HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/24/2010wvraiA WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY AGENDA August 24, 2010 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 4:00 P.M. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Heather Geyer, Public Information Officer at 303-235-2826 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. A. Call Meeting to Order B. Roll Call C. Approval of the Minutes: July 27, 2010 D. Officers Reports E. Public Forum F. New Business 1. Status of potential projects 2. Dates for tour of metro area projects 3. Wells Fargo Grant award 4. Discuss renaming of WRHA G. Unfinished Business J. Other K. Adjournment WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES July 27, 2010 1. 2. 3. 4. CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair Brungardt at 4:00 p.m. in the Cit� Council Chambers of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Building, 7500 West 29' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. ROLL CALL Authority members present: Cheryl Brungardt Joseph DeMott Kathy Nuanes (Left meeting at 5:11 p.m.) Janice Thompson Katie Vanderveen (Arrived 4:15 p.m.) Others present: Sally Payne, Deputy Director Ken Johnstone, Community Development Director (left meeting at 5:28 p.m. Ryan Stachelski, Economic Development Specialist (left meeting at 5:45 p.m.) Dick Matthews, Accountant Betty Maybin, Cornerstone Realty Larry Nelson, Cornerstone Realty Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES — June 22, 2010 It was moved by Kathy Nuanes and seconded by Janice Thompson to approve the minutes of June 22, 2010 as presented. The motion carried 4 -0. OFFICER REPORTS There were no officer reports. PUBLIC FORUM There were no individuals present to address the Authority. Housing Authority Minutes - I - July 27, 2010 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Report on Financial Statements Dick Matthews reviewed the Housing Authority Financial Statements. B. Discussion about Fruitdale School Ken Johnstone reported that he was contacted by the School District to see if the Housing Authority still had any interest in purchasing the old Fruitdale School. The selling price would be $40,000 and a decision would have to be made within 60 days. If the Authority doesn't purchase the building, the District will have it demolished and land -bank the property. Janice Thompson expressed concern about the feasibility of purchasing the building considering the condition of the real estate market. She was also concerned about the liability of owning an empty building. Cheryl Brungardt stated that she contacted three banks in Wheat Ridge about financing a project to turn the building into lofts. One bank required 40% pre - sold units; another bank required 50 % pre -sold units; and the other required excellent comparables showing these are units people would buy or they wouldn't finance anything. Cheryl Brungardt also expressed concern about new FHA rules that would almost require cash buyers with the Authority bearing the carrying costs as well as homeowner's association costs. It was moved by Janice Thompson that the School District be notified that the Housing Authority has no interest in purchasing the Fruitdale school building. The motion died for lack of a second. Joe DeMott commented that, while he was not on the Authority during the initial discussions regarding the building, he would like to take a little more time to look into it since there is 60 days in which to reply. Construction costs may be less now. Cheryl Brungardt expressed concern about abatement costs if the Authority purchased the building. Kathy Nuanes indicated she would like to give some more thought to the project before telling the School District no. There may be a possibility of working with other entities in the community. She asked Sally Payne to check with Wheat Ridge 2020 and Ojala Construction to see if there is interest in partnering with the Housing Authority on this project. Housing Authority Minutes -2- July 27, 2010 There was discussion about having a market analysis done before responding to the School District. Joe DeMott suggested the possibility of demolishing the building and land banking the land. Ken Johnstone said it was his assumption that the School District would keep the land if the Housing Authority doesn't do something with the building. It was moved by Joe DeMott and seconded by Kathy Nuanes to direct staff to do a marketing analysis not to exceed a cost of $4,000. The motion carried 5- 0. C. Executive Session It was moved by Kathy Nuanes and seconded by Joseph DeMott to enter into executive session on July 27, 2010 to consider the purchase, acquisition, lease, transfer or sale of real, personal or other property pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute 24- 6- 402(4)(a). The motion carried 5 -0. The regular meeting adjourned to executive session at 4:45 p.m. The executive session was convened at 4:48 p.m. Those attending the executive session were: Cheryl Brungardt, Housing Authority Joseph DeMott, Housing Authority Kathy Nuanes, Housing Authority Janice Thompson, Housing Authority Katie Vanderveen, Housing Authority Sally Payne, Deputy Director Ken Johnstone, Community Development Director Ryan Stachelski, Economic Development Specialist Larry Nelson, Cornerstone Realty Betty Maybin, Cornerstone Realty Ann Lazzeri, Secretary The executive session was adjourned at 5:40 p.m. The regular meeting was reconvened at 5:43 p.m. It was moved by Janet Thompson and seconded by Katie Vanderveen that the Housing Authority direct Larry Nelson to make an offer on the property at 7172 -7180 West 38 Avenue for a total of $400,000 with a $50,000 roof allowance to be paid by the seller at closing with all -cash terms. The motion carried 4 -0. Housing Authority Minutes -3- July 27, 2010 D. Review revised Housing Authority Goals Sally Payne asked Authority members to carefully review the revised goals to make sure they accurately reflect the discussion from the June meeting and then prioritize the top six Strategic Plan work items on page 7 of the Strategic Plan on which to focus and e -mail to Sally Payne. E. Discuss Strategic Planning Work Plan priorities It was moved by Janice Thompson and seconded by Katie Vanderveen to postpone discussion of the Strategic Planning Work Plan until the next meeting. The motion carried 5 -0. F. Tour of metro area projects A tour of metro area projects will be scheduled for Wednesday or Thursday in the third week of August. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no unfinished business to come before the Authority. S. OTHER Joseph DeMott reported that Jefferson County Housing Authority has some properties they want to sell, some of which may be good projects for the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority. Larry Nelson will check on these properties and report back to the Authority. 9. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Janice Thompson and seconded by Joe DeMott to adjourn the meeting at 6:00 p.m. The motion carried 4 -0. The next meeting is scheduled for August 24, 2010. Cheryl Brungardt, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Housing Authority Minutes -4- July 27, 2010 A i City of "id ge MUNITY DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Wheat Ridge Housing Authority FROM: Sally Payne, Senior Planner DATE: August 19, 2010 SUBJECT: August 24 Housing Authority Meeting The next Housing Authority meeting is Tuesday, August 24 at 4:00pm in City Council Chambers. The agenda for the meeting is attached. We will discuss the status of the 38 Ave. and High Ct. offer and of Fruitdale School. I was not able to schedule a tour of projects on dates the Authority had chosen so we will look at new dates that I have confirmed with the project managers. A recommendation from the Strategic Planning session was potentially renaming the Housing Authority to a different name since "housing authority" can sometimes have a negative connotation. I thought we could discuss this and see if there is support for considering a new name. As an informational item, also included in your packet is some data about Wheat Ridge from a Housing Market Study put together by Jefferson County Community Development Department. Please let me know if you have any questions. 303 - 235 -2852 spayne @ci.wheatrid eg co.us HOUSING CHOICE MARKET STUDY JEFFERSON COUNTY Supplement to the Community Development 2010 — 2014 Strategic Plan A Focus on the Urban County: City of Edgewater, City of Golden, Town of Mountain View, Town of Lakeside, City of Wheat Ridge and Unincorporated Jefferson County 3 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Low Income & Minority Concentrations The majority of residents within the City of Wheat Ridge (90 %) identified themselves as being white alone, with 14% of the population being Hispanic. Most of the minority concentrations in the City seem to run along the 1 -70 corridor and the border of the City of Edgewater. This also seems to be true of the low to moderate income block groups. City of Wheat Ridge Percent of Population by Race Wheat Fudge %Population by Floe p V\hite Alone ■ Black or African American Alone ❑ Arerican Indian and Alaska Dative alone ❑ Asian Alone ■ Native Haw and Cther 1 Pacific Islander alone ci Sorre other race alone ■ Two or rrore races Jefferson County Community Development 31 Housing Choice Market Study 2010 f's., ,.s I AIL, --4 or,4 -- o,,.,..,nr .,f Onni dn tin n by Ra1Ca Race Wheat Ridge, Colorado % White Alone 29,603 90% Black or African American Alone 281 1% American Indian and Alaska Native alone 332 1% Asian Alone 389 1% Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone 0 0% Some other race alone 1,587 5% Two or more races 823 2% Total 33,015 Hispanic 4,477 14% City of Whea Ridge A D Vlheat Ridge Age Distribution 9.0% I I 8.0% I I 7.0% 6.0% - I 4.0 %j - - -. - - - - -- I I 3.0% f - — - - - -- — - 2.0%j i 1.0% 0.0% - 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25 to 30 to 35 to 40 to 45 to 50 to 55 tO 60-64 6569 70 to 75 to 80 to 85 years years years years years 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 years years 74 79 84 years years years years years years years years years years years and over Jefferson County Community Development 32 Housing Choice Market Study 2010 Income & Housing Cost. Burden The data below was used to analyze the number of households which are housing cost burdened. The first chart indicates the percentage of families earning specific incomes in the City of Wheat Ridge. The second chart shows the number of families who are paying greater than 34% of their monthly income towards their rent. These families are considered housing cost burdened. The majority of families who are housing cost burdened are those who earn less than $35,000 annually. 74% for those families who are renting and earn between $10,000 and $20,000 annually are housing cost burdened. These families may include a head of household who is employed full -time, as the annual minimum wage income is $15,142. Families earning less than $35,000 can expect to have issues with rental affordability if they live in the City of Wheat Ridge. A large percentage of the City of Wheat Ridge is located in a low to moderate income Block Group and a large percentage of the those residents who rent their homes are housing cost burdened. The minority of residents renting and earning over $35,000 annually are not considered housing cost burdened. (-if %I of wnPat Ririne Household Income Wieat Iadge Fbusehold Inoome 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% -- -- I - 2 00� ♦o ti ti $ -o �.P 40 %0 \o 40 qQ � �%o �0 69 y o b a Jefferson County Community Development Housing Choice Market Study 2010 33 City of Wheat Ridoe Gross Rent as a Percentage of Household Income Gross Rent as % of Household Income Units % Less than $10,000 926 14% Less than 20 percent 0 0% 20 to 24 percent 8 1 % 25 to 29 percent 30 3% 30 to 34 percent 18 2% 35 percent or more 754 81% not computed 116 13% $10,000 to $19,999 1213 18% Less than 20 percent 53 4% 20 to 24 percent 8 1 % 25 to 29 percent 60 5% 30 to 34 percent 136 11% 35 percent or more 903 74% not computed 53 4% $20,000 to $34,999 1881 28% Less than 20 percent 130 7% 20 to 24 percent 384 20% 25 to 29 percent 560 30% 30 to 34 percent 400 21% 35 percent or more 360 19% not computed 47 2% $35,000 to $49,999 1195 18% Less than 20 percent 553 46% 20 to 24 percent 371 31% 25 to 29 percent 114 10% 30 to 34 percent 102 9% 35 percent or more 33 3% not computed 22 2% $50,000 to $74,999 997 15% Less than 20 percent 740 74% 20 to 24 percent 149 15% 25 to 29 percent 69 7% 30 to 34 percent 0 0% 35 percent or more 8 1 % not computed 31 3% $75,000 to $99,999 326 5% Less than 20 percent 302 93% 20 to 24 percent 14 4% 25 to 29 percent 10 3% 30 to 34 percent 0 0% 35 percent or more 0 0% not computed 0 0% $100,000 or more 66 1% Less than 20 percent 66 100% 20 to 24 percent 0 0% 25 to 29 percent 0 0% 30 to 34 percent 0 0% 35 percent or more 0 0% not computed 0 0% Total 6,604 Jefferson County Community Development 34 Housing Choice Market Study 2010 Employment City of Wheat Ridge Occupations Wheat f3dge occupation * N1ircagen professional, and related occupations: ■ Service occupations: ❑ Sales and office occupations: cl Farming, fisting, and forestry occupations ■ Construction, extraction, and rreinternance occr patKxs: * Roduction, transportation, and material rowing occupations: The largest majority of Wheat Ridge residents are employed in Management and Sales occupations. Population & Job Growth City of Wheat Ridge Population Growth /Decline The City of Wheat Ridge has experienced an overall population decline from the years 2000 to 2007. According to the Denver Business Journal, job growth for the Denver Metro Area as estimated to be 1.5% in 2007 and 1.1% in 2008. Forecasted job growth during 2009 is estimated to be less than this with a pattern of further decline before an increase is expected. Jefferson County Community Development 35 Housing Choice Market Study 2010 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Amt % JEFFERSON COUNTY 525,507 530,061 531,287 530,884 532,071 532,417 534,355 538,323 3,968 0.7% Edgewater 5,445 5,497 5,439 5,373 5,344 5,292 5,260 5,260 0 0.0% Golden 17,159 17,361 17,376 17,652 17,784 17,721 17,664 17,701 37 0.2% Lakeside 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0 0.0% Mountain View 569 1 564 1 558 1 551 548 543 540 531 1 -9 1 -1.7% Wheat Ride 32,913 32,658 32,289 31,908 31,825 31,713 31,550 31,557 7 0.0% Unincorporated Jeffco 1 181,666 184,625 1 185,660 1 184,956 1 185,287 1 185,531 1 186,741 188,326 1,585 0.8% The City of Wheat Ridge has experienced an overall population decline from the years 2000 to 2007. According to the Denver Business Journal, job growth for the Denver Metro Area as estimated to be 1.5% in 2007 and 1.1% in 2008. Forecasted job growth during 2009 is estimated to be less than this with a pattern of further decline before an increase is expected. Jefferson County Community Development 35 Housing Choice Market Study 2010 r Commuting City of Wheat Ridge Transportation to Work Wheat Fridge Transportation to Work i V1,brked at horre := other rreans Walked Total: Bicycle IV:)torcycle 12,333 Pdjic _ Carpooled transportation 12% Carpooled 756 Drove alone Motorcycle 0% t' ;k, ..F IA /k,—# 0,*14 o T— nonnrtntinn tn Wnrl( 80% 100% Transportation to Work Wheat Ridge, Colorado % Total: 16,183 Drove alone 12,333 76% _ Carpooled 1,912 12% Public transportation 756 5% Motorcycle 60 0% Bicycle 41 0% Walked 332 2% Other means 78 0% Worked at home 671 4% A large majority of Wheat Ridge residents (76 %) drive alone to work. Only 5% of residents utilize public transportation to get to their jobs. Jefferson County Community Development Housing Choice Market Study 2010 36 20% 40% 60% City of Wheat Ridge Travel Time to Work Wheat Ridge Travel Time To work Citv of WhPat RirlrrP Travel Tima to IA/nr4 p Less than 30 mnutes ■ 30 to 44 mrwtes ❑ 45 to 59 minutes ❑ 60 or mxe ninutes Travel Time to Work Wheat Ridge, Colorado % Aggregate travel time to work (in minutes): _ 377,135 Le th 30 minutes — - -- -- - - - - -- - - - 30 to 44 minutes 1 4 9,9 40 106,690 40% 28% 45 to 59 minutes 46,075 12% 60 or more minutes 74,430 20% The majority of working residents in the City of Wheat Ridge travel less than 45 minutes to work. Jefferson County Community Development 3� Housing Choice Market Study 2010 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE The 2000 Census reported 14,591 total housing units within the City of Wheat Ridge. Using an estimated 1.2% growth rate, units are currently at 16,245. Approximately half of the housing units located within the City of Wheat Ridge are single family, with the other half being attached units. The majority of properties in Wheat Ridge were built between 1950 and 1980. Citv of Wheat Pidne Hnusinn - Phvsiral ('harartari.ctirc Units in Structure 1 -unit detached 53% 1 -unit attached 10% 2 4% 3 or 4 6 % 5to9 7% 10 to 19 - - 6% 20 to 49 8% 50 or more 5% Mobile Home 0% - Boat, RV, van, etc: 0% uitV of Wheat Hedge Houslnq - PhVSical Characteristics Year Structure Built Built in 1999 to March 2000 1 % Built 1995 to 1998 2% Built 1990 to 1994 3% Built 1980 to 1989 9 % Built 1970 to 1979 17% Built 1960 to 1969 Mt. Built 1950 to 1 31% Built 1940 to 1949 g% Built 1939 or earlier 6% Jefferson County Community Development 53 Housing Choice Market Study 2010 For Sale Housing Housing Unit Estimates 55% of housing in Wheat Ridge is owner occupied housing. Therefore approximately 8,935 units are potential for sale housing. Attainability The gross income maximum for cost burdened households is approximately $35,000 for the City of Wheat Ridge. An attainable house would cost approximately $105,000. 11 % of the housing stock in the City of Wheat Ridge was $105,000 or less in the year 2000. Rental Housing Housing Unit Estimates 45% of the housing in Wheat Ridge is rental housing, therefore approximately 7,310 housing units are rentals. Cost Analysis 20% of residents in the City of Wheat Ridge pay greater than 50% of their household income for rent. These residents are severely housing cost burdened. ('itv of WhPat PirinP (4'rn.c.c Rent a.c a PPrrPntAnP of Hnl/.Cahnlrl InrnmP Gross Rent % of Household Income % Less than 10 percent 4% 10 to 14 percent 11% 15 to 19 percent 14% 20 to 24 percent 14% 25 to 29 percent 13% .30 to 34 percent _ 10 % 35 to 39 percent 5% 40 to 49 percent 7% 50 percent or more 20% Not computed 4% Affordable Housing Housing Unit Estimates The median income for residents in the City of Wheat Ridge is $38,983. Affordable housing in this area would cost less than $93,558; there are 98 residential units with a value less than $93,558. Condition of Housing All units are reported to be in good condition. Jefferson County Community Development 54 Housing Choice Market Study 2010