HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/25/2008WRHA WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY AGENDA November 25, 2008 CITY COUNCIL CITAMBERS 4:00 P.M. Individuals with disabi[ities are encouraged to participate in all publrc meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Hea[her Geyer, Public Information Ojfzcer a1303-235-2826 at least one week in advance of a meeting ifyou are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. A. Call Meeting to Order B. Roll Call C. Approval of the Minutes: October 14, 2008 D. OFficers Reports E. Public Forum F. New Business 1. Brothers Redevelopment Presentation 2. Resolution 02-2008, Presentation & Approval of 2009 Budget G. Unfinished Business i. Status of potential new project H. Other 1. Adjournment to January 27, 2009 , WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES October 14, 2008 A. CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair Brungardt at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Building, 7500 W. 29`h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. B. ROLL CALL Authority members present: Cheryl Brungardt Kathy Nuanes Janice Thompson Authority members absent: Kent Davis Lena Rotola i Others present: Sally Payne, Executive Director Larry Nelson, Cornerstone Realty Betty Maybin, Cornerstone Realty Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - September 16, 2008 It was moved by Kathy Nuanes and seconded by Janice Thompson to approve the minutes of September 16, 2008. The motion passed unanimously. D. OFFICERS REPORTS There were no reports. E. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one present to address the Authority. F. NEW BUSINESS 1. Allison Court and Parfet Street property updates l' Lany Nelson reported that the Allison Court property is now on the market. There is not yet a contract on the Parfet property. Housing Authority Minutes - 1- October 14, 2008 The possibility of temporarily renting the 415t Avenue property was discussed. Sally Payne will look into several issues related to the possible rental of the property. Status of potential new project Sally Payne reported that the school district likes the idea of the Housing Authority's proposed project for the Fruitdale School building on 44"' Avenue. However, the district is still in the process of working on several issues and a formal response is expected next month G. NEW BUSINESS Administrative and rehab work for the Housing Authority. Cheryl Brungardt reported that it has become clear that iYwill be necessary to have both a construction manager and an administrative manager for future projects. Cheryl and Sally Payne met with both types of work. WR2020 indicated it may be possible for them to do part of the administrative duties. Sally Payne stated that she could do a portion of the grant writing. Sally Payne commented that Linda Trimble, who does the RFP's far the city, indicated that this is a very busy time of the year and an RFP would take approximately 90 days. IYIs. Trimble also indicated that the Authority would not technically have to go through an RFP process. There was discussion regarding the RFP process. Sally Payne will contact Henry Wehrdt to see if he has ever used modified RFP's. She will also speak with Linda Trimble about the time and cost issues associated with the RFP process. Ms. Payne stated that there is time to put information in the Transcript in time for responses from interested contractors to be discussed at the November meeting. She will look into doing more of a letter of interest rather than a full RFP. 2. HOME and CDBG 2009 funding cycle October 15th is the deadline to apply for 2009 funds. The Housing Authority was awarded $75,000 in HOME funds in 2008 for Fruitdale School. In addition, $37,500 is unused from 2007 HOME funds that will be used on Fruitdale School if that project moves forward. If it does not, the Housing Authority will need to identify another project for the funds or return fund to the County. It is necessary, when application is made, that a specific project be identified for use of the funds. Since the Authority has no definite projects in mind at this time, there was a eonseusus that application not be made this year. Housing Authority Minutes - 2- October 14, 2008 ~ H. OTHER There was no other business to come before the Authority. 1. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Janice Thompson and seconded by Kathy Nuanes to adjourn the meeting at 4:50 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. The next meeting is scheduled for November 25, 2008. Cheryl Brungardt, Chair \ Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary Housing Authority Minutes - 3- October 14, 2008 WHEAT RIDGE AOUSING AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 02 Series of 2008 TITLE: A RESOLUTION ENACTING A BUDGET AND APPROPRIATION FOR THE YEAR 2009 WHEREAS, C.R.S. 29-1-103 (1) of the Local Government Budget Law of Colorado requires certain local governmental entities to prepare and adopt an annual budget; and WHEREAS, the City Attorney has opined that the provisions of the Budget Law apply to the Authority; and WHEI2EAS, notice of adoption of this 2009 budget and appropriation was given by the Housing Authority in compliance with C.R.S. 29-1-106; and VVfIEREAS, in compliance with the provisions of the Budget Law regarding notice, obj ections, and hearing, a public hearing was held on this Budget and Appropriation for 2009 by the Authority on November 25, 2008. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority as follows: Section 1. The year 2009 budget as shown on Exhibit 1 attached hereto is hereby approved. Section 2. Sources of revenue for the Authority are sales of wuts rehabilitated by the Authority, Coimnunity Development Block Grant funds, and interest earned. Section 3. Total expenditures of the Authority do not exceed available revenues and beginning fund balance. Section 4. A certified copy of this resolution shall be filed with the Division of Local Govenunent. ADOPTED the day of , 2008. WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY Chairperson ATTEST: Secretary to the Authorify ~ Wheat Ridge Housing Authority Proposed Budget Ordinary lncomelExpense Income SOU Sale of Units 530 Rent 535 INerest Income 549Miscellaneouslncome Total income Cost of Gootls Saltl 551 eeginning Cast of Units 555 - Purchase of Unils Summary Rehabilitation Cosis 599 - Ending Cost of Units Total COGS Gross Profit Expense 700 Selling Casts 704BUyerlncentives 705 Closing Costs ]ia Commissions ]SU Accounting 8 Legal 762 Bank CM1arges ]]1 Ciry Reimbursement ]]5 Cmference 8 Meeting Expense ]]P ConVact Services 781 Dues, Books d Subscriptions 602- Gardening 8 Maintenance 803 - Gran[s 846 Homeowners Associalion Dues 807 Insurance 820 - Miscellaneous 825 Office Supplies 832POStage 833 Printing & Copies 803 Repairs 85]SUpplies 857 Taxes-RealEState 865 TtasM1 Removal 872Utilities TotalExpense Net Ordinary Income OIM1erlncomelExpense Otherlncome 564 CDBG Grant OtM1er(Expense) 910 JnterestExpense Total Other Expense Ne[OtM1erlncomelEnpense Net Inrome Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance Unautlitetl Pmposed 2007 Projectetl 2008 2009 Acmal 2008 6utlge[ Butlget 246,900 299,000 1,297,600 561405 8,395 900 51000 0 30.160 11,000 12,000 12,000 0 0 500 500 285.455 310,900 1,315,100 572,905 525,081 1,125,600 1.125,167 915,268 ]35,900 0 0 80,899 99.069 120,000 1.642,000 4,125,600 -91526e 4,915,372 216,280 309,401 1,245,167 641,896 69.175 1,499 69,933 -68,991 2,635 3406 3,765 5,981 0 0 12,000 12,000 1.588 2,168 10,686 3,604 9,693 14,352 62,285 22,001 6,700 7,000 8,000 $000 1,165 1?00 1,200 1?00 3,667 5,000 5,000 5,000 ]5 133 500 500 0 0 60 100 500 500 2,183 4,500 2,500 5,600 300 3,956 1,175 3,600 3.600 1,732 1.942 1,800 1.800 208 588 0 25 250 250 51 10 100 100 0 0 0 0 8,932 8,000 1,500 2,500 0 65 250 250 173 0 1.000 1,000 0 0 500 500 zaes 6,000 3,000 5,000 45,704 55,964 118,436 79,386 23,471 -54,465 -48,503 -048,3>7 187500 0 75,000 0 1.185 4.542 9,840 0 1185 4,542 9.840 0 186,315 -4,542 65,160 0 209,786 -59,007 16.657 -046,377 1,245,406 1,455,192 1,385,110 1.396,185 1,455,192 1,396,185 1,401,]6] 1,241,808 Exhibit 1