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City of W heat -Midge PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA January 21, 2010 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on January 21, 2010, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the Ciry of Wheat Ridge. Call Heather Geyer, Public Information Officer at 303-235-2826 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may be recommended for placement on the agenda.) 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - November 19, 2009 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ-09-09: An application filed by Arvada Fire Protection District for approval of an outline development plan amendment to allow a fire station on property zoned Planned Industrial Development (PID) and located at 5250 Oak Street. 8. OTHER ITEMS A. Resolution Designating a Public Place for Posting of Notices of Public Meetings B. Mixed Use Forums - Northwest Subarea Plan Update 9. ADJOURNMENT I 1, City of W heat P~idge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting November 19, 2009 1. 2. 3. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair MATTHEWS at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent Staff Members Present: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Anne Brinkman Marc Dietrick John Dwyer Henry Hollender Dick Matthews Steve Timms Jim Chilvers Sally Payne, Senior Planner Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA Commissioner MATTHEWS requested an amendment to the agenda to include election of new officers. Commissioner BRINKMAN requested an amendment to the agenda to include discussion of the DRCOG Planning Workshop. It was moved by Commissioner DWYER and seconded by Commissioner TIMMS to approve the order of the agenda as amended. The motion passed 6-0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - October 1, 2009 It was moved by Commissioner BRINKMAN and seconded by Commissioner DWYER to approve the minutes of October 1, 2009 as Planning Commission Minutes 1 November 19, 2009 presented. The motion carried 5-0 with Commissioner DIETRICK abstaining and Commissioner CHILVERS absent. 6. 7. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) There was no one present to address the Commission. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WPA-08-02 - A resolution adopting an addendum "3-Mile Plan" to the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. The case was presented by Sally Payne. This addendum will reflect the recently adopted comprehensive plan. In response to a question from Commissioner TIMMS, Ms. Payne stated that it would be necessary to consider a new 3-Mile Plan if new properties are annexed into the City. In response to a question from Commissioner TIMMS regarding the following sentence on page 11 under Parks and Open Space, Ms. Payne agreed that the second sentence of paragraph 3 should be changed to read: "There should be continued (rather than improved) communication among the............" Ms. Payne agreed with Commissioner BRINKMAN's suggestion that the title and footer of the documents include the date of the document. Commissioner HOLLENDER suggested that the document should address the water recreational attributes of Clear Creek. There were no members of the public present to address the case. It was moved by Commissioner DWYER and seconded by Commissioner BRINKMAN to recommend adoption by City Council of the 3-Mile Plan as an addendum to the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner HOLLENDER offered an amendment that City Council consider incorporation of Clear Creek as a recreational source. Commissioner TIMMS offered an amendment that the date of the document be included in the title and the footers. Commissioner TIMMS offered an amendment that the second sentence of paragraph 3 on page I I be changed to read: "There should be continued Planning Commission Minutes 2 November 19, 2009 (rather than improved) communication among the district, governmental agencies, and private organizations responsible for buying and managing public land in the area." 8. The three amendments were considered under one vote and passed unanimously. The amended motion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Commissioner BRINKMAN referred to the DRCOG Planning workshop that she and Commissioner HOLLENDER attended in August. She attended an excellent workshop on public health and planning with the concept of "community health as a goal of good design." The workshop may be presented in "road shows." She suggested that staff look into having the presentation be given in a joint Planning Commission/City Council session and then throughout the community. Due to Davis Reinhart's election to City Council, an election was held to select a new chair for the Planning Commission. Secret ballots were cast and Commissioner DWYER was elected to serve as chair. 9. OTHER ITEMS There were no other items to come before the Commission. 10. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner HOLLENDER and seconded by Commissioner DWYER to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. Dick Matthews, Vice Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Planning Commission Minutes 3 November 19, 2009 City of Wheat Pj(Age COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert DATE OF MEETING: January 21, 2010 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-09-09/Skyline Estates #3/AFPD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of an amendment to a Planned Industrial Development (PID) Outline Development Plan (ODP) LOCATION OF REQUEST: approx. 5250 Oak Street APPLICANT: Arvada Fire Protection District PROPERTY OWNER: Peregrin Group Venture, LLC PRESENT ZONING: PID, Planned Industrial Development CURRENT USE: Vacant ENTER INTO RECORD: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE DIGITAL PRESENTATION Planning Commission 1 WZ-09-09/Skyline Estates/Arvada Fire Protection District All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. 1. REQUEST This application is for approval of an amendment to an existing Planned Industrial Development Outline Development Plan for property located at 5250 Oak Street. The purpose of the amendment is to allow an additional use on the property. The applicant has chosen the "nonspecific" ODP process which will require a future specific ODP amendment approved through public hearings with an administrative FDP approval. (Exhibit 1, Applicant letter) II. EXISTING CONDITIONSIPROPERTY HISTORY A rezoning of the property from A-l, Agricultural-One to PRD, Planned Residential Development and PID, Planned Industrial Development as Case No. WZ-02-13 was approved by City Council on September 8, 2003. The property was then subdivided and had a Final Development Plan approved for the residential portion only. The property originally contained 17.67 acres (769,655.51 sq. ft.) and extended from Ridge Road (southern boundary) to W. 54`n Avenue (northern boundary). Skyline Estates Filing 3 was located south of Skyline Estates Filing 1 and east of Filing 2 which had previous approvals by the City of Arvada. (Exhibit 2, vicinity map with subdivision filings) The three filings have primarily single family residential development similar in scale and style. The ODP, FDP and subdivision for Skyline Estates Filing 3 created 38 lots; 37 of which were to be used for single family residential and one approved for industrial use (subject property). The residential component encompassed 14.49 acres with the industrial component being 2.79 acres. The industrial portion is comprised of the subject parcel (Lot 1 of Block 4) and Tract H which serves as a detention pond for the three subdivision filings. The plat accommodated street dedication for all streets in the development including Oak, Nelson and 53`d Avenue. Drainage and open space tracts dispersed through the development were also reserved. All improvements were constructed with the residential portion of the development, including drainage improvements on Lot 1 of Block 4 which contains a large detention easement along the west and a conveyance channel for the Columbine Basin adjacent to Ridge Road. (Exhibit 3, page 2 of plat document) The Outline Development Plan established minimum parameters for the residential construction including minimum lot size and setbacks. The residential FDP established building elevations. All of the residential lots have been developed. The ODP document also established uses for the industrial portion, as well as development parameters. The list of permitted uses on the ODP document closely mirrors the City's Commercial- One zone district. Some of the potentially incompatible uses (auto repair, auto sales, RV sales, etc) were eliminated from the list. Industrial uses allowed included greenhouses, office/warehouse, screened outside storage and minor assembly and manufacturing. (Exhibit 4, existing ODP documet The development standards included 20% landscaped coverage, 40% maximum building coverage and a 35' height limitation. The remainder of the standards for lighting, parking and signage refer back to Planning Commission 2 WZ-09-09/Skyline Estates/Arvada Fire Protection District the zoning and development code. Access is restricted to Oak Street. None of these standards are being modified. It is the intent of this application to modify the existing uses detailed on page 2 to allow a public fire station. The Arvada Fire Protection District has the property under contract for purchase pending approval of this application. A conceptual site plan is provided on Page 4. All approved development standards appear to be met including setbacks, landscaped coverage, building coverage and height by this conceptual plan. (Exhibit 5, proposed ODP document) III. OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN/ ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA The Outline Development Plan (ODP), which accompanies a rezoning ordinance, sets the allowable uses and development standards for the property. In this instance, all parameters of the site regarding design are consistent with the original ODP. No physical changes are being proposed to the development standards for the site; only the one additional use is being added. All references to the residential portion of the development have been removed. Because inclusion of additional uses to an existing ODP is processed as a rezoning, Staff has provided an analysis of the zone change criteria. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error; There is not a mistake on the official city maps. The property is zoned Planned Industrial Development. 2. A change in character in the area has occurred due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions, There have been changes to the area due to the construction of the three filings of the Skyline Estates residential community. When the filing in Wheat Ridge was in process, the City of Arvada had zoned the southern portion of Skyline #2 directly to the west as Industrial. When the zone change for filing No. 3 (subject property) was submitted to the City of Wheat Ridge, it was logical to extend the Arvada zoning with industrial uses adjacent to Ridge Road. Subsequent to the City's approval, the Arvada property was rezoned to PUD-R (9.2 units/acre). The Arvada property has now been partially developed with multi-family residential development. Ridge Road is classified a collector street. The most recent traffic count (2008) indicates 3732 vehicle trips per day on this section. This is also a corridor for the Fastracks Goldline commuter rail line planned for construction in 2016. The rail corridor will provide commuter rail service to downtown Denver from stations in Arvada and Wheat Ridge. (Exhibit 6, Transportation Structure Plan) City staff has been working with RTD on design of the station site at Ward and 50`h At the time of specific ODP, a preliminary traffic impact analysis will be required to analysis the relationship between the fire station and traffic on Ridge to determine what type of traffic signal would be needed. Planning Commission WZ-09-09/Skyline Estates/Arvada Fire Protection District Other changes in the area include the continued development of the Arvada Ridge Development which will have a light rail stop at the northern end. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. The Planning Commission shall also find that the evidence supports the finding of at least four of the following: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area; The property is designated as an Employment area on the Comprehensive Plan Structure Plan transitioning to Established Neighborhoods to the north. Employment areas are described as existing light manufacturing, storage, warehouse, and other industrial-related uses where adequate screening is provided for adjacent residential neighborhoods. While the proposed fire station use does not fit a typical industrial project, it will provide jobs for area residents. (Exhibit 7, Comp Plan Structure Plan) Other goals being met include the transportation strategy to coordinate transit service with new redevelopment sites and the community service strategy to coordinate with non-city service providers to encourage residential design for their facilities and to provide buffering for adjacent residential neighborhoods. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. b. The proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived; The property is zoned industrially and allows a list of permitted uses which include office/warehouse, screened outside storage, light manufacturing and assembly. While there is heavy industrial development located directly to the south across Ridge Road, there is adjacent residential development on three sides. One could argue that although a fire station may have impacts such as noise and large vehicles entering and exiting the site, the use is less impactive than what could be built on the property under the existing zoning conditions. While it may be undesirable to have residential development directly on Ridge Road, the fire station use could serve as a transition and buffer from the heavy industrial uses to the south. Care must be taken at the time of specific ODP to ensure adequate buffering on the north, east and west. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. C. There will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone; There have already been physical benefits associated with the development due to the construction of public improvements along all four street frontages adjacent to the site. Other than one-time fees for construction of the building, economic benefits to the city will be minimal Planning Commission 4 WZ-09-09/Skyline Estates/Arvada Fire Protection District Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. d. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity; All infrastructure is already in place. The applicant will be responsible for any other utility upgrades for the site upon development. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. e. The change of zone will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties; Conceptual design drawings of the structure indicate that it will have a residential appearance with varied rooflines and brick facades. All drainage improvements on the property have already been constructed so this should not be a concern. Traffic to the site is limited to Oak Street. A traffic analysis at the time of specific ODP will be required as to whether an emergency signal or light is needed at the intersection of Oak and Ridge Road. There will be a positive impact on the health, safety and welfare of residences and businesses in the area due to better emergency response times and proximity of the new station. Captain Jon Greer of the Arvada Fire Protection District has provided information as to how this site was selected for the new fire station (Exhibit 8, Greer letter) Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. The applicant has submitted an application for conceptual ODP. Compliance with the Architectural and Site Design Manual will be evaluated upon submittal of a specific ODP, Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. IV. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING The required pre-application meeting for neighborhood input was held on August 19, 2009. Attached are minutes from that meeting and a sign-up sheet (Exhibits 9 and 10, Neighborhood meeting recap and Planning Commission WZ-09-09/Skyline Estates/Arvada Fire Protection District V. AGENCY REFERRALS A referral was sent out based regarding the request with responses below. Arvada Fire Protection District: Currently serving the property from stations located at 12195 W. 52°d Avenue and 7900 W. 57`h Avenue. Valley Water District: Can serve the property subject to improvements. Additional looped water main lines, fire hydrants and fire sprinkler lines may be needed to be installed at the owners' expense. Qwest Communications: Can serve. Xcel Energy: Can serve Wheat Ridge Public Works: Will require a traffic analysis and preliminary drainage report at the time of specific ODP. VI. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that the proposed modification to the original uses specified on the Skyline Estates Filing 3 ODP must be processed as a zone change and that criteria used to evaluate a change of zoning conditions supports approval of the modification for this lot only. Staff recommends approval of Case No. WZ-09-09 with the conditions listed below. VII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-09-09, a request for approval of a an amendment to the Skyline Estates Filing #3 Outline Development Plan for Lot 1 of Block 4 to allow the additional use of a fire station on property located at approximately 5250 Oak Street for the following reasons: 1. The proposed use is less impactive than existing uses allowed on the property. 2. The proposed use will provide a buffer and land use transition from the industrial uses on the south side of Ridge Road to the residential neighborhood to the north. 3. The evaluation criteria support approval of the request. With the following conditions: 1. A preliminary drainage report be submitted at the time of specific ODP. 2. A traffic analysis be submitted at the time of specific ODP." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-09-09, a request for approval of a an amendment to the Skyline Estates Filing #3 Outline Development Plan for Lot 1 of Block 4 to allow the additional use of a fire station on property located at approximately 5250 Oak Street for the following reasons: Planning Commission 6 WZ-09-09/Skyline Estates/Arvada Fire Protection District 2. 3." Planning Commission WZ-09-09/Skyline Estates/Arvada Fire Protection District ALLRED&ASSOCIATES rchitecture Planning Interior Design October 27, 2009 Proposed Arvada Fire Protection District Fire Station #2 Arvada Fire Protection District is proposing a rezoning on the property located at the north east corner of Ridge Road and Oak Street in order to allow for the construction of a municipal Fire Station to serve the surrounding area. Site work will include new concrete drives for employee parking and for the emergency vehicle aprons and public parking will be located at the main entrance of the facility. Brick screening to match the building brick will be provided at the trash and fueling station for the emergency vehicles, at a patio area for the fire fighters, at the building condensing unit, at the building transformer, along with a monument sign for building identification. Landscaping will be provided to buffer the employee parking area and will include native seeding for water conservation. The architecture will be sensitive to the surrounding neighborhood to include sloping asphalt shingle roofs with overhangs to reduce sun in the summer months and allow sunlight to enter the building in the winter months. Exterior materials will include brick, stucco, and energy efficient windows. EXHIBIT I C ~W 314 T 50 0 50 100 ORIGINAL SCALE: 1'.50' NO 10' UTILITY EASEMENT ABUTTING _I LOT (SEE NOTE 6) -1 re REARS r I Zbl 0 m F 7f ill IIw tallI 7 II ) L rD FRONT 0 10' UTILITY EASEMENT (SEE NOTE 6) LOT EASEMENT DETAIL SCALE: I"-W / (LI \ / POINT OPB8044N6'1G I 0.4TLS 12~P9C~\ 77 ( 0 It, ,n MEN P!LS I AE" 19780 ) 0.18' DETAIL A ; NO SCALE iI SKYLINE ESTATES FILING NO.3 FINAL PLAT A PART OF THE WEST )2 OF THE SOUTHWEST Y4 OF THE NORTHEAST Y4, SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6th PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO _ MATCH UNE - SEE SHEET 3 w.w uwi. I . 1g .r--v -w amawar Aw aA N89'46'49'E- 120.00'-7 z L J ' ' (r) J ' " ro o ml a " o G4MW FAR&OVT -N846 49 E- ' - -7489 49 '46 E_ - y 101 I B 'r °oI 10 7 920 SO FT F - -'120.00 - - 0~ - -136.95' - l/ L 8,465 SO. FT. I , , . m Im (Irv) 6 ! oI 11 g 7 -NW35'34-E- J ' O N -S69'46'49'W- J ♦ 10 7,920 SO. FT. I e 9,046 SQ. FT, m ° o' u3.. C 0 20.00 - - O~ (6 _ F-7'L'3u-i2 I ~ _ - L -589.46'49•W- 0)89'46'49-W_ - J 81 9 Ip o N , gi 11 -1 - -120.00'- - - 137.17 - - r- - I °n 8.400 50. FT. I° N -2z .dL 7,920 SQ FT, . 5 E. i,,, I 3 $1 7 I. g 10 Pg L- -s8975'34'W- J . S ( ) J ( - -Ne9'48'4B'E- I 7,920 S0. FT. I r n° mI 9.060 50. FL In n W n >W UV 20.00'_ - TRACT A Q 3 r - - ~~.Op u[ l I L -N89'46'49'E- J - -(189'46'49"E' u 4 y l ©12 ` g I w a •Q m r - -120.00'_ - -T3 F- - 137.39'1-0 U.E TIP ~ 10 8.400 S0. FT. g g a 7,920 SO. FT. I . rI 8 I ) Ig I 75 Z5' L ' ' ' J z i t-- $8 W- ~ r 7,920 SO. F1 9,075 5Q FT. u E -N89 35 34 E- W d 120.00' ' µv 0 10' LLE L - -,20 00.(1 ) (T>P ' U.E. rp7 m m 01 IfJ p, p Z TRACT E I? TRACT 0.20 ACRES a . - - - - 137.60 S89'46'49'W 257.60' 10, uE ci 11 a 50294'1 " N 3- F- o f IC U f nI t7 UE. 1 -D IH - r TRACT F 0.22 ACRES 1 n &400 50. FT. 0 $ E 3 O w qq s Iil 7 - (Trv) ~C21 ` - - - - - - - - - , 127.88' f - J L -589'35'34"W- J (n a $ 16.55 n . , . W. 53rd A ve p - -720.15'- - -1 ^ z _ O ~ Q 5 ,5 E . N8 34 295 02' - ' N ` Gn 12 - °w 4 Sg,~.E 741 5\ - . 255.94' 15.02 C a 8.462 S% jt rp o n °z EO y. o H W 029 ~ 859 i i ~ _ 140.02' 17 u.E. 115.92' a w JS n ~ µµr ~I 8.16' (A )IN -74893534 E gZn 6r > O U 7 21- 6 0' ' ' (TVP) 120.43' I ~ °s 3 4 I0 0I E 74.41' ) I I NNE I ' 4'E 0 I I 72 TRACT I CR 2 itr z 5 L I 87.731 SQ FT. TRACT H I A ES . -4 # < 01 ACRES I I ZONEDZPID (INDUSTRIAL) 0 0.78 ACRES g N °m I LL z p ( I OT/ OF 00UNDAW ~ yy 6 m ' I 1W LLE ( ) i . ) m r L4E I @@ &I I 10 U.E. m 1T>pl~ I 1'14.2/ go.o--C~ 5 19' n ~ _ $ $ I N 1 I 1 . \ $ DTI ' L-' v EA 1 $ la uE (trot a O t5A p E E L i56b6 IJ--~ ' DAMMNE EASEMENT C31 N N7L~ 4S 5 SVEWALK EASEMENT I ~(TYP) ' S ODE ~,~yY E~'''", W3.23-' W ' N a . 1 ' 5-14•'~ ~ g0 L jg OF_ WA Y) ~ 11.68' S7ASdod'4 ' ' 'i 7.93'-- PIpTiF1736743 ( No. ~ W r N3523 37 5 14.59' ' EA4NENT i~ I 5.18' ' _ POINT OF CORNER NE 1/4. SECTION 16, T3S, 'W. FOUND 3' BRASS CAP STAMPED: Y OF WHEAT RIDGE LS 13212'. Y OF WHEAT RIDGE DATUM} "3.225.97 7,202.00 •543507 (NGVD29) CURVE TAKE CURVE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA CH. BEARING CHORD C7 117.61 200,00 '4 ' 51716'56' 116.11 C2 176.71 300.00 33-45'00- N1116'56"W 174.17 C3 26.12 300.00 459'16• 502'54'04' 26.11 C4 65.49 300.00 11'30'30• S8053'45'W 65.36 C5 12.79 300.00 226'34' 17-W 12.79 C6 117.56 75.00 69'46'45" S44'41'1 1'W 105.89 C7 26.17 15.00 99.57' 22'36"E 22.98 Ce 23.94 275.00 4->9'16' $02'54'04• 23.93 C9 43.13 325.00 7',36-12- N041 '32' 4110 C70 64.10 325.00 1Y18'01- N1 W 63.99 C11 20.01 325.00 21'O4'27'W 20.00 C12 64.21 325.00 1119'09" N2829'51-W 64.10 C13 21.51 175.00 7.02,49 530'38' 21.51 614 81.56 175.00 26'42'11' 1 -45'31-E 80.82 CIS 23.56 15.00 g0'OO'00' S44'35'34'W 21.21 016 23.56 15400 89'57'52' N45' 4'26'W 21.21 C17 23.56 15.00 90'00' N44•35'34• 21.21 C18 12.92 100.00 7-24'08" S85-53'30-W 12.91 C19 10.63 100.00 6'05'21• S79W-46'W 10.62 C20 14.68 15.00 56'03'39• S7552'05"E 14.10 021 45.21 45.00 57'33'28• N76'37'00'W 43.37 022 40.68 45.00 51047635' S48'42'29-W 39.31 023 51.52 45.00 65-,M-01- SD9'59'20'E 48.75 C24 14.68 15.00 56'03'38" N14'45'32"W 14.10 025 23.55 100.00 13'29'29' 50631'33"W 23.49 C26 21.18 15.00 80 'M" N40'13' 1' 19.46 021 34.26 325.00 6-02'23" 577'39'42-W 34.24 C28 19.60 15.00 74'51'41" 537-1-39-W 16.23 C29 71.76 275.00 14'57'04• S82'07'02"W 71.56 030 22.4fi 15.00 85'4711 7441' '50'W 20.42 C31 20.95 15.00 6092'12" N34'3T24-E 19.29 _ 032 22.31 15.00 85131Y N4T4Y50'W 20.31 C7J 71.76 50.00 8113'%' 548' 8'361W 65.76 034 23.61 15.00 90.111$' S4518'48" 21.25 C35 23.56 15.00 90-00' - 7444'3 '34'E 21.21 C36 66.68 275.00 1353'32' N 721'12"W 66.51 037 21.52 275.00 42859' Ni6'328'W 21.51 C3B 2001 275.00 410'10' 7420'52'02-W 20.01 C39 5178 275.00 1112'19' N28-33'17'W 53.70 C40 113.76 225.00 28'58'11° S19-40.20-E 112.56 C41 4.39 325000 0'46'27• $05'00'28'E 4.39 C42 6,82 50.00 _ 7%14'49- 03'34'13'W 6.61 043 58.78 75.00 4454'22' 567'08' "W 57.29 Cµ 5878 75.00 44'54'23' S22-14-00 -W 57.29 ~ I \ I FOUND /4 REBAR 1 1 W/O CAF 023' 1 I ( 1 0.52' 1 Do C oCAP -BAR I-- w/ 0 13 11 ~0~ FOUND Y2" it DETAIL B BENT PIPE / NO SCALE LEGEN ND REBAR 4 CAP IS 12438' 0 FOUND REBAR, AS NOTED FOUND REBAR h CAP "LS 19003' • SET 30' PIPE WITH 3" BRASS CAP, STAMPED: 'LANDMARK UTY OF WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO- IN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE RANGE BOX X U.E. UTIITY EASEMENT, SUE AS NOTED (SEE NOTE 6) ® BLOCK NUMBER AF ~~yy~~ I Gk^~ MICHAEL ! 11031 She caAlsurn~r2c'MnwN-'rEinetts MELD Westmins a. = EXHIBIT 3 SKYLINE ESTATES FILING NO. 3 OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE °c E 0 m v x rv O Q J n 4 a N Q F co 00 ow oac o m ao 0 = C. ti- II- QOLLCla aww~CCZLU 1-1- OD a..Dzox A PART OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6th PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF ,JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO NOTES PERMITTED USES' SINGE-F CUSTOMARY ACCESSORY STRUCTURES SUCH AS DETACHED GARAGES AND STORAGE SEDS AND CUSTOMARY ANCILLARY USS. PID IO'DLISITIN T ZONING 1. ANIMAL VETERINARY HOSPITALS AND CLINICS (NO CREMATION) 2. ANTIQUE STORES 3. APPAREL AND ACCESSORY STORES 4. APPLIANCE STORES (INCLUDING INCIDENTAL SERVICE MCI REPAIRS) 5. BAKERIES, METAL 6, BANKS, LOAN AND FINANCE OFFICERS 7. BICYCLE STORES &RfPRMMRWES PHOTOSTATIC COPYING AND OTHER SIMIAN 9. BOO( STORES, NEWSSTANDS, STAIMNERY AND CARD STORES 10, USAGE TYPE DELETED 11. BUTCHER SHOPS, INCLUDING MEAT, POULTRY OR SEAFOOD STORES 12. CABINET AND WODOWDRIONG SHOPS 13. CAMERA AMD PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE AND SUPPLY STOOLS 14. CATERERS 15. DEPARTMENT OR VARIETY STORES 10. DRUG STORES 17. EATING ESTABLISHMENTS . SIT DOWN 18 USAGE TYPE DELETED It USAGE TYPE DELETED 20. FLORAL SHOPS 21. FURNITURE STORES 22. GARDEN SUPPLY STORES 23. GIFT. NOVELTY OR SOUVENIR STORES 24. GRESWgI15ES AND LANDSCAPE NURSERIES 25. GROCERY OR CONVENIENCE STORES, NO GASOLINE PUMPS 26. HAIR, NAIL AND COBMEOC SERVICES 27. HARDWARE STORES 28. HOBBY AND CRAFT STORES 29. HOME FURNISHING STORES 30. HOE G/+ROVFADNT SUPPLY STORES, INCLUDES INTERIOR DECORATING 31. JEWELRY STORES 32. LAINNRY AND DRY OEANRG SHOPS 33 LEATHER GOODS AND LUGGAGE STORES 34. LINEN SUPPLY 35. LIQUOR STORES 35. LOCKSMITH 37. USAGE TYPE DELETED 3B. USAGE TYPE DELETED 39. MEDICAL AND DENTAL OFFICES OR CLINKS 40 MUSIC STORES 41. OFFICE SUPPLY STORES 42. OFFICES GENERAL ADIIWSTRATIVE. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL N. MATERIALS OR WOW OR Di11 OR TEACNRO OF FINE ARM CLOTHING ALTERATION SHOPS APPLIANCE OR COMPUTER REPAIR AND 58, WAREHOUSE/OFFICE (MANMW 75X TOTAL AREA AS 1XVFENOUSE) 59. SWAM USES AS DETEWIBEO BY THE DIRECTOR OF COEMNINITY DEVELOPMENT RIRSUMT 10 SECTION 217-307 OF THE WHEAT RIM CODE CASE HISTORY WZ-02-13 WS-02-01 JEGV110FUMT STANOIINIS IIE11 INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL MAMMUMLOTCOVERAG E W%811NSDANOHAROSCAPE COVERAGE 10% BUILDING COVERAGE LANDSCAPING MND"20% REFER TO SECTION 254M OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS NNWDI/ SNFIIIACKS . FROM WFEET 20 FEET SIDE 5FEET PER STORY' 7.5 FEET 10 FEETFT7RA ONE STO21' REAR BlIL11N0, PLl6 AN AOOiDNAL 10 FEET FINE FEET PER 67OTY' 'UIf RGMOF FAGRHDIIBESlWI.LSE 'F ADW(811 RDA T.HTA1® RG6-0F fT03041DAMMMOP7 WAY, WMA SMACK OF so Fw • FAGACEW TODWMTSIRM{F VAY,194"8810ACKOI6 LIGHTING REFER TO SECTION 26-M OF THE REFER TO SECTION 88400 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS PARKING REFER TO SECTION 2&M OF THE REFER TO SECTION 25-Wl OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAMS WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS AS APPROVED ON THE FOIL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND N ARCMI ECTURE ACCORDANCE WITH THE AS APPROVED ON THE FINAL STEETSCAPE AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN ARCH 7ECRAAL DESIGN ANNUAL ACCESS ACCESS ONLY FROM OAK STREET SIGNAGE REFER TO ARTICLE VO OF THE REFER TO ARTICLE VII OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAMS WHEAT RIM CODE OF LAMS FENCING AND SIGHT REFER TO SECTION 26605 OF THE REFER TO SECTION 16405 OF THE DISTANCE TRIANGLE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS WryEATRID(E CODE OF LAWS ACCESSORY BUILDINGS REFER TO SECTION 78.204 OF THE 1010IEATRDGE COOS OF LAWS MANMIN HEIGHT $5 FEET 35 FEET: SNOIEFAMLY WALLING - . 1E FEET: ORACHWO MMOR SI® NO LIMITATION PROVIDED ALL MINIMUM LOT SEE 074-ER ANTS CAN Be 79W SQ. FT. MET NO LMITAIDN PROVIDED ALL MNIAIUM LOTWDIH 011ERREOULEMEMRg CANBE 4B.B FT ATIRRONTAC4E 0 .0 A =FRONT G 015.0 FT A MET MMMRIY REQUIREMENTS AND INDUSTRIAL STANDAR MAY BE FURTHER DEFIED N THE W-SWER71AL DS RESIDENTIAL STANDARD 1. NOME9 N THE SKWIE 3 COM UNITY SHALL DE CONSISTENT NTH THE ELEVATIONS BKLUDED ON THE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN. OVERALL FACADE AND ARCHITECTURE SHALL CONFORM TO THE PLANS INCLUDED N THE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN. 2. RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES ON LOTS ADJACENT 70 OPEN SPACE TRACTS SHALL NC11AE, ON THE SIDE ADJACENT TO THE TRACT, THE SAME ENHANCEMU47S REQUIRED FOR STRUCTURES ON CORNER LOTS. 3. RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES ON CORNER LOTS SHAH HAVE ALONG THE SIDE OF THE HOE A FOUR FOOT RETURN OF DECORATIVE WAINSCOTING TREATMENT OF EITHER BRICK OR STOW, TWO WINDOWS, TRIM BOARD ENHANCEMENTS, VARIATION IN SIDING MATERIAL AD ALL VISIBLE SIDE YARDS SHALL HAVE PRIVACY FENCE TO HELP SCREEN AND BREAK UP THE SIDE PLANE OF THE ,HOME. OVERALL FAGME AND ARCHITECTURE SHALL CONFORM TO THE PLANS INCLUDED IN THE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN. 4. THE FRONT SETBACK SHALL VARY A MINIMUM OF 2.5 FEET SO THAT NO MORE THAN ONE-THIRD OF ANY STREET FRONTAGE SHALL HAVE HOMES WITH SETBACKS OF 20 FEET. 22.5 FELT, AND 25 FEET. NO THREE ADJACENT STRUCTURES WALL HAVE THE SAME FRONT SETBACK. 5. NO TWO SIMILAR STRUCTURES SHALL SE CONSTRUCTED NTH THE SAME ELEVATION ON ADJACENT L073 OR LOTS ACROSS THE STREET. THERE SHALL NOT BE TWO GARAGE DOMINANT MODELS CONSTRUCTED ON ADJACENT LOTS. 8 ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES SUCH AS CORNICES, EAVE BELTC"SES, BAY WINDOWS Stl1S, CMOPES, POR04M DECKS, PA71M NCI BALCONIES MAY DOM OR PROJECT INTO A REQUIRED SETBACK A MAXGRUM OF THIRTY ICES 7. THE FIRST FLOOR OF THE FRONT ELEVATION OF THE HOME SHALL HAVE A MNMN OF SOX BRICK OR STONE WITH A FOUR-FOOT RETURN ON EITHER SIDE OF THE HOME OF OECORA71W WAINSCOTING. INDUSTRIAL STAND RCS: 1. BUFFERING OF INDUSTRIAL MEAL WHENEVER A PARKING LOT IS PLACED BETWEEN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AND THE STRUCTURE(S), A SCREENING OF THE PARKING AREA SHALL BE ESTABLISHED KTWEE14 THE RIGHT-OF-WAY AND THE PARING AREA THIS: YEW-OBSgkWNG sCREER SMALL BE COMPOSED OF LIME PLANTINGS, BERMS, FENCES, WALLS, OR A COMBINATION THEREOF. THE HEIGHT OF THE SCREENING WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE REQUIREMENTS AS OUTLINED ON THE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN. 2 OUTDOOR STORAGE FOR THE INDUSTRIAL LOT: OUTDOOR STORAGE ASSOCIATED NM THE PRNARY USE OF THE INIMIRIAI LOT IS ALLOYED AS AN ACCESSORY USE WHEN EXPLICITLY IDENTIFIED ON AN APPROVED FINAL DEVELOPMENT RAN. THE MATERIALS TO BE STORED MUST BE SCREENED BY A SIX-FOOT, VIEW-OBSCURING FENCE. WALL, OR LANDSCAPING WHICH FURY CONCEALS SUCH FACILITIES FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND PUBLIC STREETS. THE HEIGHT OF ANY STORAGE MATERIALS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE HEIGHT OF THE FENCE 3. ARCHITECTURAL FINISHES SHALL NCJDE EXTERIOR MATERIALS OF BRICK. STONE, WOOD, AND GLASS. BINDING FACADE TREATMENT SHALL INCLUDE E EIMM THAT PROVIDE A HUMM SCALE, CREATE TOTURE NCI RELIEF, AND INCORPORATE ARCHITECTURAL FENESTRATION AND ARTICULATION. META BULDNOS ARE PROHIBITED. 4. EVERY INDUSTRIAL USE SHALL BE OPERATED N ITS ENTIRETY WITHIN A CO PLETEY ENCLOSED BUILDING WITH THE EXCEPTION OF OUTDOOR STORAGE AREAS IDENTIFIED ON AN APPROVED FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN. 5. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT SMALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 26-505 NCUSIMAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. Xj MICHAEL CONSULTING ENGINgMtS ! 2.0 ft" 9,A WM NR LrM 1NRn WN NII ME 0001-M WCM0I -SW PREPARED EM, -bmu MfH01AE8- 11031 SHMAN BLVD. WESTMINSTER, COLORADO 80020 PHONE. (303)-486-1831 FAX. (303)-166-1838 STATISTICAL INFO TOTAL SITE AREA:- RMATION 17.67 ACRES 768,655.51 SO FT ZONING PRO: 14.49 ACRES 630,92016 SO FT ZONING PD 3.18 ACRES 138,734.75 SO FT NUMBER OF DWELLING LINTS: 37 LOTS DWFILING UNITS PER ACE (GROSS, 17.67 ACRES). 2.09 DU/AC DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE (NET. 14.49 ACREST 2.55 DU/AC OPEN SPACE REQUIRED (25X OF PRO ZONING} 3.82 ACRES 157,730.19 SO FT OPEN SPACE PROVIDED; 4.79 ACRES 208,189.86 SO FT AVERAGE LOT SIZE; 0.25 ACES 11,871.92 SO FT RIGHT-OF-WAY-DEDICATION; 3.24 ACRES 141,154.36 SO FT TRACT A HOA TRACT _ INFORM ATION DRAINAGE, OPEN SPACE, IRRIGATION 2.72 ACRES 115889.32 SO FT TRACT B HOA OPEN SPACE 007 ACRES 3,039.78 SO FT TRACT C HOA OPEN SPADE 0.21 ACRES 9,298.91 SO FT TRACT D HOA OPEN SPACE. IRRIGATION 0.06 ACRES 2,400.00 SO FT TRACT E 140A OPEN SPACE 0.20 ACRES 8.549.75 SO FT TRACT F HOA OPEN SPACE 0.22 ACRES 9,697.03 SO FT TRACT G HOA OPEN SPACE, IRRIGATION 0.55 ACRES 23.989.16 SO R TRACT H HOA DRAINAGE,OPEN SPACE 0.78 ACRES 34,003.35 SO FT PRO ZONING; BLOCK 1 LOTS 1-12 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 2.69 ACRES 117,243.22 SQ FT BLOCK 2 LOTS 1-13 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 2.49 ACRES 108,414.21 SO FT BLOCK 3 LOTS 1-12 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 2,43 ACRES 106,058.10 SO FT PID ZONING; BLOCK 5 LOT 1 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL 2.01 ACRES 87,731.34 SO FT LEGEND: - - ` PROPOSED BOUNDARY LINE PROPOSED R.O.W. PROPOSED LOT UE PROPOSED FLOVANE - - - - - - - - - - - PROPOSED CENTERLINE PROPOSED SETB ACK PROPOSED UTILITY ESMT. ` PROPOSED IRRIGATION ESMT. PROPOSED LANDSCAPE ESMT. 5445 PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR PROPOSED WHOM CONTOUR PROPOSED IRRIGATION DRAIN PROPOSED WATER LINE PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED STORM SEWER 1 PROPOSED LOT NUMBER 1 PROPOSED BLOCK NUMBER # PROPOSED STREET LIGHT EXISTING R.O.W. - - - - EXISTING EOA EXISTING FLOW LINE EXISTED MAJOR CONTOUR - EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR --SHE-- --()HE- EXISTING FENCE EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC { l~ ,77777,17-7 ` EXISTING TREES SKYLINE ESTATES EXHIBIT 4 6k1a3 ~4 I'7 r oj' J1 W SKYLINE ESTATES FILING NO. 3 OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE A PART OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6th PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO COVER v w E 0 m M Y N 0 O Op N N J 0: K u ~o a au °o °oN 0 oa oa of o} m i- m oa o a N ND N~ OW Om, no no N\ NM NO NO 02 OL QOLLlO~ O.WWZW ooXao aS'zof LEGAL DFSCRIPnON: ALL THAT PART OF THE YiEST 1/2 a 1VE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 16. TOWNSHIP 35011TH RANOT_ 66 WEST OF THE 67H PRINCIPAL ME1tl01AN. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, LYING NORTH OF THE COUNTY ROAD KNOWN AS ROOM ROAD, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 16, THENCE NORTH 0813' 11' WEST, ON AND ALONG THE WEST LIRE OF SAD NORTHEAST 1/4, A DISTANCE OF 71.25 FEET 70 A PONT ON THE NORTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF RIDGE ROW, SAD POINT ALSO BONG THE TRUE PONY OF BEGINNING. THENCE NORTH 00'13' 11• WEST ON AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST 1/4. A DISTANCE OF 1246.20 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CM40 OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/41 THENCE NORTH 8975' 34' EAST. ON AND ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4. A DISTANCE OF 66&06 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4. THENCE SOUTH 00'12' 59' EAST, ON AND ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 7/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4, A DISTANCE OF 1088.47 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LADE OF SAID RIDGE ROW, THENCE SOUTH 74'3670' WEST ON AND ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LNE, A DISTANCE OF SW 90 FEET MORE OR LEAD TO THE POINT OF BDWINIDNG. CONTAINING 769,656 SQUARE FEET (17.67 ACRES) MORE OR LESS RAW OF COLORADO, DO NO. 3 WAS MADE UNDER PROPERLY SHOWS SAD OWNER'S CERTIFICATION: THE BELOW-SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF. DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT N ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED N THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF REZONING TO A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND APPROVAL OF TADS OUTLNE DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS SIGNATURE OF OWNER(S) OR AGENT(S) NOTARY "Ma SRSCREED AND SHORN fEFORE ME T WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES /O - CASE HISTORY: WZ-O2-13 WS-02-01 DEM-OPYENT SCH L THE PRQECT WILL HAVE 7W0 PHASES OF BOLD OTT. TE FIRST PHASE WLL COMPRISE ALL RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND NECESSARY IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUDING PI~.IC MIPR WZ75 OF CUR GLTTER, SDEWIVIi, Alp 'TREE UWIr, NCLUONC ROM ROAD. THE SECOND PHASE WILL INCLUDE ONLY THE INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY PROPER. ANTICIPATED TWD-YEAR BIRD OUT OF RESIDENTIAL PHASE IRON FINAL CITY OF WHEAT RDFE APPROVAL PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION' SECDMME1DEp FOR APPROYA THIS-9-SAY OF_ I onto By THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMSSIOH. d1AIRPERSpH 0 ERSHIP/UNIFIED CONTROL STATEMENL OWNEMW AHD MAINTENANCE OF INDIVIDUAL PROPERTIES SHALL BY THE RESPONSIWTY OF THE INDIVIDUAL HOMEOWNER. THE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION WILL ENFORCE THE REOMTIONS AS RECORDED N THE MASTER DECLARATION OF COVOIANIS CONDITIONS AUDI RESTRICTIONS. RIGHTS-OF-WAYS IMMEDIATELY AD ACDR 70 PLATTED PROPOITES SHALL BE THE RESPO1SOLtTY OF THE PROPERTY OWNER. PESPOISIMLTY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE 35' DRAINAGE EASEMENT OPDN NAQN) 941L NE WITH THE PROPERTY OWNER. PHASING, CHARACTER OWNERSHIP, AND IW1)EHANCE OF 1)PEN SPACE 6 pip IN THE FOLLONNO TABLE: /IY ~ffi INRASr 91RFA~ s6 DEDICATION/ OWIERR w TRACT A RESIDENTIAL NATIVE NON DRAINAGE/ J HOA - u10AM HOA IRRIGATED DETENTION TRACT B RESIDENTIAL SOD LANDSCAPING HDA HOA TRACT C RESIDENTIAL SOD LANDSCAPING HOA HOA TRACT D RESIDENTIAL SOD LANDSCAPING HDA HOA TRACT E RESIDENTIAL SOD LANDSCAPING HOA HOA TRACT F RESIDENTIAL SOD LANDSCAPING HOA HOA TRACT G RESIDENTIAL SOU LANDSCAPING HOA HOA TRACT H RESIDENTIAL NATIVE ORAINAIY/ HOA/WDUSTRIA HOA/NGUSTRIAL NON-IRRIGATED DETENTION ROM RD. RESIDENTIAL SOD LANDSCAPING WHEAT ROLE HOA/NWST UAL ROW 54TH ROW RESIDENTIAL SOD LANDSCAPING ARVADA HDA 35' DRAINAGE RESIDENTIAL NATIVE DRAINAGE PROPERTY HOA/WpUSTRIAL EASEMENT OWNER CHARACTER OF DE I OPM NT: THE THEM AID CHARACTER PEPRI.SENIED BY THIS PLAN IS CONSISTENT W17H AND SIMILAR TO THE NEIGHBORING SKYLINE ESTATES FLING NO. I AND SKYLNE ESTATES FLUNG HO 2 COMMUNITIES. THE ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS INCLUDED WITH THE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN REPRESENT TE GENERAL DESIGN. STYLE NCI QUALITY OF HOES TO BE CONSTRUCTED N THE SKIUME ESTATES FILING NO. 3 COMMUNITY. ME INTENT OF THE COMMUNITY IS TO PROVIDE QUALITY HOUSING WITH HONES RANGING FROM 1500SF TO 3OOSF. THESE HOMES INCLUDE A VARIETY OF STYLES, NN~ , RANCH TWO STORY AND TRI-LEVEL HOMES NOME VARIETIES SHALL INCLUDE GARAGE RECESSED AND GARAGE HOUSING. SHEET INDEx: 1 CD%" SHEET 2 NOTES 3 PLAN [2 MB MI I:ONSULTMG HNG1 nRIS NI 1r N4a WA. 1W m &-.w %A m" m" ONE OR M-m 9A DLY W-w PREPARED MR 11031 SHERIDAN R.W. WEST611INSTER. COLORADO 80020 PHONE: (303)-466-1831 FAX (303)-466-1838 CITY CERTIFICATION- APPROVED THIS (4 nAY a 204 BY CITY q.. ATTEST S \J (5~-_a MAYOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COUNTY CLERK AND R MEDERS CERTIFICATE: THIS DOCUMENT ACCEPTED FOR FILING N THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ANp RE a JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOIDQI, COLORADO. ON THE ~l4AA DAY N0. 1• AD., N BOOK.J$j.- PACEJ'N-N4 RECEPTION aT Q f~'Tr L' ) JEFFERSON OLIN CORDER BY:~C`.~I y i1~ TTeC ✓ r. SHEET 1 OF 3 SKYLINE ESTATES FII INr, NO nnP VICINITY MAP SCAM, 1'- 1400' y it I a t _ ~I ,II - i= PTO, i Y 1 F z~CZa ' - N N~ ' Fl-fLi i._ ;.FULL MOVEMENT l ~c SET 30 7P1PE v 3' BRASS CAP STAMPEp I 'LANOMAW CITY OF r 1 WHEAT RIDGE' COLORADO' n IN CITY OF TVHEAL,PoOGE I, RANGE BOIL I I~ W +a E)OSYNG I p 30.00' IIl) EXISTING Street ILQw 4 -7:7 -1 8g x T 2 ALUMItIUM CAP -,y $TAMPED 'PLS 19003' ;ism . CITY OF WHEAT $ ~ RTD6f EATS F A 9 `ogi\ ! R¢x„a I ago I r.. Y.3YLL x ~ ! SKYLINE ESTATES FILING NO. 3 OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN YYEBT88THAVEMM AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE g A PART OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 16, & TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6th PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ; CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO T)R07HCf SrrE 1-70 1 ` N K AP 11 F l~ REBAw{wl CAP I aAR a CAP 1ST2138I / Ng~ 1 t ~1 Bd1NDARY \ DRAINAGE DUSTING- ~z~ S 0012'5.9' E 106&47 1 - - ffig~1 183 FLOW P° \ \ \ FWHT-OF-WAY FOR_ REAR l \ 1 SETBACK .-----------------E'asTM°awmE° LAND EI(IS1u1G \ \ DETENIM FACILITY 1 \ POND ~ l B I p l I I 0- n, 1 I I I If V 11 1 `a',~ 170 ACRES 2,0Z.T> f 11 11 g7t7a~ 11 T I~ h 11 = 1111 mACrw 4e o SIDE )11 D 20.00' JS<TBAIX I I I dF~ 11 I1 11 11 11 11 1 I I 2M ACRES 1 ~1 r ~ THERS IRRIGATION EASEMENT I - 1 Aj LI = J _ J L 9oEw'AKT , J. L / Raarrc - -NELSON STREET-. - - t4 r-- ~ r - _ MOVEMENT ~11 Q ~I I jj 'v ~I I~ 11 ITT 11 J~ 11 a ACCESS o L _J L _ _ A \ PROPOSED 20.00' ~t I I ,ao TRACT N * ATIOM EASEMENT 1 1 2a00' 111 11 II V I 1 I UTILITY 0.75 Aa1FS J 0 • 1 f 1 CII,• k ! I ~V FR011T EASEMENT A TaOO' TRACT a 1 N 8 N 9®Atx II 11 I II 4. g I o DRAINAGE AM EASEMENT anal 1 m 01 1 gyp, - xa~ - Rao DAM ACRES I I I I cs I I stReAa _ _ aso - - ~O~ 1~s1 III ~RADT,c--- -1\ f f `I 1k 1A 60 I - b 11 II I ~I P 1 I~ y~, I I I I I 111. 1! i a° Bo n so 120 I I SETBACK ryIh N III .0 11 Ip I'I I I 11 Aa(11 CL-FL _s J~ \ I II ~I IJJ II W I N 11 8Z~ 1 1 C $d I INDUSTRIAL LOT (NORTH SIDE) ORIGINAL SCALE! 1'=80' _ = l I~ Y ZOF~D PRO A I 2a ACRES 1 I, 2as0' ~ Sa awaar - J L J IL JI,,.+ Aa+ESN WJI IL J _ 'L J' J I i 1 1 , E nsnNC EDP EDP L _J L =JLL`_ N IU N 5.00 ' ~i n F< - - - NEWCOMBE STREET- -ADC o ZONED wo SIDEWALK _ 1h1 FL-FL R.O.W. + 118 ACRES EASEMENT i 1 1 l i~I I v tzar - _ _ - I (REQUIRES SEPERATE i I FROIIT -5F Tr - -i - } FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 111 7z II PROPOSED .L(- "r = - aw. p SETBACK p !I a ,ron EST _1 DRAINAGE EASEMENT I y~~ N Nq NCI q~ NCI - NN 111 ~~1'`1. ~ ~ +O 11 ~ ~ 11 ~ I m 4 0 ~ r \ 1 (wDnT VARIES)- NDDYrn•wr.25 L, _ 11 h O TRACT E 1 1 111, o.z0 AcP>ES~ - - - T,- }1 --N 007a'11' w 124820}(4) i 1-) - - ar of wEAr - i E WGRESS c0 y U~, EA ROCS LIMITS _ _ - _ } ' - - - - SW CORNER. 1k7µ. sEC1I0N 18. 135. R69w yg W~ -I l Ili! PROPOSED ' FOUND 3 CITY OF 'AHEAT RIDGE LS 13212" ?I i J 'T~a00' . EASb1Elff o U , 1 - =r-r1n RIDGE LS 13212" n+c 3ao7 Tp 1 i a c Ls #12438 (TO'TIN'.rtn Y % "T J j ® k WATER ~iEG Na FT200719) ) ° EA 1 1 h REHQ-A,aIEM (70 BE PArrnAUY AeANDONEO) l 1 - - (c Na n2aoTas) 1 1 a~ U} 1 ~1 L =AL = LIES MITHN ZONE G DEME Y AREAS OF I,' \ 1 MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOOD NSLIRANCE RATE MAP. COMMUNITY ! . 7' A 1 1L , PANEL NO. 085079-0005 C. REVISED FEBRUARY 4, 1996. S:I ~ 1 1_~i 1 1d~~ 0 wl p a! I I j ~ ~A i 1 1 +1 L a~~ w c 4U~A 11. SHEET 3 OF 3 SKYLINE ESTATES FILING NO. 3 ODP a ~ 1 s`~ y Sl, k } t f ~ . ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~ ,i-~~y .-Y ~ s' ' ~ ~ ' ~ ,J~. ' j Y - i y r .~reGY~+~yJ~~, yy a w h' e+ ~ j! ~ ~ y H y " k ~ ~ - y 1 I ~ , a ` ~ ~ THE RROJECT Will HAVE ONE PHASE Of BUILD OUT, THIS PHASE Wlll EIE COMRRISED Of THE. , ~ ~ r _ . 1 STATION, NECESSARY. IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUDING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS OF CURB, GUTTER, SIDE ~ E ~ r. .f a; ; h ~ . ~ t e t~ r ti; jYi~` # . .a , ~ f S. ~ ~Y. ;,,.~.~a,,r,f~ _a , OWNERSHIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE RROPERTY SHALL BE THE RESPONSIEIILITY OF THE INDI . ~ ~ ~ . RESPONSIBIt~TY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE 3S DRAINAGE EASEMENT (COLUMBINE EIASIN~ SHAL ,r ~ , , , : , , Ca ~ ~ ~ . , R PROPERTY. OWNER, PHASING CHARACTER. OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE OF OPEN SPACE IS ~ n~ - ~ ~ FOLLOWING TABLE,. t ,y 1 . TRACT DEDICATi01' H DRAINAGE HOA NDUSTRIAI P A,~ I TRACT RE51DE'NTIAL N ~ ~ /I r t+~N-~iRIGATED DETEMTION SCALE. i i2Q0' THE THEME AND CHARACTER REPRESENTED BY THIS FLAN IS CONTEICfUALLY SENSITIVE TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD BUILDING MATERIALS AND OVERALL HEIGHT THE ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN REPRESENT THE GENERAL DESIGN 'STYLE. AND Ot1ALITY OF THE FIRI , CONSTRUCTED 1N THE SKYLINE ESTATES FILING NOS COMMUNITY, LOT 1 OF BLOCK 4, SKYLINE ESTATES NO, 3 SUBDIVISION AS RECORDED IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF DC}LORADO RECORDED A1`RECE~TION NO. , t 9' THIS OUTLINE: DEVELOPMENT PLAN IS CONCEPTUAL 1N .NATURE., SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT ELEME F 191248 SITE LAYOUT AND BUILDING ARCHITECTURE HAVE NOT. BEEN ADDRESSED ON THIS DOCUMENT NON•ADMINISTRATIVE AMENDMENT TO THIS OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED AND ~ .CONTAINING 117,131,3+1 SQUARE FEET (2.01 ACRES MORE OR LESS OF WHEAT RIDGE PRIOR TO THE SUBMITTAL OF A FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND ANY SUBSEG DEVELOPMENT. LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE. {IF COLOi~ACK} D4 1, KIM ALBERS, A itEt~STERED TA UNDER ~~'RLANATI~IV AMENDM NT, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SIY fOR SMtYUNE: IrS TES FILING NO. 3 WAS MAID ANYING f,~IV ACCURA Y AID I~~Y 4W5 S~ MY 5UF"~RViSION Ah~ THE A{+COMP TEL. TFIE PROPOSED ODP AMENDMENT AFFECT'S ONLY THE PERMITTED USES ON LOT 1 OF BLOCK 4 OF SKYI SLStVEY, SUBDIVISION. AlL STANDARDS AND REaUIREMENTS FOR BLOCK 1, LOTS 1.12, BLOCK 2, LOTS 1.13 AND TRACTS A - G SHALL BE DICTATED BY THE OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RECORDED AT RECEPTION N{ DEVELOPMENT PLAN RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. F19124~1, TRUE POSITIONS LANDSURVEYING 93t EAST 8TH AVENUE BROOMFIEID, COLORADO ~Q024 z' - t R GNA 'HEREOF tX1 l~REBY THE BEI.OMF-SKII+II=D _O'WI4Eii~S~ OR t,EGAL~,Y DE51 TED 5~ 1NNr THE ARTY LEG~I.I.Y DE~t? HtDtEON DE~t.OP£D ~►S ~ t~LANNED E>EVELOPI,~NT IN At~ORDANCE WITH THE u5E5, ftESTRiCT~hiS ANb CO~TIt')NS CONTA~+IEta! AND AS MAY OTHES£ RE'QUIE~ BY uW. I Y11E FURTI~t REC THtS PLAN, { } THAI" THE APPROVAL OF TO K PLANNED DEV4.OPMENY ANp AP'PROVAI. {iF THIS OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN S NOT' CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY tttt~IT, VESTED PROPERTY R~FiTS .MAY ONLY ~ AND ACt,YiIIE PURSUANT TO THL PI't{YV15i{~iS of SECTION 26-12i ~ TF~ 1III'IEAT RIDGE i AW~'► J SIGNATURE OF 4WNER~S~ flR GENTS } CHIEF JON GREER 7~3 ALLISON WAY ARVADA, COLORADO B.IIaIl5 t~ s $UB'~ED ANt'I SWipRN B~'ORE ME: ..........,8 ~yTN.~ MY HAND ANp t'IFFICSAt. SEAL III W+7 r Ir MY ~~I~INN~IIS5IGN i ~xxr /'l ~ t►~►C` t 11!"ti'T/A1"'f'~l /'~A~/CCI MtCCT 1 1 lvm- -T NOTES WS-02-41 WZ-09-09 3 PLAN 4 SHEET 1 OF 4 PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL SITE PIRN SKYLINE ESTATES FILING NO. 31 FI AENT ODP EXHIBIT 5 i ~ 5` i r w /r t l ~ lwll f't /w1~}"" 'd . IE t t l I i- _ t_ 1 SUFFERING 0)'' ~VDUSTRIAL AREA :ITEM IN[>l15TRIAL c. EN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-QF-V DET~NE SI146 BUItt AIdD ARibSGARE OF TFIE PARKING<AREA BALL 1~ AT~NMAL vETER~IARY Ht~PITALS ATE CLIIrICS ENO CREiAA110N} MAIOMl~u1 LOTCOVERA r,~v1=RAt RIGHT-~-wAY AND PARKING AN11Qt~ sTaREs SIiALI TAE ar: uvE PU APPAREL AND AI~~'S~ORY STORES s COMBINATION THI~REOF. 'ME HEIG IMCIf~MTAL SERIACE AND Rt~Aq~ LANI7SCAPINQ MN~112tY46' 4. APPLIANCE S"fO~S ~INt~.UD~1G ~ TQ 1I•iE SIGHT DISTANCE TRtANt~ J. BArCERIES, RETAIL AN FINANCE OIF~'I~ t7NAL DEVEIt~''MENT PLAN.. I~, 13AfiiK5, LO ANp MINNNUM SIT8ACK5 7 CYCLE STORES 50 FEET ~ OUTDOOR STORAGE FOR T#iE Ih ' BI.t~PRTNTiNG, PHOTt>STA"TIC ANO OTHER ~MN,AT~t REPRODUC'~N SERVICES SSOCIATED IMTH THE PRIMARY U ~s- R STORY` A WOK S"I'ORES► NEWSSTANDS, STATII~NERY ANT} CARD STORES Sp')E S FEET PE AS AN ACCIEStY USE WREN EKI i F 10. USAGE TYPE t~LETED 10 FEET FOR A ONE &TC)RY F1NAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN. THE 1 11, B~TgiE17 St~OPS, INCIUDiI~G MEAT, .POULTRY. OR SEAFOOD STOTtES REAM BUILOMVa, PLUS AN ADDITIONAL SCT~:IhIED BY A SIX-FOOfi, VIEW- I t~. CABINET AND WOODW+~IG Sh4P5 Y FIVE ~ PER ST~tY' LAI~ySCAPIMG MMICH FULLY COMt~ 13. t~AMERA :AND PHOTOG~tAPHI+C SERiACE AND SUPPL STORKS PROPERTIES AND PUBLIC STREE'T'S 1#~ CATERERS'. 1S. DEPARTMENT OR VAR~TY S MATERIALS 5HALL MOT EXCEED TF ~ f +4LV11,+O~s ! V A taL'Y~ylt ~ 4~ 'Vf" 18. DRUGI STORES 17. EA11NO ESTABLISFIi~Ew1T5, STT DOS uwr~, ~ si~clc ~o ~r . ARCHITECTURAL FINISHES SHAL t USAGE TYPE DELETED STONE YITOOD ANq G1J+55, 13. 19: USAGE TY~ DELETED ELEMENTS THAT PROVIDE. A HULA FLORAL 5tIOPS REFER TO SECTION ~;IIk3 OE THE AI+>D INC+~R'ORATE ARCI~IITECTURA 21. FURrIITUI~ SIDES Lr~Hr~c~ WHEkT RbCiE COC>E OI` LAWS.. METAL BUN.DING5 ARE. PROHIflITEO ' G,ARDEM SUT~'l.Y ST'C~tES f 23. GIF'1; NOVELTY OR SOUVENIR S'"TORES 4. f'~'~ REt~ER TO SEL'TK?N ~-549 OF THIr 4, EVERY INDUSTRIAL U SHALL HOUSES AND LAMT~9CaPE NURSERIES 25. GI~tOOCERY OR COMVEN~NCI! ST~~ NO GASOLINE PUMPS PA#tK~1G WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF TAWS Ct'~IPLETELY ENCLOSED BUfLDING ~6. HAIR, MAIM AND. COSMETIC SERVICES STORAGTc AREAS IDENTIFIED OM AI AR STORES FOR FIRE TATIO PiiO Ip t Z?, HAT~W E H088Y AND CRAFT STOR~$ {1 }STALL PER BUNK. RC?OM 21~ ~+IDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENfi SHA ~e HOME NG S ANb {3} STALLS FOR PUBLIC --505, INOUS'TR'TAL PERFORMANt 30. T SUPPLY STORES,. INCLUDES INTERIOR oECORATlN~ P LNG OI~ LAVYS, a ; 31, ,N~YIELRY STORES i 32. LAi~VDil'Y AND pRY CLEANINQ SHOPS AS APPROVED ON THE FINAL. iEATHER GAS AND LUGGAGE. STORES DEW"ELOPMENTPLAN AND IN Y ARCHITEC'TIIRE ACCORDANCE WITH THE 34. LINEN SUPPL ~Y iSQItOR g~~ ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE LOCKSti+gTH DESIGN MANUAL AGE TYPE pELETE~D 37. US 39. USAGE TYPE pl~'1E0 'I'A CES OR CLMi1C5 ACCESS.. ACCESS ONLY FROM OAK S7REE'1` i ;fS#. MEDICAL ANp DEN L OFFI 40. MUSIC sTTC~REs 41. OFf1CE .SUPPLY STORES REFER ~ ARTICLE Vq Tom. I TIVE ~ISINESS AND PItGNFI~►SlONAL SICNAGE' 42~ OF'FICES~ GENERAL ADMINISTRA , WF~AT R~3E COOS OF LAWS OFFICES tIPTICAL STARES 43. 44. PAINT AND WALLTiAT'E~ STORES FENCING AND 8K3FIT' REFER TO SECTIf)N 213.8CI3 OF 1'HE DISTANCE TRWNGL~ WHEi4'~ RIDGE Ct~E t>F LAWS. 45: PET STORES. PHARMA~ES f'RAIrNNG ~HtlP 47. PICTURE 48. USAGE .'TYPE' DELETE ACCIrSBORY BtIIi.O~lt35 AIR ..AND 5ALES SLOPS 49. SFItIE REP 30. SHOPS FOR CUSTOM WORK OIL FOR MAKING ARTICLES, MATERIALS OR tMODTIIE5 T~4° BI" SOLD AT RETAIL ~ THE PREMISES TIN STORES FEET S1, SPOR G C~ MAI~MUM HEIGHT ~ 52 STUDIO FOR PROFE55IONAL YMORT( OR TEACHING OF TINE ARTS,.. qR DANCt PHOTOG'~APHY, MUSIC, DRAMA AK~t# OR CLOTH'~+iG ALTERATIgN SHOPS 53 TAILOR, DRESSM ANCE OR COMPUTER REPA~i AND NO LIMITATION PR+OVIL7Et? ALL S4. TIxE'Vlslt~'+i, RADif}, .SMALL APPLI ShIOPS MINIMUM LOT S17E OCHER REt~UtREMENTB CAN BE TOBACCO STORES .MET Y ES 36. Tp STOR 5i VIDEO RENTALS NO LIMITATKlN IryROVroEO ALL M 75% TOTAL AREA AS WAR1 W,~RlEFIOU'SE tTEEfCE MAXI ~ MINTS cAN BE ~ MIN~IUM LOT WIDTH C+1NER REQIARE 59. 5~IILAR USES AS INTD gY THE DIRECTt~ OF Ct,X+1~1UNiTY MET t,IpMENT PURSUANT TO SEC'TIC~i 26-~3t1~ OF 'fFIE YIMEAT tit E DEVEI. Of : M~JIMUM RE4UIRETuIENTS MAY 8E FURTTiETt DEFINED TI'I THE FIRE STA t~N INDUSTRIAL STANDARDS, 60 i~~ .J'. _ _ _ s A 1 r r r .T;r ` 11J ✓ 'rf 1~ CITY 1 MIT5 *7-02-13 ZONING LIMITS WS-02-01 wz.oe-a9 SHEET F 4 . - . k, t tF ~ ` r~ y. ~ s f r Ji.~[ ~ ~~1 1 I r 1 s I Z n C i! 4~s~ ~ irY~ +w~+r aye/ ~ ~yy aII,P ~ 1 ± 3Z.~ ~ ~ 50.b0' NELSaN $'f~EET . .S~.W. " ~ t 1 'U t~flVEi~ft~~ ~ ,.1 RCt~SS 4 y ~ac~ ~ , ~ O1 r ti~~ t1T1tJ'~Y t~78 ~5 1 k ati* t 1~. 1 c~ ; t ~ . i ~ S i 4, ~ ~ Dd~NMAG~ AND ~'~~Pi t,r~ ~ . ~ ,r.._ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1' . ` ~i Y, I~ ~ , ~ , ~ ~ 6t}.a0 t: Y'- ~t,4,W~ I ~ 1 , ~ } t, t~ E~ AL LO~f NOR'i~i StD~) IN 51'~ t i ~ ~ Z~~ 'ROES - ~ ~3.5t} EXiaTlPifi ~~-~EOP SIDt~Ikt.K ` d ~ C~Ea ~I~ i ~ EAS~Iaf~N~ ~t ~ t#r, ca L - ~ ~ l Y. * ~ ~iNAI. ~V~.E~1T ALAN ~ a yc l + t D~A1N~ ~ASh~+IENY ~ ' 'J ~ 's ~WlD7F1 YARDS) ~ ~ + N t~C?'13 11 W ?1.25 , 1 L._ ~ ; 1RAC'~ E - 0.~► ACRES _ , 4 ~ ~ ~ _ - ds , t ~ ~ k,. , QAK 1~~55 SW CCN~NER,_ NE1~~ ~ - } Oti . "QTY NM~A1 RI ~ e'r~~ .o ~ M ~ ,'F ~ 1 ~ u.,...;, ► ~ fit ~ , ~ ~ A~11ALLY ABANCt~4EU ~ ~11t.' ; Vin.: ~ P ) ~ SEC. ~IE~, ~'1204~29 ~ ~1,~"^~. , } d li 1 A wY SHEET 3 OF 4 SKYLINE ESTATES FILING NO. 3, FIRST AMENDMENT ODP . - ~ I ~ ~ { t ~i E.~ M t - 1 t 1 r lwwli ~ ~1r! f t}~ 1 ,,yY ,,.rr ~+**~rt .~r~.w ...a.r r.-.-rw.r.r~ rr.nr..-rte t j , y y i/ ~ x I ~ ~ t ~ } ATA ti e ~ , T .TED ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~tlILC}IFI+G AHEE~ 667 SQ. FT, 9.9°~ I - ~ ( a t ~ ~ PAVEd AREA, 23,955 SQ. FT. (27.3 ~ lANOSCAPEC AREA; 55,109.34 St}. FT, ~b2.5°k~ I"` '`ti 731.34`S8. F"T. 100' ' 1 ~ -x ~ TOTAL;. s ~ ~ 1 I I ~!l! ~ ~ NOTE THESEFICIJRES MAY CHANGE AT TIME OF f . . ~ ! ~tlt~ 1 1 SPECIFIC 40P ~ ADI~IIdISTRAl1VE 1~DR x 1 ~ I ~ ~ I 1 ~ r x ~ I E I t ~ y ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ K ~ ~ , 4 1 y x r ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ f ~ t ~ ~ r.r I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ 1 ~ ! ~ i 4 ! ` ~ ~ t ~ ~ I ~ ~ tit ti ~ i ~ ~ ~ t } y I ~ It 4 ,1 ~ ~ ~ ~ v , x ~ ~ x ~ , I ~ ~i ~ ~ l; ~ I ~ 1 t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~I1 ~ ~ ~~f R I 1 ~~I ~ zI 1I~ ~ L ~ I t CI I! 1 ~ ~ / I~ ~ lC I I F ~ ! 1 ,~M 4 ~ ~ r j~ ~ri.++ I ~ ,L ~ ► ! I ~ 1 I~ ~ ~ ~ 4 r ~ ~ 4, ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 I { I ~ I~ E 1 ~ ~ 1 ~t~ I ` ~ ~ 4 I: ~ 7 ~ i I i E ~ r~ ~r~ (1! 'i_ ~ ~ r ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ tit ~ r+""`"~: f r"'' f ~ .,w 1 I ( I Y.. _ ~ f t ~ 1 ~ ~ + f' p 1 rte," ..--w t S1T _ .r 1 } # 4 -1010- ' SCAI owl- SCAM Me N 3. The lot I lot layout shown on this plan is conceptual only. SHEET 4 of 4 SKYLINE ESTATES FILING NO. 3, FIRST AMENDMENT ODP i i ON,& Envision WHEAT RIDGE - L~ A Plan For A Bright Future . ' r On-Street Bicycle Corridor Enhancement . Transit Enhancement Future Commuter Rail Stations :101 :ar~ • 14 'C ~ '~C Ct CT+? nl r t.. = d r r a ' l 13 f .u X t`3 D'A .At ne~t4s~_~ i 58 I F :take Q 1 'i•'4 { , ei~V14},ls W !t!•!~ Ir 1lis~ p, eek oftv lA,! b--•-_- J West Lake bass Lake t UJL LU, 1.4 1 . LL s 38THA r r'r rn`~ 1 _ ice., • J r r { 'M ail ! fA~;. ' x Pt j t, rT`tom" - % ' F-rf -tea i ~ uraGUfch To -,Denver `C, "kr Y~, is a 4' t 1 L ROUfe D Q i 1r 4 i Iy ,t 1 r C ~ ' 1~r# a r Y~a aJz 1 32ND J 32ND AVE V f E - U W 1 , 'xb ti 1 rt ii& I II a rwn Hill W f I _ I I ! r$ aL r r J t e 1 I Lake t 01 4" s drL - I^'4a t` y4~ 1 f 1'r' 26TH AVE ! - T -i 26TH 1 VE I TO .D13 'nvor TO I' 1 Route-D-6. krCokewood L'qS r, Lt.w f 7rY* M ~Z y 4 ___1J 1 Lakewood =Lakewood; Gm 0 1050 2,164 4,200 eservo - ? ' fk $ . 5 t.~1~i"l1y X ? t, 1' t t` t 4 ^t f '1 1 ',1 µ c ,x a ` r "bet 1 r r , e 9 t ti: w 1 i s sc _ C ~ t ti• :.t. t `e'kv ,i". a ~ f j } Y~ t: t^ . ; - ~"1 I 4r .gZ ~ ~ y Existing Features 9 Other Improvements ~WheatWcLye Parks and Existing • Existing Vehicular Capacity . Future Roadway Proposed . Future Trail Open Space Multi-use Trail Bicycle Underpass Improvement Grade Separation Multi-use Trail Underpass ■ Public Existing Existing Future Proposed Trail Access Future Facilities Trail Connection • Park-n-Ride Interchange Roadway Improvement Commuter Rail Line EXHIBIT 6 11105410 v Envision L WHEAT RIDGE i1 A Plan For A Bright Future 1. ASSETS - P I I t i' 72 e ~ I j 7' ~ ,t ~ Nalser -t-~ ' y- -H - - ~ampus i ; I J~' M A 0 i uvrv _ ~.I 1 Public F, Tabor 58 Lake E to -r } J~U l r J 11~ ~s~• i -ii~ai r %~y r~ I~~ITI ~ I Community - e, Commercial C t - en er I-~ _ I r L k _ a e Rhoda Neighborhood Commercial ~J Connect s Center I ~L_ e_ eooxsmouss~xx-••-•-' si take oxxs . - +p~ K ~d r atio 7r _ t,n II 1 Highland lake _ ec O 1 ) t I U3 V~~ -1 l~giona JTMAV- - 138T HAVE r mere L L <r _ iIC -Y0oi ridor-I r i t C~ y~ Hospital 2. FOUNDATION _ Employment/ we,vdr Neightborhoods t t • ' - _ Commercial see 3 iteria for dlNererent Neighborhood types.-- 3 ND AV~ N 'I 72ND AVE C Neighborhood Buffer Area Mixed-Use ■ Commercial ent ,I ui Tr- _I . I ~ L _ - p7 i - { u a 6TN A1~E Jill! r r 1 . J i Tr D l [erove J ry ervo'1 L r I o (1 9L ~inects Primary A.~ g Co !BLIMa~ Employment L L2 ente , 0 _ 0.25 0.5 (l - - r R Mlles - J f l s l 3. CORRIDORS, GATEWAYS T T Employment Mixed-Use Primary Main Street Neighborhood 11~ Primary - Employment Commercial J. Corridor . y Commercial with ~ Gateway - Corridor Neighborhood Portals Corridor with w of J Neighborhood Portals heat~d e ] L fz 11►.'rf" , i`,.,a-- ~ ~e,~ ,`AyWix~at] id~e o- - a - rk EXHIBIT 7 D It 4. ACTIVITY CENTERS Regional Commercial Center The Structure Plan provides strategic guidance for future development and redevelopment efforts. The categories displayed on the Structure Plan show the general locations of desired future land uses, but the map symbols (especially corridor widths and sizes of activity centers) are not intended to depict precise boundaries. rt /c eta Fire Protection Distract 7903 Allison Way Arvada, CO 80005 Telephone (303) 424-3012 Fax (303) 432-7995 January 12, 2010 Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Dear Meredith; The reason for this letter is to explain the rationale behind purchasing property located at Ridge Road and Oak Street. As you know the Arvada Fire Protection District protects all property within the City of Wheat Ridge north of Clear Creek. We have done this primarily with two of our fire stations. One located at 57th and Zephyr and the other one at approximately 52nd and Ward. So to answer the question of why here. Our current station two is one the very western boundary of our district. It was built in 1963 to cover the west end of the district. It is located about a % mile east of 52nd and Ward and the west side of Ward Rd is in the Fairmount Fire Protection District. This is simply too close to our border to provide the best overall coverage for our fire district. Moving the station further within our boundaries will give better all around response from this station. • The 1-70 and Kipling corridor is our busiest census area. This census area includes a vicinity of about a half mile around this intersection. • It is also our census area that we have the most extended response times. This is due to the fact that our closest stations as of now are listed above. • This location puts us 1 mile closer to the 1-70 and Kipling corridor and also will meet the increased demands of the development around the stop to be located at about Ridge and Kipling. • This location also increases our ability to back up other stations when needed. Attached are two maps, one showing the current location of station two and its coverage based upon a 1 '/z mile radius and the second map is showing the coverage with new station two. As you can see, the coverage for the area of 1-70 and Kipling is greatly enhanced. EXHIBIT 8 The need for the station is also based upon the fact that existing station two was built in 1963, as I stated above, when we were a much smaller department with less demands on a fire station. The overhead doors are very narrow and short and the fire trucks of today are much larger than their older counterparts. The existing property does not allow for any expansion of the current station, and the location would not provide us with the coverage that is best overall for the district, especially the areas of Wheat Ridge that station two protects. If you have any further questions please let me know. Thanks for your consideration. Sincerely, /Fire reer hief 3 W 6 O -54 a C 9 V 6 N ~a as G~ LL d C ~ LP J City of iCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29`h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NOTES Date: August 19, 2009 City Staff Present: Adam Tietz, Planner Location of meeting: Arvada Fire Protection District, Training Facility 6651 Indiana St. Arvada, CO 80007 Property address: Northeast corner of Ridge Road and Oak Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Property owners: Ridge Venture, LLC Property Owner(s) present? No Applicants: Mike Piper Arvada Fire Protection District 6503 Simms St Arvada, CO 80004 Arad Bonnet Allred & Associates 580 Burbank St. Suite 125 Broomfield, CO 80020 Existing Zoning: PID (Planned Industrial Development) Existing Use/site conditions: The property is an irregular shaped lot a long that is approximately is 2.01 acres in size. It is relatively flat but slopes from northwest to southeast. It is bounded by Ridge Road to the south, Oak Street to the west, and West 53rd Avenue to the north. The surrounding area is very unique in that it is surrounded by fairly new single and multi-family on the north, west and east sides and the Coors Brewing Company glass plant is located directly to the south of the proposed site across Ridge Rd. The plant is zoned industrially and also has a rail spur going onto the property. In addition, a large amount of vacant land is located around the site as most of the remaining area is undeveloped. The site does have drainage easements on the south, west, and east sides which may provide some constraints to developing the site. The drainage easements were constructed to be able accommodate the storm water run-off of the Skyline Estates Subdivision to the north. The easements were also designed be able to accommodate the development of this site. EXHIBIT 9 Applicant's Proposal: The Arvada Fire Protection District is replacing and relocating their Station No. 2 as it is small, out of date and does not have an ideal location for the area it serves. Station No. 2 generally responds to calls north of Clear Creek to about W. 58th Ave. The applicants are proposing to construct a new fire station on a vacant piece of land at Ridge Road and Oak St. By constructing the fire station at this location they should be able to reduce their response times. The station that is proposed will be designed to blend in with the residential character of the area. It will have multiple sloping roof lines and varying fagade planes, color and materials. The landscaping will be used to help buffer the larger scale fire station from the surrounding neighborhood. Landscape buffers will also be used to screen employee parking from the neighborhood. The fire station is proposed to be accessed off of Oak Street. The following issues were discussed regarding the zone change request and proposed development: Other than the applicants and staff, 9 members of the public were in attendance at this neighborhood meeting. The people that were present represented all areas of the surrounding neighborhood. Staff discussed the site, its current and proposed zoning, future land use and the process that will be required to rezone the property. The applicant Mike Piper of the Arvada Fire Protection District gave a presentation on the Arvada Fire Protection District and why there is a need for a fire station at the proposed location. Mr. Piper informed the members of the public that the district is not an entity of any City, neither Arvada nor Wheat Ridge, but it is a special district that gets its own funding from tax dollars that do not come from either city. The district includes 8 fire stations, 2 of which have been constructed fairly recently and are of the same style of the proposed station as it blends into existing neighborhoods better. The proposed station will replace the existing Station #2 at 12195 West 52nd Avenue which is inadequate in size for both personnel and trucks and is further from its service area then what would be ideal. The service area of Station #2 includes most of northern Wheat Ridge from the Clear Creek Greenbelt north to the City limits. Mr. Piper indicated that the area that Station #2 services is the busiest in the entire district with the area around Interstate 70 and Kipling Street contributing to that. The response times in the area are higher then what they should be and the new location would help to reduce the response times. Mr. Bonnet of Allred and Associates Architecture discussed the design of the proposed fire station. He mentioned that the design has been used on two previous fires stations for the Arvada Fire District and has been successful in what the design was intended to do. One of the main goals of this station design is successfully integrate into the existing neighborhoods and have as little impact on them as possible. The peaked roofs and varying rooflines mimic the roofs of those found in the surrounding neighborhoods. The low eave lines bring the station more to the same level as the homes in the surrounding areas as well. Other design elements such as landscaping and screen walls are used to buffer parking areas and other areas of the exterior that the fire fighters may use from the neighborhood. The members of the public were informed of their chances to make comments in the process and at the public hearings that will be required before Planning Commission and City Council. The following questions and concerns were voiced by of the members of the public present at the meeting. Why is the access to the fire station coming off of Oak St where there is an apartment building instead of Ridge Rd or Nelson St.? The zoning that is in place was written specifically for this property. In the zoning document called the "outline development plan " or "ODP there is a condition that the only access to the site can come from Oak St. In addition to this note, gaining access to Ridge Rd would require a large box culvert to be constructed as there is a 35 foot wide drainage easement that runs along Ridge Rd. The construction of a box culvert this large would dramatically increase the cost of the project and could make it infeasible. Access cannot be provided to Nelson St. as it would cross a storm water detention pond. This pond is required to hold water run-off from storms that comes from the surrounding neighborhood. It cannot be reduced in size and a driveway across it would reduce the amount of water that the pond could hold. Where will the garage doors that the fire trucks enter and exit be located? The doors will be located on the east and west sides of the building. They will face Oak St. and Nelson St. • Will the trucks use their lights and sirens at night as they drive through neighborhood? The fire district tries to be good neighbors and has changed the way they operate in the surrounding neighborhoods of their existing stations in order to better accommodate the neighborhood. At this location the sirens will not be turned on until the sirens are necessary, they will not be turned on as they are leaving the station but once they are further down the road. However, the lights will be turned on as the trucks leave the station and should not impact the surrounding neighborhood. There have been no complaints of this in the other neighborhoods where stations exist. • How will the lights at night be mitigated? The fare district is open for suggestions as to both the lights from the trucks and the exterior lights on the building should be dealt with. As for the exterior lights, landscaping and trees are being installed to help shield the lights from the surrounding neighborhood. The lights on the fare trucks will likely have little impact on the neighborhood. The apartment building directly to the west of the station does not have many windows on the side that faces the fare station. However, additional landscaping and trees can be added in order to help diminish the affect of them. • Where will the parking for the firemen be located? The parking for the firemen will be located on the north side of the fare station. Landscaping is being proposed to shield the parking area from the neighborhood. In addition 3 parking spaces are being provided for the public. These spaces will be located on the west side of the fare station. • Will the fire trucks drive through the neighborhood when responding to calls? No, not unless the emergency is in the neighborhood. The preferred routes when responding to emergency calls are roads that have higher speed limits and not through residential areas. When responding on calls to the north the trucks will exit the station, go to Ridge Rd. head east to Miller St. and head north. • Did you consider other locations for the fire station? Other locations were looked at for the station. This location provided for the best response times in the service area that was within the budget of the fare district. • When will the fire station be constructed? At this time, there is no date in mind to begin construction of the fare station. There is currently not enough money in the budget to begin construction. For the time being, the district is only acquiring the property and taking all the necessary steps that will be required to construct the fare station when that time comes. When there is money to build the station it will be constructed. Will the station be manned with staff or volunteers? For the most part, the Arvada Fire District is a volunteer fire department. The firemen who will man this station will be volunteer fire fighters. They will be stationed at the facilityfor their shift and will not be arriving at the station from other locations when an emergency call comes in. The station is manned 24 hours a day with 3-4 volunteers. • How many trucks will be located at the station? There will be one fire engine, one raft for water rescues, and one other vehicle at the station. At the time there is no ambulance at this or any other station and there are no plans to add any. • How many will this fire station respond to on a daily basis? This station currently averages 2 calls per day. a) cn .A. W N c ~ m ~ A v 1 G w~ ~ t U I-~, ~v S :t C~ V C s V ~n 0 D z zv >z M. Er > r _ N O o) D m o ca r.L z ~ p -1 CL ~ _ p m m <m 0 Cl) m 0 CL (D Z r- CD C) Z CSC ~ m J m< G)vm ~r vO z EXHIBIT 10 O cn -P, W N O 0 r• .S~ r r S Q ` la R E i N City of W heat Midge /COMI'MLJNITY DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Planning Commission THROUGH: Ken Johnstone, Community Development Director FROM: Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant DATE: January 14, 2010 SUBJECT: Resolution Designating a Public Place for the Posting of Notices of Public Meetings Pursuant to legislative amendments to the Colorado Open Meeting Law at Section 24-6- 402(2)(c), Planning Commission is to annually designate at its first meeting for each calendar year a public place for the posting of notices for meetings. By properly designating a place for posting meeting notices, a public entity will be deemed to have given full and timely notice of any meeting so long as notice thereof was posted as the designated place at least twenty-four hours in advance thereof. Attached is Resolution 01, Series of 2010, which identifies the lobby of the Municipal Building as the designated place for posting of meeting notices. Attachment Resolution 01, 2010 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISION RESOLUTION NO. 01 Series of 2010 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A DESIGNATED PUBLIC PLACE FOR THE POSTING OF MEETING NOTICES AS REQUIRED BY THE COLORADO OPEN MEETINGS LAW WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, deems it in the public interest to provide full and timely notice of all of its meetings; and WHEREAS, the Colorado state legislature amended the Colorado Open Meetings Laws, Section 24-6-401, et seq., C.R.S. to require all "local public bodies" subject to the requirements of the law to annually designate at the local public body's first regular meeting of each calendar year, the place for posting notices of public hearings no less than twenty-four hours prior to the holding of the meeting; and WHEREAS, "local public body" is defined by Section 24-6-402(1)(a) to include "any board, committee, commission, authority, or other advisory, policy-making, rule-making, or formally constituted body of any political subdivision of the state and any public or private entity to which a political subdivision, or an official thereof, has delegated a governmental decision- making function but does not include persons on the administrative staff of the local public body". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, that: 1. The lobby of the Municipal Building shall constitute the designated public place for the posting of meeting notices as required by the Colorado Open Meetings Law. 2. The Community Development Director or his designee shall be responsible for posting the required notices no later than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the holding of the meeting. All meeting notices shall include specific agenda information, where possible. DONE AND RESOLVED THIS day of , 2010. Chair, Planning Commission ATTEST: Secretary to the Planning Commission e: \pl an n ing\forms\rescc City of iCMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Planning Commission Urban Renewal Authority THROUGH: Ken Johnstone, Community Development Director FROM: Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant DATE: January 14, 2010 SUBJECT: Northwest Subarea Plan Update A meeting with property owners is scheduled for January 26th, at 6:00 p.m. at the Recreation Center to discuss implementation of the Northwest Subarea Plan which was adopted June 2006. NORTHWEST SUBAREA PLAN UPDATE January 26th, 2010 Time: 6pm Wheat Ridge Recreation Center Dahlia Room 4005 Kipling Street Wheat Ridge, CO For questions or for more information, contact Sarah Showalter in the Community Development Department at 303-235-2849 Plbase join us for a discussion about implementation of the Northwest Subarea Plan and potential transit- oriented development (TOD) at the Ward Road Station. Topics will include: • New mixed use zoning and TOD zoning overlay • Update on Gold Line construction • Economic development and business resources • Urban Renewal Authority update and resources i Ih • •f W ~ ic.it Ic lgc •