HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/17/1999Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 June 3, 1999 Planning Commission Minutes 'age June 3, 1999 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3> .Tune 3, 1999 Planning Commission Minutes Page June 3, 1999 Commissioner THOMPSON referred to page 26, item D, regarding secondary signs and requested that wording regarding photographs. silhouettes, etc. be added to the requirements for secondary signs. In response to a question from Chair BRINKMAN, Mr. Dahl replied that page 28 would be amended to read "kfferson County Health Department" instead of "county health commissioner." Commissioner THOMPSON commented that the sexually oriented business are gravitating cities that d• n't have strong ordinances. • Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 June 3, 1999 Commissioner COLLINS com mended Mr. Dahl for his efforts in drafting this ordinance. . OLD BUSINESS There was no cold business to discuss. 0. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to discuss. Planning Commission Minutes Page June 3, 1999 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE .. N: Lowy density; S: Commercial; : Low density, vacant; W: vacant, low density, high density Single Family Detached - not to exceed du' /acre 0 OTHER RISIII TION. The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and pasting requirements have been met, therefore, There is jurisdiction to hear this case. d-1 h REQUEST There are a variety of property owners involved. All of' them have signed applications which have o been included in this packet but are in the me file. Lot 1 : Herb and Glendene Gila ter 11641 W. 44e Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 800 Lots 4 - : Jim Tur eon Dan Turgeon 18216 W. 4 Avenue 2110 Rockquess Way Golden, CO 804011 Golden, CO 80401 Planning Commission Page WS- 99- Ql/Turgeon All responding agencies can provide service to the property. MI "Now :� r..... i . ,. � .. • ii ! i." ff �. is ,., ...`. ,,. iii su bdiv i sion i i iii °t !' A -3 R MM M I MIT, ! # w i # WIMM configur their existing « t# Be # d evelopment for Lots I and 2 is via an ingress/egress easement reserved by this docurnimt4ith the City's� �stafidatd language included as a note. is 225'long from the centerline i # • ! i i # of # The lots vary 4n size liorri 13.325 �gbu� f�et to 18,74 square - BAsaon tb6tijj's standards for access casements have been provided �w&th& City� si4o�tasement language. Ir a " t i • #i ii# t i ## ## frontage road but both dead-end. There is 25of right-of-way in place for Simms Street from where the street dead-ends south to the intersection with West 46' Avenue, There is also a short 25' wide right-of- - �vay in place adjacent to Lot Z of this subdivision proposal which is subject to a right-of-way vacation request. )4- VII, SITE PLAN No changes are proposed for the southern three ;lots can the property. As a condition of approval, prier to issuance cif` a building permit for new development, redevelopment or dwelling units added, site plan approval must be received from Planning Commission and City Council. P-� 2. Is the plight of the owner due to unique circumstances? No. there are no unique circumstances. 3. If the variation were granted, would it alter the essential character of the locality? No. 8., Would the granting of the variations be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located? 1 1 1 IMS IF III � IM 1 IF M I TRIP lI I • Ii • I MMEM. Planning Commission Page 7 WS-99-Ol/Turgeon A -1 result of the variance being granted. Adeq dths for the access drives� has been provided consistent with the Arvada Fire District's regulations. Granting of the variance would enhance public safety with the reduction of thenumber of adjacent curb cum Property values would not be affected and aesthetics of the project would be enhanced with less P impervious area and rn=44ndscaped coverage.� IX. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION • 11VAMWRIM. H -g A- I Ema■ ME 71 --------------- I i 4 I i I I L ------------ JIRINC7 Si7=- F=L.AN APPROVAL '--FICIAL A;ZSA ;ZF-CUI;ZING,61T PLAN APPQCVAL NE 2 '-Ot�INJG MAP f - 235-2652 �C • wt t *" t • pa t t- o 1 .. `. �j a � .,, 4 to n � i s WsX.1 9 3 t t- o 1 .. r» �j a � .,, 4 to n � i s zk E ?;r sY �s. S R ,? . . . ........ tZ • sir+a �3��i �j a a dy to n � i s Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Decen&r 5, 1996 P, I �ze -, 7. PUBLIC HEARING Plannina Commission MI-letinor Minutes De cember 5, 1996 Paa-,e Planning Commission Meeting Minutes December 5. 1996 P {. e 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: January 13, 1997 Page -4- Aem 3. Application by james R. Turgeon for Park Orchard Development for approval of a 6-lot subdivision and a site plan on R-3 zoned land at 11600 and 11690 West Council Bill 1 was introduced on first reading by Mrs. Worth; title read by the Clerk. A , EXHIBIT C I !"' � W. 46 AVE. FIR # 4E9 "59 "57'E 331.05 R 14050 140,50 1/2 PIP 40s'4° to at's° R 15.04' 25' R 1 5,00 , L-2164' L-23 48' LOT 6 LOT 15,359 SD, rTr .. 15.358 so. - -10' UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EAS EMENT c y � p � iQ' Lt7illTy I EASEMENT TYP,) a `5 41 W 5144' UTILITY EA SE E MEht1 I 1 0' UTILITY AND ( � DRAINAGE EMENT ET` 01 P LOT 5 LOT 14.511 SO4 s'"1`. ra 14.555 Std. ET. " d / d ` & =6Z 57' R-4540' 4 ' 19 oe L 65.16' R4,44' L- 64.65° CEa 125.35 5.1 J 1 m pc t y c ot.- ` g -WA }p L13` 1 7' 26` R=45.44' a=63" 56' t7 . L =49.71` a.r ( R-45,00' L-50 2t' 1 } c . l ggr(w q LOT `t 17.426 SO. FT. 1 I 17,437 SO, FT 14,44' UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT D 4' UT ILITY GE EASEM L 165.57 L5 FPC 165.57 S0*59'09 °W 3SI -13 a -ao EXHIBIT G March 24, 1997 I "IGH, S OTT & CL,EARY, INC. .ANSPORTATI N I'I.:ANNING TRAFFIC EN �EERING CONSULTANTS 1589 York Street Deaver, CO I30206 (303) 333 -1105 FAX (303) 333 -1147 i aJt, Re. 6Lh /Swadley Townh mes (LSC #970250) Town- h ome develo • o f A venue a 350 feet west of Tabor Street in Ri dge . WheaL i# i The ! iii i �� 6uld consist of 6 res t The r eport remainder of this our i a i o f the propo i M j IT H Ntr, JiM TU rgeon Page 2 Table 1 ES TIMATED TRAFFIC GENERATION 46t uwadley Townhome Development flwt� ' (1) Rased on Formulae cited i ` "�f t ` r ", Institute of Transportation Engineers, 5th Edition, Category 230. ( ) Dwelling Units. Mr. Jim Tur eon March 24, 1997. Mr. Jim Turgeon Nlarch 24, 1997 Table 2 LEVEL OF SERVICE COMPARISONS 46tfVSwadley Townhome Development AM Peak Intersection - 8DUL_ Level PM Peak Intersection - Hour Level Delay tersections Lucaa= of am Delay Luox= of B.Wia 44th Avenue/ Existing i'l A i's A (1) Tabor St. Existing + Site Traffic 1.2 A 1. 6 A (1) 2015 Background 1.6 A 2,8 A (2) 2015 Background + Site Traffic 1.7 A 2.9 A (2) Tabor SU Existing 0.7 A 04 A 46th Ave. Existing + Site Traffic 0,9 A 0 5 A 2015 Background 0.7 A 0.4 A 2015 Background + Site Traffic 0.9 A 0.5 A 46th Ave.! Existing 2.4 A 2.1 A Swadley St. Existing + Site Traffic 1.9 A 1.5 A 2015 Background 2.3 A 1.9 A 2015 Background + Site Traffic 1.8 A 1,5 A (1) LOS 'E" for southbound left-tums, (2) LOS 'P for southbound left-tums. Based on the analyses presented herein, the following summarizes our findings, relaLive to the Lraffic impacts of the proposed 46Lh/Swadley Townhonie project. I At buildout, the proposed project is expected to generate 208'velliCle-LIIPS (104 ill and 104 Out) during an average weekday. Of,these, 3 would eater and 15 WOUld exit during the morning commuter peak-hour. During the evening peak period, 14 and 7 would enter and exit the site. 2. The directional distribution of site-generated traffic is expected to be oriented primarily to the east and north on 44th and Tabor Street with about 35 percent and to the west on 44th Avenue with 20 percent. Respectfully submitted. LEIGH, SCOTT & CL Y INC. C \f'RLVECT'S\IJ70250\SWAI)LEY,RFP ,a -as P 500l ES 29TH AVENUE WHEAT ROGE, CO 80"115,6 (30"-) '�34 5QOO GWheat City Adr "n Fw� e 234 -5924 Police Deep , Fria e 2, 5.2945 GR November 19, 1996 Many concerns have been expres from area residents regarding traffic problems s in this vicinity including, but not limited, to the following: 4, Approved Date T he Public Works Department feels that if and when Tabor Street is reconstructed, it will be built with a 3-lane section; two through lanes with a left turn lane. The three-lane section will be narrowed down to a 2 lane section when it reaches the Tabor Bridge at 1-70. There is no plan to widen this bridge. In reference to intersection improvements at 46th Avenue and Tabor, a left turn lane is anticipall on Tabor when the widening takes place,. � a� n n e . ,pppy r x yypy « F Y { i a y i E r 5 t E 1 ` t i t S " r i Y . . v s• , MEN � x '0: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: June 17,19 BATE PREPARED: Jinn 8, 1999 CASE Nth. & NAME: WV -99 -0 lTurgeon, et at CASE MANAGER: , M. R.eckert ACTION REQUESTED:' Right-of-way vacation Mfflmmzffl Adjacent to 4455 Simms Street NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Jim Turgeon (X ) 2110 Rockcress Way' (X) Golden, C 80401 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): City of Wheat Ridge APPROXIMATE AAr 165.%' 25' (4149 square feet) PRESENT ZONING: Residential-Three PRESENT LAND USE. Driveway , SURROUNDING ZONING.- N S, Wz R -:d; E: A -1 SURROUNDING it US N; Va cant; S, W: Single Famil W: Agricultural COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE A: Single Family (not to exceed 5 du's/ae ) HATE PUBLISHED: May 28, 1 999 DATE POSTED: .Tune 3,1999 BATED LEGAL NOTICES S May 26,1999 ENTER INTO CG (X) COMPREHENSIVE "E PL (X ) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE 0 SLIDES 0 SUBDIVISION GULATIOINS () EXHIBITS I. REQUEST 11. AGENCY ►., Vacation of this right-of-way will not be inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. . That the proposed vacation will not have a negative impact on the infrastructure of the City of Wheat Ridge. tO I c ogo I * {° CY 1 X 1 1 00 , 71 , 1 QI�1 �1 � 1 IQSI1 1 11 06911 c CY OQ91 i roo I1 tO * {° CY IQSI1 1 11 06911 c OQ91 i roo I1 111 nvl 1. 1 .7500 WEST 29TH EN . . . « «w « <... . .. \ƒ\ a \ \ \0 m2\ / / \. ` ed, \y. m « . -Wheat w Citv 4 \ Fax 924 «... . e Depi, Fax sl 225-2949 V . .. R I* » g /3 I hope the above comments provide you some insight for planning purposes. Please s me if you need additional information or to discuss the issue in greater detail. i3 g