HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/25/2008IAlla-IA WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY AGENDA March 25, 2008 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 4:00 P.M. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Call Meeting to Order Roll Call Approval of the Minutes: February 26, 2008 Officers Reports Public Forum New Business 1. Presentation & Acceptance of Audit 2. Discussion about current townhome conversion bid projections 3. Election of Officers Unfinished Business 1. Architectural Design Review of Special Project H. Other L Adjournment WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES February 26, 2008 A. CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair Brungardt at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Building, 7500 Wadsworth Boulevard, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. B. C. ROLL CALL Authority members present: Others present: Cheryl Brungardt Kent Davis Kathy Nuanes Lena Rotola Janice Thompson D. E F Sally Payne, Executive Director Ryan Staclielski, Economic Development Specialist Henry Wehrdt, Construction Manager Lany Nelson, Cornerstone Realty Betty Maybin, Cornerstone Realty Aaron Ojala, Entasis Group Tracy Langworthy, City Council Ann Lazzeri, Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Lena Rotola and seconded by Janice Thompson to approve the minutes of January 22, 2008 as presented. The motion passed unanimously> OFFICERS REPORTS There were no officers reports. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one present to address the Authority. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Housing Authority Minutes - 1- February 26, 2008 • Structural and Environmental Assessment Results of Special Project - Aaron Ojala of the Entasis Group reviewed results of the structural and environmental assessment Copies of the report were distributed to Authority members. Upon inspection, the building is in very good shape and structurally sound. There are soine loose bricks that need replaced for aesthetic and safety reasons where an addition had been removed. There is another small place where a leaking drain pipe caused damage to mortar that will need to be replaced. There is only 3% asbestos present which is very low and should cost no more than $15- 20,000 for abatement. In response to a question from Ryan Stachelski, Sally Payne explained that Davis Bacon (federally mandated wages) regulations do not apply to projects with eleven or less units. Mr. Stachelski reported that a memorandum of understanding has been signed by the school district which would allow the Housing Authority to have preliminary wark done to detennine the cost of the project without being obligated to purchase the building. School district representatives have indicated they are amicable to condemnation if necessary. There was a consensus to keep the project under 12 units and build a cominunity room. Kathy Nuanes requested,that the Housing Authority members and realtors have the ability to provide input regarding design ideas. Mr. Ojala stated that this would be very desirable. `A tour by Housing Authority members and Conierstone Realty could be arranged: - It was moved by Kathy Nuanes and seconded by Lena Rotola that the Housing Authority move'into the second piece of Phase I and hire the Entasis Group to perform architectural design for a fee estimated to be $14,800.00. The motion passed unanimously. It was moued by Janice Thompson and seconded by Kathy Nuanes to conduct a special meeting on March 11 at 4:00 p.m. to tour the Fruitdale site. The motion passed unanimously. All parties involved would meet at the site for the tour. The meeting would conclude at the site. Direction was given to Ryan Stachelski to learn what security measures are to be taken for the tour since a preschool meets on the premises. Larry Nelson suggested that, after the design phase, it might be a good idea for the Authority to begin talks with bankers about a possible loan. Housing Authority Minutes - 2- February 26, 2008 • Larry Nelson reported that there have been several showings on the Parfet property. There is also work beginning on another duplex in the neighborhood. There is one remaining unit for sale at Park Side. As a result of notices in various Wheat Ridge publications, there have been several inquiries about the properties on Allison Court and 41 " Avenue. Henry Wehrdt distributed copies of invitations to resubmit bids for townhouse conversions at 3755-3775 Allison Court and 9690 - 9710 West 41st Avenue. These will be sent out on February 27. Janice Thompson expressed concern about the unsold units in light of the condition of the housing market. She suggested the possibility of working with the school district to have a first right of refusal for work at a later date on the Fruitdale project. Larry Nelson commented that they should be able to move the units within six months if priced realistically. Cheryl Bnzngardt reported that she attended an affordable housing workshop. The Housing Authority's products are very competitive with other projects in the metro area so the time and money investments that have been made are well worth it. • Sally Payne reported that the tenant at the Richards Hart Estate is in the process of moving out. He has not indicated ifhe is interested in help with relocation costs. The ciYy will then move forward with demolition. G. NEW BUSINESS + Resolution 01-2008, establishing a designated public place for the posting of meeting notices as required by the Colorado Open Meetings Law It was moved by Kent Davis and seconded by Lena Rotola to adopt Resolution No. 01-2008, establishing a designated public place for the posting of ineeting notices as required by the Colorado Open Meetings Law. The motion passed unanimously. H. OTHER • Because several members will be unable to attend the April 22"d meeting, it was moved by Lena Rotola and seconded by Janice Thompson that the April 22°d meeting be rescheduled to April 15`" at 4:00 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. Housing Authority Minutes - 3- February 26, 2008 • Cheryl Brungardt announced that Leadership Jefferson County will be providing all the volunteers and food for the Rebuilding Together project. 1. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Kathy Nuanes and seconded by Janice Thompson to adjourn the meeting at 5:22 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. Cheryl Brungardt, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary Housing Authority Minutes - 4- February 26, 2008 ~&C~ Swanhorst & Company LLC _ Ccnificd Pnbltc nccoumams ~ February 25, 2008 Ken Johnstone Wheat Ridge Housing Authority 7500 W. 29t' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Dear Ken: Enclosed is a draft of the financial statements, trial balances and adjusting entries for the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority as of and for the year ended December 31, 2007. Please review and let us know of any changes or comments. We have also provided the representation letter for your signature. Once you have completed your review of the financial statements, please sign the letter and fax it to our office at (720) 528-4307, or mail or email if that is easier. We will issue a final report after receiving your comments. Please destroy this draft when you receive the final report. Sincerely, ~~G Swanhorst & Company LLC 8400 E. Crescent Parkway • Suite 600 • Greenwood Village, CO 80111 •(720) 528-4306 Fax: (720) 528-4307 , WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2007 ~`~~~l , e i~,~F± ~ h l ~ as l ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS Independent Auditors' Report B,asic FZn~ncial Statements Statement of Net Assets Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets Statement of Cash Flows Notes to Financiai Statenkents ~ £ l:y ~1.:. Or 1~ c 0- PAGE 2 5-9 f~ ~ x Boazd-of Commissioners Wheat Ridge Housing Authority Wheat Ridge, Colorado INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT We have audited the acco , -g basic financial statements of the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority as of and for the yeaz ended Decembet ~L007. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority's manageme~t, Ourresponsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. The Wheat Ridge Housing Authority has;not4pt6sented managemenY s discussion and analysis that the Govemmental Accounting Standards Board has determined>ts necessary to supplement, although not required to be part of, the basic financial statements. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position ofthe Wheat Ridge Housing Authority as of December 31, 2007, and the changes in its financial position and its cash flows for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. ~ February 8, 2008 t~u ~ ~w ~s ` eA. " BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ~ ~ 3 ~4Y } A \ WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS December 31, 2007 ASSETS Prepazdrrfa'' Loa~vable Properiy Held for Resale TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Accmed Liabilities RetainagePayable r~kM; TOTAL CURRENT LTA$ILI~~,` g, LONG-TERM LIABILITIES ~ Loan Payable TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS Unreshicted TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS t~ 2007 _ 2006 $ 454,662 $ 753,367 350 - 8,885 12,169 1,125,600 525,081 $ I;589,497 $ 1,290,617 $ 7,279 $ 41,055 3,036 979 990 3,177 11,305 45,211 123,000 - 134,305 45,211 1,455,192 1,245,406 $ 1,589,497 $ 1,290,617 % x&' ' ~hxt' f4,[yp The accompanying notes are an integral pazt of the financial statements. 2 WHEAT ffiDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY STATEMENT OF REVENtIES. EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS Year Ended December 31, 2007 t 2e~ OPER~~T~G ~:~ENUES Sales,~f '`~~'shnent Properly Cost oF`es Rental TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES Closing Costs General and Adminishative y Repairs and Maintenance ~ S@ Utilities Homeowners Dues City Reimbursement TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) NONOPERATING REVENUES Interest Income - INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE CAPITAL CONTRI$~;3~~~5 ".'-c r es }a~~.> CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS Grants CHANGE IN NET ASSETS NET ASSETS, Beginning NET ASSETS, Ending 2007 2006 $ 246,900 $ 977,800 (216,280) (844,629) 8,395 9,000 39,015 142,171 13,916 79,419 11,216 15,392 11,248 7,231 2,886 1,592 3,956 2,989 3,667 4,ll2 46,889 110,735 (7,874) 31,436 30,160 10,907 22,286 42,343 187,500 - 209,786 42,343 1,245,406 1,203,063 $ 1,455,192 $ 1,245,406 ~ ~~~=Si'F~ :p G~3a The accompanying notes aze an integral part of the financia] statements. 3 WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Increase (Decrease) in Cash Yeaz Ended December 31, 2007 ~ 2007 2006 CASH F~.'~F.ROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Proc6d&tfznm Sales of Invesknent Properiy $ 246,900 $ 977,800 Purc`'ake''and Rehabilitiatiou of Investment Property (818,986) (391,472) Cash Received from Tenants 8,395 9,000 Cash Payments to Vendors and Suppliers (78,958) (75,806) Net Cash Provided (Used) by Operating Activities (642,649) 519,522 CASH FLOWS FROM NONCAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES Loan Repayments from Homeowners 3,284 274 Net Cash Provided by Nonpa,ncing Activities " ' 3,284 274 ~ CASH FLOWS FROM CAPI`i'k' AND RELATED FINANCING ACT[VITIES . GrantProceeds ` 187,500 - Loan Proceeds 123,000 - Net Cash Provided by Capital and Related Financing Activities 310,500 - CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Interest Income 30,160 10,907 Net Cash Provided by Investing Activities ' 30,160 10,907 rv NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH (298,705) 530,703 CASH, Beginning 753,367 222,664 CASH, Ending $ 454,662 $ 753,367 RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) TO NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES Operating Income (I.oss) (7,874) $ 31,436 Adjustments to Reconcile Operating Income (Loss) [o Net Cash Provided (Used) by Operating Activities Changes in Assets and Liabilities Related to Operntions Prepaid Items (350) Property Held for Resale (600,519) 485,590 Accounts Payable (33,776) 33,950 Accrued Liabilities 2,057 979 RetainagePayable (2,187) (32,433) Net Cash Provided (Used) by Operating Activities $ X(642,649) $ 519,522 >s The accompanying notes aze an integral part of the financial statements. WIIEAT RIDGE AOUSING AUTHORITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31. 2007 NOTE L• SUMMARY OF SIGNIF'ICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The financial statements of the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority (the "Authority") have been ~ ~ F 1 prepazed in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as applied to governmental units. The Governmental Accounting Standazds Board (GASB) is the accepted standard-setting body for establishing governmental accounting and financial reporting principles. The more significant of the Authority's accounting policies are described below. RepoMing Entity In accordance.with governmental accounting standards, the Authority has considered the possibility of inci uooi~ofadditional entities in its financial statements. The definition of the reporting entity is b ~r~rmarily on financial accountability. The Authority is financially accountable for organi~~~ns that make up its legal entity. It is also financially accountable for legally separate organizations if Authority officials appoint a voting majority of the organization's governing body and either it is able to impose its will on that organization or there is a potential for benefits to, or to impose specific financial burdens on the Authority. The Authority may also be financially accountable for organizations that are fiscally dependent upon it. Based on the application of this criteria, the Authority does not include additional organizations within its reporting entity ~ Measurement Focus, Ba~~s"i~Accouuting, and Financial Statement Presentation The Authority uses an enterprise fund to account for its operations. Enterprise funds are used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises, where the intent of the governing body is that costs of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges. The fmancial statements are reported using the economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting. Revenues aze recorded~hen earned and expenses are recorded when the liability is incuned, regardless of the ti ' related cash flows. Grants and similar items are recognized as revenue as soon as all eligibili requirements imposed by the provider have been met. Private-sector standazds of accounting and financial reporting issued prior to December 1, 1989, generally are followed in the financial statements to the extent that those standuds do not conflict with or contradict guidance of the Govemmental Accounting Standards Board. Govemments also have the option of following subsequent private-sector guidance for their enterprise funds, subject to this same limitation. The Authority has elected not to follow subsequent private-sector guidance. Enterprise funds distinguish operating revenues and expenses from Aperating items. Operating revenues and expenses generally result from providing servic~ d producing and delivering goods in connection with the Authority's principal ongoing operati~ns. Operating expenses include the cost of sales and services, administrative expenses, and depreciation on capital assets. All revenues and expenses not meeting this defmition are reported as nonoperating revenues and expenses. WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2007 NOTE 1: SiJMMA12Y OF SIGNIF'ICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Measurement Focus, Basis of Accounting, and Financial Statement Presentation (Continued) V When both restricted and unrestricted resources aze available for use, it is the Authority's practice to use restricted resources first, then unrestricted resowces as they ue needed. Property Held For Resale Properry held for resale includes the acquisition and rehabilitation costs of investment properry, and is recorded a ,cost. Risk ~agement „:..s The Authority is exposed to various risks of loss related to torts; theft of, damage to, and destruction of assets; errors and omissions; and natural disasters. The Authority carries commercial insurance for these risks of loss. Comparative Data Comparative data for the prior N~has been presented in the accompanying financial statements in order to provide an undersfanc~jrig bf changes in the AuthoriTy s financial position and operations. However, complete compar'a~Mtdata in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles has not been presented sirice"its inclusion would make the financial statements unduly wmplex and difficult to read. NOTE 2: STEWARDSFIIP COMPLIANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY Budgetary Information tk L:'o Budgets are adopted for the Authority as a ma~g~emeiit control devise, but are not legally required. Therefore, budgetary information is not p~nted in the financial statements. NOTE 3: DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS During 2004, the Authority purchased an eight-unit townhome complex lmown as Parkside. The Authorily is rehabilitating the units for resale to qualified buyers. The Authority repurchased one unit in June, 2007 increasing the inventory to three Pazkside units, then.sold two units during 2007. r~- During 2006, the Authority purchased a duplex on Parfet Stre~£As of December 31, 2007, the property, including rehabilitation costs, is held for resale. WBEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2007 NOTE 3: DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS (Continued) During 2007, the Authority purchased a properry on Allison Court, and a duplex on 41" Avenue. The Authority plans to rehabilitate these properties in 2008, for sale to qualified buyers. NOTE 4: CASH Deposits The Colorado„3?ublic Deposit Protection Act (PDPA) requires that all units of local government deposrt cas- igible public depositories. Eligibility is determined by State regulations. Amounts s,-s~ on de st~wap-excess of federal insurance levels must be collateralized by eligible collateral as ~ determin~d by the PDPA. PDPA allows the Financial institution to create a single collateral pool for all public funds held. The pool is to be maintained by another institution, or held in trust for all the uninsured public deposits as a group. The market value of the collateral must be at least equal to 102% of the uninsured deposits. At December 31, 2007, the Authority had bank deposits of $358,051 collateralized with securities held by the financial institution's agent but not in the Authority's name. Investments ~ Y ~3 The Authority is requi'r`,e omply with State statutes which specify investment instruments meeting defined rating, turity, custodial and concentration risk criteria in which local governments may invest, which include: • Obligations of the United States and certain U.S. Agency securities • Certain international agency securities • General obligation and revenue bonds of U.S. local government entities • Bankers' acceptances of certain banks • Commercial paper • Written repurchase agreements collatera~~~y certain authorized securities • Certain money market funds • Guazanteed investment contracts • Local government inveshnent pools NOTE 5: LOANS RECEIVABLE During 2002, the Authority approved loans, totaling $13,210, to assist ri~o homeowners with closing costs related to their condominium purchases. One loan re u~ss.~inonthly payments of $50, including interest at 3.5% per annum, through September, 2,0`f2: The second loan requires one xV- payment of $3,525, including interest at 3.5% per annum. Ttiis loan was paid in full during 2007. These loans are secured by the condominium units. During 2007, the homeowners made principal payments totaling $3,284, resulting in a balance of $8,885 at December 31, 2007. WIIEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2007 NOTE 6: <PROPERTY HELD FOR RESALE . "M~livY4." Following is a suumiary of transa ctions for the properry held for resale for the yeaz ended December 31, 2007. Balance Balance 12/31/06 Additions Deletions 12/31/07 Acquisition and Rehabilitation Costs of Invesrinent Property $ 525.081 $ 816.800 $ 216.413 $ 1.125,600 NOTE 7: LOAN PAL'ASL,E - Balance Balance 4~ ` 12/31/06 Additions Deletions 12l31/07 Fust Bank $ $ 123,000 $ $ 123,000 During 2007, the Authority obtained financing of $123,000 from FirstBank for the purchase of the 41 " Avenue properly. Interest payments of 7.5% are due monthly with the entire principal payment due November 14, 2008. ~ ~ , . NOTE 8: CONII~IITMENTS A~""'1~`~~TINGENCIES Management Agreement The Authority has a management agreement with the Jefferson County Housing AuthoriTy (JCHA) for contracted services. Under the terms of this agreement, the Authority contracts for labor and expertise in housing authority management, operation and administration, eta The contracted services haue been classified as functionai expensesin the financial statements for better reporting a purposes. js Cooperation Agreement " The Authority has entered into an agreement with the City of Wheat Ridge for contracted seroices. Under the terms of this agreement, the City will provide legal, planning, engineering services, etc, as deemed necessary by the AuthoriTy. Under the terms of this agreement, the City Manager or his designee will act as the Executive Director of the Authority. Claims and Judgemeats ~ 4 The Authority participates in federal programs that aze fully ~~~artially funded by grants received from other governmental units. Expenses financed by grants are subj ect to audit by the appropriate grantor government. If expenses aze disallowed due to noncompliance with grant program regulations, the Authority may be required to reimburse the grantor govemment. As of December 31, 2007, significant amounts of grant expenses have not been audited but the Authority believes that subsequent audits will not have a material effect on the overall financial position of the Authority. WI-IEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2007 NOTE 8: COMIVIITMENT5 AND CONTINGENCIES (Continued) TaborAmendment Colorado voters passed an amendment to the State Constitution, Article X, Section 20, which has several limitations, including revenue raising, spending abilities, and other specific requirements of state and local govemment. The Amendment is complex and subject to judicial interpretation. Management believes the Authority is exempt from the provisions of the Amendment. . ; 2 w"\ .z ~ y~: % February.,-S, -2'Q 08 Boazd of Commissioners Wheat Ridge Housing Authority Wheat Ridge, Colorado We have audited the financial statements of the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority for the year ended December 31, 2007, and have issued our rsport„thereon dated February 8, 2008. Professional standards require that we provide you with the following infarcnatioii related to our audit. Our Responsibility under Generally Accepted Auditing Standards As stated in our engagement letter, our responsibility, as described by professional standards, is to plan and perform our audit to obtain reasonable, but not absolute, assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement and are presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Because an audit is designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance and because we did not perform a detailed examination of all transactions, there is a risk that material misstatements or noncompliance may exist and not be detected by us. In addition, an audit is not designed to detgct urimaterial misstatements or violations of laws or regulations that do not have a direct and material effect on'~nancial statements. In planning and performing our audit of the financial statements, we considered the Authority's internal control as a basis for designing our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the financial statements, butnotfor the purpose ofexpressing an opinion on the effectiveness ofthe Authority's internal control. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the Authority's internal control. Significant Accounting Policies Management has the responsibility for selection and use of appt°cap~x,iate accounting policies. In accordance with the terms of our engagement letter, we will advise management ab~but the appropriateness of accounting policies and their application. ThesignificantaccountingpoliciesusedbyAuthorityaredescribedinNoteltothefinancialstatements. We noted no transactions entered into by the Authority during the year that were both significant and unusual, and of which, under professional standards, we are required to inform you, or transactions for which there is a lack of authoritative guidance or consensus. Accounting Esfimates Accounting estimates aze an integral part of the financial statements prepared bQ,anagement and aze based on managemenYs current judgements. Certain accounting estimates are pactic""arly sensitive because of their sigiificance to the financial statements and because of the possibility that futiire events affecting them may differ significantlyfrommanagemenYscurrentjudgements. We evaluated the key factors and assumptions used to develop the significant esrimates in determining that they are reasonable in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. Significant Audit Adjustments For purposes of this letter, professional standards define a significant audit adjustment as a proposed conection of the financial statements that, in our judgment, may not have been detected except through our auditing procedures. We did not ~aopose adjushnents to the accounting records, but we did propose reclassification adjustments for fnanci~~s` ~ement reporting purposes only. Rr~. Disfi;ments with Management For purposes of this letter, professional standazds define a disagreement with management as a matter, whether or not resolved to our satisfaction, conceming a financial accounting, reporting, or auditing matter that could be significant to the financial statements or the auditors' report. We are pleased to report that no such disagreements azose during the course of our audit. Consultations with Other Independent Accountants Ny~ In some cases, managBm~ent~nay decide to consult with other accountants about auditing and accounting matters, similar to obtaining a t~s~econd opinion" on certain situations. If a consultation involves the application of an accounting principle to the Authority's financial statements or a determination of the type of auditors' opinion that may be expressed on those statements, our professional standards require the consulting accountant to check with us to determine that the consultant has all the relevant facts. To our knowledge, there were no such consultations with other accountants. Issues Discussed Prior to Retenfion of Independent Auditors We generally discuss a variety of matters ~n~ ls~ti"~ng`the application of accounting principles and auditing standards, with management each year prior to retentioa~"s the Authority's auditors. However, these discussions occurred in the normal course of our professional rela~%p~hip and the responses were not a condition to our retention. Difficulties Encountered in Performing the Audit We encountered no significant difficulties in performing our audit. Conclusion We would like to thank Patrick Goff and Dick Matthews fo ii~assistance and cooperation during the audit. This report is intended solely for the informarion and use of the Board of Commissioners and management of the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. Very truly yours, Swanhorst & Company LLC 40 ~ Wheat Ridge Housing Authority General Fund December 31. 2007 ACCT ACCOi1NT Client Adjustments Audit Audit NUMBER DESCRIPTION REF 12/31/07 DR CR 12/31/07 12131/06 ASSETS - ' 113 Cash - Operating C (219) (219) (2,150) Cash - Condo Assoc. p p Cash - Camation Constr AcC[ 0 0 0 120 Cash - Safekeeping Acct C 454,881 454,881 755,517 273,271 Loans Receivable 1-D.1 8,885 8,885 12,169 Prepaid Items 350 350 0 Account Receivable - granu 0 0 0 151 Prop Held for Resale - Everett J I]],380 111,380 222,760 152 Prop Held for Resale - Allison J 388,545 388,545 0 153 Prop Held for Resale - Parfet J 374,343 374,343 302,321 153 Prop Held for Resale - 41st J 251,332 251,332 0 accumulated depreciation 0 p p TOTAL ASSETS 1,589,497 ' 0 0 - 1,589,497 1,290,617 LIABILITIES 300 A/P M 7,279 7,279 41,055 315 RetainagePayable M-1 990 990 3,177 310 RE taxes payable M-5 3,036 3,036 979 Home Owners Dues Escrow 0 0 0 360 ienant deposits 0 0 0 Accmed Interest 0 0 0 note payable - construction 0 0 0 mortgage payable - long term L 123,000 123,000 0 TOTAL LIABIC,ITIES 134,305 ' - 0 0 - - 134,305 45,211 465 NET ASSETS, Beginning SALY - 1,245,406 - " 1,245,406 1,203,063 INCOME (LOSS) - 209,786 (308,801) (741,361) 209,786 42,343 NETASSETS,Ending - 1,455,192 - (308,801) (741,361) - 1,455,192 1,245,406 TOTAL LIAB AND NET ASSETS 1,589,497 - - (308,801) (741,361) 1,589,497 1,290,617 0 0 0 INCOME Intergovernmental 0 0 0 530 Rentallncome U 8,395 8,395 9,000 500 Proceeds-Sale of Units U4 246,900 246,900 977,800 535 InterestIncome C 30,160 30,160 I0,907 Other 0 p p 564 Grant Income - CDBG/HOME U3 187,500 187,500 0 Gain on Sa(e of Condo Units B - 0 216,280 (216,280) (844,629) TOTAL INCOME 472,955 - 216,280 0 256,675 153,078 Whezt Ridge Housing Authority General Fund December 31, 2007 i ACCT ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION EXPENSES General 551 Beginning Cost of Units Sold 599 Ending Costs of Onits Sold- C 555 Property Acquisition 573-580 Property Rehab 562 Acquisition cost - title fees 563 Architecture 565 Condo map 567 Const Period Maintenance 568 Cosntruction Managemen[ 570 Garages 571 Homeowners Association 581 Supplies/Materials Loss on Sale of Condo Units Subtotal 700 Selling costBuyers Incentives Zoning Commissions Subtotal G/A 720 Homeowners Assoc Capital G/A 750 Accounting & Legal G/A 754 Appraisal Fees G/A 762 Bank Chazges G/A 775 Conference and meeting G/A 777 Conhact Services G/A 787 Dues, Books, Subs G/A 825 Office Supplies G/A 832 Postage G/A Other Subtotal Housing 802 Gardening & Maintenance 804 Homeowners Assoc. Dues 807 Insurance 843 Repaire 857 RE Taxes 865 Trash removal G/A 872 Utilities G/A 771 City Reimbursement Subtotal Capital Outlay Debt Service Principal Interest Client Adjustments Audit Audit REF 12/31/07 DR CR 12/31/07 12/31/06 J J J V I01 V-1 U4 M 525,081 (1,125,600) 735,900 61,967 7,011 0 3,682 185 5,145 0 2,750 292 0 216,413 4,223 0 9,693 ]3,916 (175) 6,700 0 1,165 75 0 60 0 51 250 8,126 0 2,183 3,956 1,732 8,932 173 0 2,856 3,667 23529 525,081 525,081 216,280 525,081 741,361 0 0 0 0 (816,799) (359,039) 735,900 237,000 61,967 93,433 7,011 172 0 0 3,682 6,551 185 1,291 5,145 17,636 0 0 2,750 2,025 292 932 0 0 133 I 4,223 79,419 0 0 9,693 0 13,916 79,419 (175) 6,700 7,075 0 0 1,165 410 75 143 0 1,600 60 60 0 46 Sl 33 250 69 8,126 9,436 0 0 2,183 2,595 3,956 2,989 1,732 5,956 8,932 4,635 173 0 0 270 2,886 1,322 3,667 4,112 23529 21879 0 L 0 0 1,185 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,185 0 TOTALEXPENSES 263,169 525,081 741,361 46,889 110,735 NETINWME 209,786 (308,801) (741,361) 209,786 42,343 Wheat Ridge Housing Authority General Fund December 31, 2007 ACCT ACCOONT Client Adjustments Audit NUMBER DESCRIPTION REF 12/31/07 DR CR 12/31/07 ASSETS - 113 Cash - Operating C (219) (219) Cash - Condo Assoc. p Cash - Camation Consh Acct 0 p 120 Cash - SafekeepingAcct C 454,881 454,881 273,271 Loans Receivable 1-D.1 8,885 8,885 Prepaid Items 350 350 Account Receivable - grants 0 p 151 Prop Held for Resale - Everett J 111,380 111,380 152 Pmp Held for Resale - Allison J 388,545 388,545 153 Pmp Held for Resale - Pazfet J 374,343 374,343 153 Prop Held for 2esale - 41st J 251,332 251,332 accumulated depreciation p p TOTAL ASSETS 1,589,497 - 0 0 1,589,497 LIABILITIES 300 A/P M 7,279 7,279 315 Retainage Payable M-1 990 990 310 RE taxes payable M-5 3,036 3,036 Home Oumers Dues Escrow 0 p 360 Tenant deposits 0 0 Aocmed Interest 0 0 note payable - construction 0 0 mortgage payable - long tertn L 123,000 " 123,000 TOTAL LIABILITIES 134,305 - 0 0 134,305 465 NET ASSETS, Beginning SALY 1,245,406 - 1;245,406 INCOME (LOSS) 209,786 (308,801) (741,361) 209,786 NETASSETS,Ending 1,455,192 - (308,801) (741,361) 1,455,192 TOTAL LIAB AND NET ASSETS 1,589,497 - (308,801) (741,361) 1,589,497 0 0 INCOME Intergovemmental p p 530 AentalIncome U 8,395 8,395 500 Proceeds-Sale of Units U4 246,900 246,900 535 InterestIncome C 30,160 30,760 Other 0 0 564 Grant Income - CDBG/HOME U3 187,500 187,500 Gain on Sale of Condo Units B - 0 - 216,280 (216,280) TOTAL INCOME 472,955 ° 216,280 0 256,675 Whea[ Ridge Housing Authority General Fund December 31, 2007 ACCT ACCOt1NT Client Adjustments Audit NUMBER DESCRIPTION REF 12/31/07 DR CR 12/31/07 EXPENSES General 551 Beginning Cost of Units Sold J 525,081 525,081 - 0 599 Ending Costs of Units Sold- C J (1,125,600) 525,081 216,280 (816,799) 555 Property Acquisition J 735,900 735,900 573-580 Property2ehab V101 61,967 61,967 562 Acquisition cost - title fees 7,011 7,011 563 Architecmre 0 0 565 Condo map 3,682 3,682 567 Const Period Maintenance 185 185 568 CosntructionManagement V-1 5,145 5,145 570 Garages 0 0 571 Homeowners Association 2,750 2,750 581 Supplies/Materials 292 292 Loss on Sale of Condo Units 0 0 Subtotal 216,413 525,081 741,361 133 700 Selling costBuyers Incentives 4,223 4,223 Zoning 0 0 Commissions U4 9,693 9,693 Subrotal 13,916 0 0 13,916 G/A 720 Homeowners Assoc Capital (175) (175) G/A 750 Accounting & Legal 6,700 6,700 G/A 754 Appraisal Fees 0 0 , G/A762 BankCharges 1,165 1,165 G/A 775 Conference and meeting 75 75 G/A 777 Contract Services 0 0 G/A 787 Dues, Books, Subs 60 60 G/A 825 Office Supplies 0 0 G/A 832 Postage 51 51 G/A Other 250 250 Subtotal 8,126 0 0 8,126 Housing 0 0 802 Gardening&Maintenance 2,183 2,183 804 Homeowners Assoc. Dues 3,956 3,956 807 Insurance 1,732 1,732 843 Repairs 8,932 8,932 857 RE Taxes 173 173 865 Trash removal 0 0 G/A 872 Utilities 2,886 2,886 G/A 771 CiTy Reimbursement M 3,667 3,667 Subtotal 23529 0 0 23529 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 Debt Service 0 0 Principal 0 0 Interest L 1,185 1,185 TOTALEXPENSES ' 263,169 525,081 741,361 46,889 NETINCOME 209,786 (308,801) (741,361) 209,786 Wheat Ridge Housing Authority Audit Adjustments December 31, 2007 Ref Account # Description DR CR (I) J J Gain on Sale of Condo Units 216,280.00 599 Ending Cost of Units Sold 216,280.00 For reporting purposes only to Reclass COGS to income. J J 599 Ending Costs of Units Sold 525,081.00 551 Beginning Cost of Units Sold 525,081.00 To adjust Beginning COGS for reporting purposes only N # W O N f~ Q J ~ Q ~ Z 0 Q m 0 m ' Z y oa RN ja 2 ' O w U?~ W N ~ ~ Qw = I O ~ 3 O O1 F ~ ~a Q W _ ~ O Q N Z ~ f~l = oa x~ W U`W ~ FQ I2: 0 4 r0 {j1 Z T Z ~ W m O~ N~ N O O0~o~N N N O N 0000000000000N O O O~ O O O O NoN O ~ ~ O O O r r r~ O N N r r N r N O r~~~ N~~ O~ O O~ N N N~ N O N O O O N N r r O O N O~ y n O r O N n W0 W N N M O N 7 r ~ ro ~ r M r r O N O ~ N O N N r r0 W O O N m r0 O ~ 7 r r O m N~~ N M~ r W n O M ~ O ~ N M O W~ a m r~ O~~ M~~~~ W ~ ~ O r 7 NM 0 OM 0 M ~ NM N VM M N OCc m r W O N V r O W W~ ~M m rM - M~ O Om N W m y W O N N C6M - r W - a N V M M N ON --N -N6N MV > Q O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N O O O O O O O N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N LL q d' O O O OJ O f~ O N~ O O O O O O O O O O~ O O O O O O O O O O O O W O O O N~!1 O W ~(O O O f~ N O m N O~ O N N(D M W~!1 = O M O N N Q1 N ~ W N I~ O M O oJ N~- O N O N V M W c)f~ C'~+IM~~N(O V' N 7 MONf~ (O W N -NM(").-NM NN W M- W MN_ W -N N ~ M Y H N O a Z ~ U m Q 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 ° ooo000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ~ _ Y 0000 I~ O O 000 0 N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 00000000000000 m V N V' W N(O 7 O~ O t~ I~ N N O O LL'l ~tJ O O O O O O O~ O O O O O O O~!1 N O~!1 O N~fl f~ N O M O O ~ - 3 ~ V ch W N m M N.-M(O(O~NN ml~l~ I~(O V~~tnt") MN C'(O ~!l ~~(1 N.--N ~~QJ tn(OtC1M 1 m y 7 N f~~- W ~ N N 7 N N M ' M Nd 0 N ~ N W N -7 1 " ~ ~ N N 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 R 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ° oooovui~ooirioo~iui~- rco~voooiooooovo - ooiooorioovor-~coaiv N (pN O~(O1~ t0 ~ N1~ W M f~ac-MI~ V(OMOOM~0000(hODd' V I~<DOONOONOO(OCIN -M tnc").-1~ N V ' ' OmW M V:I~ I~~OJ7N W I~N W NN V:tO(OoV' V N~-7~N~-~(O a00d ' V ~ ~ e- MN N 6V -M- NM(O10; 7~ C') 1~ 00(ON1 .--N1 t 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O 000000000O O O O O O O O 00000000O 000O 000 ~ ~ O O O O O O 00000O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0000000O O O O O O 00000 ~ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 00 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ~ p V MCOO'•tth OONOO~~ I~1~~f11~ I~ 00(O W ONO ~oJ.--tCl(DOJNCO~LL~I~tn W tn W I~ ~NN (O m O0 Ol V - p o ~ I~ W M I~ O) O~(D W c0 t0 V Ol ~~t1 7 O ~ M 7 I~ Z(O M 7 I~ m V Nm N f~ o c0 ~ r ~ W W(O N O~d 60) -N ' C N N N ~ 0 N V N - V ~ o d E ~ r m c ~ E d c a i m rn d ~ c ~ 0 o °J = m c ~ E a i ~ N 4'J C ~ N N E N = d w O ' Z' H3 m ~ c c 0 E iL a c>~ m ~ Kw a w 0 w a~0 cn o d m E y m_ o oE o. 3 0. ma o y w 0 ° ° ' O ~ J ❑ i m i a d m - d m a e c c p; > ~ uai m m o, L` ~ m° K d U a - > ' m y o . m c a~ m H c ll E d ~ fn `v' ~ ~ ~ c> c~ H c oma ti rn U ~0 3 c c m m t~ m c~ m K ~ c~ ~ o a ~ a~ c ~ E E z p' 3 y o ~ C E O E y'~ r Q1 O N a T d Y0 w E E~' 6~ A dJ ~ J~ K O R~ y W LL OVJ U Q U _ w ~ K= o °o U ~ ~0 a o ' K ~ 2~ ° c = ~ ° ' LL~ . ~ a 3 0 0 ~ m ' - o Y c a i F m - o o ~0 ° tLL a£ «"a5 - m m m m > a?~ ° m' ° m E n m~ m i0 10 m ~ m o > m` o~ i4 c a"i a c~°~ ' ~ m: ~ - > i c m a ~ m> 0 3 m m m m - m~n ¢ ~ Y i= ~ m 3 2 o5 w m ~ ~ 3¢ 3 3 . n u. w o c) c~ v~ rt a c) (1) ~n cD N M- N- N ch - NC? 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N ~ N m N~- N th R ~ ~ N N c> ~ N M v c ~ v v ~ ~n v~ 1 ~ m m m m m o w w w w w w LL c~ Y Y z z z z o a d d d O T ~ O N 2 T a a d N Q ~ d ~ N N a E O O C m a~ N t6 Y ~ N ~ m ~ C m Y U co ~ # ABOUTTHE CONFERENCE Colorado NAHRO is happy to present the 2008 Annual Management Conference, Greener Pastures for Housing & Community Development, at the Rocky Mountain Park Holiday Inn and Conference Center in spedawlar Estes Park. This year's event takes place Wednesday, May iq, through Friday, May 16. Spiraling energy prices and climate change are two factors that will impact our programs in the zist century. This year's confer- ence takes a look at a variety of green issues and weaves them into many of the workshops and general sessions. An exceptional program has been organized to expand your knowl- edge and skills. Fxecutive directors, commissioners, management staff and line staff will all benefit from some po sessions in the areas of Public Housing, Section 8, Project Based Section 8. Community Revitalization and Development, Commissioners, Rehab, Resident Services and Professional Development. GENERAL SESSIONS & FEATURED SPEAKERS Opening Session/ Karen Susman- Networking Skills: How To Build Relationships for Fun and Profit Wednesday, May aq, 9:00 - 30:30 Leam the benefits of networking in this practical, interactive and life building presentation that promises to enhance your confer- ence experience. You are guaranteed to know more people and more people better than before you attended this fun-filled, on your feet program. luncheon Speaker/ Governor's Energy Office: Vision, Role & Resources, Wednesday, May iq at iz:iSPm Learn about the exciting programs initiated by Governor Ritter to address the challenges of climate change and put Colorado on the leading edge of progressive energy policy in the nation. Breakfast Speakers/ Colorado State Legislative Update Thursday, May 15 at S:ooam Representatives from the Housing Colorado Legislative Network wiil provide an update of current and future activities and initia- tives related to housing in the State of Colorado. General5ession/ National Outlook on Housing Thursday, May 15 at 9:ooam loin us for a lively discussion on key legislative issues facing our industry with national representatives from HUD and national NAHRO. Invited panelists incfude John K. Carson, HUD Regional Director, and Renee Rooker, NAHRO President. Awards Luncheon/ Tharsday, May 15 at iz:aSPm Presentation of the zooS Colorado NAHRO Awards of Excellence and the Colorado NAHRO Service Awards. Please see the nomina- tion form insert for complete details. Closing5ession/ HUD Public Housingand Section 8 Update friday, May 16 at 9:ooam HUD stafF will discuss the latest and most current regulations and changes affecting the Public Housing and Section 8 programs and offer insights and knowledge on upcoming changes in the pipeline. NETWORKING & SPECIAL EVENTS Early Bird Registration/ Tuesday, May 13, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Pre- Assembly Area of the Estes Park Conference Center Avoid the rush by registering Tuesday afternoon in the Pre-Assembly area outside the meeting rooms at the Estes Park Conference Center. You may also register on Wednesday morning. Tour of Estes Park Housing Authority Devetopments Tuesday, May 13, 3:30 Pm - 5:30 Pm The Estes Park Housing Authority will host a tour of some of its innovative properties induding a tax credit complex, a mixed income wndominium project and a senior low income rental development, Meet at the registration desk in the conference center lobby. Pre-reg- istration is required for the tour (see registration insert). Social Gathering at the Historic Stanley Hotel Tuesday, May 13, 5:30 pm - 8:oopm Cascades Bar and Restaurent ( Please join us Tuesday evening for an informal gathering at tlic Cascades Bar and Restaurant in the hisroric Stanley Hotel. Participants of both the maintenance and management confer- ences are invited to attend. Reconnect with old friends and meet some new colleagues. The Stanley is located a few blocks from the Rocky Mountain Park Holiday Inn at 333 Wonderview Ave (800-976-1377). No reservations required. CHFA Sponsor Reception/ Wednesday, May 34, 5:i5pm - S:oopm Pre-Assembty Area otthe Estes Park Conference Center Learn about the products and services that support our industry. Visit each exhibitor and you'll qualiy for special prizes to be raf- fled off at the event. Food, drinks and entertainment will be pro- vided compliments. of our friends at the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority (CHFA). Banquet/ Thursday, May 15, 6:oopm - io:aopm Mary's Lake Lodge Enjoy some prime dining and entertainment at this classic Colorado Mountain Lodge with breathtaking views of the conti- nentaf divide. PROPOSED SESSIONS PUBLIC HOUSING AND COMMISSIONERS Asset Management Update - Regional and national speakers have been invited to provide an Asset Management Update of best practices, new regulations, program policies, guidelines.- financial reporting or other modifications. The Greener Side of Maintenance and Management under Asset Management - A panel of maintenance and project man- agers will come together to show how they have overcome the asset management hurdle and how the other side is becoming greener. Energy Conservation Efforts in Public Housing/Affordable Housing: How to Market Conversation to Ctients of PHA's- Cen "green" money really help Asset Management and how? - Panel of Housing Authorities/providers share their experience/models where they have used "green" funding to modernize and imple- ment energy conservation of their public housing or affordable housing inventory. Clearing the Air. Smoke-Free Housing - Tobacco smoke intru- sion in multi-unit dwellings is a serious health problem and a source of tenant complaints especialfy for low income and dis- parate populations in public housing. Learn about the steps more than 6o public housing authorities have taken to implement no- smoking policies. Preservation of Affordable Housing through Successful Partnership Efforts- A panel of housing authorities, non-profits, financial institutions, historic preservationists share their experi-. ence in preservation of affordable housing. Public Housing Supervision: The Legal Angle - Public housing human resource staff, agency counsel, and legal advisors provide this session on the effective supervision of staff and labor laws ' from the legal angle. Public Housing Regulations and How They Differ from Vouchers-A panel will discuss regulations on how to cakulate and manage eamed income disregard, rents, Flat rents, and how to transmit all of the information error free. COLORADO NAHRO 2008 CONFERENCE PROGRAM TABLE SECTION 8 Terminations and Hearings - Do you always wonder about the role of the hearing officer? Whai are the best practices to utilize forterminations and hearings? Calculations- National trainer "Nan-McKay" will present impor- tant information on student rulings, assets, medical, homeown- ership calculation, and more in this two-part, three-hour session. PIC Tricks - Get and overview of the PIC system and leam the tricks to keep scoring above 95 percent. Learn the steps hous- ing authorities need to take to correct any deficiencies in scor- ing. Current changes that have come out in the PIC system will be examined so you can have the latest information! "'tien Housing Meets Social Services - How to cross the l ge to make the right referrals. Who to call? A panel of experts will teach us how to cross that bridge. PROjECT-BASED SECTION 8 Section 8Tenant5election Requirements-This workshop will identify and deal with the requirements for a written tenant selection plan from taking applications, qualification standards, wait list maintenance, and more. Preparing for MOR and the Most Common Findings -Learn what the most common findings are for Management and Occupancy Reviews. Arm yourself with the tools you need to receive a favorable score on your next CHFA site visit. Basic Fair Housing- It's not an option! It's the law! This basic class will give a general overview of Fair Housing and will iden- tify the protected classes. You will learn how to avoid a time con- suming, exasperating, and expensive discrimination complaint. Special Claims- Fnd out what forms are necessary to file special daims so that you submit successfully the first time. Class regis- trants wilf receive CHFA approved checklists to ensure payment for your eligible vacant units and damages and unpaid rents. TRACS: Submitting Error Free Vouchers - Get educated on how to reduce your TRACS errors by understanding what the errors mean, how to prioritize them and how to best respond to errors to find resolution. Change 2- Attendees wiU receive a comprehensive list of all changes to the HUD Handbook 4350•3 Rev.i Change z released in 2007. The instructor will highlight the most significant changes affecting your property. RESIDENT SERVICES VicariousTrauma -An interactive session that wili educate par- ticipants about secondary trauma and how to better cope with and manage the emotional stresses of their work. 6angs- Learn what "tagging" means and the difference between graffiti and tagging. What colors indicate gang presence and what do we do once we see gang activity in housing authority units. COMMUNITY REVITALIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT Latest Interpretations on Davis-Bacon Wage Requirements - Will your project trigger Davis-Bacon requirements "in part or in whole"? Learn about prevailing wage requirements in HUD-assist- ed housing and community development programs. Energy Sustainability - Learn how to incorporate "green building" standards into your community projects. This session will cover green building considerations and rating systems such as Leadership Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and Energy Star. Subsidy Layering of Housing Devetopment (Intermediate Level) - Where do your CDBG or HOME dollars fit into making a major housing development possible? Find out about Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC), Private Activity Bonds (PAB), and make sure you are not "over-subsidizing" a project. Community Development Roundtable - An informal discussion that may include: HUD's CPD update, virtual tours of selected CDBG and HOME projects, and other topics to be determined by CDBG users. Housing Needs Assessments, Analysis of Impediments and the Consolidated Plan - An overview of the analyses needed for federally-funded projects, such as the Housing Needs Assessment (HNA) and the Analysis of Impediments for Fair Housing (AI). Public Participation - What Works? What Doesn't Work? Public participation, a requirement for your Consolidated Plan, provides an opportunity for understanding the needs in your com- munity and gaining support for your projects. Save staff time and learn about other jurisdictions' experiences - what has worked and what has not REHAB Green Building in Rehab & Public Housing - Going beyond CFLs. How are current program practices helping or hurting the environ- ment? Discussion around new technology, products and methods we can utilize to build "greed" in rehab. Beyond Rehab - Resolving the conflicts between homeowner's needs and wishes and Rehab program limitations. What do we do if a house requires more rehabilitation than we can provide through our program? Rehab User's Generel5ession - Round-table discussion for area Rehab programs. Reviving the quarterly user's meetings and what topics we'd like to focus on. Reverse Mortgages - What are Reverse Mortgages and how do they reflect on our ability to provide rehab loans? Speaker poni Dolfinge, Reverse Mortgage Specialist with Universal Lending Corporation will be addressing our questions and concerns. foredosure Law For Lenders - What are our rights as Ienders when a rehabbed house goes into foretlosure? A representative from the Larimer County Public Trustee office will provide us with valuable information about the entire foredosure process PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Life Balance: How To Wear Many Hats and Keep Your Head on Straight- Life Balance is a big concern for men as well as women. Learn to make important life choices. Learn to base your actions on these choices. Use this time to step back, prioritize your !it' and take steps to feeling more im mntroL How to De-Stress the Housing Specialist - When you're feeling the stress take over, here's some tips from Dr. Elva Edwards, DC, Holistic Healer, on how to take the stress away while sitting at your desk. Is it Time to Start Running Your Housing Authority as a Business? This session will be good for executive directors as well as site managers, maintenance supervisors, and front line staff. Learn why it is important to follow a business model when devel- oping new projecis as well as critical operating procedures. NAHROAdvotacyTraining-7his program teaches participants to be aware of legal issues in advocacy; understand how Congress works and the role of your legislators; craft a message that res- onates with Congress; and work with public relations and the media. How to Motivate Old and New Employees - Leam how you can talk to employees when they are not performing and inspire them to change? Find out how to manage multiple groups at one time. Supervision skills as well as how to deal with constant changes in the workplace will be examined. REGISTRATION Register on-line at www.conahro.org or use the enclosed registration form! Fridav April ii is the earlv reeistration deadline. All registrationt after that date will be processed at the late registration rate. We are offering a single day only rate (Wednesday or Thursday) and a one-day rate including banquet. We are also continuing to offer the special rate for commissioners. Please see the re¢istration insert form for details. One registration form should be filled out per attendee. You mav also reeister as well as obtain materials and complete conference information on the Colorado NAHRO website- www.conahro.org. HOTEL & CONFERENCE CENTER The Rocky Mountain Park Holiday Inn / Estes Park Conference Center is the site for all sessions, breakfasts, lunches, and the sponsor reception. The meeting rooms are conveniently located off the hotel's main lobby. The hotel rooms have recently been remodeled and indude first-rate amenities. The hotel offers a full service bar and restaurant, a heated pool, whirlpool, and a fit- ness center. Hotel rooms are available for $85.00 single or double occupan- cy. For reservations and room information, call 970-586-2332 or 800-803-7837• Ptease identify yourself as part of the NAHRO group to get specia( room rate. The room block release deadline is April iz so make your room reservations before then! LOCATION The Rocky Mountain Park Holiday Inn and Conference Center is locat- ed at ioi South St. Vrain at the junction of Highway 36 and Highway, 7 in Estes Park. From Lyons take Highway 36 into Estes Park. The Conference Center and Hotel are on the left as you enter town. QUESTIONS? Catt 3o3-447-o690 or email- MartensB@aoLcom or ''t the Colorado NAHRO web site at www.conahro.org. , 0 VI51 PRIMED ON RECYQEO PAPER Colorado NAHRO 2008 Annual Conference Registration Rocky Mountain Park Holidaylnn/Estes Park Conference Center Nama Fax F-mail ~SE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY Colarado NAHRO Management Conference, May i4-16, 2008 ~ Full Registration CoNAHRO Member 6efore April ii @$zz5 ❑ Putl Registration Nommember before April ii @$z5o = Q Putl Registration Member aker April ii @$250 ❑ FuU Registration Non-member after April ii ❑ One Day rate ❑ Wednesday 5/14 ❑ Thursday 5115 ❑ One Day w/ Banquet ❑ Banquet Only ~ Commissioner Full Registration ~ Spouse/Guest Lunch Only Wednesday 5/14 ❑ Spouse/Guest Wnch Only Thorsday 5/15 Q $275 = @ $125 = * $160 @$40= @ $ioo = QSzS= @$z5= Colorado NAHRO Maintenance Conference, May 12-13, 2oo8 ❑ One Day Rate Monday 5/12 before April u @$ 60 = ❑ One Day Rate Monday SJiz after April ii @ $ 75 = ❑ One Day Rate Tuesday 5/13 before April u @$ 60 = ❑ One Day Rate Tuesday 5/13 after April ii @$ 75 = Special Events/Services ❑ Estes Park Housing Tour - Tuesday, May 13. 3:3opm - 5:30pm. Meet in conference center lobby. ❑ I need special services & have included a written TOTAL iescription of my needs. (i.e. veggie meals, etc.) Fult Registration for Management Conference Indudes: all sessions, all breakfasts, two lunches, receptions and ban- quet. Cancellations for Managemen[ Conference: received by Colorado NAHRO on or before April 29, 2oo8 receive a .full refund less a$35 processing fee. Cancellations received on or before May 6, 2oo8 receive a 5o°/o refund less a$35 processing fee. No refunds for cancellations made aker May 6, 2008. Maintenance Conference Registration Includes: all sessions, breakfast and lunch for the day of your registration. All the workshops offered on Monday, May 12 will be repeaTed on Tuesday, May 13. You can either register for one or both days depending on how many workshops you want to attend. To attend all the workshops you will need to do two one-day registrations. Cancellations for Maintenance Conference: received by Colorado NAHRO on or before April 28, 2oo8 receive a full refund less a$zo processing fee. Cancellations received on or 6efore May 5, 20o8 receive a 50% refund less a$zo processing fee. No refunds for wncellations made after MaY 5, 2008. Hotel Reservation Block Release Deadline is April ia for the Management Conference and the Maintenance Conference. Call 970-586-2332 or 800-803-7837 and mention NAHRO for special room rate. May 14-16, 2008 - Management Conference, May 12-13, 2oo8 - Maintenance Conference