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Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Board of
Adjustment on August 24, 2000, at 7:30 p.m., in the City Council chambers of the Municipal Building,
7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
3. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject n
appearing on the agenda.) i
A. Case No. WA-00-06: An application filed by George E. Collings for approval of a 5
foot variance from the required 15 foot combined sideyard setback for an individual lot for
the purpose of constructing an attached garage addition for property zoned
Residential-Two (R-2) and located at 8920 W. 32 Avenue.
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ACTION REQUESTED: Request for a 5' side yard setback variance from the required 15' combined side yard
setback for an individual lot in an R-2 zone, reducing the overall setback to 10' for
the purpose of constructing a garage.
LOCATION OF REQUEST: 8920 West 32' Ave.
Single-Family Residential
Residential I -A
K, & W: R-2, Residential-Two
& Open space
August 10, 2000
August 10, 2000
The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met,
therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case.
The property in question is located at 8920 West 32nd Ave and is currently being used for single-
family residential. The property is zoned R-2, Residential-Two. (Exhibit 1, Zoning Map).
The applicant is requesting approval of a 5'side yard setback variance from the required 15'combined
side yard setback for an individual lot in the Residential-Two zoning district. (Exhibit 2, Application
and Exhibit 3, Deed). The purpose of the variance request is to allow for the expansion of the
attached garage on the west side of the residence.
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applicant has also submitted a site plan snowing Ine Tayoul or Me
on the lot and the location of the proposed garage addition (Exhibit 5), The elevations for the
proposed addition show the architectural compatibility with the existing home (Exhibit 6).
The property was purchased by the applicant in 1954 and developed with a single family home. The
single family structure has a small attached garage for I car on the west side of the building. The
proposed addition would provide an additional parking space for I more car.
111OW-k-4 ch causes the
required side yard setback along the western property line to • 10. The proposed attached garage
addition will encroach into this required minimum 10' side yard setback by 5'. Therefore, the garage
addition will be located 5 feet from the neighboring property to the west.
e-reouested variance (Exhibit 7).
1. Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if
permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in
which it is located?
Board of Adjustment Page 2
if the request is denied the property may still yield a reasonable return in use. The property
currently has a one car garage, and has sufficient parking for additional vehicles. It is
currently developed with a single family home and can continue to • used as such,
regardless of the outcome of the variance request.
2. Is the plight of the owner due to unique circumstances?
3. If the variation were granted, would it alter the essential character of the locality?
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still meet the required 5' minimum side yard setback. The proposed structure will be
consistent in construction and design with the existing structure, therefore should not alter
the essential character of the locality.
4. Would the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the
specific property involved result in a particular hardship (upon the owner) as
distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were
carried out?
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g in the same zning classification ma a similar variance. Each
application is reviewed on a case • case basis and evaluated based on the circumstances
pertaining to each request.
fl. Is the purpose of the variation based exclusively upon a desire to make money out of
the property
The purpose of the request is not based on a desire to make money out of the property. The
request is based on the desire to provide additional covered parking for the residents.
Board of Adjustment Page 3
8. Would the granting of the variations be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious
to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is
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• other property or improvements in me area. I ne TITUATTITTIN OT11TV1116 UNPIPIT"I
an R-2 zoning district is 40% of the overall lot area. The existing single family home with
the proposed addition will be well within that limitation.
9. Would the proposed variation impair the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent
property or substantially increase the congestion in the public streets or increase the
danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair
property values within the neighborhood.
The proposed attached garage structure should not impair the adequate light and air to
adjacent properties, nor endanger public safety. The new addition will meet the minimum 5'
side yard setback. The requested variance does not involve additional housing units therefore
will not increase traffic.
The proposed garage would provide an individual benefit to the home owner. It would
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It would not result in
the reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities.
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MAP ADOPTED June 15, Iq94
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Considering the above information, we are asking the board to grant this variance to the
5115' Side set back standard, so we can build the garage addition according to the
drawings that are submitted as a part of this packet.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments. Thank you for your time and
Since ely,
George E. flings and Shirley Collings
8920 W. 32nd Ave.
Wheat Rid e, CO 80033
303 233 -0,93
rrquite" tv rnaiv-n existing foundation with brick
!If ledge.
Four inch concrete stab floor to match existing
Exterior wall to be framed construction 2' x 4' on
16* enters, 314* COX Plywood sheathing, ir2* air
space with 4' brick veneer as existing walls
Extend hip roof framing in like manor of existing 2*
x 6' ceiling joists on 24' 0 C , 2* x 6* rafters 24'
OC, I collar ties.
Roof sheathing 3/4' plywood to match existing,
Roof covering A-3 tab composition shingles with 2
layer 15# felt.
install new 7' x 16' overhead garage door with steel
I-beam header,
Install new 3'0* x 6'8* man door with IT header, at
west side of overhead garage door.
r *_14
City • Wheat Ridge
Board • Adjustment
Planni and Development Department
7E, 2 29th Ave.
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
re- variance request lot 8; Distant View, County of Jefferson; State of Colorado
City • Wheat Ridge
Board • Adjustment
Plannin and Development Department
7500 9 29th Ave.
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
1: oil - 9
We the property owners of 8800-8900 W. 32nd Ave, (lot 9; Distant View; County of
Jefferson, State of Colorado), Richard and Mardell Horn, are aware of the proposed
variance request for an addition to thegarage at 8920 W. 32nd Ave. We have no
objections to this addon and ask that Board • Adjustment grant the request to the
City of Wheat Ridge
Board of Adjustment
Planni and Development Department
7500 . 29th Ave.
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
re: Variance request, lot 8; Distant View; County • Jefferson; State of Colorado
To Whom It May Concern.-
City of Wheat Ridge
Board of Adjustment
Plann and Development Department
7500 V 29th Ave.
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Minutes of Meeting
July 27,2000
The following is the official set of Board of Adjustment minutes for the Public Hearing of
July 27, 2000. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the
Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge.
There was no one signed up to speak.
A. Case No. TUP-00-03 - An application filed by Beth Eden Centenary Baptist
Church for approval of a temporary use permit for two office trailers to
accommodate church staff during construction of the new church office building
for property zoned R-2 and located at 2600 Wadsworth Boulevard.
This case was presented by Mary Austin. She reviewed the staff report, presented slides
Board of Adjustment Page 1
She advised the Board that there was jurisdiction to hear the case and then reviewed the
criteria used to evaluate a TUP request. Staff gave a recommendation of approval for
reasons outlined in the staff report.
Board Member ABBOTT inquired about restroom facilities. Ms. Austin replied that one
of the trailers will have restroom facilities.
Roger Vauter
3605 West 94th Avenue, Westminster
Mr. Vauter, representing the applicant, was sworn in by Chair HOWARD. He explain
-oy,4h;-- office and staff whWilel
new church office is being constructed. I
Board of Adjustment Page 2
For the following reasons:
1. It will not have a detrimental effect on the general health, safety and welfare
of persons residing or working in the neighborhood.
2. It will not impact the light and air to adjacent properties.
The motion passed by a vote of 5-0 with Board Members MAURO and
ECHELMEYER absent. Chair HOWARD advised the applicants that the request for
temM orary use permit was APPROVED. I
Chair HOWARD declared the public hearing closeol
Board of Adjustment Page 3
A. Appointee to the 11ftilrd, of Adjustment - Alan White informed the Board that
Kent Young (District IV) has been appointed to the Board and will be present at
the next meeting.
B. Annroval of Minutes - It was moved by Board Member HOVLAND and
seconded by Board Member MONTOYA to approve the minutes of June 22,
2000. The motion carried 4-0 with Board Member BROWN abstaining and
Board Members ECHELMEYER and MAURO absent.
It was moved by Board Member BROWN and seconded by Board Member
HOVLAND to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0
with Board Members ECHELMEYER and MAURO absent.
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Board of Adjustment
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City of Wheat Ridge
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TO: Board of Adjustment
SUBJECT: September Meeting Date
DATE: August 18, 2000
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• I Talun yoTT le noer Te fiell •
since another meeting has been scheduled for the same evening in the City Council Chambers.
Since a suitable location would be difficult to find, staff recommends the meeting date be
changed to Wednesday, September 27 (one day earlier) in the City Council Chambers at 7:30
Please note that Court will be in session that evening as well.