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♦ CA I City of W heat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA May 20, 2010 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on May 20, 2010, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Heather Geyer, Public Information Officer at 303 - 235 -2826 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may be recommended for placement on the agenda.) 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — May 6, 2010 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Case No. MS- 10 -02 An application filed by City of Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department for approval of a 4 -lot minor subdivision plat for property located at 3790 Kipling Street zoned Commercial -One (C -1) and 3701 Johnson Street zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD). B. Case No. WZ- 10 -03 An application filed by Arvada Fire Protection District for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan (Specific ODP) to allow a fire station on property zoned Planned Industrial Development (PID) and located at 5250 Oak Street. 8. OTHER ITEMS A. Mixed Use Zoning Update 9. ADJOURNMENT Since this meeting was not recorded nor was there a minute taker present, would you please assist us in completing the following minutes of May 6, 2010. City of Wheat Wdge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting May 6, 2010 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair MATTHEWS at 7:00 p.m. in the Lobby Conference Room of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29 Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. (This meeting was not taped for rebroadcast on Channel 8.) iRA 3. 4. 5. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Anne Brinkman Alan Bucknam John Dwyer Dean Gokey Dick Matthews George Pond Commission Members Absent: Staff Members Present: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mark Dietrick Steve Timms Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA Staff recommended flipping the items under "Training Session" to view the video first. It was moved by Commissioner and seconded by Commissioner to approve the order of the agenda as amended. The motion carried 6 -0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —April 15, 2010 It was moved by Commissioner and seconded by Commissioner to approve the minutes of April 15, 2010 as presented. The motion carried 5 -0 with Commissioner GOKEY abstaining. 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) Planning Commission Minutes 1 May 6, 2010 There were no individuals present who wished to address the Commission at this time. 7. 8. 9. TRAINING SESSION A. Public Officials' Liability — Planning Commission reviewed the CIRSA video regarding Public Officials' Liability. B. Training Session with City Attorney & Senior Planner • Jerry Dahl led a discussion regarding Planning Commission powers and duties. The following topics were addressed: quasi-judicial actions, ex parte contact, decision making, taking testimony, making motions and exactions and conditions of approval. • Meredith Reckert led a discussion regarding planned developments. Topics included types of planned development, development standards, uses, current City process and trends in the planning process. OTHER ITEMS There were no other discussion items. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner _ Commissioner The motion passed unanimously. Dick Matthew, Chair and seconded by to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m. Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Planning Commission Minutes 2 May 6, 2010 City of Wheat - -�idge comMUN[TY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert DATE OF MEETING: May 20, 2010 CASE NO. & NAME: MS- 10- 02/38 & Kipling Park Subdivision ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a four -lot minor subdivision LOCATION OF REQUEST: 3701 Johnson/3790 Kipling APPLICANT: Joyce Manwaring for City of Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Department PROPERTY OWNER: City of Wheat Ridge PRESENT ZONING: PCD, Planned Commercial Development and C -1, Commercial - One CURRENT USE: vacant/restaurant ENTER INTO RECORD: SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDIN DIGITAL PRESENTATION Planning Commission j MS -10 -02 /City of Wheat Ridge Parks and Rec All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a four -lot minor subdivision on property zoned PCD located at 3701 Johnson and property zoned C -1 at 3790 Kipling Street. The purpose of the request is to allow for conveyance of a portion of property from the city -owned park parcel to the adjacent commercial business. Because this is a minor subdivision with no right -of -way dedication, Planning Commission is the final authority for approval. II. EXISTING CONDITIONSMISTORY The property is comprised of 8.3 acres of land area and has street frontages on four sides; W. 35th Avenue on the south, Kipling Street on the west, W. 38 Avenue on the north and Johnson Street on the east. The property is currently vacant and slopes downhill from the south to the north with an approximate 60' grade change between 35` and 38 Avenues. A parcel of land not owned by the city is located at the southeast corner of W. 38 Avenue and Kipling Street (Applewood Cafe). The city owned open space abuts this parcel on the south and east. Parking and circulation for the cafe have historically encroached onto the city owned land. (Exhibit 1, Aerial Photo) The property is surrounded by a variety of land uses including R -1 zoned and developed subdivisions to the east and south. To the west across Kipling are five different zoning categories (Commercial - One, Restricted Commercial, Planned Commercial Development, Residential -Three A and Residential Two). Uses vary from commercial to medium density residential. Abutting the property to the north, across W. 38` Avenue, is Commercial One zoning developed as a gas station/convenience store and a home with R -2 zoning. The property was rezoned from Commercial -One and Residential -One to Planned Commercial Development pursuant to Case No. WZ- 82 -15. Subsequent to City Council approval, a referendum petition was filed against the decision whereby the zone change issue went to a vote of the people and was upheld. The zone change became effective on May 1, 1983. The property was purchased by the City of Wheat Ridge in 2000 with open space funds. In 2008, a zone change was processed for the city owned portion in order to allow a public park as a permitted land use. In 2009, an administrative FDP was approved for the final park design. (Exhibit 2, Final Development Plan) The new park is currently under construction. III. PROPOSED SUBDIVISION PLAT The proposed plat will subdivide the property into four lots and three tracts. (Exhibit 3, Subdivision Plat) Lot 1 will encompass the new park and be 6.48 acres in size. Lot 2, which contains 15,178 square feet of area, shows the current lot configuration of the cafd parcel. Lot 3 which is almost 25,000 square feet in area is a future developable parcel for which there are no specific development scenarios. Planning Commission 2 MS -10 -02 /City of Wheat Ridge Parks and Rec Lot 4 is the conveyance parcel which is under contract for purchase by the cafe owners for expansion of the existing parking lot. Since the cafe parcel is included in the plat document, the owner is a party to the application and will sign the mylar prior to recording. A note has been incorporated onto sheet 1 indicating that Lots 2 and 4 cannot be sold as freestanding parcels. Three tracts are also created by this plat. Tract A contains an existing irrigation ditch at the northeast corner of the property. Note number 11 on sheet one addresses Tract A. Tracts B and C are future conveyance parcels for right -of -way purposes. None of these tracts are considered buildable. Because Kipling Street is a CDOT right -of -way, the tracts are not being dedicated at this time. They are being reserved for a potential roadway expansion in the future and would need to be transferred or acquired at that time. Staff recommends a note be included on page 1 explaining the purpose of the tracts (for future right -of -way purposes) specifying that they cannot be transferred to a third party for development purposes. There are no prescribed minimum lot sizes or widths in the zoning code for either C -1 or PCD development. Staff concludes that the proposed subdivision is compliant with Article IV of the zoning and development code. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted regarding the ability to serve the property. All have indicated that they can serve the property subject to required improvements constructed by the property owner. Specific referral responses follow. Colorado Department of Transportation: No objections to the subdivision. Existing accesses onto Kipling will need to be closed with the park construction. Consolidated Mutual Water District: Can serve. Westridge Sanitation District: Can serve. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District: Can serve. Xcel Energy: Can serve. Wheat Ridge Public Works: Has reviewed and approved the proposed plat. V. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the proposed subdivision meets all of the requirements of Article IV of the zoning and development code. Staff further concludes that proposed Lot 4 is under contract for sale by the City to the owner of Lot 2. For these reasons, Staff recommends approval with one condition regarding Tracts B and C as stated in the motion for approval. Planning Commission 3 MS -10 -02 /City of Wheat Ridge Parks and Rec VI. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Option A: "I move to APPROVE Case No. MS- 10 -02, a request for approval of a four lot minor subdivision on property zoned C -1 located at 3790 Kipling Street and property zoned PCD at 370' Johnson Street, for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of Article IV of the zoning and development code have been met. 2. It will facilitate the sale of Lot 4 to the owner of Lot 2 for parking lot expansion." With the following condition: 1. A note be included on page 1 explaining that the function of tracts B and C are for future right -of- way purposes and specifying that they cannot be transferred to a third party for development purposes." Option B: "I move to DENY Case No. MS- 10 -02, a request for approval of a four lot minor subdivision on property zoned C -1 located at 3790 Kipling Street and property zoned PCD at 3701 Johnson Street, for the following reasons: 2. Planning Commission 4 MS -10 -02 /City of Wheat Ridge Parks and Rec % o&r6 0 w4p. 1 55- 865203865�1 .=03805�03800 09999 36 TH AVE M 01 0101 37TH PL 0 M -'- W 03655 1; 03655 11 19 625 03625 7 PA 0 00 oJl 03705 Y co J. 103701 71 z J-CO, 03 695 cap asses asses � .10065 03501 35TH 'AV EXHIBIT I 1 4. 0 7401 0 03710 03700 09815 AF %09870 - 09860 1 1 , 09810 09780 0 03 610 0983S x09805 09775 ' Z o 0 L�03580) z 0981 n x - 0 09780 09750 133520 Z)ZU 09775 09745 - 8 i ____ � kCg � goojj ia0980 . — 10F ijL09�.60 ,e��ytro✓ #t- ab le o,Z Ob 6 9 3 _g - a o /a s :O 11 ! P/^ 38TH & KIPLING PARK PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, FORMERLY KNOWN AS WESTHAVEN PARK PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN NW QUARTER OF SECTION 27, T3S, R69W, OF THE 6TH PM, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO LEGAL DESCRfP`T M (AS MEASURED) - A PART OF THE WEST ONE HALF OF THE WEST ONE HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION 27. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH. RANGE so wEaT OF THE ✓SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. LIT' OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 27; THOM SOUTH 00'1270 EAST. ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE Filly 114, NW1 /4 OF SAID SECTION 27, A DISTANCE OF 180,05 FEET; THENCE NORTH 90 3077' EAST AARALIEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SMD NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 4022 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF 10PUNG STREET AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH T NORTH W4274' EAST, DEPARTHE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE'OF SAID IGPUHG STREET AND ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF A PARCEL DESCRIBED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 850=477, A DISTANCE OF 139.82 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL; THENCE NORTH 0015'00 WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION NO.OWM77, A DISTANCE OF 144JIB FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THAT PARCEL CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT FUDGE BY WARRANTY DEED RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 9418M78 LOCATED ON THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF Y&W 38TH AVENUE; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE, THE FOLLOWING (4) COIIRaES: (1) THENCE NORTH 803977' EAST, A DISTANCE OF 90.02 FEET; (2) THENCE NORTH 80'29'81' EAST. A DISTANCE OF 500 FEET; (3) THENCE NORTH 803977' EAST, A DISTANCE OF WAS FEET; (4) THENCE SOUTH 44 53'51' EAST, A DISTANCE OF 14.18 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF TRACT - X OF WESTHAVEN. RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 9, PAGE 59 OF THE RECORDS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, SAD POINT LOCATED ON THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF JOHNSON STREET; THENCE SOUTH 08'12'32' EAST, ALONG THE WEST RIGHT,OF -WAY LINE OF SAID JOHNSON STREET AND THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT'A', A DISTANCE OF 1290.,8 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 1 H81.HAVEN, RECORDED IN BOOK'10, PAGE 18 AT RECEPTION NO. WS0309'7 OF THE RECORDS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO; THENCE SOUTH 8036'04' WEST, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF LOT 1 HILL HAVEN, A DISTANCE OF 291.38 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF 10PLING $TRE:ET; _ THENCE ALONG THE EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF SAID KIPLING STREET, THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES: (1) THENCE NORTH 00'12S0 WEST, A DISTANCE OF 214.34 FEET; (2) THENCE SOUTH 8034'48" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 4.93 FEET; - (3) THENCE NORTH 00'11'40 WEST, A DISTANCE OF 93719 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 302.985 SQUARE FEET OR 8.3330 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE RECORD BEARING OF S 00 E ALONG THE HEST LINE OF THE NORTH WEST OUARTEt OF SECTION 27, T36, ROVW, 8TH P.M. BASED ON CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MODIFIED GROUND COORDINATE SYSTEM BETWEEN FOUND MONUMENTS AT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE POINT NO. 15409 - THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 27 AND POINT NO. 180D05 - THE SOUTHWEST CORNER, NW1/4, NW 1/4 OF SECTION 27, BOTH MONUMENTS BEING A 3117 BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED 'CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SURVEY MONUMENT LS 13217. I PREPARED BY: ELDON L. MOLL. PLS 25BSE FOR AND ON BEHALF OF - FRONTIER SURVEYING. INC. %tru- sl88T'V SM A BOU SURVEY OWNER'S CERTIFICATE - The below - signed owner or legally designated agent thereof, do hereby agree that the property legally described hereon will be developed as a Planned Development in accordance with the uses; restrictions and conditions Contained in this plan, and as may otherwise be required by law. 1 further recognize that the approval of a rezWft to Planned Development, and approval of this final development pan, does not create a vested Property right Vested property 1101113 may only was and acwm p the prov � to is of section 28-121 of the Wheat Ridge Code of 7 ; � � Joyhep Director of Parks and R ALLOWED USES Include but are not tirnlfed to park, recreation, cultural and hfstbrical activities, In accordance with the adopted Park; and Recreation Master Plan, as amended from time- to4kne. NOTE: Up to 36,000 square feet of the northen . portion of the &%a may be used for conwriercial uses as allowed in the RC, Resider" Canlrterclal Zone District, and subject to corisistorwy with tm Arottimeciturat 8 arm Demo #anal. CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT The proposed FDP will serve as a Cortanunity park. The park will contain a grass practice fbid, a arrlall grass arriptifthester, rastroorn, several picnic shelters, payground, skate park, pal" lot, Mrldacaphq, and delention pond. Access and parkft will be off of Johnson Skeet. Peralbl on•skeat parkkp WIN be provided at Joltnson Street. Due to final design perking Is only bektg provided on Johnson Strest, tai 3W Ave. The park wE serve a wide rents of residents, and will enhance the knege of the city of Wheat fridge. UNIFIED CONTROL STATEMENT Owned by Ow City of Wheat Rklp. To be used for parks and recreation purposes. DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE Upon approval of Park Master Plan Design perk construction scheduled for 2009. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE I Eklon L. Knoll do hereby care fy that the survey of the boundary of 38th & Kiplkp Park was made by me or under my direct supervision and to the beat of my knowtedga, inra Tadm and boW.1n acem danoe wMi at applicable Colorado statute$, current revised edition as amended, the aceomp$nyMg planaawiotely nit IN said Bey Eldon Sl n l� . CITY CERTNFICATIDN Approved t(his T }�dayy of J � ^ - " • . I&Lg . by the City of Wheat ATTEST COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE State Of Colorado ) - - )as County of Jefferson ) I hereby certify that this plan was filed in the office of The County Clark and Record of Jefferson County at Golden, Colorado, aC'+i .Z.'Jy0'Ciock�. M. on the _ L day of mw4d al o A.D., In Book Y Page — . Recepllon No. 6$444 ; JEFFERSON COUNTY CLER5 AND RECORDER P te- - N n414S •-../ By: Deputy J r ' r3 y f/mil ;v r OWNERSHIP: City of Wheat Ridge Cit of 7heatR! jge 3 AND RECREATION LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Design Concepts 211 N. Public Rd., Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 Tel 303 - 664 -4301 Fax 303 - 664 -5313 DESIGN CONCEPTS C—.sip -..d L..d —)., A•rH &errr CIVIL ENGINEER: JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Tel 303 -444 -1951. Fax 303-444-' r'" CASE HISTORY WZ -82 -15 WZ -08-04 WZ -09.06 0 100' 200' SCALE: V= 100' -0" State of Colorado ) 'ta pl N A. FiF / o Coun of Jefferson ) #OTAPP' County The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this L Day of %B0 ,A.D. 20/4 by 04WLAlw,.w ,1 ^11 Witness my hand and ofkW seal. My commission expires: Notary Publick SURVEYOR: Frontier Surveying, Inc. 352 Norfolk Street Aurora, CO 80011 Tel 303- 340-0113 c - Am -w -0114 EXHIBIT 2 Date:'-12.30.00 1.of4 NOTE: ALL BEARING SHOWN ARE AS-MEASURED (TYPICAL) NOT TO SCALE L------------------ - - - - -- . -- NSS�se'srB L ..— ..S0012*sews_.._J.' 40.sZ'- 180.03' 4' W0 00 ESTATE PARK SIGH TO BE C -1 VIISTNG COMMERCIAL LEGEND" PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN % OF TOTAL LAND AREA FENCE ' ,faE 0 1 ACCESS POINT - SIDEWALK S'OOYS"SB'B 1981.81" SON va O 0 1 ■ ommm 1E NORTH 0 50' 100' ;EF LINE OP THE NWt /4. MN114 SaMON 97 PaOn05ED LANDSCAPE BERM, KHPLNG CENTERLINE PaKIiD- N• -PUeE • • • • • AM • • , • A I� • • /O1 OIOININTAL 1RFE 1 BASIS OF BB"AW S wmm E7DS71NC CURB _ • • S e e • ■ N smamam a000 KIPLINC STREET- E1651M + .99kpk Alp G1T1ER -- ------ - - - --- ----- -- ----- ----- -- --- --- -- - ' a1IWACNO _ TRAIN aasTAnt R -3A EKISTNC RESIDENTIAL THREE A BWEORA� 90D NORTHEAST COYANCE NVE TOTAL ALL AREAS OL 6wLDING NOT , VPnNA Walig hW 6*ffNS • gAT 'A/pEOApE 35.809 - %7.311 100.0(1% PARR SITE. I5 THE MMANAN REO . - CH _ EM IAmu SOD • 99kE'RApI +--�- ESTATE FENCE 'MOOD �J '1 Rk� —. _........ _..— .._.. —.. I Lo EHSONO Ue1T MA PLANTM 80 WAN ' EL P7N0 FR/LI<ilT PO• POLE a . . ,0. PROPOSW U*ff - E - TYPE 119 POL _ ttb PROPOSED Uan 4' FOR CLIMBING WALL AT MA - TYPE AA1 PLAYGROUND __ - -.. _!- - _- __. ... .� StT'tllvSi3. - :J.tiir [tti, •.r.� �� 4 �.. 4 µ� ifltf,�f�tMFfli"`^x. C.�. •r. r..� .r...u•w+.w..ww•w. r. iw..•wr Lu .n•v.c.••.6. V IP ;-�� Tom- YW '.1 •{ xT�r2! ppeaaa��� w.sa►i91 Bq �v �.. ,♦Iy �es T R . i :_ �>gltaVlslsl►av:. ��4 ia►\ PP ° � ■�.; s ' PCO PLANNED 'orz COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT ": FUTURE CONVEYANCE AREA ,�� ` lo w :;•a�a�."` �P!n�. .�,s,� i p f► ! �Q 4.i��� ��� �1 +► �'A9 ��1� 1 41 II, �"-• •��°@� �1,f1� ' i HANDICAPPE l i [r i► ►� : ■sl :■L\sr� Ra�'� ©o �� . 10'X20' �� 1? ;I� '�I � ,�, a t� ■L \e lc 61N ,� ■591,., aQ`e�a >tt MO t t Ilt► A M A. '- \ c c E �9 Ti kk EASTING LOT LINE NOT A PART OF THIS ',ir• 7Y M iv IN�} /��•��. a �aA�P . 'l:k i m DEVELOPMENT . c. � ■!\ ./aP, /Q�iB�y ° .®:•.. %.�' ■ �P "i>pidVA!'6L AR!69!l��;g6• �i IClB� r1 �'- '■ ■r'10 ■!tl! .. A ■Q 8 1yiS7�ws. �. T�'. .�jIP•illLl::fi!'ds,:.�a �:��.aCCC S! DI■ PoaRldD+ i�d 'pMeil:�•�L;.IDH�LI�sr!,im., }� ls i�irl�iio- ;..�:''��t �i' 1�. �,} f1��\ �® �d�s��9�i1��l.°®® �f+ 1�JP44��Q L------------------ - - - - -- . -- NSS�se'srB L ..— ..S0012*sews_.._J.' 40.sZ'- 180.03' PROPOSED LIGHT FIXTURES . TYPE BB TYPE AA1 x PROPOSED / 4' W0 00 ESTATE PARK SIGH TO BE C -1 VIISTNG COMMERCIAL LEGEND" PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN % OF TOTAL LAND AREA FENCE ' ,faE 0 r WIN ACCESS POINT - SIDEWALK S'OOYS"SB'B 1981.81" SON va O , — .. — .. _ .. — . F-tA __ ommm 1E NORTH 0 50' 100' ;EF LINE OP THE NWt /4. MN114 SaMON 97 PaOn05ED LANDSCAPE BERM, KHPLNG CENTERLINE PaKIiD- N• -PUeE • SCALE: 1"z 50'-0"' /O1 OIOININTAL 1RFE 1 BASIS OF BB"AW S wmm E7DS71NC CURB _ 259.930 smamam a000 KIPLINC STREET- E1651M + .99kpk Alp G1T1ER -- ------ - - - --- ----- -- ----- ----- -- --- --- -- - ' a1IWACNO _ TRAIN aasTAnt R -3A EKISTNC RESIDENTIAL THREE A BWEORA� 90D NORTHEAST COYANCE NVE TOTAL ALL AREAS OL 6wLDING NOT , VPnNA Walig hW 6*ffNS • gAT 'A/pEOApE 35.809 - %7.311 100.0(1% PARR SITE. I5 THE MMANAN REO . - CH _ EM IAmu SOD • 99kE'RApI +--�- ESTATE FENCE 'MOOD �J '1 Rk� —. _........ _..— .._.. —.. I Lo EHSONO Ue1T MA PLANTM 80 WAN ' EL P7N0 FR/LI<ilT PO• POLE WLM L71U9a11 fNE9 . . ,0. PROPOSW U*ff - E - TYPE 119 POL _ ttb PROPOSED Uan MA - TYPE AA1 PROPOSED LIGHT FIXTURES . TYPE BB TYPE AA1 x PROPOSED / 4' W0 00 ESTATE PARK SIGH TO BE LSCUIPNRE LOCATION PROPOSED S. PROPOSED LANDSCAPE J SM. HEIGHT PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN % OF TOTAL LAND AREA FENCE DESIGNED BY CITY 0.59% SIDEWALK VA ■0*. ^. ACCESS POINT - SIDEWALK S'OOYS"SB'B 1981.81" R ESERVAT ION FOR RNRIT -OF -WAY , — .. — .. _ .. — . F-tA __ .. _- - — .. . PROPOSED AL N69CAPE BERN. ;EF LINE OP THE NWt /4. MN114 SaMON 97 PaOn05ED LANDSCAPE BERM, KHPLNG CENTERLINE 1129% PARKNG A ROADS HEIGHT VARIES 6-12' BASIS OF BB"AW MET VARIES 6 -19" E7DS71NC CURB _ 259.930 - KIPLINC STREET- E1651M - - - Alp G1T1ER -- ------ - - - --- ----- -- ----- ----- -- --- --- -- - ' RC IN PCD AL 90.25% R -3A EKISTNC RESIDENTIAL THREE A R -2 EKISiNC NORTHEAST COYANCE NVE TOTAL ALL AREAS OL 6wLDING NOT , VPnNA Walig hW 6*ffNS 35509 8.75% 367.311 100.00% TO XC E01 TOTAL DEVELOPED A LANDSCAPED AREA SHOWN 35.809 - %7.311 100.0(1% PARR SITE. I5 THE MMANAN REO . - CH DEVELOPMENT RESIDENTIAL ..— ..— ..�..�.. —..— ��.. �.. _,. .�.. _COMMERCIAL.._ —. _........ _..— .._.. —.. �..— .. —.. —. .. —.. —. PARKING REQUIREMENTS City standard parking'ratiO Parking spaces required Parking spaces provided TSD.by City TSD by City 43 On street packing allowed on Johnson Street, where determined appropriate. Due to the final design parking Is only being provided on Johnson Street, not 35th Avenue. LAND USE CHART PROPOSED ALLOWABLE LI USE D AREA (SQUARE Fen . % OF TOTAL LAND AREA AREA (SCVARE FEET) % OF TOTAL LAND AREA SUIIONG AREA 2181 0.59% 32,130 6UILMG MEOW 151LNEAR WA LKS 8 PLAZA 40 OM 10.91% 48.78(1 1129% PARKNG A ROADS 9.737 2.0% - 20.81 5.97% OPEN PACE 8 LANDSCAPEDAREA 259.930 70.76%1 224.970 81.25% IMLOEVELOPED PARK 8 331 90.25% 327.295 89.11% NORTHEAST COYANCE NVE TOTAL ALL AREAS OL 6wLDING NOT , VPnNA Walig hW 6*ffNS 35509 8.75% 367.311 100.00% TO XC E01 TOTAL DEVELOPED A LANDSCAPED AREA SHOWN 35.809 - %7.311 100.0(1% PARR SITE. I5 THE MMANAN REO . - PROPOSED SIGNS 24'-0' ST , RfSER PARKIN • — R7 -8 R1 24" 12 "x18" (TYP -2) STOP SIGN HANDICAPPED PnHKINO 61GN DESIGN CONCEPTS. Rcc.q.tt0A/ # 0 oa066 y LANDSCAPE PLAN I / 2 —GYD FUTURE CONVEYANCE AREA 1 I I I I 1 NOT A PART OF THIS I 3—ACFA PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 1 I I I l REVEILLE; SOD 38TH & KIPLING PARK PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, FORMERLY KNOWN AS WESTHAVEN PARK PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN NW QUARTER OF SECTION 27, T3S, R69W, OF THE 6TH PM, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO el 1 4 1 v. " 43— PAHA— JL10 —P0HR X43 —PwHA I — ' B -ACJA Q - 0 —POLAR 10—POH �n RE�RVATON FOR RIGHT —OF —WAY PURPOSES 1 _ 45 —D ANA 47 —PAHA - SHOWN 75' OFF OF KIPUNG, CENVILINE I 6 —PDNNt —POHR NfELEGM WWA NEW EVERGREEN TREE 7. The following are minimum dlalan:es that plant materials can be placed from NEW ORNAMENTAL TREE PL ANTING NOTES NEW SHADE Area Provided R' TREE ® LANDSCAPE BOULDER 1. New turf is to be Bluegrass sod per speclReatlons. Find mad graft shall be 1 BLUEGRASS SOD . REVEILLE SOD c. Medium shrubs - 2 1/2' - d. Groundeovers — 12" PLANTING BED W/ 4" C MULCH hired I R tired .Provided NATIVE SEED ' Y �� CRUSHER FINES WA PLAY SAND . 3. AN planting bode are to be mulched with a 4" deep layer of wobd chip mulch paired of onfroctor's aonstruation quantity estimates. Any damage will. be re at Con S a 1 6sdNe Nerae`Ce■ahse Name 'tpn over geetextile fabric. Average top of mulch is to be 1" lower than top of sdger. expense. edxpsie 1rIMrMlstMU' Red 10 4. Any plant ■ bstib tone era to bar approved by Landscape Mahiteet prior to g. Aft irrigated turf areas shall not excel 4:1 slopes. 0ryiand grass and shrub be 4:1 .Here Pasabla R Ribee CwraM T installation. bad arses shall not exceed 3•.1 slopes, and shall A S e2 21 e seoMheorha 1 5. AN turf to be watered using an underground automatic Irrigation syatehn. All trees, shrubs, and gnundeover to be watered using an underground automatic 10. Sol amendments shall be used in all landscape areas (sod, seed mulch). A minkaum of three (3) cubic yards sal amendment per 1000 squure feet of vow SY� S xsdu _. CONT. 34 Irrigation system. - landscape area shall be incorporated into the tap six Inches (6") of tapsog by PehowMe 30 6. Sol preparation shall consist of oetd dmendment per speeHkotions. canp iti - - Citing. - . P fhneen bas Pewee 6heba'. Seed C 13 11. AN finished 9rodee snail be approved by Owner prig to instaliotim of sod. DA x hweweed MsesN aisl . _ _ eea4 or any other plats moterlol. / ♦ ♦ � �� - .. �, +�ii�AP�� o-7 � �: �. • =- a ram CP J P " 43— PAHA— JL10 —P0HR X43 —PwHA I — ' B -ACJA Q - 0 —POLAR 10—POH �n RE�RVATON FOR RIGHT —OF —WAY PURPOSES 1 _ 45 —D ANA 47 —PAHA - SHOWN 75' OFF OF KIPUNG, CENVILINE I 6 —PDNNt —POHR NfELEGM WWA NEW EVERGREEN TREE 7. The following are minimum dlalan:es that plant materials can be placed from NEW ORNAMENTAL TREE PL ANTING NOTES NEW SHADE Area Provided R' TREE ® LANDSCAPE BOULDER 1. New turf is to be Bluegrass sod per speclReatlons. Find mad graft shall be 1 BLUEGRASS SOD . REVEILLE SOD c. Medium shrubs - 2 1/2' - d. Groundeovers — 12" PLANTING BED W/ 4" C MULCH hired I R tired .Provided NATIVE SEED ' plan takes precedence. quantity dpproelmote quantity only and may require some odj CRUSHER FINES WA PLAY SAND ' Re red 7. The following are minimum dlalan:es that plant materials can be placed from Area Required PL ANTING NOTES adjacent wells. fences, or paved areas. Area Provided R' Total Landscape Area o. EverVwsn trees — B' 72.620 - 1. New turf is to be Bluegrass sod per speclReatlons. Find mad graft shall be 1 b. Large shrubs — 4' - - 1/2' lower than adjacent paving grade or edger except In the center of a $wale where drainage would be Impeded. c. Medium shrubs - 2 1/2' - d. Groundeovers — 12" - 2 Install a deep wood chips from tree and brush trimmings around df dnaN- by Landscape Architect prier- 6. if then Is o discrepancy between plant quantities on plant legend and plan. Ths wmmary of aq other Quantities represents an hired I R tired .Provided trese. 'Sample of wood chips to be approved Installation. - plan takes precedence. quantity dpproelmote quantity only and may require some odj tdA 70 WA own sbble for hi /her ow of tMn1 of construction. Contractor shall be respon f . 3. AN planting bode are to be mulched with a 4" deep layer of wobd chip mulch paired of onfroctor's aonstruation quantity estimates. Any damage will. be re at Con S a 1 6sdNe Nerae`Ce■ahse Name 'tpn over geetextile fabric. Average top of mulch is to be 1" lower than top of sdger. expense. edxpsie 1rIMrMlstMU' Red 10 4. Any plant ■ bstib tone era to bar approved by Landscape Mahiteet prior to g. Aft irrigated turf areas shall not excel 4:1 slopes. 0ryiand grass and shrub be 4:1 .Here Pasabla R Ribee CwraM T installation. bad arses shall not exceed 3•.1 slopes, and shall A S e2 21 e seoMheorha 1 5. AN turf to be watered using an underground automatic Irrigation syatehn. All trees, shrubs, and gnundeover to be watered using an underground automatic 10. Sol amendments shall be used in all landscape areas (sod, seed mulch). A minkaum of three (3) cubic yards sal amendment per 1000 squure feet of vow SY� S xsdu _. CONT. 34 Irrigation system. - landscape area shall be incorporated into the tap six Inches (6") of tapsog by PehowMe 30 6. Sol preparation shall consist of oetd dmendment per speeHkotions. canp iti - - Citing. - . P fhneen bas Pewee 6heba'. Seed C 13 11. AN finished 9rodee snail be approved by Owner prig to instaliotim of sod. DA x hweweed MsesN aisl . _ _ eea4 or any other plats moterlol. ' Re red Provided Area Required Area Required 001 Area Provided MI Area Provided R' Total Landscape Area 20% 72.620 - 72% 259 m Total Turf Area kng rsse, R"Ns 30% 21,786 7e% 197,934 hired I R tired .Provided Provided # StreatTrees tdA 70 WA 70 Revisions No. Descripti 1 FDP Submittal #1 2 FDP Submittal #2 DESIGN W C O N C E P T S 3 FDP Submittal #3 aehwhrerbeed I.WW ARNINRW 211' North Public Road Suite 200 Des. by Dm. by Date ES MC 7.31.09 ES MC 9.11.09 'ES MC 12.30.09 CO 80026 . p- 303.6 64.5301 f- 303.6 e- concepts @dcia_net Date: 12.30.09 LANDSCAPE PLAN' Sheet 3 of 4 NORTH 0 40' 80, SCALE: I"= 40'-0" Des. by Dm. by Date ES MC 7.31.09 ES MC 9.11.09 'ES MC 12.30.09 CO 80026 . p- 303.6 64.5301 f- 303.6 e- concepts @dcia_net Date: 12.30.09 LANDSCAPE PLAN' Sheet 3 of 4 Rcce,�to # a oio 0a 0 G G 9 27-0 38TH & KIPLING PARK PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT - FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, FORMERLY KNOWN AS WESTHAVEN PARK PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN NW QUARTER OF SECTION 27, T3S, R69W, OF THE 6TH PM, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 44' PICNIC SHELTER SCALE: 114' = 1' -0' AMERICANA K' APACHE SIX -SIDED TUBULAR METAL, SHELTER WITH DOUBLE TIER 18' STANDING SEAM ROOF. STANDARD COLOR FINISH. ROOF TO BE TERRA GOTTA. POST COLOR TO BE TAN. • I O� I O FRONT . RESTROOM ENCLOS N& SCALE: 1/4"- V-0" CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT MTTH STONE VENEER AND METAL STANDING SEAM ROOF. COLOR TO BE TERRA COTTA. SCALE: 112" =1' -0" AM SEAM ROOF ST N ARD A COLOR fRNISMN ROOF M COLOR TO BE TERRA COTTA POST - _ - 40 COLOR TO BE TAN. - - SCALE: 314' =1'-0" 3 PORT -O -LET ENCLOSURE SCALE: 1/2" = 1' -0" AMERICANA 10'X10' ILUNI TUBULAR METAL SHELTER WITH INSULATED ROOF AND 18' STANDING SEAM ROOF. STANDARD COLOR FINISH. ROOF COLOR TO BE TERRA COTTA. , POST COLOR TO BE T.N. Revisions Date: 12.3U,U9 No. Description Des. by Dm. by Date 1 FDPSubRTRW#1 ES MC 7.31.09 ARCHITE RE } 2 FDP SubmMal #2 ES MC 9.1 t .09 DESIGN C O N C E P T S 3 FDP Submittal #3 ES MC 1230 '09 Sheet 4 of 4 211 North Public Road Suite 20 Lafayet CO 80026 p- 303.664.5301 f- 303.664.5 e- concepts@dcla.net n 20'x20' PICNIC SHELTER 44'-0' 4. z L X Li i IY 7 Li F_ z O L L O z O_ V) I Li L z w O I O z 3 Q U I O ICI n Q w (n O w Q W O z Q I O O z 0 0 CL 0 N 0 0 N N 0 M 0 i 0 E I 0 CL I V) i Q 0 I I a i 0 a a� Q cr 0 a � • KI PAR t • 1 A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. SHEET 1 OF 2 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE: P N 1 (RECORD LEGAL) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PARCELS A AND B: PARCEL A: THE WEST 1/2 OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, EXCEPT THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF, AND EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF, AND EXCEPT THAT PART DEEDED TO SOCONY MOBIL OIL COMPANY, INC., A NEW YORK CORPORATION IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 25, 1964 ION BOOK 1748 AT PAGE 767, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE WITH THE EAST LINE OF KIPLING STREET WHICH POINT IS 30 FEET SOUTH AND 30 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 27; THENCE SOUTH AND PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4 AND ALONG THE EAST LINE OF KIPLING STREET, 150 FEET; THENCE EAST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4, 150 FEET TO A POINT 30 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4; THENCE WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, AND EXCEPT THAT PART CONVEYED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, STATE OF COLORADO BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED JUNE 24, 1969 IN BOOK 2113 AT PAGE 5, OVER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 27, WHICH IS 45.0 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST: 1. THENCE WEST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 27, A DISTANCE OF 15.0 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST PROPERTY CORNER; 2. THENCE NORTH, ALONG THE WEST PROPERTY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 1,152.5 FEET; 3. THENCE EAST, PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 27, A DISTANCE OF 10.0 FEET; 4. THENCE SOUTH, PARALLEL WITH THE WEST PROPERTY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 937.2 FEET; 5. THENCE EAST, PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 27, A DISTANCE OF 5.0 FEET; 6. THENCE SOUTH, PARALLEL WITH THE WEST PROPERTY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 215.3 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. AND EXCEPT THAT PART CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 29, 1994 AT RECEPTION NO. 94157692 AND INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 1, 1994 AT RECEPTION NO. 94186976, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL B: TRACT A, WESTHAVEN, EXCEPT THAT PART CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 29, 1994 AT RECEPTION NO. 94157692 AND INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 1, 1994 AT RECEPTION NQ. 94186976, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. COMMISSIONER'S DEED FILED 8 -11 -2000, REC. NO. F1098429 (RECORD LEGAL) JOHN P. ATHANASOPOULOS PARCEL THAT PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE AND THE EAST LINE OF KIPLING STREET, WHICH POINT IS 30 FEET SOUTH AND 30 FEET EAST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NW 1/4 OF SECTION 27; THENCE SOUTH AND PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID NW 1/4 AND ALONG THE EAST LINE OF KIPLING STREET 150 FEET; THENCE EAST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NW 1/4, 150 FEET; THENCE NORTH AND PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID NW 1/4, 150 FEET TO A POINT 30 FEET SOUTH OF NORTH LINE OF SAID NW 1/4; THENCE WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE 150 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED IN BOOK 2538 AT PAGE 126, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. WARRANTY DEED FILED 4 -11 -1985, REC. NO. 85033477 I, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PARKS AND RECREATION AND ,JOHN P ATHANASOPOULOS BEING THE OWNER(S) OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 8.7857 A CRES, BEING ALL OF THAT PARCEL DESCRIBED IN COMMISSIONER'S DEED RECORDED 8/11/2000 AT RECEPTION NO. F1098429 AND THAT PARCEL DESCRIBED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED 4/11/1985 AT RECEPTION NO. 85033477 OF THE RECORDS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY COLORADO LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 27; THENCE SOUTH 00°12'38" EAST, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE NW 1/4, NW1 /4 OF SAID SECTION 27, A DISTANCE OF 179.86 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'39'35" EAST PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF 40.21 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF KIPLING STREET AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 00'12'38" WEST, ALONG THE EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF SAID KIPLING STREET, AND A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PERMANENT EASEMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 2009091938, A DISTANCE OF 119.86 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF SAID KIPLING STREET, AND A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PERMANENT EASEMENT, THE FOLLOWING (2) COURSES: (1) THENCE NORTH 89'39'35" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 9.79 FEET; (2) THENCE NORTH 38'23'57" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 31.85 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH RIGHT -•'F -WAY LINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE; THENCE DEPARTING THE EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF SAID KIPLING STREET AND ALONG THE SOUTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF SAID WEST 38TH AVENUE, THE FOLLOWING (4) COURSES: (1) THENCE NORTH 89'39'35" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 199.96 FEET; (2) THENCE NORTH 00'29'01" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 5.00 FEET, (3) THENCE NORTH 89'39'35" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 56.51 FEET; (4) THENCE SOUTH 44'53'51" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 14.15 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF TRACT "A" OF WESTHAVEN, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 9, PAGE 59 OF THE RECORDS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, SAID POINT LOCATED ON THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF JOHNSON STREET; THENCE SOUTH 00'12'32" EAST, ALONG THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF SAID JOHNSON STREET AND THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT "A ", A DISTANCE OF 1290.86 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 1 HILLHAVEN, RECORDED IN BOOK 10, PAGE 18 AT RECEPTION NO. 51503097 OF THE RECORDS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO; THENCE SOUTH 89'35'04" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF LOT 1 HILLHAVEN, A DISTANCE OF 291.38 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF KIPLING STREET; THENCE ALONG THE EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF SAID KIPLING STREET, THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES: (1) THENCE NORTH 0072'58" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 214.34 FEET; (2) THENCE SOUTH 89'34'46" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 4.93 FEET; (3) THENCE NORTH 00'11'48" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 937.29 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 382,410 SQUARE FEET OR 8.779 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND INTO LOTS 1 THROUGH 4 AND TRACT A, B, AND C AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF 38TH & KIPLING PARK SUBDIVISION. A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THE PUBLIC THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS RIGHT -OF -WAY, AND DO FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND /OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. NOTES 1.) THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY FRONTIER SURVEYING, INC., ALLIANT NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY FILE NO. CT111299, DATED FEBRUARY 2, 2010, AT 7:45 A.M., AND ALLIANT NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY FILE NO. CT 111329, DATED FEBRUARY 4, 2010 AT 7:45 A.M. WERE SOLELY RELIED UPON FOR ALL INFORMATION REGARDING EASEMENTS, RIGHTS -OF -WAY AND ENCUMBRANCES OF RECORD AFFECTING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. 2.) THE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND PUBLIC UTILITIES AND /OR FACILITIES SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON RECORD PLANS, UNDERGROUND LOCATE SERVICE AND VISIBLE ABOVE GROUND APPURTENANCES. THE LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR FACILITIES WHICH ARE NOT CLEARLY VISIBLE SHALL BE VERIFIED BY OTHERS PRIOR TO THEIR DESIGNING OR CONSTRUCTING IMPROVEMENTS ON OR NEAR THE SITE. 3.) NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE (3) YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED ON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN (10) YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. C. R. S.13- 80- 105(3) (a ). 4.) THE SURVEY FIELD WORK TO COMPILE THE INFORMATION USED IN THIS SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON FEBRUARY 12, 2009. 5.) BASIS OF BEARINGS OF THIS SURVEY IS THE RECORD BEARING OF S 00'12'38" E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 27, T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. BETWEEN THE FOUND MONUMENTS SHOWN HEREON BASED ON CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MODIFIED GROUND COORDINATE SYSTEM. (CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE POINT NO. 15409 - THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 27 AND POINT NO. 160005 - THE NORTHWEST 1/16 CORNER SHOWN HEREON. 6.) SITE BENCHMARK: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PRIMARY CONTROL POINT STATION NAME F 412, POINT NUMBER 17 WHICH IS A STAINLESS STEEL ROD IN MONUMENT WELL LOCATED NEAR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF WEST 32ND AVENUE AND KIPLING STREET. ELEVATION = 5562.74 NAVD88. 7.) ALL OF THE PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON LIES WITHIN ZONE X (UNSHADED) PER MAP NUMBER 08059CO215 E, PANEL 215 OF 675, EFFECTIVE DATE JUNE 17, 2003. ZONE X (UNSHADED) IS DEFINED THEREIN AS AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN. THE "FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP" IS FOR USE IN ADMINISTERING THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM, IT DOES NOT NECESSARILY SHOW ALL AREAS SUBJECT TO FLOODING, PARTICULARLY FROM LOCAL SOURCES OF SMALL SIZE WHICH COULD BE FLOODED BY SEVERE, CONCENTRATED RAINFALL COUPLED WITH INADEQUATE LOCAL DRAINAGE SYSTEMS. THERE MAY BE OTHER STREAMS, CREEKS, LOW AREAS, DRAINAGE SYSTEMS OR OTHER SURFACE OR SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS EXISTING ON OR NEAR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY WHICH ARE NOT STUDIED OR ADDRESSED AS PART OF THE "FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP ". 8,) PER COLORADO REVISED STATUTES SEC. 38- 51- 106(L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPICTED ON THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 DIVIDED BY 12 U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. 9.) LOTS 1 THROUGH 4 ARE HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT. 10.) ZONING ON SITE IS PCD - PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND C -1 - COMMERCIAL -ONE. 11.) A RIGHT -OF -WAY FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSES ACROSS THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST IS RESERVED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 26, 1888 IN BOOK 46 PAGE 546. THIS DOCUMENT PRESUMABLY INCLUDES THE EXISTING DITCH LOCATED IN TRACT A. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: 1, ELDON L KNOLL, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF 38TH & KIPLING PARK SUBDIVISION WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. ELDON L KNOLL LS NO. 25953 SEAL AND DATE: ADDRESS: 352 NORFOLK STREET, AURORA, CO 80011 PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF _ 20 - -, BY THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CHA'RPERSON CIT CERTIFICATION APF ROVED THIS ____ DAY OF BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. AT, EST CITY CLERK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 20 MAYOR � m q ® u 0 0 m � 0 0 � U X tL 0 L F- W w � r F- O UI 0 0 0 � U 0 Z N 0 � 0 m Q Z i J _ U O L9 Z W U` F- o z Z Q af _ ❑' U 0 13 w • N< • m • Of r7 ma w an w0 a > Q ❑ W U w 13 Iff (o LL N ❑ Q N En U ❑ _❑ U) c • • Q z 0 Q) E n • • _o • O O O ,• m w • • m • r7 O 0 LL LL j . a • U) c • • � 0 0 0 C) � 0 0 u • • W • cr a� c Q) E n _o O O O m (1) Q) E m m r7 O 0 1 1) llz� Lo 0 U) c N � 0 0 0 C) � 0 0 u W a� c o � C c Qz LC U z DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS OWNER(81- JOYCE MANWARING DATE DIRECTOR - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - PARKS AND RECREATION STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS SAY OF _ A.D. 20_ -BY _ WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC OWNER(S): JOHN P. ATHANASOPOULOS DATE STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FCREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS _ ___.D AY OF - A.D. 20 BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: • • " . i 1c34Is] STATEMENT OF ACCURACY THE COLORADO COORDINATE SYSTEM SHOWN HEREON IS DEFINED AS SECOND ORDER, CLASS 1, 1:50,00 AS DESCRIBED IN THE "GEOMETRIC ACCURACY STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR USING GPS RELATIVE POSITIONING TECHNIQUES AND /OR STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR GEODETIC CONTROL NETWORKS" BY THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL COMMITTEE (FGCC). CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT LANGUAGE THE OWNER, HIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS GRANTS LIMITED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES TO ACCESS AND TO FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH LOTS 2, 3 AND 4, AS ILLUSTRATED UPON THIS PLAT. SUCH GRANT OF EASEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE OWNERS, TENANTS, CUSTOMERS, AND GUESTS OF THE OWNERS, AND SHALL FURTHERMORE GRANT ACCESS TO AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH SAID LOTS 2, 3 AND 4 TO THOSE ENTERING SAID LOTS 2, 3 AND 4 FROM SIMILARLY RECORDED EASEMENTS FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND /OR FROM ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS. NOTE: LOTS 2 AND 3 OF THIS PLAT MAY NOT BE CONVEYED SEPARATELY. COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE: STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT__O'CLOCK__M. ON THE DAY OF , — ___—A.D., IN BOOK_, PAGE RECEPTION NO. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER 13� DEPUTY > Sheet Number CASE HISTORY MS -10 -02 WZ -82 -15 WZ -09 -06 1 OF 2 W'7_AQ_AA © 2003 EXHIBIT 3 n _o r m E m m r7 O W Y W Sheet Number CASE HISTORY MS -10 -02 WZ -82 -15 WZ -09 -06 1 OF 2 W'7_AQ_AA © 2003 EXHIBIT 3 m E m m 0 0 N � 0 0 C) � 0 0 u Sheet Number CASE HISTORY MS -10 -02 WZ -82 -15 WZ -09 -06 1 OF 2 W'7_AQ_AA © 2003 EXHIBIT 3 U z z W fy LL F- z C Lr LL LL C 2 C U U a 2 L< C z 0 c 7 F C F c L C C F L C t L c c t A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN 50' 25' 0 50' 100' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. SCALE: 1 " = 50' SHEET 2 O F 2 / / I ( l R -1 RESIDENTIAL ll / R -1 RESIDENTIAL R-1 R VEDENTIAL i R -1 RESIDENT /AL I l R -1 RESIDENTIAL / l l WESTHAVEN I ti / WESTHAVEN WESTHAVEN / / I WESTHAVEN l j� LOT 18 SLOCK 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Q R -1 RESIDENTIAL / l l LOT 18 BLOCK 2 /r LOT 1, BLOCK 3 JOHN P. ATHANASOPOULOS / LOT 12, BLOCK 1 / / l BOOK 9, PAGE 59 BOOK 9, PAGE 59 I 800K 9, PAGE 59 ( (- LOT 1, BLOCK 2 / REC. NO. 85043784 / BOOK 9, PAGE 59 / / BOOK 9, PAGE 59 / / l 0 /�,� I I m z Q a I .� W I ° PARCEL B \ L " , -- - \ ^�ti0 Q; ( S44 53 51 E REC. NO. F1098429 - - - - I ; O o CHT OF WAY) m = J m o; I Q Q BOOK 9, PAGE 59 (50 PUBLIC RI - - 1290.86 ' N 30.02' I 000 0 ❑ S00 °12'32 "E -- - - - - - -- - --------- - - - - -- ------ a� c � _ � M O r 106 V ❑ ❑ m PARCEL B 108 30.16 TRACT "A " / LOT 'A" WESTHAVEN I I I Q W I 4, 432 S F. /1 PCD ' BOOK 9, PAGE 59 o M 0.1017 ACRES ,�ti�' PLANNED COMMERCIAL ( REC. NO. F 1098429 F c1 I o I "' I 11 ZONED 9 PCD DEVELOPMENT t- w '� W IM Z I W 105 104 14 L 0 T 3 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE �� J o 30.16 /�0 25, 378 S.F. .� �., BOOK 1034, PAGE 258 �1 ( I ; O O I I �i ��� 0.5826 ACRES LOT I m z ,, m - - - - -- � L2 i i I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 282, 534 S. F. I I - - - - - TRACT 1 ( PCO 6.4861 ACRES I I CO W REC. N0. 94186976 PLANNED COMMERCIAL I 04 I J DEVELOPMENT I I ( Q W �. So o' 12'3 "E - 214. 98 ' PARCEL A ( ( �, i, .� _ L 0 T 4 - REC. NO. F 1098429 I I o J I �`' I 19.18' '�C 8 -- -- Q I W, W I i S00' 13'00 "E 144.84' ( �. I _ Y I ��., ° i I �- Z C -1 COMMERCIAL ONE LOT 4 I I® I z o °m v I W CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE o ( � z � 11, 480 S.F. �, _ L 0 T 2 0.2635 ACRES ° o -"' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I o I ' Q 0) ^' 4 n PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT _ I m g cV 15,178 SF. N - - - -- v I v th W 0.3484 ACRES pCD REC. NO. 20 1 000622 7 REC. N0. 20 1 000622 7 I CO `- r ` °r - Q- � ^� JOHN P. =`" PLANNED I I� I Q L v ! W U) COMMERCIAL o cry o ATHANASOPOULOS ULt t . v N REC. NO. 85033477 DEVELOPMENT UL10 UL12 (� ( I o I�. ro UL9 Z o I A I _ N00 ° 12'38"W 144.74' Z N00'1238"W 70.24' ,,,_ _ N00'1 - UL UL5 UL6 - - -- _- - - - - -_ _ - -- - -- _ ® ® - ® 1 081.31_ ULS UL13 UL14 - _ _- - - - - -_ _ - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - I I `� CITY OF WHEAT RDGE 103 r 'TRACT B ------------ - - - - -- - -�� --- - - - - -- -UL7- - -- _ ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- I o j REC. NO. FOOO�J43 35.16' `?1 02 = - --- -: ---- - - - -�„ „ -- _ - - - -- „ I Z00 ZONED PCD - - - - -- ._--- - - - - -- - --- - - - --- - - - - -- UL21 - - ® ®- - - - -- 8 TRACT C I i m =gym 4,545 S F. N89 42 54 E TRACT C UL25 PCD PLANNED COMMERCIAL UL2 Ut23�UL22 - 39,158 S.F. 0.8990 ACRES UL2 ;UL19 UL18 11 ° 109 - - - - - - N38 ° 23.57 "E 0.1043 A DEVELOPMENT N00 12 58 W 214.34 30 os 31.•85 L - - - -- - -- -- ----- - - - - -- -- -- ---- - - - - -- 0 = - -- 4 - - - -- - - - - - - -- ' N00 °>' 48 "H, -_ _ 937.29----- - - - - -- _ - I- I - - -- - N ° � �� � t 4 � 89 °34 "W �2 � SO °12'38 "E 1 YIF.�I� N00 12 38 W �, 4.93 s 9.79 g 100 160005_ 1331.56 119.86 S0 0 °12' 38" E ( BAS IS OF BEA 1331 KI PLI NG S I Q 500 °12'38 E 17 9.86 15409 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEPT. OF HIGHWAYS, WEST LINE OF THE NW1 /4, NW1 /4 SECTION 27 ( PUBLIr" RIGHT -OF -WAY VARIES) DEPT. OF HIGHWAYS, PERMANENT EASEMENT STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORA00 BOOK 2113, PAGE 5 REC. N0. 2009091938 - - - - - - - - - BOOK 21 13, PAGE 5 - - - - - _ _ POINT OF COMMENCEMENT -------------------------- T----------,--------------------------------------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- r--- ------- - - - - -- PCD I R -3A RESIDENTIAL I R -2 RESIDENTIAL T. 3 S., R. 69 W.I I RC RESTRICTED I PLANNED COMMERCIAL I THREE A ISW CORNER NW 1/4 NW 1/4 I WEST 1/4 SEC. 27, FO CORNER SEC. 27, C -1 COMMERCIAL I COMMERCIAL I SEC. 27 T. 3 S. R. 69 W. I T. 3 S. R. 69 W. FOUND 3 -1/2" BRASS CAP IN RANGE ( DEVELOPMENT ( I ' BOX STAMPED "CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ( i FOUND 3 -1/2" BRASS CAP IN ( FOUND 3 -1/2" BRASS CAP IN SURVEY MONUMENT LS 13212" I ( I (RANGE BOX STAMPED "CITY OF I RANGE BOX STAMPED "CITY OF 1 WHEAT RIDGE SURVEY I WHEAT RIDGE SURVEY L v S a n a i n. i 0 a -I O 0 0 i I (MONUMENT LS 13212 ". MONUMENT LS 13212 ". NORTHWEST 1/4, SECTION 27, i ! I i TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN LEGEND S34 WEST .38th A VENUE ALIQUOT LINE PERMANENT CDOT EASEMENT 1� 72.15' N8 132 5.82' N8 132 5.82 ' SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY LINE LINE TABLE ; - - LOT LINE NT LEGEND CONTINUED LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE �� ! - MONUME LINE BEARING DISTANCE TLl N89'39'35 "E 7.53 / 0 I - RIGHT -OF -WAY CENTERLINE Lt N89'39'35 "E 40.21 " T S51'09'23� 26.60 0 ( ��' / o - ..,_, - - - - - - _ EASEMENT LINE L2 N00.29�01 " E 5.00 TL3 N38'23 57 E 21.23 s o / / o 8 „ L3 N89 39 35 E 56.51 / Z S MILL ENGS LS 1071 " A N0. 5 REBAR �' / - - - - - - - - - ADJOINING RECORD LINES ® w �/ NW1 /4 OF NE1 /4 OF I 9 SET A NO. 5 REBAR WITH 2" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED '� � ! o "FRONTIER SURVEYING PLS 25953.' I THE NW1 /4 �: THE NW1 /4 SECTION TIE CONTROL POINTS ' y I MONUMENT LEGEND FOUND A NAIL AND WASHER STAMPING IS ILLEGIBLE. T RIDGE I PER CITY OF WHEA C. PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT CURRENT CITY DATUM �_: ' j o 11 FOUND CHISELED "X ". LINE TABLE POINT LATITUDE LONGITUDE NORTHING EASTING // / y NW CORNER SEC. 27, T. 3 S., R. 69 W. • 77 .73 t 10511.46 I Q FOUND 3 -1 /2" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED "CITY 15409 39 46 09.57780 N 105'06'34.76332"W 705 3 �, I LINE BEARING DISTANCE I i i OF WHEAT RIDGE SURVEY MONUMENT LS 13212. " " " 16409 39'45'43.26510 "N 105'O6'34.78458"W 703110.58 110521.25 n / � (n Q FOUND CHISELED X AND REPLACED WITH A 1 BRASS UL1 N89'42'54 "E 19.79 160005 39'45'56.42176 "N 105'06'34,77395"W 704442.18 110516.35 CO / O DISK ON A 1 -1/2" STEM STAMPED "FSI LS 25953." UL2 N89'42'S4 "E 10.00 i / WEST 35th A VENUE SW CORNER NW 1 /4 NW 1 /4 SEC. 27, T. 3 S., R. 69 W. UL3 SOO*12'38 "E 385.52 • • ' ' - • Q FOUND 3 - 1 /2" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED "CITY Q FOUND A YELLOW PLASTIC CAP ON A NO. 5 REBAR „ 589 "W 1325.29 s (n STAMPING WAS ILLEGIBLE. UL4 N89'39'35 E 5.00 160005 OF WHEAT RIDGE SURVEY MONUMENT LS 13212 ". UL5 Soo° 12'38 "E 20.00 UL6 S89'39'35"W 5.00 1 SE CORNER NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC. 27, T. 3 S., R. 69 W. FOUND A BENT NO. 5 REBAR REPLACED WITH A YELLOW UL7 S00'12'38 "E 379.00 I 'y Q3 FOUND 1 -1/2" ALUMINUM CAP FLUSH WITH ASPHALT Q4 PLASTIC CAP ON A NO. 5 REBAR STAMPED "FRONTIER UL8 N89'39'35 "E 5.00 PLAT BOUNDARY CORNERS I STAMPING WAS ILLEGIBLE. SURV. PLS 25953" of uls soo °12'3s "E 7.00 PER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE °: UL10 S89'39'35"W 5.00 iv NE CORNER NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC. 27, T. 3 S., R. 69 W. Q FOUND YELLOW PLASTIC CAP ON NO. 5 REBAR STAMPED UL11 500'12'38 "E 10.00 CURRENT CITY DATUM � NO1.43'19 "E I� Q4 SET A 2 -1/2" ALUMINUM CAP ON 30" NO. 5 REBAR IN "LADD LS 18278" UL12 N89'39'35 "E 5.00 1332.54 01 RANGE BOX STAMPED "FRONTIER SURV. PLS 25953" POINT # NORTHING FASTING � ( 1 4 OF UL13 Soo °12'38 "E 20.00 100 705594.11 110552.33 nl SW1 /4 OF SE / :� SET A 1" BRASS DISK ON A 1 -1/2" STEM STAMPED "FSI UL14 S89'39'35"W 5.00 101 705713.96 110551.89 THE NW1 /4 THE NW1 /4 NE CORNER NE 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC. 27, T. 3 S., R. 69 W. LS 25953. UL15 S00'12'38 "E 330.04 I Q FOUND 3 -1/2" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED "CITY 102 705714.02 110561.68 I 5 UL16 S89'35'04"W 10.00 103 705738.98 t 10581.47 w I OF WHEAT RIDGE SURVEY MONUMENT LS 13212 ". UL17 N00'12'38"W 330.06 104 705740.17 110781.42 v, UL18 S89'39'35"W 5.00 UL19 N00'12'38"W 20.00 105 705745.17 110781.46 CENTER 1 4 SEC. 27, T. 3 S., R. 69 W. " UL N89'39'35 "E 5.00 106 705745.51 110837.67 Scale: i" 400' I Q FOUND 3 -1 /2 BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED CITY 107 705735.48 110847.96 I OF WHEAT RIDGE SURVEY MONUMENT LS 24949. CASE HISTORY UL21 N00' 12'38"W 396.00 108 704444.63 110852.67 260 ,� UL22 S89'37'O6 "W 5.00 109 704442.52 110561.29 > UL23 N00'12'38"W 20.00 WEST 1 4 SEC. 27 T. 3 S. R. 69 W. MS-10 -02 WZ -82 -15 110 704656.86 110560.49 N8 29 ° 4 3° E � 2 649. 63 ' Q FOUND 3 -1 /2" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED "CITY UL24 N89'37'24 "E 5.00 6 UL25 NOU12'38"W 385.53 111 704656.82 110555.56 Q 0 OF WHEAT RIDGE SURVEY MONUMENT LS 13212 ". WZ -09 -06 16409 WEST 32nd A VENUE WZ -08 -04 a) E z W W W t� q r r 000 0 ❑ I I a� c � � M O -.-� ^ cv V ❑ ❑ m t�I 00 U) �+;� /' !"1/ X 0 t 0 t- w '� U) w to � a u 03 ® D 0 Z U a 0 z o m� 2 Na � o j � Q j Z J U z O Q- �O� L9 Z w 0 Q a= 0 U 0U Uz �� E tY Z QW �a mQ W cno w� f- � Q0 w t? o N W J UZ 11M to 0 Q z Nz L3 _ 93 o Q ~ z 0 W Z ii. w, ®c 'Q M � ~ � LL O n a W 0 t1. --r tV W --3 U .j O ® 0 °� V 0 LL = W 1=- �" Q M rVu z a) E z W W W 000 r r I I a� c � M O -.-� ^ cv o W U) C 0 U) o m� � o j j Q- �O� N �l Z o N "� z O ¢ r r I I � M O W Y W i °' m -0 >, E m m o � 0 z � � U N Sheet Number OF @C 2003 City of MTh6qat -1 id COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert DATE OF MEETING: May 20, 2010 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ -10 -03 /Skyline Estates #3 ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of an amendment to a PID Outline Development Plan LOCATION OF REQUEST: 5250 Oak Street APPLICANT: Arvada Fire Protection District PROPERTY OWNER: Same PRESENT ZONING: PID, Planned Industrial Development CURRENT USE: Vacant ENTER INTO RECORD: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ZONING ORDINANCE CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS DIGITAL PRESENTATION Planning Commission WZ- 10- 03 /AFPD 1 All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST This application is for approval of an amendment to an existing Planned Industrial Development Outline Development Plan (ODP) for property located at 5250 Oak Street. In order for the applicant to proceed to the Final Development Plan (FDP) stage and building permit, an amendment to the approved ODP plan, which is conceptual, must be processed in accordance with Article III of the zoning and development code. This application must be consistent with the requirements for a specific ODP as outlined under section 26- 308.C. H. EXISTING CONDITIONS/PROPERTY HISTORY The property which was originally comprised of 17.67 acres was rezoned and subdivided in 2003. The plat showed 38 lots of which 37 lots were zoned PRD and approved for single family residential development. The remaining lot which is the subject site, was zoned Planned Industrial Development. The plat for the original development accommodated street dedication for all streets in the development including Oak, Nelson and 53` Avenue. Drainage and open space tracts dispersed through the development were also reserved. All improvements were constructed with the residential portion of the development, in addition to drainage improvements on the subject site including a large detention easement along the west and a conveyance channel for the Columbine Basin adjacent to Ridge Road. In 2009, the property was subject to a zone change process which was approved to add an additional permitted use (public fire station). A conceptual ODP was approved which accompanied the modification to the existing zoning on the property. Although more information was provided than needed for the conceptual ODP, some of the technical requirements weren't included in the application, therefore it was considered conceptual. (Exhibit 1, conceptual ODP) As such, the following note was included on the plan face. "This outline development plan is conceptual in nature. Specific development elements such as site layout and building architecture have not been addressed on this document. As a result, a non - administrative amendment to this outline development plan must be submitted and approved by the City of Wheat Ridge prior to the submittal of a final development plan and any subsequent site development. " No other modifications were made to the original Outline Development Plan which was reviewed by Planning Commission and recommended for approval at a public hearing on January 21, 2010. (Exhibit 2, Planning Commission minutes) City Council approved the request on March 8, 2010. (Exhibit 3, City Council minutes) Planning Commission 2 WZ- 10- 03 /AFPD III. AMENDED OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN The proposed amended ODP document contains the following four sheets: 1). declaration page /certifications, 2). list of uses and detailed site plan, 3). exterior elevations, and 4). perspective drawing. (Exhibit 4, Amended ODP) Allowable Uses: Permitted uses on the property detailed on page 2 include vet clinics, general retail including furniture and grocery stores, and several light industrial uses such as office /warehouses. The 2009 ODP amendment added fire stations as a permitted use. Site Plan, Access, Parking and Circulation: The existing site plan for the property (sheet 2) is a refinement of the "sketch plan" included on sheet 4 of the existing ODP document. The structure is located in the southern portion of the lot with one -way circulation in and out from Oak Street. The plan envisions fire trucks circulating into the northern access point, entering the rear of the building through overhead doors and exiting from the front through another set of overhead doors onto Oak Street. Employee parking is proposed off the northern entrance with public parking off of the southern drive (exit) to Oak. The southern curb cut is large enough to accommodate two -way traffic. The proposed driveways will cross a 50' wide drainage easement adjacent to Oak Street via culverts. The streets surrounding the property (53` Avenue, Oak Street and Ridge road) have been improved with curb, gutter and sidewalk. Pedestrian access into the site is provided at the south side of the southern curb cut to Oak which has the closest proximity to the front door of the station. A preliminary traffic study was submitted and approved by Public Works with this application. Although an emergency access signal for fire trucks at the Oak/Ridge Road intersection is not needed at this time, they have suggested modified language be added regarding future installation at the expense of the Fire District, if warranted. This note should read as follows: "If the Arvada Fire Protection District determines that a traffic control signal for emergency vehicle access is justified at the intersection of Ridge Road and Oak Street in accordance with Chapter 4G of the MUTCD, before the intersection meets the warrants of Chapter 4C of the MUTCD, then the full cost of the design and installation of the traffic control signal shall be the sole responsibility of the Arvada Fire Protection District." Landscaping: The existing ODP set the minimum amount of landscaping at 20%. The landscaped coverage depicted on the site plan is 66.1 %. A more detailed landscape plan will be required at the time of administrative FDP approval. Building Height/Minimum Setbacks: Consistent with the previous ODP for the property, a maximum building height is specified as 35'. The building is roughly 28' in height measured at mid -roof for the highest roofline of the structure. Development Standards: The development standards depicted in the table below are shown as minimum standards on the conceptual ODP. The table provides a comparison with what's provided or required by the existing ODP and what is being shown on the proposed amended ODP. Planning Commission 3 WZ- 10- 03 /AFPD Development Standard Conceptual ODP Specific ODP Min. Front setback (west side) 50' 69.5' Min. Side setback (north side) 30' 121.75' Min. Side setback (south side) 30' 64.5' Min. landscaping 20% 66.1% Max. coverage by building and p avin g 80% 33.9% Parking 11 required 16 pro vided Fencing Per section 26 -603 complies Si na e Per Article VII complies Architecture Per ASDM See discussion below Lighting will be reviewed at the time of Final Development Plan with submission of a lighting and photometric plan. A detailed landscape plan will also be reviewed at the time of FDP submittal. Architectural Elevations: The Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM) requires careful and purposeful architectural considerations be taken into account to ensure that any newly constructed building will be of quality design and contain differing levels of architectural interest. These requirements apply to all new development except single and two family residences. Staff has reviewed the ASDM and done an analysis with the commercial/industrial standards and has concluded the following: • An internal pedestrian connection has been provided from the public street (Oak) to and around the structure. • A significant pedestrian entry feature for the primary entrance has been provided. • Variations in plane depth have been provided for each 50 linear feet of building facade. • Building facade articulation features include changes of material, accent banding, reveals and roof overhang variations. • A variety of materials are provided including brick, stucco and stone. • Mechanical equipment is screened by brick walls. • Landscaped buffers exceeding 10' have been provided along all street frontages. • Signage is minimal and has been integrated into the brick wall system around the building. The structure however, does not meet the standard for transparency. The ASDM provides "transparency of ground floor facades facing any street or pedestrian way, regardless of distance, shall be at least 60% and not more than 85 %. ...... for corner lots, the minimum percentage of transparency can be allocated from one street facade to another. At no time can the percentage of transparency on a street frontage be less than 30 %." The applicant has provided an analysis of the transparency and indicates that it is 14% on the north - facing elevation, 20% on the south - facing elevation and 19.4% on the facade facing Oak Street. (Exhibit 5, Transparency analysis) The applicant has included a rationale for their design and the resultant transparency. (Exhibit 6, Applicant response) Planning Commission 4 WZ- 10- 03 /AFPD In review of this standard in the manual, it appears to have been written for a retail situation and does not lend itself to this type of quasi - public facility. In addition, the property has three street frontages which could be considered somewhat of a hardship. Because this is a planned development, there is flexibility in application of the standards. Given the unusual site conditions and residential building appearance, Staff is comfortable with the reduction in transparency as other requirements in the ASDM have been exceeded. IV. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Because an amendment to an existing ODP is processed as a rezoning, Staff has provided an analysis of the zone change criteria. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error; There is not a mistake on the official city maps. The property is zoned Planned Industrial Development. 2. A change in character in the area has occurred due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions, There have been changes to the area due to the construction of the three filings of the Skyline Estates residential community. When the filing in Wheat Ridge was in process, the City of Arvada had zoned the southern portion of Skyline #2 directly to the west as Industrial. When the zone change for filing No. 3 (subject property) was submitted to the City of Wheat Ridge, it was logical to extend the Arvada zoning with industrial uses adjacent to Ridge Road. Subsequent to the City's approval, the Arvada property was rezoned to PUD -R (9.2 units /acre). The Arvada property has now been partially developed with multi - family residential development. Ridge Road is classified a collector street. The most recent traffic count (2008) indicates 3732 vehicle trips per day on this section. This is also a corridor for the Fastracks Goldline commuter rail line planned for construction in 2016. The rail corridor will provide commuter rail service to downtown Denver from stations in Arvada and Wheat Ridge. City staff has been working with RTD on design of the station site at Ward and 50` Other changes in the area include the continued development of the Arvada Ridge development which will have a light rail stop at the northern end. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. The Planning Commission shall also find that the evidence supports the finding of at least four of the following: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area; Planning Commission WZ- 10- 03 /AFPD The property is designated as an Employment area on the Comprehensive Plan Structure Plan transitioning to Established Neighborhoods to the north. Employment areas are described as existing light manufacturing, storage, warehouse, and other industrial - related uses where adequate screening is provided for adjacent residential neighborhoods. While the proposed fire station use does not fit a typical industrial project, it will provide jobs for area residents. Other goals being met include the transportation strategy to coordinate transit service with new redevelopment sites and the community service strategy to coordinate with non -city service providers to encourage residential design for their facilities and to provide buffering for adjacent residential neighborhoods. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. b. The proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived; The property is zoned industrially and allows a list of permitted uses which include office /warehouse, screened outside storage, light manufacturing and assembly. While there is heavy industrial development located directly to the south across Ridge Road, there is adjacent residential development on three sides. A fire station may have impacts such as noise and large vehicles entering and exiting the site; however, the use is less impactive than what could be built on the property under the existing zoning conditions. The fire station will serve as a transition and buffer from the heavy industrial uses to the south. The station has been designed to be visually compatible with the adjacent residential development. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. C. There will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone; There have already been physical benefits associated with the development due to the construction of public improvements along all four street frontages adjacent to the site. Other than one -time fees for construction of the building, economic benefits to the city will be minimal Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. d. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity; All infrastructure is already in place. The applicant will be responsible for any other utility upgrades for the site upon development. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. Planning Commission 6 WZ- 10- 03 /AFPD e. The change of zone will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties; The architectural design drawings of the structure on sheets 3 and 4 of the plan set indicate that the station will have a residential appearance with varied rooflines and brick facades. All drainage improvements on the property have already been constructed so this should not be a concern. A preliminary drainage report has been reviewed and approved. Traffic to the site is limited to Oak Street. A preliminary traffic analysis submitted with this application has indicated that an emergency signal at the intersection of Oak and Ridge Road is not needed at this time. Public Works has suggested language that should be added to the plan as a note. There will be a positive impact on the health, safety and welfare of residences and businesses in the area due to better emergency response times and proximity of the new station. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. The applicant has submitted an application for a specific ODP which requires analysis with the commercial and industrial standards in the ASDM. Staff has concluded that aside from the transparency requirements, the elevations and site design are consistent or exceed the standards required in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING The required pre - application meeting for neighborhood input was held on March 21, 2010. There were no representatives from the neighborhood in attendance. VI. AGENCY REFERRALS A referral was sent out based regarding the request with responses below. Arvada Fire Protection District: Currently serving the property from stations located at 12195 W. 52 Avenue and 7900 W. 57 Avenue. Valley Water District: Can serve the property subject to improvements. Additional looped water main lines, fire hydrants and fire sprinkler lines may be needed to be installed at the owners' expense. Qwest Communications: Can serve. Xcel Energy: Can serve Planning Commission 7 WZ- 10- 03 /AFPD Wheat Ridge Public Works: Has reviewed and approved preliminary drainage report and traffic analysis. They are requesting the following note be added to the ODP: "If the Arvada Fire Protection District determines that a traffic control signal for emergency vehicle access is justified at the intersection of Ridge Road and Oak Street in accordance with Chapter 4G of the MUTCD, before the intersection meets the warrants of Chapter 4C of the MUTCD, then the full cost of the design and installation of the traffic control signal shall be the sole responsibility of the Arvada Fire Protection District." VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that prior to proceeding to the Final Development Plan stage and building permit, an amended ODP document must be approved which is consistent with the provisions for a specific outline development plan. With the exception of fagade transparency, Staff concludes that the plan amendment meets or exceeds the development standards established by the original ODP and that the zone change evaluation criteria support approval of this request. For these reasons, a recommendation of approval with conditions is given as detailed in the recommended motion. VIII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ- 10 -03, a request for approval of a an amendment to the Outline Development Plan for Lot 1 of Block 4 of Skyline Estates #3 to meet the provisions for a specific ODP for construction of a fire station at 5250 Oak Street for the following reasons: 1. It will allow AFPD to proceed to the administrative FDP stage and building permit. 2. The proposed ODP amendment for a specific plan is consistent with the standards established on the underlying plan. 3. The proposed use will provide a buffer and land use transition from the industrial uses on the south side of Ridge Road to the residential neighborhood to the north. 4. The evaluation criteria support approval of the request. With the following conditions: 1. The title of the document be modified to be Amendment No. 2. 2. Public Works' suggested language regarding an emergency signal be added to the plan." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ- 10 -03, a request for approval of a an amendment to the Outline Development Plan for Lot 1 of Block 4 of Skyline Estates #3 to meet the provisions for a specific ODP for construction of a fire station at 5250 Oak Street for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." Planning Commission g WZ- 10- 03 /AFPD IT- KYLINE E'ir'ES FILING NO. 3, LT I OF BLOC OUTLINE DEVELO PMENT PLAN M , AENDMENT No. 1 . AN om& m w, PLM IN *E CllY OF WEAT ROW A PA E K I-A VF SECIM Il- It /V PLgogo.wissioN CERWICATION; 2 -SY 7W W4CA ICATIQN MW*6%W ti � i*Y. OF A- M& 20L BY THE MEAT WOE -UTY COU.C.L 'To W ATTAT 4, ` CLERK AND REQQRQERS_.QLRjjFlQ&jL• ♦ AAA. G0WM CLERK AND W9MR SILL I CF 4 EXHIBIT I r oop v"mly_ w : so e- Maw Comm= mm an I= 0, SKYLINE ESTATES FILING NO. 3, LOT 1 OF x BLOCK 4 .m CA" CA's' HIST'rY: ;�tlsM:aaYl417reliK�IM1T TM!lRTC �MJIiS1 �LEGEND: ,; .. — --- PROPOSED BOUNDARY LINE '. -.-- PROPOSED RAW. Di1T 1lamwo ;1MIEKT:Af1E; OP 1 PROPOSED LOT .LIME ACDEAtOKYNi1111" 0 PROPOSED fLUMUNE :: _ _ - PROPOSED CENTERLINE - - - - ,- - -,-•- -. - PROPOSED SETBACK PROPOSED UTILITY ESMT, --- PROPOSED WWOATION ESMT. �1l!jj� C71EEim me IL4 M�t11OM -- -�- PROPOSED LANDSCAPE ESMT. NMMTM rpt*ilE OlflR 11�'bWDE - - - PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR . - PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR - - MfIIA{IM31DT!YYb 110'iiW ..... PJbY�l�L NII�II�OlGMf�t PROPOSED IRFWATION DRAIN . J� ' PROPOSED WATER LINE i ti*Y'.i1MIfY�'dED N aE i N071tA'L�_ PROPOSED SANITARY SEDER PRDPOBED STORM SEVER - SEV ' PROPOSED LOT NUMBER PROPOSED BLOCK NUMKR PROPOSED STREET LIGHT '. -- - - -' - - - EYJSIM RAW. I EXISTING EOA. EY.STINO FLOW. UNE EXISTING -MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MANOR CONTOUR EXISTING FEWX . . - .- (',}i6 - . - "' - - - • VZTWG OVERHEAD ELECTRIC EXISTING TREES 7777-; aTY_UWTS - ZONING LIMITS SHEET 2 OF 4 Q -WYl inrF F gTATF q Fll 1N:r NO 3. FIRST AMENDMENT ODP q.lKYT.TWR RSTATES FILING NO. So LOT I OF BLOCK 4 Ps-ollecr srrja --Not Go 0 eo 7 h- �dww v" .qKYl INF F8TATF-S FILING NO. 3. FIRST A 0.m AgEt N OMn' 11 W - A.25 t m, xn. cft & w"T Kt C U 02M TA omw SHEET 3 OF LJ FV DDP t ALLRED&ASSOCIATES A • Planning • Interior Design 580 twbv.k 5X, S.ue 12S 1 B—nfeld, CotoraJo 80010 ph:3031465.006 � f-3031465.4102 - 1 n FIJW do , TE P. d l ie The lot In, out shown on this plan is conceptual only. SHEET 4 OF 4 SKYLINE ESTATES HUNG NO. 3, FIRST AMENDMENT Wo PAU goaft-ft PK* * *4 =0 1 =4 =1 OF = t ALLRED&ASSOCIATES A • Planning • Interior Design 580 twbv.k 5X, S.ue 12S 1 B—nfeld, CotoraJo 80010 ph:3031465.006 � f-3031465.4102 - 1 n FIJW do , TE P. d l ie The lot In, out shown on this plan is conceptual only. SHEET 4 OF 4 SKYLINE ESTATES HUNG NO. 3, FIRST AMENDMENT iP 1 Wh6at'Pjdge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting January 21, 2010 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair DWYER at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29 Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Anne Brinkman John Dwyer Henry Hollender Dick Matthews Steve Timms Commission Members Absent: Staff Members Present: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Jim Chilvers Marc Dietrick Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by Commissioner TIMMS to approve the order of the agenda with the addition of the following items: Appointment of new Planning Commission representatives and an announcement by Commissioner Hollender. The motion passed 5-0. APPROVAL OF MINIMS — November 19, 2009 It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by Commissioner TIMMS to approve the minutes of November 19, 2009 as presented. The motion carried 5 -0. Planning Commission Minutes January 21, 2010 EXHIBIT 2 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) There was no one present to address the Commission. 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ -09 -09 — An application filed by Arvada Fire Protection District for approval of an Outline Development Plan amendment to allow a fire station on property zoned Planned Industrial Development (PID) and located at 5250 Oak Street. The case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the star report and digital presentation. Staff concluded that the proposed modification to the original uses specified on the Skyline Estates Filing 3 ODP must be processed as a zone change and that criteria used to evaluate a change of zoning conditions supports approval of the modification for this lot only. A recommendation of approval was given with conditions as outlined in the staff report. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if staff believed parking to be adequate. Ms. Reckert replied that this is a different situation than most parking requirements and would be examined more closely at the time of specific design. Commissioner HOLLENDER asked what would happen to the existing detention ponds. Ms. Reckert stated that these ponds are regional and serve the developments. A drainage plan will have to be approved. In response to questions froth Commissioner TIMMS, Ms. Reckert explained that a photometric plan will be required at time of development. In regard to landscaping, she explained that irrigation would be required and native seed would be allowed. Commissioner DWYER expressed concern that there will be no access onto Ridge Road. Ms. Reckert stated that Ridge Road is a collector street, and it is policy not to have direct access onto collectors. A traffic analysis has been done. John Greer, Chief Arvada Fire Protection District Chief Greer stated that the proposed station would replace Station #2 and would be one mile closer to the busiest census area of Kipling and 1 -70 while allowing protection to the area provided by the present Station #2. This amounts to about 90 seconds less in response time. He stated that sirens and flashing lights are not activated until after trucks have left the station. Lights would be angled to prevent spillage into residential structures. There will be no hazardous materials stored on the site. Diesel fuel will be stored in an approved above - ground tank which will be enclosed in a bricked -in area. The station will have sleeping space Planning Commission Minutes 2 January 21, 2010 for 6 individuals and parking space for 13 vehicles. Extra vehicle storage will not be allowed. Commissioner MATTHEWS asked about access across light rail. Chief Greer explained that they will use Miller Street. In response to a question from Commissioner HOLLENDER, Chief Greer stated that he is satisfied with the Oak Street access. The station is a drive - through design so trucks don't have to back up. In response to a question from Commissioner TIMMS, Chief Greer stated that Station #2 currently gets about two calls per day. The amount of calls will be increased at the proposed station. He stated that it also looks hopeful that funding will be available and the station could be constructed in about a year. At the request of Commissioner TIMMS, Brad Bonnet, the architect, presented architectural renderings of the station. He commented that the station would provide a buffer from the Coors industrial park. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Chief Greer explained that the fire department contracts with Pridemark for ambulance services and those vehicles will not be stationed and dispatched at the firehouse. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if there would be a future need for additional sleeping space at the station. Chief Greer explained that any future additional firefighters will be housed at Station #1. Joseph E. DeMott Wheat Ridge City Council — District IV Mr. DeMott stated that he Jibes in Skyline Estates near the proposed station. He stated that he is in favor of the station and, in talking with his neighbors, he has heard no negative comments. Chair DWYER asked if there were others who wished to address the Commission. Hearing no response, he closed the public hearing. Commissioner MATTHEWS commented that access onto Ridge Road is not for the Commission's consideration at this time. Commissioner TIMMS stated that he would vote in favor of the application. He commented that a fire station is a much better use at this location than some of the industrial uses allowed by the present zoning. Commissioner HOLLENDER stated that he strongly supports the fire station at this location, but suggested that the access question be reconsidered. Commissioner MATTHEWS commended the Arvada Fire Department on the pleasing design of the proposed station. Planning Commission Minutes 3 January 21, 2010 It was moved by Commissioner TIMMS and seconded by Commissioner MATTHEWS to recommend approval of Case No. WZ -09 -09, a request for approval of an amendment to the Skyline Estates Filing #3 Outline Development Plan for Lot 1 of Block 4 to allow the additional use of a fire station on property located at approximately 5250 Oak Street for the following reasons: 1. The proposed use is less impactive than existing uses allowed on the property. 2. The proposed use will provide a buffer and land use transition from the industrial uses on the south side of Ridge Road to the residential neighborhood to the north. 3. The evaluation criteria support approval of the request. With the following conditions: 1. A preliminary drainage report be submitted at the time of specific ODP. 2. A traffic analysis be submitted at the time of specific ODP. The motion passed 5 -0. S. OTHER ITEMS A. Resolution Designating a Public Place for Posting of Meeting Notices It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by Commissioner HOLLENDER to approve Resolution No. 01 -2010, a resolution establishing a d6signated public place for the posting of meeting notices as required by the Colorado Open Meetings Law. Commissioner BRINKMAN offered a friendly amendment to include the City's website as an additional location for the posting of meeting notices. The amendment was accepted by Commissioners MATTHEWS and HOLLENDER. The amended motion passed unanimously. B. Mixed Use Forum — Northwest Subarea Plan Update Meredith Reckert stated that a forum was held last week with about 35 people from the Wadsworth corridor area to discuss new regulations concerning a mixed use zone district. She invited Commissioners to attend another forum to be held regarding the TOD area around 50 and Ward. There will be a future forum concerning the Kipling north of 44th area. Planning Commission Minutes 4 January 21, 2010 r ' " [41 1 m*T '�PWP - '!T CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO March 8, 2010 Mayor DiTullio called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Council Members present: Karen Adams, Karen Berry, Joseph DeMott, Joyce Jay, Tracy Langworthy, Davis Reinhart, Wanda Sang, and Mike Stites. Also present: City Clerk, Michael Snow; City Manager, Randy Young; City Attorney, Gerald Dahl; Director of Community Development, Kenneth Johnstone; Director of Public Works, Tim Paranto; Senior Planner, Meredith Reckert; Assistant to the City Manager, Heather Geyer; staff; and interested citizens. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF February 22, 2010 Motion by Mr. Stites for approval of the Minutes of February 22, 2010; seconded by Mrs. Sang; Motion by Mr. Reinhart to amend the Minutes, page three, in his motion to approve: "...satisfying, INSERT four (not three) of the seven... "; Mr. Stites and Mrs. Sang agreed to the amendment. Motion to approve the amended Minutes carried 8 -0. PROCLAMATIONS AND CEREMONIES Randy Ketelson — Citizen Award Chief Brennan recognized Mr. Ketelson on behalf of the Wheat Ridge Police Department for allowing his retail location being the designated as the emergency shelter for Pennington Elementary students for many year and for allowing the student drills to take place on his showroom floor each year. Proclamation — LiveStrong Day at Wheat Ridge Cyclery March 27, 2010 Ron Kiefel; bike ride leaving shop on the 27 Rich Easton, organizer of the LiveStrong bike event that will leave the Wheat Ridge Cyclery shop on March 27 The event is devoted to cancer survivors. Cancer survivors and interested citizens may obtain information and support at LiveStrong.com. All community members are invited to attend and participate in the event, to learn about LiveStrong and to donate to this successful organization. Proclamation — National Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week March 8 -12, 2010 Mrs. Wheat Ridge read the proclamation. EXHIBIT 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: March 8, 2010 CITIZENS' RIGHT TO SPEAK Page -2- Fire Chief Steven Gillespie informed voters in Wheat Ridge on the upcoming Fire District Election to fill three vacancies on the Board and seek approval of a Mill Levy increase. This is not a polling place election, but rather a mail ballot election. Ballots will be mailed to all eligible electors and must be returned to 3880 Upham Street; 303 - 403 -5900. www.wrfire.org by election day on May 4 2010. Door to door campaigning by Fire Department members will be starting March 20 on Saturdays for the six weeks prior to election day. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING 1. Council Bill 02 -2010 —amending a Planned Industrial Development Outline Development Plan to allow an additional use on property located at approximately 5250 Oak Street. (Case No. WZ -09 -09 /Skyline Estates Filing 3 /Arvada Fire Protection District) Mayor DiTullio opened the public hearing. Council Bill 02 -2010 was introduced on second reading by Mrs. Langworthy. City Clerk Michael Snow assigned Ordinance No. 1458. Mr. DeMott acknowledged his having several instances of ex -parte contact on the subject of this application due to the close proximity of his home to the site in question. Mr. DeMott recused himself from the Public Hearing and Council vote and apologized to the community and Council for his mistake in having these contacts with neighbors as a freshman Council Member. Mr. DeMott left the Council Chambers for the duration of the hearing. Meredith Reckert presented the staff report. John Greer, Arvada Fire Protection District Chief, explained why Arvada would be speaking at a Wheat Ridge Council meeting in that those regions north of Clear Creek are served by the AFPD. Mayor DiTullio closed the public hearing. Motion by Mrs. Langworthy to approve Council Bill 02 -2010 (Ordinance 1458) on second reading, and that it take effect 15 days after final publication, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed use will have less of an impact than existing uses allowed on the property. 2. The proposed use will provide a buffer and land use transition from the industrial uses on the south side of Ridge Road to the residential neighborhood to the north. 3. The evaluation criteria support approval of the request. With the following conditions: 1. A preliminary drainage report will be submitted at the time of specific ODP. 2. A traffic analysis will be submitted at the time of specific ODP. Seconded by Mrs. Sang and Mrs. Jay; carried 7 -0. OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN, AMENDMENT NO. 1 z p yU D *1 r9 r 0 (A p 4 �> C z STATION PROPOSED ` m X D X n W 50TH AVE. � w g PEE. D W 48TH AVE. 1 -70 4; N VICINITY MAP 1 -1000' LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE WEST X OF THE SOUTHWEST 'A OF THE NORTHEAST X OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 W OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, LYING NORTH OF THE COUNTY ROAD KNOWN AS RIDGE ROAD, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST 'X OF SAID SECTION 16, THENCE N00' 13' 11 "W, ON AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST 'X, 71.25 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF RIDGE ROAD, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NOO' 13' 11 "W ON AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST 'X, 297.50 FEET; THENCE EASTERLY, 19.60 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 74'51'41" AND IS SUBTENDED BY A CHORD THAT BEARS N3T12'39 "E, 18.23 FEET; THENCE N7438'30 "E, 78.59 FEET; THENCE EASTERLY, 71.76 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 275.00 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 14'57'04" AND IS SUBTENDED BY A CHORD THAT BEARS N8Z07'02 "E, 71.56 FEET; THENCE N89'35'34 "E, 140.02 FEET; THENCE S00 04'48 "E, 262.09 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID RIDGE ROAD; THENCE S74'38'30"W, ON AND ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE, 307.93 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 2.01 AC (87,731 SF) MORE OR LESS. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I, KIM ALBERS, A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY FOR THE PROPOSED SITE, LOT 1 AND TRACT H, 3 WAS MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION AND THE ACCOMPANYING PLAN ACCURATELY AND PROPERLY SHOWS SAID SURVEY. TRUE POSITIONS LAND SURVEYING DATE 951 EAST 8TH AVENUE BROOMFIELD, COLORADO 80020 OWNER'S CERTIFICATION: THE BELOW- SIGNED OWNER(S) OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF REZONING TO A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND APPROVAL OF THIS SPECIFIC OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT, VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26 -121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. SIGNATURE OF OWNER(S) OR AGENT(S) _ CHIEF JON GREER 7903 ALLISON WAY ARVADA, COLORADO 80005 NOTARY PUBLIC: SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN BEFORE ME, THIS _ — DAY OF --- , 20 WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE THE PROJECT WILL HAVE ONE PHASE OF BUILD OUT. THIS PHASE WILL BE COMPRISED OF THE COMPLETION OF A FIRE STATION, NECESSARY IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUDING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS OF CURB, GUTTER, SIDEWALK, AND LANDSCAPING. OWNERSHIP ZUNIFIED CONTROL STATEMENT: OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL OWNER. RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE 35' DRAINAGE EASEMENT (COLUMBINE BASIN) SHALL BE WITH THE PROPERTY OWNER. PHASING, CHARACTER, OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE OF OPEN SPACE IS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING TABLE. TRACT/ DEDICATION/ PROPERTY PHASE SURFACE USES OWNERSHIP MAINTEbMQE TRACT H RESIDENTIAL NATIVE DRAINAGE/ HOA/ HOA/ NON IRRIGATED DETENTION INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT THE THEME AND CHARACTER REPRESENTED BY THIS PLAN IS CONTEXTUALLY SENSITIVE TO THE SURROUNDING NEIGHBORHOOD BUILDING MATERIALS AND OVERALL HEIGHT. THE ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS INCLUDED WITH THE SPECIFIC OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REPRESENT THE GENERAL DESIGN, STYLE, AND QUALITY OF THE FIRE STATION TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE SKYLINE STATES FILING NO. 3 COMMUNITY. EXPLANATION OF AMENDMENT THE PROPOSED ODP AMENDMENT AFFECTS ONLY THE PERMITTED USES ON LOT 1 OF BLOCK 4 OF SKYLINE ESTATES NO. 3 SUBDIVISION. ALL STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR BLOCK 1, LOTS 1 -12, BLOCK 2, LOTS 1 -13 AND BLOCK 3, LOTS 1 -12 AND TRACTS A -G SHALL BE DICTATED BY THE OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. F1912488 AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. F1912490. NOTES THE FULL COST OF THE DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF THE SIGNAL SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARVADA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT IF A TRAFFIC STUDY, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, AND ARVADA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AGREE THAT FIRE STATION #2 IS THE SOLE CAUSE FOR THE NEED FOR AN EMERGENCY SIGNAL. PROJECT TEAM: OWNER ARVADA FIRE DEPARTMENT 7903 ALLISON WAY ARVADA, CO 80005 C: CHIEF JON GREER P: 303.425.0905 F: 303.432.7995 E: jon.greerOarvadofire.com CIVIL PARK ENGINEERING 420 21ST AVENUE, SUITE 101 LONGMONT, COLORADO 80501 C: JOEL SEAMONS P: 303.651.6626 X7 F: 303.651,0331 E: Joel*Parkengineering.net CASE HISTORY WZ -02 -13 WS -02 -01 WZ -09 -09 WZ -10 -03 SHEET INDEX 1 COVER PAGE 2 SITE PLAN 3 ELEVATIONS 4 PERSPECTIVE ARCHITECT ALLRED & ASSOCIATES 580 BURBANK ST., UNIT 125 BROOMFIELD, CO 80020 C: BRAD BONNET P: 303.465.4306 X5 F: 303.465.4382 E: brad®allredarch.com PROPOSED USE FIRE STATION . I (iD ALLREDBtASSOCIATES 2010 EXHIBIT 4 PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION: RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL THIS DAY OF BY THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. CHAIRPERSON r� CITY CERTIFICATION: APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 20 BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL. ATTEST CITY CLERK MAYOR _ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE: THIS DOCUMENT WAS ACCEPTED FOR FILING IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO ON THE _ DAY OF , 20 AD., IN BOOK , PAGE , RECEPTION NO. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER mg a a • Ll� H w w Q 0 0 Ln N Ln L�J Z v! g G) W ®� ® co O O a' • V) • L0 co tp eY z V) 0 M O M :E < Z C ) z C3 z z p W Q_ 0 CO W > • Lu t� W 0 W m Z Ir In U 0 z W I- Q z m W Q � � co • Ll� H w w Q 0 0 Ln N Ln L�J NMI a I a PERMITTED USES 1. ANIMAL VETERINARY HOSPITALS AND CLINICS (NO CREMATION) 2. ANTIQUE STORES 3. APPAREL AND ACCESSORY STORES 4. APPLIANCE STORES (INCLUDING INCIDENTAL SERVICE AND REPAIRS) 5. BAKERIES, RETAIL 6, BANKS, LOAN AND FINANCE OFFICERS 7. BICYCLE STORES 8, BLUEPRINTING, PHOTOSTATIC COPYING AND OTHER SIMILAR REPRODUCTION SERVICES 9. BOOK STORES. NEWSSTANDS, STATIONERY AND CARD STORES 10, USAGE TYPE DELETED 11. BUTCHER SHOPS, INCLUDING MEAT. POULTRY OR SEAFOOD STORES 12. CABINET AND WOODWORKING SHOPS 13. CAMERA AND PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE AND SUPPLY STORES 14 CATERERS R =15.00 L= 19.60' A=74'51'41" T =11.48 CD =S37 °12'40 "W C= 18.23' 15. DEPARTMENT OR VARIETY STORES 16. DRUG STORES 17. EATING ESTABLISHMENTS, SIT DOWN , W 18. USAGE TYPE DELETED 19. USAGE TYPE DELETED Al I 20. FLORAL SHOPS 21, FURNITURE STORES 22. GARDEN SUPPLY STORES 23, GIFT. NOVELTY OR SOUVENIR STORES 24. GREENHOUSES AND LANDSCAPE NURSERIES 25. GROCERY OR CONVENIENCE STORES, NO GASOLINE PUMPS 26. HAIR, NAIL AND COSMETIC SERVICES _ 27. HARDWARE STORES 28. HOBBY AND CRAFT STORES 29. HOME FURNISHING STORES 30. HOME IMPROVEMENT SUPPLY STORES, INCLUDES INTERIOR DECORATING 31. JEWELRY STORES 32. LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING SHOPS 33. LEATHER GOODS AND LUGGAGE STORES 34. LINEN SUPPLY 35. LIQUOR STORES 36. LOCKSMITH 37. USAGE TYPE DELETED 38. USAGE TYPE DELETED 39, MEDICAL AND DENTAL OFFICES OR CLINICS 40. MUSIC STORES 41. OFFICE SUPPLY STORES 42 OFFLCES: GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES 43. OPTICAL STORES 44. PAINT AND W&LPAPER STORES 45. PET STORES 46. PHARMACIES 47, PICTURE FRAMING SHOPS 48. USAGE TYPE DELETED 49. SHOE REPAIR AND SALES SHOPS 50. SHOPS FOR CUSTOM WORK OR FOR MAKING ARTICLES, MATERIALS OR COMMODITIES TO BE SOLD AT RETAIL ON THE PREMISES 51. SPORTING GOODS STORES 52, STUDIO FOR PROFESSIONAL WORK OR TEACHING OF FINE ARTS. PHOTOGRAPHY. MUSIC. DRAMA OR DANCE 53. TAILOR. DRESSMAKING OR CLOTHING ALTERATION SHOPS 54. TELEVISION, RADIO, SMALL APPLIANCE OR COMPUTER REPAIR AND SERVICE SHOPS 55. TOBACCO STORES 56. TOY STORES 57. VIDEO RENTALS 58. WAREHOUSE /OFFICE (MAXIMUM 75% TOTAL AREA AS WAREHOUSE) 59, SIMILAR USES AS DETERMINED BY THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 26 -307 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF 60. FIRE STATION R= 275.00 % - _ L= 7L 7 71 g' - 6 I__ _ _ _ - - -- -- -- - ' W X14'57'04" / W. 53RD AVE \ \�REMAINLVERTS TO (E) TO REMAIN W ' / C =71.56 � � t- _ - - - -- - -- W 255.99' \\ N89'35� 34 "E cn ci . ' .. , 140.02 . . \\ .. _ . _ -_�� 115.9 �rrr Q f (E) LIGHT POLE \ c r , y \ - - �TO REMAIN, TYP., (N) GRATED STO�M MANHOLE W W) CS I < r LAND USE CHART ( �'y BUILDING FOOTPRINT 8,715 SF 9.9% SS SIDEWALK 3,758 SF 4.3% DRIVEWAY /PARKING 16,992 SF 19.4% � TRASH /GENERATOR 294 SF 0.3% F (N) O IDEWAL�C TO (E) DRAINAGE TROUGH 1,620 SF 1.9% BULL LNG, GRASS AND LANDSCAPING 56.352 SF 64.2% CONNECT TO (E) SITE TOTAL 87,731 SF SIDEWALK (2.01 ACRES) �S.r (�) CURB S CUT SI A� AT (N) I`X� REQUIRED PROPOSED DRIVD_AY� MINIMUM SETBACKS V� FRONT 50' MIN. 69' -4 1/2 SIDE 10' MIN. 121' -9" SIDE 10' MIN. 64' -5 1/2" (N) !CONC. CURB "ADJACENT TO RAMS TO MATCH PUBLIC- RIGHT -OF -WAY" 30' -0" i (E) REAR 15' MIN, 138' -4" BUILDING HEIGHT 35' MAX. 32' -8 1/4" (N) CULVERT *PROPOSED HEIGHT IS 28' -0" TO MID -ROOF" ( OPEN+NG LOT COVERAGE BUILDING - 9.9% PAVING - 24 % TOTAL 80% MAX 33.9 LANDSCAPING 20% MIN. 66.1 PARKING i /BUNK RM 8 - I z (E) CULVERTS + 3 PUBLIC 3 UNDER ROAD TO TOTAL 11 16 REMAIN ARCHITECTURE (AS APPROVED ON THE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (E) CONC. CURB AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ARCHITECTURAL AND RAMP TO REMAIN SITE DESIGN MANUAL) AT THE FINAL (TO HAVE FINAL APPROVAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN STAGE) - F SIGNAGE (REFER TO ARTICLE VII OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS) AREA OF MONUMENT SIGNAGE SHALL NOT BE (E LIGHT POI! GREATER THAN 22 SQUARE FEET LIGHTING (REFER TO SECTION 26 -503 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE TO REMAIN, TYf ., CODE OF LAWS) (E) CON ajqpl�__ FENCING (REFER TO SECTION 26 -603 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE RAMP TO REMAIN CODE OF LAWS) �__,q4 (E) �CONC. URB RAMOS TO "N () STOP I SIGN TOR MAIN (E) CULVERT TO REMAIN (N) STORM MANHOLE, CONNECt (E) CULVERT TO (N) �(N) CULVERT UNDER DIVES O CURB I CUT AT () ENTRANCE DRIVEWAY (N) CONC. CURB RAMS TO LATCH (E , TYP. OF 4 .-CAI T . i " F i GRAPHIC LGEND (N) BUILDING ZONING NOTE (N) TURF OR NATIVE GRASS ADJACENT PROPERTIES TO THE /' ! '-�` *�° . ' W �;�� ° �° ., �� -: , `/" . ' ;= 301 • � � � NORTH, EAST AND WEST ARE D (N) LANDSCAPING 6+ % CURRENTLY ZONED RESIDENTIAL PRD. W • ALL IMPROVEMENTS ARE IN PLACE. C (N) CONC. -'�` SITE PLAN (E) CULVERT OPENINGS AND (E) CONC. DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TO REMAIN SCALE: 1 " =20' -0" m R =15.00 L= 22.46' A=85 °47'04" T =13.94 CD =N47 °30'54 "W C= 20.42' L =4.38' A -0 °46'20" T =2.19 CD= S05'00'32 "E C =4.38' SIDEWALK TO (E) DETENTION POND TO REMAIN V) 1 I i (E) CULVERTS TO REMAIN L= 20.95' A= 80'02'58" T =12.60 CD= N34'37'23 "E C= 19.29' (E) SIDEWALK TO REMAIN 1 ��g Z 8 W ® 16 cr ® o �/�• co to LLl � O Z "' • $ • • • • 'I I 9pas • • • r • a • 11 U. • • D 1 t rem 1 Q ALLRED&ASSOCIATES 2010 q r OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN, AMENDMENT NO. 1 I Jill wilill Ir 0 FA� I in w Ll "m 1 tftK*_,F THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 16. %AICC"r CA CA/A 1. EIFS 2. EIFS REVEL 3. BRICK VENEER WAINSCOT 4. STONE CAP -TYP. ABOVE BRICK VENEER 5. STONE ACCENT BANDING 6. STONE COLUMN PLATE 7, GLUE LAM COLUMN -ST, 8. STEEL BEAM W/ END CAP -PT. 9. BRICK VENEER SCREEN WALL WITH STONE CAP & STONE ACCENT BANDING TO MATCH BUILDING 10. BRICK VENEER MONUMENT SIGN WITH STONE CAP & STONE ACCENT BANDING TO MATCH BUILDING. RE: 1/301 11. BRICK VENEER COLUMN WITH STONE CAP & STONE ACCENT BANDING TO MATCH BUILDING 12. CLASS 'A' ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF —TYP. 13. ALUMN. STOREFRONT WINDOW 14. OVERHEAD DOOR 15. OVERHEAD DOOR DUMMY PANELS TO MATCH DOOR PANELS 16. PRE—FIN. MTL. FASCIA —TYP. 17. 6 ALUMINUM STANDOFF BUILDING IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS 18. 10" ALUMINUM STANDOFF LETTERS 19. BRONZE PLAQUE 20. PRE—FIN. MTL DS 4 —TYP. 21. BOLLARD —PT. 0. RIDGE 25' -1" EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8"=V 0" NORTH ELEVATION o t T.O. RIDGE 128'—O T.O. RIDGE 125'—l" (Z) ALLRED&ASSOCIATES 201 SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0" TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIX?_ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADd "TO NE CAP 'ITH DRIP EDGE. COLOR D BE SELECTED BY RCHITECT. RICK VENEER TO MATCH JILDING BRICK * ALUMINUM STAND FF LETTERS TONE BANDING TO ATCH BUILDING O ALUMINUM STAND F LETTERS 0 ALUMINUM STAND F LETTERS T-0 RIDGE 32'-8 1/4" ral 0. RIDGE 18'-3 3/4" Z E LO T.O. RIDGE r 3 8 Ir— )9 F t 0 )5p-8#t 0 LLJ to co c; cc c) 't 1.0 z 0 - 5 c) C> Z 0. ICL Z 04 0 z 0 ui < _j CL z 0 CL 0 0 to UJI > • Lij LL Lu Cr* W m w 0 0 Lu cr_ F :D 0 z c) 0 U) w cf) Z u- to LLJ uj < < OD C) 1,11 cl- cn C) to T-0 RIDGE 32'-8 1/4" ral 0. RIDGE 18'-3 3/4" c1q T.O. RIDGE 11 6'-4" T.O. RIDGE P 115'-10 3/4" 0. VENEER )9 0. SCREEN WALL )5p-8#t 0 F.E. to oL T.O. RIDGE 'F 132-8 1/4" T.O. RIDGE 118'-3 3/4" T.O. RIDGE 11 6'-4 * T.O. RIDGE 115'-10 3/4 T.O. VENEER 109'-4" OL T.O. SCREEN WALL J "F 105'-8" F.F. 100'-0" SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" uj uu oC 0 C) Ln c*4 LA v cf)l UIIiiiiiIiIIiiIiIII ( . � MONUMENT SIGN ELEVATION a a ) so t E LO (D 8 -T-- ' C) 77 D L 04 00 d cc cl) 4: z u L.0 (0 0 0 C) c) CL Z a. 5; C) z ao < 0 CL 0 0 ci W > I w • LLJ LL W cc uj M ui 0 0 w ui ?%FA ce cc 2q , :z — 1 w D !�! w F- 0 z mi 0 0) 0 U) LLJ Z cjc LU < ITA C < ) so t E LO ) Z E LO (D 8 -T-- ' C) D L 04 00 d cc cl) 4: z u L.0 (0 0 0 C) c) CL Z a. 5; C) z ao < 0 CL 0 0 ci W > I w • LLJ LL W cc uj M ui 0 0 w ui 0 ce cc 2q , :z — 1 w D !�! w F- 0 z mi 0 0) 0 U) LLJ Z cjc LU < < Ln cf) U) r�. 7 a WAVM2�� SCALE: N.T.S. I (Z)ALLRED&ASSOCIATES 2010 OWNF Whhh'. 0 Z O w a J W .+ F- m N 3s N Z O F a w J o W D .. Og V ER 3 Z O H a w J c W = m r - N :s EE■ ■■� EXHIBIT 5 ALL itecture Planning Interior Design 580 Burbank, Suite 125, Broomfield, Colorado, 80020 Tel (303) 465.4306 Fax (303) 465.4382 www.allredarch.com 13 May, 2010 Mrs. Meredith Reckert Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 -8001 (P) 303.235.2846 (E) mreckertta'Zci.wheatridge.co.us RE: Arvada Fire Protection District Fire Station #2 5250 Oak Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado Allred Project #0915 Dear Meredith, per your letter dated March 15, 2010 for the Arvada Fire Protection District ODP for Fire Station #2, your comment for page 3, question #2 reads as follows: "The Architectural and Site Design Manual specifies that ground floor facades facing stmets shall have at least 60 °Jo transparency. For comer lots, the minimum percentage of transparency can be allocated from one street fagade to another. At no time can the percent of transparency on a street front be less than 30%. Please provide an analysis of the transparency of the facades facing Ridge, Oak and W. 53` Avenue." Our project team has designed fire station #2 with the contextual understanding of the surrounding neighborhood development and with the use of durable and the function needs for Arvada Fire Protection District and their staffed fire fighters. Therefore, the proposed fire station does not have a commercial design feel with the use of ribbon storefront glazing that would be required to meet the 60% transparency requirements as indicated above. This proposed fire station accommodates steeping quarters and living spaces for the fire fighters as well as emergency vehicle bays. Because of these uses the proposed fire station has a more `residential* feel to the design rather than a commercial street front design. Energy efficiency is also a major concern for Arvada Fire Protection District. Because of this the overhead doors are not an all glazing system that can only provide an R -Value of approximately 2.5. The proposed overhead doors have a 1" insulated glazing section to allow fire fighters to see out and the public to see in with insulated sections to obtain an R -Value of approximately 10. Due to the EXHIBIT 6 RESPONSES - CONTINUED east and west facing overhead doors, the heating bad requirements during the winter months and the cooling bads during the summer months are greatly affected by the R value of the overhead doors. AN windows use a V insulated glass- I hope this answers some of you concerns and 9 you reed any further information from our office please do not hesitate to call_ cc: Chief Jon Greer Arvada Fire Protection District Fide � � d City Of C �� W heat lk MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Planning Commission THROUGH: Ken Johnstone, Community Development Director FROM: Sarah Showalter, Planner II DATE: May 14, 2010 (for May 20 study session) SUBJECT: Mixed Use Zone Districts Planning Division staff started work on a new mixed use zoning code in January, 2010. The formation of "straight" mixed use zone districts — as opposed to planned developments (PDs) — is a priority implementation step in Envision Wheat Ridge, the comprehensive plan adopted in 2009. The intent is for these districts to provide a more predictable zoning process and encourage mixed use development within targeted areas of the city. At the Planning Commission study session on April 1, 2010, staff provided an update on the project and discussed several items in the first draft of the code. Since that time, staff released Draft 2, held a second meeting with the mixed use zoning task force, and hosted a city -wide open house on May 12 to get input on Draft 2. A copy of Draft 2, released on the project website for public review in late April, is attached. We ask that you please review it in preparation for discussion at the May 20th study session. All changes from Draft 1 are highlighted in yellow so that you can easily focus on revisions that were made since our last study session. Please also refer to the cover memo for a brief summary of the most important revisions. Based on feedback from the mixed use zoning task force and our open house on May 12 there are several key items that we would like to provide updates on and /or discuss at the May 20 study session. These items include: 1. Building Heights • Update on building- height -to- street -width ratio concept • Upper level stepbacks 2. Auto - oriented uses Separation requirement for fast food drive- thrus: consider reducing to 1000 ft or 500 ft Gas stations: allow in MU -N as conditional use with separation requirements? Gas stations and build -to requirements • Allow indoor car sales as conditional use in MU -C TOD and MU -N? 3. Mixed use requirements for mixed large sites (over 5 acres) 4. Residential transitions • Reduced height for MU -C areas if a building is within a certain distance of residentially zoned property? • Comments from open house 5. Development review process: fully administrative 6. Conditional uses: replaced special uses 7. Provisions for nonconforming properties Process and Timeline Update There is one more mixed use task force meeting scheduled for June 2 °d . Staff plans to use input from that meeting, the May 12 open house, and the study session with Planning Commission on May 20 to create Draft 3. The intent is for Draft 3 to be the final draft, with most major content items resolved. Currently, we hope to release Draft 3 at the end of June, after a study session with City Council on June 21 st. Staff will then use the summer to make final revisions to the code and draft the final ordinance, which will hopefully be adopted through public hearings at the end of the summer or early fall. Attachments: Mixed Use Zone District Code — Draft 2 Building Height Ratio Studies Separation Requirement Examples for Drive -Thru Uses 2 IRCR MIXED USE WNING WheatKi!0ge BETTER ZONING FOR A VIBRANT WHEAT RIDGE MIXED USE ZONING CODE DRAFT 2 APRIL 27, 2010 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department is pleased to release Draft 2 of the mixed use zoning code. The code is being developed to promote mixed use development in targeted areas of the city, namely commercial corridors that were identified in the recently adopted Comprehensive Plan, Envision Wheat Ridge. To learn more about mixed use development and its benefits, please visit the project website: www.wrmixeduse.com. Changes in Draft 2 reflect valuable input from: • The Mixed Use Zoning Forum for 38 Avenue, held on April 8th • Results from surveys distributed at mixed use zoning forums and available on the project website (www.wrmixeduse.com) • The Mixed Use Zoning Task Force, an 8- member group of developers, designers, real estate brokers, and property owners who have experience with mixed use development • The Wheat Ridge Planning Commission (from study session on April 1 s ) Notes for reading Draft 2: • All changes /additions since Draft 1 (released March 12 are highlighted in yellow • Dimensions or items that may require further study or refinement are in blue Major changes from Draft 1: • Building Heights (page 2): maximum height in feet was increased to allow for office buildings. The typical height of an office story is 14', versus 10' -12' for residential. The metrics in Draft 2 are intended to allow for a ground floor retail level (typically 18' -20' high) with office or residential stories above. • Building Heights (page 2): maximum height for mixed use buildings was increased so that the height incentive is 2 stories, versus 1 story from Draft 1. A 2 -story incentive is more likely to work than a 1 -story incentive. • Building Orientation (pages 2 -3): the requirement that at least one entry face a street was removed for most districts to allow for greater flexibility. The Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU -N) district, which is intended to promote a main street form of development, requires at least one entry to face the street or a public space. • Drive - Through Uses (pages 7 and 18): the restriction that drive -up lanes could not be between the building and the street, as well as the one drive -up lane limit, was removed for all districts /sub- districts except for Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU -N). Screening requirements for drive - throughs were enhanced. In order to discourage too many drive - through uses in one area, separation requirements were added on page 18. • Building Stepbacks (page 9): due to higher allowable building heights, the concept that all buildings over 75' must have upper -story stepbacks was added to the code. Required stepbacks prevent tall buildings from creating a canyon along the street and ensure that light reaches the sidewalk. • Building Stepbacks — Adjacent to Residential Uses (pages 9 -10): the required stepbacks were increased to 5' per story, totaling 25' after the fourth story, for any building adjacent to a residentially -zoned lot. • Parking Lot Screening (page 11): for screening along streets, the language was changed to allow more variety in permitted screening devices. For screening adjacent to residential uses, the requirement for a screen wall, in addition to a landscape buffer, was added. • Parking Garage Design (page 12): design requirements for the ground -level of parking structures were modified to promote high - quality facades that screen cars and create interest for people walking by. • Permitted Use Table — Conditional Uses (pages 16 -17): the Special Use category was changed to Conditional Use. The Conditional Use Permit review, unlike Special Use Permits, will be administrative only so that no public hearings are required. Please also see the requirements for conditional use permits, added on pages 22 -23. • Administrative Adjustment Process (page 22): the option for a 25% reduction in minimum parking requirements was added. Please feel free to contact us with questions, including specific comments on Draft 2: Sarah Showalter, AICP I Planner II 1 303 - 235 -2849 1 sshowalter @ci.wheatridge.co.us GIVE USE YOUR INPUT — MIXED USE ZONING OPEN HOUSE ON MAY 12 Want to learn more about what is in Draft 2? Already read Draft 2 and have questions or recommendations? Please join city staff for an open house on the new code. Wednesday, May 12 — 6pm to 7:30pm City Council Chambers, Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W 29 Avenue, Wheat Ridge 80033 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 ARTICLE XI. MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS Sec. 26 -1101. Purpose A. The purpose of the Mixed Use Commercial (MU -C) and Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU- N) Zone Districts is to create a flexible approach to land uses and enhance the character of Wheat Ridge's commercial corridors and centers by promoting development that: 1. Creates a balanced mix of land uses; 2. Supports a sustainable and resilient local economy; 3. Provides unique places for people to live, work, shop, and play; 4. Improves the public realm through high quality design; 5. Promotes use by pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users, in addition to automobiles; 6. Encourages active lifestyles; and 7. Maintains the character and integrity of adjacent residential neighborhoods. Sec. 26 -1102. Districts Established A. Mixed Use Commercial (MU -C) Zone District: This district, generally located along major commercial corridors and at community and employment activity centers, is established to encourage medium to high density mixed use development. In addition to residential and civic uses, it allows for a wide range of commercial and retail uses. 1. MU -C Transit Oriented Development Sub - district (MU -C TOD): This sub - district is intended for areas within 1/2 mile of fixed guideway rail stations, including light rail and commuter rail. It follows the MU -C framework but is specifically designed to allow densities that support transit ridership and to encourage land uses and building form that enhance connections to transit. 2. MU -C Interstate Sub - district (MU -C Interstate): this sub - district is intended for properties along the Kipling Street corridor that are generally within 500 feet of Interstate -70. It follows the MU -C framework but is intended for highway - adjacent sites that may require variation in design or land use due to direct proximity to the interstate. Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU -N): This district, generally located along neighborhood main streets and at neighborhood commercial centers, is established to encourage medium density mixed use development. In addition to residential and civic uses, it allows for a more limited range of neighborhood- serving commercial and retail uses. Sec. 26 -1103. Applicability A. All standards and requirements within Article _ shall apply to: 1. Site development; 2. Expansion of existing structures by more than 15 percent of the gross floor area. B. Legal nonconforming uses: Where a use lawfully existed at the time of adoption of this Article, _[date]_, 2010, and which would not be allowed under Section 26 -1111 Permitted Uses, such use may continue to exist and may expand its gross floor area by no more than 25 percent. MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 C. Legal nonconforming structures: Where a structure lawfully existed at the time of adoption of this Article, _[date]_, 2010, and which would not be allowed by the provisions within this Article because of either building placement or orientation, building design, parking placement or design, parking requirements, or site and vehicular access, such structure may continue to exist and may be enlarged, altered or added to provided that the alteration or addition does not increase the nonconformity. 1. Any new addition or expansion to a nonconforming structure shall comply with all provisions within this Article, where practical. The Community Development Director shall determine if there is a requirement that cannot be practically met. Such determination may be appealed to the Board of Adjustment. D. Wherever provisions within this Article conflict with other Articles in Chapter 26, the provisions within Article XI shall apply. E. Graphics: The illustrations that appear in this Article are for illustrative purposes only. Sec. 26 -1104. Building Height A. Principle: Taller buildings allow for a range of uses within one structure and encourage a compact form of development that is focused on pedestrian connections. Buildings with a similar range in height help to define the street wall and create an architectural identity for a corridor or area. B. The following table establishes required building heights. Whatever measurement is more restrictive -- maximum stories or maximum feet -- shall apply. Buildin g Height Require ents MU -C M U -C Interstate MU -C TOD MU -N Minimum height 20' 20' 20' none Maximum height Mixed use building 6 stories 90' 8 stories (118' ) 8 stories 118' see § 26 -1104. C Single use building 4 stories (62') 6 stories (90') 6 stories (90') see § 26 -1104. C C. In the MU -N district, any building containing a residential use shall have a maximum height of 35 feet. All other buildings shall have a maximum height of 50 feet.' D. Where there is conflict regarding maximum building heights between this section and the City Charter, the maximums established in the City Charter shall apply. E. For buildings over 75 feet in height, see section 26- 1106.G, Upper Story Stepbacks. Sec. 26 -1105. Building Placement and Orientation A. Principle: In order to activate the streetscape and enhance the pedestrian experience, buildings are encouraged to be placed close to the street and oriented toward the public realm. B. Public Entrances: All buildings are encouraged to have at least one public entry that faces the primary or secondary street. 1. Within the MU -N sub - district, each building shall have at least one main public entry that faces the primary street or a public space adjacent to the building. (Figure 1). For corner lots with more than one street frontage, the public entry may be oriented toward the corner. 1 MU -N height restrictions match what is currently allowed in City Charter. 2 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 Figure 1: Required Public Entry for MU -N District - Within the MU -N district, at least one public entry must s:r face the primary street, or a public space adjacent to the building, as illustrated here. 2. In all districts, for development sites with more than one structure, those buildings that do not directly front a street shall have at least one primary entrance that adjoins a pedestrian walk. The primary entrance should be connected to the street by a walkway that is clearly defined and separated from parking areas. C. Building Orientation: Building facades shall be parallel to the street. The following exceptions are permitted: 1. At corners or intersections, where angles or curves shall be permitted. 2. Up to 15 percent of a building facade may contain curves or angles that are not parallel to the street. D. Building Setbacks: Setbacks establish the minimum distance between a building facade and the nearest property line (Figure 2). The following table establishes minimum side and rear setback requirements for all structures in the MU -C and MU -N districts. Front setbacks are not required; instead, build -to areas established in Section 26- 1105.F anrnuraga huildings to be built close to the street. Building Setbacks MU -c MU -N Minimum Side Setback 0' 0' Minimum Rear Setback 5' S' Minimum Side Setback, where 10' 10' abutting a residentially zoned See § 26- 1106.H for upper See § 26- 1106.H for upper lot level ste backs level ste backs Minimum Rear Setback, where 10' 10' abutting a residentially zoned See § 26- 1106.H for upper See § 26- 1106.1-1 for upper lot level ste backs level ste backs E. Right -of -Way Encroachments: architectural elements attacnea to the ouiiaing ta�aae may encroach into the right -of -way up to 3 feet at the ground floor, and up to 5 feet at upper levels. Such encroachments may include window planter boxes, eaves, balconies, projecting wall signs, canopies, and awnings. 3 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS ._.._.._. cy Primary Street Frontage Build -To Area Iv 0'— 12' c 1 CU CL of I I �Q i C i o See Figures 3 and 4 o c I I LL i j i I i r — •—' - -1 i I I I i j I . Side Prop. i 1B Line i i 50% DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 Figure 2: Setbacks and Build -To Area A - Build -To Area: building may be anywhere within this area, and is required to fill at least part of it. B - Side Setback: building may not encroach into this area. C - Rear Setback: building may not encroach into this area. Build -To Areas: Build -to areas are intended to bring building facades toward the street. A build -to area requires that a minimum portion of each development site's street frontage is occupied by a building, encouraging an active and interesting street frontage. The following table establishes build -to requirements for each district. Build -To Areas MU -C MU -N Primary Street Frontage Build -To Area 0'— 20' 0'— 12' Linear portion of build -to area that must contain building 50% 70% facade (minimum) See Figures 3 and 4 Secondary Street Frontage Build -To Area 0' — 20' 0' —12' Linear portion of build -to area that must contain building 30% 50% facade (minimum) See Figures 3 and 4 1. For a development site with more than one building, not all buildings must meet the build -to requirement, as long as those buildings closest to the street fulfill the requirements set forth in the table above (Figure 4). 2. For a development site with more than one building, build -to requirements may be met by a future phase. In such cases, the parcel(s) of any future building(s) required to meet the build -to requirement must be platted and recorded prior to issuance of a building permit for the first phase of development. 4 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS - 4. .~� Wnta ru._ �maM K " " 20" rBuild",TO -50% of bu area Primary Street Frontage DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 Figure ]: Build-To Area for Development Site with One Building Both images inthis figure illustrate the same site from different views. m this case, 5O%uf the build-to area along the primary street i, occupied by a building. Figure 4: Build-To Area for Development Site with Multiple Buildings The required primary and ,econdavstreet build-to areas may be fulfilled by more than one building. Build-to requirements only apply to those buildings closest to the street. ~~ ^ S C7/0 rk et eet rollt, K/ ';V to M to 0 5 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 Sec. 26 -1106. Building Design A. Principle: Quality architecture is a vital component to creating a unique sense of "place." Creative design that pays careful attention to the building's contribution to the public realm — through massing, form, materiality, and its relationship to the street — is encouraged. B. Fagade Design and Articulation 1. All fagades of a building shall provide a level of finished architectural quality and be designed to human scale. Each fagade shall contain at least one change in color or texture. Additional detail should be incorporated into the fagade design by the use of at least three of the following methods: • Reveals • Belt courses • Cornices • Expression of a structural or architectural bay • Articulation of windows and doorways, which may include sills, mullions, or pilasters that create a three dimensional expression • Change in material 2. All fagades of a building that face a street or a public space shall have at least one variation in plane depth of at least 2 feet for every 50 linear feet of the length of the fagade. All other fagades shall have one variation in plane depth of at least 2 feet for every 100 linear feet of the length of the facade. 3. Non - permanent features such as canopies and awnings will not qualify as variation. Plane depth variation may be accomplished through elements such as: • Recessed entries • Porticos • Upper level stepbacks • Dormers • Offsets in the general plane of the fagade, including columns, pilasters, protruding bays, reveals, fins, ribs, balconies, cornices or eves 4. The primary entrance of a building shall be emphasized through at least two of the following architectural elements: • Changes in wall plane or building massing • Differentiation in material and /or color • Higher level of detail • Enhanced lighting C. Materials 1. Only primary building materials shall be used for all facades. Primary building materials include, but are not limited to: • Brick • Stone • Architectural pre -cast concrete • Synthetic brick and masonry materials • Hard coat stucco • Integral textured colored concrete block • Terra -cotta • Architectural metal panels 6 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 2. Materials that are not allowed include, but are not limited to: • Plywood paneling • Vinyl and aluminum siding • Un- articulated large format concrete panels • EIFS 3. Material variation: All building facades shall have at least one change in material for each 10 feet (and portion thereof) of wall height. A change in material must be at least 18 inches in height. Masonry patterns, such as headers or rowlocks, can count as a change of material. Windows, canopies, and doorways will not count as a change in material. D. Ground Floor Transparency 1. Retail uses: the facade facing the primary street frontage shall be at least 60 percent transparent. All other facades facing a street or public space shall be at least 30 percent transparent. 2. All other non - residential uses (excluding retail): the fagade facing the primary street frontage shall be at least 40 percent transparent. All other facades facing a street or public space shall be at least 25 percent transparent. 3. Transparency shall be calculated as the percentage of clear, non - reflective glass within the area between 2 feet and 8 feet above the first floor finished elevation. 4. Transparent doors and window mullions shall count as part of the transparent area. Structural elements and opaque or reflective glass shall not count toward the transparency requirement, except that up to 30 percent of the transparency requirement for any one facade may be fulfilled by spandrel glass. 5. Glass display cases may count toward the transparency requirement only if they give the appearance of windows, are at least 18 inches deep, and are maintained with items of interest, including window display graphics. 6. For retail uses, windows at the ground floor shall be at least 5 feet high. Drive - throughs and Drive -ups 1. Drive -up windows: Where drive - throughs and drive -ups are allowed (see section 26 -1111, Permitted Uses), the drive -up window shall be placed at the side or rear of a building and shall not be located at street corners. 2. Number of drive -up lanes: the following table specifies the maximum number of drive -up lanes allowed by district and sub - district: Maximum Number of Drive-Up Lanes Allowed M U -C MU -C MU -C TOD MU -N Interstate Max drive -up lanes 3 no limit 1 1 3. Width and location of drive -up lanes: No drive -up lane shall be wider than 12 feet. Drive -up lanes between the building and the street are discouraged. Within the MU -N District and MU -C TOD Sub - district, the drive -up lane shall not be located between the building and the primary street. (Figure 5) 4. Screening of drive -up lanes: Any drive -up lane that is visible from a street or public space, or that is adjacent to a lot with a residential use, shall incorporate the following screening elements: • A screen wall, at least 42 inches in height, with materials that are MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 consistent with the primary building. The screen wall must meet the sight - triangle requirements in section 26 -603. • A landscaped buffer, at least 4 feet in width, between the property line and the screen wall. (Figure 6) • Where there is more than one drive -up lane, canopies or other structural elements shall be used for further screening. These screening elements shall be compatible with the architectural qualities of the main building, including materials, form, scale, and color. 5. The drive - through stacking requirements in section 26- 501.E.10 shall not apply. C AL teet - - -- Figure 5: Drive -up Lane Location in the MU -N District Within the MU -N district, the drive -up lane may not be located between the building and the primary street. Figure 6: Drive - through Screening Where a drive -up lane is visible from the street, a 42" screen wall and 4' wide landscape buffer are required JIM 4' F. Screening — Loading, Service Areas, and Utilities 1. All loading docks, utility structures, and other service areas associated with a building shall be fully screened from view by walls or fences. (Figure 7) 2. Trash enclosures shall be incorporated into the building design and screened with full wall enclosures. Such enclosures may not be located between the building fagade and the street. 3. All screening elements shall be at least as tall as the object (e.g. trash enclosure, loading dock, or utility structure) being screened. 4. Rooftop equipment shall be screened by parapets or enclosures. Screening elements shall be composed of forms, materials, and colors that are compatible E? MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 with the architectural qualities of the building, including materials, scale, form, and color. 5. Wherever possible, exterior utility boxes and above - ground utility installations shall be located to the side or rear of buildings, and not visible from the street. Figure 7: Screening Loading docks, service areas, and utility structures must be screened by walls orfences. G. Upper Story Stepbacks 1. For buildings taller than 75 feet, an upper level stepback is required for any fa4ade that faces a public street or a public space. For such facades, the portion of the fa4ade over 75 feet in height must stepback at least 10 feet from the outer edge of the first story. (Figure 8) 2. Terraces and unenclosed balconies may extend up to 8 feet into the required upper level stepback area. I 1 �I ` 175' J i 1 Figure 8: Upper Story Stepback For building facades over 75' in height that face a public street or public space, any portion of the facade over 75' in height must step back at least 10: H. Residential Transition - Upper Story Stepbacks 1. The following upper story stepbacks shall be required for any building in a mixed use district that abuts a residentially -zoned lot, provided the residentially -zoned lot does not contain a structure over 36 feet in height. The required stepbacks shall apply to any facade, side or rear, that faces the residentially -zoned lot. (Figure 9) 9 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 Residential Transition - Re uired Upper Story Ste backs MU -C MU -N Minimum Setback - first story (see § 26- 1105.D) 10' 10' Minimum Stepback - stories 2 -4 5' per story 5' per story Minimum Stepback - stories 4 and above 25' 25' 1. Terraces and unenclosed balconies may extend up to 8 feet into the required upper level stepback area. ' i Figure 9: Residential Transition - 5' i Upper Story Stepbacks Any structure that abuts a 5' residentially -zoned lot with a *"' ! structure 36' in height or less must stepback at least 5' per « i i 36' story for stories 2 -4, with a total stepback of 25' for the fourth 10 -.._. ._.._................. �y.._.._. - - ' _ story and above. Sec. 26 -1107. Off - Street Parking Placement and Design A. Principle: Streets are more vibrant and interesting to pedestrians if they are lined with buildings and active uses. Surface parking should be located behind buildings, toward the interior of lots, and should be screened from view from adjacent streets. Structured parking should be placed to minimize impacts on surrounding development and be designed to be compatible - in terms of form, materials, and architectural style - with adjacent development. B. Surface Parking Placement 1. Parking areas shall be located to the rear or side of the building. For development sites with more than one building, parking is not allowed in front of the building(s) closest to the street, but is allowed in front of permitted buildings interior to the development site. (Figure 10) Figure 10: Off- street Parking Location for Development Site with Multiple Buildings Parking must be to the rear or side of buildings closest to the street, but is permitted in front of buildings interior to the site. 10 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 C. Surface Parking Buffers and Screening 1. Where a surface parking lot directly abuts a street or public space, one or more of the following screening elements shall be used: a. Minimum 5 -foot wide landscape buffer with trees located a minimum of 30 feet on center. b. A vertical screening device, 30 to 46 inches in height. The screening device may be a continuous masonry wall constructed of stone, brick, or split -face concrete block, a combination masonry pier and decorative iron railing, or any other decorative and durable screening device that is consistent with the materials of the primary building. Wood, chain link and vinyl picket fencing shall not be permitted. The screen must meet the sight triangle requirements in section 26 -603. c. Where a parking lot's frontage along the street or public space is greater than 20 linear feet, no more than 30 percent of the screening requirement may be fulfilled by a landscape buffer. Where a surface parking lot is directly adjacent to a residentially -zoned lot, a solid screen wall, a minimum of 5 feet in height, shall be required. The wall shall be continuous masonry construction with materials that are consistent with the primary building. There shall also be a landscape buffer, at least 5 feet in width, between the wall and the adjacent property line. (Figure 11) 5' 5 D. Surface Parking Design Figure 11: Parking Lots Adjacent to Residential Use Such parking areas require a minimum 5' landscaped buffer and screen wall between parking area and residential use 1. Parking areas shall meet the requirements for the design of off- street parking — including surfacing, landscaping, lighting, and space /aisle dimensions — stated within section 26- 501.E.5., section 26- 501.E.6, section 26- 501.E.7 and section 26- 501.E.11 2. Parking lots that utilize permeable paving are encouraged. 3. Parking areas over 1,000 square feet shall contain a well - defined pedestrian walk, whether by change in paving material or landscaping, that connects the parking area to the adjacent street and the building(s) on site. Parking Structure Design 1. Parking garage design should be compatible with adjacent buildings in terms of form, massing, scale, materials, and facade articulation. 2. Spandrel panels or opaque screening systems, such as louvers, at least 36 inches in 11 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 height shall be used to screen vehicles from view on all levels. 3. Any parking garage facade that is visible from public view shall be orthogonal in composition and so that ramping systems are not visible. (Figure 12) 4. Wherever possible, especially for parking garage facades that face a public street, the ground floor of the parking structure should incorporate retail, commercial, or other nonresidential uses to help activate the street. 5. Any ground -level facade of a parking garage that is visible from the street and does not provide retail, commercial, or other active ground floor uses shall include at least 2 of the following design features: • Facade articulation through change in vertical plane or a change in building material. • The use of windows or false windows defined by frames, lintels, or sills. • Integration of multiple building entrances. • Buffering along the street edge with landscaping, street trees, green walls, or trellises with vines. 1 F ' I _As Figure 12: Parking Garage Design The image on top illustrates a garage facade with an expressed ramping system, which is not allowed. The image below illustrates the same garage with a facade that is orthagonal, with all floors at 90 degree angles. 12 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS Sec. 26 -1108. Site Circulation and Vehicular Access DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 A. Principle: Access and circulation for automobiles should be designed to minimize the number of curb cuts, increase connectivity, and to encourage shared access points from streets so that disruptions to the pedestrian environment are minimized. B. Block sizes: where new public or private streets are proposed, blocks with a perimeter of 1600 -1800 feet are encouraged. Block sizes shall be no greater than 2,000 feet in perimeter. C. Curb cuts: for new development along existing streets, where a curb cut already exists, the number of curb cuts to the site shall not be increased. Where possible, existing curb cuts should be consolidated. 1. Wherever possible, vehicular access to a site or building shall occur through an alley, rather than by a curb cut from the street. D. Vehicular entrances: vehicular entrances to buildings and parking garages that contain a ramp shall be screened from view of the street or adjacent public space. Where a vehicular entrance or ramp directly abuts a pedestrian walk, appropriate cautionary signed shall be used to alert pedestrians of the presence of vehicles and to inform drivers that pedestrians have the priority. Sec. 26 -1109. Parking Requirements A. Principle: Large areas of free parking encourage automobile use and detract from the land available for high quality development. Strategies to utilize parking areas effectively — such as shared parking and parking structures — are highly encouraged. Especially within areas adjacent to transit services, reduced parking requirements encourage transit and other modes alternative to the automobile. B. The following table specifies the number of parking spaces required by general use group. Use Group Minimum Required Parking Maximum Allowed Parkin Hospital 1 space per bed 2 spaces er bed Light Industrial 1 space per 1,000 square feet 3 spaces per 1,000 square feet Lodging — hotels, motels, extended stay, bed and breakfast 1 space per 2 rooms 1.5 spaces per room Office /bank 2 spaces per 1,000 square feet 5 spaces per 1,000 square feet Place of worship 1 space per each 5 seats 1 space per seat Residential 1 space per unit 2.5 s aces per unit Restaurant 4 spaces per 1,000 square feet 10 spaces per 1,000 square feet Retail 3 spaces per 1,000 square feet S spaces per 1,000 square feet Theater 1 space per 5 seats 1 space per 2 seats All other uses Uses not specifically listed above shall submit a parking analysis as part of development review for approval by the Community Development Director Note: square feet is measured as gross floor area 13 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 C. On- street parking: on- street parking spaces directly abutting the use may count toward the total number of required parking spaces. D. Off -site parking: parking requirements may be met off -site, up to a walking distance of 1,000 feet via a publicly accessible route from the use, subject to an off -site parking agreement. The agreement must be submitted for approval by the Community Development Director and, once approved, recorded against all properties subject to the agreement. E. Shared parking: shared parking is permitted and encouraged. Shared parking shall be approved subject to the review and approval of a shared parking study citing ULI accepted shared parking ratios, as may be amended. F. Transit parking reductions: properties within the MU -C TOD sub - district may reduce minimum parking requirements by 20 percent. F. Incentive for structured parking: Except within the MU -N district, buildings that incorporate structured parking may qualify for the higher building heights allowed for mixed use buildings in the Building Height Requirements Table in section 26- 1104.B. For a development site with a free - standing parking garage, the additional building height may be applied to a building within the development site that is served by the parking structure. G. Accessible parking shall be provided in accordance with section 26- 501.E.9 G. Off - street loading shall be provided in accordance with section 26- 501.E.8 H. Bicycle parking 1. For non - residential development, or portion thereof, bicycle parking spaces shall be required at a rate of 1 bicycle parking space for every 25 automobile parking spaces. 2. For residential development, or portion thereof, bicycle parking spaces shall be required at a rate of 1 bicycle parking space for every 10 units. No multifamily residential development shall provide less than 3 bicycle parking spaces. 3. Parking for bicycles shall be provided on site. Bicycle parking areas shall be well - lighted and located not more than 50 feet from the primary building entrance. Sec. 26 -1110. Open Space Requirements A. Principle: Parks, plazas, squares and other forms of public spaces play an important role in the quality of place. Landscaped and hardscaped areas contribute to the public realm by providing places for people to gather, relax, and recreate. B. Open space required: the following table sets forth the minimum amount of open space required, measured as a percentage of the net development site area (total site area less public right -of -way). C. Aggregated open space: open space may be aggregated into larger parks, plazas, and squares for one development site, rather than calculated per parcel, subject to approval by the Community Development Director. In such cases, the parcel(s) required to meet 14 Minimum Required Open Spa e MU -C MU -N Mixed Use Development 10% 10% Single Use Development 15% 15% C. Aggregated open space: open space may be aggregated into larger parks, plazas, and squares for one development site, rather than calculated per parcel, subject to approval by the Community Development Director. In such cases, the parcel(s) required to meet 14 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 any open space requirement must be identified and noted on the approved site plan on file in the Community Development Department. D. Minimum landscaping: at least 40 percent of the required open space area shall be composed of landscaped materials, including trees. E. Usable open space: For all development sites, at least 75 percent of the required open space must be usable open space.' 1. Usable open space includes open space which, by its configuration, size, and design, can be used for passive or active recreation. 2. Usable open space includes plazas, parks, outdoor dining areas, courtyards and green roofs. Required buffers or parking lot landscaping shall not qualify as usable open space. 3. Land with a slope steeper than 1 foot (vertical) in 3 feet (horizontal) shall not qualify as usable open space. 4. Drainage ways, ponds, and other areas required for stormwater quality or detention may qualify as usable open space if such areas are designed for passive or active use and are landscaped with grass, shrubs, and /or trees. A list of recommended plants for stormwater detention areas is available through the Public Works Department. The use of drainage ways and ponds as required open space shall be recorded. F. Land planted for food production, including community gardens, shall qualify as open space, but not as usable open space. G. Streetscaping: all new development, including expansions of an existing structure by 50 percent or more of the floor area, shall meet the requirements in the City of Wheat Ridge Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual. Sec. 26 -1111. Permitted Uses A. Principle: the mixed use zone districts emphasize building form, rather than permitted uses. A range of uses is permitted to promote mixed use development. B. Permitted and special uses are shown in the following table. This table, and not the table in Section 26 -204, shall apply for all of the mixed use zone districts. Uses not listed shall be deemed excluded. The Community Development Director has the authority to determine that a use not specifically listed should be so permitted or allowed on the basis of it being similar to a listed use, compatible in character and impact with uses in the zone district, consistent with the intent of the district, and which would not be objectionable to nearby property by reason of odor, dust, fumes, gas, noise, radiation, heat, glare, vibration, traffic generation, parking needs, outdoor storage or use, or is not hazardous to the health and safety of surrounding areas through danger of fire or explosion. The Director's decision may be appealed to the Board of Adjustment as an interpretation request. 2 Require all open space to be usable? Other jurisdictions, such as Lakewood, have this requirement in their mixed use code. Another option would be to require 100% usable open space for sites over a certain size, like S AC. 15 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 Permitted Uses Use MU -C MU -C Interstate MU -C TOD MU -N Residential Assisted living facility P P P P Dwelling, single detached NP NP NP P Dwelling, single attached P P P P Dwelling, duplex P NP NP P Dwelling, multiple P P P P Dwelling, live /work P P P P Foster care home P P P P Residential group home P P P P Public, Civic, and Institutional Community buildings and cultural facilities, including libraries, museums, and art g alleries P P P P Hospital C C C C Parks, open space, playground-. and plazas P P P P Place of worship P P P P Public uses and buildings P P P P Recreation facilities, indoor and outdoor P P P P Schools, public and private; colleges, universities, and trade schools P P P P Utilities, major NP NP NP NP Utilities, minor P P P P Transit stations, public or . pate C C C C Commercial Adult entertainment NP NP NP NP Animal daycare, indoor P P P C Art studios and galleries P P P P Bail bonds C C NP NP Banks and financial institutions, without drive- through P P P P Banks and financial institutions, with drive- through P P C C Bars, taverns, and night clubs P P P P Bed and breakfast P P P P Car washes NP C NP NP Day care center, child and adult P P P P 16 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 Permitted Uses Use MU -C MU -C Interstate MU -C TOD MU -N Drive -up or drive - through uses (per §26- 1106.E C P C C Eating establishment, sit down P P P P Eating establishment, drive- through or drive-u C P C C Hotels, motels, and extended stay lodgin P P P P Medical and dental clinics P P P P Motor fueling stations C C NP NP Motor vehicles sales, outdoor displa NP NP NP NP Motor vehicle sales, indoor displa C P NP NP Offices P P P P Outdoor storage NP NP NP NP Parking facilities P P P P Pawn brokers NP NP NP NP Personal services P P P P Photocopying and printing P P P P Recreation facilities, commercial P P P P Repair, rental and servicing of automobiles, no outdoor storage C P NP C Retail sales — up to 20,000 gsf P P P P Retail sales — up to 60,000 gsf P P C C Retail sales — over 60,000 gsf C C NP NP Studios, including art, music, dance, television and radio broadcasting stations P P P P Theaters P P P P Veterinary clinics and hospitals C P C C Wholesale C C C C Industrial Restricted light industrial C C C NP Office- warehouse, no outdoor storage C C C NP Temporary Uses Special events, including festivals and farmers markets T- P P P P Key: P = Permitted C = Conditional Use (see § 26 -1117) NP = Not Permitted 17 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 C. Separation requirements for drive- through /drive -up uses: Where drive - through and drive -up uses are permitted in the Permitted Use Table (section 26- 1111.6), the following separation requirements shall apply. These separation requirements shall not apply in the MU -C Interstate Sub - district. 1. There shall be a minimum 1,500 foot separation between fast food eating establishments with a drive - through, measured radially from any fast food drive - through use, regardless of zone district. 2. There shall be a minimum 500 foot separation between all other drive - through /drive -up uses, including pharmacies, banks, and non -fast food eating establishments with a drive -up window, measured radially from any drive - through /drive -up use, regardless of zone district. 3. Minimum separation distances apply to existing drive - through /drive -up uses, including such uses that are not within a mixed use zone district. D. Separation requirements for motor fueling stations: Where motor fueling stations are permitted in the Permitted Use Table (section 26- 1111.13), there shall be a minimum 1,000 foot separation between motor fueling stations, measured radially from any motor fueling use. This separation shall apply to existing fueling stations, including those that are not within a mixed use zone district. Sec. 26 -1112. Requirements for Mixed Use Development A. Principle: Buildings and development sites that contain a mix of uses are strongly encouraged. Large development sites represent and important opportunity for creating quality mixed use developments that will enhance the local economy. B. For development sites over 5 acres and subject to new construction, at least 50 percent of the proposed total square footage shall contain non - residential uses.' C. For development sites over 5 acres and subject to new construction, the development site must contain at least two different land uses. Sec. 26 -1113. Signs A. Principle: Signage should compliment building and site design and be strategically located to minimize the impact of advertising on the public realm. Signs should be oriented toward and scaled to the pedestrian. B. All signage shall comply with Chapter 26, Article VII except as modified below: 1. No roof signs are allowed. 2. Wall signs placed on a vertical architectural element or above a pedestrian entrance may extend above the roof deck by up to 10 feet. This provision shall not apply to mansard roofs. 3. Except within the MU -C Interstate district, new pole signs shall not be allowed. 4. Monument signs shall not exceed 6 feet in height, measured from the finished grade of the nearest adjacent pedestrian walk. The base of the monument sign shall be consistent with the materials of the building to which it is associated. 5. Changeable copy signs and flashing signs shall not be permitted in the MU -N district or the MU -C TOD Sub - district. 6. Illuminated signs are encouraged to be turned off when businesses are not in operation. 3 Perhaps reduce or remove this requirement from the MU -N district to allow more residential development? 18 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 Sec. 26 -1114. Exterior Lighting A. Principle: Outdoor lighting should provide safety for pedestrians and reduce glare onto adjacent properties and into the night sky. B. All exterior lighting shall comply with section 26 -503. C. Pedestrian walks internal to a site shall be lit with full cutoff lighting fixtures no more than 16 feet high. Sec. 26 -1115. Site Plan Review A. The following process shall apply to all site development within the Mixed Use Zone Districts, except for single family residential development. 1. Pre - Application Meeting: prior to any building permit application, the applicant must participate in a pre - application meeting with staff members of the Community Development and Public Works Departments. a. The purpose of the pre - application meeting is not to approve or disapprove proposals, but rather to provide assistance to the applicant in interpreting the standards within this Article, as well as other applicable standards from Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Code. b. City staff will provide a written record of the pre - application meeting and provide such to the applicant(s) or agent of the applicant(s). c. The subsequent applications, either land use or building permit applications, shall be consistent with the advice and direction given at the pre - application meeting. 2. Pre - Application Meeting Submittal Requirements: the following information must be submitted to the Community Development Department prior to the pre- application meeting. a. General information: • Project title and location • Written request • Contact information for applicant and all consultants • Date of submittal b. Site Plan: the site shall be drawn to scale and show at a minimum: • Existing and proposed conditions of the development property • Location of build -to and setback lines • Location of existing and proposed structures with entrances defined • Location of loading areas, trash storage, and building utilities • Location and dimension of proposed signs • Location, size, and number of parking spaces to provided, including accessible spaces Conceptual Architectural Plans • Preliminary elevations of proposed structures or additions to existing structures, with notations as to the types of materials and colors proposed for use • Preliminary elevations of any accessory appurtenances such as trash enclosures 19 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 d. Conceptual Landscape Plan • General location of proposed open space including all landscape and hardscape features, such as trees, shrubs, groundcover, screen walls, and fences. 3. Site Plan Applications: site plan applications shall be submitted only after a pre - application meeting. All applications shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval. Applications must be complete before any review of the application will begin. 4. Site Plan Application Requirements: All applications shall include at a minimum the following information. Additional information may be required by the Community Development Department and /or the Public Works Department. All required additional information will be requested at the pre - application meeting. a. Site Plan Requirements • The site plan shall be prepared in a 2436 inch format • Vicinity map • The boundary of the site described in bearings and distances and existing and proposed lot lines • Legal description of the site matching the certified survey • Signed surveyor's certification • Scale and north arrow • Date of map preparation and name and address of person who prepared the map • Location of 100 year flood plain, if applicable • Existing and proposed contours at two -foot intervals • Location of all existing and proposed: - Fences, walls, or screen plantings and their type and height; - Exterior lighting, location, height and type; - Signs, including type, height, and size; - Open space, landscaping, and special buffers, including type and coverage; - Parking and loading areas, handicap parking areas; - Easements and rights -of -way - Drainage ways, pond areas, ditches, irrigation canals, lakes and streams, if applicable; - Buildings to be developed or retained on the site; including possible use, height, size, floor area, setback dimensions and type of construction; - Existing and proposed streets, both adjacent and within the site, including names, widths, location of centerlines, accelera- tion /deceleration lanes; - Curbs, gutter, sidewalks, bike paths; - Location of trash containers and method of screening; Adjoining property lot lines, building access, parking, so that development compatibility can be determined. Other information which shall be written or tabular form, MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 including: - Statement of proposed zoning and any conditions; - Statement of proposed uses; - Table of required and provided open space; - Table of required and provided parking b. Architectural Elevations Requirements • Architectural elevations shall be prepared in a 24x36 inch format • Detailed elevations for each facade of each proposed building, clearly labeled • Notes indicating all proposed materials and colors • Depiction and labeling of all transparent areas • Table showing required transparency percentages (per section 26- 1106.D) • Labeled dimensions of building height, floor -to -floor heights, and building width • Elevations for all any accessory appurtenances such as trash enclosures, with materials clearly labeled c. Landscape Plan Requirements • The landscape plan shall be prepared in a 24x36 inch format • Location and dimensions of all open space areas, including minimum required usable open space • Proposed materials for all open space areas, including hardscape and landscape materials • Location and type of all trees and other plantings • Schedule or proposed plantings • Table showing open space required and provided d. Written explanation of how all requirements within this article have been meet. 5. All approved site plans shall be kept on file in the Community Development Department. 6. Under certain circumstances, subject to approval by the Community Development Director and to be determined at the required pre - application meeting, site plan review applications may be processed simultaneously with building permit applications. B. Concept Plan: For sites over 10 acres and for any phased site development, a Concept Plan application for the entire development site shall be submitted and approved by the Community Development Director prior to any Site Plan application(s). 1. The Concept Plan application shall include the following information: • The concept plan shall be prepared in a 24x36 inch format • Vicinity map • The boundary of the entire development site • Scale and north arrow • Date of map preparation and name and address of person who prepared the map • Proposed circulation concepts, including roads, right -of -way, 21 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 access points, and sidewalks • Proposed building pads and preliminary land use concepts • Location of 100 year flood plain, if applicable • Adjoining property lot lines, building access, parking, so that development compatibility can be determined 2. The approved Concept Plan shall be recorded with Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder's Office and kept on file with the Community Development Department. Sec. 26 -1116. Administrative Adjustment Process A. The Community Development Director may approve minor adjustments to some standards within this Article. Administrative adjustments are intended to relieve unnecessary hardship in complying the strict letter of this Article, especially in cases where unique site or building characteristics exist. B. In order to satisfy compliance with the review process outlined in section 26 -117 and to relieve unnecessary hardship, the Community Development Director may grant administrative adjustments to the following standards to the extent shown in the table below: Allowed Administrative Adjustments Standard Maximum Allowable Administrative Adjustment Building setback requirements 10 (section 26- 1105.D) Build -to requirements 10 (section 26- 1105.F) Transparency requirements 10% (section 26- 1106.6) Block size requirement 10% (section 26- 1108.D) Maximum number of drive -up One additional drive -up lane lanes (section 26- 1106.E) Minimum parking requirements 25% (section 26- 1109.6) C. Any proposed variances from the requirements within this Article that do not fall within the table of allowed administrative adjustments shall be required to follow the process for "Variances of more than fifty (50) percent," as specified in section 26- 115.C.3. Sec. 26 -1117. Conditional Use Permits A. Conditional Uses: Any use with a "C" in the permitted use table in section 26 -1111 shall only be allowed if reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department pursuant to the standards set forth below. 1. Pre - Application Meeting: prior to submittal of a conditional use permit application, the applicant shall attend a pre - application meeting, as described in section 26- 115.A.1. 2. Conditional Use Permit Application: conditional use permit applications shall be submitted only after a pre - application meeting. All applications shall be submitted to the Community Development Department. Applications 22 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 shall conform to the submittal requirements established by the Community Development Department. 4. Conditional Use Permit Criteria: the following criteria shall be used in evaluating each application. a. The compatibility of the proposed use with the Comprehensive Plan; b. The compatibility of the proposed use with existing and proposed adjacent uses, in terms of scale, site design, and operating characteristics (including traffic generation, lighting, noise, and hours of operation); c. The ability to mitigate adverse and undesirable impacts to the surrounding area, including but not limited to visual impacts, air emissions, noise, vibrations, glare, heat, odors, water pollution, and other nuisance effects; d. Amount of traffic generated and capacity and design of roadways to handle anticipated traffic; e. The incorporation and integration of architectural and landscape features to mitigate impacts from the proposed use. 5. Conditional Use Permit Approval: the Community Development Director shall have the authority to approve or deny any conditional use permit application. In approving the application, the Community Development Director may place conditions necessary to meet the criteria outlined in section 26- 1117.A.4 above. 7. Time Limit on Conditional Use Permits: For any applicant to exercise the right to develop a conditional use, a certificate of occupancy for development of the conditional use must be issued within three years of the date of approval. Sec. 26 -1118. Definitions Except as expressly modified below, the definitions in section 26 -123 shall apply. The following modified and additional definitions shall apply to the mixed use zone districts only. Alley: a public or private thoroughfare which gives secondary means of public access to abutting properties or buildings. Assisted living facility: a residential facility with a combination of residential living units, with or without individual kitchen facilities, and group living facilities such as common kitchen, eating area, patio and /or recreational area. The facility is used for the care of the infirm or aged, or the rehabilitation of injured individuals, where medical attention in the form of skilled or intermediate nursing care is provided as a continual or intermittent benefit. Animal daycare facility: a facility licensed by the State of Colorado where animals may be groomed, trained, exercised, and socialized, but not kept or boarded overnight, bred, sold, or let for hire. Development site: an area of land, which may contain more than one parcel, that is subject to proposed site development. 23 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 Drive - through or drive -up uses: uses at which an occupant of a vehicle may make use of the service or business without leaving their vehicle. Driveway: a thoroughfare for vehicles providing access from a public or private street or alley to a dwelling unit or to a parking area serving structures or facilities. Dwelling, duplex: a building designed for occupancy by two (2) single family households living in two (2) separate dwelling units attached by one or more common walls. Dwelling, live /work: a combination of residential occupancy and commercial activity located within a dwelling unit. Typical commercial activities may include home offices, craft work, art studios, jewelry making, and similar activities. Dwelling, single detached: a single dwelling unit in a single building not attached to other buildings other than those accessory to the dwelling. Dwelling, single attached: three or more dwelling units where each unit is attached to other units by party walls, and where habitable spaces of different units are arranged side -by -side, rather than a stacked configuration. Fa4ade: the face, or outside wall, of a building. Fast food eating establishment: an eating /drinking establishment whose principal business is the sale of pre - prepared or rapidly prepared food to the customer in a ready -to- consume state for consumption either within the restaurant building or off - premises, and whose principal method of operation includes (1) the sale of all foods and beverages, even those served for consumption on- premises, in paper, plastic, or other disposable containers; or (2) service of food and beverages directly to a customer in a motor vehicle.' Fixed guideway rail station: the station for a fixed guideway system, which is a transportation system that can only operate on its own guideway constructed for that purpose. This includes heavy rail, light rail, and commuter rail systems. Form: the three dimensional shape and structure of a building. Hardscape: Exterior ground surface areas covered with concrete, pavers, brick, stone or a similar surface and not intended for vehicular use. Human scale: proportions of elements that relate to the size of a human body. Mixed use development: a building or development site containing at least two different types of land use, such as residential and retail, residential and commercial, or retail and commercial. 4 Need to check definition with task force to ensure that it does not preclude higher - quality quick service restau- rants that might have a drive -up window, such as a Panera. 24 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 Office- warehouse: a use that combines office and storage for goods, wares, and merchandise, including distribution functions that may require off - street loading. Open space: an outdoor, unenclosed area designed and accessible for outdoor recreation, pedestrian access, or passive leisure use. May be landscaped or hardscaped. Does not include roads, parking areas, driveways, or other areas intended for vehicular travel. Pedestrian walk: a paved surface expressly intended for pedestrian use. Includes public and private sidewalks. Personal services: establishments primarily engaged in providing services involving the care of a person and his or her personal goods or apparel. Personal services usually includes the following: laundry (cleaning and pressing); linen supply, diaper service, beauty shops, barbershops, shoe repair, and similar uses. Pole sign: a sign that is affixed or mounted on a freestanding wood or metal pole and anchored in the ground. Place of worship: an establishment that is primarily used a place where persons regularly assemble for religious worship. This term includes uses such as churches, synagogues, temples, or mosques. Primary street: the street toward which building entrances, pedestrian features, and site amenities are oriented, and along which service, loading, and parking uses are discouraged. Each building shall have a defined primary street. Primary street frontage: the property line of a parcel or development site which is directly adjacent to and parallel to the primary street. Public realm: all areas to which the public has access, including streets, sidewalks, rights -of- ways, parks, plazas, and other publicly accessible open spaces. Public space: a physical space accessible to the public, including sidewalks, rights -of -ways, parks, and plazas. Restricted light industrial use: specialized non - nuisance type activities that would permit the assembly, manufacturing, or packaging of products from previously prepared material, such as cloth, plastic, metal, paper, leather, precious or semiprecious stones. The manufacture or assembly of electronic instruments and devices is also be permitted. Such uses include research and development facilities. Secondary street frontage: The property line perpendicular to the primary street frontage. The secondary street frontage is only applicable for lots with more than one street frontage. Single use development: a building or development site containing only one type of use, 25 MIXED USE ZONE DISTRICTS such as retail, commercial or residential. DRAFT 2 04.27.2010 Site development: All construction and improvements on any parcel, lot, or tract of property within the city and on any structure (other than normal maintenance or repair allowed for nonconforming uses), including but not limited to substantial clearing, grading, filling or excavation, streets and roads, drainage, utilities, parking lots and structures, landscaping, building, building additions or alterations, parking lot lights, street lights, signs and erection or moving of structures. Site development also includes all those activities listed under "approvals sought" in the review process chart, Section 26 -106. The planning department shall have authority to determine whether an activity constitutes site development within the meaning of each section. Such determination may be appealed to the Board of Adjustment. Street: a public or private thoroughfare for vehicular traffic, other than an alley or driveway. Streetscape: The sidewalk, landscaping, and other improvements typically located in the right -of -way between the curb and the property line. In some cases, streetscapes may be adjacent to a private street or within easements adjacent to the right -of -way. Street wall: The cumulative effect of adjacent buildings facing onto and providing a consistent edge to a street. Transit station: mass transit stations, including bus or rail terminals /stations or depots. Usable open space: open space which, by its configuration, size, and design, can be used for passive or active recreation. Usable open space includes plazas, parks, outdoor dining areas, courtyards, and green roofs. Required buffers and parking lot landscaping shall not qualify as usable open space. Land with a slope steeper than 1 foot (vertical) in 3 feet (horizontal) shall not qualify as usable open space. Utilities, major: generating plants, electrical substations, switching buildings, refuse collection or disposal facilities, water reservoirs, water or wastewater treatment plans, and similar scale facilities that have relatively great potential for aesthetic and /or environmental impacts than minor utility facilities. Utilities, minor: Water, sewer and gas mains; cable, electric and telephone distribution lines, substations, and /or switching facilities; gas regulator stations; public lift or pumping stations for domestic water and sewer service; photovoltaic panels or wind powered electric generators, and similar facilities of public agencies or utilities. Minor utility facilities generally do not have employees on -site, and services may be publicly or privately provided. Wholesale sales: sales of goods in large quantities for resale by retailers. Window display graphics: artistic graphic displays that are mounted within a window or glass panel, that contain no text, and that are not utilized as commercial signage. Building Height to Street Width Ratio Study 38th Avenue yet Width Max Bldg Height 70' 60' w _ .a WAWk € s f - .. � " TA 4..- - ._ Street Width 70' 60' Building Height to Street -Width Ratio 1:2 (Max Bldg Height Option 2) Street Width 70 60' Building Height to Street -Width Ratio 1:3 (Typical Minimum Bldg Height) Max Bldg Height 35' 30' Min Bldg Height 23' 20' Building Height to Street - Width Ratio 1:1 (Max Bldg Height Option 1) Building Height to Street Width Ratio Study Wadsworth Building Height to Street -Width Ratio 1:2 (Max Bldg Height Option 2) Building Height to Street -Width Ratio 1:3 (Typical Minimum Bldg Height) idth Max Bldg Height 150' 120' 110' Street Width 150' 120' 110' Street Width 150' 120' 110' Max Bldg Height 75' 60' 55' Min Bldg Height 50' 40' 36' L i p 41ST A : %E * 11 FU Fu 7 1 �7 fi4 Nor '. , ' _ S AV ■ i c r '= idth ?? 0 r J•• o , ". Building Height to Street -Width Ratio 1:1 (Max Bldg Height Option 1) I Q C C U G O w (n- Ol Ti O p O p Q <. 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