HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/29/1998_.AGENDA , . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REVITALIZATION COMMISSION Tuesday, September 29, 1998 - 7:00 p.m. Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Economic Development and Revitalization Commission on September 29, 1998, at 7:00 p.m., 1" Floor Lobby Conference Room, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 1. Call The Meeting to Order 2. .Roll Call of Members 3. Consideration of Absences 4. ?.pproval of Minutes - August 25, 1998 5. Public I'orum (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) 6. Unfinished Business A) Whent Ridge Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Study Update B) Business Development/Business Retention Plan C) 44"' Avenue Merchants 7. New Business 8. Adjournment - to October 27, 1998 C\6arban\ECODEVO~AG[NDAS\7809?9.WPD MINUTES OF WHEAT RIDGE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REVITALIZATION COMMISSION : - :AUGUST 25, 1993 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL THG MEETING TO ORDER The Wheat Ridge Economic Development and Revitalization Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman ROACH at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS EDARC Commissioners present: Norman Burkpile Sandra Collins Ehryn Kiplinger Janet Leo Richard Matthews Margy Platter Jerry Roach Also attending were: Afan White, Director of Planning and Development Martin Orner, Economic Devefopment Specialist/Associate Planner Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary 3. CONSIDERATION OF ABSENCES EDARC Conunissioners absent: Rae Jeau Behm Joe Drew 4. APP120VAL OF MINUTES lt was moved by Commissioner BURKPILE, and seconded by Conunissioner COLLINS to . approve the minutes of the July 28, 1998 EDARC meetina. The motion carried 7-0 with , Commissioners BEHM and DREW absent. 5. PUBLIC F012UM No one appeared to speak. EDARC Minutes Page 1 08/25/98 UNFINISHED BUSINESS ITEMS A. Wheat Ridge Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Study Update i. Martin Onier reported that he atfended the firsf study session and that, while there was a represeutative from the City of Lakewood present, there was no one a[tending from the City of Arvada. He stated that he has informed the Jefferson Economic Council that the Ciry of Wheat Ridge would like to see Arvada and Lakewood involved in the Wadsworth corridor study process. It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by Commissioner LEO that agenda item 7(A), the presentation by Jane Reider, be considered at this time as agenda item 6(B). The motion carried by a vote of 7-0 with Commissioners BEHM and DREW _ absent. B. Presentation by Jane Reider of the Small Business Devclopment Center. Jane Reider appeared as a representative of the Small Business Development Center. She stated that the Center is a state and federal program which is funded by a grant from the Small Business Administration and is able, therefore, to provide many types of assistance to small businesses free of charge. She explained the various services offered by the Center and answered questions presented by the Commission members. C. Business DevelopmentBusiness Retention Plan EDARC members met with staff inembers from nei;hboring municipalities to learn about business development and retention plans in those cities. Commission members summarized die results of those meetings as follows: Commissioner Platter Gofden Commissioner Collins Arvada Chair Roach Englewood Commissioner Burkpile Lakewood Richard Matthews Commerce City Mr. White advised the Commission that in order to address redevelopment of the motel areas at I-70 and Kipfing, City Council is proposing a 5% increase in lodgin-, tax. Mr. Orner stated that he would keep EDARC informed of developments in this regard. D. 44th Avenue Merchants Martin Orner distributed copies of a proposed plaque to be presented to Ron Bernal in appreciation for his leadership in sponsoring the 44th Avenue Merchants neighborhood barbecue on June 27. He stated that it would cost approximately $58.00 to have the plaque made. It was moved by Commissioner PLATTER and seconded by Commissioner GDARC Minu[es Page 2 08/25/98 COLLINS to approve an expenditure of funds from the EDARC budget to havz the plaque made for presentation to Mr. Bernal at a future City Council meeting. The motion carried by a vote of 7-0 with Commissioners BEHM and DREW absent. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Suppiementnl Budget Appropriation ' Alan Wliite reviewed the supplemental budaet appropriation memo contained in the Commission packet which included an additional $50,000 line item for property tax increment payments for the Wheat Ridge Marketplace project. He explained that the 1997 payment was made at the beginning of 1998 leaving a$50,000 balance owed for 1995. Mr. White further stated that the supplemental budget appropriation included the entire revenues and expenditures for the Wadsworth Corridor study as wefl as an additional $500 expenditure for printino of the business-to-business directory. - FOIIObV1i1g discussion of the sugggested supplemental budget appropriations, it was moved by Commissioner COLLINS and seconded by Commissioner PLATTER to recommend to City Council the revised 1993 budg-et as shown on the budget sheet contained in the packet. The motion carried by a vote of 7-0 with Commissioners BEHM and DREW absent. It was moved by Commissioner COLL[NS and seconded by Commissioner PLATTER to recommend to City Council a Supplemental Budget Appropriation for the EDARC budget in the amount of $50,000 for the purpose of EDARC fuffilling its oblig-ations to the Wheat Ridoe Market Place project; and that the appropriation should be made by transferring $50,000.00 from the fund balance [o budget fine item 37-120-300-372. The motion carried by a vote of 7-0 with Commissioners BEHM and DRGW absent. S. ADJOURNNIGNT Alan White requeSted an executive session with EDARC members to discuss a potential property acquisition. It was moved by Commissioner KIPLINGER and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to adjourn the meeting to an executive session at 9:10 p.m. - JE_Y ROA -I, Chair C:\6arbora\EC0D G Vp\M IN UTE5M032 5 erpd Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary EDARC Minutes Page 3 08/25/98 The City-0f Wheat Ridge is sponsoring the following three meetir:gs to discuss the future of Wadswonh Boulevard. REMEMBER THESE IMPORTANT MEETING DATES Wednesday, September 30th at 7:00 p.m. Lutheran Holy Cross Church 45th and Wadsworth Wednesday, October 14th at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 20th at 7:00 p.m. Wheat Ridge Ci y Hall 29th and Wadsworth sidents and business owners are free to attend any of the meetings At each meeting participants will be asked their opinions on the future of the Wadsworth corridor in Wheat Ridge Topics focusing on: 0 Traffic congestion and how to improve traffic flow • Pedestrian access and use • Physical appearances, such as landscaping and signs • Traffic conflicts at 32nd, 38th and 44th Avenues • Future business development or redevelopment The meetings are part of a study berng dor7e by the Crty to create a desrgn for Wad.nvorth Bo:devard to address the above issues and to create a urrrque and attractive roadway ra[her than a liability for the community. Yorir participation rs very importarit to the success of the project ai7d to create a design that meets the cotrcenrs ojthe commmiity. For more n formation you may call the Plamiir:g Department at 303-235-2846. Wilmore Davis Elementary School 7975 W 41st Avenue ARVADA'S ECONOPffC STRATEGIES Annual Retention Schedule A. Used to track businesses as to size, number of employees, and years in business. -B.-Information for schedule is gathered with one of eight volunteers from the business community that serve as - Business Retention Directors and Hazel Harbarger calling on each business from the previous year's schedule. - 1: A person from business community seems to make -big di£ference in how Hazel is received. . 2. At time of visit the business is made aware of services available to them (e.g. Grants, loan programs, educational programs, linking with other businesses in Arvada for specific needs). V 3. Once information is gathered, letters are sent thanking each business for participating and offering further assistance, if desired. Annual Business Appreciation Fair A. Businesses nominate other businesses for awards B. First fair had 30 businesses participate. They Aow have over 100. C. There are no specific categories for recognition. Nominations are based on the following: . 1. How a business has contributed to the community 2. Historical and anticipated growth Note: Hazel commented on ongoing positive business relationships that have developed between businesses ' and the city through these fairs. Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting Celebration A. Used when business is not part of Chamber Of Commerce B. Coordinated by Economic Department to recognize new or expanding businesses. ~ G~~ n Jeffco's New Incentive Policy in Place J efferson County, in conjaqction with Jefferson Economic Council (JEC), has created a new incen`- tive policy that incorporates a two- step public review process. Under this new policy, inforniatio❑ regardin companie5 requesting incen[ives is shared with Counry officials and the exceed _Ihe County's average per eapita income level. In addition ro the stamte's require- ments, companies will be required to sign a Performance Contract with the County, promising to hire the commit- ted number of jobs and genera[e a cer- tain amount of capital invesunent. Under [he previous incentive process, companies' names were not always revealed. "This new incentive policy gives the community more information and input when incentive requests come forward;" says Holli Baumunk, JEC vice president. Jefferson Economic Council has public. After companies are qualified and already used this new incentive policy Sena[e Bill 182, passed in 7une agree to the contrac[, they request a for two companies-MatchLogic, 1994, allows counues and school dis- ? public hearina.. Once the County Inc. and Gateway. MatchLogic tricts to rebate their portion oF the cor-,~ Administrator accepts reques[s from locared its corporate headquarters in porate personal properry tax (not real the qualifying companies, the County Wes[[nins[er, initially bringing 100 propei[y) for up to 50 percent for 4introduces two opportunities for punew jobs. Gateway is locating its yeazs. To qualify, a coy must be `lic input-the Board of Goanry Information Technology Data and ~ established as . qualiFied new or Cominissioners'(BCC) briefing and a Technology Development Center in`` : _expanded business facility;and,;in second public,meetina at the;BCC Lakewood, which will,employ 300 : Jefferson County, piovide wages that PubLc Hearing to request a resolution. people. , . . . . . ..'1... . , . . ,s:. . . .r.:. : . . . . 'v ' - , . . . _ . . _ " . . , - . , . r- ..~.~:i., JEC BOARD OF DIRECTORS' bIEETING y` Friday, Sept. 18, 1998 L 9 a.m. Jefferson County Administration Building a Room 1552 ~ 100 Jefferson County Parkway ~ FALLINVESTORAPPRECLaTIONBREAKFAST Thursday, Oct. 1, 1998 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Coca Cola All-Star Park ~ 200 S. Harlan St., Lakewood a (Corner of W. Alameda and Harlan) Candidates for local and s[ate November V elections have been invited. No charge -To RSVP, call (303) 203-2965. i ~ JEC BOARD OF DIRECTORS' biEETIYG 9 Friday, Oct. 16, 1 93 O 9 a.m. >M Jefferson County Administration Building Lookou[ Moun[ain Room 100 Jefferson County Parkway Jefferson County Commissioners' Forum Wednesday, Oct. 21 . I= 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Lakewood Country Club, 6800 W. lOth Ave. Topir. The Y2K Problem ~ Addressitig Yoter Compntry's Tedino(ogy Issues in die New jLlilleimimn To RSVP, call (303) 202-2965. Welcome, New Investors! The following compnnies have recently joined JEC as Investors: Hall Sc Evans Pauf Franke, Member 1200 17th Street, Suite 1700 Denver, CO 80202 (303) 623-3300 FAX (303) 623-3368 e-mail: frankep@hallevans.com PSM Properties, Inc. Perry S. McKay, President 440 East 56th Street, #1C New York, NY 10022 (212)750-7656 FpX (212) 750-7657 Sholar Group Ronald O. Sholar, President 1425 Brentwood St. Lakewood, CO 80215 (303) 274-0432 FAX (303) 233-9465 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, C ADO RESOLUTION NO. 1676 C3- Series of 1998 4z,. /U'o !l0 TITLE: A RESOLUTION. REFERRING A BALLOT QUESTION TO THE - ELECTORS AT THE NOVEMBER 3, 1998 ELECTION WHEREAS, the City Councii wishes to refer a ballot question to the electorate at the November 3, 1998, general election to increase the lodging tax provided for by Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Section 22-1 from 5% of the purchase price paid or charged to, 10% of the purchase price paid or charged; and WHEREAS, Article X, Section 20, of the Colorado Constitution requires an election on this question. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge City Council, that: Section 1. Ballot Question Estabiished. The foliowing ballot question should be {ilaced upon the baliot of the general election within the City of Wheat Ridge on November 3, 1998: SHALL THE LODGER'S ("HOTEL AND MOTEL") TAX IMPOSED BY SECTION 22-1 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS BE INCREASED FROM FIVE (5) PERCENT TO TEN (10) PERCENT (WITH THE EXCEPTION OF MORTUARY AGCOMMODATIONS, FOR WHICH THE TAX RATE SHALL REMAIN FIVE (5) PERCENT), THE ADDITIONAL REVENUES FROM SUCH RATE INCREASE TO BE ALLOCATED IN THE AMOUNT OF THREE-FIFTHS OF SUCH REVENUES FOR POLICE AND CODE ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES, AND TWO-FIFTHS OF SUCH REVENUES FOR REDEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE CITY, SUCH REVENUES TO BE PLACED IN A SPECIAL FUND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, AND SHALL THE CITY BE AUTHORIZED TO COL:LECT, RECEIVE, RETAIN AND EXPEND SUCH LODGER'S TAX, INCLIJDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ALL INTEREST INCOME DERIVED THEREFROM, IN CALENDAR YEAR 1998 AND IN EACH SUBSEQUENT YEAR, SUCH AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTITUTE VOTER- APPROVED REVENUE CHANGES WITHIN THE MEANING OF ARTICLE X, SECTION 20, OF THE COLORADO CONSTITUTION, AND SUCH APPROVAL TO BE IN ADDITION TO AND SEPARATE FROM ALL OTHER CHANGES TO SPENDING, REVENUE-RAISING OR OTHER LIMITATIONS CONTAINED WITHIN ARTICLE X, GED\53027\294191.01 SECTION 20, OF THE COLORADO CONSTITUTION PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED BY THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1999? DONE AND RESOLVED this 24th day of n gust , 1 9. en Cerveny, ayor ATTEST: Wanda Sang,_ City Cle GED\53027\294791.01 -2-