HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/03/2000CITN' OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting January 20, 2000 CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order b-v Chair MACDOUGALL at 7.30 p.m. on January 20, 2000 in the Council Chambers ofthe Nlunicipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. I 2. ROLL CALL: Commission Members Present: mmflva��� Alan White, Planning Director Ann Lazzeri, Secretary 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2000. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office • the City Clerk and in the Department of Planning and Development • the City • Wheat Ridge. H Commissioner SNOW requested that a discussion of landscaping regulations be added to the agenda under New Business. It was moved by Commissioner BRINKMAN and seconded by Commissioner COOPER to approve the order of the agenda as amended. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0, with Commissioner COLLINS absent. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner DOYLE to approve the minutes of January 6, 2000. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0, with Commissioner COLLINS absent and Commissioner GOKEY abstaining. SIR There were no public hearing cases scheduled for this meettill-T 8. OLD BUSINESS B. Commission Training: Staff has acquired several training film packets frorn the American Institute of Certified Planners and the American Planning Association which would be beneficial to both the plannin, staff and the Planning Commission. Alan White asked the Commission if they would be interested in viewing these materials. Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 Januar y 20, 2000 Commissioner THOMPSON commented that the Comprehensive Plan is superior to the Frultdale Valley Master Plan and the Kipling Activity Center Master Plan and She %V01.11(i Ile III favor of eliminating them. Z� Commissioner TI-IOMPSON moved and Commissioner SNONN'seconded that a public hearing be held to consider repealing the Fruitdale Valley Master Plan and the Kipling Activity Center Master Plan because these two areas are more clearlk addressed it) the Comprehensive Plan. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0 with Commissioner COI.A.INS absent. D. Landscaping Regulations - Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner GOKEY seconded that a study session be held in March to discuss possible revisions to landscaping regulations. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0 with Commissioner COLLINS absent. Staff will research landscaping regulations from other jurisdictions and prepare a list of options for the Plannin- Commission to consider at the study session. It was the consensus of the Commission to also view the video "Understanding Designi Context" at this study session, [��Cflffm LVI There were no commission reports. There were no committee or department reports. It was moved by Commissioner GOKEY and seconded by Commissioner SNOW that the meeting be adjourned at 9:00 pm. The motion passed unanimously. Don MACDOUGALL, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secreta .4 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 January 20, 2000 CITY OF NN'HEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Plannin(_� Commission DATE OF MEETING: February 3, 2000 DATE PREPARED January 27.2000 CASE NO. & NAME: )A"Z-99-16 ME Engineers CASE MANAGER, klar� Austin ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a Final Development Plan for Lot 1. Onyx Park LOCATION OF REQUEST: NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S) 10055 West 43" Avenue 43 d Avenue Partnership M-E Engineers,, Inc, 4251 Kipling Street, et, 4400 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Same as Above APPROXIMATE AREA: 60,634 square feet PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: SURROUNDING ZONING: PCD. Planned Commercial Development N:, S: and E: C-1, Commercial-One A': PCD, Planned Commercial Development SURROUNDING LAND USE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN N: and S- Commercial W: and E- Vacant Village Center Commercial, DATE PUBLISHED: January 14, 2000 DATE POSTED: January 20. 2000 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: January 19, 2000 ENTER INTO RECORD: ( ) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS OTHER (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ( ) SLIDES (X) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case, 1. REQUTIEST 'File applicant is requesting approval of Final Development Plan for L,ot 1. Onyx Park Subdivision. located at 10055 West 43" Avenue. The purpose of the request is to construct an 18.000 sq. ft. professional office building. IL PROPERTY BACKGROUND The propervy being developed is approximateIY 60.6 4 sq. ft. in size and fronts on W. 43" :Nve_ I - west of Kipling St, (Exhibit A, Zoning Map). Tile property is currently zoned PCD. Planned Commercial Development. as is the property to the west. The remaining adjacent property, on three sides is zoned C-1. Commercial-One. The immediate surrounding area is either currently developed in commercial and office uses. or is vacant and planned for commercial use. The current Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan uses W. 43 d Avenue as the approximate dividing line between village center commercial uses to the north and small office/business center to the south. The proposed use of a professional office building is in conformance with these land use classifications, Ill. DEVELOPMENT PLAN The applicant is requesting approval of a Planned Commercial Development final development plan in order to construct an 18.000 sq. ft. professional office building. The submittal of this final development plan is the last step in the process prior to building plan approval. Design parameters for the property were established with the approval of the outline development plan and include the following: Uses permitted: All use allowed in the C- I zoning district Maximum building coverage: 20.400 sq. ft. (33.64%) Minimum landscape coverage: 6,063 ) sq. ft. (10.0%) Maximum paved coverage: 34.171 sq. ft. (5636%) Four story height limitation The proposed development plan shows a two-story office building. Of the 18.000 sq. ft. total area Planning Commission Page 2 WZ-99-16/M-E Engineers for the structure. approximately 3.500 sq. ft. is contained in the ground level wall the reinainill-0 15,000 sq. ft, on the second story. Much of the second story is elevated over a portion ofthe parking area. The building coverage on the site_ including the elevated portion. is 13.()3.4 sq. ft (25%). The total paved area covers 31.337 sq. ft, (52%) of the lot and includes the area under level two of the building. These proposed coverages meet the limitations established in the outline development plan. The plan proposes 25.828 sq, ft. of landscaped area which exceeds the minimum requirement of 6.06' ) sq. ft. The quantity of vegetation materials is exceeded, and the proposed sizes for specimens comply with City's landscape regulations. Signage for the property includes one monument sign located in a landscaped area near the drivewav entrance on W. 43 " Avenue. The sign is located outside the required 15'sight triangle. No wall signs will be mounted to the building, as indicated in note #4 under General Notes on the Site Plan (page I ). The applicant has provided a color architectural rendering of the proposed building (Exhibit D), Architectural materials consists of concrete. aluminum and glass in earth tone colors. The outline development plan requires an element of unified control in the architecture over the entire site. The surrounding area is developed with office buildings having varving architecture. The F I architecture of tile- proposed structure is not out of character with the surrounding area. The outline development plan further stipulates that roofs be sloped or semi-flat. The proposed building has a roof that is semi-flat. However, the physical roof is obscured by the roof parapet structure. so it has the appearance of being a flat roof. The initial plan submitted by the applicant included a roof structure for screening the mechanical equipment. At this time, the applicant has elected to remove this screening from the final development plan, Staff believes that the screening of mechanical equipment is an important component of quality development. Therefore, staff recommends the reinstatement of the roof structure for screening the mechanical equipment as a condition of approval. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS Planning Commission Page 3 WZ-99-16/M-E Engineers All outside service auencies that currently serve the property will continue to serve the propert\, Utility meters. taps. and service lines for the nev,� buildinL will be at the applicant*s expense, The Public Works Department has approved a drainage report for the site (page 7 of the Z�l applicant's submittal). The required amended plat, vacating= the 50-ft easement previously used for fire access has been recorded. Public improvements meeting City standards currently exist along the frontage of 43" Ave. Arvada Fire Protection District will serve the property with improvements at the applicant*s The District is requiring the addition of one fire hydrant since the existing spacing expense. z:1 - exceeds 300 feet. This new hydrant is shown on the Site Plan (page 1) in the southwest corner of the property along W. 43` Ave. V. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION VII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move that Case No. WZ-99-16. a request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development final development plan for property located at 10055 West 43" Avenue. be APPROVED for the following reasons: I It is consistent with the underlying design parameters of the outline development plan. It exceeds the City's standards for commercial development. 3. It meets the requirements for a Planned Commercial Development final development plan. With the following condition: `The mechanical equipment on the roof of the building be structurally screened. Option 13-1 move that Case No. WZ-99-16, a request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development final development plan for property located at 10055 West 43` Avenue, be DENIED for the following reasons: Planning Commission Page 4 WZ-99-16/M-E Engineers NE 2 ! • ' .+°ice . #R c 8 8 NE 2 ! • ' .+°ice . #R a 0 w IN `r � w µ r a SY ,w:.,.,_ -„'" ..F» w ty✓ t Mi ,t ;' ktf 41"1.1 � r „, " wa �� c p ' ��i., LIURdlSNt� :Y l2E G} .1 Sa. N� }4 bt #1tt5 ttt3?! LC^L`.qq. S�yyrr Ll (q AN- y� , , , „ . yy^^ y ^yi• }{. 'K, � i1,. g .�.'✓�i F t a J N A�,rrri { G Rt& # .� St Y@ {Ml5 `4 @udR. � i.......,� .��.xl.. x 1115 3Wr+ty! ��.{' � M") t M ut kI ""let �jj �` �i]'+S. � � &• C g ow jf i onic SY ,w:.,.,_ -„'" ..F» w ty✓ t Mi ,t ;' ktf 41"1.1 � r „, " wa �� c p ' "�. C. },�,. to 1N6 A l l ik LC^L`.qq. S�yyrr Ll (q AN- y� , , , „ . yy^^ y ^yi• }{. 'K, � i1,. g .�.'✓�i F t a J N A�,rrri { G Rt& # .� St Y@ {Ml5 `4 @udR. � i.......,� .��.xl.. CD ��.{' � M") t M ut kI ""let �jj �` �i]'+S. � � &• C g ow i onic ri L � „4 Iq ai ts si� F P �� � x p (t Ri r +lt _ not AN- 3 ��.{' � M") t M ut kI ""let �jj �` �i]'+S. � � &• C g ow z N 0 n 0 0 ri L � „4 Iq ai ts si� F P �� � x p (t Ri r +lt _ 44. 4 tit * ' L A H Vi'41 j ig Ri Ar till fill f L L L L V T ts Ar till fill f 7 1 i il l t i Ill if li fl!j I 'ii i '133 9 VNj'wj)j C, tj r- I i I • r r ff Z' l f,. � f 7 � MP Is RfX 4:OSC:7 P�L F ,,, I , , VOR PLMtNG AIo West 43rd Avenue ��,M ONYX PARK DEVELOPMENT LOT 1, ONYX PARK SUBDIVISION FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE zomomm" no mwcrwum- PROFESSOOLOMMW&DM mr&wmmmk- KWSSF. WILDING COVMMGF- MJ*ZM 10,0N&F.ora% Me ONE- LEVOL!_'1�16 l" 8; M , W o 184.3p WMIND MIX VSW.F- 3.M$.For0%clfwsft UMSCMEDMEk- 25,=&F.w42%dft$ft PAVSD MW-X- 3i4W&F.or52%o(ftsft WILDING loom 2W-rTWCWpXWU U-WU*0F$GRMNWAU PARONG SPAM PWVWM� Rusar. 70 #r4r x IV-0 COMP WE Is (r4r ffl n ZM�8t-_4 04 . . . . . . . . . . . Ilk 7tANNING C CERTINCATI•N 2000- IN –�chsww /w --�Nmdol IR f jw DEVELOPMENT S VEDUL '01*1131-1 SITE PLAN WkIK Sc4c I" . r4r I ArMST CRY C** 7 t% *xwvm amopw (w " In the offics of ft cxum ro-t ll oo — c—q .4 3" ' mg T, =— 6 By Ills iOF4 WM PLAN 2OF4 MIL WADING & MAKAGE PLAN 3OF4 BUILDING ELEVATIONS 40F4 L4NDSCAPE PLAN 0�'. 1 Uj Uj V 2 I I 4 OW tht 0 -f —k OW00, n�jlm LOT 2 • q'.t t� UTKJTY AM DRAINW EASE1104T ftiT(sj � j� ML73 4 ---w 5 - 0 *A*- 0 ow W. s. 51w "..+5. '"— ." -*, Q ***#- 0 . I ' wk%.A t. ae.. " ONYX PARK DEVELOPMENT LOT 1, ONYX PARK SUBDIVISION FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LOT 2 ONYX PARK SUBDIVISION ootww* got k 10 410" in fe LOT 2 ONYX PARK SUBDIVISION 10' UTRITY AM DRAINAGE EASEMENT ss I= W "ESS BY TO BE VA 10' SIDE YAW SE70AM ---------------- I LOT UK QEXRRQR-EA9UTEa-(E0Q-M ALLOWPAL 0. RELEASE - 54 CC'S (tO*x2'WEJR) REQUIRED V. - 4528 OF PROVIDED V. - 4526 CF V. wt ELEV. - 5365.01 04CLUDES WOCV ALLOWABLE Q_ ROLEASE - 11,3 CF5 (3 - X6.4` WEIR) REOUIRED V- - 6270 CF , PR&MED V $270 CF V_ W& ELOV, - $36527 INCLUDES WQCV` WOUM WATER DUALITY OONTWX VOLUME REQUIRED V_ - 2614 CF PROVIDEO 1914 CF ElLX - 5364.4 ONYX PARK DEVELOPMENT LOT 1, ONYX PARK SUBDIVISION FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LOT 2 ONYX PARK SUBDIVISION 4. �WNT - I w Uj - \— "S— DRAINAOC EASEMENT 4 89CM"' sr- -aun . *Z,% k BENCH MARK SOUTHWEST CORNER, NE 1/4 Or SECDON 21, 3va OUT -- 5&50 WEST 43RD ��NtL 'FR O N T SETBACK T'3&. R,69Z OF THE 6Di PP.M, FOUND 3 BRASS CAP W ( Z$WN RANGE SOX AT THE 94TERSECTON OF KWUNG STREET AND WEST 43RD AVENUE, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BENCHMARK, EUEVATON 5365.00. ula • • ootww* got k 10 410" 00 fe LOT 2 ONYX PARK SUBDIVISION 10' UTRITY AM DRAINAGE EASEMENT ss I= W "ESS BY TO BE VA 10' SIDE YAW SE70AM ---------------- LOT UK QEXRRQR-EA9UTEa-(E0Q-M ALLOWPAL 0. RELEASE - 54 CC'S (tO*x2'WEJR) REQUIRED V. - 4528 OF PROVIDED V. - 4526 CF V. wt ELEV. - 5365.01 04CLUDES WOCV ALLOWABLE Q_ ROLEASE - 11,3 CF5 (3 - X6.4` WEIR) REOUIRED V- - 6270 CF , PR&MED V $270 CF V_ W& ELOV, - $36527 INCLUDES WQCV` WOUM WATER DUALITY OONTWX VOLUME REQUIRED V_ - 2614 CF PROVIDEO 1914 CF ElLX - 5364.4 4. �WNT - I w Uj - \— "S— DRAINAOC EASEMENT 4 89CM"' sr- -aun . *Z,% k BENCH MARK SOUTHWEST CORNER, NE 1/4 Or SECDON 21, 3va OUT -- 5&50 WEST 43RD ��NtL 'FR O N T SETBACK T'3&. R,69Z OF THE 6Di PP.M, FOUND 3 BRASS CAP W ( Z$WN RANGE SOX AT THE 94TERSECTON OF KWUNG STREET AND WEST 43RD AVENUE, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BENCHMARK, EUEVATON 5365.00. ula • • =AR ANm E.V�S. COLOR i OPEM OPEN 1-4 }.J .. . . »........ » --------------- B ASE NTURAL W.WU'LSTW T W01 GREY CONC. SAW � uJ t U Vat, " l i 1 J_ 2 WEST ELEVAT iffi NOTEr COLOR I ! W 00 FV# SYSTEM. $E� ORY)RT COLOR I Low E 'tr,:To CLEAR (W ELV& COLOR I EIVS, COLpR 2 1 I AMAIM; STOWFROm? Sa voTH CLEAR MWZED —FIRE DEPT, CONWCTo4 "'-- NATURAL OBEY M W COLV SOUTH ELEVATION BASE W/ MOT SLAST NOTE, E'VS. • fX * IC 0 F"SH SYSTEV, , opyvff COLOR I MH COLOR 2 - CAFFEE aRDwN gm METAL EMERGENCY tXft STAIR _""" SO^tw A wm Mama ***W Rm KA'al 3 OF 4 a 2 Hj A I'Mal M�m ig STOREFRONT SM WITH A, AR ^ FOOSH OPEN FS, COLOR i ------------- =AR ANm E.V�S. COLOR i OPEM OPEN 1-4 }.J .. . . »........ » --------------- B ASE NTURAL W.WU'LSTW T W01 GREY CONC. SAW � uJ t U Vat, " l i 1 J_ 2 WEST ELEVAT iffi NOTEr COLOR I ! W 00 FV# SYSTEM. $E� ORY)RT COLOR I Low E 'tr,:To CLEAR (W ELV& COLOR I EIVS, COLpR 2 1 I AMAIM; STOWFROm? Sa voTH CLEAR MWZED —FIRE DEPT, CONWCTo4 "'-- NATURAL OBEY M W COLV SOUTH ELEVATION BASE W/ MOT SLAST NOTE, E'VS. • fX * IC 0 F"SH SYSTEV, , opyvff COLOR I MH COLOR 2 - CAFFEE aRDwN gm METAL EMERGENCY tXft STAIR _""" SO^tw A wm Mama ***W Rm KA'al 3 OF 4 ccw�wm CkA4*%. "2*T I'll"m 6 - W UtlLfty OV M4*tAoe jjAsVjW OMM - L"L TUO rS- TCV4 [is Uri Mqu EN ONYX PARK DEVELOPMENT LOT I ONYX PARK SUBDIVISION FIN' L DEVELOPMENT PLAN DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I& ALL "M Rom 0 "&*" 1 perTm 401744 w Mi. KA&M 00yM j I 4 Em • Fo- 43 v4 ul A 1 1 4 OF 4 Fa4m.. 0 ". AL Tow tmdnasw area B Y.eto ri. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT T'O. Planning Commission DATE OF CIE ETING: February 3. 2000 DATE PRE PARED: Jan nary 28, 2000 (Continued from January 6, 2000) CASE NO. & NAME: '%VZ-99-15 CASEINMANAGER: Martin Orner ACTION REQUESTED: Rezone 1.89 Acres (1.10 Acres From Residential-2, and 0.79 Acres from R-C, Restricted Commercial) to Planned Commercial Development. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 9751 West 44"' Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Legend Properties 3650 Vance Street, #1 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): David Van Houser P.O. Box 175 Bailey, CO 80421 APPROXIINIATE AREA: PRESENT ZONING: USE t)RESENT LAND CJ SURROUNDING ZONING: SURROUNDING LAND USE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: R-2: 1.10 Acres; RC, Restricted Commercial: 0.79 Acres 1.89 Acres: Unimproved N: R-2, Residential; S: C-1, Commercial; E: C-1, Commercial; W: R-C, Restricted Commercial and R-2. Residential N: School. S: Residential and Commercial, E: Residential and Commercial; W: Residential and Commercial Village Center DATE PUBLISHED: December 17, 1999 DATE POSTED: December 22, 199 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: December 22, 1999 ENTER INTO RECORD: N COMPREHENSIVE PLAN N CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS N ZONING ORDINANCE SLIDES N SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) EXHIBITS .JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. LUPDATE This is an update to Case No. �VZ-99-15. a request for approval to rezone 1.10 acres from R-2 Residential and 0.79 acres zoned R-C. Restricted Commercial. to Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Im property generally located at 975 1 West 44 1h Avenue, On Jarman 6.2000. the Planning Commission first heard this case. luring u the meeting, several issues were identified as unresolved, and the Commission Z� continued the hearing to February 3, 2000, so that the applicant and staff could research said issues. These items, and staff's or the applicant's response follow: Item 1. The applicant is to prepare a sign plan for the project, including: A. How the front monument sign will be used to advertise the individual tenants. 13. A plan for the individual tenant signs on the leasable spaces, C. Whether signage on glass areas (doors, windows) will be permitted. Response: The sign plan for the monument sign has been included oil Sheet 2 of the Planned Commercial Development. Area for individual tenant signage is shown on Sheet 2 of the PCT. Signage for the glass area of individual tenant's spaces Is not shown on the PCD- Item 2. The applicant shall develop an on-site lighting plan. Response: A sight lighting plan has been included on Sheet 2 of the Planned Industrial Development. The actual design of the ground mounted lighting units is not shown on the PCD. Item 3. The applicant shall consider possible truck delivery impacts to ; areas to the cast, and methods for buffering the pr oject from residence to the east. 170 Response: The applicant has asked to address this issue during the Plannino Commission hearing, Item 4. The applicant shall determine what fence methods he will use for the north property line adjacent to the school playground. Response: The applicant has asked to address this issue during the Planning Commission hearing. Item 5. Staff is to investigate whether acceleration/deceleration lanes for this project are m3iffism Response: Public Works staff reports that the 44 1h Avenue Business Park development, by itself, wil I not create a significant impact because of the low traffic generation as identified in previous memos, However, future development of the larger acreage to the west (referred to as Chado) will have the potential for substantial impacts to 44"' Avenue. Master planning the circulation patterns, including acceleration and deceleration lanes for new development on the adjacent 19 acreai!e to the west will be necessan'. Tools such as those used ill the Current 44" A% - c1lLlC Business Park application, Such as cross access for internal circulation. Should be Used for the future development of the adjacent properties. which will help alleviate future traffic impacts to 44"' Avenue. See rnerno from Steve Neuyen of the Public Works Department dated JallUary 20, 2000, attached. Item 6. Staff is to research the option of one-way-in and one-way-out traffic circulation for the project's driveway as opposed to two way in and out circulation at each curb cut driveway. Response: Public Works staff has analyzed the first submittal of the 44' Avellue Business Park Construction Plans (not necessarily the site plan) prepared by Lane Engineering, and reports that the one-way circulation would Nvork efficiently at both the driveway and in the parking lot, I However, signing in the parking lot area would be difficult and the level of awareness and compliance would be low, resulting in ongoing violations. Therefore, two-way in and out at each curb cut as currently proposed by the applicant is the preferred alternative. Item 7. Staff is to research the on-site impacts of semi tractor trailer trucks parking in the on-site drive aisles as well as circulating through the site. Response: Public Works staff used a intermediate size semi-truck template (total truck length of 50 feet) to analyze the on-site circulation system and has found that in order to adequately accommodate these vehicles, the driveway apron radius should be increased to 20 feet from the current 15 feet. This would provide adequate area for the trucks turning path for entering and exiting the project. The driveway width of 25 feet, as proposed by the applicant, is adequate. The current site layout is situated where it will be able to accommodate semi-trucks to circulate around the interior without obstructions even at comers of the site. If a truck is I oading/tin loading in the drive aisle (parallel and adjacent to the building), a vehicle Z in the parking stall would not be able to get out of it's space. In this same event, a car circulating though the drive aisle would be able to pass the truck. Item 8. Staff is to research the cumulative impacts to vehicle movement on 44"' Avenue from this and anticipated future development on adjacent properties to the west, IM The Planned Commercial Development has been revised since the January 6'hearinu With a11 Updated list of'permitted land uses discussed during the previous hearing. Staff has identified tile followl1w penis which have yet to be amended: A. (13) (B) Change to: Equipment rental agencies; provided. however, 110 Outdoor storage, 13. (13) (G) Locksmith shops should be removed. The applicant has included a sign plan for the monument sign, and has told staff" that lie will include wording that limits the amount of individual tenant glass"'widow area for signa-,e to no more than 2- percent of the total individual unit's glass area. The applicant has included a site lighting plan including the ground mounted lighting. The applicant has added a commitment to both ingress and egress at both project curb driveways, The 0 1 existing chain link fence on the north side of the project area is actually six feet. and has been shown on Sheet 2 of the PCD. III OEM I I Commission members should bring their packet from the January 6, 2000 meeting Option All I move that Case No. WZ-99-15, a request for approval to rezone I.10 acres from R-2, Residential and 0.79 acres zoned R-C, Restricted Commercial to PCD, Planned Commercial Development be recommended to the City Council for APPROVAL for the following reasons: is 4. Approval of this application will eliminate a Pre-exlstiut-' Split Z0111111-' SitUation on this property. subject to the following condition: 1. The corrections noted in the staff report on Page 4 shall be made to the PCD," Option B: "I move that Case No. WZ-99-15, a request for approval to rezone 1.10 acres fi - oni R-2, Residential and 0.79 acres from R-C, Restricted Commercial, to PCD, Planned Commercial Development be recommended to the City Council for DENIAL for the following reasons: 1. Y' ki I kh I " Approved Date TO: Martin Omer, Economic Development Specialist FROM: Steve Nguyen, 'Traffic Engineer DATE: Thursday, January 20, 2000 SUB.TECT: Traffic Impact, 44 1h Avenue Business Park, WZ-99-15 This memo serves as a response to your memo dated January 7, 2000 referencing the above development, Your memo essentially requested additional traffic analvsis including traffic impact and circulation, In addition, you needed to know if the proposed site layout would be able to accommodate a semi-trailer, Vehicle templates such as passenger car and intermediate semi-trailer (WB-40) were used to evaluate the proposed site layout. The evaluation reveals the following findings: L The driveway apron radius should be increased to 20 feet instead ofl 5 as proposed in the plan. This larger radius is to provide adequate area for the trucks turning path. The one-way would work efficiently; both at the driveway and in the parking lot. However, signing in the parking area would be difficult and the level of awareness and compliance would be low, If there is a truck load/unload in the drive aisle, a vehicle in the parking stall would not be able to get out of its space. 4. The current site layout is situated where it will be able to accommodate semi-trucks to circulate around the interior without obstructions even at comers of the site. all This development. for efficiency reasons. should plan a long term traffic access and circulation. which connect to the west parcel. To be specific, a provision sh(,)uld be established for future cross access at the northwe corner of this site to connect to the parcel to the west, Having this cross access, internal circulation would be optimum and site traffic can utilize other access if the immediate access is congested dUrill2l the hLIS\ hours. cc: Alan White, Director of Planning and Developement Greg Knudson, City Engineer File I A 22-foot cross access easement will be provided between the northwest corner of Lot I and the northeast corner of Lot 2 and will be shown on the plat with standard cross access easement language approved by the city attorney. 2. A 5% park land dedication will be required unless the Parks Commission proposes an alternative to the required park dedication. 3. The regarding language utility easements requested by Public Service be shown language regarding on the plat. 4. The plat will show contours, as required by the subdivision regulations. 5. The drainage plan which has been submitted will be made a part of the subdivision and recorded with it. 6. An easement, as defined by state statute and Wheat Ridge subdivision e� regulations sufficient for drainage and to allow for maintenance of the ditch and as approved by the Oulette Ditch Company, will be shown on the subdivision plat. i iii'lil I 'M z M mg • 11 go This case was presented by Martin Omer. He reviewed the staff report and presented slides and overheads of the property. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and accepted by Chair MACDOUGALL Mr. Omer advised the Commission that there was jurisdiction to hear the case. Staff recommendation was for approval of the application with conditions as outlined in the staff report. Planning Commission Page 4 January 6, 2000 Commissioner BRINK.NIAN expressed concern that, based upon the decision h% the Parks Commission. evervthing approved this evening, could have to be redesl�.Yned. Sl . I- als'o expressed concern about reviewing such a large number of changes and conditions that could leave room for error. In response to a question from Commissioner COOPER, Mr, Omer stated that vacancy rates for these types of developments are very low. Commissioner TI OINIPSON expressed concern about the uses nearest residential development such as open overhead doors and fumes from idling trucks, etc. Z:� Tonv Ficco 124 NVest 38th Avenue Commissioner THOMPSON asked Mr. Ficco if he would be opposed to one-way-in and one- way-out traffic circulation. Mr. Ficco replied that staff was of the opinion that two-way traffic flow would work better and that the two-way traffic plan has worked verx! well in other locations. I In reply to a question from Commissioner THOMPSON, Mr. Ficco stated that fie would be agreeaM le to whatever the Planning Commission decided about lightinQ on the property, He also stated that signage for the individual businesses would be uniform. • Planning Corrunission Page 5 January 6, 2000 (6) Eliminate - community buildings, YMCA's, YWCA's, libraries." ( Liquor store shall remain with a condition that it be located in the front of the development, Commissioner COLLINNS noted that it was 11:00 p.m. and suggested continuing the hearini 4n due to the lateness of the hour. Commissioner THOMPSON moved and Commissioner BRINKMAN seconded that the meeting be continued past 11:00 p.m. and the matter of continuation be reviewed at 11:30 p.m. The motion passed by a vote of 6 to I with Commissioner COLLINS voting no and commissioner GOKEY a�sent. Review of the uses continued: Planning Commission Page 6 January 6, 2000 "Ant similar use �vhlch_ fires or explosion" shall be eliminated in its entirety. (17-13) No's. 1, 2, and 3 under this item shall be eliminated in their entirety, 17 -C-3 )) This item shall be entitled - Conditions" with the following conditions listed: Condition No. I - No excessive noise, vibration, dust. emission of heat, radiation, smoke or fumes are produced to the extent that it is dangel hazardous or a nuisance to the reasonable enjoyment or use Of ad�jzlcent properties, Condition No, 2 - No outside storage. Condition No. -3 - Stocking of items intended for use or sale upon the premises is permitted; however, �varehousmg is prohibited, Condition No. 4 - Wholesale sales of any item offered at retail on the premises, where wholesale is ancillary to the primary retail use is peri Commissioner THOMPSON moved and Commissioner COOPER seconded that the meeting continue past 11:30 p.m. in order to complete the list of uses and allow for questions from the Commission before continuing the matter to another meeting. The motion carried by a vote of 6-1 with Commissioner BRINKMAN voting no and Commissioner GOKEY absent. Chair MACDOUGALL asked if there were others present who wished to address this matter. Carol Oman had signed the public hearing roster but indicated she did not want to speak at this time. In response • a question from Commissioner COLLINS, Mr. Ficco stated that he plans to remove the 4-foot chain link fence and replace it with a 6-foot solid fence. If the school to the north wishes to retain the 4-foot chain link fence, Mr. Ficco would build the 6-foot solid fence anyway. # # I # # I ft t t t a I # Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner COLLINS seconded that the Commission reconsider Case No. MS-99-06 due to the fact that there was an error on the subdivision. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0 with Commissioner GOKEY Planning Commission Page 7 January 6, 2000 10. NEW BUSINESS A. Group Homes for Sex Offenders - Commissioner THOMPSON asked if this issue needs to be revisited, Alan White stated that the City Councilman from District I wants to review group home matters and homes for sex offenders will be addressed at that time. 11. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no commission reports. 12. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTINIENT REPORTS There were no reports, 7 . 71 � that the meeting be adjourned at 11:56 pm. The motion passed unanimously. Don MACDOUGALL, Chu ff Lazzeri, Record i n Secretary Planning Commission Page 8 January 6, 2000