HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/15/2006AGENDA CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMllUSSION June 15, 2006 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on June 15, 2006, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF TAE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may be recommended for placement on the agenda.) 5. APPROVAL OF NIIN UTES - May 18, 2006 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ-06-03: An application filed by Cabela's Retail Inc. and Coors Brewing Co. for approval of an Amended Outline Devefopment Plan and Final Development Plan for vacant land generally located west of I-70, south of Highway 58 and north of W. 32nd Avenue. B. Case No. WS-06-01: An application filed by Cabela's Retail Ina and Coors Brewing Co. for approval of a final plat for vacant land generally located west of I- 70, south of fiighway 58 and north of W. 32nd Avenue. 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. CONINIISSION REPORTS 11. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS 12. ADJOUI2NIVIENT CITY OF WIIEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMiVIISSION Minutes of Meeting May 18,2006 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Wesley at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Alan White introduced Sally Payne who recently joined the Community Development Departtnent as a senior planner. 2. ROLL CALL Commission Members Present: Anne Brinkman Jim Chilvexs 7okui McMillin Phil Pluminer Cassie Spaniel Kim Stewart Scott Wesley Commission Members Absent: Jerry Scezney Staff Members Present; Alan White, Community Development Director Jeff Hirt, Planning Technician Ann Lazzeri, Recarding Secretary PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of May 18, 2006. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Community Development Department of the City of Wheat Ridge. 4. APPROVE ORDER OF AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner STEWART to approve the order of the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 5, APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Apri120, 2006 It was moved by Commissioner McNIII.LIN and seconded by Commissioner SPAPTIEL to approve the minutes of Apri120, 2006 as presented. The motion passed 6-0 with Commissioner BRINKMAN abstaining and Commissioner SCEZNEY absent. Planning Commission Page 1 May 18, 2006 6. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one to address the Commission at this time. 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. MS-06-03: An application filed by Lucy Dinneen for approval of a 2-lot minor subdivision plat for properiy located at 5400 West 38th Avenue. This was case was presented by Jeff Hirt. He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended approval of the application for reasons outlined in the staff report. The applicant was not present far the hearing. John Montoya 3755 Benton Street Mr. Montoya was sworn in by Chair WESLEY. Mr. Montoya lives just south of the subject property and was concemed about the distance between any proposed buildings and his fence. Ae understood there was at ten-foot easement between his lot and the applicanYs property. Charles Durbin 3703 Ames Street Mr. Durbin was sworn in by Chair WESLEY. He expressed concern that the application was in opposition to the city's redevelopment plan for the azea and noted that the Urban Renewal Authority concluded at its March 21, 2006 meeting that it was not consistent with the 38th Avenue redevelopment plan. He commented that it seemed to him the property was laid out for a subdivision before the auto parts building went up. Further, the lot is too small for a two- family dwelling and there is no curb cut. Cheng Ku 8534 East 28tn Avenue, Denver Mr. Ku was sworn in by Chair WESLEY. Mr. Ku was the arclutect for the Advance Auto Parts store recently completed on the subject property. He clarified that the easement between the auto parts property and Mr. Montoya's property is five, rather than ten, feet. He stated that approxunately three months ago, the applicant had expressed an intention to build a duplex on the property. Commissioner CHILVERS stated that it appears this would remain commercial because nothing else seems to be definite at this time. In response to a question from Commissioner PLUNIIvLER, Alan White explained that under existing zoning, the property owner could make application for a Planned Residential Development and write specific lot standards. There is also a charter provision that limits density. Planning Coxrunission Page 2 May 18, 2006 Commissioner BRIDIKMAN stated that she would like to have more inforxnation about the proposed use and, although it is not required, she would have preferred to see a zoning change application. In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Jeff Hirt stated that Advance Auto Parts meets all parking requirements, and may have suxplus pazking spaces. Commissioner McMILLIN commented that he would like to see the applicant have the ability to develop the property as residential. Commissioner STEWART asked if the subject property could be used for auto repair. Alan Wlute replied that auto repair would be a special use. Commissioner SPANIEL coxnmented that she didn't see a good reason to vote against it. She did not believe it would be a good location for a small business. Commissioner WESLEY commented that the revitalization plan suggests that additional multi- family dwellings in the city be kept to a mnumum and, therefore, any residential use of this property should be limited to a single-family dwelling. It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner BRINKiVIAN to deny Case No. MS-06-03 on the basis that it is not appropriate to have a small commercial lot encroaching into the neighborhood. Commissioner BRINKMAN offered a friendly amendment to add to the reason for denial that the application does not meet the guidelines of the Comprehensive Plan and the neighborhood revitalization slrategy for the city. Commissioner PLUNIMER did not accept the amendment. Commissioner BRINKMAN moved to amend the motion to refer to the Urban Renewal Authority's concern about subdividing this property and the argument that the application is not compatible with the city's future redevelopment and revitalization plan. The morion died for lack of a second. The motion failed 4-3 with Commissioners CHILVERS, McMILLIN, SPANIEL and STEWART voting no. It was moved by Commissioner STEWART and seconded by Commissioner McMILLIN to approve the minor subdivision request for the following reasons: (1) all requirements of the City's Subdivision Regulations have been met; and (2) all applicable development standards for the Commercial-One zone district have been met. The motion passed 4-3 with Commissioners BRINKMAN, WESLEY and PLUMMER voting no. B. Case No. WPA-06-02: A resolurion adopting the Northwest Subarea Plan Alan White advised the Commission that in addition to required public notice, notice was provided to those individuals on a mailing list compiled from previous workshops held on the subarea plan. He then introduced Jeff Winston. Planning Cominission Page 3 May 18, 2006 Jeff Winston Winston Associates 4696 Broadway, Boulder Mr. Winston reviewed the subazea plan which was prepared by his firm. The plan would amend the city's comprehensive plan for the northwest subarea only. Commissioner BRINKMAN noted some editorial inconsistencies in the report. Mr. Winston took note ofthese. Commissioner STEWART expressed concern about increased traffic on Tabar Sireet. Mr. Winston replied that it is not lrnown at this time what the fmal scenario for Tabor Street would be. He commented that the most important connections would be east/west and it is planned to make 50t' Avenue a through street. Chair WESLEY asked to hear from members of the public at this time. Sharon Peterson 12360 West 49tn Place Ms. Peterson submitted a written copy of her comments for the record. She expressed concern that the dra8 plan states that existing businesses would become nonconforming uses. She believed the plan would reduce property values and any development would be exiremely expensive. She asked that further consideration be given to changing the Comprehensive Plan. She expressed concern that a grade separation on Ward Road would harm present and future businesses in that area. She suggested that adoption of the plan wait until RTD's plans for a transit station are actually fmalized and the success of snnilar developments azound the country are analyzed. Bob Harmsen 5025 Ward Road Mr. Harmsen expressed concem about auto and train traffic problems that already exist in the area. A through street would tum 50`h Avenue into a racetrack. Development of properties in this area would be cost prohibitive. He was in favor of giving more consideration to the plan before it is approved. Erica Geiger 12208 West SOth Place Ms. Geiger expressed opposition to plan. She expressed concern abbut increasing traffic on 52°a Avenue because of the school in the area. She was also opposed for the same reasons stated by Bob Harmsen. John Geiger 12208 West SOtn Place Mr. Geiger expressed his opposition to the plan. ~ Planniug Commission Page 4 May 18, 2006 John Cillessen 12220 West 52"d Avenue Mr. Cillessen also owns property on 49th Avenue and stated that he was strongly opposed to the plan. His family has owned this industrial property for many years and this plan would tie the hands of industrial property owners in the azea. He asked that the plan be given more consideration until such tisne as RTD's plans aze finalized. Ms. Calomino 4070 Dover Street Ms. Calomino is a member of Wheat Ridge 2020 but spoke as a Wheat Ridge citizen. She spoke in favor of the plan as a guiding document for the city and commended Winston Associates for development of the plan. The light rail station is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for the entire community and would create a vibrant entrance to Wheat Ridge. The plan has good traffic flow and street grids that would encourage future development. She believed current properties would increase in value as a result of the plan. The plan should be looked at from the perspective of what is good for the community as a whole. She did not believe the city charter should be the document to regulate density issues. She asked that the Commission recommend to City Council that these issues be addressed by the Comprehensive Plan, zoning code, and overlay districts. She commented that resistance to change because it is unfamiliar is unproductive. Byron Kelly 12681 West 49th Avenue Mr. Kelly expressed his opposition to the plan based upon critical access issues. The effects of a grade separation which would limit access to properties are not addressed in this plan. He has been employed for eleven years as a design engineer with the railroad and also RTD. He did not believe the railroad would be happy about an at-grade crossing at 50`t` Avenue due to the large amount ofbuses that would be using that crossing. He believed that design criteria should be included in the document and that more reseazch should be done. He commented that the transit station is merely a possibility at this time and it would be good to wait until the environxnental impact statement is completed. Bob Harmsen returned to podium. He expressed concem that adding roads in the azea would result in small pazcels that would be virtually undevelopable. There were no other individuals who wished to speak at this time. Chair WESLEY closed the public comment portion of the meeting. Commissioner PLLJMNIER commented that he believed adoption of the plan was premature and should be delayed unril mare engineering could be done by the railroad and RTD. Commissioner CHII,VERS commented that it seems to be a good plan if the RTD station were a reality. The station would give impetus to development. He questioned whether approval could be given in anticipation of what RTD is going to do. Commissioner McMILLIN commented that the plan doesn't seem so premature because the Commission has already held hearings on the Jolly Rancher and Medved properties. Traffic Planning Commission Page 5 May 18, 2006 congestion is a reason far light rail. The status quo of the area is an underutilized light industrial area and light rail could bring improvement. Commissioner STEWART commented that this was a difficult decision due to her concern for property owners in the area. Individual rights versus community needs is a difficult balance to gain. A lot of the plan seems to be based upon speculation. Comxnissioner SPANIEL commented that if RTD is coming to the area, it is important for the city to have a plan in place. Commissioner WESLEY stated that he would vote in fauor of the plan. Approval of the plan would not be a commitment to anything that is not ureversible. The city needs to be in a position to shepherd growth in an economically viable way Alan White stated that the plan is not a regulation but a comprehensive master plan to serve as a guideline for future development. Existing landowners would still have rights under their zoning that could be enhanced by reducing parking requirements, etc. Waiting until an environmental unpact statement (EIS) is completed is the wrong approach because the city should drive the plan rather than the EIS. The city won't haue the ultimate say on a grade separation at Ward and railroad, but needs to be involved in the process. The azea being cut up into parcels as mentioned by Mr. Harmsen would not happen until someone wished to subdivide after light rail is in place. Jeff Winston stated that the grade separation at Wazd Road would not occur for some time and would occur because of the existing traffic situation and not necessarily because of future development. He and the city have been working closely with RTD and they are thinking that the Tabor Street crossing could be moved to the west. Colorado citizens are using light rail more than some parts of the country and more people are inhabiting urban settings. Extending and widening 50th Avenue would provide a much needed easUwest connection. A pedestrian path would be provided for school children in the area. He stated that it is important to haue a plan in place now for the future and commented that, as an example, the recent application for development of the Jolly Rancher property would have compromised many properties and precluded development in the area in a highly productive way. It was moved by Commissioner McMII.LIN and seconded by Commissioner STEWART to adopt Resolution 02-2006, a resolution recommending adoption of the Northwest Subarea Plan, and forwarding this recommendation along with the Resolution to CiTy Council for consideration with attached whereases that the city needs to be proactive in planning for potential light rail development in this area and this plan has allowed flexibility and made allowances for interim uses until light rail arrives. The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner SCEZNEY absent. A. Case No. WCA-06-01: An ordinance adopting amendments to the International Building Code, the International Residential Code, and Section 26-207(A)(3) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws conceming expiration of building permits. Planning Commission Page May 18, 2006 This case was presented by Alan Wlute. There are regulations in the city code that conflict with those of the International Residential Code in relation to time limits on building permits. There were no members of the public who indicated a desire to speak to this case. It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner SPANIEL to recommend adoption of the ordinance concerning expiration of building permits with addition of the following provision: "Extension shall be granted if it is demonstrated that the extension will assist or expedite the completion in a timely manner." The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner SCEZNEY absent. 8. OLD BUSINE5S There was no old business to come before the Commission. 9. NEW BUSINESS It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner BRINKMAN to cancel the June 1, 2006 meeting due to lack of cases. The motion passed unanimously. 10. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no commission reports. 11. COMIVIITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no committee and department reports. 12. ADJOLTRNMENT It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner 5TEWART to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. Scott Wesley, Chair Planning Commission May 18, 2006 Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary Page 7 AaoF W"F"a,a CITY OF WHEAT I2IDGE ~ m PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT c~~ORp00 TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: Travis Crane, Planner II CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-06-03 & WS-06-0 1/Coors & Cabela's DATE OF MFETING: June 15, 2006 ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of an amendmenY to an existing Outline Development Plan, a Final Development Plan and a Final Plat LOCATION OF REQUEST: A Parcel west of I-70, south of Highway 58 and narth of West 32"d Avenue APPLICANT (S): Cabela's/Coors OWNER (S): Same APPROXIMATE AREA: 178 acres PRESENT ZONING: Planned Commercial Development (PCD) CONII'REHENSIVE PLAN: Community Commercial (CC), Business Park (BP) & Open Space Location Map S P Planning Commission 1 Case WZ-06-03 & WS-06-0 1/Coors & Cabela's All notification and posting requirements haue been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to make an administrative decision on this matter. 1. REQUEST The applicants are requesting approval of an amendment to an existing Outline Development Plan to allow a greater range of allowed uses, a Final Development Plan for a portion of the property and a Final Plat far the entire property F~':' Letters of Request). The applicants aze initially requesting to develop approxunately 32 acres of the site with a retail store. The property is currently vacant, and is located west of I-70, south of Highway 58 and north of West 32"a Avenue. The property is approximately 178 acres in size. H. PROPERTY HISTORY The subj ect properties were annexed into the City of Wheat Ridge in February 2005. Pursuant to State statute, zoning must be established on annexed properties within 90 days. As a result, an Outline Development Plan was submitted and approved by City Council in May 2005 %EffifflM, 2005 Coors/Cabela's ODP). This ODP allowed a very limited range of uses, including water storage, excavation and deposition of material to reclann a gravel mine. At the same time, a Final Development Plan was reviewed and approved by City Council only for the portion of property to be used as a water storage facility in the southwest corner of the property. Special use permits have also been granted in conjunction with the excavation and fill deposition operations. III. OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN The applicants are requesting an amendment to the existing ODP which would allow a wide range of commercial uses 2006 Coors/Cabela's ODP). The ODP will establish development standards and allowed uses. The ODP shows general pazcel locations and access points. The Compzehensive Plan Future Land Use Map designation for this property is Community Commercial, Planned Business/Industrial Park and Open Space. Current Land Use The majority of the property is currently vacant, with a 28-acre water storage facility located in fhe southwest corner. An existing residential structure remains towards the south edge of the property on pazcel 3. , Allowed Uses The ODP will establish allowed uses far each pazcel of land in the development azea. A use matrix has been included which details, by parcel, the allowed uses. The chart shows "allowed". in a column where a use is allowed for a particulaz pazcel. If the word "allowed" is not present, the use is not allowed. The lot numbers at the top of the matrix correspond with the parcel numbers shown on the site plan (page 2 under Allowed IJses). Each parcel has different chazacteristics and dynamics, and therefare different allowed uses. For example, the parcels directly to the north of the existing residential will contain less intensive uses and greater buffering to lessen the impact. Conversely, those parcels which will be adjacent to Highway 58 may support more intensive industrial uses. The allowed uses have been modeled after the exisring C-1 and Industrial zone districts, with some undesirable uses omitted. Auto-oriented uses, special uses and very intensive indush-ial uses such as storage yards have been removed from the use matrix, and thereby are not allowed. Many uses aze Planning Commission Z Case WZ-06-03 & WS-06-Ol/Coors & Cabela's , being strictly prohibited; uses such as adult businesses, auto service and sales, bed and breakfast homes, storage yazds, conshuction or heavy equipment sales and mini wazehouses. Water storage is an allowed use on parcel6 and parcel 8. Parcel 6 is the current location for the newly- conshucted water storage facility. Parcels 1-5 are envisioned as commercial retail parcels. Pazcel 3 contains an existing vacant residential structure. As a result, residential has been included as an allowed use only on parcel3. A note has been added under Allowed Uses which allows the residential to remain, until such time that a Final Development Plan has been approved. Parcels 7-10 also allow retail, but also include more industrial uses. It should be noted that parcel8 is encumbered by the 100- year flood plain and contains steep grade changes, making development extremely difficult. However, a list of allowed uses has been identified for pazcel8 should a developer wish to improve the property. Staff recommends that the use listed as "Processing, assembly or lighP' be completed to read "Processing, assembly or light industrial operations Comprehensive Plan Because one component of the request is for a rezoning, the Comprehensive Plan must be examined. The Comprehensive Plan defines goals, policies, future land use and desired attributes of development or redevelopment. The Future Land Use designation for tTiese properties is Community Commercial (CC) for the area south oF Clear Creek, Planned Business/Industrial Park (BP) far the azea north of Clear Creek and a portion of Opem Space just north of Clear Creek. The proposed uses listed on the ODP are consistent with these respective designations. Communitv Commercial (CC) The Comprehensive Plan Community Commercial Center designation is defined as: "...uses adjacent to I-70 which are intended for non-residential uses whose market area eztends beyond the City of YVheat Ridge. Businesses in these areas serve the traveling public and are dependant on highway access and/or visibiliry. These developments contain a mixture of complementary uses such as retail and office andprovidepedestrian connections within the site and to adjacent properties. These activities generate a substantial amount of revenue for the City and it is important that the viability and attractiveness of these sites be maintained. " Some desired attributes of the CC designation are: • Adequate access from regional roadways • Uses that provide services for the traveling public • Controlled access onto arterial and collector streets through minimal curb cuts . A mixture of complementary uses such as retail and office • Compact development that is well landscaped; no outdoor storage, screened trash areas • Pedestrian connections within the site and from the site to adj acent uses • Uses that generate sales taac revenues in support of public services and facilities The property has visibility from and access to a state highway and an interstate. The list of allowed uses will provide services to the traueling public. All access points to Cabela Drive will be controlled access points, consolidated and aligned so as to muiimize trafflc conflicts. The ODP is establishing minimum landscape coverage of 20 percent. All trash areas will be screened. Several pedestrian trail connections are being identified on the ODP that will not only serve the subject parcels, but also the surrounding azeas. Any retail use located on the property will generate sales tas revenue for the City. Planning Commission Case WZ-06-03 & WS-06-O1/Coors & Cabela's Additionally, some of the desired uses in the CC designated areas are: • Lodging and meeting facilities • Gas stations • Restaurants • Destination retail ( e.g. establishments selling durable goods, clothing, groceries and specialty items) . Transit facilities and amenities • Entertainment complexes All of these uses, except gas stations, aze allowed uses on the ODP. Planned Business/Industrial Park BPl Planned Business/Industrial Pazk is defined as: "...These areas have access to I-70 and are generally located north and west of the interstate. These parks are designed as an integrated planned development under unified control and development standards. These parks are designed with a campus-like setting and contain clean, light industrial uses. Amenities such as outdoor sitting and eating areas and pathways should be encouraged on-site for employees. " Some desired attributes o£the BP designation are: . Well buffered to minimize negative impacts to adjacent neighborhoods and residential uses . Pedestrian connections within the site and from site to adjacent uses • Connections to local regional bicycle path systems • Businesses that require shipping or deliveries by semi-trucks The parcels which include light industrial uses (which are the same parcels designated BP on the Future Land Use map) are located north of Clear Creek, just south of Highway 58. These two features will act as a buffer from adjacent properties. There are no residential properties in the immediate vicinity of these parcels. Several pedestrian trail connections aze being idenrified on the ODP that will not only serve the subject parcels, but also the surrounding areas. The list of allowed uses identifies light industrial operations which may utilize shipping from semi-trucks. The Comprehensive Plan also contains goals and policies for commercial development or redevelopment. The following aze goals which relate to the proposed rezoning and subsequent site development: Goal - Provide conveniently located and attractive commercial, office and service uses that meet the needs of the City and are compatible yet well buffered from surrounding areas. Goal - All new commercial development or redeveloped commerciai azeas shall be designed to minimize effects on nearby residential uses. Goal - Any new or redeveloped commercial site, whether public or private, shall respect or incorporate as appropriate any adjacent civic investrnent be it a park, recreational facility or civic amenity. Planning Commission 4 Case WZ-06-03 & WS-06-01/Coors & Cabe7a's Policv - The City shall require that any future commercial development include continuous intemal drives and continuous pedestrian paths connecting to adjacent businesses and streets without directing traffic through adjacent residential neighborhoods. Policv - New commercial development or redevelopment projects shall demonstrate measures taken to reduce likely neighbarhood impacts. Such measures shall be considered in the review of any new application to the City. The Plamiiug Deparhnent and Planning Commission shall pay particular attention to: traffic generation, ingress and egress, distribution of new trips, landscape buffering between uses, impact on view corridors, solar access and noise impacts. Policv - At least 15% of the gross site area of any new commercial development or redevelopment project shall be landscaped with live plant material. Additional buffering, in the form of.landscaping, may be required for sites adjacent to residential, agricultural or environmentally sensitive areas. Policv - All new commercial development or redevelopment project shall be required to increase pedestrian activity and provide open, natural azeas, sufficient landscaping and seating and shelter for pedestrians. The standards and uses established on the ODP (and subsequent development of the parcels) will meet the intent of these goals. The properties will be appropriately designed to provide attractive businesses which are adequately buffered from surrounding residential properties. The wider range of commercial uses will serve the needs of the City and surrounding communities. Several pedestrian trail connections are being established on the Outline Development Plan which would provide a benefit to the community: Landscaping The ODP is proposing minimum landscape coverage of 20% per lot. This minimum amount of landscaping is identical to the requirement for any commercially zoned property. The ODP also specifies that one tree is requued for each 50 feet of road frontage. This street tree standard being established on the ODP is less than the one tree per 30 feet of frontage which is required by the Code of Laws. The ODP requires one tree and 5 shrubs for each 1,000 square feet of landscaped area. This standard is also less than the Code requirement of one tree and 10 shrubs for each 1,000 squaze feet of required landscaped area. Although these standards are lower than the Code requirements for commercially zoned properties, the ODP process allows the flexibility in creating development standards which are unique to a specific property. The ODP references Section 26-502 (landscaping) for all other landscaping requirements. Detailed landscape plans aze required for each Final Development Plan. These detailed plans will show the location and type of landscaping to be installed for each parcel. Lot Coverage The ODP sets ma7cimum lot coverage for each parcel. Maximums vary by lot, but they are generally around 10%. The one exception is parcel 5, which is set at 25%. It is important to note that the ODP is establishing a floor area ratio, or percentage of pazcel which can be covered by a shucture. For example, parcel 1 is 1,586,455 squaze feet in size. The ODP allows a maacimum F.A.R. of 0.12 (12%). This would allow a building no larger than 190,374.6 square feet in size, or half of that in 2 stories. Planning Commission Case WZ-06-03 & WS-06-O7/Coors & Cabela's The Code of Laws treats lot coverage as any area covered by structures and pauement. Based on a twenty percent minimum landscaped area requirement, the lot coverage (buildings plus paved areas) cannot exceed 80% of any parcel. This lot coverage standard is identical to the requirement for any commercially zoned property. Parking Minimum parking requirements are being established on the ODP. Parcels 1-5 and 7-10 must provide one parking space for each 200 square feet of building squaze footage, less 10 percent. This is identical to the City's standard for retail uses. The Code of Laws allows a ten percent reduction in building square footage for the purpose of calculating required parking. This ten percent reduction is to account far stairways, hallways, mechanical rooms, restrooms and kitchens - azeas which should not be included in parking calculations. Parcel 6 requires two parking stalls for maintenance vehicles. This parcel will not include commercial activity; therefore commercial parking standards do not need to be established. Building Setbacks/Height The ODP establishes minimuxn front yard, side yard and rear yard building setbacks for each pazcel. The required setbacks differ by parcel. All parcels are required to have a minnnum 10 foot side yard setback and a minimum 15 foot rear yard setback, with the exception of parcel4. This parcel is located directly adjacent to existing residentiai, and therefore has a larger required side yard setback. Pazce14 is required to have a muumuxn 20 foot side yazd setback. Parcels 1, 5, 7, 9 and 10 are required to have a 30 foot minimum front yard setback while pazcels 2, 3 and 4 are required to have a 15 foot minimum front yazd setback. Staff feels that the front yard setback for parcel 5 should be reduced to 15 feet to allow for the ability to design in a neo-traditional manner. It should be noted that in commercial zone districts a minnnum 50 foot front yard setback for commercial properties is required, with an allowance to reduce the front yard setback to 30 feet where the front yard is entirely landscaped. A footnote has been included under the Development Standards chart which references a 30-foot required side or rear yard setback when adjacent to public right-of-way. Staff feels this note should be removed, as some of the front yard setbacks are less than 30 feet, and the more stringent side and rear yard setback would be unnecessary. The maximum building height, as required by the Charter, is being established at 50 feet for parcels 1- 3 and 7-10. Parcels 4 and 5 are located approxunately 30 feet lower than the existing residential, so reduced building heights for these lots will iessen the impact to the residential properties. Parcels 4 and 5 are located approximately 30 feet lower than the existing residential pazcels to the south. The maximum buildirig height for parcel 4 is being established from a fixed elevation point on the south property line. The ODP states that the top of a building on parcel 4 shall not exceed elevation point 5,530 feet, established from City datum. This will give the ability to construct a 50-foot tall building without a large amount of fill, thereby increasing the impact to the residential properties. Simply, a 50- foot tall building on this parcel tied to a maacimum elevation of 5,530 feet to the top of the struchue will effectively result in a 20-foot tall building as viewed from the residential properties to the south. The building height cannot exceed elevation 5,530, so any fill brought in reduces the height of the buiiding. Any building constructed on parcel 5 is limited to 35 feet in height. Buildings on parcel 6 are allowed a maximum building height of 15 feet, which is consistent with the existing pump house associated with the water storage facility. Planning Commission 6 Case WZ-06-03 & WS-06-O]/Coors & Cabela's Architecture The ODP contains detailed language regarding required architectural enhancements for all parcels. The architectural standards are similar to language in the Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual, which is adopted as regulation. The ODP contains strong language which wili require four- sided architecture on all buildings. Any proposed building must be shown on the Final Development Plan, and must fiuther comply with these guidelines. Site Access/Circulation The parcels will gain access from three different locations. The main entrance to the site will be from a new interchange at Highway 58. A new public street (Cabela Drive) will connect to Youngfield Service Road in a north/south alignment. This new street will be a four-lane public roadway, transitioning into a three-lane public roadway near the northern end of pazcel7. The road will continue north and west, eventually connecting to a new interchange at Highway 58. The second access point will be a new 40`h Avenue undexpass between parcels 1 and 2. This underpass will connect to Cabela Drive. A new realigned service road will be established just north of the 40t' Avenue underpass which serves the Table Mountain Animal Center. The third point of access will be from new hook ramps from I-70. Westbound traffic will be able to access Cabela Drive directly; conversely site patrons will be able to continue westbound onto I-70 after visiting the site. A pedestrian crossing is being shown on Cabela Drive between parcels 1 and 5, as this will be the main access point for each property. Cabela Drive will be a publicly-dedicated roadway which connects West 32°a Avenue to Highway 58. Portions of the road will fall outside City limits in unincorporated Jefferson County. A small triangular area of the roadway just east of parcel 8 will be located witlvn County-owned property. Another section west of parcel 9 will be located on privately owned properiy in Jefferson County. The connection to West 32"a Avenue crosses private property in Wheat Ridge. The applicants have not yet secured the easements or right-of-way to allow the construction of these roadway sections. Acquisition of these easements is paramount to providing adequate access and circulation to and from the site. Without these connections, easements or right-of-way, the property will not have adequate access to serve a development of this size. Each parcel will have at least one access point from Cabela Drive. The access points are shown on the site plan with black arrows. Trails . A nuxnber of pedestrian trail connections have been identified on the ODP. The first will be on the west side of Cabela Drive, and will be ten feet in width. The second trail will connect through parcels 4, 5 and 7, eventually connecting to the existing Clear Creek trail on pazcel8. The specific alignment has not been identified for this trail to ensure flexibility with future development. A third pedestrian trail will connect Cabela Drive to Youngfield via the 40th Avenue underpass. Finally, a trail will connect 40`h Avenue to the Clear Creek trail along the realigned frontage road. Planning Commission 7 Case WZ-06-03 & WS-06-OllCoors & Cabela's . With the exception of the trail through parcels 4, 5 and 7, all trails will be built at the time the adjacent roads are constructed. The additional trail will be conshucted at the time of development of parcels 4, 5 and 7. Signage The ODP establishes the signage regulations for each parcel. All parcels are allowed one freestanding sign, not to exceed 15 feet in height, not larger than 150 square feet to be placed within a landscaped azea. For pazcels 2-9, wall signage is allowed on elevations adjacent to right-of-way or major interior drives, not to exceed one square foot of signage for each one linear foot of wall to which the sign is attached. Parcel 1 is allowed wall signage on each elevation, not to exceed 1,050 square feet in size. Parcel 1 is allowed an additional project identification sign which can be a maximum of 30 feet in height and 200 square feet in size. This would allow all businesses to have visibility from I-70. Staff suggests that setbacks be established for all freestanding signs. The Sign Code typically requires a minimum 10 foot setback for signs up to 15 feet in height and a 30 foot setback for signs over 15 feet in height. Additionally, the regulations do not address signage on parcel 10. Staff suggests that the signage allowed on parcel 10 should be consistent with parcels 2-9. Lighting A note has been added to the ODP which regulates exterior lights, and more importantly, controls the effects of light spillage. The ODP allows a maximum freestanding light pole height of 30 feet. The Code of Laws currently allows a maximum pole height of 18 feet; however, as mentioned previously, this ODP process allows flexibility and variance from a standard in the Code. Exterior lighting, exclusive of security lighting, must be turned off one hour after the close ofbusiness. Several notes have been added to the ODP under Development Standards which requires fully shielded, cut-off fixtures, and requires that all light be contained on the subject property: All freestanding lights are required to be at least 25 feet from any residential property line. FencingBuffering All fences must be in compliance with Section 26-603 of the Code of Laws. This Section allows a maximum fence height of six feet in rear and side yards, and a maaciinuxn fence height of 48 inches in front yards. Additional constraints are identified for azeas located within a sight distance triangle. All fences will be shown on the Final Development Plans for each parcel. A twenty foot buffer is proposed for the portions of pazcels 4 and 5 whicb aze adjacent to residential properties. This buffer will contain trees and shrubs consistent with Code requirements. The landscape buffer will be further detailed on the Final Development Plan for pucels 4 and 5. Traffic The development of the subject properties will undoubtedly increase traffic in the surrounding area. This proposed development has higgered an Environmental Assessment, which examines the environmental impact of the preferred alternative road 'unprovements. The Environmental Assessment is not the subject of this hearing. Planning Commission should focus on the adequacy of the access and circulation plan for the proposed development. The iraffic study has indicated that the site development will result in a total (trips to and from the site) of 23,785 trips per weekday and a total of 34,341 hips per Saturday. As a result of this increase in Planning Commission $ Case WZ-06-03 & WS-06-O1/Coors & Cabela's traffic, several improvements are needed to the existing roadway system. Improvements on the subject properties include a new public street which bisects the properties, a new West 40th Avenue underpass and new hook ramps from I-70. Additional off-site required improvements have been identified in the three alternate packages in the Environmental Assessment. The applicants have identified `prefened alfernative number 2' in the traffic study. This preferred alternative includes improvements such as widening of the West 32na AVenue and Youngfield Street intersection, widening of the eastbound I-70 off ramp at approximately West 29`t` Avenue, widening ofYoungfield Street from West 38`h Avenue to West 44th Avenue, widening of the West 44th Avenue and Youngfield Street and a widening of Youngfieid Street at West 32°d Avenue. These improvements are consistent with the Roadway Classificarion Plan of the Comprehensive Plan Addendum. An exhibit has been included which details the extent of `preferred alternative number 2'. This has been included as ffi~.<`;_ Staff recommends that all improvements identified as `2008 improvements' be constructed prior to the opening of any business on the property. The improvements are labeled as "2008" ixnprovements because they will accommodate build-out traffic from the properties, which is anticipated in 2008. IV. REZONING CRITERIA The request is for an amended Outline Development Plan, including a change to allowed uses. Even though the property is currently zoned Planned Commercial Development, the rezoning criteria must be examined. Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a change in zone: 1. That the existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is an error. The existing zone classificarion on the official zoning map is not in enor. The property currently has Planned Commercial Development zoning. 2• That a change in character in the area has occurred due to iostallation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions, and that the evidence supports the finding of the following. The properties have historically existing as a gravel and mining site. At the conclusion of the mining activities, the properties remained vacant. In 2005, the properties were annexed into the City of Wheat Ridge, and given a zoning designation of Planned Commercial Development, with a limited range of uses. The properties exist where an interstate highway and a state highway converge. As a result, the surrounding area has steadily grown and changed to provide more commercial services. The planned completion of the I-70 and State Highway 58 interchange has resulted in land acquisitions and revised development plans in the general vicinity. The property east of I-70 (Applewood Shopping Center) contains lazge regional retail stores. The property to the north of Highway 58 (40 Avenue Industrial Pazk) was annexed into the City in 1999 and zoned to Planned Industrial Development. After the annexation and zoning, 29 indushial buildings were constructed and continue to operate today in an office/wuehouse environment. 3. That the change of zone is in conformance, or wili bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. Planning Commission Case WZ-06-03 & WS-06-O1/Coors & Cabela's The Future Land Use map in the Comprehensive Plan designates these properties as Community Commercial, Planned Business/Industrial Park and Open Space. Parcels 1-7 (south of the creek) are designated Community Commercial. Parcel8 is designated Open Space, while parcels 9 and 10 are designated Planned Business/Industrial Park. The proposed zone designation of Planned Commercial Development is consistent with these classifications. The Future land Use Map is one component of the Comprehensive Plan. The Plan also contains goals and policies concerning land use and transportation that need to be considered in finding consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. As discussed in the "Comprehensive Plan" section of this staff report, the change of zone will be in compliance with the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 4, That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. The property is currently zoned Planned Commercial Development, albeit with a lunited range of allowed uses. The zoning designation will remain; however, a wider range of commercial and industrial uses is proposed. Parcels 1-5 and 7 are envisioned to be more retail and service oriented, which is consistent with properties duectly to the south and east. The property directly to the south is zoned Planned Commercial Development and contains a hotel, restaurants and a gas station. To the east across I-70 is a large shopping center which provides an array of retail, restaurant and service uses. The allowed uses for this proposed amendment will be compatible with the allowed uses in these two areas. Parcels 9 and 10 are designated Planned Business/Industrial Park. These parcels will allow the same retail and service uses proposed for parcels 1-5 and 7, with an allowance for some light industrial uses. The properties directly to the north (across Highway 58) are all zoned Planned Industrial Development. These properties operate as an industrial pazk currently. Where the pazcels abut existing residential (pazcels 4 and 5), a 20-foot landscape buffer is being proposed, complete with trees and shrubs dispersed at a rate consistent with the Code. this buffer will minimize adverse unpacts to the residential azea. 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. This proposed zone change should create a benefit to the community. The property currently sits as a yacant parcel, and has historically been used far mining. The applicants aze proposing to ailow a wider range of uses on the property, which in tum will provide additional services to the surrounding residents and create jobs. Any retail sales on the property will generate sales taac revenue for the City, Jefferson County Open Space, the School District, Jefferson County and special districts serving the area will receive increased property tax revenues, in some cases without providing additional services. Additionally, a number of traffic unprovements have been idenrified as a result of the Environxnental Assessment. Many of these improvements are needed to support the level of traffic activity generated by the intended uses; however some of the unprovements will conect Planning Commission 10 Case WZ-06-03 & WS-06-O7/Coors & Cabela's existing problems which would need attention regardless of site development. These improvements wili benefit the surrounding area. The parcels will also include much needed pedestrian trail connections. This will allow pedestrians from West 32°a Avenue to navigate to Clear Creek; an option which does not exist today. These pedestrian connections will be a benefit to the community. The proposed retail store on parcel l includes several public facilities that will be available for use by the general public. These facilities will be a benefit to the community. 6. That adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses aliowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All responding agencies aze able to serve the properiy, and the developer will incur the cost and maintenance of any improvements. A metro district has been formed which will fund and construct all onsite public improvements and utility infrashucture. Onsite roadway improvements will be built by the metro district. Off site improvements will be funded by the metro district, City, CDOT and Jefferson County. That the change of zone will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties. The change in zone will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare in the area. The development of a historic mining site will improve conditions in the azea and alleviate a once- potential hazard to persons in the azea. While this rezoning will create higher traffic volumes to the site, the applicants are engaging in several roadway improvements to the azea, which should alleviate traffic congestion. Site development will be subject to review of the Public Works Deparhnent, which will review the drainage to ensure that there will be no adverse unpact to adjacent properties. The pazcels and subsequent buildings will be constructed in such a way as to not reduce air or light to adjacent properties. 8. That the change of zone will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. This change of zone will not create an isolated zone dishict. The properties to the east (east of I-70) aze zoned Planned Commercial Development, and have similar allowed uses. These properties are part of a larger shopping center which provides a similar list of allowed uses. The properties to the south are also zoned Planned Commercial Development, and have a similar range of allowed uses. The properties to the north of Highway 58 are zoned Planned Indusirial Development, and aze part of an industrial business park. The allowed uses for this industrial business park aze similar to the list of allowed uses proposed on this ODP. V. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN A Final Development Plan has been submitted for a pazcel of land 32 acres in size (~~,~rhkbz'~ Final Development Plan). The applicant wishes to conshuct a 185,000 squaze foot retail Planning Commission 11 Case WZ-06-03 & WS-06-01 /Coors & Cabela's building. The FDP is intended to pr.ovide a site specific development plan for a property while meeting all the development standards established on the Outline Development Plan. Building The applicant is proposing to conshuct a building which is 185,000 squaze feet in size. The building would be used as a retail sporting goods facility. A sporting goods store is an allowed use on this parcel (pazcel 1). The ODP allows a maximum floor area ratio of .12 forparcel 1. Based on a lot size of 1,586,455 square feet, a building which is 190,374 square feet may be constructed. The building will be located in the northeast corner of the parcel, so as to capitalize on the visibility provided by I-70. The building will be setback from the front property line (southwest property line) approximately 500 feet. In between the building and the Cabela Drive right-of-way is a parking area with landscaped islands. The ODP required a minimum front yard setback of 30 feet. Additionally, a 10-foot minnnum side yazd setback and 15-foot minimum rear yard setback was established. The buiiding meets all of these required setbacks. The ODP allowed a maximum building height of 50 feet. The building will not exceed the 50-foot building height maximuxn. Loading bays and a boat loading/storage area will be located on the northeast elevation (adjacent to I-70). A screen wall will be constructed which partially obscures the boat storage and loading area. A small corral and dog run is being shown along the northern property line. This use was specifically listed as an allowed ancillary use on the ODP. Two detention ponds are shown on the FDP - one in the northwest corner of the property and one smaller pond belund the building. The ponds have been adequately sized to accommodate the drainage flows created by site development. Architecture The building will be constructed of azchitectural pre-cast concrete with stone and timber accents. The roof will be metaL The pre-cast walls will contain reveals which will provide visual interest. Canopies and overhangs are used to accentuate the entrance on the southeast elevation. The proposed building meets the azchitectural standards as established on the ODP. The architectural elevations detail the overall height of the building to be 76 feet to the highest point. The ODP establishes a maxnnum building height of 50 feet. Pursuant to the Code of Laws and Charter, non-habitable areas and architectural features aze exempt from this 50-foot height limitation. Further, the Code defines building height as being measured to the mid-point of the roo£ The elevations detail the mid-point of the roof to be 50 feet tall. Those portions of the building which extend above 50 feet in height are considered architectural featurcs and aze not used for human occupancy. Building signage is shown on the southwest, northeast and northwest elevations. These signs are allowed, as the ODP created an allowance for wall signage on all building elevations. It should be noted that the wall sign on the northeast elevation extends above the deck line of the roo£ The Code does not allow wall signs to extend above the roof. This issue will be addressed with the submittal and review of the building permit. Planning Commission 12 Case W7-06-03 & WS-06-0 1/Coors & Cabela's Landscaping The ODP requires a minimum of 20 percent of the pazcel to be landscaped. This lot requires 317,117 square feet of landscaped area. The FDP is providing 536,170 square feet of landscaped area, or 34% of the site. Additionally, one street tree is,required for every 50 feet of street frontage. There are 3 street frontages for this property: Cabela Drive, West 40th Avenue and the Frontage Road. These 3 street frontage tota13,3251ineaz feet, which translates to 67 required street trees. The applicant has provided 67 street trees. One tree and 5 shrubs are required for every 1,000 squaze feet of required landscape azea. 317 additional trees and 1,585 shrubs are required. The applicant has provided 318 trees and 2,432 shrubs, in addition to 2,019 omamental grasses. The edges of the parking lot contain large landscape buffers with landscape islands. Trees have been located within the parking lot to break up the expansive area. Landscaped cap islands haue been installed on either end of the parking lot drive aisles. Parking The ODP requires 1 parking stall for every 200 square feet of building area, minus a ten percent reduction in building squaze footage to account for haliways, storage areas and mechanical rooms. The building is 185,000 square feet in size; therefore 833 parking spaces are required. The FDP details a total of 1,354 parking spaces provided. The pazking stalls all meet the minimum size requirements and handicap accessible stalls have been provided consistent with ADA and City Code requirements. There is an azea to the north of the building which is labeled as "RV parking". The parking stalls in this area are large enough to accommodate oversize recreational vehicles. There aze landscaped islands which further delineate these parking stalls. The sheer volume of the pazking spaces and expanse of the parking area is of concern. The site contains 521 more parking spaces than the ODP requires. This is an increase of 62%. All this additional pazking may be attractive to retailers; however it translates into longer walking distances for patrons, more run-off and detracts from the architectural interest of the starefront. The parking stalls located on the west side of the pazking lot (adjacent to Cabela Drive) are between 600 and 800 feet from the front door of the store. Staff has requested that the applicant install two pedestrian walkways which parallel the drive aisles. These pedestrian wallcways could nui the length of the parking lot, be S feet wide and be located between rows of pazking. These azeas would provide the patrons a refuge from vehicles and could help reduce pedestrian and vehicle conflict. Otherwise, patrons walk down drive aisles to get to the store. The applicant is not amenable to these walkways. Lighting A photometric plan has been included in the FDP which details the type and location of freestanding light fixtures, as well as the foot-candle readings at specified intervals. The applicant is proposing to install dua1400 watt metal halide fixtures atop a 25 foot pole for most of the pazking lot lighting. The ODP allows a 30 foot tall freestanding light fixture. Staff was initially concerned over the amount of luminescence generated by these dua1400 watt fixtures. However, staff has spoken with the manufacturer of these lights and confirmed that directly under the pole of a dua1400 watt fixture, a total of 10 foot-candles will be generated. Planning Commission 13 Cue WZ-06-03 & WS-06-O1/Coors & Cabela's Access/Circulation The site will gain access from Cabela Drive, which will connect Highway 58 and West 32"a Avenue. Another access point is being provided at West 40th Avenue. The site will contain one-way drive aisles and angled parking. The Public Warks Deparhnent has requested that Cabela Drive contain a median in areas where there are no conflicts with tum lanes. The applicant has agreed to this median. A frontage road will connect to West 40`h Avenue which will provide access to the Table Mountain Aniinal Center. The TMAC currently obtains access from the Youngfield Service Road which pazallels I-70. The frontage road would replace the Youngfield Service Road. A 5 foot wide sidewalk is being constructed on the east side of Cabela Drive, and a 10 foot wide sidewalk is being constructed on the west side. A ten foot sidewalk is being constructed on the north side of West 40`h Avenue. A 10 foot sidewalk is being constructed on the west side of the Frontage Road. VI. FINAL PLAT A final plat has been submitted which will subdivide the property into lots of record Mam, Final Plat). The plat is subdividing the entire properiy into lO lots. The plat is creating lots consistent with the parcels shown on the ODP. Typical utility easements have been established around the peruneter of each lot. All the areas of public roadway are being dedicated to the City. Drainage easements are being created where the detention facilities will be constructed. The plat meets the requirements of Article VI of the Code of Laws. VII. AGENCY REFERRAI,S The proposal was referred to all external agencies and adjacent jurisdictions. All responding agencies stated that they can serve the pxoperty, and any upgrade will be at the expense of the developer. Jefferson County responded with concerns regazding the alignment of Cabela Drive, as it relates to County property east of parcel8; specifically thaf an easement is needed to travel across County owned land. VIII. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING The Code of Laws requires a neighborhood meeting for amendments to Outline Development Plans. A neighborhood meefing was held on Apri125, 2006, and was shuctures as an informational open house. This meeting was held at the Recreation Center. IX. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS There aze 3 requests which haue been submitted by the applicants: an amended Outline Development Plan (and rezoning), a Final Development Plan and a final plat. Each item will require a separate motion. Amended Outline Development Plan Staff concludes that the amendment is compatible with surrounding land use, and that the additional allowed uses will bring the property into conformance with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Additionally, with the addition of infrastructure unprovements, the rezoning will be a benefit to the City and surrounding azeas. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL of the amended Outline Development Plan and rezoning: Planning Commission 14 Case WZ-06-03 & WS-06-01/Coors & Cabela's I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-06-03, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan and rezoning to allow additional uses in the Planned Commercial District, for property located generally west of I-70, south of Highway 58, north of West 32"a Avenue and east of Eldridge Street for the following reasons: 1. A change in character has occurred in the area. The property has historically been used as a gravel mine while the azea which surrounds the property has been developed and redeveloped as commercial and industrial properties. 2. The change of zone will bring the property into conformance with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The properties contain commercial and industrial designations. The range of allowed uses is consistent with the future land use designation defined in the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The conshuction of roadway unprovements wili adequately accommodate the additional traffic voluxnes produced by the proposed uses. The improvements will not only benefit the development onsite, but also the surrounding properties. 4. The proposed uses will be compatible with the surrounding azea, specifically the commercial properties directly to the south, the commercial shopping center to the east oF I-70 and the industrial pazk north of Highway 58. Required buffers will minimize the impacts to adjacent residential uses. 5. The change of zone will be a benefit to the City, County, School District and special districts by providing additional tax revenue, added retail and service establishxnents, additional employxnent and the installation of pedestrian connecrions to Clear Creek trails. 6. The change of zone will not create an isolated or spot zone district. 7. The change of zone will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfaze. With the following conditions: 2. The easements or right-of-way needed for the construction of Cabela Drive where it crosses Jefferson County property and off-site to the State Highway 58 interchange and to West 32"a Avenue shall be secured prior to the issuance of any building permit. 3. The traffic improvements labeled as `Year 2008 improvements' in the traffic study dated June 2006 shall all be constructed prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy. These improvements shall additionally include the pedestrian trails on the west side of Cabela Drive and the west side of the frontage road. 4. A note shall be added to the Outline Development Plan which reads: "Freestanding signs that do not exceed 1 S feet in height must have a 10 foot setback from any property line. Freestanding signs which are more than IS feet in height must.have a 30 foot setback form any property line." 5. The footnote under Development Standards which references increased side and reaz yard setbacks where adjacent to right-of-way shall be removed. 6. The required front yazd setback for parcel5 shall be reduced to 15 feet. 7. The language which regulates signage shall be modified to include an allowance for wall and freestanding signage for parcel 10. 8. The use chart shall be modified as it relates to processing and assembly to read: "processing, assembly or light industrial operations." Final Development Plan Planning Commission 15 Case WZ-06-03 & WS-06-0I/Coors & Cabela's Staff concludes that the Final Development Plan is consistent with the development standards created on the Outline Development Plan, and further it meets the requirements for Final Development Plans as established in the Code of Laws. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL of the Final Development Plan. "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-06-03, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located generaily west of I-70, south of Highway 58, north of West 32"a Avenue and east of Eldridge Street, far the following reasons: 1. The Final Development Plan meets the development standards as listed on the Outline Development Plan. 2. The Final Development Plan meets the requirements for Final Development Plans, as defined in Article III of the Code of Laws. With the following condition: A ten-foot pedestrian trail shall be shown on the north side of West 40th Avenue on the Final Development Plan. Final Plat Staff concludes that the final plat meets the requirements established in Article IV of the Code of Laws, and therefore staff recommends APPROVAL of the Final Plat. "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WS-06-01, a request for approval of a ten lot subdivision plat for property located generally west of I-70, south of Highway 58, north of West 32°a Avenue and east of Eldridge Street for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. 2. All required utility easements are being provided. 3. Adequate infrastructure will be constructed with the development to serve the proposed use." Planning Commission ' 16 Case WZ-06-03 & WS-06-O1/Coors & Cabela's Introduction The Official Outline Development Plan (ODP) for Cabela's has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Section 26-308 of the Municipal Code for the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. This land use application also incorporates the recommendations contained within the City's Comprehensive Plan. This ODP application encompasses approximately 178.2 acres and is comprised of multiple parcels. The two principal ownership groups are the Coors Brewing Company of Golden, Colorado and Cabela's Retail, Inc., a Nebraska Corporation. Proposed Uses The predominate use of the subject property will be a 185,000+1- square foot Cabela's retail facility located in the central portion of the site. Surrounding the Cabela's facility are supporting retail, restaurant antl lodging uses. North of the Cabela's retail site, separated by Clear Creek, are three properties owned by Coors and will be developetl into additional non-residential uses. Located in the southwestern corner of the subject property is a 29 acre parcel developed as a water storage reservoir for the Coors Brewing Company. Site Characteristics The subject property is generally located in the southeast quatlrant of State Highway 58 and Interstate 70. The site has historically been used for sand and gravel mining and is currently untleveloped. The resulting landform from previous mining activities has left much of the site with open excavation areas, steep slopes and poor drainage. Clear Creek and its corresponding floodplain separates the northern third of the property. Most of the Clear Creek floodplain is found on the adjoining Jefferson Gounty property with a small portion located on land owned by Coors. Wetlands associated with the Clear Creek floodplain have been identified on County-owned land. Running diagonally through the property, is a large water main owned and operated by the Denver Water Board. The eastern edge of the property includes frontage along I-70 with adjacent commercial and retail uses. South of the subject property is an established neighborhood of single-family homes. Southwest of the site is the Applewood Golf Course with an existing water storage facility located northwest of the proposed development. North of the site and along State Highway 58 are office and warehouse uses. Access to the proposed development is planned from a reconstructed interchange on I-70 accessing a new road calletl Cabela Drive. Cabela Drive generally follows the Denver Water Board EXHIBIT 1 Official Outline Development Plan Narrative easement diagonally through the project and connects to the frontage road along SH 58. Off-site roadway improvements include significant upgrades to the 32nd and Youngfield interchange with I- 70 as well as the interchange at Mclntyre and SH 58. Additional access is proposed for the site as an extension of 40t^ Street under I-70 connecting to Youngfield. Public Infrastructure A Title 32 Metropolitan District is proposed to extend and build major utilities and road improvements for the development. Proceeds generated by the Metropolitan District are to be used solely for major infrastructure development serving the entire development parcel. Off-site improvements such as road construction, interchange improvements and storm water facilities benefiting surrounding properties are also funded by the Metropolitan District. The taxing component of the proposed district is contained entirely within the subject property. Introduction The Final Development Plan (FDP) for Cabela's has been preparetl in accordance with the requirements of Section 26-308 of the Municipal Code for the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. This FDP application encompasses approximately 32.1 acres and is owned by Cabela's Retail, Inc., a Nebraska Corporation. Proposed Uses The predominate use of the subject property will be a 185,000+/- square foot Cabela's retail facility located in the central portion of the site. Surrounding the Cabela's facility are supporting retail, restaurant and lodging uses. North of the Cabela's retail site, separated by Clear Creek, are three properties owned by Coors and will be developed into additional non-residential uses. Site Characteristics The subject property is generally located in the southeast quadrant of State Highway 58 and Interstate 70. The site has historically been used for sand and gravel mining and is currently undeveloped. The resulting landform from previous mining activities has left much of the site with open excavation areas, steep slopes and poor drainage. Clear Creek and its corresponding floodplain'are located along the northern boundary of the property. Most of the Clear Creek floodplain is found on the adjoining Jefferson County property with a small portion located on land owned by Coors. Wetlands associated with the Clear Creek floodplain have been identified on County-owned land. Running diagonally through the property, is a large water main owned and operated by the Denver Water Board. Access to the proposed development is planned from a reconstructed interchange on I-70 accessing a new road called Cabela Drive. Cabela Drive generally follows the Denver Water Board easement diagonally through the project and connects to the frontage road along SH 58. Off-site roadway improvements include significant upgrades to the 32nd antl Youngfield interchange with I- 70 as well as the interchange at Mclntyre antl SH 58. Additional access is proposed for the site as an eztension of 40th Street under I-70 connecting to Youngfield. Public Infrastructure A Title 32 Metropolitan District is proposed to eztend and buiid major utilities and road improvements for the tlevelopment. Proceetls generated by the Metropolitan District are to be used solely for major infrastructure development serving the entire development parcel. Off-site improvements such as road construction, interchange improvements and storm water facilities benefiting surrounding properties are aiso funded by the Metropolitan District. The taxing component of the proposed district is contained entirely within the subject properfy. Final Development Pian Narrative ; 1 CA~ELA'S / COORS DEVELOPMEhIT. P `1, N I L irr,1a U %n 111 TIarr~V Iv 'j, ) __.~'-r i : r I pi+\i ~ I: ~iJI~ ZONING:➢1~ 0 ~P;/)~ ~i ~~a.: 1.~._` ~;i ! . 6;, ~ i 4~J r ~i ":'*~~S C J~ CHARACTER OF OEVELOPM£NT J nae warose oFrr~g ounixe ~va.o~xa+r au~x is ro aawro~ Fon r~ r.. - IMFAIMLW~WEWCUMINfKLdMMiFMAPLWiEOWARkACIALWHIiiICf ANJEGiE00ftYWIiMALRIfiEOARMYOFALLq{W U8E9.'IHEPt~ENfpF11A8 RE9Fl8CiEDPIANNC-0COMMERGALD181PILTISTOMEEf6TAMOXY AE WIREMFNtSM PPONDE 1DNWG OF 7HE SUBJE4T PFOPEAfYWifHHi 06bAV$. fq1MYW0 M'NE%A11(kLATA FVNFEOAIE,ANpPpB3WLYAFfER1iEA10AY PERIWFOLLONINAANNEXATOM.IHEONME0.90FTHE9.IBJECENiOFERIYWILL aea~ttnx »a~e+o~xrmTxpamineoEV¢orn~xra.w7an+cpw~nre noorciow~wrousESawoEVaoan~+rsrnva~~s.+ . ' ALIOWEp llSES ~ 1. iDPPONINTENF ' • . OEPoF U9E9MDACTNIIIFA FBATEDPoq7EdWfXNQPNOiHE WryATftUC11QY OFAPPAIAWEMf WAlERS1OiKiEWSEiGqIR 2 PRINGPALUSFSANOA011111E6 . A WATEASTQ2AGEPESEIiY01R=FORP/ALFL2dILY. . B. U9ESA990CN1EDWIM111ETRAN9FEAM98TORp3EOFWAlER I MANAGEM9•TD. WfIHSIlPM01.MTACINfTYMUWNfIXU1TOlHEPfpFORMWI(iE SLVIONNeA4~CQNfa`tON50FAPPNOV110i8UR056f,ASAUYBE A4~END600RWNNEO BlCffYCO{AiqL E. PPIVAIEPECAEATI0IW.~. c ~ XAMA(MO&QW. .e-✓, ~ ~~IS::. . ..a..t:E„ . • .a ~ wm~auaeI' !i l'V! 4cuFe¢ud~ DEVELOPMf#1T S7M3Al~DS - P'l1RCEi. 3 . EOUNMVW x~cxaunwo~txar ~a~r . . . . . . ' . nETJfSUetnnY+aBflertxs . . - . fAd1(. (OFEE1 . Sue, fot~ . ,~M- tOiHf . . MMkNLW0.q'A9N3 %%CFtYEt9ilqfSl6NERFIPFACcNtAOfWAIFRyN.GfOELAW9W4D.11lL~'.V1qWAMR64NJ3f4' ~ 0 , ar.xnis+rx+s~xa~~aoena~arruv.xttcvros~rnxauaosmr~nraa~uwoEEaruws . - wi~mrti.xuua~aena exrtwoauwma w~wrtroea~iewaxearme~r~woEarws , HIteNWPMNOFPEW1AlE4&IB APAGI9p.NElN4BEYH116~IXlTEPt14[fl8W9BRRAYidiPNlLfltiDBEU9~iWNVNiBN`AE 4 VBY[L~OM.%XJLOXOT6MPNtlOX(i~PPM.W10fqi0fFNEUS1WlL~BFPBMRA 0 iW 200 AW lAILM P9~MEfBIiBIC!#N1dYA.N~%NUA12f11TP°PLYFEEipA4/AfA9.WEl~ iNiEALLOMA •oons~Firo.wcEeeMEwnnna~rtMOreuLmmmeulcu+~ cv+eunEhwr¢rniprAHi9Erev,a Noarw scrLe ' ~ DATE:3.30.05 ~ LEGEND PRDPER7YLdVE ~ PARCEL LINE CLEAR CREIX . ~ ( -r-- II I~ ' I cAKLNS r c"S cUrLNE DEv€Lo~r~s ~a PR@FAM &Y: PR€PW-D FOR: €NGINEER: ~~~y . ~ a ~•~a e.~~ar„ N~ ,~`~S~UtICN RORLD'~ POACi10~t ~V'R1fTLR' . Hnv[•AG1Hd•AMn~I.W ' 71AW65TCOLFSMA4FNlF 124WAESiCIXFkItAVE ~201 91bNEY,HE881m ' POBp%151R0 tAmiles PIVONE (3D81~ IW~Ew000.0] 8A216 lW FAX' MM21tce. Fwe'(3m12w7eze vwmK:(3q4s7e4o0 CONTpCT:Mh9KMEFfFRNCP' CMITACf:OENNIBNQqtRPYGNA FAY:fl~95)491aPL8.Oe EXHIBIT 2 , x EXHIBIT 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION AN OFFICIAL OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, CO A PARCEL OF LAND, LOCATED IN THE SE 114 OF SECTION 19, THE SW 114 OF SECTION 24, THE NW 114 OF SECTION 29, AND THE NORTHEAST 114 OF THE NE 114 QUARTER OF SECTION 30, T 3 S, R 69 W. OF THE SIXTH P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFPERSON, STATE OF COLORA00 A PARCEL OF L4ND, LUCHTED M THE SOUTHEAST 114 OF SECTION 19,1HE SOOTHWEST 114 OF SECTION Z0, THE NORTHWEST 114 OF SECiION 29, AND THE NORTHEAST 1!d OF THE NORTHFAST 110 pUMiEft OF SECTION 3D.6EMG M TOWNSHIP 3 SOUIH. WGE6B WESTOFIFVE SIXIH PRMCIPAL MERIOIPN, COUNiY OG JEfFER50N, STATE OF COLORADO, DESCRIBEDP$ FOLlOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SAID NORTHEAST tla OF THE NORtHEAST 1140F SECPON 30, WHENCE THE EAST 114 CORNER OF SRID SECiION 30 IIES SOt°01'SPE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SAIO NORiHEAST 1190F SECTION 30, t320.]9 FEET: THENCE 569°1007W ALONG THE SOViH LINE OF THE SAID NORTHFAST 1I40F 1HE NORiHFA$i 1140F SECiION 30,131531 FEETTO THE WEST LINE OF SAIO NORiHEAST ib OFTHE NORTHEAST 114', THENCE N00°55'41'W ALONG SAIp WEST LME,1340.36 FEEi TO THE SOUTHWEST CONJEftOf iHE50UTHFAST 1160F THE SOUhfEAST 1140F SECTIONf9 THENCE N00°07'30'W ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOIITMEAST 114 OF THE SOUTHEAST 114, 813.116 FEETTOTHE SOUiHWESTLME OF i1NT 80' WIDE DENVER WATER d0AR0 EASEMENT RECOROEDAT RECEPTION 9921304451rv MEJEFfER50n COUNttCIERKANO RECORDER'S OFFlCE; THENCE 595°0I31W, 57,62 FEEfTO A NON-TANGENT Cl1RVE CONCAVE SOUiHwESTERLY nAVWGA RADIUS OF 791.19: THENCE iHR00GH H CEMRAI ANGLE OF 15`2T56'. NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THEAAC OF SAIO CURVE21219 FEET, SNO CURVE HAVING A CNOROOF 211.56 FEET WNICH BEARS N5G`55'4B"W TO A NONTANGENT CURVE CONCPVE SOVHWESTERIY HAVING PRPDIUS OF 1529.61 FEET', THENCE THROOGY: A CENiRAI ANGLE OF 12°4933'. WESTERLY ALONG THEARG OF SPIO WRVE 342 40 FEEl, SAID CURVE HAVING ACHORD OF 34180 FEEf WHICH BEARS NI5°38'51'W TO A POINi OF COMPOUNO CORVATIIRE OF ACURVE CONCAVE SOUiHERLY HAVINGA IWDIU50F t0322JFEET; THENCE 1HROUGH A CENTRaL ANGLE OF t0°0596", WESTERIV AIONG THE ARC OF SAIO CURVE 179.98 FEElTOIHE POINTOF iANGENCY; 1HENGE 58]`51 a6'W,1P513 FEEf, TfENCE N00°231R"W, 174.56 FEEiTO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH iR.OF THE SOOTHE45T 1140F SNO SECTION 19 THENCE 589°0I91"W ALON6 SAIO SOUTH LWE. 41063 FEETTO THE SOUMWEST WRNER OFiHE SlUO NOR1H 1R-, THENCE N00°23'12W ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE SAIO NORRI 1/2,171.61 FEEfTOANON-TANGENTCURVE CONCAVE NORIHWESTFRIY HAVING A RPOIt15 OF M540; THENCE THROUGH A CEN112AL PNGLE OF 53°0420", NORIHEASiERLY ALONG THE ARC OF.WO CtIRVE461 9 FEEi, SAID Ci1RVE HANNGA CHORD OF 45131 GEET WHICH BEARS N28'13'WE TO THE POIMOF TANGENCY', THENCE N01°4159"c,14151 FEETTHE SOUTH RIGNT-0FWAY LME OF STATE HIGHWAYSB AS OESCRIBEOIN TNT WCUMEMRECOPOEOIN OEEO BOOK Pti), PAGE 967 IN THE JEfFERSON COUNiY QERK PND RECOROERS OFFICE; THENCE N0J°Ot']0'E NLONG SAIO SOUTH RIGHT-0F WRY LINE, 2428 d] FEETTOIHE WESTUNE OF SAIO SONHWEST V40PSECl10N Z; iHENCE Sa0°08'fl'W. ALONG SAIO WEST IWE,>96 40 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE Snlp NORTH 1)2, OFiHE SOUTHEAST 1140F SECTIONI9; THENCE SB9°OT31"W, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SND NORTH 112,131903 FEEf TOTHE NORTHWEST CORNEftOF SlJO50U1HFAST 114, OG THE SOViHEA3T 1160F SECiION 19 THENCE 500°OT30"E, ALONG THE WESi LINE OF SAID SOUTHEASi ilA OF 1HE SOUTHEASi 114, 382.20 FEET TO THE NORhI LINE OF THAT PARGEL DESCRIBEO IN TIAT DOCUMENT RECOROEO PT BOOK 1992, PAGE 75p IN SAID OFFlCE; THENCEALONGTHENORiMtMEOfSAIDPARCELiHEFOLLOWING3C0UR5E5: WEST LINE OF THE SAID SOIIIHWEST 1140F SECTION 20; 1HENCE N(I0'OB'11"E AIONG SAID WEST LINE, 7.56 FEETTO THE NORRI ONE OFh1E SONH L60F LOT521 THROUGH Pd, RO%BORY GPAOENS OESCRIBEO IN THAT DOW MENT AS RECORDED AT RECEPiIONpb933)]901N SAID OFFICE; THENCE N99°010]'E ALONG SnlD NORTH LiNE, 99043 FEEfTO THE WESi RIGIR-0FWAY LINE OF INTERSTATE ]OAS RECORDED IN TIOSE OOCUMEMS RECOROED AT BOOK 1855, PAGE425 NND BOOK 1852, PAGE R6; iHENCEALONG SAiD WEST RiGHiAFWAY IINEhfF FOLLOWiNG FOUR CO'JRSES: i) S00"41-53"E 1 Wi.12'EET TO THE SOOiH LINE OFSNO SECTION 20; 2) 5P)°Q5'09 E 1321.80 FEET TO THE SWTN LINE OF THE NORTHWESi 1I60F THE SAID NORTHWEST 1140f SECTION 29; 3) 50D°43'42 E, 241.50 FEEf; 6) S06°33'48"VV, 62.23 FEErTO THE SOU1H LWE OF LOT 16, 50.1D RO%BUflY GARDENS' THENCE S89°24r'52"W ALONG SAIO SOOTH LINE, 98601 FEEi TO THE WESi LME OF SAIO LOT ifi. BEING THE SAIp EAST LME OF THE NORINEASi Va OF SECTION 30; iHENCE NOPOPWW ALONG SAIO EASTl1NE, 3]a.n0 FEET i0 THE POINT OF BEGINNMG, CONiAINING 178217AC25,MOflE0RLE55. PREPARED BY FREDRICK L. EASiON, JR. UNDERIHE SOPERNSION OF OAVIOC.OIFULVIO,PLS16401. FOR AND ON BEHALF Of FARNSWORTH GROUP. INC. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Eo nereby renify NatNe survey of Ine oounaaryMihe CaEelasl Coors OevNOOmentwas matle by me oruntlar mytlireG su0ervision antl to Ne Oest of my knowletlge.'mformafion an0 belie( in aaoMance wi0 all ap0[iwble Cdo2tlo s1aNRS, curtentrevisetl etlitian as amen0etl, ihe aaompanying Olan accurately represenis saiG survey. SUFVEYOR'S SICNATIIPE CASE HISTORY ANX-05-01, SUP-05-01, WZ-05-01, SUP-05-04, SUP-06-05, WZ-06-03, WS-06-01 VICINITY MAP P Ye-- GREEN \`~l - I 7 31ND STREET / W NTS PAGF..1 OF 3 DRTE: 5x1.4E OWNER'S CERTIFICATE UNIFIED CONTROL STATEMENT THE BELOWSIGNED OWNER(5), OR LEGPLLY DESIGNAiED AGENT(S)1HEREOF, 00 XEREBY AGREETHNTiNEPROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED NEREON WILL BE DEVELOPEDAS A PLANNED DEVEIWMEM IN ACCOROANCE WIiH iHE USES, RESiWCTIONS NND CONOOlONS COMAWED IN THIS PLAN. AND AS MAY OTHERWISE 9E REW IREO BYLAW. I(WE) FURIHE0. ftECOGNIZE THATTHE APPROVAL OF REZONING TO PLANNEO OEVELOPMENi, ANO PPPROVAL OFIHIS OURME OEVELOPMENT PIAN, DOES NOT W EATE A VESTEO PROPERiY FIGHT. VESTED PROPERiY RIGHTSMAY ONLY PINSE ANDACCftUE PURSIIANT TO THE PRONSIONS OF SECTION 36 1310FTHEWNFAi RIDGE COOE OF fAWS. CABEIA'SSIGNATUREOFOWNER(S)ORAGENT(5) COORSSIGNATUREOFOWNEWSjORA6ENTS5) NOTARY NOTARY waswieEOU+oswaw~rae~raAeMErxisavar suescwefoufsswawmaerae.icinieon:-c=__--------- usuv~u~maworricwuu wmCssnnUAxonxvo•rcW:eu uvmuuissiwuexanax . urcouu1ss,mexviws_.__ PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE REGOMMENDEOFORAPPROVALTHIS___DAYOF ,N1._.BYTHEWHEATRIOGEPLMININGCOMM1!IS'ION CHRIRPERSON CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL APPROVEO THIS _ DNY Of 20_ BY iHE WHEpT RIOGECITV CWNCIL DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOROFCOMMUNIiYDEVELOPMEIYT JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK & RECORDER RECOROER'SCERiIFlCATE RECEP110NNUMBER ACCEWED FOR FlLING IN iHEOFFICE OF THE COl1NiYCLERKANDRECOROEROFJEFFER50N COUNTYATGOLDEN,COLORAD0,ONTH15 . _pAYOF_20_ JEFFERSON COIINN CLERHBflECORDER CABELA'S OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PREPAREDBY: PREPAREDFOR: ENGINEER: ~ ca&hle 11-`". NOi D SIGN w.a . ron oo.~•ir,t: . P15mIn0IlaM5[aPeWClnlaG~re 1/~udnd 'AIAIw[o~~ o.ni-f,m 11019ANNOCKSTREET ONECA9EfADRIVE 13499WESTCOIfAXAVE. OENVER,COLOM00 80201 SIONEY,NE681W P000X1515W PHONE: (303) 892-116fi PHONE: (30B)2545505 LPJ(EWOOD,CO 90?15 FAX: (303)992 11e6 FAX:(308)259-)fi26 PHONE (303)431-61CA CONTACi: MARKKIEGFER,AICP CONTACT: OENNISARMSIRONG,NA IM' FMJ434ae ' WNTACT' 61LlWISLIS,P c. C eAD . A ALLOHIED USES 1. INTENT TOPRGVIDEWRXIGrIWAYOPIENiFllRETNIL, Cp11MERCIAL,OFFILENiOWPAEXOLt5E0EVF10PMFNTWNILEP2WbInGCOMFPP0ILIIYWIiXPD10WINGPESWENiIPL11SESPNPWfN WiOSFOR1HEflMGflE,iH15 PL0.NNED CAMMERCIALDEVEtOiMEMALLOWSFORBOiX GA45NE0.VO ACiNE WFN SPACEMHS AIFpMiO%tESERVEPNO ENHANCE PoPIIONS W iHE PROVEPttPHUi0BEU5EDFORAPPPO%2Ul£SEPA0.4ilON BflWEEN PESIVENLIFLANO NIX4RESIpEMW.I15E5. ALLOWEDUSES ~ PARCELI PARCEl2 I I PARCEL3 PARCELd PARCELS PARCELfi PARCELi PARCELB PAftCEL 9 PPRCELIO sAec~mcFC'~wnnwumarroza AWWA u.o.reo i a.ar~ ~.~ru~orow .NIIIARMS uorvo AEAVE awrvn .ssonw e vs.iawumhnwcwmrrc.s +uo.rco MOsvuv~aw "rnw.i:~...µroW~~' urnrcn I - I - - - AHWAIl u5:1 I ~ GUMFON- ~~9~E.ttnl ~ nuPVEn xuRk~~.M uWryn a~Wrtn ~Fl XPLSIPiS WOWE~ FVA uNViEO NLtlM9 ILLUYF➢ avpctxssuc,u5[ue1F- P. srspmiiouicuoEUnowv_ RM, tWhO ~ -No V v w NLIX'h0 uONF➢ uW~ wamarmeAWa. -o-. o . _ uoweo VA 4A4oCCWWInU ixv~~ w o v sryvoo~ un ~ iwi5n.nnnM aaS~n u10 1. E%0.115MCpFMEflLHPN015E0.S54CUiEDW1I11iXEPROAPRY115EdJPMCEL1.iHEPESNALLbEN00VEfWIGHLPNWNGOFVEHI0.F$OF4NYMINOONANYOFTIEPARCElS. 2. OVICOOFDISPLPYPLLQWEpq55HOWNOHiHEFlNPIOEVELO%IEMPIPN.iEMpOR4RY51GEWAL(S4ESMENIOWEUPROVNE01HEdSPIAVRPEAWF5N0i0'.M]WVflE0111NFD PPPpNGSTNLE. 3. REiNLL5E55HPLlIN0.UPEBIRNOiBELIMI1FDi0iHEiOLLON9NG.APPMEI.$HOPS.BICYG£$NflE5,B00X5i0RE5PNONEW55iNiP5,Bll5WE55MPCXME$XOPS~CPMEPASNOPS. DEPMlMEM5i0RES,FIECIHONIC55i0NE5.ftOfU15NOP5.NPNINRE5i0PES,G9NEFN5UPPLY,GIFi0PN0VF11T5i0PE5.HO0BYqitPARSiOPES,JEWElAY(IN0.1101NGPEPPWE SiOPuS,OFFICE50PPLY.5H0E5i0PE5,i00PllL5TOPE5,T0V5iQ9ES,N0E0REMNOP5P16. 4. TIEFIXLGWINGUSESPPEPPOHI9RFD'.ApOLiOPIFMFD BO5INESSES,P0i0M091LESE0.VICE,qEPA10.0R5N.E5.BE0ANDBPFANFA4lNOME9.GRPNG,ENPflE65.INIRINGOR5i00.9GE YPAVE,WHSTiNClIONNNXFAWEpNPMENLSFlFS,SERVICE,qENiALPNO5tOMGEMINIWMF1pU5FSFOpIN510E5100.4GE,PHOLMILARllSE5H5DEfEPMWFDBYIHEfAMMIMItt UEVEIaPMEMUWECTIXI 5. FXiSfWGXES10EMNL51ftUCNREqR PpAtEL3M4vPEAIFINVMILPFW.LOEVROPMFMpUW WSBEAwROVF➢FORS4D PPACEL DEVELOPMENTSTANDARDS DEVEIOPMENTSTANI)NNS PARCFII PARCEL2 PpRCEL3 PARCEI,C PARCELS GARCELfi PPRCEI] PARCELB PARCEL9 PARCELIO MINIMUMSEf9PCN5 FlipNi 30 15 15' 15 ]9' 15 31 30' 39' 39 SmE` ip m' ftl f0' tp Ip ftl 1tl qEqp• 15 15 15' 19 IS 15 15 15 13 IS' MACWWABIIILOINGNFGH! b9' SY 50' XUTVEWM 35' 1$ 50 S0' S0' W IN NOGRCLMSiAYCE51NLLA6ULLOWGNE'GMFXLEEP50 MMIMVMROORPPFAPPi10 .1EfqR 1FAq 1FpR OSiAq 35FPfl ANOSQFT. .1FPR .15fM .15fPA 15FPR MPPOVF➢ PIIIIPNOIISE PEpIIIPEDPNWNG 19PPCE/20090. 15PPCE/Rpp56 15GACH3W50. I5PPCf/Lp50. ~SPPCFIAJ50 15PACF/H056 fyPCF1A]54. 15VPCE1]WSp. iSPPCF13W50. R.OFt0A0F ROFW%OF R.OF90%OF ROF.%OF F"fOF9J%OF I S`~~E Ff.OFW%OF Ff.OFAt%OF R.OF&1%OF Fi.OF90%OF IMEBN!➢ING iHEB01lOWG WEBUIIDING T1EBWl01NG iHEBWIDING ~`~~aE iHEBUIIllING IHEBUILDING iHEBNNING 1NEBWLOING STR. S~.Fi. SUR. So.R. SD.iT. SPACFS S~.Ff. SO.Ff SO.Ff. SQ.Ff. MINPAlIM1ANO5Cf~MG I EPCNLOi5fW1H4VEAMMINIIMWlOSLPPEOPAEAOFIWENttPFACENi.iNFAESHPLL6E0NE5LPEEfIREEFOqFAM51LMFPAfEEiWSiPEEiFlYCMAGE. iHEPE51NLlBEONEiflEEPNOFlVE9XW195i0RFACHiWO50UAPEFEEi0FflE0111fiEUUW~mPAFA NEFEANSECiNM:]fi&2MMEWlIFATflI~GELtloE OF IAWS WFAOOI110NN PEQ111P£MEMS INP➢OITPV.ON VPRCEL<ANOS.AAIPCEM i0 FXISiWG PESIOENMLIISESL PAGl105LflEFN WIILQ4FFNCE(WNIMIIMCINNFIGMf N10pNYlAN05Lf➢E&IFiER WILL9EPWVIINC➢PEPCIIYCppEPiiIMEO(FWSIIBMIRN..SIGNS.OPNEWRYS,LIGHiPOSIS.NloPR0.NINGAPEPROHIBREDWIMINUWNlPEBUiiEl1 FXlEIUORSIG'MGE ONEFREESLFNTWGSIGNNIOWEDPFfiPflOPERIY, M1LWMLP10F15'INHFGNi MMIMIlM5QE0F15pWUqPEFEtTPEfl51CAiPCENL fIiFESipNpING51GNAGEM1NSiBE PUCED INPIqNOSLFPFDYAFA01115NER VNDSCMEBIIFFEAFqi VPPCEL 1, WPLLSGWGEISPllOWED ONPll FIEVql1pNSFORPAflCEt52i.WPLLSIGNqGEI5NA0WE0PoRFAG1WNllXATISIdJPCENfiaW&JCWGMAFWAYOIiMPJORWlEPICRpUVE FORPMCELSR3, WAMIIMSItEOFONE50WPE FOOTOF WPLLSIGNPGE FOXEACHONEIINFpA Fp0i0F WPLL iOWHICHTfF$IGN VSAnRCHF➢. MAYINUMSRS OF WKL SiGN FO0.PPPCEl11S1,M 5WPPEFEEiPFA WN1. WRpArtIpN,ONF%iWECiM1WNIIMEMPPON51GNI5PILOWED ONPMCELIWHICHpDVEft1i5E5PLL6115WF55E51NMEUEVFLOPMEM TIESIGN 51ALLLBEORIEMF➢i0WpR05110,A MW.IMIIMOFan FEEf INMEIGIR.AMAYJMUMOFMOSOUAAE FEETPE0.FACE,ANU%ACEOWIMWAUNOSCAPFD PAFA DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (cont.) 1. ARCHITECTURALDESIGNSTANDARDS A lNEI15E0FPEDE$1flI0.Nh3CP➢ES,NNMINGS.COVEPEDWNI(WRY5.INNWWS,AN05LOGEPOOFS4NLLBEPEQWRml06PGMVPPoiEMNLLYVAGE FMPrWSESOFWPLLMFA.TIESEELFMEM51.NY6EMh1E➢iOFACH5pE0(ABULL➢INGIN0.LIDINGPFPANiD 510EELEVPPONS. B. FAqINEWBUILDINGWiHIN1HERM'NEUCAMMERQPIOEVEIOPMEMWILLBEDE5IGNED i01ACLU0E51NWWLWES.N'ALLPRpIEC110N5µD PECF$$E5, OVFAXPNGING LIMELS IJJD SILLS AS WELL AS OiHFA AV LHrtEC111PM iRE0R.IENIS IN OPOEP i0 PPONDE FOR N511PL IMFAESi M'D PFIYJCE iHE ApPMFM $GLLFOFTIESiRIJCl1flEFPOMIXEPECcSIWAN'SPEASPELTVE. 0. MASSMC61111DINGS5H4LlINVEIHEBUINiNGEtEMEMSBROMFNDOWNWIINSMSLtEPAPLHIIECNPFLfFANPFS.IAFGFAfqfADESVMLMLQE FflG11lECNflPLPPtlEPN50qCOMPoNENi9WLDINGFOflMSiINi511GGE5i&IIIPIHG50F5MPLLEPM455. O. FACHNEWBVILDINGSINLLFXGfiES5p511&SiPNPPLVMIEttONEPCHELEVRTqYi1NiMAYIN0.lI0EGWVGE5INWLORMRIFAW.MIF%IUPEINpIG11NG ACNANGEINiHEOVEPALLWPLLPI4NE. E. 'LQIIRSNEOAftG11iELTMPI5PE011WE0NflFLLNEWWY5ifl11ClIONWIININiNEPIANNE➢COMMERCWDEVELOPI.IEM.1RFAiFACX011C01NGFPCP➢E WIIHflESPECiiORPCNIiECIUliP11FFAlMEMWY00ETAIl.MFIEPIXL$PNOLIXOR F. TIEUSEOFMCPDES,PWNINGS,tlJVFAED WA'A4FYSPND COLqYNMESVVAL9EPEWIREUPLONGPlle01L01NG¢EVAPIXlSPDIOWIXGPF➢ESIPllN WPL(WI.VSqND 9UR➢INGEMPANCESTIESECWEAEUPflFA55H011LD 6 EAiLFlSLBF51%fEET(61 WIOEAND NOiOVEPNPNGIMOPRfWNGLOiS.IOMING PPEASORCPNEIM'EE G. lHEI15E0FaISiINCiNE0.WFELEMEM515PEQNPFO.PPE00MINM'iCOPNICEFEANP6ANOPrtbImRCOFFOPMSAAEM'0%iEFENU'LOPilONSWIMW iHEPW#imCOMMFACNLDEY£l0%AEM ROOI SXOIIWPPOVIOEBOiHFlIHClIQYMDPES1HEiICIMFAE5T10lXE5iHUCN1iEGIifNE➢RJOFS PAGE2OF 3' DkPE':5A1.O5i CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT iNEINlEMWiD CHA9ACiEROFM15RANHED COMMEPGPLDEVELWMENI15iOPflWNEFOPAWFIL-0ESIGNFD.ECONIXAICG1lVVNBLEfAM'dERCYy PRJIECiT1NiftEWIPESPDMRpNP1RECRILIttNOtCWEfiEOBYANYCCNYENiIONAl2WVEULSiNICTF0UN9INiNECfIYOFWHEPiRIG:£.LtiC01AC SO,iXISPtANNE00EVELOPMENiH0.5BEENDE5IGNMi01.1EETORECCFEOIXE(qLOWWGCB1ECiIVES: • iOPflOVIOEFQRWMPAiIBILrtYWRXMNC9iilhNDtISF3iNR011GX1HE%ACFMENiOFUNl15CMU0PENSGPCFtiJFFE3NYD ENXONCEMEMSTOE%FttWG WEN VN~S WIiNINM10MWNOiHE SIIESREOESIGN NVOMCHfIECi0fl0.CWrtRCLS MERlS~I. CANSIOER411qJIN1NEDEVEIAPNFHiOFiXISPHOPEAtt.511&4iI.NMLBIIILDINGSEiPACI(SFOflNEtYfAMMEFCIAL0EVEI.C%SENi(SII+LEM: TO FX14iING PESDW i VL USES PLON G'MiX PflCXRECi11P41 CMiRIXS P9E DESIGHFL i0 MINIMRE THE VI51141IkIOqCi OH P➢.ICINNG PRWEPTES. • iHISftPNNED DEVELOFMENi%ipM0iE5FLEd9W1YhSWELLPSENCDUMlE50W11iYDE51GNPNOPPCHRECTJPH_OhERSfIYiMi.OUGNiNF • iHEPROlECf0E5CflRWHEREMi50E5iGNEDiOPROMOIEEFFlQENiVEHIGULFFNVP4FLESiR6WCINGIUTIfN:1N0.WGHiHcPRWER AiNJiGFMFNiOF WRGINGS. • WiDSLPPEFFAiUHE5F011NOnPRFASFLONGCLFMCPEEI(PNOSIIflfl011N01NGPPOPfflilE$WILL BEPRFSERVCUPND IN50MECP$e5 FNNPHCEDINiNEDEVELOFMENiWiHISPRppER1Y. • OPENSPPCEANUTAN0.5GPmPPFASAHEOESWNEDIN111EPPWECI'i0%tMOEFORIISABLEIONOFORi0.41LtONNECiIN1VANO5MALl PMNlII'.E ENViRqiMENiS. • ARCHIiECip~GWOELINESONDCOVENPNiSLMLLBEIN%ACEPNOPiOANYNISRECONSLRI1LiICVY.IMEPOPPQSE40FiHE5EGUInE0NE5 APEi0C00R01NFTEARCNIiECiUlUlSiYlES.9NIDINGiORMM'DENCCa1MGEPPOFERBI1hDINGREIAilONSHIPSWIMINiMEPPNECT. ' ~~~~IflCUUilplMOUN~iXEPoINNE~ ~EVELOFMFNi WILL BE 0E51GNE~ ONO CpJSTPIIClEO 10 PROVI~E FOR GPEAiER EFFlCI~'CYPN~ T H, IAflGE.UHBPMENFYPAN5F50FT1ER0aF%ANE SHPLL 9EPWIOEUME115EOFUORMEPS,CVPOVSANOOIHEHSECONMFYfl00FFOPMSPHE SPFEttFOP POiHVEHIttE50.5 WFl1A5PE➢ESiRL.IMEW VLGRCNAIILN HISBEFNOFSIGNFLiOPCfAMMODAiEBOiH WiGEPND Erv /JUMGFDiO P0.pvI0EVRR1Ett0l~iHE VAGFAPOOFPL4NE. PFSSENGERSQEOVFHICIES W AIOGICPLNJD ERICIENlMrWNER I. TiE1BE0F00PMEF5ANO5EWNOMYq00F5lqWNPESWILIAEPPOPOR➢IXULtY5GLLE0WRX1XE0VE0.UL0.00FFORM.COPMFASMDOMEfl • Pp6OC11TWiIE550CXA51VAiERLINE5.5PNRPRYPNO5i00.M5EWER5WILL BEPRONDED BYRiR1£33MEf0.0POLIiPNDISWCi.NLUlIIJ➢ES SECONPPRYRWFFOPMS WILLBEOE9IGNEOPiIHE SIMItAftPRMPSiHEPWMPAY PWF. REOIINEO FOPiHE DEVELOMFNi0F1NI5PRNECi WILLBE MSTNIEO FlilORi0CCA1REiIpN OFCq14iRI1CiICN. J. IOW-PRCHFDP00FFOMISWlIXOVEPXPNGINGEPVESPAE0.E0lIIRE0i0P0.019UE$HPCU1NNGlJ.ONGPoRPON50FEAG19111L01NGEAEVPipN OVEPoiANGWCRWfSWILL9E0F51GNED50P5N0itOCONRiLiWIIHANVOIHFkMCMIiECNPFLOETNLS51MNF5C0VEPED WPLKWPYSAND PACMES • IXERPNNmOF/ELOPMEMISLOCPiEED INANPPFAIOENiIFlE0A5'COMMIINIIYCOMMFRLW.'AND 'BIISINESSPPflH'BYiHELqAPpEHF151vF PIANiDOFJNIIMP➢OPlFDBY1NECIttOGWNEFiPIDGFINiFBPUMY.]WC.IPNOLISESCONiAMEOWRXINiNI50EVELOPMENiIXMIFLPMtJ K E%PDSEURMEftiNL5.0Et0R4irvE0FNA5M'UBR4CESIMYOEIISEOINSEtECiME0.5i0PPW10EF00.VAWALIMEPE9iWIMWPEUE5lP14HMEPS. iHEESTI&15HED PIXICIE54NOGIIIDELNESFqtiNEPAFANiUWIIINED BYiHEPVNG➢DtNO11M. L. ROOFIAOIIMEOMELIW:ICALEWIPMEMWILLBEVISVNLYSCIiEENEOFROMPLLREP501NHLYACCE55i6LEVpMAGEPGMS.RMEEOUIMFMISiOBE • HWJDICAPPED ALCESSIBIIIiYWILLBEALCCMMWpTED INMEDEVEtOPMFMOFiNISS1iEGqXWHG9'JIIDINGACCESS.PSWFILfv`P.1h LOCAiEDONPRAiftCOfP{qLE➢RIONGPDIPCENTiWGHIS-0FWPY. PVISINLSCREENTNtISLOMPPP&EWRNlxE0VfA4LL9UIlAINGANY4509E pE51CdiWRLMFETN.LFCCE551BILRYSir1NOPA03PEplI1RFD0YiXEM1ENICPNSWI:M0154HILRIESALi(PUA1. MLREA M. VISIIPISCPEENINGOFAIELf14NICPLEWIFMPlI'MUSLBEMAOEOFWMPAiIBIEMAtEWPt5P1lPPPflOVEORWFM011ME0EWIPMFMNNWCM'ONIAN.4f BEPNN1EOi0COMPLfMENii➢PHO~6VIl01NGCOL0ILS.NOWO00tFiIICEOPyAilEOCHIJNLINN5p2FEtLNGISNLOWFOF00.GP011NOLOLAiFDOR fl W FMOIINIEO MECXANICN E W&NFM N. IISENIGXpVALIttMAIEPIP15T1PiPRECOMPAlIOlFWI1HkAiERN151NiNE5U0.VWNUINGPAFAAND PEFLE4TTIECIWUCIEROFIXENFlI1R4PNC9Wi ENVIPONMEM. WHENEYFAPoSSIBIE.IrtLLIEEMPiFNPLSPUTXPVEPPREFlNISXED,HAMWLYQ.'C11RflING,ORtli1EGR4fFR0R 0. ACCEPiP&.ENAiFA4L$INCLUDE: i. awrac 11. SiONE II. FRCHIiECNWLPRESISlCpNLPEIE N. MCMIECIIIWLMFfPL5A5PWFIXGORPLLEMONLY . v. GSISiONE V1. G °ec V H. 9NCC0 AV4 $YMHEIIC STttFO IF US E0. $1 W CO MAiEP4LL5 AflE i0 MPV E INIEGPPL fALM MN NO! 9E MRIED TO MORE 1M4V 31MOF TiE FPfME OF PNY BUROING. VIII.HFqWlIMBFROFlOGS 2. LIGHTING STANDARDS A. OXSIIEIIGXIWGWILL9EUE51GNE0i0COMPlFMEMPM1OflENFOPCciNEAPG11iECNRALNi05rtEDE51GNOFFAMVRNCEWIIHNINIMpL0.1PACiTOINE $lIPPOIINUINGRE9IIDFMI4LNFJISIBON10CP4. CABELA'S OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN B. A„FM~SMoILWMI„Ano„LDass„W,oaEW„sM.WW~l„~MM~oF~EP~vM~MM~~~a~M.Ms~~~~~OMLaE C. ONLYW..ORLOPPEGIEOHIGI4PPE55UPESOONMOPMEiN.IWIDEWAPS\VILL9EALLOWEOWIHEPRPIECii0PV01D ECCESSNELIGMCIXORVNUEIT. D. RLLLIGXIEMIIifOfflOME%tE91qVOGMFI%NRESSNPLLBEMLYCONiNNEDQ45RE FXIEWORtIGMFttIItl W p FIp1 Gli-0fF. lHE SOVRCE OF pLUMINPTq{ DEFMEO 0.51ME W MINPRY OR 9NB, $H4LL XOi 6E OIPECRY RIGXi50FWAY. E. PLL fAEEStqNp1YGLIGFRFI%NRESMUST6EATIFASt25FF£iFli0MT1ENfPAE5fflF51CF1f11P1P0.WEHIYLWE. F. PLLFAEESTPHDIxGLIGHtFIMVPE3MPYH0iFXGEF➢#WHEIGM G. PLL E%lFNONLIG1iINGANOLIGHlED SIGNSMLl5i6ENPNFAOFFONEHDURPfTER1HECLO5E0FW51NFSS. 8. FENCING STANDARDS A. FBiLYNGSiANRNt0.5CONLPINmINSEGTqNRfiO]OFIIIEWNEPTNWEMIINIqPPLCA0E,F5PMEN0ED.5HPLLMIPLY 'NYYSmEOPflFARYPPE SEiBAG( WHILHISqpJPCEMTO N&ICflIGM-0FWAYSXPLL NPVEPMINIMUM SEIB4CKOF3pF£El.OL91IIIXiPLLY, SIDE YPPU SEIBACI( M4Y 9F RF➢UCEO i0 2ER0 FEEf WHEN THE BUII➢W G I$ fANSiPUC1ED FRpM NOMMMAN&E MlNi W PLS.IN ACLOPTYM'LE W IIH TiE INiFAlNMW4BIIILLINGCWE. ^ELEVAilON5PAE00.5E00NLIttOFWe1FAiNIX'iECOMXOLP01M6N0.BEINGIHEFA4i1HCOflNEF0i5EClI0N]Ol5MON11MFH1E00YqLIlYOF WHFAiRNGE]15'OIMIElEP9PA94DISN,L51931;WWNCREIE.0.5W.VINGPWBLISHEDELEVRIIIXlOF6#].I1,NGWAORTMI. PAGE 3 t3F ' i oare: e.01.06 I :eOY ?]~1 1 5 Y' x AFFERSON t ~ ' GOUNTY : PARCEC ~ ~ \ a ~ ; 35.62 Acfgs +1 ¢ ' . (NOT A PART) a" 'g ' y a i . 1 ] . J 4r ]0 I ~ k . wa S F ~ " 1 NPoS e ~ u } 1 ~ e ~ ~r ~ z~ n W; t, F.~ Sq 7> p ~ PMFi 6 1U 33615Aft~'}~,. ~ w 4.~~ ~~A;~ry }i3 i~ 'C..;k~~ . . t~ 1 I \ ~ ~ i • y~ %a N ~I z i6,`S._. ._,.W d i RA~t3QAb:T q~~2s' 'k~"~5 ~ ( . ~i PdF~~EL 1 '\-CABELA , DR1VE'R Q W, P l (CABELA S SYTE) 36d2 Acres+l pA~iCEL 5 R? 92-Rcres+l- g a N07f A.CCESS WNNT90FF ~ , 'orsnaElnaaVepae k APP0.P%IMpTf LO@pTIONS 1F ~ ~i Ib+ ~ ~ ACTOALLOC~fiOfl9WILL IOENfiREtl1N~E~INA4 DEVELOPkENTf[!jN \ J i _a~~f ZONING:P11D WATEft STOMGE PESE0.VOIR LAND USE TABLE ~ s f ~'4 y~r~ E' /i ~ 'I4 G;tia PARC~L7 1519Acrestl . ~CDl1NGAELDS7RtET ~a~~~ ~ _ - - RGEL 6 1 LEGEND .,EL 3 cr¢§`+6 a e ~ PROPERTYLME CABELADRIVE CENTER LINE 3 CLEAR CREEK - l .Z $ n CABElAORIVE ACCESSPOMTS x A ~ ~ 5 ♦ 'Fb 19 Y{cfe~s`~I 20' LANDSCAPE BUFFER ~7A~~R~~ ` CONCEP7UALTRAIL CONNECTION - ~ ~ PEDESTRIAN . CROSSING r i- 5~ ~I l s~ r ~ , r ~i • ~ . I Far'nxa ~ - ~ 5wd~aayieYrse3ioexruU. i ' a < ~,nT~'" h < j I ~ ZONING: GOLFCOURSE PARCM APFA tANOSCAPEPPEA RO% I'CABEIA'S 38d2ac ]28ec. 2 'CABEIA'S 1059ac 2d2ac. 3:CABEIA'S 33dac .b1ec. 4:LABELA'S 41iau .AAac U 5:CPBElAS ~42ac. AA2ac 8:C00R5 28.62au NIN ]:COORS 15.19ac. 3.06ac. LB:COORS 446aa 89 L9:COORS 15.61ac. 308aa COORS Li0:C00RS 2615au 523ac TOTAI(oRLovmnaea) ifi6]lac. 21.55ac. RIGHTOFWAY B.IBau TOTPL 95.11au 27.55ac 0 1W 200 400 1 NORTH SCALE:1"=200' aj _ 'o m U J ~ ~ i C O~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ d 5 ~ N ry - ` U d ~ ~ J ~ ¢ m ~ ' < Q Xenon St. N M ¢ Youngfield St.l ~ ~ o Zinnia St. , ~ ~ .t--- ~ 0 W W d- Qt~ i Alkire St. ~ Qc V ~ Hy~ ~ W BNSF RR ~ a U ❑j~Uj ry Q ] N ¢ a~ t N V U~ d O ~ Mclntyre St. y M a , ~ ~ m I F~i V Pr ~ m c T I ~ J U~ i " a d ~ a ~ V) N ~ N N N -O 4- J - Q N U o rn ~ } O m ~ W G Youngfie IL or1 [r , ~ m y ~ 3a y ; o E h' 'a~ o r m G U mJ ~ CE N O U C UQ o~ ,~,0 rpe St. . m C C m m m aEi > > 0 0 a ¢ E E m o o M 0 0 N N N N i y i ~ ~ v., ~ II ~ i ~ ~ ~ a L' O ~ t C C C C ~ N ~ L ~ o~ m r n o ~ v ~ oi o~ m« (n ~ ` N C '✓i' O f7 V N~ N CO L j C-O O V O N N m p~~ a~OL 9>0 ~ L OC~~' _>C (JI J ~ N o. ~ o ~ O } ~ Q N ~ ~ U ~ ~ . . ~ ~ o Q N N Q~E . .~S eryu~z a ~ ~ a J)f ~ b9 a M O r~iao 7 = > _ r T ` N N _ _ LL C N 0- N ° t6 0 U r ~ o z EXHIBIT 5 VICINITY MAP MS 0., \ \ / CRI',i8'~ =.T._ CLEAR 1 Y 1 R . Y 1 \ k 3~ F ue l t 0 I co:rcwu_ ao. ` ~ I i I ~ 32no5rftEEf 'o z Y CASE HISTORY ANX-05-01, SUP-05-01, SUP'05-04, SUP-06-05, WS-06-04, WZ-05-01, WZ-06-03 _0 NTS AN OFFICIAL FINAL PARCEL DESCRIPTION PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, CO PROP0.5EDLOTI,CNBELA'SICOORSSUBDIVISIONFILLINGNOt BEINGNPARCELOfLAND,LOCATED INTHE50UTHEA5T1/40FTHESOUiHEASTI/40PSECTIONI9,THESOURiWEST 1140F THE SOUTHWEST 114 OF SECTION 20, THE NORTHWEST 1I4 OF THE NORTHWEST 114 OF SECTION 29, AND THE NORTHEASi 114 OF THE NORTHEAST 7!4 Qf1ARTER OF SECTION M. BEING IN TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OFTHE SIMH PftINCIPAL MERIOIAN, COUMV OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORA00, OESCRIBED NS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF TNE SND SOUTNWEST 114 OF iHE SOUTHWEST 1I40F SECTION 2a, WHENCE THE WEST 114 CORNER OF SAID SECTION 2pLIES N00°0691"E AIONG TNE WEST LWE OF THE SAID SOUTHWEST 1140F SECTION 20,13Y2.16 FEET; THENCE 800°OB'11RNA10NG SAIO WEST GNE, 323.06 FEEf TOAPOIMON THE NORTH LINEOFTNESOUTH3I40FLOT521THROtIGH24, RO%BIIRYGAPDENSASOESCRIBED INTiATDOCUMENT0.ECOR0E0ATRECEP710NH0933]]901NTHEJEFFERSONCOONTYCLERN AND RECORDERS OFFICE, SND POINT BEINGTHE POINT OF 9EGINNING; THENGE N89°01'07'E ALONG SAID NORTH LME, 990.43 PEET i0 THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAYLME OF IMERSTATE 70 AS DESCRIBED IN THAT DOCUMENT RECOROED AT BOON 1055, PAGE 425 M SAIp OFFICE; THENCE S00°41'53'E ALONG SAID WEST RIGHLOF-WAV LME, 90I34 FEET; Menm 569°1621'W, 20.00 feetTO A POINi OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCNVE SOUTHEASTERLY, HAVMG ARqDIUS OF 631.00 FEET~ THENCE 50lIiHWESTEPLV, THROtIGH A CEMRAL ANGLE OF49°SOYB', ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CIIRVE 548.87 FEEi TOTHE POINT OF TANGENCN, Iheirz 539°26'03W, 205.06 feei b e pointof curvANRE OF A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHERLY, having a ra0ius of 19.50 feel; THENCE WESTERLY THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 54°299]", ALONGTHE AftC OF SAIO CUftVE 18.54 FEE7T0 A NONdANGENTCURVE CONCAVE SOt1THWES7ERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 800.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY, THROUGH ACEMFALANGLE OF ib°W'S9`, ACpNG THEARC OF SAID CURVE 197.10 FEET, SFID CURVE HAVINGA CHORD OF 796.60 FEEf WHICH BEARS N60°25'50"W TO p POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE OiA CURVE CANCAVE NORTNEASTERLV, HAVINGA RAOIUS OF 700.00 FEEi; THENGE THROUGH A CENTRAL qNGLE OF 39°72'59", NORTHWESTEftLVAIONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 479.12 FEETTO A POINT OF REVERSE CORVATpRE OFA W RVE CONCAVE SOOTHWESiERLY HNVMG q RADIUS OF 1550.00 FEET; THENCE THROUGHA CENTRAL PNGLE OF 22°Op'04", NORTHWESTERLYALONG THE ARC OF SNO CURVE 59519 FEET; THENCE N39°4335"E ALONG N RAOIAL BEARING TO SAID CUftVE, 532.72 FEET i0 THE NORTH LINE OFTHAi PqRCEL OESCRIBED IN THAT DOCOMEMRECOflDEO AT BOOK 1992, PAGE 7521N SAIO OFFICE; iHENCE 589°39'40'E ALONG SAIO NORT1 LINE,198.10 FEET TO SAID WES7 LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST 114 OF SECTION 21, THENCE N00°0891'E ALONG SNO WEST LINE,].S6FEETTOTHEPOINTOfBEGINNING, CONTNINING AN AREA OF 32.136ACRE5, MORE OR LESS. BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEPAINGS ARE BASED OPON THE EAST LME OF THE NORTHEAST 1140F SELTION 3a, TOWNSHIP 3 SOIITH, FANGE 69 WEST, fith P M. BEING N LINE BEfWEEN THE EpST fld CORNER OF SEG'lION 30 AS MONUMENTEp BY q Cltt OF Wf1FAT RIDCaE 315' OIAMETER BRASS pISK, LS 13212, IN CONCRETE ANO ACRY OF WHEAT RIOGE WITNESS CORNER BEING A 325" DIAMETER 8Pq55 DISK, LS 13212, IN CONCRETE LYMG 20000' SOUTH OF iHE NORTHEAST C00.NER OF SND SECTION 30, AS HAVINGA BEARIN60F N01°01'501W PER CITY OF WHEAT RIOGE CONTROL DATUM. . PPEPPAED BV OLIN SONDENO UNOEft THE SIIPERVISION OF FREpRICKL EASiOk. JR.. PL53]998 FOR ANO ON BEHALF OF FARNSWORTH GROUP, INC. 8055EASTTUFTSAVENU'c,SUITE850 DENVER, )s~~'s'e3e SURVEYOR'S CERTIFfCATE FAl(: (303) 692-0470 1 do hereby mrlify mat iM1e survey N Ihe bwrdary of Fe Cabela s l Coors Derelopmeni wes matle byme oruntlermytliredsupervislon aM tofne besiofmy Yvwwletlpe, infortnalion antl belie( in arcuNarva wilM1 all appliraMe Colo~aEo sixWles, arteni revl5etl etli4on a5 amenCeq tM1e aaampanNrg plan accuretgly represenLS saiE survey. 9UflVEYOR'S SIGNATLIAE ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: . LANDSCAPE PREPARED POR: • ARCHITEC7/PLANNER: CRABTREE,ROHRBAUGH ~ &ASSOCIAiES-PRCHITECTS no" NoRRIS DE51GN wo.lo•a r.aSee, o~.,,.,rR„- 4p1E.WMDINGNILLROM 12499 WEST COLFAXAVE Plannin3llsnLSapeNtltiRdure Hx~rs.g'F~eixs'Gn>re:C.u. MECHNJICSBURG,PA.t]055 . P090X151500 1101BANNOCN51REEi ONECABELAORIVE PHONE:]t]d5602T2 W(EWpOD,CA80215 OENVER,CALOfiApp epppq SIGNEY, NE6916p FAX:It]-45&WO> PHONE: (303)A31.6IDp PHONE (303) 8924166 PHONEi (308)2515505 fAkr (303) 431-0028 FA%: (.903)092-1186 FA%:(3081250.)826 CONTACT:91llWILLIS,P.E. COMACT: MqftKNIEFFER,AICP CONTACT:OENNISAFMSTRONG,AIA OWNER'S CERTIFICATION ihe nelow-si9neE owner(s), or legalry eesignafetl agent(s) thereof, tlo hereby agrse mal ihe prope.ml Iegalt; aescrlhee lie.re:n wlll ba aevelopaE as a plannetl Cevelopment in accortlance wiN iM1e usea, res4lction5 antl rnntli0ons rqntainetl In Ihia Clan. z.nd ae9 ayotFerwiseGerequiretlbylaw.l(we)fuMertecognlEefM1atlFeapprovalotfnaltleveiopmentpbntlcesnotveatea tetl pmpaM1y yht Vesletl pmperty dqh6 may only arise and acrsue pursuant lo Iha provizons of seqion 28-121 ormrzicr:1 of rtio WM1eat RiOge Cotle of Lews. sgnawre of Ownerts) or Agent(s) NOTARY PUBLIC Subscnbetl and swom to pefore me tM1is _ tlay of Witness my hantl and official seaL lrvmnnr senq My wmm ss on exp res_ PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION CM1alrperson COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS CERTIFICATION CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION Approvetl Ihis _ tlay of by Uhe Whea[ Ritlge City Council. ATTESi: WQoM (OIlYSEAt) COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE Tbia documenl accepletl far filing in Ihe offce o(Uie County CIaM antl Rewetler of Jefferson County at GolEen, Colo2tlo, cn tFe day of , qp, in 6ook page_, Reception No. JEFFERSON COUNTV CLERK ANp RECORDER SHEETINDEX COVEA COVER L-0 OVERALLSITEPLAN L-2 OVERALLIANOSCPPEP4W L8 LANOSCAPENOTESIPI-MliLiSi LL IANDSCAPEPLNJ-AREAI.2AND3 LS lqNOSCHPEPUN-PAEAq Lb LANpSCAPEPLAN. pREqS L-1 tAN0.5CAPEPLAN-AREA6 LE LANDSCAPEPWJ- AREqI L9 LWOSCAPEPLANARE49 i-io wJOSCaneaurv-aaEns l-01 ARCHITECiORAIELEVATI0N5 G1 SrtEPUN C2 pTILITIES E50-01 PHOTOMEiHIG E50-01 PHOTOMEiRIC ESO-03 PNOTOMEIWC E50-04 PHOTOME"fI21C 'mz oLL r` R,O.W. HORSECORRAL ENNEL ~ . PARKINIG EVALUATION TABLE REQUIRED SPACES REQUIRED MIN. SIZE PROVIDED SPACES PROVIDED MIN. SIZE CAR 8.5' x 18' 1,246 8.5' x'18' TRUCK/RV 12' x 70' 84 12' x 75 HANDICAP 17 8.5' x 18' WITH 5' AISLE pq 8.5' x 18' WITH 5' AISLE TOTAL 833 1,354 NOTE: REQUIRED NUMBER OF SPACES BASEO ON A HUILDING SQUNRE FOOTAGE OF 185,000 SQ. FT. WALLS IANIMALSHELTER CLEARCREEK ~ 100 YEAB FL00D LINE ° JEFPERSONCOUNTY l ~,F I o EASEMENT ~ --C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TERQUALITY POND ii i I WALL`. CABELA'S RETAIL FACILITY , 185,000 SQ. FT. ^ ouroooROisvuv AND SALES AftEA ~ P i' -r \ ) _ 2 7`- ~ ~ ~ e ~.C~ r~ ~ ~ Yn R.O.W. 10' 5' TREE R.O.W. R.O.W. 10' PROPOSED40TH AVENUEUNDERPASS ii i~ i~ EASEMENT 1 7 OO MARTiN / M/aRTIY 1N99Wn CN~sM_ resm+szx p~wa w maz . muiew av. ,.ee NORRIS 6ESi(,N sl~amnmw m.~.rc 1101 Bannock51~sa1 Denver, Colo.ztla E01;? P 303.8521 ~.e.5 I z ~ a = ~ W z z aa` Q o~ w J W ° ~ LLl w w F co C) °3 K ~ Q Q O ~ \.1.4 Cvaer G F F ~ ~ r > F o . _ o'=$ ti ia a s 3 0 Issue pafe zor,e _JUNE7 M Hov'slon Oaie o so ioo zoa r~r V~~~rV~• ~ yy ~ SheefNUmber L1 NORTH SCALE: 1"= 100' MARTIN / MARTIN 13i93WnIfdWFre.~ ••c`N~ Po9aa15f9] uu.ma.ca mzrs PA: L' 3<If 61W Fea "L30U~b j~.~ NOWS DESIGN n:~~mes ~~c.c,u aini:ema ~w LANDSCAPING DAT TOTAL SITE AREA 36.42 Al REQUIRED LAN05CAPE 20% OF SITE AREA AND SQ. FT.) 317,117 SQFT. PROVIDEDLANDSCAPE 34%OF SITE AREA(%ANDSQ.PT.) 536,170 SQlT. # OF STREET TREES 3,325Lf REQUIRED 40THAV (1150LF.) 67TREI pOFS7REETTREES PROVIDED 67TREI # OF TREESISHRUBS 317TRE REQl11RED IN LANDSCAPE 1586SHRUBS AREA (1 TREE ANO 5 SHRUBS/ 1,000 SQ. FT.) # OF TREESISHRUBS 318TRE PROVIDED IN LANOSCAPE 2,432 SHRUBS AREA 2,019 0 77,959' SODARFA 14.5% ( AREA 106,393 SHRUBBEDAREA 20%Oi LANDSCAPE ARFA 233,787 NATIVE SEED AREA qq% Of LANDSCAPE AREA 103,864 WETLAND SEED AREA 19%OF LANDSCAPE AREA 14,167 SQ. FT. COBBLE AREA 2.5% OF LANDSCAPE AREA o yso ioo zoo NORTH SCALE:1"=100' 1101 Banna* Sne~ Oerver, Goiore;c PW" ~GL F30352 xvneuac~sdsaly„now. 2 Z O Q 4 a ~ z Lu L? J aoLL w z; Uj w ~ 4 S n ~ 5 U Uvner x 4 e v, r ~ e ~ U 4? F ~0 c • ~ a C G ^ - k• °~E v ,=N Issue ~a:e ~JiAY 1 2l0'a__~ . _ JUNE7 2006 HBN510IIU8fB Sheet Tifle OVERALL LANDSCAPEPLAN Shue(Number 1-2 % S~ aqw oLL LANDSCAPE PLANT LIST SYM. COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME SIZE & COND. DECIDUOUS CANOPY TREES (uNLESSOrHEawiservoreo) APN AUNMNPIIRPLEASH FPA%INlISPMEftICANA'AUTl1MNPlIPPLE' 21R'CAL.BBB ASP QUAKINGASPEN POPOWSTREMOl01DE5 210 CAl.88B GAL WESTERNCAT/LLPA CATALPASPECIOSA 210 CAt.%B O IMP IMPERIALLOCUST GLEOITSIATRIACANTHOSMERMIS'IMPENAC 2112'CAL.B88 UW LANCEIEAFCOTfONW000 POPUWSXAWMINATA 21R'CP1.Bb6 SUM SIIMMITASH FRAXINOSPENNSriVANICA'SUMMIT 210 CALB&B EVERGREEN TREES AUS AUSTRIANPWE PINUSNIGRA fi'HT.MIN BSP BAKERISPRUCE PICEAPUNGENS'BAKERf GHi.MIN } PAT FAT ALBERT SPRUCE PICEAPUNGENSGLAl1CP'FATAIBEftT 6'Hl.MIN + PON PONOEROSAPINE PINUSPONOEROSFl 6'lR.MIN PVP LIMBERPWE PINUSFIEXILUS'VANOERWOLFSPYR.MIIU 6'Hi.MIN SWP SOUTHWESIERNWHITEPWE PINUSSTROBIFORMIS 6'HT.MIN DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTALTREES O SPR SPRINGSNOWCRPB MALUSx'SPRINGSNOW SGAL.CANT. DECIDUOUS SHRUBS- 2'-4' SPREAD BMS BLUEMISTSPIRE4 CPRVOPTERISXCLANOONEN5158LUEMIST SGALCOM. CPB CRIMSONPYGMYBPRBERftY BEftBFRISTHONBERGII'ATROPURPUFEANANA' SGAI..CONT. KEL KEI.SEYDOGW00D CORNUSSERICEA'KELSEVI' SGALCONT. MMT MORMONiEn EPHEORAVIRIOIS 5GPLCOM. RDW DWAftFBLl1ERABBITBUSN CHRYSOiHAMNUSNAUSE05U5NAU5E0U5'DWBWP 5GAL.COM. WA% WAXCURRNVT RIBESCEREUM SGAL.COM. DECIDUOUS SHRUBS- 4'-6' SPREAD C?9D ALP AIPMECURPANT qIBESAIPMUM APL APACHEPLUME FAILUGIAPPAAW%A OBB DWARF60RNINGBUSH EtIONYMIISAtATUS'CAMPACTA' OIH IVORYHALODOGW00D CORNUSAl6A'NORY11ALO' MML LITTLELEAFMOIINTNNMAHOGANY CERCOCARPUSINiRICANS PBS PAWNEEBUTfE55ANOCHERRY PRONUS6ESSEYI'PAWNEEBUTI PAB RABBITBRUSH CHftYSOTHAMNUSNAU5E05lIS. RSA R11S51AN5AGE PEROVSKIAAIRIPLICIFOLIA SNB SNOWBERRY SYMPHORICARPOSNLBUS SRM ROCKYMOUNTAINSUMAC RHUSGLABRACISMONTANA RS iHREELEAFSUMAC RHtISTftILOBATA WSC WESTEftNSAND CHFftRV PRONUSBESSEYI YCU GOLOENWftPANT RIBESAt1REUM DECIDUOUS SHRUBS- 6' PLUS SPREAD B9E BUFFAL09ERRY CSU STAGHORNStIMAC DGM GINNALADWARFMAPLE FSS GROIOWFRAGRNJTSUMAC ~ GOA GAM9LEOPH N01 PORPIELEAFNINEBPAK NAC NANKINGCHERRY NCH NATIVE CHOIGECHEPRV REC REDCHONE6ERRY RiiJ REDiWIGDOGW000 EVERGREEN SHRUBS - BCH BLUECHIPJIINIPER BRO BROADMOORJUNIPFR BUF BOFFALOJtINIPER C+~_ CCJ CALGARY CARPET JUNIPER HUG HUGHESJONIPER MBT MIIGOBIGTt1NAPINE MSl SlOWM0UN0MUGOPINE SEA SEAGREENJUNIPER GRASSES AVG 9LUEHVENHGRA55 BFE EUJPHBLUEBLUEFESCUE DMG DWARFMAIDENGPASS(YHKIIJIMA) FRG FEATNFRftEEDGPASS ~ HFG HPRDYFOUNTNNGRA55 MAG MAIOENHAIRGRASS PMG PORPLEMAIDENGRASS PGR PORCUPINEGRASS ZGR ZEBRNGRFSS PERENNIALS BES BLACREYED SIISPN BGO BASKEfOfGOLD COM MOONBFAMCOREOPSIS ODY SiEtAD'ORpDAYLILY DGC OHJVERGOLDCOLUMBINE ~ oso $HASiAOWARFDAISY ❑A BLAZING STAR NBF NATIVEBWJKEfROWER PCF PRAIWECONEFLOWER PCft CREEPINGPHLOXREO PCW CREEPMGPHLO%WHIiE SES SEOUM,AUTUMNJOY(FEp) SMN SALVIA,MAYNIGHT SSU SNOW-INSl1MMER VAY YELLOWYARRDW VWC VIOLETANDWHITECALOMBME W00 WOOLYTHVME JONIPERUSHORIZONTALI59LUECHIP SGAL.COM. JUNIPERUSSPHINN'6ROMMOOR 5GALCOM. JONIPERUSSABINF'BUFFPLO' 5GAL.COM. JUNIPERUSSABINA'CALGMYCAPPET SGALCONr. JUNIPERUSHORRONTALIS'HUGHES SGAL.CONi. PINUS MOGO'91GNNP' 5 GAL. CONi. PINOSMOGO'SLOWMOOND' 5Ga.COM. JIINIPERUSXMEDIA'SEAGftEEN' 5GAL.CONT. SHEPHEMIAAftGENTEA 5 GAI. CONi. RHOS TYPHINA 5 GAL CApR. ACERGINNAIA'COMPACi0.' 3BbB RHUSAfiOMATICA'GROW-LOW SGAL.CONi. pOERCl15 GPMBEIII 5 GAL. COM. PHYSOCMPIISOPOLIFOLIU591ABOL0' 3'BBB PRUNUSTOMENTOSA 3'B6B PRUNUSVIRGINIANAMELPNOCAAPA 3'9flB ARONIAARBOTIFOLIA'BRILLIPMISSIMA' 5GPL.CONT. CORNUS5i0LONIPERA'BAILEYI' 5GAL.COM. HELICiOiHICHONSEMPERVIRENS 1GAL.COM. FESNCAGLAVCA'ELIJAHBLtIP iGALCOPR. MISCANTHUSSINENSISYPHUJIMN iGALCONi. CNIAMAGRO5TI5ARUN0INACEA'KNiLFOERSiEP' SGALCONr. PENNISETl1MALOPECUft01DE5'HAMEIM iGALCOM. MISCP.NTHOSSINENSIS'GRACILLIMU5 5GAL.CANi. MISCANTHOSSINENSIS'PURPO0.ESCENS SGAL.CONT. MISCANTHUSSMENSIS'SiFlIC1US' SGALCANl. MISCANiHOSSINENSISZEBWNUS' 5GAL.COM. RUDBENIAPULGIOA'GOLDSNRM' iGAL.COM'. AURIN0.5NWTILIS'60lDBALL' 7GALCOM. COPEOPSISVERTICILLATA'MOONBEAM' iGAI.CONT. HEMEROCALLIS'STELLID'ORO' 1GALCONi. AQUILEGIAHYBRIOS'OENVERGOLU iGALCOM. LEUCANIHEMUMXCOMPACT'SNOWLAOY 1GAlCAM. LWIRIS SPICATF 1 GPL COM. GAILWiOIA ARISTATA 1 GAL COW. RATIBIOACOWMNIFERAREO' iGAI.COW. PHLOXSUBULATA 1GAL.COM. PHLOX SU6ULATA 1 GAL COM. SEDOM SPECI'PBILE 1 GAI. CONT. SALVIHSYWESiRISX'MAINACHP iGAL.CONT. CERASTIUM TOMENTOSUM 1 GAL COM. AGHILIEAFlLIPENOUTA 1 GAL. CONT. AQUILEGIAHYBRIDS'COLOR4DONOLEfAND WHflE' iGALCONT. THVMUS PRAECOX PSEl1DOWJUGINO5U5 1 GAL. CqNT. 5 GAL. CANT. 5 GAi. CONT. 5 M. CANT. 5 GAi. CANT. 5 GAL. CONT. 5 GAL. C/JNT. 5 GNL. CONT. 5 GAL. COM. 5GALCONT. 5 GAL. COM. 5 GAL. CONT. 5 GAL. CONT 5 GP1. CONT. LANDSCAPE NOTES 1. fLLL tANDSCAPED AFEAS PHE TO FECENE ORGANIC SOIL PREPPPATIONAT3.Sw.yN0,NWSf ONLESS OTHERWISE NOTEO IN iHE IECHNICPISPECIFICATIINJS. 2 PLL SHROB BE05 ARE TO BE MULCHEO WITN MIN.3" DEPiH,11rz'3" RNER ROCNOVER SPECIFlED GEOtEXtILE WEEO CONiROI FABRIC. ALL GROUND CYIVERPND PERENNNL ROWER BE05 SHALL BE MUICHED WIiH P" DECiH SHREDDED CEDPR MULCH. NO WEED COWAOL FABRIC IS REpUIRE0IN GROi1NOCOVER OR PEFENNIpL PAEAS. 1 SHR06 BEDS PRE T06E WNTAMED BY4°x 14 GAUGE GPiVPNREO EDGFR, RYERSON OR EQUAL. EDGERISNOTPEOIlIftEOWHENADJACENTTOQIR85,WPLlS,ORWALKS. 4. ALLSOODEDANDWVOSCAPEOPREASSHALLBEWNiEREDBYANl1N0EftGR0UND, AUTOMATIC IMIGATION SYSTEM, ANO SHPLL PROVIOE 100 k COVERAGE TO ALIAREA50iHE3 iHNN THE ORnANO SEEDARFPS. 5. 1HE CONTRFCTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FORTHE COSi TO REPNR UiILIilES. ADJACENT IANOSCAPE, PUBLICAND PRIVAIE PROPERiY THAT IS OAMAGEO BYTHE fANTRPClORORTIEIR SUBCONTRNCTOR'S OPERATIONS OURING INSTALLATION ORDORING THE SPECIFIEO MAINiENANCEPEft10D. CALIPORIJI1LIttLOCATI0N5PRI0ftT0ANYEXCAVAPON. 6. iHE COMRPCTOR SHALL REPORTANY pISCREPPNCY IN PLAN VS. RELO CANORIONS IMMEDWTELY TO THE WJOSCAPE ARCHITECT, PRIORTO COMINWNG WftH iHPTPORTION OF WORK. THE CCNTRACTOft SHALL BE ftESPONSI6LE FOR THE REPNIR OF ANY OF iHE1R iRENG1ES OR FJ(CAVATIONSTHATSERLE. 6. 00 NOT pISiURB 1HE EYJSTING PAVINQ LIGHTING lANDSCAPINQ OR IRFIIGATION iHAT E%ISTS ADJACENTTO THE SRE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEOON PIAN. 9. THE CONiFqCTOR IS RESPONSIBLE POR VENFl'ING ALL PlANT0VAN11TIE5 PLANTING DETAILS PftUNE ALL OEAD OR DAMAGEDW00D PRIOR TO PUNMING. SET SHRUB 1" HIGHFA THAN THE FINISHED BED GRME. DIG PLANT PR iWICE AS WIDE 8 HIGH AS iHECONTAINFA APPLYSPECIFlED MUICH. CPRE SHOULD 6E TAKEN NOT TO DAMAGE THE SHRUB ORROOL 6P1L WHEN REMOVING IT GROM RS CONiAMER. LOOSEN SIDES OF PLANTPIT&WATERIN WELL TO ELiMINAiE tARGE Alft POCKETS. ALLJUNIPERttANTS snouLo ee awrreo SOTOPOFROOTMASS OCCURS AT FINISH GRADE OF MULCH LAVER. COMPACTEDBACKfILI MIX - FILLPLANTPITWIiH 1IRSPEGIFIEDSOILMIX a vz airsoa OONOTCUTLEAOER. PRIINEIMME0IATELV PRIORTO PWMNG. USE]GUYASSEMBLIES FOREVEftGREENSAND TREESOVER3'CAL. INSiP1L5AlICERIN NATNEAflFAS. USE NriON iPEE SIRAPSATENDOF WIftE (EVEflGREEN TREES). 12GAUGEGALVPNRED WIIVE a°weerare(oeciouous TREES ONLY) 212' OEPTH CEOAR MULCH 24" x 34" P.V C. MARKERS (rvPICAL) OVERWIRES. irz SPECIFIED BACKfILL nnzs in PRSOiL TREATEC Wa00 POSTWI GROMA1EfFDNriON STFAPS. USEIGUYWIPES REMOVE TOP 213OF WIRE BASNEf AFTERTREE IS IN TNE Pli. REMOVE 1WINE, 8 PULL BUftUP FROM TREEIRUNN. NOiE: SEf TOP OF ROOT BALL T T03'ABOVE SURROtIN01NG FINISH GRAOE. #--4`- O.C. SPACING 77 a-CENTEROFPLAM PIANT SPACI NG AS SPECIFIEO ON OPAWINGS. SEE PI.ANr SCHEDULE MHRT~N / MARTIN PpBm15!nT. G PMIS PA'.JTllll 6'.U3%a"::+Y.~09 w, r`~~ NoMi5 F~:y'rM tID 8ei t Oaver. G loacc....?. a.4W.P'3tr'gF F SUL891: i ~e~' vmw.ncrosdesiqr:.co~n Z Q J 4 ~ ua C) 2 J U w 8 ~ U ~ o ~ a Q F Z I uwner: 5 ~ F ~ M $ ~ y r Ci .a K~ IssueQele MAY 7 2006 JUNE 7 200G_.__ RevisionOain 9deeR1(le aLanr usi S~eeWbmber L-3 NOTE: EROKEN OR CRUMBLINGROOT- BAILSWILLBE REJECTED. x ~ ~w \ 4-BUP 1-PBS 4 BRO ' \ Bi Yo-1 ~ b fi.HGG 16HFG \ ~ 8 HFG 1-NPA ~ ~ . 1APGft .21-HFG 6.CC1 ~ 3ZGR SAVG ] MBT 3SNB 1ISMN,1&6ES ~ 3ZGR 5-MBT 3 CCJ 19AVG 12-FRG ~ 14-AVG 2EA.iVP. 1fi-HFG 13-Bft0 8-KEl 4BM5 I AN 3-0BB - 15-ZGR 1a~ /-RPB 5-MSL + : 10 YAY &DMG ~ 11-HFG + 2-REC 4-PPB 2CCJ ~ 6OIH 3bR0 ~ 6ZR0 e-oiN ~ . zauF ] PBS 3Ea0 ]-pMG V 13BFE 9-0OM 1o BOUI tARO ENTRY OEWRATIVEPAVING CULPTORE " BOULOERSEATWPLI :J. IG ' + ]-YAY ~ 7_pVG -'-11H FG BDMG 5'Ssu . 5HFG 1-BRO .-q"Rkp 1 5.CCJ . ~ - L w - 1G f ~ ~ ia-eFe 3SNB DEWi A-KEL „ 3SN8 ~{qry 11 BR0 5MSL ~ 3 CCJ 3REC s-0IH z-auF NOTE: EXISTING CONTOURS SHOWN INDICATE APPROXIMATE FINAL ELEVATIONS EXCEPT IN AREAS WHERE PROPOSED COUNTOURS ARE SHOWN. - MHRTIhi ! InARTirv ~o9B Wa1+A'IaaMr a sa,isixa ...~a,ca avs ]9'3161fO Fer.N31i~-IIL4 J-) f NoRikI5 DGSIGN wa~n~~al~d~W~nw.vre ^ fl010anoockSVee: ;S,iYR . I ? C I-HP "FE a ~ =J ~ C a J ao.~ a-M ~o Q, ~ L l w /y ~ C) WAG yd MFG HKCH l. ~ ~ LL NOTE:SEESHEETL-9FORiREEtABELS Uwnac ~ a ^ C~ ^ S I , . F b ~ ~ al Q wg £ G E KEY MAP NTS m ~ . O L-9 3 0 ~ lasveOaYe ~ 0 - MAY 1. 20Q5 ~ ' O . JUNc7 ZGtlfi ' - - o . ReNS%on6nfe 0 r15 30 60 pLqry~ . ~ SheetNUrn6ar L-0 NORTH SCALE:1'=30' w x \ NATIVE SEEO ttP > \ 3E0.0 1-NAC ~ S1ALP SHUG ' ~ 15U~1 3-OBB. 1-YCU, ~ ~~i .SCF1 ~'BVCU t'>MSL ~ 3-MBT ~ • 14SL 4W C ~ . 1BGH V'+ti' \ &8CH ~ ` SP65 ~ ~ 7ou t , SUM ~ 2n -WSG ~ ~ . 3M8 ft0 {AN ~ ~ , ~ 3.BCl 4.09~ ! O Z ,f ' TS P i. 2M ~ f- . . rv hCAI. = . • E , tw~rv . ~~f~ ' ~B 1- ~ PMBT J fi Tj.O . ~ 3-~6c ~ BERO Tls . ~ REC, 56RQ, ~ • T~UB6 61 5 t 308B S HUG " ~ 2 FAT I i REC 3r~o~N 3HU IF G ~ uu MARTIN / MARI'IN 1N93WdCMmA2 o.~e~.~.e Po~15f~ IsMnro].LC W315 . Ia:6~Llie~^A]1)'.N01 NORRIS DESIC;IY p.pnniiql~dnESdyeNSi4tW~e ~t 1 101 Eamiock5^ l]emar, :oisru.ec F9?~=. P3. 9C 9 ~ ~ wie Q ~ a ~ W $ 2 ~}aoa Cu Qo i~ Owne : F ~ B {L C d F z m ~ ~ w I S O 2 I'I a C , - i I 5 Issuo oa s MAY' 2Un i JUNE7 2GOC ~i Revision Date 'I NORTH 0 y15 30 60 ~ SCALE:1"=30' pLpry SheetN~m~,. L-5 - `✓/i ~ ' 4E ~ ~ FAP6 / ~ &BRO 1B~ 13bFE dWSC ~ RBRO tiNJ 38R0 L 1-APA 14-PVG 4 , EL ~ 12-HEL ~ ~a~, ~ &BOF 9K SNB A...A~ 13 DIM • ~ ~ ° fl.AVO ` ~ \ . 6CGI 1-Sl1M it-BRO ; . -I eao ~g~ s.aLa » Avc c /~'3aJ;: a . ` ) 6KEL COBBLEMOLCH,ttP. 4-YGR 1 ].BRO 3~ a' A~~ 1 T 1 F+ 7KEL BMAG i/ \ 1 LAN ' t1GSNB 50~ iYP IH 'YSVA~ BOULDERS S TYP &FRG aryQl \ \ 4 ~{lW ~ ii AVG . 3-DBB , . \ NOTE: EXISTING CONTOURS SHOWN INDICATE APPROXIMATE FINAL ELEVATIONS EXCEPT IN AREAS WHERE PROPOSED COUNTOURS ARE SHOWN. -_~l _ . . -'e?5FWKC:h:reie• Po9e~1S~? w~.«a. w uais rm ~as2~am wrv;s..r,c NORRIS UES1GN H~~sltzrderesameecu, H01 ft3nna5 F.:m:;;: Oenveq Calorztlo 80204 PSU9.BB2.1186 . F303P92.flE6 m»v.noms-0esiy.•.:<+n - ~ O z LU Q a°i 02; J J Ci ; O p U w W ~ ~ O Z p 4 Q ~ O> ? S F- xl } 2-F Yb 6HF 2-Tl: 4MAG SBI 1' 0 15 30 W ~ I NORTH SCALE: i"=30' F F ~ G c S C s ~ . _ a ~ 0 3 0 Issue Oate MAY 1_2006 JUNE 7 2006 Revisian Dals Sheei lllle LANOSCAPE PIAP! Shcet Number~ I _R x , ~ mw a~ / \ 1-SUM 1.SEA / \1!\ 1AU5 / \ \ 9 YCII 3 RT0 29-HFG t-qPA 6BUF 3ftTD 1SEA ~ 6YCU i /BUF fiYGR EOGER,iYP, w~ ~ ~ ~ 1-SIIM -HUG SOD, ttP. SBOF 1BSP 8 MAG 3-NDI 11 PBS ~ iccd % oecoannveaouLoeamPj &MAG ~ SCCJ ~SUF ~ ~ 33EA ]-YGft SHFG SATD DBH 2A_`iN '"w • ~ ~ - ~ ~`~1I~ S~MAG H-HFG ~ 0.MAG 25EA ]-MAQ 1 06B ~ 8R0 ~tIV COBBLE`P T` \ . ~ ~ i-KEL A + 38R0~ • , ~ , ~ p PBCH LAPA -1-AP~4 5CG \ f r 3-RTO 1.tNJ ~ . - ~ / \ \ ' o„-MqciiPq iB~HFG SPBB 7-tAN ~ M 2 BPQJ . ]-HUG / A y ~ ~ ~ i ~1.It~,P ~ ~i ~ ~ , 1KEl ~ &BOF 5-HOG 1BPA\ N-AVG ♦ 14-MAG YRID 1-UJJ 14 ZGlZ . 4.BR0 f ` 3kTf1 ]-MAG .~ie . 1 \~.G- P APA m C V A ~ NOTE: \ EXIS7ING CONTOURS SHOWN INDICATE APPROXIMATE FINAL ELEVATIONS EXCEPT IN AREAS WHERE PROPOSED COUNTOURS ARE SHOWN. " - 3-MSL ' - 9-KEL 2 OBB - wuIUs - MNFiIN ~ENoI?~l. u 1RI~ Wal WMAre uvn~w.~w esz Pn:391J~6'A' F~l HoR.NJis OF 5 sz N 1.9II a~ ~ iPlOanohS 'Jenver.Jnurec n . P31riE9e - F3.13892+ i.ronotl q v.i1 0 z Q ~ ~4 . ~ , y z Q C Y ~ d 1 c ~ n W p ~ - r y ~ a ~ v ~ Li, 3 u- O~mec C ~ G ~ F F ~ ~ W a ~ F QS~ r R C ( ~ C `h G fssue Go G Scee! ilt!e LANI75!'APE o yis so w PLRN SneelNun±bcr."_ ~ L-'I K I 3 MSl 9-0IH fl-FRG SCC1 3-MAG 3-DBB 1-BSP ia-zca 3-BUG } ~ IDzGR ' 3-6SP 5 RID 9-SNB B-GGI • 9 CCl 10SNB 11dGR SRiD 3Bt1F ]dGR - 14-ZGR 3BSP 3BOF . aeuF 1lAN ~ ~ EDGER iYP. + 6086 , SOD.tVP. + 2-BSP ( 3.SN8 1-LAN 22-AVG . n-oiH } 23- FE ' . , ' . I-RE ~ 66UF 48CH r LSUM ~w ~58CH ~ ~ 9.SNB f-RTp / j JN~ak 1SUM \ K-SftM ipMAG 9LCJ 1BCH ` NOTE: EXISTING CONTOURS SHOWN INDICATE APPROXIMATE FINAL ELEVATIONS EXCEPT IN AREAS WHERE PROPOSED COUNTOURS ARE SHOWN. ~ O i - 15dGR - SoIH SrCU - - 24-BFE 3.ALP - - 21.AVG 3-YCU " - 4KEL - 6CGI 21-8 1M T BftO 24FRG .9 KEL iSAVG - &SNB 16 BF,E ~ &OIH Z-FAT ~ 11AN 3 oB8 . ' 3 WSC + 9 B9P 3-DBB 3-WSC BIIF „ + 3-DBB i~WSC 1f~fk, :y 21-HFG ...d&B[3J__69A- . l-15MAG is9uF 2 SUM - KEY MAP Ni5 ~u °J - MAR"fIN 1A4RTI INWN¢S[61vn ••`c.r. NOWS UESIGtq Pbv~vg~WESttAePic'iisa'av N01 Bannock5~met oenveq coloaao eJZ;:? P 303.852: i `Go ' 303.892 f'.'dv w.wcno:ns-0esign.mm ~ a g ~ O Z ~ ~~y z ~J `Lo '3 ~ ~ p U W w O J< co ~ o ~ p 5 ~ Q Q o ~ D. ~ _3 Ousner C F• F ' ~ 7 ~ ~ O y f W e a % G. 4.~ m Q ~ C C 9 IYIAYi.LOUF _Jl1NC,]"20°fi_.._ . Revi-oior, Daie LANDSCA?E k~w PN ` L-MAG o ris 3o so PLAN ~ SheetNUmbei L-8 SCALE: 1"=30' ~ rc X 140N~.. - - - 2-AUS ~ ~ ~ NATIVESEEO.iVP ; - . - . ' ~ . _1.POk. _ . _ . 2AAS .r- - . . ; . . . ~ . , . ~ ~ : . : . . . . . . G ~ ' ~ . ~~15NTIQN?ONp a 6-HUG RTO 3 - ~....RfON . . . ~ 3 FAT 6 HUG ~ Q ~ fiR1D 2LAN , ~ l.;' Y . . 2YON ~ WERANDSEE➢ . ~ 2 4AN 1 AUB ~ I ~ K }r/ 2PON { 1 P~ON i FAT { y ~ ~ DECOR4TNE PNVING, ttP. ~ K 1-ASP J 3.A6P \ \ , rt';l /f~~)Y R Y Y,: t y"+'Kh! ~ ~ ~3 1 V=~ :..,f ~ d~~:. ~•i~~`. 2"A9P oECORATIVEPAVING,TP SEESHEETLAFORPLL YX>' OTHERPLANTLPBELS ~ ~~<xt~ ~ t • ~ ~ l J~TJ '~y~~,y~.' ~ ]ASP ~ Y P-/SP CABELA'S RETAIL ` 185,000 S.F. 1-A115 2-AUS 1 PON 2FON MPRYIN / MA.1~'::•:. +Y.B9WeFCaYnr#a~o i...+v aoew+rv~ P~.`~ c~ ~ NoftRIs DE53c.F7 ?lamtirg~lvqs[ NH',eS~ 11Ui8an ook lie9 Denver, Coloatlo 802G4 P 303.9921156 F 30:.89211?ti xw~v.nomsdaayn.mn ~ G ~ Q. ~ Q U q J O V ~ 4 K ti W W O o ~ ~ q S Z2~ q 1-FAT f II II./ MS NOTE EXISTING CONTOURS SHOWN INDICATE APPROXIMATE FINAL ELEVATIONS EXCEPT IN AREAS WHERE PROPOSED COUNTOURS ARE SHOWN. W ~ F_ _ ~ b F T [ O yw LJ n qy4 C 3 O issue o3 0 MAY 1 2008_ JUNE 7,200 E Revisiar. Daie sh.eer7lne BOILDING PAVOJG% ~ o so ao sa ~ LNJDSCAPEP~ Aid Sheet Number L-9 NORTH SCALE:7"=40' mnariN t mnur~r~ naww.e=n..~~ vomnmm o~a.w mns rn: x,m:=:w r...wa.alma NCIL:ilS ;1E'iS' 110: Bzrmn+::,::c?; 6eno,q Caaivan 5tu64 P3932EG1=5B F9~iP02,~~25 vrvnenortisdesigao:~ 4 ~ tO 2-AUS .J ,2AU9 NOTE: EXISTING CONTOURS SHOWN INDICATE y~ APPROXIMATE FINAL ELEVATIONS EXCEPT IN AREAS4VHERE PROPOSED COUNTOURS ARE SHOWN. 1-0ON ~ ~,-MN . ' 1LAl z nus ~ i-tarv ~ 1-AUS z_CA bPoN NHi1VESEEO,TYP. 1-PON &SUM WEfLWD5EE0,ttP. ~ 2-AUS 1 A05 2 Z y N J ~ ~z = ~I4 ti 'a: `9^,6J II1L1 u R ~ p 4 ti Q F D zz_ C~lu: 3~ ~a N. ~ L] ~ F 4 ~ B W ~ F F q ~ ~ O G p z 4 _ G g a , Issuo oat MAY1.2006 JUNE 7 2006 RBVi5i0n Oate 1-PON i~m SneetS:Ne LANDSCAPe 9LAfJ o is ao w SheetNUmtw_r T/ROOG CABEIA'S lOGO -6 F FlBER CEMENi Siµ01NGSFAM SiW(ES MEfAI ROOiING R CEMENi KES qqryplNC SE4M NP1F LW SIOING vnc en'oHO FS Ei HBAUGH 8 ASSOCIATES Ei.rs. en'oxo aoorroP xvec sa+owc se4u .rs. meru aooFlnc Rooviov n Loc coRnea scR[[rv . . SCREfN MElPL RCOF ~ i/WRl1 V 36' D MI E. NVILOI6 MILL ROM - MEGX1I1W89VP4. PA 9055 %IDI2 ]11J60-0R]R IL MJ59-0Y~> icP1L . rMlwlweem 3 -o ~ ./VT~~ Y 3~ eL• _ T/PflECPST~ 36 -0 PII 2fi ~ o 0 Q ~ , O . _ ~ . . CABELA'S RETAIL, WCORPORATED EXPWEO AGGRfGAiE LOG fANOPY FlBQt CEMENi SIMVI AiEO SIMUINFD SIMOtAiED I.OG iN1155 LOG COWMN SIMIIUiFll l0G CPNOW SIONE VENEER SRtUCNRE E%PoSEO FGGREGATE GRE. CONC. FPNEL COLORADO yyHEqT RIDGE PRECASI LONC. PANEL SIPUCNRE lAP SIDING STONE STONE PIER STONE KNEEfl NON-REfM~ED , NON-REfPRDEO LOG CANOT SiRIICiURE 4RNOING SEAM PPEG51 CONC. Pµ~ PREGST CONC. PPNEL MEfAL RWF - _ _ _ ~CIIPOU SOUTHWEST ELEVATION - - ~SLU=E~* - - - - 's-1 1/ SC4LE: 1 16"=1-0" A1 '2 ~ PPNEL WINDOW 1IWi5LUCEtR SiPN01NC SFPM MEIPL ROOF ' . h T/ft00F _ iRNJSWCEM iRFNSWCENi PPNEL SKYLICM FlBER CEMEIR IPP PANEL 5%YIIGHT Y 68' 4 WPNER WINOOW SIOING TLROOF 58'-6' Ifl00F Fl R CEMEM p00ROP HVAC 50-0" LOC SIDMG ROOROP HVRC SCPEEN SHAKES $CREEN LOG CORNEP ~ Q T/PRECAST 32 _0• TIP E 16 a M SIANDINC SFP NEfqL ROOF ONE : . . _ SIMIIIATED ST PIER . : . _ . ` . . . . E%POSED AGGREGPIE SIMNATEO lDG 1RU55 EXP~SEO AGGREGhTE ONC PANEI LOG LONOPY SIMUV.iEO E%POSED AGGREWiE E.LFS. BETON~ NON-REfMDEO C0.5i CONC PREGSi RNISH STONE PIER . PREGSI C SiRVCRIRE STONE VENEEP PREGSi FlNISX PflE PANEL . TRANSWCEM NON-REfMDED WNNSCDT PPNEL WINOOW PREGST CONC. PANEL Rµ T[CUPOU~ ]6-2' B SOUTHEAST ELEVATION A2.~ SCALE: 1/i6"=1'-0" _~ROOF~ sa UMFMS CONSTRUC770N DO( sru+oixc suM . MEfRL RWF LOG •A~~S C~EaN SIGNAGE Exhwoe aevnnoNs RooF,ap WqC SCREEN FlBER CEMEM UP SIUING T PRECAS~ Y 3~ _p' $UI]RIISSIORS ~ ~ ~ WOBLdS FOREMOST OUTFITTE W. Da[e Desa¢iH @(POSED AGGREG4TE NON-RETARDE9 SIMULhTED E%POSEO PGGREGPIE i CONC FANEI / NON-REfRFDED GSf CONL. R E NORTHEAST ELEVATION P0.EfA5i CONC. PNiEL PREC45' CON0. PpNEL STONE PIFR PflEG S SLNIDING SFAM N E pn 5lONDING SFAM fRL ROOP iPONSLUCEM oORMEP W1NDOW ~ A2.1 SCALE: II1F••-1•-Q• MRPL RW~ ME _ T CUPOU _ ' - ]6 V iRPNSWCEM PANEL WINOOW A i/ROOF SrPNDING SEAM iRPNSWCENi PRNFL SKTl1GlR FlBER CEMEN! IAP 7ppry5WCEM pµFL SKYLICM Y fi8'-6` - ReVI510I15 MEfP1 ROOF SIDING ChBElA'S SIGN4GE Loc sioirvc N. Dale DesaimtMn T fl00F wyF 58-6 LOG C/JRNER OFfOP HVAC RO fl00F SCflFEN T ~L 50 -0" 36-D' T PRECASi 3Y-0 T P RE 4 -0 ~ - STµDING SGM M TAL ROOf E - SIMNAiED STONE PIER ~ NON-0.EfPRDE~ E%POSEDPGGREGATE EJ.FS. BEYONO FlBEfl CEMEM WG CPNO% R IM N 1919 SIMGf PREC0.S1 CONC. PREChTT FlNISH UP SIOINC $1POttUPE SIMUTAiEU {l~ 18364201.dwg pMEL SfONE VENEER L-11 `"""S`°T Date JoNEaTH.2oo6 ro\ NORTHWEST ELEVATION Ic?.fSCALE: 1l16•=V_0" ° a EN z~ 3z ~w ~1 ~ ~ : - ~ / 5425 ~ _ \ ~ ~ ' 5415- s y ~ ~ ~ ~ , • ~ > ~ ~l I \ \ . ~ . 4 . . r. I . ~ ~ t LEGEND . , ~ POND HORSE ~ ~ DOC KENNE WAiER ~ dUR1TY rxn.oric aeovosco ' PROPERTY LME RIGHT-OP-WAV LWE ` CENIFR LME - SEClION LINE - - - EASEMENT - - - - - z.. _ RETNNING WALL I ~ CURB & CI1T1Ek PARKING STALL COUNT CONLREiEI 90EWALK ' HANOICAP RAMPS y,pm - ShG CONTOURS -5]50- L n NG COMOIIRS ARE YATHIN EM 12-INCHES OF FlNAL GRADE } l1NLE55 PPOPOSEO CONTOORS ARE SiOWN OIHERWISE. Aa L l~ \ iw so ioo 200 SCALE 1=100- / " 5125 S 25 . ~ A~ r + 1, j4,' ~a ' r 1 i r~ t ~ QP ;~i~ aaG✓ ~ . ~X \ . 5455, . . ~ ~ 1yOADING DOCK CABELA'S REfAIL ~ 185,000 S.F. > 7 NO PARKING FlRE IANE / SIGNS BUILOING F.F.E. = 5F41. 44 ` / DROP OFi v ~ernwmawnus~:A~ 1. \ smHrmmiu~~~ , . • \ O\\\\ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ` \ ibxz \ i I { ~ ~ ;.g4ao-^ n» > F k y i F \ t k 5415 ~ ~ / f I C S~ y V . M I ~ ? C .o~ fKf~ ~rW..{ ~ 'Fj k ~ ~..b ~T 3 4 jy~. . 1 rk _ ~p ~ ~ ~ ~ 5495 ~k9 ~i . ~ 1 Ml+RTIN / NFNTIf~wi . o .m NoRFJs DESIGN PbnNrq I ~^~so{m WC.Aeare Hoi 9annocS5lme: 02m0t, Cd02EO8020C P 303.892 fl6E F 303.80p ~ ~QF, xuw.nortis-tle ignmrr. ~z N ~ a ~ ~ O Z ~ W 2 ~~o< Q a CI LLl w w < o~ Q o V LL 3 ~ Owne.l: )ssue Date MA'(1,?00__ Revision Dafe - SheetTitle SITE PLAN SheelNumber C-1 4 n ~ EF ~ ~ " V \ ~ . \ \ ~ ~ ,•.a ~ OV£RHEAO ELECIRICAL . - _ - - • - - - - - - - ~ P-MCH MGH PRESSUF£ GAS ~ MA/N(XCEL) - -I y - / OL£FHEAO ELECIR/UL (XLEL) y -X-- . . STORM MAIN (CWR) BURIED ELECIHICAL (XCEL) SPNITARY LIFT STATION STORM MAIN (CWR) PROPERTY pNE (CABELA'S) v....... ~ ~ - - - - - STORM SEWER ST ill-ST- ~ ~ % I~. \ WhiER WPlltt i PONO / R HIGH PRESSURE CAS MAIN (XCEL) ~ CH BURIFA ELECIFICAL (XCEL) S ( / AI 12-INCH WAIER MNIN (CMWG) ~ II \ ~ . \ ST\M SEWER ~ . \ V I 61-1NG1 WATEF MA/N (OY9J 6-/NCH SOLIOS MA/N (OWDf 50-MCH WAlER MAIN (OYAI ~ V 4 ~ I STORM SWAIE ~ (BY OlHERS) \ k ~ I $ ~ I 12-INCH WAiER I MNIN (GAWC)~~~ ♦ p BURIED C LE (COMCASn BURIED P NE/F.O. (01 \~r 6URIED CiRICAL i \ HIGH P MAM ( d m SS)UPE ( %C 100 50 t00 200 scate 1'=100 ' ~ ~ . 1 ~ WAIER QUAIItt I I + POND II \ I' ~ I CABLE WAIER FlRE GAS HICH PRESSURE GAS MAIN 12-INCH WATER MNN 4-INCH SANITARY (CI D Tv., ; v IN e \ SfORM MNN (CWR) FROPERiY l1NE \ \ \ BURIED CABLE (COMCASp auwco aHOnE/F.o. (ovhsr) BURIEDElECiRICAL(%CEL) \ HIGH PRESSIIRE GAS MAIN (%CEL) ELEC)R/CAL INTHIN 32N0 A✓ENUE (LMWC) 12-ING1 WAl 1 12-INCH WHiER MNN (GAWC) 42-MCN WA]£R MAIN (OI4D) 6-/NCH SIX/OS MAM (DY9f \ ~ ~ t 54-/NCN WAItF MAM (OV9J ~ I2-/NGH WFhF MA/N INRI/N ZINMA F. (CNWC) rv W1INlN 31ND A4£. (LTMICASTf ~ E/F.O. lNTMN 32N0 AbF (OW£AJ MAW (CMWC) ! STORM SEN£R - ~ WAtER WAL11 POND t2-INCH CH WAIER MAM (CMWC) BURIEO CABt£ (COMCIST) BURIED PHONE/F.O. (pWESn X p SAN/TARY SEWFR N9TN 20-A fASEM£NT (APPCENQJ00 SANITA ~ nON D/S1F/CI) / S~ { / S~ SAN/TARV SEW£R (APPLEWO00 SANITAnON 06MlCT) SANI]'ARY 5£W£R (PLEASANI NEW - % SAN/TA➢ON OlS1A/LJJ IliF IOPM MAIN (CWf [ f MAM (CWH) ~ 1 ~tl,-. MP.RTIN . NAR['Y Ya 11 0 JVd 6f ~Em-.p C; 1 1 NORTC75 P ig . a e IIDNan~w ~ Den rer ~oloa o v~ osae~nn F303,8E2.1166 w„~~~omcnsca~,mm Q. . F w rc; ~O >o; UJ w ~ J p ~ Q f 1 Z W WF2R IAAIN (GAWC) Oxner / Issuo Oats MAY1.2O06 12-INCH WAIER _ ymn (cntwal - j ~ t/ _ . Revision Oa(e I ~ UTILITIES / ~ \ ~ I ~ ~ ~ Sheet Numbei C.-2 i 6 i GHABTflEE. POXHBAVGH & AS80LIAYE&I RXCNITEGTB r~n'are: m+wnm"0 su m udWOCSwwxa s~ m+Ea ; ...r...a.s=n... ~ ~ ~ NUMERIC SUMMARY SEavcE narvE n LLUMIWJVCE VALUES (fC) AVEMGE = t96 M4%IMUM = 9.2 MINIMUM = 0.2 AVC/MIN = 9.80 MAl(/MIN = 66.00 SEMCE DRNE B ILLUTAIWJVCE VALUES (fC) AVEMGE = 1.86 MA%IMI1M = 3.9 MINIMVM = 02 AVG/MIN = 6.ll uati/nnx = 13.00 ewr saamF ILWMINeNCE VALUES (FC) AVfMCE = d.01 MnRIMUM = ID.0 MINIMUM = 0.7 AVCIwN ~ 4.30 MN(/MIN = 1429 PMKINf. I OT ILWMINPNCE VALUES (FC) AVERAGE = 3,02 MPXIMUM = 8.0 MINIMUM = 0.4 AVC/MIN = J.R MA%/MIN = 22.40 PMI(Nf. OT n ILLUMIWJVCE VALUES (FC) AVEf24GE = 202 MN'IMUM = 6.7 MwiMUU = 0.3 AVGIMIN = 8.73 MA%/MIN = 22.33 pFRUFIFR CP I ILLOMIWWCE VALUES (FC) AVEFAGE = 0.12 MF%IMUM = 3,0 NINIMUM ~ 0.0 AVG/MIN = 0.00 MN(/NIN = O.OD LUMINAIRE SCHEDIJLE sruea uari rw.uncxuvarn u¢camou u~p wuws w~m xorts Umo,U wsa noom uo~ waa~rzcnw. rnrs n. in. rv oamieunoxs vsm 0o sLI ~ R~ .uu uouxrtn srte ~aow ux s,ooo ,oo NOIlSE SIOE SNIELUS VSFD LIGM ..9HPEAIME@{.~P6. Cw St3 Tp6 II. 111. N p1 R~ MM MOIIMF➢ SI~E IppW NX ,1pW0 B00 OISIflI0MON5 VSm ucxr NEws z W4EC (SPELlLL SIIE 1<'-0' mCOMIM 5~~ L16Nn SIIE IIGHf 150 W MN 1].CW 150 Lc4EC (SPECl4 SRE 20'-0' UECOMIIVE Ll 11n SrtE II4M I NFPD 190 W W1 1].CW 3IX1 ~ SITE LIGHTING PHOTOMETRIC PLAN-1 scnt[: i^=ao' -CL.l'V'B Eu~iu[ea mn'+. PA >.1o -JAY. m:J45 'b. ~60]5 O ~~✓.~d~wl UCABHA'S RETAIL, PdCORPOPv1TE7 tMEAT RIDGE, COLORAfJO Y,kY flAl'1 0~ 1kLE Fp0.TH PUH IN'~Yli ~ C0MTRVCTION 0=MENY$ SffE l1fIRBJG PHOTOMEiRICS PART 1 JYVIN$$10115 !J0. pah OwbLLan Revisiuns Nw oaea OaaMUOn Probct No. 1&i6 9~xt ESO.Oi Oate APfl1L 242Wfi :pABTXEE, ROHNBAVGH S FSS9CIn'."c; f~qflCgH1TECT8 n mA6~cP~ ~~wc'~m~~rs~erapra. O m-r- ~ 3ejl ' oO v ~ CABQKS RET/1B.r INCO~ORATEL WF¢AT RCGE, COLORADO IQY AAN (1~ TRUE tmani ww raxm consrrzucnori ooan+eNrs srte ucHTwc wroTanEMcs PART 2 SIibmi55ion5 , Nn WC ~esabitlwi Rewsions w ozee omabua SITE LIGHTING PHOTOMETRIC PLAN-2 scnic: r_+o• I. n41G 1. SEE SHEEf E50.01 FOR FlXNRE SLHEDOIE PNO WHEN NUMQBC SOMAIAFY. - - Rolec t Na 183+ Slcet E N G I N E E R 1 N G1 N G.I wmnraw Rg~y ~p y..eq yy, ~q 2 P~riB61 ~m~i~ses~ n~n oate ` AvaiL aa.a~ L.vllP ~lD tm~ as-e~io v e..iu~ ev:acs . aos ' - . , . ~ - ~ O L - O I IUo SITE LIGHTING PHOTOMETRIC PLAN-3 SCALE: I'=IO' cABELRS REf,4IL, WCORFOkATEU WFEAT RDU, COLORADO IRr FlN+ ~ ~ TRIE NORTi %Jid R'IX:l,': CONSIRULTION DIX.UM6V'IS 1`~Q Nll / r ..z. , . , s rmec oer~ smi% . . , su.. . srnit v_i ` ~ / \ 4Sa , APCHTECTSONPB0.UGN B A880pATE3 ~~~YI~INw i m~ 4 pA. n0~ SRE lK3ifiVG PHOTOA1EfRMS PART 3 Submissions w o.w oesaeum Revisions w. oem o--mnm_,.._ NOR. 1. SEE SHEEf ESD.01 i"OR Fl%NRE SCHEOULE PND WMEN NUMERIC SIIMM/.4Y. VENr~~~RP-004-T.,.. ENairvEers~rvc.luei m.m..o M;1 2Y:J.V(F ~'-JOS NJ.090]5 ROkct N6 IB3fi Sfi¢Ct E50.03 pp[~ pPPIL24 2006 CRABTHEE, ROHRBAUGH 8 A9SOC1A7'FE+ APGPoTECTS ~xo wu rroao - ~waw~uunv., .m,. m.aesm ca+: m.ewaW " ~..exw:s..eA 0 ~ ~ ~ o~ ♦ s CABFU'S RETA9., UICORPONAYE"3i WFEAT RDU, COLORADO I~Y FLAN ~ W mt~ nnani nssi noxr.i cIXJSTRUCIION OOCUMBJTS SffE IICkRiJG PFIOTOMEiRUCS PART 4 Subrttissions n& uek oe.anua, / / SITE LIGHTING PHOTOMETRIC PLAN-4 SCAtE: 1•=~• NOiE. 1. SEE SHEEf E50.01 FOR Fl%NRE SCHEOUIE PNO WMEN NUMERIC SUMMPRI. VENTER9 'Ythl-T-..>.. ENGINEERING.INGI v~nv..~~vz l]~>9686J6 . p Z n Mmt~~'.vm. PF ilWS ev:J.1K er~J43 w. 06035 Revisions No. wa oe.aloum I Rak[[ NO. 183' Slael Il~ Fy,O.V•~hp I DetB APFk2A?IJUS LidCl• CASE NUM~ER: ~ MAP NUMBER: ■ " D IN ~ t s t ' ! ~ 1 ~ 4 ~ ~ I 4~~`3 t~83'S6'17" 4 ,n- ~0~9 , Q R=3D0.00~ ~ ~ ~ 1=439.50 ( CB=S12'46'34"E ~ ~ ~ t~~ CH=401.24' { ~1 ~ SgA , ~g2,, ~ ti i , ~ ~ , i ~ i ~ 4 4 ~ ( ~ R' ~ c0 3 ~ 3 M~ V~ ~ ~ o~. I cVvi a zh~ u~vpr~ rr~a Mh ~ ~ Q~~ . ~ LOT 7 ~ ~ ~ (REC. N0. 92165348) ~ ~ m ~ S J 1,246,566. SF ~~W ~ i yw 28,617 AC o° W ~ ~ . ~ r ~°~I ~r~ ( s ~ ~,ti m w ~ ! Z I z , o~ ~ z oW ~ Z= r ( ~r ~ ~vnn irn. ;,~i n n in irn nn ~n n[)t ~r~ I'T' W ~ i ~.n~v~vt_v vl_vLt.vi IviL~vi ~ N a, [.vivCv. Z ~ aD W ' J W ~ 3 ~ utii Q ~ ` ~i W ,00n ~ ~ ~ ~ w a v I z Q I ~ ' ~ f O~ ~ U ( ~ Z Q 1 W ~ I ~ Q , ~ \ = Q I , ~ ~ a ~ ~ o 20` APPlEW00D SANITAliON ~ 0• D{SIRIGT EASMENT BOOK ~ ' o ~ ~ % ~ ~ ~ ~~~iS~ 2653, PAGE 360 ~ ` .s S, _ _ i 6,\F _ _ - - ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~M ti , i - ~ M S89'30'OSE 1100;53~_=_ I N _ ~ ~ _ / - - - - - - - - ~ - - ° ~ J ~ ~ / ~ 30 APPLEWOOD SAN4TATION DIST. DRAINAGE EASEMENT ~ ! EASEMENT (REC. 88069775} ~ i ' APPLEW000 SANITATION DIST. ( i ~ o _ i EASEl~ENI' (REC. 86069774) r ~ - ~ i ~ , r-- , SOUTN LlNf, Nf f/4, NE i/4 SEC 30, T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. 259.68' - - - ~ 1055.64' ~ ~ - _ r , ~ ~ PaiNT aF 1~- i ' 0 a2 W 1315.31 rn~cr - S891 I~ I BEGINNING ~ ~ W CORNER NE t 4 NE 1 4, SECTlON 30 i' S , / ~ SE COR., NE i/4, N~ ~ 1 NE f 4 SEC. 30 ~ ~ I -~n~tr-n ry zLl L`~ M G.V~VI.U ( N -r~~ ~r~ »a~ n n i irn nr~ rri n ~ rrn ~T~r t vi r~v ~~.n~ v v~u v~ v u.v rv~~i v ~ M ~ ( 'tn~ Irn n^~ q A u L.VIYI_V h-1!'1 21 ~ - ' ~ . 347'H AVE, ~ W _F ~ I ~ K~'MAINDE'R 3 , _ _ ~41 ~ _ aF Lor 1z ~ I q ~axguRr ~ ~ V C:ARDE'N5 r ~ ~r~D C (REC. N0. 09337790) ~ I ~ ~ F.; , i ~ ` i ~ ~ c , ` J '~C '~C ~ I 2 ~ f~ ~ ~ Ry I - ~ I I - V I ~ ~ - ~ ! ~ I ~ WI 3 • • I ~ ~ 7' 6 ~ i` ; , ~ I Q ~ ~ ----1 W ~ i ~ i APPLE'4YOOD MESA ~y ~t ~l PPLE'GY00~ R~Q~ APPL~"WD00 LA E I'J ~ 2nd F'ILl G 3rd ADpITIf~N (REC. N0. 88049716) e 0 50 100 200 REC. N0. 59764494) ~ (REC. ND. 672 908 ) SCALE: 1"=100` t'.v"v~v '~I'~ in' W. 33RD PL. ~w ~ ~ M , ~ L ' ' ~~n A a ~lo LJ ' if ~ ~ P.C. = POINT OF CURVATURE { H I P.T. = POINT OF TANGENCY ~ ~513?~?.p~ ~ P,R.C. = POINT Of REVERSE CURVATURE u r~s Rssw ~ * ~ 530 S29 ~ P,N.T. = POINT OF NON-TANGENCY 9 19 92 i.k. _,9~ i  O~u~,~: SfAMYtU AS Z111UWIV Y.P.C. = YELLOW PLAS~C CAP Fr~MONU~~ 0 = FOUND 2 1/2° AIUM. CAP IN CONC. °A. COORS lS 13495" = FOUND 1 1/2" ALUM. CAP IN CONC. "LS 438" ENGINEERS DCt@; 0 = FOUND 1/16 CORNER #6 REBAR W/ 3,5" ALUM. CAP STAMPED "LS 16401" ARCHITECTS 05l01/06 SURVEYORS 0 = FOUND #5 REBAR W/ Y.P.C. "FARNSWORTH lS 16401" LK Farnsworth GROUP Project No.: SC'E"~~S 3040551 0 RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT (TO BE SET PER CITY SPECIFlCATIONS) 8055 EASI TUFfS AVENUE, SUITE 850 - DENVER, COLORADO 80237 (303) 692-8838 /(303) 692-0470 Fax www.t-W.com SHEET 2 OF 4 ' __.W._ ~ _ - CASE NUMBER: - - - . . ■ ■ ~ r ~ ~ 1 tuaP NUMBE~: . ~ : , ~ , ~ ~ ~ r ~ r r r r~ ` , ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ 4 ~ , _ u \ SE COR., N 1~2, SE 1~4, SfC. f9 ~ ~ ' ~ ~ FQUND 50' OfFSET WIINESS CORNER ~ N N STfEP c~o ~ 35 ~ ~ ACNAL CORN6R FALIS I \ Z W FACE OF A LARGE 80ULDER ~ TEMPORARY TRAIL EASEHIENT u~ 'C~ ~ ~ ~ EX AE-1> REC. 92093972) , ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ } 1 4 SEC. 19, T3S, R69W, 6TN P.M. , ~ ~ ~ ~n o SDUTH !lNE, N ?/2, SE / ~ p ~ s. ~i ~ ~'~Ilo • ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ 1319.03 0731 W NN ~ 589 ~I" I ~ \ _ - - _ N ~ 6URY ~'ARDE'NS W =W - RI~X c~_ 908~0` ~ ~ W ~ \ W~ NW ~pR„ $E 1~4, SE 1~4, (REC. N0. 09337790) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ \ cl~ ~ o ~ ~ co SEC. 19 ~ °o i W ~ I ~ oT ~ ~ ' ~ r'"1 ~ N W ~ OT 3 ~ ~ a W ~ ~ ~ ~ LOT 2 I ~ ~ ~ ~Z LOT 1 o i _ ~ ° M~"O • ~ ~ OT 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ V fl q>t p'~j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~tl '7/lAtr" ~ fn ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ L.VtVL i i W 3 ~ ( ~ \ ~ ~ ~ Z ~1, W' \ _ ~ oo O M~V ~ Llll ~ g ° _ ~ ~ v~ ~ I (l~ . , „ . ~ ~ zo'c~ ~ ~15 45 36 N~~ ~8 E ~ BOOK ~ R=432.00' ~ , 7,56 ~ `~rn ~1 t=118.83 _ _ • =S15'39'46"E . ~ » ,2~~ - - , ~ ~ o~. G$ 9 39 4Q E 731 t S8 ~ ~ \ '~Q"~° ~ =118.45~ ~ ` E BOOK f992, PAGE 752 ~ - ' 33 ~H , 0 uH ~ _ - ~-12 49 ~ ~ ,ss.,o ~ ~ ,495^ • 1 ~ 533.17' w.~' p 5 IRON ROD W/ Y.P.C. "LS 13 ~ =1529,61 ~ F~" ~ ~ 0 R ASEMENT ~ 1 NVER WA1ER B4ARD E ~ ~ r \ DE 1 1 L=342.40 , ~ ~ (REC.93120802) . , ~ 1 fl=15 21 56 ~ ~ s~s oz s~ w ~ 30 E 425.00 4,, 9 = 1 W ~ ~ N89 52 6 ~ CB N75 38 5 ~ ~ R=791. ~ 89.7t' N. LINE BOOK 1992, PAGE 152 NT - ' o"'o • ~ 8 3. 6 4' r ~ , D R A I N A G E E A S E M E ~ 3 4 1. 6~ ~ 2 5, 7 9 5 1. 6 5, ~ 2 1 2. 4 2.~ 1'' 4 7, 6 ~ Q. a? ~ < C 2:~ 1 4' 5 0' 5 3 R= 3 0 0. 0 0 y n ~ » c9 ~1. S? , : ~ L=77.74 CB=N734709 W ~ . , 9 ~ 0 3 2 S 5 4' S 8 2 6 E , B- N 5 0 5 5 4 8 W 0 7 3 1 W s s• ~ 3 9 ~ , s c~= n. 5 3 C S 8 9 h c~, s,. 2~ ~ s ~ ~ o ~ s LOT 2 ~ , ~ 46~. R~ be, CN= 211.55 7,62 ~ ~ w c, s'.oo~ ~~~a ~as 52~ sF 5 H, F ~ ~ ~ 21y,5g~ . C? ~ ~ C ~ o ~02 4.2$19 A ~ I ~2~'44'45" ~ ii a ~ ~S~ ,~'Y•~1 R=467.00' \ ~ ~ a' o \ ~ ~ ~ ci q 4` e~v G L-~93.55' n ~ 4~ H~ , ( ~4 ~ ,,~h ,~p ~ 4 , ~ d CB~S52'38 56 E ~ \ 3~ S ~ ,a^~ ~ CH~192.16` \ ~9 W ~ ~ ~ ~4.\ PO _ ,~8 ~16.\ ~ C1; a26 46 26 R-432.04 ~ Ry~ os, ~s, ~ , , n a' o ~4. s,~ b, - ,87 CB=N58'16 45 W ~ 43, o ~ ~a ~ ( L-201 , ( ~ ? , oo, s r°r I _ ~ 3 ~F 1 CN-200.04 ~ ~ ~ 3 38~ ~ ?s 1 ~ \ ~ 6 0 , ~\4.2 , ~ S o ~ ~ ~ u~vpc~ rr~a ~ ~ ~ REC. N0. 92165348) ~ ` (J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~p ~ ~ ~r i~ \ ~ ( ~33 ~ o o~ C ~ ~ a ( ~ o~~ 9 ti, s ~ ~ Fy '9S, `I ~0 ~ h~ ~ ~ ~ ~p ~D co ~ ~ g 0~ rn ~ e0 ~ ~ ♦ ~ 3 ` e00 ~9' d~~ o, I ~ ~F' ~ ~ ~~I 9~ 3 ~ co R>>9 9 sr C' 0 = ~ F~ 08 , Aoq,~ ~ so ~ q s~ , ~ ' 9 A q 0 •0 ~~ib ro • M q ~F F,q \ 0~ o ~ 0 Cc~' 6 S ~ ~ rM- , ~ AA 3,~ B F11 ~ ~ ~S9 0 ~ ~ S ~ J s Ftir ~ ~ q s ~ . ~ I ~ a~ i ~ ~ 3w~, ~ ~O i J ~ ~7 ~ ~ ~ 'A ~ o ~ ~ ~ A~ s. / M~ 9eps, ti G ~ \ ~ ~ A yy\ h ~ ~9, `9' ~ A~. O , ~ ~ \ ~ `sc9. ~r. ~ \ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ o~ ~ - ~ z ~ \ ~ p ~y Zw w 6 ~L~- ( ~ ~ ~ ~k W ~ "R ` Lo ~ 6'. 4 r~rr'>r' ^iTr -~nn~rn. 7i n W r8 T ~ ~ -~nn irn. [p e ~t, ir-n r~n ~r~ n[)~ rrn i 2 Q e~ V UL V LL.V' IYILI Y 1 . LI V I(~\L .il I L. L.VI YLV. ~ l.n ~.v~ ~~v. y~ ~ w ( 660,151 S \ ~ ~ ti~ ~ ~ 15.1549 AC \ ~ ~so, ~,~,~'o °o. i ~ cn ~ \ !y'~ o w ~ ~ ~ ~9~s~'+ U ( ~ ~ ~~,L sr, ~ 200 Q ~ 0 50 100 \ \ y~ L ~ I , ~ ~ ~ ~ SCALE: 1"=100 ~ ~ 0 9 ~ o~ \ ~ ~ y~ ~ ~ s. c.~ \ ~ ~Jt~ o ( \ ~,°j a \ ~ .J Z ti Q ~ ~ ti r ~ p , ` W ~ \ O• ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~~n ~ ? \ 0~ ! Q ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ,9, ~ ~ , ~ Sj l :S- : T3S R69W ~ ~ ~~C~~ , g 20 S-ti9 ~ I ~u1 Sng ~ ~ + SW COR., SE i/4, SE 1/4, SEC. 19 ~ ~ ~ \ \ s-~o _ - ` , ~ _ _ - - 1 ~o-z~-as 30 29 - _ . _ - _ ~ o ~ ~ _ - _ - - _ pT ~ ~ 89'0&'S5"W, 2625.97° _ L-67,5 s S - - ~ 1,312.98' _ ~ K ~ A~ 4 SEC, 19, T3S, R69W, 6TN P.M._.________ - Q-12'S339 .s \ ~ SOU1N LINE, SE 1/ , _ ~ - - - K. 1854, PG. 749) ~ \ s. ~ A ~ \ ~B ao - 30 " ~ ~ ~ ~ t 4 COR, COMMON TD SEC. 19 & ~p ~i ~ N89'45'43"E 809,54' y S ~ ~ ELED \ ~ 0 0 ~ FOUND RED SrONf W/ CHIS M- NC, MARI(ED AS SNOWN ' ~ ~0 $ EMBEDDED IN CO , ty ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ or s ~ ~ L , ~n ~ ~0 8 ~ ~ 963,628. SF o ~ p N~ F WNEqT 'O0, ~ ~ ~ ii ~;0 22.121 AC o 5~az~zR,a ~ ~ C ~r ~ °',o I~i ~ 73S V ~ ~ 7~ o W o o~ ~ R69~9 520 ♦ i I ~P "v; _.•_o- ~ ~ _ y S30 S29 ~ \ ~ , w rn < 19I84 o ~ OT 7 m 9 y~ L k ~2 SF ~~.~o- ; G~'~F~t To u~ ~ ` 1,246,566. yw r~soN p,~. = POINT OF CURVATURE q ~ 2$,617 AC <<~`.° ~W os FOUND .325" BRASS CAP W.C. ~ C~ ~ ~ > o. IN RANGE BOX FIUSH IM~H GRDUND ~ p,7, = POINT OF TANGENCY Z I 9 STAMPED AS SHOWN ! CP. l=54'28'33" P.R.C. = POINT Of REUERSE CURVAIURE ~ ~ R=99.50' P.N.T. = POINT OF NON-TANGENGY ~ . L=18,54' ' Y.P,C, = YELLOW PIASTiC CAP Q=66`42'14" _ a r n swo r t F0o55j/0eecc1t /06 ~ R=750.00' FENGINEERS d~~' 0 ~ = FOUND 2 1/2" ALUM. CAP IN CONC. "A. COORS LS 13495" ~-$73.15, ITECTS = FOUND 1 1/2" ALUM. CAP IN CONC. "lS 438" C6=N34'OS'13"W EVORS GROUP No,: E ~ CN=824.67' SCIEN?1STS 3040551 A = FOUND 1/16 CORNER #6 REBAR W/ 3.5° ALUM. CAP STAMPED "LS 16401" 8055 EA5T iUF(S AVENUE, SUITE 850 - DENVER, COLORADO 80237 SHEET 3 OF 4 (303) 692-8838 / (303) 692-0470 Fax www.f-w.com 0 FOUND #5 REBAR W/ Y.P.C. "FARNSWORTH LS 16401" = = F WAY MONUMENT (TO BE 5ET PER CITY SPECIfICA110NS) RIGHT 0 ~ ~ i CASE NUMBER Re9~ NORIN P 4 CORNER SfCTION 19 MAP NUMB~R: ■ ~ r~s18RSSw FOUND 3-1/4" ALUM. CAP SET 1N ~~4 ~Q CONC. !N RANGE 80X I . STAMPED AS SHOWN I ~ s ~ 3~9 ! M 1 ~ ST P1~..-S~E~ ~ VTLJ DOIAIn LD A[ t1C D 1111 A i► -F-~r~ - ~ ! } a ~ ~ I / ~ _ ~ 3~, / N `n ~ ` ~ / rY'T. L NORtH LiNE, Sf t/4, SEC. 19, T3S, R69W, 61H P,M. ~ N ~ CENTER 1/4 CORNER ~ o N CALCULATED POS(ADN N89O6'07 f 2650.1,~~ 1 ~ ° _ 2429.48' ~ _ _ ~ Z - - - - - - ~ 1,~25.07' / 1 ~ ~ / M89 06'07 f 1 ~ / ~ ~ ~ / CENTfR fAST 1/16 COf WES1'f/4 CORNER SECAON 19 GALCULAf~O POSlRON FOUND 1-1/4" BRASS CAP / ~ SEl 1N CONC. IN RANGE BOX, ~ S]'AMPED AS SHOWN / I / s ~1 R / ° ~ ~ ~~rrH ~ivausrRr~~ P~RK suea~yrs~aN ~ T3S I R69W 24 . ,y (REC. N0. 0700216) lS 10104 ( T3S I ~ ~ a T _ r° ° " _ _ - - - g , _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ !~_s___~----_ x ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~M I /m C - ~ rn THE DEPA' N~ r6--~ ~ 0 50 100 200 ~ v'~1 (eK. 2177, PG. 367) S W A I SCALE; 1"=100' N~ o^ ~ ( _ ~ • ' 0"E ~ 81013 N z J : ~ ~ ' 126,25' h ~ ~ A43.68' ' - ~ - - - ~ ' 221.46' ~ ~ ~ 'SB921'10"W 335.87' " Q ° _ _ > \ ~ ^ ( \ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8,63' ~ . ~ . 0 , 4~ s ~ ~ , a~ez.. ~g ~2 , °I , ~ ~ s~ ~4 8 _ I ~ C~0 S~° '~(p~ \\~a,y O ~ ~ ~ ~ A ~ 0 ~ 1 1! ` M ~ ~ ~ Z I ~ ~ N014159 E , , ~ o. e' I , ~ ~ o ~ 141l51 ~ FoA~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q 9~ I TRAIL EASEMENT EX AD-t REC. 92Q93972 ~ ~0 \ T~` ~ ~ ) \ ~ R ~ C~ ~ 0 ( rT ~ ~'b'~ 'y~~ 0 ~ ~'P/ ~ ~ S ~ ~ ~ f ~'y O ~ '°o- o , ~r ~ 'P f ~ h uNP[~ rr~'~ ~ ~ o s ti, o~L- REC. N0. 9216534~ \ ~ ~2, °00 ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ) A ~ ~ ~ \ ~y ~ \ ~ 9~. ~ ~ r ~ ~ . ~ ` ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ LOl' 9 ~ V ~ . ~ 865 31 . SF 1 ' 2 c~\ _ . ~ ~ \ ~ ~ , ~ 19.864 AC b~ ~-53 02 20 , a ~ < , ~ ~F ~ R=505,40 ~ ` ~ ~ r ~ 24' 1RAIL EASEMENT ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~ _ ~ ~~P ~q c~,~ ~'a ~ 467•g~ EX AD-2 REC. 92093972 ~ Fo ~fi \ ~ ~ ~ ) \ . R ~ I i _ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9~,~ B~ ~ 4, CB-N2813 09 E ~ q ~ I ~ J~ °A R~ ~ ~i.~ ~ V A 1 GH=451.32 ~ s~ F9s ~ ~ i ~ ~ A Fti~ ~ ~_f \ 1 ~ ( ~ ' 1 ~ 1~~~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 1' \ ~ ~ 1 ~ '~n~irrt »i ~n ~.viv~v i-~ ~ \ ~ 35, ~ ~ \ I 3 ~ . x ~ ~ W FOUND 5Q' OFFSET WITNES N ~ \ ACP1Al CORNER FALLS IN ~~p~ ~ - ~ ~ A \ ~ ~ ~ FACE OF A URGE 80ULDE . ( REC. N0. 9a109962 M FoUND t~' OFFSET REfERENCE MONUI~ENT ~ ~ S ~ ~ ) N ~ ~ ~ ~ P~ {R.M.) ON PROLONGAl10N OF LINE ACTUAL ~ \ O'~ POINT fALLS IN CLEAR CREEK CHANNEL ~ o . _ . . . . _ _ . . . _ _ O ~ ~ ~ w3 ~ o _ 7, Z , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~°n SDU1N UNf, N t 2, SE i/4 SfC. 19, T35, R69W, 6TH P.M, S&9~7,~i W 1319.03 ~ i 90&40' Nl N ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V ~ ~n 0 u' { ! , S89 ~}7 31 W 410,63 W~ w ~ ~ cn NW COR., SE 1/4, SE 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ s~c. rs - i ~ ~ ~ N~ ~ ~ ~ I N W o~ SW COR., N i/2, SE l/4, SEC. 19 ( r, ~O ~ \ ~ ~ tA ~ ~ ~ i M LOT 9 ~ ~o ~ o LOT t 1 N ~ \ ~ M N W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h ~ v~ W J m O ~ \ ~ pN ,v~ N ~ ~ - \ ~ ~ ' ~ 2 e~ ~ UNPLA77~'D Z ~ ~ _ _ ~ - - - - - - , m O M ~ \ 1 1 RE ~ \ ~ ° ~ 3 ( C.N0.92165348) ~ - - - - - - - - - ~ tn 3 R ~ ~ ~N ~ ~ » ~ A _ . ~ « 1~~ 06 W o t1-15 45 36 ~ $8 ~ , ~ ~ , ~ ~j0 N~ R=432.00 ~ 5.73 , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~1 L=118.83 2 ~-10 0516 ~ ~-►s . . , „ , _ ~ r ~ •~,o . G8=S15 39 40 E R=1022.23 fl-12 49 33 ~ ~ ~,~4 ~ _ , ~ GH-118.45 'I _ ' R=1529.6~ ~ r L 179.98 ~ ~ ~ FDUND /5 IRON ROD T3 s-,~9"` C8=N87'06'16"W L=342.40 ~ o~v~R wa~ ~ P, C. = P O I N T O F C U R V A T U R E I + . r ~ ~ 5' 2 ~ 5 6 \ Q ~ _ (REC. 93120! t t s- 3 o C N= 1 7 9. 7 5 C B- N 7 5 3 8 5 1 W , P.T. = POINT OF TANGENCY ~ R=~9 ~ 9 \ ~o ~ ~5~~52 ~ ~a2~-es CN=341.sg ~ ssai' ~ , r~ ~ N. LtNE BC i~ P.R.C. = POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE -~nn ~rn, 7~ e n u i_rn nn ~ri n Jt ~rt, I'f `,=2 ~ 2, 25J9 00 , 42.11 47,6 ,51,65`, t_ v i v~ V. ~ LI'1 1 V I V L V V ~ Y ~ i. v~ I V i u v i P.N.T. = POINT OF N4N-TANGENCY 114 CQR. COMMON t0 ;VC, 19 & 30 C6=N50'55'48"W ~ ~ \ \ S1~ ~2b tt ;~K R=300.00, URHIIVNu[ CH~tMtIV 1 ~4~ce c2: e~~4~o S89•47 31 W FOUND RED STONE W/ CNISELED + _ r ~ 6 3' S54'58'26 E L=77.74 CB=N73'41'09nW ~ Y.P.C. = YEIIOW PLASTIC CAP EMBEDDED 1N CONC., MARKED AS SHOWN CH-Z~ ~.55 57.62 ~ ~'5~ AO'46qw~cR~9j o p 61.22 CH=77.53' 0 = fOUND 2 1/2" ALUM. CAP IN CONC. "A. COORS LS 13495° ~ Lf OT 2 ! ~°212.5nC? \F 186.521 SF = FOUND 1 1/2° ALUM. CAP IN CONC, "LS 438" ENGINEERS Date, 0 = FOUND 1/16 CORNER #6 REBAR W/ 3,5" ALUM. ARCHITECiS LK Farnsworth CAP STAMPED "LS 16401" 05/Q1/a6 sURVEYORs 0 = FOUND #5 REBAR W/ Y.P.C. "FARNSWORTH LS 16401" - G U P Project No.. SCIEMI~S 304055.1 0 RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT (TO BE SET PER CITY SPECIFICATIONS) 8055 EAST TUFTS AVENUE, SUITE 850 - DENVER, COLORADO 80237 (303) 692-8838/ (303) 692-0470 Fax www,f-w.com SNEET 4 OF 4