HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/02/1999AGENDA
Tuesday, February 2,1999
7:00 p.m.
Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Economic
Development and Revitalization Commission on February 2, 1999, at 7:00 p.m., City Council
Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
1. Call The Meeting to Order
2. Roll Call of Members
A) Introduction of New EDARC Commissioner
3. Consideration of Absences
4. Approval of Minutes - September 29,1998
5. Public Forum (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on
the agenda.)
6. Unfinished Business
A) Wheat Ridge Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Study Update
7. New Business
A) Discussion of 1999 Commission Goals
8. Adjournment - to February 25, 1999
C:~Hazbara\ECODE V OVaGENDAS\990202.wpd
Wheat Ridge budget is
deficit spending
I have been studying the pro-
posed 1999 Wheat Ridge budget
[he las[ several weeks and have
some major concerns.
"Projec[ed Revenues" for
1999 are $14,175,556 for an in-
crease of $857,822 over 1998.
"Projec[ed Expenses" for 1999
aze $14,831,489 for an increase
of $1,383, 523 over 1998. See
the picture? We are spendingmore money than we are bring- ing in. This is lowering our po-
tential surplus for additional pro-
jec[s [hat residen[s may desire in
[he fu[ure and, in my opinion, is
deficit spending. At this time I
think is useless to hold any more
budge[ meetings until the budget'I
is adjusted so we are not spend-
ing more money than we are'bringing in. I understand the
, need to hire [he additional police
. s[aff since [he vo[ers approvedthe increase in the ]odger's tax,
but I do not support hiring any '
other staff at this time.
. I know our ci[y manager and
i some of our council members
are going to say we need to raise
, taxes, but we have gone to that
well twice in [wo years now. We
, need to increase our sales tax
- base rather than tax the same
i businesses over and over again.
This is one of the reasons I sup_ '
ported giving more responsibili- I
ties to EDARC (Economic De- velopmen[ and Revitalization
Committee) last term so they
could start pursuing more viable
businesses in Whea[ Ridge [o
generate more sales tax. So faz,
EDARC has not seemed to ac-
complish much in this arena.
Wheat Ridge has some of the
best conidors in the metropoli-
[an area for business exposure,
yet our city has fallen short in
achieving its po[ential of attrac[-
ing quality business.
I am no[ going to suppott the
budget a[ this time until the
deficit spending is eliminated. I
believe we need to be more ac-
countable to the taxpayers. ~
Please call me if you have any questions or comments at 303- ~
Wheat Ridge City Council, ~
Dist.l i