HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/02/20002.. ROLL CALL: Commission Members Present: Anne Brinkman ,ferry Collins Paulette Cooper Dick Doyle The following is the official set of , . for of February 111 • both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Departmeni • Planning and Development of Ridge. 4. APPROVAL ORDER OF THE AGEN1 It was moved by t d ner SNOW and seconded 1 o amend the order r r a prior passed by a vote of 7-1 with Commissioner GOKEY voting no. B. Case �Lo,,Z_QA-00-01: Application by the City • Wheat Ridge to amend the Zoning Ordinance Sections 26-6(F)(4) and 26-6(C) of the Code • Laws concerning the right • citizens to protest amendments to changes in the Zone District Regulations. Conimissioner GO KEY agreed that 100 feet would not necessarily incorporate all those property owners who would be impacted by a development. In response to a question by Commissioner GO KEY, Mr. White stated that street right-of-way is not included in the measurements. Section 5. 10 be included in their entirety in the ordinance. Mr. White explained that if notice boundaries extend to 600 feet, it would be necessary t' increase application fees to cover the cost of certified mail involved in sending the noticl Commissioner ffNL,"111UT'iWr1 tnat sne — WTTTM of the many in-fill developments taking place in the city. in response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Mr. White stated that only Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 February 17, 2000 Commissioner THOMPSON suggested that an article be placed in the CAP newsletter concerning the notice boundary changes. She also suggested that a laminated copy of the regulations defining who has a right of protest be placed on the back table'for public This matter was : No Alan White. He stated that staff—'-,,��. these plans for reasons outlined in the staff report. - Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 February ^,,+""o ' J � i In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Mr. White replied that copies of the subject plans will be kept in the Planning Department for historical purposes, it was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY that the application by the City of Wheat Ridge to repeal the Fruitdale Valley Master Plan and the Kipling Activity Center Master Plan be forwarded to City Council with a recommendation for approval for the following reasons: 3. In the Fruitdale Plan, several of the desired goals are no longer valid (redesign of street system south of 44th, west of Vivian and realignment of Youngfield with Ward Road.) Many of the goals specified in the Kipling Plan will be addressed by the hotel/motel program. 5. The planning areas covered by the two plans overlap and the overlap areas contain different land use designations. This creates further confusion in determining consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. The motion passed by a vote of 8-0. 8. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING Chair MACDOUGALL declared the public hearing close] 9. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Commission. Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 February 17, 2000 10. NEW BUSINESS A. Pronosed Moratorium on Non Profit Use BRINK MAN asked if this moratorium would impact an upcoming Planning Commission case. Alan White replied that it would depend upon the final form of the ordinance. B. District 1hree First Monday MggfiU Commissioner BRINKMAN referred to this meeting which she was unable to attend. Commissioner SNOW stated that she was present at the meeting which was very well attended. 11. COMMISSION REPORTS There were • Commission reports. []K�ffl t;N 0 0 # 0 Q= Luau 13. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY that the meeting be adjourned at 8:40 pm. The motion passed by a vote of 8-0. 0 11fti"10 - 0111 C:1Barbara%PCRPTSkPLANGCOM\PCMINUT'EX000217.wpd Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 February 17, 2000 i ! Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: March 2, 2000 DATE PREPARED: February 22, 2000 CASE NO. & NAME: CUP-00-01/Alpine Valley CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Conditional Use Permit to allow a private school in an A -1 zone with Variances LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4501 Parfet Street NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Alpine Valley School 14350 W. 32 " Avenue Golden, CO 50401 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Fellowship Free Will Baptist Church 4501 Parfet Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 APPROXIMATE A» 24,446 square feet (.56 acre) PRESENT ZONINGS Agricultural -One PRESENT LAND USE: Church OUNDING ZONING: N» A -1, S,E, W» R -2 SURROUNDING LAND USE: N» single - family, agricultural, S» vacant, single - family, E» single - family, duplex; W» duplex COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Agricultural Estate Residential DATE PUBLISHED: February 11, 2000 DATE POSTED: February 17, 2000 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT- February 17,2000 ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN () CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE 0 SLIDES () SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS () EXHIBITS 0 OTHER T SDICTION. ,te property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and pasting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. MEMIMMIM II. SITE PLAT Planning Commission Page 2 CUP -00 -0I /Alpine Valley School a tMI A:i- * �*7il I i 1 A meeting for neighb orhood input was held on March 17 199 i YE R All responding agencies can serve the property. Arvada Fire Protection District can serve the property. They will require installation of a fire alarm system and exiting signage: Valley Water District can serve the • •• .• and Wheat Ridge Public Works Department will require a grading plan when the parking lot is re-paved. There will be no public improvements required on either Parfet or West 45" Avenue. There is sidewalk on the property which will facilitate handicap accessability. Planning Commission Page 3 CUP -oU -OI /Alpine Valley School The nonconforming lot size could be considered an economic hardship for the owner. If the uest and the existing church will have • find a new buyer. 5. Would the conditions upon which the petition for a variation is based be applicable, generally, to the other property within the same zoning classification? All variances should be judged on the individual circumstances surrounding the case. 6. Is the purpose of the variation based exclusively upon a desire to make money out of the property If the variance is not granted, tnen Me scnooi WUTM���=M�= would have to find another buyer. Planning Commission Page 4 CUP -00 -01 /Alpine Valley School IV 9. Would the proposed variation impair the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion in the public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. N-41 There should be no negative impact on the amount of light and air to adjacent properties as no building expansions are planned. Because there will be less impervious surfaces on the Planning Commission Page 5 CUP-00-0 I /Alpine Valley School property, water pollution should not be a concern. There will be noise generated by the children when they are on the playground. 4. Is consistent with the comprehensive plan. There is adequate parking for a school of this size. Drop-off will occur in the one-way parking area on the west side of the building. Cars will "it from the northern one-way ve to Parfet Street. 6. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. The applicant is proposing no site changes except for a reduction in the amount of impervious surface. A new 6high solid fence will be built along the western property line. A chain link fence runs across the northern property line, A 6high solid fence along this property would provide buffering for the property to the north. Two motions are required: one for the variance and one for the conditional use permit. Option A: "I move that a request to approve a lot width and lot area variance to allow a quasi-public use at 4501 Parfet Street, be APPROVED for the following reasons: N Pr IL I :�L ^T r L �l - ;TRCET R or C � L 0 JANOAPY Zt. NtZAALNE, cvlvcv IS N7.1 4 ti k, TO PC UL-(� roft V4 615' iii i v v ao,os!: OF VACCT 174G - rL SINrtr-qT:my PRICK 5-5 t CNVACH rVILD1 ZQ r lk- r-N i rN I'-- fit 7/11 7 ; t'it� t' .� + ^: i'r.. x rr .6;.., � �,,. si..�. »�..r �...� ., r ,. C, t, 101 lAtW I'l, "I'v 1.ld Ink ic-jt( vwo, (it On *hop It rlwrl<cd Ilk Iw.: cK; r•fvr to Stillt&ltitr� 4,.\ A r j)rnIna-,,f1 111an needed Dratna;,r T1 not c" Ijr.1In,Ij*c rl t,r7t ()K; ry cat ti L_J 4. F_�Tcs }i :,ot 01 refer to 7( If 'J"ay, plvimr f*xplaill: TProvenwilts'. 110111c I / 4 0 Ftreet J compl"te 110 1, Cutte comp A/A ' t Sidewalk cf1mi Ic yus, fol wires Escrow rcylir(Al I mp 10 vemwn r — --------- .4 n le at amours t ejt ntent A� required If Ye�., for =VA11 jjeccq doci have bf-cn jr bv�Pwlbl WC-r1; as *,: hereto: u- — F_� Provisions for Public Tr,; mr?ntn have h - ren - reviewud and lowid t OK EL J, Not Ott; refer * StiPulat'lO' t__1 OVI Check dedications: I or allf'.'Ys Aviv w dtdicit-d pre ° ntr�+t s "Eis�cf:�...._...,... � 4 � "yes, eirsit A'C "ii;vwtrre' °iavC t» _e_ cle 1 or the ;tv: Yd UI Ir -'t tile 0. A ] I ex i t t s ap, d Ica tcd roadway S 11 If r-1, which dr pot, And :Jl ations jj�jve !�cen rov - �nd kri 4, ex Isting and propo:;eo (Jetjj�,, it . i 4AII ot C��' tiVt (1, : ri'fe'r to f;L 1 Public t4irk: 1), Pat Mcn" LA:-, rr I tl& T-1- "Y i"" d j t t ti ..a ttache d !.t I oki I at fol- , t«ig Aturf . aq reviewed this rtqttcst and 4(kc -, ­At a', V r C v k* = ritblic Worklv IVnartment h. tot tho reatt,nart rt,L•: IT F. A. 1 0 bus+a 4444. H tmtivv.A"ov a"p( ,t 4s4v% t .mot mmommeam ..w.■.. t mac,•. &- W. Alpine Valley School 14350 West 32nd Ave Go lden Co 80401 • (303) 271 -0 525 January 27, 2000 Planning Di vision City of Wheat Ridge 7500 west 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Mem o t Divisi Al p i ne #• l is submitting this site d plan as part of our # # • Pe rmit app f or property at 4 501 P ar f et S treet , R pri de We ourse on be i" and respons n eighbo rs. ex M proble being in a residential area for the past three years. We expect this will also be true at 4501 Parfet Street. �Y Type i ype 1 Site Plan for Alpine Valley School Please Note: The only modifications we are planning to the outside of the building include reducing the amount of parking lot, increasing the landscaped areas, erecting fences, painting the building. 33-19-1 fol Y a V 1 `y' Y 1 a V F 1r V t °l^ 4++*► l ui l YYr awr ®- tJ! +*r ww wr w w wxw .wa. wnw.. w..r wwr rww aw'r +war w*w. wwn y. y� V L ul • ♦ / V d ie iit am/ VD W yr l.+rM' Yar s �ry �+yy+y �y ar arr w v Si ✓ w. wis w I cin r V X j a uj t taa� 0 CO 1 Y I .0 * 0 r�r t t rY Y M 1 W itY w � iA Q ) Ya. f " y 0 /r t, V . a! e� r a Q fol Y a V 1 `y' Y 1 V t °l^ 4++*► l ui l YYr awr ®- tJ! +*r ww wr w w wxw .wa. wnw.. w..r wwr rww aw'r +war w*w. wwn y. L • ♦ / 1 ie VD Y `+r,j a yr l.+rM' Yar s �ry �+yy+y �y ar arr w v Si ✓ w. wis w I cin r V X j a t taa� 0 CO Y I .0 * 0 t t EXF F • v� ., oM U5 A. at ?LAK Fo AUI � VALLuf c. cooL T t4ofa-IA C3:: E 5QV, oo -TIA�r gut. 7,Zoo 6-IF. Sut� - M UtT - I - US& - `KOOM 1 ac v s�A'Ctt LAVA Lox StVE vt, : M laK� Ftt A UL UtA''f ♦ t ,� W i . s�A'Ctt LAVA Lox i 3: Planning Commission DATE OF I11 DATE PREPAR Fe 22 LOCATION OF REQUEST* 4445 Parfet Street and 11050 W. 45' Avenue NAME arc ADDRESS OF APPLICANT( S): Kevin Finnegan 7720 W. Philips Avenue Littleton, CO NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Toula Daddis 215 S. Dahlia Denver, CO APPROXIMATE A: 1.32 acres PRESENT ZONING: Residential -Two, Residential -Three and Commercial-One eRESENT LAND USE: Vacant SURROUNDING ZONING: N:A•1, Sa C -1; E: R -2, R -3; W: R- SURROUNDING L USE: N. church, low density residential; St Commercial; E: low density residential; W: low density residential. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR TIME AREA: Single- Family Detached Residential (not to exc 4 du's`per acre), DATE PUBLISHED: ...,,.....�.........� ....��..,.,. ,.........,�...__..,._. ,.._ February 11, 2000 DATE POSTED. February 17, 2000 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: February 17, 2000 XNEEKEUM SDICTION: c'he property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicants have applied for a four- fold request: I Approval of a rezoning from Residential-Three and Commercial-One to Residential-Three (Case No. WZ-99-1.4). 2. Approval of a two-lot minor subdivision (Case No. MS-99-05). 3, Approval of a planned building group plan (Case No. PBG-99-02). 4. A variance to Section 26-30(N) to allow more than four dwelling units on a private drive. Four separate motions will be required. All of the individual requests have been published separately A meeting for neighborhood input for the zone change was held on August 17, 1999. The following persons were in attendance: Sean McCartney - city staff Barbara Newman - 4430 Pierson Street Betty Mizell - 10881 W. 45" Avenue Betty McCarthy - 10861 W. 45 Avermi Lee Fidell - 4480 Pierson Street Char Fidell - 4480 Pierson Street Pat Krupa - 10860 W. 45" Avenue Mike Krupa - 10860 W. 45 Avenue Kevin Finnegan - applicant V. REZONING CRITERIA The southern 30'of the southern parcel (proposed Lot I)is zoned Commercial-One. The applicant has requested a rezoning of this 30'to R-3 to consolidate zoning on the southern parcel to R-3. Planning Commission Page 3 WZ-99-141MS-99-05/PBG-99-02 Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a change in zoning (change of zoning conditions): The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. The property is currently zonea Wes=... MY1 There is no mistake • the zoning map. 2. A change in the character in the area has occurred due to the installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration or development transitions. 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. There will be no obvious social or recreational benefits as a result of this rezoning. There ra — rdwawnt increased taxes and values and increased buying power in the community. Planning Commission Page 4 WZ-99-l4/MS-99-O5/PBG-99 -02 7. That the proposed rezoning public or creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light i air to adjacent properties. N o additional units are .! #`• because of • (see comments under « i Planning Commission Page S W - 99- 141MS- 99- 05 /PBG•99 -02 The units are proposed to be two stories in height, not to exceed 25. Proposed architectural materials include siding and brick wainscoting, Fencing will be allowed between the units and in the back yard. Individual owners will be responsible for installation and maintenance of landscaping in the rear yards. All other landsca ing and open space will be maintained by the HOA. pt Site data breakdown for the PBG includes 19.8% coverage by buildings, 29.2% of hard surfaces coverage and 52% coverage by landscaping and open space. All minimum requirements of the R-3 zone district regulations have been met or exceeded. Planning Commission Page 6 WZ-99-14/MS-99-OS/PBG-99-02 . 0 1 1. Whether the proposed plan is consistent with the spirit and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and of the Comprehensive Plan and that it would not be contrary to the general welfare and economic prosperity of the City or the immediate neighborhood and that the plan has been prepared to achieve the benefits of improved design. Planning Commission Page 7 WZ-99-14/MS-99-051PBG-99-02 Whether the plan has considered the comments and recommendations made by the various review agencies to the greatest extent possible or practical under the circumstances. zonings with development which includes single family. duplexes and multi-family. A commercial office building with C- I zoning abuts the property on the south. The adjacent residences are primarily one-story in height but could • increased to 35 in height per the zoning code. Staff concludes that the proposed duplexes are not inconsistent with the neighborhood. VIII. VARIANCE CRITERIA m1111111 ly M&M 1. Can the property, in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located? There are other private drive situations in District IV. To Staff s knowledge, the closest one is at 11301 W, 44" Avenue (north side of W. 44 Avenue, east of Robb Street). 4. Would the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of th(� specific property involved result in a- particular hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out? The easement crossing the property constrains the locations of buildings on the property. Planning Commission Page 10 W - 99- 14/MS- 99- 05IPSG -99 -02 distinguished from an individual benefit on the part of the applicant, or would granting of the variance result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities? Approval of the variance will not result in an accommodation to a person with disabilities. The northern-most building will be handicapped assessable. IX. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION In regard to the various applications, Staff has drawn the following conclusions: I . The private drive be constructed to the City's standard for pavement thickness 2. The homeowner's association covenants be reviewed by staff and the city attorney for maintenance provisions. � g WZ-99-14/MS-99-05/PBG-99-02 am 1. 2. 1 " Option B. "I move that Case No. WZ-99-14, a request for approval • a rezoning from R-3 and C- I to R-3 for property located at 4445 Parfet Street, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." MINOR SUBDIVISION Option A: "I move that Case No. MS-99-, request for approval • a two -lot minor subdivision for property located at 4445 Parfet and 11050 W. 45" Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons: I A subdivision is required to separate the R-2 portion from the R-3 portion of the property. Planning Commission Page 12 WZ-99-14/MS-99-05/PBG-99-02 2. All requirements of the R-2 and R-3 zone district regulations have been ma 3. The plat is in conformance with the subdivision regulations VARIANCE Option A: "I move that a request for approval of a variance to Section 26-30(N) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws to allow more than four residential dwelling units on a private drive for property located at 4445 Parfet Street, be APPROVED for the following reasons: I There are unique circumstances due to the 75' wide public Service Comp easement that traverses the property. 2. Use of a private drive will result in less impervious surface. 3. There will be no negative affect to the surrounding neighborhood if adequila- provisions for construction and maintenance are made. I . The private drive be constructed to the City's standard for pavement thickness. 2. The homeowner's association covenants be reviewed by staff and the city attorney for maintenance provisions prior to the City Council public hearing." Option B: "I move that a request for approval of a variance to Section 26-30(N) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws to allow more than four residential dwelling units on a private drive for property located at 4445 Parfet Street, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 3. 71 Planning Commission Page 13 WZ-99-14/MS-99-05/PBG-99-02 PLANNED BUILDING (iRO Option A: -I move that Case No. PBG-99-, a request for approval of a planned building group plan for R-3 zoned property located at 4445 Parfet Street be APPROVED for the following reasons: I . , The private drive be constructed to the City's standard for pavement thickness. 2. The homeowner's association covenants be reviewed by staff and the city attorney for maintenance provisions prior to the City Council public hearing. An equivalent caliper inch of trees be replaced on the property Option B: "I move that Case No. PBG-99-, a request for approval of a planned building group p an for R-3 zoned property located at 4445 Parfet Street be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." EAR"kemA wpd.wpd Planning Commission Page 14 WZ-99-14/MS-99-05/PBG-99-02 WZ -99 -141 Finnegan I T `'�, Q 100 Feet 4445 Parfet St �w 0 r fit► um OP Tow. Aw*aM 31st fstsI .f+avat+ a 71. ARE CIA$ f >A s. �F is w � • — sW*ft wr aW YwOo* • # stt- �atart�. . w ce'^# rttewtrclwtt of T *C#ri - it � �+ut�t�ri�sc to +�tltx 1 Peas ♦t V YS*I t is ItAP fbl. 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Taal Part or :.nc ova tf ve; *•.ta9r::ed as .e.lt+�a..; PASO::. A. CtCtr:,:lo4f at * po.ae. ea 14t *tot r1:1Ot of .a± ll.*rt .t: .:"uric* ;"Ctc. 11 -COSM 22. tvtt ro tb or tha sOets right O: var ttec of aca. 4S t. A.c,..t: thcoct vvas. para;lel `0 sai9 south 11,4 of Ot.t aa::, A.caur. iel.. acts:. tb**44 8ovt4, parallel to *aie *cv. lea* Of Sale .arftt ii trcel. 16 fe e:: thetcr 144t Parallel tO 4414 3ovt1, ;1v* o: ttet 46t!e kvtoac, Yo,.r ictt. tkeeet " rah alft.r sale volt 11a^a of Parfet Street 357 feet t tat Pets; O: 494t:. >.1 «3, Co.ea..g of :tffrr= =iron,. S €asc.. or Ctlovaeo rangy tOClan v e +Oa.t o:, .wt Stvth rsl;.+t of ea 1.«t 01 v c.t .:ih feet Vv*t of tte to t.- attsfOa of ewer Stott. 14 +.c of vv,t J."4 k.9k9t 3x16 tht *tat r. t c' - .I .1 I.,tot SevtOt; thento a4'p4 ?(,", :y;t4: 4o-oO ak�th 223 et «. tatc,to UaA 1 ;;tct: 4bea acrto 325 lo.t to 4h4 0Zftr Of Ott*,' °••t Yt„ e'erin4g or lctrereen 54-4t .1 DOCiOAlog at a poakt on .he teat riebt of rag flat vl rar1Ot sir9cs 1s0 :ttt Soot.+ Of toe ",Vi r- %t Ot sag :jac Of *hSt ista n.V_: , teeate W **t, parallel to saad SO et% lake 01 Its' 450 l.toae, 1.'4 f04t; 4oe..ca SO.tq, paraliti :O staid teat like of Parfet Streit, 95 $tat :. Leckie Ca t tarafltl to salt SOO.3 1:00 of keg. 43tb Avok9t, 12S 190:.0 .ate wear ;-t- tt Parttt Ss. "ott: tbtkca Horeb, 4 404C the *tat rt`vc of Sag ..tkc Or pIrfc ^. Street IS ices ° +o rte pal.t It 0t01r.nik covat at drrfer•aOn, seas. of Colorado, 4 ,. 14. d T*DN 4SW GrZ £0£ E NO R18 Sd3ADW ObIaW £tea =91 66/ T /TT r s u Y i tetfta. �. 4 wlY1+T7 f .. Taal Part or :.nc ova tf ve; *•.ta9r::ed as .e.lt+�a..; PASO::. A. CtCtr:,:lo4f at * po.ae. ea 14t *tot r1:1Ot of .a± ll.*rt .t: .:"uric* ;"Ctc. 11 -COSM 22. tvtt ro tb or tha sOets right O: var ttec of aca. 4S t. A.c,..t: thcoct vvas. para;lel `0 sai9 south 11,4 of Ot.t aa::, A.caur. iel.. acts:. tb**44 8ovt4, parallel to *aie *cv. lea* Of Sale .arftt ii trcel. 16 fe e:: thetcr 144t Parallel tO 4414 3ovt1, ;1v* o: ttet 46t!e kvtoac, Yo,.r ictt. tkeeet " rah alft.r sale volt 11a^a of Parfet Street 357 feet t tat Pets; O: 494t:. >.1 «3, Co.ea..g of :tffrr= =iron,. S €asc.. or Ctlovaeo rangy tOClan v e +Oa.t o:, .wt Stvth rsl;.+t of ea 1.«t 01 v c.t .:ih feet Vv*t of tte to t.- attsfOa of ewer Stott. 14 +.c of vv,t J."4 k.9k9t 3x16 tht *tat r. t c' - .I .1 I.,tot SevtOt; thento a4'p4 ?(,", :y;t4: 4o-oO ak�th 223 et «. tatc,to UaA 1 ;;tct: 4bea acrto 325 lo.t to 4h4 0Zftr Of Ott*,' °••t Yt„ e'erin4g or lctrereen 54-4t .1 DOCiOAlog at a poakt on .he teat riebt of rag flat vl rar1Ot sir9cs 1s0 :ttt Soot.+ Of toe ",Vi r- %t Ot sag :jac Of *hSt ista n.V_: , teeate W **t, parallel to saad SO et% lake 01 Its' 450 l.toae, 1.'4 f04t; 4oe..ca SO.tq, paraliti :O staid teat like of Parfet Streit, 95 $tat :. Leckie Ca t tarafltl to salt SOO.3 1:00 of keg. 43tb Avok9t, 12S 190:.0 .ate wear ;-t- tt Parttt Ss. "ott: tbtkca Horeb, 4 404C the *tat rt`vc of Sag ..tkc Or pIrfc ^. Street IS ices ° +o rte pal.t It 0t01r.nik covat at drrfer•aOn, seas. of Colorado, 4 ,. 14. d T*DN 4SW GrZ £0£ E NO R18 Sd3ADW ObIaW £tea =91 66/ T /TT SCT'ON D 6 4- NDiHSIW S834Me 0813W 8S:91 66/ T /TT Al - ir r • •;: �• wr y;