HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/18/20101,4' City of W heat -Midge PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA March 18, 2010 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on March 18, 2010, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Heather Geyer, Public Information Officer at 303-235-2826 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may be recommended for placement on the agenda.) 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 4, 2010 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case Nos. MS-10-01 & WA-10-02: An application filed by Keith Gantenbein for Crawford Holdings for approval of a 2-lot minor subdivision plat with a lot width variance for property zoned Residential-Two (R-2) and located at 3400 Wadsworth Boulevard. 8. OTHER ITEMS A. Mixed Use Forums - 38`h Avenue between Sheridan & Wadsworth 9. ADJOURNMENT 11 ~ City of Wheat jdge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting February 4, 2010 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair DWYER at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29"' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Anne Brinkman Jim Chilvers John Dwyer Dick Matthews Steve Timms Commission Members Absent: Marc Dietrick Staff Members Present: Ken Johnstone, Community Development Director Sarah Showalter, Planner II Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA Commissioner BRINKMAN requested an amendment to the agenda under "Other Items" to add an update on Planning Commission vacancies. It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by Commissioner TIMMS to approve the order of the agenda as amended. The motion passed 5-0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -January 21, 2010 It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by Commissioner TIMMS to approve the minutes of January 21, 2010 as presented. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner CHILVERS abstaining. Planning Commission Minutes I February 4, 2010 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) There was no one present to address the Commission. 7. STUDY SESSION A. Mixed Use Zoning Sarah Showalter reviewed the staff report for this study session item. Since May of 2009, staff has been researching best practices in order to refine the approach for creating mixed use zoning in Wheat Ridge. The report summarized staff's recommended approach, process and timeline for creating mixed use zone districts in the City and asked for direction from Planning Commission regarding policy. The two basic mixed use districts to be discussed are Mixed Use Commercial (MU-C) and Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU-N). MU-C district will focus on areas envisioned for higher intensity development. MU-N will be for smaller scale, more neighborhood oriented development. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked why design standards were included rather than relying on the Architectural and Design Manual. Ms. Showalter stated that the Manual doesn't address higher intensity development in areas where city charter restrictions have been removed. Further, having graphics and design standards in one place makes it easier to understand In response to a question from Commissioner DWYER, Ms. Showalter stated that the code would be updated as market and development demands change. Commissioner BRINKMAN stated that she is supportive of the districts, but expressed concern about Wheat Ridge roadways supporting mixed use. Lighting also needs to be addressed in mixed-use design standards. Commissioner CHILVERS stated he has been a long-time supporter of mixed use development as he has seen it work well in other communities. He asked if mixed use would be allowed for existing structures. Ms. Showalter stated there is nothing in the proposed code that would preclude mixed use for existing structures. Commissioner TIMMS commented that in order to see redevelopment, he believed it was necessary to reduce parking requirements. Further, it is important to have balance between desired economic development and strong regulations. He would like to see allowances for nonconforming uses in the TOD area. Planning Commission Minutes 2 February 4, 2010 Commissioner MATTHEWS commented that there could be a market for certain auto services around a TOD area. For example, commuters could have their cars serviced while taking light rail to work. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked how potential developers would be informed of the mixed use code. Ken Johnstone replied that staff is always communicating with developers. Public meetings have been held with property owners to ask if they would like to see their area rezoned. Commissioner CHILVERS asked about reaction from property owners on Wadsworth. Mr. Johnstone replied that meetings with a majority of property owners in the corridor were supportive. Owners were asked to complete a survey that included a question about how aggressive the city should be in initiating rezoning. Ms. Showalter commented that ten surveys have been returned so far. These indicated support of city-initiated rezoning. The Commission was in agreement with Sub-Districts. In regard to density, Commissioners MATTHEWS and CHILVERS commented that they were more concerned with design than with density. There was a general consensus that minimum density is not a big issue in a TOD area, however, single family structures and potentially duplexes could be excluded. Commissioner CHILVERS commented that flexibility is important and density issues should be market driven. Commissioner MATTHEWS commented that he would like to see density controlled through building height, open space, etc., rather than setting forth dwelling units per acre. Commissioner BRINKMAN commented that careful consideration should be given to auto-oriented uses. Commissioner TIMMS commented that the market would probably drive these types of businesses to Wadsworth rather than 38`" and 44`x' Avenues. Commissioner BRINKMAN suggested that nonconforming uses could be considered according to sub-districts. There was consensus that the allowable time period for discontinued use could be extended beyond 60 days to a year. In response to a question from Commissioner DWYER, Mr. Johnstone stated that residential height limits in the MU-N districts will remain the same. A change would require a charter amendment. The first draft of the mixed use zoning code will be available for Planning Commission in March and should be the topic of the Planning Commission study session in early April. Planning Commission Minutes 3 February 4, 2010 8. 9 OTHER ITEMS • In regard to the three vacancies on Planning Commission, Ken Johnstone stated that these positions will be filled when City Council makes appointments to boards and commissions on February 22, 2010. Commissioner DWYER asked for feedback on the last TOD area meeting. Ken Johnstone stated that the meeting was attended by property owners who would be directly impacted by transit oriented development. They understood that they had businesses that could eventually become nonconforming and offered good suggestions as to how the changes could be less impactful. They also seemed to understand the city's long-term vision for the area. The current timetable for the transit station is the year 2016. • Commissioner BRINKMAN inquired about the final report on the DOLA/Wheat Ridge 2020 38'x' Avenue seminar. Ken Johnstone stated that WR2020 has completed a working draft that is under review and a final document should be ready in 2-3 weeks. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner CHILVERS and seconded by Commissioner TIMMS to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed 5-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m. John Dwyer, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Planning Commission Minutes 4 February 4, 2010 City of ' Wheatj, cc Ade MCOMMUNiTy DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: CASE NO. & NAME ACTION REQUESTED LOCATION OF REQUEST APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert March 18, 2010 WA- 10-02/MS- 10-0 I/Gantenbein Approval of a two-lot minor subdivision with a lot width variance on R-2 zoned property 3400 Wadsworth Keith Gantenbein for Crawford Holdings Same PRESENT ZONING CURRENT USE: R-2, Residential-Two single family dwelling ENTER INTO RECORD: SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ZONING ORDINANCE CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS DIGITAL PRESENTATION 1 Planning Commission WA-10-021MS-10-01 /Gantenbein All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. 1. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a two-lot minor subdivision with a lot width variance on R-2 zoned property located at 3400 Wadsworth Blvd. The purpose of the request is to separate an existing dwelling on the west side of the parcel from vacant property on the east side of the parcel for construction of a new duplex. Because this is a minor subdivision with no right-of-way dedication, Planning Commission is the final authority for approval. Planning Commission has jurisdiction over variances when they are combined with other requests. A majority vote is needed to approve variances. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS The property is approximately 24,847 SF in size and is zoned R-2. The lot is a through-lot with frontage on Wadsworth as well as Webster Street, to the east. The property is odd shaped with 68.44' of width along the Wadsworth frontage but widens to 128.47' abutting Webster. There is an existing single family home on the western portion of the property. The home is a story-and-a half in size with roughly 1329 square feet of area and was built in 1897. The property owner is in the process of refurbishing it and cleaning up the site. Minor accessory structures appearing in the aerial photo on the eastern portion have been demolished (Exhibit 1, aerial photo). The eastern side of the parcel is currently vacant. Webster Street dead-ends just south of the property. An existing single family home and the Rocky Mt. Ditch preclude extension of Webster to the south. The R-2 development standards provide that single family home lots in the zone district have 9000 s.f. of land area with 75' of lot width. Duplex sized lots must have 12,500 s.f. of area with 100' of lot width. III. PROPOSED SUBDIVISION PLAT The proposed plat will subdivide the property into two lots (Exhibit 2, Plat). Lot 1 will contain the existing single family residence and is a flag lot. The majority of the site is located along the Wadsworth frontage but due to access concerns on Wadsworth, access is required to be had from Webster with the Wadsworth access eliminated, therefore, a proposed property "appendage" 20' in width extends east to the Webster Street right-of-way. Proposed Lot 1 will contain 10,640 s.f. of area which meets code for a single family R-2 zoned lot but is substandard to the lot width minimum of 75', being just 68.30' in width. A variance will be required for this lot width in order for the subdivision to be approved. Staff has evaluated the existing home location relative to the new property line and has concluded that it will be conforming to setback. Lot 2 is located on the eastern portion of the site and is large enough for two-family construction. Both the lot size and lot width exceed the R-2 development standards for duplex construction. Any new construction on Lot 2 will have to be compliant with setbacks and lot coverage for the R-2 district. Planning Commission 2 WA-10-021MS-10-01 /Gantenbein The chart below demonstrates how the proposed lots within the subdivision conform to the R-2 zone district development regulations. Single Family Lot size Single family Lot width Two family Lot size Two family Lot width R-2 standard 9000 s.f. min. 75' minimum 12,500 s.f. min. 100' minimum Proposed Lot 1 10,640 s.f. 68.30' Proposed Lot 2 14,243 s.f. 108.47' The property is surrounded on all sides with R-2 zoning; however, the corresponding lots vary greatly in size. To the north and south of the property along Wadsworth are single family home sites which vary in size from 4500 s.f to 5100 s.f. with lot widths of around 50'. These properties are unplatted and the homes on them were built prior to the incorporation of the City (1965 and 1941). The properties on the Webster side directly across the street from the subject site measure 101' x 134' and are a part of the Connelee Subdivision which was approved in 1951. The duplex to the north on Webster is on property that is unsubdivided but measures 100' x 140'. The structure on this lot was built in 1960. The property is located within the Wadsworth sub-area plan boundaries and is likely to experience significant changes in the future due to the planned widening of Wadsworth Blvd. The widening would take approximately 25' to 30' of right-of-way along the western edge of the property if and when this occurs, and as such, the applicant has shown the western side of Lot 1 as a reservation area. When the right-of-way acquisition occurs in the future by CDOT, the owner is typically paid fair market value for the land. At the time of acquisition, Lot 1 would become legal nonconforming. The City's standard utility language and easement reservation have been shown. No right-of-way dedication is required for Webster Street, although the applicant will be responsible for the installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk with the duplex construction. Staff concludes that the proposed subdivision is compliant with Article IV of the zoning and development code. IV. VARIANCE CRITERIA In order to approve a variance, the Planning Commission must determine that the majority of the "criteria for review" listed in Section 26-115.C.4 of the City Code have been met. Staff provides the following review and analysis of the variance criteria. A super majority of the Commissioners present is needed to approve the variance. Please note that if the variance is not granted, the subdivision can't be approved. Attached is the applicant's justification for variance approval (Exhibit 3, applicant's evaluation of criteria) 1. The property in question would not yield a reasonable return in use, service, or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located. Planning Commission WA-10-02/MS-10-01 /Gantenbein If the request is denied, the property may still receive a reasonable return in use. The existing single family residence may remain. Redevelopment may occur on the parcel in conformance with the R-2 standards and guidelines. If the variances are not granted, the subdivision may not be approved. Staff finds that this criterion has not been met. 2. The variance would not alter the essential character of the locality. If the request were granted, the character of the locality would not be altered. Lot 1 would still exceed the minimum 9000 square feet for a single family lot in the R-2 zone district. The proposed lot size and width is larger than both of those parameters on adjacent properties to the north and south which appear to be 4500 s.f. with 50' of lot width and 5100 s.f with 60' of lot width, respectively. Both of these properties are zoned R-2. Lot 2 will exceed both the lot size and lot width requirements for a duplex lot in the R-2 zone district. Staff finds that this criterion has been met. 3. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property with this application, which would not be possible without the variance. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property by rehabbing the original structure on the property and by building two new high quality residential units. These investments may not be made if the variance were denied. Staff finds this criterion has been Met. 4. The particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved results in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out. The property is somewhat unique is it has only 68' of frontage along Wadsworth and 128' of frontage along Webster. The property could be subdivided and meet the lot width standard on Lot I but it would result in an illogical lot configuration for Lot 1. See the attached diagram included in Exhibit 4 (applicant's evaluation of variance criteria). Staff finds this criterion has been met. 5. The alleged difficulty or hardship has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property. The hardship was created by a person having an interest in the property as the property owner purchased the property prior to variance approval. Staff finds this criterion has not been met. Planning Commission 4 WA-10-02/MS-10-01 /Gante nbein 6. The granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located, by, among other things, substantially or permanently impairing the appropriate use or development of adjacent property, impairing the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, substantially increasing the congestion in public streets or increasing the danger of fire or endangering the public safety, or substantially diminishing or impairing property values within the neighborhood. The request would not be detrimental to public welfare and would not be injurious to neighboring property or improvements. It would not hinder or impair the development of the adjacent property. The adequate supply of air and light would not be compromised as a result of this request. The request would not increase the congestion in the streets, nor would it increase the danger of fire. The request may have a positive impact on property values in the neighborhood. The property owner is improving the existing house on the property which has been in disrepair for many years. The proposed duplex on Lot 2 will provide two new, contemporary housing units meeting the expectations of today's home buyers. (Exhibit 4, proposed duplex elevations) Staff finds that this criterion has been met. 7. The unusual circumstances or conditions necessitating the variance request are present in the neighborhood and are not unique to the property. The unusual circumstances or conditions necessitating the variance request are present in the neighborhood. All of the existing single family homes north and south of the house on Wadsworth have substandard lot widths. Staff finds that this criterion has been met. 8. Granting of the variance would result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities. Single and two family dwellings are not subject to accessibility requirements. Staff finds that this criterion is not applicable. 9. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. Single and two family dwellings are not subject to the requirements of the ASDM. This criterion is not applicable. Planning Commission WA- 10-021MS-10-01/Gantenbein V. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted regarding the ability to serve the property. All have indicated that they can serve the property subject to required improvements constructed by the property owner. Specific referral responses follow. Colorado Department of Transportation: No objections to the subdivision. No additional access to Wadsworth is allowed. Wheat Ridge Water: Can serve. Wheat Ridge Fire: Can serve. Xcel Energy: Can serve. Wheat Ridge Public Works: The Public Works Department has reviewed the proposed plat and has indicated that it is approvable. Construction of curb, gutter and sidewalk along the Webster frontage will be required with submittal of an SIA with security prior to plat recording. A reservation for future right-of-way is required along Wadsworth. Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Commission: Will require fees in lieu of parkland dedication for the duplex at the time of plat recording. VI. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION VARIANCE Upon review of the proposed lot width variance, Staff concludes that the criteria are supportive of the request. While the hardship may be self-imposed, the resultant subdivision will not be inconsistent with adjacent development. Because the property owner is proposing a substantial investment in the property which will result in the construction of two new contemporary housing units, a recommendation of Approval is given. SUBDIVISION Staff concludes that the proposed subdivision meets all of the requirements of Article IV of the zoning and development code. Therefore, Staff recommends approval with the following conditions: A Subdivision Improvement Agreement with security be provided at the time of subdivision recording. Fees in lieu of parkland dedication be paid at the time of subdivision recording. VII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: VARIANCE Option A: "I move to APPROVE Case No. WA-10-02, a lot width variance considered currently with Case No. MS-10-01 for property located at 3400 Wadsworth, for the following reasons: Planning Commission 6 WA-10-02/MS-10-01 /Gantenhein I . The requested variance is not inconsistent with adjacent development. 2. The subdivision could be designed so that Lot 1 meets the lot width but it results in an illogical lot layout. 3. The property owner is proposing a substantial investment in the property which will result in the construction of two new contemporary housing units. 4. The majority of the variance criteria support approval of the request." Option B: "I move to DENY Case No. WA-10-02, a lot width variance considered currently with Case No. MS- 10-01 for property located at 3400 Wadsworth, for the following reasons: 2." SUBDIVISION Option A: "I move to APPROVE Case No. MS-10-01, a request for approval of a two lot minor subdivision on R-2 zoned property located at 3400 Wadsworth, for the following reasons: All requirements of Article fV of the zoning and development code have been met. With the following conditions: A Subdivision Improvement Agreement with security be provided at the time of subdivision recording. Fees in lieu of parkland dedication be paid at the time of subdivision recording." Option B: "I move to DENY Case No. MS-10-01, a request for approval of a two lot minor subdivision on R-2 zoned property located at 3400 Wadsworth, for the following reasons: 2." Planning Commission WA-10-02/MS-10-O l/Gantenbein ti .W w, F XHIRTT 1 sir co f, o ~ly s l1 PFT ~~IN~TY MAC s Sole. 1 = 5pD w. 38th AVE. • g" ~ 15709 • r+ ~ N.1 4 Career ~ / U p Sectian 26 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Gi +1 •4 p~ n p V ~ ~i~V~ ~ ~ ~ I ! # ~ ~ y I w» r p _ w.....~........,.........~,..,.........._ ..,........M........~.,....... rn 1. W, 36th AVF, L.~ z I p ~ W. 35th PL. ~ ~ ~ ~~7 a ~ v I W. 35th AVF. I ~ ~ ~ .w... ~ ~ 34th PL, ~ POINT NO. 15709 j `,p~ W. 34th PL. ~~k m NORTH 1~4 CORNER S1iGTION 26 I • h Y • RA P E A v 4 W. 34th AVF, B SS CA N R PdGE BOX TA 4 ~ ~ S t~ PFD. PL5 13212 ~ ~ 3 `:T~9i N:705823.48 E:118443.25' t-`~~✓ S.W.1 4 N.E.1 4 / / I z~. ~ 0 w SECTION 26 ~ ~ ~y T,3 . R W I S , .69 6th PM I n ` ~ Found 1' iron Bar I a W. 33rd AVE. 40.4 E. of Sec. Line ~ ~ I tz W. 33rd AVE> Q w 16707 ~ ~ w..,.......... _ 1 ~ ~ I T"" C. / Corner ~ Section 26 ~ I BOUNDARY CORNERS } E I ~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COQRDINATES LEG~~D N4. NQRTHING FASTING N W. 32nd AVI~, ~ I , ~1 ~ EaUND 3,25 E3RASS CAP. iN RANGE 84 1 703832.86 11 4 1 ~ N , I ~ # 858 .5 STPAfiPED cmr aF wHEaT RIDGE BLS I #2 703892.91 118584.22 } I N I I , , OWNER S -CERTII{ KATE ~ 7c~3s9~.6o 11 ~ ~ 0 o sE~ 1~2 aESA~: wlTx ~El.~awNcAa ~ , # 89,2 , 5FAIUPED RU55irf.L L5 23519 I THE CRAWF R H I 4 O D bLDING CARP, 8E1NG THE QWNER QF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING N # 703960.88 1(8503,82 24847 SQUARE FEET 0.570 ACR ~ ~ 4 ~ ~auND APPARENT aR1GINAfi. ~'ENwICK M~ ( ES} DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. o, ~/j~5 703969,3E 118591.76 ~ ~ , I N t , A 3/6 RESAR 14 DEEP THAT PARCEL WffH RECEPTION NUM 4 _ 6 703962.9 11 „ BER 20094358 5, BEING LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST ONE ~ ~ 0 8733,35 1 ~ I s~T ~2 REBAR wma YEUaw cAP I ! f p „ QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST ONE~QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, ~ ► #7 703833.55 118734.14 srA~+~ED RussELl. I.s 23519 , AaavE z { ! , QF THE 6th PRiNCEPAI M RIDIAN I „ E ,CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE,. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATir F I I 8 7O3 >A , 0 # 893,05 118624,13 a ~auND 1/2 PIPI~, WITNESS CaRNER :i COLORADO, DEING MORE T'ARTfCUTARLY DESCRIBED AS Ft1LLOWS+ COMMENCING AT THE CENTER ~ 9 , ca ~ 703931,47 11$623.72 ( l ONE-QUARTER CORNER. OF SAID SECTION 26, FROM WHENCE THE NORTH ONE-QUARTER CORNER OF N , ~ _ EXlSiING FENCE LINE j #1 r3 703941,.52 118633.59 I SAID SECTION 26 BEARS ON A RECORD BEARING OF N0019 W A I ~ 25 RECORTJ DISTANCE OF 2654,95 ~ 11 703942A1 118733.47 1 FEET; THENCE N1 O 45 44 E A DISTANCE QF 676,18 FEET T I ~ I ~ 4 A PO NT SITUATED ON THE NORTH I v LINE OF 33rd AND VANCE SUBDIVISION, ALSQ BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER A PARCEL WITH ~ I ~ ~ I RECEPTION NUMBER F1963113 AI PIT i ~ . 3 S D 4 N BE NG THE PAINT QF BEGINNING; TT~~NCE ALONG. THE EAST LIFE AND THEN ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAI P I D ARCEL W TH RECEPTION NUMBER F1963113 ~ cv 1 THE FOLLOWING TWO (2} COURSES 1, Nt90'16'44"W A DISTANCE OF 60.0 F ° 1 } 5 EFT, 2.} oa I ! ~ ~ S89 47 25 W A DISTANCE OF $5.02 FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT` OF WAY I.lNE OF WADSWQRTH r'. n ~ I BOUL£~ARD AS DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1191 AT PAGE 174, THENCE NO 11 ~ , 3 52 E ALONG SAID ~ EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WADSWORTH BQULEVARD AS DESCRIBED !N BOOK 11 1 AT A ~ I 9 P GE 174 A DISTANCE" OF 6$.44 FlMET T4 THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A ~ ARCEL WITH RECEPTION ~ I NUMBER 2009035250; THENCE N89 43 O1 E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OE ,AID PARCEL WITH ~ PTI ~ I RECE ON NUMBER 2C09O35250 A DIS`T'ANCE OF 87. 4 F T T I 9 EET 0 HE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A ~ I PARCEL WITR~4 RECEPTI41~1 NUMBER F0793285; ~'HFNCE N89'43'01 "E ALONG THE OUTH UN OF_ ~ ~ SAIL} PARCEL WITH RECI~PTIgN NUTvf61l~ F0793285 A pISTANCE OIr 149;59 F"EET".1.q THE WEST PARCEL RECEPTION ..d. NO. F0793285 RIGHT OF -WAY LINE OF WEB5TER STREET (AVENUE} AS PER THE PLAT OF CONNELLIME -SUB-~ v ZONI~O R-2 DIVISIQN• THENCE O' 1' 1" ~ I , SO 2 2 E ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT OF.WRY LINE OF WEBSTER STREET m I (AVENUE}-AS PER THE PLAT OF CONNELLEE StlBDIVTSION A DISTANCE OF 128,47 I"EEl' TO SAID I I I PARCEL hECEPTION THE NORTH LINE OF 33rd ANp. VANCE SUBDIVISION; TI-FENCE S$9'44'12"W ON Al TH P AL G S D NOR ~ ~ N0. 2009035250 IN F rd I LEO 33 AND VANCE SUBDIVISION A DISTANCE 0~" 149.63 FEET' TQ THE .POINT OF BEGINNING. 'v, ZONED R--2 HAVE LAID t}t1T, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE RAWI ~ ° " Pi D NG HEREON.:: CONTAINED m I 1 ~2 pe UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE QF 34Dfl.WADSW4RTW MINOR SUBDIVISION A SUBDIVISION I RECORD 88,5' WC 3.8' N. RECORD 940' } ~ ( ~ ( ) I I OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO ~ ► OF #5 ' t N89 43 ~1 ~ 87.94 N8~ 43 ~1 ~ 14.1.5, DEDICATE TO THE CITY QF WHEAT' RIDGE AND THE PUBLIC TH SE P RTI ~ (5O) .f O 0 ONS OF REAL #4 PROPERTY SHOWN AS RIGHT-OF WAY, AND DO FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE CITY QF WHEAT 50.05'-----~ , ~ 24,95 RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND/OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES ~ ~ ~----~~-~--`M-w-w~--°~-°w~`w`-- ; --~.~-w-`_~._.~.,, ~ ~ 5 UTILITY EASEMENT AND SERVICES TI-IOSI~ PORTIONS Off' REAL pI~OPERTY SNOWfV AS EASEMENTS FOR THE I r• ~ ► w o „ CONSTRUCT 4N, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT ~ cv W I ~ 13020 Er' FOR ALL SERVICES, THfS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TOT EPH ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ 14 ` o EL ONE AND ELECTRIC ~ ~ ~ W I ~ ,09 ~ d' IWI~I i LINES, GAS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STORM WATER ~ o ~ ~ cn _____....i _t SYSTEMS AND PIP Tf N C0 ~ Q ~V w I 4 (q ~ #1 D N89 43 O1 E 59.1 ES, DETEN ON PQ DS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO, ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ? .0.243. ACRES I I ~ ~ . ~ I ai r- o, o ~ I m - u~ 10804 FT ~ . I OWNER: I o ~ ~ ~ z ~ SQ ~ #9 TH o w ~ ~ ZONED R-2 ~ 1 E CRAWFORD HOLDING CORP v ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ay N , I I 1 h-', ~ I:~ I f " I t~ I I I STATE OF COLORADO } KEITH GANTENBEIN PRESIDENT ° ► T T ► 1 ' ~ 45 ~ UTILITY EASEMEN~~ I J SS 4 ( ) 3 } ~ .29.98 I COUNTY OF JEFFER50N I 45.04 a I } t~ r Y ® #2 W THE FORGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DRY OF ~ ° S89 47 251N 85.q~ y WC 4 E. I N89 47.25 E , f 0,327 ACRES Vj I ~ (RECORD 85 ~ 39,97 _._.....~_______,~___~._,.~M, A.D. 2010, BY KEITH GANTENBEIN, ~ ~ ► 1.4243 SQ FT V I r, ~ W l ZONED R-2 WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICAL SEAL, ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ o PARCEL RECEPTION a :s I NO. 1963113 ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ZONED R~-2 O r Q I MY COMMISSION EXPIRES, v ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ I ~ W o ~ ! 5 UTILITY EASEMENT 2 (0 3 ~ 39.97' #1 S89 4412 ~1 149.3 NQTARY PuBLIG I I , 1 RECORD 9 46.9 tN. Faae Paver Poly ( I I >=ence Corner PL.1`RNNING COMI~~SS~ON CERTIFICATION I 1' East POINT OF 1 1 BEGINNING I APPROVED THIS ,~_..,~M_....... DAY OF ..,......_~.w__,___~.__.~~.~.__.~~._...,w_,~___ I ~ BY THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMfviISSTON. 33rd AND VANCE Sl POINT OF COMMENCEMENT \ I PIN 1 0 T N0. 6709 I \ CENTER 1 4 CORNER SEGTlON 28 I ro° LOT 32 / I BRAS API \ ~ S C N RANGE BOX ~ ,ZONED R--2 { CHAIRPERSON STAMP • P 1 1 \ ~ ED. LS 32 2 LOT 31 CITY CERTIFICATION N,7a316s.57' E.11 sa5s.2s' \ I N R- 04, ZO ED 2 I ~ \ I ~ ~ APPROVED THIS DAY OF ___...~~.....~,_....~„~.__w.~.,_~,.__~._.._~,..~._, ~ \ BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, I I io ~ ~ co ~ \ ATTEST I ~ \ 1 I I \ 1 - - - - 1 ' \ ! # SUBJECT TO F1ELf- fMONS~ ! 1 1 . CITY CLERK MAYOR PREPARATION DATE: 12-20--09 ~ { \ cast HISTORY REVISIONS: SURVEYING ~ MS-~10--01 NO. DESCRIPTION DATE Have Gun Will 'ravel _ I - WA- 10-02 1. LEGAL DESC., IYPO.S, ZONING 02-13--90 Charles W. Russell, PLF, -COMMUNITY - M ~ T -DIRECT ~ DI~VELO P EN OR ! P.O. Box 1403, Poonia, Colorodo 81428 - - ! \ J West 33rd (970) 527~--5404 YY est c~sJ rd Avenue CRAWFORDC~H~OLDING CORP I E DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SrTE SORVE~ GAtIe JOB NUMBER '7 A^n %w1Anrta1r)TH 12 1809 D9179C EXHIBIT 2 Variance Criteria Review Request variance from the 75 foot lot width requirement in an R-2 zone district. Lot width would be 68.44 feet if granted. See attached site maps. Site map "A" depicts a two lot minor subdivision with a lot width variance. Site map "B" shows the two lot minor subdivision without a lot width variance. 1) The variance is needed to improve the functionality and usability of the subject property. Without the requested variance this property would have a confusing and poorly planned lot line. 2) Most lots in the immediate area are similar to or smaller than the lot sizes our proposed minor subdivision would create. The existing character of the locality is very similar to our proposed minor subdivision and variance request. 3) We purchased the property for the purpose of renovating the existing Victorian house and creating a second lot. The property has been poorly cared for and was in desperate need of repair. This variance allows us to leave the property with lot lines that make sense and enhance the value, esthetics, and utility of the property. 4) Please review the attached site maps. If the variance request is not granted the minor subdivision will proceed with a lot line configuration as shown on site map "B". The shape of the lots without the variance would be detrimental to the functionality of each site. 5) The property at 3400 Wadsworth is considerably older than the properties that surround it. At some point a property was carved out and a two family dwelling was built. When this was done they left 68.44 feet on the west line instead of 75 feet. This appears to have been subdivided more than 50 years ago. 6) This variance request, if granted, will have no detrimental affect on the neighboring properties. I believe that the neighborhood would EXHIBIT 3 benefit from the more logical use of the lot lines. This request would not adversely affect or impair the use or development of the adjoining properties, impair the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent properties, substantially increase the traffic congestion, fire danger, public safety or decrease property values within the neighborhood. The work being done at this property will only enhance the safety, property values and decrease the fire danger. 7) As noted previously the surrounding area was platted many years ago. The majority of the adjoining properties consist of 50 plus year old two family and single family dwellings. The subject property most likely was one of the original farmhouses for this area. Many of the nearby and adjacent properties have less than 75 feet of lot width. N03'52' 1 1 "E i 68.44' rq n -q n-~- - - - ` ~rn Nom ~r = - _ Z - (0 0 0- a mgr ~~,y v I ^ BY TI=1S ?_{T I - 'm I cc N r---------1 rnn 1 N00' 19'25"',V 68.,:-'" I N-'~ r 1 ! 0 - - I m („1 00 I ! O I 1 00 I ~ I m I I (RECORD 60') CJl i OR iv r 1 00 i m z o 0 0 I N00 16'55"W D o y I 60.05 Irn N~rn~ I 10' UTILITY EASE NI) 1 I ~ OJ O i----------- Z I I I- rri 0- 1 001 Z I On\ 'IE z i tO i I N00'42'22"W Z 0 I v N 1 1 38.42' p o I of OO- a I Utl L----------- cO N 1 z co sl ~ p I I ' m 1 m \ s 1 ~ I 11, Z: 0 U ~O I I 1o x j C O 1 I v! j - f ► _ I I I 0 - w o I pp~--.t I I d O _ Z .s x7 i I O",W` I I rI ~d I rn N C) 00 [0 1 1~ 1 _ W I I m _ D I m Da WI I D j z _a I p v I ~QX pi i mi n cmn rn I 1 m I I I Z n v 1 001 I Cf~ I 001 { I ~ I 1 I I I I I 10' UTILITY EASEMENT i I L --J L-~ 108.47' 20.00' rn S00'21'21"E 128.47' (RECORD 127') I 1 T ~ L4 n Z O m a Wadsworth Botdevard - - -Na0'19'35V 1327.46' - - - _ - T - - / a r T--- No X!51'49" E 68.44' pS. I I I ~ sic I V 0 I ¢ I CD N I o I NOd'17'06"W 60.05' Y O :J' 9•. fly. ~G1p ftvjYv AaC °awera p a o S Have Gun Will Tral Charles H. Russell P.O. Box 1403 Paonia, CO 81428 (970) 527-5404 29.2' O l y (I ee'; "'4 S CA 2 -v _.r. is 0 ~ 0 0 -0 00 O N Qd o m W N O N 4i m m° N INO U1 W S00'21'43E 128.47' I I Webster Street I I I I r------------------------------------ 1 I I I I ING PROPOSED PARCEL SPLIT PLS Parcel Reception Number 2009035845 S.W.1/4 N.E.1/4 of Section 26, T.3S., R.69W., 6th PM City of Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado 2009-11-2117:45 Page 1 W LB. FELT W/ MATERIAL TO MATCH (NI COMP SHJW 1- ~.I I I ~ a ,-,I 12 b~ i a 171 1'._ _ - 16 0 - - COMP. 5HIWI-ES (SEE EAVE DETAIL) a.I it (!L L llll ,~u1llf l 61x1 1111 ~l l,l p/~7 1 1'll_I, I LL l11 l lllili - I /Ifl 1111 I; _ I'i I~ SECOND FLOOR i 1, b Il l ~.l Ill II~ 4 h 6 11 . _ 11 I I L b 17 _ - ll tJ - I la ~L li ~.~.-il I n t It I ~T 7t ' µ ry r~ - FIRST FLOOR CEILING ❑❑❑o DEIF El D El E-1 ❑ 1111 41 m FIRSr FLOOR _ - ~ - _ _ _ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ - BASEMENT CEILING I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I FRONT ELEVATION I I I w~ . v.e• I I I I I I I N." SPAN-RATED OSB SHEATHING I I I I I I 15 LB. FELT PAPER I I I I I I I BASEMENT FLOOR _ -x_________________1_1 _L________________COMP051TION SHMGLE5 d' X 15" VENT -d O.C. GU71ER MANUFACTURED TRJ55E5 FACIA 12, TYP. DOUBLE TOP PLATE SOFFIT J6" SPAN-RATED aX( b BU STUDS OSB SHEATHING ILD,W PAPER HARDIPLANK SIDIW ❑ CRICKET BETWEEN ROOFS COMP. SHIWLES l5EE EAVE DETAIL) I I I I I ! IFT7 _ 14 --s `i II I I t I I I a I II _I ll 1a 6 I I I i I 1 II Li L ' l.l:: II I- r,TiL~e!* I I I:i i U'Ii - I ! i ~11 :I SECOND FLOOR CEILIW I 0 m~ FIRST FLOOR BASEMENT CEILING I I I I I I EGRESS EGRESS WINDOW WINDOW I WELL WELL I I I I I L_J L____J I I I I T1'f ICAL EAvE DETAIL MOL I U, T- I Wxsoa. 0 Vii, cws~a w co DAi 5/22/ EXHIBIT 4 City of W heat ~idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Planning Commission THROUGH: Ken Johnstone, Community Development Director FROM: Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant DATE: March 11, 2010 SUBJECT: 38th Avenue Mixed Use Zoning Forum A meeting with property owners and business owners is scheduled for March 24th at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Municipal Building to discuss potential mixed use zoning for 38th Avenue between Sheridan and Wadsworth Blvds. 38th AVENUE CORRIDOR ATE AND TIME MIXED USE ZONING FORUM Wednesday Please join us for a discussion about March 24, 2010 potential new mixed use zoning for 38th Time: 6pm Avenue between Sheridan and Council Chambers Wadsworth. The evening will include an Municipal Building open house and information on: 7500 W. 29th Ave. Next steps for planning efforts along Wheat Ridge, CO the corridor RSVP is kindly requested An update on the 38th Avenue Please email or call Sarah Market Study sponsored by Wheat Showalter in the Ridge 2020 in December 2009 Community Development Resources from Wheat Ridge 2020 Department: • Depar meat : and the Wheat Ridge Business District sshowalter@ MIXED USE (-)N i f t 3 ci.wheatridge.co.us W ht•.11 1( gv BETTER ZONING I-OR A VIBRANT WHEAT RIDGE