Cominission i WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. 1. REQUEST This application is a three fcld request for property located at 4651 Tabor Street. The applicant is requesting approvai of an amended Outline Development Pian to modify design standards to an existing ODP and for approval of a PCD Final Development Plan and plat. The purpose of this request is to reflect the new site conditions and allow for the construction of a new retail buiiding and associated display area for trailer sales. See applicant's explanation of the request (E~bzt 1, appltcant lette~f This case was originally scheduled for Planning Commission public hearing on Apri16, 2006. Due to lacic of quorum, the case was :eschedule3 for Apri120, 2006. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/CASE HISTORY The property in question is zoned Planned Commercial Development and_ has an existing metal building 8400 square feet in size used for retail trailer sales, office and light fabrication. The remainder of the site is utilized as inventory display and employee and customer parking. Access is by a sir.g?e curb cut from Tabor Street just south of the ovemass for I-70. The southern portion of the property is used as unpaved parking for the business although a Final Development Plan has never been approved for it. III. PROPERTY HISTORY Case No. VJZ-95-9, the original rezoning oi 4551 Tabo. Street, was apprcved by City Cour.ci: in September of 1995. The purposed of the zone change was to create a PCD allowing the display, sales and servicmg of horse trailers wrth associated sales and light fabrication for customization of the trailers I_~~xlubit~,e~st~ag-lnaJDeuaLopmenfPlan): In 1999, the applicant purchased an additional 13 acres of surplus right-of-way from the Colorado Department of Transportation which is north of and adjacent to the original Trailer Source property. The City processed an application pursuant to Case No. WZ-99-09 to rezone the property to PCD, incorporate it with the original parcel into one development and revise the underlying outline plan for the original parcel to allow additional land uses. As proposed, the use of the original parcel was expanded to include the sales and service of person recreational vehicles (all terrain vehicles, personal watercraft and snowmobiles) which was not allowed under the original zoning conditions. The application was recommended for approval by Planning Commission but denied by City Council on January 10, 2001. The applicant subsequently filed 106 action with the Jefferson County district court. No action occurred by the court due to a new application filed in 2000. The 2000 case (Case No. WZ-00-12) was a zone change proposal for the original parcel, the parcel acquired from CDOT and an A-1 zoned parcel to the south at 4601 Tabor Street. The zone change and Outline Development Plan were approved; however, the required Final Development Plan and plat were never finalized as CDOT was preparing an environmental assessment'for the State Hwy. 58/I-70 improvement project and the status of the property was unknown. Qixlubrt3~ e~shng Outline De~elopmanf Planning Commission 2 WZ-05-12 & MS-OS-OS/Skitzo for Trailei Source Approximately two/thirds of the western portion of the property was acquired by CDOT late in 2005 to facilitate construction of new on/off ramps for I-70. Construction of the ramps and associated right- of way will displace the existuig building and the majority of the outside display on the property. {~xFiib~€s~ and 5, I 70 improVements) IV. OUTLINE DEVELOPD4ENT PLAN The Outline Development Plan (ODP), which accompanies a rezoning ordinance, sets the allowable uses and development standards for the property. Typically the Outline Development Plan is general in nature and serves as the blueprint for development of the property by showing approximate azeas of landscaping, building footprints and parking. The Outline Development Plan is also used to establish design parameters including maximum building height, minimum landscaped coverage and minimum perimeter setbacks (E~tubit Yi; pro~~r d OutJ~rie~~evelopii~en~ plan). An Outline Development Plan is being proposed to modifytwo of the design standards on the existing ODP document; those design standards are the maximum amount of building coverage and the minimum front setback. The new ODP also reflects the CDOT property acquisition. Under Chapter 26, an amended ODP follow the same approval process as the original ODP. Allowable uses: Neither the permitted nor excluded uses have changed since the 2000 ODP was adopted and recorded. The proposed Outline Development Plan listed permitted land uses which were negotiated with the neighbors through a series of ineetings held in the summer of 2000. Land uses which are undesirable at this location are listed as "Excluded Uses". Those include adult book stores, assembly halls, bars and tiquor sales, convenience stores, gas stations, heavy industrial uses, nursing homes, private clubs, restaurants and video sales. Landscaning: The ODP sets the minimum amount of landscaping at 20%. A note has been added that all requirements of Section 26-502 be met. Access: Two access points are shown; one south of the I-70 overpass at the existing location and a southem curb cut situated opposite the W. 46`h Avenue intersection with Tabor Street. The northern curb cu1 should be restricted to one-way in. Building Height/Minimum Setbacks: Maximum building height is specified as 35' which is more restrictive than the 50' allowed building height in the RC and C-1 zone districts. Setbacks proposed are generally consistent with our commercial zone districts. The reduction of the front setback from 50' to 30' compensates for the narrow lot depth due to the CDOT acquisition. Maximum Building Coverage: Maximum coverage by buildings is indicated at 20%. Combined with the minimum landscape coverage of 20%, the remainder leaves 60% coverage by hard surfaces. Development Standards: Planning Commission WZ-05-12 & MS-OS-OS/Skitzo for Trailer Source The development standazds depicted in the table are shown on the ODP. Future redevelopment of the site must comply with these standards. Development Standard Existing Plan Proposed Plan Max. building coverage 10% 20% Max. building height 35' 35' Min. perimeter setbacks 50' 30' Front: 15' 15' Rear: 15' 15' Sides: Min.landscaped coverage 20% 20% Planning Commission 4 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Sldtzo for Trailer Source Additional code sections aze referenced on the ODP including off-street parking, signage, fencing and architectural standards. ; The proposed development standards are generally consistent with those in the Commercial-One zone district regulations. All requirements for a Planned Commercial Development Outline Development Plan have been met. V. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Although this request is not a rezoning, the code states that the procedures and requirements for amending an ODP shall be the same as prescribed for the original approval, which would include evaluation of the zone change criteria. Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria. 1. That the existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is an error. The official zoning map is not in error. The parcel is currently zoned Planned Commercial Development. 2. That a change in character in the area has occurred due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions, and that the evidence supports the finding of the following. There will be dramatic changes in the character of the area when the new off-ramps for I-70 are constructed. All of the properties on the west side of Tabor will be impacted by varying degrees. The revised Outline Development Plan is in response to the acquisition of the western two-thirds of the property for right-of-way and pending demolition of the existing struchue and site improvements. 3. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. The Comprehensive Plan designates the northern two-thirds of the property as Small OfficeBusiness Center. Desired attributes of the SOBC areas are listed as: e__... Small office or incubator space which does not require high visibility from well traueled streets but may have a retail component as an accessory use. • Welllandscaped. • No visible outdoor storage; trash areas screened. . Amenities such as outdoor sitting and eating azeas, and pathways should be encouraged on-site for employees. • Vehicle circulation be handled intemally on the site. • All materials, equipment, vehicles and acrivities be enclosed within the primary structure. • Desired uses aze listed as warkshops, contractor/trades, repair and equipment shops, professional services, research and development facilities and labs, offices. Planning Commission 5 WZ-05-12 & MS-OS-OS/Skitzo for Trailer Source The southern one-third of the property is designated as AgriculturaUEstate Residential. The amended Outline Development Plan is inconsistent wifh this designation. However, the desirability of the property for residential use is questionable as it is surrounded on three sides by commercial development. 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. Redevelopment of the property with an additional access point will serve as a benefit to the neighborhood. Currently semi-hucks unloading merchandise for the property park on Tabor Street, just to the south of the I-70 overpass, or stop on Tabor and back into the property. Because of limited sight distance from the north, this creates a dangerous situation far the driver of the semi and the traveling publia The additional access point will allow trucks to enter the property from the north, unload and exit by the southern curb cut. 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. There will not be social and recreational benefits as a result of the zone change. There may be physical benefits (better access with southern curb cut) and economic (increased sales tax) benefits. The city does not capture sales tax from vehicles registered for road use (trucks and trailers) but does receive sales tax from the sales of jet skis, all terrain vehicles, snowmobiles and parts and accessories. 6. That adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All agencies can serve the property with upgrades to infrastructure, the cost of which will be bome by the applicant. 7. That the change of zone will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to the adjacent properties. Modificarion to the Outline Development Plan front setback and building coverage standards will not have a negative unpact to health, safety or welfare. Existing traffic hazazds will be eliminated when the pioperty, is redeyeloped. _ Drainage_will be accommodated on_srte 8. That the change of zone will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. Zoning of the property occurred in 2000. The properties to the south and west aze also zoned commercial. VI. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Planning Commission 6 WZ-05-12 & MS-OS-OS/Skitzo for Trailer Source The proposed Final Development Plan shows a two-phase design. The first phase includes a building with an 11,000 square foot footprint located in the southwest corner of the site (Exlul'nr7, propQsed ~ual~e~elopman~ Plau~ The gross floor area includes a 3000 square foot second story office. _ Employee and customer parking are located to the east of the structure. Inventory display is on the northern portion of the site. A second phase building pad similar in size to the first is shown to the northeast of the first structure adjacent to Tabor Street. Structure Design: The proposed architectural materials for the new structure include rough-faced block and EIFS. The walls are broken up with contrasting material banding and second story windows. Architecturally, the building elevations are similar on the east, west and north sides giving the appearance of front fac,ades from Tabor, I-70 and the off-ramps. The only true "rear" wall of the building is on the south side. Overhead doors are provided on the east side of the structure for vehicular access to the service bays. Staff has requested that brick or other accent material be provided as a wainscoting instead of the split face block shown. Wa11 signs are shown on the east, west and north elevations. Freestanding project signs are not shown on the FDP. As such, the standards of Article VII of the zoning and development code will apply. Based on this section, two freestanding sid s would be permitted; one of which could be a highway oriented sign 50' in height. Staff recommends that one of the freestanding signs be a monument sign. A note has been included on the Outline Development Plan that signage may not Ue illuminated when the business is closed. This note should be replicated on the Fina1 Development Plan document. Landscaping: The minimum landscaped coverage required Uy the ODP is 20%. On the site data breakdown, the landscaping for this phase is shown as 32,293 square 2"eet (29.8 This figure includes the iormal landscaped areas and the detentioa pands. The 20% ODP minimcm fc: the entire 2.5 acres must be met with any future development phases. Street trees with 3" caliper are shown in a tree lawns along Tabor Street. Street trees were also required along the I-70 frontage. All minimum landscape quantities required per Section 26-502 have been met. Access Two access points are shown for the property. The northem, existing curb cut will serve as a one-way entrance into the property. The southern curb cut aligning apposite W. 46th Avenue can accommodate two-way traffic. A note should be added to the northern curb cut restricting it to one-way in. Public sidewalk should be extended north from the northem driveway to the I-70 bridge overpass. Planning Commission 7 WZ-05-12 & MS-OS-OS/Skitzo for Trailer Source Development Standards The following development standards are depicted on the ODP. The proposed development and any future development must comply with these standards. Develo ment Standard Re uired b ODP Provided by FDP Minimum Setbacks Front: 30' 135' Side: 15' 17' Side: 15' 348' Rear: 15' 19' Maximum Buildin Hei ht 35' 28' Maximum Building Coverage 20% (21,710 s.f.) 10.2% (11,090 s.£) Min. Landsca ed Covera e 20% (21,710 s.£) 29.8% (32,293 s.£) Signage Refer to Article VII of the Complies Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Fencing Refer to Section 26-603 of the Complies Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Lzgktzug Refer ?o Section 26-503 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Complies Architectural Detail Refer to the Streetscape and Complies with the use of brick Architectural Design Manual wainscoting. The Final Development Plan complies with the development standards established by the proposed ^ntline Deve?cpment Plan. All reqniremen±s for a Planned Commercial_ Development Final Development Plan have been met VII. FINAL PLAT The property has been reconfigured to reflect the purchase by CDOT (~xb~i~8, Pro~o~ed P]a~; The plat establishes typical utility easements around the perimeter. The permanent stormwater detention easements are shown with the appropriate maintenance note on the front sheet. 10' of rigJlt-of-way is required to be dedicated for the southem portion of Tabor Street. A drainage easement needs to be shown on the south end of the property. All regulations and standards of Article IV of the Code of Laws have been met. VIII. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING _ _ The required preapplication meeting for neighborhood input was held on June 28, 2005. (EOlibit 9; NeighUoihood;Ivieeting Recap) Planning Commission WZ-05-12 & MS-OS-OS/Skitzo for Trailer Souice VIII. AGENCY REFERRAI,S All affected service agencies were contacted regarding the ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific refenal responses follow. Colorado Department of Transportation: Has no comments at this time. Wheat Ridge Public Works: The Public Works Department has reviewed a drainage plan and report. An additional 10' of right-of-way will be required for the southem portion of Tabor Street.. A subdivision improvement agreement with escrow will be required for future public improvements from the northern end of the north curb cut to the north property line. Arvada Fire Protection District: Will require the installarion of additional hydrants. Emergency access lanes shall be signed as fire lanes. The building will be required to be sprinklered. Ditch Companies: The affected ditch companies have reviewed changes to the current ditch configurations. The applicant must continue working with them to resolve any issues. Valley Water District: Valley Water District has adequate capacity to serve the project. Additional water main lines, fire hydrants or fire sprinkler lines may be needed. Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority: Has concluded that the proposed land uses are not consistent with the 44`h Avenue/Ward Road Redevelopment Plan; however, the zoning and land uses were approved prior to the adoption of the Redevelopment plan. X. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that due to acquisition of the western two-thirds of the property by CDOT, the property must be redeveloped. As such, an amended Outline Development Plan and Final Development Plan and plat are required. Staff further concludes that all requirements for the pertinent sections of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws have been met; therefore, a recommendation of approval is given for all three portions of the request with conditions listed in the suggested motions. XI. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: There are three requests and each will require a separate motion. AMENDED OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. The modification to the maximuxn building coverage and front setback standards will allow for efficient redevelopment of the property. 2. The amended Outline Development Plan reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. Planning Commission WZ-05-12 & MS-OS-OS/Skitzo for Trailer Source All requirements for a PCD Outline Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: i. A note be added regarding the northern curb cut restricting it to one way in. 2. The property owner's signature block be modified so that ali three documents are consistent." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: l. 2. 3 FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Option A: I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. It will allow for redevelopment of the property. 2. It is consistent with the proposed Outline Development Plan 3. All requirements for a PCD Final Development Plan have been met." With the following conditions: Brick or other accent material be provided as a wainscoting instead of the split face block shown. 2. One of the freestanding signs allowed on the property be a monument sign. 3. A note be added that signage will not be illuminated when the business is closed. 4. A note be added to the northem curb cut restricting it to one way in. 5. Detached sidewalk be provided north of the northem curb cut to the bridge overpass. 7. The applicant continue working with the ditch companies to resolve concerns prior to relocation and construction of the ditch improvements. 8. The property owner's signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent." _..._..Option B:- I move to recomxnend DENIAL of Case No:-WZ-OS-12, a request for approval of a Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 2. 3." FINAL PLAT Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. MS-OS-OS, a request for approval of Final Plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: Planning Commission 10 WZ05-12 & MS-OS-OS/Skitzo for Trailer Source 1. It reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. 2. Staff recommends approval. 3. All regulations and standazds of Article IV of the Code of Laws have been met. With the following condirions; 1. 10' of right-of-way be dedicated far the southern portion of Tabor Street. 2. The drainage easement on the south end of the property be shown. 3. Correct miscellaneous typographical errors. 4. The property owner's signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. MS-OS-OS, a request for approval of Final Plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 2. 3." Planning Commission 11 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source ° Bagley Development Consultants October 10, 2005 Ms. Meredith Reckert Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29t` Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Trailer Source Redevelopment at 4651 Tabor Street - Application Submittal Dear Meredith: We aze pleased to submit to the City of Wheat Ridge the application for the redevelopment of the Trailer Source facility in ownership of Skitzo Offshore, LLC, Jim Blumenthal, President. As you aze aware, there have been many iterations of the plan for the Trailer Source project over the last five yeazs or more. We believe that the submittal is a quality project in every way and meets the desire on the part of the City of Wheat Ridge to significantly upgrade the operation conducted by the Trailer Source business. The project proposes a contemporary building on the remaining 2.5-acre site afrer the taking of the remainder of the properiy and the existing building by CDOT for the interchange improvements at Ward Road and 44'b Avenue. The significant aspects of the project that have been included in the new design and are important to both the City of Wheat Ridge and the owners of Trailer Source are the following: • A new contemporary building housing all operations • All outdoor storage and display of trailers on an all weather concrete paved surface • A quality landscape plan for the entire project • Appropriate lighting for the project that does not impact surroundmg residential neighborhoods • Piping of the three agricukural ditches that cross the subject property • Signs that meet the requirements of the City of Wheat Ridge Sign Code • Improved vehicular access to the site, creating a one way cuculation system • Screened storage of equipment and trash containers The application submitted includes those items necessary for and amended Official Development Plan (ODP), a new Fnial Development Plan (FDP) and a new subdivision plat. We look forward to receiving comments from the City of Wheat Ridge relative to the submittal package presented. Please do not hesitate to contact me if we can be of further assistance regarding the application. Sincerely, BAGLEY DEVELOPME T CONSULTANTS Kent Bagley Principal cc: Jim Blumenthal, Trailer Sour< 90 Madison Street • Suite 300 EXHIBIT 1 - 333-0636 • FAX (303) 388-8756 . r: s~ a'. ' ~ ~IM e,.; . ~ - . - . . - ~ • dstLtk:tf#-aE:9W6 trf•Alr:art..~ -OM iE9YtF P1iRC OF WR 7 4tt#E3 F?BOAd9Cl4 ibiMtH" i}' JOV"90k.$MM ift tbEGMPR- DESORE% AS fDUJX.R~. ~ ~tING L POliF BIE 8e !m LRk Ei itl[ 4 &a`S' ~7t~M~ F7F . - M~ ~ 9t4 T~ ~ I~'~~r . , . . . ~ ~ . l i, ~ KA INS" It atww-~A MEAUX ~14 A'w , € 14WMM. 1F~NCE eF ~~~6 . ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ - ~ . . ~ " . . fF.. 4 lLreR' ~ ~ Ft;.. ~E . ~ p , i,F 1[l!6 ~ 9ik tR~:.:- - . _ - . . w7@!'F" 9 C~'~ AIK d ' R R [ F 1' ~ ` . . _ ' , . . . . ~ . . ~ P 9 ~ E ~ ~ q~ i~Blqi OItC7t ioh6lf Aiw 836 M~` !E {-~17! 0r ' ' ~ ~ S ' _ . - ~ IIPLE i 'i ~•,rv?- 'S ~bjy'+'¢e'}y~'~~ m+ \ b . . . . . aYQ~1G ~ ""Y ftmviQ t _ ta,~,.~.'Y.~ sa +11[1t ~ . '4Y 4 ~ . ~ . ' t ~ ~ S R cart~ ro( ~''j 3 T- y~A ~~yp~ ~ f tHTt~ FVE 4 Y XC~2 7M'I~~OiU~'~R ~+eaTSM.~' S . , - ~ ` ~ ~4~ ~ ~ i1M► " ~ . . . . . . ~ . : _ . ~ ~ . ' " ~ . 4 ~ . " . _ . j:.iA...s ~ .J . , m OUKDRW . ~ . . . . . . ~k~' - ~d. . . . ~~.eY . . . p.~ t • . +j 3 b a ~y ~.AL p~k ~ ) ,~a r~"3s 3~~~~'~ 4-.~. i 4 z`.~k i~. • _ - ' ` . . . . ' . . t:G . ~ 4, J- y y t 's _ "E. ~ F Pk3TF5_ ~1USL #~~L ie~. R A~I~R l~lf l~ft#R ~ i~ 011T R r't~f. ' +b~tl=MRl~II«I1.tKR~{r>~~'~~]1E1~pR~ ~ . . sacy~q~ tarH~a6~lCRSawsaWFw~l~p~~F.s - aVml~_. /t~F aftar~als~~iisfrR. . " ~~F~MiIl4t}f~1l~1["lriktyi'alL~fif. ~1~W~RfI~lErR1[alfekR~~~FRil~ll~pt i~ ~IY~ ~warE ~l#1~[~Brrti~PA.► !F.#kRt PARCEL . . . - t1&1 {CA.N-} R~2 Ril++pR~LpRS q~}~y`t SV s,.~s/i Yi.NV Ii y ! f ~ ~ A . . . . a 0 41 EXHIBIT 2 ~ ~ ~ SCN£ t'- ~0' 10~ NO a . ' ~ . ' i ~ 3 R~II91NG~eRtsN-C/ SN0105 FIkANC1Y. OiF1CE$ ~ ~ ~ }Q OMkYq NO ptNES Q NO.t OUTl.INE DEV'ELOPMENT FLAN POR 1'ABOR SUB[71VISlON F1LITdG trt0. 2 AN OFFtGiAL DEIfELOPMEACT Pi.AN kN THE CI7Y OF WHEAT RlDGE A POi4Cf11Ut4 Of LOTS 7 & 8. LWS WJ8ZtViFs10N AND LOT 1, TR6[NR UEti'EL.OP'Cc7:EMT St3&DiVtStON LOCA7'F-0 kht 7?6E N23R7'H'EAST (3Nf -f1UAtiTER Qf SE=E'FIflM 24, TOWN"4P 3 SO11TH, RAtJC:E 69 WESY t7F THE 67H Pt2t11C{i'AL A4ERIUTAN . CYFY Of WHEATRiS2OE, C(?UadTY Of dF-FFER34N, STATE OF GflLORADO I um -os nns vaa~a s ro rxauw TM[ [wstwc R.wNm xa ~ CdAMERCLl DEVEIOPMENT CPCD) TONE DiS7RICT KHONN /S 'TnE~R DEVEtDPUENT" $ M10 E5p5fING VSE, iRqIL~R SOURCF. OMp A 1.3 PGRE PMCEL AWACGT TO THE NORTK htl6 EXPAt161W1 P0.0P0.5£"r AtlNY#J. pEN10PNFM. INCLWING PUCOdQf! OF cWAVR D(dVE Mb WSSM1AY PItFAS. PsESER."R1i0M OF iA05T FYJStWG TRE6 ON p a R1E SRE A9DIi10N OF SEVER*L 110RA TWE4 AND Oik1ER WtO6tYJ'E W1tRVl.S. aV.CPkNi OF FRE4 IJGMkG, PNU A NfW PRF€-SF.VNNMO StBl1 ORIINF40 TOWPRDS kRERSFAT£ 70. ZClANC MPROVAI IS NSO Rf.QUE31[D fOR THE 2.51 ACRES TO THE ~ 1 ~ I SMRN ip ptypW iHE Eq61ERN PORfqN TO BE US€0 fOR ILCE'65 A4~ 05WAY. / I~ g PFCOR FO ~N 8kY0N61 FNE P%15AlIG PlWSlNG W14 Nt WTUNE AtW FkUL OEVfl.O%AClFt ~ APPRGNH. BY PWWINC CGFIA~455pN HJD 411V CWNCiL Wlll BC REWMiEO. F PFN'OSED USE 15 E%PNiSWN QF AiE5UtH~UR6FNS U6E IN~ANB~Pff~SeYI14LS~ifS. Mi0 SERVICE OF NEW lND U58W'~ERS. R~4~lEfl I ~ B~mW RECREFTWN BOATS ANO V6JBCiES KS I~€T IFS. MW h1L TEflMW ~ ~ . .i_ .i ' ~ ~ . ~ • ~S Vb w eva5srx anl.~a' S OP]]'l0Y ~ee'~ a ACCE55 T. W. 46th AVE. 0 TABOR ST. - Y ~W -I10 m NEAl11B'E jRt9t ~ I • ~ . A.M.T.OEYffLOn tlENfeOM., TMOA8IR£ETPROPBRTIFX AN11 IS.r _ DEM 1 NAkIMUhI BiXLD1NG COVERACE: tO.C ~u^1M4 ~ ~ 2 NAXIMW BUItDt1iG HflGHT: 33 FEET ERNIETER BUYqNG SETBkCICS 3. MIWIAUM FRQNP. S-FEET ~R 115 5FEEi J-*O ~S R S/IC. MMIMUM WlOSCAPE COVFRACE: ` MIWLE PARW; 209 NORiH PARCFl 20[ soun+ Pn~ca: xx a 5. NO PARKINC OF Y~AN iRUCRS -IXCEPT f0.4 ONf SEW TRUd( Fl2qA 7:00 A.Y. N 3.00 P.N. SW}N TOWARD 41TM AVENUE THE BUSIWF.SS IS NOT OP€N. TkEEN THE HWR3 QF bJ0 AJA. AILERS. ANS JET SKtS OR JN THE EISTERN VORtION OF ]1L1VRly N/JAk].Y 4601 T;~BIXt. Oh'iY AS 9101R! ON 'f11E PLAN PNO THE ORIVES ALL BE ALLOWED AT ANY "IMI£ ID 1RAILER IF ONNED 9Y O~JER$ CABF HISTDRV WLBS~ . . VF1tlCLES, ANO REIAtEO ACC R F~WWFFE&Ef.E&'~~ ~kk Y oF "itiE oiHER POg8~1.£ fUTI&E USES 1$fE-0 A3 B USZ k~1' RE RE A f£Y1Q MEN1' P{AN kNR3~NEkT ttl aCCOUMOWTE 4PEqFlC U$E LtkOlFi. F~ IMO Sf5€ Cw+FlCt1FATfOti PE9UIREUF#TS. eN0 N+Y BWILMNGS UPON 5K SkFE FM ~pR¢C'ft~)R OL' GtANWpdC PHO~t~{ i SiWl~~~ NEf flf(I~RE PRtlWOID CMPtiaE f1F USE TO OEIERNME _flID6E U-.5 RiAM/5. SECfro11~3BMF~mPUN MlENt A(ENT IN ACCORUMCE WIiN 1YHE4T . . . 26 R6BtlIR7g0 11gi• ~3% SiMW Gpp~g~ Nt0 9THEfi S ESKHE~'p~FR, I:O~INCWplNG~ " PRINPNG, ~~~EAn SUPPt 3RE5. R IpN M i,Gf[S9pRY T9 A W3N USE .+N LL54AFd. ;...'M) ~ ~L SlX ~ &'T W ~iNdi ~ BWjX ~ O PAl(E NE H ~~fl4LLY T~ONEp WNOPFNIY. V CR 4 AN0 1wFRf IS A FE510ENIEAL $TRUCfU1tE OF 4YIE CON4JN AROPERIY t1NE. IIN6 9NOp 4Tn1 CLMICS OR lABOfLfTON%S. 6?Jp PLGSONAI WATfR CR~P3~T, NDT Y~KYU . UCEHSNG. iE USES IIMRING T11E FNWEHGUS£ COMPPNENi TO Q FOOTPGE OF THE BUfk4)IlJ6. iCF~~f iHOS~E t~6➢A~ '~EkG. OFFICES. P USES' SECTON PIRCCHW, AND PPtYhTE (INC PRNAipEt,gt pNUR5FRY5. iNGLW6IN~gz~tlC'~1a1.~A)CGfPEO i~ia~ ~D LNHCS W~E iMQRE PRE i t24M5 FGMY 6. AOGE4~OWV, ~ OA FFACHWG OF FlNE NFiS, ~PNkYAQ~ft Di~NGfi. ;wiewc ors atinanc ufrx+Tiou s+wrs. SIMMa. l. D 6E SIMIWi M S~E. '1l'€ QF SIW4dR U9E5 ME U5E5 'Mi+iFH WOUt OF€Wi11pN SE¢✓iCES PR0410E0 OR 6aJIP1iENT USN9 tRfAVBR OF EMPI,Q, qND HpURS OF OGEfiASiRM OND WYNCN ttetll0: (A) BE COMPAT4BlE M CRALR R MNp piPACf WfFH PERIlN1ED USFS Ni l1YcDEYG16Piglif. (B) BE CONSISiEM VNFrI T!~ i1V Of' YHE PWNN6~ DE`~0.0Pt.lENf: fC) NOT 8E 0&IECIION,im T9 NEM' PHpPEKiY 6Y REfiRON OF' ODOR. DV5F. ~ES. NqbE, k1DYeT70N H€Af, G~ •u `ABRATWM. TRAffiC C€~i10N. PPftIEMG NLEDS. OUFDOOR STDRPAE OR USE; plifl (D) NOT BE HP]ARklWS TO THE HCAI.FN PND S4'€f1' Of y'WRpUNryIlG AREAS SMR6U6N QudGER OF FlRE OR EXPLOSroN. EkCLJ.NnF~~eGc 1. AGUU BOOK $TOftES S. APPIWdCE 5i0RE5 3. A35EA1&.Y FULLJCWNEMION CEN4EH a. lo.as ,wo uouoR saEs s. cw sAtEs s. CONVENI€NCE SfORES CA$ $IAT10115 8. arJEAtNAENt AND/OR OVASI-WVERNnfENikl BUILOINGS 9. HE4W MWSTRIII U$E io. NOtORIZEp WES PEpNWRiG LICTiNCKS ENSING E%CEPTl)ANO E%CEPi FOft UP TO 20 I~W FOR AqTOPGYCLES . NUfl51NG HdlES 12. PRNATE CWBS 13. RpTRUR4ii$ (FAST F00D ANO Sff OOWN 11. Sf.WD-PAANE RflNAL AGFJICIES (RFNIK OF GROWCTS ANdtUAY TO A PFAMRfW PMMRPY gSES SWSL 9E NIAWFBIE). 15. N IMY~TO A~PE ! REO PP ~ USE P~£BEEM~l6W B~IE)REPAKS 18. STIND-qLG4E WARfHaVSE USES 17, NDEO 5(OFES PREPMED BY: UNE ENGNFERINC SflNICE, INC. 8500 WM_1f1N AVENUE, VdtE'k00DS a 90116 THIS OLntNE DEVt9DFMENT PLW SUPERCECES THE %tIOR OIIfUNE pEVF10PNENi FtAN ftECORpED Ai: ODP BOOK 67. Pk6E }B. RECEPPIXI W. 0321003. UOCZ bY V'~ '[~%i+.r 5-SWJRN To BEfORE MF TMS . YfIR1E55 AM. H4N8 AND OIFIGUL SUL . y ti M~TaNY~~ 4Y WI1N441VN EIIPIHES:. . " ° ~ v ' w A"a ~a-~.'-.WMLVM fa@A@h'!C'J.M »a ~c~, o, '~bi t ~ TFHS 5 TO CFIA9fY THE IWiHtM PWN. f~E N0. 'NL - W- 12 t4S 6! '{HE PIAfJNING COMAN9SON Of T1E CflY OF W11FAT B f] AA P 4 ayn p p ~p E N mocF, canwino. a er n~ rrtavm~ s ~S wr or ~ Fr hP oce CITY ~ Wtt?qp~ Aff6T. 4 * F/k.'`M n TIRS 09CUMEkT ACfEPT£➢ FOR FlLMG IN THE OFFY~bF THE CWHIY K PND RE OF JEFFEItfiPN CO13ktt AT COI.DFd. COLORMO 011 THE A 2062, IH BOON 1(~.PACE ~ -I DKf OF AND RECEPi10N ' G~ f~RY / y 1 ' ~ ' - , ~ ~ ,y!,~ CL6flK DfPU J N APIO REEORO' ~ I. D. tl&1EW. A RE PROiF¢SJONdI I.VPo SURIYYOR IN THE xFE 6@lQRA00 ~EY 45ffTffY 50}~ IXM1' QF WNkhT TFi SW~ y R~' W ~tf Pl lfi 0F S g . - CRb(S~ + & A L £S U~ SCilY - THE tFf'SU 0( A fii ~ . VC! IY ~ C €Wb°dP@ N I R m IN NF l . 4 i CF Y}Y q16JkiF~ E k~ RK;If(-bx- ONMPORIIC~E M04, EXHIBIT aommOIll 3 g ~m c IsSAL U€9CRJPF.IW! PORiqNS OF 0, ] Mro $ lFE'S 5U~OPA&ON ANO LOT 1. TI80R T0N 2~t1 FOWHSFNP 3SO~~RWGE 8~9 WF5~T11~ ~b~b'1G5PK OMeIAGRE PMIYCUIIRI.Y.OE$CPo@C➢OF SPATE OF ,4, ~ x N 3 x F r m ~ 1 m O ~ A ~ 2 71 O T { D O A c N -i O Z ;u m O C ;o m m m z ~ ~ T ~ C f~ W c 4~~ . .a ~i , j~ i . , ~ ; • . ~ PPEF2Tlf~~='~/~,, i CO E ~ ~ ' i t , / ~ ~ / ~ i. ~ ~ _ ~t': ~ • . ~ _-.\E' _ - i~4 r•,Y'~/+.i.~ ~ °s: Q „ I,,PF:~ ' : . . - ~ - 2~4 ~ - ; M TALi. ry~Autb 'J~II_; ,y ~ • _ I ' yJJ'~ • _ ' ~ ` ~ i; ~ri~l - . ~ ~ fi1' 011i £ . % PA MENT TO REMOVED ~ ? " i ,...a . i i PHASE 1 F'FIASE2 EXHIBIT 5 Sub~l e ~f rd~ N 0 200 400 600 Scale In Feet ESTIMA7E OF RIGHT-OF-WAYACQUISITION REQUIREMENTS ~i r~cu+m er. uxo qncxrzecrs 819i4. pppe9reBM1. SuHe 130 wa~m.ae~rncawize v13os)7sanm r:(awI Ik uxoscnce nAa~ FWVOSUFFpCE ~p1 MAXBIDO. H,O6 ttITAL f~8.6 NOIE: SfIE DATF IS SUBJECT TOMPRWPLOFAFINAL pEVELOPMENTPIAN. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT THE IMFMPND PUPPQSE OFTHIS PRQIELT ISTO RFAOGAIETfEE>lSTING 1RNLERSOURGEBUILOING, PARIQNG, pNOOVIDOOR SALES DISPIAY PPEhTO THEFA4T OMOAREVISm PROPERT' CONFIGUftRTION, DUE TOTIE WNOEMNPTIONOFMEMNORIiYOFTHEPROPERITBYCWTTOACCIX.IOUATE'MEL]OON60FFfWAT. T1E PROJECT MRINTN NS EXISTING NLLO W EU USES IN TI E IXISlING PUNNEO COMMERCIPL OE VELOPMEM 0MDIZONE D45TRICipIOWNFS4A90ROEVELOPMEM: PROPoSINGAStIGMiLYW2GERBUILOINGWITIGftEARYREOUCEO OUIO.'qRDISPIATMEA4,AS WELLPSRFIINREPWSEIIBIIIIDING. AFINRLDEVELOPMENlPIAN W1iX AWROVFLBTPLWNING WMMISSICNANUGT'CAUNCILPoRTIE%NSEII WIIDINGVALLBEPEQUIFEO. TIIS PR0.IFGT WILL BE COMPLIPNT WRH WDE IN FHATICN TO NEW tANOSGPING. PMI(ING, SIGNS, M'D LIGHiING. PROPJSm USE IS RELOCATION AND ElPAN510N OFTHE GIfiREM USE WHIGI INLWOES DISPIAV, SP3ES,AND SERNCEOF NEW PND USFDTIULLEflS, REIATEOpCCE380WE& PERSONAL VEMQES, ANO REIAiEO ACCESSORIES. RISRELOGN.OTHATMANTOFTHEOTHERPOSSIBtEF11NREU5ESIl5iEOASTERMf1'1ED WE'3 USES',MATPEQUIREADEVELOPMENTPlPN0.MENDMENlTORCLOMMWATESPEQFlCUSEIATOUl.PNiKINGANO IVWON SIIECONFIGIIRATIONREOVIpEMENiS,PNDANYNEYlBU1LDIN35UFONiHE3RE.TIECOMMIINRYDEVELOFMEM DIIVECiOR SHALL REVIEW ANY FIRURE PROP0.5ED CHANOEOFIISEiOOEfEfiMINE IFSIICH UbE(5)REpUIREA DEVFIOPMEMP(ANAMENOMEMINRCCOPOTNCEWRNWHE4TRIQOECODEOFUWS,SECTION283N. PERMITTED USE: ._._......_LPMIWESTOflE ~ 2.MTG4IERIESORSNO105 - ' 9.BN(FfUES,REfNL 4. &WK, LOANS ANO FINANCNLOFFICES EDR3 S.BICYQESTORES iEHN1Y 6.BWFPRINlING.PHOiOSTATCCOPTING.PND OlHER81MIURREPPOWCl10N5ERVICEB.HtlNEVER,NOT iENPIq_ INCLUDINGIARGEPRIMING.PUBLISHINGANOKKtBWNBIN0INGESTPBIISHMENIS 1.BOAT,C0.lIPENPND IRAVFJ.TRHILEft5P3E5NJU8ERVICE e. G4NEMANDPHOTOGMPHICSERNCEANOSIIPPLYSTORFS B. G41EPEfl5 j0. CHIID LME CEMER t CIISlIXAFHBRICATIONASACCESSORYTOAMNNUSE t2 FXIERMINqTOfL4 t3.FLIXNJ.SHOPSWHOlESALE 14. GVt~ENBVPPL1E38TOFESWHOLECeUc t6. OREENHOUSEBNIOlANOSCAGENORSERIES.INCLUDINGBOiHWHOLE6PIEANOPETNL64E80FRElATFD MAtEqIALSPNO PRODUCLS PROVIOEO, HOWEVER, THATBUI%SiOMGE ORPRES OF MATFRINS SUqIIS MPNUPE, PE4T, TOPSOIL, ROCK ~NO, FIREWOM ORSIMIWtM4iERW.SMESCPEENEO FftIXA NEVI FROM p0.NCEM flE510EMNL P0.pPERtIES BYR VIEW-093fHUCTNG FENCESIX (6) FEEf IN MEIGHI. BULKSlORAGEOR PIIE$ OFSUCH M41ERIpL54141L BENO CLPSEP TH4N TYEMY-FNEfEETNh51DE OR PE4RLOT LINE WHICH R0UlSNESIOENTIFLLYZONM PROPERTY, ORWXEREZONEOPGNICOLNRPLANOTXEFEISRPESIDENR4L SIRUCNRE WflHIN FlREEN (16) FEEf OFTNE COMMON PROP4c iYUNE 18. INIERIOR DECOMTING SHOP 11. MEDIGLLPNDOENtAL0.1NIC50RLABOMTORIES . 18. MOTOP SPORTS SN.ES INCWDMG6Uf NOT LIMIlEDTOALL TEHNJN VEHICLEB, 6NOWMOBILE6PND PERSONPl WATERLPAFT. NOT ING.UDINO VENICLE6 REpUIRING OGENSING 19. aFFICIE9MEHOVSEUSESOMRMGIHE WMEN0U5EMMPONENlT090160FTHETOTAl50OMEFWTRGE IME, SqIZO OFFSNORE, LLC, BEING THE O W NEFS OF RE1l PROPERiY CONlNNMG 2i8°4 AIXiE5,1. W RE OR iESS, oescaieeo ns roua.vs: ppMT OF LOT t, TABOR DEVELOPMENTSIIBDNISICN (BOOK 19P, PAQE 1)PNOPVARTOF LOT]ANDB, fEE'S SOBDMSION (PtAT BOOK R, PAOE Y3) PND LOCATED IN THE NORTIH3! QUPIRER OF SECTON 91, TO W NSNIP 3 SWIH, PrWGE BB WFST OFTIE SIMM PRINCIPPL MERIOIPN, CIIYOF WHFATFICGE, COUMYOFJEFfEftSQY. STqIECF OJLOMW BEING MOkE PNRTICIIVJtLY0E5LRI8FDA3 FIXLOWS: BEGINNINOATIHE INIEflSEC110N OFTIE 60111HERLYIINE OGSAIO LOTBPND TNE WEbTERLTFIGXTLFWNY LINEOFTABCR 510.EEt fROM WHENCETHF NORIFIE0.5lCORNEROF8405ELTON MBEARS SA'9602W. 1qfNa.89iEEf: THENCELEANNGSNO WEStERLYRIOM-0F-WAYLINEAND PIONGTHESOUIHEFLYLINEOF&4D LMBS88'S1'RYV.295.32FEETTOlHEE0.51EFLYLINEOF WOTPARCELA9:0; IHENCEAlONG540FASTERLT LINEOF GIOTPqRCELFICOTHE fOLLOWING FNE (5)CONSECVIIVE WURBES: f)TIENGE23135FEETPIANGA NON-TM'GENiCURVETOTIELEFfHAVINGARP➢IIISOFBtl.W fEET,ACFNIPIiLANGIEOF]i'ia^!➢'AN9A CHOROWHICHBFARSNII'1326'E,'d9.PoFEEi; 2)THENCEKON6NNON-TANGEMIINENdYA5f0'E.24.89FEEi; 3)TIENCE NW'tTMW, f6ld0 FEET; 6)THFNCE N11'9C40'E,101.81 FEtT. O) IHENCE W]'S1'1L'E, tA.W FEEf TO SWDWESTEPLYPoGHl-0F-WAY GINE; 5)TIENCEALONG &4DWESTEPLYRIGXiUF-WRYIlNET1E PoLLOWING THPEE (9) WNSEGRIVE LOIIft5E5: 1)THENCES00'59'16'E,153.72 FEET; 2)TIENCE 50930b3'E, 99].R FEET: 3) T{ENCE SW VYC2E,3].9t FEETTOIHE 1fl11EPO1M OF BEOINNINO. SNO PARCELdJMNIN5109, 8B>SOUAflE fEEf(21P89RIXiE5),MOREORLE55. THE BELOW SIGNFA OWNER(S).00.lEGPL.YOESIQ WI~AGENf(S)TIEREOF. W HEREBYAGPEEIINT THE PROPERTYLEGNLY DESLRIBW HERE0.V WILL BE DEVGLOPFA PSNPIANNmOEVELOPMEM IN pC W HOM'CE VNiH THE 119E5, RESiRICl10N4 Ni0 CONDRIqi4 C/JNTNNM IN 1H IS PIAN. PNO p5 MAY OIHER W ISE BE REpURI ED BY IAW. I(W E) NRiHEH PEGOGNIIE TIHT THE pPPR WPt OF F f E¢ONING ttl G W Y NFD OEV ELOFMEM, PND MPROVAL OF TIIS FI W V. OEVF.LOPM EM PUN, OOES NOT GREAIE A VESiEDPoWI RIGHf.VESTED PROPFRIYNGXT6MATCNLYMI5EM10RCCFUEPUPSUMTN THE PRONSIONS OFSECl10N'6131 OFTHE WNFATfi1OGE WOEOF NVS. JPMESMYBWMENTIAL JMIES R4YBLUMEMW LII STAIEOFCOlAPA00 { )S3 COUNiYOFJEFFER50N ~ THEFOREOOINOINSlRIIMEMW/SNCKNOWLmGEOBEFOflEMETHIS ONYOF~AD. BYJIM BLIIMEMIW.AS MANAOINGMEMEBER OF SIQROOffSIqRE, LLF. W flNES4 MY HFNO ANDOFFICIAL SEPL. MYLUMMISSIONUSIR6: NOTARY WBLIC PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION RECOMMENDEDfORMPRWP1THl9_OAYOF 'GJB,BTTIEWHEATWOGE PLWNINGCOMMISSION. \VE. SmIe:1•= W DEVELOPMENT AND USE STANDAROS MWNT OLNEf CEMETERY MAP TNHOE ~I I PROSPECT LqN(E PMK t. MAXIMUMBUIfDINGCOVEMQE RO% 2 MAXIMUMBUIt➢INGXEIGHi:35Ff. 9. MINIMUMPENIMETEft9UIL01NG9EfBNG(5: FROM:90Ff./REPfk 15Ff./SIOE9:15FT. ~ d. MINIMIIMfANPSGIPECOVEMGE: NOTES 1.1HI8 OIIRME DE VELOPMEIR PIAN 311PERf£DES iHE MUCR OIIRINE OEVFlOPMEM P4N FECOFDED AT: OOP BOOK 118. PAOE `A, PECEP~ION NO. flC~W 91& - 2.UNOSCMINGSHALLBEINCONFORMANCEWITiSEC110NR8b'130FTXElSMFATRI0GEW0E0lI.AW3. & PAfVI(ING SHALL BE IN CONFOpMNiCEYAiHSECTION 38f01 OFTHE WHE4T W WECOOEOF LAWS. _ q,EXIEWORIIGMINOSiNLL9EINCONFORM4NCEWRHSCSPON'd50.tOFTNEWMEVNWEC00EOFlAVN. - FENCING6HALLBEINWNFORMPNCEWIiHSECTIONffi&130FTHEYMFATRIWECODEOFlAWS. S. 8. SIGNNGESHALLBE IN CANFORWWCE WITHARTQE VII Of THE WHFATNWE WOEOFIAWS. 1 ).ARLXIiEGiURPLpEfNLBfIPLL9EINNCWPOANCEVfi1MTHE5TFEEiSCAPEANOAFCNIIECNPALOESIGN MNNVAL. CONDITIONS OF CITY APPROVAL 1. HOUP80F OPERATION SH4LLBE FftOM]W AM.T09FN P.M. 2 PNYSIGNqGEFTCINOTPBOROR3011IHTOWMD4CNAVENUESHAILPETWNUNLIGHlED WHENIHE ~ BIISINESSISNOTOPEN. 3. FLL DELNEWES BHTLL OCCUR BflWEENTHE HWRSOFBW 0.M.M1D &M P.M. 0. NOPAPpNGOF5EM4TR11C1(SSHALLBEALLOWEDATINYTIMEE%CEPTFORONESEM4'IRIICKAND TWJLERIFOWNEUBYOWNER90FlNEPROPEpIYORIFPAftI IFMFOR4HILYFOR0E1lVEftYP11PPO5ES TABOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT N0. 2 OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR TABOR SUBDIVISION FILING N0. 2 AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAFi IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE R PORTIQX OF LOTS 7 6 B, LEES SUBOIYI810X GMO l0i 7, TABON OEVEIOPMENi SIIBOIVISION LOCRiED IM THE NO8THFRSi ONE-pUAX1EP OF SECiION 10, TOWXBHIF 3 80UfH, MX6E 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PXIMCIPAL MEBIOUX CITT OF WHERi flI06E, COUXiT OF JEFFEPSON, STRTE OF COLOM00 SIMILAR USES SIMIUAUSESFFEUSE6 WHICH WOULUBE61MItMIN51ZE,TYPEOFOPERAT10N,6EflVICE5PRW1OE0OR EONPMENTUSES, NIIMBQIOF EMPIqYEE6, MD HOIIfIS OF OPBUTION PND WHIGI WOIILD: (A) BE COMPqTIBLE IN CHMAGTERANDIMPACI WRN PERMIfIm OSES IN TIE PLWNEU DEVELOPMENP. BB) BE CPYSISTENTVATI THE INiENf OFTIE PIPNNEUOEVELOPMEM; fC) NOTBEOBJEC110NABLETONEMBYPROPERNBYRFA?ANOFOWROUST. NM6.GAB,NOISE,RMIATIXi HFAT, GtARE VIBflATION, iRPFFICGENEMIION, PMIfING NEFDS.OUIDWRSTOMGEORUBE;ANO ID) NOTBEHA24RDWSTOTHEHFALTiPNO SPFEf1'OFSUfiRWNDINGMFA5lHf10UGNDANGEFOFFIREIXt FJPLOSIOx. EXCLUDED USES _ i.nouireaoKSropES - 2 AR'WNCESTOPEB 9. ASSEMBLV WILVCONVEMIONCEMER a.arasauououoaMcs ' s. rwawcs 6.CONVENIENCE6TORE9 G455TAT10N5 B.QOVEIUlMENTANWORQU0.51GOVHiNMEHlPLBUIIAINGS 9. HEAWINOIISiRIFL115E tU. MOTOPIZEU VEHICLES REQIIIRINQ LICENSING (E%CEPf GCR MOTOfICiClEBMIUE%CEPT FOR lIPT010 NEW TRUCNSNiNUFLL1) t1. NIIFSING NOMES 12 PRNATEClUBS 13. 2ESTAUMNIS (F0.Si F W D& $R CO W N) N. 8lPNO#LONE RENiP1RQENCIES (RENiK OF PROOIICTBANCILLPRYTO APERMRIED PRIMMV 1I8E55H4LBE ALLOWABIE) 15. SiPN6P10NEREfNLpUIDPNRSSPLES(PRRlS.SERNCEPN4ftEPMISANCILURYTOFPERMIITEDPRIMPftV II SE BHNL BE P110N'ABIE) 19,6iPN6ALONEWMEH00SE115E5 11. NDE-0SNRES SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1, JqIN B.6lIYlON. P.LS., W HEREBYCEHiIFYi1NTTNESURVEY WA9 MWE BYME IXYUNOEFMY OIPECT &IIPERVISIONPNO TO THE BEST OFMYKNO'MEDGE, INFORMATION ANDBEIIEf, INACf/JRDM'CE WIiHNl pPPLIG4BlE C/JL00.AD0 STAMES, CUFREN! AEV ISEO EMlION AS ANENDEO. TN f PCCOMPMITING P W I qC W MIELY REP2ESEM5 441D 8U0.VEY. (SURVEYOR95EPy JOHNB.GIMONPISM&CB FORPNUON BEH4F OFFLHTRONS SURVEVING, INC. CXAIIiPEPSIhY CITYCERTIFICATION PPPROVEOTHI9_OATOF 'NLG.BYIHEWMEATRIWECT'COVNCIL •RFBT cmc~ewc OIRECRM OF COMMUNITY OEV F10PMENT COUNTYCLERKAND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE STNIEOFCOLORMO ) ~ COUNT'OFJEfFE1L50N 1 IHFftE6YCERTIFYTHNTTHISPIATWPSGRE0INTHEOFFICEOFTHECAUNII'CIEFKPNDREWPOEROF JEFFERBCN CWNttATGWllEN,COLOFPDO,AT O'CIOCN_M.QYTHIS_DAYOF N_AD.. JEFFEFSQY C/]IIMT CLERK ANDRECOMER qECEPLION NO. 6Y: oeru*v UNIFIED CONTROL STATEMENT THEOWNERS OF RFALPROPEftiV INQAIDFD WI(HIN THE PftOPOSE.PIANNED ~LOPMEMOISi(11LT ING.WEJM1ESft4YBWM~, 'WTIEJ.BLUMENtHAL,ANOJFMESMYBWMENTNLII. THE PROPEHfY WILLCON(INIIE TO BEOWNmBYT1ESE OWNERSAS'IHE1' WMINUEIOOPEW IETHE TRNlERSWRCEB1141NE55. IFM'0 WHEN A FUNPE PWSE P BURDING IS CANSTIi11ClEfl ONTHE SIIE, RYALL ERHERBECAN51fl11CTEDANPOWNmBYiNEABOVEOWNERSPSM'DP' M'SIONOFIHEIXISTINOTRAILEF S(NIRCEBUSMESS,ORTiE/ W ITIIN TI IS ODP. IN FJiHEP pTHER CONDITIONS WRHIN' wxsraucriou. tna~ces EXHIBIT 6 TABOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT N0.1 An Official Final Development Plan of the City of Wheat Ridge - 0. PORTIOX OF IAT5768, LEE'S SUBDIVISIOM RNO lOT 7, TIIBOR DEVELOPMEXT SOBOIYI810N IACRTEU IM 7NE MOHTXFAST ONE-pUIINiEN OF 6ECIION 20, iOWXSNIP 9 SOUIX, MX6E 69 WEST OF iNE 6111 PRIXCIPAL MERIOIGX CIiYOFWHFATBID6E,C011XiTOPJEFFERSOX,S7A7E0FC01AMUD VICINITYMAP Sa10:1'='1000' B NoRtn ; ~ o~ ~oe~• MOUIYI OLrvET cMerenr iaM ~ 0 C PERMITTED USES COYEB SNEET 1. FMIQIIEBTORE 3. PRIQ4IERIESORSN0105 a aumnes,aeraL 941K ~'S pNp FI W W CLY OFFICEB 5. BICYQEbTOpE$ S. BWEPWMWG, PXOTIISTATIC CAWING,PNOOTNERSIMIIAR RFPRODULTIONSEAVILES, NOWEVEfl, NOT INCLUDING IPRGE PNNTINO. PUBLISH ING ANOMH B W I! BIN OING ES[PBLISHMFATB T.BOAT,GVApfllpNOIiUVELTPNLERSVE5qN09ERNCE ' & CAMFRAANppHOTWRPPNICSERVILEqVpSUPPLYSttIRE3 B. GIEliER6 io. cxnncuREcENrm OWNER'S CERTIFlCATE TNEBEIOW SIGNEOOWNFR(S),OqtEGqLLYOEbIGNAIED AQENT(5)TIEREOF, W HEiIEBYRGpEETHAT lHF PROPERtt1E'W1IYUESCNOEp HEFEON WILL BEDEVELOPED /SA PUJiNm OEVELOPMFMIN FCCOfiDANCE WRHTIEUSES. FFSiRILR10N3PNO CANpIl1OM5 CONTNNED INTHIS RPNPIiDASM9Y OTNER W ISE BE REOUPI EO BY I.AW. I(V/e7 NR1HQt PECOGN VE THAT'IHE FPPR WN.OF q pFZONINO TO FL4V NED OE VELCPMFNT, qNO MPRQJqL OF THIS FINAL OEV ELOPMEM PUW, DOES NOT CFFAIE A VESlEOPROPQYttNGM. VESlEOPROPERTYRIGHBM4YONLYMISEPNOPGCRUEPURSUMTTO TIE PROVISIONS OFSECTON'ffi1R1 OFIHE WHFATRIOGEWpc OF LqWS. JAMESMVBWMEMHPL ppYfLJ.BWMEMWLL JAMES FAY BWMEMINL II 6TI~lEOFCpLOM00 ~ COVNiYOFJEFFEP50N ~ ~ IHEFOPEGtIINGIN5TR11MEMWPBAGWOW1EaGFDBEFOREMETHI3 OATOFJA0.211_ BT J IM 8 W MQIi WLL PS MPNRGIN6 MEMESER OF SNIiID OFFSKJflE, LLG ,NIZ TMOE II I ~ ~ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT TNEIN1EHIlWp WRPOSEOFTIISPF6IELTIStt1RELOCAlET1EFJU5TINARURER8011RCEB1IRDING, PARqN0,AN00UiD0'JRSVc8 MSPIAYqRFqTOTHE FASi OMOAREVISEO PROPERIYCONFIOURPTION, IXIE TO TH E CONOEMIUiION OF lHE A W ONT' OF TIE PROPFftf T BY C W T TO RCCOMOMTE THE I-]O ON 8 0FF MMPB. TIEPRPIEGlFWMNNS IXISTINGPLLOWED I15ES IN TIE IXISTNG pLW NEO CINAMERCIRL OE VELOPMEM (pCb) IDN E DISiRICT IPlO'M1 q$ TPBOR OEVELCPMEM,• PROPoSING R SLIGHiLY LW pER BUILOINO WIfH GREqTLYRmUCED OIPWO(i DISPIAYMF%PS WEILPSRFlINqE PIVSE II BNIDINO. A FIWJ. DEVFLOPMEM PLW WIiHFPPROVP18YplANNINGCOMMISSION M'D CRYCOUNCILFORTHE PNASE II BULLDINOYALLBEflEOUIRED. T119PR0.1ECTY/LLBE WMPl1PNiWRHCODEINPEIATIONTONEN' IANOSCMING. PPRqNG.51GN5. PNU lIOHiING. PPOPOSFD USE 0 RELOCATON µD F%PNi510N OFTHECOPRENT(ISE WHICH INCWDES DISPIAY, 54LES.PNU SERVICE OF NEW PND IISEOTRNLERS. PFUIEDRCCE830RIE3, PERSONOL VEHICIE4, ANO qEtqlEp FLGESSORIE3. RI8REWGNIIEUTHNTMANYOFIHEOTHEPp0.S$IBIEFlINRE118ESlI5iEDPSREPM11lEp lISE$', MpYPE9WfiER DEVELOpMENT PWiAMENDMFMTOpLCOMMOMTE SPECIFIC lISE LqYOUl, pAqKING pND SfIECONFIGUMnON IiEWIPEMENTS,ANDPNY NEW B1IRDINGS UPONTIESIIE THECAMMUNItt 'EVELOPMEM OIRE4TORSHPIIREVIEW AHYFUNRE PROPOSEO CHqNGE OF U9ETOOEIEqMINE IFSUGI USE(3)PEpI11PEqOEVELOFMEMFfANpMENpMENlINACCQGORNCEWITN WHEATFIOGECODEOFIAWS, SELTION~11. LEGAL DESCRIPTION ME. SNI120 OFF9NOFE, LLC, BEING TNF O W NERS OF RFAL PROPERry CCMNN ING 29%1 qCRE9, MORE Oq UMe, oescqieeo ns rawvre: APMi OFLOT t.TABOROEVEI,OPMFMBIIBDIN310N (9IXN(1XLPP6E 1)PNO ApART OF LOT>PNOB, LEPS SUMMSION (PIATBCOKt, PpGEZ1)ANDLOGTEO IN THENORTHElST DUMiEROF SECTON 9l,TONM6HIP3 SWiH, PPNGEN WESf OFTIESUlIII PWNpPPLMERI0INl, CIryOF WHFAT RIWE, CIXINiYOFJEFFEPSON. BTATEOFCOLOFqCO BEING MOFE pPRTILUIqqLYOE3CPIBF➢AB FOLLOWS: BEGINNIN6NTlHE INTERSEGIION OF 1HESOUiHEALY IINE OFS40 LOTBpND1HE WESIEFLYRIGXTUFWAY HPVE WD IXR, $UOOIVIOEDPNO PIATlEO5P10 UWDRS PEftTHE DMWING XEHEON LONiFINED UNDERTIE NNAEPND SMEOFTP90R DEVELOPMEHi5UBO1VI510N FIIING N0. $RSOBOMSION OF APARIOFThIECIttOF WHFATRIOGE, CCLOMOOM'0 BYTIESEPqE5ENi500 DFAIGIETOIHE CfryOF WHFAi WpGEpNpTHE PUBl1ClHO3EPoMT10N50FPEALPROPERlTSHOWNASRIWIl-0F-WAY,ANO W FURTHEROEOICATETOiHE Cltt OF WNE4TNWFAHO T1PSE MUNICIPPLLYOWNEOANWb2MUNICIPALLV FRrWCXISED MLIPESRNO SERV ICES TIOSE PoRTIONS OF RHJ. PROpERtt 5HO W N A5 FASEMFATB FOR THE CONSIHUCTIQY, INSTA WIION, OPEPAl10N, AW NIE W W CE, REPpl2 ANU flE%ACEMEN! FOR PLL SEryV ICES. TX IS INC W OES BUT ISNOiLIMRmTOTF.I.FPHONEPND EtECTltIGIINES,G0.511F5, WFIER/W06PNRFftYSEWERIJNES,HWPPN!$, SIOPM WATQt&YSiEMSPNDPIPE3, OElEN110N PoNDS, SIREENGHBN10N1pPPUftIENPNCESiHEFEfO. CP4EHISTORY 101 t. NDULTBOOI(STOR6 2 MPIIANCEBTOPES A ASSQABLTH4LLIWWENTIONCENiER 0. 6qp5 N!D llOUOR SALE$ S.CVt5ME5 B. CONVENIFNCESTCRFB GpS $TpilON9 B. GOVERNMFMqNp/ORq1A44GOVEqNMQilPLB111LDING4 8. HE4WIN~I.ISiRIqI,USE 10. MONRIgOVEHICIESREpUINNGLICEN51N6(IXCFTFORMOTOPLI'CLESANO ECCEPiFORUPTOMI rvewmucxs.wxunu.n ............._...,,~....,.~,.,,.oa,.....~.~___.~_.___._. . 1<. STPN6PLONE FENTp1qGENCIEB (FENTFLOF PROOUCISPNCILLMYTOqPEPMI1TEO PRIMARY USE9 SHNIBENLLOWPBLE) 15. STPN6PLONE NETNLqIRO PPRTS S4.ES (PpRlS, SERVICE/WO REPNqSANCILLARV TON PFAMfITFD P W MMT USE SHNL BE PLLO WABLE) 18. STMI6ALONE WMENOWE USES P. VIOEOSTORES COUNTY CLERKAND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE STRIEOFCOLOpHGp ) 7ss LWM1'OFJEFFEHSON ) I XEftEBYCERTFI'TFNTR119 PIAT WASFILF➢IN JEFFFASON CAUNttATGOLGEN,COLOMDO,RT OCLCq(_N.ONiH18 WYOF o_ho., JEFFERSON COUNIY IX£RK AND RECOMER BY DEPIT' W rtNES$ MY HqNO AN~ OFFICIFL SFAL MYCAMMI&41QVEISIRES: NOTPAT NBLIC PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE REGOMMENOEOFCRMPRWKTil3_4qYOF 0Y1HEWNFqTPIOpE PWiNINOGOMMI551ON. CHNFPERSIXJ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR APPROVEP. CITY CERTIFICATION MPROVE➢TXIS_pqTOF 2pC9,BTTMEWHEqTN06ECIttCO11NCIL. RTlM CflYCLEFK DIRECTOR OF COMMUNIi V DEVFIOPMENt SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE (SURVEYIXY59FAL) JOHNB.GNTONP.L5.418106 FOF M' DON BEHRIF OF FIATRONS SUMEYIN G, INC. SHEETINDEX t COVERSHEEf z sITEvw+ 3 GMOIN68MlT'PWI 4 LWpSGpGEPLPN 5 PHOTOMETRICPlAN 8 lANO5UIPE SCHEpUIE 8 NOiES ] pALHIiECIUPFLELEVRTON4 LANDMARCHITECTS 0 _ SHEET 10F 7 1COflA31f0 FXATRTT 7 SIMILAR USES SIMtWYUSESME USES WHlq1 WIXIID 9E SIMILW IN SQF.NPE OF OPFRqTMN, SERVICE6 PROVIDE00ft EqIIPMFMUSE3, NUMBEq OF EMPLOYEEB,ANO HOURSOFOPERRiIINIMID WHICH WOUI➢: (l) 6E WMPATIBLE IN CHNqqC1ERAN0IMFACT W1iH PFAMITIEDOSE$ INTHEP4NNEO oEVELOPMENP (B) BECONSISIENTWIlIITIEINIQ!lOFTHEPl4NNF.[IOEVELOPMENT; (C) NOTBE OBIECiIONABLE TO NEMBT %20PERT'BTqFq50N OF OC00. WSl, FJMES, G0.S, NOISE, MOHATON, HEAT, GLPRE, VIBMTICN, TMFFIC GENEMTION, PpRI(ING NEEDS, OUTWOR STORhGE OR USE; pND (D) HOTBFIVSAFOOUBTOTIEHEILLT1PN059FEIYOFSURfIWN01NGARFA5T1ft0Up1OPHGEROFFIliECR EXPLOBION. EXCLUDED USES DEVELOPMENT FRONT 3V FRONT 135' SETBACKS REAR 75' REpR lal SIDE ~ SIDE ,7Z SIDE 15: SIDE BUILDING HEIGHT 35' FEET pg' FEE7 L0T COVERACE N/9 108397 SF BUILDING COVERAGE $1.710 (20f. MAX) 11,090 SF fID 2X1 lANDSCAPED AREA 21.71 0 (20%MIN) 32.293 cF ( cg%) PAVED AREA jQ/A 65.014 S.F. (60R) TOTAL LOT AREA 108.397 S.F. (100%) PARKING SPACES ,SZ SPACES HANDICAPPED 1 2 SPACES 1' qETAiNMC 500'4942 E 37.91' ~ ~ io.oo• unun ensflni n ARqNG 5.00 IRWGRTC SEMENi/ SVIAY AREA M 1RAllERS FUR SALE 18.00' 15' NRE PHSE 2 BUIIDIN ( 4.5' .11 I - CANCRETE ~M) 9 00' I AM < Y CONCREIE I iu SAA' ATTACHEO 2' wAuc - . (TP) ~ 2 I 5.00' ATTA[HE PAN ` - - ~ f R,10 ~ ~ I I wux mO ' 70~ ' \ SIDEWALK 9.0 W 5.00 IRRICA110N EASEMENT G1ASE I R57 4 . 4 NO PPRKING SIGN F 2' WRB C T NO PARNINCI GN LIoT 3• 10 y . ~CUR9 I PROPOSED CAIE I I ~ - .50' 1' RETAININC WALL Z AM I Y' C0.YCRETE PaN D. ' g3p0 E 387.7ft 1o.oo' unu~rc ens~rHr ' ~w - Npg'o7 45 CfIAIN IJNK FENCE I NO PARKIN BY OWNER L 9CN PROPOSED CAIE l NNRE S00' END WRB DETRCHED WALI( \ ~ R3D' 2D' R20' _ _ - • Bl0.tQ.R0.tN0.~0.WRRR~ 4~R@~I~RRNA s.oo' mee u oo' ocrqp{eo wntx o~ TABWl 577FEET (ROW Y/R/E5) ABOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT An Official Final Development Plan of the City of Wheat Ridge iRBOR OEYEIOPMENf SIIBOIVI810M PILIN6 X0.2 LUCATEO IN 7HE NOBTNEASi OXE-pU11RTEP OF SECiIOX 20, TOWNSNIP 980UIH, MX6E 69 WEBT OF 7HE 6iH PNNCIPpI MERIDIRtl CRYOFWNEATN06E,COONiYOFJEFFER50N,5fRiE0FCOLOPd00 SITE PLAN R~674.00 L=231.35' ~U+039I-273570' CB=N7!%/.374 E 229.99' (C) R=614.00 C=228.33' ce=sn'sv ze'w 227.02' (CO07) iS00' IFRIGAPON EASEMEN RETNNING WALL -GHFIN IJNK iENCE BY CODT N8945'10 E 24.96' (C) Nas'se•ie"w (coor~ N007702'W 184.80' (C) PROPOSEp GONGIiEIE LOT 500'007o'w (caor) ~ ' _ 'es.os' z.iro• r.~ 'sa'a~E . H~ lO ~ ~ \ N ~ g ~ m \ 7L< A _7 PROPOSm BUILOING 1911 Ff-10.50 \ 14,088 S.F. GFA ) I20.00' OR6E \ \ CUR9 //601 ' fl,069 SF. F CTP \ (INCLUDES 3000 S.F. 2nd STORY OfFltE) 134.00' IEMPORARY REi~ R4.5' l~E ~ ~ - EASEMENT I - ~ ~I'ININ ~ HC 9G ILE COOT (SEE NOIE J~}-, WALL i ~ Q ~ b a ' CA9E N19Tq[i \ N2S! 00 N2A44D weno-ta MS-0SO! 3 DEtENl10N M xeu~nrxo e arv ¢en J9~ 0 \ A \ \ _ O io.aa• unuTV ~ ~ EASEMENT ~ m \ w \ ~£m \ \ P6'~' c w ~ g~o \ • \ N\\ 500 58'14 [ 196. 70' (AM) N0035'50"W 79870' (R) L MARCHITECTS hn~wM.unwin. w'+~wromu.nronnnm.mryqnwm SNEET 2 OF 7 FMSDNG LEGENO PROPOSEO PROPERIY I1NE PoCHT-OF-WAY l1NE SECTION l1NE - - - - EASEMENT - - - - CURB & WTRH iYPE I CURB k GUTTEA (SPILL) TYPE II CURB k GUTTEH (CATGH) CONL0.ElE/ SIDEWAIJ( ~ NANDICAP RAMPS ~ ~ SIGN y RT y5 RE9AR PLS Ifi4 ~ p6 # ORIY£ pESCRIPPONS OPIYE 30 15 0 30 60 SCAIE i"- 30' NOTE 1PORRRY COOT EASQAEYi IN PUCE UN➢L CpOT DEMWSHES E%ISiiNC BUIIDINC. 2 IRWGATION EASEMENlS i0 BE PPpNpEp BY SEPARq1E pOCIIMEYT. i.~iEMPORNRY CDOT EASEAIENT IN PUCE UNIIL CDOT DpA0lI5HE5 EI1511NG BUIIDING 2 SEE SFPARAiE IRRICAlION PlANS (OR IPRICAliON PIPINC THROUCH 1NE 511E 3. SEE SFPAFAIE WATfR PLANS FRONOM 9T VALL£Y WRTER OISIRICT FOR WA1FR MAIN INSlqLLAl10N. TABOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT An Official Final Development Plan of the City of Wheat Ridge TRBOR OEVEIAPMEMf 811BOIVISION FILIN6 N0. P LOCAIED IN iHE XORTHEpBT ONE-pIIARTEp OF SECTIOX 20, TOWNBNIP 3 SOUiH, IGX6E 69 WEST OF iNE BiH PNMCIPAL MEqIG1AN Cfi'I OF WNEAT RIO6E, COUXIY OF JEFFFRSON, STAiE OF COLORRDO UTILITP / GRADING PLAN 901W12W R d 1' RETNNINC WRLL ~ \ ~ eJll~~f§ r~ 1891F 8' PVC O YTOW~ 90W~ 450 N8 N8! R B[ (C) \ ~ i l i noN UNE P RETAINING WALL SHEET 3 OF 7 EXISPNC i c-rFUn PROPQSED PROPERTY LME RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE SEClION UNE - - - - EASEMENT - - - - flEiNNING WALL CURB k GUTiFft L~e HANDICM RAMPS ~ ---5750.--- CONTOORS -5750 ~S STORN SfKER ~Tm ~ STOFM MNNHOLE Q - - -RV- - - ROOF ORqN --RC- B STORM INLET m < MRED END SEC➢ON 6 - - -SS- - - SANITARY SE4VER -SS - - -IR- - - SANITARY SEKIIt -IR- ~ SANITARY MANHOIE ~ Q CLEAN WT ~p - - - W- - - WAtER UNE -VI 0 WA1Eq VALVE q A FlflE H19PANT A16 Au WAIQt MEIEfl - 0 - - - E- - - El£CiRIC UNE 0 ucNr aoLE ~c 31 POHER POLE f O . ELECiRIC MEIER - - - T- - - IELEGHONE UNE -T- O IELEPHONE PEDfSTAL Q DIRECTON OF ROW y Q OECIDUWS THEE t~ EVERCFEEN TREE ~ BlISH/SHRUB ORIIE OESCFIPilONS OPIVE ~ f SPOT ELEVATONS f SET /S REBAR PLS /1840fi ~ ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ( \ / \ - ` \CO, I N. W~10. i 0.~~ ' , \1~ ~ r ~ 1' FETNNIN WPLL ~ ^ 3~00 IRRICATON / 9 \ ~ y, 1 /I EASFMENT \l ~ y ~ (f y ~ ~ ~ zu~ i ~ a~ ts.ao' iaacan 1JADOe~eP~ORiAR~ EASEMENT~ \ caor(seENOh-/~J~ / i \ l l\\\ / ~ ~ s.zz ~ 9 1 51 1\ ~ \ I( ~ iRAILER PARIQNG \i\l\\ / / E R ~ IRRIGArOtll~ ~\\1\ ~ ~ flTP Vp \ o" \ ~ 5k15 q01 row-taei BOW~(~-8.00 ~ 1 ~ fow-to.4t /~BOW~10.6~1I 1RETNNINC WALL I• \ \ 9.22 OElENTON PqJO mW ,--Sa ( BOW _ BOW 198. ~ ____ss . I...... rovniz.ooq BOW-12.W I v . . EXISnNG F)R£ HYORANT-I jr 8'a6' WYE CONNECTON~ 6' PVC INV. 4.J2 CFSE HISTd1Y ~ . NZ-9508 N2S&d W2-00.12 MS-05~ mosnz ` P o\~~ ~Y % / ~ I 3 i Lv2.I1.3J' i \U+039¢2,12~'20- CB=N7!%/324 E:- RLF 18~ flCif 0 d.98S......i_.... _........_.I........_... k_TA JO 15- ~ b 30 - 6p scalE Y=ao' _~s_____ ET--w;---x j MuRU~nrrve .erve~u $.AN.9~~~~CHITEC1S v~xaoa..a~..nve MIliWlY~{phIM.Y~YYIMWNIM.A1~11Ftlil.lrtlMf111L1i11 11. 2006 TABOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT NO 1 SNEET 4 OF 7 An Official Final Development Plan of the City of Wheat Ridge ~ A PONTION OF LOTS 7 8 8, LEE'8 BUBOIVISIOX ANO LOT 1, iRBOR OEYELOPMEXi 811BDIYISIOX LOCRTEO IN iNE NUPTHERSf ONE-pURHiEX OF SECIIOM 20, TOWNSIIIP S SOIRH, RIIX6E 68 WESi OF iNE 61X PpIXCIPRI MEqICIRM LEGEND CRT OF WNEA BID6E, COUXIT OF JEFFEBSOM, STpTE 0F COIORAUO SITEPROPERTYLINE/R.O.W.LINE UINDSCAPE PLAN CHAM LINK FENCE BY CDOT % CHAIN LINK FENCE BY OWNER PUTURE , N ~ OFF-RAMP PROPE . ~~RTY o+ LIGHTING (SEE SHEET 5 FOR ~ FROM 470 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN AND LIGHTING % Gy DETAIL % • DECIDUOUS SHADE TREE ~ - . . . . : ~ ~ w t A EVERGREENTREE FUTURE 1 3` ' . .I ~ON-RAMP 0 O ORNAMENTAL TREE Gy FROM 470 CIWN1INK % O ep DECIDUOUSSHRUBS ir~cs . O . . Y! ALONG .NOTd.6.W./WEST6 ~2^:. % / ` I Z: 9 ' ~u•••...~ ~ Y NOMHPRO'EHII'l1NElSTO O El/ERGREENSHRUBS eeercoo ~ag R EiNNINO WALL PERENNIALS v . . a z z ' .S-F ` ~ . Iza•Hr.1rv./ ~ `,q,~ ~ IRRIGATED BLUEGR4SS SOD 3 3 aeruxixowux . NON-IRRIGATED DETENTION BASIN PROPOSEdPXASE 7 BUILDING ~ SEED MIX (RETAIL, )FFICE, & SHOP) 11,068SFFOO7PRINT . ~ ~ q ~ ~ 3• \ e; . Tsa'i ~ s , £ ~ COBBLE MULCH (ALL OTHER MULCH IN ( 4,200 G.F.A.) PLANT AREAS TO BE WOOD MULCH) ~ ~i ~ : z ~ / ` ~ _ ~ ^ r PLANT CALLOUT (SEE SHEET 5 FOR %D PLANTSCHEDULE) l. . ~_--~5\~ , ~ . • 1. \ a, / wu~-iuouirreo i . ~ ' 'oasnrvoe.EACaew iflEETOREMNN.TP. z ZONEO PCD I i I ~ i \ i ~ ~V- / < A.M.T.DEVELOPMENTCORP.. . r I 3 ' ~ a ~ T ° ' • i \ 'o~r?~~\i(. . ,',Y, TABOR STREET PROPERTIES nernixl~GWai i . . ....y ' r~. , , ) . i . ~ ~ _ . nt . . s ~ ~Y _ _ K4ENCEBY1xvxEl3~~_a GoeC~oUOJS _ . . . . . _ _ j~~ F II : : ' p -~O ClR56T51$F4YY~'.M~ N9F(UISNP~IftE O~M1WN'fYP- ~'S~'i : p~ LWE F ~ z ~i~.+~3\ w l(SHawuar€ser-marx . ;nReAfiv} - :~F - / 1 ~ - - ~ ~t = vRO~Erz*YUU~£SwcRw~uc - _ - 1 .y... .....4 ~ ; i. _ . ~ . " ..a... ' _ " _ _ ' ___'k ~ . t a.... _ .z Y..^ . , - . . ° - , sys~mma~xs~+o~lli .Wi . , ' ~ ' (LOW DENSITY ROWE'S . ; GA~~r~' . ! i i ~ ~ ONEDfi-2 S RESIDENTIAL) SUBOIVISION CASE HISTp2Y V/L-0S03 ~M1ZS&W NZ-00.f2 MSP505 V/LW12 ..i ~ Grsph(c Scs/a: I ^ - 30' TABOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT N0.1 An Official Final Development Plan of the City of Wheat Ridge - pPORT10XOF10T87d8,LEE580B01YISIDYIIYULOii,iABOROEVEIOPMENT5U601VISI0N LOCRim IM 7NE XOIIiNFASi OME•pOM1ER OF SECTION 20, TOWXSHIP 3 SOU1H, BAXfiE W WEST OF TNE 6TN PBIMCIPAL MEqI01pM CIIY OF WNENT NU6E, COUMiP OF JEFFEHSON, STRTE OF COLONI00 ra.nwcun.r. wmualww,~ wiwqaaamc P.O.PUr~ Cry W IMUtr/. G B1]iBP"911 &if4mObfreu: 1CSKEG4aFn. dIyWl~,GBt]45 V@b5f8fi9% F:@69832R5 NOIES ~ 1. LIGHlSHALL BE'qM IIQMING. WP11 DIFECiOR1B9EWESFI%NRE. • R. SEESIIEFUNiIXiLOCNTIONB. 3. I NSlRLL PER M4NUFACTIRER'S SPECIFICFTION9. ef ...Y !Y'P'ttC3"~ rYYY 3-r- _t' r ?~~'~.c r rr~ ~ Kl.S r sr rxr s ez v,,,errr reer r n rr:r rc-errf eee r eee ~ rrr ! tf fCfC K,~ f..K.KKKKl..F0.CS0.L'[C 9iGG[GC r r r r rr r rr f"f'CC `CCY['CF't([Yt C!4"j ( t rt r e~r er€ eC[`t~ ~ . ffpPPr~ ~ trr r f e ~ • [ ' 2 ~`T C C t. c 2 p t ~K [ f t" q [ r rrrrc, r r r r`e r ' <rref,xrk:rier---- c r'"" .r-o- Wall-Mounfed Li.qht (Type A) • • ° • rrr r ~~5Tsrp°,r° r ° rrrprrrrrrerr •f rrrrr~;errreY,..e,~rrrrrrrrrr rr rr - EIeVaGOnVieW NTS rrrrrr~" t bvk: rr rrreerrrerrvr rrrrr6eerrrsrrr ~r rr•> >rrrrerrrrrarrrr rre rrirK 'r8~.s rrr. rerr reerrrrrrrr rrrrr e ¢rr r`tFrtserrrerrr rrrrr rr reev rrrrrr;i sr.rrr"re(r rr`;, rr c' r r rv r r r rr r r v e i z r r^F re., a Y~ r e:4 j• r s r r - _ >-s ete nsr r~ y r rrrr rr rrr e , trr - d: rr rrervre rrrrrrr j rry r rr ~crr r r:tt a- -F m ~rr rr` rre r rv rr rrrarrrr a~e-r~~~~~' ; r rer rr. r~r rt crwre-a^=rrr-r~r e = r r ~ e ~ ? " t - r ` ~ r ~ r ' v ' e " P ^ F ' P t r rT'{~Er , r r r r r e r r r s q e r r r e e r r t^.qr e ry rrcrrr rrr rrr~r rrrrrrrrrrerrrre er r ~ r c ererrr r r rrr r r~rrrr~rrrrrrrrrr ~ rerr ner-errrrrrrrr errv r~rrrrrr r~eFi rrrrerr verrr rrrr r ManuFadur¢r rererrrrrrrerer ~ ~q rr<< e<< v rrrrc r e r e rrrerr C r e r rrrrrrrrr~rrrll Klm Llghting, /OC. cr` c e r r r r r~~ r r ~ r r r r r r 1-g[51t arrrrr. r r r~r ' ~~CY eCSt[[ e ` r B OIECT mour~r MailingAddreu: C ~r E r r r r s r. r r r r r r . r r P.O. Boz 60080 Kr x r e r e r r r< r r r r ~ rar r ar . City ollnduStry,CA <<<r ~r 9tN60080 `x r retr 32liai ~i c r ar m b BusinessAddress: ~e r. A Q w 16555 E Gale Ave ~ ; ; ; r ` ~p ` -..r ~ . . l ~ City M Indus6y, CA j~ ,e • 91745 r ~ t LL C[ [ F K ` 2 ~ V:828-968-5866 [f!e P ~ r r r. ~ i F:626369-2695 "r r r ° e r r( rr o n te rK}q c ' t[[ er r - L ~ .C~ lIGM6HNIBE'K1MpGXTIN~',CCS e e r e e § SERIEBFI%i111iE [ e t e r 2 SFESIiEPLW Fq2LOCqTONS. ' e e 3.INBTPIIPERNuW11FACNflQi5 C~ v K Y ~ SPECIFIGTONS. F - t ~rrr f re rrrrrrr erF Pole-Mounted Liqht (Type 8 & C) ell ElevationView NTS o tl0.° - r r r r~i r r .r-r CASEXISTORV 1!1 ~ o• aa• ev ar Z Graph(c Scale: I = 30' Numedc Summary ~ Label CalcType llnits Av0 Maz Parking, Roatla. & Trall Areas Illuminance F. 223 31.2 r1tr%~.~r r rrrrr rrrrrr rrrr rr± ~e4"r'-rrrYrorrr'tF-A `u\\10'Y.+ [ C [ C C .l ~ errrri`.rrr vf rrf~y{. rr ee+s. eqr e rrti r rre rrrrr r 3 ir gf ~crri(r e~e~9, ' ` ! c v^T r e-F~p r r rr f [ f 1 ~ r ~r`e rr~r E ~ ~ C t ~Y k< <r. ~ ~ ~ ~ ee~f rk j~r e rr~ f f r (rfE I~Sv\err ['[f. Y [ ~ n " P 2 [ t Fe[[[c; a:r rcrrrrr n P.r[<[ H r~ ri'r~ r: :drc. ;err'ff rr ~rt%Fe rr r-me e rrrerr rrrrc ar r: r k ~E C.f f P f K.. K r[Ef< < rrr fft e 1 oFF irr 4-r i.E,4~ ~0.~Y Ff[F crr~ 2Crrrr~:;Er~ l."n. rr`":` r - ..rre :::e' [ B f Y f.i~`FCYf[e.t ( x t ~ s ~s~ ~ .Ftz+-e rt b k '2^rv 'r r en.e r r e r rrerrrrr Frr-e\P r r rr rr ` Y F t 2 r.. r.r r :c. r rrrfr r rrfrr r r Y ,Y PFt n r r (K[~e e[ [[[A e+.~rrrccr rt < <a ccr~ r r ~ e e .(FSfCt . ! C t CC Cf KK<' r~r Y rr r Y r``` r 2 ~ '~r rr rrerr rrr rry(r~ r k [F[ fs r.rr r~r EUt~ C td+~TYf A r r r r c r~~~~.~Sr t r t C4 S d te e e e e c e ey,r~..trv~"~ Y r re e rrtrr .s q r. !Et f0 F[f[[ rr~tff (r < r rer r o r,rre r5 CC re r t ff [F7f~ 6~[FL 4rf =..r rrrt,~rr eF~r~Sirrrrrr y :+r r rrr.Cr r r `r`. [ rck>e a d rr`e r <a r re r_o<a C[tt` P [ tc~ Y g \ r ~ t 2T°° ~-kx i~rta r Y' F,~.. e r t~.trr r ra...rrr ~ ?.:.~rr <<"Mrrc ec. >rrrtr rE2<rrr `y C;E r r [ e [Y ewY~f f f j ~ ~'h< r r eC}tiCF~~Yr r n~ x. I LSSL(f(f f fjtaYYf ~r rere~eevsr'~F'rr . . .r.t.. t rrr ;~~~•,+cx~t ~s 3 ;~rey.`~a•~rwerrr7rrr - ~rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrr awy*e'+YTF%%~[ ~?rri F y ~U .•"'i~ef[[[[f Ge[ f[ f Ye1[f[[te[f[f [ [ [ v [ r r [YS[ff[[[Cf ttlf[[fCC[f[e r [ rr rrrr rrrr rr r re r rrrrrr.rrrrrrrr errrrr- "--~o rrrrrr irrrrrrrr rrrrrr SHEET 5 OF 7 . \ . . ~ ..o.~>........ . : . . . . . . ~ _..a . a.. ~ a. a. . ~ $ . _ ~ Luminalre Schetlule Symbal Oty Label Pale/MOUnlHelght Artangemen[ Lumens LLF Dazaiptlon -0 6 A t3' bltlg moun[ SINGLE 16000 1.000 WD14#/150HPS -0 5 B 18'polemount SINGLE 51000 1.000 CC21x2400HPS 0-0 2 C te'polamounl BACK-BACK 51000 1.000 CC21#-0OOHPS TABOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT N0.1 An Official Final Development Plan of the City of Wheat Ridge PLANTING SCHEDULE LOCRTEOINTNEXUHTNpF.ASTOME•pUINTEROFSECI1DN20,70WNSNIP9S0U1H,OlUN6E69WESi0FiNE6TNPHINCIPRlME81GUX CIIT OF WHERi NO6E, COUNi10F JEFFENSON, STpTE OF COLORIIDO DECIDUOUS CANOPYTREES LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE & NOTES Qry Sym ScienGficName CommonName Size 5 W41 Celelpe¢~ WmbmCed¢m 9'~a6a 8 APN FmWUaame~mre'quNmnRaqC 'puWmnPURle'NTtleASM1 9'CeIBflB 1 Mq FreanusamMm~u'qupunnPUryl9 'RUWmnPUroe'MBe0eM1 Y-CaIB69 B KLT n+'mwietluatlNU I(erNCYyCOReehee 9'~ BflB ORNAMENTAL TREES QlY Sym SdentiricName CommonName Size 5 ~p F)xusulb 'N rymefivrnBlme' 'pyNmmBme' lPea' 3'LeIB80 PyeuauMryuu'PNwrsO~' 'pyWm~9lme'PoBf 2'GIBflB i GIM qyrpNnWAemX 'Fleme'AmmMepla 9'LeIB6B EVERGREEN TREES ON Svm SdantificNeme CommonName Size Soacina ~ 5 PIP plnYBCemGdtlesref.MUfu PNm%~n pHlB6B 1tlOC > pUP plnwnlpip pueMenNne 9HCB86 190C DECIDUOUS SHRUBS Qh Sym Scientific Name Common Name Size Soacina 44 9M5 CeyvpbMtleM reu4'Mhur6Mmmi BlueMlq9pree SGeI YCC RB RTG CM1rywNemnwnauavnueTellGrem' TeIlGroen'Wb41WiiN 6Gal 4'OC Q' O 38 ACB 5'1mVICNaTb~~e~M1PM 'AmatM1~ Cwelba^Y SGeI d'OC 32 CR Sy'IryaWlpvb~PUqlp •CanmenPUPIYNac SCaI TCG EVERGREEN SHRUBS Qty Sym SclentiflcNeme CommonNama Size SoaUno ~ ZI CPJ J.y.i~NemNU'PfimAere'WmpVa' 'PI4eftneCanpaGJUn1pa' 6Ge1 d'm M BMJ ~rg~~g~yevElro9mMmoaf &mtl.JUNper bOal SOC ORNAMENTAL GR,4SSES Qry Sym ScientifcName CommonName Size Soadna stp ia1 F RG CelemepmstlemNAwel(blFOeielef FeaVmFaN6rzea 1Gel 18'CC ~G Hell~enaempeM~ene BluePVOneG. 1Gel 18'CC PERENNIALS QN Svm ScientificName CommonName Size Soadna ~ m ESD CoreopNS9ebybin' BypySUnCOmyek t-Gel 1SOG LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS RECUIPEO PROVIOED P11911L BIPEET FPOXTR6E TPBORS1REEf IOTREES POTREES' I-]OFFONIME BlflEEB BTREES' (1 MFEFOREVFRYJOFiOFS/REETFltOMAGE()MRITAClFf) AOOIiIONALTflEEIBHRUBHEWIRQdENT 11TREE5 Y1lPEE5 (ilREE8fO5HftUBSPFFIIXOSFOFREQUIRm1ANPSGI+FD Y109HRU&S 'p55HRUB5^ uID; (".i+o mra. so) • WE TOT1E NANPEOFIHE PROPERtt,TflEES PEQUIRFDTO BEPFOVIOEO FOR PUBL IC6iflEE(FliONTMEMENOT NECCESMILY DIflECRYPBURINOT1EIRflE8PECTIVE WGHTSOFWFY. - "(2)1 i+PLLON GRfS5E5IXi PEAENNIqLS SU B9i1NlE5 FOR Jf ) SGRLLON SHRIIB PEN ESTIMqTEp INSlALL£~ CAST NOTE: TIEPWPEftII'OWNERMATELECTTOPoS1pONFTHEINSTPLLATIONOF WiDSCMINGMJACEMTOTNE CONCREf E SAIES 01 W IAV MFA IIMI L LONS1flUCTION OF TIE I-70 OFFPAMPS NRE COMPIElEO PNOIOR CONCIiEIE SMES 015%AYMFAISCONSTRtIGIEO. OWNER SH4LCOMPLEfEMI ESLROW qGpEEMENTAND FINANGPL GUPWWTEEFORIYS%OFTXE~OFTHESEPLPNTMPiERW8.TIETMEFMMEOFSUp1E5U1pWqpqFENENrW ILL BE OEiERMIN ED 6Y THE COMMUNIN ~OPMEM STFFF. LANDSCAPED AREA EHI TORY V2A509 W2.9303 VK~t1 MSOSPS WLLStR BLUEGRASS SOD BRiEp$ W EET NFF FFFMS. INF (Pwl Olllw Bm t 151ioy~m, CO BO%2) TMALLANOSCAPEAREA 32,N78F 100% aN:(3oa)essslte MULq1(NCNUVINO) 5,]]SSF 17b% 5-WAYBLUEGRASBBLEND SPECIES % PUSlTMAFIIWS(LNING) B,BRSF 9.3% NwEie&upnu 20.0% AwaNBluepau 10.VM NIVF6lUTIYESEED(WING) TI,WpSF 55.8% Nupletla6Wqreu Y0.0% ~a~~, zo Sq21Po Bix;ett YO..oo%% DETENTION BASIN SEED MIX LANDSCAPE NOTES BE RESPONSIBIE FOR TNE M4N1EH4NCE OF Pll IANDSCMINO. RIGMI59F-WAY. PNO REIENTION PONO 4. PLL TPEE PNO SN W B TF0.5 3144LL fVEMAIN ON THE %ANl9 UMIL lH E TIME OF FINAL RCCEPfANCE 6. THE TOP OF PLL F➢GING M4TENAL SHNL BE 121Nd1 ABOVE TH E FINISH EO 6PPDE OF NLACE~tI lAW IV OR MULCM MFAS. B.NOTPEEWRAPPINGSH5LLBEPEfiMIT1EDUNi~LqRE8PON51BlEIN01VI0UALHR81N5PECTEDTIETREE ITISTHE WTTOF iHE RESPONSIB~f PARTYTO WflPP OECIDUOUSTNEESOUFINOTIE ONEYEPA WAPIUNiYPEHIOD. ].TFEE WPAPPING MATEPWLSHML BE FOIIR INCHES WIDE, BINMINOIIS IMPREONATEO TMF.fARRUWTEUOR LPFPE PMER 6ROWN IN fALOR,SPEGFICPLLV MPNUFNCNPEO FORTREE WMPPINO. iREE3 SHPLLBE WiYPPFA BEIWEEN OCT00ER 15FYp 11OVEM9ER10F1HEYfARIHETAREPIAMm. B. WINIEIt WATEiING SlW.LBENTTHE IXPENSEOFTHE CONTRACiOR UMILSIILN lIME0.5 FINPLACLEPTM'LE IS PECFJVEO. 8. ALl TOPSOIL 9HALL BE 91HIPpED TO q M IN IMUM OEPf H OF B' PN D STOCKPILEED PRIOR TO CCNSLRIICTION. FOLL0`6N6 RDOGH GPPDINO, TOPSOILSHALL BECLFAREOOF DEBWSqNO PEDIBlWOUlEO IN LAN0.4CAPEME/31NCLUDING PUBIIC WGHT-0F WAY. 10. ALL TOPSOIL9M4LLBEMIENDW WfIH CIXAPOSTFTRMINIMtIM RATE OF9 'W BICYARDS PERTHOU9RHO Sp11ME FEETOF 4NPSCMEARFAORPERRECOMMENWTIONSOFTOPSOILMALYSI3. COMPoSTSHALLBEMECINNICNLYINiEGMTEUINTO lHE TOP 8' OF SOR USINO TILLER OR ftIPPER l£EIH E W I PMEN! IN 9EE0 ANO E00 MFAB. OROIIND CAV ER 8 FTENNI4L BEU MFAS SHFLL BEPMMENOmRTRMINIMUM R4iE OFi CIIBICYM03 PE0.TIOUSWD SQUPfiE FEEf 00.PEFTOPSOILRN4Y513, ROTOTILLEO TO R MIN. OEPTN OF C. 11.ALLSHRUBBEDARfASSHPllBEEOGEO WITXSTEELEWINO.PllEOOIN3SHALL OVEftIFPFTJOIMSRMINIMUMOFBVNGHES, pND SHALL BEfIS1ENED WITH NMINIMUM OF4 %NS PERFAG110 FOOT SECIION. 12 PLL 8HRU8 BED pREq4 SNp11 BE MULCHEU VMH SHREOUm CEOM MULCH TO F MI NIMIIM OEPRI OF 4INLHES UNtE65 OIHFRWISE IN01fATED ON T1E PLWS N5COB8l£MULCN. COB9l£MULCH Sk4LLBEPBIFNOOF50%MULTCOL~WA6HED ArvFx aocic (uea ou),wo w% MuLnwwnEO coeaUE (ra oia). 13.P11NRF OW38,TREE3, 6HRUB5, 8 FLONER591N31 BE IR1UG41EO0V N1AlRQNATIC IRRIG4TION SV6TEN1151NGSPRINIQER - PNO IXYIP EMIilER3 AH REOIIIREO TO MEQUPTELY SU PPLEMENL MOISNPE REplll REM ENTS IINLE&S OTHERlN3E INOICATEO ON TIEPWi9. N. NOSU&4PMIONSOF PIAMMAIFAW.6HALL BEM40E WIT101RTHE WPRiEN CONSEMOFiHE OWNERANO TIEGIY. tGRLLTREES SH41. BE STPHEO WRH NEW &Ff P0.5TSANUGWED W(IH 0H2GNVPNRED WIflETHR011GH FPBNCOF PROTEGTIVEIHEECOWR WIiH GROMMEf9 FOR AMINIMUM OF 1 YEM. P1LGW WIRES SHAIL BE CAVEREO BT 12-INCH WHIIE PVC PIPE FOF SPF£IY. 16. THECOMRFCT00.5WJ.LBE HESPoNSIBtE FORVISITING THE SIiE P0.10RT0 BIDDING. RIS NRTIER RECOMMENDEOTHE fANiRN4TOFlESTSOIL4 ttl ENSUFE NOCOMPMINRTION IS %iESENt. 11.ALL PIAMMATEWPl55HP11BETPUE TO ttPE, SRE,SPECIES, QUPLT', MIO FflEE OF INNRT, BROKEN POOTBPLLS,PESlS. AND DISFASES,A6 WELLFS fANFOFMTOTIE MINIMIIM FEQIIIREMENlS OESCflIBED IN TIE'AMERIC.9N 5lPNDAPU FOR NUPSFAY SiOCK'. 18.ALLLWDSWPE CONSTFUCPON PMCTILES,WORI(MNNSHIP.ANO ElHIL55H4LL. BEINNCCORDMlCE WITN INOUSTftY STFN~0.5 SETFONiH IN INECINilR4CTOF5NPNOBOOK PIIBl15HFA BTTIECCLOMW lPNDSCAPE CONIiUC~ A$$OCWTION. t&TIECONiRACiOR3HPLL VERlFYTHELOCPTON OFpNO M10lEClNLUTiLITIES PNO SIFUCN0.E5 PNORRIMID OIIRING N'OflK ONMGE TO IIIIlITE6 AND SRNCN RES SNqLL BE FEPNPED BT THE CONlPACTOR qT TNE E%PENSE OF TIE COMMCTOR TO TIE 8PTI9FACTION OF iME O W NER 4.OECIUUOIISlREE55HPLLNOTBEPLWTEDCLOSFATFVW LiEETTOSifiEET82CKOFCIIFB,ANOCOMFFROlIBTREESNO CLOSERTHANbFEEfTOPUBLIC3TREETIMPROVQJENTB(IE:SIDEWRLK6, WPB,ElC.). 21. PIAM Qi1PM(IIESME PoRCOMMLTOR CQWEMlENCEONLY. WHERE CAYRICi OCCllfi9, TIEOIIPMITES SHOWY QY PWi SNFLLPFEVNL YLTHElANDSCpVECOMpq4TOP SHNLNOTI%iHE 4NOSCPPEMCHIiECTONE WEEKFfl10RNBEGINNINGCANSIAUCTIQ4. 23.TXE fANO5GIFEMGHrtECT SHI.LL NOTBE F6FONSIBIE FOR OEUY9, PERSONRLINJIIRIES, FIANTMORTPl1IY, OF PROPERT'OFM4GEftE4ULTING FROMORPSSOCIPIED WIIH 1HE IMPIFMFMFTON OF TIIS %PN. 24. ALLIITILItYFASEMENfSSHPLLqEMFINUN09MFUCiEOANOFULLYNCCE551B1EN.ONGTNEW ENTIPELENGXFOR lWNFNRNCEEOIIIPMEN! %WNEBPOAFH WIDOPHAGEDIWIGS qfl6Q%qN11NO RACE IMHI IN VERiIG1 RI1MB PoBIipN-flQAOVEO]NlNNHiPNOR TORpVINOOqp(FILL SEfSNWB t-1'RBOVEOMDEAT KNICNITGIiEW v.~so murzm~ viaac coxnxuoua 1w¢aicwUr rwvr eeo - . E W ES MIH A-SlRRE NL ESC E6 Y O.C. SE(iLFA1FHT.50N(94C14lLLPFlER Np~$: PIAMWG 1.XFMOVEFMNlFROMPoT6PROTECTRWT~FliOM W.IW.OEOIIRWG%NlIINO. SXPII85 WlMGi11M&1NG O0.BTA^ (EX MMT BNLSNLLBE PFJEClEID. 2 64CRFI1-1- MIX NR SXF V&A PEAEHN4WR OPHMIFMK G W59ES M' D GP011NOCOVERS SIl41CIXA515lOFANEXDEDSTOC(%IFDTCPSOILOItK%IOVED IMPoIIlF11TOP8014M1%EO WlfX fAMPPTT M'D 8W O TO MNI EV E MIX OF ]UR TOP901L I ID% COMP09T / 14%5/J1D. 3.%PNliE0.lILQEATRBLEl551141BE'A4WPoPMOREWRLWITINGKOF161UfiOR 91MIWi- MPTPTMiEREWMMEN0E0 BYMPNUfACRWER ORPERTOPSOIIRMKY919. Shru6 Plantinq 6 Sect7on NTS SNEET 6 OF 1 W PPP EMIPE N RFPLE OF 1RIIKK TO SECd10BfLWCXW/1PEEWlUP%NG- sEaMnr rnix. tr nrtfxuas WrAP. ooue-Esrrtaw ar ia anuoe ¢uvaxaF" m~-mmsrTO scamE-aovrtwixe TI0. W GX FPB W L PPOIELTVE 1PEE CqWUQW/OqOMMES PRONOEYIOV.atC WNf1ER'CIX! ERp.IiE %10NCEB' WAIFRPPlG(9P11CFA) VNR 8COORMIILCNINSTAfIATCN-IiEMOVE BEFCYiEEIlXERISW9TNIEU (TS [ S WQA STMF9-%ACE MIN. tY qR510E OF IXGVPTEO IflEE PR RT f N' M'0 WM.N'BdOWOPME FlNISXEDGRPOE ftOUGXP1910F90F%OHlPR-PRONOE PPEVME494C1{FILL-TNAPTOPPEVEN! $ETIIEAIENf.SMCBPCMFLLMIEP HMTXD CVI6PQpVEBUfiV➢FROMTOGM-XOF BLLL flFMO~RPILWIPEFROMSIUE36 TOPOFBVL IplES: i.~REE9TOBEIN$fAllID50lOPOF PWTBNLllE69'PBOVEMJACENTOPROE. 2iPE6 WITIOMUGEDORIiEMGVE~I£MIRALtFME0.PHOl1iEE6'M1X&40XFNOflG311MBLINO0.Wi BNL`MLLBERFJECIEO. 3. BFQ5ILLMIX WPiPEE99HRLLCq1915TDFPMBI. 6RKiV11EOTOP90M1ORMPPDVED I.M. TOPSqL. MIII£U WIIIICqMPo4TAM 6WDTOACHIEVEMIXOFYO%TOGSOIL/X%COMPD6T/t0%SPNO. 6.RPNTFFR7I1PE0.TIPAEi99µULPE'RGNFqIM'IXi EWPLWIIX HRlOF$1U60RSMIW3-MRYAT MiEIiECfMMEHOW BYNANUFACNPFROP PRTOPSOILNLl.V51S ~ Deciduous Tree Plantinq s section Nis THP W aN FPBPIL PPOIEClNE TPEE CALLARW/OPMIMETS %10NCEY(q0.xiB'WXREPJCd1FAG1 WFE , Tx2 WCOO STA'(F9-PIACE MIH.1Y OVISIOEOFIXCAVPIFDiREEPRAT t30' pN0 MIN.'G' B6IX4 GflPOE. d' NULCN %tONOEC W/SENPoXG(91LCEBIIIiIIL $CDOR MIIILX INS!AWTIOH-flEMOVE EEFOPEERHE0.191bTNLC-0 . 9tTRElAEIIT. SOP%H4CA'FlLLPFIFR . . RANIINO wraa~rovee~mwrmoMroay,.X or nenovenuvn~aaausmesa TOPOF9FLL NOiFS. 1.iRF.Fa'TOPE IH$lN1ID&OTCPOFRWT&VLLIE8ffPB0VEPONtEMGMOE. 2iRFES Wf111 NJMGEDORPQAOYIDCINIMLLE40FAM`Oi0.F£6 WIRI BROItENORGIIM&lNORCOT BRLLWILLPERFJECIFD. S 9FCI{FlLL MIX PoR IREES SHNL COlL5151 OF 0.NEHDF➢SiOLI(PIIE~ TCPSqL qi PVPftO\ e(➢ LM P.Ml~EO TOVW~ MYIDNITiLOMP0.5ih`ID&WOR1P[NIEYEMIXOFiIW TOP501L/20%WMPoST/f0%SANO. 1. PIPNlFFAi1LIIZFRTRd£TSSHOILOE'A6RIFqiM'CR EOWl W1M N%(OFM1 W IXi91MI1M-pP%,Y ATMiEflEfAMMFHCEO BYIMNLFACNREROPFERTOPSOILNULY515. 2 Ever reen Tree P/antin s secuon Nrs TABOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT N0.1 S"E',°o' A 11-I TA VM I I ~ 6 I -4- An Official Final Development Plan of the City of Wheat Ridge KevNOrES RPORTIOXOFL01878&LFPSSUBOIVISIOMAXULOT1,i11BOPUEYEIOPMFXTSOB01YI510X IACAIEO INiHE NORiXFAST OXE-0UAPiEN OF SEC110X 20, 70WXSXIP 9 SDUTN, PIIYfiF 68 WESi OF iNF 61N PPINCIPAL MENOIRM z vnsvarzn ~ru mrxc . CIIY OP WNEIIT PIC6E, CDIIMIY OF JEFFERSOX, $fAlE OF COLORIIGO ~ ARCNITECTURAL ELEVATIONS 1 S 5A16 LIMMG 4 - 4 . 1 5 1 ^ a wx u~o~ rwr¢ ~ ~ PVHM PtlLN6 M]E 1. AlY ~ I].1 `r-------- - ----t., a~,.~a.s i ° ~ ` i . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 F / TAG MATERIAL MNVUFACNRFA 9I£ (0 v H M L) WLIXt NANE FlNISH REMARKS ~ ~m N6TA1Emmt ]5A'.xl/!~]s vA¢[MS Sluaxm e/sFCa.wl LR ~ \A~P ~ WJCIS ~ ] N4~ S II1' SA R19flF3Y STMONU .~CCFM CIYM ~ WID ~t SN]T f~Pl MNI ID1fNA' ~ ~RVi' AI IDN YF JI/TVU IX91 B~SE CIXDq ~ msi mm WLLWS 1~ MR ~ WM9WGPMT y~~y5 PMiNJ q~ m ~ PIW. PMR 9dM WI/YS - ~~SIAN EIEC pµRSR EE~ urzamvm~ ~ 9~M ~ sw~woas+mu 9b]M iH91 5?1T PNHT CEI) IEiH AV 531fY HRb2 ~WY NMGNC ZW SOUTH ELEVATIO_ N va=ro• n ~yt-, n d n op ~ B ei C u-o I .14- ~ I ~ //,__O 0 A :i ~E}}IHMF ~ I ~ ~ NORTH ELEVATION " , i ve•=r.o• - , , - ~ , p~i~ia~o SB INY£RNE55 DRIVE EAST suir Fzoa ENGlEW00D, C0. 00112 ~ PHONE: (303) 662-6670 - ~ FA%: (30~) 662-8698 BUILDING MATERIALS: O 3 ~ 3 T T T.0 ~ T~ T_.~ C L ~ Yt. ' • x- . ~ a~-:-- ^,c ~ v' L. ~"~2"" a' ~ ~ ~ ~ s~~} \ ~ ~ a.~ ~ N s I ~ . . ~ f ~+rTi~ y °-r~.:r;•< `V J J v--o L LA .li.'.. B..HA CTS H~i[ WpwF(M1i.~'+CCW pMtl.1~1Y91lHill. h~tWllFVll IRB' Rplp " EAST ELEVATION /A) E L d I `n 0 Eo Lm Oo ~ ~ H ~ -m oc Y~ m 3 oa _ Rvi o+n ¢ ~ ~o ps 0~1 Oh ~Q uo F-a 3 > `o n3 in u s i6n 3 ` > Z O O ¢ v l~ N y O ooo~. caiaaaaa FINAL PLAT TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2 A CONSOLIDATION OF A PORTION OF LOT 1, TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION, AND A PORTION OF LOTS 7 AND 8, LEE'S SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO PAGE 1 OF 2 OWN R'S FRTIFI.ATION: . I/WE SqRO OIf'A10RE, LLC, 9UNG THE ONNERS OF FEAL PROPEItTY CONTNNING 20986 AGRFS, MOPE IXt LE55, DESCPoBEO AS FOLLOWS: A PMT OF LOT 1, TA60P OE`iELLOPMFNT SUBDINSION (000K 135, PRCE 1) AND A PART OF LOT 7 AND & lEE'S SUBWN90N (PIAT 90DK 1, PACE 25) ANO LOCAlEO IN THE NORTHEAST WARTER OF SECTON 20. lOWNSHIP S Sd1T1, RANGE 89 WEST OF THE 51%IH PRINCIPAL ME(tIDIAN. GTY OF YM1IEAT PIDCE, COUNIY OF JffFQt50N. STATE OF CqARA00 BONC MORE PARTICUURLY OESCRI9ED.f5 FOLLOWS: . . _ . . . . . . . . BEqNNINC AT THE INlERSE(NION OF THE SW1HFAlY IINE OF SAID LOT 8 AND THE WESiERLY PIpIT-Oi-WAY pNE Oi TABOR 51FiF£T iROM NHEI:CE THE NORTiEAST LIXlNER OF SND SECTON 20 BEAftS 5L6'69'02'W, 1188.89 i'EEI'; iHENCE LEAYiNC SAID N&SIERLY FIpiT-aF-WAY l1NE ANO P10NG THE SWIHERLY L1NE OF SAID LOT 8 SBB'51'52'W, 29S32 FEET TO THE EfSIERLY ONE OF CUOT PARCEL A200: IHENtE ALONG SRID EASIERLY l1NE Of LOOT PARGEL A20U THE Fd101MNG RVE (5) ODNSECUTVE COUR56: 1) TiENCE 231.35 FEE! RLONG A NON-TANCENT CUPVE TO THE LEFf HANNG A PADIVS Oi 814.00 FEET, A LENTRAL ANIXE Oi 2135'20" PND A GIOflD NHIQI C4AF5 N11'~'24'E =9.99 iEET; 2) 1HENLE ALONG A NON-TRNGENi LINE NBB'45'10'E, 20.88 FEEf; J) TiENGE NWYJ'dt'W, 184.80 FE£T; 4) 1HQJCE Nli'J6'OB'E 101.61 FFEP, 4) 1HENLE N82'51'14'E, 153.90 FEET TO SAID WESiERLY PoGHT-OF-WAY LINE; 5) TiENCE ALONG SAID WESIERLY WCHT-CF-WAY IJNE THE FIXLONINC IHREE (3) CONSECUTYE COURSES 1) iHENCE 500'S04'E. 15332 FEEF 2) 1NFHCE - 5093(YO9'E, d8JJ2 FEEF, TMENLE 50C'19'42'E, 07.81 FEET TO THE 1NlIE POINT Oi BfGINNJNG. SNO PARCFI CONTPINS 108, 397 SpIARE iEET (248B4 ACRES), MORE OR LE55 HAYE LA10 OUT. SUBOINUED ANU PL4TIE0 5410 LAHO AS PER THE DRA`MNC HEREON CONTNNEO UNDER lHE NAME AND 51ttE OF TRBOR DEVELOPMENT SIlBU1N90.Y FlWJG N0. 2 A SIl9DIN510N W A PART OF THE Ott OF YrHEAT RIWE. GOIORRDO AND BY 1HESE PPESENIS DO OFWLAIf TO THE qiY OF NHERT RIOCE ANO TIE NBL1C THOS£ PORTONS OF PEPL PROGQttt A10M AS PICHT-Oi-WAY, RNO 00 NRTIEH UEDICR'1E tO lHE dtt OF WNEAT PoDGE ANU 1H054 MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND/OR mUNIGPALLY FRANpi15ID UlNTES AND SERNCES lHOSE GORlIIXJS OF FEAL GROPERiY SHOMN AS EASMENiS FOP THE u<murntw_ lu[i11I ennu_ nPRtaTMI. YdIN1FNANfE. RFPAIR AND REPIACEADIT FIXt ALL SERVIfES 1HI5 INCLUOES BUT IS JIM BLUMENIHAf, MANAGINC MFlAEBER STAIE OF CCLORA00 I ]55 CAl1NiY OF JEFfFA50N j THE FORECOINC INSIRUMENT WAS ACKN01riEDGm BEFORE ME 1H15 _ BY JIM 9LUAIQItHAL AS MANAqNG MENMEN OF SItIT20 OFf9VORE, LLC. N11NE55 MY HANU ANO OFFlLIAL SEAL AIY COMMISSION E%PIRES: NOTARY PIlBOC UAY OF AD. 20- MC SI1H A1£ ~ U ~ F]0 Nt qIYET~ WlE1E1lT SITE w. 4~x V /GiH A W A . ~ ~ q & t fAEEE~ w. R MICINIT'! MA° N.T.S C o JOHN B.CUttqJ, P.S Fl I, 00 HEREBY CERTIfY iHAT_THE SURM OF THEBOUNOARY OF iABOR DEbELOPMWT SUBDIN90N FlLINC N0. 3 WAS MAOE BY ME OR UNOEA MY bFECT SUPERNSION ANO TO 1HE BEST OF MY KNONLEOGE, INFIXtMAtION AND BFLEF, IN PCWHDANCE N1TH ALL APPLICA9l£ COLORA00 STANiES, CUPPENT REVISEO EOITION AS ANFNOED. THE ACCOMPANYINC PL1T ACWPATELY REGPESQJIS SAID SUPVEY. - I JOHN S. (#IttqJ F,LS 16606 FOR AND ON BEHAfF O~FlAIIFONS SURVETNC , INC. CITV CERTIFlCATIONS: MA1roR'S LQtTIFlCAl10N: - nns is To ccancr nanr n+e an V vmcnT aioce. wLaAnoo oio oN nHis _ onr ov zo_ nooar ANO AGPFOVE THE N1TIIN PLAT AND RCCEPT iHOSE DEOICAlION5 HEAEON MAOE ATiESF. cIn cLEwc (sEny) DIRECTOR OF PUBt1C WJW(5 OF COMMUNItt DEV0.0PMENi GENERAL NO7E$[ . flECOMMpIpEp FOR APPROVAL TiIS npy OF 20_BY THE NHEAT NDCE PLANNINC COMMISSION. i. IHiS SURVEY OOES NOT WNSiiNIE A lIR£ SEAFCH BY AIARIIN/MARIIN M DETERMINE 01VNERSHIP Oft EASEMENiS OF PECOP0. . . . 2 N4➢LE ACCORdNG TO Cq.ORADO LAW ttHl MUST CWN4NCE ANV IEGAL AC1I0.N BASEU UPON RNY DEFECT IN tH15 SUflVEY CHNRPERSON MTHIN 1HPEE YEARS AFTQt YIXl FlRS! OISCOVQt SUCH D6ECT. IN NO EVENT NAY pNY AC11pN BNSEO UPON ANY OEFECT IN - T115 SURYEY BE COMMEHGEO MORE tHAN lEN YEARS FftMA THE DATE OF THE CERTFlCRTON 910NN HEREON. . 1 BA515 OF BEARINCS: CIIY OF NHFAT RIOGE BEARING OF NOP31'40'W BEIWEEN A FOUND 2 1/2' BFA55 CAP IN RMGE BOIf, STAAIPFD 'LS 1331t, 1992' AT THE EAST OIIMIER fARNER SECTON 20, TONNSHIP 3 SWTI. RANGE 99 M£ST OF THE - - ' g%R! P.M. AND A FWNO 3 1/2' BRASS G1P ON Y PIPE, STAMPm *LIiY C4 NHEAT PoDGE IS 1321Y AT THE NIXiT1EA5T ANDRECORDERS CERTIFlCATE: COUNN CLERK Lp¢NER OF SAID SECTION 20. SAIU BEMINGS ARE BASEU 6N SECTONAL GpORqNRiES PROYIpEO BY THE Gltt OF MHEAT RIpGE " STATE OF COlIX1A00 ~ )55 4. iH15 SURVEY WAS PERFORNm IN THE FlEID AS CG AUWST 29. 2005 AND ACAIN ON FEHRUMY 26, 20p8. " COUNtt OF JEfFER50N ) I HEPEBY CERTFY TiRT T115 PIAT WA5 FlLED IN THE OFFlCE OF THE COUNtt QERK ANO RECOFOER OF JFFFEFSON COIINT' AT GOIDEN, COLORA00, AT 0'CLOtlC M. ON 1H15 DAY OF 20_A.O., ' IN BOOK PACE RE63lIQY N0. JEiFERS4N CIX1Ntt 0.ERI( HND RECIXVDEfI lEN-FOOT (10') MOE EASFMENlS ARE HfREBY GRANIED ON PRIVAIE PPWERT' PDJACENT TO ALL PU9l1C SIREETS ANO FRONT BY: ANO REAR PPOPERIY 11NE5 OF EACH LOT IN THE SUBOIN90N OR PLATiEO APEA FIVE-FOOT (5') KIOE EASEMENB AFE OEPIItt HEREBY GRANIED ON PPNAIE PROPERtY PDJACENT TO ALL 4DE LOT UNES OF EACH LOTIN THE SUBDIVISION OR PLATiED AqEA THRE EASEIAENIS AHE DEDICAIE> iOR THE INSTALLAl10N, MAINIFNPNCE. AND RFPtACEMENT OF ELECiPIF CAS, IElEVI510N CNBLE, IXiAINAGE AND IELECOMMUNICATONS FApLIP6. UIILIPES SHALL ALSO BE PERAlIT1ED X11HIN ANY ACCE55 EASpIFNiS ANO PRIVAIE STRfE15 IN THE SUBDINSION. PFAIAANENT SIRUCNP6 AND WAIER AIElEHS 91ALL NOT BE PERMITIED N11HIN SND UTIJtt EASRtENTS. S70RM DEiEN71ON EASEMENT STAlEMENT: . THE STOf1M DElFN110N AREA AS HFREQY SHOWN AS A URAMAGE EASEMFNT SHALL 6E CONSINUCIEU ANO MAINTAINEO 6Y THE OWNQt AND SIIBSEOIIENT ONIJEAS HEIRS SUCCESSORS ANO A59CNS IN THE EV£NT TIAT 9JGH fAN51RUC110N AND HIDRAULIG CHARFGlERI51IR OF THE OEiENPPY ME/ MLL BE MADE WIIHWT THE RPPROVPL OF lHE OIRECICR OF PU91JC WSEHSlOPV RTIN WJRKS oi. V29540 ~~n WLBBdO vaawa ' EXHIBIT 8 - FlNAL PLAT E _ ~I Eo z'm FINAL PLAT TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2 A CONSOLIDATION OF A PORTION OF LOT 1, TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION, AND A PORTION OF LOTS 7 AND 8, LEE'S SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, ~~~~~C" p TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Fp/AD J I/7' B]AA CAP. 5T'`"`~° "'Y ROW" COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO ~ w PAGE 2 OF 2 i ~ ~m 3= o. ~ti om" l o „ c m F ~ o W "°w _=oW tt x a Za R. aoi=a a` I I I Vv~i a3 r~ a Ea'n 3 S ~ 0 0 F ~u K 0yy o Z Z9 Uaan og N00'45'44'W 4.85' 5007370 E SET /5 REBAR- P<5 /16405 SBB5152'W- 26.30' (C) 5[I 0 RE9Afi PLS jY690E ZAV/NG` PAD UNPL1 TTE7J All 1 ~ j b C LOT 8 LEE"S SUBD/NS/ON BDOK 2 PACE 23 ZON/NG` COOT R.O.W. Ra674.00 L-231.35' CH=N11 '43'24 'E 229.99' (C) R 614.00 L-22B.33' CH=5175118°W 22].02' (coor) LOT 1 TABOR 0£YELd'AIFNT SUBD/NS/ON BOOK 13$ PACE 1 ZON/Na CDOT R.O.W. CDOT PARCEL A200 . (750,035 SQ FT. 3.44 ALWES, MGF£ OR LESS) r~ I \ I U=1T54'S4' I R.81a.oD' 1-181.88' CH=51333'3B'W I 19138 o'r I I HEI I ~ II I 5.00' IITILItt ANO i 1H15 OOCUMENT I ~ I SOOS L1~ FOUNO }V RE9AR II CAP .e.1. NOvne~ ~ -ACIUAL CORNERS UNA6LE )U BE SE( AS [OfA]EO /N IXISIMC SIAUCIUR£ -N8945Y0 E 2496' (C) N89'567B'W (COOT) N007702'W iB4. B0' (C)500' 70"-+zo.n'- un ~wo s.on ASEIAENT iICA'IED BY :UMENT \lD:O3'4D`jS" Lm39.3]' LOI IINE TO 9E I I I CH=502'd5~5B'~'! ~ YACART) BY IHlS PLIT I I 39.]fi' I I 3T X REBnR \ - I ~ acs nasas' ~I IJ9.00' 1£MP0.4AFYEASEMfNT I \ ' fAOT (5£E NOR'v ) 9'42 £ 37.91' (C) SET {5 REPAF ~ PLS /16406 SEl "5 REHAR 1 1/Y ALUM. y1 CAP SIAMP£O 6406 ~ LOT 7 LEES SUBD/N90N ~ m , BOOK 2 PACE 23 ~ Z(hV/NG COOT R.O.W.- A m Gl w A S 0 \ Zfk £ \ ~ y, ~ c9 0 A~• R£9AR SE T/5 Pl5 g76406 O 7 as• N77a4. ~ y \ AlY SJ/3040. " JOl, ' B)• p \ ' 4.32 \ ~V1 % ~p \ O0 . ~ / \ \ v 15.00' IFRIGNl10N E/aSEMENT / )E A200 ~ \ - g ~m (26,)J9 W. FT. 0.6! ACRES, MORE OR L£55) • ~ LOT I TABOR OE~EYYOPMENT E eIa av, SUBD/NS/ON f7UNC N0. 2 0^; 1Cg397 SF (24884 A.C) __~_1 IRMGATON ECUM T O LO(LIN NI E R16E PARAIE OO EIIT BY SE 1 I O ~ ✓ACAI£0 BY ]H/5 PUT o N 3$7.72' 3s . _ . . E 50930_09 W (R) ~ BY SEGPRATE pOCUMpIT ~ N m . L TABOR S7REET (R.O.W. ✓ARlES) ZON/NC.H-2 2STSDt' t G1]PAlF SiC)XY/ TO ' BR.IK CAP IN RAM1W6Q1: arnz rM- lmiw 30 15 0 JO 60 SCALE 1'=30' B \ 4 1 ORNNAGE EASEMEN ~ HEPEBY DFDICA1Eo er Vis ooaMQ+r ~ \ /1 33.00' IPpIGATON ENSEAIENT ~ BY SEPPftAIE OOCUMENT \ ~ cnnrn uY t5! M~ 2) SOO SB'14'E 798.70' (C) N00J5'50"W 198.70' (R) CASEHBTORY v2slm NZdP00 MZL0.1] MSLldS ~ xzae.u LEGEND ~ FOUN R1pUOT CORNER NS OESCRIBm ' - • FOUND MONUMENT AS DESCRIBEO O SET /5 RMAR N11H 1 1/2' RWM. CAP MTFONS SURV. LS 16406" (R) AS PEF 1HE PV.T OF iABOR OEVEIOPMENT SU9DINSION FlUNG N0. 2 (AM) AS MEA9JFE0 RT IIME OF SIIRVEY (L) CN.G1LAlED FItOM CDOT INFOFMATION ANO THFN FOTRlEO TO FlT NHfAT flIDGE HOPIZONTAL OPIUM (C00» AS PE(t CDOT PARCEL DESCWPliON PRONOED 6Y I, IXIENT N4~ 1. ORARY LOOT EPSEMENT IN PLACE UNTL CDOT OEMOIJSHES E%ISIING BUIIDING. 0 REBAR (16406 ~ FWND /'S FEBAR N9Rl ) 112'ALUM. CAP, RANG ENC. LS 16637' 5/AYPED "O')Y L1~ IM.LAAEI~4i 45 I M NRV~ 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 3031235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 The City of Wheat Ridge Date: City Staff Present: Location of ineeting: Property address: Property owner(s): Property Owner(s) present? Applicant: Existing Zoning: Comp Plan Designation: Existing Use/site conditions: June 28, 2005 at 6:00 PM Meredith Reckert Second Floor Conference Room, Wheat Ridge Municipal Building, 7500 W. 29`h Avenue 4751 Tabor. Street Jim Blumenthal and J.R. Blumenthal for Skitzo Yes Same PCD, Planned Commercial Development Small OfficeBusiness Center The property is comprised of three parcels totaling 7.5 acres and is used for trailer sales. It has a metal building on it with 8400 square feet of floor area. The remainder of the property is utilized as inventory display and employee and customer puking. Access is by a single curb cut from Tabor Street just south of the overpass for I-70. , Zoning of the ongmal, middle parcel occurred in 1946. The owners later acquired parcels to the north and south, both zoned Agriculture-One. In 2002, a zone change to PCD and an outline development plan were approved for the three pazcels. Case No. WZ-03-09/MS-03-06 is cuirenfly in process for final development plan and plat approval on the three pazcels. This land use case is currently "on hold" as CDOT is negotiating with the owners to purchase the western two-thirds of the property for right-of-way to facilitate construction of new on/off ramps for I-70. Construction of the ramps will displace the existing building and the majority of the outside display on the property. Applicant's Proposal: In light of the pending CDOT acquisition, the applicants are requesting approval of an amended EXHIBIT 9 outline development plan, a final development plan and plat for the remaining 2.5 acres to build a new buiiding, display area and employee and customer parking. The proposed site plan allows for an 8400 square foot shucture on the south end, with customer and employee pazking to the side and reaz of the structure. Display area and detenrion occur north of the sfructure. Access is via a one- way drive configuration. Issues Discussed: • Concern for CDOT nnprovements and the relocated off-ramp from I-70 • How does CDOT acquire land? • Where is 46`h Avenue in relation to the new driveway? The circular driveway exit wi11 be Zocated opposite of and align with W. 46`h Avenue • Will Tabor be widened? No • Will the sound wall along the south I-70 frontage road be widened? Staff is not aware of any changes to the sound wall. • What will happen to the storm drainage with the new off-ramps? Stormwater detention areas will be designed into the project. • The amount ofpedestrian traffic which crosses over the Tabor Street overpass. It was noted that the applicant will be responsible for construction of sidewalk along the frontage of their property. • Will there be any additional public meetings regarding the ramp relocation? • How can the neighbors access a copy of the EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) for the ramp project? In general, the attendees were not opposed to the proposed Trailer Source redevelopment. The owner of property located at the northwest corner of Tabor and W. 44`h Avenue indicated that CDOT is trying to acquire land in front of his building. He indicated that about 20 parking spaces would be lost as a result. He was adamantly opposed to the CDOT acquisition. City of Wheat Ridge oF wHEqr Community Development Department = ° c~ m Memorandum ~~~oRPo~ TO: Planning Commission FROM: Alan White, Community Development Director RW SUBJECT: Comprehensive Plan Addendum DATE: April 13, 2006 Attached is the draft Comprehensive Plan Addendum for 2006. It contains revised text and maps. Text revisions are shown bY s#rkeettE (deleYions) or with hx 7ti 17vi•~ (additions). Two new maPs are included to cover the areas at SO'h/Kipling which the City has agreed to annex. At the work session on March 30th, several comments were addressed with one change suggested by the COmm_iSS1_Orl Ori p3ge 1dQalin9 with Qcnnnmi_c bene_fi_tc nf annPv,naa rPg,iant,gl areaS. Plaiuung Commission requested the following additional information and changes: 1. Obtain counts of trail usage on the Clear Creek Trail. T:7.11 2Ct1V:t,.Y 15 ,^,Ct ,:...^..^.2,ly ;';..,^.'.tO.-f4.. PiUi ii`bT "iie iailiii. ieCifliiaii0ia YTOCESS fOL t~le 'dI1T1eXeC1 area, the contractor performing the reclamation work monitored the number of pedestrians and bicyclists using the Clear Creek trail at the temporary crossing. The following counts were obtained in 2005 for the week indicated, Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 330/4:00 pm: Week of April 18 to Apn122: Total - 670; Average - 134; Peak -193; % Bicyclists - 69. Week of Apri125 to Apri129: Total - 390; Average - 78; Peak - 159; % Bicyclists - 52. Week of May 2 to May 6: Total - 651; Average -130; Peak - 307; % Bicyclists - 83. The figures do not reflect total trail usage as some users might be on the trail before 7:00 am and after 330/4:00 pm. Some days usage was extremely low due probably to weather conditions. 2. Discuss potential alternative land uses for the area between the Clear Creek floodplain and the Community Commercial area to the south. The area under consideration is currently used for the County's asphalt recycling facility and Table Mountain Animal Center (TMAC). The western "leg" of the property has been altered from its natural state over time. The "leg" isn't usable as a stand-alone parcel. Its only real usefulness is in combination with the parcel to the south. The land where the asphalt facility and TMAC sit has some environmental challenges. While t.hP parcel rouid be deve?oped if these issues were addressed, the use would be one that could exist as stand-alone use apart from the development to the south. Neither commercial nor residential make sense here. 1:\Comdev\Comp Plan\2006 Addendum 2nd comments.doc Until and unless the land is sold by the County, the use probably won't change. In the short terxn the uses will probably remain as they are today. And until there is a new owner, the land won't be requested to be annexed by the City. In the long term the land use should be open space. As an alternative, the "leg" could be shown as open space and the area where TMAC and the asphalt facility could be shown as "public/semi-public." 3. Add a trail to the east side of the golf course connecting the Clear Creek trail to 32°a Avenue. The trail has been added to Map 4. STAFF I2ECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adoption of the addendum as presented. A motion to adopt the attached resolution is needed. SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move to adopt Resolution 0 1-2006." I:\Comdev\Comp Plan\2006 Addrndum 2nd commrnts.doc CITY OF WiiEAT RIDGE PLANNING CONIMISSION RESOLUTION NO.Ol Series of 2006 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING ADOPTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE WIIEAT RIDGE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND FORWARDING SAID RECONIlVENDATION TO TAE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL. WAEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge adopted a Comprehensive Plan on October 25, 1999 and amendments were considered and adopted on January 24, 2000; and WHEREAS, C.R.S. 31-23-206 (2) provides that the Comprehensive Plan may be amended by the City from time to rime; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan did not include any azeas outside the corporate limits of the City as is pemutted under state enabling legislarion, and WHEREAS, prior to annexation, a city must have in place a plan for the azea considered for annexarion pursuant to C.R.S. 31-12-105, and WHEREAS, addenda to the Comprehensive Plan were adopted by City Council on Febmary 23, 2004 and Febmary 28, 2005 adopting a growth area outside the city limits of the City; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City to extend its Comprehensive Plan boundary outside the corporate limits; and WI3EREAS, the City has entered into an Intergovemmental Ageement with the City of Arvada agreeing to annex certain pazcels of land disconnected from the City of Arvada in August 2005; and WFIEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public heazing as pxovided by Section 2-60(b) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws; legal notice thereof being duly published in the Wheat Ridge Transcript on April 13, 2006, said public hearing held on Apri120, 2006. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission this 20th day of April, 2006: 1. The Comprehensive Plan amendment attached hereto as Eachibit A is recommended for approval to the City Council. 2. A copy of this Resolution shall be forwazded to the City Council. WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING CONIMISSION ATTEST: Chair Sec:etary tc the Com:,:ssior. \\srvci-rne 002\usersS\awLite\All Files\COMP PLANwga amendment pc res 06.doc ADDENDUM TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMPREHENSNE PLAN URBAN GROWTH AREA ADDITION INTRODUCTION This document serves as an addendum to the City's Comprehensive Plan adopted by City Council on October 25, 1999. Amendments Eff P1an were considered and adopted on January 24, 2000. The adopted Comprehensive Plan does not identify areas of potential development outside the City's boundaries. The Plan contains a general discussion of areas of potential annexation, but does not illustrate the areas on any maps or recommend any future uses in these general areas. Prior to any annexation, C.R.S. 31-12-105 roqujras #h.a..±'d ^l:1^ICIr^,2,IIty I18V° pl8C° 8 p^.l2n f~r±h2 u";02, InC! :.'ul^9 proposed iaii'a' uses. Such plan may extend up to three miles from the municipality's boundary. There are unincorporated areas to the northeast, north, west and southwest of the current City boundaries. Areas to the northeast and north are primarily unincorporated industrial or multi-family enclaves which, although eligible for annexation, present i .w ~ . qUOS~viia5l2 52iiEii~ Lv ui0 ~.ity vcfSiiS..iiB COSiS_vi Nio~iding sCrvicCs A majority of the area to the west of Ward Road north of I-70 consists of established residential neighborhoods, public uses (schools), and a cemetery. These uses provide little benefit to the City compared to the costs of providing services. A large area west of I-70 between 32"d Avenue and Clear Creek is vacant and may provide development opportunities of benefit to the City. Southwest of the City are commercial areas along Youngfield and the established residential area of Applewood. In the mid-1990's the City submitted to the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) its proposed urban growth boundary as part of the preparation of the regional plan known as Metro Vision 2020. The identified urban growth area was generally bounded by I-70, W. 32nd Avenue, Mcintyre Street, and W. 52"d Avenue. Containing a little over two square miles, this area was not incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan. This Comprehensroe Plan addendum addresses the potential urban growth area to the west of the City a~~ tla'~e~par~e~s~~d~s~~~ne~~d~~ro~€he~~it~of Aruada~~ea~~rgl~ng anef Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum ~io~+ a5~ -rtio .,i.,.,.,'.,,.i .ti.,., ,.,+ti .aii., ti., u.,.~oa ti" i 70 p „ nn,.!.,+,,.o c+Foo+ a..d W„s+ nn~-~ v ef lu~ The areas subject to this addendum +s are illustrated on Mapp 1A ~.16 The+s,,ffies~~QArea area was submitted to DRCOG as the City's urban growth boundary for the 2030 Metro Vision update T#e addendum meets the requirements of C.R.S. 31-12-105 of having a plan in place should the City consider any annexations in ih+s Ihes~e areas. 1. 2. Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum 'o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G) ~ 0 ~ ~ D ~ m ~ m Planning/Growth Area Map 1 B R%d9e Rtl ~ ~ ~ N 2 W. 50th Ave. City of Arvada W~ Right-of way ~ % % . Area Boundary . w ~•s City Boundary W. 49th Ave. 170 Frontage Rd N ~ U) rn c .Q Y IN.T.S. Last Update: March 2006 LAND USE Existing Land Use Existing land uses in the urban growth area are varied. Along the north side of 32"d Avenue are areas of low to medium density residential development. To the west of I- 70 is industrial development along W. 44'h Avenue and State Highway 58. A CDOT maintenance facility is adjacent to SH58 at I-70. The area to the west of I-70 between 32"d Avenue and 44th Avenue contains a golf course, and several old gravel pits now used for water storage. A majority of this land is vacant and undeveloped. ~ci~~`6 Development Constraints Few natural hazard areas are present in the planning area. The Clear Creek 100- and 500-year f!codplains generally parallel SH58 in the certer of!he planning area. No other natural hazards exist in the area. I-70, SH 58, and Clear Creek present constraints to development by acting as barriers to providing road, utility and other infrastructure improvements to the central portion of the planning area. State and federal rules mandate where access can occur and the manner in which rights-of-way may be crossed for installing utilities. Responding to calis for service in the planning area is made more challenging by the restricted access these barriers present. Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum County Plans Because the urban growth area is currently unincorporated, Jefferson Courity has jurisdiction over planning and zoning matters. The urban growth area lies within two subareas the County has identified for planning purposes. The North Plains Plan covers that portion of the urban growth area north of Clear Creek and the Central Plains Plan covers the area to the south of Clear Creek. Originally prepared in the late 1990's, the Central Plains Community Plan has recently been updated. The process of updating this plan included extensive public meetings. These subarea plans show recommended land uses in the urban growth area as residential in existing established residential neighborhoods. Applewood Golf Course and Clear Creek are shown as major parWrecreation/open space areas. The area along W. 44Ih Avenue south to Clear Creek is recommended as mixed use areas containing office, light industrial, retail, and residential (up to 15 du/ac) uses. The bulk of the large, undeveloped area to the west of I-70 is shown as industrial. , Future Land iJse Map The Future Land Use map reflects the recommended land uses for the area. The recommended land uses were matched as closely as possible to the land use categories contained in the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. The Future Land Use Map (Map 2) illustrates recommended land uses for the urban growth area. The categories used and the definitions, desired character, and attributes of the various land use categories shown are the same as defined in Chapter 2 of the Comprehensive Plan and are hereby incorporated as a part of this Addendum. Future land uses for the planning area are shown on the Future Land Use Map on the following page. The Plan establishes the following recommended land uses: • Existing residential neighborhoods at the approximate density shown in the County subarea plan, SF (4) •Existing goff course parks, and the Clear Creek floodplain as parks and open space 4 Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum r m ~ C ~ ;z ~ y m Co ~ ~ N O O ~ Mcintyre St. Indiana St. F N ~ Q. D < m ;_z ; z~~` ~ z: ~ ~N~ %H J: ~ Youngfield St. 1 'i 7 1 1 1 1 1 ~ r i i ~ Eldridge St. N~ r a~ ~ n. c ~ ~ • Planned Business Park along W. 44ih Avenue and south of SH58 to Clear Creek • The large, vacant area west of I-70 between 32"d Avenue and Clear Creek as Community Commercial Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum Future Land Use Map 3 ~ CO L (D PW-l W. 50th Ave. w , 50~h P~e. 170 Right-of way ~ Area Boundary City Boundary • ' Business Park XN.T.S. Last Update: March 2006 TRANSPORTATION The existing street network consists of the major north-south connectors of Youngfield on the eastern border of the planning area and Mclntyre Street on the western border. East-west connectors are W. 44th Avenue at the north and W. 32"d Avenue to the south. I-70 and State Highway 58 provide regional, limited access highway connections in the area. The I-70/SH58 interchange is currently a partial interchange with only limited movements provided. The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) has prepared plans for the completion of the movements at this interchange, making it a full-movement interchange. This entails relocating the current eastbound on-ramp at 38`h Avenue to the south and relocating the eastbound on-off ramps at Ward Road to the east. Timing of the construction of these improvements is currently uncertain. Traiis curren4ly exist along Clear Creek from 1-70 wesi to Goiden and along 32"d Avenue from I-70 west to Maple Grove Park. Future Street Network The future street network in the area will build upon the existing grid system of north- south and east-west streets. The roadway classifications in this plan are based upon ihe recommendations of the Countywide Transporiation Plan. The proposed street network for the area is shown on the Roadway Classification Map (Map 4). Improvements to complete the I-70/SH58 interchange movements are needed to improve not only access to the area, but to increase mobility for the region. Because of minimum spacing requirements, no new interchanges are proposed for I-70 and SH 58. Improvements to the I-70/32"d Avenue interchange to increase capacity will be needed. I-70 and SH58 will continue to serve the dual roles of providing access to the area and carrying regional traffic. Major east-west streets included in the future street network 32"d Avenue and 44tn Avenue. Streets providing north-south connections are Ward Road, Youngfield Street, and Mcintyre Street. A new connection from the Younqfield Service Road at 32"d Avenue t~a n~w-~nte ~,han Sis proposed. Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum r N ~ C v m Z m y m 0 ~ N O O W ~ ~ SS o~~ n ~ N O d V1 N U) ~ N ~ ~ N N / 10 0 , / ~ ~ D ~ ~ 'm d N N W O 'm ~ n f4. ~ v w N 7 Q ~ ~ ~ 0 -a Q N (D Q ~ C ~ Youngfield ~ n O 3 ~ fD ~ N C o -u 0 A n 3 U D~ m o ~ ~ 0 ~ Mcintyre St. Indiana St. Eldridge St. ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~o ~ Q ~ C \ ♦I 0) F rt 0 0 C. sr #~~~t~r-`,~-e~~~n additional collector is proposed to connect Youngfield to this Mclntyre/32"d Avenue collectorwith an underpass at I-70. This will provide an additional access to the Community Commercial area. Oli~j Future Trails The County community plans for the area show potential trails extending along W. 32"d Avenue from Maple Grove Park to Mclntyre and on Mclntyre from W. 32"a Avenue to the Clear Creek Trail. A trail connection is proposed from 32"d Avenue to the Clear Creek Trail in an alignment to be determined at the time of development of the area. F Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum COMMUNITY AMENITIES AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Community Services INURE Services in the ~n9~corporat~d~por~io~i~~f tti#e planning area are currently provided by Jefferson County and several special districts. Jefferson County currently provides general governmental services and law enforcement. Portions of the area are included in the Urban Drainage and Flood Control Distnct CulDF@~~. Special districts seroing the area are listed below. FirQ Pr4tectiQn 9istriFts • Fairmount o West Metro Water and Sanitation Districts • North Table Mountain W& S . Consolidated Mutual Water Park and Recreation Districts • Prospect A large area in the central portion of the planning area is not currently served by a sanitation provider. A small parcel of land is not provided with fire protection. b~ cts;serc+m~v~~tase~'~~p ij rig~50~~Area~at~ ~-~r~~r~~~'~~. P ~'~ecfit~,~ ~ a Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan -Urban Growth Area Addendum ~ 10 INU P ~ ~ e~y S~~r~ ra=:~Q~~~•~cf a~,, ~~,;,ar,ie~s~~r~~'r"<~~ ~•herse~u,tees-~n~f~i'sa~ea p Future Service Provision The City will provide general governmental services and police protection for any ~ areas annexed by the City. BIi~e~~~~~e~~.~t~~~ce~eT~ _q Fire protection will continue to be provided by existing districts currently providing services. Water and sanitation services will continue to be provided by districts currently providing services within their respective boundaries. Within the area currently not served by water or sanitation districts, there are three options to consider: • Indusion into existing water or sanitation districts. • Formation of a new water and sanitation district, or metropolitan district, with provision of services by the new district. • Formation of a new water and sanitation district, or metropolitan district, with provision of services by another district or districts by contract with the new d i ctriCt. Provision of services by an existing or new district will depend upon the capacity of that district to provide treated water or sewage plant capacity and the financial ability to construct improvements. It is likely a developer will need to pay for any infrastructure improvements, upgrades, or expansions. Any new sewage treatment plants or expansions must be included in the Regional Clean Water Plan and be approved by the State Department of Public Health and Environment. Parks and Open Space Park and open space areas in the urban growth area are currently acquired and managed by Jefferson County and the Prospect Park2nd Recreation and District. Two parks located just outside the growth area, Maple Grove Park and Arapahoe Park, are provided by the Prospect P2rk 2nd Recreation and Fark District. Policies: Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum At the time of rezoning, the followirig items should be requested of a developer, if applicabie: a. Access easements across private property to pubiic land; b. Dedication of private land; c. Open space required with the development if located adjacent to public land; 2. Open space purchases should be based on regional demand for recreation in the area and on the goal of preserving an open character and significant natural features. 3. The growth area is currently served by the Prospect Recreation and Park District and the Jefferson County Open Space Department. There shouid be improved communication among the district, governmental agencies, and private organizations responsible for buying and managing pulaJic land in the area. Improved communication among these groups could result in more efficient management of public lands and a higher level of use. Coordination among these public entities and the planning departments of the City and the county should facilitate more effective siting of private open space ta a. secure access easements across private property to public land; b. encourage dedication of private land by providing information about open space incentive programs, and . c. suggest, where appropriate, that the open space required in a development be located to augment adjacent public land. 4. The acquisition of undeveloped land should be related to the following planning objectives: a. Maintenance of important visual resources; b. Maintenance of open spaces between developments; c. Provision of needed recreational opportunities; d. Protection of significant wiidlife habitats and wildlife corridors; e. Protection of areas subject to significant natural hazards; (e.g. floodplains); f. Protection of areas having cultural and historical significance; g. Provision of connecting trail systems; h. Retention of unique or relict flora, (i.e., tall-grass prairie, sites with rare and endangered plants, and sites with high quality riparian vegetation); i. Protection of ecologically sensitive areas; j. Prevention of soil erosion; and k. Protection and conservation of vegetation. 10 Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Ptan - Urban Growth Area Addendum While these areas are desirable as open space, development should not be precluded if sensitive site planning accommodates these concerns. 5. Public acquisition, management agreements between owners, and private dedication of land to public entities, i.e., conservation easements, are only three of the methods that could be used to increase the amount of land which remains undeveloped. 6; Plantings in open space areas should be native or naturalized species and should be varieties that require minimal maintenance, are drought tolerant, and benefit desirable wildlife needs. Trails Existing trails have been constructed along W. 32"d Avenue and Clear Creek by Jefferson County. Future trails planned for the area include the extension of the W. 32"d Avenue trail from Maple Grove Park to Mcintyre and a trail along Mclntyre from 32"d Avenue to the Clear Creek trail. A connection between 32"d Avenue and the Clear Creek trail is proposed. These trail alignments are shown on Map 5. The provision of trails in the urban growth area should be based on the following policies: Policies: An expanded trails neiwork should be developed that provides additional trails for hiking, biking and equestrian use, and that precludes motorized vehicles. These trails should: A. vary in length, ascent and nature experience; B. traverse diverse landscape; C. access views and vistas; D. intersect to allow the traveler a choice of paths to a destination; E. avoid damaging or impairing areas containing endangered species, fragile environments, or high hazard areas; and F. Link communities and other Plan areas, and link these areas to adjacent cities and open space lands along the foothills to the west. 11 Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum ~ t J v r ~ .NC a m ? m ~I m n T N O O m 0 FE ' , I ❑ a , i ~Indiana St. 0 90 s e / • o / • o ~ O X ~ (p N W ~ j O ^ C SU ~ p1 E N D O m O m ~ ~ m U) o .o c ~ v ~ ~ Q ~ N Youngfield St. \ ~ Y a m D a t ~ 9 St. O'D -0 \V V• v+ ~ ~ n CD^, W ~ CL W 'FL ~ \J ~ 2. Accessible trails should be provided for all citizens, including barrier-free trails where possible, recognizing that trail users have different levels of ability and seek different levels of chailenge. 3. New trail systems in critical wildlife habitat areas, i.e. nesting and calving areas, and wintering grounds, should be routed in a sensitive fashion, and/or have seasonal closures to minimize stress to the wildlife. 4. Trail corridors should be negotiated which utilize floodplains, public rights- of-way, leased private property, parks, and public open space. 5. Liability releases should be used to remove this obstacle to the creation of trails across private land. 6. Areas of development should have trail connections to areas of natural open space. Trails should be separated and buffered with landscaping from t#e aad roads. MM~''a'~[~ when possible Lan~d$~apetl 4b~iffers~s~, 8. Roadway projects should provide equestrian, pedestrian and bicycle crossings; (e.g., equestrian tunnels and grade separated bike crossings at railroads). 9. The Jefferson County Open Space Department should be requested to assist in funding the Clear Creek regional trail corridor. 10. Local trails could be jointly funded through the Jefferson County Open Space Joint Venture Grants Program. This is a joint venture program with adjacent cities and park and recreation districts. 11. Equestrian and jogging trails should be unpaved and marked. 12. Parking areas should be provided at trailheads to facilitate trail usage by equestrians, hikers, bicyclists, etc. 13. Public facilities, e.g. restrooms and telephones, should be provided at major trail intersections and significant open space sites where feasible. 14. The local park and recreation agencies should be consulted to determine potential trail connections. 15. Developers should coordinate with public entities to provide trails and public access along flood plains and/or easements such as ditches, roads, power lines, etc., whenever possible. iz Wheat RidgeComprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum ~ 16. Developers should provide trail connections to adjacent open space areas, trails, schoois, bus stations, Regional Transportation District park-n-rides, and light rail stations. This includes providing a safe crossing at roads whenever possible. Trail Design Criteria 1. A variety of trail systems should be provided with appropriate fencing and signage to minimize trespassing. 2. Trails should connect with others in the City and surrounding jurisdictions to provide opportunities for commuting to other jurisdictions and to provide multiple recreational alternatives. 3. The-trails should intersect at strategic points to allow travelers a number of choices to reach a desired location. 4. Areas containing endangered species or fragile environments should be avoided. 5. Intersections between paths should be defined with a good visual warning of an intersection as it is approached. 6. Trails should take advantage of the diversity of the landscape through which trails pass. As the landscape changes, its dominant features should be clearly seen from the paths, i.e., good observation points for views and vistas that feature landmarks. 7. Bicycle paths should be designed for safety and be clearly marked. Safe bicycle paths can be provided in the following ways: A. Providing wider roadways with paved shoulders. B. Providing off-road paths for multiple users. C. Utilizing road, rail, ditch or power line rights-of-way or easements. 13 Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum