HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/25/2000i & KKUU�1� �11� MM Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment on May 25, 2000, at 7:30 p.m., in the City Council chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 3. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) A. Request for reconsideration of action taken by the Board of Adjustment on March 23, 2000 (Case No. WA-00-02) regarding an application filed by Trailer Source, Inc. for an interpretation of allowed uses as listed in their Planned Commercial Development (Tabor Development Planned Commercial Development Outline Development Plan). Said property is located at 4651 Tabor Street and zoned PCD. 8. ADJOURNMENT to June 22,2000 C:\Barbara\B0X,000525,wpd CASE NO. & NAME: WA-00-021Trailer Source ACTION REQUESTED: • MOM PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: CASE MANAGER: Alan White Reconsideration of Interpretation of Permitted Use regulations in the approved PCD 4651 Tabor Street J.R. Blumenthal 4651 Tabor St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Planned Commercial Develo,11ment JPC Trailer Sales and Service; Personal Recreational Vehicle Sales and Service; Limited Sales of Pick Up Trucks; Outdoor Display N. 1-70 then Planned Industrial Development; S: Agricultural-1; E. Residential-Two; W: Commercial- One N:1 -70 then commercial and industrial; S: large lot residential; E: medium density residential; W: commercial (truck stop) DATE PUBLISHED: May 5, 2000 DATE POSTED: Not Required ENTER INTO RECORD: M REQUEST The subject property was rezoned from Agriculture-One to Planned Commercial Development (P CD) in September 1995, City Council minutes, (Exhibit B), and Planning Commission minutes, (Exhibit C), for Case No. WZ-95-09 are attached. Also attached is the list of permitted uses and description of project taken directly from the recorded PCD document (Exhibit D), On March 23, 2000 the Board of Adjustment conducted an interpretation hearing and on a failed motion for approval, denied the interpretation request. Minutes are attached as Exhibit G. At the subsequent Board meeting on April 27, 2000, the applicant requested and was granted a reconsideration hearing. HINKN�M The interpretation section does not provide any further guidance in making these interpretations. The deon • the Board should • based upon the intent of the original PCD zoning, evidence t. or -&-ty relevant evidence Dresented • the PCD document& According to the Board bylaws, "No request to grant a rehearing can be entertained .... unless *tted in writin • which could not have been, with due dili�4ence, , iresented at the previous hearing." No additional written evidence has been received to date. IV. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION The description of the project from the PCD plan indicates the property was to be used for the sa of horse, enclosed, cargo flatbed, and used trailers. Sales • motorized vehicles was limited to 15% of licensable vehicles. Permitted sales also included truck accessories, hitches, trailer repai and hardware sales of accessories compatible to the horse industry. Special uses will be appropriate for the use proposed and uniquely restricted to the equine industry, I — 211MUIMIGINIMMI ft • 014 11 tatW441#1111se offices, art galleries, auto parts sales, and bakeries. items or merchandise for sale. Nothing else was included. There is no evidence in the r7ecord th4 the sale of other items or merchandise was deleted by Planning Commission or Council action, On the contrary, there is evidence in the record that the applicant intended to sell trailers and accessories compatible to the horse industry. &W Staff recommends that the Board deny the request to interpret that ATV and snoNvmobile sales are a permitted use for the Trailer Source PCD. G:\Illaiiiiing' Board of Adjustment Page 4 WA-00-02/Blumenthal UM DEPAR, < T OF PLAMN6 mo VEYE -255-28s/ IL I Z: -7 IN 1-- 2 0 SCALE 1-%., — , 4 1 t-' ` J 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE" WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 January 12, 2000 Mr. J.R. Blumenthal 4651 Tabor Street Wheat The regulations of the PCD allow you to appeal this interpretation to the Board of Adjustment. This appeal would require a hearing before the Board of Adjustment. Please contact this office concerning the requirements and procedure for requesting this interpretation. Sincerely, / r N L Alan C, White, AICP C:\M) (303) 234-5900 # ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234-5924 # POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235-2949 ce 0 m ��,. m m w 6WIM3 k TRAILER SALES, INCLUDING HORSE, FLAT BED AND ENCLOSED, TRAILER, TRUCK AND EQUI NE RELATED ACCESSORI ES. LLM: (15 PER YEAR), SERVICE IS DEFINED AS FOLLOWS TRAILER SERVICE INCLUDING REPAIRING WIRING, AXLES, COUPLERS, FLOORS AND OTHER MI SC, MAINTENANCE ON USED TRAILERS NOT INCLUDING PAINTING OR BODY WORK, SMALL ANIMAL VETERINARY HOSPITALS OR CLINICS WHERE THERE ARE NO OUTSIDE PENS AN' 'SIMILAR USE WHICH, IN THE OPINION OF TH- ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, OR UOON AC>P- OF' HIS DECICION, OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT WOULD BE COMPATIBL - IN EHARAC7ER AND IMPACT WITH OTHER USES IN THE DISTRICT, WOULD Bi CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT Or THIS DISTRICT, AND WHICH WOULD NOT BE OBJECTIONABLE TO NEARBY PROPERTY BY REASON OF ODOR, DUST, FUM- GAS, NOISE RADIATION, HEAT, G-AR VIBRATION, TRAFFIC GENERATION, PARKIN NEEDS, CUTD5bR STORAGE OR USE, OF IS NOT HAZARDOUS TO THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF SURROUNDING AREAS THROUGH DANGER Or FIRE OR EXPLOSION. SCALE: : 1 ee = 4o' — MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA RATIO — 10%, — MAXIMUM BUILDIN5 HEIGHT — 35 FEET, — MINIMUM LANDSCAPE' COVERAG-__; N5T LESS THAN 25%. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 7500 W. 29th Avenue, Municipal Building I! # # # # ugagg Motion by Mr. DiTullio for the approval of the Minutes of December 20, 1999, seconded by Mrs. Worth; carried 7-0 with Mr. Siler abstaining. Mg1jo • Mr. DiTullio to suspend the Rules and move Item 7 up to be Item I and renumber the Agenda accordingly; seconded by Mr. Edwards; carded 8-0. CITIZ-9—NS' RIgHT,,10 AP9AAK Item 7. Nelson Street Traffic Calming. Item 7 was introduced by Mrs. Shaver title and summary , read by the Clerk. Debra Rosenthal, 3395 Nelson Street, thanked the City for their help and asked that t Sidewalk issue be addressed. X M • Z; WA-x r� CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: JANUARY 10, 2000 Page - 2 - IIIIIIIIII F I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I Mqtion by Mrs. Shaver that the Nelson Street conceptual plan (between 32 & 35" Avenue for traffic speed reduction features and the sidewalk section deemed necessary for the effective and safe operation of the speed reduction features (at #3415) be approved; seconded by Ms. Figlus', carried 8-0. 1 WKff KH11 :II LC&-moll" I 111 :4 Oil INTuaIIIIiii zad-*Lom!" I Jill I I I I I lI I: 1 1:11111111 1 1 1 � I I ill � I I I I I I F I � 1 11 � I �� I l�� I I� I I q Council Bill 35 was introduced on second reading by Mr. Siler, title and summary read by the Clerk; Ordinance No. 1180 assigned. -Matt Butter, representing the applicant, was sworn in by the Mayor and asked for approval of application. ��Iqlqqiijp 11''IMNIffiff 1 1 13= 1 li Vill I lrnpq��Ipi�� ITT:! • Ire =- `\ ^ > CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: JANUARY 10, 2000 Page - 3 - Rosanna Colson, 14495 West 46 Drive, was sworn in by the Mayor and spoke in favor of the application. Kim Stewart, 1 1700 West 46 was swom�in by the Mayor. She has no real objection to the corner part; she asked that Council specifically exclude some types of sales, such as personal water craft, ATV's etc. as discussed at the Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Gidley entered a letter addressed to the City of Wheat Ridge into the record, which was written by James B. Sutton, 4549 Tabor Street, who asked for approval of the application. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: JANUARY 10, 2000 Page -4 - ILem 4. Council Bill 38 - an Ordinance concerning a correction to the amendments to the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws to provide for increased penalty limits. Council Bill 38 was introduced on second reading by Mrs. Worth, who also read the title; Ordinance No. 1181 was assigned. Mat by Mrs. Worth that Council Bill 38 (Ordinance 1181) be adopted on second reading; seconded by Mr. DiTullio; carried 7-1 with Mr. Hanley voting no. - Mr. Hanley feels the I year jail time is excessive. 01IT11 Z Lei 44012 1112 ftlp 4, Council Bill 1 - An Ordinance providing for the approval of a change of zone from Residential-Two to Restricted Commercial-One for property located at 3502 Wadsworth Blvd., City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. (Case No. WZ-99-12) (Roger Loecher) Council Bill 1 was introduced on first reading by Mr. DiTullio, who also read the title and summary. 0 iTzTe 111111111111 !�!illllllllll!ll 11111111111111111pill';J1111 KRMW � "01 NOZZE= i 11 1 i III Motion by Mrs. Shaver that Council Bill 2 be approved on first reading, ordered published, public hearing be set for Monday, February 14, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, Municipal Building, and if approved on second reading, take effect 15 days after final publication; seconded by Mr. Edwards; carried 8-0. It!gm 8. Local Drainage and Trail Improvement Project, RFI3 #99-30. Item 8 was introduced by Mr. Mancinelli, who read the title and summary. U&M CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: JANUARY 10, 2000 Page - 6 - Item 9. 2000 Street Maintenance Materials, RFB #99-33. ILem 9.A. Approval for the design of the dedication plaque for the Wheat Ridge Recreation Center. Motion by Mrs. Worth for the approval of the Wheat Ridge Recreation Center d dication plaque as presented by her; seconded by Mr. DiTullio. Motion by Mrs. Shaver for an amendment that the names of Mr. Hanley, Ms. Figlus, and Mr. Edwards be added to the plaque. Motion died for lack of second. Motion carried 7-1 with Ms. Figlus voting no. ILem IQ. Approval of Expenditure Items. LAgtion by Mrs. Worth that the attached purchases be approved in the amounts indicated and that all costs be charged to the account shown on the purchase order edit report; seconded by Mr. Siler; carried 8-0. Au k thority. ni-77ruloas Mosiance %we CITY COUNCIL. MINUTES: JANUARY 10, 2000 p age _ 7 _ E. Aquatics E d :.. F. Telephone System for the new Wheat Ridge Recreation Center, RFP 99 -28. G. Renewal of Sid #99 -09, Sweeper Brooms. H. Motion for City Photographer expenses. carri 1. Cabling for the new Recreation Center, RFP #99-32. Mrs. Worth introduced the Consent Agenda and read the titles and summanies. Mr. DiTullio asked to pull A. Mr. Mancinelli asked to pull B. D. and H. Mr. Siler asked to pull 1. ,Mgtion by Mrs. Worth to approve Items C. E. F. G'.; seconded by Mrs. Shaver, carried 8-0. Motign by Mr. DiTullio that a supplemental appropriation of $3,000 be transferred from the general fund balance to Acct. No. 01 -1 02�700-702, Council Travel; seconded by Mrs. Shaver; i carri A. MQtiQn by Mr. Mancinelli to change the suggested motion to read as follows: 'The Council President's duties shall include reviewing and setting the Agenda ... ; seconded by Mr. DiTullio; i H. M_ otion by - the Ci Ph otogra pher ' s expe be charged to Co uncil Account No. 01-102-650-651, affice supplies; seconded by Mr. Hanley; carried 8-0. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: JANUARY 10, 2000 Page - 8 - Worth; carried 6-2 with Mr. Siler and Mr. DiTullio voting no. CITY MANAGER'S MATTERS M&I11taftim [*Neil CITY ATTORNEY'S MATTERS Jerry Dahl gave update on billboard be down by Iii update on $10,000 CDBG funds for Arapahoe House, asked for consensus to direct him to prepare # to the Code otherwise posted by Director o Parks, park hours are 5 a.m. to 10:00 p.m." Consensus was 8 in favor. • 1111 I;Ijii�11111 Ms. Figlus reported that the City had received a thank you for displaying the pink ribbon tuts f or b reast Mrs. Shaver gave update on developments at the Ridge property and asked for consensus that Council ask the City Manager to contact Arvada and find out what is going on and express our concems and make sure that we can be at the table When property that is within our city limits is being discussed, Consensus was 6 in favor. 51111FIf *79a7,MN;=s The preceding Minutes were prepared according to §47. of Robert's Rules of Order, i.e. they contain a record of what was done at the meeting, not what was said by the members. Tape recordings and video recordings-of the meetings are available for listening or viewing in the City Clerk's Office, as well as copies of Ordinances and Resolutions. A. Case No. WZ-99-09: An application submitted by J. R. Blumenthal for approval ofa rezoning from Agricultural-One to Planned Commercial Development, approval of an amended Outline and Final Development Plan, and approval of a consolidation plat for properl-,, located at 4651 Tabor Street. This case was presented by Martin Omer. He reviewed the staff report and presented overheads and slides of the subject property, All pertinent documents were entered into the record and Mr. Omer advised that there was jurisdiction to hear the case. Staff recommended approval of the application with certain conditions as outlined in the staff report. Commissioner SNOW asked for clarification about landscaping. Mr. Omer replied that there is presently 25% landscaping as approved in 1995. The applicant is proposing to landscape 20% *f the combined overall site. In response to a question from Comrnissioner SNOW, Mr. Omer replied that sno'wmobiles and all terrain vehicles (ATV's) are classified as personal recreational vehicles. Small water craft (such as jet skis and wave runners) are classified as boats. Commissioner driving of ATV's. trom aajacem properties. Mr. Omer stated that it was his understanding that the applicant has agreed to screen rental equipment areas from Tabor Street. (Vice Chair GO KEY announced a brief recess at 8:50 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:10 P.M.) Planning Commission Page 2 September 16, 1999 EXHIBIT F snowmobiles are used by ranchers. The predominant testing of ATV*s occurs after thew a,% assembled on-site. All but three or four display ATV's are stored inside. He believed that AT% and snowmobiles fall under the classification of "other similar uses" and could find nothing in writing that states these are not permitted uses. In response to a quest ' ion from Commissioner COLLINS, Mr. Blumenthal said he would be willing • move the driveway gate further down the driveway, but felt that this could encourage trucks • park there for the weekend. Mr. Blumenthal stated that parking has not been allowed in the detention area since neighbors complained. He stated that there have been 13 semi-truck Planning Commission Page 3 September 16. 1999 MM deliveries over the past 90 days and that his plan would allow for semi's to turn around on the property" before exitim! onto Tabor Street. In regard to a question from Commissioner DOYLE 1%Ir. Blumenthal stated that US West placed a silt fence on the property. Commissioner SNOW asked about storage of ATVs. Mr. Gidley explained that they have approximately ten assembled ATVs and the others are stored in crates until such time as they need to be assembled. !Comnussioner t - expressed concern about the owner's semi-truck and asked if the truck could • listed as a special use to preclude future owners from having several semi's on the property. Mr. Gidley replied that he would include that requirement in the development plan. Commissioner SNOW asked if there was adequate room for the largest semi to turn around on the property. Mr. Blumenthal replied there was adequate room for the longest single trailer which is approximately 53 feet in length. In regard to concerns about double trailers making deliveries onto the make deliveries to the property. In response to a question from Commissioner GOKEY, Mr. Blumenthal stated that no existing landscaping will be removed and that additional landscaping will be added to the new piece of property. Mr. Blumenthal cornmented that it is hard to control semi's parking because drivers change frequently, etc. and companies will sometimes send one order on three partial loads. In order to ?.ddress that problem, he stated that his company has a contract with his personal water craft supplier which will allow him to send his own semi to pick up their entire order at one time. Planning Commission Page 4 September 16, 1999 Commissioner THOMPSON requested that hours • test driving be spelled out and thaz the plan be rewritten to ensure that future owners cannot use this area for an ATV track. Mr. White reminded the Commission that there is another application on the agenda and Commission bvlaws state that no public hearing shall be started after 11:00 p. M except upon a majority vote of the Commission. It was moved by Commissioner THOMPSON and seconded by Commissioner SNOW that the rules be suspended to continue the meeting in order to' bear the second case on the agenda after 11:00 p.m. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioner V , ,RINKMAN absent. Kim Stewart Planning Commission September 16, 1999 Page 5 problem of semi's or other vehicles getting in and out of Trailer Source or bein(-' there betbre or after the business is open. She stated that the company has not honored current zoning and citizen questions about these violations which have not been addressed until the present time, She felt the matter appears weighted in favor of the business. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if there was anything that would prevent a future own from turning this property into car dealership. Mr. White replied that this could not occur unless the O plan is amended to a ow ll car sales. In resp o nse to a question from Commission THMPSON, Mr. White replied that camper trailers and boat sales were allowed in 199- • • - - • IM7 'I'll _raV'11TQ7d1T impact on the neighborhood. Ms, Stewart replied that the neighborhood is asking for an over- all honest plan rather than doing it piecemeal.; and that they feel semi-trucks are iangerous on Tabor Street. 11111 111 1&1 1 1'! jil Planning Commission Page 6 September 16, 1999 RM I - - �� '-, P 7 ffie appri would be willing to build a non-illuminatet� • monument sign on Tabor Street rather than a 25-foot high sign as allowed under the code, Mr. Blumenthal agreed to this request. Commissioner DOYLE asked how much • the business is related to water craft. Mr. Blumenthal replied that this year he ordered for 65 snowmobiles, 70 ATVs and 15 water crall Commissioner D• YLE asked if he would consider eliminating the water craft. Mr., Blumenthal explained that taking on the line of Attic Cat involves the entire line which includes generators, ATV's, snowmobiles and water craft. Commissioner SNOW stated that if the motion'fails, she would make a motion to deny the zpplication. In response to a question from Commissioner THOMPSON, Mr. Wliite stated that if this request is denied, the applicant's next step would be to appeal to the City Council. Commissioner SNOW withdrew her second. Therefore, Commissioner COLLINS" motion died for lack of a second. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS that Case No. WZ-99-09, a request for approval to rezone 1-3 acres from A-1 Agricultural to PCD, Planned Commercial Development be recommended to the City Council for DENIAL for the following reasons: I. The proposed expanded sales and uses do not meet the intended use of the original development which was primarily to be hr and portrayed as producing limited traffic. Z. This business needs the use of semi-trailers which are not compatible with the adjacent residential and agricultural uses. Planning Commission Pa e 7 September 16, 1999 9 Commissioner GOKEY commented that traffic reports have not indicated a traffic hazard. there have been no accidents in the area, and the Police Department has indicated no objections. Commissioner SNOW responded that she takes testimony from the neighbors as evidence of traffic problems. Commissioner THOMPSON stated that, while she understands the neighbor's concerns as w as the applicant's concerns, she felt that if the application is denied and proceeds to Council there would be no way for the Commission's concerns to be presented and she would therefo vote against the motion for denial. I - - - -- .-UQInIFMI • - MRMIW the neighborhood, this is a situation that cannot be remedied to make it compatible with the neighborhood. [KONNOMFOSQU IIIff3 IR I!& sIIW--I ITSIL-WI) 11114114.1 Ell I t4a U UkI ".1ft I KIMI I up 1. Due to location and access characteristics, the subject property could not reasonably be used for or by any other user than the applicant. 2. The uses proposed for the prop" are similar to uses permitted in other commercially zoned districts of the City's zoning regulations. 3. Rezoning the property to Planned Commercial Development for the uses propos is consistent with the City's existing Comprehensive Plan. 1. The property owner shall provide details the proposed Tabor Street sign prior to City Council. This sign shall be no more than 5 feet in height, no more than 50 square feet total, and will not be illuminated. Planning Commission Page 9 September 16, 1999 2. The Property owner shall install, at their expense and with the review of the CitN Public Works Department, required sign(s) on Tabor Street and adjacent to the property/business entry driveway, which states that parking is not permitted. 3. Deliveries shall be permitted only when the business is open. 4. The property owner shall meet all criteria of the Arvada Fire District for drive aisle widths and radii and locations of fire hydrants prior to use of the property. 5. The property owner shall coordinate with the Wadsworth Ditch company to satish their easement requirements. Planning Commission Page 9 September 16, 1999 ) Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner COLLINS seconded to delete Item 7, and that snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles and watercraft are specifically excluded. The motion failed by a vote of 3 to 3 with Commissioners GOKEY, THOMPSON, and DOYLE voting no and Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. A vote was taken on Commissioner THOMPSON's motion. The motion passed by a vo of 4-2 with Commissioners SNOW and COLLINS votinc no. 0 1 Commissioner SNOW requested the record to reflect that she voted against the motion for the same four reasons as noted in her original motion to deny Case No. WZ-99-09 found on page 7. It was moved by Commissioner THOMPSON and seconded by Commissioner MACDOUGALL that Case No. WZ-99-09, a request for approval for an Amended Outline and Final Development Plan for 3.03 acres known as the Tabor Development Planned Commercial Development Outline Development Plan and the Tabor Development Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan be recommended to the City Council for APPROVAL for the following reasons: 1. The Amended Outline and Final Development Plan is consistent with the Citv's existing Comprehensive Plan. With the following conditions: 1. The property owner shall provide details of the proposed Tabor Street sign prior to City Council. This sign shall be no more than 5 feet in height, no more than 50 square feet total, and will not be illuminated. 2. The property owner shall install, at their expense and with the review of the Cil Public Works Department, signage on Tabor Street and adjacent to the property/business entry driveway, which states that parking is not permitted. • I • # # . # # 4. The property owner shall meet all criteria of the Arvada Fire District for drive aisle widths and radii,and locations of fire hydrants prior to use of the property. Planning Commission Page 10 September 16, 1999 5. The property owner shall coordinate with the Wadsworth Ditch company to satisfi their easement requirements. 6. The property owner shall meet all criteria and requirements of the Valley Water District. 7. If Personal Recreational Vehicles are sold and/or serviced t property, test driving shall occur on the western end of the property, with speed limits 'not to exceed 15 miles per hour and shall be limited to the 1�0 of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday only. Dedicated test drive areas, such as test tracks, shall not be permitted. 8. The Outline and Final Devel6pment Plan shall be revised to meet the City's landscape requirement for property adjacent to public rights-of-way. One tree shall be provided for every 30 feet (not necessarily at 30 foot spacing of frontage on 1-70 (19 trees) and Tabor Street (14 trees). 9. The property owner shall maintain a ratio of 20% of the entire acreage as landscape area, with drive and display areas not counting toward satisfying this requirement. 10. No more than one semi-truck can be - parked on this property overnight and this condition would be for this owner. Commissioner COLLINS commented that he felt traffic problems would ♦ increased as a result of this plan approval. It was moved by Commissioner COLLINS and seconded by Commissioner SNOW that reason no. 3 be deleted. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to amend condition No. 9 to read: "The property owner shall maintain a ratio of 25% landscaping on the acreage included in the original planned development." The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. Planning Commission Pa e 11 September 16, 1999 9 M It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner THONIPSO-N to amend Condition No. 11 by deleting the words "except while actively loading or unloading." The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. A vote was taken on Commissioner THOMPSON's motion. The motion passed by a vote of 4-2 with Commissioners COLLINS and SNOW voting no and Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. Commissioner SNOW requested the record to reflect that she voted against the motion ft, for the same four reasons as noted in her original motion to deny Case No. WZ-99-09 found on page 7. It was moved by Commissioner THOMPSON and seconded by Commissioner SNOW that the subdivision plat for Case No. WZ-99-09 be recommended to the City Council for APPROVAL for the following reasons: 2. Approval of the plat provides the unified control required for a Planned Commercial Development. The motion passed by a vote of 4-2 with Commissioners COLLINS and SNOW voting no and Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. Commissioner SNOW requested the record to reflect that she voted against the motion for the same four reasons as noted in her original motion to deny Case No. WZ-9•-09 found on page 7. Planning Commission Page 12 September 16, 1999 14,112, For the following reasons: 1. The Board finds that based on the evidence presented and based on the Board's conclusions relative to the five specific questions to justify the temporary use permit, the evidence and facts in this case do support the granting of this request. With the following conditions: 1. The Temporary Use Permit is not to exceed one year or until the property is sold. 2. The area for displaying the U-Haul vehicles would not hold more than eight (8) vehicles, including trucks and trailers; and the portion for viewing will be limited to approximately sixty (60) feet heading east from Street A and approximately forty (40) feet heading south from Street B, creating an approximate triangle in that area. Board Member BROWN asked the staff s reason for the opinion that the sale of all-terrain vehicles (ATV's) and snowmobiles should not be allowed. Mr. White explained staff interpretation is that there is nothing similar to ATVs or snowmobiles in the list of permitted uses for this development. Board of Adjustment Page 6 03/23/00 EXHIBIT G IT Dick Scheurer 143 Union Boulevard, Suite 625, Lakewood Mr. Scheurer stated there is ample evidence to support the finding that sales of ATV's and snowmobiles are in the scope of the Planned Development (uncle the similar use provision) approved by Council in 1995 under the similar use provision. Board Member HOVLAND expressed concern that sales could be expanded to include dirt bikes or other vehicles that •• n't require licenses, Mr. Blumenthal responded that they have turned away similar products such as motorized bicycles. Board Member MONTOYA asked if Trailer Source sold pickup trucks. Mr. Blumenthal stated that, under the original PCD, they are allowed to sell pickup trucks but are limited to fifteen at any one time. A p 11 interpretation is required due to ambiguous language, the interpretation should favor the land owner and not add more restrictions over what a landowner may do with his property. In regard to Mr. White's request for rebuttal, he stated he had no objection to Mr. White M giving rebuttal. However, he did voice concern, to the Board about counsel giving rebutt'l because he was not sure if Mr. Dahl represented the Board or Mr. White. James Blumenthal returned to the podium. He stated that it was his intent to be a good neighbor and not to do anything wrong. He stated that he felt he has been held unjustly at bay by others and asked the Board to rule in his favor. Kim Stewart 11700 West 46th Avenue RIK He stated the fact that Trailer source pays taxes to the City of Wheat Ridge, has been a good corporate citizen and that no city violations had been issued has no bearing on the Board of Adjustment Page 8 03/23/00 E Upon a motion by Board Member HOVLAND and second by Board Member BROWN, the following resolution was stated: WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-00-02 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, the property was originally posted the fifteen days required by law, and in recognition of protest registered against it; and WHEREAS, the question for Interpretation is the interpretation of the permitted use regulations in a Planned Commercial Development; and WHEREAS, a motion was made to find that sales of all-terrain vehicles (ATV's) and snowmobiles should be an approved use of Planned Commercial Development; and WHEREAS, the vote on the motion was: YES: BROWN, ECHELMEYER, HOVLAND, MAURO NO: HOWARD, MONTOYA ABSENT: ABBOTT, and WHEREAS, Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Section 2-53(d) requires that when six 71 interpretation. Board of Adjustment Page 9 03/23/00 z IIIIIIIIIIIISI111 IIIIIIIIII III�i 111 1, 111 1 6• 11 7M M, 6 M r r!A=1T1 I r semi traffic could be controlled. Board Member HOVLAND stated that, while he shared a concern about traffic, there were other items in the list of permitted uses that could generate at least as much traffic. lie stated that the Board's purpose was not to regulate the site but to determine if this is an intended similar use. In response to a question from Board Member MAURO, Mr. White explained that the *A other planned developments within the city. Board Member HOVLAND asked if the interpretation could include traffic restrictions. Mr. Dahl cited Section 2-61 -D(3) of the city code which says the Board has the authority to affirm, reverse or modify. Because a super majority vote is required, the motion failed by a vote of 4 to 2 with Bo Members HOWARD and MONTOYA voting no. ai Dick Scheurer referred to a code provision which requires a simple majority in case of interpretations as opposed to a super majority. Gerald Dahl informed Mr. Scheuerer that the code had been amended within the last i ear to • rovidi fai a i vote i-t n1l 11 ne zorting atm s interpretation will stand. (Chair HOWARD declared a brief recess at 10: 10 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 10 P.M.) C. Case No. TUP-00-02: An application filed by Lisa Aiello for approval of a temporary use permit to operate a retail garden, fresh produce market and Christmas tree lot from April 1, Board of Adjustment Page 10 03/23/00 M CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Minutes of Meeting April 2'7, 2000 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chair HOWARD at 730 p.m. on April 27, 2000 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL The following is the official set of Board • Adjustment minutes for the Public Hearing of April 27, 2000. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge. I I 1 17 1 111� � 1 11 io 4. PUBLIC FORUM A. A case for reconsideration of action taken • the Board of Adjustment on March 23, 2000 (Case No. WA-00-02) regarding an application filed by Trailer Source, Inc. for an interpretation of allowed uses as listed in their Planned Commercial Development (Tabor Development Planned Commercial Development Outline Developmen Plan). Said property is located a 4651 Tabor Street and zoned PCD. Board of Adjustment Page 1 04/27/00 Y"JOT7", =6 I'll 1 1 1 i I I I F. a so a visea I I matter since he was not present at the original hearing. Board Member ABBOTT stepped down from the dais during the hearing of this matter. many partial-load deliveries. (3) A plan to further mitigate semi traffic by developing a staging process which would provide for deliveries to • made to a satellite location. 4651 Tabor Street Mr. Blumenthal, the applicant, was sworn in by Chair HOWARD. He stated that Trailer Sgur-c-e4.as-- - i-s,-,Iutitns-to rc*xceerns,-adilressed "Xixg the previous public hearing and has new evidence to present in this regard. He requested that the Board grant a rehearing of the case in order to consider the new evidence, It was moved by Board Member ECHELMEYER and seconded by Board Member MAURO that the Board grant a rehearing of Case No. WA-00-02 to be held on May 25,2000. The motion carried by a vote of 5 to I with Board Member MONTOYA voting no and Board Member ABBOTT abstaining. Board of Adjustment Page 2 04/27/00 6. OLD BUSINESS Election of Chair and Vice Chair - Board Member HOVLAND suggested that elections should be held for Chair and Vice Chair. HOVLAND that Bob Howard continue as Chair until November and that Michelle Brown be appointed as interim Vice Chair to fill the vacancy created when Karen Thiessen's term expired. The motion carried unanimously. M A. Economic Development Committee - Alan White stated that a representative from the Board of Adjustment is to • appointed to the newly formed Economic 'Development Committee. U1 =y,ouncl em er jane e av r xp T structure Economic Development Committee. Chair HOWARD appointed Boad Member ABBOTT to serve on the Economic Development Committee (EDC). Board Member BROWN expressed an interest in serving on one • the subcommittees of EDC. It was moved by Board Member HOVLAND and seconded by Board Member MAURO to approve the minutes of March 23,2000. The motion carried 6-0 with Board Member ABBOTT abstaining. its F-an mexi I BOB HOWARD, Chairman Board of Adjustment W" Board of Adjustment Em