Minutes of Meeting
July 20, 2000
Planning Commission Page I
July 20, 2000
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A. CaNe No. SUP -Q-0-0 : A Special Use Permit application to allow casino bus drop-off
and pick-up on Commercial-One (C- I ) zoned property located at 12100 West 44th
Commissioner COOPER questioned the discrepancy in the number of parking spaces. The
staff report indicated there were 233 spaces while a letter from the ap• licant's attorney
indicated there were 215. Meredith Reckert stated that she arrived at the 233 figure from aerial
photos as well as visual inspection of the site.
In response to a question from Commissioner SNOW, Alan White stated the code limits idling
time for buses
• fifteen minutes.
Commissioner THOMPSON inquired about the complaint the city received against the
application. Alan White explained that the complaint pertained to the use rather than the
Commissioner COLLINS inquired about the rating for Van Gordon Street in regard to the
weight of the buses. Steve Nguyen replied that it is rated as a local street and not designed for
trucks; however, there is light industrial use across the street from the hotel which necessitates
truck traffic.
Planning Commission Page 2
July 20, 2000
Brad Sheffin
555 East 8th Avenue, Denver
Mr. Shetrin, attorney for the applicant, was sworn in by Chair MACDOUGALL. He stated that
the requested use has been ongoing since 1993 and authorized by the Public Utilities
Commissioner COOPER inquired as to the length • parking stay for those individuals riding
the casino bus. Mr. Sheffin referred to the bus company's parking study included in the packet
and noted that many of the bus patrons carpool to the parking lot which decreases the use of a
number of parking, spaces. The study only covered peak hour usage.
In response to comments about the idling of buses, Mr. Sheffin stated that the bus company's
policy is that no bus may idle over five minutes.
Arthur Trator
Planning Commission Page 3
July 20, 2000
It was moved by Commissioner THOMPSON and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY
that Case No. SUP-00-01, a request for approval of a special use permit to allow casino
bus pick-up and drop-off on C-I zoned property located at 12100 West 44th Avenue, be
APPROVED for the following reasons:
1. The casino bus operation is providing a benefit to the general public by reducing
the number of vehicles traveling to and from Central City and Black Hawk.
► The bus operation has not created a significant number of accidents on adjacent
public streets.
I * # I I #
(Chair MACDOUGALL declared a recess at 8:35 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:50
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July 20, 200 0
Commission for approval. However, it could be converted to any use allowed in the RC -1 zone
Commissioner THOMPSON expressed concern that the proposed building should be set back
further to accommodate for the future highway interchange at this location. She also
questioned why 42nd Avenue has never been paved and suggested that it should be paved if
this application is approved.
Commissioner GOKEY agreed that 42nd Avenue should be paved, but not at the expense of the
2-pplicant. He expressed concern about "natural landscaping".
Commissioner GOKEY expressed concern about the natural landscaping. Mr. Trout stated that
he plans to plant trees and would keep the natural grasses mowed.
Planning Commission
July 20, 2000
In response to a question from Commissioner CWWKL1,VV, — .
of the potential redesign of the 1-70/Flwv 58 improvements and would consider moving the
building footprint back to accommodate future changes in the roadway. I
In response to concerns about lighting, Mr. Trout stated that he would position lighting in such
a way that it would not shine into the residences.
Anne Easley indicated that she did not wish to step to the podium but indicated she was in
Eileen Wendell
3430 Vivian Court
Ms. Wendell was swom in by, Chair MACDOUGALL. Her son lives on her property at 4225
Xenon. She has visited Modem Log Homes present location and feels Mr. Trout's
development would be a good addition to this neighborhood.
it was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY that
Case No. WZ-00-05 a request for approval of a rezoning from Agricultural Two to
AeT&k`% le#
the following reasons:
The increased commercialization of and future changes to the You ngfi eld/1-70
corridor have rendered the property undesirable as a single family residence.
2. The proposed change of zone is consistent with both the newly adopted
Comprehensive Plan and the Fruitdale Valley Master Plan.
With the following condition.-
1. The rezoning is conditioned upon the subsequent approval of the site plan to be
recorded with the county.
The motion passed 8-0.
- Punning Commission Page 6
July 20, 2000
It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner THOMPSON
that the site plan for 4288 Youngfield proposed in conjunction with Case No. WZ-00-05,
be approved for the following reasons:
Commissioner GO KEY stated that he could not support the motion until studies are
completed and it is known what will be involved in such improvements.
The motion passed 7-1 with Commissioner GO KEY voting no.
There were no commission reports.
It was moved by Commissioner GOKEY and seconded by Commissioner SNOW that the
meeting be adjourned at 10:20 p.m. The motion passed 8-0.
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Planning Commission
July 20, 2000
offenders City Council requested that regulations be developed that limited to one the number of sex
t t be housed in group living situations. other jurisdiction
adjacent to Wheat Ridge adopted this restriction. Affairs Committee •
referred and to City Council ordinance.
to comply. The ordinance t the definitions of "non-profit t ! t and
"'residential group home" to permit only one offender • t 't home.
Staff recommends approval.
Council Bill No.. 22
Ordinance No.
WHEREAS, the General Assembly has required that sex offenders register
with the local law enforcement agency within seven (7) days of becoming a
temporary • permanent resident within the a•ency's jurisdiction; and
WHEREAS, a sex offender potentially poses a direct threat to the health and
saf e ' ty of others, as recognized by the General Assembly and various court
decisions; and
WHEREAS, sex offenders have a high incidence • recidivism; and
WHEREAS, the concentration of sex offenders in a residential zone district
may increase the potential risk • the threat to the health and safety • others.
Section 1. Section • • the Code of Laws is hereby
amended by ainending the definition of "Family" to read:
of 1988, or disabled persons as defined by § 24-34-301,
Staldn 2. Section 26-5(a), Definitions, of the 'Code of Laws is hereby
amended by amending the definition of "Nonprofit Group Home" to read:
LCM\530271351782.04 -2-
LCW53027\351782,04 -3-
_Section 4. Compliance. Properties, land uses or activities madc
Tionconforming by the adoption of this Ordinance must be brought into conformity
with this ordinance or discontinued within 90 days of the effective date hereof.
I Section 7. Effogtive Date. This Ordinance shall take effect fifteen days after
final publication, as provided by Section 5.11 of the Charter.
READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by
a vote of to -, this day of ,2000.
SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of
Gretchen Cerveny, Mayor
. .. ...... .
Wanda Sang, City Clerk
LCM\53027\351782.04 -4-
City of Wheat Ridge
TO: Alan White, Director • Planning and Development
DATE: June 16, 2000
I have reviewed the zone change applications from 1998 and 1999 and have concluded that the
following cases were approved although they were inconsistent with the comprehensive plan
designation. According to the provision above, comp plan amendments should be initiated for
these actions.
Case No, WZ-99-06 was a request for approval of a rezoning from R-2 to RC- I to allow
construction of a small office at 8151 W. 40 Avenue. The comp plan designates the property as
Single Family Detached Residential and Existing Two Family Conforming Structures and Lots
(Not to exceed 6 du's per acre). The comp plan should be amended to designate this property
Neighborhood Retail Area.
Case No. WZ-99-07 was a request for approval of a zone change from RC to R-3 for the south
90'of property located at 6690 W. 38" Avenue ( addressed as 6731 W. 37th Place). The comp
R lan currently designates the property as Neighborhood Retail and should • amended to PRD
(Not • exceed 12 units per
• . • + *-