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June 24, 2008
4:00 P.M.
lndividuals with disabilities are encouraged to panicipate in a[l public meetings sponsored by the Ciry of Wheat
Ridge. Call Heather Geyer, Public Informatian Officer at 303-235-2826 at least ane week in advance of a meeting
if you are interested in panicipating and need inclusion assistance.
A. Call Meeting to Order
B. Roll Call
C. Approval of the Minutes: May 27 2008
D. Officers Reports
E. Public Forum
F. New Business
1. Request for Proposals from Jefferson County School District
G. Executive Session to consider the purchase, acguisition, lease, transfer or sale of
real, personal or other property pursuant to C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4)(a).
H. Unfinished Business
1. Other
J. Adjournment
May 27, 2008
The meeting was called to order by Chair Brungardt at 4:00 p.m. in the City
Council Chambers of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th
Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colarado.
Authority meinbers present: Cheryl Brungardt
Kent Davis'
Kathy Nuanes
Lena Rotola
Janice Thompson
Others present: Sally Payne, Deputy Director
Ryan Stachelski; Economic Development Specialist
Larry Nelson, Cornerstone Realty
Betty Maybin, Cornerstone Realty
Henry Wehrdt, Construction Manager
Ann Lazzeri; Recording Secretary
It was moved by Kent Davis and seconded by Kathy Nuanes to approve the
minutes of April 15, 2008 as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
There were no reports.
There was no one present to address the Authority.
School District Letter of Interest
The Board of Education of the Jefferson County School District has declared the
Fruitdale School building surplus to District needs and available for sale.
Housing Authority Minutes - 1- May 27, 2008
Interested parties were invited to respond to the Manager of Real Estate for Jeffco
Schools by May 29, 2008.
It was moved by Janice Thompson and seconded by Lena Rotola that to
direct Sally Payne to prepare a letter to be sent to Mr. John Young, Manager
of Real Estate for Jeffco Public Schools indicating the Housing Authority's
interest in possible acquisition of the Fruitdale School building.
The motion passed unanimously.
Ryan Stachelski informed the Authority that he had learned it is necessary, when
federal dollars are used on a project, to contact the Historical Society for its
determination on whether or not there is historic value to the building being
renovated. He met with a representative froin the Colorado Historical Society
who wanted to make sure the entrances on the sides of the building remain the
same; the look of the windows should remain the same; and the blond brick
should not be stained to match the main structure. Some of these issues are
negotiable. There was no objection to demolishing the small buildingin front.
Mr. Stachelski stated that he had also learned the property to the west is now for
sale by owner. He gave contact information to Larry Nelson of Cornerstone
Training Video: PreventinQ Public Offcials' Liability
Larry Nelson reported the last unit at Park Side is under contracC. The closing
is scheduled for next Friday with a final price of $99,800. He suggested the
Authority might want to consider using these funds to pay down the 41st
Avenue a¢quisition laan with FirstBank.
> It was moved by Kent Davis and seconded by Janice Thompson to apply
the proceeds from the Park Side sale to pay down the loan from First
Bank. The motion passed unanimously.
• Henry Wehrdt reported that the Allison Street property should be market-
ready toward the end of June. Larry Nelson is working on a method to inform
Lutheran employees about the property.
• Larry Nelson reported that there have been many showings on the Parfet unit.
There was no other business to come before the Authority.
Housing Authority Minutes - 2- May 27, 2008
It was moved by Lena Rotola and seconded by Kathy Nuanes to adjourn the
meeting at 4:50 p.m.
Cheryl Brungardt, Chair
Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
Housing Authority Minutes - 3- May 27, 2008
PusLlc scHOOLs
Building Bright Futures
Construction Management/Fadlities Planning & Design
809 Quail Street, Building #4
Iakewood, Colorado 80215
phone: CM 303-982-2584
phane: FP&D 303-982-2374
fax: 303-9822400
web site: http://jeffmweb.jeffm.kl2.m.us/cm
June 13, 2008
Ms. Cheryl Brumgardt, Chairperson
Wheat Ridge Housing Authority
City of Wheat Ridge
7500 West 29`h Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
Dear Ms. Brumgardt:
The Jefferson County School District No. R-1 invites you to submit a proposal to
purchase the Fruitdale School building, which is located at approximately 10801
West 44th Avenue in Wheat Ridge, Colorada
Enclosed is a Request for Proposals to guide the preparation of your proposal.
Proposals must be su6mitted to me at 809 Quail Street, Building 4, Lakewood,
CO 80215, by 4:00 p.m. on July 15, 2008.
Please contact me if you have questions.
~ U U
John Young
Manager, Real Estate
Fax: 303-982-2400
E-mail: jryoung@jeffco.k12.co.us
Our Mission: To provide a quality education that prepares all children for a successful future.
Buiiding Bnght Fuwra
Jefferson County School District No. R-1
Due Date:
July 15, 2008
Return Proaosal to:
Jefferson County School District No. R-1
Facilities Planning and Design Department
ATTN: John Young, Real Estate Manager
809 Quail Street, Building 4
Lakewood, Colorado 80215
Phone: 303-982-2338
Fax: 303-982-2400
The Board of Education of the Jefferson County School District No. R-1 has
declared the Fruitdale School to be surplus to the needs of the School District.
Therefore, the Jefferson County School District No. R-1, hereinafter referred to
as the "School District," is soliciting proposals for the purchase of the former
Fruitdale School in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The School District desires to select
the proposal which it deems to be in the best interest of the School District and
offers the best possibility of preserving the original school building.
1. The proposal must be submitted to the Real Estate Manager by or before
4:00 p.m. on July 15, 2008.
2. The proposal must be signed by a duly authorized official of the agency,
organization or firm making the proposal.
3. No proposal will be accepted from and no award will be made to any
agency, organization or firm that is in arrears upon any obligation to the
School District or that otherwise may be deemed irresponsible or
unreliable by the School District.
4. The School District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or to
waive irregularities, and to accept the proposal deemed to be in the
School DistricYs best interest.
5. No officer or employee of the School District, or member of its Board of
Education shali have any interest, direct or indirect, in any resultant
6. The School District invites brokers and/or agents to submit proposals on
behalf of their clients. However, the School District will not be responsible
for the payment of any fees or commissions.
7. In connection with the perFormance of any work under this proposal,
participants shall agree not to refuse to hire, discharge, promote, demote
or to discriminate in matters of compensation against any person
otherwise qualified solely because of race, creed, color, national origin,
ancestry, age, sex or handicap.
8. By submitting a proposal, all participants agree to comply with all of the
conditions, requirements and instruction of this Request for Proposal as
stated or implied herein.
9. In the event that it becomes necessary for the School District to revise any
part of this Request for Proposal, an addendum will be mailed to each
participant on the mailing list.
10.The property herein described shall be sold AS IS, WITH ALL FAULTS.
The School District makes absolutely no representation or warranties of
any kind, expressed or implied, concerning the title to the property or the
improvements of any of the components hereof. The School District shall
have no duty to repair.
11. The School District shall provide, if requested, a copy of such surveys as
are currently in its possession. if additional survey work is desired, it shall
be at the participanYs expense.
12. The proposal shall include a Cashier's Check or Certified Check payable
to the School District in an amount no less than five percent (5%) of the
proposed purchase price. Such amount shall serve as bid security to
insure that the participant wiil enter into a contract with the School District,
if the proposal is accepted by the Schooi District. In the event the proposal
is accepted by the School District, an additional amount of five percent
(5%) shall be required in the same form as above. This shali be
considered earnest money. The total earnest money deposit will be
credited at the time of closing to the purchase price.
13. A Purchase and Sale Agreement must be executed by the Purchaser after
the Scliooi-Bis~tricYs acceptance of the proposal. Any failure to enter into
an agreement following acceptance of a proposal shall result in a forfeiture
of the deposit as liquidated damages.
14. All earnest money deposits of unsuccessful participants shall be returned
after a Purchase and Sale Agreement has been executed by the
Purchaser and the School District.
1. Location: The former Fruitdale School is located at approximately 10801
West 44th Avenue in Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
2. Legal Description: A portion of the parcel described in Book 9, Page 451,
Jefferson County, Colorado. (See Attachments 1 and 2.)
3. Zoning: A-1, C-1, and R-3.
4. Taxes: The property is currently exempt from ad valorem taxation.
5. Improvements: The major improvements to the site include two buildings.
The main structure is composed of the original school building that was
constructed in 1927 and an addition that was constructed in 1953. The
second building was constructed as a house (date unknown).
6. Easements: Easements of record are available upon request.
7. Platting: The parcel or portions of parcels that may be sold have not been
The School District requires that the proposal contain the following items.
Participants are encouraged to submit any other information which will aid the
School District in evaluation of the proposal.
1. Purchase Price: State the amount offered to the School District to
purchase the property.
2. Deposit: Pay funds in an amount no Iess than five percent (5%) of the
proposed purchase price in a form as described in Item 12 of the General
3. Plan: Provide an overall plan for the preservation and maintenance of the
original school building (1924) and development of the property.
4. Finances: Demonstrate capability to implement the plan in a timely
5. Title Questions: Propose a way to clear the title to the parcel described in
Book 9, Page 451 of the Records of Jefferson County, Colorado.
6. Exceptions and/or Contingencies: The proposal must be specific
regarding any and all contingencies and/or exceptions.
7. Declaration of Data: Complete the attached Declaration of Data form.
(See Attachment 3.) Please add any information which is felt to be
necessary or pertinent in the evaluation process.
1. Copy of the language of the deed recorded at Book 9, Page 451 in
Records of Jefferson County, Colorado
2. Map of Fruitdale School
3. Declaration of Data form (Electronic file formatted in Microsoft WORD
available upon request)
Attachment 1
Jaaob H. Hroxn qOIT CLAIGI lfEBD $1.00
Jaaras A. Latalo
Ty Dateds Ju7..Y 9, ].883
pokidt July 9, 2883
ibiClA! 7ul 9, 7.883
Sohool Diatriat Ns. 32 Book t 9t P~Se~4~1 .
JePYereoa Cottrrty,
COmpIQTIClng At A pOIAC OA the 86ab l1ilG of ~r,..the 3itNft ot' Seotion 21 in Ta9RUthip 3 3outh,
Aange 69 yfg8g, yMah paint is 6j4 teeC HorCh
" Prm the $6 oorner of eaid quarter eQation anG
on the North 11m ot the OouAty Road at that
point bhenee keet ati rA88b enBiee and aloag
the Hox'th li1M of the County RoRd G irod8,
theaae at rignt abglae North 14 roda, theACe
at right anglae Eaat b rods, thetsae °..auth
on Sast 11ne at'oresaid 14 roda Co the Point
' oiP be6innsng, ooatainin8 j acre, mre:wr lasa.
The aaid James A. Lexia hereby+ cozsveylng, aommncing
'at the aaras point ataove describs8 running tlience
gast anG a].ong the Noxth liUe OY eaid CounCy Road
' 6 roda theaoe North ab right *n9108 14 roda, thancm
WeBt ati right anglea b rOds, t1u'nce South at right
anglea 14 roas to the pDint of beginntng contVitning
I acre more or lesa, the aaid 3and 1ereby canvegeQ
bei.ng ior achool purposea and if aC any time the same
ahall ceasn to be ueed tor saa.d PurPasea the lAnd berebY
conveYed ahall revert to the Qrantora, se in their
fSrat`and tormer eat.r.te.
dacob U. Brown
James A. Lewis
a, Jacob H. Srown
Jattias A. T.er+18
befora A7. Toirnael'ld, CauntY 47.erk, Je1'R'arnoa 4ountYs Coloraaoseal.
Attachment 2
Map of Fruitdale School
Attachment 3
1. Name and Address of Agency, Organization or Firm:
2. Name and Contact Information for Person/Persons preparing the Proposal:
3. Financial References
Company/Agency Address Representative
4. Project References
Company/Agency Address Representative
5. Attach current verifiable financial statement.