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AGENDA WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY March 2, 2010 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority on Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 6:00 p.m., in the Lobby Conference Room of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Heather Geyer, Public Information Officer at 303-235-2826 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. 1. Call the Meeting to Order 2. Roll Call of Members 3. Approval of Minutes - None 4. Public Forum (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 5. Staff Updates 6. Anne Ricker, Leland Consulting a. URA Processes and Materials b. Sub Area Market Studies 7. Other Matters 8. Adjournment 9. Executive Session to consider the purchase, acquisition, lease, transfer or sale of real, personal or other property pursuant to C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4)(a) and to determine positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, develop a strategy for negotiations, and/instruct negotiators pursuant to C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4)(e) regarding property at 44th Avenue and Wadsworth Vol' RENEWAL ~A FAT F7 F Progress Through Partnership MEMORANDUM TO: Renewal Wheat Ridge Board Members FROM: Patrick Goff, Executive Director RE: SUP-10-03/Alfred Special Use Permit DATE: March 2, 2010 The Community Development Department has received the attached request for a Special Use Permit for the construction of a new 5,342 square foot building to allow major automotive repairs and diesel engine testing at 4395 Xenon Street. The property is zoned C-1 which does not allow for major automotive repairs without a Special Use Permit. The City's Zoning and Development Code requires the review by Renewal Wheat Ridge (RWR) of land use applications in an urban renewal area. The Code requires a recommendation from RWR based on its review of the application "against the provisions of the urban renewal plan with respect to the land area, land use, design, building requirements, timing and procedure." You are not making a recommendation on whether the request should be approved or not. Your task is to determine if the request is in compliance with the West 44th Avenue Ward Road Redevelopment Plan. Your finding will be one factor to be considered in the approval process. Vilest 44th Avenue and Ward Road Redevelopment Plan The recommended West 44th Avenue and Ward Road development concept is a community commercial center that serves residents and non-residents, and also includes a mix of commercial, office and municipal sales tax generating retail uses. Development along the edges of the Plan Area will be used to buffer the commercial area from the adjacent residential neighborhoods. This location serves as the western entrance to Wheat Ridge. A mix of commercial uses and an inviting streetscape should provide a sense of arrival into Wheat Ridge. The accompanying Land Use Concept Plan adorted as part of the Urban Renewal Plan establishes the recommended uses for West 44` Avenue and Ward Road. The property in question is proposed as a Small Office/Business Center. The Plan encourages development of small businesses, offices, research and development, or laboratory space that may have a retail component. The property is adjacent to proposed uses of office and residential. 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone: 303.235.2805 F.,x: 303.235.2805 wwwxi.wheatridge.co.us Recommended Findings: The Land Use Concept Plan recommends that the subject property be considered for a Small Office/Business Center with office and residential to the east and residential to the south. The Special Use Permit requests a special use for major automotive repairs and diesel engine testing. Staff finds that the proposed Special Use Permit is not in conformance with the West 44`n Avenue and Ward Road Redevelopment Plan, as written, because the Plan recommends a Small Office/Business Center with residential uses adjacent to the property. Attachments: 1. Community Development Referral form 2. West 44th Avenue Ward Road Redevelopment Plan Land Use Concept Plan 7500 West 29th Avenue City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 wheat f dge 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community Development Referral Form Date: February 25, 2010 Response Due: March 12, 2010 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow major automotive repairs at 4395 Xenon Street. for the construction of a new 5,342 square foot building to allow. The property is zoned C-1. There is the presence of at least one ditch across the property. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: SUP-10-03/Allred Request: The applicants are proposing a new 5,342 square foot building on the property to allow for major automotive repairs and diesel engine testing at the address indicated above. The property is zoned C-1 which does not allow for major automotive repairs with out a Special Use Permit. There is also the presence of at least one ditch that traverses the property. Please see the attached plans and applicant proposal for the proposed uses. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property or with related concerns pertaining to this application. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager. Case Manager: Adam Tietz Voice: 303.235.2845 Fax: 303.235.2851 Email: atietz@ci.wheatridge.co.us DISTRIBUTION: Valley Water District Xcel Energy Fruitdale Sanitation District Wheat Ridge Police Department Arvada Fire District Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Building Division ~1uMtheat Ridge Wheat Ridge Economic Development Slater & Moody Ditch.. Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment Bayou Ditch Swadley Ditch "The Carnation City" IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT 4395 XENON STREET LOCATED IN A PORTION OF THE NW 1/4, SEC. 20, T.3S., R.69W., 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO I1 / _ -EOCf rX R,SfNAI I - I I - - - ~I - - - - - - / / ~ 6J„ 1llt ~-~I i I SANIfApY NN ~ ~9LOW~UH YI RW=7993 I ~,wv.N (sl-r99o i _ _ RCi / _ 5118 ~ 5416 - / 5118 / 6426 - 1sy 7 / _ rL+r Il 7 l k0 PLAN M RFO' SYGN - / _ .SAIi h RY2" (IIlJ l _ ~ MY MIAPANTJ _-1W"RCP - d~ ~ r r \ 5p29 n4+Ftia r R IX ~ NW / \ 4395XENOW STREET CONTAlNSQd3ACRES 23,273 SO. FT SET /13LOW~ 471E1LOW s fo PIN9CAP-~ L9 IB806 LS 19800 41, h' - - - - 5472 ~ I --I ~ I ~A~NG t I A W - - - W- -~-J ;,_-4 Sv, I &WLDMG L---- W 44TH AVENUE / 64 SM-J MN / my OUT-21v MV W1.21.87 ~j ~STO?U INLET I ~I II I 3 I 16 r< 101 w~ N Iw U I Z 0 I~ I `I: 20 10 0 20 40 SCALE; 1" 20' I~ ~I ~I ~I II f , yl'n\`I I I I I P01ut a DDMMENaMENr ENTER 1/4 SEC 20 T3S R69W FOUND 3 1/4" A.C. LS SVIITA,l RM_„ INV OU 2?09 I 4YV gllp71.7B ICI I ~ BLOW-UP #1 SCALE: 1'=5' LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PORTION OF THE NW 1/4, SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY a WHEAT RIDGE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. COMMENCING AT THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE N51'37'39'W, 003.56 FEET TO THE POINT a BEGINNNO; THENCE SDO'10'OC'E, 15500 FEET; THENCE N09'50'00"E, 129.15 FEET TO THE WEST RIGHT-a-WAY LINE OF XENON STREET; THENCE N00'3700"W ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 207.00 FEET; THENCE S67-41.54-W, 130.00 FEET TO THE POINT a BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL AS DESCRIBED CONTAINS 23,273 SQUARE FEET OR 0,53 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. LEGEND PROJECT BOUNDARY -----M`•---- EXISTING WATER LINE - dAN - EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING STORM SEWER -fir,- EXISTING GAS MAIN EXISTING CONTOUR - EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE + EXISTING FENCE - - - EXISTING EDGE a ASPHALT EXISTING CURB @ GUTTER SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT PREPARE UNDER MY PERNSION RE Sje g~,,. ~ y E JAMS T. JONES, .E., P.LS. DAT COLORADO NO. 19606 19606 FOR AND ON BEHALF a JONES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC ; l A F & P.~r' IMPROVEMENTSURVEYPLAT 4395 XENON STREET JOB NO, 10001 DATE: FEBRUARY 3, 2010 SHEET1OFI JONES E NEERING ASS INC. 2120W. L, -bled..S-291 Liul~wi., ('ol~rWU NUI30 mmF PoOR w RDfE a a Q a Q 2 0 N Q)o V 0-0 W 'X L all.~ M v- 000 ©NL®Ka0C117ES BUSINESS MONUMENT SIGN 3118'=1'-0' RASH ENCLOSURE FRONT ELEVATION \I SOUTH ELEVATION ~ C3ns•. f w• L z It 0 N W 0O i Q O 01 0 U co O Z 0 m 2 z Q O Q Zg J ad 9 F W Lu cr a U" 7 J~ J W" ~ Q 2a <0) N N Q WEST ELEVATION 3ne•= rn n NORTH ELEVATION J 318'.1'-0• HIGHWAY BUSINESS SIGN n EAST ELEVATION ` 7 .1w• Oft 0 014 041 014 004 014 004 004 004 0^ Legend /V Urban Renewal Area C] Community Commercial 0 Office Residential Transitional Residential Small Office/Business Center ( Open Space C] Water Feature 04 04 04 04 04 04 0 OA OIA 004 04 004 I N` ~ I Urban Renewal Area Land Use a, i% a a~ ^ m i LJ.. ca 1 C 44- 01 0 0 8 CI) 0 / N O l\ m \ nnL N ~ N N ~ / § m / ~ N I Jim ~ I ro m V V vl - - V 4350 a / n O N VJ 0" ca N VW N M \ C01 rm ^ M ° a a I N N W co a v N Nrn 7 p O N N V m oa co N N n O o~ r 04 (N V N V _ V V m o M N Q o 44th Ave. N ~ ~ 8 0 m a ° v N a ~ N V m a v N m, m Q N co CD V a N. O m m a i c m V. m 117e0 „zoo nsso 11680 Ml a °a N J m ~I ~I ro G3;5 N ATTACHMENT2 ALLRED&ASSOCIATES Architecture Planning Interior Design City of Wheat Ridge Planning Department C/O Meredith Rechert Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge City Hall 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re: 4395 Xenon Street, Wheat Ridge Colorado The enclosed proposed special use permit application is for Performance Wise Inc. Performance wise is a light automotive repair shop. The site is 4395 Xenon Street, Wheat Ridge Colorado. The applicants propose to build a 9 bay automotive repair shop. The building is located on the property so as to provide access to each of the bays and allow the existing Bayou Ditch to be placed in a culvert underneath their drive and parking areas. SITE: The site will be landscaped per city requirements and irrigated with automatic sprinkler systems. Access to the site will occur for the public on the north east corner of the site from Xenon. Business employees will then drive the vehicles from the north parking area to the inside of the building by circling around to the west into the five bay doors facing west or circling around onto Xenon Street and then four bay doors facing east. Public will not be allowed to drive from the public parking area into the service bays. The diesel emissions testing bay is now facing west away from Xenon Street. Landscaping is planted between the sidewalk and the building. The build line is 20' off the back of the sidewalk. This is an increase over the possible 0 foot setback requirements for this area. The parking lot is located away from the residential area and no work will be performed on vehicles outside of the service bays. ARCHITECTURE: The building consists of stone and galvanized metal wall panels with architectural steel trellis. The steel trellises will break up the facade of the building. Irrigated climbing vines are planted at each trellis and will become a "green wall" when matured in three to five years. This will reduce the scale of the eaves at these elevations. The office area is of a smaller scale. The entry has a steel awning eyebrow to protect the entry from weather. LIGHTING: All lighting will have cutoff lenses shielding the lamps and keeping the direct light on the premises. The cut off fixtures will shield the lamps from being seen across the street. The light standards are only 12' tall and they also will have full cut off shields. 580 Burbank Street, Suite 125 1 Broomfield, Colorado 80020 ph: 303/465.4306 fax: 303/465.4382 SIGNAGE: The signage is as proposed on the plan. There is a tall freeway sign. This sign is critical to the business survival. The sign is half the size in square footage as is allowable by city sign ordinances. The lighted signage will face East and West. A monument sign near the access drive will identify the business to travelers on 44th street only. It will only face north. UTILITIES: There are utilities in the street. At this point Xcel will provide power and gas as required. DRAINAGE: See enclosed drainage schematic plans. We sincerely believe this project will be of architectural quality to improve the quality of the neighborhood by infusing life and aesthetic to that corner area. We respectfully request the approval of this use. Cinraraly Of, 'A 04415 7 k 12505 ti.....wx.,.e.++~iu«• - +i' a 12505 x r 44TH AVE >11 4 ,s 11 . f IM, Q4" r.; r 1v ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ 12420. J ~O Mill I 12550 i 04395 r;''`r''►~ 12430 ` + { i { N Y, r ~'r ;-l ozz i1 y V % v 12700 12500 04380 d ~ 043851 s ti, " E qq. ye rrl. `t r ✓ ` 12700 ` ~f m yi ' y+ r.l g • d t of 4 r' 04350 i , 04300 " ~ ` ~ ~ ~r mE « / ' ' 1 ' ~ ~ • " , w ~ . w s " 1 1. 1 ► 04325 i , r, _ pp~ '.r ;r , fi n ~ ,°t :e : E. 4• 04322 X , flE + 1 r )M ~ _ 04365 r ' , 1 , 04310, LEGEND Q Proposed Repair Facility 1%_„_j City of Wheat Ridge Boundary RoadCenterline Parcels f 50 0 50 100 Feet State Plane Coordinate Projection Colorado Central Zone Datum: NAD83 DISCLAIMER NOTICE: This is a pictorial representation of geographic and demographic information Reliance upon the accuracy, reliability and authority of this information is solely requeslor's responsibility. The City of Wheat Ridge, in Jefferson County, Colorado - a political subdivision of the State of Colorado, has compiled for its use certain computerized information. This information is available to assist in identifying general areas of concern only. The computerized information provided should only be relied upon with corroboration of the methods, assumptions, and results by a qualified independent source. The user of this information shall indemnify and hold free the City of Wheat Ridge from any and all liabilities, damages, lawsuits, and causes of action that result as a consequence of his reliance on information provided herein. City of W heat Kidge City of Wheal Ridge, Colorado 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 303.234.5900 DATE: 2125/2010 X v N N a E m N x R O 0 x a (D W S N N ;10 7 N 0) -0 c n ;u rt C .Z7 n£ r+ Q3 m °NQD 3 n(p' Oo0 0 D 3C°•° o `°<< - O_O_ O X A N m -O S -''-O -O a 3 0 rt<< 7 m< O O_ m S O N cD O 0 m m 7 m N (D (D m (D S 0i n0 d m ~0-0 a 3 S C 7 Q_ n CQ O (DD 0 0~ N. < N 3 o Q7 S.N ? j 7,< 0_3 ° m s3 0 m 3 3(D 7 -0 w (D N m< rt Q- (D (D rt 0 7 7 7 7 S m m n a O m s o v N N m v D s ° o o c n D- O o (np 0 S 3 C N £ O 7 S m 7 (D U- O_ ID N m 0 n 2D (D D iD- Sc VC-0 m m Q c •-O C S O a£ O (D d 0 O (D < m 7 7 7 D' O 7 O n O_ " d N m `G CD 0 (D 0 d S 7 - C N W (D 7 (O O m 73 0- (D 0_7 (D o0((° m (0 00 rt m ° vi N n w m < 7 N m m o m 3 s o D 4 0- m o nm m 5--o m h 0_(~ ~v ~ (D C: 0 3 m n O 3 CO C j m O Ll. j '7* Q l< N O_ _O -0 m <D 7 0 O w 3 (D O Ol m o N n 0-< 7 f1 0 3 CO n 7 0 h S(D 7 S R (D 7 pCj - - CT o a N a~ m. a o 0 . 0<G m (0 m v -o j y m ? 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'D :3 0 c O--O m or N j < O Q° + n n 5 G N " m m o<' E: 0 o, c 7 m ah D- w 7 n N CD + O 0- < w. 7 O N S O 3 (D ~ (<D n. h N w c rt ° 0 D p ~m 2 't N 0 7 O v7h + h D m °w n fl- n ~ 0 n 3 (D 7 S 7 3 C: S (O (D h 7•~ O N oc -O 0 ,rt (D v o 7 (D O N r+ O VI O C N •J T C (D •J EXHIBIT 1 WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY Town Center Fund 2009 Adopted 2009 Adjusted 2009 Estimated 2009 Actual BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $1,083.863 $1,064,476 $1,064,476 $1,064.476 Revenues 37-500-00-501 Property Tax Increment $0 $0 $10,000 $12,295 37-500-00-504 Sales Tax Increment $300,000 $300,000 $271,075 $262.901 37-580-00-581 Interest $15,000 $15,000 $13,000 $23,757 37-580-OC 582 Rental Income $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 37-580-00-583 Sale of Property Held $0 $0 $0 $122,339 37-580-U, 589 Miscellaneous Income $0 $0 $0 $32,377 TOTAL REVENUE $375.000 $375,000 $354,075 $513,669 TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $1,458,863 $1,439,476 $1,418,551 $1,578, (45 Personnel 37-120-600-602 Salaries $0 $0 $0 $0 37-120-60 )-625 FICA $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Personnel $0 $0 $0 $0 Supplies 37-120-650-651 Office Supplies $0 $0 $0 $0 37-120-650-654 Printing & Photocopying $0 $0 $0 $0 37-120-650-655 Postage $0 $0 $0 $0 Total'Supplies $0 $0 $0 $0 ServicFF 37-120-' -702 Conference & Meetings $2,000 $2,000 $500 18 37-120-700-706 Dues, Books, Sub $500 $500 $500 $ 63 37-120-700-740 Mileage $0 $0 $0 $0 37-120-700-750 Professional Services $75,000 $75,000 $30,000 $33144 37-120-700-758 City Reimbursement $10,000 $10,000 $12,000 $12 925 37-120-700-760 Utilities & Maint $600 $600 $1,000 $17.557 37-120-700-799 Misc. $1,500 $1,500 $4,116 $4,188 Total Services $89,600 ? $89,600 $48,116 $68,485 Capital 37-120-800-801 Lands. Buildings, & Wat $292,674 $358,879 $358,879 $681,891 37-120-800-872 Site Improvements $0 $0 $0 $0 37-120-800-873 Payment to Fire District $0 $0 $0 $0 37-120-890-897 Trans to Walgreens Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $292,674 $358,879 $358,879 $681,891 TOTAL EXPENDITURES' $382,274 $448,479 $406,995 "$750,376 ENDING FUND BALANCE $1,076,589 $990,997 $1,011',556 $827,/09