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City of Wheat ge PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA October 1, 2009 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on October 1, 2009, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Heather Geyer, Public Information Officer at 303-235-2826 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may be recommended for placement on the agenda.) 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - September 17, 2009 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Case No. WPA-08-03: A resolution adopting the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan, Envision Wheat Ridge. 8. NEW BUSINESS 9. OTHER ITEMS 10. ADJOURNMENT Cily of Wheat Wid,!Lye PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting September 17, 2009 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair REINHART at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29`x' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Jim Chilvers John Dwyer Henry Hollender Davis Reinhart Steve Timms Commission Members Absent: Anne Brinkman Marc Dictrick Dick Matthews Staff Members Present: Ken Johnstone, Community Development Director Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner DWYER and seconded by Commissioner CHILVERS to approve the order of the agenda. The motion carried 5-0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - September 3, 2009 It was moved by Commissioner TIMMS and seconded by Commissioner DWYER to approve the minutes of September 3, 2009 as presented. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners BRINKMAN, DIETRICK and MATTHEWS absent. 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) P1aimin1 g COlnmisslon Minutes 1 September 17, 2009 There was no one present to address the Commission. 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ-09-05: An application tiled by Exempla Lutheran for approval of a master sign plan with a variance to allow Planning Commission to exceed the 50 percent increase for sign size, number and location pursuant to Section 26-708.E.2 of the Zoning and Development Code for property zoned Planned Hospital Development (PHD) and located at 8300 West 38`" Avenue. The case was presented by Ken Johnstone. He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended approval because there are unique circumstances related to internal signage for the Exempla Lutheran campus that the city sign code does not adequately address. Evaluation criteria also support approval of the variance request. With regard to the master sign plan, staff concluded that requirements for and the intent of the code have been met. Alan Davis Vice President, Facilities Development Exempla Lutheran Mr. Davis introduced members of his team: Bruce Fong, Director of Planning and Construction; Cheryl Schultz, Sr. Planner, Facilities Management; and Roger Hill, Aesthetics, Inc., sign consultant. Roger Hill Aesthetics, Inc. Mr. Hill presented an overview of present signage on the Exempla campus as well as the proposed master sign plan that will provide unified signage and will replace some of the existing signage. He stressed the importance of adequate signage as a safety factor in directing patients and family members to appropriate places on the campus. Building numbering will be used. The variance is requested to allow some signs to be larger than 4 square feet which is about the size of a stop sign. They are also asking permission to place banners on lighting poles in the interior of the campus. Commissioner DWYER requested more infor-rnation on illuminated signs. Mr. Hill explained that exact locations of illuminated signs and what kind of illumination have not yet been deterrnined. However, instead of having full glowing faces, the signs will be opaque with illuminated lettering. There will be no flashing lights. Planning Commission Minutes 2 September 17. 2009 Commissioner CHILVERS expressed some concern about light spillage onto residential properties. Mr. Hill stated that none of the campus streets border residential properties. Commissioner TIMMS asked about the tineti-ame for completion of the sign plan. Cheryl Schultz Facilities Management Exempla Lutheran Ms. Schultz stated that signs associated with the new development should be in place this fall or early spring. The remainder would be implemented incrementally based upon the budget. Chair REINHART asked to hear from men-ibers of the public. Rose Fedorowicz Ms. Fedorowicz stated that she lives on Balsam Street across from Exempla Lutheran and the entrance sign does spill light into her house. Mr. Hill clarified that none of the new signs will be adjacent to public streets. He stated that the existing monument sign that Ms. Fedorowicz referred to is much larger than those that will be installed under the plan. Mr. Davis stated that signage on the Exempla campus has not been changed in a long time. New signage is necessary due to complaints from visitors who complain that directions are not adequate. This presents risk to people coming on site, especially those with emergencies. Ms. Fedorowicz stated that there are more accidents going into and leaving the hospital with the new entrance. She stated the new entrance has caused her house to decrease in value. Judi Vessa Ms. Vessa lives on Allison Court east of the campus. She expressed concern about light spillage from signs. She stated that her patio is unusable because of light spillage from the hospital. This problem was increased when trees that protected her patio were trimmed. She believed internal signage would be a problem for her unless trees or some sort of buffering is provided. Ken Johnstone explained that the type of illumination proposed would be opaque backgrounds with illuminated letters and would not shed light on adjacent properties. Planning Commission Minutes 3 September 17, 2009 Michelle Jenuine Ms. Jenuine suggested that hospital direction signs (H signs) be placed on Wadsworth and Kipling so people know where the hospital is. Raymond Hokanson 8620 West 32"`1 Place Mr. Hokanson agreed that H signs would help on 32"d Avenue. He alsc commented that public hearing signs are difficult to read fi-onthe street. Mr. Davis explained that H signs are regulated by the Colorado Department of Transport ati on. In response to questions from Mr. Hokanson, Mr. Johnstone explained that the city's sign code addresses those that are visible to the general public. Even though the subject signs are on private property, they are considered signs under the code. There were no other individuals who wished to address the Commission at this time. Chair REINHART closed the public hearing. (Chair REINHART declared a recess at 8:00 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:05 p.m.) Connnissioner HOLLENDER agreed that the lighting plan is a good plan that is definitely needed and should provide minimal to no impact on adjacent properties. However, he did express some concern about the great difference between the sign code regulations and the subject application. Commissioner CHILVERS thanked the citizens who spoke regarding problems of which the Commission was unaware. He stated that he would support the plan due to its internal nature, but would not support the same size variance on streets or highly visible corner lots. Connnissioner DWYER commented that he is in favor of the sign plan which will assist people in getting around the campus. Most of the proposed signage is no larger than what already exists even though there will be more signs. Commissioner REINHART commented that the signs ordinance was written to apply to the substantial portion of applications within the city. However, there are a small number of situations, such as the issue at hand, where the code would not apply. He stated that lie would support the application because he believed the proposal is reasonable, appropriate and has an aesthetic component. Planning Commission Minutes 4 September 17, 2009 It was moved by Commissioner DWYER and seconded by Commissioner HOLLENDER to approve a variance being considered in conjunction with Case No. WZ-09-05, a request for a Master Sign Plan with a variance to allow Planning Commission to exceed the 50% increase in size, number and location for the following reasons: 1. The request would not alter the essential character of the locality. 2. The applicant is proposing an investment in the property. 3. There is a unique hardship due to the large size of the property and numerous buildings and parking areas. 4. The request would not be detrimental to public welfare and would not be injurious to neighboring property or improvements. 5. The criteria used to evaluate a variance support the request. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners BRINKMAN, DIETRICK and MATTHEWS absent. It was moved by Commissioner DWYER and seconded by Commissioner CHILVERS to approve Case No. WZ-09-05, a request for approval of a Master Sign Plan for property located at 8300 West 38'x' Avenue for the following reasons: 1. The existing sign code does not adequately address a campus environment. 2. The proposed sign plan is well planned and demonstrates unification and integration of architectural style, size, color, placement and lighting elements. With the following condition: 1. All illuminated signs must apply for and receive an electrical permit. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners BRINKMAN, DIETRICK and MATTHEWS absent. 8. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to come before the Commission. 9. OTHER ITEMS Mr. Johnstone reminded the Commission of a joint study session with city Council to discuss the draft Comprehensive Plan. Plamiing Commission Minutes 5 September 17, 2009 10. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner HOLLENDER and seconded by Commissioner DWYER to adjourn the meeting at 8:26 p.m. The motion carried 5-0. Davis Reinhart, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Plannina Commission Minutes 6 September 17, 2009 City of W heat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LEGISLATIVE ITEM STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: October 1, 2009 TITLE: Envision Wheat Ridge - Comprehensive Plan for the City of Wheat Ridge CASE NO. WPA 08-03 ® PUBLIC HEARING ❑ CODE CHANGE ORDINANCE ® RESOLUTION ❑ STUDY SESSION ITEM Case Manager: Sally Payne, Senior Planner Date of Preparation: September 22, 2009 SUMMARY: For nearly a year, City staff and consultants have been working on updating the City's Comprehensive Plan. The current Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2000 and is out of date given the numerous studies, plans and proposed projects that have taken place since its adoption. City Council directed staff to initiate an update to the Comprehensive Plan in the summer of 2008. After an extensive Request for Proposal process, Clarion Associates, a consulting firm specializing in comprehensive plan development, was chosen to assist the City in the planning process. The planning process kicked-off last fall with Mayoral appointments to a Citizen's Advisory Committee (CAC). In addition, a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) was formed made up of City staff and outside agencies. These groups met periodically throughout the planning process. In addition, there was extensive public outreach with several community meetings, a dedicated website, and information through the Connections and Channel 8. Joint City Council and Planning Commission study sessions were held to obtain feedback as the planning process progressed. The CAC and public provided feedback as we worked through identifying key community issues and character areas in the City, and on developing a proactive community vision and strategic goals for the Plan. The vision and key goals/values provided the basis for the Plan elements including economy and land use, transportation, community character and design, community services, and environmental stewardship or sustainability. This input also provided the basis for development of the land use Structure Plan. The CAC and public played a key role in identifying implementation actions and prioritizing those actions. A draft of the Envision Wheat Ridge Plan was prepared the first of September. It is a proactive, forward looking document that focuses on the critical need for the City to have a clear economic strategy and sustainable mix of land uses. On September 4th, a draft of the Envision Wheat Ridge document was delivered to Planning Commission. This draft did not include the Implementation Chapter. The Implementation Chapter was delivered to you either at the September 17th Planning Commission meeting or the following day. A memo is attached that includes some proposed additions to the Plan as a result of the last study session. Another draft of the Plan will not be sent to you prior to the October 1St meeting. If you need a copy of the Plan, please contact us. The Planning Commission must make a recommendation to City Council regarding adoption of the Plan. The Plan is scheduled for the October 12th City Council public hearing. BACKGROUND: The current 2000 Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan was adopted in January 2000. Since the current Comprehensive Plan was adopted, some major projects and events have taken place in the City including approval of the proposed Cabela's development, the proposed Gold Line commuter rail station at Ward Rd., the initiation of subarea plans, and the creation of the Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy (NRS). Preparation of the NRS involved extensive research and outreach which resulted in a bold and aggressive document outlining guiding principles for the revitalization of the City. One of the key recommendations of the NRS was the need for the Comprehensive Plan to be updated. The current Plan does not set out a proactive vision for the City that it needs to achieve a strong and sustainable economy and appropriate mix of land uses. A comprehensive community outreach effort was developed to initiate the update to the Plan. A 21 member CAC was appointed by the Mayor to provide more detailed feedback and input on the plan. Commissioners Brinkman and Reinhart were on the CAC. Six Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) meetings were held throughout the planning process. In addition, five community meetings were held where the public was invited to attend to provide their ideas. Articles appeared in every edition of the Connections for the last year and information on meetings was announced on Channel 8. There was also a dedicated website with surveys, meeting materials and comment opportunities. In addition, staff attended community meetings and had a booth at the Carnation Festival where people could obtain information and provide feedback. Hundreds of community members have provided input on the Plan through the numerous events and activities. The TAG met several times through the course of the planning process to be certain the goals, policies and action steps being developed were in line with department goals and priorities and with outside agency missions. Wheat Ridge 2020 was a member of the TAG and has been very involved in the development of the Plan. Their Board voted on September 22"d in support of adoption of the Plan. Four joint study sessions have been held with City Council and Planning Commission. At the July 20 study session, City Council unanimously passed a consensus motion to endorse the concepts and objectives of the Envision Wheat Ridge Plan. The last joint study session was held on September 21 St where the consultants gave an overview of the planning process and discussed the Implementation Chapter of the Plan. While there were a few comments on the Plan, it was well received by both the City Council and Planning Commission members present. At the September 21St study session, City Council and Planning Commission members requested the Plan include additional clarification as to the process for identifying neighborhoods in need of revitalization. The attached Memorandum is the proposed revisions and additions to the Plan to address this concern. The Memorandum from Clarion Associates includes language clarifying Neighborhood Revitalization Areas as well as a process for designating Neighborhood Revitalization Areas. Staff would like feedback from Planning Commission on whether there should be an official process for designating Revitalization Areas. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES: As outlined in the NRS, the City has not kept pace with its surrounding communities in retaining and attracting new businesses. As a result, the City's fiscal situation has deteriorated. Updating the comprehensive plan is a critical piece for the City in addressing the need to revitalize the community to be a place where businesses want to locate and new households want to live. Therefore, a key focus of the Comprehensive Plan update has been on the economic and fiscal challenges facing the City and how the best way to achieve a balanced mix of land uses. The intent of the Plan and its Structure Plan Map is to be strategic and not to provide a parcel by parcel guide for land use. A critical aspect of the planning process has been the review of existing documents including the 2000 Comprehensive Plan, the NRS, and the Northwest, Fruitdale and Wadsworth Subarea Plans. In addition, the City's urban renewal plans and current City code and regulations were also considered. As outlined in the Plan itself, many aspects of these previous planning efforts have been incorporated into the Envision Wheat Ridge Plan. With this more comprehensive look at the community, some conflicts do occur with the adopted subarea plans. These will be amended accordingly. The Envision Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan is proposed to supercede the 2000 Comprehensive Plan and adopted subarea plans. A high priority for implementation will be revision of the subarea plans to be consistent with the Envision Wheat Ridge Plan. Notice as required by state statute for the hearing has been provided in the Wheat Ridge Transcript. The City Council public hearing for Plan adoption is scheduled for October 12th. Staff recommends adoption of the Plan. A motion to adopt a resolution recommending adoption of the Plan by City Council is needed. 3 RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move to adopt Resolution 03 -2009, a resolution recommending adoption of the Envision Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan, and forwarding this recommendation along with the Resolution to the City Council for their consideration." Attachments: Memorandum from Clarion Associates Structure Plan Map Planning Commission Resolution 4 MEMORANDUM To: Wheat Ridge Planning Commission From: Wheat Ridge Planning Staff and Clarion Associates Date: September 23, 2009 Re: Envision Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan Proposed Changes On September 21, 2009, the City Council and Planning Commission met jointly to study the proposed Envision Wheat Ridge Draft Comprehensive Plan (September 4, 2009 version). Members of the group suggested several changes to enhance and clarify the plan. The planning team has provided this memo to supplement the draft plan for review during the October 1, 2009 hearing. Proposed Changes p. ii (Contents): Add the corrected contents to reflect Chapter 10 page numbering and contents. p. 15 (Structure Plan "How to Use..."): Replace the current "Step 2" text with the following: Step 2• Determine Next determine if your place of interest falls within a neighborhood area or another type of designation on the Structure Plan map. It is important to understand that although Neighborhoods are displayed with one color (yellow) Wheat Ridge has different types of neighborhoods, with some more established than others. (See the Established Neighborhoods and Neighborhood Revitalization criteria on pages 20 through 21 in the cate(iories) Also the Implementation chapter contains specific procedures regarding how and when to apply the criteria to determine different neighborhood areas. If your place of interest is not in a neighborhood, then determine whether your location is designated as a Corridor or Activity Center. In some instances your place of interest may be overlapped by both which is not a problem since many of the Corridors and Activity Centers will ultimately blend together to create a vibrant future community anchor or destination The Structure Plan is not parcel-based and should not be used to determine the exact scale or boundary of corridors. It identifies general locations and intent. Current and future zoning must be used in concert with the Structure Plan to determine exact boundaries. P. 17 (Structure Plan map): A new version of the Structure Plan map is-attached. It includes: 1. A note regarding corridor scale. 2. Corridor graphics that appear less rigid. P. 18 (How to Use the Structure Plan Figure): Add the following note to the figure under "What Type of Neighborhood": See the explanation in Implementation Chapter, page 20 (Note: later to become page 124) regarding rationale and method for designating a Neighborhood Revitalization Area. P. 21 (Table 2, Structure Plan Categories...): Provide the following addition to the table in the third column: No changes 2-. No changes Criteria to distinguish Neighborhood No changes Revitalization Areas include: • Increasing incompatibility_ • ...lower rates of owner occupancy). See Implementation Chapter, page 20 (Note: later to become page 124) for a description of why and how to designate a "Neighborhood Revitalization Area." p. 53 (NH 3.2 - Neighborhood Revitalization): Add the following: NH 3.2 - Neighborhood Revitalization The City will partner with Wheat Ridge 2020 and other community and neighborhood groups to increase investment and engagement in neighborhood areas that show signs of decline. (See Implementation Chapter, page 20 (Note: later to become page 124) for a description of why and how to designate a "Neighborhood Revitalization Area.") P. 67 (Transportation Structure Plan map): Provide the following revision: Revise 38'h Avenue On-Street Bicycle Corridor to be located between Youngfield and Kipling only. Chapter 10: Implementation p. 1 (General and Contents): 1. Start numbering at page 105, to be consecutive with the rest of the plan document. 2. Remove contents that are included for review purposes only. Add to contents at the beginning of the plan on p. ii. p. 20 (Neighborhood Goals/Planning Strategies): Add the following new section: Neighborhood Revitalization Area Designation Process This section describes the rationale and method to designate a neighborhood area. Why Designate a Neighborhood Revitalization Area It is not necessary to designate an area as a Neighborhood Revitalization Area to enable an individual property to develop under current zoning; however, it might be beneficial to designate an area as a precursor to a zoning change, for example to a higher density residential zoning or mixed-use category. How to Designate a Neighborhood Revitalization Area A_ property owner, neighborhood representative, city staff person or elected or appointed official of the city may nominate a neighborhood area for designation as a Neighborhood Revitalization Area. For an area to be designated, it must be at least one-half acre in area and located next to a public right-of-way, and it must meet two of the following criteria; A. The area shows increasing incompatibility of uses, B. The area has infrastructure needs (e.g., utilities in disrepair), C. The area has increasing maintenance problems, D. The area has higher than city average crime rates, E. The area has lower rates of owner occupancy than other city neighborhoods. The Planning Commission will review the Neighborhood Revitalization Area designation nomination and criteria and determine whether to officially designate an area or not. Changes to the Future Land Use Plan Once an area has been designated and approved as a Neighborhood Revitalization Area it will be added to the Future Land Use Plan through the Minor Plan Amendment process. 3 p. 23: Minor Plan Amendments Make the following changes: Minor Plan Amendments The City will follow a separate process for Plan Amendments-to be performed on a yearly or periodic basis as needed, but no more than four times per year. Plan amendment requests by City Council, City staff, Planning Commission and annexations and- Neighborhood Revitalization Area designations may be initiated any time. 4. ACTIVITY Envision o onal - a _ - emmercial ateg for future n IL Center ida WHEAT RIDGE „1 development anld r drevelopmernt efforts. I heecategorles the general locations / ! h d of i desisplayedred on fututhere Structure land uses, Plan but the show map symbols A Plan For A Bright Future + «r ' ° tt 4, - r . c } l ; , } r• • (especially corridor widths and sizes of activity centers) ~y are not intended to depict precise bounties, r~ a., ~ 'li + tit ~ , , C_ r - _ \ ~ a ~ `I . ~1J rte,,., 1. ASSETS . ~r~ L l.ry I 1 k.. ll Parks and ' lil 7 sl s ' Commumt L Open Space Y a y = ,I o i I ;r z ` Conrlects commercial n o I I to Arvada _ Center -17 I Pll~ 1 _ Kaiser H.LH .L wr+_ . 7 x ~ampus k I ) 1 Wadsworth 1tFF r = r, (f r k 1 Public ' .~©UN~`?~ • ` r'..0 i ling Corridor 1 t , 61 - tdOr Rhoda 44 T rye- kE : Neighborhood AVE < - Taho,~ akr y y 1~ Commercial Me Center rr ~'r i ® -v FE_ / ' / 1..:.'._..-.._. - - _ LWfl$INWSrTIt••»_.. West lak ~:1F-_ p ♦ - R Fr usiofd ter; A + % e I~gtOnal~ 38TH AVE 4 - t ' . 38TH AVE T - merc' noun eld Hospital 4. corridor ` 9 ~ / N 2. FOUNDATION j I - Lena G"Ch y RN M my Lea L go-&:a o ! - _ p Employment/ Neighborhoods OWN see Chapter 3Criteria for J \ _ 4^ _ Commercial diNeterent Neighborhood types 32ND AVE 32ND AVE r h .1► ~ enter I F 1' a n FR 11 f Y I iaWlir; tE , I I x t I ' r 4 `,la { 4 J 4e r ~ J~. n I taHe r _ r ~ `_4 nn u t y,i„ 5 ''d~ • '.f•. i - 26TH AVE ('L J ~ ~ . :ff_ r a v t as m 1 L G~ t N 4 kfi a , t. a Z VM VI 39 h~ } a Neighborhood o.1d4 t r Connects n r Primary } t Buffer Area o BeIMa r 4 a, Employment m t 12 Center 0 0.25 0.5 Mlles ArL r t~~ 3. CORRIDORS, GATEWAYS Mixed-Use T r ■ Employment Mixed-Use Primary Main Street Neighborhood Primary Commercial Employment,- _Commercial Corridor With Commercial C1 r7 Gateway Corridor Neighborhood Portals Corridor x City of Neighborhood Portals heatI~dge 1` ~l Wf 25 FV91 ~ K f 1 4' ID•..tL+Cl..,a r~ Cyr_`.` - „u ildwr i• 1 11 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 03-2009 Series of 2009 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (WPA 08-03) WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge adopted a Comprehensive Plan in 2000 and amended the Comprehensive Plan several times through 2007; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City of Wheat Ridge, when necessary, to undertake review of the existing Comprehensive Plan and adopt a new Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge started a complete review of the 2000 Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and established a Citizen's Advisory Committee (CAC) to assist in the preparation of the new Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the CAC produced a draft plan which was forwarded to the Planning Commission for review; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, City staff and the consultant team undertook extensive study and review and held public meetings with respect to the creation of a new Comprehensive Plan, and WHEREAS, such study and review has now been completed and a proposed new Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan has now been prepared; and WHEREAS, Planning Commission has held a public hearing as provided by C.R.S. 31- 23-208 and Section 2-60 (b) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws; legal notice thereof duly published in the Wheat Ridge Transcript on September 24, 2009, said public hearing on October 1, 2009 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, as follows: The Planning Commission of the City of Wheat Ridge hereby recominends adoption of the 2009 Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - -Envision Wheat Ridge.- 2. A copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to the City Council. C':'Documents and Settings klield'I.ocal Settings',Temporary Internet Files I. K409TOesolution (3).doc DONE AND RESOLVED THIS day of 2009. CHAIR, PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: Secretary to the Planning Commission C:I)ocuments and Settings',klield\LocaI SettingsyIemporary Internet FilesI)LK409TUresolution (3).doc