HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/26/2007CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA April 26, 2007 Notice is hereby.giuen of a public hearing to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment on April 26, 2007, at 7:00 p.m., in the Gity Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 W. 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Case No. WA-06-21: An application filed by Alan Wiedrnaier for approval of a variance to Section 26-501.D.1 (Parking Lot Paving) for property zoned Industrial (n and located at 11990 W. 52nd Avenue. 5. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ~6. OLD BUSINESS 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of minutes - March 22, 2007 8. ADJOURNMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Board of Adjustment DATE OF MEETING: Reckert CASE NO. & NAME: April 26, 2007 CASE MANAGER: Meredith Case No. WA-06-21/Wiedmaier ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a variances for commercial paving in an I zone district LOCATION OF REQUEST: 11990 W. 52nd Avenue NAME OF OWNER(S): Alan Wiedmaier APPROXIMATE AREA: PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: 11,793 square feet Light Industrial (I) glass shop office and warehouse ENTER INTO THE RECORD: (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) CASE FILE AND PACKET MATERIALS (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Board of Adjustment Case No. WA-06-21/Wiedmaier JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements haue been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. 1. REQUEST /EXISTING CONDITIONS The property in question is located at 11990 W. 52"d Avenue and is zoned Light Industrial (I). Current use of the property is as a commercial glass business office and shop area. This case is being heard on appeal from a two-part request relating to parking lot paving and landscaping. At the January 25, 2007 meeting the request for landscaping variance was approved; the paving request was denied. Discussion regarding the January meeting is under Section IV of this report. Although the property has Light Industrial zoning, it was originally developed residentially prior to the incorporation of the City. The property contains 11,793 square feet of land area and has the original house on it which is approximately 800 square feet in size. According to the Jefferson County Assessor information, the house was built in 1948. In 1999, the applicant purchased the property. A large garage with 1800 s.f. of footprint was constructed in 2001. At the time of permitting, the property owner indicated that it was a garage accessory to the house where he was residing and would be for his own personal use. (Exhibit 1, Survey/Site Plan) In 2003, the applicant met with the Community Development department to discuss the requirements needed to operate a glass business on his property. He was informed that he needed to apply for a building permit to bring the property up to commercial standards with required parking and paving, commercial landscaping and interior structure modifications. To this date, a permit for this renovation/improvement has never been approved or issued. Code enforcement acfion has been pursued several times with no resolution to the situation. The business has now sold with the property sale pending. The former owner is attempting to legitimize the existing situation through the variance process as part of the pwchase contract. The City of Wheat Ridge has many existing homes along major corridors zoned commercially or industrially, most of which were built prior to incorporation. As the City of Wheat Ridge has continued to develop and commercialize, many once-residential streets have now become commercial collector and arterials. Structures and properties originally developed as homes have become undesirable for residential use as traffic on these streets has intensified. The existing commercial zone districts allow existing single family homes to remain in perpetuity, however no new freestanding residential units are permitted. Many of the residential properties with coxmnercial zoning located on the arterials and collector streets have been converted to commercial businesses. When a property is converted from residential to commercial, it must be in conformance with all codes and regulations prior to being considered a legal conversion. These requirements include, but may not be limited to, compliance by the structure with applicable building and fire codes, installation of commercial Boazd of Adjustrnent Case No. WA-06-21/Wiedmaier paving and striping based on an approved drainage report and installation of commercial landscaping. The applicanYs variance request relates to commercial paving requirements in arder to legitimize the use of the property for a commercial glass operation. Section 26: SO1.D.1. requires all uses other than single and two family residential to have hard surfaced paving by concrete, asphalt, brick pavers or other hard materials. In this case portions of the pazking and drive area aze covered in asphalt or concrete. Other portions are graveled. The applicant wishes to retain the graveled areas "as is". The current circulation pattern on the property allows for entry to the site from a curb cut located adjacent to the westem property line. Proceeding straight in, parking is located on the west side of the office which is paved in concrete. Proceeding across the front of the property leads to the east side of the office. Continuing south leads toward the warehouse area. This area of the property is the graveled portion. There is adequate parking on the site given the building sizes (7 total parking spaces with one handicapped space). If the parking lot is required to be paved, Public Works will require submission of a drainage plan and report meeting today's standards:and will likely require a lazge detention pond at the southeast corner of the property. The property currently slopes from northwest to sontheast. Drainage on the property follows this historic flow pattern. II. ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND A12EA CONDITIONS The property is abutted on the east, west and south by property zoned I, Light Industrial. Corresponding development includes vacant property to the east and south which is part of a larger parcel consisting of 9.5 acres used for RV starage. (Exhibit 2, Aerial photo with zoning) Farther to the east on W. 52"d Avenue is a single family residence and alpaca farm. Under that same ownership to the south and west is Hance Subdivision which is zoned R-l and platted as single family lots. This subdivision has not been developed to date. (Exhibit 3, Hanee Subdivision Ptat) Abutting the property on the west is a single family home zoned I which appears as if it is still used residentially. Farther to the west on the south side of 52"d Avenue is an animat crematorium. Continuing west towazds Ward Road on the-south side of 52"a Avenue is commercial property under a variety of ownership used as office/warehouse, retail, commercial parking-and gasoline sales. Across the street is property located in the City of Arvada, zoned residentially. Traveling west on Ward Road, the residential units transition to commercial uses. III. NORTHWEST SUBAREA PLAN In 2004, the City initiated a study on the state of the City in an effort to identify issues facing the community. "Repositioning Wheat Ridge: Neighborhood Revitalization Boazd of Adjustment Case No. WA-06-21/Wiedmaier Strategy" focuses on population and household trends, jobs, housing market and commercial inventory. The goal was to restore Wheat Ridge to a community of choice far homeowners and businesses. One of the recommendations was for the City to undertake subarea planning to focus on unique opportunities and challenges facin~ certain areas in the City. The northwest subarea with boundaries generally of 52" Avenue on the north, Simms and Tabor Streets to the east, I-70 on the south and Ward Road to the west was one of these tazgeted azeas. This subazea plan completed in 2006 was considered a priority since it is the location of the proposed RTD Gold Line transit station. The potential for a light rail station brings opportunities for development and redevelopment for transit oriented land uses. Transit- oriented land use typically produces a mix of uses including retail, office and residential that is in close proximity to convenient transit. It is oriented to the pedestrian rather than the private automobile and encourages higher density land uses. The Northwest Subarea is identified as having the potential to become a mixed use "village" with a slightly urban character near the transit station in the vicnuty of 50th and Ward, transitioning to more suburban as it extends to the north and east. The plan does not change existing allowable uses or zoning but provides broad guidance regarding future land use decisions in the area. The preferred land use map designates the subject property as "light industrial". (Exhibit 4, Preferred land use map) The light industrial designation is defined as having permitted uses that aze commercial and light industrial in nature. Buildings should be designed as timeless transitional buildings which enhance the pedestrian environment so that the structure can transition from commercial use to commercial use (such as a retail facility to a restaurant use). The ground floor should haue 60% transparency and the buildings should be pushed to the streets with a 0' setback. Parking should be located in the rear. The plan indicates that since the light rail development is several yeazs away; existing businesses must be allowed to operate and expand but must not preclude the ultimate development objectives. More specifically that "existing buildings and uses are encouraged to continue" and that "new buildings and improvements that are not consistent with the...plan... should be of a temporary nature such that they can be amortized and removed with modest expense at such time that the planned roads and other infrastructure aze developed." There are implications for road connections including the widening of W. 52"d Avenue with a pedestrian path and a north-south street connection which could impact the property and any substantial improvements. IV. PRIOR BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION The Board of Adjustment reviewed the applicanYs requests for a both landscaping and paving variances on January 25, 2007. ~ Boazd of Adjushnent CaseNo. WA-06-21/Wiedmaier The following landscaping variances were being considered: • A variance to Section 26-502.D3.c.1. (20 % commercial landscaped coverage requirement) • A variance to Section 26-502.C.1. (Maximum of 35% non-living landscaping) • A variance to Section 26-502.C.3.a. (Commercial street tree requirement) • A variance to Section 26-502.C3.b. (Additional trees and shrubs required) A motion was made to approve the landscape variances for the following reasons: 1. There will be no negative impact on the character of the area. 2. There are unique circumstances as an existing landscape buffer is located in the 52"a Avenue right-of-way. 3. Granting of the landscape variance would not impact the adequate supply of light or air to adjacent properties and would not increase the chance of fire or endanger the public safety. 4. Variances will not be detrimental to the public welfare ar injurious to other properties or improvements in the neighborhood. 5. Related to the subarea plans, there could be a long term negative impact on the neighborhood due to the substantial investment in the property discouraging future redevelopment under the Northwest Subarea Plan. With the following condition: The property owner will plant fifteen five-gallon sized low growing coniferous shrubs in the planted area in the front of the property. This is to be completed by March 31, 2007. A visual inspection of the property performed on April 10, 2007 confirms that the plantings haue occurred and are consistent with the Boazd's condition of approval for the landscape vaziance. A motion was made to approve the paving variance; however, the motion failed to pass as a super majority vote of five affnmative votes was not received. (Exhibit 5, January 25, 2007 minutes) The applicant approached the Boazd on March 22, 2007, and was granted a rehearing on the paving portion of the request. Submitted as new evidence is a drainage analysis performed by registered professional engineer. (Exhibit 6;-analysis of existing conditions). The City of Wheat Ridge drainage review engineer has reviewed the analysis and performed a site visit and concws with the fmdings (Exhibit 9, Dave Brossman memo) V. VARIANCE CRITERIA The applicant is requesting a variance to Section 26: SOl.D.l. for commercial paving requirements. Board of Adjushnent CaseNo. WA-06-21/Wiedmaier StafF has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a variance request 1. Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located? If the paving is required, the property owner will have to install hard surfacing which will require the submission of a drainage plan and report including a water quality basin. Given the small size of the properry, it is questionable whether this could be accommodated on site. The applicant has submitted drainage information which indicates that under the existing conditions, there is minimal impact to the property to the south and east. 2. If the variance were granted, would it alter the essential character of the locality? If the paving variance is granted, it would not impact the essential character of the area. There are numerous commercial properties in the area which have graveled or recycled asphalt parking and drive azeas. 3. Does the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved resu►t in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict , letter of the regulations were carried out? The lot in question has a typical rectangular shape and slopes from northwest to southeast. If the entire lot is paued, accommodation of the required drainage facilities is questionable. According to the adjacent property owner, the improvements installed by the applicant over the past five years have already impacted his properiy. While he does not want additional pauing on the property which will exacerbate the drainage concerns, he would like to haue some accommodation of the existing situation to lessen the impact to his property. The drainage impact analysis submitted by the applicant indicates there is minimal impact. The City of Wheat Ridge drainage review engineer concurs with this fmding. 4. Has the alleged difficulty or hardship been created by any person presently having an interest in the property? The hardship has been created by the property owner who started using the property commercially without completing the required commercial site and building improvements. 5. Would the granting of the variance be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which Boazd of Adjustment Case No. WA-06-21/Wiedmaier the property is located, by, among other things, impairing the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, substantially increasing the congestion in public streets or increasing the danger of fire or endangering the public safety, or substantially diminishing or impairing property values within the neighborhood? Granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare. The paving variance would not impact the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent properties, would not increase the chance of fire or endanger the public safety. There could be a negative impact on the neighborhood if the variance is not granted as installation of additional improvements in the property could discourage the assemblage of adjacent parcels for future redevelopment. It is clearly stated in the Northwest Subazea Plan that interim uses without substantial monetary investment should be encouraged to facilitate future redevelopment. 6. If criteria 1 through 5 are found, then, would the granting of the variance result in a benefit or contribution to the neighborhood or the community, as distinguished from an individual benefit on the part of the applicant, or would granting of the variance result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities? The requested paving variance would result in an individual benefit for the i property and would not result in the accommodation of a person with disabilities. There may be a benefit to the neighborhood and the community if the property were assembled with adjacent parcels and redeveloped. VI. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Upon review of the request, staff concludes that the above criteria are supportive of the commercial paving variance request. Therefore, staff recommends approval for the following reasons: l. There will be no negative impact on the chazacter of the area. 2. Granting of the paving variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare. 3. Grranting of the paving variance would not impact the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent properties and would not increase the chance of fire or endanger the public safety. 4. There could be a long-term negative impact on the neighborhood due to investment in the property discouraging redevelopment. With the following conditions: 1. The existing parking areas be striped as laid out by Staff on Exhibit 1 including the handicapped loading space with freestanding sign. Boazd of Adjustment Case No. WA-06-21/Wiedmaier 2. The existing shed, vehicles and all other outside materials stored in the graveled "landscaped "areas along the eastern property line and at the south end of the property must be removed. \ Boazd of Adjushnent CaseNo. WA-06-21/Wiedmaier R t 1. ~ 'Z v i W 3; . . y ~ ~ n w ~ X Z Q . ~ - - ZF . ' . . . ~00 *L9 1 t 1,00o00 N J 0 W_ - ~ . . . . ~ oot' . 0~ ~ .0'9.l . - . .0"Ol o e ' Z ~ ~ • ~ O ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ' ~ ' a a ~ o o d ~ ~ ~ v W ~ I . ~ Z . . YZ ~ C? ~ o . o. . o o . . e = ~ 1~{ ~ 1 . , N Q' _z " 7 33,211 -Ol ~ 4Zi 0 ` W ` ~ ~ ~ a-~ ~ ~ ~ ,r ~ w ; ~ ; ~ • M ~ :7~ ~ . . • ' ° W ~ . . , , ; - . g . . . . l" ~ ~ ~ Q a ~ ~ , . . . ~ O _.N Y . . . ~ ~ ' . E 09 o N O - ~ . Q o , ~ w ~ N ~ z ~ Z a o \ W ~ m ~ ~7 z r~ m.. z' Q. o . ° ~ . = . . ~ . . - . . .6 z . > s m . . . ~ , N a~4: r ° ~ I ~ . ° Qp `V . . . ~ . 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I A S ~ ~t.~ ~ . 3~ ,~s~ ~ j 4 ~ . . . . ~ . . € . . _ . . . . . x . ~ t,. . ~ S EXHIBIT 3 H l I ~ ~ ~ n n ~ A1 rD rD ~ H n ~ O n rD K { rt U V~ ~ rt ~ G ~ ~ ~ y ~ t -f F rt F-'•I I I cn I ~ N ~ ~ ~ c m ~ ~ ~ 'm ~ ~ Q C N N ~ N ~ x~06W.~1. a-~ or d6 ET:~N o " a o ~ ' ^ y ^ '-y n 5 ` F - ' n.' = a ~ ~ rD ~ 1V ~(yfU tt Q] ~ ~ 0 ~ Q ~ ' ^ C aQ ~ + ~J ^ ^ , rD ~ (D rt `Ci (D I~ ~ ~ O ~ N a ~ CD C CD x ~ a H C7 ~ M z 0 z H x ~ ~ ~ N ~ trJ 9 ~ M a ro r 'z EXHIBIT 4 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Minutes of Meeting Jauuary 25, 2007 2. 3. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment was called to order by Vice Chair BLAIR at 7:05 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29`" Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Meredith Reckert introduced Adam Tietz who was recently hired as Planner I in the Community Development Department ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Board Members Absent: StaffMembers Present: Tom Abbott Bob Blair Paul Hovland Bob Howard Larry Linker Davis Reinhart 4. Janet Bell Paul Drda Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner Adam Tietz, Planner I Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary PUBLIC FORUM There was no one present to address the Board. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Case No. WA-06-21: An application filed by Alan Wiedmaier for approval of (A) variances to Section 26-501.D.1 (Parking Lot Paving) and (B) Section 26-502 (Landscaping Requirements) for property zoned Industrial and located at 11990 West 52°d Avenue. The case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Board there was jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended approval of the variances for reasons, and with conditions, outlined in the staff report. Board of Adjushnent EXHIBIT 5 January 25, 2007 - 1 - In response to a question from Board Member ABBOTT, Ms. Reckert stated that the property owner to the south and east was unable to attend the hearing but she has talked with him on the phone regarding his concems. He did receive a copy of the staff report for this case and indicated he thought it was a fair assessment and recommendation. Alan Wiedmaier Mr. Wiedmaier, the applicant, was sworn in by Vice Chair BLAIR. He disagreed that there was a need for an engineer to analyze the drainage. He stated that in the seven years he has owned the property, he has never observed a drainage problem even with the heaviest rains. He also stated that he has had engineers look at the property in the past and all they could say was that the property sloped to the south and east sides. He agreed to stafPs recommended conditions regarding landscaping requirements and parking lot striping. In response to a question from Board Member REINHART, Mr. Wiedmaier stated that he was attempting to sell the property to the person who purchased his glass business. He stated that years ago, he built a garage for a storage area connected with his residence. It is now being used as a warehouse for the glass business. Meredith confirmed that a permit was issued for the garage to be built as accessory to a residence. Board Member REINHART commented that the property was then upgraded in a manner that didn't meet either residential or industrial standards, and now he has sold the business and wants to sell the property associated with the business. Meredith Reckert stated that staff would like an engineer to look at the drainage situation to know for certain that existing improvements won't affect adjacent neighbors. Board Member LINI{ER expressed concern about the drainage and commented that he would also like to have an engineer take a look at the property. He commented that if the drainage isn't taken caze oF today it can become someone else's problem in the future. Mr. Wiedmaier then stated that he would agree to have an engineer analyze his property. Board Member ABBOTT commented that this matter revolves around the City's Northwest Subarea Plan for future redevelopment in the area. The City, therefore, wants to discourage any major inveshnents in these properties. Meredith Reckert agreed and commented that if not for the subarea plan, staff would have recommended denial. Board Member REINIIART commented that, while a certain amount of indifference to the process may be tolerated, he believed this property owner has certainly benefited by ignoring the city for a long period of time. He expressed ~ Board of Adjustment January 25, 2007 - 2 - concem about drainage issues, also. On the other hand, he didn't want to see the applicant be required to spend a huge amount of money to fix a problem. Board Member HOVLAND commented that RTD plans seem to be imminent. He agreed with Board Member REINHART that he wasn't pleased with the chronology of events on this property. However, at this point in time, considering future plans, staff recommendations seem to be a reasonable option. Board Member BLAIR agreed with Board Member HOVLAND. Board Member ABBOTT commented that he didn't think there was any chance the buildings on this property would survive the next ten years due to the projected RTD light rail station in this area. He also stated that he didn't have sympathy for the applicant because of the reasons he ended up in the situation. In reality, that property will be redeveloped in our lifetimes so the staf£s recommendations make sense to follow City Council's guidelines in not putting excess investment into the present houses and businesses along 52"a Avenue. There were no other individuals present who wished to address the case. Vice Chair BLAIR closed public testimony on this case. Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT and second by Board Member REINHART the following resolution was stated: Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and Whereas, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-06-21(A) is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and Whereas the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law, and in recognition that there was concern registered by the neighbor adjaceut to the east; and Whereas, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustment Case No. WA-06- 21(A) (Paving Variance) be, and hereby is approved. For the following reasons: There will be no negative impact on the character of the area. Board of Adjushnent January 25, 2007 - 3 - 2. Granting of the paving variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare. 3. Granting of the paving variance would not impact the adequate supply of light or air to adjacent properties and would not increase the chance of £re or endanger the public safety. 4. Not granting the variance could result in a long-term negative impact on the neighborhood due to investment in the property discouraging future redevelopment as per the city's Northwest Subarea Plan. 5. Staff recommended approval. With the following conditions: 1. The existing parking areas will be striped as laid out by staff on Exhibit 1 including the handicapped loading space with freestanding sign. This must be completed by April 30, 2007. 2. The existing shed, vehicles and all other outside materials stored in the graveled "landscaped" areas along the eastern property line and at the southern end of the property must be removed. This must be completed by March 31, 2007. 3. A professional engineer must be hired to perform an analysis of the existing conditions on the site to determine what improvements could be made on the southern end of the property, if needed, to relieve current impacts on the property to the east and south. This analysis must be completed by March 15, 2007 and the required improvements installed by May 15, 2007. Board Member Reinhart offered a friendly amendment to allow the Director of Public Works and/or the Director of Community Development discretion to extend the completion of improvements an additional 60 days. This amendment was accepted by Board Member ABBOTT. The motion failed 4 to 2 with Board Members HOWARD and LINKER voting no. (A super majority of five affirmative votes was required for approval.) Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT and second by Board Member REINHART the following resolution was stated: Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and Board of Adjustment January 25, 2007 - 4 - Whereas, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-06-21(B) is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and Whereas the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law, and in recognition that there were no protests registered against it; and Whereas, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustment Case No. WA-06- 21(B) (Landscape Variances) be, and hereby is approved. For the following reasons: 1. There will be no negative impact on the character of the area. 2. There are unique circumstances as an existing landscape buffer is located in the 52"d Avenue right-of-way. 3. Granting of the landscape variances would not impact the adequate supply of light or air to adjacent properties and would not increase the chance of £►re or endanger the public safety. 4. Variances will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other properties or improvements in the neighborhood 5. Related to the subarea plans, there could be a long term negative impact on the neighborhood due to the substantial investment in the property discouraging future redevelopment under the Northwest Subarea Plan. 6. Staff recommended approval. With the following condition: 1. The property owner will plant fifteen five-gallon sized low growing coniferous shrubs in the planter area in the front of the property. This is to be completed by March 31, 2007. The motion passed 6-0. 5. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING Vice Chair BLAIR closed the public hearing. Board of Adjustment January 25, 2007 - 5 - aVni February 21, 2007 Meredith Fteckert 5enior Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 2e Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO80033-SOo1 Ref. M R W Giass 11990 West 52"4 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO Drainage l.etter and Plan Job # 204-013 Dear Meredith: As requested by the City staff and the Boazd of Adjustment, Alan Wiedmaier has retaineci our services Yo perform a drainage analysis of the property Ivcated at 71990 West 52nd Avenue, Wheat Ridge, 00. The purpose of this letter is to identify the exis6ng conditions on the site and determine the magnitude of the drainage impact on the downstrearn properties. I have attached several sheets showing caleulatlons and plan for your iriformatinn. The site is less than one-third of an acre in size and is currently being used as a eommercial lot with two buildings; an affice structure on the nodh end and a metal garage located at the southwest corner of the site. The temaining portion of the lot is covered by either concrete or asphalt pavement and crushed qravel. The property slopes from the northwest to southeast at a genUe slope of approximately 2°/a grade. There are no significant point discharge aress on the property other than at gutter downspouts from the buiidings. 5oils on the site are in hydrologic soil dass "C", soil group Nunn urban land. The site lies in the Clear Creek Major Drainage Basin with flows from the site traveling in a southeasterly direction towards Ciear Creek. The site drains evenly iowards the southeast and is considered as nne sub-basin. The ratronal method was employed to estlmate the peak discharge in the 5-year and 100 year storms, or storm events of 20°/, and 1% probability, respectively. The time of cancentration for the sub-basin was taken to be 6.48 minutes. 7he site imperviousness is approximately 79% based upon the coverage shown on the survey provided by Alpha and Omega Consuitants Improvement Survey Piat, tlated November 3, 2006. '1`he expected runoff from the site for the 5-year storm event is 0.85 cfs and for the 100-year storm event is 1.87 cfs. CIN OF WHEp,T RIDGE PUBLIC WORKS 10 39Fid EXHIBIT 6 DATE___AJg f67 RECEIVED .31.gl07 l srsvB.+o~.a~ 9L0b8E£918 95:80 L00Z/ZZ/Z9 02/22/2007 09:01 8163384026 PAGE 01 The property drains onto an adjacent site towards the south antl east that is currently being used as a recreationaf vehide storage facility. Trie adjacent property has piaced recycled asphalt rnillings over a road located along the fence line. Assuming that there could fae a shallow swale located ott this property to convey the water from the subject property, there woutd be less than three inches of water flowing across at a vetociry of less than iwo feet per second. The existing ground surface and use of the adjacent property should be more than capabie of conveying this runoff without any excessive erosipn or detriment. In my opinion, the existing grading and drainage facilities for the properry do not pose a significarrt hazard to tYie adjacent propertles. The existlng runoff from the praperty will continue to flow toward its historic point and the increased flows are not significant. If you have questions or comments feel free to call me at 720-898-0660. $incerely, Andrew J. Marner, PE Alliance Consulting Engineers and Surveyors Cc: Alan Wiedmaier file Fncl: Runoff CalCUlations Open Channel Flow calcuiations Drainage Plan 11990 W 52nd Avenue DRAINAGE PLAN ~ iro-.ww.ww...ow I ~ ~ ~ ~ . . ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ 10 ~ 0.27 .69 ~ ~ ~ L-wmzmrr-mrr r i'wwj 30 0 15 30 60 ORIGINAL SCALE: 1"=30' BASIN 10 MINOR STORM RUNOFF COEF'F. ? y (7 0 YR) `-MAJOR STORM (ACRES) RUNOFF COEFF. (100 YR) BASIN BDUNDARY YCla~f[:AnRi 6 •urwMe • maneoro. metaLercxlwu~uYr md[ciww.r.tw~. %MflAp• y~ ~r~r A Il~ 1 7 ~ 7 ONAWMQ N0. MR 01~ MON_~ . . 204013~~ho" • IYf Yt ~OI Of M fIR~ ~PNO~ Ari11~ MkE~1110.T OATE: Allia~~~e C~o~t~ng DRAINA(;E PI,AN 2/20/07 a303-A R 5440 WNWPORD.SUIE7M'AF^/NIR0080002 ~ tr.w,wMrw.lMwrr.rra PflfY[p)8q.0B80•FA%(90.i)42F8734 ALAN ~EDIi~AIER ~ L0 3DCd 9L0b8EE918 99:89 L09Z/ZL/Z0 I Area-Weighting for Runoff Coefficlent CalCUlation proJact TIEIe: M b W QLASS Catclmerrt 10: EX1571NG - S-YEAR IIIUStratlOn s-0"1 ~F---~ r~oWuueenm ~se g 4t~~ Sriura3 ~ Inatructions: For each catchment su6area, ariter vaiuea for A and C. Subam Area RunoH Producl ID acxes CoeH. A C• CA i ut i inpLd t BUILOING 0.07 0.75 0.05 PAVED 0.11 0.90 0.10 GRAVEL 0.09 0.35 0.03 sum: 0.27 Sum: - 0.19 AmtWNghladHunoNCOblOeleM(wmCNsuml) = 0.69 'Sae sheet "Gealgn INO" (pr InpBrvlOUSneee-6eSed nrfoH caettlcient vetues. 204013UD-Rational v1.02axis, Weighted C 5-YR 2121/2007, 72:32 PM 60 39Gd 9Z9b8EE918 99:80 L99Z/ZZ/Z0 Area-Weighting for Runoff CoefHdent Calculation Projec171t1e: M & W GUSS Catclvrient ID: El(ISiING -100 YEAR Illustration ,~y Ftewnxecnon r- g~ CaLe7rm1; Siaea9 ~Y ~ InbiNMlona: Fpr qgGh cqkhmen( guWga, eMBrWuea foY A and C. SlIt1PlB8 N'0P RIwff PrIXl11Cl ID acres CoeH. A C" CA i t i ut i o t BUILDING 0.07 0.83 0.06 PAVED 0.17 0.96 0.11 GRAVEL 0.08 0.58 0.05 Sum:~ 0.27 ~ Sum:1 0.22 ~ Aroa-WNgMed FhirwH Cqetflclaq (aum Gusum A) = 0.61 'See sheet "Deslgn Infa" for inperv{ousiness4based runoff coetfi4lend vglues. 204013UD-RatlOrial v1.02a.)d3, WBighted C 100-YR 2/21/2007, 72:32 PM 00 30dd 9Z0b8EE9S8 95:89 L00t/LL/Z0 1 CAl.cutAnOr+ oF a aEUC AunoFF usINO raano►uL ►,Er►wa A nrqect rMw- N a w auSS caWmem o: 1. (atcnmqrR tMtkdaWc oala CatohmmR10= 70 Nea- 027ACre9 PerCent Imperv}ousnass = 79.00 % NRCSSoBType. CA,B,C,orD II.Re1MaI11n~prmaiivn 1(incMAx1=Ct`P1!(C2+Td)"C3 D68ign $tpm R9(yrR P¢rjpd, Tr _ 5 ye81'S C7 = 28,50 Cz. 70.00 cs. .rec P1= 1.45 M1eMs (inpyt m01m pgriod for daeipn 69om1) (uput tha vaWe or Ct) (inwcue vak,e a c21i crput me vuue ot p) (input orahr precipiVUior-sea Sheec'Decign trAO'1 m. Arelye4 u! Flow Tlms (7'Ime ol Conoantmllan) la a Catchmad Rucroit Goeflcian[, C - 0.74 Overide Runoif Coetf{cient C- 0.68 (amer an warida C velua N dasiretl, a leave hlank m accept calculated GJ arr.rvunaf caeirdem,GS= 0.61 0ver1r10 Syr. Runpfl Coefficienl, C m 0.69 (enter an oVefide G5 value if dwired, qr 19ave Nenk W aoaapt caiculatetl C-54 llikkUMOffi ~ weWwl ~i.~ YsarA i p~. }]rb4a.w~ NFC$LqnO FNBVy TAlage/ SMbA Nparly G~d846d Pgryp~A~99ea T7Pa Meedaw FiHd PaaWrc✓ Bare Swa'ee( 9hellow 14ved Swelas uwna Grwro wa~er« SMHFlOw Ca 2.B 5 7 10 15 20 CakauWoana fNR ( ~ I G5 I Ce~ V Ips H m nu1Bb Rgyipngl UserEnterod IV. Psak punofi ProdlNan RahlaR IMgneiry ac CqnpuW TC, I= 4.57 inNyM Paak Fbwrate, pp. 0.85 cta F1anlAA ItilBNSlty 2t FlByldlel TC. I . 3.76 kX:1JM Peak Flowrata, qp a 0.70 cts RahfaM Immeiry et Ueer-Oefined Tc, I= 4.57 :tdi/hr Peak Fbwraoe, pp a 0.85 cfs Cakulated values Tor 7c 6 Qp ara basod on uvarMa valuas enlored to! C G C-6. 204913U0.RaHOna1 v1.02a.tle. Tc and PeakO 5-year 2/2112007, 72:32 PM 50 39tid 9Z9b8£E9L8 99-89 L09Z/LZ/Z9 CALCUl.A7tON OF A PEAK RUHOFF USIlKi RA710NAL MEfHOD Prolea rnl.: M s w ouSS Ca[c1lrmettt IO: EXWiMP -10oyr L CPfchmBM FIyMrdaylC DotO Ca$ohmgn{ ID ~ 10 Area= 027Aaes Pen:ent Imporviouane¢s. 79.00qo NRCSSaIType= CA,&C,arD II. FhtMall IMOrmetlan I Qncll/hr) = Cl ' PI /(C7 i 7d)"C3 oeagn Stmn Aqum Period. Tr= 100 years C1 = 28.50 G2- 10.00 C3= 0.786 P7. 2.70 incFies (Wpl(181um pBfiod fp d9gi0n g(pm} (Mput the value d c+) fuqxrt ihe reiue ot c2) (Iriput 1fre value of 03} (inpuS dwhr WgC~P~~•~sae Shset "Oesign IMD") IB. Andyeie d FlwvTlme (Tlma vl ConwMrallrn) for a Calchm^^t Runofl CoetLcientt, C m 0.74 Ov6dda qwrotf CoeKaeM, C= 0.81 (emer an aeride C value a dwued, u IaNen Nank tp acCapt Celculated C.) 5-yr- Runwff Cceft'iciant G5 = 0.81 Ove'ide 5-yr. Rurwff Coetficient, C= 0.68 (enter an overMe GS value it desired, w feave Msnk to accept caiwWtad C-5.) nIIgtrfftIm NAC$ I.Arq HBeV Tillsga/ SIbA N08dY GfMENI Pfi9tl TYpe M11Cadow FiolO PasMal 09'e I Swe~ed Shaliow P X I U.nt GroUntl WalerwaYS Sne _c~ara~a 1 zs s 7 ro u M cakulabans: ID I 5 I L qunM I Comey- Vebcily Tlme Caefl ence V Tf fUfl X G5 Ips minuMs Rgqipndl IV. Poak RunaH hsdlotlon R9rtitW IMengity et Cpmputgd 7c,1 - 8.51 kdlfM Peak FlaxraW, qp = 1.87 ds Rahfal lntenaily at Hepionsl Tc. I= 7.pp mcfyhr Peak Flowrare, Qp = 1.53 GS peintaN In,en* ffi User-DatNW Tc. I. 8b1 Ble:Nhr PaaN F1owrag, Qp' 1.87 cfs CaiDUletpd vsluas for 7a & tlp are tlgeed on avbritls V¢IUeb enlered ttt C&(Y$. 204013UD-Hpypnal yl,ppgbs, TC Md Pggkp 100-yeel' 2/2112007,12;32 pM 90 39tid 9Z0bSE£9S8 95:80 L90Z/ZL/Z0 Worksheet Worksheel fqr Triangular CF►attrlel ProJecx oeacription Wakaheet Ttlangul¢r Channe Ffow Elemem Triangular Cnenne MeUlad Mannntt]'e FormWe SoNB For ChannBl Depfh Inpul bals Mennings Cp91fiC U.090 3bpB 0200pp tyry Left 31de Sbpe 20.00 H: V Rght Slde &ope 20.00 H: v oisc,arge 1.e7 cfs Hesuhs Depih 2.8 in FlowArae 1,1 ft° Wetted Pedmi 9-44 ft TaAwKfth 9.49 ft C`itiCalOepth 0.22 h CrltlCel Sbpg 0.0273'A fVft Veloe(ty 1.68 fVs VelocKy Heatl 0.04 ft 3pedfic Engrg 3.4 in Froude NumW 0.86 FlqwTypg Ru6Cfltlcal G1...WrgMagB120A0Y3dfElnege.hn2 Pm'pct Englneer. anCrew Marrier AIIImeeOpvplppmpr1l$ervlNf FiowMastefV8.1 1674KJ 02/21l07 12:43:54 PM @Hggsfad MoIhppg, InC. 37 Brpplqldp Rpgd WatMblity. GT 06T08 U3A (203) 755-1688 Page 1 of 1 L9 39tid 969486£918 95:80 L90Z/LZ/Z9 Crass Section Cross Section for THangular Channel PrqeCt Dascnp[i0n WoNtSh96t TrianputarGhenna Fbw Elemant Tr"ienguler Chenna Methad Mgnninp's FOfmule 3oNe Poi' Ghannaf Oepih SacGOn Oata Manninge Coefflc 4.030 SbPe 020000 tt/tt D9ptl+ 2.8 in Leh Skfe $Yope 20.00 FI : v Right 3ide Slppe 20.00 H: V D'18chafgB 1.87 cfe in V:1 N H:1 NTS c{...Wradnage1204013dreinage.fm2 PYOfoc,1 Engimer: ArWrey Marner NIIIptICo pWainp'ryp~h$peWpy FWWMHb1erv6.1 f614k] 02/21/W Y2;44:40 PM 0 ryeestsd M¢(tvodS. InC. 37 6Ytl0lmid2 Rpad W810l6ury, G7 06708 USA (203) 755-7866 pgga i pf i 80 39Gd 9Z0b8E69t8 99:89 L00Z/LZ/Z0 ~F ~C,ryoffteatRia9e ~ M E M O R A N D U M Department of Poblic Works TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: March 12, 2007 SUBJECT: M& W Glass (Alan Wiedemaier) I haue completed the first review of the drainage analysis received on March 8, 2007 far the M& W Glass commercial business located at 11990 West 52"d Avenue, and have the following comment: 1. In his drainage analysis, the Engineer-of-Record, Mr. Andrew J. Marner, P.E. of Alliance Consulting Engineers and Surveyors states that "In my opinion, the existing grading and drainage facilities for the property do not pose a significant hazazd to the adjacent properties". Today I performed an inspection of the site which indicated this appears to be a fairly accurate statement. I did observe some minor erosion along the westerly entrance drive to the adjoining property produced by nxnoff from the subject properiy, but in my opinion it did not appear to have a significant negative impact to the adjoining property. 2. If the paving variance is NOT granted by the Board of Adjustment it appeazs that additional pavement will be required to bring this property into compliance with current City Code. Due to this being a commercial property, if more pavement is added to this site then the property will need to provide on-site stormwater detention incorporating water quality in order to bring this property into compliance with current EPA regulations (the Clean Water Act). This property is relatively small (only 1/3 acre) which makes the placement of a detention facility difficult given the current site layout, it would be expensive to construct, and in the end would provide very little added water quality benefit. EXHIBIT 7 To Mece - M& W Glass (11990 W52nd Ave) (3-12A7).doc CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Minutes of Meeting March 22, 2007 CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment was called to order by Chair BELL at 7:00 p.m. in the City Counci] Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29"' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Tom Abbott: Janet Bell BobrBlair Paul,Hovland:. Larry Linker" Board Members Absent: Betty Jo Page Staff Members Present: Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner Ann Lazzeri, Secretary 3. No one wished to address the Board at this time. 4. PUBLIC HI A. Case No. WA-07-03: An application filed by Wheat Ridge Rotary Club forapproval of a variance to Section 26-709.K.2 (semi-public signs) to allow an additional semi-public sign on property zoned Commercial-One and located at 4005 Kipling Street. The case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She entered all pertinent documents'into the record and advised the Board there was jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. City code allows two signs per activity. Since there are going to be two multi- organizational signs at the entrances of the city on Wadsworth which will include the Rotary Club's name, a variance is necessary to allow a third sign. Staff recommended approval of the variance for reasons outlined in the staff report. Board Member ABBOTT commented that the unique thing about the subject sign is that it would indicate where and at what time the Rotary Club meets. Board of Adjushnent March 22, 2007 Board Member HOVLAND commented that since there are signs at the north and south ends of the city, it might open the door for other organizations to request signs. Walt Pettit President, Wheat Ridge Rotary Club Mr. Pettit was sworn in by Chair BELL. He showed the two proposed signs. The first was a round 18-inch Rotary Club sign with the second being a smaller rectangular sign indicating ineeting place and time. Mr. Pettit stated that the Rotary Club will pay for the sign and the installation. He stated that Joyce Manwaring, Director of Parks and Recreation, has written a letter stating she has no objection to the sign being placed on the northeast corner of the recreation center property. Board Member ABBOTT commented that the only unique situation is that the Rotary Club has permission from the property owner. He suggested that perhaps this section of the sign code needs to be amended. Mr. Pettit stated that there is a unique situation with the Rotary Club in that it supports the city by improving city facilities and has donated over $30,000 to the recreation center for community room improvements. There were no other individuals to speak at this time. Therefore, Chair BELL closed the public hearing. In response to a question from Board Member HOWARD, Meredith Reckert stated that several phone calls were received from residents who lived in the Cambridge Park Subdiuision to the west. Once they understood the nature of the variance request, they were not opposed to it. Board Member HOVLAND; commented that it seems there would be no harm done by granting the variance; however, it is difficult to find a hardship. He agreed that the'sign code may need to be changed. Board:Member LINKER commented that it is a unique situation when the Rotary Club meets at the recreation center. Board Member BLAIR stated that he would support a motion to approve the variance. He could see no problem with placing a sign on that stretch of Kipling that has very little signage. Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT and second by Board Member LINKER, the following resolution was stated: Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative ofFcer; and Board of Adjushnent - 2 - March 22, 2007 Whereas, Board of Adjustment Case No. WA-07-03 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrarive officer; and Whereas, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law, and in recognition that there were no protests registered against it; and Whereas, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustment Case No. WA-07- 03 be, and hereby is, APPROVEA For the following reasons: 1. The proposed semi-public sign'will not impact the essential character of the neighborhood. 2. Granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other properties or improvements in the neighborhood. 3. The additional sign would not impact the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent properties and would not increase the chance of fire or endanger the public safety. 4. There may be a benefit to the'applicanYand the community due to increased exposure for a Wheat Ridge service club. 5. Toward recommendations from the NRS, this sign may promote The request was approved by the planning staff and a letter of permission was submitted by the city as property owner. With the 1. The Rotary Club will approach city council to wnsider modifying this ordinance toward the benefit of all other organizations affected by this ordinance. The motion carried 7-0. 5. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING There were no other cases to be heard by the Board at this time. Chair BELL closed the public hearing portion of the meeting. 6. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Board. Board of Adjustment -3- March 22, 2007 NEW BUSINESS A. Request for a rehearing of Case No. WA-06-21(A) which was denied by Board of Adjustment on January 25, 2007. Meredith Reckert presented this item. On January 25, 2007, The Board heard this case which was a request for approval of landscaping and paving variances for property located at 11990 West 52°d Avenue. The Board approved the request for a variance to landscaping but denied the request for variance to paving. The applicant has submitted new evidence which is a drainage analysis regarding existing conditions on theproperty and is requesting the Board to reconsider his case. It was moved by Board Member B HOVLAND to rehear the case on f engineer be present to make interp The motion passed 6-1 with Board 3 seconded by Board Member rith the proviso that an for the lay person. I30WARD voting no. B. Approval of Minutes - January 25, 2007. It was moved by Board Member HOWARD and seconded by Board member HOVLAND to approve the'minutes of January 25, 2007 with amendments to the listing of those present aYthe meeting. The motion passed 6-0 with Bo.ard Member BELL abstaining. C. Election of Officers It was moved by Board Member ABBOTT and seconded by Board Member HOVLANA,seconded to nominate Board Member BLAIR as Chair. The motion passed 7-0. It was moved by Board Member ABBOTT and seconded by Board Member HOVLAND to nominate Board Member LINKER as vice chair. The motion passed 7-0. 8. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Board Member HOWARD and seconded by Board Member BLAIR to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 p.m. Janet Bell, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Board of Adjustment - 4- March 22, 2007