HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/16/2000CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting November 2, 2000 I. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called: to order by Vice Chair SNOW at 7.30 p.m., November 2. 2000, in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL 4. APPROVAL OF ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner approve the order of , Planning Commission Page I November 2, 2000 a 0 im APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner NOW and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to approve the minutes of October 19, 2000 as presented. The motion passed unanimously with Commissioners GOKEV and Macl)OUGALL abstaining. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one to appear before the Commission. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. MS-00-06: An application by Fran Schneider for approval of two -lot minor subdivision for property zoned Industrial (1) and located at 4730 Independence Street. This case was' resented by Mary Austin. She review ed the staff report, presented slides and p W overheads of the subject property. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and she advised the Commission they had jurisdiction to hear the case. Staff recommended approval of the application. Fran Schneider 504 Maple Street, Golden Mr. Schneider. the applicant, was sworn in by Chair MacDOUGALL. He stated the three- quarter access on Independence Street would present no problem for the development. An office complex is planned for the development as heavy industrial development at this site would probably not work due to the residential nature of the neighborhood. Planning Commission Page 2 November 2, 2000 Planning Commission Page 3 November 2, 2000 In response to a question from Commissioner SNOW, Ms. Reckert stated that a homeowners association would be required to maintain landscaping along 32nd Avenue right-of-way, detention pond and the access easement to the detention pond. In response to a question from Commissioner COLLINS regarding the detention pond. Mike Garcia explained that it would contain a I00- }rear- storm and release at historic flows. Negotiations are in process between the developer and the Rocky Mountain Ditch Company regarding release of storm water into the ditch. Commissioner McNAMEE expressed concern, about snow removal on the proposed street which will have a very steep incline. Bob Goebel explained that snow removal criteria provides for streets with steep slopes to be at the fourth level of plowing. In answer to a - question from Commissioner THOMPSON, Mike Garcia stated that the city has not been made aware of any drainage issues in the existing neighborhood. property would not be jeopardized. Planning Commission Page 4 November 2, 2000 would provide better access to the Rocky Mountain Ditch which could be a public liability it'it is not readily accessible to emergency equipment. In conclusion, Mr. Schneider stated that he had met and exceeded all requirements specified in subdivision regulations for preliminary and final plat documents and would build a quality subdivision that Wheat Ridge would be proud of Commissioner SNOW commented that the city staff s function is to provide information to the Commission to aid in the decision making process and advised Mr. Schneider that it is not helpful to spend so much time attacking the staff. W.4 Commissioner THOMPSON asked who would be responsible for maintaining the drainage systems. Mr. Beamis replied it would be the responsibility of the homeowners association and that the drainage system should be cleaned when sediments become apparent. Commissioner SNOW asked what the water depth would be in the detention pond. Mr. Beamis replied that it would be approximately five feet deep for a 24-48 hour period during a I00 -year storm.. A I0 -year storm would be approximately three feet deep, draining within 10 -1 `? hours. Five year storm water would be retained in the underground detention. Chair MacDOUGALL expressed concern that flooding of the Rocky Mountain Ditch would cause problems for the lots on the north side of the ditch on 34th Avenue. Mr. Bearnis said the drainage design would reduce the volume of water flowing into the ditch. Commissioner THOMPSON asked how the proposed subdivision compared with the subdivision on Jellison in regard to topography and grading. Mr. Beamis stated they would be very comparable. Planning Commission Page 5 November 2, 2000 were submitted with original plans. Plans showing foundation elevations were submitted Monday prior to this meeting, There are no plans to have retaining walls for any of the houses, In response to a question from Commissioner McNAMEE Mr. Bearnis stated there is no unstable land in the subject area. Staff also indicated they were not aware of any unstable land. In response to a question from Commissioner SNOW, Mr. Ishant replied that RMD does not want the city to look to them for any storm sewer provisions for any development or city streets. The ditch is already over-capacity which is resulting in downstream flooding. Negotiations are underway to have some of this water removed from the ditch. In response to a question from Commissioner GOKEY, Alan White explained that if the developer is unable to reach an agreement with the ditch company regarding drainage issues, alternatives will need to be explored. Drainage is a critical component of a subdivision plan. Commissioner THOMPSON expressed concern that homeowners below the proposed development could have problems with higher water tables as a result of seepage of storm water, (Chair MacDOUGALL declared a recess at 9:27 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:40 p.m,) Commissioner TI- OMPSON asked if fewer developed lots would mitigate the drainage issues. Mr. Goebel replied that any reduction in impermeable surfaces would reduce the amount of runoff, Planning Commission Page 6 November 2, 2000 Gerald Dahl explained that the developer must satisfy the city's drainage requirements regardless of an agreement with the ditch company. The question is whether or not the Commission feels they have adequate information to make a decision. He advised that any continuance should be a continuance of the hearing rather than just continuing it for action to give opportunity for more testimony. Planning Commission Page 7 November 2, 2000 Bob Goebel commented that the Clean Water Act requirements would not apply to cities under 100.000 until sometime around 2003. David Schneider returned to the podium and produced a letter from the Army Corps of Engineers stating their determination that there are no wetlands on the subject site. The letter was made a part of the case file. Planning Commission Page 8 November 2, 2000 Dennis Beams returned to the podium. In regard to groundwater issues. he stated each lot will It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY that the request for approval of a 123-foot cul-de-sac variance on R-I zoned property located at 9737 West 32nd Avenue be recommended for APPROVAL; however, that it not go to City Council until the remainder of the subdivision has completed the Planning Commission process. Commissioner COLLINS stated that he would not support the motion because there is not enough information at this time in regard to drainage issues. The motion failed by a vote of 5 to 3 with Commissioners COLLINS, COOPER and DOYLE voting opposed. (A motion to approve a variance would require a super-' majority of 6 affirmative votes.) Commissioner COOPER indicated that she voted against the motion for the same reason stated by Commissioner COLLINS. Commissioner SNOW suggested that it might be appropriate to reconsider the motion regarding the variance because she should have made a motion to continue. Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner THOMPSON seconded that the request for approval of a 123-foot cul-de-sac variance on R-I zoned property located at 9737 West 32nd Avenue be continued to a date uncertain. The motion passed unanimously. Planning Commission November 2, 2000 Em Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner THOMPSON seconded that request for approval of a ten-lot preliminary subdivision plat for Residential-One zoned property located at 9737 West 32nd Avenue be continued to a date uncertain with the following additional information to be provided by the applicant: The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner COOPER seconded that the request for approval of a ten-lot final subdivision plat for Residential-One zoned property located at 9737 West 32nd Avenue be continued to a date uncertain with the following additional information to be provided by the applicant: 8. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING Chair MacDOUGALL declared the public hearing closed. Planning Commission Page 10 November 2, 2000 9. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Commission. 10. NEW BUSINESS A. Meetine Schedules for Remainder of the Year - There was a consensus of the Commission to hold a study session in addition to the regular meeting on November 16. The purpose of the study session will be to discuss the recently updated zoning code. 11. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no Commission 'reports. 12. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no committee or department repofts. 13. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner McNAMEE to adjourn the meeting at 11:26 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. NANCY SNOW, Vice-Chair Ann Lazzeri, Recordin� SeUaLV. 9M CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT I TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: Nov. 16,2000 DATE PREPARED: Nov. 7, 2000 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-00-10/Thompson CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Rezone from C- I to PCT), outline and final development plan and consolidation plat 3MMEM= PRESENT LAND USE: SURROUNDING ZONING: Commercial-One with use restrictions RV sales and storage N: A-1, C•1; S: A-1; E: C-1, A-1; W. C-1, C-2, A-1 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: October 5, 2000 ENTER INTO RECORD: OTHER - — -------- — - — -------- — ---- — -------------- — -------- — - — ---------------- JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been me. Therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. 1. REQUEST CASE HISTORY In 1993, Ordinance 921 was approved by the Wheat Ridge City Council which approved a rezoning of properties located at 11800 (parcel A), 11808 (parcel B) and 11880 (parcel C) West 44" Avenue from Restricted - Commercial and Agricultural -One to Cornmercial-One. Conditions of approval were as follows: In 1999, the owner applied for a rezoning to remove the use restrictions on the rear parcel to allow RV sales in addition to the existing RV storage use. This case was reviewed at a public hearing in front of Planning Commission on April I, 1999, and was denied for the following reasons: uses on the southern part of the property. Any proposed change in use should respect the city "s intent that the southern part of the property is intended to be residential. 4. The proposed change of zone to the southern portion of the property is incompatible with the residential and agricultural properties to the south and east of the property and with the green belt area to the south. S. The change of use would provide a little economic benefit to the city because sales tax revellues generated from RV's go to the city where the purchaser lives, not to the cit of Wheat Ridge. Attached are minutes from that meeting labeled Exhibit D. Included in the Planning Commission action were suggestions to be incorporated if the applicant pursued an appeal to the denial recommendation. In May of 1999, the applicant applied to the Board of Adjustment for approval of a temporary use permit. The request was approved for the following reasons-, There were six conditions of approval included which are reflected in the minutes attached as Exhibit E A meeting for neighborhood input for the zone change was held on May 24, 2000. Please refer to attached Exhibits F and G which are a synopsis of the meeting and sign-up sheet. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS Public Service Company has requested that their standard language be incorporated onto the plat document. This should be rnade�a condition of approval. Arvada Fire Protection District may need additional fire hydrants. The Parks and Recreation District has requested construction of an 8' high solid wooden fence be built along the western property line for visual mitigation for the adjacent open space. Valley Water District can serve the property. Any additional water lines or fire hydrants required will need 30' easements to be dedicated. Wheat Ridge Police Department has commented regarding crime prevention. These comments have been forwarded to the applicant. Wheat Ridge Public Works Department will not require a drainage report unless there are significant changes the rear portion of the property such as paving. If the rear lot is graveled, no drainage report is required, The City Surveyor has reviewed the plat and commented on the technical elements therein, Fifteen feet of right-of- way is being requested for Tabor Street. Public improvements on Tabor Street will not be required as long as tj access is for emergency vehicles only. They have requested specific language which has been included on the development plan. V. OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN The list of allowed uses on the property are limited to Recreational Vehicles sales, storage and servicing Access to the property will occur from West 44 Avenue. Emergency access only will occur from Tabor Street. All requirements for a Planned Commercial Development outline development plan have been met. The Fruitdale Valley Master Plan which is in the process of being repealed, designates the property as neighborhood commercial on the north and moderate density residential on the south. The Comprehensive Plan future land use map designates the property as Community Commercial Sery ice/Ern ploy rnent Center on the northern one-third of the property and Single Family Detached Residential (Not to exceed four du's per acre) on the southern two-thirds. Staff concludes that the proposal is inconsistent with the existing and former comprehensive plan designations on the southern part of the property. 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. Zoning and land use surrounding the property include A -1 zoning with low density residential land use to the south. The land east of the property is zoned C- I and is utilized as a fence company and low density residential land use zoned A-I . Abutting the property to the west is the existing J.W. Brewer tire servicing facility with C- I and C-2 zoning, as well as the A -1 zoned Coors-owned property leased to the City as open space. The City is in the process of purchasing this land. To mitigate negative affects from the sales lot with the less intensive adjacent uses, the applicant has provided 6' high solid fencing along the western and southern property lines with increased plant materials including the planting of hawthorns which will deter vandals. 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. There will be direct economic benefits to the City as sales tax revenues generated when a person living in Wheat Ridge purchases an RV from this location. Sales tax generated from vehicle sales is received by the entity where the buyer resides and licenses the vehicle. Sales tax is collected from both vehicle rentals and vehicles storage where the lot is located, 6. That adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All utility companies can serve the property with appropriate upgrades at the developer's expense. 7. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties. 8. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. The property is currently being used for recreational vehicles sales (north half) and for recreational vehicle storage (south hall), However. because the storage lot was considered an interim use at the time of rezoning, there is minimal landscaping and buffering provided on site. Conversion of the property into a permanent sales and storage lot should be allowed only with mitigation to adjacent low impact land uses. 9. That the zoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. it is impossible for staff to ascertain whether the change of zoning conditions will fill a void in services. products or facilities. There are two RV sales lots in the City (Ketelsen Campers and Casey's), there specialized servicing facilities (Camper World, Casey's and Kctelsen's) and numerous storage lots. VII FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Upon request by staff, existing display in the front and eastern sides of the building have been displaced by customer parking and landscaping. This will help compensate for the existing landscaping along 44" Avenue which is primarily located within the city right-of-way. No changes are proposed to Parcel C (11 80 W. 44"' Avenue) which is currently used for vehicle display. Unrestricted access to the property is from an existing curb cut on West 44" Avenue. Emergency access to the rear of the property is by way of restricted access on Tabor Street. A note has been added regarding the potential future use of the Tabor Street access. If the property owner wishes to convert it to an unrestricted access, approval must be received from Planning Commission and City Council through a public hearing process. This would include removal and reconstruction of the existing wood and brick pillar fence plus the installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk. Durripster locations need to be added with some type of noncombustible screening. Staff recommends that only one freestanding sign oil the property be allowed not to exceed 25' in height and that if lighted, it folio -V+ the limitations on hours of operation negotiated with the neighborhood. An irrigation ditch runs along the south end of the property. A gate has been provided on the western pr(,)pertN line for access. All requirements for a final development plan have been met. Vill. CONSOLIDATION PLAT A plat has been provided that consolidates the three existing parcels into one. The existing storinwater detention pond is shown with language regarding maintenance. A 15' right-of-way dedication will occur for Tabor Street. The Public Service Company has requested specific language which needs to be added as a plat note, t� All requirements of tile Subdivision Regulations have been met. IX. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION X. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move that Case No. W- 00. a request for approval of a zone change from Commercial-One with unrestricted uses and Commercial -One with restricted uses to Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an outline development plan for property located at 11800, 11808 and 11880 West 44"' Avenue be APPROVED for the following reasons: I, It will eliminate two different zonings on three properties owned by a single entity. 1 It will allow more control by the city of the potential negative affects of an open-ended commercial zone. 3. It allows the City opportunity to improve buffering for adjacent property owners. With the following conditions: 1. No propane storage be allowed oil the property, 1 Lighted signage on the property follow the restrictions on hours of operation." Option B ­I move that Case No. WZ ' -00- 10. a request for approval of a zone change from Commercial-One with unrestricted uses and Corninercial-One with restricted uses to Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an outline development plan for property located at 11800, 11808 and 11880 West 44' Avenue be DENIED for the foll6win�; reasons: Z: I. 2. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Option A: "I move that the request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development final development plan for property located at H 808 West 44"' Avenue. be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. The applicant has tried to mitigate negative affects to adjacent property owners by physical improvements (fencing and increased landscaping). 2. The applicant has tried to mitigate negative affects to adjacent property owners through operational parameters (no PA systems, limited hours of operation). 1 It will allow more control by the city of the potential negative affects of an open-ended commercial zone. With the following conditions: Option B: "I move that the request for approval of a planned commercial development final development plan for property located at 11808 West 44"' Avenue, be DENIED for the following reasons; I . 2. 3 .- CONSOLIDATION PLAT Option A. - I move that the request for approval of a consolidation plat for property located at 11800, 11808 and 11880 West 44' Avenue. be APPROVED for the following reasons: I. It will consolidate three existing parcels into one. 2. Fifteen feet of right-of-way will be dedicated for Tabor Street. With the following condition- The easement note requested by Public Service Company be added onto the plat face." Option B: - I move that the request for approval of a consolidation plat for property located at 11800, 11808 and 11880 West 44' Avenue. be DENIED for the following reasons: I. 2. 3." Y r te, �„ '` �! '" tt E � � ` � ✓ I E,+ A-2 77-- x _._._.. t 15 ism I Poo AM.T. 1 .& =1CIR� N C7 W w N I ti 'Pa MIS Wi i 1 it - IV Wi i 1 CILUN's INCINIERINC. INC. A Ali 11C Lu i , . K--tk axxaa PROPEM BOLMAF *� Topo SURYEY :: .? Planning Commission Minutes December 17, 1992 P a Commissioner JOHNSON asked if problems exist with the property regarding sewer line installation or requirements for same. Mr_. Did stated that he knew of no problems existing witl" the installation of sewer. Commissioner CERVENY moved that Case No. MS-92-1, an application by Roger Knight (represented by Mr. Diede through Power of Attorney) for approval • a four-lot minor subdivision for property located at 3370 Simms Street, be Approved for the following reatons: 1. The Property is within the .City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. 2. The Proposed subdivision exceeds the minimum standards for the R-1 zone; and 3. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met; P lanning Commission Minutes December 17, 1992 Page f Commissioner RAS"LICKA asked how the fence would be completed. Ms, Brew,,, stated the fence would be brick Pillars with wood. Commissioner RASPLICKA asked if the "tire farm" would be removed. Mg Br wee- stated ideally, yes, it would be removed. Jane Thom�n , 12290 West 42nd Avenue, was s in. Ms. Thompson had concerns about the type of development coming into her neighborhood. Some of the issues she mentioned were lack of a -,2 Planning Commission Minutes Page 9 December 17, 1992 Chairman LANGDON called for a recess at 9:30 p.m. Meeting reconvened at 9:58 p. 1. The change of zone is in conformance with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and Policies; and 2. The proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will minimal adverse impacts; and 3. The Proposed rezoning will not health, adversely affect public safety or welfare by creating seriously reduce light and air drainage problems, or to adjacent properties; and 4. The property cannot reasonably existing zoning be developed under the conditions; and 5. The rezoning will not create an district related to isolated or spot zone adjacent or nearby areas. With the following conditions: 1. I That a Type I site plan-shall be C Council. prepared for submittal to Planning Commission Minutes December 17, 1992 1� Commissioner CERVENY seconded the motion, He offered a friendly amendment that the landscaping is essential on the east side, and at the front • Parcel A, but since landscaping is present on Parcel C, additional landscaping would not • required. Also, landscaping should be installed along the north side of mmissioner RASPLICKA agreed to this friendly amendment. tion carried 5-1, with Commissioner QUALTERI voting no. 0 91000MIMMMU= A. Commissioner Qualteri pointed out some changes that should be made to Planning Commission's Bylaws regarding adding reference to the missing feminine gender. Planning Commission consensus was to add feminine references appropriately. 0 B. Mr. Gidley brought Commission up-to-date regarding new City economic development programs. He will prepare a package • information to be included in a future packet for Commission regarding this matter. 12. COMMITTEE & DEPARTMENT REPORTS There being no further business, Commissioner RASPLICKA moved for adjournment. Commissioner JOHNSON seconded the motion. Motion carried • adjourned at 10:25 p.m. Sandra Wiggins, Secretary , ITY COUNCIL M- T NUTES: FebruarY 22, 1 993 ?age "Ir. . Gidley presented the staff report and answered Council questions. A le x -Br ewer , 1 3620 W. 30th P lace , Gol d en , Of f ic e addres s 1 1900 W; 44 th Avenue, adjoins the property in question; the reason he bought this property is that his neighbors; this is business is expanding; they have worked with the not are using it for, but a permanent use, it for now it w ill keep is too expensive for the what we done everything they could to Comply with property clean; whatever the City asked. they have February 27, !993 Page The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioners COLLINS and SHOCKLEY absent, It was moved by Commissioner THOMPSON and seconded by Commissioner SNOW that Case No. M- 99 -01, a request for a three-lot minor subdivision for properties located at 5901. 5955 and 5995 West 38th Avenue be approved for he following reasons: 2. All requirements of the subdivision regulations have been met. Commissioner SNOW offered the following amendment: "On the following condition: that ' the language of the cross easements be reviewed and approved by the city attorney before being recorded." The amendment was accepted • Commissioner THOMPSON, Mr. Anderson returned to the podium to comment on Louise Turner's earlier presentation regarding the comprehensive plan. He stated that Louise was involved in the incorporation of the City of Wheat Ridge in 1969 and has been very active in the city since that time. He ask& t119 "qig� *J*rt-ffffMA^ i be carefully considered by the Commission. Commissioner SNOW noted that Mr. Anderson served as the first mayor of Wheat Ridge. (Chair BRINKMAN declared a recess at 8:45 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8. p.m.) Planning Commission Page 4 04/01/99 Commissioner THOMPSON stated that even though she spoke as a citizen in opposition to the rezoning of this land in 1992, she felt she could be objective in this matter. She asked if there was any objection to allowing her to hear this case. There was no objection expressed by any Commission member. Com - missioner THOMPSON referred to the site plan which indicates parking for "car/bo spaces" and expressed concern that car sales not be allowed at this location. . i Commissioner GOKEY expressed concern about eliminating 85% of RV storage on this property to become • sales. Ms. Reckert didn't believe this would be a problem for overall RV storage space in the city. Commission7r • ressea concern a o 1(tems Um lot and asked if parking along the south boundary could be limited to boats. Ms. Reckert replied that this could be a condition of approval. In response to a question from Commissioner MACDOUGALL, Mr, Goebel clarified the drainage plan for the site. Sandra Thompson 3319 Raleigh Street Ms, Thompson was sworn in by Chair BRINKMAN. Hari Sach 11800 West 44th Avenue Mr. Sack . i1tv C4,air U Planning Commission Page 5 04/01/99 Commissioner GOKEY stated that the proposed parking plan is not functional. Mr. Sach disagreed and stated that the plan allowed for backing the RVs out of their space. In response to Commissioner GOKEY's question about proposed lighting, Mr. Sach replied that there would be three 250 watt lights. \ / Planning Commission Page 6 expressed concern that one of the proposed lights would affect his residence. Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner GOKEY seconded that Case No. WZ-99-03., a request for a change of zoning conditions on C- I zoned land located at 11808 West 44th Avenue be denied for the following reasons: I commercia '717M ins Y1# extend the full commercial use 500 feet to the south. There has been no change in the character of the neighborhood which justifies increasing the encroachment of a more intense commercial use south 500 feet into a residential and agricultural area. 2. The property was originally zoned to C- I for storage upon representation by the owner that this would be an interim use only with nominal landscaping and buffering. , 5. The change of use would provide little economic benefit to the city because sales tax revenues generated from RV's go to the city where the purchaser lives, not to the City of Wheat Ridge. The motion for denial passed by a vote • 6-0 with Commissioners COLLINS and SHOCKLEY absent. Ms. Reckert explained that a denial from Planning Commission stands on a rezoning matter; however- the of the Planning Commission's action. the southern portion of the property nor along Tabor Street that is adjacent to residential homes A. Brewer Tire - Commissioner THOMPSON moved and Commissioner SNOW seconded that Alan White be authorized to direct Code Enforcement to immediately investigate the storage of tires on the Brewer property and that the situation be monitored monthly to ensure compliance with the city code. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioners COLLINS and SHOCKLEY absent. Planning Commission Page 8 04/01/99 , (Chair HOWARD declared a brief recess at 9:05 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:1 p.m.) In response to a question from Chair HOWARD, Mr. McCartney explained that approval of the TUP would allow sales on parcel B which presently allows storage only. Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if there had been any problems with odor from the detention pond on the area. Mr. McCartney replied that the city has not received any complaints in this regard. Harry Sach 1191111III�' " A Mr. Sach, owner of the subject property, was sworn in by Chair HOWARD. He stated that parcel B is presently used for storage and he is requesting the TUP to allow sales on a M ortion of this parcel. on Board Member ECHELMEYER's asked if Mr. Sach planned to pave the entire parking lot if parcel B is rezoned. Mr. Sach explained that the present surface is a permeable surface and that he would prefer to leave it that way. He stated that, due to the expense involved, he has no future plans to pave the entire parcel. Board Member ECHELMEYER asked for clarification regarding fencing requirements. Mr. McCartney explained that there are no additional fencing requirements associated 'Aith the variance. Upon a motion • Board Member ABBOTT and second by Board Member HOVLAND the following resolution was stated: Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and Whereas, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. TUP 99-03 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustment Application Case No. TUP 99-03 be, and hereby is, approved. Type of Temporary Use Permit: To allow sales of recreational vehicles on a property zoned Commercial-One. For the following reasons: Board of Adjustment Page 8 05/27/99 4. The applicant will comply with all of the setback requirements and will provide for adequate parking areas. Traffic circulation within the property has been improved from the historical layout. With the following conditions: L, The storage lot and sales lot shall remain a water permeable surface to allow for adequate drainage. 2. No additional exterior lighting shall be permitted with this TUP. 5. Landscaping, to city standards, shall be provided as shown on the site plan present at the hearing for parcels A, B and C and shall be installed within thirty days. I 6. The applicant shall pursue a permanent rezoning prior to any subsequent TUP applications for this particular variance. Board of Adjustment Page 9 05/2.7/99 7500 %k'est 29th Avenue cheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 FAX 3031235-2857 The Ci�y of Wheat Ridge Applicants proposal: -4t L -Ab ra-64 f- — _ 15 !Ot r V ce-1 S . k V C � CI-7 s . kLAi � 4_1 Attending parties of interest: (See attached sign-up list) Issues discussed: A 4-o L� L Gt k, da > NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING 11J, A V I A qnnii O �NV SIGN-IN of the *County of JEFFERSON State of Colorado, grantee(s): WITNESSETH, That the grantor. for and in consideration of the sum of ****** $650,000.00***************** SIX HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS AND (? 0 / 1 DOLLARS the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged. has granted. bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell. convey, and confirm, unto the granteeqs) heirs, successors and assigns forever, all the real property, together with improvements-if any, situate, lying and being in the County of JEFFERSON State of Colorado, described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" HEREIN INCORPORATED AND MADE A PART HEREOF. N n LEGAL DESCRIPTION FILE NO. 1113814 PAGE 1 • I *EXHIBIT A* gmgmg� Required information: Assessors Parcel Number- ize of Lot (acres oi square footage� Current Zoning: 1� (I ge71:�>T P_ (C. rl�_v Proposed Zoning: use P Current Proposed use: 7k b " i • Subscribed and sworn to me this day of 20LK_' Notary Pu Inc 5 Fee $_ Receipt No, Cornp Plan Desig, Zoning Quarter Section Map Related Case No. Pre-App Mt g Date Case Manager • • • • • ra til In 1 7) 0 Af Ul Z7; 4.J t.d 4a X. 0 Xd 1 0 0 -4 0 'A C, �3 44 0 44 0 kW 04 0 Ol >1 4W, wta 4.J I m a �7 -60 lJ Rl L w to 0 cc trt it it CC X W r I 14-4 4 0 lu rl ti C) 1 44 U 0 #t] w to -4 tz I cy 0 o I Rl L w to 0 cc trt it it 0 44 U 0 #t] w to -4 I cy 0 o I 54 c 0 0 '4 4 1 44 0 -4 En rl z rn -zi 0 41 41 to to m u E-4 V3 CL '0 C4 41 co 0" 8 E 0 0 to z 0 u 0 aJ rn rn 0 o 14 �4 V 0 44 4) CO co IA 0 0 U4 tj 0 44 0 0 0 IV E-f 43 44 1,4 to _ 44 m 0 1.4 4.* f to E �H U4 0 ' a u.j od N 4,1 r-1 I j 0 4J C 41 P3 c Ck (is 4j 44 o :3 0 .4. 41 0 41 t' 0 Ul z {.t 44 41 > ul 13 :3 u, g 0 0 44 w 0 a 0 -ic ray 74 0 0 4J —4 )14 4J M c 3 !2 V4 a W 7R 1.4 M 0 44 1 :3 w 0 r_ IN 7i > 0 0 a 0 -1 0 —4 44 tr :r, 'o V) 44 0 (a 0 3c t y ct w 0 41 OV C� I's to 0) 'C 41 �; = 5 a 41 to 41 44 Lj -q 44 > 41 4 y 0 0 1 4.4 r (o (J" > 0 4J m � io ri to 4J C � Z. 41 11 to a: J-) s 4 t) 0 c :7 �21 E , LL 0 41 R = < M tl = = 0 0 x, -4 .= Z4 000 H I n $ C Q, f) rT U) " a , 0 2r er 0 rr ca rt rT rl VT 0 0 rT :3 C rl rT 'r Cl (D Z Z) w kJ rt, o f, m ti rl 0 vi 0 rr rr Gi tr os M rr M (P rT to "C' vi rl Pi rD rt 0 a' 0 zp :3 ta rr 0 0 r- 0 z CI- n 0 m tj cr 0 0 0 :3 Pi tt rt rt - (D 0 C4 m rT +°T r`* 0 f 0 CT t. 0 (D Zf cr " t-, -, 0 }114 M 0 (n al 0 Z 0 0 rt t 0 rr to (n z At 0 C CT m m :z 0 0 0 0 'h rT t S p t1l CJ rT 00 rT ic 0 to M #-• Ln 0 (D (n • 0 M 0 0 U:� rt :3 (v to 0 14 rT N tC r T w t Pi o rt v 11 to j-T :3 0 m ;;,73 rl tS I * SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, ROBERT A, HALL, A REGSOOYED LAND SURVEYOR N 'THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF INSERT NAME WAS MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISOR, AND THE ACCOMPANYING P ACCURATELY AND PROPERLY SHOWS SAID SUBMAIC.O.N. BY, 8471 YLIRNP,KE DRIVE. SW7 2DO WESTMNSTEA, CO 80030 303 426- 1731 DEDICATION HART SACH, BEING THE OWNER(S) OF' THE REAL PROPERTY OF 3,55 ACRES DESCRaDD, As F CU LOWS. A RESUBNOVON OF A FART' OF LOT 11, ICE'S SUBDIVISION, LOCATED N THE SOUTHEAST 34 ("IF THE NORTHEAST A OF AUCTION 20, TOWIDSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST Of THE 6 P.NY, CII�' OF WHEAT RIDGE, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARMULARLY DESCRIBED AS rINLOVO: COMMENCING AT THE EAST 34 CORNER OF SAID SECTION, FRONT WHICH THE CENTER OF SAO SECTION BEANS SOUTH 89OW12" WEST� A USTANCE Of 2659,79 FEET, 'PIENCE NORrH 00'31'12' WEST, A DISTANCE Of' 598.17 FEET 70 THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF _ PROSPECT PARK PLACE, MINOR SUBDIVIVON". BEING A FOUND DEBAR WITH AN ALUMINUM CAP MARKED IS #1 412; THENCE ON THE SOUTH UNE OF WEST 44TH AVENUE', SCUD4 89*1307' WEST', A DIS OF 674 19 FEE,' TO THE TRUE PRINT OF BEG NNING. D­!ENCE ON THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 10 FEET OF BLOCK IT, LEEO SUBDIIA ON, SOUTH 00'25 O '06 EAST, A TSTANCE OF 478.93 FEET: "HENCE ON THE NORTH UNE OF QUIT CLAIMED PARCEL RECORDED N jEFFERSON COUNTY AT RECEPTION NUMBER 9T 2'939, SOUTH 89'21'08 WEST, A OC STANCE OF 98.@.:5 FEE THENCE (IN THE NOFFNI LINE OF OWT CLAIMED PARCEL RECORDED IN AFFERSON COUNTY AT RECrPTtON NUMBER 93127940, SOUTH 86'4, I9 WEST, A DISTANCE OF 165,96 FEE THENCE ON THE EAST LINE OF WESTLAKE SUIEDTASON AND THE EAST LANE OF THE WEST Yk O' LOT 1% LEE'S SuBMDOON, NORTH 00'25'06' WE',EF A DiST ANC E OF 485,46 FEET� THENCE ON THE SOUTH LINE OF WEST 44TH AVENUE, NORTH 89'13'07 EAST. A DOTANCE OfF 321,90 FEET 10 THE TRUE FICANT OF BEGINNING, AND HAS LAID OUT, SUEUNVDED AND PLATTER SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF ON AMERICA ISUSMV60N, A suBDIvL9oN OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, AND BY THESE PRESENTS 00 HEREBY DEDICATE TO IGE (STY OF WHEAT FODGE AND THE PUBUC THE STREETS AS SHOWN ON TTILE ACCOMPANYING PLAT FAR THE PU&O USE THEREOF FOREVER, EXECUTED TH(S __ DAY OF . ..... ........ .. ____ 2000, HOLDER OF DEED OF TRUST HEREBY RELEASES CLAIM TO AREAS DELSCA TO PUffi.IC USE, STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SO COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) R­IE FOREGOLNG 0OLTRUMEN7 WAS ACKNOIT&EDGED BEFORE ME THS DAY OF A,D 2000, WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICDkL SEAL., MY COMMISSION NOTARY SEAL NOTARy PLMUC CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SO COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY IDENTIFY THAT FWD AT WAS EKED IN MY OFFICE O'CLOCK _-AC C, N ­PIE DAY OF A.D SOLID, AND IS DULY RECORDED N PLAN ME FEES PAK) _ ......... __ . ......... RECORDER DEPUTY ORNELY: HAffi SAC'H 11808 WEST 4406 AVE, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80 303-431-812l SLNWYOR� GILLANS, INC, 8471 TURNPIKE ORiVE SU@T 200 WESTMINSTER, DO 80030 303­426--IICD gi O FUND WTH Y= CV LS film NW CORNER LOT 11 LEE'S Ta SUBDIVISION (PER INESILAKE PARK SUBDIVISION) C-- ASPHAI 7 US PROPER' LINES EUMNA By 'ING OF rH S PLAT OP W AKE PARK EAST ONE ESO FAIE HYDRANT SUBDIVISKSN ' & EAST LINE' WATER VALVE UTILITY ROLE U II(AfT POLE LEE'S SUBDIVOSON OVERHEAD U`PUTY LINES FENCE A,M. AS �RELD MEASURED SET REETAR & PLASSC CAP -------- - CHAIN L INK FENCE ......... ....... 6' PERT, CURB WTH I' PAN SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, ROBERT A, HALL, A REGSOOYED LAND SURVEYOR N 'THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF INSERT NAME WAS MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISOR, AND THE ACCOMPANYING P ACCURATELY AND PROPERLY SHOWS SAID SUBMAIC.O.N. BY, 8471 YLIRNP,KE DRIVE. SW7 2DO WESTMNSTEA, CO 80030 303 426- 1731 DEDICATION HART SACH, BEING THE OWNER(S) OF' THE REAL PROPERTY OF 3,55 ACRES DESCRaDD, As F CU LOWS. A RESUBNOVON OF A FART' OF LOT 11, ICE'S SUBDIVISION, LOCATED N THE SOUTHEAST 34 ("IF THE NORTHEAST A OF AUCTION 20, TOWIDSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST Of THE 6 P.NY, CII�' OF WHEAT RIDGE, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARMULARLY DESCRIBED AS rINLOVO: COMMENCING AT THE EAST 34 CORNER OF SAID SECTION, FRONT WHICH THE CENTER OF SAO SECTION BEANS SOUTH 89OW12" WEST� A USTANCE Of 2659,79 FEET, 'PIENCE NORrH 00'31'12' WEST, A DISTANCE Of' 598.17 FEET 70 THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF _ PROSPECT PARK PLACE, MINOR SUBDIVIVON". BEING A FOUND DEBAR WITH AN ALUMINUM CAP MARKED IS #1 412; THENCE ON THE SOUTH UNE OF WEST 44TH AVENUE', SCUD4 89*1307' WEST', A DIS OF 674 19 FEE,' TO THE TRUE PRINT OF BEG NNING. D­!ENCE ON THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 10 FEET OF BLOCK IT, LEEO SUBDIIA ON, SOUTH 00'25 O '06 EAST, A TSTANCE OF 478.93 FEET: "HENCE ON THE NORTH UNE OF QUIT CLAIMED PARCEL RECORDED N jEFFERSON COUNTY AT RECEPTION NUMBER 9T 2'939, SOUTH 89'21'08 WEST, A OC STANCE OF 98.@.:5 FEE THENCE (IN THE NOFFNI LINE OF OWT CLAIMED PARCEL RECORDED IN AFFERSON COUNTY AT RECrPTtON NUMBER 93127940, SOUTH 86'4, I9 WEST, A DISTANCE OF 165,96 FEE THENCE ON THE EAST LINE OF WESTLAKE SUIEDTASON AND THE EAST LANE OF THE WEST Yk O' LOT 1% LEE'S SuBMDOON, NORTH 00'25'06' WE',EF A DiST ANC E OF 485,46 FEET� THENCE ON THE SOUTH LINE OF WEST 44TH AVENUE, NORTH 89'13'07 EAST. A DOTANCE OfF 321,90 FEET 10 THE TRUE FICANT OF BEGINNING, AND HAS LAID OUT, SUEUNVDED AND PLATTER SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF ON AMERICA ISUSMV60N, A suBDIvL9oN OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, AND BY THESE PRESENTS 00 HEREBY DEDICATE TO IGE (STY OF WHEAT FODGE AND THE PUBUC THE STREETS AS SHOWN ON TTILE ACCOMPANYING PLAT FAR THE PU&O USE THEREOF FOREVER, EXECUTED TH(S __ DAY OF . ..... ........ .. ____ 2000, HOLDER OF DEED OF TRUST HEREBY RELEASES CLAIM TO AREAS DELSCA TO PUffi.IC USE, STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SO COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) R­IE FOREGOLNG 0OLTRUMEN7 WAS ACKNOIT&EDGED BEFORE ME THS DAY OF A,D 2000, WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICDkL SEAL., MY COMMISSION NOTARY SEAL NOTARy PLMUC CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SO COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY IDENTIFY THAT FWD AT WAS EKED IN MY OFFICE O'CLOCK _-AC C, N ­PIE DAY OF A.D SOLID, AND IS DULY RECORDED N PLAN ME FEES PAK) _ ......... __ . ......... RECORDER DEPUTY ORNELY: HAffi SAC'H 11808 WEST 4406 AVE, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80 303-431-812l SLNWYOR� GILLANS, INC, 8471 TURNPIKE ORiVE SU@T 200 WESTMINSTER, DO 80030 303­426--IICD gi O FUND WTH Y= CV LS film NW CORNER LOT 11 LEE'S Ta SUBDIVISION (PER INESILAKE PARK SUBDIVISION) C-- ASPHAI 7 US PROPER' LINES EUMNA By 'ING OF rH S PLAT OP W AKE PARK EAST ONE ESO AFPAFMtYT EASINEW1 FOR OVERHEAR SUBDIVISKSN ' & EAST LINE' OF A 1/2 OF LIST 1 LEE'S SUBDIVOSON (PER WESCAKE PLAT) QJ ul ' —,_Ov1RHEATl UTCTY t ILLNES FOR SITE LFGHT POLES % _4- OVERHEAD LiTILTIV --- AOJOINFNG PROPERTY TO USES - APPARENT NORTHWEST ACCESSING GATE EASEMENT 4 1 THROUGH PARCEL. *C* A-1 dy iv SCALE, V = 401 40 CASE HISTORY: 1 WZ­92- IS w7­00--io ASPHAL, 04STING I STORY l'I'MME W0. DMG _j ASPHALT Im 147,449 BY (3,38 AS) LOT I CRUSHED ASPHALT R,V AND BOAT PARKING OiE STORMINATER DETNTFONCRETENION AREAS SHOWN HEREON SHM-1. BE CONSINCUTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER f, HELFIS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSSLAIS', IN THE EVENT THAT "SIRS MANIENTANCE R3 NOT PERFORMED BY SAO OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGES SHALL HAVE THE MONT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PILIWIDERM THE NECESSARY WORK, THE CAST OF WHICH, SAID OMER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND AS&GNS AGREES TO PAY UPON BILUNG, NO BU10ING OR STRUCTURE MId. BE CONSTROUTED IN !'HE DETENTION/RETENTION AREAS) AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING T14E HYDRAULIC fRqARACT1ER,SPCS OF THE, DEIENTION/RETENCON AREA(s) WILL BE BASE t++ THOUS THE' APPROVAL OF THE 0TY ENIVNEER, x,:C FAISRNG DETENTION POND PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE THIS IS - 0 CERI TH WI E TH SE IN PLAN/PLAT. CA NO. A7­00-05 APPRCG By THE P(ANNAKI COMMISSION OF THE COY OF WHEAT RXWO J4 RAW .HA F"ARAti WIN RED PLASTIC CAP LS f27444 au ARrs 674j 9' AM THtS �S TO CERTIFY THAT THE CITY CA WiEA7 ROCE", COLORADO, BY MOTION OF ITS CITY MUNOZ_ ',)In ON THE DAY OF 200 ADOPT REaA* AND APPNOVE THE FCAr BY U% , tq 4R 0 R5 10 WiAww.. CAP Ls P412 NE CORNER CHNRMAN BR OR EIE D T PARK PLACEI ATTEST. MINOR SUB. Ei APPROVM, UNPLATTED • EASEMENT' RED #93' 279,58 141..1.3. I __J5i2U­FMcE- 80 zz t i 0 20 40 A-1 UNPLAM_D BASIS OF BEARING IS THE SOUTH LINE OF THE ME 1/4 OF SECTION 20 AS ESTABLtSHED PER SELLARDS AND GRIGG, INC. SURVEY RLED IN PLAT BOOK 100, PAGE 10 --REC,#89029399 EAST 1/4 CORNER CENTER OF SECTION 20 SECTION 20 997,34'�WESTLAKE PLAT) 997A4' AM I N - 99 T_ 2660, (S&6__9REAKDOWN`T_ 2659: TEAM FOUND 3-1/2 BRASS CAP FOUND 3-1/4 BRASS LS #13212 INSIDE RANGE BOX CAP 1.S#13212 - 1992 REC. #84104807 INSIDE RANGE BOX DFRECTOR OF PUBUC WORKS DIRECTOR OF' PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT LIED HOLDER NOTES: 1 1. 1 1-1E BASIS OF BEARNG IS THE SOU LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF' SECTION 20, AS ESIATALLSHED PER SCILLARDS AND GRIGG, INC. SURVEY FILED N PLAT BOOK 100, PAGE 10 AT RECEPT30N NO, 89029399 2, QJ ul t � _4- OVERHEAD LiTILTIV USES - APPARENT EASEMENT A--I • EASEMENT' RED #93' 279,58 141..1.3. I __J5i2U­FMcE- 80 zz t i 0 20 40 A-1 UNPLAM_D BASIS OF BEARING IS THE SOUTH LINE OF THE ME 1/4 OF SECTION 20 AS ESTABLtSHED PER SELLARDS AND GRIGG, INC. SURVEY RLED IN PLAT BOOK 100, PAGE 10 --REC,#89029399 EAST 1/4 CORNER CENTER OF SECTION 20 SECTION 20 997,34'�WESTLAKE PLAT) 997A4' AM I N - 99 T_ 2660, (S&6__9REAKDOWN`T_ 2659: TEAM FOUND 3-1/2 BRASS CAP FOUND 3-1/4 BRASS LS #13212 INSIDE RANGE BOX CAP 1.S#13212 - 1992 REC. #84104807 INSIDE RANGE BOX DFRECTOR OF PUBUC WORKS DIRECTOR OF' PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT LIED HOLDER NOTES: 1 1. 1 1-1E BASIS OF BEARNG IS THE SOU LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF' SECTION 20, AS ESIATALLSHED PER SCILLARDS AND GRIGG, INC. SURVEY FILED N PLAT BOOK 100, PAGE 10 AT RECEPT30N NO, 89029399 2, A RESUBDIVISION OF A FAR1r OF LOT IT, LEE'S SUSDiVTOON, LOCATED W PlE SOUTHEAST • OF DIE NORTHEAST % OF SECTION 20, POWNSHO' 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST O' 6TH P-Ar, CITY OT WHEAr FROSS, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PAR11CULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL-Lows COMMEN(ONG AT THE EAST X CORNER OF SAK) SECTION, FROM WHICH THE CENTER OF S)VD SECTION SEARS SOUTH 59TOEF12' WEST, A DISTANCE OF' 2659,79 FEET, , "HE NOR ' CON E HE CE H OW WEST, A DISTANCE OF' 596J7 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST N R 0 F PR 'E CT PARK PLACE MONOR SURDiV(SION ', SUNG , FOUND REBAR WTH AN ALUMINUM 0 OR CAP MA ARED LS #1 412; THENCE ON -, HE SOUTH LINE OF AE ST 44TH AVENUE, SOUTIN 89'13'07 WEST, A DISTANCE OF 674 " 9 FEET TO 1HE TRUE PONr 0 BEGONINC 5 ON THE WEST UNE OF THE EAST 10 FEET OF BLOCK I',, LEE'S ISLIBDIOSiON, SLxITk 00 *2506' PAST, A INSCkNCE OF 478,93 FEEI� TH,ENCE ON THE NORrH LINE OF QUIT CLA MED PARCEL FICOOROED IN jEFFERSON COUNTY AT RECFP TION NUMBER 93127939, 50., TH 8923'08" WE" T, A MSIANCE Or IDEAS FEET; THENCE ON YHE NORTH LINE OF SUIT CLAIMED PARCEL RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNFY AT ,RECEPTION NHMBER 93127940, SOUTH 86`410 WEST, A DISTANCE Or L55,96 FEE TI T AST LINE OF WSST SUISMOSLON AND THS EA�,� LINE OF ' iE VIESI F PHENCE ON THE E IY 0 LOT 11' LEE'5 SUBMVISION, NOR D4 00'25`06 WEST, A DISTANCE OF 485 46 FEET; Ri'ENCE ON THE SOU'rH LINE OF WEST 44TH AVENUE, N()ATT4 89'13'07 A DISTANCE OF 321 90 FEET TO 'HE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, E _�� - = THE INTENT AND MAk-0- CF SPA At'SWI-A IS TO AZP.1 $ To `4 , EXIS SERVICIF MAY6 AND 0" `SCE" ANIIF ALLOW " 6AIX6 C* WIN, N THE ENTIRE- 40T AND 8TOAU43E Or R✓. A 50ATE IT P6 AL5OI NY "ADE0 TO r ER THE r-0'",ERCIAL USE FFWM T ADIAr_CXT *MSIDENVAL AFWEAS ST PRIP'ODIN6, FENCING. AND LANDSCAPING ALOW, ADJACENT PROPERTY L IFIES, MMLOM'� PAR,41MTE1W. "AXII'MIl" FLOOR AREA RATAP NOT TO EXCEED 361% LAF4F*_ COVERAGe NOr LESS 7 I4AN iV% t"'SMUM PS"IP ETER SETSACKS, PRONT, W' S(Z>16F 30' REAR, AW MILMARDS NO' PSWITTEV :IN TW S f-SWIPERTY' r_­_­__,__,_­________, I CAW WISTOW. wZ__92__ 12 w7­99-03 RV AMERICA Planned Commercial Development OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69WrEST OF THE 6TH P.M., COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO WEST 44th AVENUE PUBLIC ACCESS 1, L 'A ED IN R Ttl DRIVEWAY CUSTOMER TRAVIS AND P, KIND V S RACE AND SALES I — — — — — — �_ _j CUS IRIVES ANN PARKING — — — — — — j PAR;, LAN #5CARj1NG I < ATIL�ANG AREA cat R CT z L C�u s I O� . ..... ... CUSTOMER E SCAPING G , PARKING D17 — L — - — TRAVIS , , N = 77_71 r — — — — — — — w — — - :z7:!6 2� ■ Iuj 110 nil Z3 1 u l 11 IQ G - 11 DO STORAGE AND SALES 11 00111"IERCIAL DISPLAY ONLY DFAV 9 AND PARKING III � I j Of�EN SPACE — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 6 RV STORAGE EXISITA4G CHAAVfWVft AND PAFAUNG PENCE M.ONG OPEN SPACE AND Cr REPLACE WTH 6' HIGH SO CEDAR FENCE EXISTING DETENTION AREA TO REMAitd ­NO 1 11 PARKNG ALLOWED THIS AREA � . ....... tROVDE FEW 6' FENCE �u4w — I INI­­ BOATS AN6 �TAN I(C LOW STORAGE ONLY: dOAC � J �j� rew LANDSCAPING OANIBRI kAfC SACI4 Ile" WEbT 447" ACE VAEAT R' 0"'CLO O W -AD D �1103.4V-SO� ft"YOFE G LL,ANIN?NC, 64 T~dKE ICRUV I%ATE 200 "EaRIIINSTER co W030 0 I, ROBERT A, HALL, A REOSTEFED PROFESSONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN FHE STATE, OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY TO tHA" ISLEATIS INC, REITED UPON CWCAGO TITLE OF COLORADO, INC. ETLE COMMITMENT NO- 1113814, AND THAT THE SURVEY PLAT ON WNICH lHiS CERTIFICATE APPEARS WAS PREPARED FROM RECORDED PLATS, PPE POLICIES AND LAND OESCAPTIONS FURBISHED BY OND,RS, AND CORRECTLY SHOWS THE LOCATION Of' BU4LDINGS, STRUCTURES A OTHER ND OER IMPROVEMENTS SITUATED ON THE LAND DESCRaED ABOVE, THAI EXCEPT AS SHOWN, THERE ARE NO EASEMEN TIS OR RIGHTS -CF -WAY OF RECORD FURNISHER TO ME VOLBLE OR OTHERWISE KNOWN TO ME ON, ACROSS OR AFTEC"FING SAID LAND AND THAT EXCEPT AS SHOWN, THERE ARE NO ENCROACHMEN S ON AILKIMNG LAPSE OR ROADWAY" BY SAID BU9LDINGS, STRUCAIRES OR CRIER WPROADMENTS. BY. ROBERT A, HALL PLS °0098 DAIE 0 MAWWx CCIVVIISSION CERTIFICATE M At THE IS TO CERTIFY 'THE AITH04 PLAN/PLAT, CARE NN WZ-00-06 HAS BEEN I-- APPROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMiSTSON OF HIE 01Y (.IF' WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO CHAIR AN THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT III E CiTY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, BY MOTION OF irs Cf7Y (SYLPYOL, DID ON NE ____ DAY OF GOO_ ADOPT AND APPROVE 1HE W,4N FLAT BY ORDINANCE NO AL ­j FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS ONLY ATTEST. A-1 LOW 0EN$1TY REMOEXTIAL CLEW AND ASCORDER6 CERTIFICATE STATE OP COLORADO ) ) SO COUNTY OF aIEFF ERSON ) f HEREBY CERTIFY TFiAT THIS PLAT WAS DOES IN MY O'CLOCK __k ON THE DAY OF A , CONOL AND iS DISLY RECORDED IN ,, D PLAN FILE Fr.ES PAID RECC7RD .R U CO&ER'S ACIOA71LEDGM4T C-1 C01"MER(VAL SPREE OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESKATED AGENCS) THEREOF DO HEREBY THE BELOW- SP DI AGREE THAT VIE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCEIRIED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PYANIOED DEVELOPMEN, III ACCORDANCE, WITH NiE USES, RESTRICCONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINER IN 'DiIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REOWRED BY LAW, OIFE) FURTHER REroawa THAT HAD APPROVA' OF' REZONING 10 PIANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND APPROVAL OF TWO OURANE DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOES NOT CREATE A PESTER PROIPERTY RIGHT VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY 0 q�0' ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROMSIONS OF SECOON 26 -6(G) OF THE CODE OF LAWS SIGNATURE OF OWNER(S) OR AGENT(S) NOTARY PUBLIC SUBSCRIBER AND SWORN TO ME BEFORE 7WS __.,...,_T DAY OF WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL DEAL MY COMWGCON EXPMES_ .. ..... ... NOTARY SEk. 0 MAWWx CCIVVIISSION CERTIFICATE M At THE IS TO CERTIFY 'THE AITH04 PLAN/PLAT, CARE NN WZ-00-06 HAS BEEN I-- APPROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMiSTSON OF HIE 01Y (.IF' WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO CHAIR AN THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT III E CiTY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, BY MOTION OF irs Cf7Y (SYLPYOL, DID ON NE ____ DAY OF GOO_ ADOPT AND APPROVE 1HE W,4N FLAT BY ORDINANCE NO AL ­j FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS ONLY ATTEST. A-1 LOW 0EN$1TY REMOEXTIAL CLEW AND ASCORDER6 CERTIFICATE STATE OP COLORADO ) ) SO COUNTY OF aIEFF ERSON ) f HEREBY CERTIFY TFiAT THIS PLAT WAS DOES IN MY O'CLOCK __k ON THE DAY OF A , CONOL AND iS DISLY RECORDED IN ,, D PLAN FILE Fr.ES PAID RECC7RD .R U ► I liffOrd AIM All I I r--2 G RENAL WEST 44th AVENUE A RESUBDOASION Of A PART OF LOT 1 LEF'S SUBDIVISION, LOCA IN HE SOUTHEAST 9 OF THE NORTHEAST 'A OF SECTION 20 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH , , -, OWNSHflR , Pv-, CII�Y Of AIHEAT FCDGE� STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARRCUIARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE EAST X CORNER OF SAO SECTION, FROM WHICH THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION BEARS SOUTH 89'09"12' WEST, A DSTANCE OF 265979 FEET, HENCE NORTH 00'3112 WEST, A DISTANCE OF 59617 FEE T O THE NOR'THEAST CUHNEk OF 'PROSPECT PARK PLACE. MFNOP SUBMIASION', BEING A FOODS REBAR WrH AN ALLIMINuIA CAP MARKED LS JI 412� THENCE ON 1 14E SOUTH LINE OF WEST 44TH AVENUE, SOUTH 139 WESE A DISTANCE OF 674 F ,9 'LET TO THE TRUE POINT OF W,'(SIANNG. T F ,HE, NCE' ON TNE WEST LNE 0 7mE EAST 1 0 FEET OF BLOCK i % LEE'S SUSID(VTOON, SOUTH 00 EAST, A DISTANCE Of 47&93 FEET; THENCE ON THE NORTH ONE OF OLPT CLAIMED PARCEL RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY AT RECEPTION NUMBER 93127939, SOUTH 89'2308 WEST. A DISTANCE OF 15E.I3 FEET, 'PE'NCE ON ­GHE NORTH LINE Of CIAT CLAIMED PARCEL RECORDED IN jEFFERSON COUNTY AT HE CEP CON NUMBER 93127940, SOUTH 864819' WEST. A tUSIANCC Or 165,96 FEET', ,AENCE CA THE EAST LINE OF WESTLAKE SUBDN SFON AND rHE EAST LINE OF THE WE R OF LOT 11 LEE'S SUBDIVISION, NORTH 0025'06' WEST, A [CSTANCE OF 485.46 FEE!; - ,H,&NCi ON' IDE SOUIO UNE OF WESl 44TH AVENUE, N047H 89'13'07 *EAST, A DISTANCE TA: 321,90 FEET TO THE TRUE PUIN Or BEGINNING, M6CRIFtWN OF M;MSr-T TAE fIVTENT AFRO PA%-Oft OF RV AMRCA IS TO AIGIF $PACE TO 7kE EXISTING. SERVICE. SAYS ANO CFRCE AH ALLOW POP SALES OF RV. ON THE FA7WIF LOT STOR44,F OF " AND SOAT& IT IS A, .W NTENNFIO TO SUTER Tl Rl-fAL Uee FROI'l Tae ADD VfIBl>LNTN%L AAZW8 MY P,eoy", CIA'. PEW-A4 AND LANtTWZAI-ING, ALOr. ADjACEFT' PROIIR,—� LINES, 'W47W CRAPTEER 26, ARYIC F, 4, 0- 1HIF UAWAT RIDISE GOOLE OF F-AUS, ALL LR0&- SAAkLL Me IN ACCO ANCE VTk SECT, 26-32 A"� EXTERIOR *4'ING OkALL CE IN ACC- WlW SECTION 26-30 0!0 RILLSOA-ZDS ARE NOT INEWITTESY ON TWR, f SCAL F'. 40' FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PfAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO MWFr T ry 16 ' RV DISPLAY AREA —APPARENT TZS`EqFNZ- - fQR OVERFYF LINES (TYRj rxTsTDSC SITE, L.IGF REMAIN�: PRO C;O"F*^Cr z RAFFLES a DUOS 'CtARF g�L-- C A006INSiG PRI3PTRiA,-ZQ MARTHV,F ,AGi„E SlGNG KATE 7 PIRERIGH P FIR zg�� ST F HFGH OVERHEAD U1115 SITE DATA -ROPENNr'. ' . T REE"' r TOTAL AREA OF li W'II.PN4 C0111MRA46' 141,44"3 SP €9 ATOMS) A"I ep 7% LZ�7iaI4 Ca,15%4131P 251!V &P *'% PAY"— AND 0TWER kARIC SURPACEID 30,60 ep 21% rD SA4.S$ AIREAz 36,dT6 $F pAw"T'r. &PAres feWORED PRO'ADE NEW S' FENCE W/ SLCUIXTY 31 10P ALONG SOUD4 PROPONETY LINE— 4 w INK ePACe$ IDEA: CUSTa 25 j 4 f SCAL F'. 40' FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PfAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO MWFr T ry 16 ' RV DISPLAY AREA —APPARENT TZS`EqFNZ- - fQR OVERFYF LINES (TYRj rxTsTDSC SITE, L.IGF REMAIN�: PRO C;O"F*^Cr z RAFFLES a DUOS 'CtARF g�L-- C A006INSiG PRI3PTRiA,-ZQ MARTHV,F ,AGi„E SlGNG KATE 7 PIRERIGH P FIR zg�� ST F HFGH OVERHEAD U1115 I ' . T REE"' r -40t5I TO NO 'PAITT"r THIS - ONES A LMH7 Poum---` EASEMENT AREA ............ PARK SUBMV)SICIN) PRO'ADE NEW S' FENCE W/ SLCUIXTY 10P ALONG SOUD4 PROPONETY LINE— x NOTARY PUBLIC 66 SUBSCRDSO AND SWORN' 'TO ME BEFORE PiIS DAY OF WINESS MY HAND AND VFfCIAL SFAL BY COMMSDION NOTARY DEAL tE MAWIWj C40t""18610N =WfFtCATK y -�S IS TO CERTIFY IFE WITHN PLAN/PLAT, CASE NO� WZ--00-06 HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE: PLATINNG COMMISSION OF THE CITY Of WYEAT RIDGE, COILORADO GIG Ca - 10 CERTIFY N4AT THE CITY OF 'WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, BY MOTION OF ITS 1 - TTY COUNCIL, DID ON THE DAY OF _ ---------- SOFT__ ADOPT ANN APPROVE 'HE V�PON PLAN/PLAT BY ORD3NANCE NO. . .......... CNAiFtMfAN I M 1 4 ------ ATTEST: u TY CLIERK CLSW 00 fW00FROW6 CERTIPIQAIS STATE OF COLORADO )'ED COLINTY O JI FFERSON F S HEREBY CERCT Y THAT FHC3 PLAT WAS FILED IN MY O'CLOCK ......M. ON 1 ,HE ........ DAY OF A,D. 2000. AND iS DULY RECORDED IN PLAN FILE FEES PAD DEPUTY EAST 1/4 CORNER SECTION 20 CEN'B:R OF' / I SECTION 20 VrZ4` tTUE15TLA<E FLAT,' 99134' AS FOUND 3-1/2" BRASS CAP FOUND 3-1/4 BRASS LS #13212 NSIDE RANGE BOX CAP LS#13212 - 1992 REC. #84?0� 7 INSIDE RANGE BOX NOTE: IS IS BEING DEDICA By THE PLAT DOCUMENT FOR TABOR STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY, TX1E'TABOR SIREET ACCESS PS SHOWN AS SUNIG EMERGENCY ACCESS ONLY. I F THE FROPIDERT OWNER WISHED TO CONVERT IT TO AN UNRESTR.CTED ACCESS POINT, APPROVAL BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND CO"I' COUP t WILL BE REQUORED THROUVFY A FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS, THE PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT WILL REQUSRE C s e R ON TEDU MON DRAWNGS FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT.; ALONG TA Ol STREST INCLUDING CURB, GLITTER AND, ISDEWALK. THIS WOULD ALSO INCLUDE REMOVAL AND RECONSTRICuPON OF THE t 6' HIGH WOODEN AND BRICK PI,.I,AR FENCE. E ASI UPS OF WESTLAKE SUBCFWSICN & EAST LINE OF W 1,12 OF LOT I LEE 's SUBDIVISION (PER WESTLAKE PLAI) rl-I C0t'Mf CAW HISTOWF 1 WZ-- 92-12 03 WZ - Do- i 0 --- - ---------- ---------- WRVEYOWS CEWIMCATE I, ROBERr A, Iikl A REIRSTERED PROFESSIONAL. LAND SURAIFYOR IN THIS STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CE.R TO THAT GD LAN S INC, REUED UPON CHICAGO TITLE OE COLORADO, INC, TITLE COMMITMENT NO, 1113814, AND THAT THE SURVEY PLAT ON WHICH THIS CERTIUCATE APPEARS WAS PREPARED FROM RECORDED SLATS, PT LE POLICIES ADD LAND PESCRWTOINS FLIRfSSHED BY OTHERS. AND CORRECOLY SHOWS TFIE LOCATION OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND O IMPROVEMENTS VIOATED ON THE LAND DESCRIBED F04A0 v . . R ABOVL: THAT EXCEPT AS SHOWN, THERE ARE NO EASEMENTS, OR RIGHTS -OF- -WAY WAY OF 0,744 RM PLASTIC RECORD FURNISHED TO ME, VDSBLE SIR OTHERMSE KNOWN TO ME ON, ACROS'S OR AFFECTING CA. 1 -71TI44 SAID LAND: AND THAT EXCEPT AS SHOWN, THERE ARE NO ENCROACHMENTS ON ADiOINFNG MiiLLANS' LANDS OR ROADWAYS BY SAID NALDINGS, STRILICTURES OR OTHER IMPROVEMENTS. N100 L ay� - ------ NE DEANE IS _ AT V"fR P NARY PLACE 1 MINOR SUB, WWW8 AC"40ILLEO&I"T r_4 THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENDO THEREOF, DO HEREBY �ERClAL AGREE "FEAT THE. PROPERTY LFGA"ALY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE Wt THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONNTIONS CONTAINED N TINS PLAN, A AS MAY OFHERWISE BE REQUIRED By LAW, OWE) FURTHER RECOGN IZE THAT FHE APPROVAL OF REZONAIC, 10 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, ADD APPROVAL OF SliS OUTUNE i. -$TED PROPFRlY RC T. VESTED PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOES NOT CREATE A AS RiGHTS MAY ONLY ASIDE AND ACCRUE PURSLSANT TO THE PROMSLONS (A' SECTION 26-6(G) OF THE CODE OF LAWS, -------------- SIGNATURE OF OAYIESSSO� OR AGENTS) A-1 LCW I NW CORNER LOT 11 LEE'S (PER WESTLAKE PARK SUBMV)SICIN) CAW HISTOWF 1 WZ-- 92-12 03 WZ - Do- i 0 --- - ---------- ---------- WRVEYOWS CEWIMCATE I, ROBERr A, Iikl A REIRSTERED PROFESSIONAL. LAND SURAIFYOR IN THIS STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CE.R TO THAT GD LAN S INC, REUED UPON CHICAGO TITLE OE COLORADO, INC, TITLE COMMITMENT NO, 1113814, AND THAT THE SURVEY PLAT ON WHICH THIS CERTIUCATE APPEARS WAS PREPARED FROM RECORDED SLATS, PT LE POLICIES ADD LAND PESCRWTOINS FLIRfSSHED BY OTHERS. AND CORRECOLY SHOWS TFIE LOCATION OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND O IMPROVEMENTS VIOATED ON THE LAND DESCRIBED F04A0 v . . R ABOVL: THAT EXCEPT AS SHOWN, THERE ARE NO EASEMENTS, OR RIGHTS -OF- -WAY WAY OF 0,744 RM PLASTIC RECORD FURNISHED TO ME, VDSBLE SIR OTHERMSE KNOWN TO ME ON, ACROS'S OR AFFECTING CA. 1 -71TI44 SAID LAND: AND THAT EXCEPT AS SHOWN, THERE ARE NO ENCROACHMENTS ON ADiOINFNG MiiLLANS' LANDS OR ROADWAYS BY SAID NALDINGS, STRILICTURES OR OTHER IMPROVEMENTS. N100 L ay� - ------ NE DEANE IS _ AT V"fR P NARY PLACE 1 MINOR SUB, WWW8 AC"40ILLEO&I"T r_4 THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENDO THEREOF, DO HEREBY �ERClAL AGREE "FEAT THE. PROPERTY LFGA"ALY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE Wt THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONNTIONS CONTAINED N TINS PLAN, A AS MAY OFHERWISE BE REQUIRED By LAW, OWE) FURTHER RECOGN IZE THAT FHE APPROVAL OF REZONAIC, 10 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, ADD APPROVAL OF SliS OUTUNE i. -$TED PROPFRlY RC T. VESTED PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOES NOT CREATE A AS RiGHTS MAY ONLY ASIDE AND ACCRUE PURSLSANT TO THE PROMSLONS (A' SECTION 26-6(G) OF THE CODE OF LAWS, -------------- SIGNATURE OF OAYIESSSO� OR AGENTS) A-1 LCW I NORTH E.EVAT�ON SOUT�4 ELEVANCN =I El MTAL RVCF EAST ELEVATtON mums= DUMP6TER ENC CSURF-PLAN CM CONTAIWR EXCLMM S: A L BE MN. all-o w4ow 0 CUWC. YARD TOP AO VID LOA CNG CCNTA�W'q WL X 4V x 1 -01 FDP-2 MAJOR CHANGES IN CHAPTER 26 ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE Review Processes: The various processes involved in land development are described in the first Article and are summarized in a chart. The chart is a quick reference for what is required Nvith the different land use requests. Variances and Waivers: The criteria for review/findings of fact for variances have been shortened by combining similar criteria and eliminating the criterion that asks, "Is the variance applicable to other property in the same zone district?" The fundamental concept of a variance means that the answer is always "No." Site Plan Review: Site plan review is required of any new development other than single and two family dwelling units. Site plan review entails the review of landscaping, parking, access and building orientation, design and materials. Streetscape and architectural manuals are anticipated to provide the standards for site plan review. Any change in use triggers compliance with the new regulations. Private Property Rezoning: No change in the rezoning process. If rezoning to residential or industrial, any parcel larger than one acre inust rezone to Planned Development. If rezoning to commercial, any size parcel must rezone to Planned Development. Conditional Uses are eliminated; former conditional uses have been made special uses. Council specifically decides whether special uses run with the land or with applicant on a case-by-case basis. A special use does not require passage by ordinance. Planned Development District Regulations: A new Article was created. It has been shortened by eliminating two of the described districts (Planned Mobile Home Development District and Planned Recreational Vehicle Park Development) and requiring such uses to be proposed as planned residential or planned commercial districts. The review process has been shortened by eliminating the middle step which is only required with multi-phase projects.. Design standards for residential, industrial and mobile home parks have been moved to a new deshni standards article. Overlay districts created: Streetscape and architectural design overlay districts were created. These districts reference yet-to-be completed manuals, that will establish streetscape and architectural standards for portions of the City. Subdivision Regulations: The existing regulations are outdated. Processes have been developed 1. for major (five or more lots) and minor (four or fewer lots) subdivisions along with approvals for consolidation of lots and other plat amendments. New sections have been developed which detail required improvements and security for those improvements. Park dedication standards have been developed. Design Standards: This is a new article that combines design standards for residential, industrial and mobile home parks, and includes landscaping, parking, and lighting standards, Exterior Lighting: Changes require all fixtures to be fully shielded and metal halide and flourescent fixtures must be filtered. Only high pressure sodium, low pressure sodium, and incandescent fixtures are allowed in commercial and multi-family residential parking areas. Freestanding light fixtures in such areas are limited to 18 feet in height. Supplementary Regulations: Each topic is given a section number so it will be easier to find certain regulations. All regulations dealing with one subject have been organized under one section. (For example, sight triangle distance regulations were in three different sections). Other regulations that were improperly located in district regulations were moved to this article, (For example, the regulations concerning, the parking of semi trucks,) Home Occupations: Deleted the section oil Class 11 home occupations. The only differences between Class I and 11 were the allowances for a sign and more than two employees. (Class 11 required a special use permit.) The new regulations restrict home occupation businesses to two employees who live off premises and allow for one site not to exceed one square foot in size, parking requirements are clarified. U'ehicle, Farrar Implement, Boat and Trailer Sales: The same restriction that currently applies to auto sales lots (1,500 feet between such uses) has been extended to these other uses. Any location less than 1,500 feet requires a special use permit. Itinerant Sales: No changes, A special use permit is required and sales are restricted to items allowed to be sold in the zone district. Sales are permitted for 30 days. Only one merchant at a time. This does not apply to produce and Christmas tree lots which are, found in another section. Fences, Iledges, and Obstructions to View- The maximum height Of Visual obstructions in a sight triangle has been reduced to 36". The current code maximum is 42" in one section and 48" in another. Sight triangles are created for alleys. Commercial Mobile Radio Service ("C RS} Facilities: This section incorporates the recent change where building or structure mounted antennae may be approved for non- residential uses in a residential zone district, Roof mounted antennae are subject to a special use review in such instances and freestanding towers are still prohibited in residential zone districts. Floodplain Zoning: No changes. Historic Preservation: No changes. Interpretation and Enforcement: Existing provisions have been combined in this article. The section also establishes when the new Code applies and what happens to applications currently in MU= C. \IyFiles'.WPFiics'Prtijects M