HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/23/2010WURFIA WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY AGENDA February 23, 2010 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 4:00 P.M. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Heather Geyer, Public Information Officer at 303-235-2826 at least one week in advance of a meeting fyou are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. A. Call Meeting to Order B. Roll Call C. Approval of the Minutes: January 26, 2010 D. Officers Reports E. Public Forum F. New Business 1. Strategic Planning - Interviews G. Unfinished Business J. Other K. Adjournment VVRHA WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES January 26, 2010 1 CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair Brungarct at Council Chambers of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Buil Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. in the Ci 6 West 29` 2. ROLL CALL Authority members present: Joseph Kathy 3. 4. 5. 6. Others present: Sally Payne; Deputy Director Larry Nelson, Cornerstone Realty $eltyVlaybin, Cornerstone Realty DiclMathews, Accountant Kathy Field, Admin. Assistant 27, 2009 It was moved by Janice Thompson and seconded by Kathy Nuanes to approve the minutes of October 27, 2009 as presented. The motion carried 4-0 with Jaseph D6Mott abstaining. OFFICERS'REPORTS There were no officers reports PUBLIC FORUM There were no individuals present to address the Authority. NEW BUSINESS A. Resolution 01-2010, Presentation & Approval of 2010 Budget Housing Authority Minutes - 1 - January 26, 2010 Dick Matthews reviewed the proposed Housing Authority budget for 2010. Following discussion by the Authority, it was moved by Kathy Nuanes and seconded by Katie Vanderveen to approve Resolution No. 01- 2010, a resolution enacting a budget and appropriation for the year 2010. The motion passed unanimously. B. Resolution 02-2010, Establishing a designated public place for the posting of meeting notices as required by the Colorado Open Meetings Law _ Pursuant to legislative amendments to the Colorado Open Meetings Law, Section 24-6-402(2)(c), the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority is to designate at its first meeting of each calendar year apublic place for the posting of notices for meeting. This resoluti6n identifies the lobby of the Municipal Building and the City's, website as the designated lace for posting meeting notices. It was moved by Katie Vanderveen and"seconded by Janice Thompson to approve, Resolution 02-201-0,--_-establishing a designated public place for posting meeting notices as required by the Colorado Open Meetings Law. The motion, passed unanimously. C. Authorization to hire Swanhorst & Company to perform Audit It was moved by Kathy Nuanes and seconded by Katie Vanderveen to authorize Swanhorst and Company to perform the annual Housing Authority, audit with a-.cost not to exceed $5,000. The motion passed Rehab At the last meeting, a decision was made to enter into an agreement with Eric Stevens,and Value-builders; however an agreement was never formulated.because there are no Authority projects to work on at this time. Mr Stewns is no longer with Value-builders but is continuing to work on his o* There was discussion as to whether or not the Housing Authority should now enter into an agreement with Eric Stevens. There was consensus to direct Sally Payne to work out an agreement with Eric Stevens to serve as the Authority's rehab partner and bring it back to the next meeting for approval. E. Strategic Planning Session The possibility of a strategic planning session relating to the Housing Authority's vision, goals, and strategies as they relate to today's economic Housing Authority Minutes -2- January 26, 2010 conditions was discussed. Chair Brungardt distributed copies of the Authority's vision and mission statement. Sally Payne reported that she asked the State Division of Housing for suggestions of individuals who could serve as a facilitator for a strategic planning session. As a result, she talked with Community Strategies Institute headed up by Tom Hart, past director of the Colorado Division of Housing. He lives in Wheat Ridge and his firm specializes in working with nonprofit groups, housing authorities, etc. The other suggestion was Joe Gonzalez whose background is in mediation and facilitation for housing groups. It was decided to invite these presentation to the Authority before making a There were suggestions to invite other session to include Eric Stevens, repres departments, private development invf F. Election of Officers It was moved by Janice Thompson and that Cheryl Brungardt continue to sere` Authority and Katie Vanderveen serve motion passed unanimously. - , 7. 8. UNFINISHED to give a the strategic planning affected city nded by Kathy Nuanes Chair of the Housing ice chair for 2010. The Larry Nelson reviewed the history of the West 41" Avenue properties for the new member of the Authority<-'He reported that-the market indicates the units are over-priced by ab6ut.$10,000 -,pue to regulations on funds received from Jefferson Cqunty, they is also aten=year resale restriction on the properties which has inhibited sales. Consolidated Mutual Water has declined to consider a party- wall agreement which prohibits FHA financing so buyers would need to use conventional financing. The Authority's attorney is contacting the water company one more tune to see if they will reconsider the party-wall agreement. Flood insurance is also required on the units. In an effort 61znove these properties, Mr. Nelson suggested that the price be lowered and, further, that the Housing Authority consider financing the properties. Cornerstone Realty could service the loans without extra charge. Following extensive discussion, it was moved by Katie Vanderveen and seconded by Kathy Nuanes to authorize Cornerstone Realty to reduce the price on the West 41" Avenue properties to $129,900 for 9690 and $133,900 for 9710. In addition, the Housing Authority agrees to provide permanent financing to eligible buyers and to pay 50 percent of the flood insurance premium for a 5-year period. The motion passed unanimously. OTHER Housing Authority Minutes -3- January 26, 2010 Joseph DeMott asked if there was a way the Housing Authority could be involved in addressing a solution to several properties on Chase Street that experience flooding during every rainstorm. It was decided that this subject could be brought up during the strategic planning session. 9. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Kathy Nuanes and seconded by Joseph DeMott to adjourn the meeting at 5:42 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. Cheryl Brungardt, Chair Housing Authority Minutes -4- January 26, 2010 WRHA W h e a t R i d g e H o u s i n g A u t h o r i t y 7 5 0 0 W. 2 9 1 h A v e. Wheat Ridge, CO 8 0 0 3 3 Mission The mission of the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority (HA) is to increase home ownership and neighborhood and community pride in Wheat Ridge. The HA typically purchases rental property and rehabs it to decent, safe and sanitary conditions. The HA then converts the property from a rental to an affordable unit for home ownership. The typical property will be a multi-family site and the units will be converted to condominiums or townhomes. Buyers of HA properties are generally first time home buyers. Often CDBG or HOME funds are used to purchase properties meaning that income limits may apply on certain projects. Buyers must have a minimum of $1,000 or 1% of the purchase price of their own funds to invest in the transaction and they must attend a first time home buyers class. The WRHA Goals are: • Acquire rental properties and convert them to owner-occupied units • Increase pride through ownership • Decrease blight of low-maintained residences • Prioritize acquisition of multi-family units to convert to home ownership • Become a community resource for housing funding and other housing needs • Maintain and increase property values in Wheat Ridge • To become a self-sustaining agency Backeround The City of Wheat Ridge has had a rental rate of approximately 50% in recent years. The HA was created in 2001 in an effort to help increase the home ownership rate and provide decent, affordable housing in the City. In addition, to address deteriorated neighborhood conditions that sometimes are associated with rental units. The HA has rehabbed 38 properties for home ownership. Initially the HA partnered with the Jefferson County Housing Authority (JCHA). JCHA provided the rehab services to rehab units the HA would purchase. Approximately 2 years ago, the JCHA terminated the partnership with the HA. They since have worked with an individual contractor on the rehab of properties. They partner with Cornerstone Realty for their real estate services. The HA is made up of a five member Board with one member a City Council representative. They meet on a monthly basis. The HA currently has a budget of approximately one million dollars Reason for strategic planning The HA has been in existence for nine years. In that time many properties have been rehabbed and turned over to home ownership. While initially the HA purchased multi- unit properties, recently the HA has focused on duplexes. Currently, the HA does not have any properties being rehabbed. The HA has not undertaken a strategic planning session since they were formed in 2001. Since the HA is currently between projects, and has two relatively new members, this seemed like a good time to revisit their mission and goals. There are no problems per se that the HA is trying to address. The purpose of the strategic planning would be to look at the HA's current mission and goals and determine if the Board would like to consider other areas to focus on. Along with this would be reviewing the role and responsibilities of Board members. Anticipated Outcomes The anticipated outcome of the strategic planning session would be an updated, if needed, mission and goals for the Board. It would also be clarification of any questions regarding the role and responsibilities of the Board and individual Board members. Depending on the revisited mission, possibly the identification of new projects or new areas of focus for the HA. Budget The HA has budgeted up to $1500.00 for the strategic planning session. WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION Consultant Interview Questions 1. Based on the information provided about the Housing Authority, how would you proceed with developing a strategic planning process? 2. What are your areas of expertise? 3. What experience do you have working with non-profits? 4. What is your experience and background working in affordable housing and with affordable housing agencies? 5. What does a typical strategic planning process look like with you? 6. What are your expectations of the board in this process? What can we expect from you? 7. Would we receive a report from you? 8. What is your fee structure? Is it hourly or lump sum and what is included? Based on the Housing Authority budget, explain what you would propose for a planning session. 9. What is your project workload at present? When would you be able to schedule this project? Community Strategies Institute CST Home CSS services CS1 Directors CS% Associates CSZ Projects Client List Why are We Different? Contact Us Tom Hart Director 303.9002.9028 i4 m h_a rw C S i I cract o,q.~g Community Strategies Institute P.O. Box 140387 Edgewater; CO 80214 Located at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, the Community Strategies Institute was created to provide fiscal and economic analysis; education and training; and research to a variety of public and private entities and individuals to better understand and improve the economic and social factors driving affordable housing development, housing conditions, mobility of low-income populations and creation of public policy. Jennie Rodgers Director 303.668.2534 ,ennic@--scolgrado.crg. Gommo~:y Shataies ~nstitoL, 2t':G9 Mission C52 Nance cEo' services Cal Directors CSS Associates Cal p ra3ects Client List Why are We Different, Contact Us Community Strategies Institute Range of Services Local Program Development CSI has developed programs and puns at the agency, local government, and state level and can help your agency develop programs that ft the needs of your clients. Lot us help your organization develop a strategic plan; design orgae zational strategies, create specific programs or identify and apply for program funding. CSI can also help your agency or local government dentfy local priorities and develop strategies to work :within your community on housing and service solutii-rts. CSI has recently developed a tool for local and state governments that allows agencies to estirate the cost of local housing strategies. ?his tool can be se' le help any housing financing agency estimate agency and other costs and help drive strategic planning efforts, Contact to find out more about lrw you can use this tool Housing Needs Assessment, Market Studies, and Publications CSI has produced housa g reports including The Road Horne: Dottver's 10 Year Plan to End Homclessnc-ss, portions of the upcoming Denver Housing Plan, new reports on ho~njong needs for the Co oiade Division or Housing (2007), and various housing needs assessments in Colorado, New Mexico and Yltyoinmg. Let us profile your gh y, county, state or nonprolt ergamzation. We are expenS in identifying local housing needs.. conducting market studies. Conadidated Plans, IreDediments to Farr Housing, and developing local strategies for addressing hotasing needs. Project Finance and Development CSI can ens-.ire your project s success. Our ser..ices include pm orrra and projeca a cclevclopment work, funding application preparation and grant tracking. We have in-depth knowledge of housing finance, nmding source reciiina cents and --restive finance solutions that help our clients find the financing to get their, deals done. Our funding program expertise extends to the HOME, CDBG, NSP, FHLBB and other .resources. CSI has developed grant and funding request review, processes and documents for iocai and state governments, including funding applications, formal review processes. project tracking databases, underwriting spreadsheets, review obecklists and loan cornriittee presentation write-ups. CSI can create these documents to meet all HUD or other funding resource standards and criteria CSI can also help .coal and state governments design programs far the new HUD Neighborhood Stabilization program. State and local governments, housing autnoritfas and nonprofits can benefit from good data. We have created some of the most innovative housing anti economic just: e research available today. Former projects include data analysis on housing needs in Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming. CSI has created models that estimate the cost of various housing strategies, housing need models for growing communities, and statewide housing need models. CSI directors have over 50 years of combined experience in housing development government policy, finance and training. We are able to design training specifically to your audience, or offer basic hands on training designed to teacY:. ho~JSMO professionals about the development process, finance and regulatory reform. We are available to give one on one training to your staff on housing or development related issues. CSI has designed large group training events, seminars, one-on-one traonings and agency-,.vide training. Housing and Community Development Policy Good policy and benchmarks for success are important to move issues such as affordable housing to the tarefront, We are expel in performance measurement, legislative initlatives, and state and local policy making. We can help your state or local agencywrite strategic plans, Consolidated Plans and Analysis of Research Training hm ed.m mts, _ p romance goals Introduce new cc, or slate policy, and measure success. CS! Honnc csi ssarvices CSZ Directors CSz" Arasoci heel csZ t rojeck, Client Lict Why are we Dhrfere:nt' Contact Community Strategies Institute Directors and Associates Our team has diverse background in housing development, finance, policy, planning,demographics. and research. Directors and Associates include: Tom Hart, Director formerly Director of tare Colorado Division: of Hoef;i g, Mr. I-i<::r•. developed ;grog rants and plans resulting in the lamest production increase of affc,tuable heusin9 units in the State's fristory. Mr, Hart is a 1972 graduate of the University of Colorado with a maux in English. Over the years Hart. has pursued graduate stud,es in management, ccnstruotion trai and rea' estate finance, With nearly 30 years experience in the housing industry, he has waked as government official, rear estate t:roker, educator, property rnan2iger, consultant and general partner In real estato investment Poor ersNols. Jennie Rodgers, Director Me, Rodgers Isis 20 years experience in the arena of affordable housing snance and devs epmern. She has worked in the nonprofit private and government sectors on a broad range of urban and rural housing initiatives. Starting her career by developing a homeless shelter and homeless services Is DUra p, Colorado, Nis. Rodgers moved an ro a housing consonancy firm, an urban nonprofit, and finally the State of Colorado Division of Housing, For 11 years, she brspcd'ocal agencies and governments ro l.dentify housing needs, aerate loca; servv;es, develop real estate and establish nonprofit agencies. Shat< s ,dote. 2099 GONZALES Et ASSOCIATES Mr. Joe Gonzales is a mediator, trainer and facilitator. He designs and facilitates strategic planning processes that define collaborative solutions. He works extensively with communities and organizations experiencing the difficulties of reorganization and change. He is a Management Consultant with NeighborWorks America's Rocky Mountain District; a Senior Staff Associate with CDR Associates in Boulder, Colorado; a Senior Consultant with Generon Consultants, Boston; a trainer and facilitator with the CU at Denver's Center for Public/Private Sector Cooperation; a Senior Consultant with Enterprise Foundation, the Rural Community Assistance Corporation, Mercy Housing Inc., Colorado Trust; and Senior Corporate Trainer with Anderson-davis, Inc. He has a B.A. in Social Psychology from the University of California at Santa Cruz; was trained as a trainer in Facilitation and Group Dynamics by David Sibbett Et Associates; Training for Trainers by NeighborWorks America; Advanced Mediation, Facilitation and International Cross-Cultural Negotiation skills by CDR Associates; Cultural Diversity Training for Trainers by J. Howard Et Associates and Workplaces that Work, Inc.; and, Sexual/Workplace Harassment and EEO Policies by Anderson-davis, Inc. He provides ongoing technical support to a Network of 240 nonprofit organizations; consults with both for and nonprofit organizations. Services range from specifically developed training's; strategic planning processes to develop group alignment; and, general mediation or intervention strategies for organizational or community disputes. He has provided training in many areas especially those that support strong community partnerships. Courses include Conflict Management Et Dispute Resolution; Leadership Transition Et Board Succession Planning; Building Community Partnerships; and, Nonprofit Board Governance. Contact: iaQonzales@aol.com 303-320-1352