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1. Call the Meeting to order. 2. Roll Call of Members. 8. Other Matters. 9. Ada ©u ent. MINUTES OF D ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REVITALIZATION DECEMBER 8i t PUBLIC approve the Minutes of October 14, 1993. Approved uaanimously. FORUM: No one was present to speak under Public Forum. 3. Approval of 1994 Budget. RESOLUTION by Commissioner BURKEPILE, seconded by Commissioner LONGO, 4 adopt D •. Resolution 1 t. adopting • # # Session. appropriating sums of money to the various funds and spending agencies in the amounts specified, for the Wheat Ridge Economic Development ant Revitalization Commission, for the 1994 Budget year. Adopted 5-0 MOTION by Commissioner ROACH, seconded by Commissioner LONGO, to enter Executive Carried There was no new business to discuss or Other Matter:. MOTION by Commissioner EURKEPILE, seconded by Commissioner SLAT'TERY, 4 adjourn - 8z10 p.m. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MEMORANDUM TO: EDARC FROM: Dan Wilde, Mayor SQBJ: EDARC APPOINTMENTS DATE; January 27, 1994 The following are current appointments can the Economic Development and Revitalization commission (EDARC) complying with Ordinance 709, dated January 16, 198 TIM . EX'URES DISTRICT R r Nov. 1995 Norman Burkepile I 6285 W. 35th Ave. Off: 922 Nov. 1995 Je Roach II 7805 W. 41st Ave. Home; 421 -07753 Off: 4 - 31077 Nov. 1995 To Slattery I 6869 W. 32nd Ave. Home: 232 -3081 Nov. 1997 Jane Longo II 4425 Reed St. H ome: 422 -3971 Nov. 1994 Disk Matt III 1074075 W. 3 4th Pl. Home: 233 - 18707 Nov. 1996 G eoff Wodell IV 3935 G arland St. Home: 431 -4355 Nov. 1998 Joe Drew at large 6660 W. 29th Ave. 807214 Off: 291 -5207 Nov. 1997 Boyd Adsit I�1 3245 Moore St. Home: 233 -407 Nov. 1997 Phil Edwards IV 11297 W. 44th Ave. Home: .424 -4980 �,} 'y p �!'f i✓ i l M1124 . ED C " 4. tj I z � C m z to ftl t� x m0 rn:1. =-<w -4 a a Wcc 4 ftl m tv �4 �0 C w to to to Q .A A. w t ti. A- a- L # 1 'Ok. 44 1 to to A. CD MG w W^W tt w @t N# as t -w N o 0-40 m ! -3 m 4* 0 W cc ♦ t .4 o+ i k" m I co Co o to > 0040 Ht �z w �; 4 z c V o l I w o .tr : t * l N cll le z It 01 0 a# it it it X 000 0 0 r 000 it t 000 UP 0 v" to to MIA N to "to 014 w w ca 00 p w t 010 m IV all tft tp it tt ol 0 w 0 1 0 at o 441 At 0 at N N Kit at A. ca I w C" w # W 0 -4W s G? *% *4 0 0 At 1 0040 NI 0 1 Of it 0 it 1 woo —0 0 tn 0 < o cr --w wl w 4 to - L" w i —"m co M r (P s 1 1) -4 CO 1,j 4 10 " -4 1"� W WM" CO 10A. ^ — * a . ' I �l 01 'COD 0 (W Cts to :3 i. Au ' o ONO o o o o O C74 fi tf cc at ft W ft 10 " 0, CRS CE tlt Kit 0 0- of it 0 0 000 0 000 00 to -4! w r4 CD 1 0 (A to -9 zy -f 0 to 401 0 1 Caft at it it 00 * it it t ON* K $ONO M ktt 1 4 I� :1 * 110 -4 11 1 01 C. I Woo 0 tX N , 0 4 0 N 40 it it 1 it it at at I at No 10 -4 ;o-~ 6 - 6 WrAw It — W I t It RN kt w it 0 CIO 0 000 0 0 0 00 to 0 M^ o ONO 0 0 to (7) ft to t it #1 i f -4 th too 44 '4 M M ot it i it It it N N I t at Moto M A. W— -4 � IT z —lW tf ^ r.t kV f ERA, M A"_ ** 1124 VOID 1125 COLO DEPT OF REVENUE 16.80 STA'T'E WITHHOLDING 37 -313 TOTAL: $ 13,744.47 H9QK # RAXEZ AMQUNT RESCHUMN 1127 ANN PITINGA 661.22 PAYROLL JANUARY 1, 1994 37-120-602 < THRU JANUARY 15, 1994 TOTAL: $ 661.22 ��� � WHEAT RIDGE ECONOMIC DEVELOP NT AND REVITALIZATION COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: ED ARC Commissioners 3 . FROM: ANN PITT GA, Executive Director, ED C. RE: Discussion of Design Criteria in the Town Center Attached '-a a copy of a memo that Glen Gidley, the City's Planning Director, sent to the Planning Commission. Glen and Lee Ambrose, an owner and redeveloper of the Park N'Shop --ubdivisicn will.1 be present at our meeting on Wednesday to 4 iscuss the design criteria mentioned in Glen`s memo. As you have probably heard through the grapevine, the proposed redevelopment of the south end of Wadsworth Town Center is looking more favorable. We hope that Safeway and the property ownership will be announcing in the next few weeks. LXIJ 1650 - 38M STREET SUM 103 WEST BOULDM COLORADO 80301 P.C. JAMU A. WMHOL7 Tdephm* (303) 443-3100 DAM & VULLAUMN VIUAAX P HAYASM y1 13 U61 PAX (303) 443-7835 1. Relocation Policy must be consistent with the Redevelopment Plan and Colorado urban Renewal Law. 2. If federal funds used anywhere in project area, federal relocation standards must be included and followed. 3. Relocation benefits are separate from payment for acquisition of property. 4. Relocation,•enefits are provided on individual or case- by-case basis-not locked into everything same for everyone. 5. Benefits available only if EDARC acquires property where business is located. 6. Need definitions of terms such as "business", "relocatee", "owner", "displaced", etc. 7. Describe and def ine eligibility requirements and procedures such as the least cost approach • moving, determination *f eligibility, documents required to justify costs, time for e d&ro\MWAO\rOIO- - atiOA , PO1\1-29.94 Z 0 IT requesting benefits, row to dal with tiple oc pants of a business, set -offs for money dui ED ARC (z any), cla' is burden of proving amount of benefits. S. Eligible elocution /ro ving expe s such a o ve within miles, obsolete property, igns, cos of findi new place, insurance, phone and utlty hoo -ups, spe ale business t, buHX@SB licenses and permits, replacem nt equxpm, t, self- rn i g costs, out - cif - business payment in lieu of reloca on. 9. Ineligible expenses {ae ined by law) such s interest payments for lean, loss of cgoodwill, to of profi s, lose f employees, upgrades, personal injuries, le al fees, t es. 10» Whether to provide a relocation dvisory pr am. 11. Administration of program by dir ctor and a eal of her decisions to the beard. 12. Other policies of board i.e. but for ineligible e enses (##9 above), benefits may be strict, medium or liberal. _Legal requirement is that relocation benefits must be provided to "ease hardship and burden of displacement of persons and businesses caused by redevelopment project" 13. Forms to be used with the program (attached to Estes handbook) . Enclosure C: Ann Pitinga aftrc\ \r*J*cetJ=.P01 \1- .28 -49 2 Cl = S -.- -� = - t-- 1-! C t4 X -ft * VTT T G Z T 0 -1- (3 - 0 0 - T rl T 0 j' m G 0 IT , 7 n CT t T TArcT T T* f=k T rl ion, that is conducted primarily for the purchase, sale, lease 0 1 0 I-i .*"s ^ " 'Z7 0 1 car M x «-1 9 _ -m 1* 0 'r 6 ` 0 ' T rI for relocation benefits as provided herein. A cOPY of such notice must be delivered to the Authority. 2. A person who occupies the property after the date of the notice of intent to acquire property is received by the owner of the property. 3. Any person who moves after receiving a notice of 12 MI 11111�111 !!Ij III 111�111111 6 1 CZ; 0. Relocation. The transportation of personal Property4 7 Cl.* T BN * TAT cT Z 0 other law, rule or regulation. Under no circumstances shall there be duplication of payments for acquisition and for reloca- M z 0 <T f7- *^ 0 M S lt�* -, 1 7 C� " a " X M *C W a Z' 0 : C; 0 T- P • rl 7,' * T r% 1` bills, statements, certified prices or costs, appraisals, or other evidence of such expenses. Copies of the required claim E 1. Provide the Authority with an itemization of the personal property located on the property within 30 days of the date of the Notice of intent to Acquire Property, which inventory shall be subject to verification by the EE 3. Permit the Authority to make reasonable and time- ly inspection of the personal property at the site within the Project Area and/or the relacement site. A . able amount of inventory utilized,in the usual course or conduct of business. The relocated business owner shall be entitled • receive.- for a period not to exceed eight months. M 'a 0 41 17 *-*% 0 V!7 Z n C> " C M I At )k TAT a Z 0 t S 0 'VI $3 0 73 * T rl .. —1— cap, w.cata rt c -so c. u4 - uluu aat"j nq speciaiizea acmip— ment or machinery, as approved by the Authority,, moved from th existing site. ku 9 0 IT 3 ^,J 0 n M *9W 1 �' v "7t O a M I to! *C 'Gt7' A cam** 0 % ) 'f* F5 `! 3 r ' T rl V.A.6 7 and S. such relocation benefits shall not be paid to any person or business if relocation is made to a I � I ;i ;� 11!�!11!11 - 1 011 , 1 1 1I III III III SIR! !I r 11 1 0 . «« - 9. In lieu of movin 3330�� part of a business, the business owner may replace an item and install it at the replacement site. The Author- ity shall pay f or such item in one of the following two I ways at the sole option of the Authority-. (a) The cost of the substitute item, includinn installation cost at the replacement site, minus any proceeds from the sale or trade of the replaced item; M km S le -:r a X I A& W d 0 -' T-, 0 t 6 r' '7a; - T l id :0 I ty, uni es i such item in subi e ction 9(0 M cost Oil irectly r p lated to (ay Ital Proper)" I (b) movinj • tM e relocAtA �ment loa Jon. Paymerit 6 0 m iited t �fees incurres 91# 913G� k • 'relocates t 1 for moving -.vtable bid or tation of*moving expenses actually incurred. 2. the business is not part of a commercial estab- lishment having one or more establishments - or businessee 93 0 0 I-T rz :> 0 r: 3 *jr 1 �7 7— +!' 1-1 C* Ni T*r eT 0 0 : ! 0 1- eq .1-1 T r' which an amoun ness; pro For pu: earnini )efore fed v immedia", ves from uch other t for estz , laid by tt 4. Loss of profits. 5. Loss of trained employee 6. Physical changes or imp ements, a the replace— ment location of a business. 7. Any additiona expense a bus sea car non! ,* profit organization wh wa in � ed bac 1* of operatp- ing in a new locatio i , nilud but n limited to, costs of upgrading i1pr ovimen or pro ty to meet applicable laws, rule reg flat s or c s, or addi6 tional permits or licefses. 8. Personal inju4. 9. Any legal fee or other c t for pre ring a claim for relocation payment or for r resenting claimant ba-� fore the Authority or ny other City or c rt. 10. Storage expenjes in >e Of eigh months. 11. Any expense or ga en for which the business owner shall receive I eimburse'm :r or coup nsation from another source puluant to ny other aw, rule or regulation. 12. Taxes. 13. Lease payment not received by a property owner for rental property to be acquir b by,the Au:hority. In accordance with Colorado I the Au ority shall assist in relocating the business displac d by the P eject. such assistance shall include, but is not limi ad to, sup lying infor- 16 0 T cT C> Ii' S VIT ILT Z 0 : G- 0 t- F - -3 M T r-W �z zl� for a p to ME a m ade ew` or 9 "{ aA Additio benefits cl,a ed p r u to Section VII: (P lease attach w ritten Ian do and all supporting do nts) ° 1 certify that the f ore o� ng inf ion an y and all information submitted i supp of th l.aim f ayment is true and comp lete to the best of my knowl I re t compen- sation for moving expenses for tie benefi Indi herei Si gnature Title date Business Name*. STAVE OF } �4 {� ss. COUNTY OF Subscribed and s worn to before me o this day of 19 by M y comm a ires. (Seal) Notary 1 t . Y F C 2 { ry- a wC 1d ri ,x `. AYi J. J4. 11. S T�+p T CT Z 0 • 't t -) 0 { 1 rl ~~~ Additional i # it '^ i to section Vll** j (Please attach written # .•. n •' • i #a I certify that the i i ion an and all information u # t1 i in supp1t of it # i ayment is true and complete to the best of ray knowl 1 re t compen- sation for moving expenses for a benefi indic herein. Signature Date Name: Business STATE OF COUNTY OF Subscribed i s worn to before me i day of 19 by