HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/31/1998AGENDA
• Tuesday, March 31,1998
7:00 p.m.
Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge
Economic Development and Revitatization Commission on March 31, 1998, at 7:00 p.m.,
Lobby. Conference Room, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
1. Call The Meeting to Order
2. Roll Call of Members
3. Consideration of Absences
4. Approval of Minutes - February 10, 1998
5. Public Forum (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing
on the agenda.)
6. Unfinished Business
7. New Business
A) Consideration of Contribution to Wadsworth Corridor Study
8. Adjournment
d:\...\edarc\agendas\98033Lwpd -
FEBRUARY 10,1998
7:00 P.M.
The Wheat Ridge Economic and Development Commission meeting was called to order by
Chairman ROACH at 7:07 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Ivlargy Piatter, Elwin Kiplinger, Sandra Collins, Janet Leo,
Dick Matthews, Jerry Roach, and Rae Jean Behm
Commissioners Absent: Joe Drew, Norm Burkepile
Also Present: Alan White, Director of Planning and Development
Ann Pitinga, Grant Administrator
Martin Orner, Economic Development SpecialisUAssociate
Kim Quay(e, Building Department Secretary
EDARC Commissioners absent: Joe Drew and Norm Burkepile (both excused)
MOTION by Commissioner MATTHEWS, seconded by Commissioner KIPLINGER to
approve the Minutes of August 19, 1997. Motion carried unanimously.
No one appeared to speak.
A. Wheat Ridge Center Urban Renewal Authority
l. Office of Energy Conservation Grant for Wadsworth Boulevazd Study.
EDARC Minutes - 1
The City of Wheat Ridge has received a$25,000 grant from the State of Colorado for
analysis of Wadsworth Boulevazd. Since $38,000 had been requested, there is a
possibility that the grant may not be sufficient to cover proper analysis, and there
may be a future request to EDARC for the additional funds.
A lazge portion of Wadsworth is immediately adjacent to the Urban Renewal Area
and the intersection at West 38th Avenue and West 44th Avenue are critical to the
function of Wadsworth.
B. General Business
Election of Officers
MOTION by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by Commissioner
KIPLINGER that JERRY ROACH be nominated as Chairman. The motion carried
MOTION by Commissioner ROACH and seconded by Commissioner KIPLINGER
that DICK MATTHEWS, Vice Chairman be retained in this position. The motion
carried unanimously.
2. Approval of Signatories for Financial Institutions
OIvI TION by Chair KIPLINGER and seconded by Vice Chair MATTHEWS to adopt
RESOLUTION 98-I to approve the EDARC Chair, Vice Chair, Martin Omer, and
Alan White as signatories for financial institutions. The motion carried
C. Economic Development Update
Development at 44th and Wadsworth. Most of the problems associated with this
location have been resolved. A ground lease is being negotiated between the owner
and Walgreen's Pharmacy.
The City of Wheat Ridge is investigating the possibility of annexing property at the
intersection of Colorado 58 and 44th Avenue. The owner is planning to develop the
azea as light industrial.
Brass Armadillo antique mall. Construction of a 44,000 square foot antique mall is
scheduled to begin in June. The mall is located north of I-70 next door to Medved
EDARC Minutes
auto dealership. The building is designed for future re-use.
D. Review and Explanation of EDARC Documents and Organizations
There was no new business.
MOTION by Vice Chair MATTHEWS and second by Commissioner KIPLINGER
to adjourn meeting. The motion carried unanimously.
EDARC Minutes 3
~ 2/10/98
City of Wheat Ridge
Planning and Development Department ' m
TO: EDARC Members
FROM: Alan White, Planning and(Development Director 00
SUBJECT: March 31 EDARC Meeting
DATE: March 26, 1998
The purpose of the March 31 st meeting is to request a contribution from EDARC for the
preparation of the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Plan. Attached is a copy of the proposal from
the firm selected by the City (RNL Design) to perform the work and a copy of the Request for
Proposal sent out by the City. We are in the process of working with the firm to revise the scope
of services. This will result in fees different from that quoted in the proposal.
Because of these changes in the scope, we will have a better idea of the amount of the
contribution being requested from EDARC at the meeting.
( n~~ ~,,4
RFP 98-020
Professional Planning/Engineering Services
Wheat Ridge, CO 80215
Wadsworth Boulevard, Colo. Highway 121, is a north-soudi, four-lane major
regional arterial in the West Metro Denver area. Within Wheat Ridge it extends
from W. 26`h Avenue to I-70. The average daily traffic (ADT) of Wadsworth
Boulevard within the City has reached or exceeds capacity at various locarions.
The proposed Jefferson Countywide Transportation Plan indicates that by the year
2015, Wadsworth Boulevard between W. 6" Avenue and W. 52"d Avenue should
be six (6) through lanes plus additional turn lanes and acceleration/deceleration
lanes at the major intersections.
The City desires to investigate alternatives and develop a plan to increase tlie
capacity of the Wadsworth corridor from W. 26t'' Ave. To I-70. The City desires to
increase the capacity through street and signal improvements that will maximize the
efficiency of the exisring four- lane roadway. The City does not want to increase the
capacity through expansion of the roadway to six lanes and an analysis of that
alternative is not a part of this study. The purpose of the Wadsworth Boulevard
Corridor Plan is to develop and adopt a document to enhance traffic operations
along Wadsworth Boulevard, integrate the land use and appearance of the arterial
and encourage economic revitalization through use of TCM strategies and models.
A component of the Plan will be the reconciliation of how Wadsworth Boulevard is
used by businesses, residents and commuters.
It is not the intent that this plan will be a"typical" transportation plan. It sbould be
a highly crearive and visionary master corridor plan.
Several related elements need to be addressed in order to produce a comprehensive
and useful plan. The proposal should address the following elements:
1. Transportation and Traffic - At a minimum, the consultant shall provide a
corridor transportation improvement plan that will include, but not be limited
to, consideration of bicycle lanes, sidewalk network, median islands, access
controUconsolidation, additional turn/auxiliary lanes and off-street interparcel
access driveways. The plan sha11 also consider intermodal connection, transit
access and signal progression and spacing.
The consultant, at a minimum, sha11:
a. Examine existing and historic traffic conditions,
b. Obtain City and public input,
c. Review traffic data provided by the City,
d. Supplement the City's traffic data as necessary to prepare the corridor
transportation improvement plan,
e. Project capacity needs in the year 2020,
£ Develop traffic improvement altemarives and present the alternatives
using computerized photo virtual graphics which incorporate urban
design elements,
g. Provide a signal progression analysis of the existing conditions,
h. Present traffic model, signal progression analysis and design and
construction cost for two or three alternatives and provide a
i. Prepare a final corridor transportation improvement plan for the
selected alternative.
2. Land Use - Review the current existing land uses and zoning. Recommend
appropriate types of corridor uses. Recommend methods to implement
Urban Design- Identify design elements essential to the character of the
corridor. Provide recommendations in the fonn of design guidelines,
presented in both written and graphic form, with photo virtual graphics
preferred, for the enhancement or provision of urban design elements in the
following areas, at a minimum:
a. Public Improvements - Sidewalks, crosswalks, landscaping, lighting,
transit stops, public signage and street furniriue.
b. Private Improvements - Building design and orientations, parking,
landscaping, signage and lighting.
4. Public Participation - Public review is essential to the success of the
planning effort. Design a public process, including opportunities for
discussing issues with citizens, advisory boards, landowners, utility
providers, CDOT and staff from Wheat Ridge.
5. Implementation - Provide recommendations for phased improvements,
including cost estimates, responsible parties and possible fundingsources.
Please recommend changes to the City's ordinances and standards.
6. Prepare Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Plan - Prepare final document
summarizing the findings and recommendations of the process and a master
plan view of the corridor.
The proposal shall include:
1. A narrative description of the finn and the persons performing the services.
2. A description o.f comprable projects completed. Examples of similac work
will be requested at the time of interview.
3. A detailed scope of work clearly illustrating tasks to be accomplished and
work products.
4. A fee schedule and time line for project completion. Please indicate the
estimated cost for each element.
5. A list of personnel assigned to the project team, including resumes, work
experience and hourly rates.
The selection process shall include a review of all proposals submitted as to .
whether the proposal meets or exceeds the stated elements of this RFP. The results
of reference checks and past performances for other clients will be carefully
considered. A short list of selected finns will be invited to an interview during the
wPek of March 9. 1998.
The firms selected to interview shall provide, at the interview, a work schedule
showing work to be performed and a lump sum fee proposal for specific
elements. The lump sum fee proposal shall include al( the items outlined in the
scope of work.
If additional work is requied to complete the project the firm shall include
proposed work in the proposal and in the not to exceed fee proposal.
The following is a schedule for completion of this project.
1. Award of contract to successfiil Proposer March 23, 1998.
2. Completion of Research and Information Gathering - May 28,1998.
3. Final Report - November 30, 1998.
The selected proposer shall be able to meet these deadlines.
Al] Proposals shall be delivered to:
Bill Powell
City of VJheat Ridge
7500 West 29`h Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO 80215
Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked clearly with the name
and address of proposer's, proposal title, proposal number, date and time of closing
Any questions regarding the specific aspects of the project may be directed to Alan
White, Director of Planning and Development, at 235-2844.
Inrerwr DesiSn
. EngineermG
Faahty Plannmg
Urban Dessen
i.zndscape 9rchuerw.c
A Professional Co~ p,ranun
isi5 Arapahoe Slreet
Tower 1. sene 7r<,
March 2, 1998
Denver. ColoraJn kc-u-
PI 7u's=95. IP 7
Mr. Bill Powell
~i o3
City of Wheat Ridge
7500 West 29th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO 80215
Dear Biil:
RNL design is pleased to submit our proposal for the Wadsworth Boulevard Conidor
es to team with Felsburg
Plan. Given the nature of this project, RNL Design propos
ortation planning consultants, and Szymanski Ray, mazket
Holt & Ullevig, tran
both of whom have worked with a us on a
economic and implementat
In your RFP, the transpoRation scope is defined first and in
number of similar proje
the key to this project's success will be the degree to which traffic,
ies are
tai] but
land use, urban design, streetscape, muket economics, and implementation s
All of these elements are closely inteo-
integrated into a comprehensive corridor plan.
the best urban boulevards. Wheat Ridge is taking
d i
related and are artfully coordinate
the County's recommendation that a six-lane roadway
a bold approach in challeng
modate the expected traffic volume in the next 15 to 17 years.
will be necessary to accom
d a vision for the Wadsworth corridor that encompasses
It is clear to us that you nee
much more than its role as a transportation artery.
Wadsworth Boulevard is recognized throughout the metro ar asopremier th rterials nccial
corridor. As a state highway, and one of only a few primary
st move traffic efficiently. While high vaffic counts are an important
t mu
Wheat Ridge,
attraction for many businesses, speed and limited access often work against business
h traffic efficiently, while
needs. The challenge for WadswoRh is to move throug
d allowing needed access for Corridor businesses.
ty an
providing good visibil
The Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Study will reguire a multi-disciplined team
Rocky Mountain Region's pre-eminent design and
approach. RNL Design is one o
planning firms with the capability to provide integrated full-service planning, urban
RNL's in-house urban
design, landscape architecture, architecture, and eng
and engineers combined with transportation and market
designers, landscape arc
consultants will bring a balanced perspective of the various disciplines necessary to
ect wil] demand a
create a strong vision for this significant corridor. This proj
ortation planning, a real understanding of urban context,
combination of soun
quality landscape, infrastructure, mazket economics, visionary urban design, as well as
ublic sector projects. Providing
experience with implementation of pr
1 in all of the components needed to create
s su
comprehensive design services mean
ble future conidor plan; a plan acaeptable to city planners,
a high quality, implemen
regulating agencies, and residents of Wheat Ridge.
property and bus
Mr. Bill Powell
March 2, 1998
Page 2
RNL has successfully completed numerous studies of similar scope for a vaziety of
communiues throughout the Denver metropolitan area. Our experience includes
corridor studies, district plans, and master plans for communities and private developers.
We recently completed the AirpoR Boulevard Corridor Study for Aurora. A component
of this Land Use Plan was incorporated into the City of Aurora's Comprehensive Plan
and Aurora City Council adopted streetscape and landscape design guidelines generated
by RNL.
Components of the WadswoRh plan include land use planning, transportation planning,
design guidelines For public and private improvements; and implementation strategies.
Our team brings extensive experience, creativity, local knowledge, and a track record of
success to this project. The strengths of the team include the following:
• Land Use Planning: Members of the team have worked on numerous downtown
land use throughout Colorado and the United States, many of which focused on
transportation, economic development, and land utilization issues.
• Implementation: The team has a track record not just of planning, but of
successful implemen[ation strategies. We are creative thinkers, but hazd-nosed
and realistic when it comes to creating solutions that work in practice. Ame Ray,
a real estate and marketing analyst with Szymanski Ray, will provide expert
project implementation and development feasibility for public\private partnerships.
~ • Economic Development/Market Analysis: We have extensive experience with
economic development and market aspects of development plans. Many of our
laod use projects and corridor studies have included market/economic analysis as
part of the overall development for the land use plans.
• Contextual Infill Development/Urban Design: Context-sensitive development
and urban design are recognized strengths of the team. Jim Leggitt and Kent Freed
of RNI. Design have drafted numerous design guidelines for cities and towns.
Jim Leggitt is known forguick sketching techniques which are useful in
visualizing alternative urban design solutions.
• Established Working Relationships: Our team members have worked together
in the past on a variety of projects and can hit the ground running.
• Metro Area Experience: Our team members have an established track record in
cities and front range communities including Parker, Golden, Boulder, Longmont,
Lafayette, and Fort Collins.
• Creative lransportation Experience: Felsburg Holt and Ullevig brings
recognized expertise in creative transportation planning. They have assisted
communities throughout the United States in developing land-use based
transportation plans that consciously acknowledge the interrelationships between
urban form, urban design, mobility, accessibility, and quality of life. They nave
also provided parking and pedestrian planning services to both public and private
j• sector clients in Colorado, Arizona; New Mexico, and Minnesota.
Mc Bill Powell
March 2, 1998
Page 3
Our team members have proven their ability to establish solid working relationships
with staff, planning commissioners, and elected ofFicials. In doing so, they draw on
their hands-on experience working with local govemment planning agency directors,
staff, and regulatory agencies. They know and understand the realities of plan
implementation, not just the theory, and aze comfortable working on projects where staff
takes an important, substantive role. In addition, Rich von Luhrte, a principal of RNL
Design, and long time resident of Wheat Ridge, will have a personal interest in this
project. Rich has been active in the metro area business communities for many yeazs.
Rich founded the urban design practice at RNL Design several yeazs ago and continues
to mentor the 10 person studio that has grown from its inception. His role on this
project will be Principal-In-Charge.
We strongly believe that the RNL Design team offers the unique combination of talent,
expertise, experience, and understanding to accomplish this project. Most of all, we
have a tremendous respect for the fuwre of Wheat Ridge, for the potential of the
Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Smdy, and for the opportunity this project presents. A<
an added benefit, we have the enthusiasm and creativity to stretch the emelope of
traditional ideas, to try new and innovative solutions, and to translate the vision into a
dynamic and creative future corridor improvement plan. We are extremely excited by
the opportunity to present our qualifications to you for this effort, and stand ready to
answer any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you in the near
Patric B. Dawe, AIA, AICP Kent Freed, AIA
Director of Urban Design Associate
Summdry of Qudlifications
Project Approdch
Firm Qualifications
City of Wheat Ridge, Wddsworth Boulevard Corridor Plan
~R NL Design Was established in 1956. Today, we employ over 130 professionals with a broad
range of skills and qualifications to mee[ the varied needs of our clien[s. RNL speciatizes in
clien[-oriented planning, programming urban design, landscape archi[ec[ure, and engineering services
which address our clien[s' unique needs and solve their specific problems. By offering a wide range
of services, RNL can assist our dients in de[ermining which particular needs must be addressed, .
which concerns aze mos[ important, and how [hose needs and concems can best be met The
organization is flexible and open [o allow quick and appropriate response [o the changing needs of
each project.
Our exper[ise, excep[ional service and projec[ delivery is underscored by a second generation
commitment and our clients' confidence in our ability [o exceed [heir expec[ations. Eighty percent of
our work comes from repeat clients!
Our mul[i-disciplinary [eam possesses [he skills and experience your project demands. We can devise
innovative shori and long-term solutions Io the development and fuWre land use issues facing the
Wheat Ridge community and Ihe Wadsworth Boulevud Corridor Plan. Each of our team members
has ex[ensive experience in urban design and land use planning, giving RNL a base for planning
discussions, public facilitation, design development, and implementation. Patric Dawe, AIA, AICP
Director of Urban Design
ProjectManager PaVic Dawe, joined RNL Design wi[h more [han 30 yeazs of
iurban design and project management experience in public
and private sec[or urban design. projects. Projects have
- included urban design regulations and review processes,
urban revitalization and redevelopment, vansi[ corridor and
transit faciliry joint development, mixed-use projec[s; new
communities, and design guidelines. Mr. Dawe has ex[ensive
cxperience in projec[ management, urban design,
developedcity design negoliations, and implementation for
both public and priva[e sec[or projects.
His approach to planning and urban design emphasizes
participation from disparate user groups through community forums. By soliciting community input,
Pa[ric develops a thorough understanding of each community and is able to develop plans, guidelines,
and specific solutions tha[ precisely address specific needs, resolving immediate issues rela[ed to land
use and preparing for the fu[ure without compromising marke[ poten[ial or design in[egrity.
Kent Freed
Associate, Architect
~ Kent Freed is a senior project manager and brings over 15
. years of architectural and urban design experience to RNL.
Kent has recen[ly been involved involved in several planning
~ projects throughout the DenvervMetro region including the
Town of Parker West Mainstreet and the City of Golden
Arterial Ga[eway projects. Kent was also projec[ manager
and lead landscape architect for the master planning . redevelopment of the Ridge Property in Arvada, Colorado.
~ Kent has led many mol[i-disciplinary teams tha[ address
I economic and market feasibility issues, traffic engineering,
land use, and development.
Firm Qualifications
City of Wheat Ridge, Wadsworth Boulevard Corridar Plan
Jim Leggitt
SeniorAssacia[e, Urban Designer
Jim is a gifted azchi[ect and urban designer who joined RNI.
in 1991 and brings 20 years of experience to the Wadswor[h
Boulevard Corridor Plan. Community planning projec[s
demand extensive public participa[ion and inpu[ [o reach a
consensus and Jim is a tremendous asset to community
workshops because of his ability to quickly sketch plan
concepts. Al[ernatives are quickly generated, allowing
workshop participants to see and understand design implications for a vaziety of options. Project goals and
vision are brough[ [o life and encourage interaclion and input
from all'stakeholders and [he public. Jim's considerable talents have aided community planning and
design guideline effor[s for many towns and ci[ies throughout the WesL Heather Gregg
Associate, Communit), PLamier
Heatherjoined RNL in 1995 as a Landscape archi[ect and
community plannec Hea[her is currently project manager for
[he Town of Edmond, Oklahoma, Comprehensive Downtown
Plan. Previous projec[ experience includes [he Town of
Castle Rock Perry Street Ex[ension Corridor Projec[ and
several land use and development plans for growing
communities [hroughout the region.
Summary of Qualifications
City of Wheat Ridge, Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Plan
In response to your desire to demonstrate previous experience in generating successful coaidor smdies,
~ preparing visionary land use plans, and conducting charrettes with varied interest a oups, RNL has highlighted
key components of the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Plan and listed relevant project experience that is
direcdy applicable to the needs of the project.
Corridor Studies
• RNL was con[racted by the City of Aurora and the Aurora Economic Development Council to address
image and land use issues for a major access road to the new Demer International Airport. The Aitport
Boulevazd Comdor Study resulted in a Land Use Plan that was recendy incocporated in the City of
Aurora's Comprehensive Plan. In addiuon, City Council has adopted an ordinance that includes landscape
and streetscape standazds that were generated by RNL upon completion of a character study, land use
inventory and analysis, and the Land Use Plan.
• RNL is just completing the Wolfensberger Road Corridor Smdy for ihe Town of Castle Rock. This project
is a direct result of the implementation actions listed in the Town of Castle Rock's Downtown Urban
Design Plan, a comprehensive community plan generared by RNL. Wolfensberger Road is under
tremendous development pressure due to aggressive growth throughout Doug-las County and the road's
proximity to Interstate 25. RNL has been asked to inventory and analyze existing land uses in the area,
reseazch local retail and commereial market trends, and devzlop a Land Use Plan.
• RNL also worked closely with the City and County of Denver on the Colfax On the Hill Corridor Study
to develop a conceptual streetscape study for 22 blocks along East Colfax Avenue.
3MHigh Quality, Mixed Use Development
I u
• Developed concurrent with Airport Boulevard Corridor
! Study was the Gateway Puk Master Plan, a private
developmen[ of approximately 112 acres loca[ed at the
intersection of Interstate 70 and Airport RoadRNL was
retained to create a master plan for the property and work
! the plan through the city's re-zoning process. The plan
[ integrated gateway e(ements at key intersections, open space
amenities, and vehicular and pedesvian circuladon networks
~'-iiX"that address specific needs of individual developers.
Having previous experience in the vision and planning
process for S[apleton Airport sites, RNL was asked to create
a concept mixed-use development that induded phased
consuuction for a 400-room hotel, mixed use office and
retail, pazking facilities, and a regional transportauon center.
The Stapleton Condnuum Master Plan provides appropriate
transition from exispng residential neighborhoods and will
be instrumen[al in setting the tone for future development on
[he Staple[on si[e.
• In addition, RNL was contracted by the Mission Vejo
Development Coiporauon to develop a Master Plan for the
business center for Highlands Ranch, a progressive suburban
community located south of Denver. RNL brought civic
leaders, developers, real estate professionals, and
stakeholders together to define a guiding vision and
framework for fumre development.
Airport Boulevard Carridar P[an
HighlanGs Ranch Town Crnter Park-
Summary of Qualifications
City of Wheat Ridge, Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Plan
RNL developed a participatory design process more than 30 yeazs ago.
way of creating the participatory environment is ttuough the "bn-site"
consultant team and stakeholders gather together at the project
site or at a facility as close to the hean of the study area as
possible, to acdvely analyze, evaluate, and design the project.
The on-site session is a way to consolidate into one or more
work sessions what normally take weeks, or months, to
accomplish. The process is focused upon balance, so that
solutions represen[ equal inpu[ from [he citizens of [he
wmmunity, the planners, property owners and business leaders.
Participa[ory workshops ue often supplemen[ed with project
mailers and/or memoranda to promote projec[ con[inuity and .
A typical on-sile day usually lasts from 12 ro 14 hours. The
session begins wi[h the receip[ of inpu[ concerning Vals and
objectives. This leads to the brainstorming of opportunities
and constrainzs and several alrerna[ive concepts. All of [hese,
(even the bad ones) aze put on the wall and discussed. The
choices aze narrowed and developed furthec These "concepts°
may include altemative future land use, infrastructure, open
space and road network plans.
Additional discussion and input helps nar'row the choices, gives
more definition to concerns, and responds directly to the remaining allernatives. Concerns are addressed by modifying
al[ematives or by Fneratina new hybrid concepts. Ultima[ely,
a consensus is reached that integrates the issues and concerns
discussed during the day. The final s[ep of the on-site session
imolves documentation and further review. The flexibility of
one-on-one input, followed by open review sessions, allows
participants to con[ribute in various forms and at differen[ [imes
throughout the day.
The key to success of the on-site session effort is momentum.
The speed by which things happen gets everyone excited and
encoutages participa[ion. Because everything is pu[ out for
scrutiny, the participants actually oenerate [he work, and become
advocates for the product. The "buy-id" occurs naturally because
the participant sees his/her concerns picked up and instantly
addressed in a new set of al[erna[ives or in a modification of an
old one.
We have found that the most effective
, an intensive session in which the
Summary of Qualifications
City of Wheat Ridge, Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Plan
Consensus Building
RNL believes that consensus building is a key component to any
successful master planning project. Our skill and experience is
documented by the numerous private and public projects that
have been approved and/or adopted by goveming agencies. RNL
Design has had repeated success throughout the region in
facilitating public meetings and workshops.
• The Grand County Comprehensive Plan is cunently being
reviewed by the county and six sepazate municipalities for
• The Eagle Area Community Plan addresses growth issues in an uea known for extensive resort
development and was approved unanimously by all county commissioners.
Stakeholder Interviews
• RNL was retained by the City of Aurora in conjunction with the Aurora Development Council to facilitate
meetings with local real estate brokers. The meeting resWted in the generaGon of economic development
models and produced realistic muket solutions for issues related the Aitport Boulevazd Corridor Smdy.
Preliminary interviews with local goveming agencies, property owners, developers, concemed citizens,
utilities has helped to identify issues and concems a number of cucrent projects, including the
Wolfensberger Road Corridor Study Area and the Chaffee Counry Comprehensive Land Use and Open
Space Plan.
"The Big Idea"
The RNL team includes exceptional, experienced desi~,ners who
closely examine all opportunities for visionary development and
brin., contexmal, mazket driven solutions [o each project.
• On the City of Golden Arterial Gateways project, RNL
transtated the community's aspiradons of retaining and
enhancing the city's unique charac[er, natural amenities,.and
rich cul[ural heri[age in[o implementable streetscape and
signage designs. Our solutions promoteA the preservation
of scenic view corridors, the use of local stone and plantings
to capitalize on Golden's nch historic and cultural legacy.
Project Approach
City of Wheat Ridge, Wadsworth Boulevard Corriclor Plan
To County transportation planners, Wadsworth is an important vehicular artery, but to Whea[ Ridge it is
much more. A vision for the Wadsworth corridor tha[ looks beyond its role as a transportation artery is
We suggest applying a comprehensive approach to this project recognizing the stree[ as a multipurpose
urban elemen[ tha[ serves many needs and roles. As Allan Jacobs, professor of city and regional p]anning at
the University of California, Berkeley, has said: "Streets represent 25 [0 35 percen[ of all developed urban
land. They constitute, in lazge measure, the public realm. The space se[ aside for parks and other public
spaces, when added [ogether, doesdt come close to equa]ing the space we use for streets." Since most of us
use our stree[s far more often [han we use our ]ocal parks, why no[ design them ro be places for people,
insfead of jus[ for cars?
The challenge for Wadsworth is to move the through-bound traffic efficiently, while providing good
visibility and allowing needed access for corridor businesses. We wil] examine the nearby parallel and cross
stree[s; improving the ne[work of stree[s can often re]ieve stress on a single overloaded one. For example, if
traffic analysis were [o indicate [ha[ a significant amount of the trips on Wadswonh are local in nature,
altemative local routes could be explored to free up Wadsworth for through vaffic. Li addition, linked
parking lots could be considered [o facilitate "one stop" shopping and limit access points.
Questions at the heart of [his projec[ are: Wha[ kind of stree[ will Wadswor[h be? Should Wadsworth
support the kind of developmen[ [hat has emerged just [o the north in Arvada over the past few years? What
is the model [hat Whea[ Ridge desires [o emula[e?
This recen[ Wadswor[h development in Arvada is solid evidence the boulevard can support significan[
commercial development. But the Arvada model ]acks any realpedes[rian scale or amcnity. Their
acceptance of the county's six Ihrough-lane solution, not [o men[ion all the additional turn and accelerate/
decelerate lanes,-considerably lengthens and deters pedes[rian crossings. In addition the stecply raised
center islands block views from one side of the boulevard to the o[her. Finally, the predominance of parkinl-
required for the big box retail and island placements of pad commercial offer few opporlwiities for
pedestrian connections between es[ablishmenLS. This design places cars above pedestrians.
We will evalua[e, from a mazket economics s[andpoint, whe[her the Arvada mix may havc samrated [he car-
oriented developmen[ market We wi11 ]ook a[ whelher Whea[ Ridge may be better served by pursuing a
differen[ commercial mix and planning model that compliments rather [han attempts to compete with i[s
neighbor [o the north. One al[erna[ive might be a more pedes[rian friendly character that mixes office, retail,
res[aurant and service businesses. Building facades and signage could address Wadsworth, but entrances
could face inward on pedestrian-friendly parking lots. RNL's wncept for the Lakewood City Center at
Alameda and Wadsworth utilized this design sVategy.
Po[ential Visions for Wadsworth include:
• A boulevard [hat provides equally for the needs of vehicles and pedes[rians. • A boulevard with signa[ure ga[eways, streetscaping and pedestrian friendly development that will
distinguish Whea[ Ridge along the corridor. • A boulevard that moves through traffic while maintaining connec[ions [o the appropria[e adjacent
developmenC Appropriate development tha[ saves vehicle trips by o[fering the neighborhood a prac[ical
mix of uses accessible via a pleasant, convenient ne[work of pedestrian, bicycle and transit routes.
Tlie Wadsworth Corridor in Whea[ Ridge is ready for a revival in the cycle of economic development.. This
is an opportuniry for renewal and redefini[ion of Ihis primary Gateway [o your city. An exciting aspect of
this project will be exploring concep[s for a new identity wi[h the citizens, business leaders, and city staff.
A successful project in [his regazd will benefit no[ only the corridor business community, but it will also
benefit the entire Wheat Ridge community.
Scope of ork
Project Schedule
Scope of Work
Cit~of Wheat Ridge, Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Plan
R NL Design has organized this Scope of Services wifh an emphasis on illustrating [he tasks and defning
the final dellverables. This scope highlighis our philosophy of par[icipa[ory planning whera stakeholders
[ake part in alterna[ive explora[ion using an analytical and action oriented process. This scope outline
represenLS our current unders[anding of the work; after selection, we an[icipate a veriPication process with city
staff to confirm and finalize the work plan.
To accomplish your objectives, we have organized [he scope into five phases incorporating the elemen[s
outlined in the RFP. The firs[ and second phase focus on gaining an understanding of Wadsworth Boulevard's
opportunities and establishing goals and objec[ives for fumre developmenL The [hird phase uses a visioning
workshop to develop al[ernative future scenarios. The fourth phase [hen quantifiably evaluates [he al[ernatives
against [he community's goals and objectives. Finally, in phase five, [he preferzed plan is fashioned into an
action plan containing design guidelines and the regulatory and financial recommendations necessary to
implement the community's vision for the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Plan.
Phase I Understanding Wadsworth Boulevard Poten6al Task 1: Transportation and Traffic
The traffic challenges and developmen[ opportuni[ies along Wadsworth Boulevard are intricately reia[ed. The firs[ phase of the planning effor[ will focus on traffic analysis and recommenda[ions aimed a[ increasing wrren[
capacity and improving the level of service within [he parameters defined in the RFP. In conjune[ion with the
traffic work, a comprehensive urban design exisling condi[ions analysis will be conducted.
A. Review data, pluns, and regulations
• Review existing and historic traff ic data
• Review land uses and zoning .
• Review parking and access
• Identify the corridor's service responsibilities [o public transit routes (RTD), regional
[ransporta[ion agencies (CDOT), local access [o priva[e property,
B. Establish T~CtericAdvisory Commi[tee.
Thelioject staff wi 1 assemble and appoint an Advisory C~ittee [hat will
be\ sponsi~~represen[ing the needs and-des-oftfie s[akeholders [o
the consaltant team and city staff during the development of [he plan.
Iden[ify the corridor's role as a primary Gateway [o Wheat Ridge.
Identify influences of existing and proposed commercial development inside and ou[side the
study area.
C. Conduct Baseline Inventory (base mapping provided by the City)
• Photograph study area/develop charactet analysis • Document infras[ructwe design, i.e., R.O.W., sidewalks, medians, ligh[ing, etc. • Dowment natural feawres/physical constrain[s
D. Define exis[ing influences
0 Conduct interviews with the Tollowing:
Scope of Work
Citv of Wheat Ridge Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Plan
- Utility companies
- Land owners
- CDOT and RTD
- Business owners/managers
• Topics covered in these interviews inciude:
- Community desires
- Ownership/business commitment
- Critical issues and fu[are development plans
E. Prepare market trends analysis
A. One 3 hour meeting with city staff aad Advisory Committee to esiablish primary project goals,
projec[ boundaries, and project schedule.
B. One 8 hour day to conduct stakeholder interviews with business owners, land owners, and
De[iverables - 3-ring Advisory Committee Workbook
A. Multiple base maps and memos could include:
• Baseline traffic data
• Baseline market data
• Smdy Area Map
• Photographic Character and Image Boards of Study Arca
• Existing Parking and Traffic Circulation Map
• Exis[ing Land Use Map
• Stakeholder interview summary
• Corridor Analysis: Oppor[unities and Cons[rain[s
Pat Dawe .
RNL Design
Kent Freed
RNI. Design
- Heather Gregg
RNI. Design
Arne Ullevig
Felsburg Holt and Ullevig
Ame Ray
Szymanski Ray
Tune Frame: 4 weeks
Fee: $9,300
Phase II Goals and Objectives
The second phase of the planning effor[ is to set goals and objectives for developmen[ of a vision for the
Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Plan. The inventory and analysis from Phase I will inform a goal se[ting
mee[ing. Land use and ownership, traffic, circulation, urban design, and other supporting elements will be
~ Scope of Work
Cit~ of Wheat Ridge, Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Plan
summarized into primazy goa]s and. objectives for the Corridor Plan. -
~ This meeting will fows on es[ablishing a common understandingabout the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor's
asse[s and oppor[unities. A participa[ory forma[ will be used lo make bes[ use of the stakeholders input. The
findings from [his mee[ing will form the basis for Phase II's goal setting.
~ Tasks:
A. Seek a consensus vision for the Wadswor[h Boulevard Corridor Plan.
B. Establish goals for land use, circula[ion, public transit stops, lighting, signage, and pedestrian
C. Establish implementation goals and objectives
Meetings: -
A. Goal Setting Meeting #1
B. One 3 hour meeting with city staff and/or Advisory Committee to discuss findings.
Deliverab[es: Summary to be inserted into Workbook:
• Writ[en summary of agreed upon goals and objectives.
Pa[ Dawe
RNL Design
Kent Freed
RNL Design .
Arne Ullevig
Felsburg Hol[ and Ullevia
Arne Ray
Szymanski Ray
Time Frame: 2 w¢¢ks
Fee: $4,500
Phase III Alternative Corridor Plans
The third phase [o the planning effort will establish al[erna[ive corridor plans and key design guidelines
reg-arding traffic, zoning, building locations, circulation, parking, and streetscape improvements. Market
considerations wil] be summarized and used to inform visioning activities. This ittcludes identification and ~
evalua[ion of unique and comparable corridors in metropolitan Denver such as Airport Boulevazd in Aurora, ~
Pederal Boulevard in Denver, Evans S[reet wes[ of University Boulevard. and 28ih Street in Boulder. ~
Phase III begins wi[h an importan[ visioning evenl The RNL Desi¢n Team will use the analysis exhibits to
facilitate stakeholder discussion on land use, transportation, and arban design fea[ures that should be
incorporated into a vision for the s[udy area. AI[ernative scenarios for improvements wi[hin the Wadsworth
Boulevard Corridor will be created with participan[s in the On-Site Workshop #1. -
Scope of Work
Citv of Wheat Ridge, Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Plan
A. Study circulation opportunities
B. Study corridor improvement opportuni[ies; i.e., landscapin„ signage standards, lighting gateway
oppormnities, etc.
C. Study altemative design guidelines D. Smdy development alternatives
Workshops: .
A. All day Omsite Community Workshop
• Develop alterna[ive corridor plans.
De[iverab[es: Alternative Area P(ans iQustrated in two fonns:
• Traffic recommendations report
• Marke[ oppor[uni[ies repor[
• Plans
• Sketches
Pat Dawe
RNL Design
Ken[ Freed
RNL Design
Jim Leggitt
RNL Design
Heather Gregg
RNL Design
Arne Ullevig
Felsburg Holt and Ullevi;
Arne Ray
Szymanski Ray
Time Frmne: 4 weeks
Fee: $9,800
Phase IV Selecting the Preferred Plan
The focus of work in the fourth phase wil] be evalua[ing alternatives eenerated in Phase III against goals
and objec[ives es[ablished in Phase II. The RNL Design Team will quantifiably review and summarize
alternatives for economic and design feasibility. This information will be presented at a mee[ing wherc
participan[s will assis[ in refining the preferred plan. The priori[ies and concepts iden[ified by the
stakeholders will become the criteria for selecting and consolidating alternative(s) for the final plan and
creating design guidelines.
A. Review, summarize, and refine alternatives
Scope of Work
Citv of Wheat Ridge, Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Plan
B. Work with the city and stakeholders [o syn[hesize a preferzed corridor plan
A. Communiry Meeting #2
• One [hree hour.meeting wi[h exercises to select the preferted plan and policies
Deliverables: White Paper to be inserted iizta Workbook that includes:
• The Preferred Corridor Plan with suppor[ing sketches
Swnmary of implementa[ion requiremen[s
• Summary of parking and traffic implications
Pat Dawe
RNL Design
Ken[ Freed
RNI. Design
Jim Leggit[
RNL Design
Heather Gregg
RNL Design
Ame Ullevig
Felsburg Holt & Ullevig
Arne Ray
Szymanski Ray
Time Frame: 4 weeks
Fee: $7,700
Phase V Documenting the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Plan
The final Phase involves developing the preferred Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Plan, crea[ing desig❑ .
guidelines, and identifying fu[ure phases required for implementation of the Corridor Plaa This includes the
refinement of the previous conclusions and program defini[ion. The guidelines will be stra[egically and
loca[ionally driven and are intended lo be used as a[ool by the Planning Depar[men[ in eva]ua[ing and guiding
development proposals along the corridor. The inten[ of the final document is to identify major iden[ity poin[s, ga[eways, and intersections, and develop
and appropriate image and charac[er defini[ion for the corridor. The guidelines [hat will be used to create that
image could include the rclationship of the building to the s[ree[, rela[ionship of parking [o the street, building
heights, building entrance location, archi[ectural character, streetscape furnishing ]ocations, a signage standard,
and lighting. Steps to create design guidelines will include:
• Defining areas of different character
• Identifying points of high visibility
• Identifying key urban design elemenis
• Specifying guidelines [ha[ support implementation
Scope of Work
Citv of Wheat Ridge Wadsworth Boulevard Carridor Plan
A. Finalize Preferzed Corridor Plan
B. Draft key design guidelines supporting Preferred Plan
C. Draft Implementation Strategies:
• Phasing Diagrams and Cost Analysis
• Financing Mechanisms
• Umbrella Organizations
A. City Council Presentation
Deliverables: Final Report and Graphics
• Final Wadswor[h Boulevard Corzidor Study
• One Rendered Corridor Plan wi[h (2) suppor[ing sketches
Pal Dawe
Kent Freed
Hcather Gregg
Jim Leggitt
Arne Ullevig
Arnc Ray
Time Frame:
Total Tiine:
Subtola[ Services Fee:
RNL Design
RNL Desion
RNL Design RNL Design
Felsburg Holt Ullevig
Szymanski Ray
6 weeks
5 months
Reimbursables arc estima[ed at approximately 10% of fee. We have assumed 20-25 copies of a Cinal partially
color, bound reporL Addi[ional copies could be obtained a[the city's expense using RNL's original document.
Other types of reimbursable expenses indude:
• Mileage
• B/V✓ or color pho[ocopies
• Color photowpies
• Fax
• Bluelines
• MyladSepias
• Large Format Xerox
• Outside supplies
• Outside reproduc[ion
TotalReimbursables: $4,000
Tota! Projec[ Fee: $44,000
Project Schedule
City ofWheat Ridge, W/adsworth Boulevard Corridor Plan
Phase I
Phase II
Phase III
Phase IV
Phase V
Final Report
I April I
Richard L. von Luhrte, FAIA
Bachelor of Architec[ure, University of Michigan, 1967
Postgraduate Work, Planning/Urban Design, University of
Colorado at Denver Experience
R . ich von Luhrte has 28 years of experience in the
planning, desian and administra[ion of complex
projects wi[h diverse requirements includes a par[icular
emphasis on urban design and city planning. As one of
four principals of RNL Design, Mr. von Luhrte is
responsible for all urban planning and design projects,
marke[ing/business development and overall management.
■ 32nd Avenue Corridor Study, Wheat Ridge, Cobrado
■ Colfax on the Hill Urban Design Plan, Denver, Colorado
■ Airport Boulevard Land Use Study, Aurora, Colorado
■ Alamosa Design Guidelines, Alamosa, Colorado
■ Castle RockDesign Guidelines, Castle Rock, Colorado
■ Central City Historic District Guidelines, Central City, Colorado
Central City Streetscape Ptan Phase I, Central City, Colorado
■ Eagle County Community Plan, Eagle, Cotorado
■ Fort Collins Design Guidelines, Fort Collins, Colorado
■ Ridge Property Master Plan, Arvada, Colorado
■ Lakewood Center Master Plan, Lakewood, Colorado
■ Lakewood City Center, Lakewood, Colorado .
■ Leawood Town Centey Leawood, Kansas.
■ Parker powntown Plan, Parkey Colorado
Professional Affiliations
American Ins[im[e of Architec[s, National, Member
Na[ional Urban Design Commi[tee, Member
University of Colorado at Denver Advisory Board, Member
Demer Botanic Gardens Design Review Commi[[ee, Member
Cen[ral Platte Valley Design Council, Member Chalrman VDRC - City of Lakewood, 1979 to 1987
Lakewood Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee, Member, 1985 [0 1987
Professional Registracions
Registered Professional Architec[ in Colorado, California and Montana
NCARB Certiticatc
Patric B. Dawe, AIA AICP
Director of Urban Design/Project Manager
Master of Architecture,
University of Pennsylvania, 1967
Master of City Planning
University of Pennsylvania, 1967
Bachelor of Architecmre
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1965
P a[ Dawe's projec[ management and leadership
experience spans over 20 years of urban
, design and archi[ec[ural prac[ice. His teams'
projec[s are chazacterized by in[eo ation of
members' skills [ha[ enable a clien[ to keep projec[s moving ahead on
schedule and within theu budgets, maximizing [he effectiveness of the
team. Appropria[e and creative application of design, scheduling and
budgeting experience, and a respect for the skills of [he [eam's players are
keys [o his managemen[ technique. Among [he 30 planning and design
projects he has managed in the las[ 10 years include:
Riverside Downtown
In this 1500 acre plan and implementation program, Mc Dawe led a team
of in-house designets and consultants indevelopmen[ of urban design
concepts and an implementation process. The projec6included [he historic
commercial core of the U.C. Riverside campus. He developed an extensive
communiry participation and involvement process resulting in widespread
community accep[ance of the plan.
Burbank Downtown
Mc Dawe led his own firm and two others in a Design Review process to
evalua[e and respond to developer proposals for the Redevelopment Agency.
He managed [he redesign of [he six block Golden Mall and wrote [he
Design Guidelines and Developmen[ Plan for pown[own Burbank.
Transportation/Joint Development Station Area Marter Planning
Transpartation oriented development has been a specia[ry of Mr. Dawe for
most of his career. His experience har included projec[s far adjacent joint
development projects fmm Philadelphia and Buffalo to Southern California.
The focus is me capturing the economic potential, cammunity integration,
and impact with smooth transit system operation. He has alsa developed
bus transit plmis for institutional and public c[ients.
Stanford Mransit Plan
This bus transi[ plan serves faculty, students, staff, and [he community. .
New routes through the campus reinforce the original Olms[ed Plan. Thc
rights-of-way are redesigned [o accommodate buses, bikes, service and
private sec[or vehicles, and pedesvians in a hierarchical grid system. The
plan includes vehic(e selec[ion, route and market analysis, and urban design
evaluation of alternative rou[ings for transit effectiveness and mioimal
campus impact.
Patric B. Dawe, AIA AICP
Director o f Urban Design/Project Manager
Colorado RTD 1ransit Route Alignment Studies AlternaUVe routes and urban design concepts for six alternative
transpor[ation technologies for the Denver region were s[udied. Routes
included freeways, neighborhood interfaces, altemative station locations,
and development potentials and impacts.
Boulder Valley 1ransportation Plan .
An urban design study of al[ernative transit modes and the interac[ion of
each wi[h the emerging development pattems in Boulder, Co]orado. A
screening system for making alignment decisions was developed and tes[ed.
The system proposed [ransi[ connections which have now been
implemented be[ween [he University of Colorado, Downrown Boulder, and
the Crossroads Mall.
Development, Plmening, and Desigti Guide(ities/DesigiryReview
Since 1966, Patric Dawe has written, illustrated, and adnsinistered dasigil
guidelines for public agencies. He has produced guidelines for cammercial
and residential development, down[own revitalization, commercial dishicts,
buslness parks, and residential neighborhoods.
Bur6ank Design Review For [wo years, as the head of a three-firm design group, Mr. Dawe provided
architectural and si[e planning review of developer proposals ro[he
Redevelopmen[ Agency in [he Downtown Media Dis[ric[ and Golden State
Redevelopmen[ azeas including negotiating site planning and design
changes wi[h developers to comply with the Agency's planning and design
Burbank Golden Mall
Guidelines for new development and renovation on [he six block-long
Golden Mall including slree[ walls, storefronts, all pedestrian connections
to [he Mall, parking access, signage, lighting, landscaping, building colors,
and ma[erials. Several new retail, office, and residenlial projects have been
buil[ under this guideline ordinance.
Long Beach Boulevard
Commercial development guidelines Por the four mile long revi[aliza[ion
district focusing on new streetscape, maximizing developmen[ potentials,
consolidating [he au[o dealers on Long Beach Boulevard, and the response
to the LA/Long Beach Blue Line light rail sys[em.
Professional AF&ations
American Institute of Archi[ec[s
American Planning Associa[ion
American Ins[imte of Certified Planners
Urban Land Institute
Society of College and University Planning
Professional Registrations
Registered Professional Archi[ect in Colorado, California and Pennsylvania
Kent Freed, A.I.A.
Associate, Architect/Urban Plunner
Mas[er of Arts, Landscape Design, Conway School of Landscape Design, 1991
Bachelor of Architecmre and
Bachelor of Environmental Design,
University of Kansas, 1982
K ent Freed joined RNI. Design in July 1994
as a Landscape Archi[ec[. Throughou[ his
career he has worked as a Project Architect,
Project Manaeer, Designer, Land Planner,
Architectural Programmer and Landscape
Architect. Rela[ed experience includes:
■Town of.Parker powntown Plan, Parker, Colorado
Project Director for urban design, master planning, public consensus
building emphasizing improving the retail/social community of Downtown.
■ Airport Boulevard Corridor Planning Study, Aurora, Colorado
Projec[ Landscape Architect/Planner for site analysis, mas[er planning and
developmen[ guidelines for an eight square mile azea of Aurora, south of
[he new Denver Interna[ional Airport.
■ West Mains[reet Development Project, Parker, Colorado .
Project Director for urban design and land use s[udies for priva[e developer.
Projec[ emphasis was on implementa[ion of design principles sel forth in
the Parker powntown Plan. ■ Golden Arterial Gateways, Golden, Colorado
Projec[ Manager for developing an image package for all major arterials
using signage and identifica[ion markers. ■ Colorado University at Colorado Springs Pedestrian Spine, Colorado Springs, Colorado Project ManagedLandscape Archi[ec[ for si[e/landscape design of a new
campus pedestrian spine, as well as infras[ruc[ure improvements such as
access roads, detention ponds, and parking lots.
■ Ridge Property Master Plan, Arvada, Colorado Project Landscape Architect responsible for site analysis and master
planning for approximately 130 acres of land and existing buildings for the
Colorado State Land Board and the Cities of Wheat Ridge and Arvada.
Primary author of [he Land Use and Facili[ies report for [his project.
Professional Affiliations
American Instiwte of Archi[ects
Professional Registrations
Registered Professional Architect, Missouri
NCARB Certificate
~ James P. Leggitt, AIA
Urban Designer/Illustrator
~ Education
Bachelor of Fine Arts,
~ Rhode Island School of Design, 1972
Bachelor of Architecmre,
Rhode Island School of Design, 1973
M r. Leggi[t has over 20 years of urban design experi-
ence. He is a Senior Associate and has been with
RNL since 1989. Representa[ive projects include:
■ Town of Parker powntown Plan, Parker, Colorado
Project ArchitecUPlanner/Illus[rator
■ Parker West Mainstreet Development Plan, Parkey Colorado
Project Archi[ecUPlannedll lus[rator
■ City of Golden Streetscape/Signage Projecfs, Golden, Colorado
Project Aichi[ect/Planner/Illus[rator
■ Alamosa Comprehensive Plan, Alamosa, Colorado
Project Archi[ect/Planner/Illus[rator
■ Town of Castle Rock Urban Design Plan, Castle Rock, Colorado
Graphic Design/Photography
■ Gunnison Three Mile and Growth Boundary Plan, Gunnison, Colorado
Project Archi[ecUPlanner/Illus[ra[or ■ Eagle Design Guidelines, Eagle, Cobrado Project Architect/Plannedlllostra[or
■ Lakewood Civic Center Master Plan, Lakewood, Colorado
Urban DesignerQllustrator
■ Town of Frisco Design Guidelines, Frisco, Colorado .
Urban Designedlllustra[or .
■ Town of Castle Rock Design Guidelines, Castie Rock, Cobrado
Urban Designedlllus[ra[or ■ Fort Co(lins Neighborhood Design Guidelines, Fort Collins, Colorado
Urban DesignedlllusVa[or
■ Central City Historic Preservatian Design Guidelines, Central City, Cobrado
Urban Designedlllustra[or .
■ Highlands Ranch Business Park and Town Center, Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Project Archi[ecUPlannerQilustra[or ■ Cinderella City Redevelopment Plan, Denver, Cobrado
Projec[. Archi[ecUPlannedIllus[rator
■ Jefferson Corporate Center Master Plan, Littleton, Colorado
■ Gateway Park Master Plan, Aurora, Colorado
Project ArchitecdPlanner/Illustrator
Professional Affiliations
American Insti[ute of Architects
Professional Registrations
Registered Professional Architect, Colorado
Heather Gregg
Community Planner /
Landscape Architect
M.L.A., Landscape Archi[ec[ure,
University of Colorado, 1989
B.A., Geology, Hamilton College, 1983
Heather Gregg is a Lead Community Planner and
Landscape Architect with RNL Design. Her
experience includes long xange planning, public
facili[ation, developmen[ guidelines, growth
management, and site design and construc[ion
documentation. Representative project experiences
■Town of Parker powntown Plan, Parker, Colorado
Project Planner for urban design, master planning, and public consensus
building with emphasis on improving the downrown economy.
■ Parker West Mainstreet Development Plan, Parker, Colorado
Landscape Architect for urban design and land use s[udies for priva[e developer.
Project emphasis was on implementa[ion of design principles se[ for[h in the
Parker powntown Plan.
■ Wolfensberger Road Corridor Study, Castle Rock, Colorado Project Planner/L.andscape ArchitAC[ for comprehensive land use study for
retaiVindustrial district in CasHe Rock, Colorado.
■ Perry Street Corridor Extension Project, Castle Rock, Colorado
Landscape Archi[ec[ for implementing a new bridoe and providing alternate
land use scenarios.
■ City of Golden Arterial Gateways, Golden, Colorado
Projec[ Landscape Architec[ for developing an image package for all major
ar[erials using signage and iden[ification markers.
■ Coloradds Ocean Joumey, Denver, Colorado
. Project Landscape Architect for si[e analysis, design guidelines, and urban
design including coordinalion of access issues for public and private nghts-of-way.
■ Town of Eagle Design Standards, Colorado
Projec[ Landscape Architect for azchi[ectural, site, landscaping and signage
standards to protec[ and maintain the character and image of the Town of Eagle.
■ City of A►amosa Downtown Design Guidelines, Colorado
Project Landscape Arehi[ect for architectural and site design guidelines.
■ Grand County Coordinated Growth Plan, Grand County, Colorado
Project Planner for a coordinated grow[h plan and implemen[ation strategies for
the Towns of Win[er Park, Fraser, Granby, Grand Lake, Kremmling, and Hot
Sulphur Springs.
■ Eagle Area Community Plan, Eagle County, Colorado
Project Planner for public facililation, consensus building, charac[er based
planning pnnciples and implementation s[rategies.
EDUCAT/ON: B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota
M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota
AFF/L/ATIONS: Member, Institute of Transportation Engineers
REGISTRATION: Professional Engineer, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Minnesota
Mr. Ullevig, Owner/Principal, has more than 25 years of experience in managing and conduct-
ing major transportation engineering projects. Mr. Ullevig's work experience encompasses all
aspects of transportation planning and engineering including:
• Conducting comprehensive multi-modal transportation planning projects for a broad
range of urban and urbanizing areas. Major assignments include three comprehensive
transportation planning studies in the southwest, southeast, and northeast quadrants
of the City of Denver, the South Brighton Area Transportation Study for the Colorado
Department of Transportation, the Adams County and Douglas County Transportation
Plans, and multi-modal transportation plans for the Upper Blue River Basin (Summit
County) and for the Towns of Vail, Silverthorne and Avon, Colorado.
• Managing multi-disciplinary design teams for major transportation corridor studies for
both roadways and transit including the South I-25 Corridor l6th Avenue to Lincoln
Avenue); the Federal Boulevard Corridor Study; the North I-25 Corridor Study
Preliminary Engineering for Light Raii Transit; and the Central I-25 Corridor serving the
Denver Central Business DistricY, Mile High Sports Complex and adjacent areas.
~ • Conducting mass transportation improvement studies for transit agencies in Denver and
throughout Colorado including the Town of Vail, the Town of Avon, and Eagle County.
~ • Preparing vehicular and non-motorized transportation plans and parking studies for
major activity centers including the United States Air Force Academy, the South I- 25
Commercial Corridor in Denver, downtown Breckenridge, Palm Springs Regional Airport,
1 and several universities and medical complexes.
• Preparing traffic operational and safety improvement studies for a variety of stzte,
~ county and municipal agencies throughout the country requiring both immediate action
solutions and staged long-range improvement programs.
~ • Conducting rail-auto conflict analyses involving accident evaluation, hazard area
analysis, delay studies, and cost-benefit analysis.
~ • Conducting several traffic engineering and transportation studies throughout the I-70
corridor and mountain communities including the Silverthorne Factory Outlet Stores,
j Dillon Town Center, Adam's Rib Ski Area, Cottonwood development proposal (Eagle),
Town of Avon, and Vail.
Page Two
Throughout his career, Mr. Ullevig has developed several essential skills necessary to the
conduct of complex, multi-disciplinary transportation projects. These skills involve:
• Public participation and communication techniques which emphasize responsiveness
to public input, developing and maintaining professional credibility, and presenting
complex issues and options in concise and understandable terms. The scope of public
involvement also emphasizes the need to communicate project activities not only to
large general interest groups, but also to key decision makers, smaller special interests,
and to individual citizens.
• Responding to a client's needs in a variety of working environments including advising
in areas requiring special expertise, providing assistance in project processing and
approvals, and serving as an extension of staff on major work efforts having an
immediate due date.
• Assisting clients in the early stages of project definition to establish specific work pro-
grams, areas of expertise required, major project milestones and policy decision points,
and overall level of effort and resource requirements.
Mr. Ullevig's transportation background is supplemented by additional areas of technical capa-
bilities acquired throughout his career.
• Air quality analysis and evaluation of alternative transportation improvements.
~ Noise impact analysis of transportation facilities and corridors.
Statistical analyses and sample size determination for data collection activities and
before and after studies.
Development of computer software.for parking studies, travel time sampling studizs,
and traffic monitoring activities.
Arnold C. Ray
Market Strategist
Bachelor of Science,Sociology, CRE
Augustana College, Sioux Falls, Sou[h Dakota
Mr. Ray, Co-Owner/Principal of Szymanski/Ray, has more [han Iwenty-five
years of experience in real estate research, counseling and development.
He is a gues[ lec[urer for vazious organizations and rea] estate graduate school
programs with specific expertise in commercial real esta[e (re[ail, office and
industrial). Arnie's discussions usually revolve azound development feasibility,
acquisition and due diligence, project implementa[ion, public/private
paztnerships and expert wi[ness testimony. Relevant experience includes:
■ Broomfield Redevelopment, Broomfield, Colorado
Implementation of a redevelopment program with new buildings and
tenanLS for an aging retail center.
■ University Hills Malt, Denver, Colorado
Working wi[h a family tmst [o define and manage the redevelopment of
the 21 acre University Hills Mall. ■ Milestone at Castte Rock, Castle Rock, Colorado
Developmen[ planning, obtaining public enti[lemen[s, marketing and
developmen[ agreements wi[h anchor [enants for an 85 acre commercial
■ Westminster Plaza, Westminster, Colorado .
Developmen[ a successful public/private commercial retail center.
■ Town of Silverthorne, Silverthome, Colorado
Development a successful public/private commercial development site.
■ Town of Avon, Avon, Colorado Developmen[ a successful public/private commercial re[ail center including
a Wal-Mart.
■ Catholic Archdiocese of Denvey Demer, Colorado
Portfolio planning, disposi[ion of surplus assets and implementation for
major new projects and acquisi[ion [hroughou[ northern Colorado.
■ Castle Rock Downtown Vision Plan, Castle Rock, Colorado
Along with RNL Design and Winter & Associates completed a new
downtown plan for the city of Castle Rock. ■ LafayetteDowntown Plan, Lafayette, Colorado Along with RNL Design and Win[er & Associa[es completed a new downtown plan for the City of Lafayette.
■ Demer Urban Renewal Authority, Denvey Colorado
Working with 44 proper[y owners for Ihe coordinated expansion and
land purchase by SL Joseph's Hospital, Children's Hospi[al and
Kaiser Permanente.
Prior to set[ing up his wcrent par[nership,-Mc Ray was [he Director of the
Ross Consul[ing Group, a deyelopmen[ management and consulting firm for
private and public owners in the Denver meVOpoli[an area.
Professional Registrations
Registered Counselor of Real Esta[e,
American Society of Real Esta[e Counselors