HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/07/2000CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting August 17, 2000 The following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of August 17, 2000. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner COOPER referred to the first paragraph on page two. She stated that it was her recollection that Mr. Drda was aware of the sign posting for the public hearing. Following Planning Commission Page I August l7, 2000 6. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one to appear before the Commission. M This case was presented by Mary Austin. She reviewed the staff report, presented slides and overheads of the subject property. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and she advised the Commission they had jurisdiction to hear the case. Staff recommended approval of the application with one condition as outlined in the staff report. Commissioner McNAMEE questioned whether the subject property was designated as AER or ►RD in the Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Austin explained that it was actually included in both. The Comprehensive Plan designation was not included as part of the staff report because this case is not a rezoning request. In response to a question from Commissioner SNOW regarding plat note no. 13, Ms. Austin r MR & ij �=Mk--refore easements are not shown, and Tract B is an access and utility easement. Ms. Austin suggested adding language to note no. 13 whichwouldread: . are hereby vacated by this plat. Maurice F. Fox 4465 Kip ling St. Mr. Fox, attorney for the applicant, was sworn in by Chair MaCDOUGALL. He pointed out that the proposed development would remove a good portion of R-3 zoned land in this area. He requested approval of the application. dL- cated he could add a Arrpv t itd-3—fr al A o 1142ms= Planning Commission Page 2 August 17, 2000 Mr. White advised that drainage from lots 2 and 3 would have to be designed in such a way that lots 3 and 5 of the Quail Cove Subdivision would not be impacted. He also explained that while an casement of 25 feet is required for the access road, pavement is only required to be 20 feet in width. Further, pavement is only required for the first 25 feet from Quail Street. Louise Turner 11256 West 38th Avenue Ms. Turner was sworn in by Chair MacDOUGALL. She stated that she has lived adjacent to the subject property for over 35 years and was sad to see it developed, even though it is within the legal requirements to do so. She explained that the 5-foot easement south of lot 3 shown as a drainage and utility easement is actually the Brookside Ditch. She requested that this be to on the plat. She expressed concern that someone may build a "monster house" on the property which could come within five feet of her property line. She requested that the Planning Commission address this issue at some time in the future and increase setback requirements for very tall houses so they •• n't tower over existing homes. Planning Commission Page 3 August 17, 2000 The zoning designation of Tracts A and B as well as the lots in the adjacent Quail Cove Subdivision be corrected to reflect the PRD zoning. 5. Easements for the Brookside Ditch will be verified and indicated on the plat if they do exist. The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner DOYLE absent. (Chair MacDOUGALL declared a recess at 915 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:30 9. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Commission. Planning Commission Page 4 August 17, 2000 10. NEW BUSINESS A. Review Capital Improvements - The City's proposed 2001-2005 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Detailed CIP for the year 2001 was provided in the Commission packet and presented by Bob Goebel for the Commission's review and comment. Mr. Dahl asked the Commission's opinion • architectural codes. Commissioner THOMPS exE ressed concern that architectural standards could be so strict that businesses might choose locate in another jurisdiction. Mr. Dahl stated his opinion that developments such as Target, WalMart, etc. base their locations on other standards such as demographics, location and price of land. Smaller businesses may be somewhat affected • strict architectural standards. In response to questions regaraing wriettier arcm ec well as new development, Mr. Dahl stated his opinion that the standards should apply to new development only. Commissioner SNOW suggested that the rewritten code be very clear as to whether a policy nlv a ittatter cif chan ing, hl 12guage for clarification. Mr. Dahl invited Commission members to send written suggestions or comments to him for h consideration during the rewriting process. The staff will also be involved in the process. i 11. COMMISSION REPORTS There, were no Commission reports. Planning Commission Page 5 August 17, 2000 13. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner GOKEY and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m, The motion passed 7 -0 with Commissioner DOYLE absent. IMMEE= APPROXIMATE AREA: 4.73 acres PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: SURROUNDING ZONING: LAN111 ITSJ: RFME�� PID; W: PID, I N: office/warehouse; S: manufacturing; E: office; W: DATE PUBLISHED: August 18, 2000 DATE POSTED: August 24, 201 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: August 24, 2000 ENTER INTO RECORD: JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a three-lot minor subdivision for property located at 4840 Van Gordon. The property is currently zoned 1, Light Industrial, and is vacant. The purpose of the request is to allow the construction of three industrial buildings on the property. See letter of request included as Exhibit 'A, 11 SUBDIVISION DESIGN The proposed subdivision creates three lots. All three of the lots will access a single access point off Van Gordon Street, As such staff has requested a blanket cross access easement over all of the access, parking and drives, Although this was included as part of the original review comments, it was not added to the plat document. See attached Exhibit 'B' which is our standard language, This should become a condition of approval. o rig -77-way comer of the site but the wrong maintenance language was used. See attached Exhibit 'C. This also should be made a condition • approval. Staff has spoken with the applicant regarding these omissions and they concur with a recommendation of conditional approval. Arvada Fire Protection District will require the installation of fire lanes and fire hydrants. Buildings in excess of 18, 000 square feet will have to be sprinklered. Turning radii on the property will need to be designed to accommodate a radius of 46' outside and 26' inside with a four foot bumper overhang. Valley Water can serve the property with the installation of a main line and service lines and taps. They have been working with the owner and his representatives. The City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department has reviewed the plat and has commented relative to the technical aspects which need correction or modification. A drainage report is in the process of being reviewed. The installation of public improvements will be required along the Van Gordon Street frontage. The Traffic Engineer has requested a traffic impact study. This information is required in regard to access design and required public improvements. e: \planning \forzs\report e: \planning \fonns \reptcovr AR\/A:),A, S E MAP � Jume �5, 1994 Lct�t Revisicr: -lt,�iy 20, 1998 5CALE 1*�4CO IR" OF �L AWN AND CIEVEXPMENT — 235-2852 MM��� Hawkins Associates Architects, P.C. M ir Ilk City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 The pupose • this development is industrial and/or warehouse use to meet the nee of the owner and his tenants. I 0 FM:MMM�� Suite 321 Applew•od Tech Center 2801 Youngfield Street Golden, Colorado 80401 (31 3) 239-0800 Fax 239-0801 ... When on-sife detention is required for development, and is to be defined on the platting document, the following statement or note should be added: I . 1 z tr) L) m z U) LL r U- �% U4 CD Z 0 LL UA z 0 L) z w U4 L) CU UJ 'T P: k $ 1 4 -::4 Ml� KIM ��; I m \k u t 11 It 'OL' 4 s 11:1 AO tj *._ ;11 VA S LAND U ss Plann� an'd D—,eiopment Dt� )artrnent 715f-lf-' We:�t 2)th Aven Whe3t R:, ,e, CO S0033 Pnone :303; 2u-2 4� 1% 0 z:� Inior; ts'�q)' Fype of action requested check one or more of the actions lj.i ed below which pertain to your reques"'= I Applicationwbarittal requirenitnts c 1 reverse side I Special Use Permit Subdivision: Minor ,5 lots or less` Subdivision: Major k',\ than 5 lots" Preliminary v Final Street 'Vacation Temporary Use, Building, Sign Variance / Waiver ffrom Section Zoninc Ordinance Amendment Other: Date rest-wed— Fee $— Receipt No. Case No, ?224— Cornp Plan D.-�ig, Zoning Quarter Section Relat. Case Vic. Pre -:a N.Itg Date Case Manager 91 VICMY M&P I til i� I �,j JUI P, f A + r4 I U D - )HUMLIN 'I S 4 S St Uyl 1 It "EON ' � Nf, I I J R� - Of �, 1). NFORMATIOU DUKTE) By PlIkRi S 0 O. L u; LI 4, !h' M 0 THF, 100 YF I'R FLOOD PLAN DO NO I [ 61 Ill i H- 90�NDAPY 01 !HIS f , 'I:i If �I. SHOWN -i REON ARF I- BEARINGS SHION1 HEREON ARE I N [� "1 -1 IN FE AL! - : L R F, f� , , 6. "If y PRSCN M40 KNOMhG[ Y RE POVE S, A[ I' E RS OR DEFACE AN PUBLIC i AN! I <� t N T OR, ACCr SCRy C 0 u M 11 T 0 , A CIASS I'll M60EIMI ANOR PURSUAN I ' ) SI: - , , ,t d) DRAINAGE I wCj[-Illt S LOU 7 D W [KH TiF I Of 3, SP)RH Vl DE t 1WION ✓ L jj lr fl, IZ i TY Of Al RITGE OR `fl Mi'S, ASSIGNS. ACCESS 1 0 4[ ST ORM- VI Or I[ AS� "'fr I Of [V,jNTE,r1AN,',J AND LIPGRN P S "A.(L BF PIR0\11DED BY ULF tf)i 01I l i z f IS 2 li l � i j L 4 'If ti ri i P 1,4 If I r "VAif I� 7 1 ?0'� I�N�' i r 'ONr" 3 A ti PILL NO TS 4. 3 FARINGcl 'UN 4 W D i-H' IN 1 1"­ BASM 1 PON fir 'AS! I N fi'l ' ✓ N LI) Ji I �,j JUI P, Of 5.( ION !OV,'i6r 3 SOUTH RAND 69 NFS 1, BEING Ali AS D PFAW OF if A + r4 I U D - )HUMLIN 'I S 4 S St Uyl 1 It "EON ' � Nf, I I R� - Of �, 1). NFORMATIOU DUKTE) By PlIkRi S 0 O. L u; 4 � . PAR WITH 1 1 L AS f 1C ' 1 1 P E. S. NuMBER 2629C, r I AL [ LO AND K Sit k 4 Rt — - 4, !h' M 0 THF, 100 YF I'R FLOOD PLAN DO NO I [ 61 Ill i H- 90�NDAPY 01 !HIS f , 'I:i If �I. SHOWN -i REON ARF I- BEARINGS SHION1 HEREON ARE I N [� "1 -1 IN FE AL! - : L R F, f� , , 6. "If y PRSCN M40 KNOMhG[ Y RE POVE S, A[ I' E RS OR DEFACE AN PUBLIC i AN! I <� t N T OR, ACCr SCRy C 0 u M 11 T 0 , A CIASS I'll M60EIMI ANOR PURSUAN I ' ) SI: - , , ,t d) DRAINAGE I wCj[-Illt S LOU 7 D W [KH TiF I Of 3, SP)RH Vl DE t 1WION ✓ L jj lr fl, IZ i TY Of Al RITGE OR `fl Mi'S, ASSIGNS. ACCESS 1 0 4[ ST ORM- VI Or I[ AS� "'fr I Of [V,jNTE,r1AN,',J AND LIPGRN P S "A.(L BF PIR0\11DED BY ULF tf)i 01I l ' 0 GRAPHI S(CAU " 1 Ct xn PI OT 3 A i, J i A " f l i f IS 2 j L 4 'If ti ri i P 1,4 If I r "VAif I� 7 1 ?0'� I�N�' i r 'ONr" 3 is , 111 , , J i y I f: A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT fO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: Sept. 7, 2000 DATE PREPARED: August 28, 2000 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-00-07/Nextel CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Nextel Communications 4643 S. Ulster #200 Denver, CO 80237 PRESENT LAND USE: SURROUNDING ZONING: BE • # - " . I N, S: Industrial; E, W: PID S, W: Industrial; E: Office; N: Vacant COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Industrial DATE PUBLISHED: August 18, 2000 DATE POSTED: August 24, 2000 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: August 24, 2000 ENTER INTO RECORD: IMSDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to bear this case. I. REQUEST V. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Option A: "I move that Case No. WZ-00-07, a request for approval of an amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final development plan for property located at 4836 Van Gordon Street, • recommended for APPROVAL for the following reasons: An amendment is required to allow the co-location • CNIRS panel antennas on an existing tower in the PID zone. 2. The plan amendment could alleviate the necessity of additional freestanding CNIRS towers. 3. The plan amendment is compatible with adjacent zoning and land Option B: "I move that Case No. WZ-00-07, a request for approval • an amendment to a Planned IndustriAl Development final development plan for property located at 4836 Van Gordon Street, • recommended DENIAL for the following reasons: I. 2. 3.'$ MMEMMMMEMM , R'ME , '( 7 OF PLANNING AND DEVEXR - 255-2852 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PROJECT STATEMENT UUMMMIUMMIM Nextel Communications is requesting review and approval from the City of Wheat Ridge to allow a co-location on an existing CMRS facility at 4836 Van Gordon Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033. Construction • this facility can commence within five working days • the issuance of a building permit; the facility will take approximately three weeks to construct. Each Nextel service area is divided into a grid of hexagonal geographic areas called cells. At the center of each area is a low power um radio repeater station, which handles calls to and from mobile customers within the area. As a mobile customer moves from one area to another with a call in progress, the call is automatically "banded off' to the next repeater station to allow uninterrupted mobile conversation. The selection of this site as a potential cellsite is based on Radio Frequency engineering parameters, which are designed to produce a complete network of seamless cellular coverage. This candidate has been selected to meet the network design by providing improved coverage quality in the vicinity ♦ Interstate 70 and Ward Road. Justification The site is located in a Planned Industrial Development zoning district. The telecommunication facility is an unmanned facility that will not cause air, water, or noise pollution, nor impact traffic or utility overload. T AHCH OLAS GAR DENS T R A C T 61 14 EE ING A PART O THE SW 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 1 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH. RANGE C-9 WEr--T OF THE 6 PV, WHEAT RIDGE JEFFERSON COUNTY. COLORADO FINAL, r)F r)PfAPMT PI ^N SM E LPSAGE W4S ZPM *A' *- 4 WY1FXaD 0 tj x �µ� , DEDICATION =E c;- "'ETWO JR. stiftra lr�4f 0014" OF T)* REAL ,� OF 4,7* ACRES CCS-WOED AS FOLLOOM, ALL OF TRACT A. "W.MOLAS SAROVIM CCAAffY OF .AFFt*SM STATE OF COL AND "A0fg0 �X I � O =Ar�EV SAV k-�A$ "M �c THE ORAW AMED UNDER THE RAW AND STYLE Of TRACT A. *.C"CkAS SAMOEMS. A PART OF VIC g,TTY OF O MAT MlOOE, COLORAM AND BY t PRESENTS TV TO THE OTT OF WHEAT = . 1 , ",:'& THE TA" MVES AS SHOW" OIFWAt- PILAT POR THE PWA-IC 4 STATE OF COLOKAOO CCLWY Of JDFvtmn 44 ou rw movesome In No wv oomwfs$ww V Z, lz7l:- MR. 7R� � I F. o r , A Aim AM A I s S SITE PLAN WC, P CK PON OW WITH MAWM CAS' SET AT POINT S"CW% T10JS r— BEAM*GS WERE COTA3MIC0 e W-AMS OW A SOAOR Mk FENCE CON , 50"YORS CERTWICAT! L EWW' E LANE. 00 -fREll CZW"" " TMA" T"- Sk)"vr")r *HE 500N,'�APKCW - *AC - flW 1 �01LAf. GA WAS NIAZE iNOE. Pry Sl*--V�SV004 ANC - -E &`„CLAATETT P--PqESEMTS SAi:, AHCH OLAS GAR DENS T R A C T 61 14 EE ING A PART O THE SW 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 1 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH. RANGE C-9 WEr--T OF THE 6 PV, WHEAT RIDGE JEFFERSON COUNTY. COLORADO FINAL, r)F r)PfAPMT PI ^N SM E LPSAGE W4S ZPM *A' *- 4 WY1FXaD 0 tj x �µ� , DEDICATION =E c;- "'ETWO JR. stiftra lr�4f 0014" OF T)* REAL ,� OF 4,7* ACRES CCS-WOED AS FOLLOOM, ALL OF TRACT A. "W.MOLAS SAROVIM CCAAffY OF .AFFt*SM STATE OF COL AND "A0fg0 �X I � O =Ar�EV SAV k-�A$ "M �c THE ORAW AMED UNDER THE RAW AND STYLE Of TRACT A. *.C"CkAS SAMOEMS. A PART OF VIC g,TTY OF O MAT MlOOE, COLORAM AND BY t PRESENTS TV TO THE OTT OF WHEAT = . 1 , ",:'& THE TA" MVES AS SHOW" OIFWAt- PILAT POR THE PWA-IC 4 STATE OF COLOKAOO CCLWY Of JDFvtmn 44 ou rw movesome In No wv oomwfs$ww V Z, lz7l:- MR. 7R� � I F. o r , A Aim AM A I s S K y 2 w� _ EXISTING - EXISTING ' ..- ANTENNAS .°.........'-..°. ANTENNAS (4) PER ¢ (4) PER SECTOR SECTOR EAsTING --�-- : ANTENNAS (4) PER SECTOR EXISTING —. j EXISTING t „OAX CABL,: COAX CABLE �.. PROPOSED � { ` - SECTORED SECTORED PANES, PANEL ANTENNAS - SECTORED ANTENNAS 02200 PANEL 0340, AZIMUTH ANTENNAS A%IMLlT2I 100" EXISTING 200' SELF SUPPORTED 3 TOWER. MFGR UNR -ROHN MODEL SSM W EXISTING EXISTING 200' SELF 20O' SELF SUPPORTED SUPPORTED i TOWER, TOWER, MFGR MFGR UNR -ROHN UNR -ROHN ' MODEL MODEL 5Z ' _ SSMW SSMW W' Fye , -COAX CABLE # EXISTING EXISTING - EXISTING ° n! 4 ` ° • 4' -O' ♦ ... 4' -0' ♦ MICROWAVE MICROWAVE MICROWAVE r OfSH 60,-0* . QOM P f _ 600 HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT EXISTING ! EXISTING 2 ' -D* • i 2 , -0 - 0 MICROWAVE MICROWAVE: DISH • DISH • HEIGHT HEIGHT EXISTING r EXISTING - EXISTING 2' - O* e COAX CABLE AND LADDER COAX CABLE AND LADDER COAX MICROWAVE DISH 0 BEHIND i 1 BEHIND CABLE - 4$ -0 t � � - EXIST, HEIGHT TELCO � TELCO EXIST. GATE POWER PO - EXIST, TS BTS EQUIPMENT C ABINETS - TELCO' SHELTER EXIST! EXIST. t ; PHONE FENCE -. CAB. (ITS CAB.- I I *( i ED + .µ :fa+ +! A 4 1 4 12 .. �, �. 4 12 SCALE- 3/32 SCALE. 3 32 * - 1` -O* s'. '• sr " SCALE: 3 32 * -1' -O* NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: *_ SOUTH ELEV ATION SCALE: EAST ELEV ATION SCALE: *_ 1 . 3r3� 1'_�* 3/32'�.1'_O' 3 1`_ I I,- TPU0( ANO TRAK.ER PARKINPG —1 SAA40 UK I-SlA s "Vroo* w AM - 62176' LEGAL acsowlick *CNOLkS GARMkS 9ANWAVCN 9N S9e '/., &E I/L SECr4k IT. CITY OF 04EAT F40M CCLory G, , STATE 01T COLGRA00 g; z TO*" AZIMUTH ON ; — NC��LINE = 89*-03'---�05" r— SCALE t V = 50' 1 11 1 E.'NLARGED Sl', PLAN m "C- To SCALE r AT&T TOWER ow a I Flatirons urveytn_q, Inc, 51,7 ANlw*-NX ow aom" co wmi (303) "i-mom (,)aj) 44j-mia THIS WAVM is CWYRIQqTro A" Is IK SOU PROPERTY OF T14C DVWP IT IS PROM CED UXELY FM USE IM THE NI ER ANO ITS ArrILIAre! PCPKMM*MN 31 UU Or TTS 0PAVGW, AN*/ot THE IWCPwAtT0k CWAINED IN IT M PORBIDDEf WOW THE vwmno FEW=* OF THE OWNER $L*wyows STATEMCWT L JOHN IL QUYMK A GMT MOSTMED LANO "V", UCEN= Aw THE STATE OF COLMA00, 40"Y STAYS FOR A ON 904Af (W nATNK" "Vil"MG, TO* VOtMM THAT A GLCOAL P"Itom"o ItWA SITE WkS V^M Loomp 17Y K" AaAAAlf TO TW IKST IIF Or my CoLoot P.Ll 6 "-2"70A aCkem. -iffolz&IN" AILM NOT 724 *Wk F%o'p"# 00 41 It TPCTd 1 C- AT&T Cellular Division AT&T Wireless Services Suite C-1 1001 161h Street Denver, CO 80265 TO: City of Wheat Ridge RE: Planned Industrial Development Amendment Applicant: Nextel Communications Property: 4836 Van Gordon Street Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions or need any additional information. State of Colorado )ss: County of Denver On this.2 2 day of 2000, before me personally appeared Vincent J. Stout, known to me to be the Co-fo Manager fof AT&T Wireless Services of Colorado, Inc., and acknowledged the same to he the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. TARY �UBLIC�,, My commission expires: My COMMIssion Expires 01/1812004 Recycled Paper Jul J1 UU U ia L W kecn Ju,j ibb-ilbi F-L I Site ##: CO-343 Site Name: Wheat Ridge -,-- AT&T Wireless APPIACATION FOR ZONENG /USE PERMIT Assessor's Parcel Number: 39-174-08-003 Ae N Signature of Property Represem Gene Pietro Owner Date: July 31, 2000 STATE OF co COUNTY OF Jefferson N'ITNESS my hand and officia a MADELINE R. LAMBERT MIA AA A — 4 (SEAL) NOTARY PUBLIC Nota Public M3de e R bert STATE OF COLORADO My cornmission expir' May 6, 2003 My Commission Expires LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Plannin�, and De\eiopmew Department 77 ( ') g Wez�t 290k, Avenue. Wheat Kidoe, CO 810033 4:=7 -------- -- - -2� Phone �303 235 , ,46 'The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regardin.a this application, provide additional information when necce post public lieann.g ,suns, and will receive a ropy of the staf report prior to, Public Hearing.) Location of request (address): Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your reques I t.) Application submittal requirements on reverse side Detailed description of the request: Required information: ;I � FN I 0q 1) A Assessors Parcel Number: Size of Lot (acres or Current Zoning: 'FI r7 Proposed Zoning: Current use: _11k a, Proposed use: — I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to ro myT*R filing this application. I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons h d Cove, without requested action cannot lawfully be accomr,,shnpplicants other than owners U s T nLVR"*f owner which approved q44�s action on be bt al I .4 el�alf. . , WHITAW ; # Notary Public • . I ., and that in consent the ev from the M Date received— Fee S_ Receipt No. Case No. Comp Plan Des * ig, Zoning Quarter Section Map Related Case No.— Pre-App Mtg Date Case Manager Applicant Mr�, Address Phone city A? State V Zip Fax q� Owner �Ita ' Vw-�fo Address &V� CIDAW, Phone City kit State tO Zip Fax Contact W I f Cw 4�0 il Address 1114M v 4 :7 Phone City �x i State Zip Fax 'The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regardin.a this application, provide additional information when necce post public lieann.g ,suns, and will receive a ropy of the staf report prior to, Public Hearing.) Location of request (address): Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your reques I t.) Application submittal requirements on reverse side Detailed description of the request: Required information: ;I � FN I 0q 1) A Assessors Parcel Number: Size of Lot (acres or Current Zoning: 'FI r7 Proposed Zoning: Current use: _11k a, Proposed use: — I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to ro myT*R filing this application. I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons h d Cove, without requested action cannot lawfully be accomr,,shnpplicants other than owners U s T nLVR"*f owner which approved q44�s action on be bt al I .4 el�alf. . , WHITAW ; # Notary Public • . I ., and that in consent the ev from the M Date received— Fee S_ Receipt No. Case No. Comp Plan Des * ig, Zoning Quarter Section Map Related Case No.— Pre-App Mtg Date Case Manager ILTAa Ank NICH GA RDENS TRA CT . P PLANE IND USTRIAL D EVELO P MENT AMEN O FFICE D EVEL OP MENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF t COMMISSI PLANNING # APP ROVED THIS DAY OF art BY THE WHEAT PLANNING C OMMISSI O N. WHEAT-ID 15! CHAIRMAN 141111aK mi # rs MAYOR RECEPTION JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY; t - # # SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNERS) OR AGENT(S) NOTARY PUBLIC SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF , 2400 CASE HISTORY WZ -7S-04 WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL WZ -96-12 WZ -04-07 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEAL CHANGES OR MODIFICATIO ACKN t � NAME: TITLE: APP SITE DEVELOPMENT # • r A► M g 011 1 PR OJECT DESCRIPTIO INSTALLATION OF NEW 12'-O*x22'-O* EQUIPMENT SHELTER AND (12) NEW PANEL ANTENNAS MOUNTED ON EXISTING 2 00 * -0'T0 WER D ATA L OCATION ' t 4836 VAN G ORDO N STREET WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 LAN DLORD CO NTACT CO CtO CIVIL SURVEY A2.0 SITE PLAN G OR D ON 4836 VAN # , WHEATRIOGE, COLORADO $0033 4643 SOUTH ULSTER STREET 210 SAINT PAUL STREET PHONE: : ! alt SUITE 20 FAX. (303) 422-9417 DENVER, COLORADO 80237 DENVER COLORADO 80206 PHONE .(303) 472-0217 PHONE - (303) 270-0082 SITE TOWER OWNER FAX - (303) 714-8504 FAX - (303) 270-0058 .. becia tex.net Al b CO CtO CIVIL SURVEY A2.0 SITE PLAN ! ELEVATIO # # NEXTEL ♦ # 4643 SOUTH ULSTER STREET SUITE vfi DENVER COLORADO 80 ! f (3 714-8321 PARTIAL ZONING MAP ®i VICINITY MAP" ME i1 t { TURN +! • r f . TO • a 1� STTE EAST TO VAN ZONE « GORDORNOR SITE ON THE N NOT TO SCALE A cIYIL SRENI ENGINEE (303) 27 im PLANNING ARCHITECTIM INTERIOR DESIGN C S A. $IQ VIRM I" CAM A1010" surm " Lrrmffom, &Y11 a"" "I 2 () T4 NIDML commurticatioets, Inc. South Ulster Sufteo 500 Denver, Colorad 8023 PROJECT WHEATRIDGE AT(IT WIRELESS 4836 VAN GORDON STREET. WHERTRIOGE, COLORADO OM CO-343 III CIVIL SURVEY 1 SCALE: 1" = 30 %0" 1 9 • s !• r I8 a! r!+ ! ! ...0 "• • W #. NO A2.0 •• M AIM , DETAILS BURIED CONDUIT EASZWF.NT_ FO . ! M ar ►: .. "0 EQUIPMENT 89*1:r4 40262.58' R FZMI sm iv M..* EASEMENT DESCRIPTION -2(}" ACCESS EASEMENT 9 • (!° SHORTENED TO ELIMINATE GAPS 9 to • ., r <• 9 ' a • • 9 TEN YEARS FROM a. OF CERTIFICATION ! HEREON, • " « ANTENNA '• a LOCATION ! d LATITUDE 105'07'59,174'W LONGITUDE a . a 4' a ► *0 r LONGITUDE NAVO 88 GROUND ' + • • EQUIPMENT EXISTING • 200'-O"TOWER • .y mumm wi p.W s CSAl 9442 %VW o" F.mn AV"#AAF.. a"m " UMSTO04 cma"" w {50.4) 4 4lRiII A V =1 NORTH GRID GEODETIC NORTH LAMBERT CONVERGENCE MAGNETIC 14 °1 S' NORTH DECLINATION 11-00'(1994) 7 1/Z USGS QUAD "GOLDEN, COLO.' ANTENNA '• a LOCATION ! d LATITUDE 105'07'59,174'W LONGITUDE a . a 4' a ► *0 r LONGITUDE NAVO 88 GROUND ' + • • EQUIPMENT EXISTING • 200'-O"TOWER • .y mumm wi p.W s CSAl 9442 %VW o" F.mn AV"#AAF.. a"m " UMSTO04 cma"" w {50.4) 4 4lRiII A V =1 m OML BRENT ENGINEERtNG (303) 2704M STRUCTURAL u • PROPOSED LOCATION • 28'-0"x4lT-0* NEXTEL LEASE PARCEL NOUN 11 6001 l a o l p .9m*lkmulq; cv I F l d - 1 .. ........ FUTURE GENERATOR Lim; • • Em klivi-W AmAx I Wl =Zf V I oVel 21 EXISTING PROPOSED OVERHEAD 0* AZIMUTH CABLE @ 60'-0 • c" SAi "42 VRW ftW C#XVV ANO" st"m " I.ffnvfo.* cotom"o wr f"$t ww *10"ova""m A 1 NORTH ELEVATIOM EXISTING AT &T i SCALE: 1'= 30'-0" WIRELESS SERVICES OF EXISTING AT &T COLORADO, INC. p t BETA SECTOR A35° WIRELESS SERVICES EXISTING & NEW -- COAX CABLE OF COLORADO, INC. LOCATION OF (4) PROPOSED # ALPHA SECTOR 0', PANEL ANTENNAS � w 120',240 AZIMUTH @ GAMMA SECTOR; 255' r 62' -0 "H ula EXISTING WESTERN w PCS ANTENNAS @340', 220', & 100' t PROPOSED LOCATION OF (4) NEW PANELANTENNAS �- 0° AZIMUTH Q 62' -0 "H LOCATION OF EXISTING MICROWAVE DISH +60` -0" z PROPOSED 12'- 0"x22 " -0" NEXTEL EQUIPMENT M SHELTER < PAINT TO MATCH EXISTING - BUILDINGS ON SITE w CL EXISTING 9 EQUIPMENT ct 9 SHELTER CD w I mos, f # i # 270-OW STRUCTURAL x CSAI ft" " k.4Tli erooR CL1i.A4"" #M {##9} MOM #yklan" o,#rt � iZ I : *A V µ EXISTING AT &T i WIRELESS SERVICES OF COLORADO, INC. p t BETA SECTOR A35° EXISTING & NEW -- COAX CABLE LOCATION OF (4) PROPOSED # # PANEL ANTENNAS � w 120',240 AZIMUTH @ r 62' -0 "H f # i # 270-OW STRUCTURAL x CSAI ft" " k.4Tli erooR CL1i.A4"" #M {##9} MOM #yklan" o,#rt � iZ I : *A V µ i • # # # � w � ula w f # i # 270-OW STRUCTURAL x CSAI ft" " k.4Tli erooR CL1i.A4"" #M {##9} MOM #yklan" o,#rt � iZ I : *A V µ TO: Planning Commission FROM: Alan White, Planning and Development Director&V urban renewal plan and comment upon whether it is in conformance with the City's Comprehensive Plan, The Amendment to the Urban Renewal Plan is attached. The Amendment proposes to delete seven parcels from the Urban Renewal Area as shown on Exhibit I of the Urban Renewal Authority's Resolution. The parcels are being deleted because they have produced little, if any, property tax increment since formation of the Urban Renewal area in 198 1. It is anticipated that the deleted areas will be included in another urban renewal area to be formed at a later date. Approval of the attached resolution is recommended. C:\MyFiles\WPFiles3URA4URPamtndinentPC,,wpd TITLE: A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THAT THE "PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO URBAN RENEWAL PLAN" IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE WHEAT RIDGE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission is in receipt of a document entitled "Proposed Modcation to Urban Renewal Plan"; and DONE AND RESOLVED this day of ,2000. Secretary to Commission WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO, 01 TITLE: A RESOLUTION APPROVING ♦ PROPOSED MODIFICA- TION TO URBAN RENEWAL PLAN, AND TRANSMITTING THE SAME TO THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL. WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Economic and Revitalization Commissio predecessor in name to the present Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authorit approved, on December 14, 1981, an Urban Renewal plan for redevelopment portions of the City; and , T1r'MEREAS, said Urban Renewal Plan included the area shown on the diagram .Rttached hereto as Exhibit 1; and WHEREAS, a portion of the Urban Renewal Plan area, hereinafter referred t* as the "Northern Portion" has not redeveloped since its inclusion in the plan area in 1981; little or no property tax increments been generated by or collected from properties within the Northern Portion; and HEREAS, in light of this nonproduction of property tax increments, the Urban Renewal Authority believes it in the best interests of the Urban Renewal Plan generally that the Northern Portion be deleted from said plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renew Authority as follows: i Section 1. The proposed modification to the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Plan attached hereto as Exhibit 1 be, and hereby is, approved by the Authority. sfflm• #T DONE AND RESOLVED this Z' of August, 2000. ATTEST: Secretary to the Authority GED\53027\355013.01 2 W 38TH AVE .... --1 ! EXHIBIT 1 WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO URBAN RENEWAL PLAN W AT RI G E U E AT RBAN RENEWAL A H JT UIH ORIT BY: Chairman Secretary to the Authority GED\53027�55003,01 ATTACHMENT A { IM Existing Urban Renewal Area a w A W 36TH AVE I Area to be Removed From Urban Ren,ewal Area