HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/27/2000JULY 27, 2000 Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment on July 27, 2000, at 7:30 p.m., in the City Council chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 3. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) A. Case No. TUP-00-03: An application filed by Beth Eden Centenary Baptist Church for approval of a temporary use permit for 2 office trailers to accommodate church staff during construction of the new church office building for property zoned R-2 and located at 2700 Wadsworth Blvd. A. Approval of Minutes: June 22, 2000 C:\Barbara\BOK,Ageiidas\000727,wpd ACTION REQUESTED: Temporary Use Permit for 2 office trailers to accommodate church staff during construction of the new church office building. M PRESENT LAND USE: -M1MM-*JTNI)ING ZONING: N: Public (Municipal Building) L: Single Family Residential S: Vacant & Single Family Residential �.T: Crown Hill Cemetery DATE PUBLISHED: July 7, 2■ ■0 DATE POSTED: July 13, 2■00 KRISDICT114ft- M hki f - &v* M IWO .1 f therefore, ere. jurisdiction to hear this case. 1. REQUEST The property in question is located at 2600 Wadsworth Blvd. and is currently used for Beth Eden Baptist Church and School. The property is zoned R-2, Residential-Two. (Exhibit 1, Zoning Map). The applicant is requesting approval • a temporary building permit to place 2 office trailers on-site to accommodate church staff during construction of the new church office building. (Exhibit 2, Application, Exhibit 3, Deed). The duration • the temporary building permit is for up to one-year. ILI] The property is nearly square in shape and is relatively flat. It has frontage on both Wadsworth Blvd, (west) and 26 Ave. (south). In the R-2 district, churches and schools are permitted as a conditional use. A Conditional Use Permit was granted to Beth Eden Baptist church in 1995. The operation of the church and school on the property conforms to the approved Conditional Use Permit. A building permit has been issued to allow construction of a 6,961 square foot addition. The I ��e 'moused i 6e ra Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a temporary use permit request: 1. Will the temporary building have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety, and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use; and, M 4. Will the temporary building be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening, and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties; and, shown As on - plan, •• be positioned well within required setbacks of • the loss of parking spaces, parking is sufficient to regulations. meet parking . Will the temporary building not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools, and other public facilities and services. The office trailers are temporarily relocating an existing church operation during construction. The request does not involve additional office space nor will it accommodate any additional staff beyond the current staffing level of the church. Therefore, there should be no affect on •i or other public k tt I 9 4 i Planning and Development Department 7500'4"es 28[b Avenue, Wheat Ridge. CO 50031 Pbone(303)235`3846 Please print or tvp �--------' Date received 12=/O Case No. �elated Im Case No, UEk:!J,5:-� Zoning y-,- -A, Quarter Section Map 5 Retarded at elotk It ........ — Reception ...... . . . .................... Recorder. day ' o jr-nua.—y 'Fall LxDE.N"ruRF-, Made this IV ✓ f in the Year at our Lord one thousand nine hundred and between T11".11— TIAP'.ST 0111 CH AND WHEREAS. The said party of the first part A s Desirous of securing Payment of the principal and interest of said promissory note in whose hands soever the said note or any of them may be. NOW, THEREFORE The said party of the first part, in consideration of the premises, and for the purpose aforesaid. dads hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said party O f th #stand part in trust forever, the following described property, situate in the County of T^ffcrson . state of Colorado, to wit; The Southwczt me-tu=ner c-. the Southwest Vne- qunrter of' the Southeast one-ou.-irt.-r o f Scctaon aventy-six- (26) in Township - ihree Soutli of "an re Sl-=t7-nino (09) licst or the Sixth (6th) P_-., othemd.se known as Tat Three ( in Block Three (3), Dartl SubdiViZi0i'lit t r,othcr 4ith ten ('10) i or uatcr in the nocl I'mintain Ditch. 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Pat 1 h,, are equity. testaot in* *aid part y Of the first part, its "Alens, end 0.11 other persons 0amatar the said Vroperty, or any part t by, from, through or under *&14 Part of in# first !P r may porch*** #&to property or one Part % one it 0 a ny of them. The hol4tr or h0t4tr* of **to "Ott or not*# ,,, to *** in the &POIlcitton of the purchase money, It not be obureAory upon the Purchaser Or Ourch" At any s$aaa# d A r it 1# egrets that the part y of the first Part. J+3 -,�-&stdswa. will A&), I in* *soon** tuortor. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Minutes of Meeting June 22, 2000 . A. Case No. 3KA-00-04: - An application filed • Michael H. Milby for approval of a one-foot rear yard setback variance from the five-foot rear yard setback requirement for the purpose of building a detached garage for property located at 5506-5520 West 28th Avenue and zoned Residential-Three. Board of Adjustment Page 1 06/22/00 the size of his garage to 21, feet. in response to ali,Teg =31 Y that garages are typically 22 to 24 feet in depth. Board of Adjustment --- Page 2 06/22/00 1 4 1 • "T r T MY! ��' M", M property is very well maintained and the variance would not cause a disturbance to yards of adjacent neighbors. staff s recommendation and the fact that the only letter oiobjection was received from a property owner located approximately 500 feet away. Whereas, the relief applied for may be granted without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. 6 MMMUMMMM . 'rT=JII . 00-04 be, and hereby is, APPROVED. Type of Variance: A one-foot rear yard setback variance from the five-foot rear yard setback requirement in an R-3 zone for the purpose of building a detached garage For the following reasons: 1. Approval of the variance would not alter the essential character of the locality. As it encroaches into an alley rather than a front or side yard, there would be no negative effects upon the alley nor would it alter the access from either the east or west. Board of Adjustment Page 3 06/22/00 2. The property is currently substandard relative to today's parking requirements. Testimony was provided that this substandard condition has resulted in neighborhood complaints to the applicant. R1 3. There are no other options for providing additional offstreet parking for the multi-family dwelling units. 4. Approval of the request would not impair the adequate air and light to adjacent properties. 5. Staff recommended approval. The motion passed 5-1 with Chair HOWARD voting no and Board Member BROWN absent. Meredith Reckert informed the Board she had received a verbal request from the applicant earlier in the day that the case be continued. Z=r AVII07Nros MIT " 10 AM Adjustment when it was in con unction with an amendment to a Planned Commercial j Development zone district. Alan White explained that the Board of Adjustment is the only body that can rule on a height variance. Board of Adjustment Page 4 06/22/00 -.9 A. SiLyn at Vern's Restaurant - Board Member ABBOTT requested a review of the conditions placed on approval ♦ the variance for the subject sign. Alan White stated th this information will be provided in the next meeting packet. I B. Approval of Minutes - It was moved by Board Member XABOTT and seconded by Board Member MONTOYA to approve the minutes of May 25, 2000. The motion carried 6-0 with Board Member HOVLAND abstaining and Board Member BROWN absent. z voloffolm-la ITW&,1111"l Board of Adjustment *f V OU, Board of Adjustment Board of Adjustment Page 5 06/22/00